I Chapter Competition I
Sprint Round
MATHCOUNTS is a cooperative project of the National Society of Professional Engineers, The Dow Chemical
Company Foundation, the CNA Insurance Companies, the General Motors Foundation, the Intel Founda-
tion, Texas Instruments Incorporated, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Sara walks to school along a path that is 1.30 miles. She
returns on shortcut that is 0.75 miles. How many total
10. How many positive integer factors of 72 are also multiples 10.
of 2?
11. Two triangles have sides with unit lengths 3, 7 and 9 and 11.
4.5, 10.5 and 13.5, respectively. What is the ratio of the
number of square units in the area of the smaller triangle to
the number of square units in the area of the larger triangle?
13. How many different, positive three~digit numbers can be made 13.
using any three of the following five digits: 1,2, 2,3 and 3?
l32;u;l1 of the figL11‘CEr3 is an squzire formed by COI1IlCCl;l‘i1g
midpoints of opposite sides of 2.1 larger squa,re. What l"m.<:l;io11
of the largest square is slladed?
is the total bill, to the nearest cent, if tax is added after the
bill is totalled?
593 -
20. How many square units are in the area of the triangle in 20.
the first quadrant bounded by the axes and the line with
equation :2: + y = 10‘?
(77)(83). 22.
23. Of the 90% of students in a math class who earned a passing 23.
grade, 10% earned a B+ or better. What percent of the
entire math class received a 13+ or better?
25. Which of the following ratios has the largest Value? 25.
26. Baby Steven weighed six pounds at birth and gained two 26.
pounds a week. Mother Ilene weighed 159 pounds when
Steven was born. Ilene started exercising and eating low—fat
foods and lost one pound per Week. How many Weeks past
his birth did Baby Steven weigh one—fourth as much as
Mother Ilene?