ODEL Assignment 1

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CIM level 6 diploma in professional

Understanding ODEL’s
branding and through the use
of analytical data
December 2015 -


1. (B): role of marketing metrics’ in the context of marketing and the process of making marketing
decisions ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Role of marketing metric’s in the context of marketing ......................................................... 5
1.2 Role of marketing metric’s in the process of making marketing decisions .............................. 5
Marketing metrics models In ODEL’s decision making process (DMP) ...................... 5

1. (C): identifying key metrics for measuring brand and brand value ........................................................ 6
Brand development index (BDI) .................................................................................................... 6
Penetration .................................................................................................................................... 6
Brand equity ................................................................................................................................... 6
Loyalty......................................................................................................................... 7
Brand name awareness .............................................................................................. 7
Brand association’s ..................................................................................................... 7
Perceived brand values............................................................................................... 7
Brand premium............................................................................................................................... 7

1. (D): Utilization and the application of the metrics in understanding brand and brand value .............. 7


2. (A): different elements involved in measuring the value of a brand ................................................... 10

Financial applications for brand valuation ................................................................................... 10
Brand management .................................................................................................. 10
Strategic/business case development ...................................................................... 10
Finance ...................................................................................................................... 10
Power grid .................................................................................................................................... 10
ISO 10668 and brand valuation .................................................................................................... 10
Cost approach ........................................................................................................... 10
Income approach ...................................................................................................... 10
Market approach ...................................................................................................... 10

2. (B): relevant data for measuring ODEL’s brand value ........................................................................... 11

Primary research .......................................................................................................................... 12
Mystery shopping ..................................................................................................... 12
Questionnaires.......................................................................................................... 12
Surveys ...................................................................................................................... 12
Focus groups ............................................................................................................. 12
Secondary research ...................................................................................................................... 13
Central bank annual report....................................................................................... 13
Electronic data .......................................................................................................... 13

2. (C): marketing dashboards in presenting the results of the brand value metrics analyses in task 2.
(B) ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Product and portfolio management ............................................................................................. 14
Customer repeat purchase rate................................................................................ 14
Trial rates according to different customer segments ............................................. 15
Year over year growth rate ....................................................................................... 15
Sales force and channel management ......................................................................................... 15
Sales from ODEL’s main outlets ................................................................................ 15
ODEL’s revenue channels ......................................................................................... 15
December 2015 -

Customer profitability .................................................................................................................. 15

Retention and churn rates ........................................................................................ 15
Customer lifetime value ........................................................................................... 15
Advertising media and web metrics ............................................................................................. 15
Site traffic.................................................................................................................. 15
Ratings and reviews .................................................................................................. 15


3. (A): how the evaluation process of brand valuation assists ODEL in making future decisions ........... 17
Intellectual property (IP) portfolio management ......................................................................... 17
Brand extension ............................................................................................................................ 17
Strategic brand management ....................................................................................................... 17
Recommendations of future metrics that links towards brand valuation .............................................. 18
Sales pipeline .............................................................................................................. 18
Redemption rates ....................................................................................................... 18
Heavy usage index ...................................................................................................... 18
Cannibalization rate.................................................................................................... 18

3. (B): recommendations for a further range of relevant primary and/secondary research methods
which could assist in validating the overall brand value .......................................................................... 18
Primary research .......................................................................................................................... 18
Market experimentations........................................................................................... 19
Interviews ................................................................................................................... 20
Mechanical observations............................................................................................ 20
Secondary research ...................................................................................................................... 20
Information from local agencies and other sources .................................................. 20
Big data sources.......................................................................................................... 20
Educational institutions .............................................................................................. 20

3. (C): the benefits and challenges of using a metrics approach to branding .......................................... 21
Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 21
Challenges................................................................................................................... 22

Organization summary......................................................................................................................... 23
Reference and bibliography ............................................................................................................... 24
Annexures................................................................................................................................................ 25

December 2015 -


December 2015 -

The role of marketing metrics within ODEL is being utilized in quantitative planning and evaluations
that identifies opportunities, performances and outcomes in catering to market needs. According to
(amber, 2000) “the fundamental problem for measuring marketing performance is defining and
identifying both the best metrics and best practice.” Marketing metrics which deals with numerical
measures summarizes on how ODEL should operate by considering results of both external and internal
marketing metrics in measuring the performance on the level of innovation, by using a common
language in defining such metrics.
“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know
something about it; but when you cannot measure it... your knowledge is of a meager and
unsatisfactory kind:” (THOMSON., (1889)) Therefore measuring market productivity, through cataloging
existing data while identifying areas for further research increases the level of reliability, validity and
accountability of the solutions provided by ODEL in considering marketing metrics.

According to (sorger, 2013) the 5 benefits expected by ODEL in analyzing marketing Table 1
benefits How ODEL increases their marketing effectiveness Key performance
To drive Considering pre and post planning measures in targeting the relevant Ratio of marginal
revenue customer segments. keeping track with what other competitors offer revenue, Sales cycle
and finding out advanced methods to cater to the same customer length, Conversion
needs while obtaining a competitive advantage rate
To save identifying new technologies, concepts and methodologies that Profitability of assets,
money provides ODEL to specialize in its marketing activities which results in Capital productivity
improving profitability levels ratio
To persuade Persuading executives on new ideas and proposals on a balanced set Leadership index,
executives of information specifying current and future trends in the market. Personal trust rate
To encourage This factor promotes the experimentations done by ODEL in terms of Investments in
experimentat products to an existing or new market. encouraging experimentations research, No. of
ion results in building a brand strategy whereas ODEL should be prepared registered patents,
to make tradeoffs by considering various features of products
To reduce analyzing the internal environment in encouraging employee Efficiency of
internal developments, building strict processes and employing people with information systems,
politics clear ambitions helps ODEL to reduce their internal politics functional relationship

Marketing metrics models In ODEL’s decision making process (DMP)

“With increased transparency, accountability and corporate social responsibility, decisions based on
more rigorous and objective approaches are being demanded” (barry haynes, 2010). ODEL identifies the
progression of their decision making process in its new product development according to the 6
approaches recommended as components in decision making Table 2
components evaluation Key metrics Importan
ce given
Screening out Idea generations and the screening out process that considers Abandonment high
issues and relevant data on current issues in the key metrics. ODEL involves rate, Bounce
problems their customers and employees in the DMP by considering their rate, Share of
suggestions and responding towards the complains made. voice
Marketing Examining changes in the target markets in terms of trends, Conjoint high
strategy added services, alternative offering and behavioral patterns to utilities,
development get a broad idea on the pricing and distributional strategies. Penetration,
Concept Coming up with the best list of concepts which goes through Cannibalization Low

December 2015 -

development various experimentations and evaluations rate

Business Determining the return that could be gained in line with ODEL’s Price premium, medium
analysis future goals and objectives. Involves a review on the financial Return on
attractiveness by comparing the expected revenues against its investment,
costs in analyzing the level of profitability. profits
Implementati Placing the product in the market by overcoming drawbacks and Trial, Brand high
on limitations. This is the stage where ODEL conducts promotional equity,
activities to support the new product with various offers, Segment
advertising and campaigns to improve consumer awareness. utilities
Measuring Post evaluation methods used in monitoring and keeping track Repeat medium
effectiveness with the projected levels of revenue gained through customer volume,
adoption and market share effective reach
The internal structure of ODEL plays an important role in its decision making as per (brockman, 2009)
“making decisions can be complex because of the large amount of factors that influence the decision
making process” therefore taking measures and decisions rely on the functionality within ODEL and the
outcomes will be borne by all employees regardless of their position

ODEL which competes in a highly competitive industry in Sri Lanka identifies the importance of its brand
as it contributes more than 80% of its revenues. ODEL identifies following key metrics in measuring its
brand and brand value.
1. Brand development index (BDI) =this metric measures the sales strength of targeted customer
segments compared with its average performance. ODEL utilizes this metric in identifying the strength of
its customer segments
while categorizing them
into customer
demography, geography
and psychographic
ODEL targets the
customer segments that
provides the highest
contribution to its sales
that have being listed
under each customer
characteristics and
Figure: 1.C.1
responses made.
Source-marketing manager

2. penetration= penetration measures the popularity of the brand which enables ODEL to grow their
category users either through attracting more customers or by increasing their average consumer
budget spent for shopping. ODEL measures their penetration rates by consider the customers who
purchase their product categories of ladies ware, menswear and kids ware. As market penetration is one
of the growth strategies introduced by (ansoff) this provides ODEL the necessary information on
whether to continue with the current offering or to switch to another strategy which would require
ODEL to specialize in a new product or to cater to a new market

3. Brand equity= as per the brand equity model by ((Dibb, 2000)ODEL calculates its brand equity by
categorizing it into sub parts
3.1 -loyalty= the level of customer loyalty towards ODEL and the process of building strong
relationships. ODEL measures their customer loyalty through the net promoter score metric in analyzing
the Promoters (customers who value the atmosphere, convenience and the friendly environment)
Neutrals (middle aged, less image and fashionably conscious customers) whereas Detractors are the
customers who are not satisfied on how ODEL operates in terms of its products/ services

December 2015 -

3.2-brand name awareness=According to a

research done by ODEL after conducting a focus Top of the mind awareness (TOMA)
group of 35 individuals from each province the Western Southern Northern Eastern
level of brand awareness through media ODEL 12 2 - -
exposure is being measured. Therefore ODEL KELLY FELDER 11 4 - 5
had being able to dominate within the western DILLY & CARLO 9 3 - 7
province although rural areas shows a decline in NOLIMIT 3 14 15 10
the level of consumer awareness. FASHIONBUG - 12 20 13

3.3 -brand associations= ODEL measures this factor through the Net reach metric in analyzing Table 3
the level of reachability of ODEL’s communications with customers and the customer ability to make
contact with ODEL. The phone call interactions which is the main source of maintaining customer
contact indicates a high degree of inefficiency in
providing solutions this results in losing customer
confidence with regards to ODEL’s customer care

share of voice as cited by (paul w faris, 2010)

“quantifies the advertising “presence” of a brand,
campaign, or firm in relation to total advertising in
a market” ODEL identifies this metric to evaluate Figure: 1.C.2
the relative strength of the campaigns organized in Source-annual
relation to the impressions generated by customers report
through the ratings, reviews, feedbacks and
comments being posted

3.4 -perceived brand values=customer perception set by the value created by ODEL in catering their
customer needs and wants. This tool assists ODEL in understanding its brand value by measuring its
Customer lifetime value (CLV) in improving the relationships between the most profitable customers’ by
considering potential future incomes.

4. Brand premium= ODEL which mainly focuses on differentiating and creating value through high levels
of creativity, quality, and attention to detail adopts brand premium in building an image in the customer
mindset for an example customers willing to pay an additional more for apple products due to its
distinct and superior features Brand premium which is in line with premium pricing provides ODEL the
ability to exceed the benchmark price of competitor offering which central to marketing planning

With the intention of focusing more towards marketing effectiveness, (Deloitte, 2010 )introduced this
chain of marketing value. This concept studies the importance of measuring and being accountable that
supports businesses to drive growth by being focused on
marketing investments through a marketing approach. This
study underpins 4 quantitative benchmark frameworks that
tackle issues on marketing measurements.

-Marketing strategy=aligned with the co-operate vision and

strategies to ensure continuous improvements
-Marketing planning=taking decisions on past and current
information in reducing future uncertainties
-Marketing execution=controlling and screening out
inefficiencies internally and externally
-Post-execution and evaluation=measuring the effectiveness of
Figure: 1.D.1
various metrics and executing such investments
Value chain

December 2015 -

metrics Consideration Ratings

(how the metrics are applied in ODEL) (1-5)
Brand Targeting the customer segments by focusing more towards the consumer groups that 3
developme contribute the highest revenues to ODEL (refer figure: 1.C.1). Therefore the core
nt index segment would be the upper middle class and the middle class income earners aged
(BDI) between 25-35 who values the creativity products
Customer Informing prospective decisions made on projecting future cash inflows from customer 4
life time acquisitions while building strong customer relationships.
value (CLV)
penetration Measures the purchasing power of ODEL’s product category users who have purchased 2
an ODEL sub brand product during a time period of 2 years
Top of the Increasing the consumer awareness amongst the western and southern provinces in 2
mind becoming the market leader in commercial areas which will result in obtaining a
awareness competitive advantage for ODEL.
Net reach The response levels and the inter relationship between ODEL’s employees and 1
customers that measures the breadth of communications sped across a predefined
Net gauges the level of customer loyalty that correlates with revenue growth levels 5
promoter ,employee commitment and as a tool to maintain focus on ODEL’s internal culture this
score metric outweighs any statistical inferiorities
Brand Marinating premium price levels for over 80% of ODEL’s total products which mainly 5
premium includes on ladies casual and formal ware (cited in table 1). Therefore this metric is
utilized by ODEL to build tangible and intangible attributes based on product
sensuality, rareness, authenticity and quality levels that stands out from others
Share of Evaluating ODEL’s promotional tools in analyzing the effectiveness of advertising and 4
voice web media in capturing customer attention. ODEL applies this metric in achieving their
communication objectives targeting the year 2020.
Table 4
It is evident that ODEL pays more attention on the financial aspects rather than collaboration between
internal stakeholders, processes, technologies and external market and industry metrics that focuses on
c customer centric marketing activities (appendix table A)The following diagram shows the level of
application of above metrics utilized between ODEL’s internal departments
Departments accounts HR/personal products purchases Seles/marketing


As seen above most departments depend on financial assistance of metrics where as sales and
marketing provides an equal position of importance towards financial and non-financial metrics. This
variances between departments and the lack of a common denominator in expressing the consumer
perception has lead towards the Misalignment between marketing strategies and ODEL’s overall
corporate strategies

Giving equal importance to all types of metrics enables ODEL to have abroad picture of their market and
managing functions that results in measuring customer communication spending’s, distinguishing the
growth investments that tracks down the impact across segments and media channels in defining clear
roles and accountabilities between ODEL’s IT, business operations, divisional and visual merchandising
departments in understanding their strategic position upfront

December 2015 -


December 2015 -

Assessing the financial value of a brand provides a clear picture on how customers perceive a particular
brand by considering its features and associations. According to (interbrand) brand valuation is being
used to plan, build and monitor brand strategies over time, assess acquisitions or help with
investment/trade off decisions”
Different method used by practitioners in measuring the value of a brand

Financial applications for brand valuation (Interbrand)

As the global business community has widely accepted the importance and value of strong brands
Interbrand introduced financial applications for brand valuation which broadly categorizes in to 3 areas

Brand management=a strategic tool that brings together market, competitor and technological data
into a single value based methodology within which the performance of the brand is being assed. Areas
for improvement are identifies through diagnostic tools that analyses the brand strength and the role of
the brand in understanding factors internally and externally

Strategic/business case development=crating a business case for brand change by combining strategies
and analytics to determine the expected impact of brand investment therefore the case for such
investments could be made with language and data in order to persuade the senior management

Financial=the financial applications driven by a number of factors including (but not limited to) the
Increasing emphasis in investor communications and annual reports, Accounting standards on the
balance sheet valuations on brands and intangible assets and Brand related intellectual property
management(governance, tax purpose and royalty rates)

Power grid (Brand asset valuators)

This outlines the pillars of brand health which plots the brand strength against the brand position and
momentum in the market According to this model brand valuation is being measured by outlining the 4
characteristics of brand valuations such as energizing differentiation, relevance, consumer esteem and

ISO 10668 and brand valuation (BVR IP Management)

According to this study organizations should focus towards the 3 main approaches of brand valuation
such as cost, market and income analysis

Cost approach=the comparison performed between past expenditure and awareness campaigns of the
brand, based on the cost invested in building, duplicating or replacing the brand.

Income approach=identifying future economic benefits generated by a brand in comparison to the

required rate of return

Market approach =analyzing characteristics of customer behavior, supplier management, promotional

strategies and portfolio in identifying sales forecasts, budgeting and returns from marketing initiatives in
developing marketing plans that meet the appropriate criteria’s

in the context of marketing the recommended approaches by all 3 practitioners outlines the study of
attractiveness and the dynamics of market operations this could be illustrated in the marketing metrics
model ((Mcdonald and Mouncey)by outlining factors affecting market analysis
-corporate performance=captures goals and related metrics such as volume projections, year over year
growth, segment utilities and ROMI in discussing measures on marketing productivity

-Market segments=targeting customer groups in setting objectives on areas where the most value is
created in ODEL’s customer segmental revenues. Ensuring in retaining such target segments in
converting them to reference groups in improving awareness of positive word of mouth

December 2015 -

-Impact factors=this includes, quality and competitive advantage factors that prerequisites customer
needs in creating a value proposition and analyzing on competitor offerings that results in obtaining the
advantage of providing distinguished products

-Marketing and other actions=relationship between the marketing and other functions that are meeting
ODEL’s objectives of enhanced cross functional relationships in delivering value through the final

ODEL’s financial analysis of brand valuation looks into the monetary value of the brand which provides
the necessary information on significant premiums in mergers and acquisitions by considering assets as
acceptable securities and measures on the intellectual property of portfolio management.

Brand metrics which functions in all aspects of ODEL’s value generation is being centralized by adopting
the 4p’s of marketing in showing the how brand valuations affects their decisions made Table 5
Marketing How it assist ODEL in the decisions made
People Estimates performance of relative product categories of ODEL by understanding how a product
fits its customer needs. According to (paul w faris, 2010)product and portfolio metrics of ODEL
should address following questions on What volumes can ODEL expect from new products? How
will sales of existing products be affected by a new product? And finally will it result towards an
increase in brand equity?
Price The price elasticity of ODEL’s different product lines will be decided through an evaluation system
that records the Customer purchase rates and patterns in determining the level of price
sensitivity. As ODEL’s product life cycles shows the climax at a specific period of time (product
fads), pricing strategies would be decided on the margins allocated for channel factors and the
level of demand that would fluctuate according to various seasons in the year.
Place This describes how ODEL measures the adequacy and the effectiveness of the system provided
towards customers with reasons to buy ODEL’s products, therefore the related metrics provides
measures on the convenience, reachability and accessibility between ODEL and its customers in
completing purchases
promotions ODEL’s main objective of promotions which is to increase sales and profits is being used in
understanding customer behaviors while achieving their short and long term objectives in
determining market decisions. Such decisions will include the measurement of ODEL’s brand
dependence over their promotional activities, cost incurred in acquiring customers and their rate
of return, introduction of new SKUs in ODEL’s trade activities and to smooth production in
seasonal categories by inducing convenient customer purchases

Market information system (MKIS) which involves in gathering, analyzing and disseminating information
relevant in measuring ODEL’s brand value assists in making marketing decisions while managing
customer relationships in creating value. Table 6
MKIS description Customer touch points Rating
elements involved in the MKIS s (1-5)
political Government interferences that includes tax policies, trade tariffs Initial assessment, 2
and labor laws that affects ODEL’s value creation process Sales contact
Economic Economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation Identifying alternatives, 3
that impacts ODEL’s external operations. Fluctuations of above Initial assessment,
factors affects the supply chain and its processes in which the Learning & familiarizing
quality, cost and availability of resources will be determined
social Cultural and the demographic aspects of the population growth Decision process, 5
rates, age, gender, career attitudes and the emphasis on safety problem resolution,
fulfillment activity
technolo This includes activities such as research and developments, Additional information 4

December 2015 -

gy automations, technological incentives and the rate of change

environm Being conscious on the potential impacts of climate change by Evaluation, Identifying 3
ent introducing the “going green concept” in increasing ODEL’s & evaluation of
brand awareness through such campaigns. alternatives
legal Includes market discriminatory, consumer and employee laws Fulfillment activity 1
implemented by the government that affects the cost and
demand for products.
Determining the overall brand value by the usage of research methods involves in identifying different
aspects related to ODEL, such as consumer characteristic and behavior patterns, market place trends,
production processes and financial practices that helps ODEL to predict future market changes.

According to the data analysis strategy introduced by (hunter, 2003)ODEL’s data collection strategy is
conducted in the process of data collection, database management, data analysis and the final stage of
interference and the decisions made. Therefore the first stage of data collection is conducted by ODEL in
categorizing information into primary/secondary sources.

Primary research
Mystery shopping=defines customer characteristics possessed during different touch points of ODEL’s
customer journey by focusing towards special tasks such as asking questions, monitoring customer
service levels and providing a detailed report/feedback about their customer experience.

Questionnaires=the main reason for ODEL in conducting such questionnaires is that it provides
quantitative and qualitative responds by customers about their overall experience and does not require
as additional effort from the questioner in engaging with verbal interactions
According to the (cited in the appendix) the questionnaire conducted by ODEL and distributed
amongst their target customers, it was found out that 73% of total respondents were satisfied on their
experience as a whole which thus provides ODEL the relative benchmark in catering different customer

Surveys=getting feedback on the special features and attributes of ODEL’s new products by measuring
the feeling and the preferences of customers liking. This research tools therefore provides ODEL the
opportunity to translate market insights in to profitable strategies in finding out customer satisfaction.
According to a survey research conducted by ODEL in getting opinions from customers on their
preferences on ODEL’s NPD concepts, the majority responded by outlining concept 4 of customized
clothing which is identified to be more attractive and
results in gaining consumer attention.
Concept 1-a multifunctional jeans wear which could be
used as a short or as a jean and that can be worn both
Concept 2 -garments made out of batik and hand
loomed by locals.
Concept 3 -ladies garments made by recycled Plastic.
Concept 4 -customized clothing that provides customers
Figure: 2.B.1
to design their own t-shirts and shorts

Focus groups=this results in creating dialogue with a focus group less than 6 individuals in defining and
discovering current trends. This tool enables ODEL to identify customer preferences towards different
brands while provides an in-depth analysis on consumer suggestions to improve.

December 2015 -

Secondary research
Central bank annual report=focuses on the areas such as the development in the Sri Lankan economy,
challenges in monitory policy objectives and the level of financial stability.
Table 7
Data of the apparel industry in Sri Lanka 2012 2013 2014
Industry growth levels 3.2% 3.6% 3.5%
Exports 126,345,804,754 128,875,859,094 129,487,398,279
imports 21,743,948 18,394,938 22,189,734
Employment rates 3.21% 4.05% 3.92%
Total value of production 1,562,164,870,643 1,570,237,498,149 1,572,461,863,546
New competitor entrants (according to the size
of organization)
 Large 21 18 17
 Medium 38 41 42
 small 57 68 79

Electronic data=obtaining and exchanging data between companies operating in the same/different
industries through electronic communication methods. This enables ODEL to improve their accessibility
towards obtaining personalized data which could be directly applied in ODEL’s operations in
understanding statistics on customer loyalty levels and spending’s. Table 8
year No. of Avg. time Avg. spending customer purchases through
loyalty spent by a per Cash Debit /Credit card
cardholde customer customer(LKR) payments
rs (minutes)
2012 797 40-55 1,438 1,834,957,981 2,582,498,371
2013 951 35-45 1,687 1,639,479,873 2,578,327,466
2014 1,089 20-30 1,710 1,523,769,646 2,634,729,804

This information used to measure ODEL’S brand value is being explained through the market and
financial systems by correlates with the brand valuation elements mentioned in task 2. (A)
Table 9
Inform Brand Measurement How it assists in demonstrating the overall brand value
ation valuation tools
system elements
Brand Business/attitude Building brand capabilities that shows the degree in which ODEL
managem volume values their brands by considering user impressions, rich media
ent interactions and bounce rates in targeting the relevant market
Strategic Target marketing Planning how the brand is perceived in the market by developing
business good relationships with target customers
differentia Year over year Process of distinguishing contents, processes and products in
Market analysis

tion growth, trial and providing a greater range of coverage thus promotes the sense of
volume projection dominance
relevance Relevant product The specific feature of interchangeability and the ability to
& geographical substitute products by consumer based characteristics, price and
market intended use
esteem Customer Measures on what ODEL Is known for or its image that includes
prospect life time how much the brand ODEL is respected and what is it respected for
Brand Effective reach, transforming consumer beliefs into experiences which enhances
knowledg social media the value generated in improving consumer knowledge
e metrics,

December 2015 -

Cost Retention rates, Applies to the ability of ODEL to retain customers by increasing
approach their volumes of repeat purchases
net present value, Measures the present values of assets after accounting for the
lifetime value of money that shows the future cash inflows
Cost per customer The effectiveness of promotional tools in calculating the cost
acquisition incurred in acquiring a new customer and converting into an
Financial analysis

Sales force and The adequacy and the effectiveness of the systems that enables
channel customers with opportunities to purchase products metrics such as
management inventory turns, markdowns and sales force coverage is being used
to measure ODEL’s operational effectiveness
Income Return on An indicator of profitability that decides whether ODEL has being
approach sales(ROS) able to achieve their goals and objectives in the long-term
Internal rate of Compares to ODEL’s hurdle rates in identifying returns to justify the
return (IRR) projects initiated therefore ODEL’s policy of having a IRR greater
than 12% is being used as a benchmarking tools in terms of projects
Economic profit Determines whether the investments are being justified by the
profits earned in improving the coordination amongst channels

Marketing dashboards which are designed to present complex data influences ODEL’s management in
recognizing key patterns and trends. According to (paulwels, 2008) “marketing dashboards in the
calculation of the interconnected key performance metrics and underlining performance drivers that
reflect both short and long term interests to be viewed in common Table 10
Financial perspective Target actual Marketing perspective target actual
Cost per customer user bounce rates 13% 11.25%
acquisition(LKR) 500 522
Inventory turnover 26% 26.83% Rich media interactions 67% 69.08%
Sales force coverage 50% 58.36% User impressions
Return on marketing investment 8.7% 7.62%  Positive feedbacks 80% 65.21%
Internal rate of return 9% 9.36%  Followers/friends/sup
porters 5,000 3,750
Retention rates 70% 65%
 Likes/shares 275,000 322,000
Year over year growth 3% 2.63%

Product portfolio management

December 2015 -

Sales forces and channel management Customer profitability

Advertising media and web metrics

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December 2015 -

The main reasons that drives ODEL in investing in their brand includes in the objective of increasing
revenues, providing a public service, enhancing the market position and gaining access for market
opportunities. According to (www.absolutebrand.com) the brand valuation assigns a value to a brand in
using scenarios from marketing investments and thus provides an objective in the further decision
making process which includes the following applications of brand valuation.

Intellectual property (IP) portfolio management

IP which is a critical factor on ODEL’s success determines the process in which value is created by
identifying underutilized brands where value could be maximized. This enables ODEL in taking further
decisions on whether to invest, license, sell or use such brands as collateral for finance.

The evaluation process of competitor IP portfolios with the usage of brand metrics could be used by
ODEL in the decisions made as to their dominance established in the relevant market, direction of future
R & D activities and the contributions of license related activities. This determines on whether ODEL
should increase, remain or withdraw current offerings with regards to the other competing brands.

Brand extension
Adopting this strategy increases the leverage of ODEL’s brand equity which results in the long term
sustainability from its brand name. The extendibility of a brand which depends on the level of consumer
awareness that links to the brand value and goals provides the necessary information in launching new
products and the budget required in creating brand awareness.

According to (Tauber, 1981)the strategy used in brand extension identifies following brand related
decisions in
 Identifying extension cases on product developments with parent brand benefits in building the
core brand franchise by extending its reach.
 Cobranding arrangements to increase the number of premium customers in combining the
different aspects associated with the brand.
 Reducing the cost on new product developments that improves the chances of product success.

Strategic brand management

Building the inherent values of ODEL which is based on integrity, quality, and excellent communication
methods that assists ODEL in making future decisions by examining the different aspects of
segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) in developing suitable brand strategies. Table 11
ODEL’s (STP)strategies How in assists in making marketing decisions
Segmentation= “customers Positively relating towards customers segments in building an emotional
looking for a peaceful/relaxed loyalty towards the brand ODEL. This segmentation strategy therefore
environment to spend some identifies further positive and negative circumstances in determining barriers
quality time on shopping” that ODEL will have to face with regards to the changes in customer behavior.
Targeting=Youth in the middle Defining the target market in strengthening the brand’s effectiveness in
and higher income groups that capturing the customer groups that ODEL focuses on. Achieving this strategy
seeks products which are requires ODEL in considering many factors with regards to their valuation
unique, creative and are high process.
in quality.  The benefit gained by ODEL in promoting their products/services in
creating a need within customers
 The level of accessibility in reaching the target audience and
Identifying markets that fit ODEL’s criteria
Positioning =A place where Emphasizing and distinguishing features of ODEL (what it is, what it does and
customers can have a great how it does) in creating a suitable image. This strategy involves in ODEL’s
shopping experience with an future operations in understanding competitor positioning while comparing
excellent internal ambience ODEL’s offerings in identifying areas for differentiation and creating a value.
and customer service

December 2015 -

Sales pipeline= This brand valuation metrics which is identified to be important in ODEL’s operations
could be used to track down the customer purchase journey while calculating the value generated in
each stage which starts from customer interest creation to the post purchases . Table 12
Customer Linkage towards ODEL brand valuation
Interest creation building awareness while categorizing the target audience into cold and warm leads
Pre purchase identifying prospects of above mentioned leads in exploring product features and benefits
Purchase measures the sales personal efforts accomplished in customer persuasions
Post purchase the delivery, installation and aftersales service which is an ongoing commitment

Redemption rates=assessing the effectiveness of ODEL’s coupon distribution strategy that determines
whether customers are motivated in redeeming such coupons. As ODEL spends a considerable amount
of money on coupons and rebates calculating the effectiveness of such activities will benefit ODEL in,
 Providing important information about customers that enables ODEL in remarketing that
enables in product controlling and standardizing programs
 Serves as a focus point for promotions in increasing current sales and the perceptions of value
 Targets the price sensitive customers by offering lower priced products

Heavy usage index=As this index answers the question on “how heavily customers use the category of
ODEL products” this could be used to measure ODEL‘s customer loyalty towards a specific brand in their
product categories by measuring the average consumption levels.
This enables ODEL in identifying the source of volume and nature of product brands according to
their customer base which will result towards improving ODEL’s overall corporate image.

Cannibalization rate=this deals with the introduction of new products that measures the opportunity
cost of such investments. This provides ODEL the necessary information on launching new products by
grabbing the advantage of increasing the revenues from its existing product lines while reducing
competitor opportunities in new product developments.
Adopting this metrics benefits ODEL in obtaining information on how the product lines contribute
as a whole in deciding the overall profits with regards to the introduction of a new products.

The above 4 metrics recommended towards ODEL in evaluating brand value could be further justified by
comparing with the currently used metrics in identifying the similarities and differences which results in
providing a reliable measurements in accounting ODEL’s brand value. Table 13
metrics Metrics similarities Additional features
currently used
Sales Repeat -Involves in the customer purchase decisions -The hierarchy of effects
pipeline purchases, trial, -Forecasts sales in the short term that keeps focuses on the impact of
volume track on the potential customers channel management
Redemp Social media -Tracks down the effectiveness of awareness -Assesses the level of customer
tion customer programs initiates by measuring their level of involvement in promotional
rates metrics, profitability. activities.
Heavy BDI, bran -Measures the customer loyalty levels. -
usage penetration, -Explores the level of Category acceptance by
index customers.
cannibal Year over year -Usage of product strategies and planning in -Measures the level of
ization growth, brand portfolio management performance by comparing the
rates equity, segment -Focuses on customer knowledge with regard profitability of products
utilities to new product developments

December 2015 -

Table 14
Recommen Assistance in the validity of the overall brand value Criteria for Criteria for
ded quantitativ qualitative
research e research research
relia obje tran depe
bility ctivit sfera ndab
y bility ility
Market  Identifying consumer adoptions rates of new products  
and introduced by providing sampling opportunities.
experi  Finds out the reaction of the target customers by trying out
mentat new strategies.
ions  Limits its financial exposure in plugging into new markets.
Primary research

intervi  Helps in building assumptions and to generate ideas for 

ews further assessment.
 Providing a wide variety of interviews such as online
telephone and Delphi techniques.
 Useful in identifying external factors such as market sizing, B
to B brand preference and the brand position.
Mecha  Provides more effective and accurate data by the use of new 
nical technologies in observing the customer touch points.
observ  Could be used to monitor customer behavior preceding an
ation activity.
Inform  Obtains more practical data sources from industries which 
ation have gone through the similar market uncertainties.
from  Helps guide the focus on the data gained through primary
agenci research methods.
es  Recognizing factors beyond control the affects ODEL’s
Secondary research

profitability and growth rates.

Bid  Leads to more confident decision making that improves  
data ODEL’s operational efficiency.
sources  Processes large quantities of data which could be used and
applied in the business control.
Educati  Reports and journals that provides research findings on 
onal marketing effectiveness.
institut  Introducing different frameworks, models and theories in
ions measuring ODEL’s level accountability in business operations.
 Getting in-depth insights on consumer attitudes, beliefs,
lifestyle and purchasing patterns.

Market experimentations
Experimentations which play a vital part of ODEL’s product developments could be used to refine their
new offering by identifying key issues and by avoiding expensive mistakes.

Sampling and the usage of promotional tools such as buy one get one free, price cutoffs and
sweepstakes in conducting test marketing experimentations which could be used by ODEL to derive the
maximum benefits in their new product development campaigns. The outcomes of such experiments
could therefore be measured by the usage of metrics such as baseline sales, promotional fits and pass
through rates in evaluating the effectiveness of such experimentations.

December 2015 -

A qualitative research tool that gets the story behind a customer experience which pursues in-depth
information around a specific topic, which could be based on a current issue faced by ODEL in terms of
customer behavioral changes, issues in product functionality and market changes.

Mechanical observations
This social research technique involves in direct observations of customer behavior in their natural
setting. Usage of mechanical observation results in capturing events and market phenomena by using
following new technologies that could be used by ODEL in observing customers.
 Usage of security cameras in ODEL outlets in detecting customer purchase decisions in selecting,
comparing and evaluating products.
 Using optical scanners in identifying the volumes and types of products purchased which could
be used to monitor customer brand loyalty levels and turnover rates.
 Eye tracking analysis in measuring and evaluating the attention grabbed by ODEL
advertisements which provides ODEL the advantage of initiating more attractive and effective
promotional campaigns.

Information from local agencies and other sources

information gathered by trade unions, industry bodies, government agencies and local channels that
specializes in business consulting, market and industry statistics which include thorough , accurate and
updated information on market forecasts.

Local newspapers, magazines and libraries are some useful commercial information outlets that
maintain detailed information on the amounts of disposable incomes, economic trends inflation and
employment rates that could be useful to ODEL in making decisions.

Big data sources

This refers to the use of predictive analysis and advanced methods in extracting data through an online
platform. As this research method requires exceptional techniques in processing data, modern
technologies such as A/B testing, crowdsourcing, data fusion is being used in gathering data this
therefore benefits ODEL in gathering modernized solution that enables in becoming a customer oriented
business by gaining following advantages.

-Understanding and addressing customer interest=(as cited in figure 1.C.1) evolving customer interests
and addressing it appropriately in getting insights into customer behaviors and converting them into
ODEL’s list of revenues.

-Cost advantage with smart decision making=provides access to various customer purchase volume
metrics and measurement tools that leads towards actionable insights for far better decision making.

-Less infrastructure, less paper work and more innovations= enabling processes to become more
smarter, less time driven and more observant to detail that provides ODEL with new ways to drive areas
of knowledge and business insights that results in fostering innovation.

Educational institutions
Research conducted by faculty based projects, assignments and brainstorming techniques in finding a
conclusion to a specific problem. This provides ODEL with practical and reliable solutions to come up
with effective marketing campaigns by outlining the level of creativity by,
 collecting different viewpoints of data that provides the benefit in evolving effective outcomes
 Providing information free from personal bias by taking ideas and suggestions on an individual
basis that enables ODEL to look at the broader picture of an issue.

December 2015 -

Marketing metrics which is the process of “crunching numbers” and “knowing which numbers to
crunch” benefits ODEL, one of the leading players in the apparel industry of Sri Lanka to maintain their
fundamentals of data based marketing.

According to (huaser, 1998) “……..every metrics whether it is used explicitly to influence behavior, to
evaluate future strategies, or simply to take stock, will affect actions and decisions “This functions of
metrics in making decisions is being used by ODEL in their new product development (cited in table 2),
employee recruitments, promotions, pricing strategies and the management of sales force and

The 5 benefits of analyzing marketing (as shown in table 1) and the role of marketing with ODEL
therefore needs to be answering following questions introduced by the marketing global institute
(2011)in further identifying the benefits of a metrics approach in brand valuation. Table 15
Fundamental How ODEL answers them through the Benefits gained
business usage of metrics
Are we achieving ODEL’s goal’s which is divided into 1. Drives the strategy and direction of
our goals? marketing and corporate goals is being ODEL along with their goals.
achieved by the usage of financial metrics 2. Provides focus by efficiently
in developing marketing plans and rating managing employees in improving
various projects in meeting ODEL’s collaboration between departments.
appropriate goals.
How far are we Measures the gap between ODEL’s 1. Drives performance by making
from achieving targeted and actual goals while taking successful decisions against ODEL’s
them? action against such misalignments. The internal weaknesses.
necessary solutions for such inabilities in 2. Implementation of business
achieving goals will be answered through intelligence that helps ODEL in
the analysis of ODEL’s internal strengths making fact based decisions.
and weaknesses. 3. Provides a cross enterprise view in
evaluating the potential for
Are our activities The relevant tactics initiated by ODEL 1. Helps in ramping up productivity by
working? through promotions, employee incentives retaining and growing ODEL’s
and adding value to their existing products. customer base.
This will be monitored through a system
that utilizes metrics in measuring such
performances in comparison to the above
mentioned costs incurred.
Where have we Identifying the level of improvement or 1. Assessing marketing performance
being and where stagnation in business operations. This management practices through the
are we now? question on improvement is being ability of improving efficiency and
answered by the usage of metrics such as effectiveness within the market
year over year growth, return on sales, place.
market share and payback rates.
How can we Evaluating and identifying future 1. Optimizing campaigns for a greater
improve? opportunities to improve the returns from success by eliminating sources of
the investments made by quantifying the traffic.
value of products, customers, employees 2. Improving the employee carrier
and distributional channels by being progress in making sure that
accountable on ODEL’s financial employees are meeting their own
remittance. personal goals.
December 2015 -

The challenges posted by metrics which alone is not a panacea for improving marketing effectiveness
only provides an indication of evidence.

As per (paul w faris, 2010) “…..many metrics are complex and difficult to master. Some are highly
specialized and best suited for specific analyses. Many require data that maybe approximate,
incomplete, or unavailable” due to this numeric imperative of metrics most organizations have resulted
in not measuring important metrics and leads towards a blind situation in market analysis

Therefore according to a research finding by Deloitte consultancies it was found out that most
organizations does not conduct measurement activities and shows low level of accountabilities within

The reasons for such lower levels of accountabilities

within organizations is being indicated as to the
1. Lack of understanding amongst employees
as to the values of marketing.
2. A perception lacking the effectiveness of
3. The organizations inability to measure
marketing effectiveness.

Figure: 3.C.1
In the context of ODEL this similar situation of not considering all metrics in an equal Source-Deloitte Report
position whereas providing more weightage towards metrics such as net promoter
score, CLV and brand premium could be seen throughout this report.

(As cited in table 4) the variations for such metrics could be stated as follows by outlining the
limitations/challenges in the calculation of metrics.
 Forecast metrics=metrics based on forecasts such as projected sales which lack the level of
reliability and that some figures would not be realistic in market determinations. This will result
in providing wrong information while fails to meet the objectives set by such metrics.
 Variations of data=according to the numerical standards some metrics retain the limitation of
subjectivity. Metrics such as penetration and brand development index that stems from the vide
variations in the availability of data based on the changes in customer demographical and
geographical insights
 Lacks the Qualitative factors=as cited in (figure 1.C. 2)the net reach metrics of ODEL shows low
customer ratings on face to face interactions with ODEL’s customer service representatives.
Although this dissatisfaction of customers which is shown quantitatively, lacks the qualitative
aspect of how customers feel, their suggestions to improve current standards and getting to
know whether ODEL’s service is better/worse that other competitors.
 A broad concept=brand valuation which is based on customer perceptions, attitudes and the
level of image created by them towards the brand ODEL requires in measuring such intangible
aspects and providing it with a monetary value. This process of measuring ODEL’s brand
valuation is conducted by using various assumptions such as re- investments, industry, going
concern and the macroeconomic assumptions. Therefore this data attributed in ODEL’s decision
making will result in creating a perception within ODEL’s employees (as cited in figure 3. C.1) as
to a wastage of money and other resources utilized which after all does not result in increasing

December 2015 -

ODEL which focuses on retail garment trade is registered under the company’s act no 07 of 2007.Started
off by Otara Guanwardena who began selling merchandises from the boot of her car, the brand ODEL
has grown rapidly during the past years in becoming the first department store in Sri Lanka which
currently maintains over 15 successful lifestyle stores around the country.

Figure: 1.A.1

ODEL provides job opportunities to over 1000 employees either directly or indirectly
Table 16
Dresses Sarongs Boys clothing Bath linen Chocolate
Tops Shirts Girls’ clothing Cushion covers Exotic treats
T-shirts Pants Baby wear Candles Cupcakes
Jeans Cufflinks and tie pins Toys and games Table Linen and napkins Sweets
Skirts Accessories Books Candle stands Bistro boxes
ODEL which targets more towards the women’s population earns their highest revenues from ladies
ware products and out of that woman’s dresses, t-shirts and jeans tops the list

Values Committing to value diversity and

Figure: 1.A.2 at work unique contributions, by creating a
Source-annual working environment that respects
report individuality
Tagline Mind body and soul
Table 2
vision “To inspire the world”
Figure: 1.A.3 Source: ODEL web site

Table 17
competitors 2014 unit 2014 market 2013 unit 2013 market Year-over-year
shipments (000) share shipments (000) share change
KELLY FELDER 5,010 31.6% 1,830 17.0% 173.7%
ODEL 2,,880 16.9% 2,070 18.3% 39.1%
DILLY & CARLO 1,070 6.2% 1,660 15.7% -35.5%
NOLIMIT 800 5.5% 1,100 10.1% -27.2%
FASHIONBUG 890 5.8% 500 1.9% 78.0%
Others 5,500 34% 3,900 37% 41%
Total 16,150 100.0% 11,060 100.0% 46%

December 2015 -


Articles and journals

 amber, t. (2000). marketing metrics. business strategy review, 59-66.

 ansoff. (n.d.). product market growt strategy.
 barry haynes, n. n. (2010). Journal of Corporate Real Estate 13.2 . examining the building
selection decision-making process, 109-121.
 brockman, m. s. (2009). decision- making/reasoning skills.
 Deloitte, C. a. ( 2010 ). the deloitte marketing chain.
 emma k. macdonald, h. w. (2011). industrial marketing management. services and sollution
innovation, 671-682.
 huaser, j. a. (1998). metrics: you are what you measure. european management journal.
 hunter, R. b. (2003). MIKE data strategy.
 keller, k. l. (2003). the multimensionality of brand knowledge. journal of consumer research,
 paul w faris, n. t. (2010). marketin metrics.
 paulwels, k. e. (2008). dashboards and marketing. MSI working paper, 8-203.
 Wilson, M. D. (2011). industrial management.
 THOMSON., S. W. ( (1889)). popular lectures and addresses. Constitution Of Matter. London And
New York, Macmillan. 12Dagger. $2'. Science ns, 1891-94.
 Tauber, E. M. (1981). Brand Franchise Extension: New Product Benefits From Existing Brand
Names. Business Horizons 24.2, 36-41.


 www.absolutebrand.com. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 11, 2015, from

 ODEL sri lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved october 4, 2015, from odel.lk:
 central bank of Sri Lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved september 27, 2015, from
 census and statistics of sri lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved november 15, 2015, from
 customer champions. (n.d.). Retrieved november 3, 2015, from
 ODEL annual report 2013/2014. Retrived srptember 13, 2015 from
 brand asset valuator.com. (n.d.). Retrieved october 12, 2015, from
 BVR IP management. (n.d.). Retrieved september 2, 2015, from
 www.absolutebrand.com. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 11, 2015, from
 interbrand.com. (n.d.). Retrieved october 23, 2015, from

December 2015 -

Income statement Table A
note 2014(LKR) 2013(LKR) % change Margin of sales
s 2014 2013
revenue 1 4,591,712,273 4,532,970,378 1.29%

Cost of sales (2,832,682,264) (2,799,776,036) 1.17%

Gross profit 1,759,030,381 1,733,194,920 1.5% 38.31% 38.23%

Other operating 327,999,725 15,710,423 1387.83%


Distribution expenses (259,957,416) (231,367,378) 9.52%

Administration (1,472,594,836) (1,263,329,401)
expenses 2 16.54%

Operating profit (354,477,003) (254,207,334) 39.37%

Finance costs (120,118,850) (160,882,578) -25.38%

Finance income 4,812,600 83,934,637 -95.18%

Profit before tax 239,171,437 177,259,043 35.02%

Income tax expense 2,187,345 (64,903,373) 324.67%

Net Profit for the year 241,358,992 112,355,472 115.67% 5.24% 2.47%

Note 1- Revenue Table B

2013 (LKR) 2014(LKR) % change
Sub brand contribution
-EMBARK 27,932,850 24,437,844 -11.11%
-LUV SL 17,947,398 17,234,986
-BACKSTAGE 18,649,340 19,032,490 5.55%
-TARA 13,039,034 12,324,879 -7.41%
-online 2,047,612,037 2,174,682,427 6.20%
-retail 1,843,767,234 1,104,954,040 -7.27%
-bulk purchases 1,093,720,324 921,534,322 -15.36%
Product category
-ladies ware 1,743,784,329 1,162,352,437 9.02%
-gents ware 634,872,368 493,824,234 2.54%
-kids ware 1,436,512,432 1,421,547,077 1.20%
-Equipment & gift ware 884,723,464 832,146,476 0.34%
Note 2-Promotional expenses Table C
Promotional tools 2014(LKR) 2013(LKR)
actual budgeted actual budgeted
-TV & radio 115,743,470 118,321,238 117,231,472 120,372,377
-newspapers 94,328,438 92,032,732 93,036,872 90,138,479
-billboards 53,082,983 55,537,047 59,219,849 60,032,648

December 2015 -

Public relations
-health campaigns 112,276,382 112,067,238 113,890,034 115,021,940
-fashion shows 83,804,947 85,439,746 82,173,236 85,439,031
-carnivals 67,218,234 66,820,043 60,321,987 61,029,185
-sponsorships 65,724,404 65,000,304 65,583,843 56,031,485

Sales promotions
-discounts 48,243,238 50,321,225 55,348,120 56,238,381
-coupons 11,357,006 5,217,590 15,324,713 5,217,739
-contests 37,423,327 32,080,122 12,120,323 30,438,054
-premiums 4,822,758 5,283,485 5,927,007 4,270,832

Direct marketing
-catalogs 14,233,302 12,247,893 15,742,731 10,381,541

Ratio analysis Table D

Financial ratios objective actual target % of
Gross profit ratio Evaluates the operational performance by 38.31% 40% 1.69%
General profitability

showing relationships between gross profit and

sales revenues
Expense ratio Cost associated with mutual funds determined 40.31% 39% -1.31
through the operating expenses
Operating profit ratio Shows the effectiveness of ODEL’s 7.73% 10% 2.27%
management by comparing operating expenses
to net sales
Return on equity capital Measures the corporate profitability by 63.08% 63% -0.08%
Overall profitability

revealing how much profit ODEL generates with

the money shareholders have invested
Earnings per share The potion of profits allocated to each LKR LKR LKR
outstanding share of finance stock 482.05 500.0 17.95
Return on net capital Measures ODEL’s profitability and the efficiency 52.89% 50% -2.89%
employed in which its capital is employed
Current ratio Ability to pay short and long term obligations 2.71% 2.5% -0.21%
Test of

which shows the level of stability

Acid test of liquid ratio Provides information on ODEL’s liquidity and 6.03% 7% 0.07%
ability to meet its obligations
Stock turnover ratio How many times ODEL’s inventory is sold and 5.90 10 4.1
replaced over a period times times times
Efficiency ratios

Debtors of receivables Indicates the validity of depth collection that 24.17 26 1.83
of turnover ratio shows the debtors turnover ratio over a given times times times
period of time
Creditors or payables of Quantifies the rate at which ODEL pays off its 18.23 16.50 -1.73
turnover ratio suppliers times times times
Working capital Compares the depletion of marketing capital to 3.50% 3.% -0.50%
turnover ratio the generation of sales

December 2015 -

Questionnaire of ODEL’s brand valuation provides the relevance and esteem that the brand has in
comparison to the other brands in the market the following questionnaire of ODEL was initiated in the
year 2014 and was distributed amongst the urban areas of Sri Lanka targeting the customers aged
between 15-35 in getting to know what they know about ODEL, feel about the brand and are they aware
about ODEL’s various activities

ODEL’s sample customer questionnaire

Q1. What is your rating of the performance of ODEL as a clothing outlet?
a) good
b) excellent
c) satisfactory
d) average
e) poor

Please give reasons for the above response


Q2.wolud you recommend ODEL to your family members or friends?

a) yes
b) maybe
c) not sure
d) no
e) never

Q3.the frequency of you returning to shops at ODEL is

a) high
b) likely
c) unlikely

Q4.what is your rating of the customer service at ODEL?

a) Satisfied
b) Extremely satisfies
c) Fair
d) Dissatisfied
e) Extremely dissatisfies

Q5.the price range of products of ODEL is?

a) Exorbitant
b) Slightly high
c) Reasonable
d) Affordable low

Q6.does ODEL offer value for money?

a) Yes
b) No

Q7.list out the top 5 fashion outlets that you would think is innovative, provides unique products with a
wider variety of activity

Q8.are you a fashion conscious person?

Yes, very much
Yes to some extent

December 2015 -

Not very much

Not at all

Q9.what is fashion for you?


Q10.which brands (ODEL’s sub brands and other brands) do you consider is ideal for formal, casual and
sports ware
Sub brands Please tick Other brands Please tick


Q11. Rate the overall experience gained in visiting ODEL outlets and its online store (please tick)
ODEL outlets Online store
Extremely satisfied
Extremely dissatisfied

Q12. Suggestions and complains if any



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