ChipNDaleRescueRangers PrelimP2 Feature DialogueList
ChipNDaleRescueRangers PrelimP2 Feature DialogueList
ChipNDaleRescueRangers PrelimP2 Feature DialogueList
Prelim P2 - Feature
- All text additions/changes are bold and underlined
-All text deletions are struck through.
PRINCIPAL ROBINSON Good morning. Come on. Morning, guys. Good morning. Hi,
girls! Hello, hello. Good morning. Come along now. Simon, no
01:00:44:15 headphones. You'll get these back after school. Betty, you're not
01:00:45:22 Donald Duck! Put some pants on, please!
(Note: Donald Duck, a popular Disney character that does
not wear pants.)
DALE (VO) I'm willing to bet it's Thomas Chippendale, the London-based
cabinet maker from the 1700s. Sick cabinet, Thomas! But I bet the
second thing that pops into your head are these guys. But
certainly, third would be those rascally cartoon chipmunks, Chip
'N' Dale, or should I say Chip and me? And it all started the day
we met, when my family moved and I had to start join a new
01:01:07:20 school in the middle of third grade.
(Thomas Chippendale = A cabinet-maker in London in the
1700s. Designed furniture in the mid-Georgian, English
Rococo, and Neoclassical styles.
Sick = awesome
These guys = Chippendales - Male striptease touring dance
Timing changes
Range: 01:02:13:10 - 01:02:55:15 changed to 01:02:14:05 - 01:02:51:20
Old range duration: 00:00:42:05
New range duration: 00:00:37:14
Affected events: 12
01:02:13:10 DALE (VO) [sighs] By lunchtime, no one wanted anything to do with me.
01:03:12:04 DALE (VO) By high school, we were headlining the talent show.
01:03:17:21 CHIP And for our grand finale, The Amazing Dale will juggle
01:03:14:06 everything! Hey!
01:03:28:00 DALE (VO) We knew we had something special. So, after graduation, we
01:03:24:09 packed our bags and headed to California California.
Timing changes
Range: 01:03:33:12 - 01:04:11:07 changed to 01:03:30:03 - 01:04:07:11
Old range duration: 00:00:37:19
New range duration: 00:00:37:08
Affected events: 22
01:04:09:02 DALE Wow, did you see us? We were on the TV! look great!
Timing changes
Range: 01:04:12:12 - 01:05:54:05 changed to 01:04:09:02 - 01:05:50:14
Old range duration: 00:01:41:17
New range duration: 00:01:41:12
Affected events: 31
FAT CAT Oh. Huh? [slurps] Birds! [grunts] What the... [chuckles] Huh?
Why, you little... Come here, you-- [grunts, gasps, groans]
(Note that when Chip hits Dale with the pipe, Dale sees
birds, which distract Fat Cat. This gag will be used later in
the feature.)
Timing changes
Range: 01:05:54:08 - 01:06:47:01 changed to 01:05:50:15 - 01:06:45:08
Old range duration: 00:00:52:17
New range duration: 00:00:54:17
Affected events: 15
01:06:15:20 CROWD Go, Chip. Go, Dale. Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger.
01:06:13:19 Go, Roger.
01:07:37:15 DALE (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho [chuckles]
DALE [sighs] I know. You never mean it. That's just how it is now.
know. I mean, you're always acting like you saved me or
something. But when we were kids, we were in it together.
01:08:12:05 CHIP What are you talking about? We're still in it together.
DALE Look. [sighing] I just feel like somewhere along the way, you
stopped laughing with me and started laughing at me. I'm sorry,
Chip. I'm just done being second banana.
(second banana = the second most important person in an
organization or activity)
Timing changes
Range: 01:09:06:00 - 01:09:45:11 changed to 01:08:57:06 - 01:09:36:13
Old range duration: 00:00:39:11
New range duration: 00:00:39:07
Affected events: 13
UGLY SONIC Yeah. I am. Yes. Anyway, now my luck has shifted. I'm
01:10:25:05 developing I've been offered a new TV show. reality show
01:10:15:19 where I do ride-alongs with the FBI. It's called Ugly Sonic,
Uglier Crimes.
UGLY SONIC No! No, it's really gonna happen this time. I swear. It's a reality
01:10:33:04 show where I do ride-alongs with the FBI. It's called Ugly Sonic
Uglier Crime.
DALE [grunts] Uh... Yeah, you know what? That's great. When one of us
succeeds, we all succeed. Baloo was part of the Disney Afternoon
just like me. Then he got The Jungle Book reboot and boom, he's
back on top. It happens that fast.
(The Jungle Book = animated Disney film based on the novel
by Rudyard Kipling)
Timing changes
Range: 01:10:45:02 - 01:11:59:16 changed to 01:10:41:08 - 01:11:55:22
Old range duration: 00:01:14:15
New range duration: 00:01:14:15
Affected events: 16
01:13:00:03 CHIP (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Da-da, Da-da-da, da, da, da-da, da, da da
01:13:04:09 CHIP (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Da-da, Da-da-da, da-da, da... da-da, bah-da-bah
01:14:50:18 MONTEREY JACK [sighing] Ah! [speaking normally] It's been too long, Chip.
01:15:03:21 CHIP Oh, no. I remember. It smells like old food in a rental car. almond
01:15:00:03 butter and gasoline.
MONTEREY JACK ... but just enough to skirt by the copyright laws. laws, and then
01:16:38:14 smuggle him overseas to a black market studio where he'll
01:16:35:17 spend the rest of his life being forced to make terrible bootleg
MONTEREY JACK And then lock him away for the rest of his life where he'll only be
let out to make terrible bootleg movies.
CHIP "The Small Fish Lady"? Oh, that's no. That's awful. We can't let
01:16:49:15 that happen to you. We'll figure something out.
01:16:49:12 (The Small Fish Lady = A gag on the The Little Mermaid
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter)
Timing changes
Range: 01:19:57:06 - 01:21:49:08 changed to 01:19:56:03 - 01:21:48:05
Old range duration: 00:01:52:01
New range duration: 00:01:52:01
Affected events: 31
01:21:29:01 DALE (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) When you need help, just call...
01:21:27:22 (lyrics from the Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers theme song)
01:21:49:09 CHIP What? So, that's it? I-- I thought that cops were supposed to serve
01:21:48:06 and protect not give up and move on.
CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Hey! I'd give anything to make a case against those scum. Sweet
Pete's got his fingers in every illegal business from bootlegging to
01:21:55:05 stinky cheese, getting rich while we look like we just fell off the
01:21:54:02 turnip truck.
(Fell off the turnip truck - idiom meaning to be mentally
simple and unsophisticated.)
01:22:06:14 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [screams] Guppies! Ah, you scared the beans out of me, Steckler.
01:22:14:11 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Yeah, of course not. Why would there be? Six missing toons in a
01:22:13:08 month and not one clue.
01:22:19:21 ELLIE STECKLER Well, maybe we should check in with the neighbors? See if
01:22:18:18 anyone saw anything?
01:22:22:20 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Oh, yeah. You think? Why don't you just leave the real detective
01:22:21:17 work to me, okay? [laughs]
01:22:31:07 SOCK PUPPET POLICE OFFICER Chief, the press are outside waiting for a statement.
01:22:35:16 ELLIE STECKLER Yes, sir. It looks like a Monopoly game piece and Officer O'Hara.
01:22:34:13 (Monopoly = Popular American board game)
01:22:39:21 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Officer! What the... [grunts] Just want one day where my shirt
01:22:38:18 stays clean.
01:22:49:08 ELLIE STECKLER [sighs] Hey! [chuckles] I'm Ellie Steckler. Uh... I am a huge fan.
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter continues under following dialogue)
01:23:09:19 CHIP You know that was just a TV show, right? Not real.
ELLIE STECKLER Look, I heard what Putty was saying to you guys. But I don't think
01:23:15:00 it's hopeless. I'm breaking some rules telling you this, but from
01:23:13:21 everything that we know about bootlegging, the whole process
takes about two days.
ELLIE STECKLER The problem is, we don't know where Sweet Pete's bootlegging
facility is. [inhales sharply] And every time we try to get a
warrant, we get so bogged down in red tape that nothing happens.
But if you guys can find that bootlegging facility, I think you'll
find your friend.
(red tape = excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules and
formalities, especially in public business)
01:23:41:05 DALE Wow. Thank you, and thank you again for watching the show. It
01:23:40:02 really means a lot.
DALE Chip, Monty called both of us looking for help and we let him
01:24:14:15 down. We can't just let him rot in some warehouse overseas
01:24:12:17 studio, being forced to make bad movies. If he's gonna make bad
movies, he should be making them here with me.
Timing changes
Range: 01:25:09:02 - 01:26:19:21 changed to 01:25:07:13 - 01:26:19:01
Old range duration: 00:01:10:19
New range duration: 00:01:11:12
Affected events: 15
01:27:30:21 MAN IN ORANGE HAT Bread for sale, bread for sale
01:27:30:03 (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Everyone loves bread for sale
01:27:35:20 SHOE SHINER (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Scoot, scoot, a shiny shoe makes the man
01:27:35:02 A shiny shoe, now there's a plan
01:27:43:08 GIRL WITH A HAIR BOW. Roses are a way to make a girl feel pretty--
01:27:42:14 (Song/Lyric) (Ditty)
Timing changes
Range: 01:28:00:07 - 01:29:13:05 changed to 01:27:59:13 - 01:29:12:11
Old range duration: 00:01:12:22
New range duration: 00:01:12:22
Affected events: 15
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter continues throughout the event)
01:30:20:21 DALE Really? Meeting Sweet Pete, huh? Looks like I just took us from
01:30:20:03 outside the club to the VIP room.
Timing changes
Range: 01:30:31:03 - 01:32:26:20 changed to 01:30:30:09 - 01:32:26:04
Old range duration: 00:01:55:17
New range duration: 00:01:55:19
Affected events: 32
Timing changes
Range: 01:32:58:12 - 01:34:32:04 changed to 01:32:57:18 - 01:34:31:15
Old range duration: 00:01:33:16
New range duration: 00:01:33:21
Affected events: 23
01:34:29:15 SWEET PETE Old? Bald? Sad like a zoo gorilla? [chuckles]
01:34:34:23 SWEET PETE Don't worry. You can't say nothing to me I haven't heard already.
01:34:34:17 Jimmy, please. Untie our guests.
SWEET PETE Chip and Dale! You Wow! Hey, you mind if I walk while we
01:34:41:13 talk? Not fitting into the old costume like I used to. Need to get
01:34:42:12 my steps in.
(get my steps in = to have your daily exercise)
SWEET PETE Not fitting into the old costume like I used to. Need to get my
01:34:46:03 steps in.
(get my steps in = to have your daily exercise)
01:34:48:17 DALE Hey! I've got one of those. We should link accounts and help
01:34:49:22 motivate each other.
SWEET PETE Uh. Yeah, I'm good, buddy. Right. So, I'm guessing you two are
here to talk about Monterey Jack.
(I'm good = used to say that you don't want to do something)
SWEET PETE You know, I always liked Monty. It's a shame what happened.
01:35:00:22 Too much cheese. Not enough bread.
01:35:00:23 (Bread = slang for cash or money.
Note that Bread and Cheese frequently go together.)
CHIP Listen, Mr. Sweet Pete. Mr. Pete. We'd be willing to pay
whatever Monty owes you. If you'd just be willing to you if you
could give him a break? This one time? Just this once?
(give him a break = stop putting pressure on someone about
SWEET PETE Hmm. "Give him a break"? You know, I used to be an actor
myself. got my big break when I was just a kid when kid. I
starred got cast in the biggest movie in the world, as the boy who
wouldn't grow up, Peter Pan. Then I hit puberty and they threw me
away like garbage.
01:35:32:21 SWEET PETE I was scared, hungry, and desperate to get back into in that sweet
01:35:34:13 spotlight...
SWEET PETE ...but no one would hire me. So, I decided to take the power back
01:35:38:16 and make my own bootleg movie! I called it, "Flying Bedroom
01:35:39:23 Boy."
(Flying Bedroom Boy = a parody of Peter Pan)
01:35:48:21 SWEET PETE And guess what? It worked! I made lots of money. So, I recruited
01:35:50:00 other toons to star in more movies...
SWEET PETE So, I shot more movies with other toons, and bada-bunk-bada-
chunk, now I run my own bootleg movie studio...
SWEET PETE ...and bang-a-rang, now I run my own bootleg movie studio,
where I get to decide who's a star, and who gets thrown in the
trash! And now you two come poking around where you don't
belong, asking questions about your missing friend. And I
can't have that. But you want a break? So, how's this for a
break? I'm thinking it's time for a Chip 'N Dale reboot.
(a star = a famous celebrity
poking around = look around a place, typically in search of
SWEET PETE ...where I get to decide who's a star, and who gets thrown in the
trash! And now you two come poking around where you don't
belong, asking questions about your missing friend. And I can't
have that. But you want a break? How's this for a break? I'm
thinking it's time for a Chip 'N Dale reboot. Jimmy.
(a star = a famous celebrity
poking around = look around a place, typically in search of
01:36:40:18 DALE Uh. No, no. Aha! There's only one way, Chip.
01:36:43:11 SWEET PETE Get in there! [speaking indistinctly] Open up! Hey!
SWEET PETE Well, they're dead. Easy come, easy go, huh, guys?
(Easy come, easy go = used to indicate that a relationship or
possession acquired without effort may be abandoned or lost
casually and without regret.)
01:37:13:07 SWEET PETE You better pray they don't make it out of there alive.
Timing changes
Range: 01:37:56:15 - 01:38:24:20 changed to 01:37:59:11 - 01:38:29:13
Old range duration: 00:00:28:05
New range duration: 00:00:30:02
Affected events: 11
CHIP [yells, grunts] [grunts, gasps, sighs] Dale? Hello? Dale? [pants]
Oh, no. Dale? Come on, don't, uh, don't prank me like this. [sobs,
gasps, shrieks, sobs] I should've... [whimpers]
01:38:55:15 CHIP Not now, Dale. [sobs] Dale! You're alive! But... how?
01:39:39:17 DALE All right, fine, but I'm coming with you! [chuckles]
01:39:06:11 DALE Chip, you were crying. You really do love me!
01:39:15:03 CHIP Don't make it about you. I was traumatized! Just leave it alone.
01:39:20:03 Okay?
DALE Aw! I mean, I'm touched! Okay! [clicks tongue] Aw! Okay, fine.
01:39:16:12 [inhales] Well, that whole day was a big waste! We didn't learn
01:39:22:06 anything of value except for that Sweet Pete wears the same step
tracker that I do.
01:39:27:21 CHIP Wait, those step trackers, do they keep track of everywhere you
01:39:32:21 go?
01:39:31:16 DALE Yeah, I know because I like to map my runs in the shape of a butt.
01:39:36:16 [chuckles]
01:39:35:02 CHIP I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to go talk to Ellie. And
01:39:40:02 then I'm going home!
01:39:44:14 DALE Okay, but please just don't tell her about the butt thing.
01:39:49:02 DALE [groans] You think she'll think it's funny, though?
Timing changes
Range: 01:39:52:05 - 01:41:39:14 changed to 01:39:56:16 - 01:41:43:23
Old range duration: 00:01:47:09
New range duration: 00:01:47:07
Affected events: 18
ELLIE STECKLER No, I really screwed up. Last year, when Peppa Pig went missing,
I fell for a bogus tip, and tip. I made the whole squad raid
Nickelodeon Junior studios. [sighs] And the toons fought back.
Paw Patrol Patrol bit back. [inhales] Ended up giving half the
squad rabies. Marshall attacked Sergeant Henderson. The
doctors say he'll never have kids. No one's trusted me ever since.
(Peppa Pig = the main character of an animated television
show of the same name
screwed up = cause something to fail or go wrong.
tip = a small but useful piece of information
Nickelodeon Jr. = An American television channel/studio
that primarily creates content for children
Paw Patrol = children's animated show)
01:41:30:03 ELLIE STECKLER What? I wish my childhood self could see this! [chuckles] This is
01:41:34:10 crazy! [chuckles]
Timing changes
Range: 01:42:58:03 - 01:46:32:01 changed to 01:43:01:19 - 01:46:34:20
Old range duration: 00:03:33:22
New range duration: 00:03:33:01
Affected events: 58
01:44:53:09 BOB Hey, you! you two! This water fountain good?
01:46:36:19 DALE [laughs] No way! Is this a remix of the Disney Afternoon theme
01:46:39:14 song? You made this?
01:46:41:09 DJ HERZOGENAURACH You are knowing it, brother! Now you do a rap on it? Yes?
01:46:44:08 CHIP Oh, oh, I don't know! Give me one second with Dale here, bro.
01:46:47:03 First off, stop encouraging this guy.
01:48:50:13 DALE CHIP Hey, this was really fun, but we actually got to get going!
CAPTAIN S. PUTTY I ought to suspend you for going behind my back, Steckler. And I
hope we don't get attacked by SpongeBob the Rugrats this time.
01:50:05:01 [laughs] Ready the battering rams!
01:50:07:20 (SpongeBob = Spongebob SquarePants, main character of
the animated Rugrats = show that focuses on a group of the
same name toddlers)
01:50:41:18 ELLIE STECKLER [exhales] Sir! I think I found something. [breathes deeply] Careful.
01:50:46:08 Don't touch anything.
CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Whoa. Freaky. Whoa. Garfield's little body can't take muscles like
01:51:16:02 that.
01:51:18:15 (Garfield = the main character of "Garfield" , an American
comic strip and cartoon)
01:51:25:13 DALE This looks like the machine I had my CG work done on. Except
01:51:27:03 way more violent-looking.
01:51:35:11 ELLIE STECKLER It's still warm. Must've just missed 'em.
01:51:39:08 CHIP Wait. No, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!
Timing changes
Range: 01:51:51:19 - 01:52:03:16 changed to 01:51:57:03 - 01:52:09:04
Old range duration: 00:00:11:21
New range duration: 00:00:12:01
Affected events: 10
Timing changes
Range: 01:52:06:03 - 01:53:43:04 changed to 01:52:11:15 - 01:53:50:08
Old range duration: 00:01:37:01
New range duration: 00:01:38:17
Affected events: 34
Timing changes
Range: 01:55:10:15 - 01:55:33:07 changed to 01:55:17:04 - 01:55:40:02
Old range duration: 00:00:22:16
New range duration: 00:00:22:22
Affected events: 11
01:55:44:01 BOB We should probably skip town for a while, huh, boss?
SWEET PETE We're not going anywhere without those chipmunks. I still
want my reboot.
01:55:51:20 SWEET PETE Nah, let 'em go. I have my own special way of tracking people.
01:55:46:19 CHIP You said bootlegging takes 48 hours. We made it before then.
DALE I know. It just doesn't seem right. Hey, just want to remind you
guys I'll be at Fan Con this afternoon, signing autographs, so get
those nuts ready! [laughs, inhales]
(con = short for convention)
CHIP And that coffee was still warm. It's like they knew we were
ELLIE STECKLER Look, I know you guys are sad about Monty, but you should still
feel really good about what you did back there. You guys are
01:56:16:19 CHIP [sighs] I'm telling you, we're missing something. I can feel it,
01:56:47:13 Dale.
DALE Hey. J-- just want to remind you guys I'll be at Fan Con this
01:56:52:10 afternoon, signing autographs. So, get those nuts ready!
[chuckles] Yeah.
01:58:49:13 DALE This whole place, it smells like... old food in a rental car! almond
01:59:19:09 butter and gasoline!
01:58:52:03 CHIP Old food in a rental car! Almond butter and gasoline! But that's
01:59:21:23 the Rescue Rangers cologne.
UGLY SONIC Oh, you know what you sound like to me? Wah, wah, wah, wah,
(Note: The "wahs" are similar to how Charlie Brown hears
his teacher speaking in the Peanuts cartoons.)
DALE [laughs] Yeah! Like Charlie Brown's teacher. The thing is, we
actually don't have a lot of time.
(Charlie Brown = The main character of the Peanuts comic
01:59:09:01 DALE [sniffs] It's coming from in here. Why would Putty's office smell
01:59:39:12 like that?
UGLY SONIC Oh! You want me to go fast! [laughs] That's Sonic's thing, Ugly
Sonic goes slow, baby! [laughs]
CHIP I'm not sure, but you and your big red nose are onto something.
Monty was literally the only person to ever use that disgusting
DALE Actually, I heard it's still used in the Ukraine to strip paint, but of
01:59:31:00 course, we never see a dime of that.
02:00:01:11 (See a dime of that = collect royalties for the rights to use
their brand.)
01:59:35:11 CHIP [grunts] That's not the point. Putty's office stunk of it... it, which
02:00:05:22 means someone had direct contact with Monty.
01:59:38:07 CHIP ...which means someone had direct contact with Monty.
Timing changes
Range: 01:59:40:18 - 02:00:32:00 changed to 02:00:11:05 - 02:01:02:06
Old range duration: 00:00:51:07
New range duration: 00:00:51:01
Affected events: 15
02:01:02:08 DALE Look, we really need your help, but we don't have a lot of time.
UGLY SONIC Oh! You want me to go fast? [chuckles] That's Sonic's thing.
Ugly Sonic goes slow, baby. [laughs]
02:00:56:00 DALE [scoffs] You don't have a show with the FBI. I knew it! I knew it!
02:00:59:10 UGLY SONIC I wasn't finished. I'll run it by my producer later when I see him at
02:01:22:02 the château.
02:01:05:16 UGLY SONIC One day, you'll see, Dale. You'll turn on your television and all
02:01:28:08 will be revealed.
Timing changes
Range: 02:01:18:12 - 02:01:51:07 changed to 02:01:41:04 - 02:02:13:23
Old range duration: 00:00:32:20
New range duration: 00:00:32:20
Affected events: 20
02:01:31:02 DALE [pants] Whoa! You guys smell incredible. Watch out! [laughs]
02:01:31:17 CHIP Whoa! Watch out. Okay. Nice horsey, nice horsey.
Timing changes
Range: 02:01:52:08 - 02:02:22:17 changed to 02:02:15:00 - 02:02:45:14
Old range duration: 00:00:30:10
New range duration: 00:00:30:14
Affected events: 15
02:01:53:10 GIRL IN CHIPMUNK DRESS Peter, is that really you? You got old.
02:02:16:07 CUBBY
Timing changes
Range: 02:02:27:04 - 02:03:02:10 changed to 02:02:49:20 - 02:03:22:23
Old range duration: 00:00:35:06
New range duration: 00:00:33:03
Affected events: 15
MAN DRESSED UP AS BORAT Oh, my God. Hey! Can I get a photo? [speaking indistinctly]
(This is a fan dressed up as the fictional reality character,
SWEET PETE [coughs, groans] Aw, definitely pulled something. You go, keep
going, I'll catch up. [coughs] Give Hey, give me that. [groans,
grunts, groans] It's diet. [groans] You're drinking diet?
02:03:03:02 BOB By the axe of Ucarga, you will submit to me! [grunts, screams]
02:03:24:05 Got you. [grunts]
02:03:13:22 BOB What are you doing? Stop. Just... Whoa! [grunting, screams] Got
02:03:35:03 you! [screams, grunts]
Timing changes
Range: 02:03:21:01 - 02:04:21:12 changed to 02:03:39:12 - 02:04:39:12
Old range duration: 00:01:00:11
New range duration: 00:01:00:00
Affected events: 25
02:03:42:17 BALOO Well, I'll be. Chip and Dale together. together again. Never
02:04:01:02 thought I'd see the day.
Timing changes
Range: 02:04:27:10 - 02:06:00:23 changed to 02:04:39:23 - 02:06:13:01
Old range duration: 00:01:33:13
New range duration: 00:01:33:02
Affected events: 30
02:05:35:03 SWEET PETE He'll Oh, he'll be here. here, all right. Keep your pants on.
02:05:46:08 ("keep your pants on" = to be patient)
SWEET PETE Ah! I want you to stop messing with my business. You exposed
everything, now I have to move all the this stuff and start over. It's
super annoying. You should Should have just let me bootleg you
when you came to my office. Could have saved us both a ton of
headaches. Ah!
Timing changes
Range: 02:08:15:01 - 02:10:09:01 changed to 02:08:27:01 - 02:10:20:18
Old range duration: 00:01:54:00
New range duration: 00:01:53:17
Affected events: 19
DALE [laughs] Oh, so good. [laughs] Still holds up. [inhales] It's a great
show. Uh, no! Focus, Dale. Come on.
(holds up = to still be of great quality)
DALE All right. Think, Dale, think. Gadget is stuck in a lantern. Lanterns
provide light by using fire. Fire is really cool, but also really
dangerous. [gasps] Someone is in a dangerous situation. Like that
time I dropped a bowling ball on my toe. [gasps] Ellie has ten toes
02:08:38:22 and she probably likes Thai food. Ellie is tied up and in danger and
02:08:50:00 Chip is with her. It was Putty working with Sweet Pete the whole
time. I cracked it. I am coming, guys. [grunts, pants, groans] Come
on, start, start, start, start, start! start! No! No, no, no. [sighs] No.
Oh! Huh.
(Thai and tie are pronounced the same way in English.)
02:09:39:16 ZIPPER [buzzes, clears throat] Excuse me. Dale, old chum. The sight of
02:09:51:02 you lights my heart of aglow.
02:10:00:22 SWEET PETE Chip, I want to do something extra special for you. How would
02:10:12:08 you feel...
02:10:03:17 SWEET PETE How would you feel about ...about playing your old character, but
02:10:15:03 with feet for ears...
Timing changes
Range: 02:10:09:01 - 02:14:20:09 changed to 02:10:20:21 - 02:14:32:11
Old range duration: 00:04:11:08
New range duration: 00:04:11:14
Affected events: 71
02:12:57:03 SWEET PETE No. No, No, no, no, no, no. Come on!
02:13:01:02 SWEET PETE Oh, Oh, yeah, thanks for the input, Putty. genius.
02:14:58:15 SWEET PETE [chuckles] Uh... That's not good. bad. [grunts]
Timing changes
Range: 02:16:20:04 - 02:19:40:03 changed to 02:16:30:16 - 02:19:50:02
Old range duration: 00:03:19:23
New range duration: 00:03:19:10
Affected events: 53
02:16:30:12 CHIP Right on the other side of the wall. Not overseas!
CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Whee! [groans, grunts, chuckles] Oopsie daisy. Bouncy, bouncy.
Yoink, yoink. [grunts, chuckles, hums] [laughs] Heads-up.
[grunts, groans] That actually made me dizzy. [groans]
GOOFY PETE [chuckles] Hey, get outta the way, pals. you little yahoos. Move
it! Move, move, move! Move it! Hey! You're messing things up
here! [screams]
02:18:12:21 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [grunts] So close. [grunts] Okay. [groans, hums] You know I've
02:18:23:05 been thinking... Oh, I'm gonna be... [groans]
02:18:29:03 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [grunts] Ta-da-da-da. Boing. [chuckles, grunts, [grunts, groans]
CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [sighs] Poor, sweet little Ellie. You never should've been a cop in
the first place. Any last words? What? I can't hear you. No? Okay.
Bye, bye, you're dead.
02:19:32:11 SWEET PETE Come out, come out, wherever you are. [laughs]
Timing changes
Range: 02:19:41:19 - 02:21:03:16 changed to 02:19:51:18 - 02:21:14:13
Old range duration: 00:01:21:20
New range duration: 00:01:22:18
Affected events: 29
02:20:52:10 SWEET PETE [grunts] What the... [grunts] God! Come here! [grunts]
Timing changes
Range: 02:21:13:15 - 02:22:25:10 changed to 02:21:20:07 - 02:22:28:23
Old range duration: 00:01:11:19
New range duration: 00:01:08:16
Affected events: 20
02:21:19:19 UGLY SONIC SWEET PETE [chuckles] Yeah, I told you I had a show, Dale. [grunts] Take
02:21:26:09 that!
UGLY SONIC Official Sonic can't do what Ugly Sonic does, baby! [laughs]
Yeah! I told you I had a show, Dale. [grunts, coughs] Oh, stupid
teeth! I think I just bit my tongue.
(Official Sonic = refers to the actual design used for the
Sonic the Hedgehog movie)
DALE (Song/Lyric) Ch-- Ch-- Ch-- Chip 'N' Dale, Rescue Rangers
02:22:05:22 Chi-- Chi-- Ch-- Chip and Dale, when there's danger
02:22:09:19 No, no, it never fails
Once they're involved...
02:22:15:00 CHIP (Song/Lyric) Once they're involved somehow whatever's wrong gets solved
02:22:18:21 Ch-- Ch-- Ch-- Chip 'N' Dale, Rescue Rangers Ch-- Ch-- Ch-
02:22:38:03 SWEET PETE All right, all right, you got me. right. Calm down.
02:22:39:16 CHIP Dale? D-- Dale, come on. Don't mess with me. [inhales] Come on.
CHIP I know you're just pranking me. I'm not falling for this twice.
[pants] Come on. Dale? [pants, sniffles] You-- You know, the
morning I met you when we were just kids at the cafeteria, I never
told you this, but I begged my mom to let me stay home from
school because I didn't have any friends.
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter)
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter continues under following dialogue)
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct chatter continues under following dialogue)
UGLY SONIC The uglier the crime, the longer the time. You're gonna die in jail.
02:24:24:07 Oh, Roger, we gotta work on the end of that tagline. That's dark.
02:24:28:03 The internet's gonna trash me again.
(trash = insult)
02:24:25:11 GRAPHIC 9
02:24:33:04 CHIP [sniffs] Hey. Do Wait. Hold on a second. If they were filming
02:24:37:12 the bootleg movies here, you smell that? don't think...
02:25:36:15 DALE Don't worry, Monte. worry. I've got a guy that'll fix those ears, no
02:25:39:07 problem.
Timing changes
Range: 02:25:48:23 - 02:26:22:02 changed to 02:25:51:15 - 02:26:24:04
Old range duration: 00:00:33:03
New range duration: 00:00:32:13
Affected events: 12
02:26:19:01 ALLIGATOR FBI AGENT Ah! Bunch of pieces of a bad guy. Thanks. Nice work on this
02:26:21:03 case. The FBI could use someone like you.
02:26:24:05 ELLIE STECKLER Thanks. But I think I'd like to start my own detective agency.
Timing changes
Range: 02:26:23:02 - 02:26:55:06 changed to 02:26:29:02 - 02:26:56:07
Old range duration: 00:00:32:03
New range duration: 00:00:27:05
Affected events: 11
CHIP You know, Dale, for a long time I thought I was safer alone, but I
forgot that true friendship is worth the risk. I'm sorry it took all
this to get us back together.
02:26:50:13 MONTEREY JACK Crikey. That was the sweetest moment I've ever seen. Crikey. I'd
02:26:53:09 cry if they didn't erase me tear ducts.
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct cheering)
CHIP 'N DALE RESCUE When you need some help to save the day
RANGERS MAIN TITLE THEME They're never far away
02:28:43:10 (Song/Lyric) Rescue Rangers
02:28:45:02 Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'N Dale
Rescue Rangers
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'N Dale
When there's danger
CROWD [walla]
(indistinct cheering)
02:29:55:05 FAN CON ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, the Rescue Rangers!
- All text additions/changes are bold and underlined
-All text deletions are struck through.
01:00:44:15 PRINCIPAL ROBINSON Good morning. Come on. Morning, guys. Good morning. Hi,
01:00:45:22 girls! Hello, hello. Good morning. Come along now. Simon, no
headphones. You'll get these back after school. Betty, you're not
Donald Duck! Put some pants on, please!
(Note: Donald Duck, a popular Disney character that does
not wear pants.)
01:01:03:07 DALE (VO) Okay. What's the first thing that pops into your head when I say
Chip 'N' Dale?
01:01:05:17 DAUGHTER CARTOON CAR Bye, Dad! Hey, stop bumping me!
(Note that they are cartoon bumper cars, also known as
dodgem cars.)
01:01:07:20 DALE (VO) I'm willing to bet it's Thomas Chippendale, the London-based
cabinet maker from the 1700s. Sick cabinet, Thomas! But I bet the
second thing that pops into your head are these guys. But
certainly, third would be those rascally cartoon chipmunks, Chip
'N' Dale, or should I say Chip and me? And it all started the day
we met, when my family moved and I had to start join a new
school in the middle of third grade.
(Thomas Chippendale = A cabinet-maker in London in the
1700s. Designed furniture in the mid-Georgian, English
Rococo, and Neoclassical styles.
Sick = awesome
These guys = Chippendales - Male striptease touring dance
01:01:37:14 CLASS TEACHER We have a new student today. Everyone, say hello to Dale.
01:01:49:06 YOUNG DALE Uh... [sighs] I know. [grunts] My eye! It's in my eye! [grunts] Get
01:01:48:05 it out!
01:02:02:07 YOUNG DALE Uh... [chuckles] It's a joke. See? I'm fine. [chuckling]
01:02:13:10 DALE (VO) [sighs] By lunchtime, no one wanted anything to do with me.
01:02:29:04 YOUNG CHIP Hey. Mind if I sit? That pencil thing you did was hilarious. It was
01:02:26:11 excellent comic timing.
(comic timing = a comedic performer's joke delivery)
01:02:41:07 YOUNG CHIP No way, man. The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all. You
01:02:38:01 just didn't set up the joke right. I can help you if you want? The
name's Chip.
01:02:53:19 YOUNG DALE Hey! That's my milk! [laughs] It's so good. [speaking indistinctly,
01:02:50:02 laughs]
01:02:56:02 DALE (VO) Chip was so funny and thoughtful about everything. And I never
01:02:52:11 thought about anything. We were perfect together.
01:03:06:01 DALE (VO) And even though we were in the same grade...
01:03:07:20 DALE (VO) ...Chip was like the older brother I never had. He introduced me to
01:03:04:05 cheesy crust pizza and funny, old movies.
01:03:12:04 DALE (VO) By high school, we were headlining the talent show.
01:03:17:21 CHIP And for our grand finale, The Amazing Dale will juggle
01:03:14:06 everything! Hey!
01:03:28:00 DALE (VO) We knew we had something special. So, after graduation, we
01:03:24:09 packed our bags and headed to California California.
01:03:53:22 DALE Oh, what if I did something like, "I'm into nuts." [laughs]
01:03:59:17 DALE (VO) Those first few months, we were flat broke but they were some of
01:03:56:08 the best times of my life.
01:04:09:02 DALE Wow, did you see us? We were on the TV! look great!
01:04:12:12 DALE (VO) And after landing a few small parts, we finally got the call that
01:04:09:02 would change everything.
01:04:17:22 CHIP 'N' DALE PRODUCER Chip, Dale, how would you like your own show?
01:04:24:11 DALE (VO) Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers. We had finally done it! Our own
01:04:21:03 TV show. It was about a group of little detectives who would
solve big crimes. There was the adventurer, Monterey Jack. The
inventor, Gadget Hackwrench, and Zipper, a fly. His things were,
he was small and he couldn't speak, a double threat.
01:04:45:20 DALE (VO) And then there was Chip and I, [chuckles] we were a classic odd
01:04:42:09 couple with Chip as the logical straight man and me as the fun-
loving goof.
01:04:58:17 FAT CAT Oh. Huh? [slurps] Birds! [grunts] What the... [chuckles] Huh?
01:04:55:05 Why, you little... Come here, you-- [grunts, gasps, groans]
(Note that when Chip hits Dale with the pipe, Dale sees
birds, which distract Fat Cat. This gag will be used later in
the feature.)
01:05:31:03 CHIP And so, I just want to thank all of you for the greatest three years
01:05:27:15 of my life. When I think back to where this all started, me finding
Dale sitting all alone in the cafeteria. So sad.
01:05:45:17 CHIP [laughs] But never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd be here
01:05:42:02 now. So, to you, Dale, my best friend, and to all of you...
01:05:57:00 CHIP [laughs] Okay. Okay. To many more seasons of the Rescue
01:05:53:01 Rangers. Cheers!
01:06:13:13 DALE (VO) We were living the dream. High on the hog all night long, dancing
01:06:09:14 the "Roger Rabbit" with Roger Rabbit.
(high on the hog = in a luxurious style, also a visually joke
on the Three Little Pigs.
The Roger Rabbit = a dance popular in the '80s, named after
the character's floppy movements
Roger Rabbit = a popular Disney animated
anthropomorphic character from the film Who Framed
Roger Rabbit?)
01:06:15:20 CROWD Go, Chip. Go, Dale. Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger.
01:06:13:19 Go, Roger.
01:06:47:13 CHIP Hey, where'd you run off to, buddy? I saved you a piece of cake.
01:06:45:20 What's that?
01:06:51:13 DALE Uh... [chuckles] Okay. I wasn't gonna show you this right now, but
01:06:49:20 it just got delivered. So, ta-da! [chuckles]
(ta-da = a phrase used when presenting something)
01:07:01:21 DALE [chuckles] It's wild, right? It's my new show. I'm gonna be a super
01:07:00:04 spy.
01:07:07:22 DALE Yeah, I'm really going for it. And just like you always say, "The
01:07:06:05 biggest risk is not taking any risk at all." [chuckles]
01:07:18:08 CHIP Wh... why didn't you talk to me about it first? We tell each other
01:07:16:15 everything. You've told me what you had for lunch the last 42
01:07:28:02 DALE I don't know. I just wanted to make sure the show was going to
01:07:26:09 happen first before I got your hopes up.
01:07:34:17 DALE Yeah! [chuckles] It's good news for everyone. Check this out.
01:07:37:15 DALE (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho [chuckles]
01:07:41:12 CHIP I just-- [scoffs] If you do this, they might cancel the show.
01:07:45:11 DALE No, they won't do that. I mean, everyone knows you're the
01:07:43:18 favorite. And I'm just the guy who gets hit in the head with a pipe
each week. It's fine.
01:07:52:05 CHIP Okay. So, you're gonna risk all of Rescue Rangers because I'm a
01:07:50:13 little more popular than you? Do you know how dumb that is?
01:08:04:01 DALE [sighs] I know. You never mean it. That's just how it is now.
01:08:02:11 know. I mean, you're always acting like you saved me or
something. But when we were kids, we were in it together.
01:08:12:05 CHIP What are you talking about? We're still in it together.
01:08:14:21 DALE Look. [sighing] I just feel like somewhere along the way, you
01:08:12:05 stopped laughing with me and started laughing at me. I'm sorry,
Chip. I'm just done being second banana.
(second banana = the second most important person in an
organization or activity)
01:08:24:07 CHIP But you're not second banana. I'm a banana and you're just another
01:08:15:13 banana. Two bananas.
01:08:37:18 CHIP After everything I've done for you, do not pick up that phone.
01:08:55:15 DALE (VO) Rescue Rangers was canceled that summer and Double-0 Dale
01:08:46:21 was scrapped after the pilot.
(scrapped = cancelled
pilot = a standalone episode of a television series that is
used to sell the show to a television network)
01:08:56:10 DALE 2 (VOICE OVERLAP) [speaking indistinctly] You are crazy. Yeah.
01:09:06:00 DALE It wasn't anyone's fault in particular, just one of those showbiz
01:08:57:06 things. But now, we're ready to bring it back.
(showbiz = show business; the theater, movies, television,
and pop music as a profession or industry)
01:09:14:02 DALE Rescue Rangers 2.0. Starring me. Now in new and improved 3-D.
01:09:05:08 (3D = three-dimensional)
01:09:21:12 FAN CON ANNOUNCER Are you ready for the star of the day?
01:09:24:08 DALE Well, that's my cue to go. This has been chapter one of Dale's
01:09:15:14 Tales. If you liked it, please don't forget to subscribe below.
(Dale's Tales - Dale's podcast. Note the rhyme and the word
play on tale (story) and the homophone tail (which Dale has,
as a chipmunk). The name is also reminiscent of the Disney
animated series Duck Tales and TaleSpin (which features
01:09:31:11 MALE ANNOUNCER You know him from The Disney Afternoon. Please, welcome to
01:09:22:17 the stage...
(Disney Afternoon = a created-for-syndication two-hour
animated television block programming produced by Walt
Disney Television Animation)
01:09:41:17 BALOO Well, now. Who here likes a little jazz music?
01:09:53:06 LUMIERE Pardon moi, Dale, but your followers, they believe the crowd is for
01:09:44:01 you?
(Pardon moi = pardon me)
01:09:57:03 DALE Of course, they do, Lumiere. And pretty soon, that crowd is gonna
01:09:47:22 be for me.
(Lumiere = A character from the Disney's animated film,
Beauty and the Beast.)
01:10:00:06 UGLY SONIC [coughs] Yeah, Dale! I'm going to be up on that stage too right
01:09:51:01 beside you!
01:10:05:02 DALE [chuckling] Yes, [speaking normally] Ugly Sonic. That's the spirit.
01:09:55:21 (Ugly Sonic =This character is based on the appearance of
Sonic the Hedgehog, a video game character, as he first
appeared in the first trailer for his own feature length film.
Due to fan backlash regarding his look, his character design
was revamped)
01:10:07:08 UGLY SONIC And they'll like me for who I am, not like last time when the
01:09:58:03 internet got one look at my human teeth and burned the place
down. Okay, let's see here. Best wishes. Ugly Sonic. There you go,
(Note: One of the biggest fan complaints about Sonic's initial
design in his feature-length film was that fact that he had
human teeth
Burned the place down = protested very loudly)
01:10:19:13 UGLY SONIC Oh, they're laughing at me. [chuckles] I know that. You can't hurt
01:10:10:08 my feelings if I'm in on the joke.
01:10:25:05 UGLY SONIC Yeah. I am. Yes. Anyway, now my luck has shifted. I'm
01:10:15:19 developing I've been offered a new TV show. reality show
where I do ride-alongs with the FBI. It's called Ugly Sonic,
Uglier Crimes.
01:10:33:04 UGLY SONIC No! No, it's really gonna happen this time. I swear. It's a reality
show where I do ride-alongs with the FBI. It's called Ugly Sonic
Uglier Crime.
01:10:32:09 DALE Oh. Uh... [chuckles nervously] I guess... not? … [grunts] Uh...
Yeah, you know what? That's great. When one of us succeeds,
we all succeed. Baloo was part of the Disney Afternoon just like
me. Then he got The Jungle Book reboot and boom, he's back
on top. It happens that fast.
(The Jungle Book = animated Disney film based on the
novel by Rudyard Kipling)
01:10:45:02 DALE [grunts] Uh... Yeah, you know what? That's great. When one of us
succeeds, we all succeed. Baloo was part of the Disney Afternoon
just like me. Then he got The Jungle Book reboot and boom, he's
back on top. It happens that fast.
(The Jungle Book = animated Disney film based on the novel
by Rudyard Kipling)
01:10:55:20 LUMIERE Bravo, Dale! Your positivity is infectious. Oh, merci! [grunts] I
01:10:51:21 really needed that cash.
(merci = thank you
Note that when Lumiere - a lit candelabra - reaches forward
to take the paper money from the fan that he accidently sets
it on fire.)
01:11:04:01 DALE You just gotta stay prepared. I'm keeping myself fit and you know,
01:11:00:02 my updated modern look?
01:11:08:22 TIGRA Yes, Dale, your CG surgery was done very tastefully. You look
01:11:04:23 amazing.
(CG = computer generated)
01:11:13:16 DALE Well, thank you. Tigra. We should hang out sometime.
01:11:09:18 (Tigra = a fictional superheroine appearing in American
comic books published by Marvel Comics)
01:11:17:16 TIGRA Anyway, don't you think you'd have more fans here if Chip did
01:11:13:18 these events with you?
01:11:23:05 DALE Oh, Chip? Oh, that's interesting. Um, I hadn't thought about him in
01:11:19:05 a while. I should give him a call. See how life's treating him.
01:11:30:14 CHIP Life is the worst, which is why you need good insurance. Look,
01:11:26:15 I'm not gonna put on the hard sell, but in my experience, bad
things happen all the time. They happen without warning.
Sometimes from the last place you'd expect it. And you're left to
pick up the pieces. So you have to protect yourself. If you're
prepared for the worst, the worst isn't so bad. So, why risk it? It's
my job to pull the wool off your eyes. … figuratively.
(pull the wool off one's eyes = a gag on the idiom to "pull the
wool over one's eyes", which means to deceive. Here it is
used in reverse as a joke due to the literal wool being over
the sheep's eyes.)
01:11:57:21 SHEEP [clicks tongue] You know, I'll take the whole package.
01:12:15:21 CHIP Sorry, everyone. Can't tonight. Millie's waiting for me. But thanks
01:12:12:03 for the invite.
01:12:19:23 FROG Are you sure you don't want to see my new pad? [chuckles]
01:12:16:05 (pad = referencing the fact that frogs tend to usually sit on
lily pads)
01:12:22:00 CHIP [laughs sarcastically] Oh, pad. Frog-based humor. No, thanks.
01:12:24:17 FROG [chuckles] That's just a taste of what you get from me outside the
01:12:20:23 work environment.
01:13:00:03 CHIP (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Da-da, Da-da-da, da, da, da-da, da, da da
01:13:02:13 NEWS REPORTER Flounder's disappearance marks the sixth notable cartoon to go
01:12:58:19 missing in the last two months...
(Flounder = a character from the animated Disney film The
Little Mermaid)
01:13:04:09 CHIP (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Da-da, Da-da-da, da-da, da... da-da, bah-da-bah
01:13:08:18 NEWS REPORTER He joins Thomas the Tank Engine, Burger Beagle Boy...
01:13:05:00 [continues speaking indistinctly]
(Thomas the Tank Engine = a British anthropomorphised
fictional steam locomotive in The Railway Series books by
Wilbert Awdry
Burger, the Beagle Boy = The Beagle Boys are a group of
cartoon characters created in 1951 by Walt Disney
Television International for the Donald Duck universe.
Burger is a member of the group.)
01:13:11:21 CHIP Oh! Get over here. Oh, there's my wittle girl. You've been cooped
01:13:08:03 up all day? Okay, okay. You must be hungry. Ayup! [sighs] There
you go. Al-- All right, slow down. [grunts]
(wittle = baby-speak for "little")
01:13:34:04 MALE ANNOUNCER 2 The chipmunks are back. And this time, they're rapping.
01:13:40:08 CHIP [grunts] Of course, they're rapping. They always have to make the
01:13:36:14 cartoons rap. Ooh. A message on my landline. I don't like that.
01:13:56:17 MONTEREY JACK [chuckling] Hey! I know we haven't spoken in a long time. But I'm
01:13:52:23 in a heck of a lot of trouble. And I could use some help from a
friend. I'd really appreciate if you could come and see me at my
place. All right, gotta go. Hope to see you soon.
01:14:44:14 MONTEREY JACK Oh, I'm sorry about that, mate, but they're watching. They're
01:14:40:20 always watching.
01:14:50:18 MONTEREY JACK [sighing] Ah! [speaking normally] It's been too long, Chip.
01:14:53:19 CHIP It really has, old buddy. [sniffs] I... I'm sorry, Monty, but what is
01:14:50:01 that God-awful smell?
01:14:59:12 MONTEREY JACK What? You don't remember? Rescue Ranger's Cologne.
01:15:03:21 CHIP Oh, no. I remember. It smells like old food in a rental car. almond
01:15:00:03 butter and gasoline.
01:15:10:02 CHIP Right. So, Monty, what's going on? I got your voicemail. You said
01:15:06:15 you were in trouble.
01:15:15:15 MONTEREY JACK Uh... [sighs] I screwed up, Chip. My love of cheese got the best of
01:15:12:04 me. And I bought more than I could pay for.
01:15:24:14 MONTEREY JACK I know. I know. But I haven't had so much as a whiff in weeks. I'm
01:15:21:03 dairy-free.
01:15:33:10 MONTEREY JACK Ah, drat! It's a really stinky Gorgonzola. You weren't supposed to
01:15:29:23 see that. Ch-- ch-- ch-- ch-- ch-- ch-- cheese!
01:15:47:12 MONTEREY JACK [gasps, groans, pants, sobs] I'm sorry, Chipper. I just love it so
01:15:44:01 much.
01:15:54:22 CHIP It's okay, Monty. We'll get you some help.
01:15:57:02 MONTEREY JACK Uh... It's not just that, Chip. Now I owe a ton of money to the
01:15:53:15 Valley Gang.
01:16:01:21 CHIP The Valley Gang? Monty, those guys are bad news.
01:16:04:23 MONTEREY JACK I know. And if I can't pay up, they're gonna bootleg me.
01:16:10:22 MONTEREY JACK Oh, Chip. It's gotten rough out there for us old-timers. Did you
01:16:07:11 hear what happened to that little guy, Flounder? When he fell
behind on krill payments?
(old-timer = a person who has had the same job,
membership, or residence, etc., for a long time
Flounder - character from the Disney Feature Animation
title "The Little Mermaid.")
01:16:27:14 FLOUNDER Come on, fellas. This is a genuine Dinglehopper. It's worth a lot.
01:16:24:17 [gasps]
(Dinglehopper = a joke referencing what the characters
called a fork in the animated Disney film The Little
01:16:32:10 MONTEREY JACK So, they kidnap the bloke, erase his mouth so he can't scream, then
01:16:29:13 change him around...
01:16:38:14 MONTEREY JACK ... but just enough to skirt by the copyright laws. laws, and then
01:16:35:17 smuggle him overseas to a black market studio where he'll
spend the rest of his life being forced to make terrible bootleg
01:16:41:11 MONTEREY JACK And then lock him away for the rest of his life where he'll only be
let out to make terrible bootleg movies.
01:16:46:06 DOG MAN
01:16:49:15 CHIP "The Small Fish Lady"? Oh, that's no. That's awful. We can't let
01:16:49:12 that happen to you. We'll figure something out.
(The Small Fish Lady = A gag on the The Little Mermaid
01:16:57:08 CHIP Of course, you were always such a good friend to me. You never
01:16:56:05 let me down. I've really missed you, you big galoot!
(galoot = clumsy or oafish person)
01:17:03:12 MONTEREY JACK Oh, I missed you too, Chipper. I know Gadget and Zipper miss
01:17:02:09 you also.
01:17:09:12 MONTEREY JACK Oh, they're great. Forty-two kids and counting.
01:17:13:01 CHIP Wow, look at that. That one's got Gadget's eyes and Zipper's
01:17:11:22 wings. And that one's got her ears and hands, cute. We had some
good times, didn't we, pal?
01:17:23:21 MONTEREY JACK Aye, the best. [shouts] They're here! Hide!
01:17:51:05 MONTEREY JACK Yeah. I called Dale for help also. I hope that's okay.
01:17:54:07 CHIP Yeah. Why wouldn't it be okay? I mean, it is, uh, okie-dokie
01:17:53:04 artichokie.
01:18:01:19 DALE So, you're not still mad about all the stuff with, you know,
01:18:00:16 Double-0 Dale and Rescue Rangers getting canceled?
01:18:06:15 CHIP Mad? Nah. I'd be pretty pathetic to care about something from that
01:18:05:12 long ago.
01:18:11:20 DALE Oh, okay. I mean, you can care a little if you want to. I mean, I
01:18:10:17 care, but... So, what's been up with you?
01:18:17:17 CHIP Oh, you know this, that, other vague things to fill the space of this
01:18:16:14 conversation.
01:18:28:23 DALE Ah! Hey, it's no secret I had the CGI surgery done and it's done
01:18:27:20 wonders rejuvenating my career. I'm actually starring in a play
tonight. … But, man, I tell you the real hot ticket is Rescue
Rangers. There's even some buzz about a reboot. Someone started
a Facebook fan page for it and everything.
(Facebook = social media service/app)
01:18:46:20 MONTEREY JACK Crikey! A Facebook fan page? They don't just give those away.
01:18:45:17 (crikey = an expression of surprise
They don't just give those away = its actually very easy - and
free - to create a Facebook fan page.)
01:18:51:03 CHIP Oh, he's full of it, Monty. No one's talking about a Rescue
01:18:50:00 Rangers reboot except for him.
(full of it = lying)
01:18:58:13 CHIP Look, I came here to help Monty, not get caught up in some
01:18:57:10 Hollywood nonsense. So, great to take this skip down memory
lane, but I've gotta go. Monty, if you're really in trouble, you know
how to find me. Dale, you were also here.
(skip down memory lane = to reminisce)
01:19:16:02 CHIP Come over to try and help Monty, ambush me, talking about a
01:19:14:23 reboot, think they can squeeze a dollar out of essentially nothing.
01:19:25:06 CHIP He's the one that quit the show in the first place. I've been fine
01:19:24:03 without it.
01:19:32:02 CHIP That's why it's better to not even have friends.
01:19:30:23 (skip down memory lane = to reminisce)
01:19:42:16 MAN IN BLUE SHIRT It's, like, "What are you talking about?" [laughing]
01:19:43:21 DALE Totally. Hey, guys, you wanna hang after the show tonight? I
01:19:42:18 know a great place for cheesy-crust pizza.
01:19:48:16 MAN IN GREEN SCRUBS Oh, um, I'm sorry, man, but we got other plans, you know?
01:19:53:19 MAN IN GREEN SCRUBS I think the ironic guest performer wants to be friends. [chuckling]
01:20:17:04 DALE Hey, it's Dale. Don't hang up. Look, I just got a call from the
01:20:16:01 police and Monty's been kidnapped.
01:20:23:19 DALE Yeah, it's crazy. The cops want a statement from us since we were
01:20:22:16 the last people he talked to. I'm gonna head back to his apartment.
I'll meet you there, okay?
01:20:59:10 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [grunts] Toad, take this to the lab. You're the friends of the victim?
01:20:58:07 You got anything for me? Any known enemies or threats?
01:21:09:06 CHIP Yeah, actually, Monty told me he was in debt to the Valley Gang?
01:21:29:01 DALE (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) When you need help, just call...
01:21:27:22 (lyrics from the Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers theme song)
01:21:35:04 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Well, it eats me up inside to have to tell you this, but [sighs] if he's
01:21:34:01 been taken by the Valley Gang, [sighs] I doubt we can help you.
We've been trying for years to track those sleaze bags. A fella
named Sweet Pete runs the whole operation and he's always one
step ahead of us.
(eats me up inside = fills me with remorse)
01:21:49:09 CHIP What? So, that's it? I-- I thought that cops were supposed to serve
01:21:48:06 and protect not give up and move on.
01:21:55:05 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Hey! I'd give anything to make a case against those scum. Sweet
01:21:54:02 Pete's got his fingers in every illegal business from bootlegging to
stinky cheese, getting rich while we look like we just fell off the
turnip truck.
(Fell off the turnip truck - idiom meaning to be mentally
simple and unsophisticated.)
01:22:06:14 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [screams] Guppies! Ah, you scared the beans out of me, Steckler.
01:22:14:11 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Yeah, of course not. Why would there be? Six missing toons in a
01:22:13:08 month and not one clue.
01:22:19:21 ELLIE STECKLER Well, maybe we should check in with the neighbors? See if
01:22:18:18 anyone saw anything?
01:22:22:20 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Oh, yeah. You think? Why don't you just leave the real detective
01:22:21:17 work to me, okay? [laughs]
01:22:31:07 SOCK PUPPET POLICE OFFICER Chief, the press are outside waiting for a statement.
01:22:35:16 ELLIE STECKLER Yes, sir. It looks like a Monopoly game piece and Officer O'Hara.
01:22:34:13 (Monopoly = Popular American board game)
01:22:39:21 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Officer! What the... [grunts] Just want one day where my shirt
01:22:38:18 stays clean.
01:22:49:08 ELLIE STECKLER [sighs] Hey! [chuckles] I'm Ellie Steckler. Uh... I am a huge fan.
01:22:58:19 ELLIE STECKLER I actually became a detective because as a little girl growing up in
01:22:57:16 Albany, I wanted to help people. [chuckles slightly] Just like you
(Albany = Capitol of New York State.)
01:23:09:19 CHIP You know that was just a TV show, right? Not real.
01:23:15:00 ELLIE STECKLER Look, I heard what Putty was saying to you guys. But I don't think
01:23:13:21 it's hopeless. I'm breaking some rules telling you this, but from
everything that we know about bootlegging, the whole process
takes about two days.
01:23:28:01 ELLIE STECKLER The problem is, we don't know where Sweet Pete's bootlegging
01:23:26:22 facility is. [inhales sharply] And every time we try to get a
warrant, we get so bogged down in red tape that nothing happens.
But if you guys can find that bootlegging facility, I think you'll
find your friend.
(red tape = excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules and
formalities, especially in public business)
01:23:41:05 DALE Wow. Thank you, and thank you again for watching the show. It
01:23:40:02 really means a lot.
01:24:01:14 DALE 'Cause from where I am standing, there's only one crime-fighting
01:23:59:17 team that can solve this case. I'll call Gadget and Zipper.
01:24:06:15 CHIP No, don't bother them. We're as much real detectives as the
01:24:04:18 Scooby-Doo gang.
(Scooby-Doo gang = The main characters featured in the
show "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?". They are an amateur
crime-solving group of friends.)
01:24:14:15 DALE Chip, Monty called both of us looking for help and we let him
01:24:12:17 down. We can't just let him rot in some warehouse overseas
studio, being forced to make bad movies. If he's gonna make bad
movies, he should be making them here with me.
01:24:25:06 CHIP [sighs] Okay, even if we were going to help, we have no idea
01:24:23:17 where to start. We don't even know what we're-- [sniffles] Cheese.
01:24:37:16 DALE Buddy, If you're low on cash or something, I can buy you a nice,
01:24:36:03 clean sandwich.
(Chip is digging through a dumpster outside of Monty's
apartment building.)
01:24:39:15 CHIP [sighing] Okay. Aha! Here it is! I threw this out when I came over
01:24:38:02 earlier.
01:24:47:22 DALE Um... Did you just find a clue? You literally just sniffed out a
01:24:46:09 clue!
(To sniff out a clue is a euphemism for finding a clue. In this
case, Chip literally smelled the clue,)
01:24:51:13 CHIP [grunts] Look, we can go to the cheese shop. See what we can find
01:24:50:00 out about this secret facility and Sweet Pete, and then pass it along
to the officer lady, but that's all we're gonna do.
01:24:59:09 DALE So, you're saying the Rescue Rangers are back?
01:25:01:15 CHIP No, because there's no such thing as Rescue Rangers. Case closed.
01:25:06:13 CHIP No, this is not a case because we're not real detectives.
01:25:09:02 DALE [laughs] But you did say case. Yes! [laughs]
01:25:28:18 DALE Sorry. [chuckles] I'm just happy to see you. Chip 'N Dale together
01:25:27:01 again.
01:25:39:05 CHIP Stop singing the song. [grunts] You know they make chipmunk-
01:25:37:21 sized cars, right?
01:25:43:23 DALE Duh. But human stuff is the best. A little work done on her and
01:25:42:19 she'll be back to her glory days.
(glory days = a time in the past regarded as being better
than the present)
01:25:54:15 DALE If you're about to say this car is a metaphor for something about
01:25:53:11 me, you can stop. Because, no, I don't know what a metaphor is.
Look, if we're gonna solve “The Case of the Missing Monty.”
01:26:04:12 DALE That's just a placeholder name. Open to any ideas. We're gonna
01:26:03:07 have to work together.
01:26:15:13 CHIP [grunts] Okay, we're getting close. Pull up over there.
01:26:24:16 CHIP And leave the top hat and cane in the car, please.
01:26:31:09 DALE [chuckles] All right. Heads-up. Well, [grunts] there's no faster way
01:26:30:15 to gain someone's respect than to dress like an important business
01:26:41:11 DALE Uh... I think I know my own character, Chip, and he wears a top
01:26:40:17 hat.
01:26:50:06 CHIP Uh... this place is pretty shady. Are we sure it's safe?
01:26:54:18 DALE No. [sighs] Because nothing's safe... [grunts] … on Main Street.
01:26:54:00 (Main Street = this is a reference to the Main Street area of
the Disneyland theme park)
01:27:07:05 CHIP Oh. Wow. [chuckles] It seems kinda nice. It's not what I pictured.
01:27:11:05 DALE Trust me, it's worse. It's a bunch of cartoons trading on their
01:27:10:11 wholesome public image to keep the cops away. And bring you
the slimiest backwater bazaar of contraband this side of
01:27:22:17 CHIP You sure about that? That dog's blowing bubbles.
01:27:27:03 DALE Nothing, and I mean nothing, is sacred in this part of town.
01:27:30:21 MAN IN ORANGE HAT Bread for sale, bread for sale
01:27:30:03 (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Everyone loves bread for sale
01:27:35:20 SHOE SHINER (Song/Lyric) (Ditty) Scoot, scoot, a shiny shoe makes the man
01:27:35:02 A shiny shoe, now there's a plan
01:27:43:08 GIRL WITH A HAIR BOW. Roses are a way to make a girl feel pretty--
01:27:42:14 (Song/Lyric) (Ditty)
01:27:50:19 DALE Well, sometimes when I'm low on cash, I sell my fur to that wig
01:27:50:01 shop.
01:28:00:07 CHIP I make deals for a living. So, just let me do the talking.
01:28:04:08 CHIP No, you don't have my back. I got this. Hi, Mr. Bjornson. Do you
01:28:03:14 have any cheese for sale?
01:28:09:14 MR. BJORNSON Oh, do I have cheese? [laughs] Let's see, we've got the Muenster,
01:28:08:20 the Gouda, the Brie.
01:28:21:07 CHIP Nah. No. We just wanna buy some stinky cheese. The stinkier, the
01:28:20:13 better.
01:28:49:14 MR. BJORNSON Hey, no more free samples, Lester. This isn't Baskin Robbins.
01:28:48:20 [laughs] So, you want stinky cheese? I got smell lines that'll take
you through the ceiling.
(Baskin Robbins = an American ice cream parlor where
customers can sample flavors before purchasing.
through the ceiling = to rise to a very high level. Here, it is
used as a joke/reference to the act of one being under the
influence of drugs)
01:29:01:12 CHIP [clears throat] Through the ceiling, huh? Seems like you offer a
01:29:00:18 quality product. But hey, before we get into all that, do me a favor.
Take a look at this photo. It's a friend of mine named Monterey
01:29:18:00 CHIP Right. So, we think he's being held in a warehouse somewhere. If
01:29:17:06 you know anything, I'm sure we could make it worth your while.
Like, what would you say to some complementary RV or boat
(Chip has been working as an insurance salesman.)
01:29:31:02 MR. BJORNSON Nah, I don't know nothin'. Now, either buy some cheese or get out.
01:29:37:17 DALE [laughs] Well, perhaps we should, with a the disrespectful tone
01:29:36:23 this felted clodhopper takes, why, I never!
(Felted clodhopper - an insult referring to his playing dumb
and being a Muppet, which is made out of felt.)
01:29:58:19 MR. BJORNSON Nah, you two are definitely cops. You're out of here.
01:30:00:19 CHIP Okay, hold on. This is getting out of hand. We are not cops.
01:30:04:04 DALE We're actors! [laughs] It's been us, Chip 'N Dale, the whole time.
01:30:11:05 MR. BJORNSON [scoffs] Interesting. My boss, Sweet Pete, he loves actors.
01:30:18:11 MR. BJORNSON You know, I think you should meet him.
01:30:20:21 DALE Really? Meeting Sweet Pete, huh? Looks like I just took us from
01:30:20:03 outside the club to the VIP room.
01:30:31:03 CHIP Wow! This VIP room is incredible! I'm freaking out, dude. [gasps]
01:30:30:09 Is that Jessica Rabbit over there? I'm only asking because I'm zip
tied in the back of a truck!
(freaking out = to react (or cause to react) with extreme
anger or fear to something to the extent that one loses one's
composure or behaves irrationally
Jessica Rabbit = A character from the film "Who Framed
Roger Rabbit?"
Note: This is a joke reference to the fact that the "The Roger
Rabbit Car Toon Spin" ride at the Disneyland theme park,
which previously featured Jessica Rabbit being kidnapped,
was revamped to have Jessica Rabbit be a detective instead
of a damsel in distress.)
01:30:40:15 DALE Whoa! What's with the attitude? We were about to get kicked out
01:30:39:21 with your plan, and now, thanks to my sweet improv, we're going
to see Sweet Pete.
(improv = improvisation)
01:30:47:23 DALE Am I?
01:30:49:23 DALE You wanna just wait around... [speaks indistinctly in high-pitched
01:30:49:07 voice]
01:30:50:07 CHIP You should've just let me take the lead! [speaks indistinctly in
01:30:49:17 high-pitched voice]
01:30:56:02 DALE Hey! Hold on a second! How adorable are we? Chemistry like this
01:30:55:08 doesn't just happen. This has got "reboot" written all over it.
(this...all over it = to show a certain characteristic very
clearly, in this case "reboot")
01:31:03:04 CHIP [groans] Are you serious? I should be home right now. Millie is
01:31:02:10 probably worried sick and peeing all over the place.
01:31:09:20 DALE Oh, are you seeing someone? She sounds... nice.
01:31:31:19 DALE Whoa. This place looks weird. Where are we?
01:31:41:00 CHIP Okay. I think we're in the Valley. The Uncanny Valley.
01:31:40:06 (uncanny valley = a concept in which an entity appearing
almost human will elicit eerie feelings in viewers)
01:31:47:12 CHIP Do you remember that weird animation style in the early 2000s
01:31:46:18 where everything looked real, but nothing looked right?
01:32:08:01 MR. BJORNSON I got something for Sweet Pete. A little gift from Bjornsen.
01:32:29:14 CHIP I can't tell. He's got those Polar Express eyes.
01:32:28:20 (Polar Express eyes = The characters' eyes in the 2004,
children's movie, "Polar Express," are notorious for being
terribly animated, and lifeless.)
01:32:39:03 CHIP Well, right. But in fairness, it looks like you're talking to that
01:32:38:09 window.
01:32:42:17 BOB No, it actually looks like I'm looking right at you.
01:32:51:00 DALE Okay. Listen, sir. Actually, you know what? Um. Get-- Here,
01:32:50:06 just-- [grunts]
01:32:54:13 CHIP [grunts] Get off me! Get your foot out of my mouth.
01:32:58:12 DALE Hey, there! Can you see me? Hi. We just wanna talk to Sweet
01:32:57:18 Pete.
01:33:19:01 DALE There's only one way to find out. So is this your secret bootlegging
01:33:18:07 facility or what?
01:33:25:00 BOB What? No! What are you talking about? This is Sweet Pete's legit
01:33:24:06 business. It's for old merchandise that never got sold.
01:33:32:22 BOB Yeah, like for example, you remember Shrek bodywash?
01:33:32:04 (Shrek = An animated character from the Dreamworks film
series of the same name.)
01:33:36:22 BOB Exactly. No one does. It didn't sell. That's why Sweet Pete bought
01:33:36:04 all the inventory and melts it down for its useful parts. The guy has
a real eye for business. I wish I could see what he sees.
(has a real eye for = good at noticing it or making judgments
about something. Ironic reference to Bob's weirdly animated
01:33:48:04 DALE I'm sure there's corrective lenses or something you could get. Ow!
01:33:47:18 What?
(Dale is responding literally to Bob's previous dialogue.)
01:34:05:03 BOB Wow, that's been staring at me for years and I never pieced it
01:34:04:09 together. [laughs] Here we are!
(staring at me = often used figuratively for something that
should be apparent. Ironic reference to Bob's weird eyes.)
01:34:25:00 SWEET PETE Yup! Star of stage and screen, but you can call me Sweet Pete.
01:34:29:15 SWEET PETE Old? Bald? Sad like a zoo gorilla? [chuckles]
01:34:34:23 SWEET PETE Don't worry. You can't say nothing to me I haven't heard already.
01:34:34:17 Jimmy, please. Untie our guests.
01:34:41:13 SWEET PETE Chip and Dale! You Wow! Hey, you mind if I walk while we
01:34:42:12 talk? Not fitting into the old costume like I used to. Need to get
my steps in.
(get my steps in = to have your daily exercise)
01:34:46:03 SWEET PETE Not fitting into the old costume like I used to. Need to get my
steps in.
(get my steps in = to have your daily exercise)
01:34:48:17 DALE Hey! I've got one of those. We should link accounts and help
01:34:49:22 motivate each other.
01:34:52:20 SWEET PETE Uh. Yeah, I'm good, buddy. Right. So, I'm guessing you two are
01:34:54:00 here to talk about Monterey Jack.
(I'm good = used to say that you don't want to do something)
01:35:00:22 SWEET PETE You know, I always liked Monty. It's a shame what happened.
01:35:00:23 Too much cheese. Not enough bread.
(Bread = slang for cash or money.
Note that Bread and Cheese frequently go together.)
01:35:06:23 CHIP Listen, Mr. Sweet Pete. Mr. Pete. We'd be willing to pay
01:35:06:14 whatever Monty owes you. If you'd just be willing to you if you
could give him a break? This one time? Just this once?
(give him a break = stop putting pressure on someone about
01:35:13:22 SWEET PETE Hmm. "Give him a break"? You know, I used to be an actor
01:35:14:10 myself. got my big break when I was just a kid when kid. I
starred got cast in the biggest movie in the world, as the boy who
wouldn't grow up, Peter Pan. Then I hit puberty and they threw me
away like garbage.
01:35:32:21 SWEET PETE I was scared, hungry, and desperate to get back into in that sweet
01:35:34:13 spotlight...
01:35:38:16 SWEET PETE ...but no one would hire me. So, I decided to take the power back
01:35:39:23 and make my own bootleg movie! I called it, "Flying Bedroom
(Flying Bedroom Boy = a parody of Peter Pan)
01:35:48:21 SWEET PETE And guess what? It worked! I made lots of money. So, I recruited
01:35:50:00 other toons to star in more movies...
01:35:51:14 SWEET PETE So, I shot more movies with other toons, and bada-bunk-bada-
chunk, now I run my own bootleg movie studio...
01:35:57:05 SWEET PETE ...and bang-a-rang, now I run my own bootleg movie studio,
where I get to decide who's a star, and who gets thrown in the
trash! And now you two come poking around where you don't
belong, asking questions about your missing friend. And I
can't have that. But you want a break? So, how's this for a
break? I'm thinking it's time for a Chip 'N Dale reboot.
(a star = a famous celebrity
poking around = look around a place, typically in search of
01:35:58:07 SWEET PETE ...where I get to decide who's a star, and who gets thrown in the
trash! And now you two come poking around where you don't
belong, asking questions about your missing friend. And I can't
have that. But you want a break? How's this for a break? I'm
thinking it's time for a Chip 'N Dale reboot. Jimmy.
(a star = a famous celebrity
poking around = look around a place, typically in search of
01:36:40:18 DALE Uh. No, no. Aha! There's only one way, Chip.
01:36:43:11 SWEET PETE Get in there! [speaking indistinctly] Open up! Hey!
01:37:09:20 SWEET PETE Well, they're dead. Easy come, easy go, huh, guys?
(Easy come, easy go = used to indicate that a relationship or
possession acquired without effort may be abandoned or lost
casually and without regret.)
01:37:13:07 SWEET PETE You better pray they don't make it out of there alive.
01:37:38:16 DALE Hello! What? Oh, yeah, spaghetti's fine! Love you too, Mom!
01:37:41:12 [laughs] My agent is so weird.
01:38:22:21 CHIP [yells, grunts] [grunts, gasps, sighs] Dale? Hello? Dale? [pants]
01:38:25:05 Oh, no. Dale? Come on, don't, uh, don't prank me like this. [sobs,
gasps, shrieks, sobs] I should've... [whimpers]
01:38:55:15 CHIP Not now, Dale. [sobs] Dale! You're alive! But... how?
01:39:39:17 DALE All right, fine, but I'm coming with you! [chuckles]
01:39:06:11 DALE Chip, you were crying. You really do love me!
01:39:15:03 CHIP Don't make it about you. I was traumatized! Just leave it alone.
01:39:20:03 Okay?
01:39:16:12 DALE Aw! I mean, I'm touched! Okay! [clicks tongue] Aw! Okay, fine.
01:39:22:06 [inhales] Well, that whole day was a big waste! We didn't learn
anything of value except for that Sweet Pete wears the same step
tracker that I do.
01:39:27:21 CHIP Wait, those step trackers, do they keep track of everywhere you
01:39:32:21 go?
01:39:31:16 DALE Yeah, I know because I like to map my runs in the shape of a butt.
01:39:36:16 [chuckles]
01:39:35:02 CHIP I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to go talk to Ellie. And
01:39:40:02 then I'm going home!
01:39:44:14 DALE Okay, but please just don't tell her about the butt thing.
01:39:49:02 DALE [groans] You think she'll think it's funny, though?
01:39:54:12 CHIP So, if we could get ahold of Sweet Pete's step tracker, we could
01:39:58:23 cross reference where he's been with where we know he goes!
(get ahold of = to get possession of (something))
01:40:00:16 ELLIE STECKLER Right! And whatever doesn't overlap has got to be his secret
01:40:05:03 facility!
01:40:04:10 CHIP Exactly! We get the step tracker, and we can trace it to find
01:40:08:21 Monty.
01:40:10:02 ELLIE STECKLER So, what's the plan? How are you guys gonna get Sweet Pete's step
01:40:14:11 tracker?
01:40:13:16 CHIP "You guys"? Hold on. We got you the info you needed. Now, it's
01:40:18:00 up to you, the professional, to actually, you know, get the bad guy
and save our friend Monty?
01:40:21:18 ELLIE STECKLER It's not as simple as that. We need warrants, we need probable
01:40:26:02 cause, and I don't know if you guys noticed, but the captain doesn't
really value my opinion too much.
01:40:32:12 ELLIE STECKLER No, I really screwed up. Last year, when Peppa Pig went missing,
01:40:36:19 I fell for a bogus tip, and tip. I made the whole squad raid
Nickelodeon Junior studios. [sighs] And the toons fought back.
Paw Patrol Patrol bit back. [inhales] Ended up giving half the
squad rabies. Marshall attacked Sergeant Henderson. The
doctors say he'll never have kids. No one's trusted me ever since.
(Peppa Pig = the main character of an animated television
show of the same name
screwed up = cause something to fail or go wrong.
tip = a small but useful piece of information
Nickelodeon Jr. = An American television channel/studio
that primarily creates content for children
Paw Patrol = children's animated show)
01:40:58:00 CHIP Huh. Thank you for sharing that absolutely bonkers story.
01:41:03:23 (Bonkers = Disney animated TV series.)
01:41:02:04 DALE [gasps] I think I have exactly what we need! Don't move. Ladies
01:41:08:00 and gentlemen. Behold! The crime lab!
01:41:30:03 ELLIE STECKLER What? I wish my childhood self could see this! [chuckles] This is
01:41:34:10 crazy! [chuckles]
01:41:35:23 DALE Pretty sweet, right? All the disguises and gadgets we could ever
01:41:40:08 need.
01:41:40:17 ELLIE STECKLER Wait, is this like every episode of Rescue Rangers ever?
01:41:45:16 ELLIE STECKLER [sighs] You've got 'em all. "Catteries Not Included"...
01:41:49:09 ELLIE STECKLER ..."Throw Mummy from the Train, Dirty Rotten Diapers."
01:41:54:07 ELLIE STECKLER Ooh, I can't pick one. That's too hard!
01:42:03:13 CHIP I'm honestly surprised you kept all this stuff. I didn't think you
01:42:07:05 cared about the show back then.
01:42:11:01 CHIP No. Yeah, of course. What's this huge map with all the pins in it?
01:42:17:22 CHIP [gasps] Oh, no. Is this where all the victims are buried?
01:42:20:15 DALE [laughs, snorts] You're messing with me again! It actually shows
01:42:24:07 Rescue Rangers' ratings in every US market in 1991, which, as
you may recall, was our most successful year.
01:42:29:19 CHIP Hey, Ellie, didn't you say you were from Albany?
01:42:33:12 CHIP Well, according to this map, Rescue Rangers never aired in
01:42:37:04 Albany.
01:42:37:03 ELLIE STECKLER Yeah! My grandma, she used to tape all the episodes and send
01:42:40:19 them to me.
01:42:41:22 DALE Grandmas rule! [chuckles] Oh, come on, Chip! Look at all this
01:42:45:14 cool stuff! Like this is the limited edition Rescue Rangers pog set!
You know, this turned into a real collectible, because someone
noticed that one of the clouds behind Monterey Jack looked
exactly like... Oprah.
(pog = a cardboard or plastic disk printed with a design or
picture, collected or swapped by children or used in games.
Popular in the ''90s.
Oprah = Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host, media
executive, actress and philanthropist)
01:42:58:03 DALE I know, right? Unfortunately, I only have 11 of the 12. I'm missing
01:43:01:19 the main one of all of us together.
01:43:06:21 ELLIE STECKLER Okay, guys. Sweet Pete goes to the Russian bathhouse every
01:43:10:13 Wednesday. So, how are we gonna sneak you guys in there
without being recognized by all those goons?
(goon = a violent, aggressive person who is hired to
intimidate or harm people)
01:43:21:10 CHIP No idea what you're referring to. And do you have any original
01:43:24:08 ideas? Or are you just constantly recycling old scripts?
01:43:27:02 DALE Oh, come on! Episode 45! You dressed up like a rat to fool me.
01:43:30:00 You don't remember? You said, "Rats what I'm talking about." It
was hilarious!
(" Rat's what I'm talking about" - A pun on "that's what I'm
talking about")
01:43:48:23 ELLIE STECKLER [chuckles slightly] Okay, but just this once.
01:43:52:09 DALE Oh, thanks, love! Throw another shrimp on the barbie!
01:43:55:08 (shrimp on the barbie = a phrase that originated in a series
of television advertisements by the Australian Tourism
01:44:06:09 ELLIE STECKLER Okay, guys, remember, you're plumbers here to fix a leaky pipe.
01:44:11:22 ELLIE STECKLER It' s working. I'd say we have about an hour before anyone notices
01:44:14:20 this van is missing, so shake a tail.
(shake a tail = hurry)
01:44:18:01 CHIP I can't believe we're doing this. Please, just don't do your bad New
01:44:20:23 York accent.
01:44:22:09 DALE Chip, I hear you, but it's an unreasonable ask. Yo! We're here to
01:44:25:07 clean the pipes, or did you forget about it?
(or did you forget about it - reference to stereotypical New
York expression "forget about it," or "fuhgetaboutit.")
01:44:32:10 DALE [laughs] Go Yanks! And hot dogs, bagels, and pizza!
01:44:35:09 (Yanks = Yankees, major league baseball team from New
hot dogs, bagels, and pizza = foods that are popular in New
01:44:42:17 DALE Me too! That accent actually got me fired from Law and Order.
01:44:45:15 Ellie, we're in.
(Law and Order = an American police procedural and legal
drama television series)
01:44:47:03 ELLIE STECKLER Good. Now, keep a low profile, and go find Sweet Pete's locker.
01:44:50:01 (low profile = a position of avoiding or not attracting much
attention or publicity)
01:44:53:09 BOB Hey, you! you two! This water fountain good?
01:45:01:16 DALE Hey! They're cleaner than Broadway, baby. I'm walking here.
01:45:04:17 (Broadway = popular street in Manhattan, New York
"I'm walking here" = Popular quote from the film "Midnight
Cowboy", usually used when one is walking through traffic)
01:45:15:17 ELLIE STECKLER Nice work. You need to stay up on those pipes, out of sight.
01:45:26:07 PIG AT RUSSIAN BATHHOUSE I get the kids on the weekends, but it's not the same.
01:46:23:14 BOB Well, to be honest, it wasn't awkward until you said that, Jimmy,
01:46:26:09 and now it is, so great job.
01:46:36:19 DALE [laughs] No way! Is this a remix of the Disney Afternoon theme
01:46:39:14 song? You made this?
01:46:41:09 DJ HERZOGENAURACH You are knowing it, brother! Now you do a rap on it? Yes?
01:46:44:08 CHIP Oh, oh, I don't know! Give me one second with Dale here, bro.
01:46:47:03 First off, stop encouraging this guy.
01:46:51:11 CHIP There is nothing more pathetic than an old cartoon character trying
01:46:54:06 to seem cool again by rapping!
01:46:55:18 DALE Chip, I hear you, but I don't think we have much of a choice!
01:46:57:18 CHIP Oh, there's a choice. When it comes to rapping, there's always a
01:47:00:13 choice.
01:47:00:23 DALE Actually, can you just hold that thought for one second? Here I go!
01:47:12:16 DALE I'll distract him. You get that step tracker.
01:47:15:21 DALE Well, the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all.
01:47:25:13 DALE [chuckles] Once you rhyme Dale with whale, you can't think of
01:47:28:08 anything else
01:47:44:16 CHIP [sniffs] Macadamias. And where there's nuts, there's oil.
01:47:45:01 DALE (Song/Lyric) So, you gotta take care of the whale
01:47:47:20 Don't want PETA on your tail
But if I did eat whale
It wouldn't be stale
(PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the
world's largest animal rights organization)
01:48:27:02 CHIP Okay, what? How did you know what I was gonna say?
01:48:29:04 DALE How did you know what I was gonna say? It was like professional.
01:48:31:23 [gasps] Same time! [gasps] Jinx! You owe me a non-brand
specific cola! What? That was crazy! [gasps] Somebody call
Guinness book! [gasps] This is... blowing my mind... aww, we lost
01:48:31:10 CHIP Professional. [gasps] Same time! [gasps] Jinx! You owe me a non-
01:48:34:05 brand specific cola! What? That was crazy! [gasps] Somebody call
Guinness book! [gasps] This is... incredible!
(Guinness Book = Guinness Book of World Records)
01:48:50:13 DALE CHIP Hey, this was really fun, but we actually got to get going!
01:48:57:10 DJ HERZOGENAURACH Oh, hey, Bob! You are never going to believe who I just met.
01:49:02:18 DALE Oh, man, Ellie, you should have seen us! That was incredible!
01:49:06:04 DALE We were just like real detectives! And that match trick you did
01:49:08:23 with the oil? Genius!
01:49:10:07 CHIP Yeah, but your bad rapping was the perfect distraction. So good!
01:49:13:20 DALE Thanks. I totally thought we were busted. But then you just fully
01:49:16:15 went for it!
(busted = caught)
01:49:20:19 ELLIE STECKLER Okay, we are all set here. Just plug that step tracker into the
01:49:23:14 computer.
01:49:32:20 CHIP I can't believe it. We might actually get Monty back.
01:49:37:14 CHIP I gotta thank you for making me do this. I mean, this feels-- I feel
01:49:40:09 good.
01:49:45:18 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Location confirmed. We're sending SWAT now by chopper. Meet
01:49:48:13 us there.
(SWAT = Special Weapons and Tactics
chopper = helicopter)
01:50:05:01 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY I ought to suspend you for going behind my back, Steckler. And I
01:50:07:20 hope we don't get attacked by SpongeBob the Rugrats this time.
[laughs] Ready the battering rams!
(SpongeBob = Spongebob SquarePants, main character of
the animated Rugrats = show that focuses on a group of the
same name toddlers)
01:50:41:18 ELLIE STECKLER [exhales] Sir! I think I found something. [breathes deeply] Careful.
01:50:46:08 Don't touch anything.
01:51:16:02 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Whoa. Freaky. Whoa. Garfield's little body can't take muscles like
01:51:18:15 that.
(Garfield = the main character of "Garfield" , an American
comic strip and cartoon)
01:51:25:13 DALE This looks like the machine I had my CG work done on. Except
01:51:27:03 way more violent-looking.
01:51:35:11 ELLIE STECKLER It's still warm. Must've just missed 'em.
01:51:39:08 CHIP Wait. No, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!
01:51:53:19 CHIP I didn't mean to, I just-- I put my leg back, my toe--
01:52:14:12 ELLIE STECKLER The machine is gonna try and surgically re-edit you, so try to
01:52:20:07 avoid that.
01:52:21:17 CHIP If we don't make it out of here alive, let Millie live with you, and
01:52:27:12 sleep on your bed, and eat your food, and don't be afraid to really
scratch that butt!
01:52:38:05 ELLIE STECKLER Scanning them, and rendering what they'll look like in different
01:52:44:11 animation styles.
01:52:48:00 DALE Okay. [laughs] That was nothing. You know, this might be easier
01:52:54:03 than... [shrieks]
01:53:00:07 DALE [grunts] Ooh! This body is meant to be looked at, not touched!
01:54:31:08 ELLIE STECKLER You guys okay? [pants] Look at all these parts.
01:55:04:22 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Hey, Steckler. Nice work today. I didn't think you had it in you.
01:55:11:15 REPORTER 1 Chip! Dale! Over here, one question! Over here! 3D Interface
01:55:18:04 News. With this factory shut down, how does it feel to have made
the city safer for toons?
01:55:19:14 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY All right, come on. Leave 'em alone. No questions.
01:55:22:01 ELLIE STECKLER Come on, guys, let's get out of here.
01:55:25:06 REPORTER 3 Captain Putty! Captain Putty! Black and White News. Why is
01:55:32:01 there a wad of chewing gum on your back?
01:55:29:07 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Oh, come on! Gross. Now that's just gonna be a part of me forever.
01:55:44:01 BOB We should probably skip town for a while, huh, boss?
01:55:46:06 SWEET PETE We're not going anywhere without those chipmunks. I still
want my reboot.
01:55:51:20 SWEET PETE Nah, let 'em go. I have my own special way of tracking people.
01:55:46:19 CHIP You said bootlegging takes 48 hours. We made it before then.
01:56:21:13 DALE I know. It just doesn't seem right. Hey, just want to remind you
guys I'll be at Fan Con this afternoon, signing autographs, so get
those nuts ready! [laughs, inhales]
(con = short for convention)
01:56:23:08 CHIP And that coffee was still warm. It's like they knew we were
01:55:55:20 ELLIE STECKLER Look, I know you guys are sad about Monty, but you should still
01:56:27:01 feel really good about what you did back there. You guys are
01:56:16:19 CHIP [sighs] I'm telling you, we're missing something. I can feel it,
01:56:47:13 Dale.
01:56:52:10 DALE Hey. J-- just want to remind you guys I'll be at Fan Con this
afternoon, signing autographs. So, get those nuts ready!
[chuckles] Yeah.
01:56:37:13 DALE Ho-- Come on! I have to stay connected to the fans!
01:56:40:21 CHIP There are no fans. It's for you. It's always for you, to feed your
01:57:10:17 selfish ego. [scoffs] I thought you had changed. but you haven't
changed since Double-0 Dale!
01:56:51:23 DALE Wait, so you are still mad about Double-0 Dale? I thought
01:57:21:19 everything was artichokie.
(artichokie = slang for okay, or okey-dokey)
01:56:56:05 CHIP You left, Dale. You left me high and dry. After everything we'd
01:57:26:01 been through, everything I did for you!
(high and dry = to leave someone in a difficult situation
without any help)
01:57:04:08 CHIP No, artichokie! Nothing's ever been artichokie. Okay? I'm alone. I
01:57:34:04 sell insurance. My only friend is a dog!
01:57:12:10 DALE Okay, but then, why did you say it was artichokie? I mean, when
01:57:42:06 someone tells me something's artichokie, I believe it's artichokie.
01:57:21:20 SALAMANDER COP Oh! Uh. If you could just scooch a bit, from the coffee?
01:57:26:20 CHIP Yes, yes, of course. Sorry. [groans] See? This is why I didn't
01:57:56:16 wanna see you anymore. Sure, my life is lonely, but at least I
didn't feel like this!
01:57:36:21 DALE Oh, yeah? Well, you're the same too! Chip's always in charge!
01:58:06:17 Chip's always right! It's Chip's way or the highway!
(or the highway = a warning that you must either do as
someone says or leave.)
01:57:42:23 CHIP You know what? Here. I've been holding on to this for some
01:58:12:19 stupid reason. Now your collection is complete.
01:57:52:11 DALE [gasps] What? You kept this? [sighs] You know, the crazy thing
01:58:22:07 is, way back then, I didn't even want to do Double-0 Dale.
01:58:07:14 DALE It's gonna sound stupid. But... [sighs] I think I just wanted you to
01:58:37:10 tell me you needed me. That I wasn't just some pathetic chipmunk
you found eating alone at school. You know, I wanted this pog for
some silly reason, but now I don't. Here, now your collection's
01:58:24:05 CHIP What? Don't give me that! That's the exact same thing I just said to
01:58:54:01 you.
01:58:27:10 DALE What? No, it's not. I said, "Silly reason" You said, "Stupid
01:58:57:06 reason."
01:58:43:19 CHIP I'm definitely not falling for one of your dumb fart jokes right
01:59:13:15 now.
01:58:49:13 DALE This whole place, it smells like... old food in a rental car! almond
01:59:19:09 butter and gasoline!
01:58:52:03 CHIP Old food in a rental car! Almond butter and gasoline! But that's
01:59:21:23 the Rescue Rangers cologne.
02:00:33:09 UGLY SONIC Oh, you know what you sound like to me? Wah, wah, wah, wah,
(Note: The "wahs" are similar to how Charlie Brown hears
his teacher speaking in the Peanuts cartoons.)
02:00:38:08 DALE [laughs] Yeah! Like Charlie Brown's teacher. The thing is, we
actually don't have a lot of time.
(Charlie Brown = The main character of the Peanuts comic
01:59:09:01 DALE [sniffs] It's coming from in here. Why would Putty's office smell
01:59:39:12 like that?
02:00:41:17 UGLY SONIC Oh! You want me to go fast! [laughs] That's Sonic's thing, Ugly
Sonic goes slow, baby! [laughs]
01:59:24:16 CHIP I'm not sure, but you and your big red nose are onto something.
01:59:55:03 Monty was literally the only person to ever use that disgusting
01:59:31:00 DALE Actually, I heard it's still used in the Ukraine to strip paint, but of
02:00:01:11 course, we never see a dime of that.
(See a dime of that = collect royalties for the rights to use
their brand.)
01:59:35:11 CHIP [grunts] That's not the point. Putty's office stunk of it... it, which
02:00:05:22 means someone had direct contact with Monty.
01:59:38:07 CHIP ...which means someone had direct contact with Monty.
01:59:42:09 CHIP Oh, you're just saying that 'cause it's always the police captain in
02:00:12:20 our episodes. Putty's too obvious! Think, Dale!
01:59:48:11 CHIP Something has been off about her the whole time! Claiming to be
02:00:18:22 a huge fan just to butter us up. She couldn't even name her favorite
(butter us up = flatter or praise someone as a means of
gaining their help or support)
01:59:56:05 CHIP No! 'Cause she's never seen any episodes! "Her grandmother taped
02:00:26:16 the show for her." Get real! Grandparents are terrible at
electronics. That's their whole thing!
02:00:06:05 CHIP Ch-- Are you crazy? Don't pick that up! We don't know who we
02:00:36:16 can trust. We need outside help, like the governor, the CIA, the
(CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation)
02:00:20:18 DALE Yes, Ugly Sonic, his ear is hilarious, but do you have a contact at
02:00:50:23 the FBI? Because we have some highly dangerous and classified
information for them.
02:00:27:11 UGLY SONIC Yeah, of course. I know tons of people at the FBI. I'm making a
02:00:57:20 TV show with them.
02:01:02:08 DALE Look, we really need your help, but we don't have a lot of time.
02:01:04:22 UGLY SONIC Oh! You want me to go fast? [chuckles] That's Sonic's thing.
Ugly Sonic goes slow, baby. [laughs]
02:00:56:00 DALE [scoffs] You don't have a show with the FBI. I knew it! I knew it!
02:00:59:10 UGLY SONIC I wasn't finished. I'll run it by my producer later when I see him at
02:01:22:02 the château.
02:01:05:16 UGLY SONIC One day, you'll see, Dale. You'll turn on your television and all
02:01:28:08 will be revealed.
02:01:18:18 PAUL RUDD You know, originally it was called "Aunt Man." A-U-N-T, and my
02:01:41:10 superpower was being really charming to aunts. [laughs] That's
great, isn't it? Yeah, they changed it, though. [screams]
(Note: The joke here is Paul Rudd plays the character "Ant
Man" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and in English the
word 'aunt' is often pronounced as 'ant.)
02:01:31:02 DALE [pants] Whoa! You guys smell incredible. Watch out! [laughs]
02:01:31:17 CHIP Whoa! Watch out. Okay. Nice horsey, nice horsey.
02:01:53:10 GIRL IN CHIPMUNK DRESS Peter, is that really you? You got old.
02:02:16:07 CUBBY
02:02:02:03 CHIP I'm guessing your social media post at the police station.
02:02:12:21 SKELETOR You walk around with no pants long enough and you start to
02:02:35:20 notice every breeze. [laughs]
02:02:19:15 DALE We need a disguise or something. In here. Grab the first thing you
02:02:42:12 can.
02:02:32:20 MAN DRESSED UP AS BORAT Oh, my God. Hey! Can I get a photo? [speaking indistinctly]
02:02:55:12 (This is a fan dressed up as the fictional reality character,
02:02:39:02 SWEET PETE [crows] [groans, crows] Think happy little thoughts.
02:03:01:05 (Note: Peter Pan is known for his crowing.
"Think happy thoughts" = A popular phrase from the
novel/film Peter Pan.)
02:02:44:06 SWEET PETE [coughs, groans] Aw, definitely pulled something. You go, keep
02:03:07:08 going, I'll catch up. [coughs] Give Hey, give me that. [groans,
grunts, groans] It's diet. [groans] You're drinking diet?
02:03:03:02 BOB By the axe of Ucarga, you will submit to me! [grunts, screams]
02:03:24:05 Got you. [grunts]
02:03:13:22 BOB What are you doing? Stop. Just... Whoa! [grunting, screams] Got
02:03:35:03 you! [screams, grunts]
02:03:42:17 BALOO Well, I'll be. Chip and Dale together. together again. Never
02:04:01:02 thought I'd see the day.
02:03:47:22 JIMMY Get back here! Whoa! Yo, man, it's you!
02:03:56:13 JIMMY [screams] No way! Can I touch your face? I mean, what is going
02:04:14:22 on?
02:04:39:17 DALE [pants] We're gonna make it. Quick hide up here. [pants]
02:04:58:02 DALE [pants] Chip? [pants] Chip, where are you? Where are you, buddy?
02:05:09:07 [gasps, pants] No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:05:16:00 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Hey, Steckler. I just got a tip. I think your little chipmunk friends
02:05:27:05 are in trouble.
02:05:19:23 ELLIE STECKLER I know, sir. I'm heading to the Convention Center now.
02:05:22:09 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY No, it's worse then that. Come on.
02:05:23:15 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY We gotta move fast before it's too late.
02:05:25:10 BOB You're gonna arrest me while Jack Skellington's been embezzling
02:05:36:17 from his own charity for years, everyone knows it!
(Jack Skellington = main character from the film The
Nightmare Before Christmas.)
02:05:35:03 SWEET PETE He'll Oh, he'll be here. here, all right. Keep your pants on.
02:05:46:08 ("keep your pants on" = to be patient)
02:05:38:07 SWEET PETE Yeah, I noticed. It's not something to brag about. [laughs]
02:05:42:23 SWEET PETE Ah! I want you to stop messing with my business. You exposed
02:05:54:20 everything, now I have to move all the this stuff and start over. It's
super annoying. You should Should have just let me bootleg you
when you came to my office. Could have saved us both a ton of
headaches. Ah!
02:05:56:22 SWEET PETE Besides, I was always more of an "Alvin and the Chipmunks"
02:06:08:18 person.
02:06:18:13 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [chuckles] I know. It is a bit unoriginal, right? Sweet Pete,
02:06:30:13 remember when you first approached me to turn bad, be a bad guy,
work with you. And I was like, "Come on! That's too predictable."
02:06:27:19 SWEET PETE Yeah. And what did I say? "If it ain't broke..." [laughs]
02:06:34:06 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY I know, I know. It's terrible. I am so ashamed. But I had no choice.
02:06:46:06 My mother needed an operation. See, she got injured playing the
game of Operation. She got too close to the sides and, uh,
[sniffles] she got buzzed [sniffles] really bad. [laughs] I'm sorry. I
couldn't do it any longer. Money! I'm a greedy little Smurf who
did it for the money.
(Operation = children's game that tests one's coordination.
The game buzzes when the player is out of bounds
Smurf = American animated cartoon)
02:07:00:13 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Yeah, but I had you going there for a second, didn't I? Hello, I
02:07:12:13 think I just saw Peppa Pig heading into Nickelodeon Jr. [chuckles]
(Nickelodeon Jr. = A program block of shows aimed at
younger audiences)
02:07:07:11 ELLIE STECKLER It was you? You gave the fake tip. You derailed the whole
02:07:19:11 investigation and... and worst of all, you made me doubt myself.
02:07:19:16 DALE Oh, wow, wow, oh wow! Keep it together, Dale. Come on. [gasps]
02:07:31:16 It's Ellie. Wait, no, Ellie could be bad. [inhales sharply] But she
also could be good. Oh, my brain hurts. I wish Chip was here.
He'd know what to do. Uh... Hello?
02:07:42:04 ELLIE STECKLER You don't have to worry, Dale. I know how to get Chip back. I'm
02:07:54:04 down at the bootlegging facility. Meet me here. And come alone.
02:07:50:11 DALE Well, that sounds super shady and not safe at all.
02:07:52:22 ELLIE STECKLER I know. But you have to trust me. And Dale, "When You Fish
02:08:04:22 Upon A Star," that's my favorite episode.
02:07:59:02 DALE Oh. [chuckles] Kind of a deep cut. Why is that your favorite?
02:08:11:02 Hello? Huh. I mean, "When You Fish Upon A Star" is a good
episode, but [chuckles] I wouldn't call it great.
02:08:09:09 CHIP Why did you tell Dale to come? You should have protected him.
02:08:15:01 CHIP Dale forgets his own phone number. How is he gonna break a
02:08:27:01 code?
02:08:19:05 FAT CAT Listen up, you rejects from a science lab. I didn't think of this
02:08:31:02 extraordinarily brilliant plan only to have you idiots wreck the
wrong ship. A ship full of worthless junk!
02:08:21:19 DALE [laughs] Oh, so good. [laughs] Still holds up. [inhales] It's a great
02:08:33:14 show. Uh, no! Focus, Dale. Come on.
(holds up = to still be of great quality)
02:08:30:06 GADGET HECKWRENCH But I should have known... [continues speaking indistinctly]
02:08:33:16 FAT CAT Your little friends would never dream of leaving you hanging
02:08:44:18 here. Would they?
02:08:38:22 DALE All right. Think, Dale, think. Gadget is stuck in a lantern. Lanterns
02:08:50:00 provide light by using fire. Fire is really cool, but also really
dangerous. [gasps] Someone is in a dangerous situation. Like that
time I dropped a bowling ball on my toe. [gasps] Ellie has ten toes
and she probably likes Thai food. Ellie is tied up and in danger and
Chip is with her. It was Putty working with Sweet Pete the whole
time. I cracked it. I am coming, guys. [grunts, pants, groans] Come
on, start, start, start, start, start! start! No! No, no, no. [sighs] No.
Oh! Huh.
(Thai and tie are pronounced the same way in English.)
02:09:35:11 GADGET HACKWRENCH Honey, someone's doing a cool pose in the driveway.
02:09:39:16 ZIPPER [buzzes, clears throat] Excuse me. Dale, old chum. The sight of
02:09:51:02 you lights my heart of aglow.
02:09:49:05 GADGET HACKWRENCH We love you, bud, but we just can't invest in any more of your
02:10:00:15 independent movies.
02:09:53:20 DALE What-- No, I'm not here for that. I'm here for something very
02:10:05:06 important. Although that script was pretty good. Did you even
read it?
02:10:00:22 SWEET PETE Chip, I want to do something extra special for you. How would
02:10:12:08 you feel...
02:10:03:17 SWEET PETE How would you feel about ...about playing your old character, but
02:10:15:03 with feet for ears...
02:10:07:04 SWEET PETE ...and a dog snout where your tail should be?
02:10:11:15 SWEET PETE You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it.
02:10:23:11 ("You're gonna like the way you look, I guarantee it" = The
Men's Wearhouse slogan)
02:10:16:00 SWEET PETE The Men's Wearhouse reference? Yeah, I think I will. Okay, let's
02:10:27:10 make some changes. [crows]
02:10:23:20 DALE Whoo-whee! This is awesome! I'm amazed this thing actually
02:10:35:09 flies. And you know how to fly it.
02:10:31:20 GADGET HACKWRENCH Yeah. I guess my character from the old show and my character in
02:10:43:09 real life are basically, exactly the same.
02:10:37:15 DALE [chuckles] Yeah, I guess so. Zipper, how are the kids?
02:10:40:16 ZIPPER Splendid. I mean sure, being a stay-at-home dad has its challenges,
02:10:52:13 but it's the most rewarding job I could ever ask for and it just...
02:10:46:23 DALE Whoa! It's actually my agent. Sorry. Can you hold on for a
02:10:58:19 second? Wow. Dave Bolinari. Haven't heard from you in a while.
Did you not get my last seven years of messages? [chuckles]
02:10:57:21 DAVE BOLINARI [chuckles] Daley, brother, so sorry. Look, I got a new assistant and
02:11:09:20 then we were off for the holidays. Anyways, I'm watching the
news. You're the talk of the town.
02:11:07:05 DAVE BOLINARI We've got heat. We've got offers. I'm thinking book deal. I'm
02:11:19:01 thinking reboot.
02:11:12:10 DALE Hey, actually, can I call you back? I can't talk now.
02:11:14:20 DAVE BOLINARI What? But Dale, you gotta get your priorities straight, dawg.
02:11:18:03 DALE You know what, I think for the first time in my life, I am getting
02:11:30:02 my priorities straight. Friends are more important than business.
02:11:28:16 GADGET HACKWRENCH Probably shouldn't have thrown your phone, though.
02:11:32:16 CHIP Well, it was a good run. No, it wasn't. Who am I kidding?
02:11:36:09 SWEET PETE Okay, let's see. Dog snout right on the butt. [chuckles] It's
02:11:48:07 hilarious. Chip doesn't know what he's talking about.
02:11:44:10 ELLIE STECKLER Stop him, Captain! You're better than this.
02:11:48:18 ZIPPER Ah, there it is. The foreboding fortress on the horizon.
02:11:52:15 GADGET HACKWRENCH Oh, I love it when you talk fancy, honey.
02:11:57:03 GADGET HACKWRENCH Looks like the only way in is through that exhaust pipe.
02:12:06:18 GADGET HACKWRENCH But you're like known for constantly making terrible decisions.
02:12:23:16 DALE [screams, laughs] Whoo! Hold on, Chippy. [whimpers] Uh-oh.
02:12:35:21 [screams]
02:12:57:03 SWEET PETE No. No, No, no, no, no, no. Come on!
02:12:59:06 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Hey, hey. Fix that. You should fix it.
02:13:01:02 SWEET PETE Oh, Oh, yeah, thanks for the input, Putty. genius.
02:13:11:11 CHIP Yeah, you came for us. I never doubted you, buddy. [inhales,
02:13:23:16 blows]
02:13:19:09 ELLIE STECKLER In "When You Fish Upon a Star," Gadget was double-crossed. Just
02:13:32:00 like us.
(double-cross = deceive or betray (a person with whom one
is supposedly cooperating))
02:13:36:01 DALE Listen. I get how you feel. Things didn't work out the way you
02:13:48:06 wanted, right? You had big hopes and dreams and, well, [sighs]
then the world just sort of breaks your heart.
02:13:47:20 CHIP And it feels like the only emotions you have left are anger and
02:14:00:01 loneliness. But you're not alone. None of us are.
02:13:56:21 SWEET PETE Wow. It's true. You two really are the worst actors in Hollywood.
02:14:08:23 [laughs]
02:14:08:17 SWEET PETE What is that? [screams] What is going on with this thing?
02:14:58:15 SWEET PETE [chuckles] Uh... That's not good. bad. [grunts]
02:16:23:11 SWEET PETE [laughs] I'm Gabby Gabby. Will you be my friend?
02:16:31:22 (Gabby Gabby = Gabby Gabby is the main antagonist of Toy
Story 4)
02:16:26:04 CHIP [pants] I guess they were making the bootleg movies here the
02:16:36:16 whole time.
02:16:30:12 CHIP Right on the other side of the wall. Not overseas!
02:16:42:20 ELLIE STECKLER Captain? … It's all over. Just give yourself up. Hello?
02:16:58:11 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Whee! [groans, grunts, chuckles] Oopsie daisy. Bouncy, bouncy.
02:17:08:23 Yoink, yoink. [grunts, chuckles, hums] [laughs] Heads-up.
[grunts, groans] That actually made me dizzy. [groans]
02:17:20:02 DALE Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch out.
02:17:24:15 GOOFY PETE [chuckles] Hey, get outta the way, pals. you little yahoos. Move
02:17:35:03 it! Move, move, move! Move it! Hey! You're messing things up
here! [screams]
02:18:12:21 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [grunts] So close. [grunts] Okay. [groans, hums] You know I've
02:18:23:05 been thinking... Oh, I'm gonna be... [groans]
02:18:23:16 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY Ah, it's stuck to my face like Silly Putty. Remember that stuff?
02:18:34:04 (Silly Putty = a toy based on silicone polymers that have
unusual physical properties)
02:18:29:03 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [grunts] Ta-da-da-da. Boing. [chuckles, grunts, [grunts, groans]
02:18:48:09 CAPTAIN S. PUTTY [sighs] Poor, sweet little Ellie. You never should've been a cop in
02:18:56:20 the first place. Any last words? What? I can't hear you. No? Okay.
Bye, bye, you're dead.
02:19:32:11 SWEET PETE Come out, come out, wherever you are. [laughs]
02:19:36:04 DALE Oh, this is bad. Come on. Use that big old brain of yours. Chip,
02:19:46:03 think.
02:19:49:23 DALE Episode 325. [grunts] Here. It worked on Fat Cat. Hit me.
02:19:59:22 (Fat Cat = a major antagonist in the Chip 'N Dale Rescue
Rangers cartoon series)
02:19:57:14 CHIP Yeah. Come on. Get right under it. Now do it.
02:20:03:13 CHIP Ow! [groans] I can't believe we used to do this to you every week.
02:20:13:07 EILEEN Oh, come on, Harold. It's the middle of the night. Just ignore it.
02:20:17:01 HAROLD We've been through this, Eileen. It's my job. Do not ruffle me right
02:20:26:13 now.
02:20:28:11 DALE Enough playing around. My turn. Here, give it a good whack.
02:20:32:08 SWEET PETE Okay. Things are getting weird. I like it. [laughs]
02:20:52:10 SWEET PETE [grunts] What the... [grunts] God! Come here! [grunts]
02:21:13:15 UGLY SONIC This is the FBI. We've got you surrounded.
02:21:19:19 UGLY SONIC SWEET PETE [chuckles] Yeah, I told you I had a show, Dale. [grunts] Take
02:21:26:09 that!
02:21:26:10 CHIP Go, go, go, go. Come on, Dale. Hit it.
02:21:42:23 UGLY SONIC Official Sonic can't do what Ugly Sonic does, baby! [laughs]
02:21:46:01 Yeah! I told you I had a show, Dale. [grunts, coughs] Oh, stupid
teeth! I think I just bit my tongue.
(Official Sonic = refers to the actual design used for the
Sonic the Hedgehog movie)
02:21:49:09 CHIP Whoo! We're the smartest chipmunks on the planet. [laughs]
02:22:05:22 DALE (Song/Lyric) Ch-- Ch-- Ch-- Chip 'N' Dale, Rescue Rangers
02:22:09:19 Chi-- Chi-- Ch-- Chip and Dale, when there's danger
No, no, it never fails
Once they're involved...
02:22:05:22 CHIP (Song/Lyric) Ch-- Ch-- Ch-- Chip 'N' Dale, Rescue Rangers
02:22:09:19 Chi-- Chi-- Ch-- Chip and Dale, when there's danger
It never fails
(these are the lyrics to the Chip 'N Dale theme song)
02:22:15:00 CHIP (Song/Lyric) Once they're involved somehow whatever's wrong gets solved
02:22:18:21 Ch-- Ch-- Ch-- Chip 'N' Dale, Rescue Rangers Ch-- Ch-- Ch-
02:22:38:03 SWEET PETE All right, all right, you got me. right. Calm down.
02:22:39:16 CHIP Dale? D-- Dale, come on. Don't mess with me. [inhales] Come on.
02:22:46:20 CHIP I know you're just pranking me. I'm not falling for this twice.
02:22:50:17 [pants] Come on. Dale? [pants, sniffles] You-- You know, the
morning I met you when we were just kids at the cafeteria, I never
told you this, but I begged my mom to let me stay home from
school because I didn't have any friends.
02:23:12:22 CHIP'S MOM You're a great kid, Chip. Remember, the biggest risk is not taking
02:23:16:19 any risk at all. You'll find a friend. I promise.
02:23:23:18 CHIP (VO) I was so scared and alone. And I was lost. [exhales] Just like you,
02:23:27:15 Dale. [breathing heavily] And I needed you more than you needed
me. [breathes heavily]
02:23:39:16 CHIP All these years, I let you feel like you were second banana because
02:23:43:13 I wanted to feel like first banana. I was nothing without you.
[inhales] So that night in the trailer when-- when you told me
about Double-0 Dale, I-- I just should have told you that. [sniffles]
I shouldn't have treated you that way. I'm sorry, Dale. [sobs,
02:24:24:07 UGLY SONIC The uglier the crime, the longer the time. You're gonna die in jail.
02:24:28:03 Oh, Roger, we gotta work on the end of that tagline. That's dark.
The internet's gonna trash me again.
(trash = insult)
02:24:25:11 GRAPHIC 9
02:24:33:04 CHIP [sniffs] Hey. Do Wait. Hold on a second. If they were filming
02:24:37:12 the bootleg movies here, you smell that? don't think...
02:25:25:15 MONTEREY JACK Oh, thank goodness. You never gave up on me.
02:25:36:15 DALE Don't worry, Monte. worry. I've got a guy that'll fix those ears, no
02:25:39:07 problem.
02:25:51:22 DALE Can you believe it? All the Rescue Rangers together. [chuckles]
02:25:56:05 CHIP It has been a long time. It's really good to see you guys.
02:26:12:18 ELLIE STECKLER You're under arrest, you low-rent Gumby. He's all yours, boys.
02:26:15:10 (Gumby = main character of the claymation children's show,
02:26:19:01 ALLIGATOR FBI AGENT Ah! Bunch of pieces of a bad guy. Thanks. Nice work on this
02:26:21:03 case. The FBI could use someone like you.
02:26:24:05 ELLIE STECKLER Thanks. But I think I'd like to start my own detective agency.
02:26:26:20 DALE Gang. I'd like you to meet our dear friend, Ellie.
02:26:30:02 CHIP None of this would have been possible without her. [chuckles] As
02:26:36:02 it turns out, she's a...
02:26:39:18 CHIP You know, Dale, for a long time I thought I was safer alone, but I
02:26:45:17 forgot that true friendship is worth the risk. I'm sorry it took all
this to get us back together.
02:26:50:13 MONTEREY JACK Crikey. That was the sweetest moment I've ever seen. Crikey. I'd
02:26:53:09 cry if they didn't erase me tear ducts.
02:26:59:02 GADGET HACKWRENCH Sometimes I can't tell what you guys like more. Eating nuts or
02:27:00:03 driving us nuts.
(drive us nuts = drive us crazy)
02:27:08:00 ELLIE STECKLER [laughs] I've always wanted to do one of these laughs with you
02:27:09:01 guys. How long does it last? [laughing]
(Note: This is in reference to many episodes of Chip 'N' Dale
that end with the characters laughing.)
02:27:16:03 GADGET HACKWRENCH The worse the joke, the longer the laugh. [laughs]
02:27:25:22 DALE So, Chip. Does this mean we are officially friends again?
02:27:30:12 CHIP [chuckles] Sure. I guess some things are worth rebooting.
02:27:33:21 DALE [chuckles] You said it. You wanna do a Rescue Rangers reboot.
02:27:34:22 [chuckles]
02:27:36:20 CHIP No, I didn’t. That is not what I meant. I mean maybe, I’d have to
02:27:37:21 see the script first.
02:27:41:12 DALE [chuckles] Oh, yes. That's a "yes." Hey, do you think we can get
02:27:42:13 like a popstar to do the theme song?
02:27:46:18 CHIP Yeah, right. Like a super serious version even though everyone
02:27:47:19 just wants to hear the original.
02:28:34:06 JEFF PESCETTO CHIP 'N DALE Watson and Mr. Holmes
02:28:35:22 RESCUE RANGERS MAIN Have two minds
02:28:40:23 JEFF PESCETTO CHIP 'N DALE Looked under every stone
02:28:43:10 CHIP 'N DALE RESCUE When you need some help to save the day
02:28:45:02 RANGERS MAIN TITLE THEME They're never far away
(Song/Lyric) Rescue Rangers
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'N Dale
Rescue Rangers
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'N Dale
When there's danger
02:29:55:05 FAN CON ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, the Rescue Rangers!
02:30:00:14 DARKWING DUCK Boo! We want Darkwing! We want Darkwing! What a load of
02:30:23:23 malarkey.
(Darkwing = Darkwing Duck, an animated cartoon
featuring the character of the same name)