AS1800 Vickers Hardness
AS1800 Vickers Hardness
AS1800 Vickers Hardness
Australian Standard
Metallic materials—Vickers
hardness test
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee MT/6, Mechanical Testing of
Metals. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 28 June
1991 and published on 7 October 1991.
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Australian Standard
Metallic materials—Vickers
hardness test
This Standard was prepared under the direction of the Standards Australia Committee on Mechanical
Testing of Metals to supersede AS 1817, Method for Vickers hardness test, Part 1 — 1976, Testing of
metals and Part 2 — 1976, Calibration of the testing machine.
This edition was prepared at the request of the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia, to
alleviate problems associated with calibration in relation to availability and cost of certified diamond
indenters, and cost, adequacy and range of hardness blocks available for user checks.
In this edition, the testing and calibration requirements have been combined into the one Standard for
simplification and to avoid duplication.
Australian Standard
Metallic materials — Vickers hardness test
1.1 SCOPE This Standard sets out methods for measuring the Vickers hardness of metals and metal
products using forces between 9.8 N and 980 N inclusive. It does not apply for the use of forces below
9.8 N. It includes requirements for the installation and calibration of the testing machine, and
recommendations for its maintenance by the user.
This Standard does not apply to portable hardness testing machines.
1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
1816 Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test
2193 Methods for calibration and grading of force-measuring systems of testing machines
4964 Steel — Hardness conversions
1.3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply.
1.3.1 Arithmetic mean deviation (R a) — the arithmetic average of the deviation of a profile above and
below the reference curve or line. This parameter has the dimensions of length and is used for surface
roughness measurement.
1.3.2 Calibration — all the operations for determining the values of the errors of a Vickers hardness
testing machine (and, if necessary, for determining other metrological properties).
1.3.3 Calibrating authority — any approved person or organization qualified and equipped to perform
the tests set out in Section 3 or 4, or both.
NOTE: The National Associati on of Testi ng Authorit ies, Australi a, registers laboratori es for perf ormance of these cali brations.
1.3.4 Hardness test blocks — metal blocks for the purpose of maintaining surveillance of the performance
of hardness testing machines between periodic calibrations.
1.3.5 Indenter — a diamond indenter used for routine hardness tests, usually assigned to a hardness testing
machine and evaluated in conjunction with it.
1.3.6 Indenter, reference — a diamond indenter which is maintained by the Australian standardizing
authority and whose performance has been compared with reference indenters maintained by other national
standardizing authorities.
1.3.7 Indenter, standard — a diamond indenter which is maintained by a calibrating authority for
assessing the performance of hardness testing machines in the field, in the event of non-complying results
being obtained when using the indenters assigned to the machine.
1.3.8 Standard hardness blocks — metal blocks having a calibration traceable to a national standard scale
of hardness, which is recognized by the Australian standardizing authority, for verifying the performance
of hardness testing machines.
1.3.9 Standardizing authority — an authority which maintains the standard of Vickers hardness.
NOTE: In Austr alia the standardizing authorit y is the National Measurement Laboratory, Division of Applied Physics, CSIRO.
1.3.10 Test piece — a prepared piece for testing made from a test specimen by some mechanical operation.
1.3.11 Test specimen — a portion of material or a single item taken from the sample for applying a
particular test.
NOTE: Vickers hardness tests can be made on test pieces or test specimens, the latter oft en being in the form of finished products
or components.
1.4 VICKERS TEST PRINCIPLE The test consists of pressing a diamond indenter into the surface of
a test piece under a force. After removal of the force, two diagonals, d 1 and d2 , of the indentation are
measured and the mean value d is determined. The sloping area of the indentation is estimated from the
mean length ‘d’ of the two diagonals d 1 and d2 .
5 AS 1817—1991
The indenter is a right pyramid with a square base and an angle of 136° between opposite faces (see
Figure 1.1).
The Vickers hardness is the quotient obtained by dividing the test force by 9.806 65 times the sloping area
of the indentation. This may be expressed by the following equations:
HV = ... 1.4(1)
HV = Vickers hardness
F = force, in newtons
d = mean diagonal of indentation, in millimetres
For the requirements for a Vickers hardness machine, see Clause 2.2.1.
1.5 DESIGNATION OF VICKERS HARDNESS The symbol HV is preceded by the hardness value and
followed by a number indicating the nominal force used in the test.
NOTE: For histori cal reasons, the designati on expresses the test force in kilograms force whereas the units of actual measurement
of the force are newtons (1 kgf is approximately equivalent to 10 N).
Example of Vickers hardness designati on
400 HV 30 denotes a Vickers hardness of 400 determined with a test force of 294 N (30 kgf) . If a durati on of test outside the
normal time range of 10 s to 15 s is used, the actual durati on, in seconds, is indicated by adding a number to the hardness
designation, e.g. 400 HV 30/20 for a test of 20 seconds durati on.
1.6 TABLES OF HARDNESS VALUES The Vickers hardness may be calculated using either
Equation 1.4(1) or 1.4(2), or by the use of tables. Appendix A contains suitable tables which have been
calculated using Equation 1.4(1).
The tables, which are primarily intended for use with the values of force given in Table 2.1, may be
adapted for other values of force as described in Appendix A.
The hardness values given in the tables apply directly to tests made on flat surfaces. For tests on curved
surfaces, it is necessary to correct the values obtained from the tables (see Clause 2.9(g)).
1.7 HARDNESS CONVERSIONS As there is no general procedure for accurately converting Vickers
hardness into other scales of hardness, it is recommended that such conversions should be avoided except
in instances where a reliable basis for the conversion has been established beforehand by direct tests on
the material concerned.
NOTE: Chart s for approximate compari son of hardness scales for steels are given in ISO 4964.
AS 1817—1991 6
2.1 SCOPE OF SECTION This Section specifies the requirements for the testing machine and sets out
the methods for measuring the Vickers hardness of metals and metal products.
2.2.1 General The machine shall perform the test in accordance with the Vickers test principle (see
Clause 1.4), and shall comply with the requirements of this Clause.
2.2.2 Installation The machine shall be set up in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, on a
rigid foundation on a site which is free from vibration, and not subject to gritty or dusty conditions, or
excessive temperature changes. Damp or fume-laden atmospheres should be avoided.
2.2.3 Calibration Calibration on installation On completion of installation the machine shall be given a complete
calibration, by a calibrating authority, in accordance with Section 3. Routine recalibration of the testing machine The machine shall be recalibrated, by a calibrating
authority, in accordance with Sections 3 and 4.
NOTE: For machines in good order and used under favourable conditi ons, it is recommended that a complete cali bration be carr ied
out at intervals not exceeding 3 years and a parti al calibrati on at intervals not exceeding 1 year. Additional recalibration or the testing machine If there is any reason to doubt the accuracy of
the results, the machine shall be checked in accordance with Clause 2.7. If after this check there is still
reason to doubt the accuracy of the machine, it shall be recalibrated. The decision as to whether a complete
or partial recalibration is to be carried out shall rest with the calibrating authority.
2.2.4 Indenting forces The nominal value of the indenting force shall lie within the range 9.8 to 980 N.
The indenting force shall not deviate from the nominal value by more than 1 percent. The most commonly
used nominal forces, i.e. those for which the tables of hardness values have been included (see
Appendix A), are given in Table 2.1, together with the corresponding hardness symbols.
The force shall be applied along the axis of the indenter and normal to the surface of the test piece.
The mechanism controlling the application and removal of the force shall ensure that the force is applied
and removed without shock or vibration, and that the full force is maintained for the duration of the test.
NOTE: During normal operati on the test durati on is not less than 10 s nor greater than 15 s.
Nominal force
Hardness symbol
9.8 HV 1
19.6 HV 2
24.5 HV 2.5
29.4 HV 3
39.2 HV 4
49 HV 5
98 HV 10
196 HV 20
294 HV 30
392 HV 40
490 HV 50
588 HV 60
784 HV 80
980 HV 100
2.3 INDENTER The indenter shall comprise a diamond in the form of a right pyramid with a square
base, and a suitable holder in which the diamond is rigidly mounted (see Figure 1.1). The holder shall have
a plane bearing surface through which the indenting force is applied by the carrier.
The tip of the pyramid shall lie on the axis of the indenter.
7 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 8
Figure 2.1 shows the minimum thickness of the test piece corresponding to 1.5 times the length of the
diagonal of the indentation for different combinations of hardness value and nominal force.
NOTE: When testi ng metal in thin sheet or str ip form, special care is requir ed if err oneous hardness values are to be avoided. If
the thickness is at least 1.5 ti mes the length of the diagonal of the indentation, it is unli kely that hardness measurements on either
ferr ous or non-ferr ous metals wil l be fault y provided that the bearing surf ace of the test piece is smooth and in inti mate contact
with the support . If it becomes necessary in parti cular cir cumstances to accept a ratio of thickness to length of diagonal of less
than 1.5, the hardness value may be influenced by the indenti ng nominal force and by the size and hardness of the anvil . A special
investigation may be needed to establish what infl uence these factors exert on these hardness values.
2.9 TEST PROCEDURE The procedure to perform a Vickers hardness test shall be as follows:
(a) Pre-test inspection Inspect the machine and inspect the performance check results (see Clause 2.7).
(b) Selection of indenting force Select the indenting force taking into account the following factors:
(i) The indenting force used should be related both to the form and dimensions of the test piece, and
to its material, condition, and anticipated hardness.
(ii) Where the value of nominal force is stated in the product specification, that value shall be used.
When not specified, the force used should be sufficiently large to produce an indentation of
optimum size (see Notes 1 and 2).
1 In general, a maximum nominal force of 294 N is recommended. Repeated use of large forces on hard metals may
damage the indenter.
2 Small indentations on metals of coarse microstr ucture, such as may occur in some cast irons, tend to give the hardness
of individual consti tuents in the metal and not a representati ve hardness. In such cases it is advisable, where practicable,
to use the Brinell method (see AS 1816).
9 AS 1817—1991
3 In industr ial tests carri ed out in accordance wit h this Standard, using testi ng machines in good order, the pri ncipal
li mitati on to the accuracy achieved wil l arise in the measurement of the diagonals of the indentation. For many machines
it is unlikely that the accuracy of determinati on of the mean diagonal length wil l be bett er than ±1 µm. The corr esponding
error in the resulti ng hardness value may be obtained fr om Figure 2.2, which shows the change of hardness value
equivalent to a change of 1 µm in the length of the mean diagonal for vari ous forces at dif ferent levels of hardness. The
broken li ne in the figure represents ±2 percent error in HV.
(c) Preparation of test piece Prepare the test piece in accordance with the requirements of Clause 2.8.1.
(d) Method of supporting test piece Support or clamp the test piece by a suitable method to provide
rigidity and to ensure that the test surface of the test piece is normal to the axis of the indenter. Where
the test piece rests directly on the support, ensure that its bearing surface and that of the anvil is clean
and free from foreign matter, corrosion, and burrs likely to affect the test results.
With some forms of test piece it may be necessary to use an auxiliary support to accommodate the
bearing surface of the test piece. It may also be necessary to make provision for supporting the
overhanging portion of a long test piece or to provide a special jig, e.g. to support a gear wheel when
testing gear teeth. The use of auxiliary supports requires additional care to ensure that the test piece
does not move when the indenting force is applied.
1 Asymmetr ical indentati ons usually indicate a til ted test piece and may give unreliable result s. The error in hardness is
not li kely to exceed 1 percent if the angle of ti lt is less than 2 degrees, parti cularl y if the result s of several indentations
are averaged.
2 For test pieces in which the test surface is inaccessible to the normal indenter and measuri ng microscope, e.g. gear teeth,
recesses, or internal surfaces of tubes, it is necessary for the indenter holder to be of special form or for special
attachments to be fi tt ed between the indenter carri er and the indenter, and the measuring device. Some of these indenter
fi tt ings require compensati on for their weight and should only be used on machines wit h special provision for them.
(e) Operation of the testing machine Operate the machine in accordance with the manufacturer’s
With the machine set up with the selected nominal force and the test piece correctly supported, apply
the force and maintain it for not less than 10 s or longer than 15 s, unless otherwise specified in the
product specification. Remove the force and measure the lengths of diagonals of the indentation. The
mean value of the two measurements of diagonals is used in the determination of the hardness value.
Wherever possible, carry out a minimum of three tests on each test piece, unless otherwise specified
in the product specification.
For metals that show time-dependent plasticity during the test, the product specification should specify
the time for which the force is to be applied.
AS 1817—1991 10
(f) Spacing of indentations Ensure that the distance between the centre of any indentation and the edge
of the test piece is at least 2.5 times the mean diagonal of the indentation in the case of steel, copper
and copper alloys, and at least 3 times the mean diagonal of the indentation in the case of light metals,
lead and tin and their alloys.
Also ensure that the distance between the centres of two adjacent indentations is at least 3 times the
mean diagonal of the indentation in the case of steel, copper and copper alloys, and at least 6 times
the mean diagonal in the case of light metals, lead and tin and their alloys. If two adjacent
indentations differ in size the spacing is based on the mean diagonal of the larger indentation.
(g) Tests on curved surfaces Unless otherwise stated in the product specification, apply a correction when
the test surface is spherical or cylindrical. Tables giving the correction factors applicable when tests
are made on convex or concave surfaces, both spherical and cylindrical, are given in Appendix B.
1 These corr ecti on factor tables have been calculated on the basis of the geometr y of intersecti ng surfaces and take no account
of other factors (see Clause 2.8.1 for precauti ons to be taken in preparing the test surf ace).
2 When indenting curved surfaces, special precautions are necessary to ensure that the axis of the indenter is normal to the test
surf ace.
2.10 RECORD OF TEST RESULTS A record of test results shall be made and shall be capable of
providing the following information:
(a) Identification of the laboratory.
(b) Identification of the testing machine.
(c) Identification of the indenter and any attachments used.
(d) Identification of auxiliary supports.
(e) Product description and test piece identification.
(f) Reference number of product specification, where applicable.
(g) Form of the test surface, e.g. whether the test surface is flat, cylindrical or spherical (concave
or convex) and, where applicable, the diameter. If flat, whether the test area has been prepared
on a curved surface.
(h) Indenting force.
(i) Duration of application of the full force, when other than 10 s to 15 s.
(j) The measured value of each diagonal of each indentation and, where applicable, the correction
table and factor for curvature of the test surface.
(k) Each hardness value obtained.
(l) Type of test, i.e. Vickers.
(m) Name of the person who carried out test.
(n) Reference number of this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 1817.
(o) Date of test.
2.11 TEST REPORT The test report shall include the following information:
(a) Description and identification of the test piece.
(b) Type of test, i.e. Vickers.
(c) Reference to this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 1817, and any relevant product specification.
(d) If the test surface is curved, the correction that has been applied.
(e) Each hardness value obtained, including the appropriate hardness symbol, e.g. 400 HV 30,
150 HV 30/20.
(f) Compliance or otherwise with specified values, when applicable.
(g) Report number and date.
11 AS 1817—1991
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3.6 PERFORMANCE TEST A performance test using standard hardness blocks shall be carried out in
accordance with Clauses 4.3 and 4.4.
3.7 RECORD OF RESULTS A record shall be kept of all readings taken during the calibration, all
calculations made, and any other information required to produce a report as required by Clause 3.8.
3.8 REPORT OF COMPLETE CALIBRATION On completion of a complete calibration a report shall
be issued. The report shall include the following information:
(a) Manufacturer, type, serial number and location of machine.
(b) Defects detected during the preliminary inspection and adjustments made.
(c) Identification of the measuring apparatus, indenters and associated reports.
(d) The range of calibration of the measuring apparatus.
(e) Nominal values of the forces calibrated.
(f) The assigned value of the standard hardness blocks, the mean hardness values obtained in the
performance tests, and identification of the indenter used in the test.
(g) Date of calibration.
(h) Reference to this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 1817.
(i) A statement of compliance or otherwise with the requirements of Section 3.
(j) Recommended date of next calibration.
13 AS 1817—1991
4.1 GENERAL Partial calibration of hardness testing machines involves making hardness determinations
on a number of standard hardness blocks.
NOTE: Informati on on standard hardness blocks for parti al calibrati ons is available fr om the National Associati on of Testing
Authorit ies, Austr alia.
These tests shall be carried out using the hardness testing machine in combination with each indenter
assigned to it.
4.2 PRELIMINARY INSPECTION Before applying the procedure given in this Section, it shall be
ascertained that —
(a) the machine is level and correctly set up on a rigid foundation on a site, which is free from vibration,
and not subject to gritty or dusty conditions or excessive temperature changes;
(b) the test piece support and load bearing surfaces of the indenters and carrier are in good order, i.e.
clean and free from corrosion and burrs;
(c) the indenter can be correctly secured in the carrier;
(d) the forces are applied and removed without shock or vibration and that the full force is maintained
for not less than 10 s nor longer than 15 s, and for other durations for which the machine is required
to be used;
(e) where applicable, the zero reading of the measuring apparatus is correctly adjusted;
(f) where the measuring apparatus is integral with the machine, the indentation is in the centre of the field
of view; and
(g) the illumination is uniform over the field of view and provides adequate contrast between the
indentation and the surface of a standard hardness block.
4.3.1 General In view of the limitations outlined in Clause 2.9, and since it is inadvisable for the error
of measurement to absorb the whole of the machine tolerance (see Clause 4.4.3), it is considered
impracticable to carry out a partial calibration of a machine with standard hardness blocks using forces
which produce indentations with diagonals of less than 150 µm. The procedure excludes the measurement
of indentations having diagonal lengths of less than 150 µm and therefore is not applicable to single-force
machines applying a force of 49 N or less and multiforce machines employing forces no greater than
24.5 N.
The indenting procedure shall be carried out in accordance with Section 2.
4.3.2 Machines employing only one nominal force For machines employing only one nominal force,
five indentations shall be made and measured on each of three standard hardness blocks using each of the
indenters assigned to the machine. One block shall be selected from each of the following ranges with no
two blocks being closer than 150 HV:
(a) Below 250 HV.
(b) 250 HV to 500 HV, inclusive.
(c) Above 500 HV.
4.3.3 Machines employing more than one force Where the machine is designed to employ a force of
294 N, the performance test shall be carried out at this force and also at the maximum and minimum forces
to be used if either of these is not 294 N.
With each selected force, five indentations shall be made on each of two standard hardness blocks selected
from two of the ranges specified in Clause 4.3.2; the hardness of each block selected shall not be closer
than 150 HV.
The blocks need not be the same for each force or be selected from the same two ranges. The forces and
blocks shall be chosen so that the lengths of diagonals of the indentations are not less than 150 µm (see
Clause 4.3.1).
Where more than one indenter is assigned to the machine, the performance tests shall be repeated using
each indenter.
4.4.1 Acceptance A machine shall be considered satisfactory if each hardness value obtained in each test
of five indentations meets the requirements of Clauses 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 for repeatability and error.
If the machine is rejected as a result of partial calibration, this may be due to a faulty indenter, and further
tests using standard indenters shall be carried out.
AS 1817—1991 14
4.4.2 Repeatability The range of the five hardness values, i.e. the difference between the largest and the
smallest value for each block, shall not exceed 4 percent of the assigned value.
If the tolerance for repeatability is exceeded because one of the five hardness values differs markedly from
the other four, possibly owing to accidental error, rejection of the machine may be waived in favour of a
further test in which 10 indentations are made. If the range of the 10 hardness values then obtained
complies with the stipulated tolerance, the repeatability of the machine shall be considered satisfactory;
if not, the machine or indenter shall be rejected.
4.4.3 Error For each standard hardness block and for each force used, the mean hardness value shall be
determined from the mean of all those values used to assess repeatability (see Clause 4.4.2) and shall not
differ from the assigned value of the standard hardness block by more than ±2 percent.
If the further test described in Clause 4.4.2 has been carried out, the mean hardness shall be calculated
from the 10 values obtained in that test.
4.5 RECORD OF RESULTS A record shall be kept of all readings taken during the calibration, all
calculations made, and any other information required to produce a report as required by Clause 4.6.
4.6 REPORT OF PARTIAL CALIBRATION On completion of a partial calibration, a report shall be
issued. The report shall include the following information:
(a) Manufacturer, type, serial number and location of machine.
(b) Defects detected during the preliminary inspection and adjustments made.
(c) Identification of the measuring apparatus and indenters.
(d) The assigned values of the standard hardness blocks used, the mean hardness values obtained in the
performance test, and the identification of the indenter used in the test.
(e) Date of calibration.
(f) Reference to this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 1817.
(g) A statement of compliance or otherwise with the requirements of Section 4.
(h) Recommended date of the next calibration.
15 AS 1817—1991
5.1 GENERAL Standard hardness blocks for the partial calibration of testing machines as specified in
Section 4 shall be manufactured and calibrated in accordance with the procedure given below. The
calibration shall be carried out by a standardizing authority and shall be traceable to a recognized national
standard scale of hardness.
5.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR STANDARD HARDNESS BLOCKS Standard hardness blocks shall meet
the following requirements:
(a) Each block shall be specially prepared and treated to give the necessary homogeneity and stability of
(b) The thickness of the block shall be not less than 6 mm.
(c) The test and bearing surfaces of the block shall be flat to within 5 µm and their parallelism shall be
such that the thickness of the block does not vary by more than 10 µm in 50 mm.
(d) The test surface shall be well polished to provide high reflectivity, and its surface roughness (R a) shall
not exceed 0.1 µm at 0.25 mm cutoff. It shall be free from scratches that would interfere with the
measurements of the indentations.
(e) The bearing surface of the block shall have a fine-ground finish.
(f) Steel blocks shall be demagnetized by the manufacturer prior to calibration and shall be maintained
in a demagnetized condition by the user.
(g) No material shall be removed from the block after it has been calibrated.
(h) The block shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or mark and serial number. The marking
shall not be on the bearing surface and should preferably be on the side of the block, in which case
it will be upright when the test surface is uppermost. The method of marking shall be such that the
block is not adversely affected.
NOTE: The conditi ons in It ems (c) and (d) do not apply at the edges of the block, along a border 1 mm wide.
5.3.1 Procedure The calibration of a standard hardness block shall be carried out in a standardizing
machine to establish its uniformity of hardness and to determine its assigned value.
5.3.2 Uniformity of hardness The examination for uniformity of hardness shall be made with a
standardizing nominal force of either 294.2 N or 98.07 N (see Table 5.2) selected as follows:
(a) For hardness less than 200 HV: 98.07 N.
(b) For hardness 200 HV to 500 HV, inclusive: 294.2 N or 98.07 N.
(c) For hardness above 500 HV: 294.2 N.
1 These forces provide indentations wit h a form and size which off ers the best accuracy in the measurement of the diagonals.
2 If the hardness value to be assigned to the block (see Clause 5.3.3) is required at a single force other than 294.2 N or 98.07 N,
the examinati on for unif ormity may be made at that nominal force provided that it is not less than 98.07 N.
3 If a hardness value is requir ed to be assigned to a block at a nominal force below 98.07 N, the examination for unif ormity
should additi onally be carri ed out at either 294.2 N or 98.07 N.
At least 10 indentations shall be made on each block, distributed over the surface. The test temperature
shall be 20°C ±2°C.
A block shall be regarded as sufficiently uniform for standardization if the range of hardness values
obtained does not exceed 2 percent of the mean hardness value.
5.3.3 Assigned value The hardness value assigned to the block shall be the mean of the values obtained
when examining the block for uniformity.
The hardness values may be determined with sufficient accuracy from the following equation:
HV = ... 5.3(1)
HV = Vickers hardness
F = nominal indenting force, in newtons (see Table 5.2)
d = mean diagonal of indentation, in millimetres (see Clause 5.4.6)
The assigned value shall be rounded in accordance with Table 5.1.
AS 1817—1991 16
Hardness value
HV Round to HV
Below 200 0.2
200 to 500 inclusive 0.5
Above 500 1
If additional hardness values are required, i.e. at forces differing from those used in the examination for
uniformity, they may be determined by making a minimum of five indentations at each additional force
and calculating, in each case, the mean hardness values so obtained. Such additional mean hardness values
shall be rounded in accordance with Table 5.1.
5.3.4 Report The standardizing authority shall issue a report stating —
(a) manufacturer and serial number of the block;
(b) date of calibration;
(c) hardness value assigned to the block including the symbol, corresponding to the indenting force used,
e.g. 732 HV 30 (see Table 5.2);
(d) maximum and minimum hardness values obtained in the calibration; and
(e) compliance or otherwise with the requirements of Clauses 5.2 and 5.3.2.
5.4.1 General The standardizing machine used for calibrating the hardness blocks shall satisfy the
requirements of Clauses 5.4.2 to 5.4.7.
5.4.2 Indenting forces The nominal values of the most commonly used forces together with the
corresponding hardness symbols are given in Table 5.2. Each force shall be correct to within ±0.1 percent
of its nominal value.
Nominal force Corresponding
N hardness symbol
9.8 HV 1
24.52 HV 2.5
49.03 HV 5
98.07 HV 10
196.1 HV 20
294.2 HV 30
490.3 HV 50
980.7 HV 100
5.4.3 Reference indenter The reference diamond pyramid indenter shall comply with the following
(a) The four faces of the pyramid shall be highly polished and free from flaws, and shall be flat to within
0.2 µm.
(b) The angle between opposite faces of the pyramid shall be 136° ±0.1°.
(c) Each face of the pyramid shall be inclined to the axis of the indenter at an angle of 68° ±0.2°.
(d) Each of the four angles in a section normal to the axis of the indenter shall be 90° ±0.2°.
(e) Any line of junction between opposite faces shall be not greater than 0.5 µm in length. In all other
respects, the requirements for the indenter given in Clause 6.2 shall apply.
5.4.4 Measuring apparatus The illuminating system of the measuring device shall be adjustable to give
a uniform intensity of green monochromatic light over the field of view, and adequate contrast between
the indentation and the surface of the block.
The scale of the measuring device shall be suitably graduated so that the intervals can be readily
subdivided by estimation to 0.2 µm or less.
The measuring device shall be calibrated to ensure that any interval within its range can be measured with
an uncertainty not exceeding ±0.5 µm.
5.4.5 Application of force Duration The full force shall be applied for 13 s to 15 s.
17 AS 1817—1991 Velocity At the moment when the mechanism which controls the application of the force becomes
clear of the mechanism applying the force, the velocity of penetration of the indenter shall be not less than
3 µm/s nor greater than 12 µm/s.
NOTE: Duri ng the indenti ng process, the mechanism controll ing the application of the force becomes clear of the mechanism
applying the force before the indenter comes to rest; consequently, the last stage of the process is entir ely under the control of the
indenting force and the standard hardness block. It has been establi shed experimentall y that the size of the indentati on, and
therefore the hardness value obtained, depends on the velocity of penetr ation at the beginning of this last stage. Signifi cant changes
in hardness values are obtained for small changes in velocit y of penetrati on below 3 µm/s.
For standardizing machines in which the controlling mechanism uses a device to reduce the velocity during
penetration, the prescribed indenting conditions may be maintained by controlling the indenter approach
velocity prior to penetration of the block. This approach velocity shall be adjusted so that the velocity of
penetration is correct at the moment when the controlling mechanism becomes clear of the mechanism
applying the force and shall be verified by direct measurement.
5.4.6 Measurement of indentation Each indentation shall be measured independently by at least two
observers, and the hardness value assigned to the indentation shall be derived from the mean of these
5.4.7 Verification of standardizing machine To ensure that the established scale of Vickers hardness
is maintained, the performance of the standardizing machine shall be verified periodically using previously
calibrated standard hardness blocks over an adequate range of indenter forces and hardness levels, and by
comparison with standardizing machines maintained by other standardizing authorities.
The indenter, measuring apparatus and forces shall also be recalibrated at suitable intervals.
NOTE: The National Measurement Laboratory, Division of Appli ed Physics, CSIRO, maintains the standard of Vickers hardness
in Australi a.
AS 1817—1991 18
19 AS 1817—1991
A1 SCOPE This Appendix sets out tables of Vickers hardness values (HV) for use in tests made on flat
A2 APPLICATION Tables A2 to A9 have been calculated as described in Clause 1.6, using values of
force, in newtons, which have been converted from the former values, in kilograms force, by applying the
exact conversion factor of 9.806 65 N equals 1 kgf.
The tables are intended for use with the nominal forces of 9.8 N, 24.5 N, 49 N, 98 N, 196 N, 294 N, 490 N
and 980 N which are given in the table headings. These values of force have been calculated using the
simplified conversion factor of 1 kgf equals 9.8 N. Any differences in the hardness values obtained from
the tables as a result of this simplification are insignificant.
For forces other than those for which tables have been prepared, hardness values may be obtained from
the tables by proportion, i.e. for a given nominal force, the resulting mean diagonal is used to obtain a
hardness value from a suitable selected table. This hardness value is then multiplied by the appropriate
factor to obtain the hardness value corresponding to the nominal force used in the test. Suitable selected
tables together with the appropriate factors are given in Table A1, for some of the available, but less
commonly used forces.
Hardness Selected
force Factor
symbol table
19.6 HV 2 A2 2
29.4 HV 3 A2 3
39.2 HV 4 A2 4
392 HV 40 A6 2
588 HV 60 A7 2
784 HV 80 A6 4
AS 1817—1991 20
Diagonal Vickers hardness value
impression Increments on diagonal of impression
mm 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009
0.03 2060 1930 1811 1703 1604 1514 1431 1355 1284 1219
0.04 1159 1103 1051 1003 958 916 876 839 805 772
0.05 742 713 686 660 636 613 591 571 551 533
0.06 515 498 482 467 453 439 426 413 401 389
0.07 378 368 358 348 339 330 321 313 305 297
0.08 290 283 276 269 263 257 251 245 239 234
0.09 229 224 219 214 210 205 201 197 193 189
0.10 185 182 178 175 171 168 165 162 159 156
0.11 153 151 148 145 143 140 138 135 133 131
0.12 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 113 111
0.13 110 108 106 105 103 102 100 98.8 97.4 96.0
0.14 94.6 93.3 92.0 90.7 89.4 88.2 87.0 85.8 84.7 83.5
0.15 82.4 81.3 80.3 79.2 78.2 77.2 76.2 75.2 74.3 73.4
0.16 72.4 71.5 70.7 69.8 68.9 68.1 67.3 66.5 65.7 64.9
0.17 64.2 63.4 62.7 62.0 61.2 60.6 59.9 59.2 58.5 57.9
0.18 57.2 56.6 56.0 55.4 54.8 54.2 53.6 53.0 52.5 51.9
0.19 51.4 50.8 50.3 49.8 49.3 48.8 48.3 47.8 47.3 46.8
0.20 46.4 45.9 45.4 45.0 44.6 44.1 43.7 43.3 42.9 42.5
0.21 42.0 41.7 41.3 40.9 40.5 40.1 39.7 39.4 39.0 38.7
0.22 38.3 38.0 37.6 37.3 37.0 36.6 36.3 36.0 35.7 35.4
0.23 35.1 34.8 34.5 34.2 33.9 33.6 33.3 33.0 32.7 32.5
0.24 32.2 31.9 31.7 31.4 31.1 30.9 30.6 30.4 30.2 29.9
0.25 29.7 29.4 29.2 29.0 28.7 28.5 28.3 28.1 27.9 27.6
0.26 27.4 27.2 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.2 26.0 25.8 25.6
0.27 25.4 25.2 25.1 24.9 24.7 24.5 24.3 24.2 24.0 23.8
0.28 23.7 23.5 23.3 23.2 23.0 22.8 22.7 22.5 22.4 22.2
0.29 22.0 21.9 21.7 21.6 21.5 21.3 21.2 21.0 20.9 20.7
0.30 20.6 20.5 20.3 20.2 20.1 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.5 19.4
0.31 19.3 19.2 19.0 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.3 18.2
0.32 18.1 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.4 17.3 17.2 17.1
0.33 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.1
0.34 16.04 15.95 15.85 15.76 15.67 15.58 15.49 15.40 15.31 15.22
0.35 15.14 15.05 14.97 14.88 14.80 14.71 14.63 14.55 14.47 14.39
0.36 14.31 14.23 14.15 14.07 14.00 13.92 13.84 13.77 13.69 13.62
0.37 13.55 13.47 13.40 13.33 13.26 13.19 13.12 13.05 12.98 12.91
0.38 12.84 12.77 12.71 12.64 12.58 12.51 12.45 12.38 12.32 12.25
0.39 12.19 12.13 12.07 12.01 11.95 11.89 11.83 11.77 11.71 11.65
0.40 11.59 11.53 11.47 11.42 11.36 11.31 11.25 11.19 11.14 11.09
0.41 11.03 10.98 10.92 10.87 10.82 10.77 10.72 10.66 10.61 10.56
0.42 10.51 10.46 10.41 10.36 10.31 10.27 10.22 10.17 10.12 10.08
0.43 10.03 9.98 9.94 9.89 9.85 9.80 9.75 9.71 9.67 9.62
0.44 9.58 9.53 9.49 9.45 9.41 9.36 9.32 9.28 9.24 9.20
0.45 9.16 9.12 9.08 9.04 9.00 8.96 8.92 8.88 8.84 8.80
0.46 8.76 8.73 8.69 8.65 8.61 8.58 8.54 8.50 8.47 8.43
0.47 8.39 8.36 8.32 8.29 8.25 8.22 8.18 8.15 8.12 8.08
0.48 8.05 8.02 7.98 7.95 7.92 7.88 7.85 7.82 7.79 7.75
0.49 7.72 7.69 7.66 7.63 7.60 7.57 7.54 7.51 7.48 7.45
0.50 7.42 7.39 7.36 7.33 7.30 7.27 7.24 7.21 7.19 7.16
0.51 7.13 7.10 7.07 7.05 7.02 6.99 6.96 6.94 6.91 6.88
0.52 6.86 6.83 6.81 6.78 6.75 6.73 6.70 6.68 6.65 6.63
0.53 6.60 6.58 6.55 6.53 6.50 6.48 6.45 6.43 6.41 6.38
0.54 6.36 6.34 6.31 6.29 6.27 6.24 6.22 6.20 6.17 6.15
0.55 6.13 6.11 6.09 6.06 6.04 6.02 6.00 5.98 5.96 5.93
0.56 5.91 5.89 5.87 5.85 5.83 5.81 5.79 5.77 5.75 5.73
0.57 5.71 5.69 5.67 5.65 5.63 5.61 5.59 5.57 5.55 5.53
0.58 5.51 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.44 5.42 5.40 5.38 5.36 5.35
0.59 5.33 5.31 5.29 5.27 5.26 5.24 5.22 5.20 5.19 5.17
0.60 5.15 5.13 5.12 5.10 5.08 5.07 5.05 5.03 5.02 5.00
21 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 22
TABLE A3 (continued )
23 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 24
TABLE A4 (continued)
25 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 26
TABLE A5 (continued )
27 AS 1817—1991
TABLE A5 (continued)
AS 1817—1991 28
29 AS 1817—1991
TABLE A6 (continued)
AS 1817—1991 30
TABLE A6 (continued )
31 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 32
TABLE A7 (continued )
33 AS 1817—1991
TABLE A7 (continued )
AS 1817—1991 34
35 AS 1817—1991
TABLE A8 (continued )
AS 1817—1991 36
TABLE A8 (continued )
37 AS 1817—1991
AS 1817—1991 38
TABLE A9 (continued )
39 AS 1817—1991
TABLE A9 (continued )
AS 1817—1991 40
When Vickers hardness tests are carried out on spherical or cylindrical surfaces, the correction factors to
be applied to the hardness values obtained from the tables in Appendix A are given in Tables B1 to B6.
The correction factors are tabulated in terms of the ratio of the mean diagonal, d, of the indentation to the
diameter, D, of the sphere or cylinder. The hardness value is multiplied by the appropriate correction factor
to give the corrected value.
1 Convex sphere
Diameter of sphere, D = 10 mm
Force = 98 N
Mean diagonal of indentation, d = 0.150 mm
41 AS 1817—1991
Correcti on Correcti on
d/D d/D
factor factor
0.009 0.995 0.009 1.005
0.017 0.990 0.017 1.010
0.026 0.985 0.025 1.015
0.035 0.980 0.034 1.020
0.044 0.975 0.042 1.025
0.053 0.970 0.050 1.030
0.062 0.965 0.058 1.035
0.071 0.960 0.066 1.040
0.081 0.955 0.074 1.045
0.090 0.950 0.082 1.050
0.100 0.945 0.089 1.055
0.109 0.940 0.097 1.060
0.119 0.935 0.104 1.065
0.129 0.930 0.112 1.070
0.139 0.925 0.119 1.075
0.149 0.920 0.127 1.080
0.159 0.915 0.134 1.085
0.169 0.910 0.141 1.090
0.179 0.905 0.148 1.095
0.189 0.900 0.155 1.100
0.200 0.895 0.162 1.105
0.169 1.110
0.176 1.115
0.183 1.120
0.189 1.125
0.196 1.130
0.203 1.135
0.209 1.140
0.216 1.145
0.222 1.150
AS 1817—1991 42
Correcti on Correcti on
d/D d/D
factor factor
0.009 0.995 0.008 1.005
0.019 0.990 0.016 1.010
0.029 0.985 0.023 1.015
0.041 0.980 0.030 1.020
0.054 0.975 0.036 1.025
0.068 0.970 0.042 1.030
0.085 0.965 0.048 1.035
0.104 0.960 0.053 1.040
0.126 0.955 0.058 1.045
0.153 0.950 0.063 1.050
0.189 0.945 0.067 1.055
0.243 0.940 0.071 1.060
0.076 1.065
0.079 1.070
0.083 1.075
0.087 1.080
0.090 1.085
0.093 1.090
0.097 1.095
0.100 1.100
0.103 1.105
0.105 1.110
0.108 1.115
0.111 1.120
0.113 1.125
0.116 1.130
0.118 1.135
0.120 1.140
0.123 1.145
0.125 1.150