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The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2041$18 - 2017 Tlaf;dan¾ ui 17 jeks wÕyrejdod - 2017'10'17
No. 2041/18 - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2017
(Published by Authority)


Government Notifications

Regulations of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects

REPEALING of the Existing regulations made under sections 6(1) and 6(2) read with sections 3,4,7 and 9 of the Sri
Lanka Institute of Architects Law No.1 of 1976 as amended by the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (Amendment) Act
No. 14 of 1996 published in Extraordinary Gazette No.1416/10 of October 25,2005 and amended by Extraordinary
Gazette No.1873/7 of July 30,2014 and Extraordinary Gazette No.2036/42 of September 15, 2017 and the substitution
of the said Regulations with the following New Regulations.


Honorary Secretary.

Sri Lanka Institute of Architects,

No. 120/7, Vidya Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
13th October 2017.


1.1 Preface

The General Objectives of the regulations are:

To provide direction and clarification to clauses in the Architects Act where necessary.

1A PG 3726 — 1757 (10/2017)

This Gazette Extraordinary can be downloaded from
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1.2 Practice of Architecture

The practice of Architecture consists of rendering of professional services relating to Architecture, planning
and design, construction, enlargement, conservation, restoration or alteration of a building or group of
buildings. Such professional services include, but are not limited to, planning, strategic and land-use planning,
Urban Design, Interior Architecture, Landscape Design, provision of preliminary studies, designs, models,
drawings, specifications and technical documentation, co-ordination of technical documentation prepared
by others as appropriate and without limitation (Consulting Engineers, and other Specialist Consultants),
construction economics, contract administration, monitoring of construction and project management.

Professional Services shall be rendered in the following manner:-

(1) Individual Practice;

(2) Sole Proprietorship;

(3) Partnership;

(4) Private Limited Liability Company; and

(5) Government Statutory Agencies.


2.1 General :

The provisions of the Interpretation Ordinance No.21 of 1901 shall be applicable to the interpretation of
these regulations.

2.2 Specific :

2.2.1 Member

There are two categories of membership of SLIA.

They are Corporate & Non Corporate Members as specified in 4.2

2.2.2 Client

“Client” means, any person, a body corporate or non-corporate with whom a Practice enters into an
agreement or contract written or otherwise for the provision of professional services relating to the
practice of Architecture or the accomplishment of any building or any other work relating to that in the
field of Architecture and its allied services.

2.2.3 Contractor

“Contractor” means, a person a body corporate or non-corporate that undertakes the performance of
construction work and / or supply of goods.
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2.2.4 (a) Body Corporate

“Body Corporate” includes a Government Department, Provincial Council, a Local Authority,

Public Board or Corporation, any Society, Firm or Company.

(b) Body Non-corporate

“Body Non-corporate” includes an individual Practice, Proprietorship and Partnership.

2.2.5 Architects Registration Board (ARB)

“Architects Registration Board” means the Architects Registration Board established by Sri Lanka
Institute of Architects Law No.1 of 1976 as amended by Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (Amendment)
Act No. 14 of 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘ARB’).

2.2.6 Chartered Architect

“Chartered Architect” shall be a person-

holding a valid corporate membership of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects, who is eligible to register
at Architects Registration Board (ARB) under the category of Chartered Architects.

2.2.7 Architect

“Architect” means a person who is registered as an Architect with the Architects Registration Board

2.2.8 Architectural Licentiate

“An Architectural Licentiate” means a person registered in that capacity with the Architects Registration
Board (ARB).

2.2.9 Practice

“A Practice” means a Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a body duly

incorporated under these regulations and includes an Individual Practice, Sole Proprietorship,
Partnership, Private Limited Liability Company, Government Statutory Agencies or Bodies: registered
with the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects offering the services related to in the practice of Architecture
and its other, Allied and / or Prescribed Professions.

2.2.10 The terms - Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals

The terms-Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals mean, those who have qualified at a professional
level to practice a profession essential to the meaningful production of the Built Environment and is at
least a Corporate Member of the respective incorporated body in Sri Lanka and shall include Civil
Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Structural Engineers, Town Planners, Quantity
Surveyors, Project Managers, as per Schedule 10.3.5

In the event that there is no incorporated body existing in Sri Lanka in any of the professions so
recognized in adherence with the above definition as Other, Allied or Prescribed Profession, the Council
by a resolution may decide to accept any other qualification of the relevant profession.
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2.2.11 Institute

“Institute” means, the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects incorporated by the Sri Lanka Institute of
Architects Law No. 1 of 1976 (hereinafter referred to as the “SLIA”).

2.2.12 Rights and Privileges of Corporate Members

“Rights and Privileges of Corporate Members” include voting rights, right to attend meetings or events
organized by the Institute, right to receive publications and notices distributed by the Institute and the
right to publication of the name of the member or the Practice in the year book or any other publications
of the Institute.

2.2.13 Regional Chapter

(a) “Regional Chapter”, means a Chapter established by a Special Resolution approved by the Council.
Such Chapter shall have a minimum of fifteen members. There shall be only one Chapter in each
province of Sri Lanka and thereby the maximum number of Chapters shall be Nine.

(b) Chapter Code for the regional chapters shall be as per Schedule 10.7.

2.2.14 Office Bearers of the Institute

“Office Bearers of the Institute” shall be the President, Immediate Past President, Senior Vice President,
Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary
Assistant Treasurer.

2.2.15 Council Resolution

“Council Resolution” means a decision passed by a minimum of fourteen members of the total number
of members of the Council at a Council Meeting where due notice has been given, including the non-
corporate member, other than the Chairmen of Regional Chapters.


3.1 Basic Requirements:

The fundamental requirements to be in the profession shall be the skills and abilities pertaining to the practice
of Architecture, which shall be mastered through education, training and experience, verified by written and
oral examination.

3.2 Education :

Architectural education shall ensure that all the students have competence in Architectural design, which
shall include technical systems, requirements, rules, regulations, standards in terms of health and safety.
Further, they shall understand the cultural, historical, social, economic and environmental context for
Architecture; and that they comprehend the Architects’ role and responsibilities in society.
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In Sri Lanka, Architectural education is in three folds;

(a) A minimum of five years full-time academic education at a University recognized by the SLIA as per
schedule 10.4 along with a minimum of two years post qualifying practical training / experience under
a Chartered Architect as set out in Schedule 10.3.3 and 10.3.4 and Part 3 of the Professional Practice
examination with a Viva Voce conducted by the Institute;

(b) Seven years part time course conducted by an Institution acceptable to the SLIA along with one year
post qualifying experience under a Chartered Architect as set out in Schedule 10.3.3 and 10.3.4 and
Part 3 of the Professional Practice examination with a Viva Voce conducted by the SLIA;

(c) Any other qualification equivalent to (a) above as set out in Schedule 10.4.

3.3 Accreditation/Validation :

“Accreditation” means the process by which an Educational Programme is certified for competency, authority
and credibility for training and educating persons to qualify as Chartered Architects and Architects.

3.4 Practical Experience / Training :

Practical experience / training as set out in Schedule 10.3.3 and 10.3.4 is directed and structured activity in
the Practice of Architecture, before and after the receipt of a degree or any other qualification, prescribed
by the Council prior to examination for Membership / Registration.

3.5 Practical Assessment :

Every applicant for Membership / Registration shall be required to pass an examination at the end of the
period of training / practical experience that demonstrates attainment of minimum professional competencies.
The initial education and training as set out above shall conclude with an examination in the comprehensive
professional Practice of Architecture.

3.6 ARB Registration :

Registration shall be the recognition of the qualifications, practice and experience of any person in the
practice of Architecture. Upon registration any such person shall be permitted to call himself as a Chartered
Architect, Architect or Architectural Licentiate by the ARB.

3.7 Continuing Education :

“Continuing Education” means a life-long learning process, which maintains and enhances the knowledge
and skills of Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates and the Practices to ensure their
continuing competence. Such enhancement shall be through Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Programmes or any other programme accepted and/or prescribed in time to time, by the Council.
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4.1 Procedure for Enrolment :

4.1.1 Application for Membership :

Application for admission to categories of membership shall be on the form prescribed from time to
time by the Council, and shall be entertained if –

(a) an application for Associate Membership is recommended by three Corporate Members of whom
at least one shall be a Fellow Member;

(b) an application for admission as a Fellow Member is recommended by three Fellow Members;

(c) an application for Graduate Membership is recommended by two Corporate Members ;

(d) an application for Student Membership is recommended by two Corporate Members ;

Provided however, the admission to membership shall be after investigation into eligibility,
qualifications and conduct, as the Council may consider necessary for each class of members
and other conditions set out in these Regulations and Standing Orders.

4.1.2 Register of Members :

The Council shall maintain a register of members for each category of members. Such register shall
contain the date of enrolment, Membership number, ARB number if applicable, National Identity Card
Number, official address, residential address and any other information that may be required by the
Council, from time to time as per Schedule 10.1.6.

4.1.3 Certificate of Membership and recognition of non members: Corporate and Non-Corporate Members:

Certificate of Membership issued to any Corporate Member and Non-Corporate Member should
be returned to the Institute within one month of the holder ceasing to be a Member. Upon death
or in the event of legal incapacity the Certificate of Membership shall be automatically terminated. Architects and Architectural Licentiates :

Persons who have qualified to register as Architects or Architectural Licentiates, in the ARB
who are not Members of the Institute may be issued a letter to confirm their qualification to
register in the ARB but not under the common seal of the Institute, in such form and design as
may be prescribed from time to time by the Council.

4.2 Categories of Membership :

Membership of the Institute shall consist of Corporate members and Non-Corporate members.

4.2.1 Corporate Members :

Corporate Members of the Institute shall consist of Associate Members and Fellow Members.
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(1) Any person who –

(a) had obtained the qualification prescribed in Schedule 10.4 to these Regulations; or

(b) has passed any other examination or examinations, which the Council has by resolution
has accepted as being equivalent to the qualification specified in (a);


has passed SLIA Part III examination with a Viva Voce conducted by the SLIA as
prescribed in Schedule 10.1.2 to these regulations,

shall be entitled to apply for Associate Membership.

(2) If the Council is satisfied that the applicant possesses the qualifications required under
these regulations and that there is no impediment or objection for his admission as an
Associate member of the Institute, the name of the applicant shall be displayed on the
notice board of the SLIA for a period of one month and if no objection is forwarded within
the said period, the Council shall admit such applicant as an Associate member of the
Institute. Fellow Members :

On application the Council shall admit as Fellow Members of the Institute, any person, who-

(1) possesses a good reputation and who has been an Associate Member of the Institute for not less
than ten years; and

(2) has been engaged in the practice of Architecture for not less than ten years, and contributing to
the advancement of the profession including serving of as a member of the Council, Boards or
Committees of the Institute and representing the Institute at any other forum; and

(3) At the time of application to be admitted as a Fellow Member, such person is not serving a
reprimand or suspension by the Council for a period of 4 years in the case of a reprimand or a
maximum of 10 years in the case of suspension.

(4) at the time of applying for a Fellow Membership has attended Annual General Meetings and
Quarterly General Meetings and CPD, unless otherwise for valid reasons.

4.2.2 Non-Corporate Members :

Non-Corporate Members of the Institute shall consist of, Registered Members, Graduate Members
and Student Members. Honorary Members

The Council may by resolution admit as an Honorary Member; any person who-

(1) holds or has held high office in the State; or

(2) who has rendered valuable service to the Institute or to the Profession and/or the practice
of Architecture:

Provided however, the Council shall not admit more than one Honorary Member in each
year and the total number of Honorary Members shall not exceed ten at anytime.
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Any person who has been admitted as a Registered Member before 1996 shall be entitled to be a
Registered Member of the Institute; Graduate Members :

(1) The Council may admit on application, as a Graduate Member any person who -

(a) has obtained the qualification prescribed in Schedule 10.1.2 and 10.4 to these
Regulations; or.

(b) has obtained any other qualification, which the Council has accepted by resolution in
accordance with the regulations of the Institute,

(2) where the Council is satisfied that an applicant possesses the qualifications required under
these regulations and that there is no impediment or objection for his admission as a
Graduate Member of the Institute, the name of such applicant shall be displayed on the
notice board of the SLIA for a period of one month and if no objection is forwarded within
the said period the Council shall admit such applicant as a Graduate Member of the Institute.

(3) all the Graduate Members shall be subject to these Regulations; where applicable.

(4) a Graduate Member, upon the expiration of five years from the date of admission,
shall cease to be a Graduate Member unless on application, the Council extends such
membership ;

(5) a Graduate Member shall not be entitled-

(a) to receive Institute Notices and Circulars;

(b) to attend or vote at any General Meeting.

(6) Graduate Members may receive publications of the Institute. Student Members :

(1) The Council shall admit on application, as a Student Member, any person who,

(a) possesses the qualifications prescribed in the Schedule 10.1.2 and 10.4 to these Regulations,

(b) possesses other qualifications which the Council has accepted by resolution in accordance
with the regulations of the Institute in force from time to time as being equivalent thereto.

(2) The Council shall if it is satisfied that an applicant possesses the required qualifications and is of
good repute and that there is no impediment or objection to him being admitted as a Student
Member, shall display the name of such applicant on the notice board of the SLIA for one month
and if there is no objection to the applicant being admitted to membership the Council within the
said period, shall admit such person as a Student Member of the Institute.
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(3) All the Student Members shall be subject to these Regulations, where applicable ;

(4) A Student Member upon the expiration of eight years from the date of admission, shall cease to
be a Student Member unless on application, the Council extends such membership;

(5) A student member shall not be entitled-

(a) to receive Institute Notices and Circulars;

(b) to attend or vote at any General Meeting.

(6) Student Members may receive publications of the Institute.

4.3 Fees, Subscriptions and Other Dues :

The Enrolment Fees, Annual Subscriptions and any Other Fees shall be prescribed by a Council Resolution
from time to time as set out in Schedule 10.1.1.

4.3.1 Entrance Fees and Annual Subscription

Any person shall on admission as a member of the Institute, pay his enrolment fees and annual
subscription fees for that year within two months from the date of his admission as a member. If he
fails to pay such fees during the prescribed period, his application for membership shall lapse unless
otherwise the Council extends the time for payment for valid reasons.

4.3.2 Other Dues :

The Council may from time to time determine the dues payable in exigent circumstances and/or in the
interests of the Institute and its members.

4.3.3 Payment of annual subscription fees and late payments :

The members shall pay the annual subscription fee before 30th of November of the preceding year. If
any member fails to pay such fees before that date, the Honorary Treasurer shall send such member a
notice on or before 14th of December, by registered post requesting such member to pay the subscription
fees on or before 31st December of the preceding year. If member fails to pay such subscription fees
before 31st December, he shall not be entitled to any right or privilege enjoyed otherwise by a Member,
except to receive notice of the Annual General Meeting of the following year. Three months from the Due date :

If a member fails to pay his subscription fees till 28th February of the following year, he shall be
liable to pay a late fee as specified in Schedule 10.1.4, in addition to the, due subscription fee.
Upon payment of such fees before the three months period, any right or privilege of such member
shall automatically be restored. Payments after three months from due date up to two years :

If a member fails to pay his subscription fee for a period of more than three months from the due
date, he shall be liable to pay a late fee as specified in Schedule 10.1.4 in addition to the due
subscription fee. Upon payment of such a fee any right or privilege of such member shall be
restored on application, if satisfied there was reasonable cause for such default.
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(a) If a member fails to pay his subscription fees for more than two years, he shall cease to be
a Member of the Institute:

(b) Provided however, such person shall be entitled to obtain his membership upon an
application made to the Council accompanied by an affidavit stating that the applicant had
not violated the Regulations during the period he was not a member of the Institute, by
payment of arrears of subscription fees and the re-admission fees as specified in Schedule
10.1.4, in addition to the annual subscription fee applicable at the time of such application.

(c) The Council shall thereafter display the name of such applicant on the Notice Board of the
SLIA for one month and if there is no objection to the applicant being admitted to
membership within the said period, the Council shall restore the Membership of such

4.3.4 Waiving of the Annual Subscription :

The Council may by resolution, waive the whole or any part of the annual subscription of any member
who, in the opinion of the Council is unable to pay the Annual Subscription due to illness, disability or
other sufficient cause.

4.3.5 Restoration of Membership :

The members whose membership ceased for non-payment of subscription fees prior to coming into
force of these regulations and subsequently obtained the membership of the Institute may apply to the
Council to restore their membership within six months from the date of Gazette Notification of these
regulations. The Council shall restore the membership of such persons within three months from the
date of the application.

Such applicants shall not be liable for any extra payments.

4.3.6 Resignation and Re-admission :

(1) A person may resign from membership by a letter addressed to the Honorary Secretary, to that
effect after the payment of arrears of subscription fees and any other dues if any;

(2) A person who has ceased to be a member by resignation may, on application made to the Council
accompanied by an affidavit stating that such person had not violated the regulations during the
period he was not a member of the Institute may be re-admitted to membership;

(3) Where any person is re-admitted to membership, his name shall be displayed on the notice board
of the Institute for one month and if no objection is made therefore within the said period, the
Council shall re-admit such person as a member on payment of arrears of subscription fees and
the re-admission fees as specified in Schedule 10.1.4, in addition to the annual subscription fee
applicable at the time of such application.

4.3.7 Registration and Renewal Fees - Architects Registration Board (ARB):

The fees payable for registration with the ARB and the renewal of registration shall be as prescribed in
Schedule 10.1.3 of these regulations.
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4.4 Investigation of Complaints Prior to Award of Membership :

If any complaint is made to the Council either by name or otherwise or if Council has information that
warrants an investigation against the admission of any person as a member, within one month from the date
of notice of admission of such person to any category of membership, the Council or the Procedures
Committee shall request the Investigation Committee to investigate into such complaint within four weeks
from the date of the complaint.

The Investigation Committee shall, following investigations, prepare a report and submit same to the Council
within three months. However the Council may extend the period for valid reasons, if requested by the
Investigations Committee.

The decision of the Council shall be conveyed under registered post to the relevant person against whom the
complaint was made and the complainant within two weeks from the date of the receipt of the report by the


5.1 Objectives and Applications

(1) The objective of this Code of Professional Conduct shall be to maintain and promote the standards of
professional conduct or discipline, required of members of the Institute, Chartered Architects, Architects,
Architectural Licentiates and Practices in the interest of the Members of the Institute and the Public.

(2) Members of the Institute, Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates and Practices:-

a) Shall at all times be guided by the spirit of this code as well as by its precise terms, Compliance with
an undertaking shall not of itself be conclusive evidence that the relevant principle has been honored,
nor will the fact that no particular Undertaking has been included to prevent a misdemeanor amounting
to a contravention of the regulations being judged to have taken place;

b) Shall have due regard to the need to conserve and enhance the quality of the environment, its natural
resources and cultural heritage;

c) Shall have regard to the provisions of this Code irrespective of their field of activity, contract of
employment or membership of any other association for the purpose of the Sri Lanka Institute of
Architects Law No 01 of 1976 and the regulations made there under. The Institute shall hold a Member,
Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a Practice acting through a body corporate
or non-corporate responsible for the acts of that body.

d) Shall be required to order their conduct as required by this Code wherever they are save that in a
country where there are accepted standards of professional conduct for the practice of Architecture,
they must order their conduct within that country according to such codes and ethical standards.

(3) This Code does not repeal obligations placed upon members of the Institute, Chartered Architects, Architects,
Architectural Licentiates and Practices by the General Law.

(4) Members, Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates or Practices may be required to answer
inquiries concerning their professional conduct in accordance with the regulations. Members, Chartered
Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates or Practices shall be liable to reprimand, suspension or
expulsion if the conduct is found by the Disciplinary Committee to be in contravention of the regulations or
otherwise inconsistent with their status as a member, Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate
or Practice, derogatory to the professional standards.
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5.2 Application

(a) Members of the Institute, Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates and Practices shall be
governed by these Regulations in addition to any other law.

(b) The Code comprises of three principles, which are of universal in application dealing with competence,
integrity and the interests of the public. The principles are amplified by associated undertakings, which
illustrate the application of a principle.

5.3 Principles

5.3.1 Principle One

(1) Any member of the Institute, a Chartered Architect, an Architect, an Architectural Licentiate or
a Practice shall-

(a) carry out his duties applying the knowledge and experience, due care, efficiency and loyalty
towards the clients or the employer as the case may be;

(b) be mindful of the interests of the person who may be expected to use or enjoy the product
of the professional works.

(2) To uphold the Principle set out in 5.3.1(1),

(a) when acting between parties or giving advice to exercise the independent professional
judgment impartially to the best of the ability and understanding.

(b) shall not abandon a commission with an objective of evading obligations.

5.3.2 Principle Two

(1) Any member of the Institute, a Chartered Architect, an Architect, an Architectural Licentiate or a
Practice shall, at all times, avoid or restrain from any action or situation.

(a) which is inconsistent with the professional obligations ; or/and

(b) which is likely to raise doubts about the integrity or/and

(c) which brings or is likely to bring disrepute to the Institute or the profession.

(2) To uphold the Principle set out in 5.3.2(1),

(a) Declare in writing to any prospective client or employer any business interest the existence
of which, if not so declared, would or would be likely to raise a conflict of interest and or
doubts about the integrity by reason of an actual or apparent connection with or effect
upon the engagement.

(b) When finding that in circumstances not specifically covered elsewhere in these Regulations,
the personal or professional interests conflicts so as to risk a breach of this Principle,
either to withdraw from the situation, or remove the source of conflict, or declare it and
obtain the agreement of the parties concerned to the continuance of the engagement. In the
event of any doubt any Member, a Chartered Architect, an Architect, an Architectural
Licentiate or a Practice shall refer the matter to Council for a ruling.
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(c) Not to make, support or acquiesce with any statement, written or otherwise, which is contrary
to the own knowledge or bona fide professional opinion, or which is known to be misleading,
or unfair to others or otherwise may discredit the profession.

(d) Not to disclose, or use to the benefit of himself or to the Practice or others, confidential
information acquired in the course of the professional work without the prior written
consent of the parties concerned.

(e) Not to give or accept any commissions or gratifications or other inducement in order to
show favor to any person or body or allow the name to be used in advertising any service or
product associated with the construction or any other industry.

(f) On becoming personally or professionally insolvent or being disqualified under the

Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, to notify the Honorary Secretary, of the
Institute of the facts.

5.3.3 Principle Three

(1) A Member of the Institute, a Chartered Architect, Architect, an Architectural Licentiate or a

Practice shall undertake in every circumstance to conduct in a manner, which respects the
legitimate rights and interests of others.

(2) To uphold the Principle set out in 5.3.3(1) a member of the Institute, a Chartered Architect, an
Architect, an Architectural Licentiate and Practice shall-

(a) not offer any discount, commission, gratification or other inducement for the introduction of
clients and for procurement of any assignment.

(b) when appointed as a competition assessor, not subsequently act in any other capacity for the

(c) not maliciously or unfairly criticize or attempt to discredit another Member of the Institute,
Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a Practice or the works carried out by
the Practices.

(d) respect and maintain confidentiality in any matter involving breaches, either alleged or proven of
these Regulations or of the standard of professional performance of a Chartered Architect,
Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a Practice.

(e) report to the Institute if convicted for any criminal offence, including a suspended sentence or
Court Order and personal or professional disqualification from acting as a Director, or Partner
of a Practice or in any other organization.


(1) Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates or Practices shall practice Architecture under
the categories listed under these Regulations. The formation, registration and practice shall be governed by
Sri Lanka Institute of Architects Law No.1 of 1976 and the regulations made there under.

(2) Chartered Architects, Architects or Architectural Licentiates and Practices shall not form among themselves
or with other, allied or prescribed professionals, Public Limited Liability Companies (quoted or un-quoted)
to carry out the Practice of Architecture.
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(3) The Student Members and Graduate Members are not entitled to Practice the profession of Architecture.

(4) An Honorary Member who is not a Corporate Member of the Institute shall not be entitled to Practice the
profession of Architecture.

6.1 Practices

6.1.1 Individual Practice

(1) A Corporate Member of the Institute may practice Architecture on an individual basis and shall be
entitled to use the title “Chartered Architect” if he is registered with the ARB.

(2) Any person registered with the ARB, as an Architect or Architectural Licentiate may practice Architecture
on an individual basis, if he is registered with the ARB and shall be entitled to use the title “Architect”
or “Architectural Licentiate” as the case may be.

6.1.2 Sole Proprietorship

(1) A Corporate Member, who-

(a) is registered with the ARB; and

(b) has obtained a business registration shall be entitled to use the title “Chartered Architect” for
such business registration,

and may practice Architecture as a Sole Proprietorship.

(2) A Person, who-

(a) has registered himself with the ARB, as an Architect or Architectural Licentiate; and

(b) has obtained a business registration shall be entitled to use the title “Architect” or “Architectural
Licentiate”, as the case may be for such business registration,

and may practice architecture as a Sole Proprietorship.

(3) Before a sole Proprietorship is registered, the following criteria shall be followed:-

(a) It shall be registered only as a Chartered Architect, Architect or Architectural Licentiate.

(b) Prior to the registration of such proprietorship the approval for the name of the “Sole
Proprietorship” shall be obtained from the Institute in writing.

(c) The business of the Sole Proprietorship shall be the Practice of Architecture and the provision
of services of Other, Allied or Prescribed Professions.

(4) The certificate of registration shall be forwarded to the Institute within one month of the registration
of the Sole Proprietorship.

(5) The nature of the business or the name of the registered proprietorship shall not be changed without
obtaining prior written approval from the Institute.
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(6) A Practice shall not do any other business under the same name or under a similar name of an
incorporated or non-incorporated business.

6.1.3 Partnerships

(1) Chartered Architects may among themselves or with Chartered Engineers, Chartered Town Planners
and Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such professional qualifications form
themselves into Partnership, and their successors shall be qualified as Chartered Architect, Chartered
Engineer, Chartered Town Planner or other professionals.

(2) Architects may among themselves or with persons qualified as Engineers, Town Planners and Other,
Allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such qualifications form themselves into Partnership,
and their successors shall be qualified as Architects, Engineers, Town Planners or other professionals.

(3) Architectural Licentiates may among themselves or with persons qualified as Engineers, Town Planners
and other, allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such qualifications form themselves into
Partnership, and their successors shall be qualified as Architectural Licentiates, Engineers, Town
Planners or other professionals.

(4) Before registering a Partnership, the following criteria shall be followed.

a) A Partnership shall be named as Chartered Architects, Architects or Architectural Licentiates if

all the partners are of the same category. However, if the partners are from Other, Allied or
Prescribed Professions and Professionals, such Partnerships may be named with respective fields.

b) A Chartered Architect, Architect or an Architectural Licentiate shall forward the draft partnership
agreement and the proposed name of the partnership to the Institute and should obtain written
approval before submission of documents for registration of a partnership.

c) The business of the partnership shall be the practice of Architecture and may provide Other,
Allied or Prescribed Professional services.

(5) Once a partnership is registered the Chartered Architect, Architect or the Architectural Licentiate
shall forward a duly certified copy of the agreement with other certificates / registrations to the Institute
within one month of such registration.

(6) No amendments shall be made to a partnership agreement or to the name of the partnership without
obtaining prior approval of the Institute.

(7) A Practice shall not do any other business under the same name or a similar name either incorporated
or non-incorporated.

(8) There should be a partnership agreement to the effect that the major shares of the Partnership shall be
with the Chartered Architects, Architects or Architectural Licentiates.

6.1.4 Private Limited Liability Companies

(1) Chartered Architects may among themselves or with persons registered as Chartered Engineers,
Chartered Town Planners and Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such professional
qualifications, subscribe and form themselves into a Private Limited Liability Company, the
Memorandum and Articles of which shall ensure that all subscribers, shareholders and Directors of
such company and their successors, shall be qualified as Chartered Architects, Chartered Engineers,
Chartered Town Planners or other professionals who have such professional qualifications.
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(2) Architects may among themselves or with persons qualified or registered as Engineers, Town Planners
and Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such qualifications, subscribe and form
themselves into a Private Limited Liability Company, the Memorandum and Articles of which shall
ensure that all subscribers, shareholders and Directors of such company and their successors, shall be
qualified as Architects, Engineers, Town Planners or other professionals who have such qualifications.

(3) Architectural Licentiates may among themselves or with persons qualified or registered as Engineers,
Town Planners and Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals who have such qualifications, subscribe
and form themselves into a Private Limited Liability Company, the Memorandum and Articles of which
shall ensure that all subscribers, shareholders and Directors of such company and their successors,
shall be qualified as Architects, Engineers, Town Planners or other professionals who have such

(4) The Professional Liability of the Directors of a Private Limited Liability Company formulated for the
practice of Architecture and / or Other, Allied or Prescribed Professions shall be unlimited.

(5) Before registering a Private Limited Liability Company, the following criteria shall be followed.

(a) The Company shall be called only as Chartered Architects, Architects or Architectural Licentiates
if the Subscribers, Shareholders and Directors are only from the same professional background.
However, if the Subscribers, Shareholders and Directors are from allied professions and
professionals as specified in the regulations, the Company may be titled with other respective

(b) Chartered Architect, Architect or an Architectural Licentiate shall forward the Draft Memorandum
and Articles of Association and the proposed name of the Company to the Institute and shall
obtain written approval before forming and making application for the incorporation of such

(c) The business of the Company shall be the Practice of Architecture and may provide Other, Allied
or Prescribed Professional services.

(d) If there is any subscribing or shareholding by an incorporated or un-incorporated business /

agency / institution, it shall be another agency approved by the Institute in terms of these
regulations. The proportionate share holding by such organization and its shareholders shall be
considered in approving such venture as a Practice by the Institute.

(e) If the Subscribers, Shareholders or Directors are from Other, Allied or Prescribed Professions,
the Institute may seek clarification regarding the information forwarded, from the respective

(6) Once a Company is registered the Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or the
company Secretary shall forward a duly certified copy of the Company Registration Certificate, Articles
of Association to the Institute within one month of registering of such Company.

(7) No amendments shall be made to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company without
obtaining prior approval from the Institute therefore, and the Institute shall respond within seven working
days of such application.

(8) All the transfer of shares as per these Regulations either temporarily or permanently shall be notified
to the Institute within one month from such occurring.
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(9) Upon registration of company as referred to hereto, when requested the company shall submit details
of documents stating the Authorized Share Capital, Issued Share Capital, Share Ownership and Board
of Directors.

(10) The majority shares of the company shall be held by the Chartered Architects/Architects/or Architectural
Licentiates to be qualified as a Company being subjected to these Regulations.

(11) A Practice shall not do any other business under the same or a similar name either incorporated or

6.1.5 Government Statutory Bodies

Any Corporate Member of the Institute, Architect or Architectural Licentiate may Practice Architecture in a
statutory body if such Statutory Body is authorised to practice Architecture by that statute. Such statutory
bodies are entitled to register their Architectural Practices in the Practice Register of the Institute.

6.1.6 Time Application for a Practice

Any application made under this section unless otherwise specified shall be considered by the Council and a
decision shall be given within sixty days from the date of receipt of such application.

6.1.7 Registration of Practice

(a) The Institute shall maintain a register in respect of Architectural Practices as per Schedule 10.3.1 for
each year.

(b) Any practice shall apply to the Institute to have its name included in the register.

(c) Council may prescribe a fee for such registration as per Schedule 10.1.5.

6.1.8 Scope and Limitation of Practices

The scope of work entitled to be undertaken by a Practice shall be as per Schedule No. 10.3.2 of these

6.1.9 Other, Allied or Prescribed Professions

Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals, Professional Institutions and Qualifications shall be as set out in
Schedule 10.3.5.

6.2 Obligations of Practices

6.2.1 General

(1) The Practices shall be in a manner consistent with Principles One, Two and Three of the Code of
Professional Conduct of these regulations.

(2) When engaged to give an opinion on the work of another Practice, such fact shall be informed to that
Practice, unless it is prejudicial to prospective or actual litigation to do so. In such a situation, the
practice concerned need to inform the Council before proceeding with the assignment.
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(3) A Member, Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a Practice shall subject to the
regulations governing Disciplinary Procedures of the Institute respect and maintain confidentiality in
any matter involving breaches, either alleged or proven, of these regulations or of the Standard of
Professional Performance.

(4) A Practice shall not allow any person other than another Chartered Architect, Architect an Architectural
Licentiates or another allied or Prescribed Professional to share the profits or fees of such Practice
either directly or indirectly. A payment based on profits to a person in the regular employment of a
Practice, a retired Partner, Director or the legal representative of a deceased Partner or Director shall
not be deemed to be sharing of profits.

6.2.2 Appointment of a Partner or a Director or Employment of Professionals

(1) A Practice shall not have or take as a Partner or Director in the Partnership or Company, or in the
practice, any person who has been disqualified from the membership of the Institute or removed from
the ARB registration.

(2) A Practice shall not have or take as a Partner or Director in the Partnership or Company or employ in
the Practice, any person who has been disqualified from practicing their respective profession or
whose name has been removed from any such registers maintained under the respective profession.

(3) A Practice shall not employ or obtain the services from any person who has been disqualified from the
Institute Membership or ARB Registration or any person disqualified from membership of another
Professional Institution of either Allied or Prescribed, by reason of expulsion under the relevant Code
of Conduct and Regulations.

6.2.3 Regulations on Partners or Directors or Employees or Practices

(1) A practice when making an engagement in providing professional services, to state whether or not
professional indemnity insurance is held, and to define beyond reasonable doubt and record the terms
of the engagement and the scope of the services, responsibilities and any limitation of liability, the
method of calculation of remuneration and the provision for termination and adjudication.

(2) Not to transfer responsibilities of the Practice, or reduce the scope of services committed by the
Practice, by sub-contracting, without the prior written consent of the client or without defining the
changes in the responsibilities of those concerned.

(3) Not to Practice as or purport to be an Independent Consulting Architect and simultaneously be a Principal,
Partner, Director or Co-Director or employed in a firm which engages in the business of:

(a) Trading in land or buildings; or similar

(b) Property developers, auctioneers, or house agents; or similar

(c) Contractors, Subcontractors, Manufacturers or Suppliers in or to the building industry or similar


unless that Firm is distinct from the Architectural Practice and clearly identified as such.

(4) Not to carry out or purport to carry out the independent functions of a Chartered Architect, Architect,
an Architectural Licentiate or any similar independent function in relation to a contract in which he or
his employer is the contractor, or where the Architectural Practice and the contractor’s firm are under
substantially the same management or control.
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(5) On being approached to undertake work upon which the Practice knows or can ascertain by reasonable
enquiry that another Practice, has an engagement for the work with the same client on the same property,
to notify the fact to such Practice, by Registered Post prior to accepting such assignment and ensure
that all fees due to the first Practice has been settled in full prior to accepting such assignment.

(6) To define the conditions of employment, authority, responsibility and liability of those Chartered
Architects, Architects or Architectural Licentiates, a Practice employs, and ensure that any professional
indemnity insurers waive their subrogation rights in respect of Chartered Architects, Architects or
Architectural Licentiates, who are full-time employees.

6.2.4 Quoting for Projects and Assignments

(1) A Practice when offering services as a Practice, shall not quote a fee without receiving an invitation to
do so and sufficient information on the nature and scope of the project to enable a quotation to be
prepared which clearly indicates the services covered by the fee.

(2) A Practice when offering services as a Practice, shall not revise a fee quotation to take account of the
fee quoted by another Practice for the same service. Not to attempt to oust another Practice, from an
engagement by competing with another Practice, by means of a deduction of fees, by other inducements
or by any other method.

(3) Fee quote shall be as per Schedule of Fee Scale given in Schedule 10.5.1 and Scope of Services as per
Schedule 10.5.2.

6.2.5 Regulations on Competitions

(1) A Practice shall not take part in any Architectural competition unless such competition is approved by
the Institute.

(2) Any Practice, invited to take part in a limited competition shall forthwith notify the Secretary of the
Institute of such matter and submit the particulars of the competition to the Institute. If such competition
is not approved by the Institute, Practices shall not participate in such competition.

6.3 Employment and Cross Border Employment

6.3.1 Offers of Employment

Chartered Architects, Architects and Architectural Licentiates or a Practice shall not make a direct or indirect
offer of employment to an employee of another Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or
a Practice on his own behalf or on behalf of a client without first informing such employer:

Provided that where the employee on his own initiative or in response to a public advertisement applies for
employment, this rule shall not apply.

6.3.2 Employment in other Countries

Members when employed outside Sri Lanka shall at all times ensure their conformity with these regulations,
provided it does not contravene any laws, rules or regulations applicable to the Practice of Architecture
within that country. However, in special circumstances such individual shall seek clarification and approval
from the Institute.
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6.3.3 Employment of Foreign Qualified Nationals, Non Citizens of Sri Lanka

Employment or contracting of foreign nationals shall be subject to the following conditions:-

(a) The presence of such person shall be legal in nature.

(b) Such person shall obtain the working visa prior to being employed or contracted.

(c) The presence of such person shall be for a specific assignment and shall leave the employment or
contract after such period.

6.3.4 Collaboration with Foreign Organizations for Projects in Sri Lanka

A Practice may come in to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or any other legally acceptable contract
with a Foreign Consultant, Other, Allied or Prescribed Professional or a Practice in order to carry out
professional services in Sri Lanka. Such collaboration shall be subject to the following conditions:-

(a) Such collaboration shall be for a specific project and for a specific period of time.

(b) The presence of such Person/Practice shall be legal in nature.

(c) The agreement or MOU signed for such collaboration shall cover only that specific assignment.

(d) The local practice shall ensure that such collaboration shall ensure transfer of technology, knowledge
or any other skills that is not available in Sri Lanka.

(e) Such person or organization shall be legal in its origin.

(f) The Sri Lankan counterpart Practice shall Register such collaboration with the Institute within a period
of 30 days.

(g) Where the new collaboration intends to be formed as a new legal entity or Practice such formation
shall be carried out in terms of these regulations.

(h) The local counterpart/Practice shall be responsible and liable for all professional services rendered
under the collaboration unless otherwise agreed with the foreign consultants.

6.4 Marketing, Advertising, Solicitation and Publicity

6.4.1 Advertising for Recruitment

Chartered Architects, Architects, Architectural Licentiates or a Practice shall not advertise or offer services
to any person or body of persons or body corporate by any public means or by means of circulars or otherwise
make paid announcements in the press or electronic media except as hereinafter provided:-

a) a Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate, or a Practice may advertise to prospective

employees for salaried appointment.

b) Insert advertisements in Architectural journals, in the public press, electronic media not more than
three notices in each of a change of address.

c) Notify the correspondents by post thrice of any change of address.

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6.4.2 Publicity of Work Done

1) A Practice may allow signed illustrations and descriptions of the work to be published in the press, but
shall not -

a) give monetary considerations for such insertions; or

b) allow such insertions to be used by the publishers for soliciting or obtaining advertisements
from contributors.

(2) A Practice may publish a series of illustrations either as a circular, brochure, book or on electronic
mode of any professional work for which the Practice has been responsible, provided that no Practice
shall attempt to distribute such publication unsolicited, to potential clients.

6.4.3 Office & Construction Sites

(1) A Practice may exhibit the name outside the office and on buildings in the course of construction,
alteration or extension:-

Provided that such exhibition of its name shall be done in an unostentatious manner and as per the
office manual.

(2) Stationery and nameplates of a Practice should be of an acceptable professional standard conforming
to guidelines specified in Schedule 10.6 and comply with the requirements of the regulations as to the
names of partners, principals and others who participate in the practice, use of professional descriptions
and designator letters, cities or countries where the practice is represented, logotypes, etc. The
designation of any services provided by the Practice as being of specialist nature shall not be permitted.
Similar provisions, where applicable, should apply to nameplates.

(3) A Practice may be listed in a directory provided neither the directory itself nor the entry could reasonably
be regarded as a promotional advertisement for those listed therein. Entries shall be limited to Names,
Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Facsimiles, Emails and Websites and other professional description
with any other information necessary as per guidelines specified in Schedule 10.6 to enable the user
of the directory to make contact with the person or organization to which the entry relates.

(4) Booklets, Documents containing technical information and other documents bearing the name of a
Practice and giving technical information for the assistance of staff or clients may be issued to such
persons or to another Practice. Other persons shall not be issued with such booklets or documents
except in response to an unsolicited request.

6.4.4 Web Sites and E-mails

(1) A Practice may maintain a website linked to the Institute website which shall give only the following:-

a) Practice information consisting names, addresses, facsimiles, e-mails, web sites and services

b) Information of principal, partners or directors and other consultants who have consented.

c) Details of authored projects including location, client, contractor and other consultants.

(2) A practice shall not use e-mails to offer to prospective clients with practice details unless otherwise a
request has been made to do so.
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(3) A Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural Licentiate or a Practice shall not use web sites or
e-mails for the purpose of selling type plans to prospective clients.

6.5 Adhere to Manuals and Guidelines

The Practices shall at all possible times adhere to Office Manuals and Guide lines Circulars published by the


7.1 The Council

The Council shall consist of twenty members as follows;

(1) (a) the President

(b) the Senior Vice President
(c) the Vice President
(d) the Immediate Past President
(e) the Honorary Secretary
(f) the Hony. Treasurer
(g) the Hony. Asst. Secretary
(h) the Hony. Asst. Treasurer
(i) the Chairman, Board of Architectural Education (BAE)
(j) the Chairman, Professional Affairs Board (PAB)
(k) the Chairman, Board of Architectural Publication (BAP)
(l) the Chairman, Board of Management (BOM),

Who shall hold office for two years from the date of election and be eligible for re-election after the
expiration of the succeeding period.

(2) Seven Corporate Members who shall hold office for one year from the date of election and be eligible for

(3) Chairmen of Regional Chapters who are Corporate Members elected at the Annual General Meetings of the
Regional Chapters as per the Chapter Codes approved by the Institute and may attend Council Meetings as
observers, but shall not have voting rights.

7.1.1 The President

The President shall be the person who has held office of Senior Vice-President during the preceding term.
The President shall hold such office for a period of two years, from the date of commencement of the period
of office and shall not be elected or nominated to hold the same office or the post of Senior Vice President
for a second term immediately following the period during which he held such office.

7.1.2 The Senior Vice-President

A Fellow Member who has served on the Council for at least three years shall be eligible for election as
Senior Vice-President and shall hold office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of
office. He shall not hold the office of Senior Vice-President for two consecutive terms immediately
succeeding the period during which he holds such office.
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7.1.3 The Vice President

A Fellow Member who has served on the Council for at least two years shall be eligible for election as Vice-
President. Vice-President elected shall hold office for a term of two years from the date of commencement
of the period of office and shall not be elected to hold such office for a second term immediately succeeding
the period during which he held office.

7.1.4 Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall be the person who held office as the President at the conclusion of the

7.1.5 Honorary Secretary

A Corporate Member who has completed five years of membership and served on the Council for at least
two years shall be eligible for election as Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary shall hold such
office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of office or otherwise specified and shall not
be elected to hold such office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.6 Honorary Treasurer

A Corporate Member who has completed five years of membership and served the Council for at least two
years shall be eligible for election as Honorary Treasurer. The Honorary Treasurer shall hold such office for
a term of two years from the date of commencement of office or otherwise specified and shall not be
elected to hold such office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.7 Honorary Assistant Secretary

A Corporate Member who has served on the Council for at least one year shall be eligible for election as
Honorary Assistant Secretary. The Honorary Assistant Secretary shall hold such office for a term of two
years from the date of commencement of office or otherwise specified and shall not be elected to hold such
office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.8 Honorary Assistant Treasurer

A Corporate Member who has served on the Council at least for a period of one year shall be eligible for
election as Honorary Assistant Treasurer. The Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall hold such office for a term
of two years from the date of commencement of office or otherwise specified and shall not be elected to
hold such office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.9 Chairman of the Board of Architectural Education (BAE)

(1) A Fellow Member who has served on the Council for at least two years shall be eligible for election as
Chairman of the Board of Architectural Education.

(2) The Chairman of the Board of Architectural Education shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the Council.

(3) The Chairman shall hold such office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of office
or otherwise specified and shall not be elected to hold such office for two consecutive terms.
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7.1.10 Chairman of the Professional Affairs Board (PAB)

(1) A Fellow Member who has served on the Council for at least two years and who has had continuous
practice or been a Partner or Director of a Practice, for at least ten years shall be eligible for election
as Chairman of the Professional Affairs Board.

(2) The Chairman of the Professional Affairs Board shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the Council.

(3) The Chairman shall hold such office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of office
or otherwise as specified and shall not be elected to hold such office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.11 Chairman of the Board of Architectural Publications (BAP)

(1) A Corporate Member who has been a member for five years and has served in Council at least for two
years shall be eligible for election as Chairman of the Board of Architectural Publications.

(2) The Chairman of the Board of Architectural Publications shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the Council.

(3) The Chairman shall hold office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of office or
otherwise as specified and shall not be elected to hold such office for two consecutive terms.

7.1.12 Chairman of the Board of Management (BOM)

(1) A Fellow Member or an Associate Member with over ten years of Membership, who has served the
Council for at least two years shall be appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Management by the
Council at its 1st meeting for a period of two years.

(2) The Chairman of the Board of Management shall be an Ex Officio Member of the Council.

(3) The Chairman shall hold office for a term of two years from the date of commencement of office or
otherwise as specified and shall not be nominated/elected by the Council to hold such office for two
consecutive terms.

7.1.13 Representation of Non-Corporate Members

The Non Corporate Member shall be entitled to have notice of Council meetings, to participate without any
voting rights. Such member shall hold office for a term of one year.

7.1.14 Other Members of Council

(1) There shall be Seven Corporate Members who shall be elected from the Membership to the Council.
At least four of them shall be Associate Members with a minimum of two years of membership and
shall hold office for a term of one year. Such Member shall be eligible for re-election to such office
in the succeeding year.

(2) The Chairmen of Regional Chapters or their representatives may attend Council meetings as observers.
However, they shall not have any voting rights.
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7.2 Elections to Office

7.2.1 Nominations

(1) Any two Corporate Members may nominate from among themselves any other Corporate Member for
election to any office in the Council, other than that of the President and the Immediate Past President.

(2) Any two Registered Members may nominate from among themselves any other Registered Member
for election to the Council.

(3) The Senior Vice President shall not propose or second any candidate for election.

(4) Such nominations shall be in writing and shall be signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder and
shall contain a declaration signed by the candidate that he is qualified for election in terms of

(5) Such nominations shall be placed in the nomination box at the Institute, addressed to the Honorary
Secretary on or before 4.00 p.m., of the 15th day of January of the relevant year.

(6) A special meeting of the Council shall be called on the same day to open and finalize the nominations.

(7) No candidate shall submit nominations for more than one office. If any candidate submits more than
one nomination, he shall be disqualified from holding any office.

(8) Any candidate, proposer and seconder shall have had paid fees, subscriptions and other dues except
ARB fees prior to forwarding nominations.

(9) Any Member found guilty of the breach of regulations or reprimanded or suspended by the Council
shall not be eligible to hold office in Council for a maximum period of 4 years in the case of a reprimand
from the date of such action by the Institute. In the event of suspension from the membership, a person
is eligible to hold office, in the Council only after ten years from the date of readmission.

(10) Any Member found guilty of breach of regulations or reprimanded or suspended by the Council shall
not propose or second any Candidate to the Council for a maximum period of 4 years in the case of a
reprimand from the date of such action by the Institute. In the event of suspension from the membership,
a person is eligible to hold office, in the Council only after ten years from the date of readmission.

(11) (a) In the event of any nominations not being received, the Council shall by Resolution at a Special
Council Meeting nominate candidates for each of the offices in the Council other than that of
the President and Immediate Past President. Any such nomination shall be invalid unless the
candidate within one week of such nomination make a signed declaration that he is qualified for
election in terms of these regulations.

(b) In such situation the candidate shall send the duly signed election form / declaration, and it shall
be proposed and seconded by the Council or two Members of the Council except by Observer

(12) In the event of any such nominee or any previously nominated candidate withdraws or does not consent
to be elected, the Council shall nominate suitable candidates for such office.
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(13) In the event where the Associate Member Candidates are less than the required four and Fellow Member
Candidates are more than the required three, the Council shall fill such vacancies as per provisions and
the election shall be called only for the selection of members among the Fellow Member Candidates.

7.2.2 Circulation of Names of Candidates

A list of all the candidates duly nominated shall be circulated among members at least fourteen days prior to
the date of the Annual General Meeting.

7.2.3 Voting

(1) No Member shall be entitled to vote unless all fees, subscriptions and dues other than fees payable to
ARB in respect of that calendar year and any arrears of such dues for any previous year have been duly

(2) Voting shall be by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting.

(3) The Senior Vice President (Presiding Officer), whose decision in regard to the conduct of voting shall
be final and shall be responsible for the preparation, issue of ballot papers, the preparation of ballot
boxes and the counting of votes.

(4) The Senior Vice President may appoint not more than two Fellow Members and two Associate Members
who are not candidates and have neither proposed nor seconded any candidates for any office, to assist
him in the conduct of the election at the Annual General Meeting.

(5) In the event of the Senior Vice President for any reason whatsoever is not able to carry out his duties,
the Chairman shall nominate any Fellow Member who has served the Council at least for three years
acceptable to the house as the Presiding Officer to carry out such duties.

(6) In a situation where the voting has taken place for the seven vacancies from the Corporate Membership,
the number of votes received by the candidates shall be arranged as per the composition of Fellow
Members and Associate Members. Thereby the first four vacancies shall be filled by the Associate
Members irrespective of the number of votes received by Fellow Member candidates.

(7) Only Corporate Members shall be entitled to vote.

7.3 Meetings of the Council

7.3.1 Monthly Meetings

The Council shall meet once a month, and the last meeting of the term shall be held on or before the 31st day
of January every year. The dates of such monthly meetings shall as far as possible, be fixed at the first
meeting of the Council. Such meetings shall be summoned by the Honorary Secretary or Honorary Assistant
Secretary of the Institute.

7.3.2 Special Council Meetings

A Special Meeting of the Council shall be summoned-

(1) by the Honorary Secretary if directed by the President ;or

(2) upon receipt of a written request signed by at least four members of the Council; or
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(3) otherwise specified in these regulations.

At least two days notice shall be given to the Members of the Council, of the date, time and venue of
such meeting and the agenda for the said meeting. However, if the circumstances demand, the Honorary
Secretary if directed by the President may call for an urgent Council meeting.

7.3.3 Quorum for a Council Meeting or Special Council Meeting

The quorum for a meeting of the Council or Special Council Meeting shall be seven including the non
Corporate Members other than the Observer Members. Such quorum shall remain until the end of such

7.3.4 Presiding Officer for a Council Meeting or Special Council Meeting

The President or Immediate Past President or Senior Vice President or Vice President or in the absence of
above any other Office Bearer who may be selected by the Members of the Council shall preside at meetings
of the Council.

7.3.5 Voting at a Council Meeting or Special Council Meeting

The President or Immediate Past President or Senior Vice President or Vice President shall preside at
meetings of the Council. In the absence of such Members the voting shall be postponed to the next meeting
of the Council. Voting at the Council shall be by the mode decided by the presiding officer and simple

7.3.6 Procedures Committee Meetings

Procedures Committee may meet once in two weeks and attend to, routine matters of the Institute. These
matters shall include matters of urgency or matters where prior approval has been obtained from the Council.
The minutes of such meetings shall be tabled at the Council to ratify the decision.

7.4 Vacation of Office and Casual Vacancies

7.4.1 Vacation of Office

(1) A Member of the Council shall cease to hold office if-

(a) he ceases to be a member of the Institute;

(b) by letter addressed to the President or the Honorary Secretary such member intimates his desire
to resign from office,

(c) he fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council without good reasons.

(2) The Council may exempt any member in Council for a period not exceeding three (03) months on
application being made in writing for reasons acceptable to Council.

7.4.2 Casual Vacancies

(1) In the event of the vacation of office by death or resignation of the President, Immediate Past President, the
Senior Vice-President or Vice President may take over as the post of “Caretaker President” until the completion
of the balance period. If the Senior Vice President and Vice President do not accept such posts then a
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Member of the College of Past Presidents, elected at a Special General Meeting shall take over as the
Caretaker President and shall hold office for the unexpired period of the term of office of the President
whom he succeeds.

(2) (a) In the event of the death or vacation of office of the Senior Vice-President, the Honorary Secretary or
the Honorary Treasurer, such vacancy may be filled by the Vice-President, the Honorary Assistant
Secretary or the Honorary Assistant Treasurer respectively and such successor shall hold office for
the unexpired period of the term of office of the Senior Vice-President, Honorary Secretary or Honorary
Treasurer whom he succeeds. Provided that such Council Members are eligible to hold such post as
per Regulations.

(b) If the Vice President, Honorary Assistant Secretary or Honorary Assistant Treasurer do not accept
such position the Council shall fill such vacancy from among Council Members or from non Council
Members, for the unexpired period, provided that such person is eligible to hold such office as specified
in the Regulations.

(3) In the event of the death or vacation of office of the Vice President or Honorary Assistant Secretary or
Honorary Assistant Treasurer or in the event of any one of the above position falling vacant such vacancy may
be filled by a Member in the Council by a Council Resolution and such successor shall hold office for the
unexpired period of the term of office of the member whom he succeeds. Provided that such Council Members
are eligible to hold such post as per the Regulations.

(4) In the event of the death or vacation of office of the Chairman of Board of Architectural Education, Chairman
of Professional Affairs Board and Chairman of Board of Architectural Publications, such vacancy may be
filled by a Member in Council or a Non Council Member by a Council Resolution and such successor shall
hold office for the unexpired period of the term of office of the member whom he succeeds. Provided that
such Member is eligible to hold such post as per the Regulations.

(5) In the event of the death or vacation of office of the Chairman of Board of Management, such vacancy may be
filled by a Non Council Member by a Council Resolution and such successor shall hold office for the
unexpired period of the term of office of the member whom he succeeds. Provided that such Member is
eligible to hold such post as per the Regulations.

(6) In the event of the death or vacation of office of the Chairman of a Regional Chapter, such vacancy may be
filled by a Member elected / nominated and such successor shall hold office for the unexpired period of the
term of office of the Member whom he succeeds as per the SLIA approved Chapter Code as specified in
Schedule 10.7.

(7) The vacancy created in Council by a Member-in-Council shall be filled as per the Regulations, by the Member/
s from among the candidates for such position based on the preference received from the Membership at the
previous election and as per Regulations. If there is no candidate or if such candidate/s refuse to serve in the
Council, the Council shall reserve the right to appoint any suitable Member to fill such vacancy in Council.

7.5 Vacation or Resignation by a Majority of Council Members

In the event of vacation or resignation by a majority of Council Members such vacancies shall be filled at a Special
General Meeting, in accordance with the regulation for election to Council and all such appointed Members shall
hold office for the unexpired period of the term of office of such Council Member whom he succeeds.

7.6 Common Seal

(1) The Common Seal of the Institute shall be determined and devised by the Council and may be altered in such
manner as may be approved at a Quarterly General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
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(2) The seal of the Institute shall be in the custody of the Honorary Secretary.

(3) The Seal shall be affixed to such certificate, deed or any document by the Honorary Secretary, in the presence
of two (02) other office bearers, as the Council may authorize from time to time by resolution, and such
office bearers shall attest the affixing thereof.

7.7 The Boards

(1) The Council shall appoint the Board of Architectural Education (BAE), Professional Affairs Board (PAB),
Board of Architectural Publications (BAP) and Board of Management (BOM) for the purpose of advising
and assisting the Council on matters relating to the objects of the Institute or the functions of the Council as
the Council may consider necessary.

(2) The Council may delegate powers to any such Board to exercise its related work.

(3) Every Board shall be constituted by the Chairman, in consultation with the Procedures Committee before
the first meeting of the Council, pending approval by the Council.

(4) Any Member found guilty of breaching the regulations and reprimanded or suspended by Council shall not
be eligible to hold office as a Board Member in any Board from date of such action by the Institute for a
maximum period of 4 years in case of reprimand and maximum period of 10 years after serving a Suspension.

(5) The Chairman or any member of a Board, whose presence may contradict the impartiality of such board,
shall refrain from being a member of such Board or attending such meeting.

(6) The Chairman of the respective Boards may take over the functions of a Standing Committee by giving
notice to the Chairman of the respective Standing Committee in the event of non-functioning of such Standing

(7) The Boards shall submit a Report of the proceedings of the preceding month and it shall be tabled at the
following Council Meeting.

(8) A Council Member except office bearers may not be in more than two Boards.

(9) A Non Council Member may not be in more than three Boards.

(10) Quorum for a Board Meeting shall be five.

(11) The Chairman or in the absence of the Chairman any member other than the Secretary of the Board shall
preside the Meeting.

7.7.1 Board of Architectural Education (BAE)

(1) The Board of Architectural Education (BAE) shall assist, advise and control Architectural Education
and the conduct or assist to conduct of courses and examinations and all matters connected therewith.

(2) The BAE shall consists of the following members:

(a) Chairman BAE as elected by the General Membership or any member as set out in Regulations.

(b) The President (ex officio Member) or his nominee who shall be an office bearer.

(c) The Honorary Secretary or his nominee who shall be the Honorary Assistant Secretary.
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(d) Secretary of the Board (A Council Member)

(e) Five other Members. as specified in Standing Orders

(f) Three Chairmen of Standing Committees (Non Council Members)

(3) Chairman BAE with the consent of the Council shall appoint the following Standing Committees, as
specified in Standing Orders.

(a) Examination Committee (EC)

(b) Membership Enrolment Committee (MEC)

(c) Educational Standards Committee (ESC)

(d) Committee on Validation of Educational Institutes (CVEI)

7.7.2 Professional Affairs Board (PAB)

(1) The Professional Affairs Board (PAB) shall assist advice and control Professional Practice procedures,
preparation of Practice documents, and to advise the Council on all professional matters in relation to
the Members and Practices.

(2) The PAB shall consists of –

(a) Chairman PAB as elected by the General Membership or any member as set out in the regulations.

(b) The President (ex officio Member) or his nominee who shall be an office bearer.

(c) The Honorary Secretary or his nominee who shall be the Honorary Assistant Secretary.

(d) Secretary of the Board (a Council Member or Corporate Member with over five years of

(e) Five other Members appointed as per the Standing Orders.

(f) Three Chairmen of Standing Committees who shall be Non Council Members.

(3) Chairman PAB with the consent of the Council shall appoint the following Standing Committees as per
the Standing Orders.

(a) Committee on Practice Related Affairs (CPRA)

(b) Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPD)

(c) Membership Administration Committee (MAC)

7.7.3 Board of Architectural Publications (BAP)

(1) The Board of Architectural Publications (BAP) shall assist, advice and control and manage the printing
and publications for the Institute either in printed, electronic or digital format. This Board will regulate,
modify, amend, edit and publish all the documents approved by the Council and Other Boards. The
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distribution, dissemination, or sale of such documents shall be the responsibility of each Board that
forwarded such material to be printed or published.

(2) The BAP shall consists of the following members:

(a) Chairman BAP as elected by the General Membership or any Member as per the Regulations.

(b) The President (ex officio Member) or his nominee who shall be an office bearer.

(c) The Honorary Secretary or his nominee who shall be the Honorary Assistant Secretary.

(d) The Honorary Treasurer or his nominee who shall be the Honorary Assistant Treasurer.

(e) Secretary of the Board (a Council Member or Corporate Member with over five years of

(f) Six other Members as per the Standing Orders.

(g) Three Chairmen of Standing Committees (Non Council Members)

(3) Chairman BAP with the consent of the Council shall appoint the following Standing Committees.

(a) Printing & Publication Committee (PPC)

(b) Graphics Committee (GC)

(c) Library Committee (LC)

7.7.4 Board of Management (BOM)

(1) The Board of Management (BOM) shall assist, advice, control, guide and manage events /activities
connected with the conducting of classes and lectures in relation to Architectural education or
any other course or any institution formed under the Institute for related activity. All courses
shall be approved by the Council.

(2) The BOM shall consists of-

(a) Chairman BOM as nominated by the Council at its first Council Meeting or any Member as
per the Regulations.

(b) The President (ex officio Member) or his nominee who shall be an office bearer.

(c) The Honorary Secretary or his nominee who shall be the Honorary Assistant Secretary.

(d) Secretary of the Board (a Council Member or Corporate Member with over five years of

(e) Five other Members as per the Standing Orders.

(f) Three Chairmen of Standing Committees who shall be Non Council Members.

(3) The Chairman of the BOM with the consent of the Council shall appoint the Standing Committees
on any other activity approved by the Council.
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7.7.5 Board of Trustees (BOT)

As specified by the Institute (Amendment) Act No. l4 of 1996.

7.7.6 Architects Registration Board (ARB)

As specified by the Institute (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 1996

7.8 Standing Committees and Working Committees

(1) The Council and Boards shall appoint the following committees for the purpose of advising and assisting
the Council and Boards, upon specific matters connected with the objects of the Institute or the functions
of the Council & Boards as the Council and Boards may think fit.

(2) The Council and Boards may authorize and delegate activities to the Committees to execute its related
work as specified in Standing Orders.

(3) All Committees may be constituted by the Committee Chairmen in consultation with the Board and
forward for approval by the Council, within one month from the 1st Council Meeting.

(4) Any Member found guilty of breaching the regulations; reprimanded, or suspended by Council, shall
not be eligible to hold office as a Committee Member in any Committee from date of such action by
the Institute for a maximum period of 4 years in case of reprimand and maximum period of 10 years
after serving a Suspension.

(5) The Chairman or any Member of a Committee, whose presence may contradict the impartiality of such
committee, shall refrain from being a Member of such Committee or attending such meeting. If such
Member does not comply with above, the Chairman or any other Member shall report to the Council of
such status and the Council reserves the right to remove such Member from such Committee.

(6) The Committees shall submit a Report / Minutes of the proceedings of the preceding month to be
tabled at the following Council Meeting.

(7) A Council Member except Office Bearers shall not be in more than three Committees.

(8) A Non Council Member shall not be in more than three Committees.

(9) Quorum for a Standing Committee or Working Committee shall be three.

(10) The Chairman or in the absence of the Chairman any member other than the Secretary of the Committee
shall preside the Meeting.

(11) Voting for a decision is by simple majority.

7.8.1 Standing Committees

The Council shall appoint the following Standing Committees with the Consent of the Chairmen of
Boards and as specified in Standing Orders. Each Standing Committee shall have not less than five
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(1) The BAE may with the consent of the Council appoint the following Standing Committees.

(a) the Examination Committee (EC);

(b) the Membership Enrolment Committee (MEC); and

(c) the Educational Standards Committee (ESC).

(d) Committee on Validation of Educational Institutes (CVEI)

(2) The PAB shall with the consent of the Council appoint the following Standing Committees.

(a) the Committee on Practice Related Affairs (CPRA);

(b) the Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPD); and

(c) the Membership Administration Committee (MAC).

(3) The BAP shall with the consent of the Council appoint the following Standing Committees.

(a) the Printing and Publication Committee (PPC)

(b) the Graphics Committee (GC); and

(c) the Library Committee (LC).

(4) The BOM shall with the consent of the Council appoint the Committees on any other activity approved
by the Council.

(5) The Council shall appoint the following Standing Committees that would function directly under the
Council of the Institute.

(I) Procedures Committee

(i) The Members of the Procedures Committee shall be as follows:

(a) the President;

(b) the Immediate Past President

(c) the Senior Vice President;

(d) the Vice President;

(e) the Honorary Secretary as the Secretary to the Committee

(f) the Honorary Treasurer

(ii) The Procedures Committee may decide on the management matters and may decide on
other matters subject to approval by the Council.
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(iii) The Procedures Committee may hold one meeting per two weeks.

(iv) The Procedures Committee shall only decide on any matter that does not fall within the
scope of routine matters except matters which require urgent attention or any matter
authorized by the Council or matters specified in the Regulations.

(v) The quorum for a meeting shall be three members with the President or Protem Chairman
presiding at such meeting.

(II) Investigation Committee

(i) The Members of the Investigation Committee shall be as follows:

(a) Vice President as the Chairman of the Committee.

(b) Any one (01) Council Member appointed by the Council.

(c) Any three (03) Non Council Members appointed by the Council.

(ii) Any Member connected to the Investigation either directly or indirectly shall not be
appointed to the Investigation Committee.

(iii) Any Member who has either direct or indirect interest over the investigation shall not
accept such appointments. If such appointment is accepted in the Investigation Committee
it shall be a violation of the Regulations.

(iv) In the circumstances where the Vice President is unable to assume duties as the Chairman,
Council shall appoint a Council Member (Except Senior Vice President) or a Non Council
Fellow Member for such Position.

(III) Disciplinary Committee

(i) The Members of the Disciplinary Committee shall be as follows:

(a) Senior Vice President as the Chairman of the Committee.

(b) Honorary Secretary as the Secretary to the Committee.

(c) Any one (01) Council Member appointed by the Council.

(d) Any three (03) Non Council Members appointed by the Council.

(ii) Any Member connected to the Disciplinary issue either directly or indirectly shall not be
appointed to the Disciplinary Committee.

(iii) Any Member who has either direct or indirect interest over the Disciplinary Inquiry shall
not accept such appointments. If such appointment is accepted in the Disciplinary
Committee it shall be a violation of the Regulations.

(iv) In the circumstances where the Senior Vice President is unable to assume duties as the
Chairman, Council shall appoint a Council Member (Except Vice President) or a Non
Council Fellow Member for such Position.
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(IV) Committee for Promotion of the Profession of Architecture

(i) The Members of the Committee shall be as follows:

(a) President or Senior Vice President as the Chairman of the Committee.

(b) Honorary Secretary or Hony. Asst. Secretary

(c) Hony. Treasurer or Hony. Asst. Treasurer

(d) Any four members appointed by the Council.

(ii) The Committee may have Sub Committees as may be required and approved by the Council.

(V) Annual Sessions Committee

(i) The Members of the Annual Sessions Committee shall be as follows;

(a) The President as the Chairman of the Committee

(b) Honorary Assistant Secretary or any other Member of the Council as the Secretary
of the Committee.

(c) Honorary Assistant Treasurer or any other Member of the Council as the Treasurer
of the Committee.

(d) Any Council or Non Council Members may be appointed by the Council to the Annual
Sessions Committee.

(ii) The Annual Sessions Committee may have Sub Committees as may be required and appointed
by the Council.

(VI) Committee on International Affairs

(i) The members of the Committee on International Affairs shall be as follows;

(a) The President or his nominee as the Chairman of the Committee

(b) Immediate Past President, Senior Vice President,

(c) Honorary Secretary or his nominee

(d) Council may also appoint any two eminent personalities to the Committee.

(ii) Council may appoint Sub Committees as may be required.

(VII) Regional Affairs Committee

The Council may appoint Committees on Regional Affairs as and when required. The Committees
may have such number of Sub Committees as decided by the Committees and approved by Council.
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VIII Committee on Enrolment to Fellow Membership

(i) The members of the Committee on Enrolment to Fellow Membership shall be as follows;

(a) A Past President as the Chairman of the Committee

(b) Immediate Past President or Senior Vice President or, Vice President

(c) Chairman PAB, Chairman BAE, or their nominee.

(d) Any three Fellow Members appointed by the Council.

IX Committee on Green & Sustainability

7.8.2 Working Committees

The Council may from time to time if it considers necessary and expedient, appoint Working
Committees, to advice the Council or implement matters which do not fall within the purview of any
Board or Standing Committee, provided that such Working Committees shall not carry out the functions
of any Board or Standing Committee.

7.9 Annual Awards & Honours of the Institute

All the Awards/Honours listed below shall be made by the Council by a Resolution. Such recipient Member
shall not have been found guilty of breaching the Regulations, reprimanded or suspended by Council from
date of such action by the Institute for a maximum period of 4 years in case of reprimand and maximum
period of 10 years after serving a Suspension.

7.9.1 The “Gold Medal”

(1) The Council may, annually award the “SLIA Gold Medal” to a Corporate Member for outstanding
contribution to Architecture.

(2) Provided however, Council shall not award more than one “Gold Medal Award” in each year.

7.9.2 Honorary Fellow Members

The Council may admit by resolution as an Honorary Fellow Member, any Corporate Member-

who has rendered a valuable service to the Institute or the Profession:

Provided however, the Council shall not admit more than two Honorary Fellow Members in each year
and the total number shall not exceed 2% of the total membership.

7.9.3 Honorary Members

The Council may by resolution admit as an Honorary Member, any person who-

(1) holds or has held high office in the State; or

(2) who has rendered valuable service to the Institute or to the Profession:
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Provide however, the Council shall not admit more than one Honorary Member in each year and
the total number of Honorary Members shall not exceed ten at any given time.

7.9.4 “SLIA Presidents Award for Excellence in Architecture”

The President may annually in consultation with the Council award the “Presidents Awards for Excellence
in Architecture” to a Member or a Practice for any outstanding contribution to Architecture.

(1) Provided however, Council shall not award more than one “SLIA Presidents Award for Excellence
in Architecture Award” in each year.

7.9.5 “Young Architect’s Award”

(1) The Council may annually award the “Young Architect’s Award” to a member of the Institute
registered with the ARB and who is below forty years of age at March of each year and who has
applied for this award.

(2) Any Individual Practitioner, Sole Proprietor, Partner, Director of a Company or Salaried Employee
in the Private sector or Public sector may apply for the award under the preceding paragraph.

(3) If such applicant is an employee under any employer, he shall produce a certificate of Authorship
or Joint Authorship issued by the Employer, along with such application.

(4) Provided however, Council shall not award more than one “Young Architect’s Award” in each

7.9.6 Awards to “Outstanding Students of Architecture”

The Council may annually award Outstanding Students of Architecture.

7.9.7 Any Other Awards or Certificates

(a) The Council may from time to time present to any Member or a Practice any other award at the
discretion of the Council.

(b) The Boards may with the approval of the Council from time to time present to any Member or
Practice any other certificate.

(c) The Council may decide to make special awards to any other persons who have contributed for
the betterment of the profession and/or the Institute and/or the practice of Architecture.


(1) The meetings of the Institute can be attended only by Corporate Members & Registered Members.

(2) The President shall preside at all Meetings of the Members of the Institute; in his absence the Immediate
Past President or the Senior Vice-President or the Vice-President, or in their absence, a Member of the
Council appointed by the Members present, shall preside at such a meeting.

(3) In the absence of any person as specified above the meeting shall be presided by a Member appointed by the
Members present, to decide to postpone such meeting to a future date and inform the Council and the General
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(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Members of the Institute shall be fifty Members of the Institute entitled to
attend and vote there at. In the absence of such number of Members which constitutes a quorum for meeting
as specified in these regulations, the meetings shall be dissolved in any other case, it shall be adjourned and
be reconvened at the same place and if at the adjourned meeting the Members present subject to a minimum
of thirty Members shall form a quorum.

(5) The decisions arrived at a meeting of the General Membership shall come in to effect from the date, so
decided at such meeting or as stipulated by the Regulations.

(6) The voting at General meetings shall be by show of hands or as required by the Regulations.

8.1 Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting shall be held in February each year. If the Annual General Meeting is not held in February,
a Special Annual General Meeting shall be summoned before the end of April of the year the Institute failed to hold
its Annual General Meeting in February.

8.1.1 Notice of Annual General Meeting

At least thirty days prior written notice shall be given to all Members of the date, specifying the time
and venue of the Annual General Meeting. In the case of Special Annual General Meeting, the notice
required shall be fourteen days.

8.1.2 Agenda for the Annual General Meeting

The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall include the following:

(a) Address by the outgoing President or President, where applicable.

(b) Confirmation of Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.

(c) Confirmation Minutes of the 3rd Quarterly General Meeting of the last year.

(d) The adoption of the Annual Report of the Honorary Secretary

(e) Presentation of Treasurer’s report for the preceding year & adoption of Audited Statement of

(f) The Election of the Office Bearers and Members in Council as per Regulations

(g) Address by the Incoming President, where applicable

(h) Any other business of which due notice has been given.

8.2 Quarterly General Meetings

The Council shall hold at least three Quarterly General Meetings of the Members of the Institute, in addition to the
Annual General Meeting. These Meetings shall be held in the months of May, August and November of each year.

8.2.1 Notice of Quarterly General Meeting

At least fourteen days prior written notice shall be given to all Members specifying the date, time, the
venue of the Quarterly General Meeting.
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8.2.2 Agenda for the Quarterly General Meeting

The Agenda of the Quarterly General Meeting shall include the following:

(a) Address by the President.

(b) Confirmation of minutes of last QGM.
(c) Adoption of Secretary’s Report.
(d) Presentation & Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for the Quarter.
(e) Any other matters as may be decided by Council.
(f) Any Other Matters for which 07 days written notice has been given and delivered and/or handed
over to the Secretary and decided to be presented by the Council/Procedure Committee.

8.2.3 Voting at Quarterly General Meeting

(a) In the event of a need for a vote to be taken at a Quarterly General Meeting, the Chairman of the
meeting shall be the presiding officer. Decisions arrived at such Quarterly General Meetings
shall be conveyed by the Chairman to Council for its implementation.

(b) The presiding officer may appoint two Members as Counting Officers with the consent of the
majority of the General Membership.

8.3 Special General Meetings

8.3.1 Special Provisions for Convening Meetings

A Special General Meeting of the Members of the Institute shall be summoned as per the following conditions.

(1) By the Honorary Secretary,

(a) if directed by the President or

(b) if directed by seven Council Members or
(c) upon receipt of a written requisition signed by at least thirty Corporate Members,

to consider any matter specified by the President or in such requisition.

(2) In the event of a request such request should be notified in writing to all Council Members
by the Honorary Secretary within three days and a Special Council Meeting held within
seven days from such requisition, to study the subject under requisition.

(3) The Honorary Secretary should summon a Special General Meeting within Fourteen Days
from the date of such Special Council Meeting.

(4) If Honorary Secretary fails to summon the Special General Meeting, within the specified
period, a request may be made to the President to direct a Member of the Council to
summon a Special General Meeting within fourteen calendar days, where notwithstanding
the holding of the Special Council Meetings as provided for in the preceding sections. The
Honorary Secretary or the President or any other person nominated by the President fails
to summon, within seven calendar days a Special General Meeting of the Institute with a
written notice and paper advertisement, the requisitions themselves may summon such
meeting with the written consent of ten percent of the Corporate Membership of the
Institute giving the requisite notice of the date, time and venue thereof and the nature of
business to be transacted there at.
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8.3.2 Notice of a Special General Meeting

At least seven days prior written notice shall be given to all Members of the date, time and venue
of such meetings and the nature of the business to be transacted there-at. Such notice may be
given by means of a notification, in two daily newspapers.

8.3.3 Agenda for the Special General Meeting

The Agenda for a Special General Meeting shall include the following:

(a) Opening remarks by the Chairman / Convener

(b) Presentation of Subject Matters

(c) Discussion and Decision making

8.3.4 Voting at Special General Meeting

(a) If the necessity arises for voting the Counting Officer shall be any Corporate Member
elected by the Members but not a direct or indirect party to the request.

(b) The presiding officer may appoint two Members as Counting Officers with the consent of
the majority of the General Membership.

8.3.5 Implementation of Decisions at Special General Meetings

(a) The decisions arrived at Special General Meetings shall be informed to the Honorary
Secretary within seven (07) days.

(b) Decisions arrived at a Special General Meeting shall be recorded at the Immediate Council
Meeting and thereafter implemented.

(c) Such decisions shall be informed to the Members.

8.4 Financial Year

The Financial year of the Institute shall be from the First day of January to the Thirty First day of December of the
same year. However for Tax purposes the Financial year shall be from First of April to Thirty First of March the
following Year.


(1) In the event of a breach of the Regulations by a Member, Chartered Architect, Architect, Architectural
Licentiate or a Practice the Institute may be informed in writing by the following persons or institutions:

(a) By the Council itself or its Standing Committees.

(b) Any Board or its Standing Committees.
(c) A Council Member.
(d) Chartered Architect, Architect or Architectural Licentiate.
(e) Member of the public writing in person.
(f) Any private or public body corporate or Non-incorporate.
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(2) On receipt of such information or complaint, Institute shall adhere to the procedure hereinafter set out.

(3) The Honorary Secretary or President shall refer the same to the Council immediately.

(4) The Council shall take the matter up at the immediate Council meeting and study the information or complaint
and if determined sufficient to investigate, the information or complaint shall immediately be referred to
the Investigation Committee for investigation and report to Council.

(5) The Council shall inform the decision of the Council to the respondent & the complainant by registered

(6) If information or the complaint is against a Council Member, Member of a Board or a Member of a Standing
Committee, such Member shall be informed by the Council and such member shall withdraw from such
meetings while such deliberation is in progress, or such decision is being made.

(7) If the information or the complaint is against a Board Member, Committee Member or a Council Member,
the Council shall re-constitute the Investigation Committee or the Disciplinary Committee as may be required.

9.1 Procedure of the Investigation Committee

On receipt of such information or complaint, the Investigation Committee shall adopt the following procedure:

(1) Study any documentary evidence that has been submitted as information or as a complaint.

(2) If further information is required from both or either of the parties, namely the informer or complainant
and respondent, such information shall be called for under Registered Post.

(3) The response to such a request for any other explanations, clarifications or necessary information
shall be submitted in the form of written memoranda within fourteen days of receipt by the parties
concerned. However, based on valid reasons acceptable to the Investigation Committee, the 14 days
period may be extended by maximum of further 14 days or as the circumstances may demand.

(4) The Investigation Committee shall not summon any person before the committee to record evidence
or tender documents.

(5) The Investigation Committee shall report to the Council within maximum of Sixty days, from the
original date of reference by the Council.

(6) The Investigation Committee shall submit a Report containing the procedure adopted, its findings and
other relevant information, in the form of a written report to the Council in a confidential manner. All
the necessary documents and correspondences shall be annexed to the said report.

(7) The Confidential Report shall contain the following in its conclusion.

(a) A draft charge or charges and basis of evidence supporting the charges, if disciplinary action is


(b) Summary of evidence with reasons for not framing a charge against the respondent if disciplinary
action is not recommended.
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(8) In the event of the Committee being unable to complete its findings within two months from the date
of reference by the Council, it shall forward to the Council an Interim Confidential Report. Such
report shall contain the Proceedings to date and the reasons for non-submission of the final report as
per the Regulations.

(9) The Council may at its discretion extend the period by another thirty days and if the investigation
committee fails to submit the final report within such extended time, the matter may be referred to the
Council for a decision whether to grant a further extension or to frame charges or exonerate.

(10) In the absence of response within the stipulated period by the complainant or respondent, the
Investigation Committee shall conclude the report within the specified period. However, the committee
may grant additional time if satisfied with reasons submitted by complainant or respondent as may be
approved by Council.

9.2 Action by the Council on Receipt of Confidential Report or Interim Confidential Report from Investigation

(1) Upon receipt of the confidential report of the Investigating Committee recommending disciplinary
inquiry or when the Investigating Committee failed to submit a report within the time extended and if
the Council decide to refer the matter to the Disciplinary Procedure, the Interim confidential report
(if any) will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for inquiry and inform the complainant and the

(2) Upon receipt of the confidential report of the investigating committee not recommending charges or
when the investigating committee had failed to submit a report within the time extended and the Council
has decided not to proceed with the inquiry the complainant and the Respondent shall be informed of
the decision of the Council.

9.3 Procedure for Disciplinary Committee

9.3.1 (1) On the receipt of the Confidential Report or Confidential Interim Report, if the Council is of
the view that action should be taken based on such Report, a Disciplinary Committee shall be
appointed by the Council within 21 days from the receipt of such Repot to proceed with the
disciplinary inquiry. The members appointed to such Disciplinary Committee shall be persons
not related or otherwise connected to the party/parties against whom such inquiry is to be held to
ensure impartiality.

9.3.2 Consideration of the Charge/Charges by the Disciplinary Committee

(1) The Disciplinary Committee shall meet within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the
report and examine the charges framed by the Investigation Committee and,

(a) May use the same charge or charges made by the Investigation Committee or

(b) Amend / Drop a charge or charges formulated by the Investigation Committee or

(c) Frame new charges or remove any or all charges as may be required or

(d) Recommend to the Council for reasons to be recorded, that the Disciplinary Inquiry
may not proceed with and the respondent may be discharged.
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(2) The Disciplinary Committee shall submit to the Council a Report based on the findings. The
Council may approve the charges to be framed or approve the recommendations made by the
Disciplinary Committee to discharge the respondent. In the event of a decision to discharge the
respondent, such decision with adequate reasons shall be conveyed to the parties forthwith.

(3) In the event the Council approves the charge or charges recommended by the Disciplinary
Committee, a formal charge sheet shall be served on the respondent within fourteen days of such
decision. The respondent shall be given a period of 14 days from the receipt of the date of charge
to respond to the Disciplinary Committee.

(4) In the absence of response within the period stipulated by the complainant or respondent the
Disciplinary Committee shall conclude the report within the specified period. However, the
committee may grant additional time if satisfied with reasons forwarded by complainant or
respondent as may be approved by Council.

9.3.3 Appointments of Officers to the Disciplinary Committee other than its Members

(1) The Council shall appoint a prosecuting officer who may be an Attorney-at-Law, Chartered
Architect or an Architect (hereinafter referred as the Prosecuting Officer.)The Respondent is
entitled to be represented by an Attorney-at-Law, Chartered Architect or an Architect (hereinafter
referred as the Defending Officer.)

(2) The Council may in addition obtain the services or authorize an Attorney-at-Law (hereinafter
referred to as “Adviser”) to advise the Disciplinary Committee.

(3) The Honorary Secretary shall function as the Secretary of every Disciplinary Committee, except
in the circumstances where the Honorary Secretary has either Direct or Indirect Interest over
Complainant or the Respondent. In such situation Council shall assign such duty to the Honorary
Assistant Secretary or any other Member as may be approved by Council.

9.3.4 Powers and Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee

(1) The Disciplinary Committee may take evidence on Oath or Affirmation or by way of an affidavit.

(2) The defending officer shall be entitled to cross examine any witness called by the Prosecutor
including the complainant.

(3) The prosecutor shall be entitled to cross examine the Respondent or any witness called on behalf
of the Respondent.

(4) The Complainant shall not be entitled to cross examine the Respondent or any witness called by
the prosecutor or by the defending officer.

(5) If the respondent does not appear or is un-represented at the inquiry, the committee shall have
the power to continue with the inquiry assisted by the prosecutor.

(6) Any decision by the three members of the Disciplinary Committee shall be determined by a
decision of the majority of such Committee.
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(7) The Disciplinary Committee may recommend to the Council to reprimand, suspend, dis-enrol
the respondent for a specific period of time as may be decided and as per the provision of the
Act or to exonerate and discharge the respondent.

9.3.5 Disciplinary Committee Report

The Disciplinary Committee Report of three members shall have the following:

(a) The schedule of dates, and times appointed for the hearing of the charges by the three members
of the Disciplinary Committee.

(b) Summary of evidence of each witness including the evidence of the complainant.

(c) Final determination of the three members of the Disciplinary Committee and recommendations
if any.

9.4 Determination by the Council

The Council upon receipt of the report of the three members of the Disciplinary Committee shall act as
specified below:

(1) If the three members of the Disciplinary Committee has found the Respondent guilty of all or any of
the charges made against him, shall make order as provided for in sub-section (3) of Section 8 of Law
No 1 of 1976 and as amended.

(2) If the three members of the Disciplinary Committee has found the Respondent not guilty of all charges
made against him, an order shall be made that the Respondent is exonerated from such charge or

(3) The decision of the Council shall be communicated to the Respondent with a copy to the complainant.
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10.1 Fees, Qualifying Examinations and Registration of Members

10.1.1 Entrance Fee, Subscription Fee for Institute Members:

(1) Entrance fees and Annual subscription fees for Corporate Members of the Institute shall be paid on or
before 30th November of the preceding year.

Corporate Member Entrance Fee Annual Subscription

Honorary Fellow Member Nil Nil

Fellow Member 5,000.00 7,000.00
Associate Member 3,000.00 For the first 3 years
Rs. 2,500.00
Thereafter and up to the age of
60 years Rs. 4,000.00

(2) Entrance fees and Annual subscription fees for Non-Corporate Members of the Institute shall be paid
on or before 30th November of preceding year.

Non - Corporate Member Entrance Fee Annual Subscription

Honorary Member Nil Nil

Registered Member 3,000.00 2,000.00
Graduate Member 2,000.00 1,000.00
Student Member 1,000.00 250.00

(3) From 60 years up to 70 years of age, the Annual subscription will be 50% of that stipulated in sub-
section 10.1.1(1).

(4) Members of 70 years of age and above are exempted from the payment of annual subscription.

(5) The Entrance fees and Annual subscription fees referred to in Item 1 & 2 are currently applicable and
such fees may be increased biennially by a maximum of 10% of the rate prevailing at that period of
time as may be decided by the recommended by the Council and decided by the General Membership.

(6) The above rates do not include any taxes or rates imposed by the Government.

10.1.2 Qualifying Conditions to become a Member of Institute -

Class of Member Qualifications

(1) Associate Member (A) Graduate Membership of SLIA

(B) SLIA Part III Examination with
a Viva Voce
(C) The Special Equating Assessment and a Viva Voce held by
SLIA for Registered Members of the Institute

(2) Graduate Member (A) Student Membership of SLIA

(B) SLIA Part I Examination followed by fifty two
weeks of experience as per Schedule 10.3.3
and qualifications as per Schedule 10.4.

(3) Student Member Person following a Course of Study in Architecture

as per Schedule 10.4 recognized by the Institute.
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10.1.3 Fees for ARB Registration and Annual Renewal-

(1) Annual Subscription and Fee for Registration as “Chartered Architect”, “Architect” and “Architectural

Registered Category Registration Fee Annual Renewal Fee

Chartered Architect 2,000.00 2,000.00

Architect 1,800.00 1,800.00
Architectural Licentiate 1,500.00 1,500.00

(2) The Entrance fees and Annual subscription fees referred to in Item 1 are currently applicable and such
fees may be increased biennially by a maximum of 10% of the rate prevailing at the time as may be
recommended by the Council & decided by the General Membership.

(3) The above rates do not include any taxes or rates imposed by the Government.

10.1.4 Late Fees –

(1) Late Fees (in addition to current annual subscription fees) payable by Members to restore their rights
and privileges.

Due period or Date Late Fees

Due date-30th November Nil

Extended Due date – 31st December Nil

Within three months from 30th November 20% of the Annual Subscription Fee
Three months to two years 50% of the Annual Subscription Fee
Over two years 100% of the Annual Subscription Fee and a readmission fee of Rupees Ten Thousand
(Rs. 10,000/-).

(2) The above rates do not include any taxes or rates imposed by the Government.

10.1.5 Annual Subscription & Fees for Practice Registration-

(1) Annual Subscription and Fee for Registration as a Practice

Registered Category Registration Fee Annual Renewal Fee

Individual Practice 1,000.00 250.00

Sole Proprietorship 1,000.00 500.00
Partnership 1,000.00 750.00
Limited Liability Company 1,000.00 1,000.00
Government Statutory Body 1,000.00 1,000.00

(2) The Entrance fees and Annual subscription fees referred to in Item 1 are currently applicable and such
fees may be increased biennially by a maximum of 10% of the rate prevailing at that period of time as
may be recommended by the Council & decided by the General Membership.

(3) The above rates do not include any taxes or rates imposed by the Government.
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10.1.6 Register of Members –

Register shall be maintained separately for, Associate Members, Fellow Members, Registered Members,
Graduate Members, and Student Members and shall contain the following information:

i. Membership Number
ii. Name
iii. National Identity Card Number
iv. Residential Address
v. Business Address
vi. Qualifications & Date
vii. Date of First SLIA Membership & Number

10.2 Register of the Architects Registration Board (ARB)

10.2.1 Register of Chartered Architects

i. Name
ii. National Identity Card Number
iii. Residential Address
iv. Business Address
v. Qualifications & Date
vi. Date of First ARB Registration & Number
vii. Date of First SLIA Membership & Number

10.2.2 Register of Architects

i. Name
ii. National Identity Card Number
iii. Residential Address
iv. Business Address
v. Qualifications & Date
vi. Date of First ARB Registration & Number

10.2.3 Register of Architectural Licentiate

i. Name
ii. National Identity Card Number
iii. Residential Address
iv. Business Address
v. Qualifications & Date
vi. Date of First ARB Registration & Number

10.3 Register of Practices & Trainer Practices

10.3.1 Register of Practices

i. Name of the Practice

ii. Business Address
iii. Mode of Business
iv. Business Registration Number
v. List of Principal, Partners or Directors
vi. Principals’, Partners’ or Directors’
SLIA Membership Numbers and ARB
Registration Numbers where applicable
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10.3.2 Scope of Practices

(1) Chartered Architects & Architects (CA & A)

- Chartered Architects & Architects shall be entitled to undertake any work within the Categories ‘A’,
‘B’, and ‘C’ described in Gazette Extraordinary No. 1597/8 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka, dated 17th April 2009 or as amended thereafter.

(2) Architectural Licentiates (AL)

- Architectural Licentiates shall be entitled to undertake any work within the Category ‘C’ described in
Gazette Extraordinary No. 1597/8 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, dated 17th April
2009 or as amended thereafter.

10.3.3 Register of Trainer Practices as approved by the Council

i. Name of the Practice

ii. Business Address
iii. Mode of Business
iv. Business Registration Number
v. List of Principal, Partners or Directors
vi. Principals’, Partners’ or Directors’
SLIA Membership Numbers and ARB Registration Numbers where applicable
vii. Trainer Category

10.3.4 Categorization of Trainers

(a) Category ‘A’ - A Practice eligible to train Part III students, as acceptable to the Institute.

(b) Category ‘B’ - A Practice eligible to train Part II students, as acceptable to the Institute.

(c) Category ‘C’ - A Practice eligible to train Part I students, as acceptable to the Institute.

10.3.5 Register of Other, Allied or Prescribed Professionals, Professional Institutions and Qualifications.

Recognized Other, Allied or Prescribed Professional Institutions and Qualifications shall be as specified by
the Professional Affairs Board from time to time and approved by Council Resolution.

10.4 Recognized Educational Institutions & Qualifications

Recognized Educational Institutions and Qualifications shall be as specified by the Board of Architectural Education
from time to time and approved by Council Resolution.

10.5 Schedule of Fee Scale & Scope of Services

The Council with the approval of the General Membership will revise the Professional Fee Scale and Scope of
Services from time to time.

10.6 Office Manuals and Guidelines for Practices

The Council in consultation with the General Membership shall prepare/revise the Office Manuals and Guidelines
for Practices from time to time.

10.7 Chapter Code

The Council shall prepare/revise the Chapter Codes from time to time and recommend to the General Membership
for Approval.

10.8 Standing Orders

The Council shall prepare/revise Standing Orders from time to time and inform the General Membership accordingly.



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