Cerebral Ataxia PT
Cerebral Ataxia PT
Cerebral Ataxia PT
> Sensory evaluation - affection of movement sense, joint position sense in cerebellar
ataxia. (affection of Barognosis, Stereognosis &Graphaesthesia in sensory ataxia)
Motor evaluation- muscle power
Asthenia (generalized muscle weakness on ipsilateral side)
" Need arm support to rise from floor or a chair due to lower limb or trunk weakness
Tone -Hypotonia in the ipsilateral side
ROM & flexibility- Reduced AROM
Reflex integrity -
" Decreased DTR or pendular due to hypotonia
Normal righting reflexes
Delayed or absent protective extension &equilibrium reactions
Presence of cerebellar signs- Ataxia, Intension tremor, Postural tremor, Nystagmus,
Postural imbalance
Co-ordination & balance assessment- predict risk of fall
Intention tremors
UL &LL coordination problems
Positive Rebound Test
Dysdiadochokinesia (inability to maintain rhythm range when foot-tapping or in
supination or pronation)
Dysmetria (undershooting or overshooting target during finger-to-nose &finger-to
examiner's finger tests)
Movement decomposition (inability to move smoothly while performing ADL)
Difficulty learning new motor tasks due to cognitive impairment