3.RIIQUA601E Project Portfolio Task 2 Send
3.RIIQUA601E Project Portfolio Task 2 Send
3.RIIQUA601E Project Portfolio Task 2 Send
Date: 18-06-2024
If you are completing this in your RTO, use the information from the Simulation Pack. If you are
completing this for workplace projects, use the information as instructed in your student
assessment tasks.
Complete this section for project 1
Project Objectives:
This project falls into the category of a Small Project as per the
company's project management policy, given its budget is under
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW): This Act sets
out the legal framework for ensuring the health and
safety of workers and others in NSW workplaces.
Compliance is mandatory for all construction projects.
The overall goals and objectives for quality, as outlined in the reviewed
documentation, are to:
Updated quality management template/plan as
Project Objectives:
Develop a presentation
based on your work and management - Pavement project.pptx
attach it to your Portfolio.
Please see the instructions
in your student assessment
tasks for further details.
You will need to provide this
presentation to your team.
Quality management plan template ☐
Quality system monitoring Quality System Monitoring & Issues Identified (Traffic
Analysis Project)
Based on your review of
the information on quality Reviewing the project progress report and communications,
activities, discuss issues two key issues stand out:
identified i.e., inadequacies
1. Insufficient Meetings: The scheduled weekly
in the system.
meetings were not held, which hampered
What actions do you need communication and could have an influence on the
to take to address these early detection of quality issues.
issues? Identify at least
2. Budget Overrun: The overrun implies probable
resource allocation issues or unforeseen
occurrences that were not properly addressed. While
the client-requested adjustment may have
contributed, it is unlikely to be the primary cause.
Actions to Address Issues:
1. Enforce Meeting Schedule: Reiterate the necessity
of weekly meetings, no matter how brief, in ensuring
regular communication and proactive problem
solutions. If time constraints continue, consider
different meeting formats (such as shorter, more
concentrated sessions).
2. Root Cause Analysis of Overrun: Conduct a
thorough examination of the budget overrun to
determine specific contributing variables other than
the customer change. This will allow for better
resource allocation and risk management in future
Evidence of continuous improvement (as
Quality system monitoring Quality System Monitoring & Issues Identified (Pavement Design
Based on your review of the
information on quality Reviewing the project progress report, emails, and feedback
activities, discuss issues reveals several potential quality issues:
identified i.e., inadequacies
1. Unexpected Leave and Task Reassignment: Susan's
in the system.
unexpected departure has delayed the project timeline
What actions do you need to and necessitated a work reassignment. Due to the
take to address these project manager's workload, the drawings and
issues? Identify at least two. documentation development phase may be delayed or
of worse quality. Furthermore, Susan's pavement design
experience may differ from that of the project manager.
2. Budget Overrun: The project is expected to surpass its
budget by 19.8%. This suggests potential concerns with
resource allocation or cost prediction. The lack of a
contingency plan for unforeseen situations exacerbates
this fear.
3. Lack of Client Engagement: While the updated QMP
includes biweekly customer meetings, the original plan
did not prioritise ongoing client involvement. This could
result in misplaced expectations and possible rework
later in the project.
Actions to Address Issues:
1. Revise Project Timeline: Given Susan's absence, it is
critical to reassess the project timetable and change
deadlines as necessary. This could include extending
the project's duration or looking at opportunities for
hiring temporary help to complete the designs and
documentation on time.
2. Analyze Budget Variance: Conduct a thorough
investigation of the budget variance to determine the
root causes of the overrun. This will aid in determining
whether the overrun is the result of inefficient resource
Evidence of continuous improvement (as
PROJECT 1: Traffic
s that could
be made to
the system.
The extent to
and code of
practice are
met by the
Maintain a quality
Attach proof of
your quality
system to this
section of the
portfolio (screen
shots of logical
folders with
correctly filed
Robust Contingency Planning: Create contingency plans for high-risk situations, such as
having backup workers for important jobs or alternative material suppliers.
Maintain a quality
management system
Attach proof of your
quality management
system to this section
of the portfolio
(screen shots of
logical folders with
correctly filed