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Molecules 26 02096 v2
The Annealing of Acetylated Potato Starch with Various
Substitution Degrees
Tomasz Zi˛eba 1 , Aleksandra Wilczak 2 , Justyna Kobryń 3 , Witold Musiał 3 , Małgorzata Kapelko-Żeberska 1, * ,
Artur Gryszkin 1 and Marta Meisel 1
1 Department of Food Storage and Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science,
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Chełmońskiego 37, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland; (T.Z.); (A.G.); (M.M.)
2 Department of Physico-Chemistry of Microorganisms, University of Wroclaw, Przybyszewskiego 63-77,
51-148 Wrocław, Poland;
3 Department and Chair of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics, Wrocław Medical University, Borowska 211A,
50-556 Wrocław, Poland; (J.K.); (W.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-71-320-7765
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of “annealing” acetylated potato starch with a
homogenous granule size and various degrees of substitution on the thermal pasting characteristics
(DSC), resistance to amylases, rheology of the prepared pastes, swelling power and dynamics of drug
release. A fraction of large granules was separated from native starch with the sedimentation method
and acetylated with various doses of acetic anhydride (6.5, 13.0 or 26.0 26 cm3 /100 g starch). The
starch acetates were then annealed at slightly lower temperatures than their pasting temperatures.
The annealing process caused an almost twofold increase in the resistance to amylolysis and a
threefold increase in the swelling power of the modified starch preparations. The heat of phase
Citation: Zi˛eba, T.; Wilczak, A.;
transition decreased almost two times and the range of starch pasting temperatures over two times,
Kobryń, J.; Musiał, W.;
but the pasting temperature itself increased by ca. 10 ◦ C. The 40 g/100 g addition of the modified
Kapelko-Żeberska, M.; Gryszkin, A.;
starch preparation decreased the rate of drug release from a hydrogel by ca. one-fourth compared to
Meisel, M. The Annealing of
Acetylated Potato Starch with Various
the control sample.
Substitution Degrees. Molecules 2021,
26, 2096. Keywords: annealing; acetylation; starch particle size distribution
Figure1.1. Particle
Figure Particlesize
native starch
starch (NS)
(NS) andand starch
starch with
with homogenous
homogenous fraction
fraction sizesize
determined usingaalaser
particle size
size diffraction
diffraction analyzer
analyzer (LSD).
The meangranule
granule diameter
diameter of the
of the non-homogenized
non-homogenized starch,starch, expressed
expressed as the volu-
as the volumet-
ric diameter D[4,3], reached 42.3 µm, and that measured after separating small granules
metric diameter D[4,3], reached 42.3 μm, and that measured after separating small gran-
reached 61.7 µm. In the present study, the acetylation of large starch granules with var-
ules reached 61.7 μm. In the present study, the acetylation of large starch granules with
ious doses of acetic acid anhydride resulted in the production of starch acetates which
various doses of acetic acid anhydride resulted in the production of starch acetates
differed significantly in the degree of substitution and, consequently, in the initial pasting
which differed significantly in the degree of substitution and, consequently, in the initial
temperatures (Table 1).
pasting temperatures (Table 1).
Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 12
acetylated starch LSD = 0.04
acetylated and annealed starch
initial temperature of pasting [oC]
6.5 13 26
anhydride dose [mL]
Figure 2. Initial temperature of pasting of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and
Figure 2. Initial temperature of pasting of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and
annealed starch.
annealed starch.
Molecules 2021, 26,26,
2021, x xFOR
REVIEW 4 of 1212
4 of
Molecules 2021, 26, 2096 4 of 11
80 acetylated starch LSD = 0.02
acetylated starch LSD = 0.02
acetylated and annealed starch
acetylated and annealed starch
6.5 13 26
6.5 anhydride13
dose [mL] 26
anhydride dose [mL]
Figure 3. End temperature of pasting of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and
Figure 3. End temperature of pasting of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and
Figure 3. End
annealed temperature of pasting of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and
annealed starch.
annealed starch.
acetylated starch LSD = 0.07
acetylated and annealed starch
acetylated starch LSD = 0.07
acetylated and annealed starch
heat of phase transition [J/g]
heat of phase transition [J/g]
6.5 13 26
0 anhydride dose [mL]
6.5 13 26
Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12
shear stress [Pa]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
shear rate [1/s]
Figure5.5.Flow curves
Flow of starch
curves pastes
of starch prepared
pastes from acetylated
prepared starch and
from acetylated from and
starch acetylated and
from acetylated and
thermally-annealed starch.
resistance of of
starch acetylated
starch withwith
acetylated various dosesdoses
various of acetic acid anhydride
of acetic to
acid anhydride to
amylolysis increased from a few to dozen per cents along with an increasing
amylolysis increased from a few to dozen per cents along with an increasing DS of starch DS of
6). The6).annealing
The annealing
causedcaused ca. a twofold
ca. a twofold increase
increase in resistance.
in starch starch re- Starch
sistance. Starch acetylation contributes to its partial resistance to
acetylation contributes to its partial resistance to amylolysis [24] because amylolysis [24] because
the attached
the attached ester groups hamper enzyme’s access to the bond being
ester groups hamper enzyme’s access to the bond being hydrolyzed [25]. Hydrothermal hydrolyzed [25].
Hydrothermal modifications, like e.g., heat-moisture treatment (HMT)
modifications, like e.g., heat-moisture treatment (HMT) or annealing, also increase or annealing, also the
increase the content of resistant starch in a starch granule [26–29]. The earlier described
content of resistant starch in a starch granule [26–29]. The earlier described interactions
interactions of amylose and amylopectin impair the enzymatic hydrolysis [4,30,31].
of amylose and amylopectin impair the enzymatic hydrolysis [4,30,31]. Starch resistance
Starch resistance can also be increased by the elution of amylolysis-susceptible low-
can also be increased by the elution of amylolysis-susceptible low-molecular-weight chains
molecular-weight chains from the amorphous region of starch granules, which leads to
an the amorphous
increased content of region of starch
the resistant granules,
fractions which
in a starch leads to an increased content of the
resistant fractions in a starch granule.
The annealing of native starch induces changes in its swelling powers. Trends and
magnitude of these changes depend on the botanical origin of starch and process param-
eters [32–35]. The heating of large granules of acetylated starch at temperatures below
its pasting temperature led to ca. a threefold increase in the practical swelling power of
the modified preparations (Figure 7). Values of this parameter increased along with an
increasing acetylation degree of the double-modified starch preparations. This increase
could have been due to a higher number of acetyl groups incorporated into the starch chain,
which decreased the strength of binding between starch molecules, thereby increasing their
swelling power [35,36]. An additional factor that increased the swelling power of the starch
preparations could have been the homogenized granule size of starch. The simultaneous
swelling during heating in water and the release of low-molecular-weight chains from all
starch granules increase granules’ porosity [37] and, consequently, the swelling power of
the modified preparation.
Molecules 2021,
Molecules 26,26,
2021, x FOR
2096 PEER REVIEW 6 of611
of 12
6.5 13 26
acetylated dose
starch [mL] LSD = 1.11
acetylated and annealed starch
25 6. Resistance to amylolysis of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and an-
nealed starch.
The annealing of native starch induces changes in its swelling powers. Trends and
resistance [g/100g]
magnitude of these changes depend on the botanical origin of starch and process pa-
[32–35]. The heating of large granules of acetylated starch at temperatures be-
low its pasting temperature led to ca. a threefold increase in the practical swelling power
of the
10 modified preparations (Figure 7). Values of this parameter increased along with
an increasing acetylation degree of the double-modified starch preparations. This in-
could have been due to a higher number of acetyl groups incorporated into the
starch chain, which decreased the strength of binding between starch molecules, thereby
increasing their swelling power [35,36]. An additional factor that increased the swelling
power of the starch 6.5
preparations could13 have been the homogenized 26
granule size of
starch. The simultaneous swellinganhydride during heating in water and the release of low-
dose [mL]
molecular-weight chains from all starch granules increase granules’ porosity [37] and,
Figure 6. Resistance to amylolysis of preparations of acetylated starch and of acetylated and an-
Figure thetoswelling
6. Resistance power
amylolysis of the modified
of preparations preparation.
of acetylated starch and of acetylated and an-
nealed starch.
nealed starch.
The annealing of native starch induces changes in its swelling powers.
acetylated starch LSD = 0.09 Trends and
acetylated and annealed starch
magnitude of these changes depend on the botanical origin of starch and process pa-
[32–35]. The heating of large granules of acetylated starch at temperatures be-
low its pasting temperature led to ca. a threefold increase in the practical swelling power
of the modified preparations (Figure 7). Values of this parameter increased along with
practical swelling power [g/g]
5 7. Practical swelling power of acetylated and of acetylated and annealed starch preparations.
Figure 7. Practical swelling power of acetylated and of acetylated and annealed starch prepara-
tions. The modified properties of annealed acetylated starch prompted us to perform a
practical swelling power [g/g]
pilot experiment to identify possibilities of the practical application of starch preparations
modified in this way. Many authors work on bioderivative polymers used in the controlled
3 delivery [35]. Figure 8 presents the dynamics of a model drug release from a hydrogel
containing modified starch. The 20 g/100 g addition of the modified starch preparation 6
a relatively small change in the drug release dynamics compared to the gel produced
without starch. At the first stage of the process, differences in the amount of extracted
drug were negligible, whereas after 420 min–the difference reached 5.2 g/100 g compared
to1 the control sample. Significantly greater differences were observed for the hydrogel
produced with 40 g/100 g addition of the modified starch. As soon as after 30 min, the
0 in drug extraction rate was 26.2 g/100 g compared to the control hydrogel
6.5 13 26
(H0) and maintained at a similar level until the end of the experiment, to finally reach
anhydride dose [mL]
27.5 g/100 g after 420 min. Results of this pilot experiment allowed us to conclude that
Figure 7. Practical swelling power of acetylated and of acetylated and annealed starch prepara-
amount of extracted drug were negligible, whereas after 420 min–the difference reached
5.2 g/100 g compared to the control sample. Significantly greater differences were ob-
served for the hydrogel produced with 40 g/100 g addition of the modified starch. As
soon as after 30 min, the difference in drug extraction rate was 26.2 g/100 g compared to
Molecules 2021, 26, 2096
the control hydrogel (H0) and maintained at a similar level until the end of the experi- 7 of 11
ment, to finally reach 27.5 g/100 g after 420 min. Results of this pilot experiment allowed
us to conclude that the use of modified starch can enable developing new formulations
usecontrolled local
of modified drug
starch candelivery. This will, however,
enable developing require further
new formulations specializedlocal
for the controlled re-
drug delivery. This will, however, require further specialized research.
released amount [%]
starch addition [%]
0 H20
20 H40
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
time [min]
modified starch.
using a Stratos flow centrifuge (Heraeus, Sepatech, Germany), then air-dried at 30 ◦ C for
24 h, ground in a mortar, and sieved through a screen with mesh size of 400 µm.
3.5. Determination of the Flow Curves of Pastes Made of Starch Preparations Using a Haake
Oscillating-Rotating Viscosimeter
Analyses were carried out using an RS 6000 oscillating-rotating viscosimeter Haake
(Karlsruhe, Germany) for 5 g/100 g starch suspensions that were heated at 96 ◦ C for 30 min
under continuous stirring [41].
Flow curves were plotted for the pastes at a measurement temperature of 50 ◦ C and
shear rate of 1–300 s−1 . A hot paste was placed in a system of coaxial cylinders (Z38AL
type) of an RS 6000 rheometer, then cooled, and relaxed at the measurement temperature
for 15 min. The flow curves plotted were described using the following equations:
Oswald de Waele:
τ = K × γn (1)
τ = τ0C 0.5 + (ηC × γ)0.5 (2)
where: τ–shear stress (Pa), K–consistency coefficient (Pa·sn), γ–shear rate (s−1 ), n–flow
index, τ0C –yield point (Pa), ηc –Casson’s plastic viscosity (Pa·s).
3.8. Determination of the Dynamics of Model Drug Release from a Hydrogel with the Addition of a
Modified Starch Preparation
These analyses were conducted with starch acetylated using the basic dose of acetic
acid anhydride (13 mL/100 g starch) and annealed. Selected modified starch batches
(20 g/100 g or 40 g/100 g) were used to produce hydrogels with 1.5 g/100 g of polyacrylate
crosspolymer 11 (PC-11, Aristoflex Velvet, Clariant, Muttenz, Switzerland) as the vehicle,
and with 12 g/100 g of a dense extract of chestnut seeds (extractum spissum hippocastani,
EH, WZZ Herbapol SA, Wrocław, Poland) as the model drug. The formulation contained
water was the completive component. The hydrogels shortened, respectively, as H20 and
H40 were used to evaluate the drug release from formulations containing modified starch.
Hydrogel of the same composition, containing water instead of starch, was established as
the control–H0. The release study for the selected modified starch batches was performed
acc. to the pharmacopoeial method with extraction cells, and purified water applied as
a dissolution medium (Drug Dissolution Tester Erweka GmbH DT 700, Heusenstamm,
Germany) [Ph. Eur. 9.0, 20903 (01/2016)]. The released drug amount was assessed via
spectrophotometry (Spectrophotometer UV/VIS Jasco V-530, Tokyo, Japan) according to
the available bibliography [42,43].
4. Conclusions
The annealing of large granules of acetylated starch caused an increase in pasting
temperatures, starch resistance to amylolysis and swelling power, but also a decrease in
the heat of modified starch pasting. The magnitude of the observed changes depended
on starch acetylation degree. The viscosity of pastes made from double-modified starch
was determined mainly by the degree of starch acetylation. The annealing of starch with a
lower DS caused an increase, whereas that of starch with the highest DS caused a decrease
in the viscosity of the pastes. The 40% addition of modified starch decreased the rate of
drug release from the hydrogel by 25% compared to the control sample. This promising
discovery deserves in-depth investigations to identify its potential applicability in the
pharmaceutical industry.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.Z. and W.M.; methodology, A.W. and J.K.; software,
A.G.; validation, M.K.Z.; formal analysis, J.K.; investigation, M.K.Z.; resources, M.M.; data curation,
A.G.; writing—original draft preparation, T.Z.; writing—review and editing, W.M.; visualization,
A.W.; supervision, A.G.; project administration, M.K.Z.; funding acquisition, A.W. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Molecules 2021, 26, 2096 10 of 11
Funding: The publication is co-financed under the Leading Research Groups support project from
the subsidy increased for the period 2020–2025 in the amount of 2% of the subsidy referred to Art.
387 (3) of the Law of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science, obtained in 2019. This research
was funded by Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, under the research project Potential
of application a distillery wastewater from the production of apple brandy for the production of
naturally modified starches (UNIOS-ZUP 2018-26).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data is contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are not available from the authors.
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