Concrete Aggregate2017 Oman Spec
Concrete Aggregate2017 Oman Spec
Concrete Aggregate2017 Oman Spec
of Supplementary Cementing Material (SCM) Test Description Standard Limit
Tests (min)
1 Supplementary cementing materials, if permitted by the Per
Engineer, shall be selected from subparagraphs below. Blending of Appendix
production Reactive Silica
C 227 X1.3.7 of
fly ash or slag with Portland cement shall be done at mixing plant. sample
Pulverized Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F.
ASTM Minimum
Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: ASTM C 989, 1 per 7 days Specific Gravity
C 127 2.6
Grade 100 or 120.
1 per 2 days Moisture Content Blended Hydraulic Cement 1097-5
1 Blended Hydraulic Cement: conforming to ASTM C 595 shall 3%
production Shell Content BS812
be used solely for grouts if specified or approved by the Engineer. It maximum
shall not to be used for making structural concrete.
Table Coarse Aggregate Specifications and Testing Aggregates
* Additionally, the limits specified in Paragraph for total salt
1 Aggregates shall be normal-weight and shall be from approved content shall not be exceeded
sources and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33 and BS 3 Fine aggregate, shall pass a 5mm sieve and shall consist of
EN 12620. Petrographic analyses shall be made in accordance with crushed gravel, crushed stone or natural sand with rounded or
ASTM C 295. Aggregates for exposed concrete shall be from the
surrounded particles, washed as necessary, and shall comply with the
same geological type and shall be supplied by the same quarry i.e from
the same source and shall not contain substances that cause spalling.
Only aggregates not susceptible to alkali aggregate reaction shall be Frequency Test
used. The Contractor shall supply samples of the materials for Standard Limit
of Tests Description
approval by the Engineer and each aggregate source shall be subject
Clay Lumps and ASTM C 142/C
to monitoring by the Engineer. Grading of aggregate shall be to the 1 per day 1.0% maximum
Friable Particles 142M
compliance of BS EN 12620.
maximum 3%
2 Coarse aggregate for structural concrete shall be 20mm for natural sand
nominal size, free from material passing a 5mm sieve, and shall Material Finer and 5% for
1 per day ASTM C 117
consist of crushed stone, selected, re-crushed, finish screened and than 75 Microns crushed sand
washed with water meeting the requirements of Paragraph as with no plastic
necessary, and shall comply with the following:
1 per 7 days ASTM C 128 2.0% maximum
Freq. of Absorption
Test Description Standard Limit
Tests (min)
1 per 3 days Chlorides as Cl BS EN 1744-1
Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM 25% maximum
Loss (Grading A or B) C 131 maximum
1 per 3 days Sulfates as SO3 BS EN 1744-1
Ratio of Los Angeles maximum
Abrasion Loss at 100 & ASTM
0.25% Organic ASTM C 40/C4 Lighter than
Initial 500 Revolutions C 131 1 per 7 days
maximum Impurities 0M Standard Color
(100/500 Revolutions Note 6
Value) 1 per day Sand equivalent ASTM D2419 75% minimum
Clay Lumps and ASTM 1.0% Light weight ASTM C
1 per day 1 per day 0.5% maximum
Friable Particles C 142 maximum pieces 123/C123M
Material Finer than 75 ASTM 1.0% Per Appendix
1 per day
Microns C 117 maximum X1.3.7
1 per source Reactive Silica ASTM C227
of ASTM C 33/
ASTM 2.0% C33M
1 per 7 days Water Absorption
C 127 maximum
As per ASTM
1 per 3 days Chlorides as Cl BS 812 0.03% max* 1 in 3 days Sieve analysis ASTM C136 C33/C33M
1 per 3 days Sulfates as SO3 BS 812 0.3% max* requirements