Orientation Introduction
Orientation Introduction
Orientation Introduction
Orientation (1+0)
Introductionto Orientation In-Charge: Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma. Professor (Soil Science)-
eum-Program Director (HRD &Placement Centre), Did B.Se (Ag.) & M.Sc (Soil Science) from
CSKHPKV and Ph. D (Soil Science) from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
Seating place/ Contact details: Room No. 156 in Ground Floor of Department of Soil Science
Objectives of the course: To make students aware of
Purpose of education
Functioning of the university
| Importance of agricultural education
Scope of agricultural graduates for higher education and placement
Important academic rules and Examination/Grading system as per the Academic Regulations
of the university
Discipline & Professional ethics
Honours and Awards
Human rights
Latin word Educare. neans
Etymologically, the word "education" is derived from theat creating a sound mind
'to nourish' and to 'raise'. Education sims
Dring up . and development
which goes on
lt is essentially a process of growth
Ouna body.
throughout life. It commences at his/ her birth. out
individual and also to
draw his/her
Educalon helps good qualities in
to nourish an
Important definitions
with due
he agriculture refers to the scientific production of economic
plants & animals
iern produce for the wealth generation.
consideralion to processing and marketing of agricultural and
sciences in agriculture allea
Agricultural education comprises of basic and applied and protection:
plant production, improvement
Ctors. VIZ.. natural resource managennent: engineering: food technology; animal husbandry
scicnce: agricultural
home science: lood fisheries: agricultural marketing,
social sciences, land
and dairy science:
neding velerinary management (protected cultivation
hydroponics: acroponics and agri-business
Use planning. cultivation, sericulture, organic agriculture.
bec-kecping. tea
yaroponics. mushroom growing,
natural farming. etc) degrees, diplomas and
is a higher education academic Institution imparting
University the Vice-Chancellor.
certificates in different streams. It is headed by
which imparts education
in one major stream comprising of
is part of the university,
' College a
the concerned college
different subjects . It is headed by the Dean of It is headed
impart education in a particular subject.
Department is sub-part of the College to
Course: During thedegree programme. one has to study different subjects e.g. Soil
Agronomy. Entomology. Agricultural Engineering, etc. The segment of a subject (orSCience. unit
Instruction) to be covered in a given semester is known as a course. The course has a of|
umber. title, and eredit hours. The number comprises of three digits. 1st digit indicates number
the academic year, 2nd indicates the semester under of|
study and 3rd indicates the course number or
the subject under study.
Course Catalogue: List of approved courses for degree programme wherein a course is identified
with specific code and number giving contents and credit hours.
Grade Point: A value in 0 to 10.0
point scale. Total nmarks obtained by the student out of 100|
divided by ten. Expressed up to one decimal place.
Credit Points: Product of Credit hours and Grade point obtained by a student in a course.
| Grade Point Average (GPA); Total credit points obtained by the student in
end of each/any semester, divided various courses at the
is expressed on a 10.00
by the total credit hours taken by him/her in that semester and
point scale up-to two decimal places.
Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA): Cumulative credit points obtained by a student in all the
courses taken by him/her from the beginning of the first
semester divided by the total cred hours of all the
semester upto the end of the specitied|
courses which have been completed.
Expressed up-to second decimal place without rounding off.
|Per cent marks: Y = 10Z, where , Y = °% marks and Z = OGPA
Duration of Degree programmes: The normal duration is 8 semesters. The maximum time
for the completion of degreel programme shall be double the limit|
irrespective of duration of the normal period.
registered/unregistered/withdrawal senmester(s), including internship. Under no
Circumstances, the maximum duration shall be extended.
Credit load: Minimum credit load has No Limit. Max. Credit load is 25 credit hours
credits for NCC, NSS, Games & Sports. In genuine case, the Dean excluding
marginal adjustment of I credit hour over the credit load prescribed. Theconcerned may permit a
Vice-Chancellor, on the|
recommendation of the Dean concerned, may further permit a marginal adjustment of two credit
hours over the redit 1 allowed as above; and there shall not be any relaxation on account of|
granting extra credit hour under any circumstances.
There must be at-least 75 per cent of the lectures delivered and the practical
conducted tor appearing in theory and practical examination, respectively.
To be successful in a course. the student shall be required to obtain a minimum of|
40% marks in internal and external examinations separátely,but minimum of 50?% and
above in aggregate The credit points earned will be zero if the GP in a paper is less
than 5,0. Non-credit (NC) courses carry letter grades. These letter grades signity:
for satisfactory "US' for unsatisfactory.
OGPA:6.00 and above -First Division. and 5.50 - 5.99-Second Division.
Minimum OGPAfor qualifying B. Tech, B.Sc Agri. , B.Sc and Post-Graduate Degree is
5.5. 5.5. 5.0 and 6.5, respectively.
| Re-evaluation: If the student feels that his answer book of external examination (except of reexamination
Snot lairly evaluated, he/ she will apply for re-evaluation in Academic Form 29 (A) along with fee of Rs
TO00 per paper within the date specified in the Academic Calendar or notified separately. Fee once
deposited will not be returned. The Dean shall be the In-charge of the reevaluation work. Higher awards|
(it variation is within 15 %) among the marks given by the Second and First external examiner will be
finally considered. If variation is more than 15 %, the paper between the marks given by of the external
examination will be referred to the 3d examiner. Average of two higher awards will then be the final score.
Revaluation will be done within 30 days ofthe last date ofreceipt of re-evaluation application. Ifa student
applies both for re-evaluation and re-examination simultaneously, out of two results, the one which s
higher will be accepted.
Re-examination: If the student is awarded "F" grade in a course, where he has obtained at-least 4t0 %|
marks in the internal examination. he or she can then apply for re-examination in Academic Form 29
|(A) along with fee of Rs 1000 per paper within the date specified in the Academic Calender or notified
Separately. Fee once deposited will not be returned. Re-examination process is to be completed two
weeks before the mid-term examination of the next semester. The students will get provisional
in the next semester. The paper will be evaluated by the external examiner only. The student has
to earn the Degree within the double duration of the normal period of the degree.
All the undergraduate students shall register for NCCNSS activities of two credit hours per semester. In
order to earn one credit, a student will be required to participate in an activity for two hours in a week. A
student attending 75% of parades/periods shall be awarded 'S' (Satisfactory) grade.
Absence from lectures/tutorials, seminars, practicals, etc., on account of participation in University,
Inter-University, State, National or Inter-National meets or tournaments and cultural
competitions or the NCCNSS camps shall be ignored and, therefore, shall be deemed to be attended
for meeting the requirement.
Group/Mass absence from the classes shall be deemed as an act of indiscipline and shall entail a
fine as prescribed from time to time.
When the students are on token strike/strike/bandh/unity day, et., they will be marked absent in the|
class concerned and the lectures scheduled for the day would be deemed to have been delivered. The|
scholarship/stipend for the strike period shall be deducted. Absence for more than two days shall be
treated as strike.
Repeating of Course: A student who has passed a course but secured grade point less than 5.5 shall be
allowed to repeat that course with the prior permission of the concerned Dean.
A student who has failed in any course may register that course in forthcoming semester with the|
permission of the Dean. In case he has completed the attendance requirement earlier, he/she may not
attend the classes and shall be allowed to appear for the examinations.
Admission Number
The admission number allotted to the student shall consists of 4 components (A-|
2021-01-008): the first component indicating name of college, second
component year of admission, third component being the fixed code number
alotted to a degree programme in the University and fourth component the serian
course during 2nd and 3rd semester of his Degree
A student has obtained following marks in each TOta Total
EntemGrade Point Credlt
Credit Mid term points Credit polntsCredithours
econe sem
0 10 40
30 4
1+2 20
30 30
3+1 20 10 40
2+2 10 10 35
2+0 30 30
ird semester
12 12 40
22 (P) 32 14
34 34
22.5 12.5 40
2+2 10.5 11 37.5
15.0 24.5 30
calculate his OCPA and percentage of
18 credit hours in lst semester,
If he has obtained 7.50 CPA after studying
marks till date.