Abstract. Here we present a general form of Reynolds transport theorem in n-dimensional Riemannian space
VN . We assume that the Riemannian subspace V t V changes its position continuously with time t
x, t dv
dt R t
making use of the notion of convected coordinates. In this way we derived transport theorem for subspaces of
VN . The derived transport theorem is presented in different forms: independent and dependent of
parameterization and in a unified form. It was applied to some cases typically used in differential geometry and
continuum mechanics in order to validate new developments.
We start with D.E. Betounes (1986) who presented a general transport theorem
connected with the motion of an arbitrary p -dimensional submanifold (the continuum) in
a given n -dimensional semi Riemannian manifold (the ambient space). The study provides a
natural generalization and unification of the classical kinematical treatments of moving
particles, curves, surfaces and solids as submanifolds of R 3 ( p 0,1, 2,3 and n 3 ). The
paper emphasizes the significance of the mean curvature normal in the transport formulas for
all dimensions which hereto has been noted for two dimensional submanifolds (surfaces), and
relates this to submanifold divergence operator.
While reach in geometrical insights, this approach seems to lie beyond the grasp of the large
number of researches and users of continuum mechanics.
In a paper published in the same year H. Petryk and Z. Mroz (1986) derived the
expressions for the first and second time derivates of integrals and functionals defined on
volume and surface domains which vary in time. The derivatives of integral functionals
defined on varying domains are of importance in studying stability conditions for damaged
structures, in the analysis of phase-transition processes or propagation of discontinuity
surfaces. The result presented in their paper is somewhat more general as it pertains to
piecewise regular surfaces and contains the edge terms. Also they stated that the second
derivatives of volume or surface integrals of functionals defined on varying domains have not
been studied.
P. Cermelli, E. Fried and M.E. Gurtin (2005) proved a transport theorem for smooth
surface S t which evolves with time t in Euclidean space, expressed in terms of the
parameter independent derivatives.
In general, the challenge of deriving transport theorem can be accomplished in many
ways, by the use of a number of integral transport theorems, each of which corresponds to a
particular reference frame in which the time rate of an integral quantity can be measured. For
instance M. E. Gurtin, A. Struthers & W. O. Williams, (1989) develop a space-time approach.
Following this approach a general transport theorem for moving surface St R3 within a non-
fixed region R3 was derived by J.P. Jaric (1992).
With help of the theory of generalized derivatives R.E. Estrada and R.P. Kanwal (1991)
presented a general transport theorem for moving surface S (t ) R3 .
G. Scovazzi, T.J.R. Hughes (2007), R. Fosdick and H. Tang (2009) made an attempt
to present a unified approach to continuum mechanics on arbitrarily moving domains. They
developed a space-time approach which incorporates the more traditional consideration of
time and space as separate entities. They point out that it is desirable to formulate the
transport theorem in a single unified way, using classical approach, in terms of standard
quantities from differential geometry and explicitly displaying the features that are common
to all submanifolds regardless of their finite dimensions.
P. Lidström (2010) stated " that a generalization of the present discussion on moving regions
in three-dimensional Euclidean space to the n-dimensional Riemannian manifold setting could
be an interesting undertaking".
The work presented in the above publications was the main motivation and the starting
point for our contribution described in this paper. Our objective was to drive transport
theorem in unified way in terms of standards quantities from differential geometry in
V V dimensional Riemannian spaces.
In order to achieve this objective, in Sections 2 and 3, we review and derive relevant
geometric and kinematic formulas of Riemannian spaces in an intrinsic coordinate system, as
well as in a convected system. The main forms of the Generalized Reynolds transport theorem
in VN are presented in Section 4. The theorem was derived in invariant forms for the used
coordinate systems. Section 5 provides explicit forms for several known cases used in
continuum mechanics. We present transport theorem depending on parameterization In
Section 6.
So derived transport relation enables us to consider in a unified way several particular cases of
importance in continuum mechanics. We remind the reader that in the process of deriving
these relations we used in abstract way the notion of “material body”, “material boundary”
and “ flow” in the space of higher dimension than three. In Section 7 and 8 we consider a
moving subspace VM t and normal time derivative in VM t for “fluids”, in Section 9
VM t in fluids”. A derivation of transport relation for "surfaces of discontinuity" is given
in Section10. This allowed us to state General balance laws as given in Section 11. A short
conclusion given in Section 12. Appendix provides some elements of geometry and
kinematics of the boundary RM t of RM t .
2. Geometry of V t V
(Our considerations are confined to Euclidean space E N as the space of physical events.)
Further, we assume that the Riemannian subspace V changes it position continuously with
V t : x x u,t , (2.2)
Simple example M=1, N=3.
The family of curves given in parametric form
x1 a t cos u , x 2 a t sinu , x 3 b t sin 2u
in E 3 , may be represented as the intersection of circular cylinders
1 2 2 2
f x 1,x 2 ; t x1 x2 a t 0
and hyperbolic paraboloids
2 b t
f x 1,x 2 ,x 3 ; t x 1x 2 x3 0
a t
Each of these representations for VM t has some advantage and further we shall use both of
them. It is important to note that (2.3) is very useful in considering kinematics of VM t
although it depends on the way it is parameterized. For instance, x k x k c , t represents
the path of a point x of VM t in V , with respect to fixed parameters u , i.e. when
f xk
gradf a 0 (2.8)
xk u
from which we conclude that gradf are orthogonal to a and hence to any vector in
VM t . They are also orthogonal to covariant basic vectors a in VM t defined through the
relations a a . Since the set of vectors a and gradf are linearly independent
they may be taken as the basis vectors of the space VN . It is important to notice that unit
n gradf / gradf , (2.9)
are also independent of parameterization.
Further we shall make use of n , which are the reciprocal vectors of the vectors n in
VM t , defined by n n , , 1,....,N M as n ,n are orthogonal to
VM t . Generally, the vectors n , as well as n , are not orthonormal. In VN M we may
consider n (or n ) as a nonholonomic basis.
n n n , n n , det n 0 (2.11)
Also we write n n n and then
n n (2.12)
n n n , n n n . (2.13)
More generally, coefficients n and n may be used as a tool for rising and lowering
indices for the quantities defined in the nonholonomic basis n or n . Note that n ,n
and vectors n do not depend of any parameterization of VM t .
Then vectors g k at the points x of VM t may be decomposed as
gk x,k a α nk n , (2.14)
where x,k gk aα and n k gk n
. This relation is of crucial importance for
the decomposition of any tensor quantity defined on VM t to its components in VM t and
VN M .
Often we shall make use of the relation between metric tensors of VM t defined in
the two coordinate systems u and U , i.e. the relation
u u
A U ,t a . (2.15)
xk xl
where, by definition, A t A A and a t a a gkl .
u u
Then from (2.15) follows
A = A U ,t J 2a(t ) , (2.16)
where A U , t det A 0, a t det a 0.
dτ t da u (2.18)
3. Kinematics of V t V
particles can be labeled by these coordinates and, as such, they do not change their values
during the motion of the material body. Also, at any particular time t , the relation
u u U ,t , J U ,t 0 (3.6)
defines the coordinate transformation between the convected coordinate system U and
intrinsic coordinate system u . It is very important to mention here that, although fixed, the
choice of convective coordinates U A is arbitrary. Further we consider
V (3.7)
as the velocity of x of VM t in V along the path of convected coordinates U , i.e.
11 1
n n 11 1 and V 1 V .
x, t dv (4.1)
t M
RM t
1 1 1
x, t dv = A2 d U A2 A2 d U , (4.4)
t M t a t t a
RM t M M
where M is defined with respect to convected coordinates U , and therefore the integration
with respect to U is independent of t .
1 21 A
A2 A A , (4.5)
t 2 t
where A A .
It is convenient to write (2.15) in equivalent form
A A A .
A A A A A A , (4.6)
t t t t U U
A n (4.8)
V A V . (4.9)
Formally we may write (4.8) as
A , n , (4.10)
, (4.11)
Here are the components of symmetric tensor of the second order for each value of
(see David Lovelock, Hanno Rund, 1989, p.270).
A , n , (4.12)
n . (4.13)
Next we calculate (4.7) and obtain
A V V V , V ,
where we made use of (4.8) and (4.9).
Therefore (4.6) is given by
V , V , 2V (4.14)
1 A 1 21 A 1
A2 1
AA A2 divVM Vtan V K , (4.15)
t 2A 2
t 2 t
divVM Vtan A V, a V, , (4.16)
K( ) A (4.17)
( See R. Aris, 1962 Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Dynamics; Prentice–
Remark 4.1. In order to get the geometric meaning of K( ) we use (4.8) and obtain
A n
n A .
n n
K( ) A A A A DivV t n
a divV t n , (4.18)
u M
U, t x, t grad V
t t t
grad V A V n
V , V grad n
Vtan Grad V V ,
t M
V (4.19)
t n
V V grad n Vn grad n
t n t t
(See P.Cermelli, E. Fried and M.E. Gurtin (2005), Roger Fosdick and Huang Tang (2009)) .
Remark 4. 3. Making use of a = A it easy to see that
Grad V , A = , a
grad V t . M
Also, DivV Vtan M
divV M
t Vtan . We used them when we wont to emphasize what coordinate
are used. Therefore
Further, using the divergence theorem we obtain (when the boundary consists of "material
points", Appendix A.6)
V Vtan ν (4.23)
M -1
x,t dv V K dv V dv (4.24)
t M M M 1
RM t RM t RM t
We underline again that the first integral is intrinsic to RM t while the second integral is
intrinsic with respect to RM t .
Since the first integral on the right-hand side of (4.24) is invariant to any
parameterization we may equally applied it for parameters u . In this case the scalar normal-
velocity of RM t with respect to parameters u , i.e. v R t M 1
, needs to be used
(Apendix A14). Then we write basic generalized transport theorem with respect to
nonconvective coordinate u in the form
x,t dv V K dv v R t M 1
dv .
dt R t M
R t
R t
M M 1
5. Examples
We proceed by writing transport theorem for several cases using either (4.24) or (4.25).
We start with (4.24) , mostly used in continuum mechanics, and then with (4.25) by remark
of this section.
i. “Body” u E 3 .
M 3.
Then N M 0, K 0 and V 0.
Let R3 t v t , R3 t v t , dv dv and dv da . Then from (4.24)
3 2
dv ds .
iii. Curve in L t E3 .
M 1.
a) General case.
We shall denote by n and K divR t n their unit vectors of S t
V grad V n , 1,2
t n t
V Vtan t .
Note that here ν t is unit tangent vector of the curve l t .
b) Curve in plane.
In particular, if the curve l t is plane then one of K is zero. For definiteness,
let K 1 K ,V V and K 2 0 . Then
x, t ds VK ds V |t2 , (5.4)
tl t l t
V Vgrad n,
t n t
where n is a unit normal vector of the plane curve l t ( See Gurtin, M.E., 1993,
1995, N.K. Simha, K. Bhattacharya , 2000).
Without loss of generality we may define l t with respect to the coordinates x i ,
x t
i 1,2 , i.e. l t : x i x i s, t , a1 s, t
t , a1,1 k n and K k
s s
is the curvature of l t (See P.Cermelli, E. Fried and M.E. Gurtin 2005)
c) If the curve l t is straight line, i.e. the intersection of two planes then
K1 K 2 0, and
s, t ds ds V |t2 . (5.5)
tl t l t
t 1
Let R2 t S t , R2 t S t , dv da , dv ds . Then
2 1
x, t da da V ds , (5.6)
tS t S t
t S t
x, t ds VK ds V |t2 , (5.7)
tl t l t
Remark 5.1 In all these cases transport theorems holds also for the coordinates
u , i.e. (4.24) , when we substitute with and V V V tan with
t dt
v R t M 1
as it is defined in Appendix. The results stated in Appendix
into (4.21) or (4.24). Here we confine ourself to the case given by (4.21), since it is more used
in practice . It is convenient to to put it in more familiar form.
Vtan grad V M
t divVM t Vtan Vtan grad V M
t grad V M
t Vtan divVM t Vtan divVM t Vtan
so that
x,t dv divVM t V V K dv .(6.2)
tR t
t M
V K V divV t n divV t V n gradV t V n
divV t V n
since gradV t V n 0.
divVM t Vtan V K divVM t Vtan V n divVM t V
7. Migrating VM t in “fluids”
The transport relation given by (4.25) permit us to consider several particular cases of
importance in continuum mechanics in a unified way. We remind the reader that in the
process of deriving transport theorem we used in abstract way the notion of “material body”,
“material boundary” , “ flow” in the space of higher dimension than three. Derived a transport
theorem in that form exhibits no influence on the flow field. We shall proceed by deriving
alternative versions of (4.25) that account for that influence. First we denote by w x,t the
velocity of “fluid”. We may write it as
w W n w tan , (7.1)
w tan w a . (7.2)
Then vr v w represent is the relative velocities of motion of VM t with respect to
“fluid”. We may decompose it as
vr v w= V W n v tan w tan .
Now looking at the transport theorem the only term which may be influenced by motion of
“fluid “
is v R t M 1
. For definiteness we write
vr v RM t w (7.3)
V mig
R t
vr M 1
for the relative velocities of motion and normal migrational velocity of RM t with respect
to “fluid”, respectively.
Then , since n M 1
V mig
R t
vr M 1
v RM t M 1
w tan M 1
and hence
v RM t M 1
V mig
R t
w tan M 1
. (7.5)
Next we using the divergence theorem,
w tan M 1
dv divV t w tan dv ,
M 1 M M
RM t RM t
t n
has to be modified for the migration VM t through the “fluids”. We shall start from the
expression (7.6) written as
x,t dv V K grad w tan div VM t w tan dv
dt R t M
R t
VM t M
V mig
R t
M M 1
RM t
Taking into account that
grad = ,k g ,k x,k a α nk n , aα n grad VM t n
n n
grad w tan grad w tan
VM t
grad w tan V grad w tan
VM t
t n
9. "Material VM t in fluids”
Let us assume that VM t "is material", i.e convected to the "fluid". Then "fluid" velocity w
is the "material" velocity for VM t , i.e. V w , the migrational normal velocity field for
w n K w n divV t n
so that
w n K divV t w tan divV t w n n w tan divV t w.
x,t dv x,t divVM t w dv . (9.1)
tR t
RM t
t M
d d
x,t dv x,t w n K divVM t wtan dv V mig dv
dt R t
RM t
dt M
RM t
R t
M M 1
d d
x,t dv x,t divVM t w dv V mig dv
dt R t
RM t
dt M
RM t
R t
M M 1
Usually in continuum mechanics the fields representing properties of the material composing
a body vary smoothly throughout space. However, there may exist surfaces across which the
variation occurs so rapidly that they can be regarded as being surfaces of discontinuity.
Examples of such singular surfaces are the interfaces within a heterogeneous media, shock
waves in gases, vortex sheets in fluids separating a main stream from the dead water, and
cracks in solids. Moving surfaces of discontinuity are often referred to as a waves. In these
cases Reynolds transport theorem has to be modified in order to include the influence of
surfaces of discontinuity t on
x,t dv .
tv t
We shall generalized transport theorem for the integral
x,t dv
tR t
where and are the one side limits from the two regions of RM t separated by
x,t dv = V K dv
tR t
RM t
Vtan M 1
dv ω M 1 dv . (10.3)
M 1 M 1
RM t M 1 t
or, using Green- Gauss theorem, as
x,t dv V K divV t V dv V ω M 1 dv
tR t
RM t
M 1
M M 1
The basic laws of mechanics can all be expressed, in general, in the following form,
dv nda dv (12.1)
dt P Pt Pt
for any bounded regular subregion P of the body B and the vector field n , the outward unit
normal to the boundary of the region Pt in the current configuration. The quantities and
are tensor fields of certain order m , and is a tensor field of order m 1.
The relation (12.1) , called the general balance of in integral form,is intrpreted as asserting
that the rate of increase of the quantity in a part P of a body ia affected by the inflow of
through the boundary of P and the growth of within P . We call the flux of and
the supply of . In general, the supply may contain contributions of supplies from
external sources and internal productions due to the motion of the body (C. Truesdell and R. A.
Toupin 1960).
We now proceed to state general balance laws for V t V containing a
x,t dv n RM t dv dv . (12.2)
tR t
RM t
M 1
RM t
V K divV t V dv V ω M 1 dv
M M M 1
RM t M 1 t
divVM t dv M 1 dv dv ,
M M 1 M
RM t M 1 t RM t
and from this
V K divV t V dv V ω M 1 dv 0
M M M 1
RM t M 1 t
Finaly , in standard procedure, C. Truesdell and R. A. Toupin 1960, we are able to write local
balance law as
V K divV t V 0 in RM t , (12.4)
12. Conclusion
Thus the objective of our paper is to drive transport theorem in unified way in terms of
standards quantities from differential geometry inV V dimensional Riemannian spaces.
We present transport theorem in a single unified way by using classical approach expressed in
terms of standards quantities from differential geometry and explicitly displaying the features
that are common to all submanifolds regardless of their finite dimensions.
In order to applied it in continuum mechanics we applied both coordinate systems: convected
U coordinate as well as any arbitrary u system on V V . This is illustrated in Section
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U 0. (A.2)
Then Grad as well as its unit vector
M 1
are independent of any parametrization of in RM t . Note that vector M 1
is in
RM t and ortogonal to RM t . In view of (2.6) the same boundary RM t is given in
V t by
x x U ,t . (A.4)
x x
t t
so that
M 1
V M 1
x x
V RM t M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1
. (A.7)
t t
In the case of the coordinate system u that is not convective determination of the
speed of movement of the border is more complex. Then
RM t : u u ,t , rank M 1, 1,...,M 1, (A.8)
RM t : u ,t 0. (A.9)
gradR t 0 ,
t M
and from this , in view of (4.10),
u t
M 1
t gradR t
We shall call M 1
the speed of propagation of in RM t in RM t . Obviously
it is independent of any parameterization with respect to intrinsic coordinates . Its
displacement vector v RM t is given by
v RM t v RM t M 1 M 1 M 1
( For this terminology we refer to Truesdeel and Toupin, CFT, pp. 499).
So far we consider kinematics of RM t as subspace of RM t .
Now substituting (4.8) into (2.2) we obtain representation of RM t in VN , i.e
x = x u ,t x u ,t ,t . (A.13)
x x x u u
v RM t v+
t c t u t c t
represents the velocity of the points of the paths c in V . From here we may conclude
that v RM t
v is relative velocity of RM t with respect to motion of RM t in
V . Further,
v RM t M 1
v M 1
v RM t .
From (3.4) we have v M 1
v tan M 1
. Then , since n M 1
0 we have
v RM t M 1
v tan M 1
v RM t . (A.14)
Therefore v RM t M 1
, i.e. the normal component of v RM t
is independent of
parameterization of RM t and thus intrinsic to its motion. This relation can be also used
to calculate its values when the motion of RM t and RM t are known.