Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine, 2nd Edition
Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine, 2nd Edition
Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine, 2nd Edition
search, clinical practice, and industry with a significant contribution to the field of veteri-
nary orthopedics and the VOS, including contributions educating countless veterinarians
about chronic pain and his work bringing innovative treatments for osteoarthritis to the
Chronic Pain in
Small Animal
Over the past decade, since publication of the first edition of Chronic Pain in Small Animal
Medicine, many advances have been made in the discipline of pain management, includ-
ing embracement under the One Medicine initiative to improve the health and well-being of
multiple species. Contributing significantly to this progress is the evidence base provided by
multimodal management of chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, a leading cause of pet
euthanasia. These advances are explored in this updated edition, written for the veterinary
professional seeking a greater depth of knowledge in the mechanisms of pain accompanying
chronic disease states and the potential targets for treatment. Additional new sections describe
newer drugs that are now in wide use, the Canine Osteoarthritis Staging Tool (COAST), novel
approaches to cancer treatment, and cannabinoids and their functions.
The book goes beyond common protocols by focusing on the latest evidence and our under-
standing of ‘why and how to treat’. It describes and evaluates current physiological and bio-
chemical theories of pain transmission without losing sight of the practical need for such
information. Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine provides a foundation for advances in
animal care and welfare and is necessary reading for veterinarians in practice and training.
We’re living in an age of exciting, new discoveries, but these are only exciting if we are aware
of these offerings and their optimal indications for use. This book aims to open veterinarians’
eyes to the myriad new ways we can now treat chronic pain in small animals.
Chronic Pain in
Small Animal
Steven M Fox
Surgical Specialist, New Zealand VMA
Independent Consultant, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Adjunct Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
Program Chairman (2000–2002), President (2004), Veterinary Orthopedic Society
Second edition published 2024
by CRC Press
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003376422
To life, which is the place of pain… pain is not how long it persists, but whether
Bhagavad Gita it remains long after it should have disap-
(a 700-verse Hindu scripture) peared. As the father of pain medicine, John
Bonica, explains, ‘Acute pain is a symptom
There is no pain pathway! Pain is the result of of disease; chronic pain itself is a disease’.
a complex signaling network. The cognition The noxious stimuli that constitute pain
of pain, like cognition in general, requires can reconfigure the architecture of the ner-
sophisticated neurological hardware. vous system they invade. Lasting noxious
Pain has many definitions because it’s input can produce a neurobiological cycle of
an intensely subjective experience that is fil- chemical and electrical action and reactions
tered through our emotions as well as our that becomes an automatic feedback loop: a
anatomy. It’s any sensation amplified to an chronic, self-perpetuating torment that per-
uncomfortable level, and it’s a plethora of sists long after the original trauma has healed.
negative emotions called ‘suffering’. No one From the human healthcare experience,
patient feels pain the same – there is no sin- pain, and in particular chronic pain, is a major
gle accepted pain experience. Like the per- problem for which current treatments are often
ception of beauty, it’s very real, but only in inadequate. The tangible costs economically
the eye of the beholder. Yet pain is so fun- are in the many tens of billions of dollars, and
damental to our well-being that it is added the costs in terms of suffering are known all
to heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, too well to practitioners who seek to help these
and blood pressure as the ‘fifth vital sign’. patients. In veterinary medicine we are experi-
Without a ‘pain thermometer’, people in pain encing a surge of increasing focus on measuring
must rely on their language skills to describe and resolving pain and suffering, and indeed,
what they are feeling. In human medicine, this aspect is central to the veterinarian’s oath.
pain is what the patient says it is; in veteri- This focus is being supported by an increased
nary medicine, pain is what the assessor says understanding of pain neurophysiology, discov-
it is! Trained as scientists, veterinarians are ery of novel treatment targets, a greater offering
schooled to assess responses based on the of innovative pharmacologics, and consumer
mean ± standard deviation, yet effective pain demand. The pharmaceutical industry has
management suggests we target the least- made important strides forward in bringing
respondent patient within the population, so new therapies to address the problem of chronic
as to ensure no patient is declined the relief pain, but to the suffering patient, this progress
of pain it needs and deserves. is glacially slow. Specific areas of exploration
In its simplest sense, pain protects us from include peripheral nervous system targets, cen-
bodily harm; hence the proposal that pain is tral nervous system targets, disease-specific
a teacher, the headmaster of nature’s survival targets, and development of measurement tools
school. Dangerous things are noxious things, and applications of new technologies.
and pain punishes us if we take excessive risks In the 1880s, Friedrich Bayer and Company
or push ourselves beyond our physical limits. commercialized Bayer Aspirin. When aspirin
Further, pain often forces us to observe ‘recov- (‘a’ for acetyl, part of its chemical composi-
ery time’. Another way of understanding pain tion; ‘spir’ from a plant that contained sali-
is that any stimulus – noxious or otherwise cin; and ‘in’, a popular medical suffix at the
– can become painful if the patient’s ability to time) went over the counter in 1915, the mass
cope with it has been diminished. production of pain alleviators for the general
A working definition of chronic pain is public was launched. Pain is the most com-
that, unlike acute pain, it lasts beyond the mon reason patients see a physician, while
time necessary for healing and resists normal pain and pain relief are among the most
treatment. The primary indicator of chronic robust areas of medical research.
Preface IX
Realistically, new discoveries and innova- appears that it may be dangerous to interfere
tive drug formulations for veterinary patients with it. Does this mean taking an analgesic,
will continue to lag considerably behind those like acetaminophen (paracetamol), without
for humans, despite the fact that animals are blocking neutrophils may be better than tak-
often used for the development of human ther- ing an anti-inflammatory drug or steroid?
apies. This is a reality of present-day econom- Stay tuned for the third edition, wherein we
ics, appreciated as return on investment by the may have the answer.
pharmaceutical industry. Accordingly, there This text was created for the veterinary
are presently, and will likely in the future be, a healthcare professional seeking a greater
limited number of agents and techniques actu- depth of knowledge in mechanisms of pain
ally labeled for veterinary use. It is therefore accompanying chronic disease states and
incumbent on the veterinarian and veterinary potential targets for treatment. It aspires to
healthcare professional to understand both the go beyond the ‘cookbook protocols’ found in
neurobiology of chronic pain and the mode many offerings by providing contemporary
of action of various therapies so as to deter- understandings of ‘why and how to treat’.
mine if the therapeutic agent or technique is An attention-getting photo is that of the
likely to be safe and efficacious when utilized number of scientific medical publications in
‘off-label’. Such insights may not be readily the past couple of years placed adjacent to
available for the proposed target patient, but the number of scientific medical publications
would be ‘inferred’ from data obtained from in the previous couple of decades. The former
a different species. Herein comes the weighing intimidates the latter – the point being that
of ‘species specificity’ vs. ‘one science’ in the new information is drowning us like a tsu-
clinical decision-making process. nami, not only in volume but also in breadth.
So . . . what’s new? Medicine, in general, To offer our patients the ‘best care’, provid-
will always engender creativity and innova- ers need to be current in the knowledge of
tion, some of which challenges our dogmatic the ‘best medicine’. This requires a trilogy
propensity. For example, in a surprising dis- of synergism among researchers, publishers,
covery that flies in the face of conventional and clinicians. Herein publications such as
medicine, McGill University researchers this require occasional revisions. This sec-
report that treating pain with anti-inflam- ond edition attempts to meet segments of
matory medications, like ibuprofen or aspi- that challenge.
rin, may promote pain in the long term. Several new therapeutics are introduced as
Published in Science Translational Medicine, well as combination products. Also, new deliv-
the authors suggest that inflammation, a ery systems are revealed together with their
normal part of injury recovery, helps resolve effectiveness and safety, together with drivers
acute pain and prevents it from becoming for development. New discoveries regarding
chronic (from Emily Shiffer. How We Treat the role of macrophages is presented, particu-
Acute Pain Could Be Wrong. Medscape: 17 larly as related to osteoarthritis.
June 2022). It might be proposed that block- There is a new section on the use of radio-
ing that inflammation may interfere with synoviorthesis as well as anti–nerve growth
this process, leading to harder-to-treat pain. factor (NGF) monoclonal antibodies. This sec-
Further, “What we’ve been doing for decades ond edition also contains a section on recogni-
not only appears to be mis-guided but is 180 tion and assessment of pain in different species
degrees out. We should not be blocking inflam- and reveals a staged approach to the treatment
mation. We should allow inflammation to play of osteoarthritis via the COAST scheme.
its role: nature’s way of obtunding chronic Additionally, commentary on acupunc-
pain”. Testing this concept, researchers ture and cannabinoids is included; however,
blocked neutrophils in mice, finding the pain the topics of product selection, dosing, and
lasted 2 to 10 times longer than normal. Anti- treatment protocols have intentionally been
inflammatory drugs, despite providing short- avoided due to the contentions of wide vari-
term relief, had the same pain-prolonging ability from which consensus is lacking –
effect, though injecting neutrophils into the topics for a different forum.
mice seemed to keep that from happening. The first edition (2010) of this text has been
Inflammation occurs for a reason, and it translated into several different languages
X Preface
and has sold more than 850 copies – testimo- Four decades ago, only 10% of graduating
nial to the increasing focus on chronic pain veterinarians were women. With the passing
management in veterinary medicine. I pro- of Title IX and the removal of gender bias
pose this can be attributed to several factors: in veterinary college admissions during the
(1) increases in pet owner demand, 1970s, approximately four out of five veteri-
(2) advances in scientific discoveries, (3) eco- nary students are now female. The number of
nomic entrepreneurship, and (4) (most signifi- female veterinarians now exceeds the number
cantly) the increased representation of female of male veterinarians (American Veterinary
veterinarians. I personally feel that women Medical Association [AVMA] members). In
are more empathetic to pain and are synergis- companion animal practice, the number of
tic to the scientific advances in driving patient women now exceed men by more than 30%.
relief from pain. The increased use of analgesics in veteri-
I would like to share an observation nary medicine certainly has a number of con-
before closing, an observation credible only tributing factors; however, I propose that the
from those of us active in clinical veterinary increased use of analgesics and increased per-
medicine over the past few decades. centage of female veterinarians are more than
Brakke Consulting estimates that of vet- coincidental. I believe there is an element of cau-
erinary-approved NSAIDs (the most common sality. It is my personal belief that, more often
scripted analgesic for dogs and cats) from than not, women bring to veterinary medicine
Pain Management Product reports, U.S. sales a greater empathy for pain than do males. In
figures at the manufacturer level are: such recognition, I believe women should be
proud of this significant contribution they have
Y2000: $75M brought to our collaborative profession.
Y2010: $205M
Y2020: $295M Steven M Fox
It is said that fulfillment comes from (1) hav- With immense appreciation I acknowl-
ing something to do, (2) having something edge the role of Dr. Linda Contos and
to look forward to, and (3) having someone Dr. John Heidrich in making this initiative
to love. If that is true, then I am three times possible. I shall be forever grateful. I also rec-
blessed. I wish to recognize the contributors ognize Ms. J.L. Stone for her encouragement
to this work, who are noted international and support during the demanding times of
leaders in veterinary medicine. It is my good this undertaking. A heart-felt ‘shout-out’ is
fortune to learn from their collaboration made recognizing Dr. Rob and Judy Goring
and, more importantly, to embrace them as for their deep friendship and total support
personal friends and colleagues. to complete yet another project. Recognition
Creation of the International Veterinary is also due Ms. Sharon Francis for provid-
Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) and ing an efficient office environment as well as
the International Association for the Study administrative support. In addition, I wish
of Pain: Non-human Special Interest Group to salute ‘my editor’, Ms. Alice Oven, with
(IASP:SIG) has made a framework through whom I have worked for a number of years.
which we can all collectively advance the Alice, you are the best of the best. Your pro-
science and practice of pain management. fessionalism is exemplary.
Congratulations to the visionaries who Finally, I want to commend CRC Press/
have invested their resources toward the Taylor & Francis for their recognition of con-
creation of these organizations, and thanks temporary veterinary issues, servicing their
to their membership who have recognized readers’ interests with quality resources,
a forum for the promotion of our common and providing a congenial framework for
interests. collaboration.
The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can’t ask his
patients what is the matter – he’s got to just know.
Will Rogers
Steven M Fox, MS, DVM, specialist at Pfizer Animal Health, and as
MBA, PhD, is the inaugu- director of pain management for Novartis
ral recipient of the endowed Animal Health. Dr. Fox played a key role
Dr. Steve Fox Lifetime in the development and launch of both the
Achievement Award by Rimadyl and Deramaxx branded nonste-
the Veterinary Orthopedic roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Society (2022). He is a former president of the Veterinary
Orthopedic Society, is a council member of
the Association for Veterinary Orthopedic
Research and Education, and is a certi-
“Criteria for the award includes a lifelong
fied small animal surgical specialist in New
commitment to collaboration amongst
research, clinical practice, and industry with Zealand. Dr. Fox is an adjunct assistant pro-
a significant contribution to the field of vet- fessor at the University of Illinois, as well
erinary orthopedics and the VOS, including as adjunct associate professor at Massey
contributions educating countless veterinar- University, advisor to the University of
ians about chronic pain and his work bring- Tennessee Pain Center, founding member of
ing innovative treatments for osteoarthritis to the Companion Animal Pain Management
the market.” Consortium Leadership Council, and fellow
of the New Zealand Institute of Management.
Experience and diversity are the hallmarks Dr. Fox has also served as educational man-
of Dr. Fox’s professional background. He has ager for the Western Veterinary Conference
served as president of Securos Surgical for held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada.
six years and is now active as a private con- He enjoys dual citizenship in the United
sultant for several prominent animal health States and New Zealand. In addition,
companies and specialty organizations. Dr. Fox has authored more than 80 profes-
Dr. Fox received his MS (nutritional biochem- sional publications, five textbooks, seven
istry) and DVM degrees from the University textbook chapters, and two interactive CD/
of Illinois and both MBA (entrepreneurialism DVDs. He is a popular international speaker
and new ventures) and PhD (pain manage- on the subjects of pain management, musculo-
ment) degrees from Massey University in New skeletal diseases, and excellence in speaking.
Zealand. He completed his surgical residency Before beginning his career in veterinary
at the University of Florida and practiced in medicine, he graduated with a BS degree in
surgical referrals for 15 years. mechanical engineering from the U.S. Naval
He has served on the Veterinary Teaching Academy and flew more than 300 combat
Hospital faculty at Mississippi State missions as a naval aviator in Vietnam, flying
University, as product manager at Pioneer the A6 Intruder, while serving concurrently
Hi-Bred International, as senior lecturer as officer of the deck aboard the nuclear-
in companion animal orthopedic surgery powered aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise
at Massey University, as senior veterinary (CVN-65).
James (Jimi) L. Cook, DVM, PhD, DACVS B. Duncan X. Lascelles, BSc, BVSc, PhD, FRCVS,
Director of the Comparative Orthopaedic CERTVA, DSAS(ST), DECVS, DACVS
Laboratory Professor of Translational Pain Research
William and Kathryn Allen Distinguished and Management
Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery College of Veterinary Medicine
School of Medicine North Carolina State University
University of Missouri Raleigh, NC
Columbia, MO
Bob Menardi, DVM
James Duncan, PhD Chief Veterinary Officer
Independent Consultant Exubrion Therapeutics
Kennewick, WA Buford, GA
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine fMRI functional magnetic resonance
AA arachidonic acid imaging
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme GABA gamma aminobutyric acid
ADE adverse drug event GAG glycosaminoglycan
ADP adenosine diphosphate GAIT Glucosamine/Chondroitin
ALA alpha-linolenic acid Arthritis Intervention Trial
ALT alanine aminotransferase GCMPS Glasgow Composite Measure of
AMA American Medical Association Pain Scale
AMP adenosine monophosphate GDNF glial-derived neurotrophic factor
AMPA alpha-amino-3-hydroxy- HA hyaluronic acid
5-methyl-4-isoxazole HCN hyperpolarization-activated
propionic-acid cyclic nucleotide-gated
ARS acute radiation score HIV human immunodeficiency virus
ASIC acid-sensing ion channel HRQoL health-related quality of life
ASU avocado/soybean unsaponifiables HVA high-voltage activated
ATL aspirin-triggered lipoxin IASP International Association for the
ATP adenosine triphosphate Study of Pain
BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor IBS irritable bowel syndrome
BUN blood urea nitrogen IC interstitial cystitis
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate IKK IkB kinase
CCK cholecystokinin IL interleukin
CCL cranial cruciate ligament iNOS inducible NOS
CCLT cranial cruciate ligament KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca
transection LOX lipoxygenase
CGRP calcitonin gene–related peptide LT leukotriene
CIPN chemotherapy-induced peripheral LVA low-voltage activated
neuropathy mAb monoclonal antibody
CMPS composite measure pain scale MFPS multifactorial pain scales
CNS central nervous system MMP matrix metalloproteinase
COX cyclooxygenase NAVNA North American Veterinary
CrCLD cranial cruciate ligament Nutraceutical Association
deficiency NE norepinephrine
CRI continuous rate infusion NF-κB nuclear factor kappa B
DHA docosahexaenoic acid NGF nerve growth factor
DJD degenerative joint disease NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate
DMOAA disease-modifying osteoarthritic nNOS neuronal NOS
agent NNT number needed to treat
DMOAD disease-modifying osteoarthritic NO nitric oxide
drug NOS nitric oxide synthase
DRG dorsal root ganglion NPY neuropeptide Y
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent NRS numeric rating scales
assay NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
eNOS endothelial NOS drug
EPA eicosapentaenoic acid OA osteoarthritis
ERK extracellular signal-regulated OTM oral transmucosal
kinase P2X ionotropic purinoceptor
FDA Food and Drug Administration P2Y metabotropic purinoceptor
Abbreviations XV
Glossary XVII
inhibitors. Thus, the term ‘viral immedi- afferent fibers into the spinal dorsal horn:
ate-early gene’ (e.g., v-fos) was adopted may become a source for ectopic or spon-
and modified to ‘cellular immediate-early taneous electrical signal generation fol-
gene’ (e.g., c-fos) for cellular genes that are lowing axonal injury.
rapidly induced in the presence of protein Dysesthesia: a spontaneous pain.
synthesis inhibition. C-fos is activated in Eburnation: a late stage of osteoarthritis
the brain and spinal cord under various (OA), where all cartilage is eroded and
conditions, including seizures and nox- the exposed subchondral bone takes on a
ious stimulation, and C-fos expression ‘polished ivory’ appearance.
may be a marker for neuroaxis excitation. Ectopic discharge: this can arise from the
Chondrocyte: the only cellular element of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) following
articular cartilage. peripheral axotomy. A direct relationship
Chondroprotectant: an agent that ‘spares’ exists between ectopic afferent firing and
cartilage degradation. allodynia in neuropathic pain.
Chronic pain: this results from sustained Efferent: an outgoing; conducted away from
noxious stimuli such as ongoing inflam- the central nervous system (CNS).
mation or may be independent of the incit- Eicosanoid: it is the generic term for com-
ing cause. It extends beyond the period of pounds derived from arachidonic acid.
tissue healing and/or with low levels of Includes leukotrienes, prostacyclin, pros-
identified pathology that are insufficient taglandins, and thromboxanes. Eico-
to explain the presence and/or extent of sanoid activity is tissue dependent.
pain. It is maladaptive and offers no use- Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): a precursor
ful biological function or survival advan- for the synthesis of eicosanoids, derived
tage. Accordingly, chronic pain may be from alpha-linolenic acid and/or doco-
considered a disease per se. sahexaenoic acid. Eicosanoids produced
Convergence: where somatic and visceral from EPA appear to be less inflammatory
afferents come together on the same dorsal than those formed from the more com-
horn neuron within the spinal cord; as a mon precursor, arachidonic acid.
result, ‘referred’ pain is sensed in each soma ELISA: the enzyme-linked immunosorbent
although the stimulus is from the viscera. assay is a serological test used as a general
Coxib-class NSAIDs: a nonsteroidal anti- screening tool for the detection of anti-
inflammatory drug designed to suppress bodies. Reported as positive or negative.
cyclooxygenase-2–mediated eicosanoids Since false-positive tests do occur (for
only and spare cyclooxygenase-1–mediated example, a recent flu shot), positives may
eicosanoids. require further evaluation using the West-
Cytokines: a heterogeneous group of poly- ern blot. ELISA technology links a mea-
peptides that activate the immune system surable enzyme to either an antigen or an
and mediate inflammatory responses, act- antibody. In this way, it can then measure
ing on a variety of tissues, including the the presence of an antibody or an antigen
peripheral nervous system (PNS) and cen- in the bloodstream.
tral nervous system (CNS). Enantiomer: a pair of chiral isomers (stereo-
Cytokines act at hormonal concentra- isomers) that are direct, nonsuperimpos-
tions, but in contrast to circulating endo- able mirror images of each other.
crine hormones, they exert their effects Endbulb: a terminal swelling at the proxi-
on nearby cells over short extracellular mal stump when an axon is severed.
distances at low concentrations, and thus, Enthesophytes: a bony proliferation found
serum levels may not reliably reflect local at the insertion of ligaments, tendons, and
activation. Models of painful nerve injury joint capsule to bone.
reveal changes in cytokine expression in Ephaptic cross-talk: these are the excitatory
the injured nerve itself, in the dorsal root interactions among neighboring neurons,
ganglion (DRG), in the spinal cord dorsal amplifying sensory signals and causing
horn, and in the CNS. sensation spread.
Dorsal root ganglion (DRG): a collection Epitope: that part of an antigenic molecule
of neuronal cell bodies that send their to which the T-cell receptor responds; a
Glossary XIX
studies, with application chiefly in the injury states such as neuropathy may pro-
areas of research and medicine. It is often duce a prolonged activation of the NMDA
an overview of clinical trials. It is usually receptor subsequent to a sustained affer-
called a meta-analysis by the author or ent input that causes a relatively small but
sponsoring body and should be differenti- continuous increase in the levels of gluta-
ated from reviews of the literature. mate and enhances the evoked release of
Modulation: an alteration of ascending sig- the amino acid. NMDA receptors are not
nals initially in the dorsal horn and con- functional unless there has been a persis-
tinuing throughout the central nervous tent or large-scale release of glutamate.
system (CNS). Ketamine, memantine, and amantadine
Multimodal analgesia: the administration are common NMDA antagonists.
of a combination of different drugs from Nitric oxide synthase (NOS): it synthesizes
different pharmacological classes, as well nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine; three
as different delivery forms and techniques. isoforms are known to exist: endothelial
Nerve fiber: it refers to the combination of NOS (eNOS), neuronal NOS (nNOS), and
the axon and Schwann cell as a functional inducible NOS (iNOS).
unit. Nociception: the physiological activity of
Neurogenic inflammation: these are driven transduction, transmission, and modula-
by events in the central nervous system tion of noxious stimuli; may or may not
(CNS) and not dependent on granulocytes include perception, depending on the con-
or lymphocytes as the classic inflam- scious state of the animal, i.e., the result
matory response to tissue trauma or of nociception in the conscious animal is
immune-mediated cell damage. Dendrite pain.
release of inflammatory mediators causes Nociceptive pain (physiological pain): an
action potentials to fire backward down everyday acute pain, purposeful, short-
nociceptors, potentiating transmission of acting, and relatively easy to treat.
nociceptive signals from the periphery. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB): a transcrip-
Neuroma: it is formed by failed efforts of tion factor that regulates gene expression
injured peripheral nerve sprouts to re- of many cellular mediators influencing the
establish normal functional contact, immune and inflammatory response.
which can become ectopic generators of Number needed to treat (NNT): an estimate
neural activity. of the number of patients that would need
Neuropathic pain: it arises from injury to to be given a treatment for one of them
or sensitization of the peripheral nervous to achieve a desired outcome, e.g., the
system (PNS) or central nervous system number of patients that must be treated,
(CNS). after correction for placebo responders,
Neurotransmitter: any of a group of endoge- to obtain one patient with at least 50%
nous substances that are released on excita- pain relief. In a similar manner, number
tion from the axon terminal of a presynaptic needed to harm (NNH) is a calculation of
neuron of the central nervous system (CNS) adverse effects.
or peripheral nervous system (PNS) and Nutraceutical: a nondrug food additive that
travel across the synaptic cleft to either is given orally to benefit the well-being of
excite or inhibit the target cell. Among the the recipient.
many substances that have the properties OP1: opioid delta receptor.
of a neurotransmitter are acetylcholine, OP2: opioid kappa receptor.
norepinephrine, glutamate, epinephrine, OP3: opioid mu receptor.
dopamine, glycine, gamma-aminobutyrate, Osteoarthritis (OA): it is a degenerative joint
glutamic acid, substance P, enkephalins, disease (DJD) disorder of the total mov-
endorphins, and serotonin. able joints characterized by deterioration
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor: it of articular cartilage; osteophyte forma-
has been implicated in the phenomenon tion and bone remodeling; pathology of
of windup and in related changes such as periarticular tissues, including synovium,
spinal hyperexcitability that enhance and subchondral bone, muscle, tendon, and
prolong sensory transmission. Persistent ligament; and a low-grade, nonpurulent
Glossary XXI
inflammation of variable degree. Pain is Physical rehabilitation: these are the activi-
the hallmark clinical sign. ties involved in the goal to restore, main-
Osteophytes: a central core of bone fre- tain, and promote optimal function,
quently found at the junction of the optimal fitness, wellness, and quality of
synovium, perichondrium, and periosteum life as they relate to movement disorders
of arthritic joints. and health.
P2X: an ionotropic receptor for adenosine Plasticity: this refers to neuronal information
triphosphate (ATP). processing, which can change in a manner
Paresthesias: dysesthesia and hyperpathia dependent on levels of neuronal excitabil-
refer to odd, unnatural sensations like ity and synaptic strength, diversifying for
‘pins-and needles’, sudden jabs, or electric short periods (seconds) or prolonged peri-
shock–like sensations. These occur when ods (days), or perhaps indefinitely.
nerves are partially blocked (e.g., ‘my Preemptive analgesia: a presurgical block-
leg went to sleep’) or when there is nerve ade of nociception intended to prevent or
damage. lessen postsurgical pain or pain hyper-
Partial agonist (opioid): it binds at a given sensitivity. The best clinical application is
receptor causing an effect less pronounced actually ‘perioperative’, where analgesia is
than that of a pure agonist. administered long enough to last through-
Pathological pain (inflammatory pain, neu- out surgery and even into the postopera-
ropathic pain): it implies tissue damage, tive period.
nontransient, and may be associated with Primary hyperalgesia: a hyperalgesia at the
significant tissue inflammation and nerve site of injury, while hyperalgesia in the
injury. uninjured skin surrounding the injury is
Perception: it is the receipt and cognitive termed secondary hyperalgesia.
appreciation of signals arriving at higher Q-conotoxin: these are found in the
central nervous system (CNS) structures, venom of predatory marine snails that
thereby allowing the interpretation as blocks depolarization-induced calcium
pain. influx through voltage-sensitive calcium
Phenotype: the total characteristics dis- channels.
played by an organism under a particular Qi: a tenet of traditional Chinese medicine
set of environmental factors, regardless holding that qi is a fundamental and vital
of the actual genotype of the organism. substance of the universe, with all phenom-
Results from interaction between the gen- ena being produced by its changes. Tradi-
otype and the environment. tional Chinese medicine suggests that a
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): these are balanced flow of qi throughout the system is
the cranial nerves, spinal nerves with their required for good health, and acupuncture
roots and rami, peripheral components stimulation can correct imbalances.
of the autonomic nervous system, and Referred pain: a pain sensation felt at an
peripheral nerves whose primary sensory anatomical location different from its ori-
neurons are located in the associated dor- gin; most often associated with visceral
sal root ganglion. pain where the central nervous system
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN): PHN is com- (CNS) is sensing a somatic input rather
monly used as a model for neuropathic than visceral nociception.
pain. PHN is a consequence of herpes Reversal of GABA/Glycinergic inhibition: a
zoster, where pain will continue long after microglial activity occurring only follow-
the rash has resolved, causing a great deal ing neuropathic injury but not peripheral
of suffering and disability. Herpes zoster inflammation, where reversing the direc-
results from activation of the varicella- tion of anionic flux in lamina I neurons
zoster virus, which has remained latent reverses the effect of GABA and glycine,
in the dorsal root ganglion since the first changing inhibition to excitation.
infection (usually chickenpox). The vari- Schwann cell: this plays a major role in
cella-zoster virus has a very narrow host nerve regeneration and axonal mainte-
range, and natural infection occurs only nance. Some cells produce myelin, a lipid-
in humans and other primates. rich insulating covering.
XXII Glossary
Physiology of Pain
IN PERSPECTIVE Understanding the
Pain management has become one of the
Physiology of Pain
more inspiring contemporary issues in vet- Nociception is the transduction, conduc-
erinary medicine. It is an area of progressive tion, and central nervous system (CNS)
research, revealing new understandings on processing of signals generated by a nox-
an almost daily basis. Accordingly, ‘current’ ious insult. The conscious, cognitive pro-
insights into pain management is a relative cessing of nociception results in pain, i.e.,
term. In some respects, the management of pain infers consciousness. It is reason-
pain, especially in companion animal prac- able to assume that a stimulus considered
tice, is more thorough than in human medi- painful to a human, that is damaging or
cine. And although it is amusing to recognize potentially damaging to tissues and evokes
that most pain in humans is managed based escape and behavioral responses, would
on rodent data, considerable direction for also be painful to an animal because ana-
managing pain in animals is based on the tomical structures and neurophysiological
human pain experience. This is because processes leading to the perception of pain
many physiological systems are similar are similar across species.
across species, and large population studies The pain pathway suggests reference
often conducted in human medicine require to the simplistic nociceptive pathway of a
resources prohibitive in veterinary medicine. three-neuron chain, with the first-order neu-
Thus, evidence-based veterinary pain man- ron originating in the periphery and pro-
agement will likely always be under some jecting to the spinal cord, the second-order
degree of scrutiny. Since our maturation of neuron ascending the spinal cord, and the
understanding the complex mechanisms of third-order neuron projecting into the cere-
pain comes from studies in different species bral cortex and other supraspinal structures
with many physiological processes in com- (Figure 1.1).
mon, it is fitting to consider the study of pain ‘For every complex issue, there is an
as ‘one science’. answer that is simple, neat … and wrong!’
The frontier of discovery for treating There are no ‘pain fibers’ in nerves and no
pain is founded upon an understanding of ‘pain pathways’ in the brain. Pain is not a
physiology and neurobiology. Physiological stimulus. The experience of pain is the final
mechanisms underpin the evidence support- product of a complex information-process-
ing treatment protocols and provide insights ing network.
for new drug development. An overview of
pain physiology is intellectually intriguing,
but extensive. Therefore, the following syn-
opsis is presented to gain an appreciation of AFFERENT RECEPTORS
the complex mechanisms underlying chronic
pain and to encourage lateral thinking Peripheral sensory receptors are special-
about treatment modalities. Paraphrasing ized terminations of afferent nerve fibers
Albert Einstein, ‘Some things can be made exposed to the tissue environment, even
simple, but only so much so before they lose when the fiber is myelinated more cen-
meaning’. trally. Such receptors are plentiful in the
DOI: 10.1201/9781003376422-2 3
4 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.3 A milieu of inflammatory mediators results in receptor excitation that transduces or trans-
lates specific forms of energy into action potentials. Such action potentials become the nociceptive
messengers for pain.
• Immediate pain.
• Various autonomic effects caused by periph-
FIGURE 1.4 Receptor activation may allow ion eral release of substance P (sP) and calcito-
influx or trigger a second messenger pathway nin gene–related peptide (CGRP), inducing
that initiates an action potential. profound vasodilatation, while release of
sP promotes vascular leakage and protein
stimuli, electrical stimulation, even at high extravasation; components of the neuro-
frequency, normally produces a sensation genic inflammatory response: rubor (red-
not of pain, but of nonpainful pressure. ness), calor (heat), and tumor (swelling).
Convergence of large- and small-diameter • An antinociceptive effect of varying dura-
afferents of various sorts at the level of the tion, associated with the desensitization
dorsal horn, with further processing in the effect of capsaicin on the peripheral termi-
brain, gives rise to a variety of everyday nals of C fibers. The cellular mechanisms
sensations. underlying the neurodegenerative conse-
A change in temperature or an agonist quences of capsaicin likely involve both
binding to a membrane may cause a confor- necrotic and apoptotic cell death.
mational change in the shape of a receptor • A fall in body temperature: a reflex response
protein, allowing influx of ions or trigger- generated by thermosensitive neurons in the
ing second messenger pathways (Figure 1.4). hypothalamus following capsaicin activa-
When transient receptor potential (TRP) tion of primary afferent fibers.
(vanilloid or capsaicin) receptors are acti-
vated, they directly allow calcium ion cell Capsaicin acts on nonmyelinated periph-
influx, which can be sufficient to initiate eral afferent fibers to deplete sP and other
neurotransmitter release. transmitter peptides; the net effect is first to
Primary afferents will fire action poten- stimulate and then to destroy C fibers.1
tials at different adaptive rates. For example, A number of receptor systems reportedly
touch receptors or vibration detectors and play a role in the peripheral modulation of
hair follicle afferents fire at the beginning nociceptor responsiveness. The vanilloid
and sometimes at the end of a maintained receptor TRPV1 is present on a subpopula-
stimulus. They respond to the change (delta) tion of primary afferent fibers and is activated
of a stimulus. In contrast, nociceptors never by capsaicin, heat, and protons. Following
fully adapt and stop firing in the presence of inflammation, axonal transport of TRPV1
a stimulus. They are difficult to turn off once messenger RNA (mRNA) is induced, with
they are activated. the proportion of TRPV1-labeled unmyelin-
The term vanilloid refers to a group of ated axons in the periphery being increased
substances related structurally and phar- by almost 100%. 2 The inflammatory medi-
macologically to capsaicin, the pungent ator bradykinin lowers the threshold of
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 7
FIGURE 1.6 At the synapse, there is a chemical transmission of the nerve impulse.
8 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.7 Many different types of receptors may reside on primary afferent terminals. (Adapted from
Woolf CJ, Costigan M. Transcriptional and posttranslational plasticity and the generation of inflamma-
tory pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1999; 96: 7723–7730.)
the postsynaptic neuron or tissue, (3) exog- enhance pain and hypersensitivity through
enous administration mimics endogenously the response of the capsaicin/vanilloid recep-
released neurotransmitter, (4) a mechanism tor (TRPV1). sP and CGRP can be released
exists for its removal, and (5) it is released by from the peripheral terminals of activated C
neuronal depolarization in a Ca++-dependent fibers and contribute to neurogenic inflam-
fashion. Many different neurotransmitters mation by causing vasodilation. Affected tis-
exist, most notably glutamate, sP, and CGRP. sues are subsequently in a state of peripheral
Glutamate is the most prevalent neurotrans- sensitization. sP is an 11–amino acid peptide
mitter in the CNS and is synthesized not only neurotransmitter, often co-occurring with
in the cell body but also in the terminals. CGRP, which, when released in the spinal
Several receptors reside on primary affer- dorsal horn, activates second-order transmis-
ent terminals, which regulate terminal excit- sion neurons that send a nociceptive (‘pain’)
ability: serotonin, somatostatin, interleukin, signal to the brain.
tyrosine kinase, ionotropic glutamate, etc.
(Figure 1.7).
Mediators of Pain René Descartes (1596–1650) proposed that
PGs are not the only chemical mediators ‘pain’ was transmitted from the periphery
of inflammation and hypersensitivity. The to a higher center through tubes of transfer
acidity and heat of injured, inflamed tissue (Figure 1.8). From the concept of Descartes
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 9
FIGURE 1.10 Pain encoding is dynamic. An analgesic can provide hypoalgesia, while complementary
nociceptive agonists can result in hyperalgesia. A left shift in the stimulus-response curve can result in
allodynia, i.e., a normally non-noxious stimulus becomes noxious.
unmyelinated fibers would normally shut of high-intensity afferent input was subject
down inhibitor neurons, thereby allowing to modulation. Although their concept was
further transmission through second-order accurate, details of their explanation have
neurons. With the gate theory, Melzack and since been more accurately modified.
Wall formalized observations that encoding As an example, transcutaneous electri-
cal nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy is a
clinical implementation of the gate theory.
TENS is thought to act by preferential stim-
ulation of peripheral somatosensory fibers,
which conduct more rapidly than nocicep-
tive fibers. This results in a stimulation
of inhibitory interneurons in the second
lamina of the posterior horn (substantia
gelatinosa) that effectively blocks nocicep-
tion at the spinal cord level. Further, the
gate theory may explain why some people
feel a decrease in pain intensity when skin
near the pain region is rubbed with a hand
(‘rubbing it better’) and how a local area is
FIGURE 1.11 Melzack and Wall’s gate control the- ‘desensitized’ by rubbing prior to insertion
ory of pain; the first theory proposing that noci- of a needle. An additional example would
ception was under modulation by the CNS. be the shaking of a burned hand, an action
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 11
FIGURE 1.13 Neurohumoral transmission. The axonal action potential expresses a depolarization-
repolarization of the axon, characterized by an influx of sodium and efflux of potassium. Arriving at the nerve
terminal, the action potential facilitates an inward movement of calcium, which triggers the discharge of
neurotransmitters from storage vesicles into the junctional cleft. The neurotransmitters react with specialized
receptors on the postjunctional membranes and initiate physiological responses in the effector cell.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 13
receptors and enzymes, acting as intracel- isoforms are known to exist: endothe-
lular signals, forming a channel-gating
mechanism, and contributing to the degree
lial NOS (eNOS), neuronal NOS (nNOS),
and inducible NOS (iNOS). Of these iso- 1
of depolarization of the cell. The means by forms, eNOS and nNOS are constitutively
which calcium enters the neuron and termi- expressed, whereas the expression of iNOS
nal is via calcium channels, making calcium is induced in a wide cell range by immune
channel targets for a variety of neurotrans- or inflammatory stimuli. nNOS is not con-
mitters, neuromodulators, and drugs. Two fined to the CNS, but is the predominant
families of voltage-dependent calcium chan- form. NO may influence nociceptive process-
nels (VDCCs) exist: ing at many levels and may potentially have
different effects, depending on the site and
• Low threshold, rapidly activating, slowly concentration of NO.16 NO itself is a very
deactivating channels (low-voltage activated short-lived molecule (half-life of millisec-
[LVA] also referred to as T-type). onds to seconds); however, models of its dif-
• High-threshold, slowly activating, fast-deac- fusional spread suggest that a point source
tivating channels (high-voltage activated synthesizing NO for 1–10 seconds would
[HVA]). Ziconotide (a synthetic version of lead to a 200-μm sphere of influence: in the
a ω-conotoxin found in the venom of preda- brain this volume could encompass 2 mil-
tory marine snails) blocks depolarization- lion synapses.17 The main role of spinal NO
induced calcium influx through VDCC appears to be in mediating hyperalgesia. In
binding. the periphery, the antinociceptive actions of
opioids are mediated by NO and the analge-
Calcium channels include receptor- sic actions of endogenous opioids, acetylcho-
operated channels, stretch-operated chan- line, and α 2-adrenoreceptor agonists may all
nels, calcium channels operated by second involve NO in an antinociceptive role. There
messengers, and voltage-sensitive chan- also appears to be a link between NO and
nels (Table 1.2). The only channels that are the prostanoid pathway. Interleukin-1β (IL-
responsive to the current calcium channel 1β) can induce both NOS and cyclooxygen-
blockers are L-type calcium channels.15 ase (COX) expression, and NO can increase
The role of nitric oxide (NO) in nocicep- the synthesis and release of prostanoids.18
tion is unclear, although it appears to func- Within the body, the endogenous nucleo-
tion both centrally and peripherally. NO is tide adenosine performs multiple functions.
synthesized from L-arginine by the enzyme It can be progressively phosphorylated to
nitric oxide synthase (NOS), of which three generate the high-energy molecules adenosine
known as nociceptors, whose major function longitudinal course. This allows the nerve to
is to detect environmental stimuli that are stretch approximately 10% without injury,
perceived as harmful and convert them into and this compensatory design can be com-
electrochemical signals that are then trans- promised by scar formation within adjacent
mitted to the CNS. tissue. Endoneurial vessels are free of inner-
The term ‘nerve fiber’ refers to the com- vation, and blood flow is not modulated by
bination of the axon and Schwann cell as a sympathetic activity, but by local perfusion
functional unit. The Schwann cell (oligoden- pressure and vessel caliber. Since the endo-
drocytes are the corresponding CNS cell) neurial space can expand by edema or by the
significantly accelerates the speed of action influx of hematological or neuronal cells, the
potential propagation and acts as a first- perineurium can expand, pinching transperi-
line phagocyte. It also plays a major role in neurial vessels closed. At 50% compromise
nerve regeneration and axonal maintenance. to blood flow, neurological consequences can
All peripheral nerve axons are surrounded become apparent.
by segmental Schwann cells, although only
some Schwann cells produce a lipid-rich
insulation covering: myelin.
Myelin is formed by serial wrapping of
Schwann cell cytoplasm around an axon,
and sequential myelinated Schwann cells are
separated by nodes of Ranvier, a location of
high sodium channel concentration. Nodes
of Ranvier provide rapid axon saltatory
conduction. After nerve injury, new axonal
sprouts arise from a node of Ranvier. In the
perinodal region of the axon, high concen-
trations of potassium channels are exposed
during early phases of demyelination.
The most common cause of neuropa-
thy following axonal injury is associated
with Wallerian degeneration, named after
Augustus Waller, who in 1850 described a FIGURE 1.15 Wallerian degeneration includes (A)
pathological process following nerve tran- transection injury and degeneration in the dis-
section that included an initial reaction at the tal segment of the nerve (minimal degeneration
injury site, then degeneration and phagocy- proximally); (B) regeneration following degenera-
tosis of myelin and axons distal to the injury tion, as injured axons form many small sprouts
(Figure 1.15). Wallerian degeneration occurs that are guided by trophic factors to target tissue
(often following remnant basal lamina of Schwann
after axonal injury of any type, including
cells that have themselves degenerated); (C) the
crush and severe ischemia. axon size then increases, as the axon develops
The anatomy of nerve circulation influ- and remyelinates; and (D) occasionally a very
ences its homeostasis. Surface circulation painful neuroma forms when regeneration lacks
of a peripheral nerve is sinusoidal in its a terminal target.
16 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.17 The brain and spinal cord are able to ‘talk to one another’. The emotional center of the
brain is a series of nerves and tissue called the limbic system, which creates a rainbow of emotions.
The limbic system not only influences pain signals but also adds emotional texture to them. (PAG: peri-
aqueductal gray, RVM: rostral ventromedial medulla.)
FIGURE 1.18 The dorsal horn of the spinal cord is composed of lamellae, with characteristic afferents
and efferents.
are wide dynamic range (WDR) cells. They Different perceptions are elicited depending
also respond to noxious visceral stimuli. upon whether low- or high-threshold affer-
Spinal cord transmissions work as a ents have been activated because of the dif-
binary response: low-intensity stimuli are ferent central circuits engaged.
interpreted as innocuous or nonpainful, such Dorsal horn neurons consist primarily of
as touch, vibration, or hair movement, ver- projecting neurons, propriospinal neurons,
sus high-threshold stimuli that produce pain. and local interneurons (Figure 1.19). Their
FIGURE 1.19 Dorsal horn neurons consist of projecting neurons, propriospinal neurons, and local
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 19
distribution as well as dendritic arboriza- example, flight or fight reactions in the pres-
tion determine which and how many inputs
each receives. Projection neurons transfer
ence of substantial injury. Inhibitory mecha-
nisms can be activated by peripheral inputs 1
sensory information to higher CNS levels of TENS, acupuncture, placebo, suggestion
and are also involved in the activation of (in humans), distraction, and cognition.
descending control systems. Propriospinal Further, endogenous inhibitory mechanisms
neurons transfer inputs from one segment of can be mimicked pharmacologically with
the spinal cord to another, and local inter- agents such as opiates, GABA-mimetics, and
neurons, comprising the majority of intrinsic α-adrenergic agonists.
dorsal horn neurons, serve as short-distance GABA exerts a powerful inhibitory tone
excitatory and inhibitory interneurons. Most within the spinal cord dorsal horn medi-
inhibitory interneurons contain gamma ated by both GABA A receptors (presynaptic
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and/or glycine and postsynaptic on primary afferents) and
as neurotransmitters and synapse both pre- GABA B receptors located principally on pre-
synaptically on primary afferent endings and synaptic sites. Although GABAergic inhibi-
postsynaptically on dorsal horn neurons. 30 tion may be upregulated during peripheral
Presynaptic inhibition decreases transmit- inflammatory states, GABAergic interneu-
ter release from primary afferent terminals, rons are subject to excitotoxic or apoptotic
while postsynaptic inhibition hyperpolarizes death following nerve injury, resulting in a
postsynaptic membranes. Many inhibitory loss of inhibitory tone, which, in turn, may
interneurons are spontaneously active, main- contribute to hyperalgesia and allodynia. 32
taining an ongoing tonic inhibitory control
within the dorsal horn.
Contributing to CNS plasticity is neuro-
nal capacity for structural reorganization of Windup is a form of activity-dependent plas-
synaptic circuitry. Schwann cells accrue and ticity characterized by a progressive increase
promote neuronal redevelopment, resulting in action potential output from dorsal horn
in deafferentation of injured and uninjured neurons elicited during the course of a train
fibers. The resultant collateral branching can of repeated low-frequency C fiber or nocicep-
lead to misdirected targeting of fibers and tor stimuli. 33 Repetitive discharge of primary
inappropriate peripheral innervation, so that afferent nociceptors results in co-release of
cutaneous areas once occupied by the lesioned neuromodulators such as sP and CGRP,
nerve become hyperinnervated by low- and together with glutamate (the main neu-
high-threshold fibers. Neurons may die, axon rotransmitter used by nociceptors synapsing
terminals may degenerate or atrophy, new with the dorsal horn) from nociceptor cen-
axon terminals may appear, and the structural tral terminals. These neuropeptides activate
contact between cells at the synapses may be postsynaptic G protein–coupled receptors,
modified. This can result in the loss of nor- which lead to slow postsynaptic depolariza-
mal connections, formation of novel abnormal tions lasting tens of seconds.34 The resul-
connections, and an alteration in the normal tant cumulative depolarization is boosted
balance between excitation and inhibition.31 by recruitment of N-methyl-D-aspartate
Structural reorganization and its functional (NMDA) receptor current through inhibi-
sequelae can result in changed sensory pro- tion of magnesium channel suppression.
cessing long after the initial injury has healed.
NMDA Receptor and Windup
The most involved receptor in the sensa-
WHAT MAKES THE CNS tion of acute pain, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-
SO DYNAMIC? 5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic-acid (AMPA),
is always exposed on afferent nerve termi-
nals. In contrast, those most involved in the
Afferent Signal Suppression sensation of chronic pain, NMDA receptors,
Spinal cord sensory transmissions can be are not functional unless there has been a
endogenously suppressed, as might be nec- persistent or large-scale release of glutamate
essary for survival value, enabling, for (Figure 1.20).
20 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.21 NMDA-mediated windup facilitates the underlying nociceptive signaling, resulting in a state
of hyperalgesia. Therefore, NMDA antagonists are administered as ‘adjuncts’ to a baseline protocol for
optimal results.
not occur if nociceptive blockade is applied patients who are unresponsive to surgical
prior to the nociceptive event. Such findings stimuli. This has been somewhat validated
suggest that presurgical blockade of nocicep- in the dog, 38,39 where (‘pain-induced dis-
tion may prevent postsurgical wound pain or tress’) cortisol spikes in response to noxious
pain hypersensitivity following surgery, i.e., stimuli of ovariohysterectomy during the
preemptive analgesia, as advocated by the anesthetic period suggest a link between
eminent pain physiologist, Patrick Wall. 37 surgical stimulus and neural responsiveness
Successful preemptive analgesia must meet during anesthetic-induced unconscious-
three criteria: (1) intense enough to block ness (Figure 1.23). As indicated by the
all nociception, (2) wide enough to cover expression of c-fos (early genomic expres-
the entire surgical area, and (3) prolonged sion), noxious stimuli still enter the spi-
enough to last throughout surgery and even nal cord during apparently adequate
into the postoperative period. anesthesia.40
It is important to note that adequate In 1988, Professor Patrick Wall intro-
levels of general anesthesia with a volatile duced the concept of preemptive analgesia
drug such as isoflurane do not prevent cen- to clinicians with his editorial in the journal
tral sensitization. The potential for central Pain.41 The emphasis of preemptive analgesia
sensitization exists even in unconscious is on preventing sensitization of the nervous
system throughout the perioperative period.
Pain is to be expected from an initial surgery
and the hypersensitivity that subsequently
develops. Analgesia administered after sen-
sitization may decrease pain somewhat, but
has little long-term benefit in addressing the
pain resultant from postsurgical inflamma-
tion. Analgesia administered before surgery
limits inflammatory pain and decreases
subsequent hypersensitivity. The most effec-
tive preemptive analgesic regimen occurs
when initiated before surgery and contin-
FIGURE 1.22 Stimulus-response curve of noxious ued throughout the postoperative period
insult. (Figure 1.24).
22 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.23 Changes in plasma cortisol concentrations from pretreatment values for control, anes-
thesia, analgesia, and surgery treatments; the curves demonstrate that although canine patients were
under the appropriate stage of gaseous anesthesia, nociception was apparent. Technically, these dogs
were not painful, because the nociception was not being cognitively processed.38
FIGURE 1.24 The most effective preemptive analgesia is initiated before surgery and continued through-
out the postoperative period.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 23
FIGURE 1.26 Calcium waves within astrocytes provide bidirectional communication between astrocytes
and neurons.
result in the release of glial products at dis- amino acids, and classical immune media-
tant sites (Figure 1.26).66 Glial gap junctions tors, inducing spinal nociceptive facilita-
may also be involved in the spread of pain to tion.70 Considering that glial cells are not
distant sites.68 normally involved in pain processing and
Two interrelated points are worth noting: are only activated during excessive nervous
(1) the actions of glial products can syner- system activity, agents targeting these cells,
gize and (2) substances released by activated or their neuroactive products, hold analgesic
microglia can, in turn, activate astrocytes hope for the future (Table 1.5). Modulation
and vice versa. of the immune system is becoming the ‘new
Fractalkine is a neuron-to-glia signal69 approach’ to managing neuropathic pain.
that can trigger release of neurostimulat- Under the influence of ATP activation,
ing agents such as NO, ATP, excitatory P2X4 is upregulated with a time course that
parallels that of the development of allo- GABA and glycine, changing inhibition to
dynia.71 P2X4 receptors are nonspecific cation excitation (Figure 1.27). Microglial activation
channels that are permeable to calcium ions. occurs only following C-fiber neuropathic
Apparently, ATP stimulation of these receptors injury and is not typically seen following
leads to calcium influx that activates signaling peripheral inflammation.
proteins leading to the release of factor(s) that
enhance transmission in spinal pain trans-
mission neurons. This could occur through DYNAMIC TRAFFICKING
enhanced glutamatergic synaptic transmis-
sion or through reversal of GABA/glyciner- A variety of pathological processes affect-
gic inhibition.72 In the rat peripheral nerve ing peripheral nerves, sensory ganglia, spinal
compression model, Coull et al.72 observed roots, and CNS structures can induce neu-
that reversing the direction of anionic flux in ropathic pain. When an axon is severed, the
lamina I neurons reverses the effect of GABA proximal stump (attached to the cell body)
and glycine. It is believed that increased cellu- seals off, forming a terminal swelling ‘end-
lar calcium impacts the capacity of neurons to bulb’. Within a day or two, numerous fine
pump chloride out of the cytoplasm through processes (‘sprouts’) start to grow out from the
the potassium chloride co-transporter, KCC-2. endbulb. Regenerating sprouts may elongate
Opening anion channels in the setting of within their original endoneurial tube, reform-
intracellular chloride accumulation results in ing connections, or they may become misdi-
chloride efflux instead of influx. Reversing the rected, forming a variety of different types
direction of anionic flux reverses the effect of of neuromas (Figure 1.15). Various neuroma
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 27
endings have been identified to give rise to Membrane remodeling also impacts
‘ectopic’ activity, which originates in axonal afferent hyperexcitability in neuropathy.
endbulbs, sprouts, patches of demyelination, Membrane proteins responsible for trans-
and in the cell soma, rather than at the usual duction and encoding are synthesized on
location, the peripheral sensory ending.73 ribosomes in the DRG cell soma. Thereafter,
Axotomy experiments have revealed that they are inserted into the local membrane in a
there are high levels of ectopic discharge in process called ‘vesicle exocytosis’ after being
dorsal roots following peripheral axotomy, loaded into the membrane of intracytoplas-
with activity apparently originating in the mic transport vesicles and vectorially trans-
DRG.74 When axons are cut close to the DRG, ported down the axon. Dynamic ‘trafficking’
75% of ectopic afferent activity originates in in normal neurons is closely regulated to
the DRG and 25% in the neuroma.75 When the ensure molecules arrive at their correct desti-
nerve is injured further distally, the neuroma nation in appropriate numbers. For example,
makes a relatively greater contribution. DRG the turnover half-life of sodium channels is
ectopia may be important in herniated inter- thought to be only 1–3 days.78 Various ion
vertebral disks in which the DRG is directly channels, transducer molecules, and recep-
impacted by the disease. A direct relation- tors are synthesized in the cell soma, trans-
ship exists between ectopic afferent firing and ported along the axon, and incorporated in
allodynia in neuropathic pain. Preventing the excess into the axon membrane of endbulbs
generation of ectopia, or blocking its access and sprouts associated with injured affer-
to the CNS, suppresses the allodynia, while ent neurons (Figure 1.28).79 This remodeling
enhancing ectopia accentuates allodynia. The
most convincing specific sign of spontaneous
neuropathic pain in animals (from rodents to
primates) is ‘autotomy’, their tendency to lick,
scratch, and bite numb (but presumably pain-
ful) denervated body parts.76
Other mechanisms, such as ephaptic
cross-talk, distort sensory signals in neu-
ropathy. Each sensory neuron normally con-
stitutes an independent signal conduction
channel; however, excitatory interactions
can develop among neighboring neurons,
amplifying sensory signals and causing sen- FIGURE 1.28 Injured afferent neurons can express
sation spread. an increased state of hyperexcitability. The cell
Thus, cross-excitation in the PNS may stoma synthesizes various ion channels, trans-
ducer molecules, and receptors that are trans-
contribute to windup. Ephaptic (electrical)
ported along the axon and incorporated in
cross-talk occurs when there is a sufficient excess into the axon membrane of the endbulbs
surface area of close membrane apposition and sprouts associated with the injury. (Adapted
between adjacent neurons in the absence of from Devor M. Nerve pathophysiology and mech-
the normal glial insulation.77 Different types anisms of pain in causalgia. J Auton Nerv Syst
of fibers are frequently coupled. 1983; 7: 371–384.)
28 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.29 Relationships between peripheral nerve injury and spinal cord responses.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 29
Inflammatory Pain
Inflammatory pain, often categorized along
with acute pain as ‘nociceptive’, refers to
FIGURE 1.30 Acute pain is a signal of life. It is pain and tenderness felt when the skin or
purposeful, of short duration, and most often other tissue is inflamed, hot, red, and swol-
responsive to treatment. len (Figure 1.31).
The inflammatory process is mediated
Physiological pain is rarely a clinical and facilitated by the local release of numer-
entity for treatment, but rather a state to ous chemicals, including bradykinin, PGs,
avoid. Pathological pain, inferring that tissue leukotrienes (LTs), serotonin, histamine, sP,
damage is present, is not transient, and may thromboxanes, platelet-activating factor,
be associated with significant tissue inflam- adenosine and ATP, protons, and free radi-
mation and nerve injury. It is often further cals. Cytokines, such as ILs and TNF, and
classified into inflammatory pain or neuro- neurotrophins, especially nerve growth fac-
pathic pain. From a temporal perspective, tor (NGF), are also generated during inflam-
recent pathological pain can be considered a mation (Figure 1.32).
FIGURE 1.32 Many different cell types and neuromodulators contribute to the pain associated with
30 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
When there is tissue injury and inflam- sensate; (2) visceral pain has poorer localiza-
mation, the firing threshold of the Aδ and C tion than superficial pain; and (3) visceral
nociceptive afferents in response to heating pain is more strongly linked to emotion than
of the skin is lowered into the non-noxious is superficial pain.
range. This is a result of PG production from A separate pathway for transmitting vis-
COX activity in the arachidonic acid cas- ceral input from the site of origin to the brain
cade, which acts directly on the peripheral does not exist. Every cell that has visceral
terminals of the Aδ and C fibers, lowering input has somatic input: visceral-somatic
their threshold to thermal (but not electrical) convergence. There are cells that receive
stimuli. somatic input only, but there are no cells that
receive visceral input only. During normal
activities, information is conducted from
Incisional Pain somatic origin, such as skin through the
Postoperative incisional pain is a specific spinothalamic tract, to CNS areas of inter-
and common form of acute pain. Studies pretation for nociception. With myocardial
in rodents have characterized the primary infarct/angina, for example, the same spino-
hyperalgesia to mechanical and thermal thalamic tract cells are activated, and the-
stimuli.82 Primary hyperalgesia to mechani- ory has it that the spinothalamic tract may
cal stimuli lasts for 2–3 days, while hyperal- have become ‘conditioned’ to the everyday
gesia to heat lasts longer – 6 or 7 days (after somatic responses, so it now ‘presumes’ it is
plantar incision). The secondary hyperalge- sensing a somatic input rather than visceral
sia is present only to mechanical, not ther- nociception (Figure 1.33).
mal, stimuli.83 A suggested mechanism for referred
Conversion of mechanically insensitive pain is that visceral and somatic primary
silent nociceptors to mechanically respon- neurons converge at common spinal neu-
sive fibers is thought to play an important rons (Figure 1.34). This is the convergence-
role in the maintenance of primary mechani- projection theory, which has considerable
cal hyperalgesia, while release of ATP from supporting experimental evidence.86
injured cells is considered to play an impor- To better explain ‘referred pain with
tant role in the induction of mechanical somatic hyperalgesia’, two theories have
allodynia following skin incision.84 The been proposed. The convergence-facilita-
incision-induced spontaneous activity in pri- tion theory proposes that abnormal vis-
mary afferent fibers helps to maintain the ceral input would produce an irritable
sensitized state of WDR neurons of the dor- focus in the relative spinal cord segment,
sal horn, in contrast to other forms of cuta-
neous injury (e.g. burns), where hyperalgesia
is NMDA dependent.
Visceral Pain
Healthy viscera are insensate or, at best, min-
imally sensate. Such observation dates back
to 1628 when Sir William Harvey exposed
the heart of a patient, and with pinching and
pricking determined that the patient could
not reliably identify the stimulus.85 This is in
contrast to the body surface, which is always
sensate. Injury to the surface of the body ini-
tiates the reflex response of fight or flight,
whereas visceral pain tends to invoke immo-
bility. In general, there is a poor correlation
between the amount of visceral pathology FIGURE 1.33 Neural mechanism underlying
and intensity of visceral pain. Clinical lore angina pectoris. The same spinothalamic cells
has it that (1) viscera are minimally sensate, are activated as by skin, and the ‘default’ source
whereas body surfaces are always highly is considered to be peripheral.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 31
FIGURE 1.35 In human studies, visceral pain is more unpleasant, diffuse, and variable than cutaneous
pain of similar intensity.
by balloon distention of the distal esopha- quantitatively fewer per unit area than simi-
gus and contact heat on the upper chest. For lar measures of cutaneous afferents. This may
esophageal distention, the threshold for pain suggest that increased activity is required to
intensity was higher than that observed for cross a threshold for perception. The large
unpleasantness, whereas for contact heat, proportion of silent afferents in viscera also
pain and unpleasantness thresholds did not help explain the variation of sensitization.
differ for either phasic or tonic stimulus Silent afferents have been frequently noted in
application. Results support that visceral visceral structures to form up to 50% of the
pain is more unpleasant, diffuse, and vari- neuronal sample.95
able than cutaneous pain of similar intensity, The mucosa, muscle, and serosa of hol-
independent of the duration of the presented low organs as well as the mesentery, but
stimuli (Figure 1.35). not the parenchyma, of solid organs con-
tain visceral receptors.96 Inflammation will
lower nociceptor firing thresholds, result-
VISCERAL STIMULI ing in a broader recognition of pain expe-
rienced at lower distension pressures. As
A lack of sensitivity in viscera at base- previously mentioned, inflammation also
line may relate to the sparse population of recruits ‘silent’ nociceptors, which fire at
visceral afferents themselves, which are lower thresholds or become sensitized by
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 33
FIGURE 1.36 The neuroanatomy of canine viscera suggests their unique pain response.
34 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
sensory pathways tend to follow perivascu- Collectively, there is an imprecise and dif-
lar routes that are diffuse in nature. Visceral fuse organization of visceral primary inputs
afferent pathways have peripheral sites of appearing consistent with an imprecise and
neuronal synaptic contact that occur with diffuse localization by the CNS.
the cell bodies of prevertebral ganglia such
as the celiac ganglion, mesenteric ganglion,
and pelvic ganglion. This architecture can VISCERAL
lead to alterations in local visceral function
outside central control. The gut is probably HYPERSENSITIZATION
an extreme example, where it functions by
its own ‘independent brain’ that regulates The bladder is one of the few viscera that have
the complex activities of digestion and recognized sensation when healthy and when
absorption. diseased. As with irritable bowel syndrome
DRG neurons innervating the viscera tend (IBS), hypersensitivity to somatic stimuli is
to follow the original location of structural noted in people with interstitial cystitis (IC).
precursors of the viscera during embryologi- Subjects with IC are significantly more sen-
cal development. Afferents of a given viscus sitive to deep tissue measures of sensation
may have cell bodies in the dorsal root gan- related to pressure, ischemia, and bladder
glia of 10 or more spinal levels, bilaterally stretch than healthy subjects, showing an
distributed. Further, individual viscerocep- upward and left shift of reported discomfort
tive afferent fibers branch once they enter the with bladder filling (Figure 1.38).103
spinal cord and may spread over a dozen or
more spinal segments, interacting with neu- Cross-Organ Communication:
rons in at least five different dorsal horn lam-
inae located bilaterally in the spinal cord.102
Visceral Organs
Upon further examination, spinal dorsal As many as 40%–60% of human patients
horn neurons with visceral inputs have mul- diagnosed with IBS also exhibit symptoms
tiple inputs, from the viscera, joints, muscle, and fulfill diagnostic criteria for IC; corre-
and cutaneous structures (Figure 1.37). spondingly, 38% of patients diagnosed with
FIGURE 1.37 Spinal dorsal horn neurons with visceral inputs have multiple inputs from the viscera, joints,
muscle, and cutaneous structures.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 35
FIGURE 1.38 Human subjects with interstitial a result of the interaction between algogenic
cystitis (IC) show an upward and left shift of dis- conditions of more than one visceral organ
comfort with bladder filling compared to normal, (Figure 1.40).
healthy subjects. Single asterisk indicates sig-
nificant difference in subjects with IC vs. healthy
subjects ( p <0.05). Double asterisks indicate
significant difference in subjects with IC versus
healthy subjects ( p <0.01).103
IC also have symptoms and fulfill diagnostic Human studies, as well as animal mod-
criteria for IBS.104,105 Because neural cross- els, have demonstrated that visceral pain is
talk exists under normal conditions, altera- strongly linked to emotion. The emotional
tions in neural pathways by disease or injury state frequently alters function of the vis-
may play a role in the development of over- cera,109 and the reverse is true – and is far
lapping chronic pelvic pain disorders and more pronounced than with equal intensity
pelvic organ cross-sensitization. of superficial pain. This tends to evoke an
Pezzone et al.106 have developed a rodent unending cycle of feedback between vis-
model for studying pelvic organ reflexes, ceral pain and anxiety. Therefore, it would
pelvic organ cross-talk, and associated stri- appear appropriate to include an anxiolytic
ated sphincter activity that has shown (1) in a pharmacotherapeutic regimen targeting
colonic afferent sensitization occurs fol- chronic visceral pain syndromes.
lowing the induction of acute cystitis and
(2) urinary bladder sensitization occurs
following the induction of acute colitis.
A possible explanation might be that the VISCERAL PAIN SUMMARY
inflamed colon and urinary bladder have a
common afferent axon that enters the spi- Visceral pain is unique for several reasons:
nal cord, resulting in the observed effect
(Figure 1.39). • There is a poor correlation between the
In the rat, approximately 14% of superfi- amount of tissue injury and visceral pain.
cial and 29% of deeper L6–S2 spinal neurons • Patterns of referred pain are a result of the
receive convergent inputs from both the uri- convergence of somatic and visceral affer-
nary bladder and colon.107 In cats, approxi- ents on the same dorsal horn neurons within
mately 30% of the sacral and thoracolumbar the spinal cord.
compound spinal interneurons have conver- • Clinical visceral pain is poorly localized (in
gent inputs from both the urinary bladder humans), midline, and perceived as deep
and colon, and both of these visceral organs because, in part, of poor representation
either excite or inhibit approximately 50% of within the primary somatosensory cortex.
the neurons.108 These facts suggest that pel- • More so than in somatic pain, visceral pain
vic pain conditions and disorders might be is accompanied by autonomic responses.
36 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.40 Pelvic pain severity is transmitted by the sum of activity from nonspecific sensory receptors
within mucosa, smooth muscle, and serosa. Further, convergence makes it difficult to identify a single
focus of input.
• Only a minority of visceral afferents are sen- Anatomical differences influencing vis-
sory, most relate to motor or reflex responses, ceral pain, where perception and psycho-
and few have specialized sensory terminals. logical processing are different from somatic
• Pain severity is transmitted by the sum of pain, include:
activity from nonspecific sensory receptors
within mucosa, smooth muscle, and serosa. • A low number of visceral nociceptors com-
pared with somatic nociceptors.
See Table 1.6. • Lack of specialization.
• Visceral polymodal nociceptors.
• Convergence with somatic afferents on dor-
sal horn laminae resulting in referred pain.
TABLE 1.6 Differences between visceral
and somatic pain processing • Hypersensitivity that is both peripherally
and centrally mediated, but not by windup
Superficial characteristic of somatic pain.
Visceral pain pain • Unique ascending tracts through the dorsal
Innervation Spinal + Vagal Spinal column; low and poor representation with
primary somatosensory cortex; rich input
Injury No Yes
through the medial thalamus to the limbic
Noxious Stretch Damage cortex, amygdala, anterior cingulate, and
Inflammation Threat of insular cortices.
Ischemia damage
• Close association with autonomic nerves.
Localization Poor Excellent
Referred pain The rule The exception Visceral sensitization mechanisms are:
Release of sP and NGF into the periphery
causes a tissue reaction termed neurogenic
inflammation. Neurogenic inflammation is
driven by events in the CNS and does not
depend on granulocytes or lymphocytes,
as with the classic inflammatory response
to tissue trauma or immune-mediated cell
damage. Cells in the dorsal horn release
chemicals that cause action potentials to fire
backward down the nociceptors. The result
of this dorsal root reflex is that nociceptive
dendrites release sP and CGRP into periph-
eral tissues, causing degranulation of mast
cells and changing vascular endothelial cell
characteristics. The resultant outpouring of
potent inflammatory and vasodilating agents
causes edema and potentiates transmission FIGURE 1.41 Neurogenic inflammation varies from
of nociceptive signals from the periphery the classic inflammatory response, as it is driven
(Figure 1.41). by events in the CNS.
38 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.42 Chronic pain appears to have no purpose, lasts beyond an expected normal physiological
response to the noxious insult, and is often difficult to treat.
to patient morbidity. Effective treatment for involved, depending on the nature and time
chronic pain can be an enigma. Several stud- course of the originating stimulus.114
ies have shown that the longer a pain lingers, These three phases include (1) the pro-
the harder it is to eradicate. This is because cessing of a brief noxious stimulus; (2) the
pain can reconfigure the architecture of the consequences of prolonged noxious stimula-
nervous system it invades. tion, leading to tissue damage and periph-
Chronic pain was traditionally defined eral inflammation; and (3) the consequences
as pain lasting more than 3 or 6 months, of neurological damage, including periph-
depending on the source of the defini- eral neuropathies and central pain states
tion.111,112 More recently, chronic pain has (Figure 1.43).
been defined as ‘pain that extends beyond
the period of tissue healing and/or with low • Phase 1: acute nociceptive pain (physiologi-
levels of identified pathology that are insuffi- cal pain). Mechanisms underlying the pro-
cient to explain the presence and/or extent of cessing of brief noxious stimuli are fairly
pain’.113 There is no general consensus on the simple, with a direct route of transmission
definition of chronic pain. In clinical practice centrally toward the thalamus and cortex
it is often difficult to determine when acute resulting in the conscious perception of
pain has become chronic. pain, with the possibility for modulation
occurring at synaptic relays along the way.
It is reasonably easy to construct plausible
Acute to Chronic Pain and detailed neuronal circuits to explain the
Normally, a steady state is maintained in features of phase 1 pain.
which there is a close correlation between • Phase 2: inflammatory pain. If a noxious
injury and pain. Yet long-lasting or very stimulus is very intense or prolonged, lead-
intense nociceptive input or the removal of ing to tissue damage and inflammation,
a portion of the normal input can distort the it might be considered phase 2 pain, as
nociceptive system to such an extent that the influenced by response properties of vari-
close correlation between injury and pain can ous components of the nociceptive system
be lost. A progression from acute to chronic changing. These changes note that the CNS
pain might be considered as three major has moved to a new, more excitable state as
stages or phases of pain, proposing that dif- a result of the noxious input generated by
ferent neurophysiological mechanisms are tissue injury and inflammation. Phase 2 is
FIGURE 1.43 Progression of acute to chronic pain can be considered as phases of pain: brief (acute
nociceptive), persisting (inflammatory), and abnormal (neuropathic).
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 41
FIGURE 1.46 Numbers needed to treat in peripheral and central neuropathic pain. Circle size and related
numbers indicate number of patients who received active treatment.128
overall effect of drugs in groups of patients Generally, NNTs between 2 and 5 are
in different neuropathic pain states and indicative of effective analgesic treatments.
has become a common assessment param- Guidelines for the pharmacological treat-
eter. NNT is an estimate of the number of ment of neuropathic pain in humans have
patients that would need to be given a treat- been published (Figure 1.47).128,129
ment for one of them to achieve a desired out-
come; e.g. for postoperative pain, the NNT
describes the number of patients who have to TRACKING ELEMENTS
be treated with an analgesic intervention for
one of them to have at least 50% pain relief INVOLVED IN POST–TISSUE
over 4–6 hours and who would not have had
pain relief of that magnitude with placebo
(Figure 1.46). Damage to a peripheral nerve initiates a cas-
cade of peripheral nerve molecular events,
1 and tissue inflammation sensitizes the
(Proportion of patients with at least 50% pain peripheral nerve to a more dramatic stimula-
relief from analgesic − Percentage of patients tion response. However, it is also recognized
with at least 50%pain relief with placebo) that inflammation or peripheral nerve injury
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 45
is an ongoing sensory experience associ- ions released from inflammatory cells and
ated with primary hyperalgesia (extremely plasma extravasation products. These result
noxious sensation with moderate stimulus in stimulation and sensitization of free nerve
applied to the injury site) and secondary tac- endings that depolarize terminals, with the
tile allodynia (very unpleasant sensation with local release of sP and CGRP into the injured
mechanical stimulus applied adjacent to the tissues. Thus, mild damage to cutaneous
injury site), i.e., tissue injury–evoked afferent receptive fields results in significant increases
activity. When tissue injury involves trauma in the excitability of polymodal nociceptors
(crush) or an incision, such stimuli result in (C fibers) and high-threshold mechanorecep-
elaboration of active products that directly tors. Some C fibers have thresholds so high
activate afferent local terminals innervat- as to be activated only by intense physical
ing the injury region and facilitating their stimuli: these are silent nociceptors.
discharge to an ongoing afferent barrage Under the influence of the inflammatory
(Figure 1.49). In addition, after local injury, milieu, these silent nociceptors are sensitized
afferent terminals increase their response to such that they become spontaneously active,
any given stimulus. with activity that can be enhanced by rela-
Tissue injury leads to localized extravasa- tively mild physical stimuli.
tion of plasma and increased capillary wall Transduction of a physical stimulus
permeability. Such a physiological response occurs by terminal sensors (such as transient
is manifest as the ‘triple response’ of red- receptor potential [TRP] for temperature,
ness (local arterial dilatation), edema (from ATP and P2X for mechanical and hydrogen
capillary permeability), and hyperalgesia ions, and acid-sensing ion channels [ASICs]
(left shift of the stimulus-response curve). for chemicals), which convert the energy
Hormones, such as bradykinin, PGs, and to local terminal neuronal depolarization
cytokines (small secreted polypeptides/gly- (transduction) (Figure 1.50).
coproteins that mediate and regulate immu- The increasing stimulus intensity
nity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis), increases channel opening for the passage
bind to specific membrane receptors, which of sodium or calcium ions that then depo-
then signal the cell via second messengers, larize the membrane and lead to an action
often tyrosine kinases, to alter its function: potential: nerve conduction. The greater the
activate local release of effector molecules/ stimulus, the greater the depolarization and
gene expression or potassium or hydrogen the greater the frequency of discharge.
FIGURE 1.49 ‘Active’ factors generated from peripheral injury and effect of NSAIDs on stimulus fre-
quency (upper graph).
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 47
FIGURE 1.50 Terminal sensors are activated by various physical stimuli, giving rise to terminal depolar-
ization. (ASIC: acid-sensing ion channel, Nav 1.8: TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel, P2X:
subtype of ATP receptor, TRP: transient receptor potential.)
Due to the plasticity of the spinal cord, a given stimulus. This facilitation by repeti-
this linear (monotonic) relationship between tive C-fiber input, accordingly, increases the
peripheral activity and activity of neurons subsequent neuronal response to low-thresh-
that project out of the spinal cord to the old afferent input and facilitates the response
brain occurs as a nonlinear increase in spinal generated by a given noxious afferent input
output. (Figure 1.51).
A repetitive stimulation at a moderately An increased receptive field size reflects
fast rate given to WDR, afferent C fibers (but the contribution of sensory input converg-
not A fibers) results in a progressively facili- ing upon dorsal horn neurons from adjacent
tated discharge. The exaggerated discharge noninjured dermatomes. This is believed to
of (lamina V) WDR neurons is recognized as be due to the presence of subliminal excit-
windup, signaled by intracellular recording atory input between adjacent segments.
of a progressive and long sustained partial Afferents arriving at the spinal cord have col-
depolarization of the cell, allowing its mem- lateral projections up to four to six segments,
brane to be increasingly susceptible to affer- with a distal diminution of projection den-
ent input. sity (Figure 1.52). This neuroanatomy was
Hereafter, a natural stimulus applied over termed ‘long-ranging afferents’ by Patrick
a large area near the noxious insult displays Wall. After injury in a given receptive field,
the ability to activate the same WDR neuron. the primary associated neuron becomes sen-
The WDR discharge, projecting through the sitized. A collateral input from any long-
same spinal tracts, can augment response to ranging afferent might be able to initiate
FIGURE 1.51 With WDR neurons in a state of windup, nonpainful stimuli applied near the noxious insult
can activate the same WDR neuron, facilitating the nociceptive response.
48 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.52 Afferents arriving at the spinal cord FIGURE 1.53 ‘Long-ranging afferents’ influence
have collateral projections up to four to six seg- the summation effect of excitatory activity.
ments, yielding a receptive field representing the
‘sum’ of afferents (see text for explanation). a facilitated state of processing in WDR
neurons and ongoing facilitation of nocicep-
sufficient excitatory activity to activate that tive perception. These observations support
neuron through synergism. Now the recep- speculation that afferent C-fiber bursts may
tive field of the original afferent is effectively initiate long-lasting events, changing the spi-
the sum of both afferents. Clearly, there is nal processing that alters a response to sub-
an enhanced excitability of dorsal horn sequent input. However, the windup state
neurons initiated by small afferent input reflects more than the repetitive activation of
(Figure 1.53). a simple excitatory system.
After tissue injury, inflammation and cel- The unique pharmacology of NMDA
lular/vascular injury lead to the local periph- antagonists first revealed the phenomenon
eral release of active factors producing a of spinal windup (Figure 1.54). Such drugs
prolonged activation of C fibers that evokes showed no effect upon acute pain behavior,
FIGURE 1.54 Pharmacology involved in spinal facilitation. (NK1: neurokinin 1, VSCC: voltage-sensitive
calcium channel.)
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 49
FIGURE 1.55 Transmitter interaction at the dorsal horn neuron. (NK1: neurokinin 1, PLA2: phospholipase
A2, VSCC: voltage-sensitive calcium channel.)
but reduced the facilitated states induced of several proteins, including the NMDA
after tissue injury. Under normal resting receptor and p38MAP kinase.
membrane potentials, the NMDA receptor p38MAP kinase phosphorylates phospholi-
is in a state of ‘magnesium block’, where pase A 2 that initiates the downstream release
occupancy by the excitatory amino acid glu- of arachidonic acid (AA) and provides the
tamate will not activate the ionophore. With substrate for COX to synthesize PGs. It also
a modest depolarization of the membrane (as activates a variety of transcription factors
during repetitive stimulation secondary to (e.g. NF-κB), which activates synthesis of a
the activation of AMPA and sP receptors), variety of proteins, including COX-2. COX
the magnesium block is removed, glutamate derivatives and NOS products are formed
now activates the NMDA receptor, and the and released that diffuse extracellularly
NMDA channel permits the passage of cal- and facilitate transmitter release (retrograde
cium ions (Figure 1.55). Increased intracel- transmission) from primary and nonprimary
lular calcium serves to initiate downstream afferent terminals.
components of the excitatory and facilitator Released PGs act presynaptically to
cascade. enhance the opening of voltage-sensitive
Primary afferent C fibers release pep- calcium channels that augment transmit-
tides and excitatory amino acids that evoke ter release. Additionally, PGs can act post-
excitation in second-order neurons. Afferent synaptically to block glycinergic inhibition
barrage induces additional excitation via (Figure 1.57).
product release of glutamate and prostanoids The reduction in activation of inhibitory
that markedly increase intracellular calcium glycine or GABA leads to interneuron regu-
and activation of various phosphorylating lation, resulting in a potent facilitation of
enzymes, including protein kinases A and C, dorsal horn excitability. It appears that the
as well as mitogen-activated kinases, including excitatory effect of large afferents is under a
p38MAP kinase and extracellular signal-reg- presynaptic GABA A /glycine modulatory con-
ulated kinase (ERK) (Figure 1.56). Increased trol, with removal resulting in a behaviorally
intracellular calcium leads to phosphorylation defined allodynia.
50 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 1.56 Persistent small afferent input contributes to spinal facilitation. (PKC: protein kinase C,
PLA2: phospholipase A2, VSCC: voltage-sensitive calcium channel.)
FIGURE 1.57 PGs act both presynaptically and postsynaptically to facilitate the cascade of afferent
transmission. (EP: prostaglandin receptor, NK1: neurokinin, PLA2: phospholipase A2, VSCC: voltage-
sensitive calcium channel.)
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 51
The CNS contains a variety of non-neuro- ATP, sP) can overflow from synaptic clefts to
nal cells, including astrocytes and microglia. adjacent non-neuronal cells, leading to their
Microglia are resident macrophages that are activation (Figure 1.59).
present from development. Primary afferent In the process of ‘neuroinflammation’,
and intrinsic neuron transmitters (glutamate, neurons may activate microglia by the
FIGURE 1.59 Activation of microglia is associated with the release of various neurotransmitters.
52 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
specific release of membrane chemokine The post–tissue injury pain state reflects
(fractalkine), which is expressed extracellu- sensitization of the peripheral terminal
larly on neurons and freed by neuronal exci- responding to the release of various factors
tation (constitutively), which subsequently that initiate spontaneous activity, as well as
binds to spinal microglia. Astrocytes may sensitize the peripheral terminal. Potent cen-
communicate over a distance by the spread tral (spinal) sensitization leads to facilitated
of excitation through local nonsynaptic responsiveness from the dorsal horn neurons
contacts of ‘gap junctions’ and may com- that receive ongoing small-afferent traffic
municate with microglia by the release of a (Figure 1.61). Sequential cascades lead to an
number of products, including glutamate/ enhanced response to injured receptive field
cytokines. Non-neuronal cells can influence input, but also enlarge the peripheral fields
synaptic transmission by release of various that are now capable of activating those
active products such as ATP and cytokines. neurons with originally ineffective sublimi-
They regulate extracellular parenchymal nal input. Augmentation reflects not only
glutamate by their glutamate transporters, local synaptic circuitry (glutamate/sP) but
which can serve to increase extracellular neu- also spinobulbospinal linkages (5-HT)
ronal glutamate receptors. Additionally, fol- and by-products released from local non-
lowing injury and inflammation, circulating neuronal cells.
cytokines (i.e., LL-1β/TNF-β) can activate The common symptom of pain following
perivascular astrocytes/microglia. Although tissue injury and inflammation disappears
these cells are constitutively active, they can consequential to the healing process. In con-
be upregulated after peripheral injury and trast, after a variety of injuries to the periph-
inflammation (Figure 1.60). eral nerve over time, a shower of painful
FIGURE 1.60 Following injury and inflammation, perivascular non-neuronal cells, including astrocytes
and microglia, contribute to nociceptive processing.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 53
FIGURE 1.61 Overview of nociceptive processing from injury to responsive behavior. Graph represents
relative responses to the pain state following sensitization of inflammation.
events ensues, including tactile allodynia – with the original target and, as if in frustra-
abnormal painful sensations in response to tion, proliferate significantly with the forma-
light tactile stimulation of the peripheral tion of neuromas. This phenomenon gives
body surface. Tactile allodynia provides evi- rise to ectopic activity and alteration in trans-
dence that the peripheral nerve injury has led ported factors from the terminal sprouts to the
to a reorganization of central processing. DRG. Yang et al.130 have shown that within
The mechanisms underlying such sponta- 14 days following nerve injury, there is consid-
neous pain and the miscoding of low-thresh- erably increased expression of many proteins
old afferent input are poorly understood; in the spinal cord and DRG (Table 1.10).
however, increased spontaneous activity Neuromas, formed by failed efforts of
in axons of the injured afferent nerve and/ injured peripheral nerve sprouts, become
or the dorsal horn neuron and exaggerated ectopic generators of neural activity.
response of dorsal horn neurons to normally Additionally, the DRG cells of such axons
innocuous afferent input are recognized. begin to demonstrate ongoing discharge.
Dysesthesia (spontaneous pain) and allo- These discharges are believed to arise from
dynia (pain evoked by light touch) can result the overexpression of sodium channels and a
from various peripheral nerve injuries due variety of receptors, which sense the inflam-
to sectioning or stretching, as with trauma; matory products in the injured environment.
compression, as with tumor or mechanical There are multiple populations of sodium
insult; chemical, as with anticancer agents channels, differing in their current activation
and pesticides; radiation, as with plexopa- properties and structures. VGSCs mediate
thies; metabolic, as with diabetes; viral, as the conducted potential in both myelinated
with PHN or human immunodeficiency and unmyelinated axons. Following nerve
virus (HIV); and immune, as with paraneo- injury, there is an increased presence of vari-
plastic activity. ous VGSCs, particularly in a neuroma and
Following mechanical injury to a periph- the DRG of unmyelinated axons, which
eral nerve, there is an initial dying back of likely support the ectopic activity observed
the axon (retrograde chromatolysis) for some in regenerating fibers. When used at doses
distance, at which point the axon begins to that do not block conduction, lidocaine will
sprout growth cones that then proceed for- block ectopic activity in neuromas and the
ward. Growth cones often fail to make contact DRG, reducing neuropathic thresholds and
54 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 1.10 Receptors and channels showing increased activity within 14 days following
nerve injury
• 5-HT receptor 5B • GABAA receptor alpha-5 subunit
• Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha • Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA3
polypeptide 5
• Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta • Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, 4
polypeptide 2
• CSF-1 receptor • Glycine receptor alpha-2 subunit
• Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L-type, • Pyrimidinergic receptor P2Y
alpha 1E subunit
• Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, • G protein-coupled, scavenger receptor class B
alpha-2/Delta subunit 1
• Chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A • Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2
• Sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1, beta • Homolog to peroxisomal PTS2 receptor
• Potassium channel KIR6.2, potassium • Prostaglandin D2 receptor
voltage-gated channel, SK1-related
subfamily, member 1
• Protein kinase C–regulated chloride channel • Purinergic receptor P2Y, G protein–coupled 1
• ATPase, Na+K+ transporting, alpha-2 • Vasopressin V2 receptor
• Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, • Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, delta polypeptide
alpha-1C subunit
• Chloride channel protein 3 long form • C-kit receptor tyrosine kinase isoform
• Potassium channel KIR6.2, potassium • Interleukin 13 receptor, alpha-1
voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily,
member 1
• Sodium channel, voltage-gated, type 1, • Neurotensin receptor
alpha polypeptide
• Sodium channel, voltage-gated, type 6, • Opioid receptor, kappa-1
alpha polypeptide
• Potassium channel KIR6.2, potassium related, • Opioid receptor–like
subfamily relationship not yet defined
Abbreviations: SK1: small conductance channel – a gene-specific delayed rectifier–type potassium channel.
becomes excitatory. This results from a ganglia of injured axons, forming baskets
reduction in the expression of the chloride of terminals around the ganglion cells. To
transporter protein in dorsal horn neurons paraphrase Albert Einstein, ‘The significant
following afferent nerve injury. problems that we face today cannot be solved
Normally, transmembrane chloride is at at the level of thinking that we were at when
equilibrium or just negative to resting mem- we identified them’.
brane potentials. Increasing membrane chlo-
ride permeability by activation of GABA A or Common Questions
glycine receptors normally yields hyperpolar-
ization and inhibition. Following peripheral Related to Chronic Pain
nerve injury, there is a loss of chloride trans- What Is the Difference between
porter, which normally exports chloride.
Pain and Suffering?
This leads to an intracellular accumulation
of chloride. Under such conditions, increas- Pain is a sensation plus a reaction to that sen-
ing chloride permeability, as by opening the sation. Suffering is more global. Suffering is an
GABA A or glycine receptor ionophore, does overall negative feeling that impairs the suf-
not lead to an inhibitory effect, but instead, ferer’s quality of life. Both physical and psy-
an excitatory effect on the second-order neu- chological issues are involved in suffering, and
ron may occur (Figure 1.64). pain may be only one component. Arguably,
After nerve injury, there is a significant clinical suffering depends less upon the magni-
enhancement in resting spinal glutamate tude of the hurting and more upon the uncer-
secretion, with glutamate having a major tainty over how long the hurting will last.
impact on the NMDA receptor, which in
turn, is a major player in windup. Following What Is Nociceptive Pain?
peripheral nerve injury, there is an increased Nociceptive pain results from the activation
expression of the peptide dynorphin. of nociceptors (Aδ and C fibers) by noxious
Dynorphin can initiate the concurrent release stimuli that may be mechanical, thermal,
of spinal glutamate and a potent tactile allo- or chemical. Nociceptors may be sensitized
dynia. Also, a significant increase in activa- by endogenous chemical stimuli (algogens)
tion of spinal microglia and astrocytes occurs such as serotonin, sP, bradykinin, PGs, and
in the ipsilateral spinal segments receiving histamine.
input from injured nerves. These cells play
a powerful constitutive role in the increase
of synaptic excitability through release of a
Under Normal Circumstances, Where
variety of active factors. Particularly in bone Are Algogenic Substances Found?
cancer, these cells are active. It is also noted Serotonin, histamine, potassium ions, hydro-
that there is an ingrowth of postganglionic gen ions, PGs, and other members of the ara-
sympathetic terminals into the dorsal root chidonic acid cascade are in tissues: kinins
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 57
are in plasma, and sP is in the nerve termi- serves no useful biological purpose. Many of
nals of primary afferents. Histamine is found
in the granules of mast cells, in basophils,
us were schooled to believe that chronic pain
is simply acute pain of extended duration. 1
and in platelets. Serotonin is present in mast Our present understanding of pain physi-
cells and platelets. ology has demonstrated that this is not the
case. Acute pain is as different from chronic
What Are the Most Widely Used pain as Mars is from Venus.
Classifications for Pain?
What Is the Advantage of
The most recognized categories are based
on inferred neurophysiological mecha-
Classifying Pain?
nisms, temporal aspects, etiology, or region It provides the clinician with information
affected. about the possible origin of the pain. More
importantly, it steers the clinician toward
a proper pharmacological treatment plan.
What Is Meant by an Etiological
For example: neuropathic pain generally
Classification? responds to adjuvant medications, whereas
This classification pays more attention to nociceptive pain states are often controlled
the primary disease process in which pain by NSAIDs alone or in combination with
occurs, rather than to the pathophysiology opioids.
or temporal pattern. Examples include can-
cer pain and arthritis.
What Is the Basis of the Regional
Classification of Pain? THERAPEUTIC TARGETS
The regional classification is strictly topo- Nociceptors express mechanically gated
graphic and does not infer pathophysiology channels that, upon excessive stretch, initiate
or etiology. It is defined by the part of the a signaling cascade. These cells also express
body affected, then subdivided into acute several purinergic receptors capable of sens-
and chronic. ing ATP, released from cells during excessive
mechanical stimulation. In sensing noxious
What Is the Temporal Classification of chemical stimuli, nociceptors express a wide
range of receptors that detect inflammation-
Pain, and What Are Its Shortcomings?
associated factors released from damaged
Temporal classification is based on the time tissues, including protons, endothelins, PGs,
course of symptoms and is usually divided bradykinin, and NGF.
into acute, chronic, and (perhaps) recurrent.
The major shortcoming is that the division
between acute and chronic is often arbitrary.
What Is Acute Pain? Tumor cells and tumor-associated cells
Acute pain is temporally related to injury secrete a variety of factors that sensitize or
and resolves during the appropriate healing directly excite primary afferent neurons:
period. It often responds to treatment with PGs, endothelins, IL-1 and IL-6, epidermal
analgesic medications and treatment of the growth factor, transforming growth fac-
precipitating cause (e.g. treatment of bacte- tor (TGF), and platelet-derived growth fac-
rial infection with antibiotics). tor. Identification of these factors provides
potential blocking strategies for treatment.
One such strategy is focused on COX-2.
What Is Chronic Pain? COX-2 inhibitors (coxib-class NSAIDs) are
Chronic pain is often defined as pain that currently used to inhibit inflammation and
persists for more than 3 months or that out- pain. Further, experiments suggest coxibs
lasts the usual healing process. Some authors may have the added advantage of reducing
choose 6 months as a cutoff. Chronic pain the growth and metastasis of cancer.133
58 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 1.11 Characteristics associated with pain in cats and dogs (Continued)
Characteristic Example
May be normal behavior • Eye movement, but reluctance to move head
• Stretching when abdomen touched
• Penile prolapse
• Licking a wound or incision
Physiological signs that may be • Tachypnea or panting
associated with pain • Tachycardia
• Dilated pupils
• Hypertension
• Increased serum cortisol and epinephrine
chronic pain. Several investigators have sug- a result of the pain and specific to the ani-
gested exploring this area of interest through mal and its home environment is defined.
creation of novel questionnaires as an instru- Activities are graded at the start of treatment
ment for measuring chronic pain in dogs and after analgesic treatment is started. A
through its impact on health-related quality left shift corresponds to pain relief.
of life (HRQoL).141–143 Current methods of classifying pain are
Expanding on the value of owner assess- considered unsatisfactory by some145 for sev-
ment, a client-specific outcome measures eral reasons. Foremost is that pain syndromes
scheme has been developed.144 In this scheme, are identified by parts of the body, duration,
five specific problems related to osteoarthri- and causative agents, rather than the mecha-
tis (OA) were identified and recorded, and nism involved. The argument holds that ana-
the intensity of the problem was monitored tomical differences should be disregarded
as treatment progressed. Because the ques- in favor of mechanisms that apply to either
tions are specific to the individual animal in particular tissues or all parts of the body,
its environment, this measurement system rather than a particular part of the body.
appears to be highly sensitive. For example, the term cancer pain relates
Table 1.12 shows an example of a spe- only to the disease from which the patient
cific questionnaire used at North Carolina suffers, not the mechanism of any pain the
State University Comparative Pain Research patient may experience. A mechanism-based
Laboratory to assess pain associated with approach is likely to lead to specific phar-
clinical OA in cats. Activity or behavior macological intervention measures for each
that is suspected to have become altered as identified mechanism within a syndrome.
✓: Start of treatment.
∇: After treatment.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 61
FIGURE 1.65 Proposed scheme for a clinical approach to a mechanism-based classification of pain.145
Advances in pain management are then con- of suffering. When treating pain, knowledge
tingent on first determining the symptoms is still the best weapon.
that constitute a syndrome and then finding
mechanisms for each of these. The clinical Recognition and Assessment
approach for a mechanism-based classifica-
tion of pain is illustrated in Figure 1.65.
of Chronic Pain
Figure 1.65 illustrates how a patient with Despite the challenges of confidently identi-
pain could be analyzed from a pain-mech- fying maladaptive pain in our patients, pain
anism perspective. It is the mechanism that recognition is the keystone of effective pain
needs to be the target for novel drugs, rather measurement and management. Because
than particular disease states. Herein lies the behavioral changes associated with chronic
greatest potential for advancement in pain pain tend to be gradual and subtle, they are
management (Table 1.13). most easily detected by someone quite famil-
Clearly, the mechanisms associated iar with the animal; hence, the importance of
with pain are complex. However, only owner anamnesis input. More work has been
through the understanding of these mech- done on dogs than on cats, yet some feline
anisms can we best manage our patients’ studies have assessed quality of life (QoL)
pain with an evidence-based confidence or HRQoL.146 There is a growing under-
(Figure 1.66). standing of behaviors and ‘body language’
The real mandate of medical care is not expression of feline pain.147–149 Presently,
the saving of lives, but the dispensing of broad categories of behaviors are focused
comfort. We cannot expect to extend life on general mobility, activity performance,
forever. Yet we can hope to extend lives free eating/drinking, grooming, resting, social
3. Injury: primary • Peripheral nerve • Ectopic activity • Na+-TTXr/TTXs • Peripheral nerve • Diabetic neuropathy
afferent (neuropathic diabetic injury • Phenotype switch • α2, NMDA-R, N-Ca++, section (human)
pain) Neuropathy (human) • Central sensitization PKCγ NGF/GDNF • Partial nerve section • Postherpetic
Spontaneous and Toxic neuropathy • Structural • GABA, AEAs, • Loose ligatures neuropathy (human)
provoked pain • Postherpetic neuralgia reorganization gabapentin • Experimental • Radicular pain
(human) • Disinhibition • TCA, SNRIs diabetes, toxic
4. Injury: central neuron • Spinal cord injury • Secondary ectopic • GABA-R • Spinal cord injury Spinal cord injury
(neuropathic pain) • Stroke (humans) activity • Na+-TTXs • Ischemia
Spontaneous and • Disinhibition • AEAs • Central disinhibition
provoked pain • Structural • TCA, SNRIs (e.g., strychnine/
reorganization bicuculline)
5. Unknown mechanism • Irritable bowel ? Altered gain COX-2, NMDA-R, Na+ Irritable bowel
syndrome channels syndrome/
• Fibromyalgia (humans) Fibromyalgia
Abbreviations: α2: adrenergic receptors, 5-HTR: serotonin receptors, A1: adenosine receptors, AEAs: antiepileptic agents- GABA-ergic compounds, BKR: bradykinin receptors, DOR: delta opiate receptors,
EPR: prostaglandin receptors, GluR5: kainate receptors, mGluR: metabotropic glutamate receptors, MOR: μ-opiate receptors, N-Ca++: voltage-gated calcium ion channels, nAChr: nicotine acetylcholine
receptor, Na+-TTXr: tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium ion channels, NK1: neurokinin receptors, NMDA-R: N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors, P2x: ligand-gated purino receptors/ion channels, PKCγ: protein
kinase C gamma, SNRIs: serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, TCA: tricyclic antidepressants, TrkA: TrkB: high-affinity neurotrophin tyrosine kinase receptors.
Chapter 1 Physiology of Pain 63
FIGURE 1.66 The moving target of pain management. Well-characterized receptors in the periphery are
activated by noxious stimuli, acute inflammation, and tissue injury, sending afferent information to the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where synaptic transmission to ascending pathways is subject to modu-
lation by descending pathways, local neuronal circuits, and a variety of neurochemicals. (A2: adenosine
A2 receptor, ATP: adenosine triphosphate, B1/2: bradykinin receptors 1 and 2, EAAs: excitatory amino
acids, EP: prostaglandin E receptor, H1: histamine H1 receptor, IGluR: glutamate ionotropic receptor,
IL-1R: interleukin 1 receptor, MGluR: glutamate metabotropic receptor, P2X3: purinergic receptor X3,
PKA: protein kinase A, PKC: protein kinase C, ROS: reactive oxygen species, TrkA: tyrosine receptor
kinase A.)
activities with people and other pets, and implemented.151 QoL measures used in vet-
temperament.150 erinary medicine vary from simple scales
In that dogs are living longer, there is an tied to certain descriptors of behaviors152
increase in the incidence of painful chronic to broad, unconstrained assessments.153–155
conditions, namely OA and cancer, where Questionnaires have been developed to assess
treatment is becoming a viable alternative to HRQoL in dogs with degenerative joint dis-
euthanasia. At present, several instruments ease (DJD), cardiac disease,156 cancer,157,158
have been described to evaluate chronic chronic pain,141,159 spinal cord injuries,160,161
pain in dogs. These have provided informa- and atopic dermatitis,162 while some assess-
tion about the range of alterations in the ments are less specific.163,164 Several instru-
demeanor, mood, and behavior of dogs as a ments focused mainly on functional
consequence of chronic pain. assessment (clinical metrology instruments
Owner observations are the main- [CMIs]) have been developed for canine OA
stay of the assessment for chronic pain in and have undergone a variable degree of val-
dogs. Functional assessment, QoL, and idation.143,146,153,165–169 Such questionnaires
HRQoL tools have been developed and typically include a semiobjective rating of
64 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
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Pathophysiology of
Osteoarthritic Pain
In late 2003, a special report entitled
‘Usefulness, completeness, and accuracy of
Web sites providing information on osteo-
arthritis in dogs’ appeared in the Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical
Association.1 Five popular search engines
(AltaVista, Google, Lycon, Netscape, and
Microsoft Network) were searched with the
key words dog, degenerative joint disease,
canine, and osteoarthritis. From this exer-
cise, the authors concluded that although
most of the sites conveyed some conven-
tional information with reasonable accu-
racy, the information was incomplete, of
FIGURE 2.1 Prevalence of canine osteoarthritis in
minimal use, and often considered counter-
the United States (1999).
productive. Further, those veterinarians and
clients seeking information about osteoar-
thritis (OA) may have access to faulty or The demographics of dogs with OA are
misleading information. broad-reaching. Although the condition
Cranial cruciate ligament deficiency tends to be overrepresented in older, heavy
(CrCLD) in dogs is only one of many etiologies dogs, it can be a clinical problem in any
for OA; however, Wilke et. al. estimate that dog. The ‘poster child’ for OA in dogs is the
dog owners spent approximately $1.32 bil- middle-aged to older (>4 years), large breed
lion for the treatment of CrCLD alone in (>25 kg) dog that is overweight to obese. OA
the United States in 2003. 2 These insights is often secondary to either abnormal forces
reveal the prominence OA has in veterinary on normal joints (e.g., trauma, instability) or
medicine. OA affects more than 80% of normal forces on abnormal joints (e.g., dys-
Americans over age 553 and approximately plasias, development disorders). In the case
one in five adult dogs in America.4 It is the of obesity, which is often seen in older dogs,
number one cause of chronic pain in dogs, abnormal stress on the joints is accentuated.
and approximately 10–12 million dogs in the Cats, being light and agile, can compensate
United States show signs of OA. for fairly severe orthopedic disease, including
In 1999 the ‘average’ veterinary prac- musculoskeletal conditions such as OA. They
tice saw approximately 45 arthritic dogs are noted for hiding signs of lameness in the
per month, 21% of which were considered veterinarian’s office. Clinical signs of chronic
‘severe’, 38% were considered ‘moderate’, pain at home, as reported by owners, include
and 41% were considered ‘mild’ as assessed change of attitude (e.g., grumpiness, slowing
by their clinical presentation (Figure 2.1). 5 down) and disability (decreased grooming,
70 DOI: 10.1201/9781003376422-3
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 71
missing the litter box on occasion, and inabil- in the radiographs, and only mild sclerosis
ity to jump on to counters), rather than overt
signs of lameness. Prevalence of radiographic
was identified in joints with severe cartilage
damage. Although OA is a commonly recog- 2
signs of feline degenerative joint disease (DJD) nized disease in dogs, it is frequently under-
ranges from 22% to 90% of investigated pop- diagnosed in cats. However, it is now being
ulations.6–8 Freire et al. reported that 74% of recognized as a disease of senior-aged cats.11
100 cats selected randomly from a database
of 1,640 cats in a single practice had DJD
somewhere in the skeleton.9 Freire et al. also
reported that radiographic appearance does DEFINITION
not accurately predict whether or not feline
joints show lesions associated with DJD.10 In OA can be defined as a disorder of movable
the latter report, 31 of 64 joints (elbow, hip, joints characterized by deterioration of artic-
stifle, and hock) assessed from eight post- ular cartilage; osteophyte formation and bone
mortem, euthanized animal shelter cats had remodeling; pathology of periarticular tis-
radiographic signs of DJD. The absence of sues, including synovium, subchondral bone,
osteophytes did not predict appearance of muscle, tendon, and ligament; and a low-
cartilage pathology, with 35 joints showing grade, nonpurulent inflammation of variable
no radiographic signs of osteophytosis, but degree. OA is differentiated from rheumatoid
showing macroscopic cartilage lesions. There arthritis (RA), which is the classic example of
was no agreement between cartilage damage a primary immune-mediated systemic condi-
and the presence of sclerosis in the radio- tion characterized by bone destruction and
graphs. In stifle, hock, and hip joints, no scle- articular cartilage erosion. RA is considered
rosis was identified, even in those joints with to be a more destructive, progressive, and
moderate and severe cartilage damage. The debilitating condition than OA.
best correlations and agreements between OA is not a single disease, and is often
radiographic osteophyte score and macro- misperceived as a disease of cartilage. Herein,
scopic osteophyte score were in the elbow and the joint can be considered an ‘organ’, where
hip. In the elbow, moderate cartilage damage all components of the ‘organ’ are affected by
was present before any sclerosis was identified the disease process (Figure 2.2).
FIGURE 2.2 Anatomy of the femoral-tibial joint. The arthritic joint is analogous to a totally diseased
‘organ’, with loss of cartilage, sclerosis of subchondral bone, inflammation of the synovial membrane,
osteophyte formation, and pain.
72 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 2.4 Etiology of osteoarthritis. Damage may become irreversible when compensation fails.
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 73
potential for endogenous repair, damage in naturally occurring OA. Lascelles et al. 20
may become irreversible when compensation
is exhausted.
have investigated this area by comparing
the levels of COX-1, COX-2, and LOX pro- 2
tein in joint tissues (joint capsule/synovium,
osteophytes, and subchondral bone), as
INFLAMMATION well as levels of PGE 2 and leukotriene (LT)
B 4 in joint tissues (joint capsule/synovium
Inflammation in joints causes peripheral sen- and subchondral bone) between a limited
sitization, with an upregulation of primary number (three each) of normal vs. arthritic
afferent neuron sensitivity, and also cen- dogs. Results showed that significantly more
tral sensitization, with hyperexcitability of COX-2 protein was present in the hip joint
nociceptive neurons in the central nervous capsule from joints with OA than in nor-
system (CNS) (see Chapter 1).14 Peripheral mal joints. Further, there was a significantly
sensitization is produced by the action of greater concentration of LTB 4 from coxo-
inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin, femoral joints with OA compared to normal
prostaglandins (PGs), neuropeptides, and dogs. Significantly more COX-1, COX-2,
cytokines. Quantitative sensory testing in and LOX protein was present in subchon-
human OA patients shows that there is dif- dral bone from the femoral head of joints
fuse and persistent alteration of nociceptive in OA than in normal joints. There was no
pathways, irrespective of the level of sever- difference in PGE2 or LTB4 concentration
ity associated with the underlying disease.15 in normal femoral head tissue compared to
Inflammatory mediators play a role either femoral head from coxofemoral joints with
by directly activating high-threshold recep- OA. Overall, there was significantly more
tors or, more commonly, by sensitizing noci- PGE 2 and LTB 4 in the hip joint capsule than
ceptive neurons to subsequent daily stimuli. in femoral head samples.
Damaged joints and sensory nervous system
interactions may not only produce pain but
may actually influence the course of the
The inflammatory component is more INTERACTIONS
prevalent at different phases of the disease.
The synovial fluid of most OA patients shows Cartilage is void of vessels, lymphatics, and
increased numbers of mononuclear cells and nervous tissue. It derives its nutrition from
increased levels of immunoglobulins and the diffusion of synovial fluid. The diffusion
complement. The synovial membrane shows of synovial fluid into the hyaline cartilage
signs of chronic inflammation, including (and evacuation of cartilage waste products)
hyperplasia of the lining with infiltration is enhanced by the loading and unloading of
of inflammatory cells. Inflammation likely cartilage by daily activities. This is analo-
plays an important role in the painful symp- gous to the movement of water in and out
toms of OA.16 of a sponge while being squeezed within a
The discovery of cyclooxygenase bucket of water.
(COX)-2 was linked to the finding that it was The synovial intima (lining layer) of the
upregulated as a result of inflammatory stim- joint capsule is normally only one to two
uli. As a consequence, COX-2 inhibitors are cell layers thick and contains type A and
marketed on the premise that they may be B synoviocytes. Type A synoviocytes are
more effective for the treatment of OA pain. macrophage-like cells that have a role in
This is supported by the assumption that removing debris from joints and processing
COX-2 activity is upregulated in the joint antigens. Type B synoviocytes are fibroblast-
tissues of dogs suffering from OA and is the like cells that are responsible for the produc-
primary COX enzyme responsible for pain tion of hyaluronan, but also are capable of
in OA. Although this is corroborated within producing degradative enzymes. Both types
the human literature,17–19 there is sparse of synoviocytes produce cytokines and other
evidence for this assumption in naturally mediators. 21 Therefore, as inflammatory
occurring canine OA, and nothing is known mediators and cytokines are released into
about the expression of lipoxygenase (LOX) the joint fluid, they stimulate synoviocytes
74 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 2.5 As matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are released from diseased cartilage, they stimulate
the generation of additional inflammatory mediators and cytokines from synoviocytes located in the
synovial intima. (GAGs: glycosaminoglycans.)
in the synovial intima to produce additional abnormal loading; and (likely) physical stim-
degradative enzymes that find their way ulation of muscle, tendon, and ligaments.
back into the cartilage by diffusion, and the
catabolic cycle becomes self-perpetuating
(Figure 2.5). The subsynovial layer, lying
immediately below the intima, contains free
nerve endings. With such close proximity of AND PHYSIOLOGY
these nociceptors within the subsynovium
to inflammatory mediators in the synovial Cartilage is a physiologically complex, yet
fluid, the process of noxious stimulation is structurally simple tissue. It is composed
practically intuitive. mostly of water. Type II collagen contributes
OA pain is the result of a complex inter- to structural integrity, the functional cell is the
play between structural change, biochemical chondrocyte, and the aggrecan aggregate of
alterations, peripheral and central pain pro- proteoglycans forms the functional unit. The
cessing mechanisms, and individual cogni- term aggrecan has been given to the proteogly-
tive processing of nociception. Bony changes can monomer that aggregates with hyaluronan
at the joint margins and beneath areas of and is found in articular cartilage (Figure 2.6).
damaged cartilage can be major sources of It is the major proteoglycan by mass of
OA pain. Chondrophyte and osteophyte hyaline cartilage. The aggrecan has a ‘bottle
growth result in elevation and stretching of brush’ appearance with a hyaluronan back-
richly innervated periosteum, which is also bone and ‘bristles’ of hydrophilic glycosami-
a common origin of expansile bone tumor noglycans (GAGs) that retain the water. An
pain. Human OA patients report pain, even aggrecan aggregate may contain over 100
at rest, associated with raised intraosseous aggrecan monomers (Figure 2.7).
pressure. 22 Cartilage exists in three forms: hyaline,
So, what is the source of pain in OA? The fibrocartilage, and elastocartilage. Hyaline
source of pain in the joint ‘organ’ is multi- cartilage is an avascular, aneural, and alym-
focal: direct stimulation of the joint capsule phatic tissue found at the end of long bones.
and bone receptors by cytokines/ligands of It is a perfect example of the structure-func-
inflammatory and degradative processes; tion relationship, where compromise of one
physical stimulation of the joint capsule directly affects the other.
from distention (effusion) and stretch (laxity, The chondrocyte is the cellular element
subluxation, abnormal articulation); physi- of articular cartilage. Chondrocytes are
cal stimulation of subchondral bone from metabolically active cells responsible for the
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 75
FIGURE 2.10 The aggrecan aggregates, collagen, and water interact, allowing the articular cartilage
matrix to respond to compressive loads.
Subchondral bone is a thin layer of bone increased interosseous pressure, which may
that joins hyaline cartilage with cancellous contribute to chronic pain, particularly noc-
bone supporting the bony plate. The undulat- turnal pain.12
ing nature of the osteochondral junction allows OA frequently results in osteophyte for-
shear stresses to be converted into potentially mation (Figure 2.11). Osteophytes are a
less damaging compressive forces on the sub- central core of bone that blends in with the
chondral bone. The subchondral/cancellous
region has been found to be approximately 10
times more deformable than cortical bone and
plays a major role in the distribution of forces
across a joint.30 Compliance of subchondral
bone to applied joint forces allows congruity
of joint surfaces for increasing the contact area
of load distribution, thereby reducing peak
loading and potential damage to cartilage.31
Cartilage itself makes a poor shock absorber;
however, subchondral bone serves such a role
well. Thickening of the subchondral bone
plate and cancellous trabeculae occurs during
OA, thereby limiting the distribution of loads
across the joint.
Subchondral bone contains unmyelinated
nerve fibers, increasing in number with OA.32
Increased pressure on subchondral bone asso-
ciated with OA articular cartilage degradation
results in these nociceptors being stimulated.
This is thought to contribute to the vague but
consistent pain frequently associated with OA. FIGURE 2.11 Osteophytes are common sequelae
In humans OA is believed to be responsible for of OA.
78 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 2.12 Bone periosteum is rich with nociceptors that are stimulated with stretching by osteo-
phytes or tumors. In the case of tumors, additional nociceptive mediators are also involved. (ET-1:
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 79
Normal age-related changes occur in articu-
lar cartilage throughout life. Data from por-
cine articular cartilage has shown a decrease
in hydration, a decrease in collagen on a dry
FIGURE 2.14 Morphologically, arthritic hyaline car-
matter basis, a decrease in GAG concentra- tilage undergoes fibrillation (1) that progresses
tion – especially chondroitin sulfate – and to deep cartilage fissures (2) and is ultimately
a decrease in proteoglycan size with age.42 replaced with structurally inferior fibrocartilage
Although the total GAG concentration may (3). Joint mice (4) might be present if osteochon-
not vary much with increasing age, the ratio dritis dissecans fragments have maintained via-
of keratan sulfate to chondroitin sulfate bility from the synovial fluid.
80 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
OA-induced pathological changes in joints
include ulceration, fibrillation, softening, and
loss of articular cartilage. Excessive produc-
tion of MMPs by chondrocytes is one of the
major causes of altered cartilage homeostasis
and cartilage degradation.46 In OA cartilage,
proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, FIGURE 2.15 Synovitis is a common arthroscopic
IL-1, and IL-6, mediate the transcription finding in OA patients. The cauliflower-like red
of MMPs.36 Synovial lining cells are likely mass contained in the upper-right quadrant is
the primary source of these proinflamma- the characteristic intimal proliferation associated
tory cytokines, as these cytokines have been with synovitis.
demonstrated in the synovial membrane
and synovial fluid of OA joints.47,48 Studies blockade, and folate-mediated drug delivery
suggest that (under experimental condi- to macrophages.55
tions) transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, The release of free cartilage fragments
the synovial membrane, and synovial mac- initiates a synovitis (Figure 2.15) as they
rophages contribute to osteophyte forma- are phagocytized by type A synoviocytes. 56
tion.49,50 Inflammatory changes within OA This is followed by the release of additional
joints are proposed to be secondary to car- inflammatory mediators such as cytokines
tilage-soluble, cartilage-specific macromol- and PGs, which enhance the inflammatory
ecule degradation products. 51 Phagocytosis process to varying severity.57 Despite the
of these products by synovial macrophages increase of proteoglycan synthesis, catabo-
induces chronic inflammation of the synovial lism exceeds the anabolic rate. As collagen
membrane and joint capsule with subsequent breakdown progresses, proteoglycans are no
synthesis of proteases and proinflammatory longer constrained of their expansile poten-
cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6.52 tial, and the water content of the cartilage
In addition to the role of synovial macro- increases. 58 One of the earliest changes seen
phages in osteophyte formation, synovial in OA is an increase in hydration (2%–3%).59
macrophages play an important role in the This hydration appears to be the result of
development and maintenance of synovial the cleavage of type II collagen by collage-
inflammation, as supported by the observa- nase. The functional collagen network is
tion that vascular endothelial growth factor disrupted, thereby permitting the proteogly-
(VEGF) derived from synovial macrophages cans, the hydration capacity of which is no
promotes VEGF immunoreactivity and longer restricted by the collagen network,
endothelial cell proliferation. 53 In a study54 to bind increased amounts of water, result-
of 17 dogs with naturally occurring rupture ing in the cartilage swelling.60 At this point
of the cranial cruciate ligament, macro- proteoglycans are lost into the synovial fluid.
phages and the cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 Cartilage at this stage is grossly softer than
were detected in the synovial membranes normal and more susceptible to mechanical
and joint capsule at concentrations reflecting injury.
the chronicity of the OA. Such observations Chondromalacia is an early sign of
have led to the development of therapeutic degeneration and is attributed to a decrease
agents for human rheumatoid patients, the in sulfated mucopolysaccharide content in
mechanism of action of which includes neu- the ground substance of the cartilage matrix.
tralization of cytokines, cytokine receptor As previously indicated, fibrillation is the
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 81
term applied to the exposure of the colla- are believed to be of great importance in this
gen framework through the loss of ground
substance (matrix) and is one of the earlier
process. Among other functions, cytokines
further stimulate chondrocytes and synovio- 2
pathological features of OA. As fibrillation cytes to produce and release more degrada-
progresses, the cartilage may fragment and tive enzymes.
erode. Erosion may continue until all the Proteoglycan and collagen breakdown
cartilage is worn away and the subchon- is mediated by an increase in MMPs, serine
dral bone is exposed. The subchondral bone proteases, lysosomal enzymes, and other
becomes sclerotic from mechanical pressure proteases at the articular surface early in
and/or the effect of the synovial fluid and the degenerative process. Extensive matrix
takes on the appearance of polished ivory, a degeneration is the consequence of these pro-
process called eburnation. teases. The production of metalloprotein-
With the progression of OA, chon- ases greatly exceeds the ability of heightened
drocytes undergo apoptosis and necrosis. TIMPs released to maintain homeostasis.
Extracellular matrix synthesis decreases Cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-α further
while degradation increases. Chondrocyte stimulate metalloproteinase and serine pro-
activity is stimulated in part by release of tease chondrocyte synthesis that further
growth factors (e.g., insulin-like growth fac- degrade the extracellular matrix.64 IL-1
tor); however, the newly synthesized proteo- also stimulates chondrocyte and synovial
glycans have an abnormal composition, and cell release of PGE 2 , LTB 4, and thrombox-
newly synthesized proteoglycan subunits ane: arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites that
do not normally aggregate with hyaluronic enhance inflammation. IL-1 stimulates fibro-
acid (HA).61 The collagen network becomes blasts to produce collagen types I and III,
increasingly disorganized and disintegrated, which contribute to fibrosis of the joint cap-
with the content of collagen and proteogly- sule in the OA joint.65
cans reduced. The removal of functional
proteoglycans from the extracellular matrix
results in decreased water content of the car- SYNOVITIS
tilage and subsequent loss of biomechanical
properties. Mechanical stress and trauma to It is proposed that the chondrocyte is the
chondrocytes perpetuate the OA process. most active source of degradative protease
production; however, this is stimulated pri-
marily by cytokines and LTs produced by
MMP AND TIMP IMBALANCE the synovium.66 Yet it appears that syno-
vitis alone is insufficient as the sole etiol-
In the osteoarthritic cartilage an imbalance ogy of OA and that physical trauma is also
develops between active MMP levels and tis- necessary.67 Nevertheless, the impact strict
sue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs), hemostasis makes on the development of
resulting in cartilage catabolism. Although degenerative articular change in the cruciate-
synoviocytes and some inflammatory cells deficient model (i.e., producing less inflam-
produce proteases, most are derived from matory stimulus) illustrates the importance
chondrocytes.62 MMPs exist as a number of the synovium in the development of OA
of different molecules and play a major role changes.68 It is therefore logical to assume
in cartilage destruction. Collagenases act that intervention in the inflammatory pro-
on collagen fibers to break down the carti- cess of OA will slow the disease process. This
lage framework, while stromelysin cleaves substantiates the legitimacy of nonsteroidal
the aggrecan, leading to the loss of matrix anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy in
proteoglycan. In the process OA cytokines, OA disease.
acting as chemical messengers to maintain
the chronic phase of inflammation and tis-
sue destruction, are upregulated. Whereas JOINT CAPSULE DYNAMICS
these degradative enzymes and cytokines are
normally found within chondrocytes, they Progressive alterations of the synovium
are normally inactive or only produced in include thickening of the synovial intima
response to injury.63 IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α from one to two cell layers thick to three to
82 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 2.16 The arachidonic acid pathway produces a number of eicosanoids that impact the physiol-
ogy of joint inflammation.
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritic Pain 83
PGE 2 in synovial fluid is believed to cytokines IL-1 and IL-6. A second group
originate from articular tissue, rather than
blood, since no relationship has been estab-
includes the degradation products of OA,
which may mimic the normal homeostatic 2
lished between PGE 2 concentrations and degradation products of cartilage. Herein, a
total leukocyte count in blood samples.76 differentiation might be made in the quan-
PGE 2 depresses proteoglycan synthesis by tity of degradative products and/or a quali-
chondrocytes, thereby accelerating GAG loss tative difference in proteoglycan fragments
from articular cartilage.77 associated with variations in proteoglycan
cleavage sites. OA-related molecules include
keratan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, aggre-
Potential Biomarkers can fragment components, cartilage matrix
As OA progresses, numerous factors play glycoprotein, and cartilage oligomeric
consistent roles in the catabolic process, matrix protein. A third group of potential
offering potentially quantifiable markers OA markers includes anabolic components:
(Figure 2.17). Most investigators suggest specific types of chondroitin sulfates, link
that components that may serve as molecu- proteins, and collagen X. Currently, the
lar markers of OA can be categorized based synovial fluid is favored for measuring con-
on their origin and function during the centrations of potential OA markers, rather
process.78 The first group includes enzymes than serum or urine.68
released from periarticular macrophages or The Osteoarthritis Biomarkers Network
synoviocytes as well as degradative enzymes Consortium is developing and characteriz-
from chondrocytes: stromelysin (MMP-3), ing new biomarkers and redefining existing
collagenase (MMP-1), TIMPs, and the OA biomarkers.79 The scheme is represented
FIGURE 2.17 The catabolic process of OA is quite complex, offering several potential quantifiable
84 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Schwann cells M2
Th2 cytokines
Microglia Astrocytes
Th1 cytokines
Central sensitization
Neutrophils Macrophages Lymphocytes
Pro-inflammatory molecules
IL-1β, TNFα, CCL2, CCL3, etc. Pharmacological treatment
tissue and blood vessels, with few lympho- along with MMPs and aggrecanase, which
cytes and macrophages.88,89 The accumula- have destructive functions in OA.93 Using a
tion of polarized macrophages in the intimal collagenase-induced mouse model, Bondeson
lining is the principal morphological char- et al.93 identified several chemokines respon-
acteristic of synovitis and comprises mostly sible for the chemotaxis of macrophages in
proliferative synovial tissue.90 In OA, carti- the development of OA, including TGF-β
lage fragments, aggrecan, fibronectin, and and IL-1β. This same group also found that
intracellular proteins together with necrotic the selective depletion of lining macrophages
cells act as danger-associated molecular via the intra-articular injection of clodronate
patterns (DAMPs), which stimulate macro- liposomes ameliorated cartilage damage and
phage activation and produce inflammatory osteophyte formation. Such findings suggest
cytokines and chemokines.91,92 These media- that the activation of synovial macrophages
tors can not only recruit additional macro- is required for the production of MMPs that
phages and lymphocytes but also increase cause cartilage damage.
the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines Macrophages are remarkably plastic
and metalloproteinases by macrophages and cells, identified as classically activated M1
chondrocytes. Herein, macrophages play a macrophages or alternatively activated M2
pivotal role in innate immunity, and their macrophages that differ in response to micro-
polarized phenotypes correlate with the pro- environment stimuli.94,95 M1 macrophages
gression of OA. The polarized synovial mac- are activated by interferon-g, lipopolysac-
rophages appear to be a suitable therapeutic charide (LPS), or TNF-α. M1 macrophages
target for the early prevention and treatment secrete large amounts of proinflammatory
of OA (Figure 2.21). cytokines and mediators, such as TNF-α,
During OA development, synovial mac- IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, COX-2, and low levels of
rophages lose their stable state, mobilize, IL-10.96 M2 macrophages, which are also
and are activated in various ways. Therapies known as wound-healing macrophages, are
aimed at macrophages have shown the abil- polarized by the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and
ity to decrease inflammation and the pro- IL-13 and have been further divided into spe-
gression of OA. The removal of macrophages cific subtypes. Subtypes M2a, M2b, and M2c
from synovial cell cultures by anti-CD14– display an anti-inflammatory phenotype
conjugated magnetic beads resulted in the and contribute to tissue repair and remodel-
reduced production of IL-1 and TNF-α, ing.97,98 Although M1 and M2 macrophages
↑Antimicrobial ↑Cytokine
activity production
Macrophage NK cell
M1 Macrophage • Pro-inflammatory
• Microbicidal
• Tumoricidal
• TH 1 response
• Antigen presentation capacity
• Killing of intracellular
IFN-γ, LPS, • Tissue damage, etc.
GMCSF, etc.
Joint Afferents
Typical joint nerves contain thick myelin- FIGURE 2.24 Sensory receptors are end organs of
ated Aβ, thinly myelinated Aδ, and a high afferent nerves and belong to one of two main
physiological groups: (1) exteroceptors, which
proportion (˜80%) of unmyelinated C fibers.
detect stimuli that arise external to the body,
Articular Aβ fibers terminate as corpuscular and (2) interoceptors, which detect stimuli that
endings in fibrous capsule, articular liga- are within the body. Proprioceptors are a special
ments, menisci, and adjacent periosteum. class of interoceptors that signal conditions deep
Articular Aδ and C fibers terminate as non- within the body to the CNS. Proprioceptors are
corpuscular or free nerve endings in the located in skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments,
fibrous capsule, adipose tissue, ligaments, and joint capsules. Free nerve endings act as
menisci, and periosteum.109 Within muscle, thermoreceptors and nociceptors (pain). Merkel
most of these endings are located in the wall endings are pressure-sensitive touch receptors.
of arterioles in the muscle belly and sur- Pacinian corpuscles respond to pressure and
are widely distributed throughout the dermis and
rounding connective tissue.110 The major
subcutaneous tissue, joint capsules, and other
neuropeptides in joint and muscle nerves pressure sites. Meissner corpuscles are highly
are substance P (sP), calcitonin gene–related sensitive to touch. Ruffini corpuscles in subcu-
peptide (CGRP), and somatostatin, although taneous connective tissue respond to tension.
these neuropeptides are not specific for deep Krause end bulbs are cold sensitive. See also
afferents. Table 2.1.
90 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 2.1 Classification of articular receptor systems (see also Figure 2.24)
Parent nerve Behavioral
Type Morphology Location fibers characteristics
I Thinly encapsulated globular Fibrous capsule of Small myelinated Static and dynamic
corpuscles (100 μm × 40 joint (mainly (6–9 μm) mechanoreceptors
μm) in clusters of three to superficial layers) Low threshold,
six corpuscles slowly adapting
II Thickly encapsulated Fibrous capsule of Medium myelinated Dynamic
conical corpuscles (280 joint (mainly deeper (9–12 μm) mechanoreceptors
μm × 120 μm) in clusters layers) Low threshold,
of two to four corpuscles Articular fat pads rapidly adapting
III Thinly encapsulated Joint ligaments Large myelinated Dynamic
fusiform corpuscles (600 (intrinsic and (13–17 μm) mechanoreceptors
μm × 100 μm) extrinsic) High threshold, very
slowly adapting
IV Plexuses and free nerve Fibrous capsule, Very small myelinated Pain receptors
endings articular fat pads, (2–5 μm) High threshold,
ligaments, walls of Unmyelinated (<2 μm) nonadapting
blood vessels
innocuous range, but they have their strongest Convergence May Amplify
response in the noxious range.114 An additional
group of sensory neurons is mechanoinsensi- Afferent Nociception
tive under normal conditions but becomes Nociceptive information from joint and mus-
mechanosensitive during inflammation: silent cle, which is transmitted to neurons in the
nociceptors. The mechanosensitivity of these superficial and deep dorsal horn, is processed
afferents changes during inflammation of the either from exclusively deep tissue input or
joint. Many low-threshold Aδ and C fibers, as neurons that exhibit convergent inputs from
well as a large proportion of high-threshold skin and deep structures. Some neurons may
afferents, respond to movements in the work- also input convergence from the viscera.
ing range of the joint. Noteworthy is the Neurons exclusively driven from deep tissue
recruitment of silent nociceptors for mecha- often include receptive fields of the joint and
nosensitivity, encoding for noxious events adjacent muscle. Some convergent neurons
during an inflammatory process.115 are excited by mechanical stimuli applied to
deep tissue (muscle, tendons, joint structures)
and by mechanical stimulation of the skin.
Inflammatory Mediators
A large proportion of Aδ and C fibers express
Neurogenic Inflammation
receptors for endogenous compounds asso- Once a stimulus is received by the second-
ciated with pathophysiological conditions order neuron in the dorsal spinal horn, an
(Table 2.2). The classical inflammatory ascending signal is sent to the third-order
mediators, bradykinin, PGE 2 and PGI 2 , and neuron in the brain, and a reflex arc back
serotonin, excite joint afferents and sensitize to the joint may also be initiated. The reflex
them to mechanical stimuli. Such mediators arc may result in stimulation of muscles sur-
affect Aδ and C fibers, but not Aβ fibers. rounding the joint and/or neurogenic inflam-
Although each mediator has its own profile mation (Figure 2.26).
of effect, they can interact and yield syner- Release of sP and NGF into the periphery
gistic responses.116 causes the tissue reaction termed neurogenic
92 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
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ron response to noxious pressure applied to the knee, ankle, and paw before and after the injection of
kaolin and carrageenan into the knee joint. Shaded areas on the animal show the receptive field of the
neuron before and during knee joint inflammation.138
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Pathophysiology of Cancer Pain
IN PERSPECTIVE • Pain intensity and time since onset of pain
• Etiology of pain
The word cancer means ‘crab’ and was given
to the disease because of its tenacity, a singular A distinct group of syndromes, therapies,
ability to cling to its victim like a crab’s claws and other etiologies of pain occur in cancer
clinging to its prey. The all-important reality patients3 such that neither the IASP nor any
of cancer pain is witnessed in John Steinbeck’s other diagnostic scheme distinguishes cancer
book, The Grapes of Wrath, where the char- pain from nonmalignant causes of chronic
acter Mrs. Wilson, who is dying of cancer, pain. Because the classification of cancer pain
states, ‘I’m jus’ pain covered in skin’. may have important diagnostic and therapeu-
Frank Vertosick, MD, states, ‘From the tic implications, a promising concept is a mech-
Darwinian point of view, cancer is an unim- anism-based treatment approach, determining
portant disease. Since it preferentially afflicts the sequence of analgesic agents based on the
animals beyond their child-bearing years, underlying etiopathology of cancer pain.
cancer poses no threat to animals in the wild,
since natural populations experience death in
other ways long before they are old enough SCHEMES FOR CLASSIFYING
for cancer to be a concern. We feel the sting of
advanced prostate cancer because we are for- CANCER PAIN
tunate enough to live into our seventh decade
and beyond, a feat rarely achieved even a hun- Table 3.1, the second column shows exam-
dred years ago. During the evolution of the ples/features of the respective classifications.
nervous system, we developed pain to help
us heal reversible insults: cracked vertebrae, TABLE 3.1 Classifications for cancer pain
pinched nerves, temporarily blocked colons,
Etiological • Primarily caused by cancer
broken legs. To our great sorrow, this same
classification • Treatment of malignancy
pain also works against us when irrevers- • Debility
ible diseases like cancer strike; consequently, • Concurrent pathology
death becomes a painful affair. We die with
Pathophysiological • Nociceptive (somatic,
all of our pain alarms impotently sounding. It
classification visceral)
is said that we are all born in another’s pain • Neuropathic
and destined to die in our own’.1 • Mixed pathophysiology
Location of cancer • Head and neck
pain syndromes Chest
• Vertebral and radicular pain
• Abdominal or pelvic
In 1994, the International Association for • Extremity
the Study of Pain (IASP) revised a classifi- Temporal • Acute
cation for chronic pain. 2 This classification classification • Breakthrough
includes five axes: • Chronic
FIGURE 3.2 A paraneoplastic neuropathy can FIGURE 3.3 Spinal cord neoplasms may be intra-
arise from tumors recognized as a foreign body. medullary or extramedullary.
104 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 3.4 The World Health Organization (WHO) Connective tissue 2.4 35.8 17.0
pain ladder was developed to give guidance for Mouth and pharynx 10.3 20.4 11.6
treating cancer pain in humans.
Breast 37.3 198.8 25.4
analgesic ladder provides clinical guidance Lymphoid tumors 13.3 25.0 48.1
from a severity-based pain classification Bone 1.2 7.9 4.9
system (Figure 3.4). Although the quality of
evidence for the WHO ladder approach has Testis 2.6 33.9 ND
been challenged, it has been globally dis-
tributed and is considered the standard for
cancer pain management in human patients. cancers are painful. Sensitivity to pain varies
Contemporary thinking, however, is to use between individuals, and the degree of pain
‘stronger’ analgesics earlier. may vary during the course of the cancer.
The most comprehensive effort to estimate
cancer incidence rates was a survey of veteri-
nary practices in Alameda and Contra Costa
MECHANISM-BASED counties (California) from 1963 to 196617
TREATMENT and remains the seminal study for estimat-
ing the incidence of canine and feline can-
A mechanistic-based treatment strategy for cers (see Table 3.2). This survey revealed an
managing cancer pain in humans has been annual incidence rate of 381/100,000 among
studied,15 i.e., neuropathic pain was treated dogs living in households that used veteri-
with antidepressants and anticonvulsants, nary services, while the incidence rate for
while opioids were integrated into the treat- cancer in cats was 156/100,000.
ment protocol only after these drugs were Intuitively, these data are only estimates,
considered ineffective. Interestingly, all as not all cases of cancer are diagnosed
human patients studied required concurrent equally, considering the many special proce-
therapy with a mean of three drug classes, dures, diagnostic tests, and costs involved.
including an opioid, to control their pain. In a study of 2,002 dogs that underwent
This illustrates the heterogeneity of cancer necropsy at the Angell Memorial Animal
pain mechanisms and the consequent value Hospital, cancer accounted for 20% of the
of a ‘balanced or multimodal analgesia’ deaths at 5 years and increased to over 40%
approach to treatment. in dogs 10 years of age.18
therapies. Cancer-related pain has been esti- • Lack of good or validated methods for
mated to afflict 30%–60% of human patients assessing animal pain.
at the time of diagnosis and 55%–95% of • Failure to include the owner’s input into
human patients during the advanced stages their pet’s ongoing assessment.
of disease. 20 Some authors have indicated • Failure to appreciate the high frequency
that approximately 28% of human cancer with which cancer patients experience pain.
patients die without adequate pain relief. 21 • Lack of knowledge regarding analgesic ther-
(Likely, this figure is less now than in 1984 apies and the probable need to alter these
when these data were published.) Several therapies during the course of the cancer.
authors22,23 have reported the underuse of
perioperative analgesics, suggesting the like- Considering that an overall average of
lihood that analgesic management of cancer about 70% of humans with advanced can-
pain in cats and dogs is quite low. Although cer suffer pain 24 and that many biological
inappropriate, undertreatment is not sur- systems are common between man and ani-
prising since the medical profession (both mals, a conservative estimate might be that
human and veterinary) has historically been 30% of animal cancers are painful. 25 As a
slow to administer analgesics. Reasons for rule, pain is more frequently associated with
this include the following: tumors arising in noncompliant tissue (e.g.,
bone) (Table 3.3).
• Underutilization of clinical staff for assess- It should not be overlooked that some
ing cancer pain during the course of the treatment therapies for cancer may create
disease. pain (Table 3.4).
Primary afferent sensory neurons transfer
FIGURE 3.5 Bone marrow, mineralized bone, and
periosteum are highly innervated, sending sen- sensory information to the spinal cord and
sory input to the spinal cord. brain. Most small diameter sensory fibers –
unmyelinated C fibers and finely myelinated
A fibers – are specialized sensory neurons
BONE CANCER MODEL called nociceptors that express a diverse rep-
ertoire of transduction molecules that sense
Periosteum, mineralized bone, and bone mar- different forms of noxious stimuli (thermal,
row are highly innervated by Aβ, Aδ, and C mechanical, and chemical). To sense nox-
fibers, all of which conduct sensory input from ious chemical stimuli, nociceptors express
the periphery to the spinal cord (Figure 3.5). an array of receptors capable of detecting
Recently, the first animal models of bone inflammatory-related factors from damaged
FIGURE 3.6 Bone cancer changes the molecular architecture and bioneurological status of the diseased
bone. (ET-1: endothelin-1.)
Chapter 3 Pathophysiology of Cancer Pain 109
tissue, i.e., protons, endothelins, prostaglan- types of cancer, in addition to blocking can-
dins (PGs), bradykinin, and nerve growth
factor (NGF).
cer pain, COX-2 inhibitors may have the
added advantage of reducing the growth and 3
Sensory neurons are also highly “plastic” – metastasis of tumors.
they can change their phenotype in response A PubMed search for the terms NSAID
to a sustained peripheral injury. Altering pat- and cancer conducted in February 2005
terns of signaling peptide and growth factor generated 7,513 abstracts. The same search
expression underlie peripheral sensitization, conducted in December 2007 generated
lowering the activation threshold and cre- 9,624 abstracts. A similar search for the
ating a state of hyperalgesia. Peripheral tis- terms NSAID and COX-2 revealed 1,907
sue damage also activates previously ‘silent’ abstracts in February 2005, compared to
nociceptors, which creates a state of hyperal- 3,529 abstracts in December 2007. The role
gesia and allodynia. of NSAIDs, and particularly coxib-class
In mice with bone cancer, normally NSAIDs, in cancer research is an area of
nonpainful palpation of the affected femur intense interest. 38
induces the release of sP from primary affer- Canine patient tumors expressing COX-2
ent fibers that terminate in the spinal cord. include the following:
sP in turn binds to and activates the neuro-
kinin-1 receptor that is expressed by a subset • Transitional cell carcinoma39
of spinal cord neurons.32 A similar activity • Renal cell carcinoma40
is noted with c-fos.33 Apparently, peripheral • Squamous cell carcinoma41
sensitization of nociceptors may be involved • Prostate carcinoma42
in the generation and maintenance of bone • Rectal polyps43
cancer pain. • Nasal carcinoma44
• Osteosarcoma45
• Mammary carcinoma46
NOCICEPTOR EXCITATION • Intestinal adenocarcinoma43
• Oral melanoma47
Tumor and tumor-associated cells, including
macrophages, neutrophils, and T lympho- In contrast to dogs, the absence of COX-2
cytes, secrete a wide variety of factors, includ- expression in most feline neoplasms might
ing PGs, endothelins, interleukin (IL)-1 and suggest that COX-2 inhibitors would have a
IL-6, epidermal growth factor, transforming lower potential as anticancer agents in this
growth factor (TGF), and platelet-derived species.48
growth factor, which directly excite pri- Peptide endothelin-1 is another phar-
mary afferent neurons. Each of these factors macological target for treating cancer pain.
may play an important role in the genera- A number of small unmyelinated primary
tion of pain associated with various cancers. afferents express receptors for endothelin,49
Pharmaceutical targeting of these factors and endothelins may well sensitize or excite
provides opportunities for pain relief, while nociceptors. Several tumors of humans,
anti-prostaglandin and anti-endothelins are including prostate cancer, express high lev-
already commercially available. els of endothelins, 50 and clinical studies have
Tumor-associated macrophages and shown a correlation between the severity of
several tumor cells express high levels of the pain in human patients with prostate
cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, producing large cancer and endothelin plasma levels. 51
amounts of PGs.34,35 Although all nonsteroi-
dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
anti-prostaglandins, the new COX-2 inhibi-
tors, or coxibs, preferentially inhibit COX-2
and avoid many of the COX-1 inhibition side LOCAL ACIDOSIS
effects. Additionally, some experiments have
suggested that COX-2 is involved in angio- Tumor burden often outgrows its vascular
genesis and tumor growth. 36,37 Although supply, becoming ischemic and undergoing
further research is required to characterize apoptosis. Subsequently, an accumulation
the effect of coxib-class NSAIDs on different of acid metabolites prevails, resulting in an
110 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
acidotic local environment. This is relevant to both the hematopoietic cells of the marrow
cancer pain, in that subsets of sensory neu- and the sensory fibers that normally innervate
rons have been shown to express different the marrow.59 This neuronal damage can give
acid-sending ion channels (ASICs)52 sensitive rise to neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is a drug
to protons or acidosis. Two major classes of originally developed as an anticonvulsant, but
ASICs expressed by nociceptors, both sensi- is effective in treating several forms of neu-
tive to decreases in pH, are TRPV1 and ASIC- ropathic pain and may be useful in treating
3. As tumors grow and undergo apoptosis, cancer-induced neuropathic pain.60
there is a local release of intracellular ions and Summarizing the contributors to bone
inflammatory-mediated protons that gives cancer pain:
rise to a local acidic environment. This neuro-
biological mechanism is particularly relevant • Release of cytokines, PGs, and endothelins
in bone cancer, where there is a proliferation from hematopoietic, immune, and tumor
and hypertrophy of osteoclasts. Osteoclasts cells
are multinucleated cells of the monocyte • Osteoclast activity 1 => lowered pH => acti-
lineage that resorb bone by maintaining an vation of TRPV1 and ASIC receptors
extracellular microenvironment of acidic pH • Bone erosion => release of growth factors
(4.0–5.0) at the interface between osteoclast e.g., NGF
and mineralized bone.53 Experiments in mice • Tumor growth => compression of afferent
have shown that osteoclasts contribute to the terminals
etiology of bone cancer pain54 and that osteo- • Neurochemical changes in DRG and spinal
protegerin55 and a bisphosphonate,55 both of cord
which induce osteoclast apoptosis, are effec-
tive in decreasing osteoclast-induced cancer
pain. TRPV1 or ASIC antagonists would act
similarly, but by blocking excitation of acid-
sensitive channels on sensory neurons. If local neuropathic pain is a sequala to can-
cer, do the spinal cord and forebrain also
undergo significant neurochemical changes?
GROWTH FACTORS The murine cancer pain model revealed
extensive neurochemical reorganization
FROM TUMOR CELLS within the spinal cord segments receiving
input from primary afferent neurons inner-
Different patients with the same cancer may vating cancerous bone.61 Upregulation of the
have vastly different symptoms. Metastases pro-hyperalgesic peptide, dynorphin, and
to bone in the same individual may cause astrocyte hypertrophy contribute to the state
pain at one site but not at a different site. of central sensitization maintained by cancer
Small cancer deposits in one location may be pain.
more painful than large cancers at an unre-
lated site. Why the variability? One explana-
tion may be that changes in the periphery
associated with inflammation, nerve injury,
or tissue injury are reflected by changes in OF CANCER PAIN
the phenotype of sensory neurons. 56 Such
changes are, in part, caused by a change As the cancer progresses, changing factors
in tissue levels of several growth factors may complicate the pain state. In the mouse
released from the local environment at the model of bone cancer, as the tumor cells
injury site, including NGFs57 and glial cell begin to proliferate, pain-related behaviors
line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF).58 precede any noticeable bone destruction.
Likely, the milieu of growth factors to which This is attributed to pro-hyperalgesic fac-
the sensory neuron is exposed will change as tors, such as active nociceptor response in
the developing tumor invades the tissue that the marrow to PGs and endothelin released
the neuron innervates. from growing tumor cells. At this point, pain
The murine sarcoma cell model has also might be attenuated by a coxib-class NSAID
demonstrated that growing tumor cells destroy or endothelin antagonist. With continued
Chapter 3 Pathophysiology of Cancer Pain 111
3.8 O O
( )( )
m +n
O O m n
Poly(lactide) Poly(glycolide)
lactide glycolide PLGA
3.9 O
FIGURE 3.9 Schematic drawing of the PLGA-g-PEG polymer (triblock linear polymer). The subscripts
x, y, z, and m refer to lactide, glycolide, PEG graphs, and the number of repeat units, respectively, of
ethylene glycol.
Percent hydrogel
60 60
50 50
Day 27
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time, days
Hydrophobic core
Micelle self-
assembly Hydrophilic shell
4°C 37°C
FIGURE 3.11 Triblock thermogel polymer. (A) Individual polymer subunit structure. (B) When in
the presence of water, individual polymer subunits self-assemble into micelles with hydropho-
bic PLGA cores and hydrophilic PEG shells. (C) At low temperature, micelles remain in aque-
ous solution. As the temperature is raised, cross-link formation between micelles results in
formation of a three-dimensional aggregated micelle network. (D) Hydrophobic drugs can
be incorporated into the micelle core and thus solubilized in the polymer solution. Hydrolytic
degradation of the polymer network results in slow, sustained release of drug from the micelle
polymer to phosphate buffer saline) versus respectively. The degradation products are
yttrium-90 physical decay. At 27 days, the finally incorporated into the Krebs cycle and
yttrium-90 has decayed through 10 half- are ultimately expired as CO2 .
lives, at which time the radioactivity is at or Notably, the bulk degradation of both
below background (Figure 3.11). PLA and PGA does not immediately produce
a decrease in mass of the implant, which is
instead delayed to days, months, or years,
Degradation of PLGA until the molecular weight of the polymeric
Laycock et al.86 reported that the degrada- chains is reduced to an extent allowing
tion of polylactide (PLA) and polyglycolide them to freely leach out from the polymer
(PGA) mainly occurs by bulk hydrolysis, and matrix. At this point, the surrounding tis-
the hydrolysis rate is lowered by the crystal- sue may not be able to eliminate the acidic
linity. The lactic acid and glycolic acid are by-products of a rapidly degrading implant.
produced by the hydrolysis of PLA and PGA, Thus, an inflammatory or adverse response
116 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Receptor-mediated uptake
Blood of PEGylated protein PEGylated protein
Pinocytosis of PEGylated
protein and PEG Protein degradation
PEG Exocytosis of PEG
(faster for PEG < 20–30 kDa) PEG release by cell
turnover and death
with repeated dosing until a steady state is methodology. Among the various biocompat-
reached. Once a steady state is reached, the
PEG concentration in plasma, organs, and
ible polymers, PLGA has attracted attention
due to but not limited to: 3
tissues remains constant with no further
accumulation. The MPEG and EPEG used in • Biodegradability/biocompatibility
Vivos’s hydrogel is 750 daltons and 500 dal- • FDA and European Medicine Agency
tons, respectively. From the previously ref- approval in drug delivery systems97
erenced journal articles, the lower-Da PEGs
would be cleared quickly from mammalian
Several laboratory investigations using
PLGA-based devices are reported in the lit- CANCER PAIN
erature, evidencing the biocompatibility and
biodegradability of this polymer.94,95 In a See Table 3.6 and Table 3.7.
study by Ma et al.,96 degradation and bio-
compatibility of 20 wt% PLGA-PEG-PLGA
hydrogels were reported. For the in vitro deg- NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT
radation study, the hydrogels were incubated
in phosphate buffered saline. Approximately Many types of cancer are influenced by
70% of the hydrogel degraded in 40 days. nutrition, diet, and nutritional status of
The in vivo biodegradation and biocompat- the patient. In humans cachexia is seen in
ibility of the PLGA-PEG-PLGA hydrogels 32%–87% of cases, commonly associated
(20 wt%) were subcutaneously injected into with cancers of the upper gastrointestinal
rats. The gels degraded gradually in the sub- tract.106 Weight loss can be detrimental to
cutaneous layer in 4 weeks and completely patient quality of life and prognosis, as well
disappeared after 5 weeks. as dramatically impacting on the pharmaco-
Hydrogels often display faster degrada- kinetics and pharmacodynamics of chemo-
tion in vivo than in vitro. Possible reasons are therapeutics and contributing to increased
that cells and enzymes in the subcutaneous treatment-related toxicity.107 Malnutrition
layer accelerate the degradation processes. is arguably one of the most common causes
Also, the accumulation of degradation inter- of death in people with cancer. Association
mediates in the subcutaneous layer may pro- between documented metabolic abnormali-
duce a slightly acid environment, which also ties, actual weight loss, and poor prognosis
accelerates the biodegradation.97 in cats or dogs with cancer has not been con-
vincingly demonstrated. One study from a
referral oncology practice showed that only
Summary 4% of the dogs were cachectic and 15% of
The PLGA-PEG-PLGA (PPP) triblock copo- the dogs had detectable and clinically signifi-
lymer is one of the most widely studied ther- cant muscle wasting.108 Nevertheless, nutri-
mosensitive hydrogels owing to its nontoxic, tional assessment of the cancer patient should
biocompatible, biodegradable, and thermo- be part of every treatment plan focusing on
sensitive properties. The PPP thermosensi- history, physical examination, and routine
tive hydrogels are investigated and used as in hematological and biochemical parameters.
situ gels due to the ability to be injected at The following five steps have been pro-
the target site as a carrier of pharmaceuticals posed to define the nutritional requirements
and converted into a gel, which remains in for dogs or cats with cancer109:
place. The different requirements of various
therapeutic applications are met by adjusting (1) Estimate fluid requirements
the properties of the hydrogel. These include (2) Estimate energy requirements
sol-gel transition temperature, gel window (3) Distribute calories (between protein, fat,
width, retention time, and drug release and carbohydrates)
time.98 (4) Evaluate remaining nutrients (e.g., vita-
Furthermore, drug diffusion–based release mins, minerals, essential nutrients)
systems are gaining attention due to cost- (5) Select a method of feeding (voluntary
effectiveness and relatively simple synthesis intake being preferred)
118 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 3.6 Analgesics commonly used for cancer pain in the dog
Drug Dose (Dog) Remarks
Amantadine 1.0–4.0 mg/kg orally sid* • Available as tablet and elixir
Caution use with • NMDA antagonist
selegiline or sertraline • Effective as adjunct with other drug classes
until interactions are • Higher doses can produce gastrointestinal gas and
further elucidated loose stools
Amitriptyline 0.5–2.0 mg/kg orally sid* • Mode of action at (endogenous) descending
serotonergic system
• Moderate to weak analgesic activity
• Often used as adjunct to NSAID
• Toxicity in the dog not evaluated
Aspirin 10 mg/kg orally bid • NOT approved for use in the dog
• Toxicities include gastrointestinal, renal, and bleeding
• Better NSAID choices available
Butorphanol 0.2–0.5 mg/kg orally • Poor bioavailability per os
(sid–tid) • Weak analgesic
• Possible sedation at higher doses
• May be used as adjunct to NSAID
Codeine 0.5–2.0 mg/kg orally sid • Best bioavailability (−20%) among oral opioids
• Possible sedation at higher doses
Carprofen 2 mg/kg orally bid or • COX-2 preferential
4 mg/kg orally sid • Available as injectable, but with inferior
pharmacokinetics to the tablet
Deracoxib 1–2 mg/kg orally sid • COX-2–selective coxib-class NSAID
(extended use) • May be effective in altering the course of certain types
of COX-2–dependent cancer
Etodolac 5–15 mg/kg orally sid • COX-1 selective in the dog
• Associated with canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS)
Fentanyl 2–5 μg/kg/hr • Short-term use
(transdermal) • Variable absorption – systemic levels
• Expensive
Firocoxib 5.0 mg/kg sid • COX-2–selective coxib-class NSAID
• Questionable safety in dogs <7 months old
• No data in cancer dogs
Gabapentin 3–10 mg/kg orally • No analgesic data in dogs
sid–bid • Antiseizure effects
• Efficacy for neuropathic pain
• Rapidly metabolized in the dog
• Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
Glucosamine and Unestablished • Evidence base is weak
chondroitin • Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
sulfate • Product quality is widely variable
Lidocaine One (10 × 14 cm) patch • Clinical efficacy and toxicity not determined
(transdermal per 20 lb (9.1 kg) • Duration of effect approximately 3 days
patch) • Plasma steady state at 12–60 hours99
Meloxicam 0.2 mg/kg on day 1, • Preferential COX-2 inhibitor
then 0.1 mg/kg sid • Narrow safety profile
• Available as elixir and injectable only
Morphine (liquid) 0.2–0.5 mg/kg orally • Poor bioavailability (<20%)
tid–qid • Short duration of action
• Sedation and constipation may be seen at higher doses
Chapter 3 Pathophysiology of Cancer Pain 119
TABLE 3.6 Analgesics commonly used for cancer pain in the dog (Continued)
Drug Dose (Dog) Remarks 3
Morphine 0.5–3.0 mg/kg orally Doses >0.5–1.0 mg/kg often reported to result in
(sustained tid–qid constipation
Pamidronate 1–1.5 mg/kg, diluted in • Inhibits osteoclast activity as a bisphosphonate
250 mL saline, slowly • Effective where osteolysis from bone tumor contributes
IV (once monthly)* to pain
Paracetamol 10–15 mg/kg orally tid • Long-term: <10 mg/kg bid*
(acetaminophen) for 5 days • Known as acetaminophen in United States
• Lethal in cats
• Clinical toxicity not established in dogs
• Analgesic, but not anti-inflammatory
Piroxicam 0.3 mg/kg q48h* • Long-standing use as chemotherapeutic agent
• Narrow safety margin
Prednisolone 0.25–1 mg/kg orally • DO NOT use concurrently with NSAID
sid–bid, taper to q48h • Most effective in cases with pronounced inflammation
after 14 days
Tepoxalin 10–20 mg/kg orally on day • COX and LOX ‘dual pathway inhibitor’
1, then 10 mg/kg sid • No data in cancer patients
Tramadol 2–4 mg/kg orally • Codeine analog
bid–qid* • Norepinephrine/Serotonin reuptake inhibition
• No efficacy or toxicity data in dogs
• Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
Note: None have been assessed for dosage or efficacy in cancer; therefore, empirical doses and efficacy reflect dose
recommendations for osteoarthritic pain. Not all drugs are licensed in all countries.
* Empirical dose, based on personal experiences: pending further investigations.
TABLE 3.7 Analgesics commonly used for cancer pain in the cat
Drug Dose (Cat) Remarks
Amantadine 3.0 mg/kg orally sid • Toxicity studies not available in cats
• 100-mg capsules require recompounding for cats
• Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
Amitriptyline 0.5–2.0 mg/kg orally • Apparently well tolerated for up to 12 months with
sid daily dosing
• Occasional (<10%) drowsiness
• Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
Aspirin 10 mg/kg orally q48h • Associated with significant gastrointestinal
Buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg • Same dose IV provides similar analgesia
transbuccal q6–7h • Readily accepted by the cat; therefore, acceptable
for home administration
• Anorexia may occur after 2–3 days100
Butorphanol 0.2–1.0 mg/kg orally • Weak analgesic
qid • May be more effective in visceral pain
• Limited bioavailability and duration of effect when
given orally101,102
Carprofen Undetermined • Insufficient data on extended use
Etodolac Undetermined • Insufficient data on extended use
120 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 3.7 Analgesics commonly used for cancer pain in the cat (Continued)
Drug Dose (Cat) Remarks
Fentanyl (transdermal 2–5 μg/kg/hr • Not suggested for cats <4.5 kg
patch) • Do not cut or partially cover patches103,104
Flunixin meglumine 1 mg/kg orally as a • Insufficient data on extended use
single dose
Gabapentin 3–10 mg/kg orally • No analgesic data in cats
sid–bid • Antiseizure effects
• Efficacy for neuropathic pain
• Rapidly metabolized in the cat
• Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
Glucosamine/ Unestablished: • Evidence base is weak
chondroitin sulfate approximately • Often used as adjunct with other analgesics
combinations 15 mg/kg • Product quality is widely variable
CS orally sid–bid
Ketoprofen 1 mg/kg orally sid for a • Narrow safety range
maximum of 5 days • Possible use in ‘pulse therapy’ with a few ‘rest’
days between administrations
Lidocaine (transdermal One (10 × 14 cm) • Clinical efficacy and toxicity not determined
patch) patch for 5–9.1 kg • Duration of effect approximately 3 days
• Plasma steady state at 12–60 hours99
Meloxicam 0.2 mg/kg orally on day • Extended use is off-label
1, then 0.1 mg/kg • Easy dosing as an elixir
orally sid for 4 days, • Honey base syrup is well accepted105
then 0.05 mg/kg sid
for 10 days, then
0.025 mg/kg sid
Morphine (oral, liquid) 0.2–0.5 mg/kg orally • Limited bioavailability and duration of effect
tid–qid • Poor palatability
Morphine (oral, Tablets too large for •
sustained release) cats
Paracetamol Contraindicated • Lethal in cats
Piroxicam 0.3 mg/kg sid • Decreased PCV in up to 30% of cats after 2–3
However, many use up weeks of daily therapy
to 1 mg/kg orally sid • Compounding may decrease drug activity
for up to 7 days
dosing suggested for
long term
Prednisolone 0.25–0.5 mg/kg orally • DO NOT use concurrently with NSAID
sid • Most effective in cases with pronounced
Tolfenamic acid 4 mg/kg orally sid for a • Not licensed in many countries
maximum of 3 days
Tramadol 4 mg/kg bid • Toxicity data not available in cats
Note: None have been assessed for dosage or efficacy in cancer; therefore, empirical doses and efficacy reflect dose
recommendations for other painful conditions and experience of the authors. Not all drugs are licensed in all countries.
Chapter 3 Pathophysiology of Cancer Pain 121
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of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer. J onychectomy. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;213:
Biomater Nanobiotechnol 2012;3:208–225. 246–250.
83. Jain RA. The manufacturing techniques of vari- 102. Carroll GL, Howe LB, Peterson KD. Analgesic
ous drug loaded biodegradable poly(lactideo- efficacy of preoperative administration of meloxi-
co-glicolideo)(PLGA) devices. Biomaterials cam or butorphanol in onychectomized cats. J Am
2000;21:2475–2490. Vet Med Assoc 2005;226:913–919.
84. Tarasevich B, Gutowska A, Li XS, et al. The effect 103. Franks JN, Boothe HW, Taylor L, et al. Evaluation
of polymer composition on the gelation behavior of of transdermal fentanyl patches for analgesia
PLGA-g-PEG biodegradable thermoreversible gels, in cats undergoing onychectomy. J Am Vet Med
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85. Gervais KJ. Evaluation of a biodegradable thermo- 104. Glerum LE, Egger CM, Allen SW, et al. Analgesic
gel polymer for intraocular delivery of cyclosporine effect of the transdermal fentanyl patch during
A to prevent posterior capsule opacification, PhD and after feline ovariohysterectomy. Vet Surg
thesis, The Ohio State University, 2017. 2001;30:351–358.
86. Laycock B, Nikolic M, Colwell JM, et al. Lifetime 105. Lascelles BDX, Court MH, Hardie EM, et al.
prediction of biodegradable polymers. Prog Polym Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in cats: a
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87. Agrawal CM, Athanasiou KA, Technique to control 106. DeWys WD, Begg C, Lavin PT. Prognostic effect
pH in vicinity of biodegrading PLA-PGA implants. of weight loss prior to chemotherapy in cancer
J Biomed Mater Res 1997;38(2):104–114. patients. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.
88. Shellekens H, Hennink WE, Brinks V. The immu- Am J Med 1980;69:491–497.
nogenicity of polyethylene glycol: facts and fiction. 107. Langer CJ, Hoffman JP, Ottery FD. Clinical sig-
Pharm Res 2013;30:1729–1734. nificance of weight loss in cancer patients: ratio-
89. Webster R, Didier E, Harris P, et al. PEGylated nale for the use of anabolic agents in the treatment
proteins: evaluation of their safety in the absence of of cancer-related cachexia. Nutrition 2001;17 (1
definitive metabolism studies. Drug Metab Dispos Suppl):S1–20.
2007;35:9–16. 108. Michel KE, Sorenmo K, Shofer FS. Evaluation of
90. Yamaoka T, Tabata Y, Ikada Y. Distribution and body condition and weight loss in dogs presented
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molecular weights after intravenous administration 2004;18:692–695.
to mice. J Pharm Sci 1994;83:601–606. 109. Mauldin GE. Nutritional management of the can-
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Pathol 2015;43:959–983. 4th ed. Saunders/Elsevier, St Louis, MO, 2007.
Pharmacologics (Drug Classes)
OPIOIDS cell body to nerve terminals. Inflammation
enhances the peripherally directed axonal
The analgesic effects of opium have been transport of opioid receptors, leading to an
known for over 5,000 years, but unfortunately, increase in their number (upregulation) at
abuse has limited the use of opioids. Society has peripheral nerve terminals. Further, preex-
attempted to find a balance between licit and isting, but possibly inactive, neuronal opi-
illicit use, therapeutic versus adverse effects, oid receptors may undergo changes in the
and medical needs with legal issues. Regardless inflammatory milieu (e.g., low pH), and
of the legal, administrative, and social obsta- become active. Ligands with a preference
cles, no other class of drugs has remained in for μ receptors are generally most potent,
use for the treatment of pain as long as opioids. but depending on the circumstances, all
three receptor types can be present and
functionally active in subcutaneous tissue,
OPIOID RECEPTORS viscera, or joints.
morphine, then discharging the patient only with a boxed warning, which is the strictest
when appropriate pain management can be
provided by oral medication, i.e., an NSAID
warning that can be issued for a drug.
The solution is applied to the skin at the 4
and/or an adjunct. base of the cat’s neck within 1 to 2 hours
before surgery, where it is rapidly absorbed
(within 30 minutes) into the layers of skin.
Application at this site is important for two
ZORBIUM reasons: (1) it negates oral ingestion and (2)
the dynamics of transdermal drug applica-
Ref: Freedom of Information Summary-
tions vary with the site of application. The
Original New Animal Drug Application.
area over the head is the least resisted exami-
NADA 141-547, Zorbium™ buprenorphine
nation area in cats. In a survey of veterinary
transdermal solution: cats (Elanco US Inc.)
examinations, cats resist examination in
Buprenorphine is classified as a partial mu rank order: the abdomen (30.6%), the tail
agonist, which means it doesn’t bind as (22.7%), the genital area (11.4%), the mouth
strongly to the receptor as full agonists (mor- (9.6%), the claws (7.4%), the ears (6.8%),
phine). It does have a high binding affinity for and over the head (4%). 26 The dose volume
various subclasses of opiate receptors, particu- is either 0.4 mL (8 mg) for cats weighing
larly mu, in the central nervous system (CNS). from 1.2 kg to 3 kg or 1 mL (20 mg) for cats
Buprenorphine slowly dissociates from the mu weighing >3 kg to 7.5 kg, which is a dose
receptor, resulting in prolonged analgesia. range of 2.7–6.7 mg/kg. Pain relief is pro-
There are limited opioid options to treat vided within 1–2 hours following adminis-
moderate-to-severe pain in conscious cats tration, and buprenorphine is continually
beyond the immediate postoperative period released into the cat’s body over a period of
because of inherent limitations of most opi- days. A single application provides pain relief
oids, to include poor oral bioavailability and to the cat for 4 days.
rapid elimination. 20 Buprenorphine admin- PK studies indicated that the rate of
istered by the oral transmucosal (OTM) elimination of TBS is faster than its rate of
route is approximately 30% bioavailable. 21 absorption from the skin (flip-flop kinetics),
It obviates the need for parenteral injections and the absorption determines the terminal
but requires frequent administrations for use half-life. The mean terminal half-life ranged
over extended periods. 22,23 between 78.3 and 91.2 hours.
To make available an approved, extended- During the days after clinical trial sur-
duration formulation of buprenorphine for the geries, the most common adverse reaction
control of postoperative pain in cats, a novel in ‘test subjects’ was increased body tem-
transdermal buprenorphine solution (TBS) perature. Additional findings observed in
has been developed. As a delivery method, cats administered the ‘test solution’ in safety
the transdermal route has several potential studies included dilated pupils; constipation;
strengths over oral and parenteral administra- and abnormal behavior such as hyperactiv-
tion. These include noninvasive dosing, avoid- ity, agitation, restlessness, and aggression.
ance of the gastrointestinal tract, and lack of A drying time study concluded that dose
first-pass metabolism.24 Freise et al.25 demon- volumes of 1.2 mL or less of the transdermal
strated that following a single topical appli- solution (without buprenorphine) applied to
cation of TBS, buprenorphine forms a depot the top of the cat’s neck at the base of the
in the skin, resulting in prolonged systemic skull dried completely within 30 minutes fol-
release with half-lives of 78.3–91.2 hours, lowing administration, while a human user
typical of flip-flop pharmacokinetics (PK). risk assessment concluded that following
The Food and Drug Administration complete drying of the solution (30 minutes),
(FDA) has previously approved an injectable there is no health risk to adults or chil-
buprenorphine for use in cats, as well as an dren associated with exposure to residual
NSAID (tablet and injection) for postopera- buprenorphine in the home environment.
tive pain in cats. The FDA has now (January TBS is supplied in single-use, unit-dose,
2022) approved the first TBS for the control and use-and-dispose applicator tubes. The
of postsurgical pain in cats. The solution is a success rate in TBS-treated cats was approxi-
DEA Schedule III opioid and was approved mately 80%. 27
132 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
tolerability profile of tapentadol shifting from pain ladder and has about one-tenth of the
MOR agonism (acute pain) to NRI activity
(chronic pain). The tolerability and therapeu-
potency of morphine. Tramadol differs from
other traditional opioid medications in that 4
tic safety of tapentadol in neuropathic pain it doesn’t just act as a μ-opioid agonist but
models, as well as in clinical settings, have also affects monoamines by modulating the
been analyzed showing a good gastrointesti- effects of neurotransmitters involved in the
nal tolerability profile and a moderate effect modulation of pain such as serotonin and
on hormone levels (in healthy volunteers and norepinephrine, which activate descending
in patients) and on cognitive performance. pain inhibitory pathways. Tramadol’s effects
Tramadol is an opioid analgesic widely used on serotonin and norepinephrine mimic the
in human medicine to treat moderate to severe effects of other SNRI antidepressants such as
pain. It is metabolized by cytochrome CYP2D6 duloxetine. Tramadol has also been shown
into two major metabolites: pharmacologi- to affect a number of other pain modula-
cally active metabolite O-desmethyltramadol tors within the CNS as well as non-neuronal
(M1) and inactive N-desmethyltramadol inflammatory markers and immune media-
(M2). O-Desmethyltramadol (O-DSMT) is an tors. Due to the broad spectrum of targets
opioid analgesic and the main active metabolite involved in pain and inflammation, it’s not
of tramadol in humans (but not the dog or cat). surprising that evidence has shown that tra-
(+)-O-Desmethyltramadol is the most impor- madol is effective for a number of pain types,
tant metabolite of tramadol produced in the including neuropathic pain; postoperative
liver after tramadol is consumed. This metab- pain; lower back pain; and pain associated
olite is considerably more potent as a μ-opioid with labor, OA, fibromyalgia, and cancer.
agonist than the parent agent. Tramadol Due to its SNRI activity, tramadol also has
exists as a racemic mixture consisting of anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antishiver-
two pharmacologically active enantiomers ing effects, which are all frequently found
that both contribute to its analgesic property as comorbidities with human pain. Similar
through different mechanisms and are also to other opioid medications, tramadol poses
themselves metabolized into active metabo- a risk for development of tolerance, depen-
lites: (+)-tramadol and its primary metabolite dence, and abuse. If used in higher doses or
(+)-O-desmethyl-tramadol (M1) are agonists with other opioids, there is a dose-related
of the μ-opioid receptor, while (+)-tramadol risk of overdose, respiratory depression, and
inhibits serotonin reuptake and (–)-trama- death. However, unlike other opioid medi-
dol inhibits norepinephrine reuptake. These cations, tramadol use also carries a risk of
pathways are complementary and synergistic, seizure and serotonin syndrome, particularly
improving tramadol’s ability to modulate the if used with other serotonergic medications.
perception of and response to pain. Among its Unlike tramadol, the activity of tapentadol
metabolites, (+)-O-desmethyl-tramadol – the relies exclusively on its parent drug since it
(+)-M1 metabolite – has approximately 700- has no identified analgesic active metabolite.
fold greater affinity than (+)-tramadol for the The parent drug has approximately a 50-fold
mu-opioid receptors.47 Thus, when the parent lower affinity in vitro for mu receptors than
drug is metabolized, the contribution of sero- the (+)-M1 metabolite of tramadol, but an
tonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibition equivalent mu-agonist analgesic effect based
decreases while the contribution of the mu- on in vivo data. This apparent inconsistency
agonist effect increases, resulting in a complex could be explained by the different diffusion
pattern of pharmacological activity dependent of these various active molecules in the CNS
on the rate and amount of active metabolites. or their ability to activate intracellular mecha-
Tramadol is a centrally acting synthetic nisms after binding to the receptors.
opioid analgesic and serotonin/norepinephrine Moreover, tapentadol has an activity simi-
reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that is structurally lar to (–)-tramadol on noradrenergic reuptake
related to codeine and morphine. Due to and is approximately five times less active
its good tolerability profile and multimodal than (+)-tramadol on serotonergic reuptake.47
mechanism of action, tramadol is occasion- In vivo animal and human data confirmed
ally considered a lower-risk opioid option for that the noradrenergic and serotonergic
the treatment of moderate to severe pain. It activities of tramadol contribute to its anal-
is considered a Step 2 option on the WHO’s gesic effect,41,42 unlike tapentadol, where the
136 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
noradrenergic activity is dominant over the • Spinal cord: act in the substantia gelatinosa
serotonergic activity. Overall, in vivo data to block C-fiber release and hyperpolarize
show that tapentadol is approximately twice dorsal horn nociceptive neurons.
as potent as tramadol. Among tramadol’s • Periphery: act to alter the excitability in ter-
metabolites, (+)-O-desmethyl-tramadol – the minals located in an inflammatory milieu;
(+)-M1 metabolite – has approximately 700- only block hyperalgesia.
fold greater affinity than (+)-tramadol for the • Central: raise nociceptive thresholds.
mu-opioid receptors.47 Thus, when the par-
ent drug is metabolized, the contribution of
serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibi-
tion decreases, while the contribution of the (SEE TABLE 4.4)
mu-agonist effect increases, resulting in a
complex pattern of pharmacological activity Meperidine (Pethidine, Demerol)
dependent on the rate and amount of active
metabolites. Ultimately, tapentadol is two to • Less sedation than morphine.
three times more potent than tramadol and • More likely to cause histamine release; intra-
two to three times less potent than morphine. venous administration can cause excitement
To summarize, tapentadol combines two in animals.
specific synergistic mechanisms of analgesic
action (mu-opioid receptor agonism and the TABLE 4.4 World Health Organization’s
inhibition of noradrenaline reuptake), whereas opioid classification
tramadol does not combine these two different
mechanisms of action in the same molecule. Strength Functional
Weak opioids Full agonists
• Codeine • Morphine
OPIOID OVERVIEW • Dihydrocodeine • Fentanyl
Opioids are relatively safe. Potential side • Dextropropoxyphene • Hydromorphone
effects include: • Tramadol • Codeine
• Sedation or CNS depression • Methadone
• Excitement or dysphoria
• Bradycardia Strong opioids • Tramadol
• Respiratory depression • Morphine • Meperidine
• Panting (pethidine)
• Laryngeal reflex depression • Methadone
• Histamine release (particularly with intra-
venous administration) • Fentanyl Partial agonists
• Vomiting and defecation (nausea) • Hydromorphone • Buprenorphine
• Constipation (longer-term use)
• Meperidine • Pentazocine
• Urinary retention (more common with epi- (pethidine)
dural administration)
• Hyperthermia (especially in cats with • Oxycodone • Butorphanol
hydromorphone) • Buprenorphine
• Agonist-antagonist. α2 AGONISTS
• Weak analgesic, with analgesic ceiling effect.
• Short duration of analgesia (~40 minutes The prototypical α 2-adrenergic agonist used
in the dog; approximately 90 minutes after in veterinary medicine has been xylazine.
intravenous dosing in cats). Since its introduction in 1962, xylazine
has been used, mostly in horses and rumi-
Buprenorphine nants, as a sedative-analgesic or anesthetic
adjuvant (it is not an anesthetic). The newer
• Agonist (strong for μ receptor)-antagonist (κ α 2-adrenergic agonist, medetomidine, has
receptor). gained acceptance in companion animal
• Slow onset (30–60 minutes), long acting practice. Medetomidine is an equal mixture
(8–12 hours). of two optical enantiomers, of which dextro-
• Affinity for μ receptor makes reversal more medetomidine is a potent α 2-agonist, while
difficult. levo-medetomidine is pharmacologically
• Most popular opioid used in small animal inactive. Medetomidine has a high affin-
practice in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, ity for the α 2 receptor, with an α 2 /α1 bind-
and South Africa. ing ratio of 1620, compared with ratios of
• Oral transmucosal administration highly 260, 220, and 160 for detomidine, clonidine,
effective in the cat. and xylazine, respectively.54 Currently, it
• Considered by some to be the best opioid is uncommon practice to administer large
investigated in the cat.49 doses of an α 2-agonist as a single agent, but
138 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
it is commonly accepted that low doses are kinase, and hence, the phosphorylation of
very useful when used as adjuncts in a bal- target regulatory proteins.57 In addition α2-
anced analgesic protocol. adrenoreceptor activation of G-protein-gated
Bulbospinal noradrenergic pathways can potassium channels results in membrane
regulate dorsal horn nociceptive processing hyperpolarization, causing a decrease in the
by the release of norepinephrine and the sub- firing rate of excitable cells in the CNS.58
sequent activation of α2-adrenergic receptors. Presynaptic α2-adrenoreceptors secrete
Epidural delivery of α2-agonists can produce norepinephrine, which binds with postsyn-
potent analgesia in humans and animals.55 aptic adrenoreceptors to stimulate target cell
Although the receptor is distinct, spinal response governing autonomic functions.
action of an α 2-agonist is mediated by a Medetomidine produces rapid sedation by
mechanism similar to that of spinal opioids: selectively binding to α2-adrenoreceptors in the
(1) α 2 binding is presynaptic on C fibers and neuron, inhibiting release of norepinephrine
postsynaptic on dorsal horn neurons, (2) α 2 necessary for neurotransmission (Figure 4.6).
receptors can depress the release of C-fiber Dense populations of α 2-adrenoreceptors
transmitters, and (3) β2-agonists can hyper- are concentrated in the mammalian spi-
polarize dorsal horn neurons through a Gi- nal cord dorsal horn, both presynaptically
coupled potassium channel (Figure 4.5). and postsynaptically, on non-noradrener-
α 2-Mediated analgesia (in neuropathic gic nociceptive neurons. On presynaptic
pain) involves spinal muscarinic and choliner- α 2-adrenoreceptors, when G 0 proteins are
gic receptor activation with nitric oxide (NO) activated, a decrease in calcium influx is
mechanisms, supporting that α2 receptors may mediated, leading to decreased release of
be primarily located on spinal cholinergic inter- neurotransmitters and/or neuropeptides,
neurons.56 Spinal α2 receptors, in conjunction including glutamate, vasoactive intestinal
with periaqueductal gray opioid receptors, peptide, CGRP, sP, and neurotensin. At
mediate the analgesic actions of NO. Sedative postsynaptic α 2-adrenoreceptors, Gi pro-
effects are presumed to be mediated at the tein–coupled potassium channels produce
level of the brainstem. It is generally accepted neuronal hyperpolarization that dampens
that effects of spinal α2-adrenoreceptor ago- ascending nociceptive transmission, thereby
nists are not naloxone reversible and show no producing postsynaptically mediated spinal
cross-tolerance to opioids. analgesia. The sedative-hypnotic effects are
One mechanism of α2-agonist action is apparently mediated by activation of supra-
the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. Decreased spinal α 2-adrenoreceptors located in the
availability of intracellular cAMP attenuates brainstem, where there is a relatively high
the stimulation of cAMP-dependent protein density of α 2-agonist binding sites.
Potential features of α2 agonists include • Decreased respiratory rate, but with pH,
the following (see Table 4.5): PaO2 , and PaCO2 maintained within nor-
mal limits.
• Sedation, muscle relaxation, and anxiolysis. • Both cats and dogs may vomit; cats (90%)
• Short-duration hypertension accompanied > dogs (20%).
by a compensatory baroreceptor-mediated
reflex bradycardia.
TABLE 4.5 The following data were taken from an educational demonstration in a live dog,
demonstrating the physiological responses to the α2-agonists (medetomidine), anticholinergic
(atropine), and reversal agent (atipamezole)
Heart Respiration
rate O2 sat rate
Parameters (Beats/ Mean BP Cardiac (%) Mucous PaO2 PaCO2 (Breaths/
[normal] min) (mmHg) output [95–100] membrane (mmHg) (mmHg) min)
[70–110] [60–100] (L/min) Color [Pink, [500–600] [40–55] [6–20]
[2.5–6] 1–3 s]
Baseline (1.1%
91 76 2.95 98 Pink, fast 575 52 20
(10 μg/kg; IM)
+ 5 min 49 96 1.33 93 Pale, slow 630 55 24
+ 15 min 50 90 1.36 95 Pinker, slow 563 54 18
(0.04 mg/kg, IV)
+ 3 min 77 125 1.45 100 Pink, faster 602 59 13
(50 μg/kg; IM)
+ 1 min 86 147 1.56 99 Pink, fast X X 15
+ 5 min 89 96 2.3 98 Pink, fast 597 54 12
Source: By Dr. W.J. Tranquilli and Dr. K.A. Grimm, University of Illinois (data comes from a demonstration given to Pfizer Animal
Health veterinarians).
Note: Numbers in parenthesis are dog normal. Pink refers to color of mucous membranes, while 1–3 refers to capillary refill time in
140 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Veterinarians routinely utilize sedatives in
• Act at α 2-adrenergic receptor. their daily practice to ensure the safety and
• Hyperpolarize by increased potassium comfort of their patients and the hospital
conductance; block transmitter release by staff. α 2 -Agonists sometimes carry a con-
blocking calcium conductance. cern for cardiac function while the patient
• Act in the brain to produce sedation and is sedated. A new veterinary drug for seda-
depress arousal. tion and pain relief in dogs is now available.
• In the spinal cord, produce analgesia and This new drug (April 2022), an α 2 -agonist
depress sympathetic outflow. (medetomidine) and vatinoxan combina-
• In the spinal cord, act in the substantia gela- tion (Zenalpha; Vetcare Oy and Dechra)
tinosa to block C-fiber release and hyper- is indicated for use as a sedative/analgesic
polarize dorsal horn nociceptive neurons, in dogs to facilitate clinical examinations,
producing analgesia. clinical procedures, and minor surgical
• Effects on neuropathic pain may reflect mild procedures. The combination of the α 2 -
sympatholytic action. agonist (medetomidine) and vatinoxan
provides a unique balance of central and
peripheral activity that minimizes cardio-
vascular adverse effects, while maintain-
α2-AGONISTS AT A GLANCE ing the sedative and analgesic properties of
medetomidine. 60
• Not first-line analgesic agents, but excellent
analgesic adjuncts.
• At low doses, both sedation and analgesia
are dose dependent. MEMBRANE STABILIZERS
• Ceiling effect at higher dosages.
• Co-administration with anticholinergics is Neuropathic pain is often a result of many
controversial. underlying mechanisms, yet there may be a
• Inclusion in a premedication protocol mark- dominant mechanism that, when treated,
edly reduces the required dose of induction reduces pain to a tolerable level. For exam-
and maintenance anesthetic agents. ple, if it can be demonstrated that ecto-
• Up to 20% of dogs and 90% of cats will pic impulse generators, due to abnormal
vomit after administration. sodium channel activity, located in injured
• Increased urine output is reported in both or abnormally functioning primary affer-
dogs and cats. ent fibers, are generating increased traffic
• Transient hypoinsulinemia and hyperglyce- entering CNS pathways, treatment with
mia are reported in dogs. a sodium channel–blocking agent that
• α 2 -Agonists are sedative-analgesics, not reduces ectopic firing may dramatically
anesthetics. Therefore, under their influ- reduce pain. Mechanism-based pain man-
ence, the animal is still arousable and agement is an area of intense research. 61
may still bite in response to a noxious This includes reducing transmitter release
stimulus. in pronociceptive neurons by opioids or α 2δ
• Reflex bradycardia and bradyarrhythmias calcium channel–binding drugs, by inhibit-
are common. Heart rates may decrease by ing postsynaptic excitatory receptors such
50%. 59 as the NMDA or AMPA-kainate recep-
• Blood pressure may fall by one-quarter tors, by potentiating inhibitory transmitters
to one-third, and cardiac output may through reduced transmitter uptake or by
Chapter 4 Pharmacologics (Drug Classes) 141
A longer-acting local anesthetic is now avail-
able for use in dogs. Bupivacaine liposome
injectable suspension is a sterile, nonpyro-
genic, white to off-white, preservative-free,
aqueous suspension of multivesicular lipid-
based particles containing bupivacaine.
Each milliliter of agent contains 13.3 mg
of bupivacaine. It is a local anesthetic in an FIGURE 4.8 This artificially constructed, spheri-
encapsulated liposomal formulation, devel- cal vesicle possesses a selectively permeable
oped with the goal of providing a longer wall that closely resembles the membrane of
duration of anesthesia compared with its a living cell. The membrane consists of a dual
non-liposomal counterpart, bupivacaine layer of phospholipids. Each phospholipid con-
hydrochloride. sists of a phosphate group head (blue) and a
A dose of 5.3 mg/kg (0.4 mL/kg) is fatty acid tail (orange). Liposomes can be used
administered by infiltration injection into the to carry drugs or genes to target cells. This is
particularly useful for highly toxic cancer drugs,
tissue layers at the time of incisional closure.
as it reduces unpleasant side effects. The multi-
A single dose administered during surgical colored spheres are depicting drug substances
closure may provide up to 72 hours of pain delivered through the liposome. (Adapted from
control for cranial cruciate ligament surgery J Pain Research. 8 June 2016,
in dogs. JPR.s89061.)
144 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
of norepinephrine and serotonin, but these as those identified on sprouts from diseased
drugs also act as NMDA receptor antago-
nists and apparently block ion channels.
peripheral nerves.95 Antihistamines have
been shown to relieve pain, and TCAs may 4
play a role in analgesia through their anti-
histaminergic action. TCAs may actually
TCA MODE OF ACTION stabilize both diseased peripheral nerves and
hyperexcitable neurons of the CNS by block-
TCAs are characterized by their multiple ing sodium channels.96 Only a few studies
modes of action, with a particular ability to have shown calcium channel blockade with
inhibit reuptake of monoamines (serotonin tricyclics. Selective serotonin reuptake inhib-
and norepinephrine) from presynaptic termi- itors (SSRIs), lacking norepinephrine reup-
nals. Additionally, TCAs block several recep- take, having weaker ion channel blocking
tors (cholinergic, adrenergic, histaminergic) effects, and having no postsynaptic effects,
and ion channels, including sodium chan- are rendered less effective than the TCAs.
nels. The mechanism of TCA action might TCAs express many modes of action
best be identified as five drugs in one: sero- that could contribute to pain relief, and
tonin reuptake inhibitors, norepinephrine because of their multimodal mechanisms of
reuptake inhibitors, anticholinergic-antimus- action, their efficacy may be greater than
carinic drugs, α1-adrenergic antagonists, and other agents that demonstrate a more selec-
antihistamines. Norepinephrine is an inhibi- tive pharmacological effect. The number
tory transmitter that activates descending needed to treat (NNT) for TCAs is quite
inhibitory pathways and has been associated similar across different human neuropathic
with hyperalgesia in patients. pain conditions, with values of two to
Serotonin can activate the primary affer- three, meaning that every second or third
ent nerve fibers via 5-HT3 receptors. In patient with neuropathic pain treated with
addition, serotonin can cause mechanical a TCA will experience more than 50% pain
hyperalgesia, most likely by effects on the relief.97 Genetic polymorphism of different
5-HT1A receptor subtype. Opioids can be drug metabolizing enzymes likely explains
displaced from their binding sites with ini- the pharmacokinetic variability of these
tial administration of antidepressants. With drugs.
chronic administration, antidepressants TCAs were the first evidence-based neu-
can lead to modifications in opioid receptor ropathic pain treatments to be studied, and it
densities leading to increased endogenous is now understood that pain relief and relief
opioid levels. Additionally, antidepressant of depression are independent effects.98,99
medications can bind to the NMDA recep- Amitriptyline is best known as an inhibi-
tor complex, which reduces intracellular tor of catecholamine reuptake, although it
calcium accumulations acutely. Longer-term is also a strong local anesthetic as well,100
administration alters the receptor binding and is likely to relieve neuropathic pain by
of NMDA. Additionally, antidepressants suppressing ectopic discharge. The newer
can inhibit potassium, calcium, and sodium non-TCAs, such as SSRIs, antidepressants
channel activity. that alter both serotonergic and noradrener-
Opioid activity of TCAs may have the gic neurotransmission, and norepinephrine-
same effect as inhibition of norepinephrine selective antidepressants, have preferential
and serotonin reuptake – enhancing activity use in human medicine because of better
of neurons in the network comprising dif- tolerability; however, their efficacy for neu-
fuse noxious inhibitory controls, although ropathic pain relief is not yet as convincing
TCAs have low affinity for the μ opioid (Table 4.8).
receptor.93 Therefore, their opioid effect is TCAs (amitriptyline, imipramine):
likely minimal. Tricyclic-NMDA activity is
likely analgesic via its inhibition of neuronal • Block the reuptake of serotonin and norepi-
hyperexcitability.94 nephrine in the CNS. They also have anti-
α-Adrenergic receptor blockade in histamine effects.
peripheral neuropathy may be relieving pain • Are used for the treatment of chronic and
generated or maintained by noradrenergic neuropathic pain in humans at lower doses
stimulation of highly sensitive receptors such than required for depression.
146 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Imipramine + + + + + + +
Clomipramine + + + + + + +
Amitriptyline + + + + + + +
Desipramine − + + + + + +
Nortriptyline − + + + + + +
Paroxetine + − − − + ? −
Citalopram + − − − − ? −
Fluoxetine + − − − − + −
Venlafaxine + + − − − ? −
Mianserin − + + + − + −
FIGURE 4.10 Serotonergic synapse and movement of 5-HT from synthesis, storage, release, and uptake
via SERT and metabolism.
148 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Even before peripheral and central sensiti-
zation had been defined in detail, the first
controlled clinical trials in humans with the
anticonvulsant carbamazepine established
its efficacy in relieving the pain of trigemi-
nal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Only
carbamazepine, phenytoin, gabapentin, and
lamotrigine have been studied in random-
ized human clinical trials for relief of pain in
neuropathic pain disorders. Currently, only
carbamazepine and gabapentin have proved
effective in humans. FIGURE 4.11 Gabapentin [1-(aminomethyl) cyclo-
Carbamazepine blocks ionic conductance hexane acetic acid] was developed as a GABA
by suppressing spontaneous Aδ and C-fiber analog, but does not interact with the GABA
activity without affecting normal nerve receptor. It has anticonvulsant activity.
Chapter 4 Pharmacologics (Drug Classes) 149
FIGURE 4.13 It is important to note that NMDA activation facilitates the nociceptive process to a state
of windup. Therefore, NMDA antagonists, such as gabapentin and ketamine, act as analgesic adjuncts
that address this facilitation, while etiology of the ‘baseline’ pain must be addressed with other agents.
(AMPA: alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, CGRP: calcitonin gene–related
peptide, GLU: glutamate, NK-1: neurokinin 1, sP: substance P.)
Level II Evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomized clinical trial
Source: Adapted from National Health and Medical Research Council. How to use the evidence: assessment and application of
scientific evidence. Ausinfo, Canberra, Australia, 2000, p. 8.
154 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Opioid analgesics have provided the most
consistent and effective analgesia for many
years and are still the best drugs available for
both acute and severe pain control in small
animals. It is frequently said that one cannot
implement ‘serious’ pain management with-
out the availability of opioids. Opioids are
the cornerstone of perioperative pain man-
agement, where they are commonly supple-
mented with other classes of drugs such as
α 2-agonists, NSAIDs, and local anesthet-
ics. The actual agents administered within
these classes of drugs are patient-dependent FIGURE 4.15 A multimodal drug scheme would be
and include selection criteria of the patient’s a logical approach to managing progressive neu-
ropathic pain. Logic resides in each drug’s inde-
physiological status, pain syndrome treated,
pendent efficacy and each drug’s different mode
concurrent drug administration, delivery form, of action/site of action.
duration of effect, potential for side effects,
drug familiarity of the prescriber, and cost.
Whereas opioids are the cornerstone for
approach to managing the progressive pain
‘severe’ and perioperative pain, NSAIDs are
state, wherein pain management utilizes a
the cornerstone for ‘lesser’ pain states treated
multimodal scheme, where drug classes are
longer-term. This is because of the NSAID
added rather than substituted. The doses are
characteristics as anti-inflammatories, anal-
empirical, and one could debate the order
gesics, and antipyretics. Further, adminis-
of implementation from bottom to top. The
tration is easier and side effects of NSAIDs
merit of this approach is the addition of
are fewer than with extended-use opioids.
agents from different drug classes, attempt-
Accordingly, the WHO suggests the manage-
ing to block as many of the ‘pain pathways’
ment of pain by the analgesic ladder.95
(transduction, transmission, modulation,
As veterinary medicine becomes more
and perception) as possible.
sophisticated in delivering pain therapy, drug
There exist a plethora of potential sites
profiles from human medicine are being con-
of analgesic action that may be exploited
sidered (and often implemented) for veteri-
with the development of agents directed
nary application. Consequently, a number of
toward both peripheral and spinal targets.
drugs administered in human medicine are
See Tables 4.10 and 4.11.
being used in veterinary medicine based on
an anthropomorphic approach and empirical
or anecdotal support. However, considering
that veterinary clinical trials with many of RADIOTHERAPEUTICS
these drugs (such as tramadol, amantadine,
and gabapentin) are currently nonexistent, Radiosynoviorthesis
the use of such drugs may have its place in
veterinary medicine, provided that (1) the
drug’s mode of action is understood, (2) the John M. Donecker, DVM, MS; Nigel R.
PK have been studied in the target species, Stevenson, BSc, PhD; Steven M. Fox MS,
and (3) physiology as well as pathophysiol- DVM, MBA, PhD; and Rob Menardi, DVM
ogy between man and the veterinary target
species are similar. Synovial inflammation is strongly impli-
Neuropathic pain can be thought of as cated in the pathogenesis of OA and other
the ‘maladaptive pain state’, potentially arthropathies. Synovitis is a common feature
resultant from any significant noxious insult. of symptomatic but preradiographic OA.
And it is much easier to identify in man than This indicates that chronic, early-stage joint
in nonverbal animals. Although not evi- inflammation occurs well before significant
dence-based, Figure 4.15 suggests a logical radiographic changes and drives progression
Chapter 4 Pharmacologics (Drug Classes) 155
TABLE 4.10 Various drug classes, mechanisms of action, and effective applications
Drug class Mechanism Acute Tissue injury Nerve injury 4
Opioid (morphine) Opioid receptors on high-threshold X X X
C fibers
NMDA antagonist Blocks glutamate-spinal facilitation O X X
NSAID Inhibits PG synthesis at injury site O X O
and spinal cord
IV lidocaine Blocks sodium channels O O X
Anticonvulsant Reduces spontaneously active O O X
(gabapentin) neurons
TCA (amitriptyline) Increases catecholamine levels O O X
TABLE 4.11 Summary of peripheral pain mechanisms and potential targets for new analgesics
Peripheral mechanism Peripheral target Type of drug
Nociceptor activation Sodium channels TTX-s channel blocker
Ectopic activity (neuroma, DRG) TTX-r channel blocker
Nociceptor sensitization Calcium channels N-channel blocker
L-channel blocker
Acid-sensitive ion channel Channel blocker
P 2 X 3 receptor Receptor antagonist
VR1 receptor Receptor agonist or antagonist
Opioid receptors μ, δ, and κ receptor agonists
Cannabinoid receptors CBI and CB2 agonists
Nicotinic receptors Receptor agonist
Adrenergic receptors α2-agonist
Prostanoid receptors EP antagonist
Prostanoid production COX I/II inhibitors
Serotonin receptors 5-HT1D agonist
5-HT2 antagonist
Kinin receptors B1 antagonist
B2 antagonists
Glutamate receptors NMDA antagonists
Nerve Growth Factor Trk A receptor antagonist
Cytokines IL-1β receptor antagonist
Interleukin-converting enzyme inhibitor
Protein kinase TNF-α receptor antagonist
Kinase isotype inhibitor
Abbreviations: TTX-r: tetrodotoxin-resistant ion channel, TTX-s: tetrodotoxin-sensitive ion channel, VR: vanilloid receptor.
156 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Radiosynoviorthesis in
Veterinary Medicine
Radiotherapy has had various applications in
companion animal medicine. For example,
the beta-emitter iodine-131 (131I) has been
used systemically to treat feline hyperthy-
roidism since the 1990s and is considered
the treatment of choice for that condition.166
Recognition is noted that each radionuclide
is unique, i.e., 117mTin differs in many ways
from 131I. (See Table 4.13.)
FIGURE 4.17 Scintigraphy of a homogeneous Palliative and curative radiation therapy
117mTin colloid (HTC)–injected canine elbow
is now commonly used at veterinary oncol-
shows high dose retention of the homogeneous ogy referral centers,167 and radionuclides
colloid with minimal uptake in the draining lymph
are also used for bone scanning in animals.
node 3 days after administration. Retention at
this time point was measured at >99% in synovial Not surprisingly, successful RSO in human
tissue, indicating a continuous therapeutic effect patients has created interest in using this
consistent with the 14-day half-life of 117mTin. method in companion animals and horses
(Image courtesy of Jimmy Lattimer, DVM.) as a treatment for synovitis. Experimental
RSO in horses has been attempted at univer-
sity centers both in Europe and the United
diagnostic procedures, including evaluation States.160,168,169 Investigators in those studies
of bone structure and function. used the beta-emitting radionuclides hol-
Due to its unique therapeutic and diagnostic mium-166 (166 Ho) or samarium-153 (153Sm).
(theranostic) properties as a conversion elec- However, high-energy emissions from either
tron and gamma emitter with an optimal t½, radionuclide resulted in some transient,
117mTin has attracted interest as a radiophar- periarticular soft tissue injury and minor
maceutical and also now as a medical device extra-articular joint leakage.160,168,169 In a
in the colloid form. Favorable results were small Australian study, 90Y was adminis-
reported in phase I and II clinical trials, where tered concurrently with methylprednisolone
117mTin was used to treat metastatic bone pain acetate to four horses with severe chronic
ping using standard radiological safety and lar injection, and necessarily requires that the
packaging practices. canine patient be sedated for the procedure.
There are several options for sedation avail-
Because non-beta-emitting HTC satis- able to the veterinary practitioner. The ideal
fies all of these criteria, it is considered to sedation protocol will provide appropriate
be uniquely suited for RSO treatment.162 depth of sedation and allow rapid recovery
Further evaluation in canine, feline, and for an outpatient procedure. Care should
equine models is expected to affirm its suit- be taken to dose appropriately to achieve a
ability for synovitis treatment combined deep plane of sedation, without which users
with diagnostic confirmation of therapeutic have observed a pain response upon inject-
response. ing 117mTin and possibly an increase in the
incidence of postinjection discomfort for
Field Experience with 117mTin 2–3 days. A popular sedation choice is an
α 2-adrenoreceptor agonist (medetomidine
in Veterinary Medicine or dexmedetomidine) in combination with
RSO is experiencing rapid growth as part of an opioid. A recently introduced combina-
a multimodal approach to the management tion of medetomidine and vatinoxan, an
of pain and OA in veterinary medicine. A α 2-adrenoreceptor antagonist (Zenalpha®,
commercial formulation of colloidal 117mTin Dechra Limited), may prove to be useful
is currently available as a veterinary medical due to its sedative and analgesic proper-
device and is marketed in the United States ties along with an agent to counteract the
under the brand name Synovetin OA®. At profound cardiopulmonary effects of the
the time of this writing, it has been adminis- α-adrenoreceptor agonist. Although not
tered as an outpatient procedure to over 700 approved for this use, alfaxolone can achieve
dogs across 60 veterinary treatment centers. short-term deep sedation. Some practitioners
Over a year of field experience has resulted in choose to induce general anesthesia with pro-
numerous learnings. pofol or alfaxolone for the 117mTin injection.
Many practitioners are finding RSO to
be a useful adjunctive therapy when incor-
porated into a multimodal approach to pain Safety for Dog Owners
management. It can be used in conjunction Regulations governing allowable radia-
with a wide variety of pharmacologic and tion exposure in the United States dictate a
therapeutic modalities without complication. maximum allowable dose to a member of the
It often allows for reduction or elimination public from a treated animal of 100 mrem
of systemic anti-inflammatory drugs, reduc- in a year.168 A study designed to quantify
ing the opportunity for systemic adverse the dose to pet owners after treatment with
events. The fact that the 117mTin colloid is 117mTin has demonstrated a margin of safety
compartmentalized within the joint ensures relative to the allowable dose.169 Pet own-
that it is unlikely, itself, to contribute to sys- ers were provided with personal dosimeters
temic adverse events. when their dogs were released to the home
The degree and durability of positive following treatment. They were instructed to
response appear to be inversely related to the wear the dosimeters in their homes and while
severity of existing radiographic OA at the interacting with their dog. After a period of
162 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
up to 30 days, the dosimeters were returned Despite their widespread use and obvious
to the investigators for analysis. The results benefit in many cases, NSAIDs are not always
demonstrated that the average dose to the sufficiently effective when used as monother-
owners was less than 10% of the annual apy.180 Additionally, there are safety and tol-
public dose limit, with the maximum as 25% erability concerns with their use in both dogs
of the limit. This clinical data validates the and cats.142,181–183 Furthermore, evidence for
safety of canine radiosynoviorthesis for dog efficacy of so-called ‘adjunctive analgesics’
owners. is extremely limited.142,184 OA-associated
pain is one of the most common reasons for
euthanasia in dogs.185,186
NERVE GROWTH FACTOR With advances in biotechnology, spe-
cific immunomodulatory therapies called
AND OSTEOARTHRITIS: ‘biological agents’ have been introduced for
the treatment of joint diseases, specifically,
AN OVERVIEW163 immune-mediated joint diseases.
Chronic (maladaptive) pain is a disease unto MECHANISM-BASED
itself, a state in which the protective role of
pain transmission becomes deranged and path- THERAPY
ological. Despite their limited effectiveness for
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are pro-
many chronic pain conditions and consider-
duced from single B-lymphocyte clones in
able side effect profile, opioids and NSAIDs
mice or through recombinant engineering.
continue to dominate clinical practice. It is
They are monovalent antibodies that spe-
largely believed that mechanism-based treat-
cifically bind to target molecules, including
ments, rather than disease- or diagnosis-based
cytokines, receptors, or actual cells.187 This
treatments, hold the key to the development
binding results in blocking activity of the
of new successful therapies. Shortcomings in
target. Antibody engineering technology
the pharmacologic management of pain are
has been developed to reduce immunogenic-
thought to be attributed to a failure to target
ity of respective mAbs.188 Included within
underlying mechanisms of chronic pain.
consideration of immunogenicity are route
OA is a slowly progressive DJD characterized of administration (IV vs. SQ), treatment
by whole-joint structural changes, includ- paradigm (continuous vs. intermittent), and
ing articular cartilage, synovium, subchon- concurrent immunosuppressive therapy. ln
dral bone, and periarticular components, clinical practice, these factors have proven to
which can lead to pain and loss of joint be relevant considerations in the therapeutic
function.171–175 use of mAbs.189,190
OA is a condition associated with clinical There are multiple mechanisms by which
signs in a large percentage of the population, mAbs produce their effect. These include
with an estimated minimum of 20%–30% of blockade of ligand-receptor interaction or sig-
dogs affected clinically and up to 40% of all naling pathways and altering cell populations
cats being affected clinically (90% of all cats (by engaging effector functions, including the
over 12 years of age). The disease is currently complement-dependent cytotoxicity, antibody-
incurable with negative consequences related dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and antibody
to pain, mobility impairment, and decreased dependent phagocytosis or apoptosis).191
quality of life, not to mention the grieving The activation and sensitization of
empathy of pet parents.174,176–178 peripheral nociceptors by inflammatory and
The pathological progression of OA, with hyperalgesic mediators such as cytokines are
joint capsule thickening and fibrosis, contribute recognized as one of the main peripheral
to the altered range of motion that compounds mechanisms responsible for joint pain.192
the musculoskeletal changes. Additionally, the Nerve growth factor (NGF) is one of the cyto-
ongoing nociceptive input into the CNS results kines that has received significant attention as
in somatosensory system changes and central a key regulator involved in both inflammatory
sensitization (windup).142,179 and neuropathic pain.193,194
Chapter 4 Pharmacologics (Drug Classes) 163
Nerve growth factor (NGF) was the first receptor kinase or tyrosine receptor kinase.)
growth factor to be identified (in the 1950s).
In adults, the main role of NGF in the periph-
Trk receptors are a family of tyrosine kinases
that regulate synaptic strength and plastic- 4
ery shifts from trophic support (development) ity in the mammalian nervous system. Trk
of sensory and sympathetic neurons to modu- receptors affect neuronal survival and differ-
lation of nociceptive neuronal activity.195 entiation through several signaling cascades.
A noxious stimulus is any stimulus (e.g., When NGF binds to TrkA expressed on
chemical, thermal, or mechanical) that either the peripheral terminals of sensory nerve
damages or threatens to cause damage to fibers, the NGF/TrkA complex is internal-
normal tissue. NGF is produced and released ized. The NGF/TrkA complex is transported
by peripheral tissues following noxious stim- in a retrograde fashion to the cell body of
uli secondary to the production of inflam- sensory neurons, located in the DRG. This,
matory cytokines, such as IL-1 and tumor then, modulates and/or increases the expres-
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). NGF binds to sion of a variety of cell surface receptors
trkA receptors on multiple targets, with mul- and ion channels involved in nociception,
tiple modulating effects on pain signaling including the transient receptor potential
(Figure 4.19). (The abbreviation trk, often vanilloid 1 (TRPV-1), acid-sensing ion chan-
pronounced ‘track’, stands for tropomyosin nels (ASICs), bradykinin receptors, VGSCs,
FIGURE 4.19 When NGF binds to TrkA expressed on the peripheral terminals of sensory nerve fibers,
the NGF/TrkA complex is internalized. The NGF/TrkA complex is retrogradely transported to the cell
body of sensory neurons, located in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). This modulates and/or increases the
expression of a variety of cell surface receptors and ion channels involved in nociception, including the
transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV-1), acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), bradykinin recep-
tors, voltage-gated sodium channels, voltage-gated calcium channels, and mechano-transducers. This
results in an increased excitability of primary afferent fibers (peripheral sensitization) through phenotypic
alterations. NGF/TrkA signaling also leads to transcriptional changes that result in the increased expres-
sion of pronociceptive neurotransmitters such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Thus, NGF
induces functional, as well as phenotypic, alterations in the primary afferent fiber. In the periphery, NGF
also binds to TrkA located on mast cells and other immune cells and elicits the release of inflammatory
mediators such as histamine, serotonin, and NGF itself. Thus, NGF can trigger peripheral sensitization
and sensitizes adjacent inflammatory mediators. (From Vet Record [2018] doi: 10.1136/vr.104590 [Open
Access, no permission required].)
164 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 4.20 Schematic diagram of the NGF mechanisms involved in the initiation and maintenance of
pain. (5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine, ASIC3: acid-sensing ion channel 3, BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic
factor, BR2: bradykinin receptor 2, Cav: voltage-gated calcium channel, CGRP: calcitonin gene-related
peptide receptor, DRG: dorsal root ganglia, IL-1: interleukin I, K: delayed rectifier potassium chan-
nel, Nav: voltage-gated sodium channel, NGF: nerve growth factor, NK-1: neurokinin-I receptor, p75:
neutrophin receptor, SP: substance P, TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor alpha, trkA: tropomyosin receptor
kinase A, trkB: tropomyosin receptor B, TRVI: transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V
member 1 receptor.) (Drawing courtesy of Caitlin Hottinger; From J Pain Research. 8 June 2016, doi.
org/10.2147/JPR.s89061 [Open Access, no permission required].)
Chapter 4 Pharmacologics (Drug Classes) 165
All clinical studies have reported sig- contrast, the role played by NGF in the
nificant dose-dependent hyperalgesia at the
site of NGF injection. NGF administration
pathophysiology of neuropathic pain is
less clear. In spite of its high cost, relatively 4
has also shown the ability to induce nerve short-term follow-up periods in currently
sprouting of trkA-positive nociceptive as published trials, uncertain adverse effect
well as sympathetic nerve fibers, while NGF profile, and high cost, anti-NGF therapy
blockage by systemic injection of neutral- may find a role as a short-term treatment in
izing antibodies in models of neuropathic properly screened patients with refractory
pain appears to prevent allodynia and pain conditions.
hyperalgesia. Limitations in the knowledge of anti-
These NGF data are preliminary and NGF therapy remain elusive:
non-evidence-based; therefore, frequently
unavailable and/or speculative. Several • Currently, the longest follow-up time after
approaches have been developed to target anti-NGF mAb therapy in dogs and cats
the NGF pathway (Table 4.14) and its effect is 3 months. The mean trial duration for
on pain initiation and maintenance. The humans is 199 days.
majority of these efforts have centered on • The safety of concomitant use of NSAIDs
the NGF-trkA pathway and focus on three with anti-NGF mAb therapy has not been
methodological approaches: elucidated, nor have NSAID withdrawal
times prior to anti-NGF mAbs treatment.
• Sequestration of free NGF • Rapidly progressive OA and osteonecrosis
• Prevention of NGF binding and activation resulted in a 2010 moratorium on human
of trkA trials. Rapidly progressive OA is not a rec-
• Inhibition of trkA function ognized or described phenomenon in dogs
or cats. The risk of developing rapidly pro-
In nociceptive and inflammatory pain, gressive OA appeared to be significantly
NGF activity and its interaction with trkA greater when tanezumab was used in con-
have been well characterized as important junction with NSAIDs compared to tan-
mediators of pain initiation and mainte- ezumab monotherapy.
nance. In preclinical models of inflamma- • The efficacy of single injection NGF mAb
tory and visceral pain, NGF sequestration treatment appears to last at least 4–6 weeks,
and inhibition of trkA signaling have dem- with a magnitude of effect approximately
onstrated a consistent analgesic effect. In the same as with an NSAID.
TABLE 4.14 Mechanisms of action proposed for agents targeting the NGF pathway
Compound Mechanism of action Summary of evidence
MNAC13 • Monoclonal anti-trkA antibody • Analgesia in mouse models of inflammatory
and neuropathic pain
• Possible synergistic effect with opioids
• Mouse antibody with no equivalent humanized
ALE0540 • NGF inhibitor, prevents • Reduces pain behavior in animal models of
• NGF binding to both trkA and p75 neuropathic pain
• Deemed unsuitable for clinical trial due to lack
of specificity
K252a • Protein kinase inhibitor, inhibits • Reverses mechanical hypersensitivity in model
trkA, trkB, and trkC of acute necrotizing pancreatitis
• Deemed unsuitable for clinical trial due to lack
of specificity
Abbreviations: NGF: nerve growth factor, p75: neurotrophin receptor, trkA: tropomyosin receptor kinase A, trkB: tropomyosin receptor
kinase B, trkC: tropomyosin receptor kinase C.
166 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
TABLE 4.15 Growth in management of pain
Type of pain 2008 value Growth
Osteoarthritis $103,119,966 5.0%
Postoperative use $55,881,752 11.0%
Nonsurgical soft $25,461,610 23.2%
tissue trauma
Nonsurgical bone $15,123,896 31.2%
Nonarthritic $14,584,676 5.2%
FIGURE 4.21 Market by product class in 2008. Cancer pain $8,422,485 21.8%
Total sales $207.8 million.
All other types $8,826,407 28.6%
FIGURE 4.23 Pain product sales trend 2004–2009p. (p: prediction in early 2009.)
168 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
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review. Vet Anaesth Analg 2007;34:228–250. 197. Michael GJ, Kaya E, Averill S, et al. TrkA immu-
181. Rychel JK. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthri- noreactive neurones in the rat spinal cord. J Comp
tis. Top Companion Anim Med 2010;25:20–25. Neurol 1997;385:441–455.
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
INTRODUCTION NSAIDs manifest their mode of action in the
arachidonic acid (AA) cascade (Figure 5.1).
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs AA is a ubiquitous substrate derived from
(NSAIDs) are the fastest-growing class of drugs the continual degradation of cell membranes.
in both human and veterinary medicine. This Corticosteroids express their activity in the
reflects their broad use as anti-inflammatories, early stages of this course. AA is thereafter
analgesics, and antipyretics. As with antibiot- metabolized to various eicosanoids via the
ics, NSAIDs can be considered to have been cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway to prosta-
introduced in successive generations to date: glandins (PGs) or via the lipoxygenase (LOX)
pathway to leukotriene (LTs). Under the influ-
• First-generation, i.e., aspirin, phenylbuta- ence of local tissues, these end-product pros-
zone, meclofenamic acid tanoids can be proinflammatory and enhance
• Second-generation, i.e., carprofen, etodolac, disease processes and pain (Table 5.1).
meloxicam It is important to note that the function of
• Third-generation, i.e., tepoxalin, deracoxib, many prostanoids is tissue-dependent, e.g.,
firocoxib, mavacoxib, robenacoxib PGs may contribute to pain and inflamma-
tion in the arthritic joint, while they enhance
However, unlike the logic of ‘saving the normal homeostatic functions of vascular-
big-gun antibiotic’ for last, so as to avoid ization, as well as bicarbonate and mucous
microbial suprainfections, logic would dic- secretion, in the gastrointestinal tract.
tate using the optimal NSAID at the earliest At one time it was believed that block-
opportunity, so as to avoid the physiological ing the COX pathway led to a buildup of
complication of windup. the substrate AA, which would then lead to
Currently, several NSAIDs (aspirin, carpro- increased production of LTs.
fen, cinchophen, deracoxib, etodolac, firocoxib, This has been refuted by some,1 while sup-
flunixin, ketoprofen, mavacoxib, meloxicam, ported by others.2 Because corticosteroids
phenylbutazone, robenacoxib, tepoxalin, tolf- have their mode of action at a location higher
enamic acid, and vedaprofen) have approval in the arachidonic cascade than do NSAIDs,
for the control of canine perioperative and/ it is redundant to use them concurrently, and
or chronic pain in various countries. NSAIDs doing so markedly increases the severity of
approved for feline use are far more limited adverse reactions.3–5 Data from humans shows
(meloxicam, tolfenamic acid, ketoprofen, that the risk of NSAID-induced gastrointesti-
robenacoxib, carprofen, and aspirin in various nal complications is doubled when an NSAID
countries for short-term administration). is used concurrently with a corticosteroid.6
FIGURE 5.1 The AA pathway generates a variety of eicosanoids that influence various physiological
FIGURE 5.5 Overview of COX-1 and COX-2 nomenclature and clinical relevance.
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 177
FIGURE 5.6 In humans, the two COX isoforms differ by a single amino acid; however, this single differ-
ence influences COX-2 inhibitor selectivity.
NUCLEAR FACTOR κB The comparative safety of different NSAIDs
in dogs is difficult to determine. Such a query
The most commonly accepted theory account- compares the incidence of problems with one
ing for the inhibitory effects of NSAIDs on NSAID to that of a second NSAID. Incidence
the inflammatory response suggests inhibi- would then be a ratio consisting of the num-
tion of COX, thus preventing PG synthesis. ber of dogs with problems (numerator) over
Yet, some suggest that additional mechanisms the number of dogs treated with that drug at
are involved in the actions of these agents. a given point in time (denominator). Not all
Several studies have demonstrated unequivo- adverse drug events are reported, and not all
cally that NSAIDs such as sulindac, ibupro- reported events are directly causal; therefore
fen, and flurbiprofen cause anti-inflammatory the numerator is unknown. The denominator
and antiproliferative effects independently is also unknown, because it is impossible to
of COX activity and PG inhibition, and can determine the number of dogs on a drug at any
inhibit nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) activation given time. For these reasons, accurate com-
by decreasing serine/threonine κ beta (IKκβ) parative data is unobtainable. Accordingly,
kinase activity (IKK plays a role in the trans- most NSAID manufacturers can state with
location of NF-κB from the cytoplasm to the credibility, ‘no NSAID has been proved safer
nucleus).18 In 1994 Kopp and Ghosh reported than (fill in the blank)’. Nevertheless, all
that aspirin and salicylates block NF-κB.19 ADEs should be reported to the appropriate
NF-κB is a transcription factor that plays authority and drug manufacturer so that gen-
a critical role in the coordination of both eral trends can be tracked and documented.
innate and adaptive immune responses in sep- ADE reports at the U.S. Food and Drug
sis by regulating the gene expression of many Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary
cellular mediators.20 Activation allows NF-κB Medicine provide some insights as to why
to translocate into the nucleus, where it regu- ADEs from NSAID use might be so high 23:
lates the expression of hundreds of genes that
are important in immune and inflammatory • Twenty-three percent of pet owners state
responses (Figure 5.8). Additionally, NF-κB that veterinarians never discuss adverse
stimulates the expression of enzymes whose effects of the medication.
180 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
identified as the most frequent clinical sign for this anatomical focus being at higher risk
associated with gastric perforation.3 Pet
owners should be informed that while taking
include that it is subject to recurrent bathing
by irritable bile reflux through the pylorus. 5
an NSAID, if their pet experiences vomiting, Apart from a few studies that have exam-
the drug should be stopped and the patient ined the effect of NSAIDs on gastric muco-
should promptly be examined. This is a con- sal production of prostanoids, 25–27 COX
servative approach since dogs are considered selectivity has largely been determined using
a ‘vomiting species’, and some NSAIDs are in vitro assays, and assumptions have been
associated with more vomiting than others. made about gastrointestinal effects based
on these in vitro data. Given the variability
in results from in vitro assays and the lack
of understanding of COX physiology in the
NSAID-ASSOCIATED canine proximal gastrointestinal tract, mak-
GASTROINTESTINAL ing assumptions about the clinical effects of
various NSAIDs based on in vitro data may
ULCERATION lead to erroneous conclusions.
Wooten et al. 28 reported an assessment
Gastric perforations are most frequently of the in vivo action of NSAIDs in the
found near the pyloric antrum of the stom- region of the gastrointestinal tract, which
ach and have a poor prognosis if not discov- appears to be at greatest risk for ulceration
ered early and treated aggressively. 3 in the dog. Purpose-bred mongrel dogs were
Risk factors identified with NSAID- given a COX-1–selective NSAID (aspirin at
associated gastric ulceration are most 10 mg/kg BID PO), a COX-2–preferential
commonly seen with inappropriate use: (1) over- NSAID (carprofen at 4.4 mg/kg SID PO),
dosing, (2) concurrent use of multiple NSAIDs, and a COX-2–selective NSAID (deracoxib at
and (3) concurrent use of NSAIDs with corti- 2 mg/kg SID PO) or placebo for 3 days, with a
costeroids.3 For nearly 50 years ‘steroid ulcer- 4-week washout period between treatments.
ation’ has been recognized with the sole use of Endoscopic mucosal biopsies were obtained
corticosteroids, attributed to a steroid-induced from the pyloric and duodenal mucosa and
gastric hypersecretion of acid together with a evaluated histologically, measuring COX-1
decreased rate of mucus secretion.24 and COX-2 protein expression with Western
Lascelles et al.3 observed that 23/29 gas- blotting and prostanoids via enzyme-linked
trointestinal perforations in an NSAID ret- immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This investi-
rospective review occurred in the area of the gation can be considered clinically relevant,
pyloric antrum (Figure 5.9). Possible reasons as it reflects the effect of a drug treatment
on the actual tissue levels of prostanoids, not
the drug effect on the total possible produc-
tion of prostanoids by a tissue, as has pre-
viously been inferred from in vitro–sourced
COX ratios.
PG levels were found to be significantly
higher in the pylorus than in the duodenum,
which may be explained by differences in
COX expression in the pylorus versus the
duodenum, where the need for protection
from refluxed bile is high. The ‘more tra-
ditional’ NSAIDs (aspirin and carprofen)
decreased the total concentration of PGs in
the gastric mucosa, while PG levels were not
altered by the coxib-class NSAID (deracoxib)
(Figure 5.10).
Thromboxane (TX) has been shown to
FIGURE 5.9 In a retrospective NSAID-associated be indicative of COX-1 activity in the gastro-
gastrointestinal perforation study, 23/29 perfora- intestinal tract of several species29; however,
tions were identified in the pyloric antrum. the linkage of TXB2 to COX-1 activity in the
182 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 5.10 Total PG and TXB2 pyloric tissue levels in an in vivo study of traditional vs. coxib-class
risk with any NSAID administration, particu-
larly when underhydrated. 5
Through regulation of vascular tone, blood
flow, ion and water balance, and renin, PGs
are important for normal renal function.33
In situations of decreased systemic blood FUNCTION
pressure or circulating blood volume, PGs
assist in regulating and maintaining renal Serious liver injury can occur from acetamin-
blood flow to maintain a mean arterial pres- ophen (paracetamol) overdose in humans and
sure ranging from 60 to 150 mmHg.34 Both dogs. (Technically, acetaminophen is not a
the COX-1 and the COX-2 isoforms are true NSAID since it is considered analgesic
expressed in the kidneys of dogs, rats, mon- but not anti-inflammatory.) Acetaminophen
keys, and humans, where they both play con- toxicity in cats presents primarily as methe-
stitutive roles (Figure 5.11). moglobinemia and Heinz body anemia, likely
Therefore, at recommended dosing, no from enhanced susceptibility of feline eryth-
one NSAID is safer than another on renal rocytes to oxidative injury.38
function in these species. NSAID drug com- Drug-induced hepatopathy (defined
plications of hypovolemia and hypotension as an elevation of liver enzyme values) is a
have led to acute renal failure and death in rare but potentially serious adverse conse-
both dogs and cats.37 Information regarding quence of several drug classes, including
COX-1 and COX-2 distribution or expression NSAIDs, volatile anesthetics, antibiotics,
under varying conditions of the feline kidney antihypertensives, and anticonvulsants. This
is unknown. Meloxicam is perhaps the most can occur with all NSAIDs. In comparison,
frequently administered NSAID in cats, and idiosyncratic hepatotoxicosis has become
repeated use (off-label) has been associated associated with the rare (estimated 0.02%
with acute renal failure in cats. The manu- incidence39) lethal liver toxicity of carprofen.
facturer cautions against such repeated use. All dogs with hepatotoxicosis have a hepa-
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine topathy; however, not all cases of hepatopa-
elevations occur relatively late in renal disease; thy are lethal. This hepatotoxicosis does not
therefore, screening urine for protein has been appear to be associated with dose or dura-
suggested for early disease detection. Any tion of administration, and no epidemiologi-
positive screening result should be followed by cal study has shown the hepatotoxicosis to
measurement of the urine protein:creatinine be breed related. A hypothesis for carprofen-
ratio for a more complete assessment. Any related hepatotoxicosis is that reactive acyl
FIGURE 5.12 Subcellular location of hepatobiliary enzymes and relative magnitude and duration of
increase of plasma activities following acute, severe, diffuse injury to the liver.
FIGURE 5.13 Simplified algorithm for investigation of abnormal hepatic tests in an animal without severe
anemia. Concurrent extrahepatic diseases such as lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, pancreatitis,
heart failure, and endocrinopathies can cause hepatic tests to be abnormal.
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 185
FIGURE 5.14 Some human patients take high-
dose aspirin for their cardiac condition and a Washout between NSAIDs is poorly
‘third-generation’ NSAID for their musculoskel- researched; however, one survey report3
etal discomfort, thereby increasing their potential suggests that failure to implement a wash-
for gastric damage.55
out between different NSAIDs may put the
patient at risk for gastrointestinal pathology.
One must consider the reason for changing
NSAIDs when considering a washout period.
If the reason for change is efficacy in the
healthy dog, ‘washout’ is a lesser issue than
if the reason for change is intolerance. With
intolerance, a minimal washout time should
be no less than the time required to recover
from adverse clinical signs. Most agree that
washout following aspirin is a unique sce-
nario, due in part to the phenomenon of aspi-
rin-triggered lipoxin (ATL). 55 Five to seven
FIGURE 5.15 Potential for increased gastroin- days’ washout following aspirin is probably
testinal (GI) damage from the concurrent use adequate. One study has been conducted
of aspirin with another NSAID resides with the
where injectable carprofen was followed by
aspirin-triggered lipoxin (ATL) pathway. ATL is a
protective mechanism with aspirin consumption,
once-a-day dosing with deracoxib. 56 In this
which is blocked with the concurrent administra- study of a limited number of healthy dogs,
tion of another NSAID, giving rise to an alterna- no difference was noted in following inject-
tive pathway for arachidonic acid that actually able carprofen with either oral carprofen or
enhances the potential for aspirin toxicity.55 oral deracoxib. Pain relief during a washout
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 187
TABLE 5.6 Pharmacological agents for NSAID gastrointestinal prophylaxis and treatment
Group Generic name Brand name Dose 5
Proton pump Omeprazole Prilosec Canine: 0.7 mg/kg, PO
(PPI) Lansoprazole Prevacid
Rabeprazole Aciphex
Pantoprazole Protonix
Esomeprazole Nexium
PG analog Misoprostol Cytotec Canine: 2–5 μg/kg, TID, PO
H2 blockers Cimetidine Tagamet Canine/Feline: 10 mg/kg, TID, PO, IV, IM
Feline: 3.5 mg/kg, bid, PO or 2.5 mg/kg, BID, IV
Ranitidine Zantac Canine: 2 mg/kg, TID, PO, IV
Famotidine Pepcid Canine/Feline: 0.5 mg/kg, SID, PO, IV, IM, SQ or
0.25 mg/kg, BID, PO, IV, IM, SQ
Nizatidine Axid Canine: 2.5–5 mg/kg, SID, PO
Mucosal sealant Sucralfate Carafate Canine: 0.5–1 g, TID–BID, PO
Feline: 0.25 g, TID–BID, PO
period can be obtained by the use of other of NSAIDs, but such a decision must be
classes of drugs, e.g. acetaminophen, trama- justified.) Second, a baseline status should
dol, amantadine, gabapentin, or opioids. be established for subsequent comparison,
should the patient show clinical signs sug-
gestive of drug intolerance. For the patient
ENHANCING RESPONSIBLE on a long-term NSAID protocol, the fre-
quency of laboratory profiling should be
NSAID USE determined by clinical signs and age. The
minimal effective dose should always be the
Every pet owner who is discharged with therapeutic objective, and routine examina-
medication, including NSAIDs, should have tion of the animal constitutes the practice of
the following questions addressed: good medicine. Since alanine aminotransfer-
ase (ALT) is more specific than serum alka-
• What is the medication supposed to do? line phosphatase (SAP) as a blood chemistry
• What is the proper dose and dosing for liver status, an elevation three to four
interval? times laboratory normal should prompt a
• What potential adverse response(s) are subsequent liver function test. Because the
possible? kidney expresses both COX isozymes con-
• What should I do if I observe an adverse stitutively, no one NSAID can be presumed
response? Both verbal and written instruc- safer than another for renal function, and
tions should be given. any patient that is hypotensive or insuf-
ficiently hydrated is at risk during NSAID
Preadministrative urinalysis and blood administration.
chemistries are well advised prior to dis- NSAIDs play a major role in a periop-
pensing NSAIDs for two primary reasons. erative protocol for healthy animals due to
First, the pet may be a poor candidate for their role as anti-inflammatories, analgesics,
any NSAID, i.e., it may be azotemic or have and antipyretics. NSAID inclusion helps pre-
decreased liver function. (These physiologi- vent CNS windup and provides synergism
cal compromises may not preclude the use with opioids. 56 Surgery cannot be performed
188 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
without resultant iatrogenic inflammation, the injectable product has a different phar-
and the best time to administer the anti- macokinetic profile than the oral product
inflammatory drug is preemptively, before due to its mixed-micelle formulation. Given
the surgery. It is imperative that surgical intramuscularly, the maximum concentra-
patients be sufficiently hydrated if NSAIDs tion (Cmax) of the injectable form (Cmax:
are used perioperatively. Under the influence 8.0 μg/mL at 1.5–8 hours) is half that of
of gaseous anesthesia, renal tissue may suffer the oral formulation (Cmax: 16.9 μg/mL at
from underperfusion, at which point PGs are 0.5–3 hours) and is reached later,60 sug-
recruited to assist with this perfusion, and if gesting that it be given several hours prior
the patient is under the influence of an anti- to surgery for maximal preemptive effect.
prostaglandin (NSAID), renal function may There are few objective pain assessment
be at risk. In human medicine, some suggest models for soft tissue from which to com-
that NSAIDs should not be withheld from pare NSAID efficacy.
adults with normal preoperative renal func- In contrast, force plate gait analysis in
tion because of concerns about postoperative an orthopedic model has become the stan-
renal impairment. 58 dard for ranking NSAID efficacy in canids
on an objective basis.60 Although several
NSAID manufacturers have made public
their studies comparing one or two prod-
NSAIDs AND BONE HEALING ucts, none have compared the large group
of NSAIDs most commonly used in clinical
Among their many uses, COX inhibitors
practice. Dr. Darryl Millis and colleagues at
(NSAIDs) are widely administered for mus-
the University of Tennessee reported such a
culoskeletal conditions, including post-
study,61 conducted independently of com-
surgical orthopedic analgesia. It has been
mercial support, using the force plate gait
hypothesized that these agents may modu-
analysis model, which is considered to be
late bone, ligament, or tendon healing by
the gold standard for objective assessment
inhibiting PG production. Results from ani-
(Figure 5.16).
mal models do suggest that NSAIDs and
Measuring ground reaction forces is
COX-2 inhibition may have a minimal effect
the most common way to objectively assess
on bone, tendon, and ligament healing, espe-
weightbearing in dogs. Using a force plate
cially at earlier stages, but bear no significant
platform, investigators can compare with
impact on the ultimate long-term outcome.
certainty the degree of lameness over a
In a review on the subject, 58 the authors pro-
period of time. In its simplest terms, force
posed that despite the contribution of PGs in
plate gait analysis measures ground reaction
the dynamic process of normal bone healing
forces that result when a dog places its limb
and pathophysiology, alternative mecha-
during a specific gait. The three orthogonal
nisms may maintain normal bone function in
ground reaction forces generated – vertical,
the absence of COX-2 activity. Direct com-
craniocaudal, and mediolateral – represent
parison studies suggest that adverse effects
the total forces transmitted through one limb
of selective COX-2 inhibitors on bone heal-
ing are lesser in magnitude than those of
nonselective NSAIDs. 58
It is difficult to differentiate NSAID efficacy
in the perioperative setting, because most
clinicians administer NSAIDs as part of a
multimodal (balanced) analgesic protocol.
Perioperative analgesia from an NSAID
alone is rarely sufficient. Injectable carpro-
fen was designed for perioperative use, yet FIGURE 5.16 Comparative efficacy of contempo-
for labeled intramuscular administration; rary NSAIDs used in veterinary medicine.61
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 189
FIGURE 5.17 Each gait generates a specific pattern of ground reaction forces. The first peak in vertical
forces (Z) of the m-shaped pattern of the walk represents the peak vertical forces associated with initial
paw strike. Y and X represent the craniocaudal and mediolateral forces, respectively. Breaking and
propulsion impulses are indicated by the shaded areas of the craniocaudal graphs.
to the ground (Figure 5.17). Typically, peak a given treatment regimen. Comparing the
force in the vertical axis is used to objectively relative amount of weight placed by the com-
measure limb function. When comparing promised limb on the force plate under dif-
NSAID efficacy, lame dogs (often with long- ferent NSAID regimens generates a relative
standing anterior cruciate ligament compro- rank of NSAID efficacy, or pain relief. See
mise) are walked over a force plate during Table 5.7.
TABLE 5.7 Comparison of NSAID efficacy studies used for U.S. FDA approval
Drug Primary assessment method Ground reaction force assessment
Carprofen • Subjective owner and veterinary assessment • No significant difference between
indicated improvement more likely in treated dogs placebo dogs and treated dogs
Etodolac • Ground reaction forces • Peak vertical force improved 0.4%,
2.3%, and 1.6% with placebo,
low-dose, and high-dose
treatments, respectively
• Vertical impulse improved 0.4%,
0.13%, and 0.22%, respectively
Deracoxib • Ground reaction forces • Peak vertical force improved 7.4%
with treatment vs. placebo
• Vertical impulse improved 4.9% with
treatment compared with placebo
Tepoxalin • Subjective changes compared with carprofen • Not measured
• No placebo comparison
• Subjective improvement similar to carprofen
Meloxicam • Subjective assessment of lameness, • Not measured
weightbearing, pain on palpation, and overall
improvement compared with placebo
• Significant improvement noted on day 14 of one
14-day study
• Significant improvement noted in the parameter
of overall assessment on day 7 by veterinary
assessors and on day 14 by owners in a second
Firocoxib • Subjective comparison to etodolac • Ground reaction forces were
• No comparison to placebo determined in a subset of patients
• Subjective efficacy comparable to etodolac • Results were comparable between
firocoxib and etodolac
190 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
concurrent use of an NSAID (Table 5.9), it is in nine of nine dogs.71 Many oncologists are
advisable to ask owners for a complete list- now prescribing COX-2 inhibitors in con-
ing of everything they are giving their pet by junction with traditional modalities of sur-
mouth. gery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy
for a variety of tumors.
of metabolism and excretion for this class of • Provide pet owners with both oral and writ-
drug. ten instructions for responsible NSAID use.
Acetaminophen toxicity in cats results in • Conduct appropriate patient chemistry/
methemoglobinemia, liver failure, and death. urine profiling. Do not use in patients with
Cats are particularly susceptible to acet- reduced cardiac output or in patients with
aminophen toxicity due, in part, to defective overt renal disease.
conjugation of the drug and conversion to a • Conduct routine check-ups and chemistry
reactive electrolytic metabolite. profiles for patients on chronic NSAID regi-
Because of its delivery form as an elixir, mens. Do not fill NSAID prescriptions with-
meloxicam is sometimes used preferentially out conducting patient examinations.
in small dogs and cats. Only carprofen, • Caution pet owners regarding supplementa-
meloxicam, and robenacoxib are approved tion with over-the-counter NSAIDs.
for cats (country dependent). The manu- • Administer gastrointestinal protectants for
facturer of meloxicam has recommended at-risk patients on NSAIDs.
reducing the original approval dose from • Avoid NSAID administration in puppies
0.2 to 0.1 mg/kg because of some initial and pregnant animals.
gastrointestinal problems. This suggests • NSAIDs may decrease the action of angio-
particular attention be given to accurate tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
dosing of small dogs and cats. As with all and furosemide, a consideration for patients
NSAIDs in dogs or cats, gastric ulcerations being treated for cardiovascular disease.
have been observed. • Geriatric animals are more likely to be
treated with NSAIDs on a chronic schedule;
therefore, their ‘polypharmacy’ protocols
Looking to the Future and potentially compromised drug clear-
ance should be considered.
NSAIDs are the fastest-growing class • Provide sufficient hydration to surgery
of drugs in both human and veterinary patients administered NSAIDs.
medicine because of their relatively safe • Report ADEs to the product manufacturers.
resolution of a wide range of pathological
conditions. Based upon current understand-
ing of their mode of action, future NSAIDs
will likely not be developed to be ‘stronger
longer’, i.e., supremely COX-2 selective, SUMMARY
with a very long half-life. Instead, NSAID NSAIDs are a magnificent class of agents
development may well offer species- and/or that have changed the practice of both
disease-specific molecules, increased safety human and veterinary medicine. Their
profiles, and augmenting benefits such as utilization will likely continue for decades
nitric oxide (NO) inhibition. At present, to come as we learn more specific appli-
this class of drug offers immense benefits, cations and features of these molecules.
constrained most often only by issues of Additionally, NSAIDs are market leaders
safe, responsible use. for pharmaceutical companies, and public
awareness is a tenet in the overall market-
ing strategy for these agents. Consequently,
Improving Safety this class of drug is not only a fundamental
The following guidelines can be used to min- cornerstone of medical practice but also an
imize risk factors for NSAID ADEs: area of public scrutiny. As with all medica-
tions, adverse reactions from NSAIDs are
• Proper dosing. possible; however, the benefits far outweigh
• Administer the minimal effective dose. problems associated with their use. With
• Dispense in approved packaging together responsible use of NSAIDs, we must always
with owner information sheets. strive for the minimal effective dose, within
• Avoid concurrent use of multiple NSAIDs established dosing ranges, and assess the
and NSAIDs with corticosteroids. benefit:risk ratio for each individual patient.
• Refrain from use of aspirin. See Tables 5.10 and 5.11.
TABLE 5.10 U.S. FDA-approved NSAIDs with product details
Deramaxx® Rimadyl® Previcox® Metacam® EtoGesic® Zubrin®
Company Novartis Pfizer Merial Boehringer-Ingelheim Fort Dodge Schering-Plough
Active ingredient Deracoxib Carprofen Firocoxib Meloxicam Etodolac Tepoxalin
Formulation 25 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg Caplets/Chewable Chewable tablets Liquid suspension: to 150 mg, 300 mg Rapidly
scored chewable tablets: 25, 75, containing 57 or be squirted on food scored tablets disintegrating
tablets 100 mg scored 227 mg, Injectable: 5 mg/mL, tablets of 30, 50,
caplets or scored palatability 68% SC or IV 100, or 200 mg
chewable tablets
SC injectable: 50 mg
Dosage For the control of pain Oral and injectable: 5 mg/kg oral once 0.2 mg/kg injectable 10–15 mg/kg once 10 mg/kg orally or
and inflammation 4.4 mg/kg once daily daily once or oral once: daily 20 mg/kg on the
associated with or 2.2 mg/kg twice Tablets are scored, followed by Adjust dose until a initial day of
orthopedic surgery in daily and dosage 0.1 mg/kg oral satisfactory clinical treatment,
dogs: 3–4 mg/kg. Give For postoperative should be suspension daily response is obtained followed by a daily
prior to surgery for pain, administer calculated in Cats: 0.3 mg/kg reduced to minimum maintenance dose
postoperative pain 2 hours before the half-tablet presurgical one-time effective dose. of 10 mg/kg
For the control of pain procedure increments dose (contraindicated
and inflammation to follow in cats with
associated with OA in another NSAID or
dogs: 1–2 mg/kg daily meloxicam)
Indications For the control of pain For the relief of pain For the control of Control of pain and For the management Control of pain and
and inflammation and inflammation pain and inflammation of pain and inflammation
associated with associated with OA inflammation associated with OA in inflammation associated with
orthopedic surgery in in dogs and the associated with dogs associated with osteoarthritis in
dogs weighing control of OA in dogs Postoperative pain and osteoarthritis in dogs
<1.8 kg postoperative pain in inflammation dogs
For the control of pain soft tissue and associated with
and inflammation orthopedic surgeries orthopedic surgery,
associated with OA in dogs ovariohysterectomy,
and castration in cats
when administered
prior to surgery
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 193
TABLE 5.10 U.S. FDA-approved NSAIDs with product details (Continued)
TABLE 5.11 NSAID pharmacokinetic parameters and dose recommendations for dogs and cats
Dog half-life Species Clearance
NSAID (hours) Dose/route Ref. Cat half-life (hours) Dose/Route Ref. difference? mechanisms
Acetaminophen 1.2 100 mg/kg PO 76 0.6 20 mg/kg PO 76 Cat > Dog Glucuronidation and
1.2 200 mg/kg PO 76 2.4 60 mg/kg PO 76
4.8 120 mg/kg PO 76
Aspirin 7.5–12 25 mg/kg PO 77 22 20 mg/kg IV 78 Cat > Dog Glucuronidation and
37.6 IV? 79
Carprofen 5 25 mg PO 80 20 4 mg/kg IV 78 Cat > Dog Glucuronidation and
8.6 25 mg bid PO 80 19 4 mg/kg SC, IV 81
196 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
7 days
7 25 mg SC 80
8.3 25 mg bid SC 7 days 80
Flunixin 3.7 1.1 mg/kg IV 82 1–1.5 1 mg/kg PO, IV 83 Cat > Dog Glucuronidation and
active transport
6.6 2 mg/kg PO 84
Ketoprofen 1.6 for 1 mg/kg PO racemic 85 1.5 for S-ketoprofen 2 mg/kg IV racemic 86 Cat = Dog Glucuronidation and
S-ketoprofen thioesterification
0.6 for R-ketoprofen 2 mg/kg IV racemic 86
0.9 for S-ketoprofen 1 mg/kg PO racemic 86
0.6 for R-ketoprofen 1 mg/kg PO racemic 86
0.5 for S-ketoprofen 1 mg/kg IV S-ketoprofen 87
0.5 for R-ketoprofen 1 mg/kg IV R-ketoprofen 87
Meloxicam 12 0.2 mg/kg PO 85 15 0.3 mg/kg SC Label Cat < Dog Oxidation
24 0.2 mg/kg PO, SC, IV 88
Piroxicam 40 0.3 mg/kg PO, IV 89 12 0.3 mg/kg PO, IV 90 Cat < Dog Oxidation
Note: Comparison of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug elimination half-lives in cats and dogs and relationship with clearance mechanism.73 Correlation to base dosing intervals is undetermined.
Chapter 5 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 197
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INTRODUCTION Education Act of 1994 (U.S.), the manu-
facturer is responsible for determining that
The world market for pet nutraceuticals was the supplement is safe and that any repre-
worth $960 million in 2004. About 60% sentations or claims made about it are ade-
of this was to dogs, a quarter to cats, and quately substantiated. Dietary supplements
10% to horses.1 Joint health products for do not need to be approved by the FDA
pets accounted for nearly half of the mar- before they are marketed and subsequently
ket, followed by vitamins, minerals, amino do not carry consumer confidence of FDA
acids, and antioxidants collectively con- endorsement.
stituting 20%. The widespread interest in Degenerative joint disease (DJD), or osteo-
nutraceuticals began in 1997 with publica- arthritis (OA), poses major therapeutic prob-
tion of the book entitled The Arthritis Cure lems in pets as well as humans. Treatment
by Dr. Jason Theodosakis. Three years with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
later U.S. sales of nutraceuticals topped (NSAIDs) is designed to reduce pain and
$640 million. 2 inflammation, hallmarks of the disease. Yet
long-term use of NSAIDs, notably with com-
plications of inappropriate use,4 has been
associated with adverse effects, including
BACKGROUND gastrointestinal ulceration, hepatic toxicity,
renal failure, and, in some cases, negative
Nutraceuticals are natural, bioactive chemi- effects on chondrocytes and cartilage matrix
cal compounds that have health-promoting, formation.5 Such issues have led researchers
disease-preventing, or medicinal properties. to seek alternatives/adjuncts to NSAIDs for
They are prescribed drugs in a limited num- managing OA. Originally these compounds
ber of countries, but are primarily provided were considered to serve as building blocks
as dietary supplements delivered over the for cartilage and exogenous sources of carti-
counter. A supplement that can be adminis- lage matrix components. The long-standing
tered orally to promote good health and is rationale for using nutraceuticals is that pro-
not a drug is considered a nutraceutical. As vision of precursors of cartilage matrix in
functional foods, nutraceuticals are part of excess quantities may favor matrix synthesis
the daily diet as food and drink. Functional and repair of articular cartilage.
food is characterized (from traditional food) According to the North American Veteri-
‘if it is satisfactorily demonstrated to affect nary Nutraceutical Association (NAVNA),
beneficially one or more target functions in a nutraceutical is ‘a nondrug substance that
the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects is produced in a purified form and adminis-
in a way which is relevant to either the state tered orally to provide compounds required
of well-being and health or the reduction of for normal body structure and function
the risk of a disease’.3 with the intent of improving health and
Dietary supplements are regulated by well-being’. Further, the NAVNA defined a
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chondroprotective as an agent that intends
in a different manner from either over- to ‘stimulate cartilage matrix production
the-counter or prescription drugs. As laid by chondrocytes, inhibit matrix degrada-
out in the Dietary Supplement Health and tion, and potentially inhibit periarticular
FIGURE 6.1 Although a disease of the total joint, OA characteristically involves the loss of cartilage.
This results from the degradation of aggrecan aggregates and cleavage of type II collagen (see also
pp. 70–101, Chapter 2).
202 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
In a placebo-controlled, double-blind
study in dogs with OA, owners and veteri-
narians were unable to distinguish between 6
dogs supplemented with chondroitin sulfate
or placebo after 12 weeks of follow-up. 21
Glucosamine action in vitro includes a
reduction in proteoglycan degradation and
inhibition of the synthesis and activity of deg-
radative enzymes and inflammatory media-
tors, such as aggrecanases, MMPs, nitric
oxide (NO), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2), FIGURE 6.2 Articular cartilage fibrillation has been
with anabolic effects of GAG stimulation associated with loss of chondrocyte adhesion to
and proteoglycan production, including fibronectin in the extracellular matrix.
aggrecan, but no effect on type II collagen.13
Glucosamine also appears to inhibit Investigators of this observation suggest
NF-κB activity. 22 Glucosamine is a hex- that activation of protein kinase C, consid-
osamine sugar proposed to act as a pre- ered to be involved in the physiological phos-
cursor for the disaccharide units of GAG. phorylation of the integrin subunit, could
Nutritional glucosamine is suggested to pro- be one of the possible mechanisms through
vide the body with extra ‘building blocks’ which glucosamine sulfate restores fibrillated
for the creation of the cartilage matrix. Most cartilage chondrocyte adhesion to fibronec-
glucosamine in the body is in the form of tin, thus improving the repair process in
glucosamine-6-phosphate, 23 while glucos- osteoarthritic cartilage. 28 In trials assessing
amine is commercially available in three improvement in long-term symptomatic eval-
forms: glucosamine hydrochloride, glucos- uation of human knee OA, it was observed
amine sulfate, and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. that glucosamine hydrochloride does not
Apparently, the form of glucosamine influ- induce symptomatic relief in knee OA to
ences its activity. Glucosamine hydrochlo- the same extent as glucosamine sulfate. 29,30
ride and glucosamine sulfate appear to This raises the question of the importance
inhibit equine cartilage degeneration more of sulfate and its contribution to the over-
consistently than N-acetyl-D-glucosamine in all effects of glucosamine. Glucosamine
vitro. 24 In addition, there is a suggestion that sulfate is highly hygroscopic and unstable.
GAG synthesis may be through promotion of Consequently, during manufacturing, vary-
incorporation of sulfur into cartilage. 25 ing amounts of potassium or sodium chlo-
Investigators have reported that in human ride are added to improve stability. Due to
patients, glucosamine sulfate increases the concerns over valid labeling, commercially
expression of cartilage aggrecan core pro- available capsules or tablets of glucosamine
tein and downregulates, in a dose-dependent sulfate were analyzed. The amount of free
manner, MMP-1 and -3 expression. 26 Such base varied from 41% to 108% of the milli-
transcriptional effects are supported by gram content stated on the label; the amount
reports that glucosamine sulfate increases of glucosamine varied from 59% to 138%
proteoglycan synthesis with no effect on its even when expressed as sulfate.31 Therefore,
physicochemical form, on type II collagen the results obtained with one single prepa-
production, or on cell proliferation in a model ration of glucosamine sulfate, even when
of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes.14 registered as a drug in Europe, cannot be
Osteoarthritic cartilage is characterized extrapolated to the vast majority of over-the-
by articular surface fibrillation, which has counter preparations sold without the appro-
been associated with a significant decrease priate quality controls.
in chondrocyte adhesion to extracellular Persiani et al.32 reported that glucosamine
matrix proteins and, more specifically, to is bioavailable both systemically and in the
fibronectin (Figure 6.2). 27 joint after oral administration of crystalline
204 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
glucosamine sulfate in human osteoar- Largo et al. 35 found that glucosamine sulfate
thritic patients. ‘The formulation used is the inhibits NF-κB activation and PGE 2 synthe-
original crystalline glucosamine sulphate sis induced by IL-1β in human chondrocytes,
1500 mg once-a-day soluble powder prepa- where NF-κB is considered a key regulator
ration which is a prescription drug in most of tissue inflammation, since it controls the
European and extra-European countries and transcription of a number of proinflamma-
differs from glucosamine formulations avail- tory genes that regulate the synthesis of cyto-
able in the United States and other countries. kines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules.
In fact, the U.S. Dietary Supplements Health NF-κB activity has been shown to be essen-
and Education Act of 1994 documented tial for MMP-1 and MMP-3 upregulation.36
the appearance of several poorly character- Glucosamine sulfate also inhibited the gene
ized dietary supplements containing either expression and protein synthesis of COX-2
inadequate active ingredient quantity, or induced by IL-1β, while no effect on COX-1
other glucosamine salts (e.g. hydrochloride), synthesis was seen.
derivatives (e.g. N-acetyl-glucosamine), or Kuroki et al. 37 have shown that within
dosage forms and regimens. This might also a canine articular cartilage and synovium
provide an explanation for the finding that explant co-culture system, glucosamine or
when other salts, formulations, and/or daily chondroitin sulfate alone retards increased
regimens have been used in clinical trials, the expression of proteinases and inflammatory
results have not been favorable. In particular, mediators associated with IL-1, while the
the recently completed National Institutes combination of glucosamine plus chondroi-
of Health (NIH)-sponsored Glucosamine/ tin sulfate primarily retarded detrimental
Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial effects on matrix molecules.
(GAIT) trial in knee OA, indicated that the Some38 have questioned the potential for
symptomatic effect of glucosamine hydro- biological activity of glucosamine, pointing
chloride at the dose of 500 mg TID did not out that the bioavailability from a single or
differ significantly from placebo. This con- multiple dose of glucosamine hydrochloride
firmed the skepticism concerning the several is only 10–12% in dogs.39 It is questionable
confounders and problematic study design whether substantial amounts of glucosamine
of some trials, and the possible suboptimal reach the circulation following oral inges-
exposure of the patients to the active mol- tion,40 and it is proposed that glucosamine is
ecule that might also come from the adopted not essential for the biosynthesis of cartilage;
dose and dosing interval.’ glucosamine is only one of many substrates
It is interesting to note that the only clini- from which other metabolites are derived for
cally relevant results in the GAIT study were the synthesis of cartilage matrix.40
observed in the subgroup of more severe
patients when glucosamine hydrochloride
was combined with chondroitin sulfate, sup-
porting the hypothesis that increasing the GLUCOSAMINE AND
sulfate concentration may have therapeutic
Some32 suggest it is unlikely that the clini- IN COMBINATION
cal effects of glucosamine sulfate are linked
to a mere stimulation of GAG synthesis, but Orally administered glucosamine hydrochlo-
support the theory that glucosamine sulfate ride and chondroitin sulfate in combination
inhibits IL-1–induced gene expression, pos- has become a popular nutraceutical offering.
sibly via the suppression of the cytokine In a multicenter, double-blind, placebo- and
intracellular signaling pathway and NF-κB celecoxib-controlled study (GAIT study) of
activation, thus reversing the proinflamma- 1,583 human patients with stifle joint OA
tory and joint-degenerating effects of IL-1. receiving 1500 mg glucosamine, 1200 mg
Crystalline glucosamine sulfate reportedly chondroitin sulfate, or both revealed that the
inhibits IL-1–stimulated gene expression supplementations did not reduce stifle joint
of COX-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase pain better than placebo.41 In a subgroup of
(iNOS), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- that same study, patients with moderate-to-
a), IL-6, IL-1, MMP-3, and aggrecanase 2.34 severe pain, the response of the combination
Chapter 6 Nutraceuticals 205
Since tidemark microcracks appear early studies for phycocyanin in the dog. The obser-
in OA cartilage, it is speculated that soluble vational study done by the manufacturer was
mediators produced by sclerotic subchondral based on owner observations of dogs on the
osteoblasts may modulate chondrocyte metab- ingredient PhyCox and not on the commercial
olism and contribute to cartilage degradation. product PhyCox-JS, and the study design was
Aligning this theory together with ASu pre- weak. Further, PhyCox-JS has not been thor-
vention of inhibitory effects of osteoarthritic oughly studied in use together with an NSAID.
subchondral osteoblasts on aggrecan and type
II collagen synthesis by chondrocytes, inves-
tigators propose that ASu may act via a new EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID
mechanism of action at the subchondral bone
level in protecting cartilage.52 Among study Both arachidonic acid (AA) and EPA act
horses, ASu failed to ameliorate increasing as precursors for the synthesis of eico-
lameness, response to joint flexion, or syno- sanoids, important molecules functioning
vial effusion; however, GAG synthesis in the as hormones and mediators of inflamma-
articular cartilage was increased compared tion (Figure 6.4). The amounts and types of
with placebo-treated, OA-affected joints.53 eicosanoids synthesized are determined by
Investigators concluded that ASu extracts may the availability of the polysulfated fatty acid
have an anabolic effect directly on chondro- precursor and by the activities of the enzyme
cytes to increase GAG synthesis and, hence, system. The eicosanoids produced from AA,
help prevent articular cartilage damage by the principal precursor under most condi-
enhancing the articular cartilage matrix struc- tions, appear to be more proinflammatory
ture. In a canine study,54 ASu (4 mg/kg every than those formed from EPA (Figure 6.5).
3 days or daily) increased both TGF-β1 and Ingestion of oils containing omega-3
TGF-β2 levels in the stifle synovial fluid. TGF- fatty acids results in a decrease in mem-
β1 levels reached maximum values at the end brane levels of AA because the omega-3 fatty
of the second month and then decreased after acids replace AA in the substrate pool and
the third month, while TGF-P2 levels margin- reduce the capacity to synthesize inflamma-
ally increased during the first 2 months, fol- tory eicosanoids. Inflammatory eicosanoids
lowed by a marked increase at the end of the produced from AA are therefore depressed
third month. TGF-β is a stimulator of extra- when dogs consume foods with high levels
cellular matrix production, like collagen type of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, EPA is
II and proteoglycan, in chondrocytes.55 thought to exert its therapeutic effect on OA
by reducing expression of genes encoding
for cartilage-degrading enzymes (aggreca-
PHYCOCYANIN nases) within the chondrocytes. 59 In vitro
studies revealed that by exposing normal
Phycocyanin, composed of two protein sub- canine cartilage to EPA before addition of
units with covalently bond phycobilins that the catabolic agent, oncostatin M, to initi-
are the light-capturing part of the blue pig- ate processes that mimic the cartilage dam-
ment in blue-green algae, is considered the age that occurs during the pathogenesis of
active agent in PhyCox®, commercialized as OA, cartilage degeneration was abrogated.60
PhyCox-JS® (Teva Animal Health, St. Joseph Food containing high concentrations of total
MO, USA). However, some data suggests that omega-3 fatty acids and EPA as well as a low
C-phycocyanin is a selective COX-2 inhibi- omega-6:omega-3 ratio appears to decrease
tor.56 Phycocyanin has been shown to have the severity of OA clinical signs as early as
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory proper- 21 days after initiation of implementation.
ties in vitro and in vivo (rodents).57,58 Other Flaxseed oil and fish oil are both rich in
ingredients in PhyCox-JS, which may contrib- omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil is rich in EPA
ute to product efficacy, include glucosamine, and DHA, while flaxseed oil contains alpha-
flaxseed oil, turmeric, eicosapentaenoic acid linolenic acid (ALA). For ALA in flaxseed oil
(EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). to have an anti-inflammatory effect, it must
PhyCox-JS is not a drug, but positioned as an be converted to EPA. Efficiency of ALA con-
animal nutraceutical of natural botanical ori- version to EPA is quite low (<10%), with most
gin (PhyCox). There are no pharmacokinetic ALA being used for energy. Accordingly, a
Chapter 6 Nutraceuticals 207
FIGURE 6.4 EPA is the substrate for synthesis of many eicosanoids, which act as mediators of inflam-
mation. (HEPE: hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid, HPETE: hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, HETE:
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid.)
FIGURE 6.5 Whereas AA-derived eicosanoids tend to be proinflammatory, EPA-derived eicosanoids tend
to be less inflammatory/suppress the inflammatory process. (PUFAs: polyunsaturated fatty acids.)
208 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
small amount of fish oil is more effective at of the synovial fluid lubrication and visco-
providing EPA and DHA than a large quan- elasticity.62 Perhaps HA therapy has disease-
tity of flaxseed oil containing ALA. modifying biological activity and an impact
on OA progression. Four potential mecha-
nisms have been proposed for the beneficial
HYALURONIC ACID clinical effects noted from HA therapy:
The proteoglycan aggrecan molecule of artic- • Restoration of elastic and viscous properties
ular cartilage is attached via a link protein to of the synovial fluid
HA. The entire complex is referred to as a pro- • Biosynthetic-chondroprotective effect of exog-
teoglycan or aggrecan aggregate (Figure 6.6). enous hyaluronans on cells (hyaluronans can
HA acts as an aggregating factor between the induce endogenous synthesis of HA by syno-
collagen, proteoglycan aggregate, and carti- vial cells, stimulate chondrocyte proliferation,
lage structural network as a whole. Synovial and inhibit cartilage degradation)59,63– 65
fluid contains high concentrations of HA, • Anti-inflammatory effects66,67
derived from type B synoviocytes embedded • Analgesic effect68,69
within the intimal lining of the joint capsule.
The viscoelastic properties of synovial fluid Pozo et al. reported that intra-articular HA
are determined by HA, and with the progres- reduced nerve impulse activity in nociceptive
sion of OA, HA concentrations decrease with afferent fibers in a cat model of acute arthritis.70
a resultant decrease in the viscoelastic prop-
erties of the synovial fluid. Intra-articular
injection of HA, called viscosupplementation, S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE
has demonstrated significant improvement of
symptoms in patients with OA.61 S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is a nucleotide-
By definition, injectable HA (e.g. Legend®) like molecule synthesized from methionine and
is not a nutraceutical. However, it can be con- adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by all living cells.
sidered a chondroprotective agent, and there SAMe is particularly important to hepatocytes
are several commercially available forms of and plays a pivotal role in the biochemical
HA, differing by treatment regimens, total pathways of transmethylation, transulfuration,
dosing, and average molecular weights. and amino-propylation. A therapeutic appli-
Support for use of HA resides in the improve- cation of SAMe in joint disorders is derived
ment of OA symptoms with few side effects. It from pain reduction and improved joint func-
is unlikely that sustained beneficial effects of tion,71,72 based on potential antioxidant and
HA therapy result from temporary restoration anti-inflammatory activity.73 There are very
FIGURE 6.6 Hyaluronic acid is an integral part of the aggrecan aggregate, as well as synovial fluid.
Chapter 6 Nutraceuticals 209
few studies reporting the effect of SAMe on not in small laboratory animals, in humans, in
articular chondrocytes or matrix. One study in
dogs reported an in vitro detrimental effect,74
bovines, or from in vitro studies. Dosage, dura-
tion, and route of the agent should be taken into 6
while one study in humans showed an in vitro account. Since most of these products are not
positive effect.75 Lippiello et al. have reported pharmaceuticals, neither purity nor content is
that the enzymatic inhibition of proteoglycan under control, although the package or infor-
synthesis by MMP-3 in vitro is reversed by the mational materials may suggest otherwise.
combination of glucosamine and SAMe, but Hyaline articular cartilage harvested from
not with either agent alone.76 joints of different animal species respond
quite differently to a variety of catabolic stim-
ulants that are commonly used by researchers
CURCUMINOIDS to establish in vitro models of cartilage degra-
dation that are believed to mimic mechanisms
Studies to support existing in vitro evidence of cartilage degradation in the pathogenesis
for nutraceutical alleviation of clinical signs for of DJDs. Innes et al.77 have pointed out that
OA are lacking. To date, green tea extract and exposure to IL-1α or -β, TNF-a, oncostatin
other Asian herbal remedies have not been eval- M, and retinoic acid can all cause significant
uated in companion animal models or in ani- increases in cartilage proteoglycan degrada-
mals with spontaneous disease. Curcuminoids, tion when bovine articular cartilage explant
types of phytonutrients extracted from tur- culture systems are used, but similar results
meric, have been found to exert some anti- are not seen with the canine. Species differ-
inflammatory effects in certain animal models ences may be due to species variability of
and in vitro assays. A curcuminoid extract in catabolic stimulants themselves, which may
dogs with OA was found to yield no treatment have different affinities for receptors and
effect using the objective assessment of force- other downstream regulators that manifest
plate analysis, although subjective assessment their metabolic effects on cartilage metabo-
by the observer was positive. lism. Differences in catabolic responses to
cytokines in dogs highlight the difficulty in
extrapolating results between species.
SUMMARY Perhaps the best advice for pet owners
is to spend their money where the science is
Clearly, credible evidence-based support for strong. Adding a nutraceutical will likely do
most nutraceuticals is meager. Arguably, the no harm, but evidence-based endorsement
success of nutraceuticals is being driven by is weak. Perhaps variability in testimonials
consumers’ desire to ‘do no harm’. And the role for various nutraceutical efficacies resides in
of nutraceuticals is shrouded with vagaries, genetic predisposition of as-yet-unidentified
innuendo, and misinformation. Preliminary subpopulations for their activity.
information guiding nutraceutical use should Figure 6.7 shows the molecular struc-
be considered with care. Results should be ture of some nutraceuticals and a chondro-
gathered in the target species (i.e., the dog) and protectant.
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46. Henrotin YE, Labasse AH, Jaspar JM, et al. Effects 60. Caterson B, et al. The modulation of canine articu-
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Multimodal Management of Pain
INTRODUCTION the drugs in the combination can be antici-
pated to be less due to the lower dosing of
In addition to preemptive analgesia, multi- each respective drug. For nearly two decades
modal (or balanced) analgesia has changed the concept of ‘multimodal analgesia’ has
the way we treat pain.1 Multimodal analge- created important advances in the approach
sia denotes simultaneous administration of to providing analgesia in both acute4, 5 and
two or more analgesic drugs belonging to chronic pain in humans.6 Nociception results
different classes (Figure 7.1). (Multimodal in pain via multiple pathways, mechanisms,
can also denote different delivery methods and transmitter systems,7 and it is naïve to
and therapies.) consider that a single therapy would be as
Dosages of each drug can typically be effective as several different drugs acting on
reduced because various classes of drugs have multiple components of the nociceptive sys-
additive or synergistic analgesic effects when tem (Figure 7.2).
given together2 (e.g., opioid, α2-agonist, 3 non- Although there is no published evidence
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug [NSAID]). base that multimodal drug therapy is of ben-
As a result, adverse side effects from each of efit over monomodal therapy in veterinary
FIGURE 7.1 Multimodal analgesia denotes the simultaneous administration of different classes of drugs,
attempting to block the four physiological processes of transduction, transmission, modulation, and
FIGURE 7.2 Simplistic drawing of nociceptor transmission from the first- to second-order neuron. Most
analgesic drugs express their mode of action via a single pathway, transmitter, or receptor, and pain is
the result of a complex nociceptive network. Therefore, it is naïve to expect a single drug to block the
entire ‘network’. (ACH: acetylcholine, BNZ: benzodiazepines.) (Adapted from Tranquilli WJ, et al. Pain
Management for the Small Animal Practitioner. Teton New Media 2004, 2nd edition. With permission.)
patients suffering from chronic painful con- work by different modes of action and not
ditions such as osteoarthritis (OA), imple- compete for the same substrates or receptor
mentation seems implicit.8 Herein arises the sites) that block as many of the four physio-
question: ‘What drugs should go into the logical processes underlying pain as possible:
cocktail?’ Drugs comprising the cocktail transduction, transmission, modulation, and
should be from different classes (so they can perception (Table 7.1 and Figure 7.3).
FIGURE 7.3 Drug classes listed are more effective than others in blocking each of the physiological pro-
cesses of transduction, transmission, modulation, and perception.
TABLE 7.3 Some NSAID-opioid commercial drug combinations available for human use
Combination Trade name Strength (mg)
Aspirin + Caffeine + Dihydrocodeine Synalgos 356.4 + 30 + 16
Note: Acetaminophen is not included in this table because acetaminophen is not technically an NSAID: it has analgesic properties,
but not anti-inflammatory properties.
FIGURE 7.4 Numbers needed to treat demonstrates the increased efficacy when paracetamol is admin-
istered together with a different class of drug. (Paracetamol = Acetaminophen.)
TABLE 7.4 Various drugs commonly used in multimodal protocols
Drug Dose Species Route Duration Comments
Morphine 0.5–1.0 mg/kg Canine IM, SC, IV 3–4 hours Caution with IV administration: histamine
release – give slowly
0.05–0.1 mg/kg Feline IM, SC 3–4 hours
0.2 mg/kg: loading, IM Canine: IM then
0.1–0.5 mg/kg/hr continuous
Feline: rate infusion
0.05–0.1 mg/kg/hr (CRI) (IV)
0.1 mg/kg preservative-free Canine/Feline Epidural 12–24 hours
1–5 mg in 5–10 mL saline Canine Intra-articular
Meperidine 3–5 mg/kg Canine/Feline IM, SC 1–2 hours Do not give IV (histamine release)
Methadone 0.1–0.5 mg/kg Canine/Feline IM, SC, IV 2–4 hours NMDA antagonist activity
Oxymorphone 0.05–0.1 mg/kg Canine IM, IV, SC 3–4 hours Minimal histamine release
0.03–0.05 mg/kg Feline IM, SC 3–4 hours
Hydromorphone 0.1–0.2 mg/kg Canine/Feline IM, IV, SC 2–4 hours Minimal histamine release
Hyperthermia may be seen in cats
Fentanyl 5 μg/kg + 3–6 μg/kg/hr Canine IV Infusion
Fentanyl patch 25 μg/hr Canine: 3–10 kg 1–3 days 24 hours to reach peak concentrations
Chapter 7 Multimodal Management of Pain 219
TABLE 7.4 Various drugs commonly used in multimodal protocols (Continued)
Medetomidine/ 2–15 μg/kg Canine IM, IV 0.5–1.5 hours
5–20 μg/kg Feline IM, IV 0.5–1.5 hours Sedation, bradycardia, vomiting
1.0 mg/mL 1 μg/kg IV, then 1–2 μg/kg/hr Canine/Feline CRI
Chapter 7 Multimodal Management of Pain 221
TABLE 7.4 Various drugs commonly used in multimodal protocols (Continued)
Drug Dose Species Route Duration Comments
Diazepam 0.1–0.2 mg/kg Canine/Feline IV 2–4 hours Used to potentiate or prolong analgesic drug
0.25–1.0 mg/kg Canine/Feline PO 12–24 hours
Local anesthetics
Lidocaine (1%–2%) ≤6.0 mg/kg Canine Perineural 1–2 hours Onset: 10–15 min
Maximum dose: 12 mg/kg (canine)
6 mg/kg (feline)
≤3.0 mg/kg Feline Perineural 1–2 hours
0.25–0.75 mg/kg slow IV, then Feline IV: CRI NOTE: efficacy and safety are not yet proven
10–40 μg/kg/min
Bupivacaine ≤2.0 mg/kg Canine Perineural 2–6 hours Onset: 20–30 min
(0.25%–0.5%) Maximum dose: 2 mg/kg (canine or feline)
≤1.0 mg/kg Feline Perineural 2–6 hours
Mepivacaine ≤6.0 mg/kg Canine Perineural 2–2.5 hours
≤3.0 mg/kg Feline Perineural 2–2.5 hours
Chapter 7 Multimodal Management of Pain 223
Many traditional analgesic drugs, includ- delivery. Central nervous system (CNS) and
ing opioids and α 2-agonists, have a short
duration of action and the potential to pro-
cardiovascular disturbances are the most
common side effects. With excessive dos- 7
duce systemic side effects, including emesis, ing, the rate of depolarization of individual
respiratory depression, drowsiness, and cardiac cells is reduced, leading to prolonged
ileus. In contrast, local anesthetics are com- conduction of the cardiac impulse, arrhyth-
paratively safe. They are effective and rela- mias, or bradycardia and asystole.12 Rapid
tively inexpensive. Local anesthetics have the intravenous administration of local anes-
unique ability to produce complete blockade thetics can decrease vascular tone and myo-
of sensory nerve fibers and suppress the cardial contractility, resulting in the acute
development of secondary sensitization to onset of hypotension. CNS effects can range
pain. Therefore, local and regional anes- from mild to full-blown seizure activity. The
thetic/analgesic techniques are often used toxicity of most local anesthetics reflects
with opioids, α 2-agonists, N-methyl-D aspi- potency, and in dogs, the relative CNS toxic-
rate (NMDA) antagonists, and NSAIDs as ity of lidocaine, etidocaine, and bupivacaine
part of a multimodal strategy. is 1:3:5, respectively.13
Local anesthetics can be used in a vari-
ety of clinical settings to manage or preempt
LOCAL ANESTHETICS pain. Common uses include digital blocks
for feline onychectomy, dental blocks for
During the generation of an action poten- tooth extraction, local infiltration for cuta-
tial, voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) neous procedures, intra-articular analgesia,
open and allow sodium ions to flow into the body cavity infusion before or after abdomi-
cell, which depolarizes the cell membrane. nal surgery, soaker catheters for wound anal-
Local anesthetics bind to a hydrophilic site gesia, and epidural deposition for abdominal
within the sodium channel on the cell mem- and/or hindlimb procedures. Most nerves
brane inner surface and block activation of can be blocked with 0.1–0.3 mL of 2% lido-
the channel, thereby preventing depolariza- caine or 0.5% bupivacaine solution using a
tion of the cell membrane. Small nerves and 25-gauge needle. Doses of local anesthetics,
myelinated fibers tend to be more responsive especially for cats and small dogs, should
to local anesthetics than are large nerves always be calculated carefully and are best
and unmyelinated fibers. Commonly, auto- administered with the animal under general
nomic fibers (small unmyelinated C fibers anesthesia or heavy sedation.
and myelinated B fibers) and pain fibers
(small unmyelinated C fibers and myelinated
Aδ fibers) are blocked before other sensory
and motor fibers (differential block). Local Approximately 24% of owned cats in the
anesthetics are also more effective at sensory United States are declawed,14 and postop-
fibers because they have longer action poten- erative pain is a generally accepted conse-
tials and discharge at higher frequencies than quence.15 Effective analgesia can be provided
do other types of fibers (frequency-dependent by blocking the radial, ulnar, and median
blockade). In addition, some local anesthet- nerves (Figure 7.5), although one study16
ics, such as bupivacaine, can selectively block refutes this clinical observation. A combi-
sensory rather than motor function.11 nation of both lidocaine and bupivacaine
The practice of adding vasoconstrictors, (1.5 mg/kg of each) may provide both a
such as epinephrine, to local anesthetics so quicker onset and longer duration of analge-
as to reduce the rate of systemic absorption sic effect than when using either drug alone
and prolong the duration of action has fallen for blockade.
from favor with the availability of longer-
acting local anesthetics such as bupivacaine
and ropivacaine.
Adverse side effects of local anesthetics Sensory nerve fibers that innervate the bone,
are rare if appropriate dosage recommenda- teeth, and soft tissues of the oral cavity
tions are followed and are most commonly arborize from the maxillary or mandibu-
associated with inappropriate intravenous lar branches of the trigeminal nerve. Four
224 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 7.5 Onychectomy is an excellent example of where analgesia is markedly improved by preemp-
tive local anesthetic blockade. Three sites of local anesthetic deposition effectively block the distal
extremity. (Adapted from Tranquilli WJ, et al., Pain Management for the Small Animal Practitioner. Teton
NewMedia 2004, 2nd edition. With permission.)17
regional nerve blocks can be easily performed lesions, superficial lacerations, and as prein-
to provide analgesia for dental and oral sur- cisional blocks. A small subcutaneous bleb
gical procedures (Table 7.5 and Figure 7.6). (0.5–2.0 mL) is often sufficient for small
lesion removal in the dermis. Infiltrative
blocks for removal of subcutaneous masses
Dermal require a deeper area of desensitization, and
Local anesthetic infiltration is often imple- an inverted pyramidal area of infiltration
mented for removal of tumors or dermal works well (Figure 7.7).
FIGURE 7.6 Local anesthetic blocks are highly effective in providing analgesia for oral cavity procedures.
Area blocked is rostral to the injection site. (A) Mental. (B) Mandibular. (C) Infraorbital. (D) Maxillary.
available (Pain Buster®) that include a local It has been suggested that epidurals are
anesthetic reservoir connected to a fenes- best utilized together with general anesthesia
trated catheter, or catheters can be con- as part of a balanced (multimodal) analge-
structed from red rubber or polyethylene sia protocol, and this probably plays a note-
tubing. Bupivacaine 0.25% is diluted to vol- worthy role in blocking CNS windup. The
ume and can be given as a bolus: 2 mg/kg technique is frequently used for perianal,
(cat: 1 mg/kg) first dose, then 1 mg/kg (cat: hindlimb, and abdominal surgery; however,
0.5 mg/kg) doses can be given thereafter at analgesia as far rostral as the thoracic limb
intervals >6 hours for 1–2 days. (using morphine) can be provided in a dose-
related manner. 29 Epidural morphine, with
or without long-lasting bupivacaine, has
EPIDURAL ADMINISTRATION been used to relieve pain associated with
pancreatitis and peritonitis. 29
In the 1970s it was discovered that epidural Urine retention and pruritus are reported
administration of opioids produced pro- as possible complications of this technique,
found analgesia in animals with minimal although occurrence is rare. The procedure is
systemic effects. 28 Since that time, interest contraindicated in animals with bleeding dis-
has increased in the epidural route for admin- orders because of the potential for hemorrhage
istration of analgesics, particularly in the into the epidural space with inadvertent punc-
delivery of opioids, where the motor paraly- ture of an epidural vessel. Due to the potential
sis of local anesthesia administration can be for blockade of regional sympathetic nerves,
avoided. The most frequently administered epidurals should not be performed on hypo-
drugs are the local anesthetics and opioids, volemic or hypotensive animals. Injection site
but α 2-agonists (xylazine and medetomidine) skin infection is also a contraindication.
and combinations of these drugs have also The procedure should be performed in a
been used (Table 7.6). sterile setting. The site for spinal needle inser-
Epidural drug administration and catheter tion is on the dorsal midline at the lumbosa-
placement for repeated administration have cral space (Figure 7.8). In the adult dog, the
several advantages: spinal cord ends at approximately the sixth
lumbar vertebra, rostral to the injection site.
• Requires lower drug doses than systemic The site for injection is just caudal to the sev-
injection, and therefore less risk for dose- enth dorsal spinous process, which can be
related side effects. easily identified because it is shorter than the
• Decreases perioperative injectable and others. Confirmation of correct needle place-
inhalant agent requirement. ment can be done by either the ‘hanging drop’
• Decreases procedural costs due to the long or ‘loss of resistance’ technique.30 Following
duration of action and decreased dose of correct needle placement, the drug(s) is
adjunctive drugs. injected slowly to ensure even distribution.
TABLE 7.6 Drug dose and action following epidural administration in dogs
Approximate Approximate
Drug Dose (dog) onset (minutes) duration (hours)
Lidocaine 2% 1 mL/3.4 kg (to T5) 10 1–1.5
1 mL/4.5 kg (to T13–L1)
Bupivacaine (0.25% or 0.5%) 1 mL/4.5 kg 20–30 4.5–6
Fentanyl 0.001 mg/kg 4–10 6
Oxymorphone 0.1 mg/kg 15 10
Morphine 0.1 mg/kg 23 20
Buprenorphine 0.003–0.005 mg/kg 30 12–18
(in saline solution)
Chapter 7 Multimodal Management of Pain 227
Acupuncture falls under the categorization
of complementary and alternative medicine
as part of traditional Chinese medicine and
is utilized in humans in at least 78 countries FIGURE 7.9 The graphic that has come to repre-
worldwide. 32 From an historical perspective, sent the Yin-Yang theory.
228 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Mode of Action
EASTERN PERSPECTIVES Neuroanatomical Approach
MEET WESTERN Due to the complexity of constructing and
interpreting placebo-controlled trials in acu-
PERSPECTIVES puncture, the practice of acupuncture rests
heavily on physiological data showing mea-
Ancient Chinese thought holds that qi is a surable changes in endogenous analgesic
fundamental and vital substance of the uni- mechanisms. There is considerable evidence
verse, with all phenomena being produced of measurable physiological effects, for exam-
by its changes. It is considered a vital sub- ple, enkephalins, endorphins, serotonin, nor-
stance of the body, flowing along organized epinephrine, purines, glutamate, neurokinin,
Chapter 7 Multimodal Management of Pain 229
Metaphysical Approach
Acupuncture can be based on a metaphysi-
cal framework that involves moving invis-
ible energy, called chi or qi. This approach The term multimodal has come to denote
has added to the clinical expertise of acu- the co-utilization of different delivery modes
puncture treatment for pain, but cannot be as well as a variety of different drug-class
corroborated by research, as chi is, by defini- agents. The objective of this is to provide the
tion, immeasurable. patient with a minimal effective dose of each
agent and therefore render optimal pain relief
Indications with the minimal risk for adverse response.
Somatic pain, including spinal conditions,
postsurgical conditions, trauma, wounds,
and chronic pain such as OA.43 REFERENCES
Visceral pain may be targeted with super-
ficial treatments such as acupuncture due to 1. Kehlet H, Dahl JB. The value of ‘multimodal’ or
‘balanced analgesia’ in postoperative pain treat-
the overlap of neural innervation along myo- ment. Anesth Analg 1993;77:1048–1056.
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spinal processing. morphine with bupivacaine and lidocaine in the rat.
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Myofascial trigger point pain: Often described Duration of nonresponse to noxious stimulation
as ‘dry needling’ by physical therapists. after intramuscular administration of butorphanol,
medetomidine, or a butorphanol-medetomidine
combination during isoflurane administration in
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4. Skinner HB. Multimodal acute pain management.
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tures (especially lungs), infection (especially et al. Prophylactic use of epidural mepivacaine/
morphine, systemic diclofenac, and metamizole
without the use of sterile, single-use nee- reduces postoperative morphine consumption
dles), and introduction of foreign material. after major abdominal surgery. Anesthesiology
Intentional implantation of foreign material 1996;84:1027–1034.
(such as gold beads or pieces of metal) can- 6. American Pain Society. Guideline for the manage-
ment of pain in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
not be recommended and has been shown to and juvenile chronic arthritis. Clin Pract Guide,
cause long-term harm to patients. 2002, p2.
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7. Muir WW, Woolf CJ. Mechanisms of pain and 24. Barber FA, Herbert MA. The effectiveness of an
their therapeutic implications. J Am Vet Med Assoc anesthetic continuous-infusion device on postop-
2001;219:1346–1356. erative pain control. Arthroscopy 2002;18:76–81.
8. An Animated Guide to the Multimodal 25. Wolfe TM, Bateman SW, Cole LK. Evaluation of a
Management of Canine Osteoarthritis. Novartis local anesthetic delivery system for the postopera-
Animal Health USA, Inc., 2007. tive analgesic management of canine total ear canal
9. McQuay HJ, Moore A. NSAIDS and coxibs: clini- ablation – a randomized, controlled, double-blinded
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10. Kukanich B, Papich MG. Plasma profile and phar- for postoperative analgesia in dogs undergo-
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Multimodal Management
of Canine Osteoarthritis
INTRODUCTION processes associated with pain recognition
(i.e., transduction, transmission, modula-
For many years, pain was managed by admin- tion, and perception).
istration of a single pharmacological agent
(if it was managed at all), and often only
when the animal ‘proved’ to the clinician that
it was suffering. Within the past 10–15 years SYNERGISM: A
advancements in the understanding of pain
physiology, introduction of more efficacious
and safe drugs, and the maturation of ethics BACKGROUND
toward animals have considerably improved
the management of pain that veterinary A study illustrating the concept of syner-
patients need and deserve. gism was reported by Grimm and others in
Following the lead in human medicine, 2000 (Table 8.1).1 Whereas the time to posi-
veterinarians have come to appreciate that tive response in a tail clamping model was
the network of pain processing involves an 1.5 hours and 2.4 hours for butorphanol
incredibly large number of transmitters and (0.2 mg/kg) and medetomidine (5 Ug/kg),
receptors, all with different mechanisms, respectively, the duration of response time for
dynamics, and modes of action. From this the combination was 5.6 hours rather than
appreciation comes the conclusion that it
is naïve to expect analgesia with a single
agent, working by a single mode of action.
Multimodal analgesia was initially under- TABLE 8.1 Results of a study by Grimm
stood as the administration of a combi- et al.1 which show that adding an opioid to
an α2-agonist results in a clinical response
nation of different drugs from different
that is greater than additive; the result is
pharmacological classes such that they act synergistic
by different, noncompeting modes of action.
However, the concept has further expanded Time until positive
to include different methods of delivery, e.g. Treatment group response (hours)
oral, systemic, transdermal, transbuccal, Saline control 0.0 ± 0.0
and epidural as well as nonpharmacological
Butorphanol 1.50 ± 1.50
modalities such as acupuncture and physi- (0.2 mg/kg IM)
cal rehabilitation. Central to the concept is
that drug combinations will be synergistic Medetomidine 2.36 ± 0.49
(5.0 μg/kg IM) (∑ = 3.86) (expectation if
(or at least additive), requiring a reduced
effects were additive)
amount of each individual drug, and there-
fore less potential for adverse response to Butorphanol 5.58 ± 2.28
medication. Selection of drugs within the (0.2 mg/kg IM) +
‘cocktail’ would be optimal if they collec- Medetomidine
(5.0 μg/kg IM)
tively blocked all four of the physiological
FIGURE 8.3 The ‘functional unit’ of articular cartilage is the aggrecan aggregate, wherein a loss of struc-
ture results in a loss of function.7 (A) Cross-section of normal cartilage. (B) Proteoglycans (from chon-
drocytes), water, and collagen that comprise cartilage. (C) Aggrecan aggregate. (D) Chondroitin sulfate
GAG. (Adapted from Johnson SA. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice 1997.)
Further, from the Labrador Retriever Life- like an activated macrophage, with upregu-
long Nestlé Purina Study, Kealy and others5,6 lation of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and IL-8
showed that the prevalence and severity of gene expression. Also upregulated in arthritic
OA in several joints were less in dogs with chondrocytes are prostaglandin E2 (PGE2),
long-term reduced food intake, compared tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), nitric
with control dogs, and that food intake is an oxide (NO), and matrix metalloproteinases
environmental factor that may have a pro- (MMP)-2, -3, -9, and -13. These enzymes,
found effect on the development of OA in MMPs, and aggrecanases destroy collagen
dogs. Dogs on a restricted diet showed a sig- and proteoglycans faster than new ones can
nificant reduction in progression of OA hip be produced, transitioning the cartilage from
scores and lived longer. an anabolic state to a catabolic state.
Obviously, the content of the diet is criti- Imbalance of TIMPs and MMPs contrib-
cal. The adage ‘you are what you eat’ has been utes to the pathological breakdown of carti-
given support relative to OA from research lage (Figure 8.4).
conducted on eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)–
rich diets by pet food manufacturers.
Aggrecan is the major proteoglycan (by
mass) of articular cartilage, consisting of
the proteoglycan monomer that aggregates
with hyaluronan. Many aggrecan monomers
attach to a hyaluronic acid chain to form an
aggrecan aggregate. Aggrecan aggregates,
type II collagen fibrils, water, and chondro-
cytes comprise the cartilage matrix wherein
structure reflects function (Figure 8.3). When
structure is altered, so too is function.
A disruption in the normal relationship of
collagen and proteoglycans in the articular
cartilage matrix is one of the first events in FIGURE 8.4 Normally, TIMPs counteract the
the development of OA. Compared with nor- destruction of MMPs, but in the arthritic state
mal cartilage, OA-affected cartilage behaves TIMPs cannot keep up and catabolism prevails.
234 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Physical Rehabilitation
Physical rehabilitation is a term that defines
FIGURE 8.5 Eicosanoid production from AA or EPA.8 a broad spectrum of methods from the
most advanced techniques used in complex
Dietary fatty acids can help to correct orthopedic surgery recoveries to the simple
this imbalance by modulating the production techniques that can be taught to pet owners
of inflammatory mediators. PGE 2 , which for use at home with their pets. The goal is
increases in inflammatory conditions such as to restore, maintain, and promote optimal
OA, stimulates pain receptors and promotes function, optimal fitness, wellness, and qual-
additional inflammation. On the other hand, ity of life as they relate to movement disor-
PGE3 and LTB5, the eicosanoid products of ders and health.
EPA, have markedly less biological activity The chronic OA patient is often reluc-
than those derived from arachidonic acid tant to exercise. This reluctance may be
(AA) and are considered anti-inflammatory due to the patient’s unwillingness or inabil-
(Figure 8.5). The end result is that when the ity. Unwillingness is frequently due to pain,
FIGURE 8.6 Derivation of eicosanoids from omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
Chapter 8 Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis 235
FIGURE 8.8 Multiple eicosanoids are derived from the AA cascade, which serve various physiological
functions. Corticosteroids and NSAIDs block this cascade at points identified in the graphic.
both human and animal health (see Nutrition Business Journal. Estimated sales
Chapter 6). Yet many do not understand of human-use glucosamine and chondroitin
the definition and constraints of a nutra- sulfate in 2004 approached $730 million.
ceutical. A nutraceutical is defined as a It would appear that popularity of these
food additive that is given orally. As such, supplements in the human sector is driving
nutraceuticals are not under regulation by veterinary use. The world market for pet
the FDA. In contrast, chondroprotectives nutraceuticals was worth $960 million in
are FDA-regulated. Together, chondropro- 2004. About 60% of this was given to dogs,
tectants and nutraceuticals are considered a quarter to cats, and 10% to horses. 22
disease-modifying osteoarthritic agents A meta-analysis of studies evaluating the
(DMOAAs), whereas nutraceuticals are efficacy of these supplements for OA 23 sug-
not considered disease-modifying osteo- gested potential benefit from these agents, but
arthritic drugs (DMOADs). More than 30 as is often the case with nutraceuticals, ques-
nutraceutical products have been listed tions were raised about the scientific quality
as potentially active in OA (Table 8.2).19 of the studies. Therefore, the Glucosamine/
Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASu) is chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial
a recent entry to the nutraceutical pool. It (GAIT), a 24-week, randomized, double-
is suggested that this compound may pro- blind, placebo- and celecoxib-controlled,
mote OA cartilage repair by acting on sub- multicenter, $14 million trial was sponsored
chondral bone osteoblasts. ASu has been by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
observed to prevent the inhibitory effect of to evaluate rigorously the efficacy and safety
subchondral osteoblasts on aggrecan syn- of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and the
thesis while having no significant effect on two in combination in the treatment of pain
MMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotein- due to human OA of the knee. The primary
ase 1 (TIMP-1), COX-2, or inducible nitric outcome measure of the GAIT study was a
oxide (iNOS) expression. 20 20% decrease in knee pain. Analysis of the
About 21 million Americans have OA. 21 primary outcome measure did not show that
NSAIDs are the foundation for treating OA; either supplement, alone or in combination,
however, ongoing controversy over conven- was efficacious. 24 Prior to the GAIT study,
tional medications has created fertile soil for some investigations had suggested efficacy
the growth of alternative arthritis remedies, of these supplements. Discrepancies may be
particularly glucosamine and chondroitin. explained, in part, by the rigors of the GAIT
First popularized by the 1997 bestseller The study imposed by the NIH and the use of
Arthritis Cure by Dr. Jason Theodosakis, only pharmaceutical-grade supplements.
these supplements racked up combined sales Many nutraceuticals are least-cost formu-
of $640 million in 2000, according to the lations, and quality assurance is lacking to
238 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Note: Columns 3 and 4 note the + or – complementary effect from glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
line of treatment lacks convincing scientific and hyaluronidases, which degrade collagen,
underpinning. proteoglycans, and hyaluronic acid.56,57 It
is also reported to inhibit PGE synthesis. 58
Chondroprotectants: PSGAG has shown a specific potentiating
effect on hyaluronic acid synthesis by syno-
Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan vial membrane cells in vitro. 59
Adequan®, a polysulfated glycosaminogly- Within 2 hours of administration,
can (PSGAG), is available as a chondropro- Adequan Canine® enters cartilage, where
tectant, as is the hyaluronic acid product it reduces proteoglycan degradation,
Legend. The products Chondroprotec and inhibits synthesis and activity of degrada-
IChON® are neither a nutraceutical nor a tive enzymes, stimulates GAG synthesis,
chondroprotectant. Both are licensed as topi- and increases hyaluronan concentrations.
cal wound devices, rather than drugs. Clinical data from Millis et al. (unpub-
Adequan Canine® is a PSGAG character- lished, 2005) demonstrated that comfort-
ized as a DMOAD which has met the rigors able angle of extension and lameness scores
of FDA registration. Experiments conducted were both improved following adminis-
in vitro have shown PSGAG to inhibit cer- tration of Adequan Canine® at both 4 and
tain catabolic enzymes which have increased 8 weeks following anterior cruciate liga-
activity in inflamed joints and to enhance ment transection, while the concentration
the activity of some anabolic enzymes.54 of neutral metalloproteinase was reduced
PSGAG has been shown to significantly relative to controls. In an era where evidence-
inhibit serine proteinases, which play a role based treatment is being emphasized, in this
in the IL-1–mediated degradation of carti- instance, the separation between patient
lage proteoglycans and collagen. 55 PSGAG response to FDA-approved drugs and unli-
has further been reported to inhibit some censed agents is gratifyingly widening.
catabolic enzymes such as elastase, stromely- Adequan Canine® is most appropri-
sin, metalloproteinases, cathepsin G and B1, ately administered in the early stages of OA
240 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
FIGURE 8.9 The strategy of early PSGAG treatment is to delay the point in time when ‘aggressive’ treat-
ment is required to keep the patient comfortable.
OA is both a chronic disease and an acute dis-
ease, with intermittent flare-ups that may ren-
der an NSAID ineffective as a sole analgesic
because of ‘breakthrough pain’ (Figure 8.12).
Further, chronic pain is not just a prolonged
version of acute pain. As pain signals are
FIGURE 8.10 Chondrocytes within the cartilage
matrix (far left) generate all components of the
repeatedly generated, neural pathways undergo
matrix. In the OA disease state, they also pro- physiochemical changes that make them hyper-
duce enzymes which degrade matrix aggrecan sensitive to the pain signals and resistant to
(pink structure). The PSGAG Adequan Canine® antinociceptive input. In a very real sense, the
helps to protect cartilage against the catabolic signals can become embedded in the spinal
activity of these degradative enzymes. cord, like a painful memory (Figure 8.13).
Chapter 8 Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis 241
FIGURE 8.13 Neuropathic pain. Maladaptive (chronic) pain typically involves nervous system lesions or
disease, a marked neuroimmune response, and lasts an extended period of time – far beyond the heal-
ing process. Given enough input from the peripheral nervous system (PNS), the central nervous system
(CNS) changes, e.g., the CNS is dynamic (plastic). This is caused by ‘aggravation’ of CNS cell types,
principal to which is the microglia (a CNS macrophage).
242 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Nociceptor Closed K+
channel Substance P
Ca++ K+
Mg++ Na+ Na+
Mg++ Production and release
Production and release Nitric oxide
of neurotransmitters
of neurotransmitters synthase
C-fos gene
FIGURE 8.14 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activity plays a major role in differentiating acute
from chronic pain. When activated, the NMDA receptor site allows massive intracellular influx of Ca++,
which initiates the state of ‘wind-up’. (AMPA: alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic
acid, PKC, protein kinase C.)
other chronic pain diseases). When activated, involved in perception and transmission of
the NMDA receptor site allows a massive noxious stimuli provide multiple sites for
intracellular influx of Ca+ and subsequent potential new analgesic drug development
neuronal release of neurogenic transmitters (Figures 8.15 and 8.16).
(Figure 8.14). The receptors and pathways
8.15 Primary
afferent neuron Dorsal horn neuron
Nociception sP NK-1 Spinothalamic tract Hyperalgesia Wind-up
Glu Activate
NMDA Facilitation
Opioid Inhibition
FIGURE 8.15 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) facilitation amplifies the nociceptive signals to a state of
hyperalgesia. Administration of an ‘adjunct’, such as an NMDA antagonist, blocks the NMDA-facilitated
nociceptive signaling, suppressing the nociceptive signal back to a state of ‘normalgesia’. (AMPA:
alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid, CGRP: calcitonin gene related peptide,
Glu: glutamate, NK-1: neurokinin-1, sP: substance P.)
Chapter 8 Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis 243
FIGURE 8.16 The moving target of pain management. Well-characterized receptors in the periphery are
activated by noxious stimuli, acute inflammation, and tissue injury, sending afferent information to the dor-
sal horn of the spinal cord where synaptic transmission to ascending pathways is subject to modulation
by descending pathways, local neuronal circuits, and a variety of neurochemicals. Each of these recep-
tors/modulators is a potential site for new analgesic drug development. (A2: adenosine A2 receptor, ASIC:
acid-sensing channels, ATP: adenosine triphosphate, B1/2: bradykinin receptors 1, 2, EAAs: excitatory
amino acids, EP: prostaglandin E receptor, H1: histamine H1 receptor, 5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine (sero-
tonin), IGluR: ionotropic glutamate receptor, IL: interleukin, IL-1R: interleukin 1 receptor, M2: muscarinic
M2 receptor, mGluR: metabotropic glutamate receptor, NO: nitric oxide, P2X3: purinergic receptor X3,
PAF: platelet-activating factor, ROS: reactive oxygen species, TrKA: tyrosine receptor kinase A.)
FIGURE 8.18 Proposed algorithm for implementing a multimodal plan for nonsurgical management of the
OA patient. (Adopted from Lascelles, 2008.)
Chapter 8 Multimodal Management of Canine Osteoarthritis 245
Legally speaking, cannabis plants that gastrointestinal tract via cytochrome P450
naturally produce greater than 0.3% THC
are labeled ‘marijuana’ and are considered
(CYP) isoenzymes (as are many antiseizure
medications [ASMs]), some interaction or 8
illegal drugs under federal law. Plants produc- inhibition of metabolism is anticipated.120,121
ing less than 0.3% THC are considered hemp, Dose-related somnolence and sedation are
and the Farm Bill classified them as legal. commonly reported side effects of CBD
Garcia et al.123 has reported on the safety
Safety and Efficacy of and effectiveness of a small, controlled,
Treating Refractory Epileptic 14-dog cohort of epileptic dogs treated with
placebo or CBD/CBDA-rich hemp extract
Seizures in Dogs treatment at 2 mg/kg orally every 12 hours
The use of CBD in childhood refractory for each 12-week arm of their cross-over
seizures has become a common therapeu- study. Results demonstrated:
tic approach for specific seizure disorders
in human medicine. From this experience, (1) Aside from a mild increase in alkaline phos-
there is an interest in using CBD, cannabid- phatase, there were no alterations observed
iolic acid (CBDA), or cannabinoid-rich hemp on routine bloodwork at 2, 6, and 12 weeks
products in the treatment of idiopathic epi- during either arm of the study.
lepsy in dogs. (2) Epileptic seizure frequency decreased across
Antiepileptic findings show that the the population from a mean of 8.0 ± 4.8
effects of cannabinoids are separate from during placebo treatment to 5.0 ± 3.6 with
the psychotropic and excitatory effects of CBD/CBDA-rich hemp extract (P = 0.02).
19-tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) and that (3) Epileptic seizure event days over the
CBD exhibits a lack of central nervous 12 weeks of CBD/CBDA-rich hemp treat-
system excitation.111,112 No one mecha- ment was 4.1 ± 3.4, which was significantly
nism appears to be solely responsible for different than during the 12 weeks of pla-
the antiepileptic action of CBD.113 CBD cebo treatment (5.8 ± 3.1; P = 0.02). The
alone does not solely contribute to the anti- number of dogs with a 50% reduction in
epileptic properties seen in the use of such epileptic activity while on treatment were
preparations.114 The presence of minor can- 6/14, whereas 0/14 had reductions of 50%
nabinoids alongside CBDA augmenting or greater while on the placebo (P = 0.02)
potency provides conceptual evidence of the (4) Adverse events were minimal but included
‘entourage effect’ (synergism).114 somnolence (3/14) and transient increases
The pharmacokinetics, safety, and effi- in ataxia (4/14) during CBD/CBDA-rich
cacy of a blend of a CBD/CBDA-rich hemp hemp extract treatment; this was not sig-
extract in osteoarthritic dogs at 2 mg/kg in an nificantly different from placebo.
oil base provided orally every 12 hours have
been reported.115 Previous work describes
CBD and CBD/CBDA-rich hemp extract
administration being safe at doses between
2 and 10 mg/kg body weight provided as an
orally administered oil.116,117 Other studies
have found mild adverse events associated Each year, the practicing clinician has more
with the administration of CBD to dogs; resources available to her or him than ever
these gastrointestinal signs were attributed before. Such resources include diagnostic
to the medium-chain triglyceride oil base of algorithms, electronic libraries, educational
the product rather than the cannabinoids.118 webinars, diagnostic hardware, etc. One
McGrath et al. found a significant 33% such offering is PainTrace®. This device is a
reduction in epileptic seizure days (seizure wearable monitor proposed to quantify both
days being defined as one or more events dur- acute and chronic pain. Real-time pain lev-
ing the day to account for cluster seizures) els are acquired using skin-mounted sensors
in dogs administered CBD compared to that process a direct ‘pain biosignal’ gener-
baseline reported seizure events.119 Because ated by the nervous system (term ‘biosig-
CBD is metabolized in the liver and the nal’ undefined). This device is an attempt to
248 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
objectively quantify pain, recognizing that 2. Williams JT. The painless synergism of aspirin and
opium. Nature 1997;390:557–558.
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7. Johnston SA. Osteoarthritis. Joint anatomy, physi-
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Diagnostic algorithms are to the clinician 9. Clinician’s update, Supplement to NAVC Clinician’s
Brief ®. April 2005.
much what checklists are to the pilot, and we 10. Solomon L. Clinical features of osteoarthritis. In:
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ing differential diagnoses (DDXs) to reach Textbook of Rheumatology, Vol 2. WB Saunders,
Philadelphia, 1997, p1383–1408.
the most accurate patient diagnosis. Hence, 11. 1999 Rimadyl A&U Study – USA: 039 DRIM 197.
the value of ‘clinical rounds.’ Not only is Pfizer Animal Health USA.
there obvious value in discarding distrac- 12. Lascelles BDX, Blikslager AT, Fox SM, et al.
tors, but there is value in learning why DDXs Gastrointestinal tract perforations in dogs treated
with a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor: 29 cases
might be rejected. (2002–2003). J Am Vet Med Assoc 2002;227(7):
‘Clinical rounds’ implies a sharing of 1112–1117.
experiences and insights from colleagues, 13. 3-Year Deramaxx Update. Novartis Animal Health
USA, Inc. 2007: DER 060058A 35618.
instructors, and mentors. There is value in 14. Mamdani M, Rochon PA, Juurlink DN, et al.
having such a resource at your disposal elec- Observational study of upper gastrointestinal haem-
tronically! A number of Finnish veterinari- orrhage in elderly patients given selective cyclo-oxy-
ans, IT experts, pharmacists, and visionaries genase-2 inhibitors or conventional non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs. BMJ 2002;325:624.
at Gekko have developed a computer-based 15. Liu S, Tilley LP, Tappe JP, Fox PR. Clinical and
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Such an exercise can be as valuable to the with Deramaxx (deracoxib) since its US launch.
‘seasoned’ clinician as it is for the ‘novice’ Advisor for the Practicing Veterinarian. 2004 (DER
clinician. Do you ever find yourself saying, 17. Lascelles BDX, McFarland JM. Guidelines for
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104. Silva RL, Silveira GT, Wanderlei CW, et al. DMH- use of pharmaceutically purified oral cannabidiol
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106. Katchan V, David P, Shoenfeld Y. Cannabinoids RFM, et al. Cannabidiol in conjunction with cloba-
and autoimmune diseases: a systematic review. zam: analysis of four randomized controlled trials.
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Nutraceuticals in Veterinary Medicine. Springer, tory epileptic seizures in dogs. Front Vet Sci
Cham. 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04624-8_10 2022;9:939966.
Chronic Pain in Selected
Physiological Systems
Ophthalmic, Aural, and Dental Ophthalmic Pain
Because glucocorticoids inhibit the vas- hypertensive effect of corticosteroids has been
cular and cellular responses characteristic
of early inflammation and also suppress the
documented in beagles19 with primary open-
angle glaucoma and in normal cats. 9
persistent, nonresolving changes of chronic All surgical diseases have an inflamma-
inflammation, they are commonly used for tory component. Further, atropine-resistant
ophthalmic conditions. In the latter stages miosis, rise in intraocular pressure, disrup-
of inflammation, glucocorticoids suppress tion of the blood-aqueous barrier, vasodilata-
formation of fibroblasts and their collagen- tion associated with vascular permeability in
forming activity as well as neovasculariza- the conjunctiva and iris, and possibly corneal
tion. Accordingly, topical glucocorticoids neovascularization are inflammatory effects
are effective for treating nonulcerative kera- caused by ocular prostaglandins (PGs). 20
titis by suppressing or preventing neovascu- Accordingly, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
lar ingrowth and scar tissue formation and drugs (NSAIDs) can be quite efficacious in
thereby preserve the structure and transpar- minimizing the detrimental effects of the
ency of the cornea.13 Topical glucocorticoid inflammatory response, including pain.
preparations are available as solutions, sus- Topical formulations of NSAIDs for
pensions, or ointments. Phosphate deriva- ophthalmic use became commercially avail-
tives provide a clear solution in contrast to able worldwide by the early 1990s. They are
acetate and alcohol derivatives, which are less often considered a safer alternative to topi-
water soluble and are in suspensions. Due to cal corticosteroids, avoiding the potential
the lipid-rich composition of the corneal epi- undesirable side effects associated with topi-
thelium, lipophilic acetate and alcohol corti- cal steroids, such as elevations in intraocular
costeroid preparations penetrate the cornea pressure and progression of cataracts (both
better than the polar preparations such as of which are less common in veterinary med-
sodium salts of the steroid phosphate.14 icine than in human medicine), increased
Absorption of glucocorticoid suspensions risk of infection, and worsening of stro-
is slow and may maintain therapeutic levels mal melting by activation of matrix metal-
for 2–3 weeks in humans, while a substantial loproteinases (MMPs). Topically applied
amount of active glucocorticoid may remain NSAIDs are commonly used in the manage-
up to 13 months in subconjunctival depots.15 ment and prevention of noninfectious ocular
Although not assessed in animals, intravitreal inflammation following cataract surgery.
administration of triamcinolone acetonide Additionally, they are used in the manage-
has been suggested for humans as a possible ment of pain following refractive surgery and
treatment for diabetic macular edema, pro- in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.
liferative diabetic retinopathy, chronic pre- Topical NSAIDs were first shown to be more
phthisical ocular hypotony, chronic uveitis, effective in intraocular penetration than sys-
and exudative retinal detachment. Vitreous temic formulations by Sawa and Masuda 21
concentrations from clinical injections can be and Miyake, 22 who also demonstrated the
present for up to 1.5 years after the applica- effects of topical NSAIDs on the prevention
tion.16 Systemic administration of glucocor- of intraoperative miosis and cystoid macu-
ticoids may either be combined with topical lar edema. They were first used in cataract
or subconjunctival therapy for treatment of surgery for the prevention of intraoperative
severe or refractory anterior uveitis or used miosis, 23 and later shown to be effective in
alone for the control of chorioretinitis, optic controlling the pain following refractive sur-
neuritis, or noninfectious orbital inflamma- gery, 24 with potential in the prevention and
tion.17 Topical glucocorticoids are considered treatment of cystoid macular edema. 25
contraindicated in the presence of corneal Topical NSAIDs are classified into six
ulceration because of delayed epithelial heal- groups based on their chemical composition:
ing rates, stromal keratocyte proliferation,
and collagen deposition. Further, debate over • Indoles
the use of glucocorticoids for the management • Phenylacetic acids
of ocular infections is unresolved. Steroid- • Phenylalkanoic acids
induced cataract has been produced experi- • Salicylates
mentally in cats by topical administration of • Fenamates
dexamethasone or prednisolone,18 and the • Pyrazolones
254 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
Salicylates, fenamates, and pyrazolones is more effective than the others in stabilizing
are considered too toxic to be used in the the blood-aqueous barrier in canine eyes.28 In
eye. 26 See Table 9.1. the dog, topical 0.1% indomethacin solution
In contrast to postoperative inflamma- was as effective as topical 1% indomethacin
tion, many forms of uveitis require prolonged suspension in preventing the increase in per-
corticosteroid therapy to control the inflam- meability of the blood-aqueous barrier and
mation and discomfort, but with the risk of the miotic response induced by aqueous para-
local toxicity. In some cases NSAIDs are a centesis.29 Further, it is reported in dogs that
potential alternative that provide safer treat- topical indomethacin readily penetrates the
ment.27 A comparative study of topical 1.0% cornea and enters the aqueous humor to pre-
suspensions of flurbiprofen, diclofenac, tol- vent in situ PG synthesis and blood-aqueous
metin, and suprofen showed that diclofenac breakdown.30 In a study comparing effects
TABLE 9.1 Commercially available topical NSAIDs for control of human ophthalmic pain and
Drug name Manufacturer class Formulation Indications
Generic Brand
Flurbiprofen Ocufen® Allergan Phenylalkanoic 0.03% Inhibition of intraoperative
acid solution miosis
Suprofen Profenal® Alcon Phenylalkanoic 1.0% solution Inhibition of intraoperative
acid miosis
Ketorolac Acular® Allergan Phenylalkanoic 0.5% solution Seasonal allergic
acid conjunctivitis,
inflammation following
cataract surgery
Acular LS® Allergan Phenylalkanoic 0.4% solution Reduction of ocular pain
acid and burning/stinging
following corneal
refractive surgery
Diclofenac Voltaren® Novartis Phenylacetic 0.1% solution Postoperative
acid inflammation following
cataract surgery,
reduction of pain and
photophobia following
refractive surgery
Nepafenac Nevanac® Alcon Phenylacetic 0.1% Pain and inflammation
acid suspension associated with cataract
Bromfenac Xibrom® Bausch & Lomb Phenylacetic 0.9% solution Postoperative inflammation
acid and pain following
cataract surgery
Indomethacin Indocin® Various Indole 0.1% solution Prevention of the
inflammation linked with
cataract surgery and
anterior segment of the
eye, inhibition of
preoperative miosis and
treatment of pain related
to refractive surgery
Indocollyre® 0.5% solution
Indomelol® 1%
Chapter 9 Chronic Pain in Selected Physiological Systems 255
of orally administered tepoxalin, carprofen, show signs of pain for weeks or months during
and meloxicam for controlling aqueocentesis-
induced anterior uveitis in dogs, as determined
the slow healing process.
Under such circumstances, topically 9
by measurement of aqueous prostaglandin E2 administered corneal anesthetic agents are
(PGE2) concentrations, Gilmour et al. con- inappropriate because of both short duration
cluded that tepoxalin was more effective than and toxicosis of the corneal epithelium with
carprofen or meloxicam for controlling the associated delay in healing. NSAIDs admin-
production of PGE2 in dogs with experimen- istered topically have offered some analgesic
tally induced uveitis.31 effects in humans with corneal ulcers36,37 and
Although rare, systemic adverse reac- may offer benefit in dogs, but can be associated
tions to topically applied NSAIDs have with delayed would healing and corneal melt-
been reported. The systemic absorption of ing. Stiles et al.34 have reported that the topical
topically applied ophthalmic preparations is use of 1% morphine sulfate solution in dogs
considered minimal; however, it is prudent with corneal ulcers provided analgesia for a
to consider the potential for systemic effects. subjective assessment of at least 4 hours with-
Severe adverse events associated with topical out interference with wound healing. These
NSAIDs appear to require potentiation in results are consistent with those observed in
the form of high total doses, ocular comor- the human patient and literature.38
bidities, or other risk factors such as previ- Glaucoma is one of the most frequent blind-
ous cataract or ocular surgeries, diabetes, or ing diseases in dogs, characterized by high
ocular vascular or cardiovascular disease.32 intraocular pressure (>25–30 mmHg in dogs;
As with systemic NSAID administration, >31 mmHg in cats) that causes characteristic
adverse reactions to topically administered degenerative changes in the optic nerve and ret-
NSAIDs in humans are not infrequently ina, with subsequent loss of vision. Glaucoma
associated with inappropriate use.33 results from the degeneration of retinal gan-
Pain associated with corneal ulceration in glion cells and their axons. Glaucomatous con-
animals or humans may not always be specifi- ditions characterized by degenerative retinal
cally treated,34 focusing instead on rapid cover- ganglion cell death in the absence of elevated
ing of nerve endings by advancing epithelium, intraocular pressure have not been recognized
thereby sparing the axons from noxious stimuli. in the dog. The dog has the highest frequency
And although uncomplicated corneal ulcers in of primary glaucomas of all animals, with the
dogs may heal in a few days, the dog is likely to narrow- or closed-angle type being the most
experience considerable pain during that time. common,39 and the contralateral eye usually
Dogs being treated for indolent or nonhealing develops glaucoma in affected dogs within a
corneal ulcers often require multiple episodes few months. Figure 9.1 illustrates tonometers
of debridement or surgical intervention35 and used to measure intraocular pressure.
FIGURE 9.1 (A) Tonovet®, a handheld magnetic rebound tonometer for measuring intraocular pressure,
(B) the more traditional Schiötz indentation tonometer, and (C) the tonopen applanation tonometer.
256 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine
While glaucoma in human patients is usu- cat can cause discomfort to the patient and
ally not associated with clinical signs of ocular may result in aggressive behavior toward the
pain and discomfort, glaucoma in veterinary examiner. The ear canal is an invagination
patients is usually recognized when aggres- of epidermis forming a hollow skin tube in
sive clinical signs of the disease are present. the inside of the head that begins at the ear-
Nevertheless, most veterinary textbooks drum (Figure 9.2). Primary causes of ear dis-
address treatment for controlling intraocular ease are skin diseases that also have an effect
pressures associated with glaucoma, but few on the skin lining the ear canal. Cutaneous
address the associated pain. In some cases, enu- diseases such as atopy, food hypersensitiv-
cleation or evisceration may be the only way to ity, parasites, foreign bodies, hypothyroidism,
relieve the animal’s pain. If ocular pain is exac- and seborrheic disease frequently result in ear
erbated by exposure to bright light, relief may disease. Often complicating the condition is
be achieved by reducing ambient illumination. long-standing overtreatment of ears with ear
Glaucoma can be conceptualized as cleaners, drugs that irritate the epithelium, and
an optic neuropathy associated with char- cotton-tipped applicators. It has been theo-
acteristic structural damage to the optic rized that chronic inflammation, more com-
nerve and associated visual dysfunction.40 mon in the dog than in the cat, may initiate
Hypothesizing that part of the pain in human progression of otic lesions from hyperplasia
patients with painful, blind, glaucomatous to dysplasia, and perhaps even to neoplasia.44
eyes might be explained by optic neuropathy Perpetuating factors that prevent the ear canal
and optic nerve structural damage causing from effectively healing include infections with
neuropathic pain, Kavalieratos and Dimou41 bacteria and yeasts, improper treatment of the
have published a case report of significant pain ear, overtreatment of the ear with ear cleaners
relief with the administration of gabapentin. and medications, and otitis media. The exam-
Acupuncture is an area of emerging inter- iner should conduct an otoscopic examination
est and application in veterinary medicine. of the ear canals for the following:
There are few prospective controlled studies
on the use of acupuncture for ophthalmic pain • Parasites
in people or animals. Nevertheless, there are • Patency or stenosis
favorable reports when used in people. Nepp • Ulcerations
et al.42 reported favorable responses from • Exudates
acupuncture based upon visual analog score • Foreign bodies
(VAS) for a variety of painful ophthalmic • Color changes
conditions, including glaucoma, ophthalmic • Proliferative changes
migraine, blepharospasm, and dry eyes. There • Tumors
are also clinical reports of pain relief from • Excessive hair or waxy accumulation
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in human
patients after acupuncture treatment.43 Cytological assessment should accom-
pany every infected ear examination. When
signs of vestibular dysfunction are present,
Aural Pain peripheral versus central vestibular disease
Ear disease is a common ailment of dogs. should be identified by performing a cranial
Approximately 15%–20% of all canine nerve examination. In many cases, proper
patients and approximately 6%–7% of all diagnosis and treatment of the underlying
feline patients have some kind of ear disease, pathology resolve the disease. However,
from mild erythema to severe otitis media.44 in some animals with severe infection and
In dogs, secondary otitis media occurs in disease, it can be impossible to medicate
approximately 16% of acute otitis externa because of their pain, apprehension, and,
cases and as many as 50%–80% of chronic often, resulting aggression. In these cases, it
otitis externa cases.45 Most patients with may be better to recommend surgical inter-
chronic otitis externa that has been present vention to prevent further suffering and to
for 45–60 days will have a coexisting otitis optimize client resources. With the salvage
media, and often an otitis interna. Chronic procedure of canine total ear canal ablation,
ear disease is often painful. Wolfe et al.46 have reported the favorable use
Manipulation of the pinna or otoscopic of local lidocaine delivery as compared to
examination of the painful ear of a dog or intravenous morphine.
Chapter 9 Chronic Pain in Selected Physiological Systems 257
FIGURE 9.2 Anatomy of the canine ear and related otitis externa clinical observations. (Photographs
courtesy of Dr. Keith Hnilica; Otoscopy courtesy of Dr. Diane Lewis.)
FIGURE 9.3 Periodontal disease can lead to pain, anorexia, and systemic disease. (A) Bacterial plaque.
(B) Alveolar bone erosion. (C) Severe conditions can manifest as fistula with exudative purulent tracts.
1: Bacterial plaque. 2: Alveolar bone erosion. 3: Suborbital fistula. (Photographs courtesy of Brett
14. Musson DG, Bidgood AM, Olejnik O. An in vitro 32. O’Brien TP, Li QJ, Sauerburger F, et al. The role
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Case Reports
CASE REPORT1 Initial treatment consisted of immediate
forelimb amputation. Premedication consisted
Signalment: 16-year-old controlled diabetic of a combination of morphine and atropine.
castrated male cat. The owner reported Anesthesia was induced with a combination
that the cat was no longer jumping on to of intravenous midazolam followed by pro-
the kitchen counter and was eating less. pofol and initially maintained with isoflurane
Physical examination was normal, although in oxygen. Fentanyl was administered follow-
an orthopedic examination revealed pain on ing induction, and intravenous ketamine was
palpation of either coxofemoral joint and administered as an infusion throughout sur-
decreased range of motion in both coxofem- gery. Postoperatively, the patient was main-
oral joints. tained for 24 hours in an intensive care ward
Radiographs of the hips demonstrated and administered continuous infusions of fen-
bilateral coxofemoral joint osteoarthritis tanyl and ketamine until discharge on day 2.
(OA) with pronounced secondary changes. Home convalescence included a 3-day
Blood/Chemistry profiles revealed packed treatment of oral morphine and daily NSAID
cell volume (PCV) 39%; total protein (TP) administration.
65 g/L (6.5 g/dL); blood urea nitrogen (BUN) One month postoperatively, the patient
13.2 mmol/L (37 mg/dL), creatinine 247.5 appeared painful, and as the NSAID was
umol/L (2.8 mg/dL); and blood glucose continued, oral morphine was again pre-
22.03 mmol/L (397 mg/dL). scribed (twice daily), which the owners
Previous management included (1) oral increased to three times daily. Although the
ketoprofen, which was discontinued due to owners began dosing the morphine as they
vomiting and renal compromise; (2) oral felt necessary, the more frequent dosing
butorphanol, discontinued due to idiosyn- resulted in unacceptable sedation.
cratic dermal self-trauma; and (3) transmuco- All medications were stopped, and the
sal buprenorphine, which was discontinued patient was re-examined. Physical examination
after 3 days’ dosing because of lethargy and at this stage revealed pronounced vocalization
inappetence. when various parts of her body were palpated,
This senior-aged cat could have been especially the area of surgery. Allodynia from
given amantadine, tramadol, and/or a chon- neuropathic pain was diagnosed based on the
droprotective. However, the cat responded to patient’s painful response to nonpainful stimu-
acupuncture at 4- to 6-week intervals, with a lation. Injury of the peripheral nervous system
return of appetite and increased activity. Not (PNS) or central nervous system (CNS), resul-
all cats respond as well to acupuncture; how- tant from transection of nerves at the time of
ever, in this case sole management of clinical amputation, was speculated as the etiology of
signs by acupuncture spared any potential the neuropathic pain.
organ challenge by therapeutic drugs. The patient was administered amanta-
dine for 5 days and morphine for 2 days. Two
days following discontinuation of the aman-
CASE REPORT2 tadine, the patient was comfortable. At that
time she was administered oral morphine for
Signalment: 5-year-old spayed female 5 days, amantadine for 7 days, and gabapen-
Siberian husky. Presented for right forelimb tin for 10 days. The patient has maintained a
lameness. Physical examination revealed pain-free status since this round of therapy.
an otherwise healthy patient. Palpation Speculation holds that this patient’s pain
of the right humerus revealed soreness. might have been much worse and more dif-
Radiographs showed a lesion confirmed by ficult to treat had her acute pain not been
biopsy to be osteosarcoma. treated so aggressively.
Case Reports 261
Index 263
Composite measure pain scales DJD, see Degenerative joint disease Elbow dysplasia, 95
(CMPS), 107 DMOAAs, see Disease-modifying Elbow incongruity, 95
Constant rate infusion (CRI), 225 osteoarthritic agents ELISA, see Enzyme-linked
Convergence, 91 DMOADs, see Disease-modifying immunosorbent assay
Convergence projection theory, 30 osteoarthritic drugs Enantiomer, 132, 134–135, 137
Conversion electrons, 156 Docetaxel, 107 End-of-life considerations, 121
Corticosteroids, 168 Dogs Endbulb, 26–27
COX, see Cyclooxygenase pathway acute radiation score, 112 Endocannabinoid system (ECS), 245
COX isozymes, 174–178 analgesics for cancer pain, 117, CB2 cannabinoid receptor,
Coxib-class NSAIDs, 179, 182, 118–119 245–246
182, 190 case report, 260, 261 neurotransmitters, 245
Cranial cruciate ligament deficiency cranial cruciate ligament Endothelin, 58
(CrCLD), 70 deficiency, 70 Enthesophytes, 78
Cranial cruciate ligament epidural administration, 226 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent
transection (CCLT), 94 hepatic enzymes in, 184 assay (ELISA), 181
CrCLD, see Cranial cruciate with OA, 70 EPA, see Eicosapentaenoic acid
ligament deficiency pain assessment in, 58, 59–60, 60 Ephaptic cross-talk, 27
Creatinine, 183 pharmacokinetic studies in, 238 Epidural administration, 226,
Curcuminoids, 209 refractory epileptic seizures in, 226, 227
Cyclic AMP (cAMP), 14 247 Epitope, 103
Cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway, treating refractory epileptic Etiological classification, 57
174, 177, 183 seizures in, 247 Etodolac, 118, 119, 180, 189
clinical relevance of, 178, 178 Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) Etoposide, 107
COX-1, 176, 176, 177, 178, axonal cell bodies, 16 Evidence-based, 3, 61, 111, 145,
182, 183 neurons, 7 154, 205, 209, 229,
COX-2, 57, 73, 109, 176, 177, segmental, 14 236, 238
178, 182, 183 DRG, see Dorsal root ganglion Excitability, 8, 11, 17, 24, 28, 38,
CYP, see Cytochrome P450 Drug classes for multimodal use, 45, 46, 48–49, 56, 92,
isoenzymes 217, 217–218 136, 164
Cytarabine, 107 Drug Enforcement Agency Excitation, 6, 19, 24, 26, 27, 38, 49,
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) (DEA), 130 52, 109, 247
isoenzymes, 247 Drug-induced hepatopathy, 183
Cytokines, 23–24, 25–26, 29, 46,
52, 54, 72–73, 80–84, 86
Drugs used in multimodal
protocols, 219–222
Duloxetine, 146–147 FDA, see Food and Drug
D Dynamic trafficking
acute pain, 28–29
Fentanyl, 118, 120, 129, 137,
DAMPs, see Danger-associated ectopic discharge in dorsal 219, 226
molecular patterns roots, 27 patches, 130, 130, 219
Danger-associated molecular ephaptic cross-talk, 27 Fibrillation, 79, 81
patterns (DAMPs), 86 excitation and excitability, 28 Firocoxib, 118, 180, 189
DEA, see Drug Enforcement incisional pain, 30 Fish oil, 206, 208
Agency inflammatory pain, 29–30 Flaxseed oil, 206
Degenerative joint disease (DJD), injured afferent neurons, 27, Flunixin, 196
71–72, 94, 156, 200; see 27–28 Flunixin meglumine, 120
also Osteoarthritis intrinsic kinetic properties, 28 Fluoxetine, 146
Delivery techniques, 218, 223 membrane remodeling, 27 Flurbiprofen, 254
Delta (δ) receptors (OP1), 127 neuronal excitation, 28 fMRI, see Functional magnetic
Dental pain, 257–258 types of neuromas, 26 resonance imaging
Deracoxib, 118, 180, 189 vesicle exocytosis, 27 Food and Drug Administration
Descending modulatory system, 16 visceral pain, 30–31 (FDA), 113, 131,
Desipramine, 146 Dysesthesia (spontaneous pain), 53 193–196, 200, 236
Dexmedetomidine, 220 Force plate platform, 188
Dextromethorphan, 221
Diabetic neuropathy, 43
E Functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), 31
Diazepam, 222 Eburnation, 81
Diclofenac, 254
Differential diagnoses (DDXs), 248
ECS, see Endocannabinoid system
Ectopic discharge, 27, 142, 145,
Disease-modifying osteoarthritic 148, 164 GABA, see Gamma aminobutyric
agents (DMOAAs), 237 Efferent, 11, 18, 31 acid
Disease-modifying osteoarthritic Eicosanoids, 174, 175 Gabapentin, 118, 120, 148, 148,
drugs (DMOADs), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 206, 149, 150–151, 221
237, 261 207, 208, 233, 234, 261 GAGs, see Glycosaminoglycans
Index 265
H degradation, 82–88
arachidonic acid cascade, 82–83
techniques, 225–226
Long-ranging afferents, 47
H 2 blockers, 187 macrophages regulate Low-voltage activated (LVA), 13
HA, see Hyaluronic acid the progression of LVA, see Low-voltage activated
HCN, see Hyperpolarization- osteoarthritis, 84–88
activated cyclic
nucleotide-gated channel
potential biomarkers, 83–84
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 34
HCPI, see Helsinki Chronic Pain mAbs, see Monoclonal antibodies
Health-related quality of life
J Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),
74, 80, 81, 201, 233, 233
(HRQoL), 61, 63, 107 Joint afferents Mechanism-based treatment, 105,
Helsinki Chronic Pain Index Aβ and Aδ fibers, 90–91 162–165
(HCPI), 64 chemosensitivity of Aδ and Mechanoreceptors, 89
Hepatobiliary enzymes, 184 C fibers, 89, 91 Medetomidine, 137, 220, 231
266 Index