Year 7 Maths Starters
Year 7 Maths Starters
Year 7 Maths Starters
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Maths Starters Set 7.4 Maths Starters Set 7.5 Maths Starters Set 7.6
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Maths Starters Set 7.7
Question Answer Question Answer Maths Starters Set 7.9
1. ¼ of $16 = 1. 47 + 81 =
Question Answer
2. What is the next number in 2. 1. 27 × 3 =
Jordan ate of her pizza,
the sequence?
1, 2, 4, 8 …… 2. What is the next number in
while Keeley ate of hers. the sequence?
3. Boston weighs 58 kg. What is
his weight in grams? Who ate the most? 1, 4, 9, 16 ……
4. Fill in the box to make a true 3. Marielle is 148 cm tall. What 3. Fill in the box to make a true
statement is her height in metres? statement
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Maths Starters Set 7.8
Maths Starters Set 7.10 Maths Starters Set 7.11 Maths Starters Set 7.12
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Maths Starters Set 7.13 Maths Starters Set 7.14 Maths Starters Set 7.15
6. What is 100 more than 4 905? 6. Fill in the box to make a true 5. True or False?
statement 44 ÷ 5 < 54 36
36 ÷ =4
7. True or False? A cylinder has 6.
3 faces 7. What is the next number in What is of $30?
the sequence?
7. How long is it from 7.15 a.m.
8. A bag of mixed lollies 18, 10, 2, 6 ……
to 3.55 p.m.?
contains 22 lollies. How may 8. 2002 was the last palindromic
full bags can be made up year, what is the next
from a box containing 480 8. What is the next number in
palindromic year?
lollies? the sequence?
9. How much change do I get
1, 2, 4, 8 ……
9. Change 4500 m to km from $20 if I spend $13.05?
9. Change 6.07 kg to g
10. Which is the larger number: 10. What is the 10. How much change do I get
6.87 or 6.8? size of the k 24º from $10 if I spend $4.95?
angle marked k?
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Maths Starters Set 7.19 Maths Starters Set 7.20 Maths Starters Set 7.21
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Maths Starters Set 7.22 Maths Starters Set 7.23 Maths Starters Set 7.24
10. What number is fifteen less 10. What do you call a five sided
than 90? 10. What do we call a triangle 2-dimensional figure?
that has two sides equal?
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Maths Starters Set 7.28 Maths Starters Set 7.29 Maths Starters Set 7.30
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Maths Starters Set 7.34 Maths Starters Set 7.35 Maths Starters Set 7.36
9. How many multiples of 3 lie 9. How much change do I get 9. Is 27 a prime number?
between 20 and 40? from $20 when I spend
$7.30? 10. Tomas walks 24 km at a
10. How much change do I get 10. 50 × 30 = speed of 6 km/h. How long
from $10 when I spend 60c? does it take him?
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Maths Starters Set 7.37 Maths Starters Set 7.38 Maths Starters Set 7.39
6. Name this 6. What is the name of this 7. What number is 5 less than 3?
shape. shape?
8. I ordered 3 pizzas and my
sons ate of them, how
7. How many faces does the
7. How many edges does the
above shape have? much pizza is left?
above shape have?
8. Write forty thousand and 8. What is fifty less than four 9. Between which two
fifteen in numbers. thousand? consecutive whole numbers
9. 62 × 5 = does lie?
9. True or False?
10. Is 21 a prime number?
10. What is the highest common
factor of 16 and 28? 10. Is 467 975 divisible by 5?
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Maths Starters Set 7.40
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. 63 × 8 = 1. If k = 5 what is the value of 1. What is the highest common
2k + 3? factor of 54 and 42?
2. Evaluate 54 – 4 × 10
2. True or False: 2. True or False:
3. What am I? 5 – (8 + 4) = 7
I am a multiple of 5. I am
between 40 and 60. When 3.
3. you add 4 to me I make a Change to an improper
What time is it hours
square number. fraction.
before 6.10 p.m.? 4. What time is it 3 hours 40 4. If p = 3 and q = 7 what is the
4. Name this minutes before 7.30 p.m.? value of 2p + 3q?
5. True or False:
5. Fill in the box to make a true
5. How many edges does the statement
above shape have? 6. What two shapes
make up this solid?
6. What number is 10 more than 6. Name this
−8? shape.
7. 7.
Write as a mixed numeral.
7. How many vertices does the
above shape have?
8. What am I? 8. Which is the largest number?
I am a solid with only 2 faces. 1.017, 1.107, 1.071
8. What is the next number in
One of my faces is flat and 9. Place =, < or > in the box to the pattern?
the other is curved. make a true statement. 18, 10, 2, …….
9. Is 5 406 divisible by 6? 9. Write 0.1515151… as a
3×5 21 6 repeating decimal.
10. Evaluate 5 × 3 – 7 × 4 10. Fill in the box to make a true
statement 10. What number is 8 less than
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Maths Starters Set 7.41
Maths Starters Set 7.42 Maths Starters Set 7.43
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. True or False: 1. How many thirds are there 1.
What is of $7?
ion 5 whole numbers?
2. What two 2.
2. What is the shapes make True or False:
shape of all of up this
the faces of this 3. What is the shape
dodecahedron? of all of the faces
3. What is the value of the 6 in
of this
3. 58 × 7 = 78.965?
4. 4. What am I?
4. How much change do I get What time is it hours
I am a prime number between
from $5 if I spend $1.75? before 5.45 p.m.? 20 and 30. If you subtract 4
5. True or False: from me you get a square
5. What is 72% as a fraction in number.
simplest form? 5. Is 3 708 divisible by 9?
6. When I spent $2.60 they gave
me $8.40 change from my 6. What is the sum of 8 and
6. What number is 15 less than $10 note. Did they give me 20?
7? the right change?
7. 55 × 5 =
7. What is 3 tenths more than 7. What is the difference
4.578? between 67 and 53? 8.
8. Place =, < or > in the box to What is as an improper
8. Is 6 708 divisible by 5? make a true statement. fraction?
9. Place =, < or > in the box to
6×5 make a true statement.
9. 17 5 =
If Mitchell ate of the
10. Evaluate 36 ÷ 9 – 4 × 10
chocolate bar, what fraction is 10. What is 100 less than 4
left? thousand?
10. 28 × 6=
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Maths Starters Set 7.44
Maths Starters Set 7.46
Maths Starters Set 7.45
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. What am I? 1. 56 + 134 = 1. What is the next number in
I am a Platonic solid with 8 the pattern?
equilateral triangular faces. 2. 3, 6, 12, …….
2. What is the time difference What time is it hours after 2. Is 506 divisible by 6?
between 7.30 a.m. and 1.05 4.40 p.m.?
p.m.? 3. Is 5 508 divisible by 10?
3. Is 8 064 divisible by 6? 3. Change 95% to a fraction in
4. Place =, < or > in the box to simplest form
4. True or False: make a true statement.
10 5 < 5 + 10 4. If p = 3 what is the value of
7p ?
5. 562 79 = 5.
5. If n = 8 what is the value of True or False:
n 11? 6. 48 × 7 =
6. Place =, < or > in the box to
make a true statement. 6. What is the highest common 7. How much change do I get
factor of 30 and 54? from $5 if I spend $2.05?
6 11 1 5 8. What is the lowest common
7. If w = 8 what is the value of 7. What am I? multiple of 8 and 12?
w + 7? I am a multiple of 6 between
40 and 50. I am 1 less than a 9. Place =, < or > in the box to
8. Change 84% to a fraction in square number. make a true statement.
simplest form 8. Change 40% to a fraction in
simplest form 72 ÷ 9
9. How much change do I get
from $10 if I spend $2.70? 9. Is 29 a prime number? 10. Fill in the box to make a true
10. What is the next number in statement
the pattern? 10. True or False:
54, 45, 36, ……. A triangular prism and a
triangular pyramid have the
same number of faces.
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Maths Starters Set 7.47 Maths Starters Set 7.49
Maths Starters Set 7.48
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. Write two thousand five 1. What is the value of 5 in 1. 97 65 =
hundred and two in numbers 259.16?
True or False:
2. True or False: 2. 85 58 =
3(C + 1) = 3C + 1 3. If f = 11 what is the value of
3. If t = 6 what is the value of f + 7?
5t ?
3. 156 + 83 = 4. Place =, < or > in the box to
4. Change 55% to a fraction in make a true statement.
4. Change 0.8 to a fraction in simplest form
simplest form 9×6 88 33
5. True or False:
5. Is 4 987 divisible by 3? This solid is 5. How much change do I get
made up of a from $20 if I spend $11.80?
cone and a 6. What am I?
6. Place =, < or > in the box to hemisphere I am a 2D shape with 4 equal
make a true statement. 6. What is the highest common sides. I have 2 axes of
factor of 55and 90? symmetry which are also my
60 6 diagonals.
7. Place =, < or > in the box to 7. What is the next number in
7. If u = 4 what is the value of make a true statement. the pattern?
3u + 1? 8, 1, 10, …….
8. Change 0.15 to a fraction in
8. What is the next number in
simplest form
the pattern? 8. What number is 7 less than 5
18, 23, 28, ……. hundred? 9. What is the highest common
9. Fill in the box to make a true 9. Fill in the box to make a true factor of 72and 12?
statement statement
10. Fill in the box to make a true
4× 7 =9 statement
10. What is the size of a right
angle? 10. What is half of $4.50?
Maths Starters Set 7.50 Maths Starters Set 7.51 Maths Starters Set 7.52
Question Answer Question Answer 1. Evaluate: 6 × (3 + 7)
1. Evaluate: 60 ÷ 6 3 × 5 1. Draw the axes
of symmetry 2. Change 44% to a fraction in
2. Fill in the box to make a true of this shape simplest form
statement 2. Fill in the box to make a true
statement 3. Place =, < or > in the box to
3×( + 7) = 30 make a true statement.
True or False: 7×9 6 × 10
3. Evaluate: 10 7 × 5
4. How many faces does a
4. If a = 7 what is the value of cylinder have?
2a + 4? 4. Place =, < or > in the box to
5. Fill in the box to make a true
make a true statement.
5. What am I? statement
I am a square number less
than 50. I have 9 factors and 3+ × 8 = 35
9 is one of my factors. 5. True or False:
6. Place =, < or > in the box to 6. If w = 8 what is the value of
make a true statement. w + 7?
6. Change 4% to a fraction in 7. How much change do I get
3×8 8 + 16 simplest form from $5 if I spend $4.15?
7. What is the next number in 7. If w = 8 what is the value of True or False:
the pattern? w + 7?
18, 12, 6, ……. 9. What is the next number in
8. the pattern?
8. Is 504 divisible by 9? If of the pizza is eaten, how
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, …….
much is left? 10. What am I?
9. How much change do I get 9. How much change do I get I am a proper fraction. My
from $10 if I spend 85c? from $20 if I spend $5.40? numerator if 5 less than my
10. Divide this denominator. My numerator
rhombus into 10. How many edges does a is the only even prime
4 right angled triangular prism have? number.
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Maths Starters Set 7.54 Maths Starters Set 7.55
Maths Starters Set 7.53
Question Answer Question Answer
1. 104 67 Question Answer Question Answer
1. Place =, < or > in the box to 1. Draw the axes of
2. Place =, < or > in the box to make a true statement. symmetry of this
make a true statement. shape.
12 + 13 2.
24 6 32 ÷ 8 Change to a mixed
3. 2. Name this solid numeral
True or False: 3. If e = 8 what is the value of
6e + 2?
4. Evaluate:
3. True or False:
If k = 4 then 4k = k + 4 4. How much change do I get
from $5 if I spend $3.10?
5. If g = 2 what is the value of 4. If h = 5 what is the value of 5. How long is it from 7.50 a.m.
3g 7? 35 ÷ h? to 2.15 p.m.?
6. Name this 5. Change 0.06 to a fraction in 6.
True or False:
solid simplest form
6. How much change do I get 7. Fill in the box to make a true
7. Change 64% to a fraction in from $10 if I spend $7.35? statement
simplest form
7. What am I? (3 + ) ÷6 =3
8. Fill in the box to make a true I am a 3D shape. All my
statement faces are squares. 8. Patrick ran 2.3 km in the
8. What is the next number in cross country. How many
the pattern? metres did he run?
9. What am I? 81, 27, 9, ……. 9. Evaluate: 5 × (6 + 2) ÷ 4
I am a square number less 9. Fill in the box to make a true
than 100. If you subtract 1 statement 10. Name this
from me I am divisible by 10. solid
10. The length of my ruler is 30 24 ÷ 7 = 1
cm. What is its length in
millimetres? 10. Evaluate: 45 ÷ 9 4 × 2
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Maths Starters Set 7.56
Maths Starters Set 7.58
Maths Starters Set 7.57
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. Fill in the box to make a true 1. What is the value of 9 in 1.
statement 5.179?
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Maths Starters Set 7.60
Maths Starters Set 7.59 Maths Starters Set 7.61
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1. 6.8 + 0.15 = 1. If f = 36 what is the value of 1.
What is of $32?
f ÷ 12 − 8?
2. A train leaves Dapto at 10.15
a.m. and arrives in Kiama at 2. What time is it 3 hours 50 2. Place =, < or > in the box to
11.48 a.m. How long is the mins before 2.40 p.m? make a true statement.
train trip?
3. What is 0.55 as a fraction in 3. Evaluate: 45 ÷ (3 + 6) 9² 25 + 59
simplest form?
4. Evaluate: 3² + 2 × 4 4. What is 55 less than 108 3.
True or False:
5. If u = 10 what is the value of
5. Fill in the box to make a true 4. Fill in the box to make a true
3u ÷ 5 − 7?
statement statement
6. Fill in the box to make a true
48 ÷ (6 × ) = (5 7)² 60 ÷ + 29 = 11 × 4