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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,989,974 B2

Fortmann et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 2, 2011

(54) POWER CONTROL OF A WIND PARK (56) References Cited

(75) Inventors: Jens Fortmann, Berlin (DE); Jens U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Altemark, Rendsburg (DE); Jorg 7,015,595 B2 * 3/2006 Feddersen et al ............... 290/44
Zeumer, Rendsburg (DE) 7,166,928 B2 * 1/2007 Larsen ............................ 290/55
7,346,462 B2 * 3/2008 Delmerico ...................... 702/60
7,603,202 B2 * 10/2009 Weitkamp ..................... 700/287
(73) Assignee: REpower Systems AG, Hamburg (DE) 7,606,638 B2 * 10/2009 Fortmann et al .............. 700/287
7,741,728 B2 * 6/2010 Fortmann et al ................ 290/44
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,755,209 B2 * 7/2010 Jones et al . ..................... 290/44
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2008/0088129 Al * 4/2008 Altemark et al . ............... 290/44
U.S.C. 154(b) by 608 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
EP 0 877 475 Al 11/1998
EP 1 519 040 A 3/2005
(21) Appl. No.: 11/995,309 WO WO-01/25630 A 4/2001
WO WO-02/086314 A 10/2002
(22) PCT Filed: Jul. 12, 2006 WO WO-03/030329 A 4/2003
* cited by examiner
(86) PCT No.: PCT/JP2006/006821
Primary Examiner Michael C Zarroli
§ 371 (c)(1), (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Morrison & Foerster LLP
(2), (4) Date: Jan. 10, 2008
(87) PCT Pub. No.: W02007/006565
A method for regulating a wind energy installation including
PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 18, 2007 a rotor-driven generator, a converter connected to the genera-
tor, and a controller that regulates power emitted into an
energy transmission system to within a limit value involves
(65) Prior Publication Data determining a maximum current value in a connection path,
determining a current reserve value for power emitted into an
US 2008/0265577 Al Oct. 30, 2008 energy transmission system, and determining a correction
value for following a limit value of the emitted power from the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data maximum current value and the current reserve value. The
wind energy installation and the method for its regulation also
Jul. 13, 2005 (DE) ......................... 10 2005 032 693 includes the use of a limitation device configured to set a
phase angle between an emitted current and voltage of an
(51) Int. Cl. electrical system in response to a selection signal in such a
H02P 9/04 (2006.01) way that primarily active power or primarily reactive power is
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 290/44; 307/47 fed into the energy transmission system when the maximum
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 290/44, current value is reached.
290/55; 307/47, 87
See application file for complete search history. 17 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets


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Fig. 4
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US 7,989,974 B2
POWER CONTROL OF A WIND PARK components used for the system connection to the energy
transmission system, such as cables or transformers, are
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS determined by their respective thermal limits. In order to
ensure operational reliability, the power loss produced in the
This application is a national stage application under 35 5 individual components should not exceed a respective critical
USC 371 of International Application No. PCT/EP2006/ value even under unfavorable conditions. When determining
006821, filed Jul. 12, 2006, which claims the priority of the critical value, care should be taken to ensure that the
German Application No. 10 2005 032 693.5, filed Jul. 13, voltage in a system is not a constant, but has a considerable
2005, the contents ofboth of which are incorporated herein by variation range. Thus, the voltage in the high-voltage system
reference. io can deviate from the rated voltage by +10%/-13% in accor-
dance with relevant guidelines of the Association of system
FIELD OF THE INVENTION operators [Verband der Netzbetreiber] (Transmission Code
2003). In order in any case to ensure the operational reliabil-
The invention relates to a method for regulating a wind ity, the system is conventionally designed for the most unfa-
energy installation having a generator driven by a rotor, a 15 vorable point in the range. On this basis, the permissible feed
converter connected to said generator, and a controller with a power is calculated, possibly whilst taking into consideration
power regulation module regulating the power emitted via a additional reactive power production or incoming supply. The
connection path into an energy transmission system, or to a invention has identified that using this method of calculation
method of regulating a wind farm. The invention also relates the components are not fully utilized. On the basis of the
to a wind energy installation or wind farm operated in accor- 20 known formula for the power loss produced in a component
dance with this method. with a complex impedance P„Ir,xIr,7real (ZL), the knowl-
edge results that the highest possible power loss occurs when
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the lowest permissible voltage occurs in the energy transmis-
sion system (in accordance with the known relationship
In order to generate electrical energy by means of wind 25 P=UxI). Then, the greatest current (maximum current) is
energy on a relatively large scale, wind energy installations flowing. The invention has identified that given any other,
with ever higher outputs are produced. Often, a plurality of higher voltage value the power loss in fact resulting in the
wind energy installations erected at one location are com- component is lower as a result of the then lower current value.
bined to form a wind farm. However, it is the case that it is If the voltage is, for example, precisely at the rated value, the
precisely the locations with severe winds and which are suit- 30 maximum current is no longer flowing, but a reduced current
able for erecting wind energy installations or wind farms with in accordance with the relationship P=UxI is flowing. Its
a high output are located in rural, sparsely populated areas. In absolute value is inversely proportional to the voltage. This
these areas, the energy transmission system of the energy results in a difference between the actually flowing current in
providers generally only has a low transmission power. It is the region of the rated working point and the calculated maxi-
not rare for this to result in corresponding restrictions apply- 35 mum current. There is therefore a current reserve. The inven-
ing to the operation as a result of the restricted transmission tion uses this current reserve for increasing the power actually
capacity of the energy transmission system. The operational transmitted into the energy transmission system. The gain
limits of an energy transmission system are determined by that can be achieved depends on the actually present system
power limits of the lines and components connected therebe- voltage in relation to the lowest permissible voltage. If, as
tween such as transformers. The operational limits of the 40 explained above, the permissible voltage deviations from the
energy transmission system necessitate a limitation which rated voltage are +10 and —13%, given an actual voltage in the
prevents it from being possible to utilize the full power of the energy transmission system at the same level as the rated
wind energy installation or of the wind farm in favorable wind voltage a current reserve of 13% results. As a result of the
conditions. This results in economic disadvantages. utilization of this current reserve in accordance with the
45 invention, the transmitted power can be increased by 13%
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION without this therefore resulting in overloading of the compo-
nent. If the actual voltage is above the rated voltage at the
The invention is based on the object of providing a wind upper permissible value, the current reserve is even 23%. It is
energy installation or a wind farm and a method for operation therefore made possible in accordance with the invention
thereof which allows for improved utilization. 50 even to transmit almost '/4 more power into the energy trans-
Various embodiments, aspects and modes of the invention mission system without the permissible power losses being
will be described as follows. In a method for regulating a wind exceeded. With such an increase in the possible transmission
energy installation, which has a generator, which is driven by power, the utilization of the wind farm can be considerably
a rotor, and a converter, which is connected to said generator, improved. The efficiency of operation is therefore also
as well as a controller, the controller regulating the power 55 increased.
emitted via a connection path into an energy transmission Expediently, a limitation device is provided which, when
system by a power regulation module and having devices for the maximum current is reached, sets a phase angle between
measuring the fed power, a maximum current of the connec- the current emitted into the energy transmission system and
tion path is determined, a current reserve remaining in the the system voltage as a function of a selection signal. The total
case of the power emitted into the system up to the maximum 6o absolute value for the current in this case remains fixed,
current is determined, and a correction value for adjusting the namely at the level of the maximum current, and the angle
emitted power is determined. between the current and the voltage is changed. It is thus
The invention involves the concept of always fully utilizing possible to predetermine by the selection signal whether pri-
the available capacity of the connection path for connection to marily active power or primarily reactive power is to be fed
the energy transmission system, to be precise as far as pos- 65 into the system. The selection signal can therefore be used to
sible independently of the respective operating state. It is select whether preference is intended to be given to a higher
based on the knowledge that the operational limits of many yield by a greater active power feed or to voltage stabilizing of
US 7,989,974 B2
3 4
this system as a result of a greater reactive power feed. Expe- Furthermore, the invention relates to a wind energy instal-
diently, the selection signal is generated by a voltage droop. It lation and to a wind farm for carrying out the abovementioned
makes it possible to determine the reactive power require- method.
ment necessary for stabilizing the system. On this basis, it is
then possible to decide whether the active or the reactive 5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
power production should be given priority. Alternatively or in
addition, however, provision may also be made for the selec- The invention will be explained below with reference to the
tion signal to be supplied from the outside, in particular by the drawing, in which advantageous exemplary embodiments are
system operator. This makes it possible for the system opera- illustrated and in which:
tor to decide, as a function of the state of the energy trans- 10 FIG. 1 shows a schematic view of a wind energy installa-
mission system, whether more active power or more reactive tion in accordance with a first exemplary embodiment of the
power is required and should be fed.
FIG. 2 shows a power graph of the power fed by the wind
As a function of the respectively required active or reactive
energy installation shown in FIG. 1 over voltage;
power, the respective other parameter, i.e. reactive or active
15 FIG. 3 shows a schematic view of a detail for determining
power, can be determined by using a predeterminable char- a correction value in accordance with the first exemplary
acteristic. For this purpose, a characteristic module can be embodiment;
provided which is integrated, for example, in the voltage FIG. 4 shows a schematic view of a detail of a characteristic
droop. It is designed to determine, as a function of one vari- module; and
able, for example the active power, the other variable, for 20 FIG. 5 shows a schematic view of a wind farm in accor-
example the reactive power, using the input characteristic. dance with a second exemplary embodiment of the invention.
The characteristic is freely selectable per se. Preferably, this
characteristic is an elliptical function, which is expediently DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
standardized to the maximum power, as follows: 1=P2: a2+Q2 :
b2. By selecting the coefficients a, b preference can be given 25 The wind energy installation illustrated in FIG. 1 is a basic
to the active or reactive power feed. design for a conventional wind energy installation with vari-
Expediently, an additional current for compensating for able speed. The wind energy installation 1 comprises a tower
line capacitances is determined and additionally fed. This 11 with a machine house 12 arranged on it. A rotor 13 is
current can be determined independently of the system volt- mounted rotatably on one of its end sides and is connected to
age and of the current limitation or the active current feed at so a generator 14 via a drive shaft (not illustrated). The generator
that time. Preferably, this takes place according to the formula 14 is preferably a double-fed asynchronous machine, but
iq=U/Z=Uxjwc. This current is used for compensating for the other designs such as synchronous machines, asynchronous
capacitive load on the wind energy installation side of the machines or permanent-magnet machines can also be used.
connection path and therefore remains without any influence The generator 14 is electrically connected to a converter 15
on the current limitation towards the system. The compensa- 35 and further to a line 3. The converter 15 can be designed and
tion for this capacitive load is important in particular when a connected in the form of a full converter or in the form of a
plurality of wind energy installations are connected together partial converter. For control purposes, a controller 2 is pro-
so as to form a wind farm. vided on the wind energy installation 1. It is illustrated as
Expediently, a limitation signal is applied to the wind being set back from the wind energy installation 1 for reasons
energy installation for limiting the current emitted by it. It can 40 of clarity, but is in fact generally provided physically on the
be, for example, in the range of from 0 to 100% of the wind energy installation 1 itself, often even arranged in the
permissible current. There is therefore direct intervention at machine house 12. The controller 2 is designed to operate the
the source of the electrical power, to be precise in particular in wind energy installation 1 in accordance with a default setting
relation to the active current component. Expediently, when which can be set. The default settings can be established
determining the limitation signal, the complex impedance of 45 internally or supplied from the outside via a connection 29.
the line to the wind energy installation is also included. This connection 29 is often in the form of a data connection by
In addition, the invention relates to a method for regulating a modem, with the result that access via a telephone network
a wind farm with a wind farm master and at least one wind or data network or else wireless data transmission is made
energy installation having the features of described above. possible. The control device 2 is provided with measuring
Expediently, different correction values are determined for 5o devices, of which a voltage measuring device 22 and a current
the individual wind energy installations. To be precise, the measuring device 23 in the line 3 are illustrated by way of
correction value can also be predetermined so as to be the example. These measuring devices are used for determining
same for all wind energy installations in a wind farm, but it is the power emitted by the wind energy installation 1 into the
generally more favorable to predetermine the respective com- line 3 and for correspondingly regulating the wind energy
ponents of active power and reactive power to be different 55 installation 1. Further measuring devices can be provided, but
between the various wind energy installations. Thus, losses are not illustrated for reasons of clarity.
can be reduced and greater utilization can be achieved. The electrical power emitted by the wind energy installa-
Furthermore, it is expedient to determine and apply indi- tion 1 into the line 3 is transmitted via a connection path 4 into
vidual limitation signals for the wind energy installations. It is an energy transmission system 9. The connection path 4 is
thus also possible to perform optimization of the entire wind 60 used for connecting the wind energy installation 1 to the
farm power by higher limit values being predetermined in energy transmission system 9. Depending on the location of
particularly high-power wind energy installations than in the wind energy installation 1 in relation to the energy trans-
low-power installations of the wind farm. In this case, high- mission system 9, the connection path 4 may cover a consid-
power and low-power relate not only to the structural con- erable distance. Distances of over several kilometers are not
figuration of the individual wind energy installations but also 65 rare in this case. In the case of offshore installations, the
include location-dependent parameters, such as particularly distances may be up to 100 km, and in this case parallel
favorable position with respect to the wind, etc. connection paths are often provided for reasons of safety. The
US 7,989,974 B2
connection path 4 illustrated comprises a medium-voltage transmission path 4 takes place. The invention therefore
line 41, a transformer 42 and a high-voltage line 43 and a node makes it possible to make considerably better use of a given
49 with the energy transmission system 9. In the exemplary transmission path 4 without any structural modifications. In
embodiment illustrated, the energy transmission system 9 is a order to operate the wind energy installation 1 in this operat-
high-voltage system. If the connection to a medium-voltage 5 ing mode whilst maintaining the maximum current IM an
or low-voltage system is provided, the transformer 42 can be additional power device 6 is provided.
dispensed with. The additional power device 6 is illustrated in detail in
The controller 2 of the wind energy installation 1 has a terms of its schematic design in FIG. 3. It comprises a differ-
power regulation module 25. It is designed to operate the ential element 63 and a multiplication element 65 as the main
wind energy installation in accordance with internal default io component parts. An input value for the maximum current IM
settings and/or default settings which are applied externally is connected to an input 61 of the differential element 63. This
by the operator of the energy transmission system 9 via the input value can be input via a manual unit, made available
connection 29. For this purpose, the power regulation module from a memory area by the controller 2 or externally, and can
25 acts on the converter 15, possibly also on the rotor 13. The in the process also be varied in terms of time. The current
measuring devices 22, 23 are used for measuring the power 15 which is actually flowing via the line 3 into the connection
emitted by the wind energy installation 1 into the line 3. These path 4 is applied to another input 62. The differential element
measuring devices can be used to determine the total electri- 63 determines from this a current reserve Al and applies it via
cal power emitted, the active power component and the reac- a connecting line 64 and the multiplication element 65. The
tive power component. Specific default settings with respect voltage U is applied to the connecting line 3 via a connection
to the active power and reactive power to be emitted can 20 66 at a further connection of the multiplication element 65. A
therefore also be satisfied. correction value AP for the power which can be emitted is
The transmission path 4 is designed for a specific rated calculated from this and output at an output 67. This output
power Pr,. This rated power can be determined by the maxi- connection 67 is connected to the power regulator 25 of the
mum power which can be emitted into the energy transmis- control device 2. The power emitted by the wind energy
sion system at the node 49, but it can also be determined by 25 installation can therefore be increased correspondingly.
the dimensions of the individual components of the connec- FIG. 4 illustrates a characteristic module 7. It serves the
tion path 4, such as lines or transformers. This rated power purpose of determining a reactive power which can still be
ensures that, whilst adhering to the standard conditions for the transmitted whilst taking into consideration the limit values,
voltage in the energy transmission system 9, no overload using a predeterminable value for the active power to be
occurs. The invention now makes use of the fact that the 30 transmitted. For this purpose, an elliptical characteristic is
power limitation of these components is generally deter- implemented in the characteristic module 7. It follows the
mined from the thermal loading by power loss. In order to relationship 1=P2:a2+Q2:b2, which is based on the maximum
ensure safe operation, the power loss should not exceed a power which can be transmitted in the illustration. By the
specific critical value even under unfavorable conditions. In default setting for an active power component P or a phase
this case, the fact that the voltage in the system 9 is not 35 angle , the characteristic module 7 makes it possible to use
constant should be taken into consideration. As can be seen the elliptical characteristic implemented to determine the
from FIG. 2, there is a tolerance range around the rated respective highest value pair for the active power P and the
voltage. In the case of high-voltage systems, it is +10 and reactive power Q. The characteristic module 7 can be pro-
— 13% of the rated voltage, for example in accordance with the vided in the controller 2 of the wind energy installation or, in
relevant guidelines of the Association of system operators 40 the case of a wind farm with a plurality of wind energy
VDN (Transmission Code 2003). In this range, the voltage installations, expediently in the wind farm master 5.
system together with its associated components must operate First, reference is made to the schematic illustration of a
safely. The connection path 4 is designed correspondingly. wind farm in accordance with the invention in FIG. 5. This
This means that the connection path 4 must be able to transmit figure illustrates, by way of example, four wind energy instal-
the rated power Pr, even when the voltage is at the lower end 45 lations 1, which are connected via two branches 3' of the line
of the voltage band, i.e. for example is at 13% below the rated 3. As regards the design of the individual wind energy instal-
voltage. The maximum current to be transmitted in the pro- lations and the way in which they function, reference is made
cess results from the relationship P=UxI as IN= PI(U, xO.87). to the preceding illustrations. Differences will be explained
This maximum current is 13% greater than the rated current, below.
which results from a calculation using the formula IN P UN. 50 In addition to the wind energy installations 1, the wind farm
This means that the connection path is designed for a current has a wind farm master 5. This provides superordinate opera-
which is 13% higher than the rated current Iwhich results by tional management for all of the wind energy installations 1 of
computation with the rated power Pr, and rated voltage Ur,. the wind farm and monitors the connection of the wind farm
If the transmission path 4 is now operated with the proviso to the energy transmission system 9. Default settings from the
that, in order to maintain the permissible power loss, the 55 outside, such as those of the operator of the energy transmis-
maximum current IM is not exceeded, a power gain which sion system 9, for example, are applied to the wind farm
increases as the voltage increases results from the lower limit master 5 via a connection 59 and are no longer transmitted
value for the system voltage. This power gain is illustrated as directly to the individual wind energy installations 1. The
the hatched region in FIG. 2. If the voltage in the energy wind farm master 5 determines desired variables for the
transmission system 9 is actually at the level of the rated 60 operation of the individual wind energy installations 1 using
value, a gain with respect to the rated power Pr, of 13% the operating conditions and the default settings. These
therefore results and if the actual voltage in the energy trans- desired variables are communicated to the control device 2 of
mission system 9 reaches the upper tolerance value, a gain of the individual wind energy installation 1 via a communica-
23% results. The invention makes use of the fact that in this tions link 32. For this purpose, the power regulation module
case, despite the rated power being exceeded by almost ¼, the 65 55 is provided in the wind farm master 5. Furthermore, the
power loss determined by the current IM remains in the per- additional power device 6 is arranged in the wind farm master
missible range, with the result that no overloading of the 5. It corresponds in terms of its design substantially to the
US 7,989,974 B2
7 8
exemplary embodiment illustrated for the individual wind lations could be used for increased provision of active power,
energy installation 1 in accordance with the exemplary while others could be used for increased provision of reactive
embodiment in FIG. 1. Correspondingly, input connections power. It is therefore possible to adapt to the respective par-
for inputting the maximum current IM and measuring devices ticular features of the individual wind energy installations, for
52, 53 for current and voltage are provided on the wind farm 5 example wind energy installations positioned at particularly
master 5. Correspondingly, the output connection 67 of the favorable locations in terms of wind can be used for increased
additional power device 6 is connected to the control devices provision of active power, while the remaining wind energy
2 of the individual wind energy installations 1 via the control installations provide increased reactive power. The utilization
lines 32. of the wind farm and therefore the efficiency can thus be
Further optional functions will be explained with reference io
further increased.
to the second exemplary embodiment. In addition, a limita-
While various embodiments and aspects of the invention
tion device 68 is provided in the wind farm master 5. It is
have been described above, it should be understood that they
designed in such a way that a phase angle between the current
I and the system voltage Ur, is set, in the event of a rise in the have been presented by way of example only, and not as
current flowing in the line 3, to the value of the maximum 15 limitations. It will be understood by those skilled in the art
current IM as a function of a selection signal input 59. This that various changes in form and details may be made therein
phase angle is determined corresponding to the selection without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
signal in such a way that either primarily active power (phase Thus, the breadth and scope of the invention should not be
angle as small as possible) or primarily reactive power (abso- limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodi-
lute value of the phase angle in the region of 90 0) is fed into 20 ments and aspects, but should be defined only in accordance
the energy transmission system 9. with the following claims and their equivalents.
As a result, it is possible to set, by the selection signal at the
input 59, whether the production of active power or the pro- The invention claimed is:
duction of reactive power is given priority. The selection 1. A method for regulating a wind energy installation com-
signal can be applied by the operator or the operator of the 25 prising a generator driven by a rotor, a converter connected to
energy transmission system 9 from the outside. However, said generator, and a controller comprising a power regula-
provision may also be made for it to be determined using a tion module that regulates power emitted via a connection
voltage/phase angle characteristic. For this purpose, a char- path into an energy transmission system to within a limit
acteristic module (not illustrated) is provided in the wind farm value, wherein for the connection path a maximum current
controller 5, which determines a reactive power requirement 30 value is set, the method comprising:
from the voltage and accordingly sets the selection signal. determining a current reserve value remaining between an
Furthermore, an overriding voltage controller 69 can be actual current emitted via the connection path into the
provided in the wind farm controller 5. The measuring device energy transmission system and said maximum current
52 for the voltage is connected to its input. It is used for the value; and
purpose of identifying voltage rises at point 41 as a result of 35 determining a correction value for adjusting the limit value
hR losses or inductive losses owing to the higher current IM of the emitted power dependent on the current reserve
and correspondingly counteracting them. This can take place value.
by intervention in the additional current module 6 and reduc- 2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the wind
tion of the emitted power, or else preferably by setting a larger energy installation further comprises a limitation device con-
reactive power component as default to the control devices 2 40 figured to set a phase angle between emitted current and
of the individual wind energy installations 1. voltage of electrical system in response to a selection signal,
Furthermore, a compensation current module 57 can be and the method further comprising:
provided in the wind farm controller 5. It is designed to setting the phase angle between the emitted current and
compensate for the effect of the line capacitances of the lines voltage of the electrical system as a function of the
3 and 3' as a result of selective assignment of the reactive 45 selection signal in such a way that primarily active
power to the individual wind energy installations. This com- power or primarily reactive power is fed into the energy
pensation is aimed at the interior of the wind farm, i.e. on the transmission system when the maximum current value is
wind energy installation side of the connection path 4. The reached.
module determines the reactive current required for compen- 3. The method as claimed in claim 2, further comprising:
sation, to be precise either regulated by measurement by the 50 generating the selection signal using a voltage or phase
measuring devices 52, 53 or controlled in accordance with the angle characteristic.
relationship iq=U/z=UxjxwC (where Z is the complex 4. The method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the selection
impedance of the lines 3, 3' and C is their frequency, and w signal is impressed externally by an operator of the energy
represents the circuit frequency 2x~txf). This results in it also transmission system.
being possible for a wind energy installation 1 which is 55 5. The method as claimed in claim 2, 3 or 4, further com-
arranged in the wind farm at a great distance from the con- prising:
nection path 4 to feed an active power which is as high as calculating amount of a reactive power or active power to
possible into the energy transmission system 9, despite the be fed secondarily using the primarily fed active or reac-
risk of voltage rises (up to the overvoltage on the respective tive power by using a predeterminable characteristic.
wind energy installation) which results from the power capac- 60 6. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the charac-
ity. teristic is determined by an elliptical function with a standard-
Preferably, furthermore, an individual default setting ized representation 1=P2:a2+Q2:b2.
device 60 is arranged on the wind farm master 5. It interacts 7. The method as claimed in claim 1, 2, 3 or 4, further
with the additional power device 6 in such a way that indi- comprising:
vidual default setting values for the maximum current to be 65 determining and applying a limitation signal to the wind
supplied by them are communicated for the individual wind energy installation to limit the current to be emitted by
energy installations 1. As a result, certain wind energy instal- the wind energy installation.
US 7,989,974 B2
9 10
8. A method for regulating a wind farm with a wind farm value, and to determine a correction value for adjusting
master and at least one wind energy installation, wherein a the limit value of the emitted power dependent on the
wind farm master carries out the power regulation method as current reserve value.
claimed in claim 1, 2, 3 or 4. 15. A wind farm, comprising:
9. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein the wind farm 5 a wind farm master; and
comprises at least two wind energy installations, and a dif- at least one wind energy installation comprising a genera-
ferent correction value for power correction is determined for tor driven by a rotor, a converter connected to said gen-
each of the individual wind energy installations. erator, and a controller,
10. The method as claimed in claim 9, wherein each of the wherein the wind farm master comprises a power regula-
10 tion module for regulating power emitted via a connec-
different correction values is determined in relation to a maxi-
tion path configured for a maximum current value into
mum active current which can be fed.
an energy transmission system to within a limit value,
11. A wind energy installation configured for carrying out
the power regulation module being configured to deter-
the method as claimed in claim 1, 2, 3 or 4. mine a current reserve value remaining between an
12. A wind farm configured for carrying out the method as 15 actual current in the connection path emitted into the
claimed in claim 8. energy transmission system and said maximum current
13. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein the power value, and to determine a correction value for adjusting
regulation utilizes a complex impedance value of at least one the limit value of the emitted power dependent on the
of connecting lines to the wind energy installation. current reserve value.
14. A wind energy installation comprising: 20 16. The wind farm as claimed in claim 15, wherein the
a generator driven by a rotor; wind farm has at least two wind energy installations, and the
a converter connected to said generator; and power regulation module is configured to determine a differ-
a controller comprising a power regulation module that is ent correction value for correction of power for each of the
configured to regulate power emitted via a connection individual wind installations.
path configured for a maximum current value into an 25 17. The wind farm as claimed in claim 16, wherein the
energy transmission system to within a limit value, different correction value for each of the individual wind
wherein the power regulation module is configured to installations is determined in relation to maximum active
determine a current reserve value remaining between an current which can be fed.
actual current in the connection path emitted into the
energy transmission system and said maximum current
PATENT NO. : 7,989,974 B2 Page 1 of 1
APPLICATION NO. : 11/995309
DATED : August 2, 2011
INVENTOR(S) : Jens Fortmann et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below

On the front page, line (86) PCT No.:

Please replace "PCT/JP2006/006821" with -- PCT/EP2006/006821--

In the Specification:

At column 1, line number 25, after "to generate electrical energy by" please delete

"means of'

At column 3, line number 49, after "having the features" please delete "of'

At column 7, line number 52, place replace "iq=U/z=UxjxwC" with

--iq=U/Z= UxjxwC--

Signed and Sealed this

Eighteenth Day of October, 2011

David J. Kappos
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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