Arts Bow GR 456 Q 1 To 4

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TIME ALLOTMENT: 40 minutes/session


Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
First Quarter
Week 1
1.Appreciates 1. identifies 1. realizes that Show pictures Show picture of Show picture of Using checklist Essay Writing Essay Writing
the rich variety of events, art processes, with different an artwork that a digital artwork answer how you with rubrics with rubrics
cultural practices, and elements and sizes of depicts influence like cartoons will appreciate
communities in culture principles still persons in of colonizers etc. and discuss the rich variety
the Philippines influenced by apply even with cultural how it is created of cultural
and their colonizers who the use of new communities communities in
uniqueness have come to technologies. • Give pictures the Philippines
1.1 Luzon-Iatan, our country by A6EL-Ia • Group pupils and their
Ifugao, trading according to uniqueness.
Kalinga, their pictures
Bontoc, within in the
Gaddang, cultural
Agta community
1.2 Visayas-Ati • Use graphic
1.3 Mindanao- organizer
Mangyan, • Reporting
T’boli, Tiruray,

Week 2
2.Distinguishes 2. gives the 2. appreciates • Group pupils Group Work Group Work: Using real Use Rubrics Use rubrics
distinctive illusion of the elements • Give pictures -Draw pictures Analysis of a objects or
characteristic of depth/distance and principles or objects that shows depth commercial art pictures use
several cultural to simulate applied in • Differentiate -Draw pictures as to its elements checklist to
communities in a3dimensional commercial art. the that shows and principles distinguish
terms of attire, effect by using A6PL-Ia characteristics illusion of applied to it. distinctive
body crosshatching of cultural distance characteristics
accessories, and shading community Create a of several
religious techniques in • Report in Note: Use the commercial art cultural
practices, and drawings (old graphic techniques cited. communities in
lifestyles. pottery, boats, organizer terms of attire
A4EL-lb jars, musical presentation body
instruments). accessories,
A5EL religious
practices, and

Week 3

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
3. Adapt an 3. shows, 3. applies Group pupils Study the Discussion of Create a design Use rubrics. Use rubrics in
indigenous describes, and concepts on Study the pictures of an computer through crayon the use of
cultural motif names the use of the pictures of architectural applications. etching using computer
into a significant software indigenous design within the indigenous prompts.
contemporary parts of the (commands, cultural motif community Note: Use cultural motif.
design different menu, etc.). Tell the pictures or if
through architectural A6PR-Ib procedure of Create an computer is
crayon designs and the techniques architectural present, show
etching artifacts found Show varied design the learners how
techniques in the locality. design and to use the
A4EL-1c e.g.bahaykubo, techniques by prompts.
torogan, group
carcel, etc.
Week 4
4.Identifies 4. realizes that 4. utilizes art Show Show Using smart Draw attire and Use rubrics Use rubrics in
specific our skills in using Philippine Philippine phones or any accessories of checking the
clothing, archipelago is new Map map device that can one of cultural artworks.
objects and strategically technologies Tell and write -Write an create arts, tell group.
designs of the located and (hardware and the place essay about students to
cultural made software). where the how our create simple
communities us part of a A6PR-Ic ethnic group country’s digital arts.
and vibrant trading located location
applies it to tradition Group the affects
a drawing (Chinese pupils Give trading
of the attire merchants, them pictures
and Galleon Trade, of ethnic Create a
accessories silk traders) design Have trade map.
of one of A5PL-Id them
these brainstorming
cultural to answer the
groups task
A4PL-id assignedorgani
Discuss the
needs of
Group the
Select cultural
group and
draw specific
and their
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Week 5
5. Shares ideas 5. appreciates the 5. creates Present Group Work Group Work Conduct an Use rubrics for Use rubrics for
about the importance of personal or pictures of interview at the role play. logo making.
practices of the artifacts, class logo as cultural Role playing of Logo making least 5
different houses, clothes, visual community trading. contest or people in the
cultural language, representation Compare the trademark cultural
communities lifestyle - that can be way of life and making. community.
A4PR-le utensils, food, used as a practices of Note: Focus on
pottery, product, brand, your (Guided
the importance of
furniture - or trademark community to questions must
artifacts, houses,
influenced by A6PR-Id the picture be prepared by
clothes etc.
colonizers who Let the pupils the teacher.)
have come to share to their
our country classmate
(Manunggul Group the
jar, balanghai, pupils
bahaynabato, Dramatize the
kundiman, practices of
Gabaldon cultural
schools, community
vaudeville, assigned to
Spanish- your group

Week 6
6. Create a 6. creates 6. explains ideas Answer the Show pictures Write an essay Draw and use Use rubrics. Use rubrics.
geometric illusion of about the logo puzzle and ask them to about the logo. the artistic
design by space in A6PR-Id Unlock the copy the design of the
contrasting two 3dimensional words drawing cultural
kinds of lines in drawings of focusing on communities.
terms of type or important Let the pupils principle of
size archeological use the space.
A3PR-lf artifacts seen checklist to
in translate
books, research of
museums the artistic
(National designs of
Museum and the cultural
its branches in communities
the Report by
Philippines, oral
and in old presentation
buildings or
churches in

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Week 7
7. Creates a 7. creates CARTOON Report at least Ask learners to Cartoon Creates a Use rubrics. Use rubrics.
drawing after mural and CHARACTER 3 observation draw their Charactermaking. drawing of the
a close study drawings of Making from previous house or their cultural
and the old Software: census Discuss dream house. (in the absence communities
observation of houses, Inkscape (Open the situation in of computer, way of dressing
one of the churches or Source) for the show pictures of and
cultural buildings of Laptop/Desktop place Create cartoons and let accessories
communities’ his/her PC Software: a drawing them create their
way of community. Sketch n’ Draw from the own version.)
dressing and A5PR-Ig (Open Source) report
accessories for Tablet PC observation
A4PR-lg The learner… Present for
1. realizes that art sharing
elements, and
principles still
apply even with
the use of
Week 8
8. Produce a 8. participates 2. appreciates the Sing a Song “ Exhibit of Create a cartoon Use rubrics Use rubrics. Use rubrics.
crayon resist in putting up elements and Magtanim ay Di Artworks. character by
on any of the a mini- principles Biro.” applying the
topics: the exhibit with applied in comic Ask the principles
unique design labels of art. practices use learned.
of the houses, Philippine A6PL-Ie by cultural
household artifacts and 3. applies group to
objects, houses after concepts on the improve their
practices or the whole steps/procedure lives.
rituals one of class s in cartoon Show pictures
the cultural completes character of different
groups drawings. making. A6PR- topics of
A4PR-lh A5PR-Ih If cultural
Group the pupils
Tell the steps in
crayon resist
Select any
topics to be
used in
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
crayon resist
Produce a
crayon resist
with the selected
Present your
work for art
Week 9
9.Uses crayon 9. tells 4. utilizes art skills Introduce games Create and tell Art Exhibit will be Use rubrics.
resist something about in using new with matching done
technique in his/her technologies pictures of Ask learners to Use rubrics
showing community as (hardware and ethnic design to draw a cartoon
different ethnic reflected on software) in the group of character and tell
designs or his/her artwork. cartoon people Tell them why do he draw
Patterns A5PR-Ij character the way of living such.
A4PR-li making. A6PR- and concern of
Ig ethnic groups to
5. creates own their culture
cartoon Discuss the
character to steps in making
entertain, placemat with
express ethnic design in
opinions, crayon resist
ideas,etc Group the pupils
A6PR-Ih for their art work
6. explains ideas Ask
about the techniques/value
cartoon s use in making
character art success

TIME ALLOTMENT: 40 minutes/session


Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Second Quarter
Week 1
1. Discusses 1. identifies the DIGITAL Shows Show pictures of Show pictures of Draw your Oral recitation Oral Recitation
pictures of importance of PAINTING picture in one natural and digitally created community
localities natural and Software: Gimp community historical places artworks.
where different historical (Open Source) Ask question
cultural places in the for about the -Ask them to Let the learners
communities community Laptop/Desktop characteristic describe the identify the
live and that have been PC Software: Let the pictures elements and
understands designated as Paint children orally/written. principles of arts
each group World (Windows) share about present in the
has distinct Heritage for their artwork.
houses and Site (e.g., rice Laptop/Desktop community
practices terraces in PC Software: Discuss If computer/smart
A4EL-lla Banawe, Batad; Photo Editor some ethnic phone is present,
Paoay Church; (Open Source) groups found let them create
Miag-ao for Tablet PC in the their digital arts.
Church; The learner… country Draw
landscape of 1. realizes that art one
Batanes, Callao processes, community
Caves in elements and Let them
Cagayan; old principles still
houses apply even with
inVigan, Ilocos the use of
Norte; and the technologies.
farthest and
torogan in A6EL-IIa
Marawi) 2. Appreciates the
A5EL-IIa elements and
applied in digital
objects and
distances of
every Use

Week 2
2. Distinguishes 2. Identifies and 3. applies Tell the Show pictures Let the learners Wear your Let them read Rubrics.
the attire and describes the concepts on the importance of and ask learners create their finish product their output.
accessories of architectural use of the foreground, to describe an artworks using and have a Peer rating will
selected or natural software middle and architectural the prompt. parade inside be done.
cultural features of the (commands, background design or of the Rubrics will be
communities in places visited menu, etc.) Show natural scenery In the absence of classroom( given to them.
the country in or seen on A6PR-IIb pictures of through essay. digital tech, let use rubrics)
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
terms of colors pictures. 4. utilizes art accessories learners
and shapes. A5EL-IIb skills using Answer the imagine
A4EL-llb new question about the themselves
technologies pictures Discuss using the
(hardware costume/accessori prompts but
and software) es used in every they will be
in digital community Make drawing their
painting. any costume and arts instead.
A6PR-IId accessories used
by cultural
community using
your recycle

Week 3
3. Appreciates 3. realizes that 5. creates a Shows picture of Show pictures Discuss the Write short Use rubrics in Use rubrics in
the artists have digital cultural groups of artist and styles, themes paragraph on checking their checking their
importance of different art painting Ask pupils how their works etc. of the given how to artworks. artworks.
communities styles in painting similar with they appreciate and discuss. masters. appreciate the
and landscapes or the Masters’ the picture Tell importance of
their culture significant (e.g., Van and share with Let the Let the students communities
A4EL-11c places in their Gogh, your classmate learners create a digital and their culture
respective Amorsolo, about your discover their image.
provinces (e.g., etc.) in terms community own style by
Fabian dela of style, Discuss asking them to In the absence
Rosa, Fernando theme, etc. Group the pupils create one. of computer, let
Amorsolo, Carlos A6PR-IIc Give task them draw or
Francisco, questions to be create their
Vicente answer Use big own
Manansala, Jose paper for masterpiece
Blanco, reporting with the same
VictorioEdades, theme or style
Juan Arellano, as to their
PrudencioLamarr chosen artist.
oza, and Manuel
Week 4
4. compares 4. appreciates the GRAPHIC Let learners Show pictures Ask the learners Oral recitation Oral Recitation Oral recitation
the artistry of famous DESIGN identify the of Filipino to create a (Reading the
geographical Filipino artists in (Poster Layout) different festivals artists and poster layout paragraph)
location, painting different Software: Gimp in the their artworks. using digital
practices, (Open Source) media.
and for

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
festivals of the landscapes and Laptop/Desktop PC country using Discuss how
different is able to Software: MS pictures. each artwork In the absence of
cultural groups describe Publisher became unique. such media, ask
in the country. what makes (Windows) for Ask them to write them to create a
A4EL-IId each Laptop/Desktop PC an essay using Ask students to layout in a bond
artist’s The learner… comparison and write a paper.
masterpiece 6. realizes that art contrast. paragraph about
unique from processes, their chosen Ask the
others. elements and Filipino Artist. learners to
A5PL-IId principles still discuss their
apply even with kayout.
the use of

Week 5
5. Sketches 5. Sketches and 7. Appreciates the Ask the learners Discuss Using their lay- Use teacher Use teacher Oral reading of
a uses elements and to sketch a complementary out, let the made rubrics. made rubrics. output. Peer
landscape complementary principles applied landscape of colors. students to Rating. Use
of a cultural colors in in layouting. an observed identify the teacher made
community painting a A6PL-IIf community(can Ask learners to elements and rubrics.
based on landscape. be their own draw a principles of arts
researches community) landscape of they had used.
and their community
observations and color it with In a paragraph,
made. complementary let them write if
A4EL-IIe colors. they used the
elements and

Week 6
6. Paints the 6. Utilizes skills and 8. Applies skills in Using the Using the same Let students use Class
critiquing Class critiquing Class critiquing sketched knowledge about layouting
and sketch of landscape last smart phones in using a given using a given using a given landscape using
foreground, photo editing landscape last session, ask the photo editing. In the rubrics. rubrics. rubrics.
colors appropriate middle ground, using new session, ask learners to make absence of such to the cultural
and background technologies students to color renovations by media, let them edit
community’s to emphasize (hardware and it with the adding depth to it. a picture by either ways of life. depth in painting
software) in proper colors in adding a layout or
A4EL-IIf a landscape. making a poster. accordance to making it a poster. A5PR- IIf A6PR-IIg
what is
accepted in the

Week 7
7. Exhibits 7. Identifies and 9. Creates an Art exhibit Exhibit of Make an Use rubrics Use rubrics Use rubrics
painted Philippine
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
landscapes to discusses advertisement/co arts and let them advertisement of
create a mural details of the mmercial or discuss the the exhibits to
for the class landscape announcement details of such be conducted by
and the school significant to poster. artwork. other grade
to appreciate. the history of A6PR-IIh level. Use digital
A4EL-IIg the country. media. In the
A5PR-IIg absence of
such, use
manila paper or
Week 8
8. Tells a story or 8. applies skills in Write a short Create a digital Oral recitation Class critiquing
relates layouting and story about a artwork.
experiences photo editing given
about cultural using new picture/artwork. In the absence
communities technologies of digital
seen in the (hardware and media, let
landscape. software) in learners create
A4EL-IIh making a using bond
poster. A6PR- paper.
Week 9
9. creates an Using digital Let the learners
advertisement/ media, create an rate the
commercial or announcement advertisement/anno
announcement or uncement by
poster. A6PR- advertisement. voting.
In the absence of
digital media,
use manila
paper, oslo,
cartolina and the

TIME ALLOTMENT: 40 minutes/session


Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Third Quarter
Week 1
1. Explores the 1. Discusses the PRINTMAKING Show • Share stories Show checklist Paper and Checklist
texture of richness of (Silkscreen pictures of from books examples of pencil
each material Philippine myths Printing) materials. about silkscreen
and describes and legends 1. knows that Philippine printing
its (Mariang design myths and Discuss print
characteristic. Makiling, principles still legends. making
A4EL-IIIa Bernardo Carpio, apply for any • Post pictures (silkscreen
dwende , capre , new design of characters printing)
sirena , Darna, (contrast of and let the
diwata , colors, shapes, students to
DalagangMagayo and lines describe.
n, etc.) from the produces
local community harmony)
and other parts whether done
of the country. by hand or
A5EL-IIIa machine

Week 2
2. Analyzes how 2. Explores new 2. Understands Show • Show Show Journal entry Use rubric Checklist
existing printmaking that digital pictures of different pictures of in the
ethnic motif technique using technology has ethnic motif printed art. printed art activity.
designs are a sheet of thin speeded up the design. Let • Let the Present and
repeated and rubber (used for printing of them students discuss to
alternated. soles of original designs describe describe the students new
A4PL-IIIb shoes),linoleum, and made it the design art. techniques in
or any soft accessible to printmaking
wood that can many, as • Discuss Demonstrate
be carved or emphasized in different how the
gouged to tshirts and printmaking technique
create different poster designs. techniques. was done
lines and A6PL-IIIb • Using
textures. different
A5EL-IIIb materials,
make an
lines and

Week 3
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
3. Discovers 3. identifies 3. Applies • Show video clip on creating relief prints and Individual Checklist of Use rubric in
the process possible uses concepts on the silkscreen printing sharing printed rating their
of creating of the printed steps/procedure • Visual aids can be used as alternative way in Portfolio artwork art
relief prints artwork in silkscreen presenting the topics assessment
and A5EL-IIIc printing.
Discuss the • Discuss • Discuss the
appreciates A6PR-IIIc
process of some steps/procedur
how relief
creating relief uses of es in
prints printed silkscreen
makes the
Create relief artwork. printing.
work more
print arts • Show some • Create an art
interesting and
Analyze the printed using a
harmonious in
elements of artwork and simplified
terms of the
their art. identify its silkscreen
involved. uses. printing
Week 4
4. draws ethnic 4. shows skills 4. produces own show an • Show video • Ask the Use rubric in Use • Use rubric
motifs and in creating a prints from ethnic motif • clip in students to rating their checklist in for
create a linoleum, original design design. Draw creating a create their art Portfolio checking the art
design by rubber or to silkscreen ethnic motif linoleum, own design in assessment the group assessment
repeating, wood cut print printing to design rubber or silkscreen task • Individual
alternating, or with the convey a Create wood cut printing. sharing
by radial proper use of message or unique print. • The activity • Portfolio
arrangement. carving tools. statement. design based • Demonstrate must show assessment
A4PR-IIId A5PL-IIId A6PR-IIId on ethnic how to message.
BASIC motif create
PHOTOGRAPH linoleum,
Y A. Phone rubber or
Camera B. wood cut
Point and print.
• Ask the
Digital Camera
students to
perform a
group task in
skills in
rubber or
wood cut
Week 5
5. creates a 5. creates 5. realizes that art Demonstrate Ask the • Discus the Use rubric in Use rating checklist
relief master or variations of processes, additive and students to application of rating the scale to rate
mold using the same print elements, and subtractive create art elements artwork the artwork.
additive and by using principles still processes in variations of in the use of
subtractive different apply even with creating a printing technologies.
processes. colors of ink in the use of relief By using using • Show
A4PR-IIIe printing the technologies. materials, different examples in
master plate. colors of ink.

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
create a relief Use local ink the
using additive in doing the discussion.
and activity Activity arts
subtractive elements in
processes modern
Week 6
6. creates 6. follows the step-6. Using clay, Demonstrate Show Use rubric in Use Journal entry
simple, understands by-step different rating the observation
interesting, process concepts and create a simple the pictures. artwork. checklist
and of creating a print principles process in and interesting Discuss the Portfolio
of creating a relief print. concept assessment
: photography. print. and
Letsudentso principles
experience of
creating a

harmoniously 6.1 sketching the A6PL-IIIf photography.

arranged areas to be
relief prints carved out and areas that will
from a clay remain
design. 6.2 carving the image on the
A4PR-IIIf rubber or wood using sharp cutting
6.3 preliminary rubbing
6.4 final inking of the plate with
printing ink 6.5 placing paper over
the plate, rubbing the back of the
6.6 impressing the print
6.7 repeating the process to get
several editions of the print

Week 7
7. prints reliefs 7. works with the 7. identifies the using local • Divide the Show a Use rubric in Share to the Short quiz
with adequate class to parts and materials, class into camera assessing class their
skill to produce produce a functions of create print several Discuss the their artwork work
clean prints with compilation of the camera reliefs with groups parts and
a particular their prints (point and particular • Ask the the function
design and create a shoot or students to of a
book or

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
motif (repeated calendar which phone camera). design motif. gather or camera
or alternated). they can give A6PR-IIIg Discuss the make printed
A4PR-IIIg as gifts, sell, or criteria in arts.
8. prints reliefs display on the rating their Let the
using found walls of their output Let students
materials and school. the students think of
discusses the A5PR-IIIg discuss their creative way
finished work on how they
artwork. The others can use their
A4PR-IIIh will give artworks
comments or
in their works
Week 8
9. creates 8. utilizes 8. applies using local • Ask the • Students Use rubric in Use checklist Use rubrics
the relief mold contrast in a composition materials, students to will be ask their work in rating the in their work
using found carved or skills to create relief use contrast to take output
material: hard textured area produce a mold art. in a carved or photo inside
foam; in an artwork. printed Discuss the textured area the room.
cardboard A5PR-IIIh-1 photograph for criteria on in an artwork • Ask them to
shapes glued 9. produces a simple photo how their • Produce make a
on wood; several essay. artwork will artwork to simple
strings and editions of the A6PR-IIIh be rated. practice their photo essay
buttons, old same print that Display their skill
screws, and are well-inked artwork for
metal parts and evenly critiquing
glued on wood printed.
or cardboard. A5PR-IIIh-2
10. displays
the finished
artwork for
others to
critique and
Week 9
11. participates 10. participates in 9. participates in • create a simple art exhibit. • Students final performance will be rated
in a a school/ school/district • Gather all artwork of students and ask to display according to the criteria.
school/district district exhibit exhibit and in the exhibit. • Comments, suggestions and observation
exhibit and and culminating • Conduct a simple program/culminating program
culminating culminating activity in for the effort of students in creating artworks.
activity in activity in celebration of
celebration of celebration of the National
the the National Arts
National Arts Arts Month
Month Month (February)
(February). (February)

TIME ALLOTMENT: 40 minutes/session

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Fourth Quarter
Week 1
1. researches 1. identifies the SCULPTURE – • show pictures of different textile tradition of comparison checklist journal entry
and materials PACKAGE/PRO different countries in asia, 3-dimentional craft and table
differentiates used in DUCT DESIGN sculpture product
textile making (Paper Bag) • ask the students to describe the artworks posted
traditions, 3dimensional
e.g. tie-dye crafts which 1. knows that
done in other express • Differentiate • Identify some Discuss the
design principles
countries balance and the textile materials in importance
and elements
like China, repeated tradition of making of design
relates to
India, Japan, variation of other 3dimensional principle
and shapes and countries crafts and
objects. A6EL-
Indonesia in colors 1.1 in tie-dye • Give other elements
the olden times mobile 1.2 • Make a table examples for
2. appreciates the
and papiermâché of guided
elements and
presently,as jar comparison discussion
principles applied
well as in the 1.3 paper in product • Make a table for
Philippines, beads design. materials being
e.g. theTinalak A5EL-IVa A6PL-Iva used and the
made by the artworks
T’bolis. A4EL-
Week 2
2. presents 2. identifies the 3. manifests • show pictures or Show different Discuss Observation Reflective
pictures or different understanding of samples of techniques in concepts on checklist journal
actual techniques in concepts on the different making the use of
samples of making use of software kinds of mat 3dimensional software
different kinds 3dimensional (commands, weaving craft. And
of mat crafts menu, etc.) tradition in the samples.
weaving 2.1 mobile A6PR-IVb Philippines.
traditions in 2.2 papier- • Ask the students
the mâché to describe the
Philippines. jar artwork
A4EL-Ivb 2.3 paper beads

Week 3
3. discusses the 3. explores 4. utilizes art skills Show intricate Discuss the

Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
intricate designs possibilities on in using new mat designs use of
of mats woven in the use of technologies in the 3dimensional
the Philippines: created 3-D (hardware and Philippines. art
3.1 Basey, crafts. A5EL- software) in Describe
Samar buri IVc package design. each
mats A6PR-IVc artwork.
3.2 Iloilo bamban Make a
mats summary of
3.3 description
3.4 Tawi-tawi
laminusa mats
3.5 Romblon
buri mats

Week 4
4. emphasizes 4. applies 5. creates an actual show pictures • Create a Use rubric Use rubrics
textile crafts knowledge of 3-D of textile 3dimensional for the for
like tie-dyeing colors, digitallyenhanced crafts. craft assessment assessing
which demands shapes, and product design Discuss the (mobiles, students
careful balance in for a paper bag. steps in papeir output
practices and creating A6PR-IVd making tie- mache jar
faithful mobiles, dye and paper
repetition papier mâché beads)
of the steps to jars, and • Apply color,
produce good paper beads. shape and
designs. A5PL-IVd balance to
A4PL-Ivd the 3-
• Discuss the
Week 5
5. gives meaning 5. displays NEW MEDIA – Show • Ask the checklist Use rubrics
to the designs, artistry in AUDIOVIDEO ART different students to to assess
colors, patterns making or ANIMATION pictures of make the product
used in the mobiles with (Electronic Collage) textile craft mobiles. made
artworks. varied colors Software: Synfic designs. • Ask them
A4PL-Ive and shapes. Studio for 2D Discuss the think of
A5PL-IVe Animation (Open meaning of creative way
Source) for designs, of making
Laptop/Desktop PC colors and their work in
Software: Blender patterns used terms of
for 3D Animation in artworks. colors and
(Open Source) for shapes.
Laptop/Desktop PC
• Product-
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
Software: MS
Movie Maker
(Windows) for
Week 6
6. creates a 6. creates 6. realizes that art Show video clips on how to create mat and Use rubrics Individual
small mat using designs for processes, some designs for making a 3-dimensional craft. for assessing sharing of
colored buri making elements and the output designs
Art activity: Ask the • Project-
strips or any 3dimensional principles still creating a students to based
material that crafts apply even with small mat. think of performance
can be woven, 6.1 mobile the use of
Discuss the creative • Hands-on
showing 6.2 papier- technologies.
criteria for the designs for
different mâché jar 7. appreciates the
output 3dimensional
designs: A5PR-IVf elements and
squares, craft
checks applied in
zigzags, and audio-video art.
stripes. A6PL-IVe
Week 7
7. weaves own 7. shows skills in 8. applies ask students • Art activity. Hands-on Use rubrics Use checklist
design similar making a concepts on to design Ask the in assessing observation
to the style papiermâché the use of the their own students to students checklist
made by a local jar software style of ethnic make a paper output while doing
ethnic group. A5PR-IVg (commands, group using mache jar. the activity
A4PR-IVg menu, etc.) local • Discuss the
A6PR-IVf materials. criteria in rating
Discuss the their output
criteria in
rating their

Week 8
8. creates 8. creates paper 9. utilizes art ask the • Ask the • Ask the Product- Product- Product-
original tie- beads with skills in using student to students to students to based based based
dyed textile artistic designs new create their create paper create an assessment assessment assessment
design by and varied technologies own original beads as their audio-video through through through
following the colors out of (hardware and tiedyed textile final output. art that rubrics rubrics or rubrics or
traditional old magazines software) design • Discuss the promote a or checklist checklist checklist
steps in tie and colored A6PR-IVg following the process of product.
dyeing using papers for 10. creates traditional creating the • Discuss the
one or two necklace, an audio-video steps. project and process and
colors. bracelet, ID art /animation Project- the criteria on the criteria on
A4PR-IVh lanyard. promoting a based how they will how the
A5PR-IVh product. performance be rated. output be
A6PR-IVh Ask the • Conduct a rated.
students to • Conduct a
conduct a class video
small exhibit
of their
Competencies Suggested Learningities Suggested Assessment Strategies
Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grade IV Grade V Grade VI
product. small exhibit session.
of their
Week 9

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