iCAP PRO XP ICP OES Product Specification
iCAP PRO XP ICP OES Product Specification
iCAP PRO XP ICP OES Product Specification
Thermo Scientific
Fast, robust elemental analysis for the most
challenging samples
• Ideal for QA and QC analysis
• High-matrix tolerance
• Comprehensive Qtegra ISDS Software
Ease of use, elemental analysis, ICP-OES,
simplified workflow, vertical torch
Analyze high-matrix trace elemental samples with sensitive Data Solution™ (ISDS) Software, developed to combine
multi-element detection to meet your data requirements easy data management, scalability and compliance. The
with the optimal performance of the Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra ISDS Software delivers simplicity, productivity,
iCAP™ PRO XP ICP-OES system. This system needs efficiency and quality in a highly efficient analysis workflow.
surprisingly little bench space and user maintenance. The vertical torch of both the Radial and Duo models of
The instrument achieves an advanced level of performance the instrument ensure high-matrix robustness, which can
with either the iFR (intelligent Full Range) analysis mode be enhanced with the sheath gas accessory enabling
which measures the entire wavelength range in one the analysis of the most challenging samples. The fast
measurement, or the eUV (enhanced Ultra Violet) analysis startup time of just five minutes from standby ensures the
mode which measures the UV region of the spectrum with instrument is ready to analyze samples at any time during
greater sensitivity. The instrument is driven by the the working day.
Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific
iCAP PRO XP ICP-OES RF generator
hardware summary • Argon ICP source with digital, solid state RF generator
Nebulizer Plasma TV
• Glass concentric nebulizers for optimal sample • Remote monitoring of plasma status via integrated
consumption camera
Table 1.
Table 2.
Range 15-35 ˚C
Rate of change <2.5 ˚C·h-1
Humidity Range 20-80% (non-condensing)
Supply 200-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz single phase
Electrical Apparent power: 2694 VA
Effective power: 2605 W
Supply temperature 25 ˚C
Supply rate >2 L·min-1
Pressure 0.2 MPa (2bar)
Purity >99.995%
Argon gas
Typical flow rate 16 L·min-1
Pressure 0.55-0.6 MPa (5.5-6.0 bar; 82.5-90 psi)
Plasma Port dimensions 135 mm (recommended 120 mm ID ducting)
exhaust Flow rate (120 mm ID ducting) 3.5 m·s-1 (180-220 m3·h-1)