Experiment No 5
Experiment No 5
Experiment No 5
Experiment No. 5
Conduct the Frequency response of Control System and execute the Bode Plot Analysis
i. Perform the parameters of a plant using frequency tests
ii. Detect the frequency characteristics of a first order lag
iii. Demonstrate why Bode Plots are used in preference to other frequency plots
Apparatus Required:
MS-15 DC Motor Module
AS-3 Command Potentiometer
CLIO Interface Module with PC connection leads
System Power supply
4mm Connection Leads
PC running VCL (Visual Control Laboratory) Software
Locate VLC software and Start VCL. Load file CA06PE04 from file.
Then, set the setting as: Disengaged the output potentiometer then switched the power
ON and enabled the motor.
To observe Response of the system. Click on the purple scale on the screen.
Expand the scale by decreasing the rate to 10m sec and click the X2 time multiplier.Click
freeze and took fallowing measurements
When the Frozen message appears, click Frequency ON. Measurement boxes appear
in the scale area.
Then measure the peak-peak voltage by placing lines A and B on the maximum
and minimum velocity values.
The input peak-peak can be found by measuring the input/dark blue trace.
Now, select Phase D by clicking in the D box. Move the vertical line until
it intersects with the peak value.
Input Amplitude = 6.0 Volts peak-to-peak
(dB) = 20log10
Amplitude Ratio
At low frequency, the Amplitude Ratio is the Gain (Kp) of the plant.
At high frequency, the Amplitude Ratio drops linearly on the graph.
The straight line actually drops at a rate of -20 dB/decade, such that every
time the frequency increases by a factor of 10, the amplitude drops by 20 dB.
Draw a straight line with this slope as a best fit to the high frequency section
of the measured curve.
A first order lag is characterized, in frequency, by its low frequency gain and its
cut-off frequency.
Phase Response:
At low frequency, there is no phase shift. At high frequency, the Phase φ tends towards -
90° (90° lag).
At the Break Frequency the phase φ is at -45°.
Radian Frequency
Radians are an angular measurement and there are 2π radians per cycle, such
that2π radians are equivalent to 360°.
Radian Frequency has the symbol CD, where ω = 2πfc and has dimensions
Relationship between break frequency and time constant:
Break Frequency, ωc, in radians/second, is the inverse of the time constant, τ, in seconds,
for example
The log of two numbers multiplied together is the sum of the log of the two
individual numbers, for example:
log (A x B) = logA + logB
If a plant consists of two first order lags one after the other (in series) then the
Output is the multiple of the lags. Since Bode is a logarithmic plot, the Bode plot
of two lags is the sum of the two individual Bode plots. This is true for both
amplitude and phase.
It is then quite easy to translate the information into any of the other graphical