1. What is finance?
Finance is the study of concepts, applications, and systems that affect the value
(or wealth) of individuals, companies, and countries over the short and long term
Finance is a broad term that describes two related activities: the study of how
money is managed and the actual process of acquiring needed funds.
Because individuals, business and government entities need funding to operate,
the field is often separated into 3 subject categories: personal finance, corporate
finance, and public finance.
Public finance
The study of the income and expenditure of the Government
The collection of funds and their allocation between various branches of state
activities (essential duties or functions of the state such as building infrastructure,
providing public utility services: electric,gas, telecommunications, water, railroad,
garbage collection, education, defense)
Corporate finance
The financial activities related to running corporation
Goal: Maximizing shareholder value
Personal finance
The application principles of finance to the monetary decisions of an individual of
family unit.
It addresses the ways in which individuals or families obtain, budget, save and
spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risk
and future life events
2. What is money?
Anything is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the
repayment or debts.
Money (a stock concept: certain amount at a given point in time is different from
wealth (total collection of pieces of property that serve to store value ex: stocks,
bonds, lands) and Income (flow of earnings per unit of time)
a. The Evolution of Money
If money did not exist, we could all be living in a barter economy
+ Coincidence of wants/needs, lack of divisibility and transferability
b. The Characteristics of Money
Portability (tính Durable: Divisible Limited Supply
di động)
can be easily does not should be able can not have to
transferred from deteriorate (to to be broken much of
one person to become worse: down into something
another, and hư hỏng) when smaller units so because then it
makes the handled and that people can becomes
exchange of can be easily use only as worthless.
money for replaced much as needed
products easier for a transaction
b. Fiat Money/ Paper money (tiền quy ước, tiền pháp định)
The development of bank notes – originally backed by a convertibility guarantee
– succeeded commodity money.
Paper money quickly converted into fiat money: money issued by governments
as legal tender, but without any right of convertibility.
c. Checks
- Checks are an instruction to a bank to transfer money from one person’s
account to the bank account of the recipient once he or she deposits the
- Checks, thus, solve the problem of transport for large amounts of money
and facilitate transactions in a number of other ways.
- However, two problems arise with the use of checks:
+ Moving checks from one point to another takes time
+ The processing of checks does not come for free and imposes a transaction
cost by itself to society
e. Electronic money (tiền điện tử) : Thẻ thanh toán, tiền mặt điện tử (e-
cash), séc điện tử (e-check)
Not only checks get increasingly substituted by electronic forms of payment, cash
has also been partly replaced by other instruments
- Common forms of E-money include:
+ Debit and credit cards
+ Money cards or “smart” cards
+ E-cash
- A corporation issues new shares of stock: primary market -> direct
- Characteristics of debt and equity: long-term financial instruments, involve
a claim on the issuer’s income and enable a corporation to raise funds
- Indirect finance: make a deposit at a bank
- Investment bank: an important financial institution that assists in the initial
sale of securities in the primary market
- When an investment bank underwrite securities, it guarantees a price for
a corporation’s securities and then sells them to the public
- Primary market: IPO (initial public offering)
- Secondary market: foreign exchange market, futures market, options
- Corporations receive funds when their stock is sold in the primary market.
Why do corporations pay attention to what is happening to their stock in
the secondary market? The existence of the secondary market makes
their stock more liquid and the price in the secondary market sets the
price that the corporation would receive if they choose to sell more
stock in the primary market.
- The higher a security’s price in the secondary market the more funds a
firm can raise by selling securities in the primary market
- A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold in the
primary market by an investment bank
- Equity instruments (long-term) are traded in the capital
- Two methods of organizing a secondary market: A secondary market can
be organized as an exchange where buyers and sellers meet in one
central location to conduct trades ex: New York Stock Exchange. A
secondary market can also be organized as an over-the-counter market. In
this type of market, dealers in different locations buy and sell securities to
anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices ex: the
federal funds market.
2. Financial Instruments
a. Definition
A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset in
one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument in another entity
A financial asset can be cash, an equity instrument of another entity, or a
contractual right (nghĩa vụ hợp đồng) to receive cash or another financial asset
from another entity
Financial liability (trách nhiệm tài chính) is any contractual obligation to deliver
cash or another financial asset with another entity
b. Functions (3)
- Financial instruments act as a means of payment (like money)
+ Employees take stock options as payment for working
- Financial instruments act as stores of value (like money)
+ Financial instruments generate increases in wealth that are larger than from
holding money
+ Financial instruments can be used to transfer purchasing power into the
- Financial instruments allow for the transfer of risk (unlike money)
+ Insurance contracts allows one person to transfer risk to another
c. Types of instruments
Debt instruments and Equity instruments
d. Capital market instruments (bonds, stocks, mortgages, consumer &
commercial loans)
- Characteristics:
+ Face value: là số tiền ghi trên bề mặt của tờ trái phiếu. Là số vốn gốc mà tổ
chức phát hàng phải hoàn trả cho trái chủ khi trái phiếu hết hạn.
+ Maturity là khoảng thời gian tính từ ngày phát hành đến ngày đáo hạn của
trái phiếu
+ Interest/ coupon bond (lãi trái phiếu): là khoản tiền lãi mà nhà phát hành
cam kết trả cho người sở hữu trái phiếu đối với trái phiếu chiết khấu, khoản tiền
lãi này được xác định trên cơ sở chênh lệch giữa giá bán lúc phát hành và mệnh
giá của nó.
+ Bondholder (người sở hữu trái phiếu): có thể được ghi tên sở hữu trên
trái phiếu (trái phiếu đích danh) và không ghi tên (trái phiếu vô danh)
Stock (tham gia vào cty: >= 35% quyền phủ quyết; còn 51% là quyền ưu
- Stock represents ownership
+ Stockholders: Owns part of the corporation and receives dividends from the
+ Capital Gains: Difference between price initially paid and amount received
when stock is sold
- Types of corporate stock
+ Preferred stock (cp ưu đãi): fixed dividends, priority over common stock
+ Common stock: Variable dividends, based on company’s profits
+ Convertible: Preferred stock that can be converted into common stock at a
stated price
- Types of Stocks
+ By the number of stock
Authorized stock/ shares (cp được ủy quyền): no correlation between the
par value of a stock and its market value.
Common Stock
Characteristics (6) - Equity capital: evidence of ownership position in a firm, in the
form of shares of common stock
- Publicly Traded Issues: shares of stock that are readily
available to the general market and are bought and sold in the
open market
- Public Offering (chào bán ra công chúng): an offering to sell to
the investing public a set number of shares of a firm’s stock at a
specified price (đầu tư số lượng cp nhất định của một cty ở mức
giá xác định)
- Rights Offering: an offering of a new issue of stock to existing
stockholders (chào bán đợt phát hành cp mới cho các cổ đông
hiện tại), who may purchase new shares in proportion to their
current ownership (mua cp mới theo tỷ lệ sở hữu hiện tại của họ)
- Stock Spin-Off (tách cp): conversion of one of a firm’s
subsidiaries to a stand-alone company by distribution of stock in
the new company to existing shareholders (chuyển đổi một trong
các cty con thành cty độc lập bằng cách phân phối cp của cty
mới cho các cổ đông hiện hữu)
Values (5) - Par Value (Face value: mệnh giá): the stated, or face, value of a
Accounting term and not very useful to investors
- Book Value (giá trị số sách cp): the amount of stockholders’
The company’s assets – (the company’s liabilities + preferred
stock) -> để tính ra gtri vốn chủ sở hữu
- Market Value (giá cp đang giao dịch trên thị trường): the current
price of the stock in the stock market
- Market Captilization: the overall current value of the company in
the stock market
Total number of shares outstanding (số cp đang lưu hành) x by the
market value per share
- Investment Value: the overall current value of the company in the
stock market
Total number of shares outstanding x by the market value per
*Outstand stock: cp đang hiện hành nằm trong tay các cổ đông
not công ty
Preferred stock
Definition Preferred stockholders give up many of the rights of ownership in
exchange for some of the protection enjoyed by creditors
Rights of -
Can’t vote for the board of directors (không được tham gia quản
ownership lý công ty và vote)
- Sharing in success: Cash dividends are fixed in amount -> If
company does exceptionally well, preferred stockholders don’t
get to share in the success
Preferred - Cash dividend preference (ưu đãi cổ tức bằng tiền mặt): Receive
stockholders’s full cash dividend before common stockholders (được ưu tiên
protections chia cổ tức trước)
- Liquidation preference (ưu đãi thanh lý): If the company goes
bankrupt, preferred stockholders are entitled to have their
investment repaid in full (cty làm ăn có lãi hay không thì mức cổ
tức cố định hằng năm vẫn được hưởng bình thường)
Cumulative and • When a corporation fails to declare (không công bố dividends on
Noncumulative cumulative preferred stock, such dividends accumulate and
preferred stock (cổ require payment in the future before any dividends may be paid
phiếu ưu đãi tích to common stockholders.
lũy) • Dividends on cumulative preferred stock that are passed (chuyển
giao) are referred to as dividends in arrears (cổ tức trả sau).
• With noncumulative preferred stock -> not necessary to
provide for passed dividends (không cần thiết phải chia cổ tức)
Participating • Participating preferred stock issues provide for additional
Preferred Stock dividends to be paid to preferred stockholders after dividends of a
(cổ phiếu ưu đãi specified amount are paid to the common stockholders -> A
tham gia) participating provision (điều khoản tham gia) giống cp phổ thông
• Rare
Convertible - Preferred stock is convertible when it can be exchanged by its
Preferred Stock (cổ owner for some other security of the issuing corporation
phiếu ưu đãi có thể - Conversion rights generally provide for the exchange of preferred
chuyển đổi) stock into common stock.
Có thể chuyển đổi sang cp thường, convertible bond/loan: chuyển từ
nợ sang vốn góp nếu DN làm được những điều kiện đưa ra thì họ sẽ
chuyển từ trái phiếu sáng cổ phiếu
Callable Preferred • Many preferred issues are callable, meaning they may be called
Stock and canceled at the option of the corporation.
• The call price is usually specified in the original agreement and
provides for payment of dividends in arrears as part of the
repurchase price (Giá mua lại thường được quy định trong thỏa
thuận ban đầu và quy định việc thanh toán cổ tức còn nợ như
một phần của giá mua lại)
Redeemable Redeemable preferred stock is preferred stock that is
Preferred Stock (cổ redeemable at the option of the stockholder or upon other
phiếu ưu đãi có thể conditions not within the control of the issuer (có thể mua lại theo
hoàn lại) lựa chọn của cổ đông hoặc theo các điều kiện khác không nằm
trong tầm kiểm soát của tổ chức phát hành)
• Somewhat like a loan in that the issuing corporation may be
forced to repay the stock proceeds (giống như một khoản vay
trong đó công ty phát hành có thể bị buộc phải hoàn trả số tiền
thu được từ cổ phiếu)
Mortgages ( vay thế chấp)
- Mortgages: is a loan used to purchase a home/land/ building, where the
property serves as the borrower’s collateral (tài sản thế chấp)
- Amortized (trả dần, khấu trừ dần, trả 1 phần tiền gốc và lãi)—principal
and interest is gradually repaid over the life of loan
- Fixed Rate—Rate of interest is fixed
- Variable-Rate—Rate of interest varies depending on financial environment
- Securitization—Individual mortgages may be “pooled” and sold as a unit
to reduce uncertainty (Chứng khoán hóa—Các khoản thế chấp riêng lẻ có
thể được “gộp chung” và bán thành một đơn vị để giảm bớt sự không chắc
- Mortgages may be insured by government agencies: Federal Housing
Authority (FHA), Veterans Administration (VA)
The principal issuers of Commercial Paper Captive, Bank Related, and Independent
include? Finance Companies
How can Commercial Paper be sold in the Direct Paper and Dealer Paper
Smaller and less well-known companies with True
lower credit ratings can issue commercial paper
with credit support?
*Chấp phiếu ngân hàng (Banker’s Acceptance-BAs): là các hối phiếu kỳ hạn do
các công ty ký phát và được ngân hàng đảm bảo thanh toán bằng cách đóng
dấu “đã chấp nhận” lên tờ hối phiếu.
*Những người sở hữu chấp phiếu có thể đem bán chúng trên thị trường tiền tệ
với giá chiết khấu để thu tiền mặt ngay khi cần vốn.
+ Banks can provide credit to their customers without using the bank’s own
funds. This is done by creating a negotiable instrument with a specified maturity
date which can be sold at a discount to investors (Điều này được thực hiện bằng
cách tạo ra một công cụ có thể thương lượng với ngày đáo hạn cụ thể và có thể
bán với giá chiết khấu cho các nhà đầu tư)
1. Prices of money market instruments undergo the least price fluctuations
because of: the short terms to maturity for the securities (giá trị của một
khoản nợ sẽ bị ảnh hưởng bởi lãi mà ngắn hạn thì tức giá sẽ không thay
2. US Treasury bills are considered the safest of all money market
instruments because there is no risk of: default (phá sản)
*Notes: demarcation: phân ranh giới, cọc mốc
3. A debt instrument sold by a bank to its depositors that pays annual
interest of a given amount and at maturity pays back the original purchase price
is called: a negotiable certificate of deposit (chứng chỉ tiền gửi)
4. A short-term debt instrument issued by well-known corporations is
called: commercial paper
5. ……are short-term loans in which Treasury bills serve as collateral:
Repurchase agreements (chứng khoản xem như tài sản cầm cố)
*Notes: Federal funds (ngân hàng vay với nhau), US government
agency securities (not short-term)
6. Which of the following instruments is not traded in a money market?
Residential mortgages
Economies of scale
+ Liquidity services
- Reduce the exposure of investors to risk
+ Risk Sharing (Asset Transformation)
+ Diversification
Transaction Costs
In finance, transaction costs are all fees and commissions paid when buying or
selling securities, such as search costs, cost of distributing securities to
investors, cost of SEC registration, and the time and hassle (rắc rối) of the
financial transaction.
Chi phí giao dịch: time, effort and fee -> 3 methods:
+ Economic of scale: phục vụ cho nhiều người để giảm cost, tài khoản chứng
khoán liên kết với tài khoản tiền
+ Professional business: những người chuyên nghiệp (expertise) sẽ giúp tiết
kiệm thời gian công sức
+ Technology: e-wallet, online (FinTech, BTOB, BTOC, BTOBTOC, BTOCTOC)
Information Asymmetry (Asymmetric information): thông tin bất cân
Occurs when buyers and sellers do not have access to the same
information; sellers usually have more information than buyers -> một
người biết nhiều hơn người còn lại
- Debt contracts (không nhất thiết): chuyển từ hợp đồng đầu tư sang hợp
đồng cho vay (trả nợ cho công ty trước) -> lời ăn lỗ chịu
+ Equity (contracts claims on profits in all situations) ngược với Debt
contracts (independent from the profits of the firms)
Giao ước hạn chế là một điều khoản nhằm hạn chế hoạt động của người đi
vay. Có bốn loại giao ước có thể áp dụng: 1. Những giao ước ngăn cản hành
vi không mong muốn của người đi vay (tức là không thực hiện các dự án đầu
tư rủi ro). Ví dụ: – chỉ sử dụng hợp đồng nợ để tài trợ cho các hoạt động cụ
thể, chẳng hạn như mua tài sản cố định; – cấm công ty phát hành nợ mới
hoặc xử lý tài sản của mình; – hạn chế thanh toán cổ tức nếu một số tỷ lệ
chưa đạt đến mức tới hạn; – để hạn chế việc mua các tài sản lớn hoặc các
hoạt động sáp nhập
2. Những khuyến khích hành vi mong muốn theo quan điểm của người cho
vay. Một ví dụ là khoản vay thế chấp với điều khoản yêu cầu người đi vay
mua bảo hiểm nhân thọ để trả hết khoản vay trong trường hợp người đi vay
qua đời.
3. Các giao ước giữ tài sản thế chấp có giá trị.
4. Các thỏa thuận cung cấp thông tin về hoạt động của công ty đi vay, chẳng
hạn như báo cáo thu nhập và kế toán hàng quý. Sự hiện diện của các giao
ước làm giảm các vấn đề rủi ro đạo đức và giải thích tại sao hợp đồng nợ
thường là những văn bản pháp lý phức tạp.
- Financial intermediaries
+ Nhà băng đứng giữa giải quyết
+ Commercial bank (huy động vốn và cho vay), customer dư tiền và muốn
cho vay -> mang tiền đến ngân hàng thương mại (thông tin minh bạch) ->
bank sẽ đem tiền mình cho người cần tiền vay -> bank đã giải quyết
- Collateral (tài sản thế chấp) and Net Worth (giá trị vẻ ngoài)
+ Vẻ ngoài tạo giá trị
Tools to solve agency problem
Mutual fund: cty quản lý quỹ khác với Investment fund: quỹ đầu tư
Financial Intermediaries
Theory of
asset demand
The Information:
relationship Good or bad news can affect the decision of investors and other
between participants in the markets.
markets The transparency (tiêu chí công khai minh bạch) is the most
important factors.
Expectation and behavior can affect the trend of markets.
Price is not the most important factors affecting the investment
Asset demand theory is a dynamic model, there is a close relationship
between markets
Example: When there is a change in the price of oil-gold-USD, real estate –
stock market.
Valuatin Instruments of Simple loan A loan as a borrower will pay the lender the
g credit market (vay đơn) principal and an interest as the cost of using
interest the loan at maturity (vay trả gốc lẫn lại)
rate Example: borrow 100mil for 1 year, 10%/yr
borrowing rate. After 1 year, you have to pay
110mil (100mil as the principle and 10mil as
Fixed is the loan method by which the borrower
repayment repays the loan by paying the fixed amount
loan (vay hoàn after a fixed period of time throughout the loan
trả cố định) period. (trả góp mỗi kỳ)
Example: you borrow the bank 1bil to buy
house for 15 years and each year you have to
repay the bank 150mil (including part of
principle and interest)
Coupon bond Bond that pay interest as a coupon
(trái phiếu trả periodically until the maturity. At maturity, the
lãi định kỹ) bondholder will receive the face value of the
Example: Tinh Viet bond has a face value of
100tr, 10%/yr coupon rate, paid annually.
Discount bond a bond is sold at a price lower than the face
(zero coupon value. At maturity, the bondholder will receive
bond): trái the face value. This kind of bond does not pay
phiếu chiết coupon.
khấu Example: Treasury bond has a face value of
10mil, sold at a price of 9mil, 1 year maturity.
Time value of Simple interest The interest rate is calculated on the
money FV=Px(1+i.t) principal only. The interest is not
included to the principle to calculate
interest for the next period.
Used for credit contract with 1 year
maturity or shorter.
Since simple rate is usually in the form
of % per annum, you want to calculate
the interest rate for a given term, first
calculate the term in how much part of a
year then multiply it with the simple rate.
For example: if the simple rate is 16%/yr then
the simple rate for 2-year is 32%, 6-month is
a. A credit contract
has a value of 100mil, 10%/yr simple interest
rate. Calculate the future value of the contract
at maturity if the maturity is 3-year, 3-month,
b. Calculate the
simple interest rate applied for the credit
contract with the value of 10mil. Known that
the future value of the contract at maturity is
12tr. The maturity is 6-month and 1-year
c. Calculate the
present value od the credit contract, known
that the future value is 50mil, 12%/year simple
interest rate. The maturity is 1-month.
Compound When loan contract has multiple periods
interest (lãi of interest, the interest accrued in the
suất kép) preceding period is added to the
FV = P x (1 + principal for interest calculation for the
i/n)n.t next period, the method of calculating
such interest is called the compound
interest rate.
Usually applied for long term contract
(longer than 1 year)
a. A customer buy a bond with 2-year
maturity, 12%/year compound interest
rate. Interest is paid each 6-month.
What is the future value the customer
b. If you want to have 1bil after 30 years,
how much you have to save today.
Known that the compound interest rate
of the bank is 10%/year.
Effective value The real interest rate arises in a year,
of money depending on the nominal interest rate
ief = (1+i/n)n -1 stated in the contract and the number of
period interest paid in one year
ief: effective Example: Calculate the effective interest rate
interest rate if the interest is paid each 6-month, 3-month,
(%/year) 1-month known that the nominal interest rate
stated in the contract is 12%/year.
i : nominal
Shift in + Wealth tăng -> Demand bond + Income effect: Tăng thu nhập ->
demand tăng -> Bond price tăng -> MIR Md tăng -> IR tăng
curve tăng + Price level effect: Mức giá bán
+ Relative risk tăng -> Demand ngoài xh tăng -> Md tăng -> IR tăng
bond tăng -> Price giảm -> MIR
+ Relative liquidity tăng ->
Demand bond tăng -> Price tăng -
> MIR giảm
+ Expected return: Market rate
and Inflation rate
Shift in + Investment profitability (đầu tư Phụ thuộc vào quyết định của
supply sinh lời) tăng -> Demand to Central Bank
curve borrow tăng -> Supply tăng -> + Khủng hoảng thì lãi cao (đứt gãy
Price giảm -> Profitability tăng -> nguồn cung)-> DN muốn nhưng
IR tăng không làm được vì thiếu tiền -> bank
+ Expected inflation rate tăng -> sẽ đưa lãi cao nhằm hút tiền từ dân
Lạm phát sẽ giúp DN vì thu nhập rồi -> bơm vào cho nhà sx
ngoài kỳ vọng sẽ bù cho tiền lãi trả + Suy thoái thì lãi thấp (giảm nguồn
ngân hàng -> Supply of bond tăng cung)-> DN không có khả năng tăng
-> Price giảm -> IR tăng sx mặc dù có tiền -> DN không có
+ Budget deficit tăng -> Gvt issue nhu cầu vay -> bank sẽ cho lãi giảm
more bond -> Supply of bond tăng để không hút tiền của dân
-> Price giảm -> IR tăng
Factors + Expected inflation tăng:
affecting cả Demand (người cho vay) giảm ->
hai demand Price giảm -> IR tăng
và supply Supply (người đi vay) tăng ->
Price giảm -> IR tăng
=>P giảm, i tăng; Q new unknown
+ Economic growth tăng:
Demand: Wealth tăng -> D tăng ->
P tăng -> IR giảm
Supply: Invest opportunity tăng ->
S tăng -> P giảm -> IR tăng
=>Q new tăng; P,i unknown
If you think MIR tăng trong tương lai -> not buy bond now because price of
bond and MIR have negative relationship -> demand bond giảm -> Price
bond gaimr -> giá thị trường tăng
Expected inflation rate tăng -> Real interest rate giảm because nominal
interest rate not change dưa vào Fisher equation: Nominal = Real +
Expected inflation
“Increase in money supply will always lead to the decrease in interest
rate?” Right or Wrong
Answer: No. Xem xét lạm phát tăng nhanh hơn nguồn cung hay không vì
ngoài liquidity effect làm giảm interest rate thì 3 yếu tố còn lại (income
effect, price level, expected inflation effect) làm tăng interest rate. Trong
ngắn hạn thì i giảm nhưng trong dài hạn thì không biết
Tăng cung tiền:
+ Tăng liquidity -> tiếp cận khách hàng -> giảm i vì kiềm chế lạm phát
+ Tăng income, price level, expected inflation effect -> tăng i
We will have three following cases:
- Liquidity effect is larger than other effects
- Liquidity effect is lower than other effects and expected inflation
effect is adjusted slowly
- Liquidity effect is lower than expected inflation effect and expected
inflation effect is adjusted quickly
Recent research stated that increase in money supply will lead
interest rate decrease in short term