Heroes5 U3 Rubrics For Evaluation PDF
Heroes5 U3 Rubrics For Evaluation PDF
Heroes5 U3 Rubrics For Evaluation PDF
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Lesson 1: Vocabulary Has great difficulty or Is able to use new Is able to use new Is able to use new
Key Learning Outcomes: is unable to use new vocabulary in simple vocabulary in simple vocabulary in simple
Learn the names of things children buy; ask and vocabulary in simple speaking practice, speaking practice, speaking practice with
answer about shopping speaking practice in but with difficulty or with some support or minimal or no support.
English. prompting. prompting.
Key Skills:
Listening, Speaking
Lesson 2: Grammar Has great difficulty or is Has some difficulty Can compare two things Can compare two things
Key Learning Outcomes: unable to compare two comparing two things using comparative using comparative
Read about garage sales in the USA; compare things using comparative using comparative adjectives with some adjectives with minimal or
two things using comparative adjectives adjectives. adjectives. support. no support.
Key Skills:
Listening, Reading, Speaking
Lesson 3: Story Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Can read, discuss and Can read, discuss and
Key Learning Outcome: reading, discussing and reading, discussing and think about the real-life think about the real-life
Read, discuss and think about a real-life story thinking about the real-life thinking about the real-life story with some support or story with minimal or no
story. story. prompting. support.
Key Skills:
Listening, Reading, Speaking
Lesson 4: Grammar and pronunciation Has great difficulty or is Has some difficulty Can identify and use long Can identify and use long
Key Learning Outcomes: unable to identify and identifying and using long comparative adjectives comparative adjectives to
Read a dialogue about choosing snacks; use long comparative comparative adjectives to to compare two things or compare two things or ask
compare two things using long comparative adjectives to compare two compare two things or ask ask and answer questions and answer questions with
adjectives; ask and answer using long things or ask and answer and answer questions. with some support or minimal or no support.
comparative adjectives questions. prompting.
Key Skills:
Listening, Reading, Speaking
Lesson 5: Life skills Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Understands ways to Understands ways to
Key Learning Outcomes: learning ways to learning ways to develop and use his/ develop and use his/
Learn ways to develop and use your imagination; develop and use his/ develop and use his/ her imagination to her imagination to make
use your imagination to make presents special her imagination to make her imagination to make make presents special presents special with
presents special. presents special. with some support or minimal or no support.
Key Skills:
Listening, Reading, Speaking
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Heroes 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. P H OTO C O P I A B L E
3 Rubrics for Evaluation
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Lesson 6: Integrated skills: Reading and Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Can listen and read Can listen and read about
listening listening and reading listening and reading about shopping using shopping using new
Key Learning Outcomes: about shopping using new about shopping using new new adjectives with some adjectives with minimal or
Read an online shopping catalogue; learn adjectives. adjectives. support or prompting. no support.
six adjectives; listen to a conversation about
Key Skills:
Listening, Reading
Lesson 7: Integrated skills: Writing and Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Can read and write an Can read and write an
speaking reading and writing an reading and writing an advert, and present his/ advert, and present his/
advert, and presenting advert, and presenting her advert to the class her advert to the class with
Key Learning Outcomes:
his/her advert to the class. his/her advert to the class. with some support or minimal or no support.
Read and write an advert for an amazing
product; present your advert to the class
Key Skills:
Reading, Writing, Speaking
Unit Review Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Can remember the Can remember the
Key Learning Outcome: remembering the remembering the vocabulary and grammar vocabulary and grammar
Review the vocabulary and grammar from the vocabulary and grammar vocabulary and grammar from the unit with some from the unit with minimal
unit from the unit. from the unit. support or prompting. or no support.
Key Skills:
Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking
Vlog Has great difficulty Has some difficulty Can understand the Can understand the video
Key Learning Outcomes: understanding the video understanding the video video and talk about food and talk about food with
Watch and understand a video about a school and talking about food. and talking about food. with some support or minimal or no support.
fair; practise talking about food prompting.
Key Skills:
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Heroes 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. P H OTO C O P I A B L E