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Religion may refer to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and ISLAM. The Arabian Peninsula consists of countries that are
practices aimed at communicating or propitiating with predominantly Buddhist in character.
supernatural beings. Humans may recognize a
superhuman being controlling power (such as a god or MT. SINAI. God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac
spirit) that seeks worship and obedience from them. at Mount Hira.
Various theories have been formulated that try to explain
TRUE. The Analects and Dao De Jing are sacred texts in
the origin of religions. Religion may have originated in
Chinese religions.
response to human’s need to explain their dreams and
experiences as well as the need to understand the different TRUE. The Ganga is the holiest river for the Muslims.
forces of nature, especially so that humans may have faced
pain and ignorance in their daily struggle for existence in LEBANON. Saudi Arabia experienced a bloody civil war from
early times. 1975 to 1990 between Christians and Muslims.
While religions are frequently viewed as sets of ideals
practiced and followed by organized groups, spirituality TRUE. The Hindus believe in the trimurti or the three forms of
involves one’s integrative view of life that is more their god.
personal while affecting the human soul. TRUE. Bodhisattvas have gained spiritual enlightenment but
THEISM - a belief in the existence of one God viewed as the opted to postpone their entry to nirvana to assist other being in
creative source of the human race and the world. their path to salvation.
SPIRITUALITY - relating or affecting the human spirit or soul MOUNT HAKU. The holy mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji,
that is one’s personal integrative view on Mount Tate, and Mount Moriah.
MONOTHIESM - the belief that there is only one God who TRUE. Meritocracy became the basis of government officials
could have designed and created the universe. during the time of Confucius.
POLYTHEISM - the belief in many principal gods among TEMPLE MOUNT. The Dome of the Rock is located in Mount
whom no one is supreme. Ararat.
MONISM - the belief that there is no genuine distinction TRUE. The teachings of Confucius became the state religion
between God and the universe. during the Han Dynasty
ATHEISM - denial of the existence of God ZEN. Type of Buddhism that developed in Japan.
AGNOSTICISM - the belief that God's existence is unknown VARUNA. The Hindu god of water and celestial oceans
and unknowable. NEANDERTHALS. Prehistoric species of humans
RELIGION - an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and DHARMA. Term for the teachings of the Buddha
rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.
TERTULLIAN. Forwarded the idea of ‘three persons, one
WORLDWIDE - a collection of beliefs about life and the substance’.
universe held by people.
YAHWEH. A name given by the Hebrews to their god.
THEOLOGY - the systematic study of the existence and nature
of the divine MUHAMMAD. Considered as the “Seal of the Prophets”
ORIGIN OF WORLD RELIGION VARANASI. A pilgrimage site along the river Ganga
Religion is considered universal, and it can be found in all ISHMAEL. Believed to be the ancestor of the Arab people.
known contemporary societies.
The prophet and patriarch Abraham played a major role BAEKJE. One of the three kingdoms in Korea
in the establishment of three monotheistic religions,
namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF RELIGION
Religion is an essential part of Indian tradition as four Religion can be described as a double-edged sword: it can
main religions originated here, namely, Hinduism, have both positive and negative effects on society. It has
Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. played a very important role in the development of
Both Confucius and Laozi were followers of the Dao. The societies by integrating and stabilizing them; however, it
Confucian Dao principally concerns human affairs while has also created conflicts.
the Daoist Dao means the way the universe works. Some of its positive effects are: it promotes social
West Asia is home of three great religions, namely, solidarity; it is a source of moral values; it nurtures
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. positive goals in life; it gives people a sense of belonging;
Heat and water are major features of India’s ecological and it fosters social change.
setting. As a result, deities of sun, fire, and water are Some of religion’s negative effects include: it affirms social
venerated in India. hierarchy; it triggers conflicts and fights; it promotes
Chinese culture practically influenced all other nations at discrimination; it impedes scientific success and
its outskirts, including Japan and Korea. development; and it hinders the use of reason.
Monotheism or the belief in one god is an ancient idea that Some of the world’s atrocities and conflicts were caused
predated the establishment of Abrahamic religions. by religion such as the self-immolation of a Buddhist
The concept of dharma is integral in religions that monk in Vietnam; the practice of sati or widow burning in
emerged in India, most especially Hinduism and India; the Inquisition of the Catholic Church; and the
Buddhism. Godhra train incident in India.
Chinese belief system arrived in Japan and influenced the
local culture and the indigenous polytheistic religion DEVARAJA. Hindu concept of god-king
INDIANIZATION. The process of spreading Hindu-Buddhist
JAPAN. The term ‘Shinto’ came from two Indian words. influences from India to Southeast Asia
TRUE. The Hindu god of fire is Agni. MT. MERU. Place where the Hindu deities live according to
Hindu cosmology.
TRUE. Judaism has 48 prophets and seven prophetesses.
BABAYLANES OR CATALONES. Spiritual leaders in ancient The goal of every individual is to have eternal life of the
Philippine society who were mostly women. soul after death.
For those who have become good Christians, the reward is
BABRI MASJID Name of the mosque destroyed by Hindu eternal life in heaven; for those who lived a life full of sins,
activists in India. the punishment is eternal damnation in hell.
AYODHYA. Birthplace of Rama according to the Hindus TRUE. Christianity is considered the world’s largest religion.
STRAPPADO. A form of torture used during the Inquisition. CHRISTIANS. Followers of Christianity are called Catholics.
SATI. The Hindu practice of widow burning. 100 CE. Christianity started in the 2nd century CE in a land
called Palestine.
SELF-IMMOLATION. The killing of oneself as a sacrifice
US. According to a 2010 survey, Brazil is the country with the
TREPANNING. The ancient practice of boring holes in the
largest number of Christians in the world. ROMANS.
human skull
Christianity was born in an era when Palestine was colonized
JUDAISM by the Muslims.
The origin of the Jewish people and the beginning of CONSTANTINE I. Pontius Pilate was the first Roman
Judaism are recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew Emperor to convert to Christianity.
Bible, the Pentateuch.
FALSE. Martin Luther King formed a Christian sect named
Judaism has three notable founding figures or patriarchs,
Protestantism as a reaction to the abuses of the Catholic
namely, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These biblical
patriarchs are the physical and spiritual forebears of the
Jewish people. TRUE. Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity but remains a
Judaism is anchored upon God’s revelation to Abraham monotheistic religion.
that he is
the creator and ruler of the universe, and that he loves his SACRAMENTS OF HOLY ORDERS. The Sacrament of
creatures and demands righteousness from them. Confirmation is considered the continuation of Christ’s
The Jewish people have been called the “people of the priesthood which He passed on to His apostles.
Book” in reference to the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh or Mikra)
that is divided into three principal sections, namely the THE STORY OF CREATION. The Big Bang Theory narrates
Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. the origin of the universe and humanity according to the Bible.
Jewish beliefs and doctrines are manifested in the Articles
of Faith, in the Ten Commandments, and in the 613 LENT. Season in preparation for Easter
mitzvot or laws.
Jewish holidays are special days observed to PETER. Successor of Christ as head of the Church
commemorate key events in Jewish history and other
events that depict the special connections with the world, GREAT SCHISM. Split between Roman Catholicism and
such as creation, revelation, and redemption. These Greek
include Sabbath, Days of Awe, and pilgrimage festivals.
CREED. Basic beliefs
Synagogues are Jewish temples of worship, instruction,
and community fellowship. PENTECOST. Coming of the Holy Spirit on the early
At present, the three major denominations of Judaism are Christians
Reform, Orthodox, and Conservative Judaism.
TALMUD. The rabbinic interpretation of the sacred scriptures
PENITENSYA. Self-flagellation
RAMBAM. Philosopher who formulated the “13 Principles of
Faith” EUTHANISIA. Mercy killing
KOL NIDREI. Eve of the Day of Atonement ECUMENISM. Mutual understanding among all Christians
ANTI-SEMITISM. Form of discrimination against Jewish TRINITY. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
HEINRICH HIMMLER. The police chief of Adolf Hitler
during the Holocaust The most important scripture of Jewish The history of Islam is closely bound with the life story of
people. Muhammad who is recognized by the Muslims as the last
of the prophets.
TORAH. Nine-day feast which recreates the 40-year stay of The sacred writing of the Muslims is called Quran (or
Israelites in the desert Koran in English) that literally means “recitation” or
SUKKOT. Contains basic laws for self-understanding, origin The basic obligations of Muslims are called the Five Pillars
of mankind, and Yahweh’s creation story of Islam or arkan al-din and all Muslims believe and
accept the entirety of these obligations. The Five Pillars
PENTATEUCH. The denomination of Judaism that promotes
give structure and unity to all believers of the Islamic
women equality in synagogues and in being a rabbi
BITHIA. The pharaoh’s daughter who raised Moses The major denominations of Islam include Sunni, Shi’a,
and Sufi
TRUE. Muhammad ibn Abdullah worked as a camel driver
Christianity is one of the first monotheistic religions in the across the Arabian Peninsula.
world. It considers God as the creator and maintainer of
the universe—omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and 286. The longest surah has 268 ayahs.
PARCHMENT. Zayd ibn Thabit wrote on leather scraps, stone
The Bible is considered the sacred scripture of Christianity
pieces, ribs of palm leaves, shoulder blades of animals, and
and is the basis of the religion's teachings.
According to Christianity, since human beings are created
in the likeness of God, they are intrinsically good; but they TRUE. The zakat must be 2.5% of a person’s entire asset.
are also given free will, so they are considered prone to sin
and in need of grace. TRUE. Ritual washing or wudu is required before prayer.
TRUE. The Quran is binding, continuous and supreme. SUFI. 1. The Upanishads include fundamental teachings in Hinduism
Muslims whose concern mainly dwell for a mystical union such as karma (action), SAMSARA (reincarnation), moksha
with God belong to Sunni Islam. (nirvana), atman (soul), and Brahman (Absolute Almighty).
FIVE. According to figh, human behavior may be classified 2. Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion with around
into four categories. 15% of the entire population practicing the Hindu faith.
TRUE. Jihad means “effort” or “struggle” to convince 3. GITA is also known as the “layman’s Upanishad”.
unbelievers to pursue the Muslim way of life.
4. Brahma’s chief consort is SARASWATI, the goddess of
BEFORE MIDNIGHT. Salat is done before sunset, noon, mid- science and wisdom.
afternoon, after sunset, and after midnight.
5. The word yoga is derived from the root word YUJ which
HIJRA. known as the start of the Islam Calendar translates as “to yoke” or “to join”.
HADITH. traditional reports or sayings of Muhammad and 10. For all Hindus, there are four desirable goals of life or
his followers PURUSHARTHA
FALSE. The Ramayana contains 24000 verses in 6 books. 4 KHANDAS. mental and physical aggregates of the soul
TRUE. Vishnu is the god of love, benevolence, and STUPAS. commemorative monuments that contain sacred
forgiveness. relics
TRUE. Kocherii R. Narayanan is a dalit who became the tenth DUKKHA. Pali term for suffering or dissatisfaction
president of India from 1997 to 2002.
SANGHA. monks who share in the alms of the community
FALSE. Brahma is the founder of Hinduism.
MAHAVIHARA. monastery founded by Devanampiya Tissa
FALSE. The ‘Festival of Lights’ is held annually around
August or September
is; This arising, that arises; When this is not, that is not; This
TRUE. Those who practice Shaivism value self-discipline and ceasing, that ceases”
MARA. personified evil forces that torment the minds of
TRUE. The Vedas were passed down through written texts. humankind
MAHASAMGHIKA. Buddhist school which was the original BOOK OF CHANGES. I Ching
source of the Mahayana
THICH QUANG DUC. Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist
monk who voluntarily burned himself
BOOK OF POETRY. Shih-ching
TRIKAYA. pertains to the teaching about the nature of the
Buddha and reality 6. popular Buddha in China BOOK OF RITES. Li-ch
BODHICITTA. spontaneous desire to achieve the state of DAOISM
being enlightened.
Daoists believe that everything comes from the Dao.
SEVENTEEN POINT AGREEMENT. document that Human nature should be aligned with the rest of nature to
confirmed China’s authority over Tibet achieve harmony and balance. Self-cultivation should be
encouraged for people to return to the natural mode of
TENZIN GYATSO. leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan
Buddhism and is believed to be a reincarnation of
For some Daoists, spontaneity is the mode of being
experienced fully only by immortals; for most Daoists,
PURE LAND BUDDHISM. when believers die, it is their living a long and healthy life is their goal. They can
objective to live in Sukhavati. achieve this through practicing methods of nourishing life
by way of physical exercises designed to improve one’s
CONFUCIANISM health and lengthen life, breathing exercises, drinking
potions believed to lengthen life, etc.
Human nature is basically good, and this innate goodness Living in harmony with nature is the way of living with
can be further developed through self-cultivation and the Dao, which will lead to good health and long life (even
education. immortality for some) because there is a balance of yin
The goal of a person is to be a “gentleman” by following and yang, therefore the qi flows freely.
the moral way consisting of the virtues of love, Life and death are mere phases of the qi according to
righteousness, wisdom, propriety, and loyalty to promote Daoists. They are advised not to be afraid of death since
harmony in society. life and death are but phases of the circulation of the qi.
Ancestor worship is an important aspect of Confucianism; Thus, Daoist concept of salvation focuses on this life than
for Confucius believed that one way of achieving harmony in the afterlife.
in society was by way of performing the necessary rituals Daoists have no concept of heaven and hell as compared
which would bring reward (social order) or punishment to other religions. In their scriptures there were mentions
(social chaos) of heaven as the abode of their deities and life on earth
Since Confucius believed that the afterlife was not on the should be in harmony with the will of heaven. However,
realm of human comprehension, people should live based based on their concept of qi, heaven is achieved when one
achieves immortality and, if this is not possible, then long
life is enough. They have this concept that those who KAMI. Shinto is the Japanese word for spirits or deities.
achieve immortality reside in utopian places on earth,
such as forests and mountains. DEITY, SPIRIT, DIVINITY. Kami means “way of the spirits.”
ZHOU. A period known for the constant struggle for power, KOJIKI. Nihongi refers to the Ancient Records of Ancient
wealth, and prestige Matters.
CHINA. Place where Daoism began NIHON SHOKI/ NIHONGI. Kojiki refers to the Chronicles of
LAOZI. Old Master
TRUE. The Yamado clan was the ruling family who declared
SSU-MA CHIEN. Chinese historian who wrote a biography of Shinto as the national religion in the th century C.E.
the founder of Daoism in the Historical Records
TRUE. The Ise Shrine is considered as a controversial shrine in
YIN XI. Gatekeeper who requested the founder of Daoism to Japan.
write a book for him before leaving Han Ku Pass
MAHAYANA BUDDHISM. Zen Buddhism believes that all
DAODEJING. Title of the said book human beings are Buddha.
ACTION THROUGH INACTION. Wu-wei AMATERASU O-MI-KAMI. is the sun goddess according to
Japanese mythology.
HARAI. or exorcism is practiced in Shintoism to rid the body
PASSIVE FORCE. Yin of evil spirits.
ACTIVE FORCE. Yang MISOGI. or ablutions are practiced in Shintoism for
ABSENCE OF DESIRE. inaction in nature
MEDITATION. is important in Zen Buddhism for the
CONTENTMENT WITH WHAT IS. non-competition in
attainment of enlightenment.
KAMI. refers to spirits or deities in Shintoism.
For Shintoism, human beings need to ensure that they
continue to become part of the natural world, which is Religion is very significant not only in providing meaning
considered sacred; human nature is pure and in the to one’s life but also in regulating behavior of individuals
natural state of existence, and people need to continuously in society.
purify themselves through rituals so as to maintain this Focusing on the basic similarities of world religions will
purity. make people more tolerant of people of other faiths and
The goal of every human being is to become part of the will make them realize that their worldview is not
natural realm through purification rites. applicable to everyone else.
There is no clear-cut distinction between good and evil in Religion will continue to be relevant in the 21st century
Shintoism, but there are things which are associated with and beyond because if understood and used properly, it
impurity such as blood and death; thus, it is necessary to can help make the world a better place to live in
perform the appropriate rituals to purify oneself from
these things which are considered impure. RELIGION INSTILS VALUES. Provides people with a sense
As long as people worship the kami, they are protected of origin and destination.
and provided for by the kami; not performing the
necessary rituals that will appease the kami will certainly RELIGIOIN EXPLAINS HUMAN SUFFERING. Provides
not earn the favor of the spirits. people with explanation for their loss.
Living a healthy and bountiful life is more important than
RELIGION GIVES INNER PEACE. Lays down positive traits
the concept of what will happen in the afterlife; hence,
among adherents.
Shintoism prefers that people live a healthy and
prosperous life here on earth than be concerned with the RELIGION AFFECTS POLITICAL SYSTEM. Provides basis
afterlife. for leadership.
There is no clear concept of heaven and hell; there is
mention, however, of another world which is inhabited by RELIGION INFLUENCE ECONOMY. Affects the progress of
the kami; and there is another world connected to the a nation.
burial of the dead.
Shintoism is primarily concerned with humanity’s life on
earth than on the afterlife.