Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background and Basics
Student Safety is very important now a days and everyone wants to get SMS
alerts from the school about their child attendance, performance and event in the
school. Traditional ways of sending SMS is very time-consuming. It takes so many
hours in collecting data and informing the parent about the child attendance, exam
performance, collage curriculum event. Online Attendance and performance alert
system is software developed for daily student attendance, performance, collage event
in schools, colleges and institutes. The information is sorted by the operators, which
will be provided by the student for a particular working day. This system will also
help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student. It is facilitated to access
the performance and information of attendance of a particular Student in a particular
semester of study. From almost effortlessly recording attendance, to producing daily
attendance bulletins, absentee record and letters and documents. Student Attendance
module simplifies a wide range of school attendance tasks with easy. Alerts are an
effective communication means that ensures the successful delivery of alert/messages
on right time. Candidate exam timetables and holiday notifications can be sent
instantly. Parents can be informed of attendance shortage and exam results of their
students. Students can also obtain their performance results, collage event like as
parent meeting. Online attendance and performance alert system is helpful to the
school staff by providing real-time information. In previous time, when school
circular was printed in large number for distribution, It takes a lot of time. But now,
using our SMS service, it informs parents & guardians about their wards via SMS. E-
Portals allow you communicating with the students, parents and teachers of the
school. You can also send documents and information particular group of students or
their parents easily. Report cards & attendance details sent to parents directly so
parent can also communicate. It aims at reducing the gap between parents, students,
teachers and institute management. For conducting quick attendance and getting
better results in less time.