Manampalli and Velamalai Tunnel Report

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ESTIMATE AMOUNT Rs: 800.00 Lakhs

The Parambikulam Aliyar Project (PAP) is a multipurpose and interstate
river valley project, which is an outcome of a hard and sustained work done by
a band of enthusiastic and dynamic Engineers, to divert the west flowing rivers
and conveyance to the East side with the series of Reservoirs, tunnels and
conveyance media mainly to provide irrigation facilities to the drought prone
areas in Coimbatore and Tirupur Districts. In addition to irrigation supply, the
project contemplates generation of hydro power both in Tamil Nadu and Kerala
states and stabilization of existing irrigation systems.
The Sholayar Reservoir, which is essentially a part of the comprehensive
Parambikulam Aliyar Project, act as a Heart of this project and benefits both
Kerala and Tamilnadu States which was constructed during the period 1961 to
The hydraulic particulars of Sholayar dam area as follows:
Latitude : 10°17’52”N
Longitude : 76°52’58”E
Maximum water Level : +1004.32 m
Full Reservoir level : +1002.79 m
Crest Level : +996.70 m
Sill of River Sluice : +969.26 m
Sill Level of Tunnel : +954.02 m
Deepest foundation Level : +902.21 m
Capacity at FRL : 152.48 mcum
Water spread area of FRL : 5.26
Vent size of river sluice : 1.52 × 1.83m
No of Spillway gates : 3 Nos
Size of spillway gates : 12.80m×7.62m
Size of drainage gallery : 1.50m×2.13m
Catchment area : 121.72
Maximum discharge through river sluice : 56.07 cumec
Shape of PH 1 tunnel : Horse shoe type
Shape of PH 2 tunnel : Horse shoe type
Dia of PH 1 tunnel : 9.00’ feet
Dia of PH 2 tunnel : 9.00’ feet
Discharge through Power Tunnel I : 21.24 cumec
Discharge through Power Tunnel II : 21.24 cumec
Power Generation PH1 : 84.00 MW
Power Generation PH2 : 25.00 MW
Maximum designed flood discharge : 1475 cumec
Mean annual rainfall in the catchment : 342 cm
PH I bypass tunnel exit at Manampalli
Purpose of the PH I Tunnel
The main purpose of the Sholayar Dam is to divert water to
Parambikulam Dam through tunnel of Length 2.50 km and to divert water to
Kerala Sholayar Dam through tunnel of Length 1.00 km as per interstate water
agreement. There are two power houses PH1 and PH2 which utilizes the
difference in head between Sholayar Dam and the other two dams and
generates power to a quantum 109 MW. The tunnels have bypass exits which
could be utilized to discharge water when the Power houses is not in operation.
The bypass tunnel exit of PH1 is located in the thick Manampalli forest area
which can be approached through a road located in the reserved forest area.
The bypass tunnel exit of PH 2 is located d/s of dam.
Features of the PH I tunnel
The total length of PH1 tunnel is 2.50 km which leads directly to the
valve house of the Power House. Before the surge well the offtake tunnel i.e.,
the bypass tunnel separates and leads upto a length of 200.00 m to the exit gate
of vent size 5x6 feet. This offtake portion upto the shutter is unlined and again
beyond the shutter there is 62.00 m long tunnel which is lined with RCC at the
time of project period itself. This bypass tunnel will be utilized to discharge
water to Parambikulam dam when the Power House I is not in operation.
Damages to the PH I Tunnel
During the Monsoon rain in the year 2018 the Sholayar Dam was
rapidly filling and it should be diverted to Parambikulam dam and meanwhile
the Power House I was not in operation as the RMU works was under progress.
As there was acute drought in the previous three consecutive years, diverting
water to Parambikulam Dam became an utmost importance. PH 1 bypass exit
shutter was operated to discharge water to an extent of 2500 c/s to rapidly fill
the Parambikulam dam which was in its lower level. In the proceeding days as
the level of water in the Sholayar Dam was rising to its FRL and due to the
difference in head to the sill of the tunnel and level of water storage, the RCC
lining of the exit tunnel got damaged due to abrasion caused by the jetting of
The Bed, sides and roof of the tunnel lining got severely damaged in the
d/s of the exit shutter to a length of 62.00 m which have existing RCC lining.
Also, the u/s of shutter which is unlined since the project period need to be
provided with suitable lining in order to reduce the turbulence of water inside
the tunnel at least to a minimum length of 30.00 m u/s to the shutter. Further
operation to discharge the water through this tunnel could not be carried out
until the damaged portions got suitable repaired.
Necessity for Rehabilitation and Improvement
Nowadays as the rainfall pattern is very intensive for very few days,
utilizing the water effectively by diverting it to Parambikulam dam through
bypass tunnel without considering the operation of power house is very
essential. This operation will help to divert large volume water to
Parambikulam dam rapidly and to effectively utilize it for irrigation in the
Ayacut area of PAP system. Considering all the above factors rehabilitation of
the tunnel exit to effective standards is very essential.
The works mainly proposed are providing steel liner for the exit tunnel
d/s of exit shutter, Providing new steel lining to the tunnel u/s of shutter,
providing high grade concrete for filling the damages and for new lining,
providing contact grouting, fixing of anchor rods, construction of retaining wall
etc., for rehabilitation of the tunnel.
Works proposed for Rehabilitation of Manampalli tunnel exit
This estimate comprises of the following items of work
1. Chiseling and removing hard rock
2. Dismantling of Reinforced cement concrete
3. Fixing the 25mm dia anchor rod
4. Supplying, fabricating and placing in position of Mild steel or
Ribbed tor steel reinforcement grills
5. Providing Steel liner using 10 mm thick MS plate
6. Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-
30 Grade
7. Providing Contact Grouting
8. Supplying and erecting steel centering
9. Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-
25 Grade
10. Admixture for increasing the flowability of M 30
The above provisions that have been made in this estimate are absolutely
necessary to up keep the PH1 bypass tunnel in good condition with which the
water can be effectively utilized for irrigation purposes which in turn benefits
two districts of the state.
Brief description regarding the necessity of items provided.
1) Steel liner as per IS: 2041-1962 – To withstand abrasion due to water jet
while discharging water.
2) Providing Contact Grouting as per IS 5878(Part VII) 1972 – To fill the
hollow mass with concrete to withstand the vibration due to water
3) Retaining wall beyond the tunnel exit - To guide the water jet along the
mouth of the tunnel.
Upper Nirar tunnel exit at Vellamalai
Purpose of Upper Nirar Tunnel

The Upper Nirar Tunnel and its leading channel were constructed during
the period 1970-1979. The Upper Nirar Tunnel conveys nearly 9 TMC of
water from Upper Nirar Dam to Sholayar Dam most of the months in a year.
The diameter of Upper Nirar Tunnel is 20 feet horse shoe Type and its length
4.62km and discharge of 2600 C/s with a velocity of 2.4m/sec.
Features of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit at Vellamalai

The Upper Nirar Tunnel exit is located at Vellamalai 9 km away from

Valparai Town. The Retaining wall and bed lining of the leading channel at
Upper Nirar Tunnel exit in Vellamalai were constructed during the year 1970-
1979. The age of the leading channel is nearly 40 years and above. Leading
channel at Upper Nirar Tunnel exit carries the water from Tunnel exit to nearby
River Course which leads to Sholayar Dam. The leading channels have both
sides Random Rubble Masonry Retaining wall upto River Course entry and
bed lined with Cement Concrete. No Rehabilitation works were carried out
from its construction period except a few maintenance Repair work. The
Retaining walls and bed lining were weakened due to the ageing from its
original construction and as well as continuous flow of water from tunnel exit
to Sholayar Dam. In addition to that the surcharge portion of the retaining
walls is heavily damaged one due to the natural cutting of the existing hillocks
at Vellamalai.
Valparai Taluk is situated in the Western – Ghat hilly region and it is
one of the heaviest rainfall stations of Tamilnadu. During Rainy season more
seepage water collected from the right side of the leading channel found its
way at the right side of guide wall. Due to the rain water entering through the
Retaining wall erodes and making damages and making cavities in the
Retaining wall. The heavy discharge of rain water at the Tunnel exit during
Rainey season also damages both left and right retaining wall and bed lining of
leading channel and making cavities in the Retaining walls and gullies in the
bed lining.
Damages to the Retaining wall
During the month of August 2018, the details of heavy rainfall and he
discharge through the Upper Nirar Tunnel are as follows.

Sl. Date Rain Fall Upper Nirar Tunnel discharge

No in mm (Highest of the day) in c/s
1 15.08.2018 217 3,155
2. 16.08.2018 295 3,234
3. 17.08.2018 250 3,240
Due to the heavy rainfall takes place in and around Valparai Taluk on
the above period and heavy discharge of Flood water flows from Upper Nirar
Dam to Sholayar Dam through Upper Nirar Tunnel which causes heavy erosion
and damages in the bed lining and both side Retaining walls of Upper Nirar
Tunnel exit leading channel at Vellamalai.
Necessary flood damage report was submitted on 16.08.2018 to the
Accountant General, Chennai in M.F.C Form 20 for an amount of Rs. 2.50
Crore for the permanents restoration of Upper Nirar Tunnel exit and its leading
channel and copy of the report also submitted to the all P.W.D. higher officers.
Necessity for Rehabilitation and Improvement
It is very essential to Rehabilitate and Renovate the Upper Nirar Tunnel
exit leading channel side Retaining walls and bed upto River course. If it is not
the Upper Nirar Tunnel exit and its leading channel will be completely closed
by continues damages in future and it also affect the conveyance of water from
Upper Nirar Dam to Sholayar Dam, which results irrigation facilities to 4.25
Lakhs acres in the drought prone areas of Coimbatore Tirupur Erode and
Karur Districts of Tamilnadu, Power Generation and also supply of water to
Kerala as per Interstate agreement will be affected.
Works proposed for Tunnel exit at Vellamalai

In order to bring the Upper Nirar Dam Tunnel Exit and its Leading
Channel the following items of works are proposed in this estimate to the
worthwhile condition. In this Estimate it is proposed to reconstruct the existing
damaged RR retaining walls by RCC Retaining walls as per the design
approved by Chief Engineer (Plan formulation)
Chennai in drawing No. 251/ 2016 (which was evolved for the RCC Retaining
walls in the Leading channel at Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit).
1. Clearing Scrub jungle and destroying the same effectively and both
side of the Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit and this leading channel upto
entry of River course.
2. Earth work excavation for forming ramp, approach, Revetment and
binder walls for Revetment.
3. Dismantling Stone masonry in Cement mortar walls for damaged
existing Retaining walls both left and right side of Upper Nirar
Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
4. Dismantling plain Cement concrete of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit
leading Channel below foot bridge up to the existing drop portion
and foundation of existing damaged Retaining walls both left and
right side of leading channel.
5. Drilling and fixing of 25mm Dia anchor rods by Drilling 50mm dia
holes not less than 1.2m into the hard rock and grouting Cement
mortar 1:2 for RCC retaining wall left and right side and bed of
Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
6. Supplying and filling of conveyed gravel for Revetment and binder
walls in Left side above the RCC Retaining wall of Upper Nirar
Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
7. RR Retaining wall in CM1:4 using Old available RR Stone from LS
87m to 115m both left and right side of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit
leading Channel.
8. Rough Stone dry packing to Revetment using Old available RR
Stones in LS 30m to 87m in right side of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit
leading Channel.
9. Cement concrete 1:4:8 using 40mm metal for leveling bed concrete
and foundation to binder wall of Revetment from LS 30m to 87m of
Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
10. Cement concrete 1:3:6 using 20mm metal for filling concrete
between cutoff walls in the drops between LS 30m to 35m, LS 35m
to 40m, LS 40m to 45m and LS45m to 55m of Upper Nirar Tunnel
Exit leading Channel.
11. RCC M20 Grade Concrete to cut off walls in drops at LS 35m,
40m,45m and 55m of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
12. RCC M25 Grade Concrete for Retaining wall (L&R) at LS 30m to
35m, LS 35m to 40m, LS 40m to 45m, LS45m to 55m, LS55m to
60m, LS 60m to 87m and bed lining concrete in LS 30m to 47.5m,
LS 47.5m to 2m and LS 62m to 87m of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit
leading Channel.
13. Supplying in fabrication of Steel for RCC Retaining walls, cut off
walls and Bed concrete.
14. Supplying and erecting centering for RCC Retaining wall footing
from LS 35m to 87m (L&R) Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit leading
15. Supplying and erecting centering for Vertical wall of RCC Retaining
walls (L&R) and cut off walls in drops of LS 35m to 87m Upper
Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
16. Providing additional strutting for Vertical wall of RCC Retaining
walls (L&R) of LS 35m to 87m Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit leading
17. Supplying and fixing bitumen felt 15mm thick pad for expansion
joints of RCC Retaining walls (L&R) of LS 35m to 87m of Upper
Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
18. Supplying and fixing of PVC Water stopper 225mm width to
retaining wall at LS 60m to 87m (L&R) of Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit
leading Channel.
19. Supplying and fixing 110mm PVC Pipe for Presser relief
arrangements to RCC Retaining wall from LS 30m to 87m of Upper
Nirar Tunnel Exit leading Channel.
20. Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 20mm thick for Binder wall of
Revetment, Drains and RR Retaining wall top and sides.

. Due to the need and necessity explained in the report, the work for
Rehabilitation and Improvements to Upper Nirar Tunnel Exit and its Leading
Channel in Valparai Taluk of Coimbatore District for an estimated cost of
Rs.2.16 crores is also included in the above announcement scheme 2020-2021
work. The same was explained to the Chief Engineer, Coimbatore Region,
Coimbatore during his inspection on 01.05.2020 to 02.05.2020 and he has
instructed to include this proposal.
This estimate is prepared based on the current schedule of rates of the
year 2023-24 and obtaining quotations from reputed firms in the field (for the
works which could not be arrived from SOR 2023-24) and works out to
Rs.800.00 lakhs.



Estimate Rs. 800.00 Lakhs

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