iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Markscheme - Set 2
iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Markscheme - Set 2
iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Markscheme - Set 2
Section A: Reading
3b R7.1E Make broad Award 1 mark for each Students may focus on the Think carefully about how the 2
inferences from a text or reasonable justification that challenges rather than the way equipment you have chosen
spoken language, relates to the equipment equipment would be used to would help climbers to stay
supporting them with a chosen to answer question 3a, combat them. safe and well.
range of evidence. for example:
• to help the mountaineers
breathe at altitude (1)
• to keep as warm as possible
as it is so cold (1)
Accept any other valid
responses. Do not accept
justifications that do not relate
to the equipment chosen to
answer question 3a.
4a R7.4B Identify some of a Award 1 mark for identifying the Students may not pick up the The writer could have written 1
writer’s significant word ‘known’. nuance conveyed by the word ‘The first people to reach the
vocabulary choices. ‘known’. summit …’. Think carefully
about why the writer doesn’t
say this.
4b R7.4B Make broad Award 1 mark for any Students may not be able to Think about what the text says 1
inferences from a text or reasonable justification, for explain the implication that there about how some expeditions
spoken language, example: may have been unknown ended, and why this might
supporting them with a • Others may have made the successful expeditions to the mean what happened wasn’t
range of evidence. summit but didn’t survive to summit. known.
tell people. (1)
• Others may have reached
the summit but not kept an
official record of it. (1)
Accept any other valid
Year 7 English, Term 1, End-of-term Test
5 R7.3A Explore the Award the mark for any Students may explain what a Think about how a reader uses 1
writer’s selection, reasonable explanation about glossary is, rather than relating a glossary, as well as what it is.
structure and the function of the glossary, for this to how it is useful for a
organisation of ideas. example: reader.
• A glossary explains words
that may be unfamiliar, so it
helps readers to understand
the text.
Accept any other valid
6 R7.3A Explore the Award the mark for: Students may choose answer B Read all the options carefully. 1
writer’s selection, • A – They divide up the or answer C, each of which is Eliminate any that are clearly
structure and information into clear arguably true but not the fullest, incorrect before selecting the
organisation of ideas. sections. best response. most accurate explanation.
7 R7.4B Identify some of a Award 1 mark for explaining Students may focus on a slightly If the word is unfamiliar, look at 2
writer’s significant ‘elite’ and 1 mark for providing different meaning of the word the surrounding text and decide
vocabulary choices. evidence from the text. For ‘elite’ as privileged (even without what would make sense.
example: merit), but this is not how the
• Elite means ‘special’ or ‘the word is used in the context of the
best’. The text says the text.
Sherpa people are elite
mountaineers, and we know
that they are excellent
mountaineers because they
are physically hardy and
have expert knowledge
about the Himalayas.
8a R7.2A Identify a writer’s Award the mark for: Students may choose answer A Read all the options carefully. 1
or speaker’s intention • B – To inform people about or answer D, but neither is the Eliminate any that are clearly
and viewpoint. Mount Everest best description of the writer’s incorrect before selecting the
main purpose in writing the text. most accurate explanation.
about the writer’s main
Year 7 English, Term 1, End-of-term Test
8b R7.2A Identify a writer’s Award the mark for any valid Students may focus only on the Think about the writer’s 1
or speaker’s intention example of how the writer writer’s descriptions of Mount selection, structure and
and viewpoint. achieves his purpose, for Everest, rather than on their organisation of ideas, and how
example: intent to inform. they help to achieve the writer’s
• The writer informs the purpose.
reader by giving plenty of
factual information, including
statistics and dates.
Accept any other valid
9 R7.1C Identify and Award 1 mark for identifying an Students may omit to give one Read the given text carefully, 2
paraphrase key advantage, for example: example of each, and concentrate looking for the positive and
information in a text. • The visitors bring money to on either advantages or negative influences of visitors
the local people, buying disadvantages. on the area.
goods and services.
Award 1 mark for identifying a
disadvantage, for example:
• They also bring litter and
waste that spoils the natural
environment and has to be
cleared up.
Accept any other valid
Total for Section A 17
Year 7 English, Term 1, End-of-term Test
Section B: Writing