Loa 012 2023 24 Cro Pryj CNB
Loa 012 2023 24 Cro Pryj CNB
Loa 012 2023 24 Cro Pryj CNB
The Competent Authority has accepted your offered rates in connection with
the subject work. The total cost of the work at the accepted rates works out to
Rs. 65720114.35 (Rupees Six Crore Fifty-Seven Lakh Twenty Thousand One
Hundred And Fourteen Rupees And Thirty-Five Paise Only)
The entire work shall be completed within 6 month from the date of issue of
Letter of Acceptance.
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Taxes and deductions: All the taxes and duties what so ever leviable by the
Government (state or central).or anybody shall be borne by you subject to any
deductions or recoveries, which the Railways may be entitled to make under the
contract, income tax, at the rate fixed from time to time by the government shall
be deducted from on account bills.
Indemnity bond: You have to furnish a standing indemnity bond for material
supplied to you by Railways as per Para 15 of Part II Standard General
Conditions of Contract of tender document
Supervisor in Charge: All works shall be carried out under the strict supervision
of SSE/SIG/FTP & SSE/SIG/WEST and SSE/SIG/WEST is deputed for
recording measurement bills based on certificates from field supervisors
Note:1: This letter of acceptance sent in duplicate. Please arrange to return one
copy of the same, all the pages duly signed along with the annexure under your
seal as a token of your acceptance of the contents of this letter. The acceptance
of the Tender shall constitute a binding contract subject to modification as may
be mutually agreed upon for the work. Please attend this office within 30 days
for signing the Agreement of work.
Note:2: While Every care has been taken to fully incorporate the decision of the
accepting authority regarding acceptance of your offer, the Railway
administration reserves the right to correct the inadvertent mistakes which may
have occurred in communication of the accepted rate and other terms and
conditions at the time of signing the formal contract agreement between you and
the railway administration.
Note:3: This acceptance letter shall be legally enforceable contract on you and
NCR. In case you fail to execute formal contract agreement in accordance with
stipulation in this letter, it will make you liable for breach of contract and
Railway administration shall be entitled to take any action as deemed fit
accordance with stipulation in this tender and GCC.
Condition Of Tenderer: Since tenderer has not quoted any condition along with
their offer. Therefore, all the condition of Railways shall be binding on the
All Other terms and conditions, as stipulated in the tender documents shall
be applicable.
Digitally Signed
View Signature Details
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latest with coupling on
perforated at a distance
of 20 cm or less with 10
mm dia hole, or at any
other locations as
decided by Site Engineer.
It includes supply of all
material required for fi
xing arrangement.
Contractor will also
supply fl
exible/corrugated HDPE
pipe at the end of GI
pipe to protect the cables
from sharp edges and
sudden bends.Insp. By-
Laying and fixing of
Medium class GI pipes
100 mm dia (4.5 mm
thickness) as per IS
1239 ( Part 1) 2004 or
latest with coupling on
perforated at a distance
of 20 cm or less with 10
mm dia hole, or at any
other locations as
decided by Site Engineer.
Th e GI pipe is to be fi
lled with chattered
compound. It includes
supply of all material
required for fi xing
2 arrangement. Contractor 12009 200 Metre 354.30 At Par 70860.00
will also supply fl
exible/corrugated HDPE
pipe at the end of GI
pipe to protect the cables
from sharp edges and
sudden bends. Th e
laying and fi xing to be
done as per RDSO
drawings No. SDO/cable
laying/011 and
SDO/cable laying/012,
issued vide RDSO
document No.
RDSO/SI/G/2010 Version
1.1 dated 04.02.2014, or
latest.Insp. By-
3 Excavation of cable 12013 39000 Metre 87.77 At Par 3423030.00
trench as per cable route
plan, 1.2 Mtr. deep and
of 03 Mar. to 0.6 Mt.
wide at bottom as per
RDSO sketch No. SDO
issued vide RDSO
document No.
Version 1.1 dated
04.02.2014 or latest,
alongside the track in
normal (all type) soil
strata, conforming to
distances as per cable
route plan and refilling
and ramming of loose
soil. This work includes
clearing of route from
bathes etc,covering of
cable laid in trench by
loose soil for a layer of
50mm thickness
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approximately before
covering by bricks. The
work shall be done as
per the extant practice
on North Central Railway
and instructions of
Railway Engineer at site.
In case 1.2m depth of
trench is not achievable
due to site conditions,
specific approval of
JAG/SG Officer will be
required for each site
where trench depth of
1.2m is not possible,
only after approval of
JAG/SG Officer
proportionate payment
can be done.Insp. By-
"Supply of Double Walled
Corrugated (DWC)
Pipe/duct with associated
collars etc. as per RDSO
Specification No.
RDSO/SPN/204/2011 or
latest anti-rodent & anti-
oxidant and non flame
propagating type in 6
meters straight length
and of size 120 mm
outer dia,& 103.5 mm
inner dia. (The
manufacturers, suppliers
must produce valid IS
license and should be
4 certified under ISO 9000 12003 9750 Metre 656.59 At Par 6401752.50
and shall submit copy of
certificate). One coupler
with suitable rubber O-
ring should be supplied
with every 6m of pipe
length. (The total
quantity of above items
is equal to no. of pipes
supplied.)DWC pipe shall
be marked at every 1
mtr length in such a way
that manufacturer's
name, vendor name and
year of manufacture can
be easily identified. Insp.
5 "Horizontal 12004 9750 Metre 1083.29 At Par 10562077.50
Boring/Manual moling
without damage to
surface road /track for
laying/isertion of
DWC/GI/HDPE pipe. The
bore shall be done at the
depth of minimum 1400
mm from the ground
level. The ground level
shall be considered
ignoring the bank height
of the bank of the road.
Pipe Supply is not
covered under this item.
Contactor shall provide
all material required for
work and adequate nos.
of labours for proper
laying of cables into the
bore. Cable shall be laid
cautiously so that it
should not get damage
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due to rough handling &
pressure on cable.
Payment of boring shall
be made only after
DWC/HDPE/GI pipe is
laid in the bore. Insp.
"Laying of S&T Cables of
various cores/ pairs/
quads in trenches/ GI
pipes/ RCC pipes/ DWC
pipes etc. as per the site
requirement and as per
approved cable route
plan. This also includes
laying of cables in track
crossings & road
crossings.(Cables will be
6 meggered before and 12006 300105 Metre 6.84 At Par 2052718.20
after its laying by
contractor under
supervision of Railway
Representative and he
will submit the
meggering report of each
testing). Length of the
cable laid includes the
length of the cable coiled
for termination purposes.
Insp. By-Consignee"
Supply of 24 fiber optical
fiber cable straight joint
enclosure (SJC) complete
with all accessories along
with enclosures with heat
shrinkable splice
protection sleeve as per
7 15019 50 Numbers 5506.71 At Par 275335.50
RDSO spec.
Revision 1.0, Amndt. 1.0
or latest. Splice losses in
no case should be more
than 0.1 dB.Insp. By-
Splicing of 24 core optic
fibre cable and making
the splicing joint with
contractor's own
machine and tools. Joint
should be prepared in
such a way that the top
of the enclosure shopuld
8 15030 50 Numbers 12011.75 At Par 600587.50
be at a depth of
minimum 1.2 mtr and
the enclosure should be
covered with soft soil and
bricks. Splice loss of
each fibre should be less
than 0.05 dB.Insp. By-
Supply of thermo shrink
jointing kit as per RDSO
Specn.No. IRS: TC 77-
2012 (Rev.3.0) with
(Amdt.-1 to 3) or latest,
suitable for 6 Quad/jelly
9 15020 50 Numbers 3361.92 At Par 168096.00
fi lled cables for straight
joints. It includes supply
of all the accessories,
without transformerInsp.
10 Installation of thermo 15021 50 Numbers 1682.87 At Par 84143.50
shrink jointing kit as per
RDSO Specn.No. IRS: TC
77- 2012 (Rev.3.0) with
(Amdt.-1 to 3) or latest,
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suitable for 6 Quad/jelly
fi lled cables for straight
joints. It includes supply
of all the accessories,
without transformerInsp.
"Supply of Apparatus
Case/Location Box Full as
per RDSO drg. no.
RDSO/S-11500 or latest,
with 'E' type lock and key
ward no. 42, . The key
and handle should be
supplied at the rate of
one no. per four
Apparatus cases. The 'E'
11 type key lock is as per 11004 117 Numbers 27512.34 At Par 3218943.78
RDSO Spec. IRS;S-30/64
or latest, RDSO drg.
no.SA 3376/M or latest
and Key is as per Drg.
No. 3377/M or latest.
Note: This item includes
the supply of 2 Nos E
Type Lock fitted on both
doors, along with two
Keys.Insp. By-RITES"
Supply of Apparatus
Case/Location Box Half
as per RDSO drg. No.
RDSO/S-11507 or latest,
with 'E' type lock and key
ward No. 42,. Th e key
and handle should be
supplied at the rate of
one no. per four
Apparatus cases. Th e 'E'
12 11005 39 Numbers 19913.76 At Par 776636.64
type key lock is as per
RDSO drg. No.
SA3376/M or latest and
Key is as per Drg. No.
3377/M or latest. Note:
Th is item includes the
supply of 2 Nos E Type
Lock fi tted on both
doors, along with two
KeysInsp. By-RITES
Excavation, casting,
curing of foundation and
Installation and Erection
of Apparatus case Full
(Apparatus Case as per
RDSO drg. No. RDSO/S-
11500 or latest) with
contractor's own frame,
cement and other
material in the ratio
1:3:6. 'E' type lock to be
13 supplied and installed 11006 117 Numbers 12277.81 At Par 1436503.77
with Apparatus case.
This includes fi lling of
location foundations with
river bed sand and
plastering on top with a
mixture of 1:4 of cement
and sand. It covers fi
xing of lamp holder,
switch and lamp etc. in
Apparatus Case.Insp. By-
14 Excavation, casting, 11007 39 Numbers 10332.22 At Par 402956.58
curing of foundation and
Installation and Erection
of Apparatus case Half
(Apparatus Case as per
RDSO drg. No. RDSO/S-
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11507 or latest) with
contractor's own frame,
cement and other
material in the ratio
1:3:6.'E' type lock to be
supplied and installed
with Apparatus case. Th
is includes fi lling of
location foundations with
river bed sand and
plastering on top with a
mixture of 1:4 of cement
and sand. It covers fi
xing of lamp holder,
switch and lamp etc. in
Apparatus Case.Insp. By-
"Fabrication and fixing of
phenolic laminated sheet
of grade P3, minimum 10
mm thick,as per
Apparatus case
diagram/plan, in location
box by providing all
fixtures like
terminals, fuse blocks,
fuses, relays on square
bars etc. including fixing
of PVC coated string rods
at the back side for cable
15 support with contractor's 11011 117 Numbers 4478.48 At Par 523982.16
own material like iron
angle, nuts, bolts etc.
The iron angle for fixing
shall be minimum 3 mm
thick. This also includes
fixing of teak wood shelf
minimum 25 mm thick
for holding track circuit
equipments. The work
shall be done as per
instructions of Rly
engineer at site.
(Apparatus case Full)
Insp. By-Consignee"
Fabrication and fi xing of
phenolic laminated sheet
of grade P3, minimum 10
mm thick, as per
Apparatus case
diagram/plan, in location
box by providing all fi
xtures like
terminals, fuse blocks,
fuses, relays on square
bars etc. including fi xing
of PVC coated string rods
at the back side for cable
16 support with contractor's 11012 39 Numbers 2429.29 At Par 94742.31
own material like iron
angle, nuts, bolts etc. Th
e iron angle for fi xing
shall be minimum 3 mm
thick. Th is also includes
fi xing of teak wood shelf
minimum 25 mm thick
for holding track circuit
equipments. Th e work
shall be done as per
instructions of Rly
engineer at site.
(Apparatus case
Half)Insp. By-Consignee
17 Supply of Phenolic 11013 156 Numbers 5756.14 At Par 897957.84
laminated Sheet, resin
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bonded, grade P3 in
standard size of 1220 X
1220 x 10 mm as per
spec. No IS 2036 of
1995 or latest. Test
report of manufacture to
be supplied.Insp. By-
Supply of 16/0.2 mm
(0.5 sq mm) PVC
insulated multi strand,
single core, tinned
copper conductor, as per
RDSO Specn.No.IRS:S-
76/89 (Amnd-3) or
18 04001 2000 Metre 10.88 At Par 21760.00
latest. Each coil should
be of 100/200/500
meters length.Colour of
the wire will be specified
by the Engineer
incharge.Insp. By-
Supply of ARA terminal
block, made of PBT, as
per RDSO spec. No. IRS:
S-75/2006 (Rev.2) or
19 11003 39000 Numbers 119.32 At Par 4653480.00
latest and as per
Drawing. No. SA-
23741A (Alt.-4) or
latest.Insp. By-RDSO
"Fixing of ARA(M-6)
Terminals /Screw less
connectors / modular
disconnect terminal
blocks and fuse blocks on
phenolic laminated
sheets and fixing by
stainless steel/brass nuts
& bolts. This includes
provision of two
20 additional holes on the 11008 39000 Numbers 18.11 At Par 706290.00
board on either side for
cable conductor entry.
The work shall be carried
out a per instructions of
railway Engineer
incharge.(Supply of all
above terminals has
been covered
separately). Insp. By-
Termination of Outdoor
Cables (Main Cables /tail
cables) at
ARA/Disconnect type
terminals provided in
Apparatus Cases, Cable
termination rack in relay
room, station building,
generator room etc. Th e
item includes dressing of
cables and wires with
21 dressing threads as per 11010 39000 14.77 At Par 576030.00
standard practice. All
material required for this
item will be supplied by
contractor. Th e outdoor
cable shall be terminated
in Relay Room, DG
Room, ASM Room etc
under supervision and
instructions issued by
Engineer incharge of the
work.Insp. By-Consignee
22 Painting of two coats of 14009 156 Numbers 681.95 At Par 106384.20
Enamel paint over one
coat of Red Oxide primer
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after scrapping and
cleaning of the surface.
Paint to be of reputed
Asian/Dulux/Berger or
similar.App. Cases inside
and outside to be done
by Silver colour.
(Apparatus Case
Full)Insp. By-Consignee
Lettering and Numbering
of all S&T gears like
Signals, Loc. Boxes, Pt.
23 Machines, TLJBs, Block 14007 156 Numbers 85.58 At Par 13350.48
joints etc. Each item to
be taken as one
unit.Insp. By-Consignee
Supply and installation of
earth electrode as per
standard practice and as
per NCR Drawing no.
S&T/CONST/6.4/97. It
includes supply of GI
pipe of 3m length. It
includes connecting the
earth electrode to the
equipments which are
required to be earthed
including digging of earth
pit 3 mtr deep and fixing
earth electrode pipe,
casting of cement
concrete enclosure with
cover (cover as per
24 drawing no. 13001 156 Numbers 3450.96 At Par 538349.76
S&T/CONST/6.3/97. It
includes installation of GI
MS strip 25x5 mm,
supported on MS flat size
5mm x 40 mm, soldering
and nut bolt both, one
end of both earth lead
wire and MS flat to earth
electrode and other end
to Location boxes, block
equipments, power
equipments, cable
sheath, signals etc. as
per site requirement and
as per instructions given
by engineer
incharge.Insp. By-RITES
Cement concrete work
for miscellaneous,
unscheduled items in
ratio 1:3:6 of cement,
coarse, sand and
aggregate Item includes
excavation, ramming of
CC by using vibrator,
25 curing and plastering 14001 500 cum 5109.62 At Par 2554810.00
with cement and sand
mixture in ratio 1:4
(aggregate will not
exceed beyond 3.8 cm).
The aggregate cement
and sand will be supplied
by contractor.Insp. By-
Supply of Digital AC/DC
Leakage Clamp on meter,
26 make/model ST-CL360, 14003 20 Numbers 58267.80 At Par 1165356.00
DCM 39A/Motwane or
similarInsp. By-RITES
27 Supply of Insulation 14004 20 Numbers 17830.68 At Par 356613.60
resistance tester, 100
Mega ohms, 500V DC,
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hand generator type.
Meco/Motwane/Waco or
similarInsp. By-
Supply of Insulation
resistance tester, 10
Mega ohms, 100V DC,
hand generator type.
28 14005 20 Numbers 15692.01 At Par 313840.20
Meco/Motwane/Waco or
similar.Insp. By-
Supply of Digital Clamp
Earth tester/meter., with
memory storage facility,
29 14006 20 Numbers 114941.23 At Par 2298824.60
Motwane/Meco/Fluke or
better.Insp. By-RITES
Supply of digital Cable
fault locator for metallic
S&T cables of reputed
make . Model ANDIG
5289(or similar reputed
make with similar or
better specs) as per TEC
30 12017 20 Numbers 301578.02 At Par 6031560.40
05/03,JULY 2006 & TEC
73060:2006 or latest.
Item to be supplied after
successful demonstration
and approval of
Railways.Insp. By-RITES
Supply and testing of
Integrated cable route
tracer and RFID marker
locator of reputed make,
31 Reference specifications 12016 20 Numbers 523758.24 At Par 10475164.80
model No. 3M 2273M-ID
or higher version of
reputed make.Insp. By-
Supply of Optical Power
Meter, type-B, as per
32 TEC spec. GR/OPM-01/03 15060 10 Numbers 17742.61 At Par 177426.10
Feb. 2005 or latest.Insp.
Supply of Optical Time
Domain Reflectometer
(OTDR), operating at
1550 nm and 1310 nm
for working on single
mode optical fi ber as
per TEC spec.
001/05/SEP-19 or latest,
33 15058 10 Numbers 436502.82 At Par 4365028.20
of reputed make like
S4) or similar or higher
version wrt reference
model. Item to be
supplied after successful
demonstration and
approval of
Railways.Insp. By-RITES
34 Supply of Automatic 15059 10 Numbers 532864.64 At Par 5328646.40
Fusion Splicer for single
mode Optical fibre cable,
along with accessories as
per TEC spec.
001/04/SEP-12 or latest
of reputed make like
ILSINTECH (model Swift
K9) or similar or higher
version wrt refernce
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model. Item to be
supplied after successful
demonstration and
approval of
Railways.Insp. By-RITES
Supply and installation of
RFID marker for S&T
underground cable with
programmable memory
for saving the user
specific data inside the
RFID marker memory
chip, later recordable by
Electronic marker locator
35 during locating (10 cm NS 1000 Numbers 3087.20 At Par 3087200.00
Diameter with floating
coil to keep detection
circuit always Horizontal
for better detection
which can be burried up
to depth of 5ft.and
placing in trenches as
per technical supplement
.Insp. By-RITES"
Supply of Optical Laser
Torch. (Inspection by
36 NS 10 Numbers 8719.65 At Par 87196.50
Consignee)Insp. By-
Supply of Rechargeable
remote area lighting
37 system USA make NS 20 Numbers 55628.84 At Par 1112576.80
Pelican Model 9430 9430
Supply of hand track drill
machine (Cycle type)
suitable for making holes
in rails. Contractor
38 NS 5 Numbers 6179.05 At Par 30895.25
should get the approval
of sample from railway
engineer.Insp. By-
Rail drilling machine. As
per RDSO specification
39 No. TM/SM/3 dt NS 20 Numbers 37311.60 At Par 746232.00
24.04.1991. Insp. By-
and Unloading of various
S&T material by a 9 MT
truck, from/to the
40 15087 3900 Kilometre 54.65 At Par 213135.00
consignee depot to/from
various locations, as
decided by the
RailwaysInsp. By-
41 Arranging NS 3000 Hour 1335.81 At Par 4007430.00
Model or higher capacity
as per direction of Engg.
In charge for excavation
of trenches including
cutting & clearing of
roots of trees etc. in any
type of soil,back filling &
ramming of the soil in
trenches after cable
laying. Note:- Only
working hours of JCB will
be counted for payment
(I.e start to stop of
working hours) Maximum
8 hours per day will be
paid .The rate also
inclusive of all labour
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and other charges
complete.Insp. By-
Schedule Totals 0.00
Total Value 80156256.07 18.01 %Below 65720114.35
Rebate on Total Value (%) 0.00
Net Bid Value 65720114.35
Item Breakup
No break up item added
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