IITK Problem Statement 15june
IITK Problem Statement 15june
IITK Problem Statement 15june
Increase market awareness and adoption of BrainAlive AI’s FOCII Chrome Extension.
About BAAI:
BrainAlive AI (BAAI) is a multi-modality AI engine that uses raw interaction in the form of
vision, speech or biosignal to generate real-time user engagement analytics. It is an intent
and engagement analysis AI engine which helps to understand complex human behaviour to
interpret an individual’s emotions and thoughts, gain precise insights across various
industries: OTT, e-commerce, video conferencing, gaming etc. and make data driven
decisions for improved customer engagement and retention. It leverages artificial
intelligence, natural language processing, and computer vision along with state-of-the-art
neuro wearables to give these insights.
The Challenge:
The MVP of FOCII has been released with an aim to increase market awareness and
adoption. It is currently primarily available for YouTube, however it will soon be made
compatible with other social media channels, online meetings and OTT platforms. The
company has launched some campaigns in the recent past, the details of which can be
found on their blogs page and social media channels.
Submission Requirements:
Round 1: Your submission should include the following components:
Round 2: Top 10 teams should add the following in their submissions before the
presentation round:
Evaluation Criteria:
Submissions will be evaluated based on:
Material Kit:
● FOCII Chrome Extension: Link
● Website: BrainAlive AI | BAAI Rewards
● User Journey: Link
● Social Media: X Instagram
● Blogs: Link