Tender Enquiry: Rahul.n@cochinshipyard - in Loganathan.m@cochinshipyard - in Niranjan - Kumar@cochinshipyard - in

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Dt. 27/07/2022


Dear Sir,

Sealed Tenders in Two Bid, super scribing the Enquiry Number & Last date for receipt of Quotations on the
envelope, are invited in two separate covers as 'Part I Techno Commercial' & 'Part II Price’ for STEEL
RENEWAL PACKAGE FOR INS ADITYA at CMSRU, which is at CSL MSRU (Cochin Shipyard Ltd- Mumbai Ship
Repair Unit), Mumbai for refit.

1 The offers as above should reach the undersigned on or before the last date and time shown. Tenders
should be addressed to “The General Manager (CMSRU), Cochin Shipyard Ltd-Mumbai Ship Repair Unit,
Mumbai Port Trust, and Mumbai-400001”.
2. Techno - Commercial offers can also be made by e-mail, with price bid duly Locked with password,
before 15.00 hrs (IST) on 09 Aug. 2022, if delivery of sealed offers cannot be ensured at CSL on the due
3. The offer shall indicate payment terms and other terms and conditions.
4. Vendors are strongly advised to visit work site prior to quoting.
5. Vendors should be able to carry out and complete the work at CMSRU, Mumbai within the given
duration of time.
6. Quotation should be valid for a period of 180 days.
6. Quotation can be submitted by email as a password protected document (price part only) to the
following email address.



In a sealed envelope addressed to “The General Manager (CMSRU), Cochin Shipyard Ltd-Mumbai
Ship Repair Unit, Mumbai Port Trust, and Mumbai-400001”.

Last Date & Time of Receipt of Tender: 09 Aug 2022 at 15.00 Hrs. IST.

Tender Opening date &time: 09 Aug 2022 at 15.30 Hrs. IST.

NOTE: Amendment if any will be notified on CSL/Govt. Website. The bidders are requested to keep
themselves informed of the development by visiting CSL website www.cochinshipyard.comand the
CPP portal www.eprocure.gov.in regularly. Such amendments shall be binding upon them.
Enclosures: -
1. Special Instruction for Two Bid Systems
2. Scope of work
3. Price bid format
4. Rules for engaging workmen at CMSRU
5. CSL-MSRU HSE booklet
6. Specific Terms &conditions
7. General Terms &conditions
8. Compliance matrix
9. Unpriced bid format
10. HSE Guidelines
11. Prequalification Criteria.

Signed copy of following documents shall be submitted along with unpriced Price bid formatclearly
indicating quoted/not quoted against each job scope as per CSL P- bid format (Un priced bid no need
toprotect with password, if send as soft copy in E mail).
1. Scope of work
2. Price bid format
3. Rules for engaging workmen at CMSRU.
4. Specific Terms &conditions
5. General Terms &conditions
6. Compliance matrix
7. HSE Guidelines.

Price bid duly signed and sealed by the authorized person need to be protected with password and
shall be separately attached/enclosed in the mail. Offer submitted in single bid will not be considered.

In case of technical queries, please contact Mr. PHANEENDRA VARANASI, Mob. No.: 9884945788

Yours faithfully,

General Manager (CMSRU)

Enclosure - 1



Tenders should be submitted in two separate sealed covers super scribed in capital
letters as PART-I "TECHNO-COMMERCIAL" & PART-II "PRICE" indicating the tender
number, due date and name & address of the tenderer.


I. Drawings & Technical Literature, if any

II. Other conditions, if any
III. Signed and stamped copy of Scope of Work (Encl 2), Rules for engaging contractor’s
workmen in CSL-MSRU (Encl 4), Specific terms & Conditions (Encl 6), General Terms and
Conditions (Encl 7) & Compliance Matrix (Encl 8)
IV. Deviation list, if any
V. Price bid without price clearly indicating quoted/ not quoted against each line
item/ DL.


a. Price against each work.

b. Taxes & duties as applicable shall be indicated.

4. CSL/CMSRU reserves the right to alter, modify the scope of supply at them discretion
and consistent with the Navy Policy as applicable to the contract from time to time.

5. The Techno-commercial part alone will be opened initially on the due date and time
of tender. The price part will be opened only after evaluation of the Techno commercial Part.
Firms will be intimated the date of opening of the price part, whose Techno commercial bid
is acceptable, in due course.

6. The tenderer shall ensure that their Indian Agent is not representing any other
suppliers for the same Tender. In other words, Indian Agents are not permitted to represent
more than one firm for a particular Tender.
7. Deviations, if any, in the offer submitted from that of the tender enquiry in any form,
should be clearly furnished in a separate document titled as "List of Deviations".

8. Details of optional items, if any, should be indicated under separate heading in the
technical bid and the respective price details should be given in the price bid.

9. After submission of quotation / price bid opening, no unsolicited correspondence

will be entertained.

10. Clarifications, either technical or commercial, should be submitted to points

specially asked for only. The opportunity so given should not be used for
correcting/changing amending the data/conditions already submitted with the tender.

11. Price should be quoted separately for each item. Combining of figures against more
than one item and ambiguous clauses will lead to rejection of the bid.

12. Offers should be clear and unambiguous. Incomplete/ambiguous offers are likely to
be rejected.

13. The bidder shall submit a signed & sealed copy of the tender document including
Encl 2, 5, 6 & 7 along with their bid as token of acceptance of terms & Conditions.

14. An Integrity Pact as per CSL/CMSRU format is to be signed and submitted later (if

15. The quantity projected in the scope of work is estimated. There may be
upward/downward variations in actual quantity.

Deputy General Manager (Ship Repair Materials)


MP2/Steel Renewal Package/INS ADITYA/CMSRU Encl: 2

Sl No Description UOM Qty

To carry out Steel renewal in the following locations:

Renewal of Steel Plates in Internal Tanks and Tank Top of INS Aditya.
Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged by
the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
1 Kg 20000
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot

Steel renewal in Accommodation spaces

Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged by
the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
2 Kg 5000
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot
Note : Terms & Conditions:
All machinery / equipment, switchboard / control panels, electronic and communication equipment and weapon
equipment, all light fittings, pipe lines, valves, electrical cables, junction boxes, lagging, panelling, obstructions,
protrusions, foundation etc. in way of steel renewal will be removed and refitted by the Contractor at his cost.
Electrical cable in way of steel renewal are to be wrapped with asbestos cloth and protected. Similarly, the
1 balance items are also required to be covered / packaged and preserved by the Contractor. Damages caused by
the Vendor in execution of the work are to be made good by the Contractor at his cost. To quote inclusive of
Plate Bending Charges (If req), NDT Testing and Vaccum/Hose Testing. All Welders engaging in the work should
have valid welder certificate, WPS & PQR for E7018 and E8018 electrodes, as welding requirement exits for both
Quantity given are approximate and may vary. Payment will be done on actuals. As per project requirement the
2 entire Scope will be splitted. Vendor to quote accordingly.

Work Completion period shall be 60 days from the date of LoI/ PO. It is expected that work will be progressing at
20 locations concurrently with estimated time of completion of 3 days per location.
All light fittings, cable cassets, hatches, manholes, pipe penetrations to be restored back to the initial position.

Staging if required for undertaking the job has to be erected by the contractor as per CMSRU Safety norms.
Staging materials to be arranged by the vendor
CO2 Welding machines with ELCB (30 Milli Amp trip current) and Oxy Actylene cutting Set(with flash back
6 arrestors), necessary ventilation and lighting arrangments (24 V Only permitted),etc to be in vendor scope
All lighting arrangements (spark proof), Industrial DB, ventilation, blower with duct, consumables, Cables, Hand
lamps to be in vendor scope
Cleaning of area of hot work to be done by contractor and clearance of site after work to be done by
contractor.Man entry Passes to CMSRU will be provided Free of cost. Dock entry permits for movement of
material in dock shall be arranged by contractor. Necessary recommendations for the dock entry permit will be
issued by the CMSRU.
10 All work to be cleared by CSL QC / Navy Rep
11 All material movement to worksite to be arranged by contractor.
12 Parallel contract may be resorted by CSL in order to speed up pace of work .

13 CSL safety procedures to be followed for entire period of work by contractor.

All lifting tackles, tools and certified rigger required for shipping inside machinery spaces to be arranged by
Work Completion Period : Within 60 Days

Seal & Sign of Authorised Person


MP2/Steel Renewal Package/INS ADITYA/CMSRU Encl: 3

Total rate (Qty x unit
Sl No Description UOM Qty Unit rate GST(%)
To carry out Steel renewal in the following locations:
Renewal of Steel Plates in Internal Tanks and Tank Top of INS Aditya.
Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged by
the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
1 Kg 20000 XX XX XX
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot

Steel renewal in Accommodation spaces

Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged by
the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
2 Kg 5000 XX XX XX
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot

Work Completion Period : Within 60 Days

Seal & Sign of Authorised Person


MP2/Steel Renewal Package/INS ADITYA/CMSRU Encl: 4 ,QUOTED ,YES/NO

Total rate (Qty x unit
Sl No Description UOM Qty Unit rate GST(%)
To carry out Steel renewal in the following locations:
Renewal of Steel Plates in Internal Tanks and Tank Top of INS Aditya.
Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged
by the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
1 Kg 20000
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot

Steel renewal in Accommodation spaces

Steel Plates shall be arranged by Yard / Navy.
All Industrial Gases and welding Consumables for undertaking the job to be arranged
by the vendor.
Scaffolding requirement if any to undertake the job has to be arranged by the vendor.
The cost to include all degutting and regutting of insulation, removal and refitment of
2 Kg 5000
foundation, pipes etc if required.
The vendor to arrange for blowers and hoses for ventilation of the compartments for
undertaking hotwork.
Sufficient fire protection cloths to be arranged by the vendor for undertaking the hot



Work Completion Period : Within 60 Days

Seal & Sign of Authorised Person

Enclosure - 5

General Terms and Conditions

1. Tenderers are to carefully go through the terms and conditions and the techno commercial
specification of the items for which offers are called for. Deviations, if any, shall be
separately listed and specifically brought out in the offer. CSL reserves the right to accept /
reject the deviations.
2. Corrections and additions, if any, must be attested. Incomplete/ ambiguous offers are likely
to be rejected.
3. In case of bids sent through email, then the documents should be password protected and
the passwords should be passed on to the concerned officer while attending the bid
opening or by email / SMS immediately before the tender opening against the request from
4. Indigenous tenderers should quote prices for delivery of materials at CSL/CMSRU stores
5. Prices should be valid for acceptance for a period of three months (06 months) from the
date of opening of tender.
6. No enhancement of rate for whatever cause will be allowed once the offer is accepted and
an order is placed. Withdrawal of the quotation after it is accepted or failure to make the
supply within the stipulated delivery period will entail cancellation of the order and
forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit/Security deposit, if any and/or risk purchase.
7. Taxes and duties, if any, payable extra are to be indicated in the price part for single bid and
in techno-commercial part for two bid.
8. Delivery term and delivery time / work completion time required for completing the job
scope should be indicated in the offer.
9. The firm/ bidder winning the contract shall sign an agreement with Cochin Shipyard Ltd for
“Fall clause”. Accordingly, during the contract period, the firm / bidder cannot offer the
item/s to anyone else at rates lower than the rates quoted, or the same lowest rate shall
be applicable to the contract with CSL/CMSRU
10. Manufacturer’s name, their trademark and brand, if any, should invariably be mentioned
and illustrative leaflets giving technical particulars etc., should be attached to the offer.
11. Materials supplied shall be new and unused and shall confirm to CSL/CMSRU specifications
and drawings.
12. Products supplied shall be nontoxic and harmless to health. In the case of toxic materials,
Material Safety Data Sheet may be furnished along with the material.
13. Samples are to be supplied free of cost in the event of requirement by CSL/CMSRU. The
detailed working drawing, if called for, is also to be furnished for approval before
commencement of manufacture.
14. The quantities in each item to be purchased may vary according to actual requirement at
the time of placing orders.
15. Force Majeure condition: Should failure in performance of the contract or part thereof arise
from war insurrection, restrain imposed by Government, Act of Legislature or other
Statutory Authority or illegal strike, riot, legal lock-out, flood, fire, explosion, act of God or
any inevitable or unforeseen event beyond human control which may be construed as
reasonable ground for an extension of time, CSL/CMSRU may allow such additional time as
is mutually agreed, to be justified by the circumstances of the case. The occurrence/
cessation of force majeure situation is to be informed with documentary evidence within
15 days from the date of occurrence/cessation.
Enclosure - 5

16. LD Clause: In case of delay in supply of ordered materials / delay in completion of work
beyond the stipulated delivery / completion period which is not attributable to CSL, vendor
is to pay liquidated damages (and not by way of penalty) a sum equivalent to ½%(half
percent) per week or part of the week of the order value (basic price) in the case of
machinery/equipment and of the value of materials / services delayed in the case of all
other items/services subject to a maximum of 10% of the order value (basic price). For
service orders, completion date as confirmed by the executing officer shall be reckoned for
LD calculation.
17. Risk Purchase: If the supplier fails to supply the items ordered/complete the job scope
within the delivery/completions date or violate any of the terms and conditions of the
contract, CSL/CMSRU shall have the following rights.

(1) To terminate the contract with 15 days’ notice forfeiting the security deposit.

(2) To initiate alternate procurement action at the risk and cost of the vendor.

18. Guarantee: The equipment supplied shall be guaranteed for satisfactory performance for
12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of delivery of items
whichever is earlier against faulty design, defective materials and bad workmanship.
Supplier should supply and install free of cost immediately any part found to be defective
for the above reasons within the guarantee period. The Services shall be guaranteed for a
minimum period of 06 months from the date of successful commissioning/final acceptance.
19. Suppliers are generally allowed to depute their authorized representative to be present at
the time of opening of the price bid. However, this will be subject to the discretion/SOP of
CSL, in view of the restrictions imposed by Govt/local body/CSL due to Covid-19 outbreak.
At present, in view of COVID-19 pandemic, Vendors are not allowed inside CSL to attend
opening of the price bid.
20. Cochin shipyard Ltd prefers to deal directly with the supplier. However, if the supplier
appoints an Indian agent to deal with Cochin shipyard ltd., the agency commission payable
by the supplier to such an agency shall be intimated. If manufacturers affect the supply
through agents only, authorization in writing from manufacturers in favor of the agent for
supply to CSL shall be furnished. In case where an agent participates a tender on behalf of
a foreign manufacturer Indian agent should submit specific authorization from the
authorized person of foreign manufacturer. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf
of the principal/ OEM or principal/ OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously
for the same item/ product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of
principal/ OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another principal/ OEM
in the same tender for the same item/product. Indian agents cannot represent more than
one firm or quote on their behalf for any particular tender. Clarifications, either technical
or commercial, should be submitted to points specially asked for only. The opportunity so
given should not be used for correcting/changing/amending the data/conditions already
submitted with the tender.

21. Jurisdiction: All questions, disputes or difference arising under, out of, or in connection with
contracts shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Ernakulum, Kerala,
Enclosure - 5

22. In case advance payment is sought, interest at prime lending rates prevailing in India will
be charged. In addition, a Bank Guarantee in the CSL format equivalent to advance amount
is to be executed to cover the period till the advance payment is adjusted. Normally
Advance payments are not encouraged.
23. Conditional discounts, if any, will not be reckoned for tender evaluation/ comparison
purposes. However, the same will be considered while placement of purchase order if the
firm turns out to be L1.
24. After submission of tender, no unsolicited correspondence will be entertained.
25. Cochin Shipyard Limited does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender but reserves
to itself the right to reject any or all or a part of any tender at its discretion.
26. Deviations, if any, in the offer submitted from that of the tender enquiry in any form, should
be clearly furnished in a separate document titled as “List of Deviations”, failing which it
will be presumed that all the terms and conditions are acceptable.
27. Public Procurement Policy initiatives of Govt. of India, pertaining to MSME’s, startup etc as
per CSL website (www.cochinshipyard.in) shall be applicable for this tender.
28. Vendor is solely responsible for the safety of its personnel inside CSL. Service provider will
be responsible for the safety of personnel engaged and shall adopt all safety measures to
comply with safety regulations in force in CSL. Service representative working onboard
should maintain proper dress code as per CSL standards. They shall submit electronic
challan remittance copy of ESI&EPF details of their employees and employee compensation
policy details for employees not falling under ESI limit during the submission of invoice,
documents supporting for facilitating gate access. They are bound to follow safety
guidelines applicable in CSL like safe usage of tools & tackles, electrical safety guidelines,
gas management system etc. Scrap management system & disposal of hazardous chemicals
used to dispose by contractor itself on his own responsibility. Work place hygiene to be
ensured by contractor itself.
29. Asbestos should not be part of any material /packing material supplied to CSL.
30. Shall abide by CSL rules for entry and exit of man and materials. Vendor and personnel will
comply with: (1) all procedures and policies provided by CSL, including CSL's,
environmental, health, safety, and security procedures, and related management systems
when performing services at CSL facilities.
31. Service provider will have to abide by the various laws & regulations such as Contract
Labour Regulation (Abolition) Act, ESI Act 1948, EPF Act 1952 etc as applicable.
In case your employees are already covered under EPF/ESI scheme, their respective account
numbers are to be furnished along with copy of challans as proof for remittance of ESI &
EPF. If any employee is exempted from ESI, valid proof for the same also shall be submitted
before commencement of work. Labor deputed for the work shall not have crossed over 60
years. Submission of above documents is statutory for issue of entry passes for working
inside CSL. This is also required for releasing the payment since CSL site is permanently
covered under above noted regulations. The certificate of compliance from Contractor as
per attached format shall also be filled and submitted along with submission of bills for
payment. Bills without duly certified “certificate of compliance from Contractor” shall not
be passed for payment. (Form for Compliance of Provisions of various labour Enactments
attached as Enclosure - 4)
32. Vendor will package products according to instructions of CSL provided in the purchase
order, and if nothing is provided, then according to good commercial practice to ensure
safe arrival of the products. Avoid plastic materials for packing to the extent possible.
Enclosure - 5

Packing material shall be ecofriendly. Vendor should follow the statutory requirements of
the products offered. In case of chemicals and toxic materials being supplied, vendor
should furnish material safety data sheet (MSDS) compulsorily along with the material.
33. Acknowledge the receipt and acceptance of purchase order/Work order by signing and
returning a copy of the same within three days of receipt of the same. If the
acknowledgement is not received, it will be presumed as accepted.
34. Subcontracting to other vendors shall be only after written intimation and approval of
competent CSL authorities. Vendor shall not delegate or subcontract any of its obligations
under the agreement without CSL's written consent. Vendor will remain liable for all
subcontracted obligations and all acts or omissions of its subcontractors.
35. The procedures of work, standard operating procedures of work including documents like
welding procedure specifications developed by CSL are intellectual property of CSL.
Vendors shall not use or copy the procedure in any format without the written consent of
competent authorities of CSL.
36. Vendors shall take back rejected products, if any, and immediately supply new product/
rectified product at vendor's expense, including all freight costs.
37. For product that is discovered defective during the warranty period, vendor will, at vendor’s
expense replace or repair defective product and re-deliver such repaired or replaced
product to CSL within a commercially reasonable timeframe agreed by CSL
38. Except as specifically stated in the purchase order, vendor will be responsible for all costs
incurred in connection with providing the services, including personnel's expenses.
39. CSL is not obligated to pay any invoice submitted 180 days or more after a product is
shipped or services are completed.
40. Vendor shall return the CSL resources to CSL immediately after provision of all deliverables
and services or any termination of the agreement.
41. Vendor warrants that the products and services will comply with their specifications and
will be of good quality acceptable to CSL/ship and must be fit for any purpose made known
to vendor.
42. Vendor warrants that the products will be new, unused, and not refurbished at the time of
delivery, and will be safe for normal use and free from defects in design, materials, and
workmanship during the warranty period.
43. Vendor warrants that for software provided by vendor, (1) there is no open source software
in the products (or any other items provided by vendor), unless vendor has notified CSL in
writing before delivery and CSL has consented in writing to accepting this open source
software, and (2) the software will not damage, interfere with, or permit unauthorized
access to any other existing products or systems on which it is installed or any information
residing on those products or systems.
44. Vendor and personnel will (1) keep confidential the terms of the agreement and all non-
public and proprietary CSL information, and will only use such information to provide
products and services under the agreement, and will not disclose such information except
to the extent required by law after giving reasonable notice to CSL, if permitted by law; and
(2) not use in providing products or services or disclose to CSL any materials or documents
of another party considered confidential or proprietary unless it has obtained written
authorization from that party and CSL.
45. Vendor will indemnify CSL and its affiliates, directors, officers, and employees against all
liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses relating to any
allegation or third-party legal proceeding (including action by a government authority) to
Enclosure - 5

the extent arising from an allegation that use, possession, or sale of the products or services
violates or infringes a third party's rights, including intellectual property rights; or an
allegation that any personnel are entitled to employee compensation, benefits, or other
rights or transfer law rights, except to the extent caused by CSL's unlawful acts or omissions.
46. No enhancement of rate for whatever cause will be allowed once the offer is accepted and
an order is placed. Withdrawal of the quotation after it is accepted or failure to make the
supply within the stipulated delivery period will entail cancellation of the order and
forfeiture of earnest money deposit/security deposit, if any and/or enforcement of risk
purchase clause.
47. List of deviations from the general terms and conditions shall be submitted and the same
shall be mutually acceptable. In the event of no deviation list submitted by the vendor, it is
presumed that all conditions are accepted by the vendor.
48. All certificates called for in order specification must be sent to CSL at the time of delivery of
items all the material supplied must satisfy CSL quality requirements.
49. Invoice:
(i) All invoices must be sent to CSL on delivery of items /work completion as per the order
(ii) Purchase order number and date and dispatch particulars should be clearly mentioned
in the invoice.
(iii) Wherever payments are authorized through bank, copy of the invoice should be
forwarded directly to CSL under intimation so as to facilitate release of document in time.
All bank charges will be to vendor's account.
(iv)When the payment is in installments, separate invoice is required for each payment.
(v) 100% payment will be made against your invoice on satisfactory completion of the work.

The documents for releasing payment - original invoice with service report duly signed by
vessel owner and CSL officer-in-charge along with documentary proof of expenses after
satisfactory completion of work.

50. “In case imported items are part of the items required for the job Customs duty exemption
can be availed by CSL if order for these imported items is placed on high sea sales basis by
CSL or direct import order on bidder’s principals for import items by CSL. In case of import
orders/ high sea sales, the offer has to be on CFR basis to the nearest airport/as mentioned
in the enquiry.
The customs clearance, DO charges payment and IGST payment against bill of entry shall
be done by CSL.
In case of direct import orders by CSL, copy of Airway bill, foreign currency invoice and
packing list would be required. In case of High Sea Sale, HSS agreement and INR invoice in
addition to copy of Airway bill, foreign currency invoice and packing list shall also be
The copy of all documents to be forwarded to CSL by email at least two days prior to arrival
of the consignment at Airport for CSL to arrange the Customs exemption documents and
file Bill of entry prior/ latest on date of arrival of the consignment itself. In case of any delay
in receipt of documents, the bill of entry late filing fine shall be adjusted from the vendors
Enclosure - 5

Tender conditions for Restriction of bidders sharing land border with India is attached
below and certificate as required in the below conditions to be submitted along with tender

Tender conditions for Restriction of bidders sharing land border with India vide Office memorandum dt
23.7.2020 Order - Public Procurement no 1 dt 23.7.2020, Order no 2 dt 23.7.2020 and Order no 3 dt

A Requirement of registration
Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this
tender only if the bidder is registered with competent authority as per C below. In works
contracts, including turkey contracts, contractors shall not be allowed to sub contract works to
any contractor from a country which shares a land border with India unless such contractor is
registered with Competent authority. Relevant certificate to be submitted by bidder from a
country which shares land border with India except for bidders to which Govt of India has
extended lines of Credit or in which Govt of India has development projects, along with the offer
as proof of registration with competent authority, failing which the offer will not be considered.
A certificate is to be submitted by the bidder for compliance with the order referred above along
with tender documents for consideration of offer (Wordings are as per Clause below). If such
certificate given by a bidder whose bid is accepted is found to be false, this would be a ground
for immediate termination and further legal action in accordance with law.
2 Wordings of certificate to be submitted along with tender documents
I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which
shares a land border with India. I hereby certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if
from such a country, has been registered with the competent authority. I hereby certify that this
bidder fulfils all requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. (Evidence of valid
registration by the competent authority shall be attached wherever applicable).
Wordings of certificate to be submitted along with tender documents for Works involving
possibility of subcontracting
I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which
shares a land border with India and on subcontracting to contractors from such countries. I
certify that this bidder is not from such a country or if from such a country has been registered
with the competent authority and will not subcontract any work to a contractor from such
countries unless such contractor is registered with the competent authority. I hereby certify that
this bidder fulfils all requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered (Evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority shall be attached wherever applicable)
B Validity of registration

Registration should be valid at the time of submission of bids and at the time of acceptance of
bids. In respect of supply otherwise than by tender, registration should be valid at the time of
placement of order. If the bidder is validly registered at the time of acceptance /order
placement, registration shall not be a relevant consideration during contract execution.

C Competent authority and Procedure for registration

Enclosure - 5

The competent authority for the purpose of registration under the order shall be Registration
committee constituted by the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
1 Details of the committee and procedure for registration and restrictions shall be as per Ann I
of the Order - Public Procurement no 1 dt 23.7.2020 issued by Ministry of Finance, department
of Expenditure.

D Definition of Bidder and Bidder from a country sharing land border with India

Bidder is defined as any person or firm or company including any, member of a consortium or
joint venture, every artificial, juridical person not falling in any of the descriptions of bidders
stated hereinbefore, including any agency, branch or office controlled by such person,
participating in a procurement process.
"Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India" for the purpose of this Order
a) An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
b) A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
c) An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated, established or registered in
2 such a country; or
d) An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
e) An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
f) A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
g) A constitution or joint venture where any member of the consortium or joint venture falls
under any of the above.
Type of business entity
(Private Limited Company/ Public Limited Company/ Sole Proprietorship/ One Person Company/
Partnership/ Limited Liability Partnership/ Joint Venture/ Trust/ NGO)
In case of incorporated entity - to attach certificate of incorporation

Beneficial Owners
- as defined in the Department of Expenditure Order (Public Procurement No.1) issued vide No.
F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July, 2020.
Details of all beneficial owners having entitlement of more than 01% of shares or capital or profit
to be given, in the format as given in Annexure-I duly certified by practicing Chartered Account
in India.

51. Following are the Tender Conditions Preference to Make in India

Tender condition - Preference to Make in India

Enclosure - 5

Purchase preference in accordance with Public procurement (Preference to Make in

India Order - 2017) Order from Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade P - 45021 /2/2017/-B.E -II dt ,4.6.2020 and as amended from time to time shall
be applicable as per below

In the procurement of all goods/services/works in respect of which there is sufficient

1 local capacity/local competition, only Class I Local suppliers shall be eligible to bid
irrespective of purchase value

In the procurement of all goods/services /works which are not covered as above and
2 with estimated value of purchase less than Rs 200.0 Crores, only Class I local
suppliers along with Class II local suppliers shall be eligible to bid.

Purchase preferences for Class I local suppliers

In the procurement of goods/works covered under 2 above and which are divisible in
B nature, Class I local supplier shall be eligible for Purchase preference over Class II/Non
local supplier as per following

If L1 bid is not a Class I local supplier, 50% of the order quantity shall be awarded to L1.
Thereafter the lowest bidder among Class I local supplier will be invited to match the
L1 price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to Class I local supplier quoted price
falling within 20% margin. Contract for that quantity shall be awarded to such Class I
1 local supplier subject to matching L1 price. In case such lowest eligible Class I local
supplier fails to match L1 price or accept less than offered quantity, next higher Class I
local supplier within 20% margin shall be invited to match the L1 price for the
remaining qty and so on. If some quantity is left uncovered on Class I local supplier,
such balance quantity shall be ordered on L1 bidder.

For procurements that are not divisible in nature and in procurement of services
2 evaluated on price alone, Class I local supplier shall get purchase preference over
Class II/Non local supplier as per below

If L1 is not a Class I local supplier, lowest bidder among Class I local supplier will be
invited to match L1 price subject to Class I local supplier quoted price falling within
20% of L1 price and contract will be awarded to such Class I local supplier, subject to
matching L1 price. In case such lowest eligible Class I local supplier fails to match L1
price, procedure same as para 3 above will be opted. In case none of Class I local
suppliers within 20% margin matches L1 price, contract shall be awarded to L1
bidder. The purchase preference as above will be only for Class I local supplier and
Class II local supplier will not be eligible for any Purchase preference
Enclosure - 5

Local content requirement to categories a supplier as Class I/Class II /Non local

supplier shall be as per below. Definition of local content shall be as per order dt
C 4.6.2020 ie amount of value added in India which shall be the total value of the item
procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of import content in
the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of total value in percentage.

1 Class I -Local content equal to or greater than 50%

2 Class II-Local content greater than 20%, less than 50%

3 Non local -Local content less than 20%

D Declaration of local content

Class I local supplier /Class II local supplier at the time of tender shall indicate % of local
content and provide self certification that offered item shall meet the local content
requirement for ClassI/Class II as applicable including details of locations at which
local value addition is made.

In case of procurement for a value in excess of Rs 10.0 Crores Class I/Class II local
supplier is to provide a certificate from statutory auditor/cost auditor(for companies)
/practicing cost accountant/Chartered accountant (suppliers other than companies)
indicating % of local content

Verification of the Certificates issued by the bidder shall be carried out by CSL on
3 random basis. False declarations will attract actions as stipulated in the order referred,
including other actions as permissible by law.

Exemption is applicable from provisions of order for purchases with estimated values
less than Rs 5.0 lakhs

Notwithstanding above, exemptions for meeting local content as per relevant Clause
of order dt 4.6.2020 and as amended from time to time shall apply.

1. Any disputes arising the currency of the contract shall, in the first instance be settled by
mutual discussions and negotiations. The results of such resolution of dispute shall be
incorporated as an amendment to the contract, failing which the parties can resort to
2. If any dispute, disagreement or question arising out of or relating to or in consequence
of the contract, or to its fulfillment, or the validity of enforcement thereof, cannot be settled
mutually or the settlement of which is not herein specifically provided for, then the dispute
Enclosure - 5

shall within thirty days from the date either party informs the other in writing that such
disputes, disagreement exists, be referred to arbitration. The arbitrators shall be appointed and
the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with and subject to the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (No. 26 of 1996) as amended form time to time and the
decision of the Arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. The arbitration will
be done by a Board comprising one officer nominated by each party, and a mutually agreed
Umpire. Each party shall bear its own cost of preparing and presenting its case. The cost of
arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties unless the award provides otherwise. The
enforcement of the award shall be governed by the rules and procedures in force in the State
in which it is to be executed. Performance under this Contract shall however, continue during
arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable by the parties hereto shall be withheld
unless any such payment is or forms a part of the subject matter of arbitration proceedings.
3. In case of disputes, the same will be subjected to the jurisdiction of courts at Ernakulam,
Kerala, India only.

Specific Terms & Conditions


1. Payment – 100% payment shall be released against invoice certified by Executing officer
supported by service report and WCC and other mandatory documents, within 30 days
from the date of submission of invoice after successful completion of the job scope.
2. Guarantee – Minimum 06 months guarantee is required for the repaired/overhauled
equipment/system and 12 months guarantee is required for renewed equipment /
system. In case of Guarantee defects, it shall be attended within 48 hours from the date
of intimation.
3. Manpower has to be mobilized against CMSRU LOI/WO and work has to be commenced
immediately as per the instruction of executing officer.
4. Vendors are strongly advised to visit work site prior to quoting.
5. Vendors should be able to carry out and complete the work at CMSRU yard and all the necessary
passes to be arranged accordingly by the vendor
6. Items shall be delivered at CMSRU(MbPT) on door delivery basis to Hughes Dry Dock
(Indira Docks), Mumbai Port Trust, Mazagon, Mumbai and site to be inspected before
submitting the offer.
7. Vendor to provide the service for 60 days as mentioned in the scope of work
8. CMSRU reserves the full right to change the work scope/amend the work scope
according to the site condition.
9. CMSRU reserve the right to offload the job to more than one subcontractor (parallel
contract) to meet the schedule against this tender.
10. CMSRU have the full right to modify (Deletion) the work scope in line with the final
requirement, time lines of repair project, availability and spares.
11. CMSRU will place composite work order against this tender which includes the cost of
material as well as service.
12. CMSRU have the full right to issue the work order in based on equipment wise L1 status.
Final decision shall be under CMSRU.
13. L1 firm has to provide detailed price split up (if required) within 03 days from the date
of confirmation from CMSRU.
14. Final invoice amount shall be calculated based on the actual work done certified by
CMSRU executing officer.
15. Firm to provide necessary valid certificates (wherever required).
16. Firms should have related similar experiences as per the work scope mentioned and the
supporting documents as a proof to match the work experiences shall be submitted to
CMSRU, if requested.
17. CSL/CMSRU has the full right to withdraw the tender in partial or full during the course
of this tender without giving any prior notice / clarifications to vendors.
18. CSL/CMSRU has the right to accept or reject any or all of the offers.
19. Vendors are requested to submit the bid in the attached price bid format (in Two Bid)
for avoiding discrepancies/confusions during the comparison stage.
Seal & sign authorised person
20. Vendors are requested to submit a signed copy of Encl. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11 along
with unpriced Price bid format clearly indicating quoted/not quoted against each job
scope with the Tech. bid for verification.
21. All documents submitted against this tender shall be signed and sealed by authorized
persons and the compliance matrix shall be submitted in the company letter head of the
vendor. Otherwise it may be rejected without prior notice.
22. All tools and tackles for successful completion of the job shall be arranged by the
23. Contractor shall abide by the CSL safety rules.
24. All consumables for the job shall be in the scope of vendor.
25. Job completion period has to be mentioned in the unpriced priced bid format.
26. All Material passes and Man entry Passes to be arranged by contractor. Required
authorization letter only will be issued from CMSRU.
27. Forward offers and communications from mail IDs starting with words as highlighted in below
message, since the message will be blocked and may not necessarily reach the indented ID, as
indicated in below.


28. Safety Measures that are to be ensured by contractors are :

1.Db IP44 type with ELCB

2.Blower with guard on both side
3.24 volt lamp with wire and DB
4. Flash back and non-return valve for Cylinder (DA and Oxygen is allowed)
5.welding machine with ELCB of 30 mA to provided
6.Power tools like Grinding Machine should have handle and guard
7. Proper PPEs need to provide by the contractor to workers
8. Induction class need to attended by the new workers

General Manager (CMSRU)

Seal & sign authorised person

Enclosure 4

Rules for engaging contractor’s workmen in CSL-MSRU

I) The following labour statutory compliance measures should be followed by contractors
working in CSL Mumbai Ship Repair Unit;

1. If the contractor is engaging 10 or above contract workmen, their firm must have
independent establishment registration under EPF.
2. If the contractor is engaging 10 or above contract workmen, their firm must have
independent establishment registration under ESI.
3. If the contractor is engaging less than 10 contract workmen and they are exempted
under ESI/EPF, their workmen should be covered under Employee Compensation
4. The wage payment for workers should be disbursed through bank payment only and
contractor have to submit monthly Challan for ESI Remittance ,EPF Remittance and
bank statement of wage disbursement along with their monthly bills.
5. If the contractor is engaging 20 or above contract workmen, they should take the
Labour Licence under Contract Labour Contract Act.

II) The contractor is solely responsible for complying ESI & EPF rules for contract workmen
engaged by them for the work.

III) It is mandatory to submit police clearance from Mumbai Police station to issue gate entry
pass. Hence all the workmen belong to other states shall have to take police clearance from
their respective home station to submit application form for obtaining police clearance from
Mumbai Police Station.

IV) Employee/worker deputed for the work shall not be over 58 Years of age.

Seal & Sign of Authorized Person

Health, Safety & Environment Contract Guidelines for OEMs /Turnkey jobs / Sub contract works
inside CSL

CSL is the largest public sector shipyard in India in terms of dock capacity, and caters to clients engaged in
the defence sector in India and clients engaged in the commercial sector worldwide.

CSL is committed to provide safe and healthy work environment for the prevention of work- related injury and
ill health by following the best practices in safety. CSL is certified Occupational Health and Safety
management System and Environmental Management system under ISO standards/international standard.

Many of the works of CSL at various sites are executed by the sub-contractors. During these works,
sub-contractors personnel are likely to be exposed to different types of hazards. Similarly unsafe acts
of contractors personnel may create hazards for CSL staff or workmen of other contractors working at
the site. Such unsafe acts may also pose danger to the existing installations and even to members
of public.

CSL ensures that the requirements of its HSE Management System are convened by contractors and their
workers. This guide is prepared to facilitate safe working during execution of contract works. The General
guide lines and HSE requirements are given below for compliance in CSL.

I. General guidelines
1. OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors are selected to work inside the CSL based on their track record.
2. Along with the contract order/Registration, a copy of the HSE Safety Handbook (CSL/
QMS/S&F/SOP 02) of CSL is given to all contractors. The details of all HSE requirements to be
followed in CSL for the various types of work are detailed in the hand book. The OEMs/Turnkey
jobs /Contractors shall go through all the details and strictly follow the relevant HSE guidelines for
their work. In case of any doubt the same shall be clarified from Chief Safety Officer (CSO). Being
ignorant of these HSE requirements will not be treated as an excuse for any HSE violations during
course of work.
3. OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors workmen are given a multilingual HSE induction and Emergency
Response training. The individual passes for contractors and their workers are issued only after
successful completion of this training. The passes are revalidated every year after successful
completion of refresher training. Training requirements of other roles of the subcontractor’s staff
shall be complied as per the CSL requirements time to time.
4. Before start of any work, the CSL officer in charge explains the scope of work and the safety
precautions, hazards, PPE usage as per PPE matrix of CSL, Work Instructions, SOPs,
Emergency responses to the contractor and his workers. Only trained worker with necessary skills
are allowed to work as per the requirement. Necessary PPEs for the work are to be arranged by
the contractor.
5. Workmen shall have Cotton coverall with identifiable logo on the dress. Supervisors, fire watch
man if required, safety staff and other workforce shall be deployed as per CSL guide lines.
6. The site work supervisor of the OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall be ensured that works are
being carried out by CSL HSE requirements on daily basis and till the completion of works. The
safe start and safe end requirements shall be verified by the site work supervisor on daily basis.
7. OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors HSE performance will be evaluated on HSE matters as per the
CSL policies time to time.
8. During the course of work if any HSE violation is noticed the same is dealt as per the Rewards
and Reprimand (R&R) Policy of CSL.
II. HSE requirements
1. The OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall take all safety precautions during the execution of
awarded work and shall maintain and leave the site safe at all times. At the end of each working
day and at all times when the work is temporarily suspended, he shall ensure that all materials,
Revision: A00 Sept 2020 Page 1 of 2
equipment and facilities will not, cause damage to existing property, personal injury or interfere
with the other works of the project or Station.
2. The OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall provide and maintain all type of lights, guards, fencing,
warning signs, caution boards and other safety measures for vigilance as and where necessary or
as required by the CSL officer-in-charge or Safety staff. The caution boards shall also have
appropriate symbols.
3. Where Permit to work (PTW) is required, the work has not started without obtaining the necessary
permit and the PTW requirements are followed strictly throughout the work.
4. For Project specific or non-routine work on the existing installations, separate Job Safety
Assessment (JSA) is to be prepared by the contractor, cleared by the Dept in charge and approval
obtained from CSO before start of work.
5. A separate HSE plan will be required for the new projects in the yard or any turnkey projects. It
shall be in line with CSL HSE requirements and same shall be routed through respective S&F
dept and approved by respective HOD.
6. OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall hold toolbox talks with his workers on daily basis to convey
matters regarding the Safety aspects of the work.
7. The OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall plan his operations so as to avoid interference with
other Departmental works and other Sub-Contractors at the site. In case of any interference,
requires, coordination shall be sought by the contractor from the Department for safe and smooth
execution of work. This shall be done through CSL executing officer.
8. The OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall at all times keep their work spot, site office and
surroundings clean and tidy from rubbish, scrap, surplus materials and unwanted tools and
equipment. Welding cables, hoses and electrical cables shall be so routed as to allow safe way
to all concerned.
9. All waste generated in course of the work shall be segregated as per the yard requirements and
shall be disposed at the respective collection pallets / points of the work areas as the case may
be. Any kind of pollution made by the subcontractor shall attract the reprimand proceedings.
10. All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent outbreak of fires at the work site. Adequate
provisions shall be made to prevent the possibility of fires and ensure the availability of fire
extinguishers at site.
11. The OEMs/Turnkey jobs /Contractors shall be held responsible for non-compliance of any of the
safety measures and delays, implications, injuries, fatalities and compensation arising out of such
situations of incidents including statutory obligations.

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3. YES / NO




(Signature of the Contractor)

Seal of the firm.

Experience of the Tenderer for Pre-qualification criteria:

Average annual turnover:

Sl No Year Turnover Documents Attached

1 01 Apr 2018 – 31 Mar 2019
2 01 Apr 2019 – 31 Mar 2020
3 01 Apr 2020 – 31 Mar 2021

Experience of previously executed orders/works:

Sl No Name & address of the Value of contract Duration of

organization contract
From To

Acceptance Criteria for Pre-Qualification: Only firms satisfying the below criteria will be
technically qualified and necessary supporting documents to be submitted: -
Minimum qualification criteria for participating in the tender will be as follows:

Vendor should have previous working experiences in similar kind of job.

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