Pray For The Poor Souls
Pray For The Poor Souls
Pray For The Poor Souls
O Divine Saviour, Who art about to offer through the hands of Thy priest in an unbloody manner on the altar the
merciful sacrifice of Thy death on the cross, grant us the grace to assist devoutly at this holy sacrifice.
All for Thee, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 203.)
Most Sacred Heart, we firmly resolve during this holy Mass to be mindful of that holy love which Thy Divine
Heart has shown to us and all mankind in Thy bitter passion and death.
All for Thee, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
How great is the merciful love for souls felt by this Sacred Heart which suffered so much for the salvation of souls
and continues to offer itself for them on our altars!
All for Thee, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
We desire to learn from this Divine Heart and to imitate Its compassionate love of souls. Therefore we offer up this
holy Mass and all the indulgences we obtain thereby for the peace of our dear ones (especially N.-).
O Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, deliver the Holy Souls in Purgatory!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 198.)
O Jesus Thou art so cruelly scourged, Thou dost wear a terrible crown of thorns, bear the ignominious cross to
Golgotha and suffer a bloody death between two thieves.
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may ever love Thee more! (300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 193.)
O my Saviour, in Thy bitter passion, most painful of all were the awful ignominy and shame, the insults and
desecration inflicted on Thee by the contempt of Thy Divinity and holiness.
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may ever love Thee more!
How profound was the suffering of Thy pure tender Heart which received only ingratitude and scorn in return for its
unchanging love and which through the ingratitude of men was plunged into an abyss of suffering and consumed by
the fire of its wounded love.
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may ever love Thee more!
O Divine Saviour, we implore Thee, to offer to Thy Father in Heaven the exceeding great and meritorious sufferings
of Thy most Sacred Heart for the release of the souls from the place of their purification!
Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Light of the world, I adore Thee, for Thee I live, for Thee I die. Amen.
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 6o.)
Jesus, Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, Thou wast condemned to death at the will of the
godless people and the sentence of death was pronounced upon Thee by the unjust judge. Thy Divine Heart received
this unjust sentence submissively and in silence and willingly offered the great sacrifice of Thy life that we might be
preserved from the awful punishment of eternal death.
My Jesus Mercy (300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 55.)
Today, urged by the mercy in Thy Heart, Thou dost descend upon our altar to continue Thy sacrifice for the
salvation of souls and to purify them by Thy Divine Blood.
My Jesus, Mercy!
We beseech Thee, therefore, O Divine Saviour, to offer Thy sacrifice to our Heavenly Father for the souls in the
flames of Purgatory. Intercede for them with Our Father and let Him see how willingly Thou didst consummate Thy
bloody sacrifice on Golgotha for these souls also.
My Jesus, Mercy!
Then the Father will accept Thy expiation for these souls who are so dear to us and forgive in full the debt they
were unable to pay during their mortal life, that so they may enter the abode of eternal peace.
My Jesus, Mercy!
To Thee, O Divine Saviour, we lift up our hearts. We give Thee thanks for Thy goodness and mercy which Thou
hast shown to us in Thy most sacred passion and death. To Thee be eternal praise and glory for ever.
Glory, love and thanksgiving be to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus! (300 days. Pieces et Pia Opera, n. 200.)
But the voices of those dear ones are not with ours as we send up to Heaven our thanks and praises ; for they can
only sigh and lament in Purgatory. They, too, long to take part in the hymns of thanksgiving sung by the Blessed in
Heaven and worthily to praise the love of Thy merciful Heart, O Jesus! Then deign to open the gate of their prison to
those Poor Souls (especially N.-) that they may joyfully take part in our homage!
Glory, love and thanksgiving be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Sabaoth! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is
He that cometh in the Name of the Lord ! Hosanna in the highest.
Most merciful Jesus Who during Thy sacred passion prayed without ceasing to Thy Father and placed before Him
the ardent desires of Thy Heart. We now follow Thy example and with recollected hearts pray that we may worthily
assist at Thy sacrifice of the Cross here offered in an unbloody manner.
Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 195.)
O Jesus, we here unite ourselves with the dispositions and intentions of Thy Divine Heart that our prayers may be
sanctified and rendered pleasing to the Heavenly Father and that we may be worthy to be heard.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!
Above all let us be mindful in our prayers of the souls of our brothers and sisters who died in the state of
sanctifying grace and hence are secure in Thy love for all eternity, but who are still denied the happiness of beholding
Thy countenance and are enduring their purification. O Sacred Heart, remember them and have mercy on them!
Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!
O my Saviour, Son of God and Redeemer of all the souls who are united to Thee in faith, hope and charity, we
place our trust in the mercy of Thy Sacred Heart. Thou art now about to descend upon the altar, here to offer Thyself a
sacred Holocaust even as Thou didst offer Thyself up at Golgotha. We beseech Thee, O Divine Saviour, to bestow on
the Poor Souls the merits and fruits of Thy sacrifice.
Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!
We beseech Thee, O Jesus, during the Consecration to let the blessings of Thy sacred passion and death descend
upon the Poor Souls in Purgatory and to grant them the peace they so ardently desire.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!
We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy Precious Blood.
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 184.)
Our Father. Hail Mary.
O Jesus, our Resurrection and our Life, Who when departing from this world, in the love of Thy Sacred Heart,
didst leave us Thy Flesh and Blood for our Meat and Drink, we humbly beseech Thee by this Thy everlasting love, to
have mercy on the Poor Souls (especially N.-, N.-). Lead them to the Source of Life that they may soon be refreshed at
Thy table in Thy Kingdom.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 537.)
O Jesus, Redeemer and Sanctifier of men afflicted unto death and covered with the blood and sweat of fear on
account of the sins of men, for the sake of the sorrow and affliction of Thy Heart, let Thy precious Blood sanctify the
Poor Souls (especially N.-, N.-), save them from their suffering and wash away their tears.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest!
O Jesus, Lord and King, Who for our salvation hast permitted Thyself to be taken, bound scourged and crowned
with thorns, we beseech Thee for the sake of all Thy suffering and the sacrificial love of Thy patient Heart, let the
merits of Thy bitter passion be mercifully applied to the Poor Souls (especially N.-, N.-), and admit them into the
glory of Thy eternal love.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest!
O Jesus, our Intercessor with the Father, Thou Who of Thy own free will accepted and bore with the unjust
sentence of death that we might be saved from the sentence of eternal death, for the sake of this exceeding great
sacrificial love of Thy Heart, have mercy on the Poor Souls (especially N.-, N.-); free them from all punishment due to
their sins and admit them into the communion of Thy saints.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest!
O Jesus, Divine Gate of Paradise Who on the Cross didst permit Thy Most Sacred Heart to be pierced with a lance
that all should see in Thy Sacred Heart the source of peace and grace, we implore Thee by this sacred wound,. have
mercy on the Poor Souls (especially N.-, N.-), and let them hear the consoling words: "This day Thou shalt be with Me
in Paradise!"
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest!
Jesus most kind, the love of Thy Sacred Heart has left us the all holy Sacrament of the altar as the most precious
fruit of Thy agonising passion and death. In this Sacrament Thou dost bestow upon us Thy most sacred Flesh and
Blood, Thyself with Thy most merciful Heart as a pledge of our eternal union with Thee in the joys of Heaven.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, on fire with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee !
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 235.)
The Poor Souls in Purgatory also long ardently for eternal union with Thee, O Jesus. Still their longing and lead
them from the place of hunger and suffering to the joy of Thy House and the abundance of Thy heavenly banquet.
Have mercy upon those souls especially who are closely bound to us and unite them to Thy Merciful Heart in the
joyous Repast of Holy Communion. Then they will join with the angels and the chosen ones in praise and
thanksgiving for the goodness and love of Thy Sacred Heart.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus on fire with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee.
O God, our heavenly Father, we offer up to Thee this holy sacrifice of the Mass for the souls of our departed ones
and we beseech Thee by the passion and death of Thy Son, to procure for these Souls the merits of the most precious
Blood that flowed from the Heart of Jesus, that all the sins not yet expiated may be thus atoned for ; and that they may
be clothed in Thy abundant graces and the glory of Thy light.
With firm faith strengthened by Thy Sacred Word, O Jesus, I confess Thy real Presence in the Sacred Host. I
believe Thou art here truly present, God and Man, as the great Friend of the Poor Souls, as our Redeemer and Saviour.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me.
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n.199.)
I also confess my faith in the doctrine of Thy holy Church: "it is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the
dead, that they may be loosed from their sins." In this faith I come to Thee today, beseeching Thee, through this holy
Communion which I am about to receive, to grant favour and release to the Poor Souls.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me.
"Ask and you shall receive!" Thus, O my Jesus, Thou hast offered us the treasures of Thy Divine mercy. This
promise, spoken by Thy own lips, fills my heart with firm confidence that Thou wilt hear my request at holy
Communion this day.
Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 195.)
I confidently hope, O Jesus, that Thou wilt grant forgiveness to me and to all the Poor Souls for whom I pray, and
grant us Thy mercy. I beseech Thee to refresh us now with Thy Flesh and Blood and to lead us one day to happiness in
union with Thee for all Eternity.
Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee!
Crib, Cross and Tabernacle proclaim Thy immeasurable love for us, O Divine Saviour, and exhort us to love Thee
with fervour and fidelity. I love Thee and I want to love Thee above all things as my highest Good, as the source of all
blessing and the delight of my soul. Grant that through my holy Communion this day thy Divine love may increase in
my soul and make me more faithful in serving Thee.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, grant
That I may love Thee ever more and more!
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 193.)
Grant, O my Jesus, that the Poor Souls may also share anew in the blessings of Thy love here in the most Blessed
Sacrament. They departed from this world in Thy friendship and secure in Thy love for all Eternity. Grant that the
sweet love of Thy Most Sacred Heart may make them Thine for all Eternity.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, grant That I may love Thee ever more and more
O Jesus, Son of God and King of all Eternity, verily Thou has now come to me, Divine and Human and my heart
has become a dwelling place of the Most High. With the most profound reverence and recollection I adore Thy Divine
Jesus, my God, I adore Thee, here present in the Sacrament of Thy love. (300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 119.)
Yes, I adore Thee and unite my humble adoration with the adoration of the angels who worship Thee in all the
tabernacles in the whole world, with the choirs of the blessed spirits surrounding Thy throne in Heaven. With them I
cry out : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth! Heaven and earth ,are full of Thy glory.
Jesus, MY God, I adore Thee, here present in the Sacrament of Thy love.
With all the pious people in the whole world and with all the blessed and the chosen souls in Heaven, above all
with Thy most Blessed Mother, I adore Thee.
Grant, I beseech Thee, that the Souls in Purgatory also may join in our adoration before Thy throne!
Jesus, my God, I adore Thee here present in the Sacrament of Thy love.
O Divine Saviour, would that I might render Thee thanks worthily for the sublime Gift Thou hast bestowed upon
me this day. Not only hast Thou heaped upon me Thy Divine graces and riches, Thou hast bestowed upon me Thy
most sacred Flesh and Blood, Thyself-most sublime and most beautiful Good! Who can measure the greatness of this
Praise and adoration ever more be given to the most holy Sacrament. (300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 209.)
O Divine Saviour, it is truly right and just, worthy and salutary that we should give Thee thanks always and in all
places. Every beat of my heart, every breath of my life shall be a prayer of thanksgiving to Thee and I shall ask all the
angels and saints to join me in offering Thee thanks. Grant, I beseech Thee, that the souls in Purgatory also may soon,
in Heaven, join in our hymns of thanksgiving, saying: Praised and adored, worshipped and loved every moment, be
the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament in all the tabernacles of the world to the end of time. Amen.
O Jesus, in Holy Communion, most precious nourishment of our souls, Thou revealest to me how great is the love
in Thy Heart. In this Eucharistic Heart burns that Divine Fire which Thou has brought upon earth desiring that it
should burn in all hearts. O inflame my heart also, so destitute in love; let it this day burn with love for Thee, for Thy
Divine glory and Thy holy service.
Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for Thee. (300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n.
Inflame my heart with Thy pure celestial love and grant that all ignoble self love and sinful love of the world may
die within me. I desire to love Thee alone above all and to love all things else only for Thy sake. Grant that henceforth
my mind and desires thoughts and strivings may be directed towards this end.
Sweet Heart of Jesus be Thou my love !
(300 days. Pieces et Pia Opera, n. 206.)
O my Saviour, grant that the love for Thy Divine Heart may conquer and triumph in the hearts of all men. Grant
also that the Souls in Purgatory (especially N.-, N.-) may soon be delivered from the place of their mourning and that
in Paradise they may taste the happiness of seeing Thee.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 192.)
O Jesus, so great is Thy love for souls that Thou hast set up the throne of Thy mercy in the most holy Sacrament
and opened up an inexhaustible source of grace. Therefore I am filled with confidence in this hour when I hold Thee,
God of Mercy, in my heart, and I beseech Thee to be merciful to the Poor Souls in Purgatory (especially N.-, N.-.)
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
(300 days. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 537.)
O my Saviour, Thou hast said: "I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in Me shall live even though
he is dead, and he that lives and believes in Me will not die for ever." Our dear dead believed in Thee, hoped in Thee
and loved Thee with all their hearts. Grant therefore, O my Saviour, that they may share in Thy glory in Heaven.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
O most kind Saviour, look not upon the misdeeds and frailties of their lives, but let our prayers of intercession
mount up in atonement. Consider only the expiatory love of Thy Heart, mitigate their torments, shorten the time of
their punishment and lead them out of the place of their exile.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
We conjure Thee by all the sacrifices Thou has offered for the sake of these souls, by Thy most sacred Incarnation
and life of poverty, by Thy bitter passion and painful death on the cross, grant that these souls who now belong to
Thee, may no longer be separated from Thee.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
They are purified by Thy Precious Blood in the holy sacraments. They are clothed with Thy merits in sanctifying
grace and secure in Thy love for ever. They belong to Thee and no one can take them from Thee.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
O Jesus, Thou hast nourished these souls with Thy Flesh and Blood and united Thyself with them in love through
holy Communion. Let Thy glorious promise soon be verified in them; "He that eats of this Bread shall live for ever."
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
We unite our prayers to the entreaties of the guardian angels of our departed ones who pray without ceasing for
deliverance and pardon. We unite especially in the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin, Thy Blessed Mother,
whom our dear ones venerated so zealously in this life as their Mother and Mediatrix. She asks that these her children
may soon be delivered from all their torments that she may see them among her happy servants in Heaven.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
Yes, O good Jesus, grant them eternal rest and let them in eternal life receive the reward for the fidelity with which
they served Thee in their temporal life. Send Thy holy archangel Michael this day to the souls of our dear ones in
Purgatory, to open the gates of their prison and lead them triumphantly into everlasting joy.
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest.
Behold, O Good and Sweetest Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of
my soul I pray and beseech Thee to impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true
repentance for my sins and a most firm desire of amendment while with deep affection and grief of soul I consider
within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds, having before mine eyes that which David,
the prophet, long ago spoke in Thine own person concerning Thee, my Jesus:
They have pierced my hands and my feet; they have numbered all my bones.
(10 years, when recited devoutly before an image of Jesus Christ Crucified. Plenary after Holy Communion, with
prayers for the Pope's Intention. Preces et Pia Opera, n. 171.)
1st Mystery. Father in Heaven, consider the agonising fear of death felt by Thy Divine Son in the Garden of
Gethsemani and His profound grief which was so great that His Body was covered with sweat and blood. I offer up
this precious Blood to Thee for the Poor Souls, beseeching Thee to end their mourning and lead them to eternal joy
with Thee in Heaven. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary (ten times). Glory, etc.
Jesus who for us sweated Blood in the Garden.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord: and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
2nd Mystery. Father in Heaven, consider the unspeakable tortures which Thy Divine Son endured at His scourging
and the torrent of Blood which He shed in reparation for our sins. I offer up this precious Blood to Thee for the Poor
Souls and I beseech Thee to mitigate their unspeakable suffering and refresh them soon with the bliss of Paradise.
Our Father. Hail Mary, etc.
O Jesus Who wert scourged for us.
Eternal rest grant unto them, etc.
3rd Mystery. Father in Heaven, consider the profound degradation which Jesus, Thy Divine Son, suffered during
the cruel crowning with thorns and the sacred Blood which flowed down from His Head during this torture. I offer up
this precious Blood to Thee for the Poor Souls, beseeching Thee to deliver them soon from their suffering that they
may be filled with joy at Thy glory in Heaven and crowned with the crown of eternal happiness. Amen. Our Father.
Hail Mary, etc.
Jesus, who for us wast crowned with thorns.
Eternal rest grant unto them, etc.
4th Mystery. Father in Heaven, consider the bitter way of the cross trodden for us by Jesus Thy Divine Son laden
with the ignominious cross, and the most sacred Blood which He shed when He fell beneath the heavy burden. I offer
up to Thee this precious Blood for the Poor Souls, beseeching Thee to open the gates of their prison, that Thy holy
angels may lead them on the road of triumph to eternal life. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary, etc.
Jesus who hast borne the heavy cross for us.
Eternal rest grant unto them, etc.
5th Mystery. Father in Heaven consider the hours of torture suffered by Thy Divine Son as He hung on the
wooden cross of shame in utter abandonment and the most sacred Blood that poured from His wounds down upon the
earth. I offer up this most precious Blood for the Poor Souls, beseeching Thee to have pity on their great
abandonment, and receive them into the happy Communion of Thy saints. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary, etc.
Jesus Who wert crucified for us.
Eternal rest grant unto them, etc.