S1 Chemistry Lesson Plan (Update)
S1 Chemistry Lesson Plan (Update)
S1 Chemistry Lesson Plan (Update)
5 19-23 June Materials 2.4 The water cycle •learn about the water 45 Mins
and their cycle per period
structure •use scientific words to
describe stages of the
water cycle.
6 26-30 June Materials 2.5 Atoms, elements and •learn what an atom and 45 Mins
and their the Periodic Table an element are per period
structure •find out about different
atoms and elements
•learn about the Periodic
7 03-07 July Materials 2.5 Atoms, elements and •use symbols to 45 Mins
and their the Periodic Table represent the names per period
structure of elements.
8 10-14 July Materials 2.6 Compounds and •learn about the 45 Mins
and their formulae differences between per period
structure elements and
9 17-21 July Materials 2.6 Compounds and •learn how to name 45 Mins
and their formulae compounds per period
structure use symbols to
represent compounds
10 24-28 July Materials 2.7 Compounds and •make a compound and 45 Mins
and their mixtures a mixture per period
structure •learn about the
difference between a
compound and a
11 31 July – 04 Materials Check Your Progress -Understanding , 45 Mins
August and their Analyzing and Critical per period
structure thinking
16 04-08 Properties 5.1 Metals and non-metals •list the properties of 45 Mins
September of materials metals and non-metals per period
•learn about the uses of
metals and non-metals
17 Properties 5.2 Comparing metals and •compare the properties 45 Mins
of materials non-metals of metals and non- per period
•investigate materials
and decide if they are
metals or non-metals.
18 18-22 Properties 5.3 Metal mixtures •learn about metal 45 Mins
September of materials mixtures (alloys) per period
22 16-20 Properties 5.5 Acids and alkalis •learn about the 45 Mins
October of materials properties of acids per period
and alkalis
•learn how to work
safely with acids and
•find out about hazard
23 16-20 Properties 5.6 Indicators and the pH •learn how to tell an 45 Mins
October of materials scale acid from an alkali per period
•learn how to make and
use indicators
•use the pH scale to find
out more about acids
and alkalis.
36 22-26 Changes to 8.3 Investigating acids and •think about what the 45 Mins
January materials alkalis results of an per period
investigation tell you
Review for year-end