Psychological Assessment and Treatment Planning
Psychological Assessment and Treatment Planning
Psychological Assessment and Treatment Planning
Treatment Plan
Patient Date of Birth: _______ / _______ / _______ Age: __________ Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female
Marital Status: Ethnicity: Primary Language:
☐Single ☐Married ☐Caucasian ☐Native American ☐Black/African American ☐English
☐ Widowed ☐Divorced ☐Hispanic ☐Asian ☐Other: ______________ ☐Other: ______________
* Measure 128
If BMI ≤ 22 or ≥ 30: Reason if no BMI or intervention plan:
Body Mass Index #: ☐ referred to diet / behavior professional OR ☐ Patient refused Measure not appropriate:
_______________ ☐ intervention plan already in place measure ☐ Pt on hospice ☐ Pt is pregnant
BMI = mass(lb) / (height(in))² x 703
Medical Diagnosis:
Other Medications:
(D) Mood:
(E) Behavior:
* Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Psychological Assessment & Treatment Plan October 2015
P a g e 1|4
Psychological Assessment & Patient Name: ____________________________
Treatment Plan
* Measure 131
Pain Scale: Check applicable box:
☐ Patient reports no pain
☐ Patient referred for pain
☐ Current plan still in effect
Clinical Interview
* Measure 134
Depression Screening
Administer one of the following depression screening instruments: GDS (15 questions), GDS Short (5 questions), Cornell Depression Scale
Administered: Minutes to Admin Score: If no depression screen administered, provide reason:
☐ Yes ☐ No Geriatric Depression Scale - 15 questions
☐ Yes ☐ No Geriatric Depression Scale - 5 questions
(information reported below)
Diagnosis (ICD-10) Code and Full Description – (Provider must check the diagnosis which will be the focus of treatment)
TX DX Code Description
* Measure 106
DX is Major DEP DO? If Yes, check: ☐ Initial Episode ☐ Recurrent Episode ☐ Unspecified
☐ Yes ☐ No If Yes, rate severity: ☐ Mild ☐ Moderate ☐ Severe
Additional PQRS Measures
* Measure 226
Does patient ☐ No, no action to take
currently use ☐ Yes, patient counseled (3 minutes) for cessation
tobacco? ☐ Not asked due to: short life expectancy, medically incapacitated, no opportunity to use tobacco
* Measure 247
Does the patient have a diagnosis of If Yes,
Alcohol Abuse or Dependence? ☐ The patient was counseled regarding psychosocial and pharmacologic options
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ The patient was not counseled regarding psychosocial and pharmacologic options
* Measure 248
Does the patient have a diagnosis of If Yes,
Substance Abuse or Dependence? ☐ The patient was screened for depression
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ The patient was not screened for depression for medical reasons
☐ The patient was not screened for depression
Initial Treatment Plan
☐ Patient consents to and is able to participate in and benefit from treatment
☐ Care coordinated with social services or nursing staff
The initial program of treatment is estimated at _______ months unless modified during the course of therapy. A review of
progress will be conducted within four (4) months or after 20 sessions if ongoing treatment is necessary.
The patient will initially be seen _______ time(s) per week for _______ minute sessions.
Problem /
1 Symptom
Problem /
2 Symptom