Ubls Axle Grinding MC 240720104434atg-406440 - HMT
Ubls Axle Grinding MC 240720104434atg-406440 - HMT
Ubls Axle Grinding MC 240720104434atg-406440 - HMT
FAX: 91-11-23370347
: 91-11-23378159
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0900 Notification of delivery 36
1000 Time for and date of delivery: The essence of the Contract 36
1100 Force majeure 38
1200 Acceptance of stores dispatched after the expiry of delivery period 39
1300 Shipment of stores beyond the stipulated delivery period for F.O.B. 40
1400 Progress reports 40
1500 Inspection by inspecting officer 40
1600 Packing and marking 43
1700 Freight 44
1800 Payment terms 44
1900 Payment procedure 46
2000 Withholding and lien in respect of sums claimed 47
2100 Responsibility of the contractor for executing the contract 48
2200 Responsibility for completeness 51
2300 Charges for work necessary for completion of the contract 51
2400 Indemnity 51
2500 Risk of loss or damage to Government or purchaser’s property 51
2550 Safety measures 52
2600 Customs drawback 52
2700 Book examination clause 52
2800 Removal of rejected stores 53
2900 Corrupt practices 54
3000 Insolvency and breach of contract 54
3100 Laws governing the contract 55
3200 Arbitration 56
3300 Secrecy 57
3400 Warranty 57
3500 Servicing and warehousing facilities 59
3600 Operation and instruction manuals & service trouble 9
shooting guide
3700 Turn-key contracts 60
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Annexure page No.
1 Commercial details & past performance 61
2. Proforma for equipment and quality control 62
employed by the manufacture
3. Proforma of bank guarantee for bid guarantee 64
(On bank’s letter head with adhesive stamp)
3A Deleted
4. Proforma for authority from manufacturers 66
(Applicable for foreign firms only)
5. Deleted
6. Deleted
7. Maximum package dimensions 68
8. Proforma for statement of deviations from tender conditions 69
9. Proforma for statement of deviations from technical specifications 70
10. Proforma of Bank Guarantee for contract performance guarantee 71
11. Proforma of bank guarantee for 10% contract value 73
towards warranty guarantee
12. Proforma of format to be used for bills for stores supplied 75
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items defined in “special conditions of tender” (Reference clause) registered with
any of the agencies mentioned in the notification of Ministry of MSME indicated
i) District Industries Centers
ii) Khadi and Village Industries Commission
iii) Khadi and Village Industries Board
iv) Coir Board
v) National Small Industries Corporation
vi) Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom
vii) Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME.
2) The MSEs Certificate/document submitted by bidders must also indicate the
terminal validity date of their registration. The registration should be valid on the
date of opening of tender.
3) Failing (1) & (2) above, such offers will not be liable for consideration of benefits
detailed in MSE notification of Govt. of India dt. 23.03.12.
(i) COFMOW, Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi, India (hereinafter
referred to as the Purchaser), invites tenders for the supply as set forth in the Notice
Inviting Tender, ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form and ‘Financial rate page’ form
of the electronic tender uploaded on the Indian Railways E-Procurement System
website (www.ireps.gov.in), herein after referred to as IREPS website. The tenders
are invited in terms of ‘Bid Document Part-I & Part-II, and “Special Conditions of
Tender, if any” uploaded on the IREPS Website and other conditions incorporated in
the tender documents.
ii) Electronic tender document consists of:-
a. “Instructions to Tenderers” and “General Conditions of Contract”
contained in Bid Document Part-I.
b. Technical requirement /specification contained in Bid Document Part-II.
c. “Special Conditions of Tender”, if any included with the tender.
d. NIT and Tender Document
e. “Techno commercial bid details” form
f. “Financial rate page” form
g. “Submit payment details” form
(iii)The contract, if placed, shall be governed by
a. “Instructions to Tenderers” and “General Conditions of Contract”
contained in Bid Document Part-I.
b. Technical requirement / specification contained in Bid Document
c. “Special Conditions of Tender”, if any included with the tender
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d. LOA, offer of firm & subsequent clarification/confirmation(if any)
All the above documents are available on the IREPS website (www.ireps.gov.in).
(iv) Registration of Vendors on IREPS website: In order to participate in the
electronic tenders issued by COFMOW, Indian Railways, the vendors are
required to obtain ‘Class-III Digital Signature Certificate with Organisation Name’
from any Certifying Authority’ licensed by Controller of Certifying authorities
(CCA). The details of the certifying authorities are available on CCA website
www.cca.gov.in. The vendors will also have to get themselves registered on
IREPS website (www.ireps.gov.in).
Vendors can submit their log in registration request online by clicking on the New
Vendors link available on Home Page of IREPS website, and after signing the
same digitally using their own Digital Signature Certificate. Log in registration to
the web site is available on free of charge basis. The registration request, after
due verification, will be accepted and Password will be sent to them to their
registered e-mail account. Detailed instructions regarding registration process are
available in ‘Users Manual for Vendors’ which can be accessed through Learning
Center link available on the Home page of IREPS website.
Vendors interested in participating against an electronic tender are advised in
their own interest to obtain the digital signatures, and get themselves registered
on IREPS website well in advance of the tender closing date. COFMOW shall not
provide any assistance to the vendor in this regard, and shall not be responsible
for failure of the vendor to submit their offer against any electronic tender on this
(v) Offers received in the electronic tender box available in the IREPS website
(www.ireps.gov.in) will only be considered against electronic tenders.
(vi) Manual offers delivered by post/fax or in person, or offers sent by e-mail or telex
shall not be accepted against electronic tenders, even if such offers are received
in time. All such offers shall be considered as invalid offers and shall be rejected
summarily, without any consideration.
(vii) The digital signature of the tenderer on the E-tender form will be considered as
confirmation that the tenderer has read, understood and accepted all the
documents referred in this tender document above, unless any deviation is
quoted by the tenderer in the Technical deviation & Commercial Deviation
templates in ‘Techno-commercial Bid Details’ form.
(viii) All mandatory fields in pre-designed templates of ‘Techno Commercial Bid
Details’ form and ‘Financial rate page’ form marked with asterisk (*) shall be filled
in by the tenderer.
(ix) The stores offered should be in accordance with stipulated drawings and
specifications as given in the ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form and ‘Financial
rate page’ form and attachments attached with the electronic tender.
(x) The details of deviations, if any, from tender specification and other conditions
should be clearly indicated in the Technical Deviation and Commercial
Deviation templates provided on ‘Techno-commercial Offer’ form. Alternatively,
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the tenderer can submit the details of deviations as per the format given in
Annexure – 8 & 9 of Section-III, Bid Document Part-I, by attaching the deviation
statement in PDF format in the Attach Documents template on ‘Techno-
commercial Bid Details’ form. Deviations mentioned elsewhere in the offer, except
in the manner mentioned above will not be considered. Tenderers may note that
conditions deviating from the tender conditions/description/specifications
may render the offer liable to be ignored.
(xi) Tenderers are required to quote in the same rate unit (i.e. Number, set etc.) as
given in the tender schedule. Any deviation in this aspect shall render the offer
liable to be ignored.
(xii) Tenderers are advised to confirm "Compliance to special tender
condition/Checklist" in the template Special Conditions/Checklist for Bidders
on ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form by putting a tick mark in the check box
provided against each Special Condition/Checklist, and in case of a "No" must
furnish reason for non-compliance with that Special Condition/Checklist in the
remark entry box provided therein. Tenderers may note that non- compliance
to the Special Conditions/Checklist, without stating valid reasons in the
relevant remark entry box may render the offer liable to be ignored.
0111 Deleted
(i) The tender shall be opened electronically by railway official(s), authorized to do
so by COFMOW, by logging on the IREPS website with their Login ID and
Password, by authenticating themselves through their Digital Signature
Certificate, as well as applying secure decryption key of COFMOW for decryption
of electronic offers.
(ii) The tender shall normally be opened on the stipulated closing date, after the
stipulated time for closing. In case the closing date falls on a holiday, the
tender shall be opened on the next working day. However, due to unavoidable
reasons, the tender may not be opened on the stipulated closing date, and may
be opened on a later date. However, no revision or modification of the offer shall
be allowed after the closing date and time, even if there is any delay in the tender
(iii) Immediately after the opening of tender, financial and Techno- commercial
tabulation statements are generated by the IREPS system and would be made
available to the participant tenderers who have submitted valid bids against
Advertised (Global and Open) and Special Limited Tenders.
(iv) Clarifications from Tenderers: After opening of tender, if necessary, the
purchaser may obtain clarification on the offers by requesting for such information
from any of the tenderers as considered necessary. Tenderer will, however, not
be permitted to change the substance of the offers after the tender have been
(v) Whenever, bids are invited through Double Bid System, only Techno-commercial
bids will be opened on Tender Closing Date. After technical scrutiny of the bids,
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 8 of 75
financial bids will be opened for only those bidders whose techno-commercial
bids are declared suitable.
The tenderers shall clearly indicate their compliance or otherwise, against each
clause and sub clause of the technical specification contained in Bid Document Part-
II. The tenderers will have to attach scanned copy of requisite documents as specified
in the technical specification/requirement in the PDF format in the Attach
Documents template on “Techno Commercial Bid Details” form.
Offer of tenderers who do not comply to the above requirement are liable to be
0114 Purchase Preference to Make in India
The purchaser reserves the right to give preference to local suppliers subject
to following:
(1) Definitions
(i) Local supplier means a supplier or service provider whose product or
service offered for procurement meets the minimum local content.
(ii) Local content means the amount of value added in India which shall,
unless otherwise prescribed, be the total value of the item procured
(excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content
in the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value,
in percent.
(iii) L1 means the lowest tenderer or lowest bid received in the bidding process
as adjudged in the evaluation process as per the terms and conditions of
the tender.
(iv) Margin of purchase preference means the maximum extent to which the
price quoted by a local supplier may be above the L1 for the purpose of
purchase preference.
(v) Procuring entity means Central organization for modernization of
Workshops (COFMOW)
(2) Purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers in the manner specified
a. In the cases where, in the opinion of the purchaser, sufficient local capacity
and local competition is there and estimated value of procurement is Rs 50
Lakh or less, only local suppliers will be eligible.
b. In the cases not covered in (a) above and where it has been decided to
distribute the quantity among more than one supplier, the following
procedure shall be applied:
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is
from local supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1
ii. If L1 Bid is not from local supplier, 50% quantity shall be awarded to L1.
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Thereafter, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be invited
to match the L1 price for remaining 50% quantity subject to the local
supplier’s quoted price falling within the margin of purchase preference,
and contract for that quantity shall be awarded to such local supplier
subject to matching the L1 price. In case such lowest eligible local
supplier fails to match the L1 price or accepts less than the offered
quantity, the next higher local supplier within the margin of purchase
preference shall be invited to match the L1 price for remaining quantity
and so on, and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case some
quantity is still left uncovered on local suppliers, then such balance
quantity may also be ordered on the L1 bidder.
c. In the cases not covered in (a) above and quantity is not divisible, the
following procedure shall be applied:
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is
from local supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1.
ii. If L1 Bid is not from local supplier, the lowest bidder among the local
suppliers, will be invited to match the L1 price subject to the local
supplier’s quoted price falling within the margin of purchase preference,
and contract shall be awarded to such local supplier subject to
matching the L1 price.
iii. In case such lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price,
the local supplier with the next higher bid within the margin of purchase
preference shall be invited to match the L1 price and so on, and
contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case none of the local
suppliers within the margin of purchase preference matches the L1
price, then the contract may be awarded to the L1 bidder.
(3) Minimum Local content – Minimum content shall ordinarily be 50%, it may
be reduced on case to case basis.
(4) Margin of Purchase preference – The margin of purchase preference shall
be 20%.
(5) Verification of Local content –
a. The local supplier at the time of bidding provide self certification that the
item offered meets the minimum local content and shall give details of
location(s) at which the local value addition is made.
b. In cases of procurement for a value in excess to Rs 10 crores, the local
supplier shall be required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor
or cost auditor of the company (in the case of companies) or from a
practicing cost accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect of
suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of local content.
c. Decision on complaints relating to implementation of this clause shall be
taken by the competent authority i.e. PHOD/CHOD of the procuring
d. The procuring entity, through a committee of internal and external experts,
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may verify the self-declaration and auditor’s / accountant’s certificates on
random basis and in the case of complaints.
e. Fee for complaints: Fee for filling complaint under this clause shall be Rs
10,000/- per case. The complaint shall be filled in the office of the
PHOD/CHOD of procuring department concerned. The fee shall be
deposited with the Cashier in the office of the Principal Financial Advisor /
COFMOW, formerly known as FA&CAO.
f. False declarations will be in breach of the code of integrity under Rule
175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its
successor can be debarred for upto two years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the
General Financial Rules alongwith such other actions a may be
permissible under law.
g. A supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation of
this clause shall not be eligible for preference under this clause for
procurement by any other procuring entity for the duration of debarment.
Debarment for such other procuring entities shall take effect prospectively
from the date of uploading on the prescribed website(s).
h. If the bidder does not provide, in his offer / bid, the self-declaration and
auditor’s / accountant’s certificates as per (a) and (b) above, he will not
entitled for benefit(s) under this clause.
0201. Specifications indicated in Bid Documents Part-II may be obtained on payment from
the following:
(i) Indian Railway Standard Specifications from
(a) The Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi -110054, INDIA
(b) Office of the High Commissioner for India, Publication Branch,
India House, Aldwych, London-WC
(ii) Indian Standards Specifications from
The Director General, Bureau of Indian Standards,
Manak Bhawan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110001, INDIA
(iii) Particular Specifications, Drawings and details from
Director General,
Research, Designs and Standards Organization, Manak Nagar,
Lucknow- 226 011, INDIA.
0301. The equipments offered should be in accordance with the stipulated drawings and
specifications in “Schedule of Requirements”. Details of variations from the drawings
and specifications, if any, should be clearly indicated and in such an event, a
certificate from the users must be furnished to the effect that the product offered is
an alternative acceptable to the users in the country of origin and in one or more
other countries. The names of those foreign countries should also be indicated.
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0302. The Purchaser may accept internationally accepted alternative specifications
which ensure equal or higher quality than the specifications mentioned in the
Specification. However, the decision of the Purchaser in this regard shall be final.
Two copies of the alternative specifications offered should be sent alongwith the
offer. The Tenderer should also furnish ”Statement of Deviations” from tender
specifications (Annexure 9) alongwith the offer.
0303. The tenderer shall indicate his compliance or otherwise against each clause and
sub-clause of the technical specifications. The tenderer shall, for this purpose,
enclose a separate statement of deviations (Annexure -9) indicating compliance or
otherwise of each clause and sub-clause of specifications, which should invariably,
be filled in and submitted alongwith the offer .Whenever the tenderer deviates from
the provisions of a clause/sub-clause, he shall furnish his detailed justification for
the same in the ‘Remarks’ column
0304. If the tenderer shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion or the
conditions or of the specifications, drawings or plans, he shall contact the purchaser
in writing at the purchaser’s address specified in Bid Invitation/tender document and
such request should be received not later than two weeks prior to the date for tender
It shall be the responsibility of bidders/tenderers to visit ireps’s website for
corrigendum, if any and accordingly, submit their bids.
0401. The foreign tenderer shall include in his offer the name of the person or the firm who
will be acting as his representative/agent in India in respect of his offer. He shall also
indicate the after sales service facilities which he or his representative/agent has in
India. If the foreign tenderer has no representative in India, he shall indicate in his
offer the after sales service facility he intends to provide.
0402. Foreign firms quoting direct against the enquiry and who want Indian
Agents/Associates and/or servicing facilities in India should indicate in their offer the
name of their Indian Agents/Associates or the representatives they have for servicing
in India. They should quote net CFR price (indicating FOB price and Freight
separately), exclusive of the amount of remuneration or commission provided for the
Indian Agents/Associates. It should be understood that the Purchaser will indemnify
the supplier against payment of such commission to the Indian Agents/Associates in
rupees in India in respect of a contract arising out of invitation to tender, where the
Indian Agents/Associates remuneration/or commission covers a part of the price
against the tender.
0403. Foreign firms should furnish following particulars. Offers which do not comply are
liable to be ignored.
(i) The name and address of the local agent.
(ii) The amount of remuneration for the agent included in the offer.
(iii) The precise relationship between the foreign manufacturer/principals and their
Indian Agents/Associates.
(iv) The mutual interest which the manufacturer/principal and the Indian Agents/
Associates have in the business of each other.
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(v) Any payment which the Agent/Associate received in India or abroad from the
manufacturer/principal whether as a commission for the contract or as a general
retainer fee.
(vi) Indian Agent’s Income-tax Permanent Account Number.
(vii) All services to be rendered by the Agent/Associate whether of general nature or in
relation to the particular contract and the facilities/infrastructure available with them
for the same.
(viii) Past performance.
0404. In the case of foreign offers, the agency commission payable by the tenderer to his
Indian Agents shall be indicated in the space provided in the offer form in foreign
currency. However, agency commission finally payable to the tenderer’s agents in
India under the contract will be converted to Indian Rupees at the T.T. buying rate of
exchange ruling on date of placement of Order and shall not be subject to any
further exchange variation. The agency commission shall be paid in non-convertible
Indian Rupees only after successful commissioning of the machines.
0405 (i) The amount of Agency Commission payable to the Indian Agent will not be more
than what is specified in the Agency agreement between the tenderer (i.e. the
foreign principal) and the Indian Agent. A certified photocopy of the Agency
Commission agreement must be submitted alongwith the offer.
(ii) The Indian agent will be required to submit a certificate, along with their Agency
Commission bill, confirming that the amount claimed as Agency commission in
the bill has been spent/will be spent strictly to render services to the foreign
principal, i.e. M/s................................(i.e the contractor) in terms of agency
agreement. The purchaser or their authorized agencies and/or any other
authority of Govt. of India shall have rights to examine the books of the Indian
Agent and defect or misrepresentation in respect of the afore indicated
confirmation coming to light during such examinations will make the foreign
principal(i.e. the contractor) and their Indian Agent liable to be
banned/suspended from having business dealing with Indian Railways, following
laid down procedure of such banning/suspension of business dealings.
0406 Manufacturer may note that an agent can represent only one firm in a tender and
any manufacturer cannot submit more than one offer against a tender through
different sole selling agents or one offer directly and other offers through sole selling
agents. In other words, in a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the
Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for
the same item/product in the same tender. In such a situation all the offers will be
rejected. Also a “100% Indian Subsidiary” of the foreign firm can not bid through
another agent. The relation between the Principal/OEM & Agent or Indian
Subsidiary (100% or otherwise) should be contractually established and clear.
0407 The agent is official representative of manufacturer/principal/tenderer. Accordingly,
manufacturer/principal/tenderer shall be fully responsible for the conduct of their
appointed agent. This may please be noted.
0408 Foreign firms may authorize their Indian Agent to represent them, to bid, negotiate
and conclude the contract on their behalf. They must submit valid authorization as per
Annexure-4. The order/contract shall be directly placed in the name of foreign firm
only and they shall be fully responsible for successful execution of contract in all
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 13 of 75
The Performance Guarantee bond shall be furnished by the foreign firms necessarily
as per clause 0700 of General Conditions of Contract, Bid Document Part-I.
0501. The tenderer shall provide satisfactory evidence acceptable to the Purchaser to show
that —
(a) He is a manufacturer, who regularly manufactures the items offered and has
adequate technical knowledge and practical experience;
(b) He has financial strength and resources to meet the obligations under the contract
for which he is required to submit duly audited Annual financial statements
(Balance sheet, profit & loss account etc.) for the last 3 years or a report from a
recognized bank or a financial institution on financial position.
(c) He has adequate plant and manufacturing capacity to manufacture and supply the
items offered within the delivery schedule offered by him ;
(d) He has established quality control system and organization to ensure adequate
control at all stages of the manufacturing process.
(e) He satisfies the provisions mentioned in “Special conditions of tender (Reference
Clause)” contained in “Special Conditions of Tender”.
0502. For purposes of clause-0501, the tenderers should additionally submit :—
(a) A performance statement as in Annexure-1, giving a list of major supplies of
same/similar equipments effected in last 5 years or for such period as specified
elsewhere in Bid Document & special conditions of tender of the items offered by
him, giving details of the User’s name and address, order no. and date and the
quantity supplied and whether the supply was made within the delivery schedule.
Such period shall be reckoned from the date of opening of tender.
(b) A statement indicating details of equipment deployed and quality control measures
adopted by the manufacturer as in Annexure-2.
0503. In addition to the above, further information regarding his capacity, capability, if
required by the Purchaser, shall be promptly furnished by the tenderer and he would
offer all facilities to representative of Purchaser for assessing capacity, capability by
actual visit to his works/office.
0504. The evidence/documents submitted for meeting the qualifying requirements, if found
false/fake/forged/manipulated at any stage during evaluation of offers and or even
during the currency of Contract, the purchaser reserves the right to summarily reject
the offer or terminate the Contract at his risk and and cost and take action as per
applicable law including banning of business dealings etc.
0601. Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee for amount as stipulated in the “Bid Invitation” or an
equivalent amount in the currency of the country of the tenderer shall accompany
each tender. Tenderers not falling in the exempted categories mentioned in the
subsequent para may remit the Earnest Money online through Payment gateway
available on IREPS website. Indigenous tenderers and Indian Agents quoting
on behalf of Foreign tenderers will mandatorily be required to pay Earnest
Money through Payment Gateway available on the IREPS website. However,
foreign tenderers quoting against Global Tenders are allowed to submit
Earnest Money in Physical form (manual mode) as mentioned herein under:
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 14 of 75
(a) Deposit receipt, pay orders or crossed Bank Draft in favour of the Financial Advisor
& Chief Accounts Officer, Central Organization for Modernization of Workshops,
Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi -110 002, INDIA, from a
Nationalised Indian Bank or Scheduled Commercial Bank in India or a reputable
commercial Bank of the tenderer’s country.
(b) Deleted
(c) An irrevocable Bank Guarantee of any Nationalised Indian Bank or a Scheduled
commercial bank in India or a reputable commercial bank in the tenderer’s country
in favour of the Purchaser in the form attached (Annexure-3) having a validity period
of 225 days. In case, the Bank Guarantee is issued by a foreign bank out side India,
the same should have confirmation of any Nationalised Bank in India. It shall be
ensured that the complete particulars of the Banks’ (issuing bank guarantee) mailing
address including telephone no., fax no. and E-mail ID are invariably indicated on
the bid bonds.
For avoidance of doubt, scheduled bank shall mean a bank as defined under
Section 2 (e) of the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.
As an alternative the Bank Guarantee may be prepared and sent by issuing banks
electronically through the ‘Structured Financial Messaging System’ (SFMS) to the
advising Bank of the COFMOW (Beneficiary). COFMOW’s advising bank for this
purpose will be State Bank of India, Main Branch, Parliament Street, New Delhi
(Bank code 00691) and IFSC Code SBIN0000691). The advising Bank (SBI Main
Branch, New Delhi) will print the Bank Guarantee on Stamp Paper of required value
and deliver the same to COFMOW and claim the cost and fees from the issuing
bank. The issuing Bank may hand over hard copy of the Bank Guarantee to the
applicant clearly indicating that it is a ‘COPY ONLY’ for attaching with offer
(d) Deleted.
(e) The tenderers will have to submit the details of payment towards Earnest Money on
IREPS website as follows:-
Tenderers shall search for the relevant tender using the links (a) quick search
or (b) advance search provided in their home page after logging into the
system using their valid Username, Password & Digital Signature.
On retrieving the tender details, they shall click on the Submit Payment
Details icon under Actions column to access the Submit Payment Details
Page. The vendors shall then click on the Submit EMD link on the Submit
Payment details page. Vendors may note that Submit EMD link becomes
available only after the tenderer has submitted tender document cost (or has
chosen the exemption category for tender document cost, if applicable). They
will then select the Instrument Type, and fill the columns ‘Instrument No., Date,
Issuer Bank Details (Bank Name & Branch) and Remarks, if any’. They shall
then click Sign & Submit button and append their digital signature.
On completion of the details, vendors will have to upload scanned copy of the
instruments towards Earnest Money in the template Attach Documents on ‘Techno
Commercial Bid Details’ form.
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Tenderers shall send the original document of the instrument towards Earnest
Money, per bearer or by Registered Post/Speed Post to “Office of the Controller
of Stores, Indian Railways, COFMOW, Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge,
New Delhi-110 002 duly indicating the Tender Number and Tender Closing Date on
the reverse of the instruments. The envelope containing the Earnest Money shall
not contain financial or techno- commercial offer, and any such offers found in the
envelope will be treated as invalid offers and will not be considered. The envelope
should be superscribed as under:
“Contains Earnest Money Deposit / tender document cost for Electronic Tender No
<mention tender no. here> due on <mention opening date here>. This envelope
does not contain financial or techno- commercial terms and conditions”.
In case several documents like instrument towards Tender document cost, Earnest
Money, authorization letter, NSIC registration certificate etc. are to be submitted by
the tenderer, all these documents can be put in the same envelope, with suitable
modification in the remarks to be superscribed on the envelope.
Tenderers shall ensure that these documents are delivered in ‘Office of
COS/COFMOW’ within 10 working days of the tender closing date and time,
otherwise their offer shall be treated as “Offers received without Earnest Money”
and will be summarily rejected. COFMOW will not be responsible for any postal
delay in receipt of envelopes containing the Earnest Money.
0602. The Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee shall remain deposited with the Purchaser for
the period of 225 days from the date of opening of Tenders. If the validity of the offer
is extended, the Earnest Money Deposit/Bank Guarantee duly extended shall also
be furnished failing which the offer after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not
be considered by the Purchaser
0603 No interest will be payable by the Purchaser on the Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee.
0604. The Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee deposited is liable to be forfeited if the tenderer
withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the
period of validity of his offer.
0605. The Earnest Money of the successful tenderer will be returned after the Contract
Performance Guarantee as required (clause-0700 of the General Conditions of
Contract) is furnished.
0606. Deleted.
0607 The Earnest Money of all unsuccessful tenderers will be returned by the Purchaser
after tender has been finalised.
0608. Any tender not accompanied by Earnest Money in one of the approved forms given
in clause 0601, for amount as stipulated in the “Bid Invitation” and valid for the
stipulated period shall be summarily rejected.
0609. Only MSEs registered with agencies mentioned in clause 0109 above for the items
tendered or similar items mentioned in bid document including special conditions of
tender reference clause(If any) are exempted from submission of Earnest Money
Deposit. Such tenderers are required to follow the instructions available on the
website www.ireps.gov.in presently such tenderers are required to update their
profile through link “Update Enterprise Details” available in right navigation of the
Home page. Registration certificate uploaded in the profile will only be considered,
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there is no need for attaching the copy of Registration Certificate. In case the details
mentioned in the registration certificate do not match the details updated in the
vendor’s profile or the registration is not for the tendered item or it is not valid on the
tender closing date, the offer(s) shall be summarily rejected.
0610 Deleted
0611 Tenderers submitting Earnest Money in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) should
ensure the following, to avoid rejection of the BG:
1. The Bank Guarantee should be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value as applicable at the place where the bank guarantee is
2. Every page of Bank Guarantee should be signed by the authority executing it
and the Bank Guarantee should be duly numbered.
3 All corrections/alterations, if any, made in the Bank Guarantee should be duly
attested by the executants Bank and the notary public as well.
4. The Bank Guarantee should be in the prescribed format (Annexure-3,
Section-III of Bid Document Part-I) and completely in the typed form.
0701 Deleted.
0702 Deleted.
0703 Deleted.
0704 Deleted.
0705 Deleted.
0706 Offers shall be as per the Instructions to Tenderers and General Conditions of
Contract given in the Bid Documents. However, the tenderer shall indicate his
acceptance or otherwise for each clause and sub-clause of the Instructions to
Tenderers and General Conditions of Contract. For this purpose, the tenderer shall
enclose a separate statement (Annexure-08) indicating only the deviations from any
clause or sub-clause of the Instructions to Tenderers and General Conditions of
Contract, which he proposes with full justification for such deviations. The
Purchaser, however, reserves the right to accept or reject these deviations and his
decision thereon shall be final.
0707 Offers are required from the manufacturers of the stores, who should submit a letter
of authority from their Principals as in Annexure-4. Offers from other agents, brokers
and middlemen will not be accepted. One agent cannot represent two or more
foreign firms or quote on their behalf in a particular tender. Indian manufacturers are
required to quote directly and no authorization to any agent by them shall be
0708 Deleted.
0709 Deleted.
0710 Guidelines for quoting Freight:
a) Deleted
b) Deleted
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c) In case tenderer quotes FOR station of dispatch prices but does not mention the
freight applicable upto destination for consignee or quotes zero, in such cases it will
be assumed that freight charges will be borne by the supplier. No claim for
reimbursement of freight shall be entertained at later stage.
d) Deleted
0711 Procedure for submission of electronic offers
(i) The tenderers should visit IREPS website at the address www.ireps.gov.in and
submit online offers after logging into the website using their login ID, Password and
Digital Signature Certificate. Tenderers can submit their online offers only after they
have submitted tender document cost (or have chosen the exemption category for
tender document cost, if applicable). Tenderers can submit online electronic offers
after filling the details in the following pre-designed templates.
(a) Submit Payment Details
(b) Techno Commercial Bid Details (Bid Process page)
1. Eligibility Criteria (Elig.*)
2. Terms and Conditions (T&C*)
3. Commercial Deviation (Com .Dev.)
4. Technical Deviation (Tech. Dev.)
5. Special Conditions & Check List (Check List*)
6. Technical Specifications (Tech. Spec*.)
7. Performance Statement (Perf.)
8. Attach Documents (Attach Doc.)
9. Financial Offer (Fin.Offer)
Templates named above marked with asterisk (*) will require digital signatures for
Tenderers shall be able to access the “Financial Offer” link for entering into the
Financial rate page, only after they fill in the details in the asterisk (*) marked
templates on the “Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form and digitally sign and
submit the same.
Tenderers may note that the IREPS software is continuously being upgraded and the
forms referred above may be subject to changes. Tenderers are advised to keep
themselves updated with the latest changes, by referring to the latest versions of user
manuals available on the website, and by taking note of the messages sent by the
IREPS administrator from time to time. Tenderers should also make themselves fully
acquainted with all the available templates/forms, before they submit their offer. No
claim shall be entertained from a tenderer, on account of non-familiarity with the any
of the templates and forms available on the IREPS website.
(ii) The electronic offers shall be digitally signed by the tenderer. To ensure
confidentiality and security, the offers will be auto encrypted using highest level of
digital security before transmission on internet channels. Electronic offers are
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received in a time locked electronic tender box, where they remain encrypted till
stipulated tender opening date/time. All the details of the digital certificate as obtained
from the C.A., showing the identity of the person who is authorized to sign and submit
an electronic offer will get auto attached along with the electronic offer, and can be
verified by COFMOW at a later stage, to establish the identity of the person who has
digitally signed and submitted his electronic offers. This is similar to an authenticated
copy of the document which authorizes the signatory to commit on behalf of the firm.
(iii) Every online tender submitted duly signed with a valid Digital Signature Certificate
and received before closing date & time of tender shall be acknowledged by the
system and HTML receipt will be generated indicating tender ID as well as date and
time of receipt of the tender.
(iv) Electronic offer once digitally signed and submitted for one or all the item/items
cannot be accessed or revised later and shall remain fully secured confidentially
stored into time locked E-tender box in an encrypted form till the due date and time of
(v) Revised bids : Vendors can submit a revised commercial offer (“Financial rate page’
form) anytime before the stipulated closing date and time and in such case the last
revised offer submitted at a later time and date shall be considered as the offer,
superseding all the previously submitted offers for that item/items of the tender.
(vi) Alternative bids : The vendors are also allowed to submit alternative offer (for
different make, specification, slab discount etc.)
(vii) Late Offers: The Indian Railway E-procurement application software does not permit
vendors to submit their offers after the designated tender closing date and time.
(viii) The tenders are uploaded in IREPS website well in advance of closing time to give
sufficient time to the vendors to participate in the tender. Vendors are advised in their
own interest to submit their offers well in advance before the tender closing time.
COFMOW shall not be responsible for non-participation of vendors due to any
technical problems such as network connectivity etc. on the tender opening day.
0801. It will be imperative on each tenderer to fully acquaint himself of all the local
conditions and factors which would have any effect on the performance of the
contract and cost of the stores. In his own interest, the foreign tenderer should
familiarise himself with the Income Tax Act 1961, the Companies Act 1956, the
Customs Act 1962 and related Laws in force in India. The Purchaser shall not
entertain any request for clarifications from the tenderer regarding such local
conditions. No request for the change of price, or time schedule of delivery of stores
shall be entertained after the offer is accepted by the Purchaser.
Foreign Exchange required in case of import will be financed from free source or
from a bilateral credit. In case of orders placed for financing from bilateral credit
organisations necessary documentation & certain terms & conditions will be
negotiated before placement of order.
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1001. Foreign tenderers shall quote his prices on the basis of CFR price (indicating FOB
price and Freight separately), nearest port of shipment having facilities to handle
the same, at the Indian Port of Entry indicated in the Schedule of Requirement.
1002. Under the CFR(also referred as C&F) price, the FOB price and the ocean freight
charges shall be indicated separately.
1003. The terms FOB and CFR shall be as defined in the current edition of International
Rules for the interpretation of the trade terms published by International Chamber of
Commerce, Paris and commonly referred to as INCOTERMS.
1004. These prices should not include agency commission payable to Indian Agents which
shall be exhibited as already indicated in clauses-0402 and 0403. The Indian
Agent’s commission shall be shown in foreign currency as a definite amount and not
as a percentage.
1005. The prices should be stated only in one currency and should be either in the
currency of the manufacturer’s country or in U.S. Dollars or in any other currency
widely used in International trade. However, if the goods offered are manufactured
in more than one country; the tenderer may state portions of the bid price in the
respective currency of the country of origin in which he wishes to be paid. The bid
price shall be the total of such portions. Alternatively, tenderer may, at his option,
state the entire bid price in U.S. Dollars or in any other currency widely used in
international trade. The portion of the bid price relating to components of Indian
origin to be incorporated in the plant and or installation of plant shall be invariably
stated in Indian Rupees. Firms belonging to countries with which Government of
India have Rupee Payment Agreements should quote the entire bid price in Indian
1006 In case of invitation of bids on DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) destination basis, the
tenderers are required to quote their price indicating the break- up of following items
of cost:
A. Foreign Tenderers
1) CIF Cost of imported portion.
2) Agency Commission
3) Lump sum DDP charges in Indian Rupees which include Customs Duty, port
handling, custom clearance, inland freight from Indian Port to the site. These
charges will be reimbursed at actuals subject to maximum of quoted amount
against documentary evidence. The supplier shall be entirely responsible for the
receipt of the machine at the destination in good condition.
4) FOR destination price of indigenous portion.
5) If required, charges for making the foundation for the machine at site,
6) If required, charges for installation and commissioning of the machine at site.
7) Price of any other items as mentioned in the tender documents.
8) LC opening charges will be loaded on foreign portion at rate of 0.45% on FOB
B. Indian Tenderers
Indian Tenderers are required to quote on “Free delivery at consignee’s site” basis.
They shall furnish break up of prices as per IREPS tender document. They shall
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also quote, if required, charges for making the foundation for the machine and for
installation & commissioning of the machine at consignee’s site indicating taxes, if
1007. Currency of Payment
The contract price will be normally paid in the currency or currencies in which the
price is stated in the successful tender. However, Purchaser reserves the right to
effect payment of equivalent amount in the currency or currencies of the country of
origin of the goods in case the price is stated in other currencies. The equivalent
amount will be calculated on the basis of rates of exchange prevalent on the date of
1008. In the case of foreign offers, the Purchaser reserves the right to consider either
F.O.B. or C&F quotations. In the event of an order being placed on C&F basis, the
Purchaser will have the right to change over the contract to FOB basis, if considered
necessary after giving one month’s notice to the Contractor.
1009. The prices quoted shall be firm and not subject to any variation. In the case of C&F
delivery, ocean freight charges included must also be firm and no variation will be
allowed on this account after the opening of tenders.
1010. The tenderers should quote their lowest possible prices. Quotations should be made
only for quantity specified in the tender document.
1011 Tenderers submitting indigenous offers shall indicate the price on “Free delivery at
consignee’s site” basis. Such price shall include all State and Central Taxes
leviable on the final finished supplies tendered for. In addition, a complete break-up
showing the ex-factory price, taxes and other levies, packing charges, forwarding
charges, freight and insurance charges and other charges, if any, shall also be
1012. The price to be quoted by the tenderers should take into account the credit
accrued/availed on inputs (on revenue and capital goods and service) as per rules
and regulations applicable at time of supply.
1013. Deleted
1014 Higher Price for Earlier Delivery
It should be noted that if a contract is placed on a higher tender as a result of this
invitation to tender, in preference to the lowest acceptable offer in consideration of
offer of earlier delivery, the Contractor will be liable to pay to the Government the
difference between the contract rate and that of the lowest acceptable tender on the
basis of final price, total cost at consignee’s site including all elements of freight,
taxes, duties and other incidentals , in case of failure to complete supplies in
terms of such contract within the date of delivery specified in the tender and
incorporated in the contract. This is in addition and without prejudice to other rights
under the terms of contract.
1015 In case of import under DDP contracts, the bidder is required to indicate relevant
custom tariff and classification which applies to the tendered item giving break up of
basic custom duty, additional custom duty, special custom duty and CVD/GST/IGST
etc. He will also confirm/agree to pass on exemption / concession / Input Tax
Credit on GST/IGST, if any, to the purchaser.
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1016 Statutory Variation clause
Statutory Variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and duties by
State/ Central Governments in respect of the items stipulated in the contract (and
not the raw materials thereof), within the original delivery period stipulated in the
contract, or last unconditionally extended delivery period shall be to Railways'
account. Only such variation shall be admissible which takes place after the
submission of bid. No claim on account of statutory variation in respect of
existing tax/duty will be accepted unless the tenderer has clearly indicated in
his offer the rate of tax/duty considered in his quoted rate. No claim on account
of statutory variation shall be admissible on account of misclassification by the
supplier/ contractor. This clause shall be read with clause 1211(vi) of Section-I &
clause 1200 and 1300 of General Conditions of Contract, Section –II of Bid
Document Part-I.
1017 The bidders / tenderers should ensure that they are GST compliant and their quoted
tax structure/rates are as per GST Law.
1018 In case the successful bidder / tenderer is not liable to be registered under
CGST/IGST/UTGST Act, the Railway shall deduct the applicable GST from his /
their bills under reverse charge mechanism (RCM) and deposit the same to the
concerned tax authority.
1101. In the case of FOB and C&F offers, insurance shall be arranged by the Purchaser.
1102. In the case of indigenous offers, the purchaser shall not arrange for any transit
insurance and the supplier will be responsible till the entire stores contracted for
arrive in good condition in destination. Where the tenderer intends to insure the
goods, he may arrange for it himself and pay insurance charges. Insurance charges
should be indicated by the tenderers separately in their offer and same shall be paid
on the submission of documentary evidence by the tenderers. The consignee will
advise the tenderer within 45 (forty five) days of the arrival of goods and it shall be
responsibility of the tenderer to lodge the necessary claim on the carrier and or
insurer and pursue the same. The tenderer
shall, however at his own cost replace/rectify the goods lost/damaged to the entire
satisfaction of the consignee within. 30 days from the date of receipt of intimation
from the consignee, without waiting for the settlement of the claim.
1103. In case of Import of the machine, although the insurance shall be paid by the
Purchaser, and loss or damage shall be made good by the Contractor free of cost,
without waiting for the settlement of insurance claim. The payment after settlement
of insurance claim shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser to the Contractor. It will be
entirely the responsibility of the Contractor to make good loss/damage without
waiting for settlement of insurance claim so that machine is commissioned within the
time specified in the contract.
1201. The tenders received will be evaluated by the Purchaser to ascertain the best and
lowest acceptable tender in the interest of the Purchaser, as specified in the
specifications and tender documents. Evaluation criteria not mentioned herein but
mentioned specifically in the technical specifications will be taken into consideration
in the evaluation of offers.
1202. Purchaser will convert all Bid Prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies
in the Bid price as payable, to the local currency of the Purchaser’s country at the
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B.C. selling market exchange rate established by State Bank of India in the
Purchaser’s country for similar transactions; as on the date of bid opening (price bid
in case of single bid/packet tenders and technical bid in case of two bid/packet
tenders). All other duties such as custom duty etc. prevailing on the date of bid
opening (price bid in case of single bid/packet tenders and technical bid in case of
two bid/packet tenders) shall be loaded / considered for inter-se position of offers.
1203. Generally, the quotations are required on “Free delivery at consignee’s site” basis
indicating the breakup FOR station of dispatch, freight & other levies. In case, the
Purchaser agrees or opts for delivery as FOR station of dispatch, the supplier shall
agree to book the goods freight pre-paid and recover the freight element through the
bill subject to documentary evidence and within the limit of freight as taken for
evaluation as specified in para 0710 of “Instructions to Tenderers”.
1204. The Purchaser reserves the option to give a purchase/price preference to the offer
from Public Sector Units and/or from Small Scale/Cottage Industries Units, over
those from other firms, in accordance with the policies of the Government from time
to time. The price preference above cannot however be taken for granted and every
endeavor need be made by them to bring down cost and achieve competitiveness.
1205. The offers received from indigenous tenderers should indicate clearly the rates of
taxes and duties as leviable on particular item on the date of tender opening. In
case concessional duty or taxes are applicable, the tenderer should quote
1206. Deleted
1207. ENTRY TAX:-
Entry tax is generally not applicable. However, if tenderer still want to have it paid
extra, he should clearly specify the applicable percentage in their original offer. The
same will be added to the quoted rate for working out all inclusive rates for deciding
the inter-se ranking of the tenders. However, the entry tax amount will be
reimbursed based on the documentary evidence subject to the ceiling limit as
quoted by the firm. In case, tenderer merely quotes entry tax as extra without
mentioning the specific rate applicable, then in that case same will not be
considered and will also not be loaded in deciding inter-se ranking of the tender and
if it becomes applicable, same is to be borne by the supplier. Therefore, if the
tenderer desires to claim such charges, they should quote specific rate in their
original offer.
1208 Criterion for evaluation of offers/deciding inter-se-position of offers:- Unless other
wise specified under specific tender cases separately, in case of multi items or in
case of single/multi items with multi consignees, the inter-se position of the offer
received shall be decided item-wise & consignee-wise and not based on the total
value as a whole.
1209 All tenders will be evaluated on the basis of overall cost at consignee’s site arrived
on the basis of price quoted for the various cost elements indicated in evaluation
criteria mentioned in Bid Document. Foreign offers received on CFR price
(indicating FOB price and Freight separately) basis, the total landed price will be
arrived at by including the following:
a) CIF cost will be calculated by adding following elements to the quoted CFR rates
(excluding agency commission)
i) In case firm does not quote Ocean freight and quotes FOB price only even by
selecting C&F option in IREPS site, Ocean freight will be loaded @ 10% of FOB
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price. If ocean fright is quoted “Zero”, the FOB price will be considered as
inclusive of Freight and Freight charges will be borne by the bidder.
ii) Insurance charges as per Indian Railways Open Cover Policy.
b) Port handling charges @ 1% on CIF cost.
c) Applicable custom duty on assessable value (=CIF cost + Port handling charges @
1% on CIF cost).
d) Agency commission, if any.
e) Inland transportation cost @ 0.5% of FOB price.
f) Other charges as leviable (such as L/C opening charges, Inspection charges) and as
required in terms of tender conditions (viz. training, turnkey, installation &
commissioning charges etc, as quoted, if any).
Foreign offers shall be evaluated on the above basis. In case of FOB contracts, if
the actual Ocean freight charges of SCI are higher than the Ocean freight quoted by
the firm, then the difference in ocean freight shall be recovered from firm’s bill.
1210 Discounts with conditions attached such as discounts having linkages to quantity,
early payment etc. will not be considered for evaluation purpose. Thus discounted
rates, linked to quantities and prompt payment etc., will be ignored for determining
inter-se price ranking position. If firm quotes different rates for different quantity
slabs, the highest of the rates so quoted will only be taken for determining the inter-
se price ranking.
Although the rates applicable without considering discounts attached with conditions
or the highest of the rates of different quantity slabs shall only be considered for
inter-se evaluation purpose, Purchaser may avail the discounted/lowest of the slab
rates, if otherwise firm’s offer is found to be acceptable.
(i) The commercial offer details shall be submitted by vendors using ‘Financial Rate
Page’ form available on IREPS website having separate entry box for each element
of price. The vendors must fill in basic rate and other rate components such as
unconditional discount on basic rate, if any, packing charges on basic rate, forwarding
charges, Taxes and duties, freight charges, other charges, if any, in the boxes
provided in the ‘Financial Rate Page’ form. The all-inclusive rate per unit shall be
calculated automatically considering all the elements of rate components, as filled by
vendor before submitting the offer, and will be displayed before vendor submits his
digitally signed electronic offers. Tenderers can edit any or all rate entries before
submission and before digitally signing their electronic offers. Tenderers are therefore
advised to check, and revise any or all the entries in the rate page before the same is
digitally signed and submitted.
All offers will be evaluated after taking into account the all-inclusive FOR destination
rate per unit, which will also be displayed to the vendor before submission of his
electronic offer.
(ii) Tenderers should quote financial terms and conditions in the nominated fields of
‘Financial Rate Page’ form only. Any financial terms and conditions mentioned in the
fields other than the nominated fields will be ignored and will not be considered for
purpose of evaluation of offer to determine the inter-se ranking of the offer. Tenderers
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 24 of 75
are advised not to quote any terms and conditions having financial bearing in any
other template of ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form except the ‘Financial Rate
Page’ form, or in the Remarks field of the ‘Financial Rate Page’ form, as these will not
be considered for evaluation of the offer. Similarly, any financial terms and conditions
enclosed as attachments will be ignored and not considered for purpose of evaluation
of offer to determine the inter-se ranking of the offers. However, Railways at their own
discretion may avail the benefit of such conditions while placing purchase order, if the
offer is considered for placement of order.
Nothing extra shall be payable over and above the all inclusive rate shown in the
financial offer, except on account of Statutory Variation, if applicable. Digital
Signature of the tenderer on the E-tender form shall be construed as confirmation that
the tenderer has read and accepted this condition.
(iii) The tenderers shall quote specific freight charges in the relevant field of financial rate
page. Ambiguous remarks like ‘freight extra at actuals’, ‘freight shall be charged
extra’, ‘Railway freight shall be charged extra’ etc., mentioned in the ‘remarks’ field or
elsewhere in the electronic offer or attachments shall not be considered for
evaluation. However, freight charges shall not be payable if the offer is considered.
(iv) The tenders will be evaluated by the Purchaser on the basis of overall cost at
consignee’s site to ascertain the best and lowest acceptable tender, as specified in
the specifications and tender documents. Wherever more than one
consignee/machines are involved, unless specified otherwise in the tender document,
tender would be evaluated and inter-se ranking of the tenderer would be made for
each machine wise consignee wise.
(v) The inter-se ranking shall be determined by considering the taxes & duties applicable
on the date of tender opening and the inter-se ranking arrived at in such manner shall
be taken as final.
In case of reduction in taxes and duties, the taxes and duties will be paid as per rate
thereof prevailing on the date of supply.
(vi) Claim for any tax or duty not stipulated in the quotation will not be admitted at any
stage on any ground whatsoever, except new imposition and statutory variation on
the quoted taxes and duties.
1301. Generally, contracts will not be placed on FOB/FAS basis. In case, it is decided to
place a contract on of FOB/FAS basis, shipping arrangements shall be made by the
Shipping Corporation of India or any other agency nominated by the purchaser. The
Contractor shall give at least six weeks’ notice to the Forwarding Agents /
nominated shipping agency about the readiness of the cargo.
In the cases where offers have been invited on C&F/CFR, CIF and DDP basis, the
Contractor shall indicate the details of Forwarding Agents / Shipping agency in the
offer. In case of any change prior approval should be obtained from the purchaser.
The shipment should be arranged by the contractor / seller in accordance with the
requirements of the Ministry of Shipping & Transport, New Delhi, INDIA and other
laws applicable at the time of shipment.
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1302 Indian Port of discharge for import will be Nhava Sheva Port, Mumbai. However,
purchaser reserves the right to obtain the material at ports viz. Mumbai, Kolkata &
1401. The items tendered will have to undergo arduous transportation before reaching the
destination and will have to be stored and handled in tropical climatic conditions
(including monsoons) before they are put to actual use. It is, therefore, imperative
that packing for every item is decided by taking into consideration, inter-alia, the
above vital factors, so as to eliminate damage/deterioration of items in transit /
transshipment / handling or during storage.
1402. The specifications of the packing proposed shall be indicated. The size and weight
of each package shall also be indicated. As far as possible, the size of any package
shall not exceed the maximum package dimensions indicated in Annexure-7.
1403. The packing advices should bring out the weight, dimensions and size of each
bundle/ package. Where it is not possible to give weight of the bundles/packages,
the Contractor must indicate the volume of the bundles/packages, the details of
contents of each bundle/package, number of bundles/packages and total weight of
the items supplied.
1500. IMPORT
1501. The foreign exchange needed for the import of the components and import licence,
where necessary, should be arranged by the Tenderer themselves.
1502. The successful tenderer will have to apply to the proper Government Authority for
grant of requisite import licenses / foreign exchange for such items as requiring
import, within 14 days of the advance letter of acceptance/telegram acceptance and
the Purchaser will only render assistance, where necessary. However, Purchaser
will have no responsibility whatsoever in this regard.
1601. The Purchaser may accept a tender for a part or whole of the quantity offered, reject
any tender without assigning any reason and may not accept the lowest or any
1602. Quantity Option Clause: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease
the quantity upto 30% of the quantity offered by the successful tenderers at the rates
& other terms and condition offered by them. The tenderers are bound to accept the
increase or decrease in the quantity under this clause at the time of placement of
contract or during the currency of the contract. While operating this clause the
quantity shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number less than 0.5 shall be
ignored and 0.5 or more shall be rounded off to the next whole number.
i) Option clause can be exercised any time within the Delivery period, by giving
reasonable notice.
ii) ‘Reasonable notice’ as mentioned above is only for the purpose of allowing the
contractor suitable time to make necessary arrangements for the supplies and not
for seeking any consent from the contractor towards exercise of the contractual
option clause. To this end, a reasonable delivery schedule for the enhanced ordered
quantity stipulated in the relevant amendment to the contract will suffice.
iii) The purpose of ‘reasonable notice for the exercise of (-) 30% Option clause
consequent to decrease in prices subsequent to the placement of contract will be be
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 26 of 75
served by giving a reasonable opportunity to the contractor to unconditionally agree
to accept such lower rates for the quantity unsupplied on the date of
reduction/decrease of prices or the (-) 30% quantity, whichever is less. Where the
contractor does not unconditionally agree to accept such lower rate, no further
consent from the contractor is necessary for exercise of (-) 30% quantity option
iv) In a contract that provides for quantity option clause, in case Delivery Period is
extended either for the full ordered quantity or a part quantity which remained
unsupplied on the date of expiry of the original delivery period, then during the
extended delivery period also, quantity variations can be made on the total ordered
v) Period specified in the contract for supply of the Machine shall be the Delivery
Period for the purpose of exercising minus (-) 30% option.
vi) Period specified in the contract for prove out as counted from the Date specified for
supply of the Machine (original or extended) shall be the Delivery Period for
the purpose of exercising plus (+) 30% option.
1603. Acceptance of Tender will be communicated by either FAX/Letter direct to the
bidder or through his authorized agents. In case where acceptance is intimated by
FAX, the Letter of Acceptance of tender will be delivered by post to the contractor as
soon as possible, but the FAX communication shall be deemed to conclude the
1701. The submission of any offer connected with these specifications and documents
shall constitute an agreement that the tenderer shall have no cause of action or
claim, against the Purchaser for rejection of his offer. The Purchaser shall always be
at liberty to reject or accept any offer or offers at his sole discretion and any such
action will not be called into question and the tenderer shall have no claim in that
regard against the Purchaser.
1702. The offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 180 (one
hundred and Eighty) calendar days from the date set for opening of tenders.
1703. Offers shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened
and until such time the official intimation of award of contract is made by the
Purchaser to the tenderer. While the offers are under consideration, tenderers and
or their representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain from
contacting the Purchaser by any means. If necessary, the Purchaser will obtain
clarifications on the offers by requesting for such information from any or all the
tenderers, either in writing or through personal contacts, as may be considered
necessary. Tenderers will not be permitted to change the substance of their offers
after the offers have been opened.
1801. Where required, the tenderer should quote, apart from main equipment, separately
for the mandatory spares as well as for recommended spares required for two years
operation. The rates for spares should be indicated on C&F (also referred as CFR)
basis (indicating FOB price and Freight separately) in the case of foreign offers
and on “Free delivery at consignee’s site” basis in the case of indigenous offers with
complete break up as per offer form. The Purchaser reserves the right to order any
or all the spares as quoted in quantity considered reasonable by him at the prices
quoted by the tenderer and on the terms and conditions quoted for the main
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equipment. The responsibility of the tenderer under the Warranty Clause will not be
diluted in any way on this account.
1901. The tenderers must ensure that the conditions laid down for submission of offers
detailed in the preceding paras, are completely and correctly fulfilled. Tenders,
which are not complete in all respects as stipulated above, are liable to be ignored.
For tenderers’ guidance in submitting complete offers, a Check List has been
enclosed with the ireps tender document which must be filled in and furnished with
the bid.
2001. Closing time for submission of offers will be 15.00 Hrs. on the date specified in the
“Bid Invitation” with procedure of submission as per “Instructions To Tenderers for
Electronic tenders” as available on IREPS Website www.ireps.gov.in.
2002. Opening of Electronic tenders will be dealt as per “Instructions To Tenderers for
Electronic tenders” as available on IREPS Website www.ireps.gov.in.
2003. Deleted.
2004. In case opening date falls on holiday, the tender will be opened on next working day.
2100. Deleted
2101 Deleted
Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops,
(COFMOW), Indian Railways,
Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge,
New Delhi -110 002, INDIA
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In the contract, unless the context otherwise requires :
0101. “Acceptance of Tender” means the letter of memorandum communicating to the
Contractor the acceptance of his tender and includes “Letter of Acceptance” of his
0102. “Consignee” means where the stores are required by the acceptance of tender to be
dispatched by rail, road, air or steamer, the person specified in the Acceptance of
Tender to whom they are to be delivered at the destination; where the stores are
required by the acceptance of tender to be delivered to a person as an interim
consignee for the purpose of dispatch to another person, such other persons; and in
any other case the person to whom the stores are required by the acceptance of
tender to be delivered in the manner therein specified ;
0103. “Interim consignee” means the representative of the Purchaser to whom the material
is delivered for onward dispatch to the consignee and does not include a carrier for
the purpose of transmission of the stores to the consignee ;
0104. “Contract” means and includes Bid Invitation, Instructions to Tenderers, General
Conditions of Contract, Acceptance of Tender including Letter of Acceptance,
Special conditions of contract/tender, Schedule of Requirements, particulars and the
other conditions specified in the acceptance of tender(the agreement entered into
between the purchaser and the contractor including all attachments and appendices
thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein) and also includes a
repeat order, which has been accepted or acted upon by the Contractor and a
formal agreement, if executed;
0105. The “Contractor” means the person, firm or company with whom the order for the
supply is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s successors
(approved by the Purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors and administrators,
as the case may be, unless excluded by the terms of the contract;
0106. The “Sub-Contractor” means any person, firm of company from whom the
Contractor may obtain any material or fittings to be used in the supply or
manufacture of the stores;
0107. “Drawing” means the drawing or drawings specified in or annexed to the
0108. “Government” means the Central Government or a State Government as the case
may be;
0109. The “Inspecting Officer” means the person or organisation specified in the contract
for the purpose of inspection of stores or works under the contract and includes
his/their authorized representative;
0110. “Material” means anything used in the manufacture or fabrication of the stores ;
0111 “Particulars” include —
(a) Specifications;
(b) drawings;
(c) “Proprietary mark” or “brand” means the mark or brand of a product which is
owned by an industrial firm ;
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(d) any other details governing the construction, manufacture or supply of stores
as may be pre scribed by the contract;
0112. “Proving Test” means such test or tests as are prescribed by the specification(s) to
be made by the Purchaser, or his nominee, either at firm’s premises or after erection
at site, before the plant is taken over by the Purchaser;
0113. “Purchase Officer” means the officer signing the acceptance of tender and includes
any officer who has authority to execute the relevant contract on behalf of the
0114. The “Purchaser” means the President of India acting through the Controller of
Stores, Central Organization for Modernization of Workshops, Railway Offices
Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi -110 002, INDIA and includes his successors and
assignees ;
0115. “Signed” includes stamped, except in the case of an acceptance of tender or any
amendment thereof;
0116. “Site” means the place specified in the contract at which any work is required to be
executed by the Contractor under the contract or any other place approved by the
Purchaser for the purpose;
0117. “Stores” means the goods specified in the contract which the Contractor has agreed
to supply under the contract;
0118. “Test” means such test as is prescribed by the particulars or considered necessary
by the Inspecting Officer whether performed or made by the Inspecting Officer or
any agency acting under the direction of the Inspecting Officer;
0119. “Work” means all the work specified or set forth and required in and by the said
specifications, drawings and “Schedule of Requirements”, hereto annexed or to be
implied therefrom or incidental thereto, or to be hereafter specified or required in
such explanatory instructions and drawings (being in conformity with the said
original specification(s), drawing(s) and “Schedule of Requirements”) and also in
such additional instructions and drawings not being in conformity as aforesaid, as
shall from time to time, during the progress of the work hereby contracted for, be
supplied by the Purchaser;
0120. The delivery of the stores shall be deemed to take place on delivery of the stores in
accordance with the terms of the contract, after approval by the Inspecting Officer if
so provided in the contract —
(a) The consignee at his premises; or
(b) Where so provided, the interim consignee at his premises ; or
(c) A carrier or other person named in the contract for the purpose of transmission to
the consignee: or
(d) The consignee at the destination station in case of contract stipulating for delivery
of stores at destination station.
0121. “Writing” or “Written” includes matter either in whole or in part, in manuscript,
typewritten, lithographed, cyclostyled, photographed or printed under or over
signature or seal, as the case may be.
0122. Words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa.
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0123. Words importing the masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine gender
and words importing persons shall include any company or association or body of
individuals, whether incorporated or not.
0124. The heading of these conditions shall not affect the interpretation or construction
0125. Terms and expression not herein defined shall have the meanings assigned to them
in the Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (as amended) or the Indian Contract Act,
1872 (as amended) or the General Clauses Act, 1897 (as amended) as the case
may be.
The parties to the contract are the Contractor and the Purchaser, as defined in
clauses 0105 and 0114.
0201. Authority of Person Signing the Contract on behalf of the Contractor —
A person signing the tender or any other document in respect of the contract on
behalf of the Contractor without disclosing his authority to do so shall be deemed to
warrant that he has authority to bind the Contractor. If it is discovered at any time
that the person so signing has no authority to do so, the Purchaser may, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Purchaser, cancel the contract and
make or authorise the making of a purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of
such person and hold such person liable to the Purchaser for all costs and damages
arising from the cancellation of the contract including any loss which the Purchaser
may sustain on account of such purchase. The provisions of clause 1000 shall apply
to every such purchase as far as applicable.
0202. Address of the Contractor and notices and communications on behalf of the
(a) For all purposes of the contract, including arbitration thereunder, the address of the
Contractor mentioned in the tender shall be the address to which all com-
munications addressed to the Contractor shall be sent, unless the Contractor has
notified change by a separate letter containing no other communication and sent by
speed post/registered post acknowledgement due to the Purchaser. The Contractor
shall be solely responsible for the consequence of an omission to notify a change of
address in the manner aforesaid.
(b) Any communication or notice on behalf of the Purchaser in relation to the contract
may be issued to the Contractor by the Purchase Officer and all such
communications and notices may be served on the Contractor either by speed post/
registered post or under certificate of posting or by ordinary post or by hand delivery
at the option of such officer.
0301. The price quoted by the Contractor shall not be higher than the controlled price fixed
by law for the stores or where there is no controlled price, it shall not exceed the
prices or contravene the norms for fixation of prices laid down by Government or
where no such prices or norms have been fixed by the Government, it shall not
exceed the price appearing in any agreement relating to price regulation by any
industry in consultation with the Government. In any case, save for special reasons
stated in the tender, the price quoted shall not be higher than the lowest price
charged by the Contractor for stores of the same nature, class or description to a
Private Purchaser, domestic or foreign as well as Government Purchaser.
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0302. If the price quoted is higher than the controlled price or where there is no controlled
price, the price usually charged by the Contractor from a private Purchaser,
domestic or foreign as well as Government Purchaser for the stores of the same
nature, class or description, the Contractor will specifically mention this fact in his
tender giving reasons for quoting higher price(s). If he fail to do so or makes any
mis-statement it shall be lawful for the Purchaser, (i) to revise the price at any stage
so as to bring it in conformity with the sub-clause 0301 above or (ii) to terminate the
contract and forfeit the amount of the Performance Guarantee Bond.
The Contractor or his agents shall commission the machine within the stipulated
time as shown in the contract. This time frame will be applicable from the consignee
in respect of readiness and installation of the machine in cases where the machine
is to be installed by the consignee. The time schedule includes the time for
installation in cases where installation is also to be undertaken by the supplier.
The time allowed for commissioning of machine by the contractor or his agent shall
be deemed to be the essence of the contract. In case of delay in commissioning of
the machine on the part of Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover and
the Contractor shall be liable to pay pre estimated liquidated damage at the rate of
2% of the total contract value of machine not commissioned (except in cases
where commissioning & performance of machine is inter dependent on each
other in turnkey contracts) for each and every month or part thereof for which
commissioning is delayed. Provided always that the entire amount of liquidated
damages to be paid under the provision of this clause shall not exceed 10% of the
total contract value. After expiry of 5 months period from the date of default i.e. from
the date of commissioning provided in the contract, purchaser will be at liberty to
invoke the PG Bond submitted by the supplier.
Continuance of commissioning work after expiry of stipulated time will also not
absolve the contractor from the liquidated damages as stated above.
The decision of the Purchaser, whether the delay in commissioning has taken place
on account of reasons attributed to the contractor shall be final.
0501. When tenders are called for in accordance with the drawing/specification, the
Contractor’s tender to supply in accordance with such drawing specification shall be
deemed to be an admission on his part that he had fully acquainted himself with the
details thereof and, in no circumstances, will any claim on his part which may arise
on account of his insufficient examination of the said drawing/ specification be
0502 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for any alternations for the
works due to any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings or other
particulars supplied by him whether such drawings or particulars have been
approved by the Purchaser or not provided that such discrepancies, errors or
omissions be not due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished to the
Contractor on behalf of the Purchaser. If any dimensions figuring upon a drawing
differ from those obtained by scaling the drawing, the dimensions as figured upon
the drawing shall be taken as correct.
0503. Any drawings, tracings or descriptions specified shall, unless otherwise directed, be
furnished by the Contractor with the first consignment of the work to which they
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relate and no payment whatsoever will be made until such drawings, tracings or
descriptions have been furnished to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
0601. This contract is for the supply of the stores of the description, specifications and
drawings, and in the quantities set forth in the contract on the date or dates
specified therein. Unless otherwise specified, the stores shall be entirely brand new
and of the best quality and workmanship to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer.
0602. The whole contract is to be executed in the most approved, substantial and
workmanlike manner, to the entire satisfaction of the Purchaser or his nominee,
who, both personally and by his deputies, shall have full power, at every stage of
progress, to inspect the stores at such times as he may deem fit and to reject any of
the stores, which he may disapprove, and his decision thereon, and on any question
of the true intent and meaning of the specifications shall be final and conclusive.
0603. Any variation or amendment of the contract shall not be binding on the Purchaser
unless and until the same is duly endorsed on the contract or incorporated in a
formal instrument or in exchange of letters and signed by the parties.
0604. The Purchaser or his nominee may require such alteration to be made on the work,
during its progress as he deems necessary. Should these alterations be such that
either party to the contract considers an alteration in price justified, such alteration
shall not be carried out until amended prices have been submitted by the Contractor
and accepted by the Purchaser. Should the Contractor proceed to manufacture
such stores without obtaining the consent in writing of the Purchaser to an amended
price, he shall be deemed to have agreed to supply the stores at such price as may
be considered reasonable by the Purchaser.
0701. After Letter of Acceptance is issued by the Purchaser, the Contractor shall furnish a
Performance Guarantee Bond in the proforma attached (Annexure-10) from a
Nationalised Indian Bank or Scheduled Commercial Bank in India within 30 days
from the issue of the Letter of Acceptance to the Contractor for an amount
equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract. In the case of foreign contracts, the
Performance Guarantee Bond from a commercial bank of the Contractor’s country
can be accepted only if the Bond is furnished after getting it duly counter-signed by
the Reserve Bank of India/State Bank of India, New Delhi or by any Nationalised
Indian Bank. The expenses to be incurred for the counter signature shall be borne
by the Contractor.
Guarantee Bonds should be in any one of these forms viz. Deposit Receipt, Pay
orders, Demand Drafts, Guarantee Bonds issued by Nationalised or Scheduled
Commercial Banks, Bonds of Indian Railways Finance Corporation and KRCL
Bonds, Government Securities and a deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank. Pay
Orders/Demand Drafts should be made in favour of FA&CAO/COFMOW.
As an alternative the Bank Guarantee may be prepared and sent by issuing banks
electronically through the ‘Structured Financial Messaging System’ (SFMS) to the
advising Bank of the COFMOW (Beneficiary). COFMOW’s advising bank for this
purpose will be State Bank of India, Main Branch, Parliament Street, New Delhi
(Bank code 00691) and IFSC Code SBIN0000691). The advising Bank (SBI Main
Branch, New Delhi) will print the Bank Guarantee on Stamp Paper of required value
and deliver the same to COFMOW and claim the cost and fees from the issuing
bank. The issuing Bank may hand over hard copy of the Bank Guarantee to the
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applicant clearly indicating that it is a ‘COPY ONLY’ for attaching with offer
0702. In case furnishing of an acceptable Performance Guarantee Bond is delayed by the
Contractor beyond the period provided in clause 0701, and the bond is accepted by the
Purchaser, liquidated damages equivalent to 0.50% of the value of the contract for
each week or part thereof subject to maximum of 10% of the value of the contract for
the period of delay in submission of the bond, shall be levied. Alternatively, the
Purchaser may declare the contract as at an end and enforce clause-1002 (b).
However, total liquidated damages on account of delay in submission of performance
guarantee bond and on account of liquidated damages for delay in supply as per clause
1002(a) will be maximum 10% of the total value of contract.
0703. If the Contractor, having been called upon by the Purchaser to furnish Performance
Guarantee Bond fails to furnish the same, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser :—
(a) Recover from the Contractor the amount of Performance Guarantee Bond from the
pending bills of the Contractor under any contract with the Purchaser or the
Government or any person contracting through the Purchaser or otherwise
howsoever, or
(b) to cancel the contract or any part thereof and to purchase or authorise the purchase of
the stores at the risk and cost of the Contractor and in that event the provisions of
clause 1002 shall apply as far as applicable.
0704. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects the Performance
Guarantee Bond will be returned to the Contractor without any interest.
0705. The Purchaser shall be entitled and it shall be lawful on his part to forfeit the amount
of the Performance Guarantee Bond in whole or in part in the event of any default,
failure or neglect on the part of the Contractor in the fulfilment or performance in all
respects of the contract under reference or any other contract with the Purchaser or
any part thereof to the satisfaction of the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall also be
entitled to deduct from the amount of the Performance Guarantee Bond any loss or
damage which the Purchaser may suffer or be put by reason of or due to any act or
other default, recoverable by the Purchaser from the Contractor in respect of the
contract under reference or any other contract and in either of the events aforesaid
to call upon the Contractor maintain the amount of the Performance Guarantee
Bond at its original limit by furnishing fresh Bank Guarantee of additional amount,
provided further that the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover any such claim from
any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the
Contractor under this or any other contracts with the Purchaser.
0706. The Performance Guarantee Bond shall remain in full force and effect during
the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and fulfillment in
all respects of the contract i.e. till satisfactory commissioning of the
machine(s) at consignee’s works, and shall in the first instance be valid upto
six months after the date of last shipment delivery of the goods contracted to
be purchased provided that before the expiry of the date of validity of the
Performance Guarantee Bond, the Contractor on being called upon by the
Purchaser from time to time, shall obtain from the Guarantor Bank, extension
of time for validity thereof for a period of six months, on each occasion. The
extension or extensions aforesaid, executed on non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value must reach the Purchaser at least thirty days before the
date of expiry of the Performance Guarantee Bond on each occasion.
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0707. As and when an amendment is issued to the contract, the Contractor shall, within
fifteen days of the receipt of such an amendment furnish to the Purchaser an
amendment to the Performance Guarantee Bond rendering the same valid for the
contract as amended and upto twelve months beyond the extended delivery date.
0708. The Performance Guarantee Bond and or any amendment thereto shall be
executed on a stamped paper of requisite money value in accordance with the laws
of the country in which the same is/are executed by the party competent to do so.
The Performance Guarantee Bonds executed in India shall also be got endorsed by
the Collector under section 32 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for adequacy of the
Stamp Duty, by the Contractor.
0709. i) The Bank Guarantee to be submitted by the contractor/supplier under this
clause, shall be sent directly by the issuing bank to the concerned Railway
authority under Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service.
ii) In exceptional cases, when the BGs are submitted by the contractors/suppliers
etc. through themselves (and not directly by the issuing bank under
Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service), the BG issuing Bank
Branch immediately should send by Registered Post AD or Speed Post or
Courier Service an unstamped duplicate copy of the Bank Guarantee directly
to the Railways with a covering letter to enable Railway’s to compare with the
original BGs and to confirm that the submitted BG is in order.
0710 MSEs including NSIC registered firms are not exempted from submission of
Performance Guarantee Bond. Hence, they are required to necessarily submit
Performance Guarantee Bond in case their offers are accepted and are called upon
to do so.
0801 . The Contractor shall as may be required by the Purchaser either deliver FREE or
FOR or FOB or C&F or CIF or DDP at the place/places detailed in the contract, the
quantities of the stores detailed therein and the stores shall be delivered or
dispatched not later than the dates specified in the contract. The delivery will not be
deemed to be complete until and unless the stores are inspected and accepted by
the Inspecting Officer as provided in the contract.
0802. Notwithstanding any inspection and approval by the Inspecting Officer on the
Contractor’s premises, property in the stores shall not pass on to the Purchaser until
the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the consignee.
0803. In the case of indigenous supplies, the Purchaser shall not be liable to render
assistance to the Contractor in securing or to arrange for or provide transport to the
Contractor, notwithstanding that transport of the stores, is controlled by or under the
orders of the Government.
0804. In the case of foreign contracts on FOB basis :—
(a) The stores shall be delivered by the Contractor free on board such vessels in such
port or ports named in the quotation, as the Purchaser or his nominee may require.
(b) Such number of inspection certificates, advice, notices, packing accounts and
invoices, as may be required by the Purchaser or his nominee, shall be furnished by
the Contractor at his own cost.
(c) Freight for the conveyance of the stores or any part thereof will be arranged by the
Purchaser or his nominee, who will give, due notice to the Contractor when and on
board, what vessels they or such part thereof, are to be delivered. Should the
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stores, or any part thereof, be not delivered within 7 days of the receipt of such
notice by the Contractor, the Contractor will be liable for all payments and expenses
that the Purchaser may incur, or be put to, by reason of such non-delivery including
dead and extra freight, demurrage of vessels and any other charges incurred by the
Purchaser whatsoever.
0805 In the case of foreign contracts on C&F basis :—
(a) For C&F delivery the stores shall be delivered free of expense to the Purchaser on
Board the vessels with ocean transportation to named Indian Port, including any
charges for loading etc. till the cargo is safely delivered to the Port Consignee, at the
said Port.
(b) The seller shall ensure use of Lloyds classified vessel. A certificate to this effect
shall invariably be sent by the seller to the Port Consignee(s) and also to the
Purchaser and the Paying Authority along with other shipping documents. Any extra
expenditure by way of extra insurance etc., if incurred for use of non-
classified/overaged vessel, shall be on seller’s account.
0806 In the case of foreign contracts on DDP basis :—
All activities for delivery of Imported as well as Indigenous components like Sea
freighting, Insurance, Port clearance, Custom clearance, Inland freighting, Loading
& Unloading both on the Vessel as well as consignee’s site and thereafter, its
complete supply to ultimate consignee, shall be discharged by the supplier or their
Notification of delivery or dispatch in regard to each and every instalment shall be
made to the Purchaser, Consignee and Port Consignee (if applicable) immediately
on dispatch or delivery. The Contractor shall further supply to the consignee, or the
interim consignee, as the case may be, a packing account quoting number and date
of the acceptance of tender and date of dispatch of the stores. All packages, shall
be fully described in the packing account and full details of the contents of the
packages and quantity of materials shall be given to enable the consignee to check
the stores on arrival at destination. The copy of Railway Receipt/Consignment Note
or Bill of Lading with other shipping documents, if any, shall be forwarded to the
consignee and or the port consignee named in the contract, as applicable, by
registered post immediately on the dispatch of stores. The Contractor shall bear and
reimburse to the Purchaser demurrage charges, if any, paid by reason of delay on
the part of the Contractor in forwarding the copy of the Railway Receipt,
Consignment Note or Bill of Lading and other shipping documents.
The time for and the date specified in the contract or as extended for the delivery of
the stores shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract and delivery must be
completed not later than the date(s) so specified or extended:
1001. Progressing of Deliveries
The Contractor shall allow reasonable facilities and free access to his works and
records to the Inspecting Officer, Progress Officer or such other Officer as may be
nominated by the Purchaser for the purpose of ascertaining the progress of the
deliveries under the contract.
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1002. Failure and Termination
If the Contractor fails to deliver the stores or any installment thereof within the period
fixed for such delivery in the contract or as extended or at any time repudiates the
contract before the expiry of such period, the Purchaser may without prejudice to his
other rights :—
(a) Recover from the Contractor as agreed pre estimated liquidated damages and not
by way of penalty a sum equivalent to 2 per cent of the price of any stores (including
elements of taxes, duties, freight etc.) which the Contractor has failed to deliver
within the period fixed for delivery in the contract or as extended for each month or
part of a month during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears where
delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period subject to max. of
10% of the contract value. Provided, however, that if the delay shall have arisen
from any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for further
time, the Purchaser may in his discretion allow such additional time as he may
consider to have been required by the circumstances of the case and shall forego
the whole or such part, as he may consider reasonable of his claim for such loss or
damages as aforesaid; or
(b) Cancel the contract or a portion thereof and if so desired purchase or authorise the
purchase of the stores not so delivered or others of a similar description (where
stores exactly complying with particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser,
which shall, be final, readily procurable) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. It
shall, however, be in the discretion of the Purchaser to obtain or not the
Performance Guarantee Bond from the firm/firms on whom the contract is placed at
the risk and expense of the defaulting firm. However, in respect of contracts where
performance guarantee bond of 10% of contract value has been taken, risk
purchase clause will not be applicable and in case of default by such firms, the
performance guarantee bond submitted shall be forfeited for in part or full and the
quantities unsupplied shall be procured independently without risk and cost of the
original contractor and adverse performance of defaulting firm will be taken into
account in future tender cases on merit.
Where risk purchase action is taken under sub-clause (b) above, the Contractor
shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account
provided the purchase, or, if there is an agreement to purchase, such agreement is
made, in case of failure to deliver the stores within the period fixed for such delivery
in the contract or as extended within nine months from the date of such failure and
in case of repudiation of the contract before the expiry of the aforesaid period of
delivery, within nine months from the date of cancellation of the contract. The
Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such purchase and the manner and
method of such purchase shall be in the entire discretion of the Purchaser. It shall
not be necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such purchase on the
1003. Extension of Time for Delivery
If such failure as in the aforesaid clause 1002 shall have arisen from any cause
which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for extension of time, the
Purchaser shall allow such additional time as he considers to be justified by the
circumstances of the case, and shall forgo the whole or such part, as he may
consider reasonable, of his claim for such loss or damage as aforesaid. Any failure
or delay on the part of Sub-Contractor, though their employment may have been
sanctioned under condition 2100 hereof, shall not be admitted as a reasonable
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ground for any extension of time or for exempting the Contractor from liability for any
such loss or damage as aforesaid.
1004. Consequence of Rejection
If on the stores being rejected by the Inspecting Officer or Interim Consignee or
Consignees at the destination, the Contractor fails to make satisfactory supplies
within the stipulated period of delivery, the Purchaser shall be at liberty to : —
(i) require the Contractor to replace the rejected stores forthwith but in any event not
later than a period Of 21 days from the date of rejection and the Contractor shall
bear all cost of such replacement including freight, if any, on such replacing and
replaced stores but without being entitled to any extra payment on that or any other
account; or
(ii) purchase or authorize the purchase of quantity of the stores rejected or others of a
similar description (when stores exactly complying with particulars are not in the
opinion of the Purchaser, which shall be final, readily available) without notice to the
Contractor at his risk and cost and without affecting the Contractor’s liability as
regards the supply of any further installments due under the contract; or
(iii) cancel the contract and purchase or authorise the purchase of the stores or others
of a similar description (when stores exactly complying with particulars are not, in
the opinion of the Purchaser, which shall be final, readily available) at the risk and
cost of the Contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (ii) above
or under this sub-clause, the provisions of clause 1002 above will apply as far as
(iv) where under the contract the price payable is fixed F.O.B. port of export or F.O.R.
dispatching station, the Contractor shall, if the stores are rejected at destination by
the consignee, be liable, in addition to his other liabilities, including refund of price
recoverable in respect of the stores so rejected, to reimburse to the Purchaser the
freight and all other expenses incurred by the Purchaser in this regard.
1005 Penalty for delays in supplies during delivery period:
In case of failure on the part of supplier to arrange supplies as per the delivery
schedule/installments fixed in advance, save force majeure conditions or delays
attributable to Purchaser, the purchaser reserves the right to levy liquidated
damages, which shall be levied as per para 1002 (a) above, for the delayed quantity
which have remained unsupplied for that period. This will be applicable both in
indigenous and foreign contracts.
1006 Thus the total liquidated damages on account of clause 1002 (a) and 0400 above will
be maximum 20% of the total contract value.
1101. In the event of any unforeseen event directly interfering with the supply of stores
arising during the currency of the contract, such as war, hostilities, acts of the public
enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine
restrictions, strikes, lockouts, or acts of God, the Contractor shall, within a week
from the commencement thereof, notify the same in writing to the Purchaser with
reasonable evidence thereof. If the force majeure condition(s) mentioned above be
in force for a period of 90 days or more at any time, the Purchaser shall have the
option to terminate the contract on expiry of 90 days of commencement of such
force majeure by giving 14 days’ notice to the Contractor in writing. In case of such
termination, no damages shall be claimed by either party against the other, save
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and except those which had occurred under any other clause of this contract prior to
such termination.
1201. In cases where only a portion of the stores ordered is tendered for inspection at the
fag end of the delivery period and also in cases where inspection is not completed in
respect of the portion of the stores tendered for inspection during the delivery period
because of the reason that adequate notice for inspection in accordance with clause
1501 was not given by the Contractor, the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the
order for the balance quantity, as per clause 1002 above without any further
reference to him. If the stores tendered for inspection during or at the fag end of
the delivery period are not found acceptable after carrying out the inspection,
Purchaser is entitled to cancel the contract in respect of the same If, however, the
stores tendered for inspection are found acceptable, the Purchaser may grant an
extension of the delivery period subject to the following conditions :—
(a) The Purchaser has the right to recover from the Contractor the liquidated damages
on the stores, which the Contractor has failed to deliver within the period fixed for
(b) That no increase in price on account of any statutory increase in or fresh
imposition of taxes and duties, Freight Charges or on any account of any
other tax or duty leviable in respect of the stores specified in the contract,
which takes place after the date of delivery period stipulated in the said
Acceptance of Tender, shall be admissible on such of the said stores as are
delivered after said date.
(c) That notwithstanding any stipulation in the contract for increase in price on any other
ground, no such increase which takes place after the delivery date stipulated in the
contract shall be admissible on such of the said stores as are delivered after the
said date.
(d) But nevertheless the Purchaser shall be entitled to the benefit of any decrease in
price on account of reduction in or remission of taxes and duties or on account of
any other ground which takes place after the expiry of the delivery date stipulated in
the contract. The Contractor shall allow the said benefit in his bills or in the absence
thereof shall certify that no decrease in price on account of any of these factors has
taken place.
1202. The Contractor shall not dispatch the stores till such time an extension in terms of
clause 1201 (a) to (d) above is granted by the Purchaser and accepted by the
Contractor. If the stores are dispatched by the Contractor before an extension letter
as aforesaid is issued by the Purchaser and the same are accepted by the
consignee, the acceptance of the stores shall be deemed to be subject to the
conditions (a) to (d) mentioned in clause 1201 above.
1203. In case where the entire quantity has not been tendered for inspection within the
delivery period stipulated in the contract and the Purchaser chooses to grant an
extension of the delivery period the same would be subject to conditions (a) to (d)
mentioned in clause 1201 above.
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1301. In the event of the Contractor failing to ship the stores duly inspected and passed
within the stipulated delivery, the Purchaser is entitled to cancel the contract in
respect of the same as per clause 1002 above or invoke the clauses providing other
remedies such as liquidated damages as provided in the contract. However, if he so
chooses, the Purchaser may grant an extension of the delivery period subject to :—
(a) The Purchaser recovering from the contractor liquidated damages as stipulated in
the conditions of contract for the stores, which the Contractor has failed to ship
within the period fixed for delivery after the inspection and passing of the stores.
(b) The Purchaser retaining the right to recover from the Contractor any extra
expenditure which might has been incurred by the Purchaser on account of
additional bank charges payable for extension/amendment of the Letter of Credit,
the increase in Custom Duty and Freight Charges directly relatable to the delay in
shipping of the stores, etc.
(c) That any additional expenditure incurred by the purchaser or custom duty, freight
charges as also extra cost which may arise on account of variation in exchange rate
during the extended delivery schedule shall be borne by the Contractor.
1302. The Contractor shall not dispatch the stores till such time an extension in terms of
the above is granted by the Purchaser. If the stores are dispatched by the
Contractor before an extension letter as aforesaid is issued by the Purchaser, the
supply of the stores shall be deemed to be subject to conditions set above.
1401. The Contractor shall, from time-to-time, render such reports concerning the
progress of the contract and/or supply of the stores including commissioning in
such form as may be required by the Purchaser.
1402. The submission, receipt and acceptance of such reports shall not prejudice the
rights of the Purchaser under the contract, nor shall operate as an estoppel against
Purchaser merely by reason of the fact that he has not taken notice of/or subjected
to test any information contained in such report.
1501. When Inspection during manufacture or before delivery or dispatch is required,
notice in writing shall be sent by the Contractor to the Inspecting Officer when the
stores or material to be supplied are ready for inspection and test, and no stores
shall be delivered or dispatched until the Inspecting Officer has certified in writing
that such stores have been inspected and approved by him. At least four weeks’
notice must be given to the Inspecting Officer to enable him to arrange the
necessary inspection. The examination of stores will be made as soon as
practicable after the same have been submitted for inspection, and the result of the
examination will be notified to the Contractor.
1502. In cases where the Inspecting Authority specified in the contract requires on behalf
of the Purchaser that inspection of the raw materials to be used and/or stage
inspection during the manufacturing process of the component/stores etc. is also to
be done, notice in writing shall be sent by the Contractor to the Inspecting Officer to
visit his premises/works to test the raw materials and/ or conduct necessary
inspection during the manufacturing process of the component/stores etc. as
deemed essential.
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1503. Marking of Stores
The Contractor shall, if so required, at his own expense, mark all the approved
stores with a recognized Government or Purchaser’s mark. The stores which cannot
be so marked shall, if so required by the Inspecting Officer, be packed at the
Contractor’s expense in suitable packages or cases, each of which shall be sealed
and marked with such mark.
1504. Facilities for Test and Examination
The Contractor shall, at his own expense afford to the Inspecting Officer all
reasonable facilities as may be necessary for satisfying himself, that the stores are
being and/or have been manufactured in accordance with the Particulars. The
Inspecting Officer shall have full and free access at any time during the execution of
the contract to the Contractor’s work for the purpose aforesaid, and he may require
the Contractor to make arrangements for inspection of the stores or any part thereof
or any material at his premises or at any other place specified by the Inspecting
Officer and if the Contractor has been permitted to employ the services of a Sub-
Contractor, he shall in his contract with the Sub-Contractor, reserve to the
Inspecting Officer a similar right.
1505. Cost of Test
The Contractor shall provide, without any extra charge, all materials, tools, labour
and assistance of every kind which the inspecting Officer may demand of him for
any test, and examination, other than special or independent test, which he shall
require to be made on the Contractor’s premises and the Contractor shall bear and
pay all costs attendant thereon. If the Contractor fails to comply with the conditions
aforesaid, the Inspecting Officer shall, in his sole judgment, be entitled to remove for
test and examination all or any of the stores manufactured by the Contractor to any
premises other than his (Contractor’s) and in all such cases the Contractor shall
bear the cost of transport and/or carrying but such tests elsewhere. A certificate in
writing of the Inspecting Officer, that the Contractor has failed to provide the facilities
and the means for test and examination, shall be final.
1506. Delivery of Stores for Test
The Contractor shall provide and deliver free of charge, at such places as the
Inspecting Officer may nominate, such materials as he may require for test by
chemical analysis or independent testing machines.
1507. Liability for Costs of Special or Independent Test
The cost of any special or independent tests to be carried out by the Inspecting
Officer at a place other than the Contractor’s premises will be defrayed by the
Purchaser unless it is stated in the specification that it is to be paid by the
Contractor. However, in the event of rejection of stores or any part thereof by the
Inspecting Officer in the consequence of the sample thereof which is removed to the
laboratory or other places of test, being found on test, to-be not in conformity with
the Contract, or, in the event of the failure of the Contractor for any reason to deliver
the stores passed on test within the stipulated period, the Contractor shall, on
demand, pay to the Purchaser all costs incurred in the inspection and/or test, Cost
of test shall be assessed at the rate charged by the laboratory to private person for
similar work.
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1508. Method of Testing
The Inspecting Officer shall have the right to put all the stores or materials forming
part of the same or any part thereof to such tests as he may think fit and proper. The
Contractor shall not be entitled to object on any ground whatsoever to the method of
testing adopted by the Inspecting Officer.
1509. The Contractor shall satisfy the Inspector that adequate provision has been made :-
(i) to carry out his instructions fully, and with promptitude ;
(ii) to ensure that parts required to be inspected before use are not used before
inspections; and
(iii) to prevent rejected parts being used in error. Where, parts rejected by the Inspector
have been rectified or altered, such parts shall be segregated for separate
inspection and approval before being used in the work.
(iv) Parts and fittings except raw material which have been found rejected during
inspection and which could not be rectified are required to be defaced by the
inspecting authority to avoid recycling of such material and to avoid ultimate failures
of assets.
1510. Powers of Inspecting Officer
The Inspecting Officer shall have the power: —
(i) Before any stores or part thereof are submitted for inspection to certify that they
cannot be in accordance with the contract owing to the adoption of any unsatisfac-
tory method of manufacture ;
(ii) To reject any stores submitted as not being in accordance with the particulars ;
(iii) To reject the whole of the installment tendered for inspection, if after inspection of
such portion thereof as he may in his discretion think fit, he is satisfied that the same
is unsatisfactory;
(iv) To mark the rejected stores with a rejection mark, so that they may be easily
identified if re-submitted for inspection.
The Inspecting Officer’s decision as regards the rejection shall be final and binding
on the Contractor.
1511. Inspection Certificates
On the stores being found acceptable by the Inspecting Officer, he shall furnish the
Contractor with necessary copies of the Inspection certificates duly completed for
being attached to the Contractor’s bill in support thereof.
1512. Certification of Inspection and Approval in Case of Foreign Contracts
(i) No Stores will be considered ready for delivery until the Purchaser or the Inspecting
Officer nominated by him shall have certified in writing that they have been
inspected and approved by him.
(ii) It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that only such goods as have
been duly inspected and approved by the Inspecting Authority, are offered for
arranging shipment to the Government of India’s Forwarding Agents and to furnish
to them a certificate as under: —
“Certified that the goods offered for arranging shipment have been duly inspected
and approved by the prescribed authority in accordance with the terns of the
contract and a copy of the Inspection Certificate issued in this regard is enclosed.”
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1513 Charges for re-inspection – In case, re-inspection is carried out by the inspecting
authority following charges will be paid by the supplier to the inspecting agency:
(i) Failure to offer material for inspection- The supplier:
a. Before the visit of Inspecting Engineer – 50% of inspection charges upto
maximum of Rs 11000/-
b. After visit of Inspecting Engineer – twice the charges payable in ‘a’ above.
(ii) Material has to be re-inspected due to rejection of material at firm’s premises-
100% inspection charges plus actual test charges.
(iii) Material has to be re-inspected due to non- dispatch - 100% inspection charges
plus actual test charges.
(iv) Wherever testing is required to be done by the inspecting agency (e.g. RITES)
outside the manufacturer’s premises (as per IRS condition of Contract 1303 & 1304)
all testing will be done by the inspecting agency either in its own lab / labs approved
by it or NABL accredited lab.
1601. Packing
The Contractor shall pack at his own cost the stores sufficiently and properly for
transit by rail/road, air and/or sea as provided in the contract so as to ensure their
being free from loss or damage on arrival at their destination. He shall decide the
packing for the stores by taking into account the fact that the stores will have to
undergo arduous transportation before reaching the destination and will have to be
stored and handled in tropical climatic conditions (Including Monsoons) before being
put to actual use.
1602. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, all packing cases, boxes, tins, drums and
wrappings in which the stores are supplied by the Contractor, shall be considered as
non-returnable and their cost as having been included in the contract price.
Containers used for transportation are returnable.
1603. Each package shall contain a packing note specifying the name & address of the
Contractor, the number and date of the acceptance of tender and the designation of
the Purchase Officer issuing the supply orders, the description of the stores and the
quantity contained therein.
1604. Marking
The marking of all goods supplied shall comply with the requirement of the Indian
Acts relating to merchandise marks or any amendment thereof and of the rules
made thereunder. The following marking of the materials is required :—
(a) The following particulars should be stenciled with indelible paint on all the
materials/packages :—
(i) Contract No.
(ii) Specification No.
(iii) Item No.
(iv) Port consignee (wherever applicable)
(v) Abbreviated Consignee marks.
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(b) In addition to the marking as specified above, distinguishing colour marks should be
given so as to distinguish the ultimate consignees in India.
1605. Inspection of Packing/Marking
The inspection officer may reject the stores, if the stores are not packed and/or
marked as aforesaid and in case, where the packing materials are separately
prescribed, if such materials are not in accordance with the terms of the contract,
such rejection of stores by the inspecting officer shall be final and binding on the
The stores shall be dispatched at public tariff rates. In the case of F.O.R. station of
dispatch contract, the stores shall be booked by the most economical route and or
at the most economical tariff available at the time of dispatch as the case may be.
Failure to do so will render the Contractor liable for any avoidable expenditure
caused to the Purchaser. Where alternative routes exist the Purchaser shall, if
called upon to do so, indicate the most economical route available or name the
authority whose advice in the matter shall be taken and acted upon. If any advice of
any such authority is sought his decision or advice in the matter shall be final and
binding on the Contractors for indigenous supplies.
1701. The purchaser will not bear any Octroi charges. If required, consignee will issue
Octroi exemption certificate. Provision related to entry tax will be as mentioned in
para 1207 of “Instructions to Tenderers”.
Payment terms should be followed strictly as per terms and conditions of Bid
1801. Foreign Supplies:- The standard payment terms subject to recoveries, if any, by
way of Liquidated Damages as per clause 1002 will be as under :-
(a) 80% of the payment against irrevocable L.C, will be made on proof of inspection
certificate and shipment documents within 30 days of receipt of shipping documents
as specified. The shipping documents shall consists of:
i) Two copies of negotiable cum original Bill of Lading.
ii) A copy of inspection certificate issued by the inspecting officer.
iii) Signed/certified commercial invoice (OF 100% SHIPPED VALUE) showing the
description, quantity and price of stores shipped along with packing list/shipping
iv) A copy of contractor’s letter addressed to the insurer as advance intimation sent by
the beneficiary to insurer advising the closing/shipping particulars to enable insurer
to arrange insurance.
v) Certificate for country of origin issued by the appropriate authority.
vi) A certificate that one set of non negotiable document has been sent to purchaser
and ultimate consignee
vii) A certificate that first original of negotiable bill of lading alongwith shipping
specification and copies of documents mentioned in LC/contract has been sent to
the port consignee.
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viii) A certificate that one non negotiable copy of Bill of Lading/Airway bill has been
forwarded to the Shipping Coordination Officer, Shipping Coordination & Chartering
Division, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi.
ix) A certificate that the shipment has been arranged in accordance with instructions of
Ministry of Transport, Department of Surface Transport (Chartering) TRANSCHART,
New Delhi.
x) Any other document apart from i) to ix) above and as per the requirement of the
In case of C&F contract, this payment will be subject to furnishing of a Bank
Guarantee in a form to be approved by the Purchaser, for the amount to safeguard
the Purchaser against any loss. The guarantee will be operative from the date of
shipment to the date of delivery at port in India.
In case of DDP contracts, 80% payment will be made on receipt of the material duly
pre inspected and receipted at site by the consignee in good condition. Payment for
the imported portion will be made against irrevocable L.C on receipt of the complete
consignment in good condition as per specification at ultimate consignee’s end.
(b) In case where dispatch is permitted by road, 80% payment will be made against
receipt of the material duly pre inspected and receipted at site by the consignee in
good condition.
(c) i) Balance 20% payment will be made through bank transfer on furnishing a Bank
Guarantee for an amount equal to 10% of the contract value, as per Annexure-11
fully indemnifying the Purchaser against all losses incurred by the Purchaser during
the Warranty period stipulated in the Warranty Clause No. 3400 within 30 days of
the receipt of Bill alongwith Proving Test Certificate after successful completion of
proving test in which the machine performance would have been demonstrated by
the supplier or his agent after its commissioning at the consignee’s premises.
Where, however, the installation and commissioning of the machine is delayed or
put off beyond 90 days of the receipt of goods at the ultimate destination due to
express written instructions of the Purchaser/Consignee, the balance 20% payment
shall be released to the supplier on his furnishing the necessary Bank Guarantee of
equal amount i.e. balance 20% valid for the period as asked by the purchaser.
ii) The Bank Guarantee as mentioned above should be from a Nationalised Indian
Bank/Schedule Commercial Bank in India. The Bank Guarantee from a Commercial
Bank of the Contractor’s country can be accepted only if the Guarantee is furnished
after getting it countersigned by the Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India. New
Delhi or by any Nationalised Indian Bank. The expenses to be incurred for counter-
signature shall be borne by the Contractor.
iii) The Bank Guarantee to be submitted by the contractor / supplier under this clause,
shall be sent directly by the issuing bank to the concerned Railway authority under
Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service.
iv) In exceptional cases, when the BGs are submitted by the contractors/suppliers etc.
through themselves (and not directly by the issuing bank under Registered Post AD
or Speed Post or Courier Service), the BG issuing Bank Branch immediately should
send by Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service an unstamped
duplicate copy of the Bank Guarantee directly to the Railways with a covering letter
to enable Railways to compare with the original BGs and to confirm that the
submitted BG is in order.
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As an alternative the Bank Guarantee may be prepared and sent by issuing banks
electronically through the ‘Structured Financial Messaging System’ (SFMS) to the
advising Bank of the COFMOW (Beneficiary). COFMOW’s advising bank for this
purpose will be State Bank of India, Main Branch, Parliament Street, New Delhi
(Bank code 00691) and IFSC Code SBIN0000691). The advising Bank (SBI Main
Branch, New Delhi) will print the Bank Guarantee on Stamp Paper of required value
and deliver the same to COFMOW and claim the cost and fees from the issuing
bank. The issuing Bank may hand over hard copy of the Bank Guarantee to the
applicant clearly indicating that it is a ‘COPY ONLY’ for attaching with offer
(d) Payment of agency commission, if any, will be made to the Indian Agent within 30
days of the receipt of bill after successful completion of the proving test in which
machine performance would have been demonstrated by the supplier or his agent
after its commissioning at the consignee’s premises.
1802. Indigenous Supplies
The standard payment terms subject to recoveries, if any, by way of Liquidated
Damages as per clause 1002 will be as under:
(a) 80% payment will be made on receipt of the material duly pre inspected and
receipted at site by the consignee in good condition.
(b) i) Balance 20% payment will be made on furnishing a Bank Guarantee for an amount
equal to 10% of the contract value, as per Annexure-11 fully indemnifying the
Purchaser against all losses incurred by the Purchaser during the Warranty period
stipulated in the Warranty Clause No. 3400 within 30 days of the receipt of Bill
alongwith Proving Test Certificate after successful completion of proving test in
which the machine performance would have been demonstrated by the supplier or
his agent after its commissioning at the consignee’s premises. Where, however, the
installation and commissioning of the machine is delayed or put off beyond 90 days
of the receipt of the goods at the ultimate destination due to express written
instructions of the Purchaser/Consignee, the balance 20% payment shall be
released to the supplier on his furnishing the necessary Bank Guarantee of equal
amount i.e. balance 20% valid for the period as asked by the purchaser.
ii) The Bank Guarantee as mentioned above should be from a Nationalised Indian
Bank/Schedule Commercial Bank in India.
iii) The Bank Guarantee to be submitted by the contractor / supplier under this clause,
shall be sent directly by the issuing bank to the concerned Railway authority under
Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service.
iv) In exceptional cases, when the BGs are submitted by the contractors/suppliers etc.
through themselves (and not directly by the issuing bank under Registered Post AD
or Speed Post or Courier Service), the BG issuing Bank Branch immediately should
send by Registered Post AD or Speed Post or Courier Service an unstamped
duplicate copy of the Bank Guarantee directly to the Railways with a covering letter
to enable Railways to compare with the original BGs and to confirm that the
submitted BG is in order.
1901. Payment for indigenous suppliers will be made in Indian Rupees against bills
preferred by the Contractor. Any payment in the foreign exchange that the
Contractor may have to make for imported components forming part of the tender
will be arranged by him direct.
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1902. Payments against foreign contractors will be arranged through normal banking
channels except where payment through letter of credit has been stipulated in the
contract. In the case of payment through the letter of credit, all charges levied by the
foreign bank(s) shall be borne by the Contractor.
1903. The supplier shall prepare tax invoice in the name of the consignee (ultimate
consignee) indicating following details:
i. Name, address and GST Identification Number (GSTIM) of the supplier for each
ii. Date of issue of invoice.
iii. Name, address and GSTIN of the recipient (Consignee)
iv. Address of the delivery
v. HSN Code (for goods) and or accounting code for service
vi. Description of Goods or services alongwith contract reference no. and / or Bill No.
vii. Quantity and Unit
viii. Total Value of supply of goods or services
ix. Taxable supply value of supply of goods and / or services taking into account
discount of abatement, if any.
x. Rate of Tax (Central GST, State GST, Inter state GST, Union Territory GST or
xi. Amount of tax charged in respect of taxable goods or services (CGST, SGST,
IGST, UTGST or cess)
xii. Whether the tax is payable or reverse charge basis?
Format as per Annexure-12 may invariably be used for submission of bills for
payment to COFMOW.
1904. 1) Tenderer to give consent in a mandate form for receipt of payment through
EFT( Electronic Fund Transfer).
2) Tenderers to provide the details of Bank A/c in line with RBI guidelines for the
same. These details will include Bank name, Branch name & Address,
Account type, Bank A/c No. and Bank & Branch Code as appearing on MICR
cheque issued by bank.
3) Tenderer to attach certificate from their bank certifying the correctness of all
above mentioned information ( as mentioned in para (II) above).
4) In case of non payment through EFT or where EFT facility is not available,
payment will be released through cheque.
2001. Whenever any claim or claims for payment of a sum of money arises out of or under
the contract against the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and
also have a lien to retain such sum or sums in whole or in part from the amount of
Performance Guarantee Bond and any other Guarantee furnished by the Contractor
and for the purpose aforesaid, the Purchaser shall be entitled to encash the
Performance Guarantee Bond etc. and also have a lien over the amount of the
Performance Guarantee Bond etc. pending finalisation or adjudication of any such
claim. In the event of the said amount being insufficient to cover the claimed amount
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or amounts or if no Performance Guarantee Bond etc. has been taken from the
Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and have lien to retain to the
extent of the such claimed amount or amounts referred to supra, from any sum or
sums found payable or which at any time thereafter may become payable to the
Contractor under the same contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or the
Government pending finalization or adjudication of any such claim.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money or moneys so withheld or
retained under the lien referred to above, by the Purchaser will be kept withheld or
retained as such by the Purchaser till the claim arising out of or under the contract is
determined by the Arbitrator (if the contract is governed by the arbitration clause) or
by the competent court as prescribed under clause 3103 hereinafter provided, as
the case may be, and that the Contractor will have no claim for interest or damages
whatsoever on any account in respect of such withholding or retention under the lien
referred to supra and duly notified as such to the Contractor.
2002. For the purpose of clause 2001, where the Contractor is a partnership firm or a
limited company, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to
retain towards such claimed amount or amounts in whole or in part from any sum
found payable to any partner/ limited company, as the case may be, whether in his
individual capacity or otherwise.
2003. Lien in respect of Claims in other Contracts-Any sum of money due and payable
to the Contractor (including the amount of Performance Guarantee Bond any other
Guarantee) under the contract may be withheld by way of lien by the Purchaser or
Government against any claim of the Purchaser or Government in respect of
payment of a sum of money arising out or under any other contract made by the
Contractor with the Purchaser or Government.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained
under this clause by the Purchaser or Government will be kept withheld or retained
as such by the Purchaser or Government till his claim arising out of in the same
contract or any other contracts is either mutually settled or determined by the
Arbitrator, if the contract is governed by the arbitration clause or by the competent
court under clause 3103 hereinafter provided, as the case may be, and that the
Contractor shall have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on this account
or any other ground in respect of any sum of money withheld or retained under this
clause and duly notified as such to the Contractor.
2004. In addition to this other remedies under the law and these conditions, the Purchaser
shall have a lien on each machine in respect of which the 80% has been paid to
secure payment of this amount and recovery of any sum due from the Contractor,
should the machine(s) not be successfully commissioned within the time specified
as per clause Installation, Commissioning & Proving Tests in the Technical
Specifications contained in Bid Documents Part-II.
2101. Risk in the Stores : - The Contractor shall perform the contract in all respects in
accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. The stores and every constituent
part thereof, whether in the possession or control of the Contractor, his agents or
servants or a carrier, or in the joint possession of the Contractor, his agents or
servants and the Purchaser, his agents or servants, shall remain in every respect at
the risk of the Contractor, until their actual delivery to the consignee at the stipulated
place or destination or, where so provided in the acceptance of tender, until their
delivery to a person specified in the contract as interim consignee for the purpose of
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dispatch to the consignee. The Contractor shall be responsible for all loss,
destruction, damage or deterioration of or to the stores from any cause whatsoever
while the stores after approval by the Inspecting Officer are awaiting dispatch or
delivery or are in the course of transit from the Contractor to the consignee or the
interim consignee as the case may be. The Contractor shall alone be entitled and
responsible to make claims against a Railway Administration or any other carrier in
respect of non-delivery, short delivery, misdelivery, loss, destruction, damage or
deterioration of the goods entrusted to such carrier by the Contractor for
transmission to the consignee or the interim consignee, as the case may be.
2102. Consignee’s Right of Rejection — Notwithstanding any approval which the
inspecting Officer may have given in respect of the stores or any materials or other
particulars or the work or workmanship involved in the performance of the contract
(whether with or without any test carried out by the Contractor or the Inspecting
Officer or under the direction of the Inspecting Officer) and notwithstanding delivery
of the stores where so provided to the interim consignee, it shall be lawful for the
consignee, on behalf of the Purchaser, to reject the stores or any part, portion of
consignment thereof within 90 days after expiry of the stipulated time provided in the
contract for the commissioning of the machine or in case the commissioning is
completed after the stipulated time, after commissioning of the machine at the place
or destination specified in the contract if such stores or part, portion of consignment
thereof is not in all respects in conformity with the terms and conditions of the
contract whether on account of any loss, deterioration or damage before dispatch or
delivery or during transit or otherwise howsoever. The rejection advice issued by
consignee may be in the standard format as per Store Code Vol-I, para 764.
2103. Provided that where, under the terms of the contract, the stores are required to be
delivered to an interim consignee for the purpose of dispatch to the consignee, the
stores shall be at the Purchaser’s risk after their delivery to the interim consignee,
but nevertheless it shall be lawful for the consignee on behalf of the Purchaser to
reject the stores or any part, portion of consignment thereof upon their actual
delivery to him at the destination if they are not in all respects in conformity with the
terms and conditions of contract except where they have been damaged or have
deteriorated in the course of transit or otherwise after their delivery to the interim
2104. The provisions contained in clause 2800 relating to the removal of stores rejected by
the Inspecting Officer shall, mutatis mutandis apply to stores rejected by the
consignee as herein provided.
2105. The Contractor shall refund any advance/part payment received by him in respect of
the rejected stores within 21 days of the receipt of intimation from the consignee
about the rejection of the stores. In default, the Purchaser may take steps against
Contractor for recovery of such price. This is strictly without prejudice and in addition
to the rights provided in clause 1004.
(i) In case of rejection of pre-inspected supply of goods at consignee end, the material
rejection advice/rejection memo should be sent to all concerned i.e. firm, purchaser,
pre-inspecting agency, paying authority as per the contract, associate bill paying
authority etc. without fail.
(ii) The concerned paying authority as per the contract and associated bill paying
authority should note the rejection advice details in its recovery register for effecting
recovery of payments made, as the case may be.
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(iii) Joint inspection of rejected lot of goods should be held with pre-inspection agency
and firm. In cases of failure of the firm to associate with joint inspection, the same
should be held with pre-inspecting agency.
(iv) Firm may be permitted to rectify the rejected goods in its premises only after the firm
has deposited the payments already made against the same or equivalent amount
has been withheld for this purpose.
(v) In case of replacement supply against the rejected lot of goods, the same should be
pre-inspected by the pre-inspecting agency prior to acceptance of the same by the
(vi) In case of acceptance of replacement supply/ rejected supply after rectification, the
material rejection advice/ rejection memo issued earlier should be withdrawn under
advice to all concerned.
2106. Subletting and Assignment — The Contractor shall not sublet (otherwise than that
which may be customary in the trade concerned), transfer, assign or otherwise part
with directly or indirectly to any person or persons, whatever is in this contract, or
any part thereof without the previous written permission of the Purchaser or his
In the event of the Contractor’s failure to obtain such permission, the Purchaser
shall be entitled to cancel the contract and to purchase the stores elsewhere on the
Contractor’s account and risk and the Contractor shall be liable for any loss or
damage which the Purchaser may sustain in consequence or arising out of such
2107. Changes in a Firm -
(a) Where the Contractor is a partnership firm, a new partner shall not be introduced in
the firm except with the previous consent in writing of the Purchaser, which may be
granted only upon execution of a written undertaking by the new partner to perform
the contract and accept all liabilities incurred by the firm under the contract prior to
the date of such undertaking. In the event of the Contractor’s failure to comply with
this requirement, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser to cancel the contract and
purchase or authorise the purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of the
Contractor and in that event the provisions of clause 1002 as far as applicable shall
(b) On the death or retirement of any partner of the Contractor firm before complete
performance of the contract, the Purchaser may, at his option cancel the contract
and in such case the Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever to compensation
against the Purchaser.
(c) If the contract is not determined as provided in sub-clause (b) above notwithstand-
ing the retirement of a partner from the firm he shall continue to be liable under the
contract for acts of the firm until a copy of the public notice given by him under
section 32 of the Partnership Act, has been sent by him to the Purchaser by
registered post acknowledgement due.
(d) The decision of the Purchaser as to any matter or thing concerning or arising out of
this sub-clause or on any question whether the Contractor or any partner of the
Contractor firm has committed a breach of any of the conditions in this sub-clause
shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
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2201. Any fittings or accessories which may not be specifically mentioned in the
specifications but which are usual or necessary, are to be provided by the
Contractor without extra charge, and the plant must be complete in all details.
2202. The work shall be performed at the place or places specified in the contract or at
such other place or places as may be approved by the Purchaser.
2203. In all cases where the contract provides for tests on site, the Purchaser, except
where otherwise specified, shall provide, free of charge, such labour, materials,
fuels, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be required from time to time and
as may reasonably be demanded, efficiently to carry out such tests of the plants,
materials or workmanship etc. in accordance with the contract.
2204. In the case of contracts requiring electricity, for the completion of the work and for
test on site, such electricity, when available, shall be supplied free to the Contractor
at the pressure of the ordinary supply.
However, responsibilities of Purchaser and the contractor required for execution of
work at consignees site shall be as defined in bid document Part-II.
The Contractor shall pay all charges for handling, stamping, painting, marking,
protecting or preserving patent rights, drawings, templates, model and gauges and
for all such measures as the Purchaser or the Inspecting Officer may deem
necessary for the proper completion of the contract though special provision
therefore may not be made in the specification or drawings. The Contractor shall
also pay for Dock and Harbour dues, port’s rates, export taxes and other fees’ or
charges, if any, levied because of exportation.
2401. The prices stated are to include all rights (if any) of patent, registered design or
trade mark and the Contractor shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all
claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right
protected by patent, registration of designs or trade mark; provided always that in
the event of any claim in respect of alleged breach of a patent, registered designs or
trade mark being made against the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall notify the
Contractor of the same and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, either settle
any such dispute or conduct any litigation that may arise there from.
2501. All the property of the Government or Purchaser loaned, whether with or without
deposit on terms and conditions to be separately agreed upon in respect of each
particular contract, to the Contractor in connection with contract shall remain the
property of the Government or the Purchaser, as the case may be. The Contractor
shall use such property for the purpose of the execution of the contract and for no
other purpose whatsoever.
2502. All such property shall be deemed to be in good condition when received by the
Contractor unless he shall have within twenty four hours of the receipt thereof
notified the Purchase Officer or the concerned authority to the contrary. If the
Contractor fails to notify any defect in the condition or quality of such property, he
shall be deemed to have lost the right to do so at any subsequent stage.
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2503. The Contractor shall return all such property and shall be responsible for the full
value thereof to be assessed by the Purchaser/loaning authority whose decision
shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for loss or
damage to such property from whatever cause happening while such property is in
the possession of or under the control of the Contractor, his servants, workmen or
2504. Where such property is insured by the Contractor against loss or fire at the request
of the Government or Purchaser such insurance shall be deemed to be effected by
way of additional precaution and shall not prejudice the liability of the Contractor as
2550 Safety Measures
2551 The Contractor should take all precautionary measures in order to ensure the
protection of his own personnel moving about or working on the railway premises,
and should conform to the rules and regulations of the Railway.
2552 The Contractor should abide by all railway regulations in force from time to time and
ensure that the same are followed by his representatives, agents or sub-contractor
or workmen.
2553 The Contractor should ensure that unauthorised, careless or inadvertent operation
of installed equipment which may result in accident to staff and/or damage to
equipment does not occur.
2554 The Contractor should indemnify and keep the Purchaser indemnified and harmless
against all actions, suits, claims, demands costs charges or expenses arising in
connection with any accident, death or injury, sustained by any person or persons
within the railway premises and any loss or damage to railway property sustained
due to the acts or omissions of the Contractor irrespective of whether such liability
arises under the workman’s compensation act or the fatal accidents act or any other
statute in force from time to time.
If, by reason of a customs notification published after the placing of the contract, the
stores to be supplied shall become, on exportation, subject to customs drawback in
respect of duty paid on them or on the materials used in their manufacture, the
Contractor shall recover the amount of the drawback and the contract price of the
stores shall be reduced by the amount so recovered.
The Purchaser shall have the right for “Book Examination” as follows :—
2701. The Contractor shall whenever called upon and requiring to produce or cause to be
produced or examination by any Govt. Officer duly authorised in that behalf, any
cost or other account book of account, voucher, receipt, letter, memorandum, paper
or writing or any copy of or extract from any such document and also furnish
information any way relating to such transaction and procedure before the duly
authorised Government Officer returns verified in such manner as may be required
relating in any way to the execution of this contract or relevant for verifying or
ascertaining the cost of execution of this contract. The decision of such Government
Officer on the question of relevancy of any document, information or return being
final and binding on the parties.
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The obligation imposed by this clause is without prejudice to the obligation of the
Contractor under any statute, rules or orders and it shall be binding on the
2702. The Contractor shall, if the authorised Government Officer so required (whether
before or after the prices have been finally fixed), afford facilities to the Government
Officer concerned to visit the Contractor’s works for the purpose of examining the
processes of manufacture and estimating or ascertaining the cost of production of
the articles. If any portion of the work be entrusted or carried out by a Sub-
Contractor or any of its subsidiary or allied firm or company, the authorised
Government Officer shall have the power to examine all the relevant books of such
Sub-Contractor or any subsidiary or allied firm or company which shall be open to
his inspection as mentioned in clause 2701.
2703. If on such examination, it is established that the contracted price is in excess of the
actual cost plus reasonable margin of profit, the Purchaser shall have the right to
reduce the price and determine the amount to a reasonable level.
2704. Where a contract provides for book examination clause, the Contractor or ‘its
agency is bound to allow examination of its books within a period of 60 days from
the date the notice is received by the Contractor, or its agencies calling for the
production of documents as under clause 2701 above. In the event of Contractor’s
or his agencies failure to do so, the contract price would be reduced and determined
according to the best judgment of the Purchaser which would be final and binding
on the Contractor and his agencies.
2801. On rejection of any stores submitted for inspection at a place other than the
premises of the Contractor, such stores shall be removed by the Contractor at his
own cost subject as herein after stipulated, within 21 days of the date of intimation of
such rejection. If the concerned communication is addressed and posted to the
Contractor at the address mentioned in the contract, it will be deemed to have been
served on him at the time when such communication would in the course of ordinary
post reach the Contractor, provided that where the price or part thereof has been
paid, the consignee is entitled without prejudice to his other rights to retain the
rejected stores till the price paid for such stores is refunded by the Contractor save
that such retention shall not in any circumstances be deemed to be acceptance of
the stores or waiver of rejection thereof.
2802. All rejected stores shall in any event and circumstances remain and always be at
the risk of the Contractor immediately on such rejection. If such stores are not
removed by the Contractor within the periods aforementioned, the Inspecting Officer
may remove the rejected stores and either return the same to the Contractor at his
risk and cost by such mode of transport as the Purchaser or Inspecting Officer may
decide, or dispose of such stores at the Contractor’s risk and on his account and
retain such portion of the proceeds, if any, from such disposal as may be necessary
to recover any expense incurred in connection with such disposals (or any price
refundable as a consequence of such rejection). The purchaser shall, in addition, be
entitled to recover from the Contractor handling and storage charges on the rejected
stores after the expiry of the time-limit mentioned above.
2803. The stores that have been dispatched by rail and rejected after arrival at destination
may be taken back by the Contractor either at the station where they were rejected
or at the station from which they were sent, after refunding the price paid for such
stores and other charges refundable as a consequence of such rejection. If the
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contract is placed for delivery F.O.R. station of dispatch, the Contractor shall pay the
carriage charges on the rejected consignment at public tariff rates from the station of
dispatch to the station where they are rejected. If the Contractor elects to take back
the goods at the station from which they were dispatched, the goods shall in
addition, be booked back to him freight to-pay at public tariff rates and at
Contractor’s risk. The Contractor shall be liable to reimburse packing and incidental
costs and charges incurred in such return of rejected stores in addition to other
charges refundable as a consequence of rejection. The goods shall remain the
property of the Contractor unless and until accepted by the Purchaser after
2901. The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person in the
employment of the Purchaser or working under the orders of the Purchaser any gift
or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to
do or having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution
of the contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or Government or for
showing any favour or for bearing to show disfavor to any person in relation to
the contract or any other contract with the purchaser or Government. Any breach of
the aforesaid condition by the Contractor, or any one employed by him or acting on
his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor) or the
commission of any offence by the Contractor, or by any one employed by him or
acting on his behalf, under Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 or any other act enacted for the prevention of
corruption by public servants shall entitle the Purchaser to cancel the contract and
all or any other contracts with the Contractor and to recover from the Contractor the
amount of any loss arising from such cancellation in accordance with the provisions
of clause 1002.
2902. Any dispute or difference in respect of either the interpretation, effect or application
of the above clause or of the amount recoverable there under by the Purchaser from
the Contractor, shall be decided by the Purchaser, whose decision thereon shall be
final and binding on the Contractor.
3001. The Purchaser may at any time, by notice in writing summarily determine the
contract without compensation to the Contractor in any of the following events, that
is to say :-
(a) if the Contractor being an individual or if a firm, any partner thereof, shall at any
time, be adjudged insolvent or shall have a receiving order or order for adminis-
tration of his estate made against him or shall take any proceeding for composition
under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or
assignment of his effects or enter into any assignment or composition with his
creditors or suspend payment or if the firm be dissolved under the Partnership Act,
(b) if the Contractor being a company is wound up voluntarily or by the order of a Court
or a Receiver, Liquidator, or Manager on behalf of the Debenture holders is
appointed, or circumstances shall have arisen which entitle the Court or Debenture
holders to appoint a Receiver, Liquidator or Manager, or
(c) if the Contractor commits any breach of the contract not herein specifically provided
for. Provided always that such determination shall not prejudice any right of action
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or remedy which shall have accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the Purchaser and
provided also the Contractor shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser any extra
expenditure he is thereby put to and the Contractor shall, under no circumstances,
be entitled to any gain on re-purchase.
3101. This contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force.
3102. Irrespective of the place of delivery and the place of payment under the contract, the
contract shall be deemed to have been made at the place in India from where the
acceptance of tender has been issued.
3103. Jurisdiction of Courts.—The Courts of the place from where the acceptance of
tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising
out of or in respect of the contract.
3104. Compliance with provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Act, 1970 — For Indigenous Supplies : —
(1) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Contract Labour(Regulation
and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central
Rules, 1971, as modified from time-to-time, wherever applicable and shall also
indemnify the Purchaser from and against any claims under the aforesaid Act and
the Rules.
(2) The Contractor shall obtain a valid license under the aforesaid Act as modified from
time-to-time before the commencement of the contract and continue to have a valid
license until the completion of the contract. Any failure to fulfill this requirement shall
attract the penal provisions of the contract arising out of the resultant non-execution
of the contract.
(3) The Contractor shall pay to labour employed by him directly or through Sub-
Contractors the wages as per provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rules
wherever applicable. The Contractor, shall notwithstanding the provisions of the
contract to the contrary, cause to be paid the wages to labour indirectly engaged on
the contract including any engaged by his Sub-Contractors in connection with the
said contract, as if the labour had been immediately employed by him.
(4) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the contract for performance
of the Contractor’s part of the contract, the Contractor shall comply with or cause to
be complied with the provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rule; wherever
(5) In every case in which, by virtue of the provisions of the aforesaid Act or the Ru les,
the Purchaser is obliged to pay any amount of wages to a workman employed by
the Contractor or his Sub-Contractor in execution of the contract or to incur any
expenditure in providing welfare and health amenities required to be provided under
the aforesaid Act and the Rules or to incur any expenditure on account of the
contingent liability of the Purchaser due to the Contractor’s failure to fulfill his
statutory obligations under the aforesaid Act or the Rules, the Purchaser will recover
from the Contractor, the amount of wages so paid or the amount of expenditure so
incurred, and without prejudice to the rights of the Purchaser under section 20, sub-
section (2) and section 21, sub-section(4) of the aforesaid Act, the Purchaser shall
be at liberty to recover such amount or part thereof by deducting it from the amount
of the Performance Guarantee Bond and/or from any sum due by the Purchaser to
the Contractor whether under the contract or otherwise. The Purchaser shall not be
bound to contest any claim made against it under sub-section (1) of section 20 and
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sub-section (4.) of section 21 of the aforesaid Act except on the written request of
the Contractor and upon his giving to the Purchaser full security for all costs for
which the Purchaser might become liable in contesting such claim. The decision of
the Purchaser regarding the amount actually recoverable from the Contractor as
stated above, shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
3201 (a) (i) In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions
or any special conditions of contract, or in connection with this contract {except
as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these or the
special conditions, i.e., accepted matters (non-arbitrable)} the same shall be
referred to the sole arbitration of an Arbitrator in terms of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended by Arbitration and Conciliation
(Amendment) Act, 2015. Arbitrator shall be person possessing qualifications
laid down in para 2900 (a) (ii) and shall be appointed by the Chief
Administrative Officer, COFMOW, New Delhi, India,
(ii) Qualification for appointment as Sole Arbitrator:
(a) Retired Railway Officer not below SAG level 3 years after his date of
(b) Age of Arbitrator at the time of appointment shall not exceed 70 years.
(iii) An Arbitrator may be appointed notwithstanding the total no. of arbitration cases
in which he has been appointed in the past. Retired Railway Officer being
appointed as arbitrator, however, will not be one of those who had an
opportunity to deal with the matters to which the contract related or who in the
course of their duties as railway servant have expressed views on all or any of
the matters under disputed or difference.
(iv) The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this
3202 In the event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting of refusing to act or resigning or being
unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the authority appointing the
arbitrator to appoint another arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator in the
manner aforesaid.
3203 It is further a term of this contract that no person other than the person appointed by
the authority as aforesaid should act as arbitrator and that if for any reason that is
not possible, the matter is not to be referred to arbitration at all.
3204 Deleted
3205 (a) (i) The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the connected parties in terms of
section 31 (A) of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by Arbitration and
Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015. The cost shall inter-alia include fee of the
Arbitrator, as per the rated fixed by Railway Board from time to time. Further,
the fee payable to the Arbitrator would be governed by instructions issued on
the subject by Railway Board from time to time irrespective of the fact whether
the Arbitrator is appointed by the Railway Administration under this clause or by
any court of law unless specifically directed by Hon’nble Court otherwise on the
(ii) Arbitrator shall be entitled to 50 percent extra fee, if award is made within 6
months in terms of provisions contained in section 29 (A) (2) of the Arbitration
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 56 of 75
and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended by Arbitration and Conciliation
(Amendment) Act, 2015.
Besides above, Arbitrator shall also be entitled for this extra fee, in cases where
Fast Track Procedure in terms section 29 (B) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 as amended by Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment.) Act, 2015 is
3206 Subject as aforesaid, the Arbitration Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended by
Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 and the rules there under and
any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to
apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause
3207 The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the acceptance note is issued
or such other place as the arbitrator at his discretion may determine in terms of
section 20 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended by Arbitration
and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015.
3208 In this clause the authority, to appoint the arbitrator includes, if there be no such
authority, the officer who is for the time being discharging the functions of that
authority, whether in addition to other functions of otherwise.
3209 It is further a term of this contract that where the arbitral award is for the payment of
money, no interest shall be payable on whole or any part of the money for any
period till the date on which the award is made in terms of Section 31 (7) (a) of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended by Arbitration and Conciliation
(Amendment) Act, 2015
3301. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that all persons
employed in any work in connection with the contract, have full knowledge of the
Official Secrets Act and any regulations framed thereunder.
3302. Any information obtained in the course of the execution of the contract by the
Contractor,; his servants or agents or any person so employed, as to any matter
whatsoever, which would or might be directly or indirectly, of use to any enemy of
India, must be treated secret and shall not at any time be communicated to any
3303. Any breach of the aforesaid conditions shall entitle the Purchaser to cancel the
contract and to purchase or authorise the purchase of the stores at the risk and cost
of the Contractor in accordance with the clause-1002 of the General Conditions of
Contract, In the event of such cancellation, the stores or parts manufactured in the
execution of the contract shall be taken by the Purchaser at such price as he
considers fair and reasonable and the decision of the Purchaser as to such price
shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
3401. The Contractor shall warrant that everything to be furnished hereunder shall be free
from defects and faults in design, material, workmanship and manufacture and shall
be of the highest grade and consistent with the established and generally accepted
standards for goods of the type ordered and in full conformity, with the contract
specifications and samples if any and shall if operatable, operate properly.
3402. This warranty shall survive inspection of, payment for and acceptance of the goods
and shall expire after 24 months from the date of commissioning of machine at
ultimate destination in India, Any approval of acceptance by purchaser of the Stores
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or of the material incorporated here in shall not in any way limits the contractor’s
3403. The contractor’s liability in respect of any complaints defects and or claims shall be
limited to the furnishing and installation of replacement parts free of any charge or
the repair or defective parts only to the extent that such replacement or repairs are
attributable to or arise from faulty workmanship or material or design in the
manufacture of the stores, provided that the defects are brought to the notice of
Contractor with in 3 (Three) months of their being first discovered during the
warranty period or 3 (Three) months from the date of expiry of warranty period or at
the option of the Purchaser to the payment of the value, expenditure and damage as
hereafter mentioned.
3404. The contractor shall, if required, replace or repair the goods or such portion thereof
as is rejected by the Purchaser free of cost at the ultimate destination or at the
option of the purchaser, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser value thereof at
the contract price or in the absence of such price at price decided by the Purchaser,
and such other expenditure and damages as may arise by reason of the breach of
the condition herein specified.
3405. All replacement and repairs that the purchaser shall call upon the contractor to
deliver or perform under this warranty shall be delivered and performed by the
contractor within 1 (one) weeks, promptly and satisfactorily. The warranty period will
be extended by the number of days the machine remains under breakdown during
the warranty period and the warranty Bank Guarantee would be returned at the end
of such extended warranty period for the full machine.
3406. If the Contractor so desires, the replaced parts can be taken over by him or his
representative in India for disposal as he deems fit at the time of replacement of
goods/parts. No claim whatsoever shall lie on the Purchaser for the replaced parts
3407. The warranty herein contained shall not apply to any material which shall have been
repaired or altered by the Purchaser, or on his behalf in any way without the consent
of the Contractor, so as to effect the strength, performance or reliability or to any
defects to any part due to misuse, negligence or accident,
3408. The decision of the Purchaser in regard to Contractor’s liability and the amount, if
any, payable under this warranty shall be final and conclusive.
3409 The warranty period in the offer shall survive for a period of 24 months from the date
of commissioning of machine. If the offer is found with less than 24 months or
ambiguous/uncertain on warranty conditions, the tender is liable to be rejected.
3410 The Purchaser, without prejudice, shall be entitled and it shall be lawful on his part to
forfeit the amount of the Guarantee Bond furnished in respect of Warranty as per
clause 1801 (c) and/or 1802 (b) in whole or in part in the event of any default, failure
or neglect on the part of the Contractor in the fulfillment or performance in all
respects of the warranty provisions under reference or failure to extend the validity
of Guarantee Bond for the period of break down occurred during warranty period
and for such part(s) replaced and/or repaired and part(s) immediately connected
thereto as per clause 3405.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 58 of 75
3501. The tenderer will clearly spell out in the offer the facilities available with him or his
agent for providing adequate after-sales service in India during warranty period. The
tenderer will also indicate the organisation located at various places in India and the
availability of trained staff, maintenance spares etc. at different centres in the
country. In the case of imported machines, presence of qualified service engineering
personnel with the supplier or his agent will be essential and the bidder should
certify in the offer that such service team will be available. This information should
be provided by the bidder in relevant Section of Bid document Part-II.
3502 All spares required for the maintenance of these machines should be made available
to various consignees for ware-housing in India for a period of two years from the
date of delivery of the machine at ultimate destination.
3503. After the warranty period, the manufacturer or his agent shall agree to provide
service supports for trouble shooting and obtaining spare parts. The manufacturer
shall be obliged to provide spare parts required by the Purchasers for a period of 15
(Fifteen) years or as per codal life of machine mentioned in bid document Part-II
from the date of delivery of the machine at the ultimate destination to safeguard
against obsolescence.
3504. The following information must be furnished by the Tenderer/Manufacturer
regarding facilities for after sale service available in India.
(i) Whether similar types of machines have been sold earlier by the manufacturer
through the agents in India, if so the machine model number and details of the
customers to whom the machines were sold should be furnished.
(ii) Whether any trained engineers are available in India either with the firm or with their
agents to attend to after sale problems of;
(a) Control equipment
(b) Machine and
(c) Location where these engineers are available in India.
(iii) If reply to (ii) above is in negative, the nature of after sale service proposed to be
provided by the manufacturer during the warranty period and later. The number of
service engineers and their location may also be specified;
(iv) What inventory of spare parts for the control equipment and the machine will be
maintained by the manufactures directly or with their agents in India for the warranty
period requirement. The location of proposed warehouse for maintaining the
inventory and the approximate value of such inventory may also please be
indicated, alongwith the list of such spares.
(v) Whether repairable parts assemblies like printed circuit boards will be repaired in
India or sent to the manufacturer aboard during the warranty period and the
modalities for the same,
3601. The supplier shall furnish per machine ordered 4 copies each or such number as
specified in Bid Document Part-II of the relevant operating manual, maintenance
manual, instruction for both electrical and mechanical equipments, trouble shooting
guide, spare parts catalogue with price list, detailed wiring diagram, hydraulic circuit
diagram, Lubrication diagram with schedule of lubrication and lubricants to be used.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 59 of 75
In case of imported machines equivalent indigenously available brands of lubricants
hydraulic oils should be indicated. All technical documents will be in Hindi or English
3602. In addition, one hard copy and one soft copy each of the above mentioned literature
shall be supplied to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, COFMOW. All the
drawings/diagrams shall be reproducible tracing film.
3603. Dimensions Specifications for rubber spare parts and electronic spare parts should
be given.
3700. Turn-Key contracts
3701. The supplier shall arrange certification by a RCC Consultant, who should be a
Chartered Engineer registered with the Institution of Engineers, that:-
a) The design of the machine foundation &
b) Construction of the foundation.
is in accordance with the latest version of the relevant part of the Indian Standard for
Code of Practice for design & construction of machine foundation as specified in
The original certificate issued by the consultant for certification of both the design &
construction of the foundation and a copy of his registration certificate from the
Institution of Engineers shall be submitted by the supplier to the consignee.
3702. The supplier shall stand a warranty for the foundation alongwith the machine. He
shall arrange to rectify any defects (e.g. sinking or cracking) occurring during the
warranty period in the foundation. He shall also be responsible for uprooting and
reinstalling the machine if so required for carrying out the repairs to the foundation.
The warranty period would be extendable by the time period for which the machine
remains out of commission due to the defect in the foundation or a period of one
year, whichever is more.
3703. The payment for the construction of the foundation and installation &
Commissioning of the machine would be released only after submission of a
certificate as required vide Para-3701 above, which has to be certified by the
consignee. This certification shall be done while issuing the PTC for the machine.
3704. Detailed specifications of the quantity and quality of the material etc. of the turnkey
work is to be specified by the firm alongwith the offer so that these can be
incorporated in the contract to ensure right quality as well as quantity of the material
3800. a) Tenderers may be required to quote for post warranty Annual Maintenance for a
period of 5 years or such period as specified in Bid Document Part-II after
expiry of the warranty period of the M&P alongwith their offers.
b) In such cases, tenderers are required to mention such AMC schedule of such
Annual periodic maintenance alongwith offers giving the charges for AMC
maintenance schedule and other details of items to be used in such preventive
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 60 of 75
(Please see clause 0502(a)
of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’)
Tender No......................................Date of Opening.......................................
(i) Is the firm a unit registered as MSE( as per Clause 0109 of “Instructions to
Tenderers”) ? (If so, a copy of the registration certificate should be enclosed.)
(ii) Name and address of the Banker.
(A copy of the Banker’s report should be enclosed.)
(iii) Last 3 years turn over.
(Documentary evidence should be enclosed.)
Details of orders for the major supplies of same/similar equipments executed during the past
five years or for such period as specified in Bid Document Part-II should be furnished in the
following format.
SN Full Order Description Qty. Value of Date of Remarks
address no. & of Stores order delivery
of User date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: A certificate from the User should preferably be enclosed to indicate that the contract
was satisfactorily performed.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 61 of 75
Please see clause 0502(b)
of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’
Tender No. .................................... Date of Opening ...................................
i) Head Office
ii) Works/Factory
2.2 Telephone No.(with STD code)
i) Head Office
ii) Works/Factory
2.3 Telegraphic address & Telex/fax
i) Head Office
ii) Works/Factory
i) Total Land area (in Sq. meters)
ii) Total covered area(in Sq. meters)
iii) Different Sub-units(with details of covered/uncovered area, etc.)
iv) Special features, if any:
i) Managerial*
ii) Supervisory*
iii) Skilled artisans
iv) Unskilled
* The qualification may also be indicated.
5.1 Description of different departments in the Factory/Works and function of each
department, along with an organisation chart
5.2 Detailed description of machinery and plant in each department (make and year of
procurement/commissioning to be provided. For special type of equipment copy of
pamphlets/write-ups to be furnished so as to supplement the description).
5.3 Details of raw-materials held in stock(state whether imported/indigenous).
5.4 Production capacity of the quoted items
i) Per month
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 62 of 75
ii) Per year
5.5 List of other items, which the firm regularly
manufactures and corresponding production capacity.
6.1 Details of Qualified Personnel(indicating qualification and experience)
6.2 Other facilities available.
7.1 Level of in-house facilities
7.2 Important items of work done by outside vendors.
7.3 Brief details of manufacturing process relevant to the items quoted.
8. Deleted.
9.1 Facilities available at works and branch offices.
9.2 Assessment of quality of service including response times.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 63 of 75
(Please see clause - 0601(c)
of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’)
Ref ................................. Date ..............................
Bank Guarantee No ................
acting through the Controller of Stores,
Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops,
New Delhi - 110 002.
Dear Sir,
In accordance with your invitation to tender No............................... M/s ......................
.................................... hereinafter called the tenderer with the following Directors on their
Board of Directors/partners of the firm:
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
wish to participate in the said tender for the supply of ............................................
As a Bank Guarantee against Bid Guarantee for the sum of
............................................. (in words & figures) valid for (225) two hundred and twenty five
days from the date of opening of the tender viz ................ is required to be submitted by the
tenderer as a condition for the participation, this bank hereby guarantees and undertakes
during the above said period of (225) ) two hundred and twenty five days to immediately pay,
on demand by the Controller of Stores or Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, Central
Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops, Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge, New
Delhi - 110 002, INDIA in writing the amount of ....................... (words & figures) to the said
Controller of Stores or Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, Central Organisation for
Modernisation of Workshops, Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi - 110 002,
INDIA, and without any reservation and recourse, if :-
(i) the tenderer after submitting his tender, modifies the rates or any of the terms
and conditions thereof, except with the previous written consent of the purchaser ; or
(ii) the tenderer withdraws the said bid within 180 days after opening of bid ; or
(iii) the tenderer having not withdrawn the bid, fails to furnish the Contract
Performance Guarantee within the period provided in the General Conditions of the Contract.
This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto 4.00 P.M. on
..................... if further extension to this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 64 of 75
such required periods on receiving instructions from M/S ................................. on whose
behalf this guarantee is issued.
Date ................................. Signature .................................
Place ............................... Printed Name ...........................
1. ............................ ......................................
(Bank’s Common Seal)
Bank Address:
Telephone No.:
Fax No.:
E-Mail Address:
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 65 of 75
(Please see clause 0408 & 0707 of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’)
No......................................................dated ...........................................................
acting through the Controller of Stores,
Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops,
New Delhi - 110 002.
Dear Sir,
Sub:- Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshop’s Tender No.....................
We ................................................................................, an established and reputable
manufacturer of ...................................................................................... having factories at
.......................................... and offices at ...............................do herby authorise M/s
.................................................(Name and address of Agents) to represent us, to bid,
negotiate and conclude the contract on our behalf with you against Tender No. .....................
However, order shall be placed directly on us and we undertake responsibility for successful
execution of such contract.
We further provide the following information as required in terms of clause 0403 of
Instructions to Tenderers, Bid Document Part-I:
a) Amount of remuneration for the agent included in the offer-……….………
b) Precise relationship between the foreign manufacturer/principals and their Indian
c) Mutual interest, which the manufacturer/principal and the Indian Agents/Associates
have in the business of each other-………………………….
d) Any payment, which the agent/associate received in India or Abroad from the
manufacturer/principal whether as a commission for the contract or as a general retainer fee-
e) Indian Agent’s income tax PAN No.-………………….
f) Services to be rendered by the agent/associate, whether of general nature or in
relation to the contract and the facilities/infrastructure available with them for the same-
No company/firm or individual other than M/s
................................................................... are authorized to represent us in regard to this
business against this specific tender.
Yours faithfully,
for & on behalf of M/s ...............
(Name of Manufactures)
Note: 1. This letter of authority should be on the Letter-Head of the manufacturing
concern and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of
attorney to bind the manufacturer.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 66 of 75
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 67 of 75
(Please see clause - 1402 of ‘Instruction to Tenderers’)
Broad Gauge (a) General purpose 4-wheeler
(B.G.) wagons - 5.5 meters
1676 mm Gauge 2.7 0.6 2.0 2.5
(b)General purpose Bogie
wagons - 10.0 meters
Meter Gauge Same as above 2.1 0.6 2.02.5
1000 mm Gauge
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 68 of 75
(Please see clause - 0706 of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’)
The following are the particulars of deviations from the requirements of the
Instructions to Tenderers and General Conditions of Contract :-
(Including Justification)
Signature and seal of
the Manufacturer/Tenderer.
NOTE: Where there is no deviation, the statement should be returned duly signed with an
endorsement indicating “No Deviations”.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 69 of 75
(Please see clause - 0302 & 0303 of ‘Instructions to Tenderers’)
Signature and seal of
the Manufacturer/Tenderer.
NOTE: Where there is no deviation, the statement should be returned duly signed with an
endorsement indicating “No Deviations”.
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 70 of 75
Bank Guarantee No…………
acting through the Controller of Stores,
Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops,
Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge,
New Delhi - 110 002
1 Against contract vide Advance Acceptance of the Tender
No…………………………………… dated…………….covering supply
of……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..(hereinafter called
the said `contract’) entered into between the President of India and ……………………………...(hereinafter called
the ‘contractor’) this is to certify that at the request of the Contractor
We……………………Bank Ltd., are holding in trust in favour of the President of India, the amount of
…………………………………………………………(write the sum herein in words) to indemnify and keep
indemnified the President of India (Govt of India) against any loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by
the President of India(Govt. of India) by reason of any breach by the Contractor of any of the terms and conditions
of the said contract and/or the performance thereof. We agree that the decision of the President of India (Govt. of
India),whether any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or in the performance thereof
has been committed by the Contractor and the amount of loss or damage that has been caused or suffered by the
President of India (Govt. of India) shall be final and binding on us and the amount of the said loss or damage shall
be paid by us forthwith on demand and without demur to the President of India (Govt. of India).
2 We ………………………………………….Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain
in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and fulfillment in all
respects of the said contract by the Contractor i.e. till……………………(viz. the date up to 06 months after the
date of last shipment/delivery of the goods ordered) and shall continue to be enforceable for another 06
months i.e. upto ……………….. herein called the said date and that if any claim accrues or arises against
us ………………………….Bank Ltd., by virtue of this guarantee before the said date, the same shall be
enforceable against us …………… Bank Ltd.), provided that notice of any such claim has been given to us
…………………. Bank Ltd., by the President of India (Govt. of India) before the said date. Payment under this
letter of guarantee shall be made promptly upon our receipt of notice to that effect from the president of India
(Govt. of India).
3 It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from the date of the said contract and that
we………………………..Bank Ltd., undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the consent
in writing of the President of India (Govt. of India).
4 We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or
disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating
thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payments so made by us
under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor shall
have no claim against us for making such payment.
5 We………………………Bank Ltd., further agree that the President of India (Govt. of India) shall have the fullest
liberty, without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the
said contract or to extend time of performance by the Contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or
form time to time any of the power exercisable by the President of India (Govt. of India)., against the said
contractor and to for bear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contracts and
we……………….Bank Ltd., shall not be released from our liability under this guarantee by reason of any such
variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor or for any forbearance and/or omission on the part of
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 71 of 75
the President of India or any indulgence by the President of India to the said Contractor or by any other matter or
thing what –so-ever, which under the law relating to sureties, would, but for this provision have the effect of so
releasing us from our liability under this guarantee.
6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the contractor/supplier.
7 We ……………………………………………………….. (indicate the name of bank) further agree that the Guarantee
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of
the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Government under or by
virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
……………………………………(Office Department) Ministry of …………………… certifies that the terms and
conditions of the said Agreement has been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly
discharges this Guarantee unless demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the
………………………………..we shall be discharged from all liability under this Guarantee thereafter.
Date…………………….. Signature……………….
Witness……………. ……………………………
(Bank’s Common Seal)
Bank Address:
Telephone No.:
Fax No.
E-Mail Address:
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 72 of 75
acting through the Controller of Stores,
Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops,
Railway Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge,
New Delhi - 110 002
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 73 of 75
10. It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from the date of the said contract and that we………………….
Bank Ltd. undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the consent in writing of the President
of India (Govt. of India).
11. We ……………………………………………………….. (indicate the name of bank) further agree that the Guarantee
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of
the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Government under or by
virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
……………………………………(Office Department) Ministry of …………………… certifies that the terms and
conditions of the said Agreement has been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly
discharges this Guarantee unless demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the
………………………………..we shall be discharged from all liability under this Guarantee thereafter.
Date............................ Signature.....................................
Place....................................... Printed Name...............................
Witness................................... ...........................................
(Bank’s Common Seal)
Bank Address:
Telephone No.:
Fax No.
E-Mail Address:
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 74 of 75
(Please see clause - 1903 of ‘General Conditions of Contract’)
Name and Address of the Firm...............................................................................
GSTIN of the supplier …………………………………………………………………...
Bill No...........................................................Dated..................................................
Purchase order.............................................No...........................Dated.................
Name and address of the consignee ......................................................................
GSTIN of the Consignee ………………………………………………………………..
Sate of the Consignee …………………………………………………………………...
HSN code (for Goods) and accounting Code (for services) ………………………...
S.No Authority Description Number Rate Price Amount
for purchase of Stores or quantity Rs. P. Rs. P.
1. Packing Charges
2. Forwarding charges (if applicable)
3. Other charges (if any)
4. PVC Amount (with calculation sheet enclosed)
5. Freight (if applicable)
6. (-) deduction/Discount (if any)
7. Taxable value
8. Rate of tax (segregated CGST, GST, IGST, UTGST or cess)
9. Amount of tax charges in respect of taxable Goods or Services
10. Whether Tax is payable on Reverse Charge basis
11. Net amount payable
(in words Rs.)
Dispatch detail RR No. other proof of dispatch.........................................
Dated ........................................................... (enclosed)
Inspection Certificate No .................................Dated .................. (enclosed)
We hereby declare that will pass on to the purchase any additional input tax credit benefit, if
becomes available to us without any undue delay.
Received Rs..........................(Rupees).........................................................
Bid_Document_Part_I_Oct_2017 Page 75 of 75
Part - II
Signature Not
Digitally signed by
Vishal Bhandari
Date: 2020.01.06
11:52:22 IST
Location: New Delhi
1.1 Unless otherwise stated, latest alterations/ revisions of specifications/ standards/ drawings shall be
applicable. In respect of safety standards and environmental standards relevant to the machine, the
machine manufacturers shall ensure compliance with International (CE/ISO/DIN/JIS)/National standards
(IS) (wherever applicable).
1.2 Tenderers should offer and quote for all the specified concomitant accessories, as these are considered
essential for commissioning and utilization of the machine. Even if bidder does not recommend the
purchase of any of these accessories, the price must be quoted for comparison purposes and their
recommendation/suggestion to be indicated in the offer. Tenderers should also quote for optional
accessories, spares and consumable spares as asked in the specifications.
1.3 In case, any item is required in sets, please specify nos./pieces per set. This is essential for proper
technical evaluation of the offer. Offers received without this may be considered as incomplete and liable
to be rejected.
1.4 The bidder should quote only for the specified make of sub-assemblies and equipment wherever
specified. Makes of sub-systems other than the specified ones will normally not be acceptable. In case,
some other make is quoted, specific reasons for the same including its features/advantages over
specified makes must be brought out in the offer.
1.5 In case there is a contradiction in any information provided (some parametric values given in the
specification and those given in the brochure or some other document enclosed by the tenderer), unless
specifically mentioned in the deviation cum confirmation statement under Annexure A of Section VI, the
values as given in the specification shall be taken as confirmed by the tenderer and offer evaluated
1.6 Bidder or his authorized agent, in their own interest, should visit the consignees listed in clause 3
Section-IV with prior appointment with Controlling Officer of the consignee and acquaint themselves with
existing process of manufacturing/remanufacturing, site conditions, availability of material Handling
facilities etc.
CNC Axle Grinding Machine as per specification no. COFMOW/IR/MT/AG3/2019 is required for grinding
wheel seats, gear seat and journals etc of axles, without wheels/ gears mounted on them, used in
various rolling stocks of Railways in accordance with the drawings described in Annexure- F.
c) Infeed rate Min. 0.10mm/minute
2.4.2 The bidder shall furnish the estimated floor to floor time of all operations for the axles/components listed
in Annexure-F. Grinding operation is required on axles wherever surface finish of N7 or better is
specified in drawings of axles listed in Annexure-F.
2.4.3 The basis of the timing should be clearly given with break up of all the parameters.
2.4.4 The timing should be maintainable for regular 08-hrs shift for three shift working 6 days a week with
machine availability of 85%.
2.5 Prove out at firm’s premises:
2.5.1 Machine is required to be supplied tooled up for components as mentioned in the specification and shall
be proved out to establish the claimed productivity. The prove out shall be done at the inspection stage
itself at supplier’s premises to demonstrate the cycle time (grinding time as specified in clause 2.4.1 of
Section-IV) on two axles as per details given below:
S.No. Axle (Component) of following rolling stock Drawing number Consignee
1. WAG-9 Loco Axle 1209-01-011-002 ALT-2 CLW
2. WAG-7 Loco Axle 1209-01-011-002 DMW
3. BG coach Axles CG-K6015 UBLS
The consignee will provide the axles to be proved out to the supplier on submission of bank guarantee
by firm, for an amount to be indicated by the consignee. The supplier will collect the
samples/components at his cost and transportation, and will be subject to provisions of clause 2500 of
section II of bid document Pt-I.
2.6 Prove out at consignee’s works:
2.6.1 The supplier shall demonstrate the machine performance and prove out the claimed cycle time on all
axles listed in Annexure-F after successful commissioning at the consignee’s works. After such
successful demonstration, for each of the axles enlisted in Annexure-F, the consignee shall take over
and watch the machine performance for a period of one month, before the final proving test certificate is
4.1 The scope of supply shall include design, manufacture, supply, installation & commissioning on turn key
basis, testing and prove out of machine. It includes all the concomitant accessories/ equipments as
detailed in the specification and other concomitant accessories/ equipment, which the manufacturer
considers essential to make the machine fully operational, when installed and commissioned. It shall
also include installation and commissioning of related equipment, training of personnel in operation and
maintenance of machine and supply of technical documentation.
4.2.1 Suitable work piece holding & driving device to cover axles with One set
journal diameters from 80mm to 300mm
4.2.2* Grinding wheel as recommended (for Axles listed in Annexure - F) 03 nos. of each
(Make and grade of grinding wheel to be furnished by the type
4.2.3* Grinding wheel flange to suit item as in 4.2.2 above Two sets for each
type of grinding
4.2.4* Extractor nut Three
4.2.5 Wheel balancing stand, arbor and lifter One set
4.2.6 CNC controlled system for dressing of grinding wheels (ref. Cl. Two
1.2.17) with four nos. diamond dresser.
4.2.7 MT 6 (90) degree carbide tipped live and dead centre for work Two set
head and tail stock/foot stock
4.2.32 Offline part programming One set
4.3.33 Remote diagnostic feature One set
4.2.34 Any other accessory/ equipment, which the manufacturer considers essential to make the machine fully
operational, when installed and commissioned connected to power source and give the specified
(i) Firm should provide the details of the items and their quantity offered in one set.
(ii) Accessories marked as * may be supplied indigenously.
Following optional accessories will be quoted by the tenderer. Cost of optional accessories shall be
quoted separately and shall not be included in the basic price of the machine. Cost of optional
accessories will not be taken for commercial evaluation of the firms.
4.3.2 Single point diamond tool for table mounted dresser - Two nos.
4.3.3 Any other accessory, which can improve the productivity, performance, reliability, efficiency, or enhance
the capability of the machine as a whole or part thereof, should be quoted as optional accessory.
The following items will need to be quoted additionally though will not be part of commercial
(i) Optional Accessories with break up of individual items as specified in clause 4.3 of
(ii) Spares for two years normal operation and maintenance as per clause 5 of Section-V.
(iii) Consumables as per clause 6 of Section-V with breakup of individual items as
In the event of acceptance of the offer, the machine(s) shall be supplied as per the following Milestone
Name of machine: CNC Axle Grinding machine
Specification No.: COFMOW/IR/MT/AG3/2019
S.N Activity Activit Outer Limit of Time Schedule
o. y Code expected by COFMOW
1. Issue of LOA D1 -
2. Submission of PBG D2 D1+30 days
By Successful Bidder
3. Issue of AT / Contract D3 D2+30 days
By COFMOW (after verification of PBG)
4. Opening of LC by COFMOW (for foreign suppliers) D4 D3+30 days
5. Submission of GA drawings and requisition for the D5 D3 + 45 days
trial component (s) (if applicable) to consignee by
Successful Bidder/Supplier along with information
on power and other utilities required for machine.
6. Approval of GA drawings by consignee (to be D6 D5+ 45 days
governed by clause 11.2 of section-V) and
confirmation of availability of components to be
proved out at manufacturer premises and value of
BG required for providing prove out components.
7. Confirmation of availability of clear site by D7 By D6 (i.e. at the time of approval
consignee of GA drg.)
8 Completion of foundation D8 D7+150 days or latest by D 10
9 Submission of BG and collection of components D9 D6 + 60 days
from consignee by the supplier for prove out of
machine at manufacturer’s works.
10 Supply/ Delivery of machine (for foreign suppliers D10 D4 + 180 days Or D6 + 180 Days
on FOB basis) Indigenous portion of supply (if
any) D6 + 180 days Or
receipt of machine at site
whichever is later
Supply/ Delivery of machine D10 D6 + 180 days
(for indigenous suppliers)
11 Power connection for the machine and other on D11 D10 + 7 days
site requirements to be provided by railways
12 Railway to give call to supplier for the D12 D10 + 7 days
commissioning of machine
13 Installation, commissioning and proving out of D13 D11 + 90 or
machine by supplier D12 + 90 (whichever is later)
14. Issue of PTC by consignee D14 D13 + 30 days
15 Warranty by supplier D15 D13 + 2 years
16 AMC D16 D15 + 5 years
Specification No. COFMOW /IR/MT/ AG3/ 2019
Machine shall have safety features as mentioned in General characteristics Clause 3.0.
1.2.1 GENERAL: The machine bed shall be rugged single piece casting of close grained alloy cast iron similar to Meehanite. The
machine bed shall be suitably stress relieved and normalized before machining as per IS: 14529 – 2000/ High
grade Pearlitic Cast Iron as per Gr. GG-30 of DIN 1691 or equivalent JIS standard or ISO standard. The bed
shall incorporate suitable design feature for high rigidity, high vibration damping capacity and dimensional
stability over entire period of life. It should provide full and rigid support for carriage, table and wheel head
throughout the grinding stroke. The details of bed material, chemical composition, method of stress relieving and
physical characteristics should be clearly indicated in the offer. The design of the bed shall be such as to provide easy access to operator for loading and unloading of job, gauging
and grinding wheel changing functions. The Vee and flat guideways shall be hardened to RC 60 and hand scrapped for high accuracy. These should
incorporate feature for stick slip free operation like turcite lining. The guideways shall be protected with suitable telescopic covers. The type of telescopic covers and their make
shall be indicated in the offer. The carriage shall be heavily ribbed and shall run on pressure lubricated and effectively guarded vee and flat
guideways. Suitable protection should be built into the machine to ensure automatic shut down in the event of drop
of lub. oil pressure below stipulated limit, so as to preclude the possibility of damage to guideways due to lack of
lubricating oil. The table shall be capable of being swivelled to permit grinding of tapers. An arrangement shall exist for precise
adjustment of the table swivel. Details of the arrangement provided should be explained on the offer. Bidders
may offer swiveling of wheel head, as an alternate. Details of the arrangement should be explained. The traverse of the table shall be CNC controlled. The Automatic traverse shall be AC motor drive with direct –
coupled ball screw driven. Suitable interlocks shall be available to prevent simultaneous movement of axis. Suitable
interlock shall be available to prevent simultaneous application of both modes. The traverse speed shall be infinitely variable. Arrangement should exist to ensure same speed in both directions. The machine shall be provided with a dead spindle work head/head stock. The work head shall be equipped for grinding of axles/shafts between centres.
10 The drive to the main spindle shall be direct or through flexible coupling or through timer belt. The
drive should be with minimum number of gears and shafts. Drive should be by frequency controlled or
digital controlled AC motor with infinitely variable adjustable speeds of Indramat, Allen Bradley,
Siemens, ABB make. The work head spindle shall be sturdy enough to carry heavy loads of axles/shafts and shall be so
designed that it should not stop during plunge grinding operation. Actual hardness and material
specification of work head spindle shall be indicated in the offer. Suitable arrangement shall be provided for holding of axles and shafts in work carriers/driving plates for
grinding of journals and other areas. Suitable brakes shall be provided to quickly stop the work piece rotation. The machine bed, work head and tailstock centre heights shall be so designed that sufficient gap can be
maintained for mounting the steady rest. During the plunging operation, the axle grinding speed (work head speed) shall remain constant and shall
not slow down due to plunge feed. The tail stock shall be of robust construction and carry a carbide tipped dead center. Suitable arrangement for easy and quick clamping of the tail stock on the table shall be available. Tail stock movement shall be hydraulically controlled and force exerted by the tail stock should be
adequate to support work piece. Sufficient clearance shall be maintained between head stock and tail stock centers for loading and
unloading of axles/shafts. Spindle shall be protected from dirt and grinding particles. Removal of tail stock center should be easy.
Arrangement provided shall be explained in the offer. The wheel head shall move on widely spaced, hand scraped vee and flat guideways slide mounted on
the bed which shall be pressure lubricated with filtered oil. Suitable protection against failure of supply
of pressurized oil shall exist for the carriage. The sliding surfaces shall be hardened to RC 60 and
hand scraped for high accuracy. The wheel spindle shall be short and rigid, made from suitable alloy steel, hardened and ground and shall
be dynamically balanced. The hardness shall not be less than RC-55. Provision shall be there to check
wheel head positioning by some suitable means. Actual hardness and material specification of wheel
spindle shall be indicated in the offer. The spindle shall be carried in reliable suitably designed hydrodynamic precision bearings of high dynamic
and thermal stability. The type, make, precision class and maximum permissible radial run out for
work head spindle bearing and grinding wheel spindle bearing should be indicated in the offer. Provision shall be there to check that the wheel head shall stop at the pre set point at the end of the infeed cycle and
no backlash is generated. In case of power failure, the wheel head shall go back to its initial position automatically.
The arrangement shall be explained in the offer. The machine shall be provided with CNC controlled automatic in feed systems. The system shall
ensure accuracy in infeed and repetition of size.
11 The in feed rates shall be steplessly variable. The mechanism to achieve this shall be explained in the
offer. The machine shall be capable of automatic operation for both traverse and plunge grinding. The
grinding cycle shall consist of rapid approach, normal in feed, fine in feed, spark out, dwell, rapid
retraction, automatic stopping of work head and coolant pump. The CNC Cylindrical grinding machine shall be provided with CNC controlled dressing unit. The dressing device shall be mounted either on longitudinal slide or on the tail stock along with
diamond inserts. It should be possible to dress the desired taper on the grinding wheel through the dresser. The
dresser should be capable of dressing the grinding wheel of grade & diameter quoted with the
machine. Diameter range of grinding wheel for external as well as internal grinding that can be
dressed shall be indicated. Minimum two steady rests of heavy construction shall be provided to support the axle / shaft during
grinding. It shall be possible to position the steady rest anywhere along the longitudinal guideways.
The steady rest shall be mounted on the machine in such a way that it does not in fringe or obstruct
the free movement of the grinding wheel. The steady rest shall be capable of holding axles / shafts in the range of 120mm to 300mm diameter. The steady rest shall have the provision to rotate the axle at 360 degree. The design shall be simple
and explained in the offer. The machine should be provided with independent self contained high capacity coolant arrangement for
supplying coolant oil to the grinding zone while grinding is being done. The capacity of the coolant flow should be of the order of 150 lit./min. Actual value of flow rate should be
indicated . The coolant flow should be adjustable. The unit will consist of magnetic separator with paper band filter of 50 micron capacity for removal of sludge
and sludge trolley. There should be provision for automatic feeding of filter paper roll . A suitable chilling unit, shall be incorporated to ensure that lub. oil/coolant is not overheated under local
conditions at continuous normal working of the machine. The temperature of wheel spindle lub. oil/coolant
in the lub. circuit/coolant system shall not exceed 60 degree C in any case. The arrangement provided
shall be explained in the bid. Work head and wheel head spindle bearings shall attain thermal stability within 60 minutes of switching on
the machine and maximum temperature shall not exceed 30 degree C above the ambient. Noise level of the machine shall not exceed 85 db (A) when measured at a distance of one metre from the
machine and at a height of 1.5 metres from ground level.
1.2.14 Maximum Power Consumption The maximum power consumption in idle running condition at all working speeds shall be limited to 30%
of the rated out put. The machine should be tested to prove that full rated power can be utilized without vibration. A complete loading and unloading system for axles consisting of electric hoist of min 1.5 ton capacity,
swing beam for traverse of hoist and support pillars etc. should be quoted as optional accessory. Details
of the system including handling capacity and swing radius alongwith relevant drawings should
be submitted with the offer. Machines shall be capable for both standalone and in-line measuring operation.
Automatic measurement of diameter range 80mm – 300mm (at one section for Oil Seal, at two
sections for Disc and at three sections for Journal Bearing & Wheel Seat), length 800 – 2800 mm
(step lengths for Journal Bearing diameter and Total length of axle) , taper, runout (TIR i.e Total
indicated runout of diameters), circularity and cylindricity of cylindrical axle features.
• Software should have data analysis features like Month’s rejection, process capability index &
• The machine shall be provided with necessary Ethernet and IO port to share data to machine
• The Gauge repeatability shall be within 0.002mm and Measuring Resolution of the System
0.001 mm.
• The machine design must be robust to take axle weight of up to 1000 Kg.
• Axle loading must be from front for standalone and from Top for in line machines.
. LM Guidways, Ball Screws, PLC shall be from reputed suppliers like THK, Hiwin, Mitsubhi
/Siemens. The basic CNC system shall be a two axes Grinding control system. Simultaneous control over two
axes i.e. x & z axes shall be available. The standard features of CNC system shall be described in
detail in the offer. These should include but not be limited to the following features:
13 The system shall be capable of linear as well as circular interpolation so as to able to generate any
profile by turning operation. It shall be possible to operate the machine automatically through memory and/or MDI. The tape code shall be in accordance with the ISO Standards with the facility of automatic code
recognition. Provision for LED type display (min. 9 inches) character display shall be available. Values displayed on
CRT shall be continuously updated. The display shall include pertinent data of the control system like
the command data, current position, various alarm signals, self diagnostic results etc. Facility of graphic display of workpiece contours during programming and after programme
completion to check data input should be available. It should be possible to simulate display of
machine chuck, tail stock, cutting tools, workpiece contours before and after machining. Facility for storage and editing of part programme and sub-programmes in the memory to allow
tapeless operation shall be available. Facility to search, delete and correct stored words/blocks
shall also exist. It shall be possible to store around 40m of tape information as a standard
feature. Facility for program backup in flash card/pen drive is required. The system resolution in metric mode shall be of the order of 0.001 mm and in the inch mode it shall
be 0.0001 inch. It shall be possible to programme in metric as well as inch dimensions. The system shall have capability for absolute as well as incremental programming. Facility for macro-programming multiple repetitive cycles shall be available, so as to generate a
series of cutting paths with a simple tape command. The feed rates shall be programmable as mm per minute, inch per minute, mm per revolution,
inch per revolution and constant surface speed in feet per minute or metre per minute. It shall be possible to select and programme spindle speeds through the system. The controls shall have the facility of tool nose radius compensation. The offered system should include canned cycles considered necessary for the part
programmes of axles referred to in Annexure-F. Details of these canned cycles must be furnished
along with the offer. It shall be possible to programme and store parameter limits in order to prevent collision of
moving parts due to erroneous programming. Facility of self diagnosis of the machine and the controls system faults and display of self diagnostic
results shall exist. Facility for manually controlling machine axis movement shall be available through electronic hand
wheel. The system shall have provision for a buffer storage so that machine waiting time is avoided while
the next programmed instruction is being read into the control system. Adequate means to ensure that the instructions stored in the memory do not get obliterated in the
event of power failure, shall be available.
14 CNC user memory for program and data should be adequate for storing complete program of axles
indicated in Annexure-F. The CNC system shall be capable of displaying LADDER diagram for diagnostic purpose. The system shall be provided with chuck position monitoring device for safety zone operation as a
safety measure when the machine is in working condition. There shall be provision for display of alarm pertaining to a particular area, which is faulty. The CNC system cabinet/operator’s control panel shall be air conditioned to ensure the required
dust and moisture free, temperature controlled environment. The air-conditioning unit should be able
to function satisfactorily at any incoming supply voltage within the range of 415 Volts 10%. The micro processor unit should be suitable for satisfactory operation at any in-coming supply voltage
within the range of 415 Volts 10%. A suitable in-built voltage stabilizer and ultra isolation transformer
should be provided to ensure trouble-free performance. (Refer clause 2.13 of the Technical
Specification). The part programmes for grinding operation on axles list in annexure-F shall be provided with the
2.3 Unless specified in the main specification, the AC motors and starters shall be of the following type.
Tenderer is, however, free to give alternative proposal along with justification, if in his view alternative
proposal in warranted by site conditions. Type of motor type of starter.
not exceed 75 amps.
2.3.2 AC squirrel cage, introduction motors, starting current Star delta or Auto transformer type.
of which is above 75 amps. if started direct on line
2.3.3 AC slipring type motor Resistance type air/fan Cooled
2.3.4 AC synchronous or synchronous induction motor. Suitable makers standard.
2.3.5 DC motor Resistance type/Thyristor type.
2.4 The control gear for AC/DC motors shall incorporate the following protection devices as concomitant
2.4.1 No Voltage Protection - No voltage protection shall be provided so that machine will not start up
again by itself when, following an interruption the supply is restored.
2.4.2 Short Circuit Protection - To protect against short circuits due to insulation failure of faulty
connections HRC fuses shall be provided for each motor. The rating of the fuse shall be such as to
take care of the over current due to motor starting.
2.4.3 Over Load Protection - To prevent motors from overloading, overload protection shall be provided
separately for each motor. Three phase motors shall be protected by overload tripping devices on
each phase.
2.4.4 Single Phasing Protection - A separate current sensitive delayed action single phasing preventor
shall be provided for each motor separately. Overload protection shall not be treated as single
phasing preventor.
2.5 Control equipment shall be mounted in separate drip proof enclosures. Control enclosures and
compartments are to be so designed as to give adequate protection against ingress of dust, oil,
coolant or chips. All control devices like contractors etc. shall be front mounted on a rigidly fabricated
metal panel for ease of operation. All other electrics shall be installed that they are readily accessible
when the doors and covers are opened. Hinged covers shall be interlocked with the machine tool
control to prevent operation of the machine when cover is open.
2.6 The motor shall be totally enclosed with or without fan cooled frame. Screen protected drip proof type
motor may be provided if it is mounted inside protective enclosures.
2.7 The electrical equipments shall comply with the requirement of Indian Electricity Act and Rules
2.8 All instruments shall be of the Industrial Grade “A” (IS-1248) switch board type the range of the
instrument shall be such that the maximum load expected in the circuit shall produce a deflection of
60% to 80% of the full scale.
2.9 The supplier shall furnish 3 sets of complete electrical and electronic wiring diagrams in full details to
enable the maintenance staff to locate faults in the circuits, 3 sets of part catalogues, maintenance
manuals operating instructions with details of coils and windings, used in the equipment to facilitate
repairs and maintenance should also be supplied.
2.10 For main motor class minimum “B” Class insulation shall be provided. If any other class of insulation is
proposed, detailed justification for providing different class of insulation shall be given.
2.11 Motors shall be designed to withstand frequent starts, stops and reversals as demanded in the
operation of the machine.
2.12 Two earthing terminals shall be provided on all electric motors including the control gear.
2.13.1 The machine shall be suitable for operation on 415 volts 3 phase 50 cycles AC 3 wire or 4 wire
system with neutral solidity earthed. The supply voltage may very up to +10% -20%. The frequency
may vary up to + 3%. However, full rated power of the motor shall be available at the lower voltage.
Firm should confirm satisfactory performance of the machine at incoming power supply in the range
415V+10%-20% and 50HZ+3% frequency or should provide voltage stabilizer as specified against
clause 2.13.2 below of required capacity.
2.13.2 The voltage stabilizer, if required, shall conform to :
i) Input Voltage - 320 to 460 volts 3 phase 4 wire supply.
ii) Out put Voltage - 415 volts
iii) Regulation - + 1% from No load to Full load.
iv) Rate of correction - 20 volts per second per phase.
v) Wave from distortion - NIL
vi) Efficiency - Not less than 97%.
vii) Winding and class of - Copper wire wound with “B” class of insulation or better.
2.13.3 In case of machines equipped with NC, SS, CNC, Thyristor controlled devices and other sophisticated
electronic gadgets including microprocessors etc. which are susceptible to power line spikes and
surges, a suitable voltage stabilizer and ultra isolation transformer of adequate capacity to cover for
the entire electrical load of the machine shall be offered as a concomitant accessory conforming to
Specification for voltage stabilizer as mentioned in clause 2.13.2 above and isolation transformer to
the parameters mentioned below.
i) Transformer ratio - 1:1
ii) Winding - Copper wire wound with “F” class insulation or better.
iii) Protection - To arrest spikes and surges to the order of 3 KV for 200-400 micro seconds
iv) Common mode - 120 dB
rejection ratio
v) Isolation - Capacitance 005 Pf: resistance greater than 1000 Mega Ohms.
2.13.4 Voltage stabilizer shall be equipped with a protective relay to trip to trip the AC power supply to the
machine instantaneously with audio and visual indication to the operator. Settings of the protective
relay for low and high voltage shall be 320 volts and 460 volts respectively.
2.14.1 The ambient temperature at the site at which the machine will be installed may vary from -4ºC to
+50ºC over the year. The relative humidity may be as high as 98%. The atmosphere is expected to be
dusty. The machines offered shall be suitably tropicalised to work under these atmospheric conditions
without any adverse effect on their performance.
2.15 The temperature rise shall not reach such a value that there is a risk of injury to any insulating
material or adjacent parts.
2.16 The drive shall be capable of operating at any one of the speed required independent of the load in
accordance with the requirements of the machine.
2.17 Information/data shall be furnished as per the format of submission of technical bid Annexure–A.
adequately strengthened and stress relieved.
3.1.4 Change in ambient temperature shall not affect the performance of the machine.
3.1.5 There shall be no change in the performance of the machine either on switching on the machine or
after continuous running.
3.1.6 There shall be no resonant vibrations throughout the working range of the machine at all load levels.
3.2.1 The machine shall incorporate safety devices to provide protection to the operator and machine
against all possible operational and machinery failures.
3.2.2 Suitable interlock shall be provided to prevent machine operations in the event of: Faulty sequence of operation. Fluctuation in supply voltage. Resumption of power supply after power failure. Non-positioning of safety guards. Failure of hydraulic system (where applicable) Failure of lubricating system (In case of automatic including drop in pressure lubrication)
3.2.3 A fault or damage in the control circuit or interruption re-establishment after an interruption of
fluctuation in whatever manner in the power supply to the machinery must not lead to dangerous
situations in particular. The machinery must not start unexpectedly. The machinery must not be prevented from stopping if command has already been given. No moving part of the machinery or piece held by the machinery shall fall or be ejected. The protection devices must remain effective.
3.2.4 The machine shall be fitted with an emergency stop device to enable actual or impending danger to
be averted. This device must be:- Conveniently located. Clearly identifiable. Stop the machine as quickly as possible without causing additional hazards. The emergency stop must remain engaged. It should be possible to disengage it only by appropriate
operation. Disengaging the control must not restart the machinery but only permit restarting.
3.2.5 Safety features shall also include. Safety device against overload for all mechanical and electric items to the extent possible. Safety stops against over-running of slides.
3.2.6 Guard and protection devices shall protect exposed persons against risks related to moving
transmission parts (such as pulleys, belts, gears, rack and pinion, shafts etc.) and moving parts
directly involved in the process to the extent possible. This shall meet the following requirements:- Be of robust construction Not give rise to any additional risk Not be easy to by pass or render non-operational Be located at an adequate distance from danger zone Cause minimum obstruction to the view of the production process. Rigidly connected and not prone to rattling Enable essential work to be carried out without the guard or protection device having to be
3.2.7 A load meter shall be provided to indicate the load on the machine. The meter shall have a suitable
mark to indicate the maximum load the machine can take. Full details of the above and other safety
features indicating how each one functions must be explained in the offer.
3.3.1 The operation of the machine shall be by push buttons or levers. The basic rules for the direction of
operation of controls and the corresponding direction of movements of the machine tools shall be as
per IS:2987-1985.
3.3.2 The control devices shall be Clearly visible and identifiable. Ergonomically positioned for safe operation without hesitating or loss of time, and without ambiguity.
3.3.3 CNC Controls (where applicable) - The general requirements of CNC controls shall be as per clause
3.4.1 Integral lighting suitable for the operations concerned where its lack is likely to cause a risk despite
ambient lighting of normal intensity shall be provided.
3.4.2 The manufacturer must ensure that there is no area of shadow likely to cause nuisance, that there is
no irritating dazzle and that there are no dangerous stroboscopic effects due to lighting provided by
the manufacturer.
3.4.3 Integral parts requiring frequent inspection and adjustment and maintenance areas must be provided
with appropriate lighting.
3.4.4 The machine lighting should be of low voltage so as to prevent any hazard to the operator.
3.5.1 The machine shall be so designed as to require minimum possible maintenance and to give trouble
free service.
3.5.2 All assemblies/parts of the machine shall be easily accessible for maintenance.
3.5.3 The machine shall not require major dis-assembly for checking and replacement of a particular part,
especially for parts requiring periodical check up and replacement.
3.5.4 The manufacturer must provide means of access e.g. stairs, ladders, cat walks etc. to allow access
safety to all areas used for production, adjustments and maintenance operations.
3.6.1 The original built in accuracy of the machine shall be capable of being maintained conveniently and
economically by suitable adjustments for taking up wear on slides, bearings and load screws. The
system of adjustments incorporated shall be explained in the offer.
3.7.1 Suitable coolant system with pump, motor, tank, filter etc. shall be provided. The coolant pump shall
be as per IS: 2161-1962. The filter shall be of reusable type and indigenously available. If reusable
filter cannot be offered the filter cartridge shall be readily available in India. Source of supply shall be
indicated. Adequate no. of filters for 2 years working on double shift basis shall be offered as spare.
Details of the coolant system shall be indicated in the offer.
3.7.2 The supply of coolant shall be in ample volume. Provision to re-circulate the coolant shall be
available. A chip and coolant tray shall be provided. The volume of coolant flow shall be indicated. It
shall be adjustable.
3.7.3 An enclosure shall be provided to prevent the coolant from splashing outside the machining zone.
Details of enclosure shall be provided. Specific requirements of coolant system for grinding machines
etc. shall be clearly indicated.
3.8.1 The machine shall be provided with an automatic lubricating system for ensuring delivery of adequate
quantity of lubricant to areas requiring continuous lubrication. Suitable arrangements must be
provided for indication of failure of the lubricating system.
3.8.2 The system shall be provided with interlock to prevent machine operating/starting in the event of the
failure lubrication system.
3.8.3 Reusable filters capable of filtering chips, dust particles etc. shall be provided. Indicators for showing
clogged condition of filters shall be available. The filters shall be indigenously available. If reusable
filter cannot be offered the filter cartridge shall be readily available in India. Source of supply shall be
indicated. Adequate no. of filters for 2 years working on double shift basis shall be offered as spare.
3.8.4 Lubrication and filter cleaning chart shall be displayed on a metal plate at a conspicuous location on
the machine indicating :-
(a) Specific location of points on the machine to be oiled lubricated/greased.
(b) Periodicity of lubrication of these points.
(c) Filter to be cleaned.
(d) Periodicity of cleaning filters.
(e) Periodicity of replenishing lubricating oil for the centralized system.
(f) Any other similar relevant information.
3.8.5 Points where manual lubrication is needed shall be separately indicated. Frequency of lubrication
shall be also clearly mentioned.
3.8.6 Lubricating oils used in the machine shall be available in India. Successful tenderer will be required to
indicate brand names of approved oils manufactured by various Indian Oil Companies.
3.8.7 First fill of lubricating oils used in the machine shall be provided with the machine.
Details of lubricating system provided shall be indicated.
arrangement shall be incorporated to ensure that the oil is not overheated under local weather
conditions at continuous normal working of the machine.
3.10.4 Facilities for bleeding of air in case of air lock shall be provided.
3.10.5 The hydraulic reservoir, pump and allied equipment shall be suitably segregated from the machine in
order to remove major source of heat.
3.10.6 Hydraulic oils used on the machine shall be available in India. Successful tenderer will be required to
indicate brand names of approved oils supplied by various Indian Oil Companies.
3.10.7 First fill of hydraulic oils used on the machine shall be provided with the machine.
6.1 Consumable spares shall be specifically quoted along with their unit rates.
6.2 Consumables shall be supplied along with the machine or as per agreed time table, if ordered.
7.1 Special features incorporated in the machine, if any, shall be indicated separately in the bid clearly
indicating the advantages.
8.1 The tenderer shall certify that the offered machine fully meets the specification. Various design features
incorporated in the machine to fulfill different technical performance requirements shall be fully explained
in the offer. However, minor deviations from these specifications which do not affect or in any way
interfere with the stipulated performance standards or would result in improved safety/ reliability or would
reduce recurring maintenance/operating cost of the machine, can be considered for acceptance. The
tenderer in such eventuality shall clearly indicate the details of these deviations and their implications as
per the following format:
8.2 All Deviations shall be clearly indicated in the deviation statement as per the format of submission of
technical bid Annexure–A.
9.1 The machine shall be inspected and tested during different stages of its manufacture starting from
raw material till the completion of machine, by the purchaser or his authorized representative at the
supplier’s or his sub-supplier’s works. The Quality Assurance Programme as per Annexure-I shall be
submitted along with the bid. The bidder must submit the exhaustive QAP incorporating the tests as
given in Annexure-I along with other tests /stage inspection as followed by them.
9.2 A load and functional test like no load test and maximum Horse Power test must be carried out at the
manufacturer’s works. Rigidity of the machine shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of appointed
inspector or inspecting agency.
9.3 Manufacturers must have suitable facilities at their works for carrying out various performance tests
on the sub-assembly/assembly/machine. The tenderer shall clearly confirm that all facilities exist and
shall be made available to the inspecting authority.
9.4 A Sample Inspection Chart for inspecting the equipment shall be supplied along with the bid. The
inspection chart should indicate all the tests that are carried out during the machine manufacture and
also the tests to be offered to inspecting agency. The standard to which this inspection chart conforms
should be clearly indicated. Against each test, acceptable limit/ range of values shall be indicated.
10.1 Free training by the firm shall be imparted in operation and maintenance of the machine. The training to
be imparted shall cover operation, troubleshooting and repair of all mechanical, hydraulic, electrical &
electronics equipments (CNC Control & AC Drives) and CNC/PLC part programming. This training shall
be provided to 4 persons per consignee nominated by the consignee, for a period of one week free of
cost at the manufacturer’s premises. One week training will also be provided to one person free of cost
from COFMOW/Railway Board in design and construction of the machine. All charges pertaining to
travel, boarding and lodging shall be borne by Indian Railways.
10.2 Subsequently, technical experts from the manufacturer will fully and adequately provide training to
operators and maintenance staff nominated by the consignee at the time of commissioning of the
10.3 The supplier will be responsible for co-coordinating with the consignee the travel plans of trainees to
ensure that the training is imparted on the machine at its assembly and testing stage. The bidder shall
also submit training schedule along with the offer.
Note: All training should be imparted in English/Hindi only.
11.1.1. For each machine, the supplier shall first submit 01 copy of foundation drawings with details of
construction of foundations, complete layout of machine elements like bed, hydraulic tank, coolant
tank, electrical panel, Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer etc. and other related diagrams (Mechanical,
Hydraulic, Electrical & Electronics) along with machine weight, overall dimensions, electrical load with
length of 3 phase, 415 V AC electric power cable for approval as per time schedule specified in
Section-IV to each consignee for approval and to enable the consignee for making necessary
arrangements for Installation & Commissioning of Machine on receipt. After getting approval from
consignee, the supplier shall supply directly to each consignee 6 copies of approved GA foundation
drawings and related diagrams for each machine as per time schedule specified in Section-IV from the
date of approval of GA drawing for information only. This information should be furnished on the
pattern indicated in detail in the following IS Specifications (Latest) or relevant international standards
i) IS: 2974 (Pt.I Para 4.1) for reciprocating type machine.
ii) IS: 2974 (Pt.III Para 3.1) for rotary type machine (medium & high frequency.
iii) IS:2974 (Pt.IV para 4.1) for rotary type machines of low frequency.
iv) IS: 2974 (Pt.V para 3.1) for impact type machines other than hammers
11.2.7 If an order has been placed on the firm, the firm will have to advise the consignee well in
advance regarding requirement of road permit and assistance required from the consignee, if
any, so that delay on this account is avoided. Firm should also visit the site before dispatch of
machine to assess the condition of path to be used for movement of trailer.
11.3.1 The supplier should normally dispatch the machine only after the foundation is ready for installation
and commissioning of the machine on arrival.
11.3.2 In case of delay on part of consignee in providing the clear site for construction of foundation or any
other facility as specified in the contract to the supplier, the supplier will report the matter to COFMOW
and consignee. In case of delay in readiness of site on part of consignee, COFMOW shall take up the
matter with concerned Railway/ PU, and advise supplier accordingly.
11.3.3 In case proving of component at manufacturer works, the supplier should request for the same as soon
as possible after receiving contract keeping allowance of transit time etc. and approximately 60 days
for consignee to handover the parts after receipt of the request accompanied by appropriate and valid
bid guarantee. In the event of consignee certifying the non-availability of prove out components, such
components will be deemed to be proved out at manufacturer works. However the firm will prove out
these components at consignee subject to the availability.
iii. Electricity, water and compressed air for installation and commissioning of machine shall be
provided free of cost.
iv. wherever a road mobile crane has to be arranged by the supplier for material handling, a clear
approach for it up to the site has to be provided.
v. Clear covered space for storage of material/equipment required for working/ construction of
foundation and installation of the machine etc.
vi. The consignee shall arrange the raw material for prove out at their end within 30days of the dry run
of the machine (installation, power connection, auxiliary connection like air, water connection)
failing which such components will be deemed to have been proved out. The components supplied
by the consignee in time will be required to be proved out within 30 days thereafter.
12.2.2 The bidder shall be responsible for-
i. Design of foundation as well as flooring (if required) of sufficient thickness, suiting local soil
conditions at the site.
ii. Advise consignee in time regarding schedule for requirement of clear site for construction of
foundation and other infrastructure, resources & facilities required.
iii. Construction of foundation as well as flooring (if required) of sufficient thickness suiting local soil
conditions, for machine shall be completed by the bidder at the site provided by the consignee
before receipt of the machine at their premises.
iv. Provision of all tools and equipment, technical and unskilled manpower, material handling
accessories/ equipment and material for installation and commissioning.
v Unloading of the machine on receipt (both imported and indigenous machine) and its movement to
the site of installation including the provision of road mobile crane.
vi. The bidder should ensure the proper earthing for the machine and its peripherals/accessories.
12.3 Consignee will provide only 415 V+10%-20%, 3 phase 50 Hz+3% AC supply at a single point (mains).
All types of cables, connections, circuit breakers etc. required for connecting power supply point to
different parts of the machine/control cabinets, shall be the responsibility of the bidder. Requirement of
grounding/earthing with required material shall also be incorporated by the bidder during construction
of foundation.
Electrical work like laying of power/electrical cables & earthing wires from mains to machine control
panel (upto 20 meters) as well as within the machine, with supply of all materials shall also be carried
out by the supplier.
12.4 The supplier shall demonstrate machine performance and prove out the claimed capability for
successful commissioning at the consignee’s works as per clause 3.4 of Section-IV. The M&P shall be
deemed to be “commissioned” at consignee premises on the date when it is tested and meets with the
specified capabilities/functions according to the technical specifications. In addition to above, in case of
tooled-up M&P , the M&P shall be deemed to be “Commissioned” at consignee premises on the date
when “prove out” components specified as per the relevant clause of technical specification have been
successfully proved out meeting the productivity requirements of Technical specification. The
consignee shall arrange the raw material for prove out at their end within 30 days of dry run of the
machine (installation, power connection, auxiliary connections like air, water etc.) failing which such
components will be deemed proved out. The components supplied by consignee in time will be
required to be proved out within 30 days thereafter. Any delay in providing the “raw material or any
other input” for proving out shall not be logged on supplier’s account.
A Joint Commissioning Note (JCN) to this effect shall be made as per the format at Annexure-D of
Section-VI. After issue of JCN the performance shall be watched for a period of one month, after which
the PTC shall be issued. The issue of PTC can not be delayed by more than 60 days from the issue of
JCN. If some minor breakdowns are noticed after the issue of JCN, these shall be attended as per
warranty obligations and suitable extension of the warranty period, under intimation to COFMOW. If no
intimation is given to COFMOW and the PTC is not issued till the expiry of 60 days from the issue of
JCN, then the issue will be discussed in a meeting between CME/PCM and the consignee. Based on
this, decision to issue PTC will be taken by CME/PCM, the concerned technical officer and CME.
12.5 If an assembly/sub-assembly requires to be taken back to the manufacturer’s premises for
repair/replacement either before commissioning or during warranty, the manufacturer or his agent
would be required to submit BG of suitable amount. In case the entire machine has to be taken back,
a Bank Guarantee for the cost of the machine would have to be submitted. The bank guarantee should
be of adequate value so as to cover the cost of the assembly/sub-assembly/paid up cost of the
provide spare parts required by the Purchasers for a period of 15 years from the date of delivery of the
machine at the ultimate destination to safeguard against obsolescence.
13.3 Tenderer who are OEM, shall undertake to supply spare parts for a period of expected life of machine.
Other tenderers shall submit undertaking from OEM for supply of spare parts for a period of expected
life of the machine.
13.4 During warranty period, the supplier or his authorized agent shall attend for break down as soon as
possible, but in no case later than 72 hours of receipt of intimation of the breakdown.
15.0 COLOUR: The machine and its accessories shall be painted in Apple Green Colour No.281 to IS:5-
1978,(if any specific colour code standardized by BIS is available, the same be given). The machine
can also be painted in equivalent RAL/DIN/other International Standards. If there is a standard color
scheme of the manufacturer, the same can also be considered and may be specified.
16.0 WARRANTY OBLIGATION –The following conditions regarding Maintenance and reliability shall also
16.1 The machine shall be designed for a life of 15 years with regular maintenance and all the structural
members of the machine and the foundation shall be guaranteed for 5 years against cracks breakages
and etc. during the course of normal operations. Tenderer would submit suitable undertaking.
16.2 Foreign suppliers who do not have registered office / maintenance facilities in India may authorize an
Indian agent, who shall be responsible for maintenance and break down support. In such case, Indian
agent should have experience of maintaining any type of five machines after commissioning. The
tenderer should submit documentary evidence towards the experience of the Indian agent in
maintaining the machines in India, along with the offer. The Indian agent should submit the details of
infrastructure and manpower available with them in the bid.
16.3 In addition to warranty obligations prescribed under clause 3400 and 3500 of the Bid Document Pt.-I,
the warranty period would also cover comprehensive maintenance, which will be inclusive of all
spares, material and labour cost. All consumables like lubricants and grease except hydraulic oil /
machine coolants shall form part of the scope of the maintenance during the warranty. The cost of
preventive maintenance to be carried out during warranty period should be quoted separately. The
cost of preventive maintenance schedules to be carried out during 2 years of warranty period shall be
included in the commercial evaluation. The offer without price of preventive maintenance schedule
shall be treated as incomplete and are liable to be ignored.
16.4 The payment of preventive maintenance schedule carried out during warranty period shall be made by
COFMOW annually at the end of each year after completion of the work and issue of certificate by the
consignee as per annxure E of section VI.
16.5 The machine shall at all times give contractual out-put and accuracy. Any deficiency or break down for
a total of 02 hr. or more for a day would be treated as failure for the day, for the purpose of extending
warranty period in terms of clause 3405 of Bid Documents Part-I.
16.6 The tenderer shall ensure that in case a failure is reported by a consignee qualified service engineers
shall visit the site within two days from the date of complaint on calendar day’s basis. The period of
three days (excluding date of complaint) after the failure reported shall be treated as grace period,
which will not count towards breakdown time for up to one failure per month and a maximum of 3
failures per quarter. In case the number of failure exceeds one failure per month or three during any
quarter of warranty, grace period of only 1 day will be permissible for such additional failure.
Complaints shall be lodged by consignee by fax phone, e-mail or per bearer at address given by the
16.7 The details of preventive maintenance to be provided during warranty period shall be indicated by the
tenderer giving details of type of preventive schedule, periodicity on items to be checked, items to be
replaced and expected plant down time. Preventive maintenance schedules shall be conducted on
weekends as far as possible or any other day through mutual agreement with consignees. Total break
down hours shall be calculated after discounting grace period and preventive maintenance period.
16.8 Maximum permissible down time till it is restored back to the contractual output and accuracy levels, in
any quarter of the year during the warranty period, shall be 150 hrs. in case the total break down
period in any one of year during warranty period, exceeds 500 hrs., the consignee shall inform the
same to COFMOW To ensure this a record of breakdown (duly signed by shop incharge) in hours on
quarterly basis should be maintained by the consignee and joint report with the contractor shall be
made for each breakdown attention. At the end of first and second year of warranty, these details of
breakdown hours during warranty period should be advised to COFMOW as per performance
appraisal report given in Annexure – E of section –VI. The firm will then request COFMOW for
release of WBG annexing the performance appraisal report as per Annexure-E of Section-VI and the
breakdown details mentioned above.
Penality will be levied on the bidder for breakdown period on working days basis (excluding holidays)
after discounting for the grace period. Penalty will be calculated as percentage of annual preventive
maintenance charges and will be deducted from the respective annual payments as under
17.1 Tenderers are required to quote for a comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for the machine
supplied against this specification for a period of five years on yearly basis giving the rates for each
year i.e. first year, second year..so on., which will be inclusive of all spares, material and labour costs.
The duties and taxes as applicable should be indicated separately. All consumables spares and
materials shall form a part of the scope of comprehensive AMC except as follows.
a. Diesel/Fuel, lubricating oils or coolant
b. Major machines elements/structural members which are under guarantee for a period specified
in clause 16.1 as stipulated in ‘warranty obligations’ requirement.
17.2 AMC shall be operated, managed and paid by the consignees indicated under clause 3 of Section IV.
The consignee shall indicate the bill payment authority & custodian of the AMC BG. No further
agreement is required for operating AMC at consignee end.
17.3 AMC is a part of scope of supply, in case of concomitant requirement and included in commercial
evaluation criteria vide clause 5 of Section-IV. The detailed terms and conditions of AMC shall be as
given in following clauses.
17.3.1 The duration of AMC shall be 5 years from the date of expiry of warranty. Rates for AMC shall be
quoted by the tenderer on yearly basis, which will remain applicable during the duration of AMC and
not subject to any variation except any statutory changes in taxes and duties as compared to quoted
17.3.2 The tenderer must provide AMC services at the consignee location without any precondition. The AMC
should include complete responsibility for the bought out sub assemblies and components like CNC
system, diesel engine, AC unit etc.
17.3.3. The details of preventive maintenance services including cleaning of machine to be provided under
AMC shall be provided by the tenderer in the following format.
17.3.4 Preventive maintenance shall preferably be conducted on weekends through mutual agreement with
the consignee. Each preventive maintenance schedule normally shall not exceed one day. The total
shutdown time for preventive maintenance should be kept as low as possible but not more than 60
hours/month (averaged over the quarter) including time for cleaning, weekly, fortnightly, monthly,
quarterly schedules etc. The preventive maintenance regime offered must be aimed at achieving
minimum 90% uptime of the plant excluding the plant down time for preventive maintenance
17.3.5 The tenderer shall ensure that in case a failure is reported by a consignee, qualified service engineers
visit the site within 3 days from the date of complaint on calendar days’ basis. This period of 3 days
(excluding date of complaint) after the failure report shall be treated as grace period, which will not
count towards plant down time for up to one failure per quarter and a maximum of 4 failures per
annum. Incase, the number of failures exceed one during any quarter or four during any year of AMC,
grace period of only 2 days will be permissible for such additional failures. Complaints shall be lodged
by consignee by fax, e-mail or per bearer at address given by the tenderer. The responsibility to keep
the failure reporting address details current will rest with the tenderer.
17.3.6 Incase preventive maintenance is carried out along with breakdown maintenance schedule; preventive
maintenance time will be deducted from breakdown time of the plant.
17.3.7 Penalty Clause: Penalty shall be levied on the tenderer for maintaining plant up time below the limit of
90% calculated on working days basis, after discounting for grace period and preventive maintenance
period. Penalty shall be calculated as %age of quarterly payment and will be deducted from the
respective quarterly payments. Penalty calculation will be done over quarterly payment period.
S.No Availability Slab Applicable Penalty
1. 90% to 80% 0.5% for every 1% (or part there of) reduction in availability of plant below 90%.
2. Below 80% 1% for every 1% (or part there of) reduction in availability of plant below 80%.
17.3.8. A Bank Guarantee equal to 1/4 of annual value (highest of the annual values if the rates offered for
various years are different) of AMC subject to a minimum value of 1.25% of the quoted cost of
machine including concomitant accessory (in case the annual AMC rate quoted is less than 5% of the
cost of machine), will be submitted by the tenderer to the consignee 90 days before the expiry of
warranty. AMC will have the validity of 5 years 6 months. The bidder can submit multiple BG for lesser
duration to cover the period of 5 year 6 months ensuring the uninterrupted validity of the AMC BG for 5
year 6 months. The confirmation for the submission of this BG will be returned on completion of AMC
period. Incase, the tenderer fails to provide AMC services successfully, the AMC BG will be forfeited.
This will be in addition to penalty as per clause 17.3.7 above. This provision would not be applicable
where the advance payment is made.
17.3.9 Plant up time of less than 60% for two consecutive quarters will constitute complete failure of tenderer
to provide the AMC services successfully and will result in forfeiture of AMC BG, besides other action
like noting adverse performance of the bidder and/or agent for future tenders and their offer in the
subsequent tenders will not be considered for placement of any order. This will be in addition to
penalty clause 17.3.7 above for the period of actual performance.
17.3.10 As per clause 5 of bid document Part-II section IV, where AMC is part of evaluation of offer, it is the
sole responsibility of bidders to stock all spares and materials as required for smoother execution of
AMC in order to achieve response time in compliance to machine availability as per stipulated
requirements. In all cases of plant failure except as mentioned in clause, any other spare part or material
necessary to restore the plant to proper working order will be arranged by the tenderer as a part of
AMC. In case of damage to the machine on account of any external factor, viz., floods, earthquake, fire,
arson or sabotage, entire cost of spare parts and material necessary for repair of the plant shall be
borne by the railways. However, the tenderer shall provide services of their engineers free of cost as a
part of AMC to restore the plant to working order. In case of damage to the plant as mentioned in para, any spare parts and material
necessary to restore the plant to proper working order shall be arranged by the tenderer and charged
on actual basis duly certified by authorized railway official in the next quarterly bills. The rates charged
for such spare parts shall be based upon the spare part rate list provided by tenderer in compliance of
clause 5.2 or any other valid document. The tenderer shall furnish documents to support the rates
charged for spares used for repair under para 17.3.11(a).
17.3.11. Normally quarterly payment (@ 1/4th of the annual quoted rates) under AMC will be made to the
tenderer within 30 days from the end of that quarter subject to submission of the following documents
by the tenderer to the paying authority assigned by the consignee:
a. Consignee’s certificate for work done as per Annexure-G of Section-VI with calculation of down
time and penalty applicable.
b. A certificate by consignee that no spare part is due with the tenderer as per clause 17.3.10 above.
c. Bills submitted by the tenderer & accepted by consignee.
d. Attested photocopy of the AMC BG.
17.3.12 The AMC contract can be terminated in following ways:
i. Consignee may terminate the AMC in the event of failure of tenderer to provide AMC services of
the AMC agreement in addition to encashing of AMC BG as per clause 17.3.8.
17.3.13 Other general conditions shall be governed by Bid Document Part-I (Section-I, II and III) as applicable
to respective COFMOW A/T.
1. We, M/s.------------ offer our --------- machine, model no. ------- as per the description given in Schedule of
Requirements. We further state that, except for the following, for which clause wise brief description and
justification for deviation has been indicated, our machine fully complies with all the clauses as given in
technical specification Section-V and we also confirm all the schedules given in the Delivery Schedule at
para 7 of Section-IV :
Note1: In case there is a contradiction in any information provided (some parametric values given in the
specification and those given in the brochure or some other document enclosed by the tenderer), unless
specifically mentioned in the deviation cum confirmation statement under Annexure A of Section VI, the
values as given in the specification shall be taken as confirmed by the tenderer and offer evaluated
Note2: In case tenderer offers internationally accepted alternative specifications as per clause 1.7 of section IV,
complete details of alternative specification, apart from filling above deviation statement, may be enclosed
(B) We have made the following past supplies of similar machines as per special conditions of tender, during
last 05 years:-
S Name of P.O. No. Name of Phone/ fax Date of Date and Swing Distance Surface
No. purchaser and Date contact /e-mail nos. supply place of over bed between Finish
with postal (along with person with of contact commi- centre
address the copy of designation person ssioning of
PO) the machine
(C) We are submitting following performance certificate from past users as per special conditions of tender:-
3. We are having following facilities available with us or our agent for providing adequate after-sales service
in India during warranty period. Complete details of after sales service, availability of technically competent
engineers and warehousing facilities for spares is indicated below:
After sales service centers:
Availability of technically competent engineers;
Warehousing facilities for spares:
4. We have quoted for the following optional accessories as indicated under clause 4.3 of section- IV:
5. We have quoted for following recommended perishable and non-perishable spares required for two years’
normal maintenance to cover complete range of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipments including
controls on double shift working basis:
Perishable Spares
Sr No. Description of the Part number Quantity Rate Shelf Life
spares (In Nos.) (In Rs.) (in Months)
6. *We hereby confirm that we are the OEM and undertake to supply spare parts for a period of expected life
of machine. OR
*We hereby confirm that we are not the OEM, but are submitting undertaking from OEM for supply of spare
parts for a period of expected life of the machine to provide maintenance spares (as and when ordered)
after the expiry of the Warranty/AMC for 7 years including the maintenance spares required for the bought
out sub-assemblies and parts.
(*Strike out which ever is not applicable)
7. We have quoted consumables required as per clause 6.1 of Section V of Bid document Pt-II, in the format
give below
Sr No. Description of the consumable spares Qty Unit Rate
8 It is certified that we are having suitable facilities at our works for carrying out various performance tests on
the sub-assembly/assembly/machine and these shall be made available to the inspecting authority.
9. BOUGHT OUT ITEMS: We hereby furnish a list of all critical items/ sub-assemblies which are bought out
by us and proposed to be used, along with the manufacturer’s name, brand model etc.
Sr No. Description Item no.1 Item no. 2 Item no. 3
1. Brief description of item
2. Model no.
3. Make
4. Quantity/machine
5. Manufacturer’s name and complete
6. Whether imported or indigenous
7. Country of origin
10. We have quoted for preventive maintenance during warranty period and comprehensive Annual
Maintenance Contract as per clauses 16.7 and clause 17.0 of Section-V. Details of preventive
maintenance services including cleaning of machine to be provided under PMC during warranty and AMC
is given in the following format.
11 We further submit the following information about the offered machine as per the technical specification
section VI and Important Features of the tender section IV. We understand that any omission of any of the
below mentioned information will render our offer incomplete to that extent.
Speed in RPM
Class of insulation
Normal full load current in amps.
Starting current
Temperature rise of windings and other parts
allowed above an ambient temperature of 50
degree C.
Frame size of motor
End use of motor
Manufacturer’s Name
Type of control gear (Direct on line/Resistance
type/Thyristor type)
Rating of starting gear in KW & amps.
Short circuit protection (Y/N)
No volt trip (y/n)
Overload trip (y/n)
Standard specifications to which the motor control
gear and its ancillary offered conform to
Standard specification to which control gear
conforms to
2.3 Voltage Stabiliser & Ultra Isolation Transformer
Manufacturer’s Name
Type of voltage stabilizer :
a) DC servo motor type
b) AC servo motor type
c) Solid state
Rated capacity in KVA
Nos. of phases & frequency
Type of input supply unbalanced
Input voltage
Output voltage
Rate of correction
Class of insulation & winding (only copper wound is
Type of control circuitry
Class of duty
Type of cooling
Indicating instruments and their ranges
Safety features
Manufacturer’s Name
Rated capacity
Ratio of input/output voltage
Class of insulation
Arrangement for suppression of power line surges,
spikes, transients and noises
Type for cooling.
3. Process sheet with timings and other details 2.4 of Write-up (tabular
Section-IV sheet)
4. Complete details of work holding & driving device 4.2.1 of Write-up (tabular
to caver all types of axles such as section -IV sheet)
Make, Size & dimensional details.
5. Details of grinding wheels 4.2.2. of -do-
Make section IV
Size (Diameter & Width)
6. Operating & Maintenance Tools 4.2.12 of Values
Make section -IV
7. First Fill Lubricating, hydraulic, cutting oil & grease 4.2.14 of Values
Indigenous brand section -IV
8. Details of magnetic coolant separator 4.2.15 of Write-Up
9. Details of air compressor 4.2.17 of Write-Up
10. In-process gauging system 4.2.18 of Write-up and
Make section-IV Values
Technical details
11. Detail of dial micrometer 4.2.21 of Write-Up
12. (a) Details of mirror device 4.2.22 of Values
(b) Details of Automatic dimension measurement 4.2.28 of
& display system with contact or non-contact Section- IV Write-Up/
probe and sensor. brochure
13. Details of optional accessories 4.3 of section Write-
-IV Up/brochure
14 Safety features 1.1 of write-up
Nos. & location of emergency switches section -V
Nos. of hardware limit switches
Nos. of interlock switches & overloads
Any other safety feature
15 Bed, carriage & table, headstock & tail stock & 1.2.2, 1.2.3, Write-up
Wheel Head 1.2.4, 1.2.5
Material Grade & 1.2.6 of
Material Composition section V
ISO /DIN Standard to which it conform
16. Make and type of telescopic covers of Write-up
section V
17. Details of swiveling of table / wheel head. of Write-up
section v
18. Ball screw details ( for all axes) 1.2.3 of Value & Write-
diameter, section -V Up
accuracy class,
Value of pre-loading
Country of origin
21 Grinding Wheel head spindle: of Write-up
Material Composition with grade and standard section V
Surface finish & grinding accuracy
Degree of unbalance with grade
22. Details of Bearings of Work head spindle & & Write-up, values
Grinding wheel spindle of
section V
Make & country of origin
Precision class,
Permissible run out
Number of front & rear rows
Maximum permissible temperature during running
over ambient condition
Safety against coolant
Signature of the
authorized representative of the bidder
with company stamp
This deed of Indemnity executed by M/s. -------------------- hereinafter referred to as Indemnifier’ which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators,
representative and assignees in favour of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops, Railway offices
Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi – 110 002, India, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Indemnified’ which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assignees witnesses as to.
Whereas the Indemnifier herein had participated in a global tender for the supply of -------------------------
(machine name) which is opened on -------------- (date) on terms and conditions set out interalia in the Tender
And whereas, clause of the above mentioned tender document described that the machine shall be
designed for a life of 15 years with regular maintenance and all the structural members of the machine should
be guaranteed for 15 years against cracks, breakages etc. during the course of normal operations from the date
of commissioning whichever is earlier of the stores supplied by the Indemnifier to the indemnified.
The indemnifier hereby irrevocably agrees to indemnify the indemnified that in the event of the said
machine not achieving the life guarantee, the indemnifier shall as may be deemed necessary repair the defective
machine at site, free of cost, within a reasonable time specified by the indemnified or reimburse the pro-rata cost
of the machine to the extent a life not achieved as per the guarantee, or supply a spare stores for the defective
portion only free of cost at site.
(Signature with Name, Designation & Address)
2. -------------------------
(Signature with Name, Designation & Address)
Sub: Receipt of consignment for machine…………………….
1. Name of consignee/Railway
2. Machine name
3. Quantity
4. Name of supplier
It is certified that the consignment of the machine has been received complete and in good condition as
per specification shown in the contract.
2. Contract Turnkey/Non-turnkey
3. Status of readiness of foundation:
3(a) Already constructed on
3(b) Under construction & likely date of its
3(c) Construction yet to be started from
……. and & likely date of its
4. Status of availability of electrical Available/Not-available
power, water and compressed air etc.
5. Number of components to be proved
out on the machine
6. Likely date for start of erection
7. Likely date for switch-on the machine
8. Likely date of completion of
commissioning of the machine
1. Name of consignee/Railway
2. Machine name
3. Quantity
4. Name of supplier
5. Machine received on
6. All the parameters of the machine are found okay. The proving test on the machine was
conducted from ………… to ………….. and machine is working satisfactorily.
7. Machine has finally been commissioned on……………….. . The machine has been handed over
for regular use and kept under one month observation to watch its performance.
8. Following minor deficiencies (if any) found during joint observation trials are to be
attended/rectified by the firm during one month observation and before issuing the PTC for the
2. Consignee/Railway
3. Name of supplier
4. Machine Name
5. Machine received on
6. Machine commissioned on
7. PTC issued on
8. Warranty period expired on
9. Performance during warranty period:
9(a) Total number of breakdowns
9(b) Total downtime in number of days
10(a) Any warranty complaint pending on date Yes/No
10(b) If yes, then the date and nature of
11. In case of the machine with mandatory PMC during warranty period, following details of breakdown
hours for preceding eight quarters must also be furnished.
Office Stamp
1. Axle for ICF BG, MEMU TC CG-K 6015 All marked operation as
Coaches per drawing
on of
M/S .
ON of
1.1.3 Location
i. Head Office :
ii. Works/Factory :
i. Head Office :
ii. Works/Factory :
iv. Agents :
i. Head Office :
ii. Works/Factory :
iii. Agents :
(in Sq.metres)
i. Managerial :
ii. Supervisory :
(Attach stt. of
managerial & sup.
staff at Ann. A)
iv. Unskilled :
Administrative Block :
Fabrication and assembly. :
Machine Shop :
Store :
Laboratory :
attached at Annexure-C.
i. Per month :
i .........
ii .........
iii .........
not meet the desired laid-down value.
8.1 Full details of the location
of the factory/Manufacturing works.
i. Address :
iii.Telex/Fax :
9.2 Recommendations
MACHINE DESCRIPTION:---------------------------------------------------------------------
Hardness 100% Hardness IIR V
In process
Heat Treatment 100% Review of Inv. IIR V
Castings 100% Visual IIR V
Spindles 100% IIR V
surface finish Random Surface IIR V
of components
Noise level 100 % Sound IIR CHP
Temperature 100 % Measurement IIR V
Structures 100% Relevant IR CHP
alignment, standard
INV - Invoice
TC – Test Certificate
V – Verification
CHP – Customer Hold Point
IIR – Internal Inspection Report
IR – Inspection Report