Performance Study of The Al Hoceima Seawater Desal

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E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024)

ICCR 2023

Performance Study of the Al Hoceima Seawater Desalination

Iman Aoueryagel1,*, Nihade Bensitel2, Faiza Chaouket1, Ihssane Raissouni1, Iman Es-Smiri1, Dounia Bouchta1
1Materials engineering and sustainable energy, Tetouan faculty of science, Morocco
Laboratory LSIA, ENSAH, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco.

Abstract. The growing demand for freshwater, amplified by climate change, can lead to variations in
precipitation patterns and cause more frequent and severe droughts, reinforcing the need for seawater
desalination to meet these growing needs. Seawater desalination has become a vital solution in many
countries, notably Morocco, which has launched an ambitious program to install seawater desalination
plants using the reverse osmosis technique in semi-arid zones. The AL HOCEIMA seawater desalination
plant came on stream in June 2020. To keep the plant running smoothly and assess the efficiencyof all its
operational processes, operating indicators for each treatment process were monitored and compared with
expected performance. The results of the evaluation showed that the plant is performing well in terms of
producing dimenarilated water by reverse osmosis, and this is due to the adequate pre- treatment adopted
by the plant. However, optimizing the remineralization of desalinated water still poses a problem in terms
of alkalinity and hardness. Treated water always has an aggressive, corrosive character.
Keywords: Evaluation; Reverse osmosis; Performance; Desalination; Water.

tracking the performance indicators of each process

and comparing them to the expected objectives.
1 Introduction *
Ensuring access to drinking water is one of the key 2 Materials and methods
challenges for the decades to come[1], and its
management has become a critical concern on a global
scale[2]. Consequently, a significant and substantial 2.1 Presentation of the study area
increase in the demand for desalination has been
The AL HOCEIMA seawater desalination plant is
observed[3]. This increase contributes to ensuring a
located 8km southeast of the town of AL HOCEIMA
sustainable water supply and reducing water scarcity in
on a coastal site near the SFIHA beach in the AJDIR
order to meet the growing demand for freshwater[4].
commune, with a surface area of 3. 2ha (land
The Al Hoceima seawater desalination plant holds a
expropriated on behalf of ONEE HOCEIMA on a
significant position in the northern region of Morocco
coastal site near SFIHA beach in the AJDIR
along the Mediterranean coast. Located in the Tanger-
municipality with a surface area of 3.2ha (land
Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, it has the capacity to
expropriated on behalf of ONEE water branch).
produce up to 17,280 m3/day of fresh water through
Moreover, a drinking water capacity of 200 l/s or
the principle of reverse osmosis[5]. This production
17280 m3/day. The position is indicated in Fig.1.
capacity addresses the essential needs for drinking
water in the region, which are vital for the local
population and economic activities.[6] The plant is
equipped with several water treatment facilities,
including sand filters, cartridge filters, and reverse
osmosis membranes. Seawater undergoes pretreatment
before entering the reverse osmosis membranes, where
it undergoes a filtration process that removes ions and
dissolved salts. The resulting water is further treated to Fig.1. geographical location of the desalination plant.
eliminate organic and inorganic contaminants before
being stored in tanks for distribution to consumers.
Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate and examine the 2.2 Sampling and physicochemical analysis of
various parameters of the plant’s units. treated water
The aim of this study is to evaluate the overall
Collecting a water sample is a delicate procedure
efficiency of the operational processes at the station by
requiring great care and precaution [7]
Samples were taken from the treated water and
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E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024) ICCR’2
ICCR 2023

saturator tank units in 2.5L bottles, at a frequency of 4 Figure 2 shows that raw water turbidity decreases
months (February to May 2023). after each filtration process. The turbidity values
The methods described by Rodier et al [8] were recorded for the feed water range from 0.11 to 0.39
used to perform physicochemical analyses, namely NTU, which are then reduced to around 0.09 and 0.22
turbidity (NTU), total alkalimetric titre (TAC) and NTU after the water has passed through the sand filter
hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), layers.
total hardness (TH), sulfate (SO 2-), chloride (Cl-) and
dissolved oxygen.

2.3 Calculation of reverse osmosis membrane

operating parameters

To measure the performance of a reverse osmosis

system, it is necessary to measure the following
operating parameters:
− Flow rate: QA = QP + QC [9]
− Salt passage rate: %𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 = × 100 [10]

− Salt rejection rate:

𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 = 1 − 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 = (1 − ) × 100 [11] Fig. 3. The average turbidity values before and after each
pre-treatment process.
− Conversion rate: 𝑌𝑌𝑌𝑌 = × 100 [12]
𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 According to Figure 3, the average turbidity value
With: recorded after sand filtration is 0.138 NTU and 0.126
CP: the salt concentration of the permeate; NTU after cartridge microfiltration
CA: the salt concentration of the feed water. The turbidity values recorded during the monitoring
period do not exceed the maximum turbidity limits
recommended by the plant (0.3 NTU) in order to avoid
3 Results and discussion fouling, which reduces the operating efficiency and
service life of the membrane.
The colloid retention rate of the pre-treatment stage
3.1 Pre-treatment performance evaluation
is 47.05%. The best turbidity removal was achieved by
In order to evaluate the performance of the sand filtration, with a percentage of 42.01% compared
pretreatment chain, it is therefore necessary to monitor to raw water. Cartridge filters reduced turbidity by
the efficiency of the pretreatment processes (sand 8.69% compared with filtered water.
filtration and cartridge microfiltration) in removing In fact, the parameter that best indicates the
suspended solids. To this end, turbidity levels at the performance of cartridge filters is the Silt Density
inlet and outlet of each filtration process were Index, which assesses the potential for clogging of the
monitored. reverse osmosis feed water membrane. However, due
to the lack of a measuring device, this parameter was
not monitored.
3.2 Turbidity monitoring Turbidity analysis results generally show good feed
water quality in terms of suspended solids (0.23 NTU),
The turbidity of the water entering and leaving the sand
thanks to the plant's indirect water intake via coastal
and cartridge filters was measured during the study
boreholes. These allow pre-filtration of the seawater
period, and the results are presented in Figure 2.
through the sand layers, so turbidity values at the plant
inlet are very low. As a result, the efficiency of the pre-
treatment processes in eliminating turbidity is not very
remarkable, which justifies the low suspended matter
retention rate (47.05%) of the pre-treatment processes.

3.3 Performance evaluation of reverse

osmosis units

Reverse osmosis unit performance is assessed by

monitoring the main operating parameters: normalized
permeate flow rate, normalized salt passage rate, and
pressure drop.
This reflects the condition of the membranes and
Fig. 2. turbidity variation in raw, filtered, and micro-filtered
informs on the efficiency of their treatment. The
evolution of these parameters since the first start-up of

E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024) ICCR’2
ICCR 2023

the plant has been monitored for both SKIDS of the Fig. 7. Evolution of normalized passage rate for SKID B.
reverse osmosis unit. Plant operating data for the Compared with the reference value of 350 m3/h
reverse osmosis system from the first plant start-up (value recorded on the first day of start-up), normalized
(January 2020) to the present day were examined to permeate flow has decreased by 37% since the plant's
assess membrane performance. first start-up.
The second operating parameter monitored during
3.4 Normalized permeate flow this study is the normalized throughput rate.
The two figures below show the evolution of the
Figures 4 and 5 show the evolution of normalized normalized throughput rate from the first day of plant
permeate flow for SKID A and SKID B from the start-up to the present day.
plant's first start-up to the present day. In the same way as the normalized permeate flow,
the normalized passage rate was less stable and
decreased during the first period of operation (before
April 2021), and became more stable at a value of
around 0.25% after this period for both SKIDS.

3.5 Pressure drop

The pressure drop indicates the resistance to water flow
through the reverse osmosis membranes. According to
the recommendations of the study plant's membrane
Fig. 4. Evolution of normalized permeate flow for SKID. supplier, the membrane elements must be taken offline
and chemically cleaned when the pressure differential
(∆P) exceeds 3.8 bar.
The evolution of the pressure drop over the two
years of plant operation for the two production trains is
shown in figures 8 and 9.

Fig. 5. Evolution of normalized permeate flow for SKID B.

Fig. 8. Evolution of pressure drop for SKID A.

Fig. 6. Evolution of normalized passage rate for SKID A.

Tracking the evolution of normalized permeate
flow since plant start-up has indicated that there are
two distinct operating trends for the two production
trains. From the initial start-up to April 2021,
normalized permeate flow was highly erratic. After
April 2021, the data become more stable at a value of
around 220 m3/h.

Fig. 9. Evolution of pressure drop for SKID B.

The two figures show that the pressure drop across
the reverse osmosis membranes was stable at around 1
bar over the two years the plant was in operation.
This result shows that the plant has a pressure drop
that does not exceed the maximum permissible limit
(3.8 bar) for both production lines.

E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024) ICCR’2
ICCR 2023

In fact, the variation in the operating parameters of Ideally, the saturator should be used to produce
the reverse osmosis unit for the first period of operation quality limewater with a practical titration of 170 to
is due to technical problems linked to the lack of 220 °F TAC, a pH of over 12.30, and a turbidity of less
calibration of the continuous measurement than 20 NTU, to ensure that the final distributed water
instrumentation. As a result, the calculated values of has a turbidity of no more than 0.5 NTU.
the operating parameters were incorrect. Consequently, In order to examine the performance of this system,
these values cannot be used to assess the performance the operating parameters of the saturator were
and condition of the reverse osmosis membranes. monitored: pH, TAC, and turbidity. Figures 10, 11, and
The values for normalized permeate flow, 12 show the variation in pH, turbidity, and TAC,
normalized flow rate, and pressure drop recorded in the respectively.
second operating period, after calibration of the
measuring equipment, are more stable. This generally
means that the membranes are running smoothly and
there is no clogging of any kind.
In order to evaluate the performance of the reverse
osmosis system, physicochemical analysis of the water
at various stages of treatment is carried out. The results
of these analyses are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Physicochemical characteristics of osmosis water.
Raw Pre- treated Osmosis
Parameters unit
water water water
Water T° °C 21,5 21 21,5
pH 7,28 7,3 5,7 Fig. 10. pH variation of limewater in relation to the
Turbidity NTU 0,2 0,15 0,09 recommended minimum value
Conductivity µs/cm 46100 47100 160,8 The results obtained for the monitoring period show
TDS mg/l 28375 29086 84 that pH values varied between 12.4 and 12.7, the latter
These results show that the reverse osmosis being higher than 12.3, which is the recommended
membranes reduce the ionic concentration of salts value for limewater. The saturator therefore achieves
inThe pre-treated water, reducing the total amount of the desired pH values.
dissolved solids in the pre-treated water from 29.086 to
84 mg/l with a removal rate of 99.71%. As a result, the
reverse osmosis membranes at the Al-Hoceima plant
retain almost all mineral elements. This further
confirms the proper functioning of the reverse osmosis

3.6 Post-treatment performance evaluation

To improve osmosis water quality and protect the

distribution network, a post-treatment step is required
downstream of the treatment chain.
This value reflects the efficiency of the membranes Fig.11. Variation in limewater turbidity compared with the
in rejecting 99.75% of the salts in the feed water. recommended value.
At the study plant, post-treatment is based on
According to figure 11, the values recorded for
remineralization of the permeate produced by the
limewater turbidity during the study period are
addition of lime and CO2, followed by final
considerably disturbed, ranging from 50 to 140 NTU.
disinfection of the water by chlorine injection.
These values far exceed the maximum recommended
In order to evaluate and analyze the performance of
value for limewater, which is 20 NTU.
this treatment stage, it is necessary to predict the
performance of the remineralization system, based on
the operation of the lime saturator, which plays a key
role in the water remineralization process. This is
followed by an assessment of the quality of the water
produced by the plant, comparing it with the potability
requirements of Moroccan standard number 03-7-001.

3.7 Saturator parameter monitoring

In the study plant, the osmosis water (permeate) is
remineralized by injecting Ca (OH) 2 limewater
prepared in a lime saturator to obtain balanced water in
the presence of CO2.

E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024) ICCR’2
ICCR 2023

Fig.12. Variation in limewater alkalinity compared to with the maximum admissible value, all the values of
recommended values. the parameters studied for the produced water comply
From figure12, which shows the variation in with Moroccan standards for drinking water intended
limewater alkalinity, it can be seen that the values for human consumption (NM 03- 7)[13]. With regard
recorded do not exceed 150°F, which is still below the to hardness and alkalinity, Moroccan regulations[13]
desired value of 170 to 220, confirming that the do not impose standards for these two parameters. On
saturator is unable to achieve the expected limewater the other hand, WHO guidelines for ensuring the
objectives. quality of produced water recommend a minimum of
Analysis and examination of the lime saturator's 8°F for hardness and alkalinity, to protect pipes and
performance revealed a malfunction in the saturation distribution networks against corrosion. However, the
system. In fact, the variation in the saturator's operating average hardness and alkalinity values recorded for the
and analysis parameters is mainly due to : water produced by the Al-Hoceima plant are well
-The purity of the lime used in the preparation of below the values recommended by WHO[14].
milk of lime ; To confirm the aggressiveness of the water, we
-the low dissolution of lime at the lime saturator calculate indices that give an idea of the water's
level. In fact, lime solubility is influenced by several aggressiveness, such as the Langelier index and the
factors: temperature, agitation, and contact time Larson index.
(retention time); − Langelier index (saturation index):
- The presence of carbon dioxide in the limewater, This index is defined as follows [15]:
which enables the formation of CaCO3. This latest is IL = pH – pHs
insoluble in water and precipitates to the bottom of the
saturator, forming the famous limewater cloud. It provides a qualitative assessment of the
aggressive (IL<0) or encrusting (IL>0) character.
Since IL (-1.4) is negative, the water produced still
3.8 Treated water quality has an aggressive character
Monitoring the final quality of the treated water is − Larson index (corrosivity index): This index is
essential in this study in order to establish an used to calculate the corrosion index of metals
assessment of the plant's overall performance, as well according to the following relation:
as to examine the compliance and regularity of the 4 3-
IC = ([Cl-] + 2 × [SO 2-]) / [HCO ] [16]
water produced by the plant with national regulatory
requirements. (< 0.2: No tendency to corrosion/ 0.2 à 0.4: weak
Several parameters were studied to assess the trend/
quality of the water produced by the desalination plant. 0.4 à 0.5: slight trend /0.5 à 1: medium trend / ≥1:
Table 1 shows the average values of the parameters clear tendency to corrosion)
studied for raw and treated water, as well as the The IC of water from the Al-Hoceima desalination
maximum permissible values of physicochemical plant is equal to: IC = 2.20 > 1.0 this water is corrosive
parameters required by Moroccan standard number 03-
7-001. 4 Conclusion and recommendations
Table 2 . Average measured values for physicochemical
parameters of raw water and water produced by the plant The proper functioning of a reverse osmosis
desalination system relies on appropriate pre-treatment
Raw Water and precise operating conditions, including
unit VMA
water produced standardized permeate flow rate, salt passage rate, and
T° °C 19,4 19,4 acceptable
pressure drop. The study found that pre-treatment
Turbidity NTU 0,2 0, 3 5
effectively removed turbidity from water, meeting
pH - 7,2 7,7 6,5<pH<8,5
Conductivity µs/cm 46850 205,5 2700
recommended values before reaching the reverse
TAC °F 14,5 3,8 *** osmosis membranes to prevent fouling. However, post-
TH °F 640 3,8 *** treatment remineralization systems performed poorly in
Ca2+ mg/l 444 12,8 *** reducing seawater permeate aggressiveness and
Cl- mg/l 18815 50,6 750 corrosiveness, leaving the water produced by the Al-
--SO4 mg/l 2574,3 5,9 400 Hoceima desalination plant still aggressive and
Dissolved corrosive. Nonetheless, it complies with Moroccan
mg/l 3,8 7,8 5≤ O2 ≤8
oxygen O2 standards for drinking water quality (Moroccan
C.R.L mg/l - 0,9 *** standard number 03-7-001). To enhance plant
From Table 2, which shows a comparison of raw performance based on the study's findings, the
and treated water values with the maximum following recommendations for the remineralization
permissible values, we can see that: First the average system are suggested: add another reagent to reduce
results for turbidity, pH, and dissolved oxygen at the turbidity to recommended levels (<20) at the saturator
outlet are higher than the corresponding values at the stage, ensure regular monitoring and maintenance of
inlet. Second, the average values for chlorides, sulfates, lime milk and saturator conveyance pipes, and
and conductivity of the treated water are lower than the implement better control over the mixing of lime
average values of the raw water. Third, in comparison powder with permeate.

E3S Web of Conferences 502, 04003 (2024) ICCR’2
ICCR 2023


Diagnostic du Système d’Alimentation en Eau
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