BankNotes June 2022

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The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
June 2022

The Nelson Nash institute

Monthly Newsletter

Pay Cash Or Use a Policy Loan? IN THIS MONTH’S

by L. Carlos Lara ISSUE:
Individuals who own one or several dividend-paying Whole Life insurance
policies that are designed in the special way advocated by Nelson Nash’s Pay Cash Or Use a
Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) are often faced with a perplexing question Policy Loan?
and a decision they must make whenever the need arises to purchase or pay
for something.
It’s a puzzling dilemma because they have cash set aside (probably in a Becoming Your Own
conventional bank checking account) to make the purchase, but knowing Banker, Part IV Lesson 8
how an IBC policy works they hesitate, wondering if they might be better Equipment Financing
off purchasing the item using cash from a policy loan instead.The entirety
of their question can be worded something like this: “Should I pay for this
expenditure with the cash I already have sitting in my bank account, or should
I first put that cash in my IBC policy and then use the cash from a policy loan
to purchase the needed item?”
Since this is one of the most often asked questions by listeners of the Lara-
Murphy Show podcasts, readers of the LMR, and also by many attendees
at our IBC Seminars For The General Public, I thought that a stand-alone
article addressing this one topic in particular might prove beneficial for all of
us who practice IBC.
The more people discover and learn how these nifty cash flow instruments
work the more they want to know the full extent of their potential. So I am
not at all surprised to see this particular question come up so frequently.
Setting The Table For Our Discussion
Before going any further let’s make sure we all recognize some of the very
unique distinctions of the people asking this important question. As we have
already stated, these people have the cash available at their disposal. This
fact by itself tells us a lot about these inquirers. They are obviously not cash- 2957 Old Rocky Ridge Road
strapped individuals. These are people that have the ability to accumulate and Birmingham, Alabama 35243
BankNotes archives:
save money. That does not say that these people are necessarily wealthy, but
the cash they have in their possession speaks to their established discipline.
Plus, we can’t fail to notice that these people already own an IBC policy, Founder - R. Nelson Nash
which is yet another sign of an individual with elements of financial maturity. Editor - David Stearns
In observing these simple facts we can now consider their question in a

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
better light. The primary reason these people ask this using its money to give you the loan, and your cash
important question is because they already know that surrender value in the policy serves as the collateral.
the special calibration of their IBC policy (i.e. its
Now back to our central dilemma that is the focus of
special design) has the ability to produce more cash
this article, namely, people who must make a purchase
value, more dividends, and more death benefit every
and who have enough “cash in the bank” but also
time money is injected into the policy’s PUA Rider.
have a properly designed IBC policy: The essence of
So what these inquirers are really asking is if there are
the question is regarding the appropriateness of their
any special conditions or guidelines they should take
expenditure and also under what special circumstances
into account before deciding whether to use cash or a
should they first inject the available cash they have in
policy loan for their expenditure.
their bank account into their policy’s PUA Rider and
They also know, especially if they have implemented then use the cash from a policy loan to pay or purchase
their Whole Life insurance contract using one of our the wanted item. They want to know what superior
graduates found on the IBC Practitioner Finder https:// benefits, if any, they will receive using the policy loan, that a policy loan is still a method as opposed to simply paying with cash and
debt. Once that policy loan is taken, the policy owner not going into debt with the insurance company (by
now owes the debt to the life insurance company and it taking out a policy loan)? Even though ultimately this
carries with it a rolling interest charge. In other words, decision is left entirely to the discretion of the policy
these practitioners are well aware that there is no free owner, this inquiry really gets to the crux of the matter
money that comes with a policy loan. A loan is a loan, and why I consider it to be so relevant.
and until it’s paid off the insurance company holds a
security interest in the policy owner’s available cash Not All Expenditures Are The Same
value, limited, of course, to the amount of the loan There are several things to consider at the outset
and any accrued interest. before deciding whether to use cash or a policy loan,
At this point it’s worth emphasizing that when you the first of which is the nature of the expenditure
take out a policy loan, you are not taking money “out” itself. We should begin by asking ourselves if the
of your IBC Whole Life insurance policy. Rather, the expenditure we have in mind is a lifestyle “necessity,”
life insurance company is granting you a loan out a reduction of debt, or an investment. If it is any of
of its funds “on the side,” as it were, with your life these types of expenditures my personal preference is
insurance policy chugging along. (For purists, there is to use a policy loan after I have first put the cash in the
a complication of direct vs. indirect recognition, but PUA Rider of my policy, simply because these types
newcomers shouldn’t worry about that for my present of expenditures, given the mechanics of IBC policies,
point.) In this respect, it’s analogous to a mortgage serve to conserve and grow the wealth I already own.
on a house: When you borrow money “against the This wealth that I already own actually exists inside
property,” that act by itself doesn’t reduce the market and outside my IBC policy. So in effect the triggering
value of your house, and it doesn’t directly affect the of this wealth increase generated by the injection of
sale price of your house, as the real estate market goes the cash into my policy’s PUA Rider will partially
up or down. Of course, the equity you have in your offset the interest charges on the loan. But in certain
house takes into account the mortgage, because that situations (mostly in the future), the expenditures I
is a lien against your asset. In a similar fashion, even have selected to pay for using my policy loan will
though we casually sometimes may loosely speak of have the potential to completely offset the entire loan
“borrowing out of your IBC policy” or ask “how much balance when they are sold for a profit.
cash value do you have left in your policy,” make
Let me explain. Lifestyle necessities, as I see them,
sure you realize the underlying mechanics: When you
can be thought of as repairs, maintenance, and
take out a policy loan, the life insurance company is
replacement costs of facilities and infrastructures that

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
serve to increase my future production, and/or future working capital (the cash in our checking accounts).
revenue. Debt reductions serve to increase net worth. We should never forget that we are “banking” with
Investments appreciate and then can be sold for a these policies, which involves the full scope of
profit. Hence all three of those types of expenditures cash management and finance. Although a windfall
contribute to building my estate in the long run and is often thought of as a piece of unexpected good
are appropriate expenditures for using a policy loan. fortune, typically one that involves a large amount of
There are other reasons why this approach is superior money, sound money management can actually create
to using cash and I will cover them as we proceed windfalls. As IBC “bankers” we should manage our
deeper into our discussion. But just to clarify, I think money with expected windfalls in mind. In fact, all of
you know what I mean when I point to investments our efforts should strive to create windfalls and policy
and reduction of debt as good expenditure options loans can be used for that specific purpose.
for policy loans. But I should spell out once again For example: Let’s take the case of an expected, or
what I mean by a lifestyle necessity. There are a lot even an unexpected, family inheritance. This event
of things we can buy and spend money on, but not all can certainly be described as a windfall, actually more
expenditures have the same end result. like a gift from heaven—an expression of love in the
For example: A car that is used up and needs form of money from a deceased family member. A
replacing is, in my opinion, a lifestyle necessity. So bonanza such as this can take care of a lot of previous
is the replacement of a major home appliance that has money mistakes for some lucky person or family.
reached the end of its usable life such as a central heat Yet an IBC Practitioner, by the mere fact that he
and air unit in your home or office. Or, it could be the has taken out an insurance policy and has assigned
roof over your head, or any expense that can easily be a beneficiary to it, has already taken a very first
classified as an ongoing lifestyle essential that needs important step toward establishing an estate. If he or
fixing or replacing to keep it operational and help she now begins to take out policy loans in the manner
maintain the market value of its underlying asset that prescribed above, over time this privatized banking
can be sold at a profit or at least converted to cash. system will create living benefits for the policy owner
On the other hand, living expenses such as food, while alive, and an inheritance (windfall) for the
gasoline, utilities, clothing, and similar consumption beneficiary upon death.
costs are completely different types of expenditures. Keep in mind that what we are doing is practicing
They should be paid for with cash, not policy loans. IBC while “thinking long range” as Nelson Nash
Now there is certainly nothing in writing that says advocates. Also, with everything that I have stated up
you can’t use policy loans to pay for these types of to this point in our exploration, I have been addressing
bills, or any type expenditure of your choice. But if it to salaried individuals and managers of households.
you are truly attempting to manage your money well What I am trying to make clear is that when practicing
and grow an estate you should draw the line between IBC you must learn how to start thinking like a
certain expenses, especially between lifestyle business owner because, whether you realize this or
necessities that affect the growth and value of your not, an IBC policy has placed you squarely in the
estate and those that don’t. Otherwise you would managerial role of a business—a banking business.
wind up using your IBC policy as though it were an
Business owners reading this analysis are more
ATM machine practically every month, which is a
naturally inclined to understand the points I have made
gross misinterpretation of IBC.
thus far in this report in addition to understanding the
Windfalls value of creating windfalls because this is their modus
operandi. Business owners use business profits (after
Windfalls also play a major role when considering
taxes) to deliberately invest in hard assets that they
taking out policy loans versus paying with one’s base 3
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
hope to sell in the future at a profit. Since they generally
The third foundational characteristic of Whole Life
think of their business enterprise as their chief asset,is that no matter what amount of money you borrow
they tend to reinvest these profits into their businesses
from the life insurance company with the cash value
in order to increase their wealth and eventually sell serving as collateral, that very same amount of money
the business in the future—the final windfall. continues to earn interest, dividends, and a growing
In the meantime, and at great risk to themselves, death benefit in your policy for as long as you live
business owners will not hesitate to take out loans and and for as long as your policy remains in force. But
borrow from lines of credit from commercial banks in when additional cash is injected into the policy’s
order to create those windfalls. But once they become PUA Rider it grows even more and it grows even
their own bankers using IBC, policy loans take faster. For that reason all three of these elements of
a specially designed Whole Life policy when used in
preeminence over commercial bank loans.
combination make it the ideal financing system that
Space constraints prevent me from unpacking each every household and business owner should own.
of the steps business owners use to wean themselves
away from commercial banks using IBC, but for a Conclusion
complete treatment of how they make the switch, In this article we have examined all sides of a
please read our newest book co-authored by Nelson perplexing conundrum that IBC practitioners often
Nash and Robert Murphy, The Case for IBC. face, which is deciding whether or not they should
make a necessary expenditure with cash or with a
The Power of Whole Life
policy loan. In order to condense the thoughts in this
Let’s also not forget that dividend-paying Whole Life commentary into a final summary and answer this
not only has multi-dimensional benefits unlike any important question I am providing a personal case
other financial instrument, but it also has three very study for your consideration.
important characteristics that are foundational to this
particular discussion. Briefly summarized, the first of Several years ago I was confronted with having to
these is the legal right every policy owner has in his make a $25,000 expenditure. I had the cash sitting in
policy contract to take out policy loans so long as he my checking account, but as I began the process of
examining the nature of the expenditure and weighing
or she has cash value in the policy.
the options of paying for it with cash or using a
Second, although an outstanding policy loan rolls over policy loan I was suddenly struck with an amazing
at interest, you can pay the loan back on your own revelation. This spectacular insight came to me after
terms and schedule, or not at all, if you wish. This taking the time to calculate the actual costs of saving
is extraordinary! That kind of payment flexibility on just one dollar. If you have never done this analysis,
any kind of loans exists nowhere else in the financial you should. It’s a staggering amount! No wonder the
world, but obviously with that kind of freedom also savings rate for U.S. households is a mere 5% or less.
comes responsibility. With regards to this I have a This is definitely one powerful way to discover that
suggestion. My August 2017 LMR article, “An IBC the financial system is rigged and works against us.
Tax Strategy: Part III,” contains a thorough treatment I highly recommend this exercise in your decision-
of the most important discretionary guidelines on making.
policy loans that every policy owner should know.
The 2017 article is a great companion to this article First of all realize that every saved dollar is the
because it breaks down the functions of practicing “residual” of profit. This means that it is the money
IBC correctly and responsibly and will eliminate left over after paying taxes on it. But even before that
profit is earned you have to consider the total revenue
the worry of a 1099 surprise or the worry of the IBC
policy ever being underwater. https://infinitebanking. you first had to generate (in income or paychecks) and
then account for all the expenses you had to pay to

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
arrive at that profit (your taxable income). After you originally purchased using my IBC policy will create
calculate the numbers you finally wind up with the the necessary windfalls to pay off my policy loans. I
residual—the saved dollar. will want to pay off this loan and other loans because
Since everyone has their own tax bracket and their in doing so it will open up my credit lines, increase
own expense structures the calculations will vary my net worth and enhance my overall estate.
from person to person, but the numbers will alarm What happens if I die the day after executing this one
you and it will teach you a vital lesson. That lesson transaction? If we examine only this one financial
is that you should not easily let go of a saved dollar, move under the scenario of my premature death,
because that saved dollar cost you a whole heck of a the life insurance company would simply subtract
lot! In my case I have to generate $145,000 in revenue the $25,000 loan from the $50,000 death benefit
in order to be left with $25,000 free and clear after and my beneficiary (my spouse, in my case), would
taxes! That’s a lot of work. still receive a windfall of $25,000. She would not be
Realizing this, I moved my $25,000 savings into my shortchanged at all by my decision.
IBC policy and locked in my savings and their future Yes, I realize that at first glance it may first appear as
growth and then did not hesitate to request a $25,000 though I am playing fast and loose managing money
policy loan from my insurance carrier, which arrived in this way, but if you will simply do the math for
in a matter of a week. Since it’s a loan to me, it arrived yourself you too will discover why Nelson Nash says
expense and tax-free. What I gave up, however, for that this is the most peaceful way to live. And, you
the policy loan amount was a security interest in my will never have the need of a commercial bank ever
cash value to the extent of that loan. But my insurance again.
policy portfolio was kept intact and continued to
earn interest, dividends, and a growing death benefit
regardless. The lent money I used to purchase an
investment that I believe will yield a profit sometime
in the future—a sound expenditure.
When I moved the saved $25,000 that was originally
in my checking account into my IBC policy it was
injected directly into my PUA Rider, creating an Thirty Eighth in a monthly series of Nelson Nash’s
immediate increase in cash value, also in dividends, personally written Becoming Your Own Banker ©
and purchasing for me additional life insurance, all lessons. We will continue these lessons until we have
in one fell swoop. The additional increase boost in gone through the entire book.
cash value and dividends bought me approximately
Part IV, Lesson 8 Equipment Financing
$50,000, of additional death benefit in my policy.
(These increases will vary from person to person Content: Page 62, BECOMING YOUR OWN
depending on the age of the insured.) BANKER – The Infinite Banking Concept.
Of course, I now had a loan of $25,000 with a rolling Hopefully, you have thought of some ways to improve
interest charge, but the new assets generated partially the banking performance of the logger’s situation.
offset the interest charge. So long as I continue to Here’s another one – look at the cash value at his age
pay at least the interest on this loan each year I will 65 on page 62 – $3,518,411. Suppose that he sells
keep the loan from snowballing. So in effect I was his logging business to a young man that we will call
left managing an interest-only loan with absolutely no John. About the only value that such a business has
time pressures from the insurance company to pay off is the residual value of the equipment. But he says to
the indebtedness. The sale of assets in the future that I John, “You are a young man, John, just starting out in 5
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
the logging business. I logged all my life and, let me charge it more than normal price for the equipment
give you a word of advice. That equipment is going needed in that business.
to wear out and you are going to have to replace it at If he were to make dividend withdrawals to purchase
regular intervals. Let me finance it for you. I’ll give the equipment, he could, indeed, depreciate the cost
you a half-point under the market. Of course, I will of it, and have the captive customer advantage – but
make you buy C&C insurance to protect me against he would not have an interest deduction for income
loss. I can even handle that, too, and give you a better tax purposes. This factor makes it more profitable to
deal that you can get elsewhere.” use the loan and repayment method in such a case as
In fact, if he wishes, our man can get into the business this.
of financing anything that might come to his mind. This won’t work if he has an “S” corporation. That is
Just use your imagination. Suppose that he finds a not a different tax entity from him. If this presents a
very good deal on a piece of real estate. With the problem to you in your understanding of corporations
cash resources that he has he can negotiate a very then I suggest you read all of Robert Kiyosaki’s books
good price. All he has to do to get the cash is call his where he stresses the value of “C” corporations.
“gopher” at the insurance company and direct him to
send whatever is needed. The withdrawal of dividend credits method is much
easier to explain and easier to understand. Therefore,
You may have noticed that all the illustrations in the all the illustrations in the balance of the book will use
book are using dividend withdrawals to make the this method.
purchases of cars, etc. except this series on Equipment
Financing. To understand all this, turn to page 55 and Finally, look at the income stream of $92,000 per
study the circle with all the arrows again. Notice year on page 54. That income is not taxable until
there are two ways to introduce money into the pool he withdraws more than his cost basis of $160,000.
of money – one is by paying premiums and the other Now, go to page 62 and look at that stream of income
is by making loans and repaying greater interest than – $225,000. When does this become taxable? Same
the policy calls for. Pay very close attention at this answer – when his income total exceeds his cost basis.
point because it is extremely important – it doesn’t Next, look at his Cumulative Net Outlay at age 65. It
make all that much difference which method you use is $946,184. Now, subtract his original premiums for
to get money into the pool. In fact, it is slightly more the first four years ($160,000) from that number and
efficient to make dividend withdrawals for the major you have isolated the “interest” (it is really additional
purchases, like cars, and pay premiums that are equal premium) that he paid his policy to finance his
to, or larger than you would have to pay some finance equipment. This figure becomes part of his cost basis
company or bank. and he gets it all back tax-free at retirement time.
Then, why is the logger using policy loans to buy By now, I hope that you realize the figures you see as
the equipment and making loan repayments to the to yield in cash values, death benefits, and dividends
policy? Because he wants to own the bank (the are not “set in concrete.” They will vary with the
policy) personally. Then he can buy the equipment, economic conditions of the times. But the largest
personally, and lease the equipment to his “C” factor is how the policy owner understands what is
corporation, which is a “captive customer” just like going on and how he utilizes the resource. If he will
the example of the grocery store in Part I of this adopt all the suggestions to improve the performance
course. This strategy gives him an interest deduction that we have outlined in the last two lessons, then the
for the policy loans because he made the loan for figures you see on this illustration should be much
business purposes. He can depreciate the equipment larger. When you think all this through, I think that
over a fairly short period of time and recover his cost the figures should double! This completes Part IV.
in it. Lastly, he can lease to his captive company and We start Part V in the next lesson.

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022
Before you look for a practitioner, we suggest
listening to the following two episodes of The Lara
Murphy Report.

How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 1 How to

begin your study of Infinite Banking, including
finding an Authorized Practitioner.
The following financial professionals joined or
renewed their membership to our Authorized How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 2 How
Infinite Banking Concepts Practitioners team this to prepare for your first meeting with an Infinite
month: Banking Authorized Practitioner.
• Tom Suvansri, Stamford, Connecticut
• Bradley Raschke, Geneva, Illinois
• Ty Morgan, Tampa, Florida
• Edward Kimmel, Tallahassee, Florida
• Kayur Shah, Albuquerque, New Mexico
• Isis Palicio, Coral Gables, Florida
• Wayne Durksen, Warman, Saskatchewan
• Bryan Nelson, Laguna Niguel, California
• Mary Jo Irmen, Bismarck, North Dakota
• Ken Johnson, Lexington, South Carolina
• Gina Wells, Fenton, Michigan
• Nancy Versoza, Union City, California
• Jake Chesney, Atlanta, Georgia
• Vernon McCarty, Calgary, Alberta
• Susan Mancho, Jessup, Maryland
• Mark Mappa, Northbrook, Illinois
• Vivien Adao, Burbank, California
• Mike Ross, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
You can view the entire practitioner listing on our
website using the Practitioner Finder.
IBC Practitioner’s have completed the IBC Practitioner’s
Program and have passed the program exam to ensure
that they possess a solid foundation in the theory and
implementation of IBC, as well as an understanding
of Austrian economics and its unique insights into our
monetary and banking institutions.
The IBC Practitioner has a broad base of knowledge to
ensure a minimal level of competency in all of the areas a
financial professional needs, in order to adequately discuss
IBC with his or her clients. 7
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter June 2022

This online video series for the general public provides a

comprehensive introduction to the Infinite Banking Concept.

The first four modules are free, you can view them here:
The remaining eight modules are subscription-based, costing $49.95 for all eight.

Or contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.

Module 1: Introduction to the Nelson Nash Institute

Module 2: What the Infinite Banking Concept Is
Module 3, Part 1: How IBC Works
Module 3, Part 2: Policy Loans & The Nature of Collateral
Module 3, Part 3: How to Read a Policy Illustration
Module 4: Why Nelson Calls It The Infinite Banking Concept
Module 5: The Life Insurance Industry
Module 6: Why Not Buy Term and Invest the Difference?
Module 7: Using IBC to Pass Wealth to Future Generations
Module 8: The MEC Rule and Policy Design
Module 9: Does IBC Work for Older People?
Module 10, Part 1: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 10, Part 2: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 11, Part 1: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 11, Part 2: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 12: IBC as a Way of Life

Contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.


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