Hiroto1975 Generalizarea
Hiroto1975 Generalizarea
Hiroto1975 Generalizarea
Control Control
FIGURE 1. Designs of experiments. (Inst. refers to
instrumental; Cog. refers to cognitive.) C C
18 •
16 •
0 14 •
au 12 •
a 10 •
m 8 -
in 6 •
4 •
2 •
n 10
-P> .05
FIGURE 4. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the instrumental pretreatment-instrumental test for
helplessness experiment: mean number of failures to escape.
7 ^
ui 6 i
2 4 i
| •3
2 •
1 •
* 18 .
2 16 -
u 14 m
\ 12 •
u 10 m
8 m
1 6•
Z 4 -
2 '
S.D. 6.71 so. 6 4 7
-P<.01 p<.02
• P> 05
< 12
•P> .05
8 -
7 -
6 •
§ 5 •
4 •
3 •
2 •
P> .05
matically. Taking the earphones off or disman- terns on it. The sample patterns are composed of
tling the apparatus is not the way to stop the five different dimensions and two values associ-
noise. ated with each dimension. The dimensions and
their values are [experimenter described each
The pretreatments consisted of 45 unsignaled dimension and value]. Each stimulus pattern has
trials with the 90-decibel tone. If a subject in the E one value from each of the five dimensions.
group failed to terminate the tone it lasted for 5
sees. The onset of the red (failure) light was corre- Here the C instructions ceased and the rest of the
lated with the end of the S-sec. interval. The onset instructions were given to S and S groups.
of the green (success) light was correlated with
subject's termination of the tone. The intertrial I have arbitrarily chosen one of the ten values as
interval (ITI) ranged from 10 to 25 sees, with a being correct. For each card I want you to choose
14-sec. mean ITI. Triads of subjects in all groups which side contains this value, and I will then
received identical, yoked durations of tone. At the tell you if your choice was correct or incorrect.
conclusion of the pretreatments subjects rated the In a few trials you can learn what the correct
aversiveness of the tone. value is by this feedback. The object for you is
Instructions for cognitive pretreatment. The Le- to figure out what the answer is so you can
vine discrimination-anagram and Levine discrimina- choose correctly as often as possible.
tion-shuttlebox groups received the following in-
structions to introduce the cognitive task: Five sample trials of a single five-dimension prob-
lem was first presented. This clarified the task of
In this experiment you will be looking at cards finding the "correct" value. The C group was merely
like this one. Each card has two stimulus pat- shown the sample trials without any clarifying in-
structions. All subjects were asked if there were any Instructions to the S and S groups were "We are
questions. No subject asked if the experimental now starting a new problem. You do not know at
problems were soluble or insoluble. this point if I have chosen a different value for this
The experimental stimulus patterns were composed problem. I will continue telling you if you are
of four dimensions. Three different problems were correct or incorrect."
presented in blocks of 10 trials each. At the end of The C group was instructed to "Please continue
each 10-trial problem S and S groups were asked for studying each stimulus pattern carefully and turn
the correct answer. The criterion for acquisition was each card when I ask you to."
subject identifying the correct value after each 10- The S and § groups were allowed 10 sees, to make
trial block. Six subjects were discarded for not a decision before the experimenter warned them that
meeting criterion on all of the three problems and a decision must be made within 5 sees. In other
were subsequently replaced. The S group received words, a trial could never be longer than 15 sees., but
a predetermined schedule of "correct" and "incor- no subject took longer than 10 sees, on any trial.
rect" regardless of what value was guessed. In this Instructions for instrumental test trials. The in-
manner reinforcements were independent and not strumental test trials were conducted at a different
contingent on the S groups responding. The schedule location but within the same experimental room as
of reinforcements were: (a) C-I-I-C-C-I-I-C-C-I the pretreatments. The manipulandum was covered
for the first problem; (b) I-C-I-C-C-I-C-I-C-I for until subject received the following instructions:
the second; and (c) I-C-I-C-I-C-C-I-C-I for the
last problem. In addition, the S group was told You will be given some trials in which a rela-
"that's the wrong answer" when subject tried to tively loud tone will be presented to you. When-
guess the correct value after each problem. ever you hear the tone come on there is some-
2 14 •
u 12
H •
0 10 •
< 8 •
6 1
2 •
-P> .05
8 -
7 •
6 -
5 •
Z 3 - ^••^^•H
111 2 -
-P> .05
FIGURE 10. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the instrumental pretreatment-cognitive test for help-
lessness experiment: mean number of failures to solve.
thing you can do to stop it. Taking the earphones side before the noise began. A response latency
off or dismantling the apparatus is not the way to under 5 sees, terminated the warning light and
stop the noise. I'll answer all questions and pay avoided the tone. If the subject d'd not terminate
you for your time at the completion of the study. the light (latency less than S sees.) or escape the
Uncover the apparatus and we'll begin. tone (between 5 to 9.99 sees.) a latency of 10 sees,
was given for that trial. At the completion of the
The sliding knob was always located at the mid- test phase subjects rated the unpleasantness of the
point of the manipulandum such that the subject 3,000 hertz tone and completed qusstionnaires relat-
could slide the knob with equal ease to either the ing to the pretreatment and test trials.
left or right end of the box. A 24-V dc warning light Instructions jor cognitive test trials. The cognitive
at the midpoint of the manipulandum cover was on test was located in the same location as the instru-
for S sees, before and terminated when the S-sec. mental test task. The following instructions intro-
tone began. The test phase consisted of 20 signaled duced the trials:
10-sec. trials with the IT1 ranging from 10 to 45 You will be asked to solve some anagrams. As
sees, and a mean ITI of 21 sees. you know anagrams are words with the letters
The appropriate response was moving the knob scrambled. The problem for you is to unscramble
to one side of the manipulation to throw the micro- the letters so they form a word. When you've
switch controlling the stimulus light or noise. On found the word tell me what it is over the inter-
the next trial, moving to the opposite side escaped com system. Now [subject's name], there could be
or avoided the noise. The instructions specified a pattern or principle by which to solve the ana-
escape contingencies only, but an avoidance response grams. But that's up to you to figure out. I
was possible by sliding the knob to the appropriate can't answer any questions now. After the cxperi-
ment is over I'll answer all questions and pay mental measures were: (a) trials to criterion for
you for your time. escape acquisition, defined as subject completing
All 20 anagrams were soluble and had the same three consecutive escape responses; (b) number of
letter sequence. The anagrams could be solved indi- failures to escape, defined as the number of trials
vidually; but the easiest method was to learn to use with latencies of 10 sees.; and (c) the mean latency
the letter sequence. The anagrams were selected such for the 20 trials. Three analogous measures were
that only one word could be arranged with each analyzed for the cognitive test task: (a) trials to
anagram. But there were two instances in which criterion for anagram solution was defined as sub-
subjects found additional words. The anagram ject solving three consecutive anagrams in less than
B L O E N ("noble") was rearranged as "Nobel" 15 sees. each. (Reaching this criterion meant that
by three subjects, but experimenter disqualified this subject recognized the principle of fixed-letter se-
answer since it was a proper name. On these occa- quence. The definition, although arbitrary, was
sions subject was asked to try again, and each sub- highly reliable. When subject "caught on" to the
ject eventually found the acceptable word. The anagram construction, latencies dropped dramatically
anagram U N A T J ("jaunt") was seen as "junta" from an average of 45 sees, to well below 15 sees.) ;
by three different subjects and scored as acceptable (b) number of failures to solve, defined as the
answers (experimenter was tempted to award these number of trials with latencies of 100 sees., the point
subjects a medal). In cases in which subject gave a at which the trial ended; (c) mean response latency
nonsense word experimenter replied, "that's not a for the 20 anagrams. The last two measures for the
word, please try again." instrumental and cognitive tests parallel the indices
Three dependent variables were analyzed on the reported in the human and animal learned helpless-
instrumental and cognitive test tasks. The instru- ness literature.
•P> .05
FIGURE 11. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the instrumental prelreatment-cognitive test for help-
lessness experiment: mean response latency.
\5 12
o 10
P> .05
FIGURE 12. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for helplessness
experiment: mean trials to criterion for anagram solution.
believed "you couldn't solve the problem" tion and S groups rated the question at 1.56.
while the second asked if subject believed the The difference between the pooled E and S
"problem was unsoluble—that it couldn't be versus pooled E and S groups was significant,
solved." Answers were recorded on a 7-point F ( 1 , 6 2 ) = 5.13, p< .001.
scale with higher scores denoting greater in-
solubility. All E and S groups believed they Helplessness Test Trials 1
lacked the ability to solve their respective Inst.-Inst. The group pretreated with ines-
tasks relative to E and S groups. Subjects in capable tone in button pressing escaped sig-
the E groups had a mean rating of 4.4 on nificantly more poorly in the shuttlebox than
Question 1 and the S groups a rating of 4.9. the escapable and control pretreated groups
This compares with a rating of 2.25 for the on all measures. Figures 3, 4, and 5 present
E groups. The difference between the pooled these results and significance levels for trials
E and S groups versus pooled E and S groups 1
was significant, F ( 1 , 6 2 ) = 43.54, p < .001. Since it was predicted that groups pretreated
with inescapability (insolubility) would demon-
In addition, the E and S groups believed the strate an interference to learning relative to groups
problem was unsolvable. The mean rating for without such pretreatments, the following statistical
tests were one-tailed: E versus E, E versus C, S
E groups on Question 2 was 4.63 while the versus S, and S versus C; tests between escapable
mean rating for S groups was 4.31; the E (soluble) and control pretreated groups were two-
groups had a rating of 2.37 on the same ques- tailed: E versus C and S versus C.
1E «
Ul *
5 -
! •
i ».
f 2
•P> .05
FIGURE 13. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for helplessness
experiment: mean number of failures to solve.
40 mm^mm
u —
> 30 •
S ^^^*m
5 20
P>.05 1 1 P>.05
FIGURE 14. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for helplessness
experiment: mean response latency.
were not significant, F (2,45) = 1.02, p> problems rather than three. The subjects, ap-
.05. paratus, and procedures were identical to the
Additional post hoc comparisons on the Cog.-Cog. experiment reported above, except
questionnaires were conducted. There were no that the S group (n = 8) received four 10-
differences in "amount of trying" between trial block insoluble problems, the S group
pretreated groups in either the pretreatment (n = 8) received four soluble problems, and
or test trials (p > .10), nor did they change the C group (n = 8) looked passively at four
in amount of trying from pretreatment to 10-trial block problems without attempting
test trials (p > .10). All subjects were asked solution.
if they felt "frustrated" during any part of When four insoluble problems were used
the experiment. The E and S groups rated the interference with anagram solution was found.
pretreatment as more frustrating than the Figures 15, 16, and 17 present the trials to
pooled E and S groups (4.5 vs. 2.2, respec- solution criterion, number of failures to solve,
tively), F (1,62) = 42.3, p < .001. Within and mean latency to solution as well as sig-
the helplessness-induction groups two S pre- nificance levels for anagram performance of
treated groups indicated greater frustration the three pretreated groups.
than the two E pretreated groups (5.3 vs. 3.6,
respectively), F (1, 62) = 6.96, p < .018. DISCUSSION
Since only the cognitive pretreated group There were three main findings of the
tested with anagrams failed to show helpless- experiment: (a) a group pretreated with an
ness, we repeated the Cog.-Cog. procedure inescapable aversive tone showed greatly de-
with four insoluble Levine discrimination bilitated tone-escape performance in a shut-
20 •
18 • MBIBM
16 -
5 14
u •
u l*i
12 •
10 •
ia, 8 •
6 •
4 •
2 •
FIGURE IS. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the revised cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for
helplessness experiment: mean trials to criterion for anagram solution.
§ 6
-P> .05
FIGURE 16. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the revised cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for
helplessness experiment: mean number of failures to solve.
tlebox; a control group and an escapable pre- capability. In addition, a group pretreated
treated group performed well in shuttlebox with inescapable tone was debilitated at ana-
escape. This replicates the findings of Hiroto gram solution to the same extent as the group
(1974) and again demonstrates a learned pretreated with four insoluble discrimination
helplessness phenomenon in man, directly problems.
parallel to learned helplessness in dogs, cats, The finding of cross-modal helplessness is
and rats (cf. Seligman, in press b, for a of considerable theoretical interest. Initially,
cross-species review), (b) A group pretreated critics of the animal helplessness findings
with four insoluble discrimination problems argued that failure to escape in a shuttlebox
was debilitated at solving later anagrams following inescapable shock might have re-
relative to a control and soluble pretreated sulted from a competing motor response,
groups. This demonstrates that learned help- rather than a more general "organismic" de-
lessness can be produced within cognitive bilitation (e.g., Miller & Weiss, 1969). Maier
tasks, without aversive unconditioned stimuli (1970) and Seligman and Maier (1967) dis-
or instrumental components, (c) Cross-modal confirmed this peripheral interpretation by
helplessness was also found. A group pre- using very different training and testing
treated with insoluble cognitive problems was situations. These situations, however, were
debilitated at instrumental escape. Interest- similar at least in the fact that pretreatment
ingly, this group was just as debilitated as and testing both involved the same uncondi-
the group pretreated with instrumental ines- tioned stimulus-shock-and instrumental re-
-P> .05
FIGURE 17. Group means, standard deviations, and significance levels of three
dependent variables for the revised cognitive pretreatment-cognitive test for
helplessness experiment: mean response latency.
spending. Our present findings provide the differentiate from learned helplessness, which
coup de grace against any peripheralist in- is not post hoc (e.g., Schmeck & Clements,
terpretation. No competing motor response 1971; Schmeck & Ribich, 1969). Since the
could generate cognitive interference from groups all reported similar levels of aversive-
instrumental inescapability or instrumental ness to the tone, this variable does not ex-
interference from cognitive insolubility. plain the findings. Finally, during our de-
Alternatively, neither frustration, differen- briefing no subject gave evidence of having
tial aversion of tone, nor demand character- detected the purpose of the study or what
istics (Orne, 1962) seem able to account for was predicted of him.
these differences. Frustration was experienced One limitation on the generality of these
to a greater extent in the inescapable and effects should be mentioned. The subjects
insoluble pretreatments than in the soluble, clearly perceived both tasks, as different as
escapable, or control pretreatment groups. they are, as part of the same experiment. We
Frustration is usually interpreted as energiz- do not know whether any learned helpless-
ing, rather than deenergizing, motivation ness was carried out of the laboratory. Fu-
(e.g., Amsel & Roussel, 1952). One can ture research with unobtrusive tests should
choose to interpret frustration post hoc as determine the extraexperimental generality of
rigidifying rather than energizing responses, our effects.
but then the explanation becomes difficult to What is the process of learned helplessness,
then? If the interference produced was both Maier, S. F., Seligman, M. E. P., & Solomon, R. L.
short-lived and highly specific to the condi- Pavlovian fear conditioning and learned helpless-
ness. In B. A. Campbell & R. M. Church (Eds.),
tions of training, we might call it a transient Punishment. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
and peripheral "state." Since it is general 1969.
across motivations and tasks, however, we Miller, N. E., & Weiss, J. M. Effects of the somatic
suggest that the process induced by uncon- or visceral responses to punishment. In B. A.
trollability may be the rudiment of a "trait." Campbell & R. M. Church (Eds.), Punishment.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.
Further research on the long-livedness of this Miller, W. R., & Seligman, M. E. P. Depression and
process in humans may bear this out. At any the perception of reinforcement. Journal of Ab-
rate the expectancy that responding and rein- normal Psychology, 1973, 82, 62-73.
forcement are independent generalizes widely. Orne, M. T. On the social psychology of the psycho-
Seligman (1973, in press a) and Seligman logical experiment: With particular references to
demand characteristics and their implications.
et al. (in press) proposed that learned help- American Psychologist, 1962, 17, 776-783.
lessness is a model for depression in man. Overmier, J. B., & Seligman, M. E. P. Effects of
This speculation entails the consequence that inescapable shock upon subsequent escape and
our procedure for producing debilitation avoidance responding. Journal of Comparative
should also produce those symptoms associ- and Physiological Psychology, 1967, 63, 28-33.
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versus external control of reinforcement. Psycho-
psychomotor retardation, feelings of sadness, logical Monographs, 1966, 50(1, Whole No. 609).
etc. Future research should answer these Schmeck, R. R., & Clements, P. Resistance to set
questions. breaking as a function of frustrative error making.
In conclusion, we have produced learned Psychonomic Science, 1971, 24, 297-298.
helplessness in humans. The process engen- Schmeck, R. R., & Ribich, F. Rigidity as a func-
tion of task complexity. Psychonomic Science,
dered debilitates performance well beyond 1969, 17, 323.
the condition under which helplessness is first Seligman, M. E. P. Fall into helplessness. Psychol-
trained. We suggest therefore that learned ogy Today, 1973, 7, 43-48.
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The psychology of depression: Contemporary
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