2021 GD 28
2021 GD 28
2021 GD 28
Aleena Razzaq
D/o Abdul Razzaq
Gulab Devi Institute of Pharmacy, Gulab Devi Educational Complex,
Ferozpur Road, Lahore
EXAMINATION CENTRE : LAHORE(2) (GIRLS)P. U. Examination Centres, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Wahdat Road , Ground Floor [Hall B-2]
Tue 19-09-23 1 Pharmaceutics-II (Dosage Forms Science) . Eve 02:00 to 05:00
Thu 21-09-23 2 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-I . Eve 02:00 to 05:00
Sat 23-09-23 3 Pharmacognosy-I (Basic) . Eve 02:00 to 05:00
Mon 25-09-23 4 Pharmaceutics-III(Pharma. Microbiology&Immunology) . Eve 02:00 to 05:00
Fri 29-09-23 5 Pakistan Studies A Eve 02:30 to 05:30
Fri 29-09-23 5 Islamic Studies (Compulsory) B Eve 02:30 to 05:30
Mon 02-10-23 6 Pharmacy Practice-I(Pharama. Math.& Biostatistics) . Eve 02:00 to 05:00
3. In case of wrong entries/concealment of personal details or of previous examination information, or if found Expelled/Rusticated or
involved in any illegal activities, Roll Number slip/result shall be cancelled/quashed, and UMC may be registered against the candidate under
University rules.
4. Carry your Roll No. slip and original CNIC with you at all times in the examination centre, if unable to produce when required by
Supervisory staff/monitoring team, you will be asked to leave the centre immediately.
5. It is advised to carry your own Transparent Clip Board and Transparent Water Bottle to the Examination Centre.
6. Un-authorized change of Centre/Subject/Group is strictly prohibited.
7. Application for correction in this slip must be received at least '7' days before commencement of the examination.
8. The candidates are allowed to use scientific calculators without mini computers. Other tools like Mobile, Blue Tooth, Wireless Phones and
Walky-Talky etc are not allowed to carry in the examination centre. There will be no arrangement for keeping of such devices at the Centre.
9. The candidates are directed to keep their ears visible during the course of examination.
10. Putting mark of identification on the answer book OR use of rude/obscene language OR misbehavior with the supervisory staff, shall
make your answer book liable to be cancelled.
11. Any Candidate who stages a walkout/boycott or instigates others to do so in the Examination Hall or around any Examination Hall shall
be liable for all the damages.
NOTE: Comply with the above instructions failing to which U.M.C. and F.I.R. will be registered.
In case of any query regarding Roll No. Slip please contact on:
dce2.exams@pu.edu.pk OR ace2.exams@pu.edu.pk
042-111-00-1882 EXT.142, 144