Objs RN 130
Objs RN 130
Objs RN 130
May 2023
• Revision history
• About ObjectScale
• New features in this release
• Resolved issues
• Known issues
• Limitations
• Installation details
• Support resources
Revision history
Table 1. Revision history
Revision Date Revision Number Description of change
October 11, 2023 1.0 Initial release for ObjectScale 1.3.0.
About ObjectScale
Dell ObjectScale is the next evolution of object storage from Dell and is built to run in Kubernetes and run efficiently on shared
infrastructure and in multitenant environments.
ObjectScale gives organizations the power to put data closer to the applications they support, reducing latency and improving
the user experience. In addition, object storage from disparate platforms can cross-replicate for greater access, reliability, and
ObjectScale is an enterprise-grade object storage with these features and functionality:
● Simple, S3-compatible enterprise-grade object storage
● Kubernetes-based, customer-deployable
● Scaled-out, software-defined architecture
NOTE: This Dell product utilizes an embedded Linux distribution which is licensed to Dell. This embedded Linux is only
authorized to be used to operate the Dell product and only the Dell product.
New features in this release
Dell ObjectScale supports these features in this release.
Security: Cryptography
ObjectScale 1.3 uses TLS 1.2 only. TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled. ObjectScale 1.3 uses the Dell BSAFE 6.2.6 cryptographic library.
The obsolete CBC ciphers are disabled in ObjectScale 1.3.
Security: Privileged Action Approval System (PAAS)
The privileged actions approval system (PAAS) is an ObjectScale workflow that requires an approval from a second
management user before high-risk management actions can occur. PAAS prevents a single management user from obtaining
root-like privileges and circumventing security controls. It relies on a separation of duties between requester users and approver
users. The two user types each have different roles assigned to them.
Hardware Alerts
Hardware Alerting for ObjectScale Appliance helps customers or services to engage proactively or reactively to resolve issues.
These alerts are displayed on the ObjectScale Portal user interface to enable customers or services to take timely action.
● The appliance generates unique and actionable event or error codes.
● Event or alert payload is delivered exactly as described in the Telemetry Spec v1.1.0 Payload
● Enable the end user to detect the failure and accurately call out the hardware component based on the error or event code.
● Can precisely point to a single failing hardware component (CRU/FRU), and replace it, and avoid multipart dispatch.
Support for latest versions of OpenShift and Kubernetes
ObjectScale supports the latest version of Kubernetes (v1.26.x) and OpenShift (4.13). Customers can perform a platform
upgrade to the latest version.
Bucket Logging
Bucket Logging feature records all the requests going into a source bucket to a designated target bucket in a consistent format.
Customers can configure Bucket Logging from the ObjectScale Portal user interface or S3 API. The feature supports prefixes on
the generated log objects on the target bucket which is useful to distinguish between source buckets when multiple buckets log
to the same target bucket.
Resolved issues
Use the table to locate and understand resolved issues in this release of Dell ObjectScale.
Known issues
Use the table to locate and understand known issues in this release of Dell ObjectScale.
ATL-156 OpenShift CSI Removing an unplanned down node with If the disk is marked failed mistakenly
42 "removeDataDisk": false might cause an issue. by K8s, perform disk cleanup ,
ObjectScale disk partition cleanups, and app like
After the node is repaired and added back to
Software objectscale triggers data recovery for
the cluster, sometimes the CSI pod can not start
Bundle those disks (like OBS PMM) so that
up before other stateful pods and then all the
volumes will be in FAILED status. The related to reuse those disks.
Pods will stuck in ContainerCreating status.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI Column selections for tables in ObjectScale Reselect the columns to view in
-04627 Portal do not persist after a user navigates away ObjectScale Portal.
ObjectScale from and then back to the page where the
Software selections were made.
OBSDEF OpenShift GraphQL Certain replication metrics are not shown in Use the ObjectScale Management
-11078 ObjectScale Portal. REST API to retrieve the full set of
ObjectScale supported replication metrics.
OBSDEF OpenShift GraphQL ObjectScale New Object Store wizard does not Ensure that sufficient Storage
-12827 provide the specific amount of resources that Capacity, Memory, and CPU
ObjectScale are needed when the available CPU or memory resources are available in the cluster
Software is not sufficient to create an object store or before you initiate the object store
Bundle expand an existing object store. creation or expansion.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI The inline policy of the attached group is Locate the Inline Policies tab for the
-14544 not getting displayed under the Accounts > group at:
ObjectScale <ACCOUNT> > Users > <USER> > Groups
Software Accounts > <ACCOUNT> > Groups
section within ObjectScale Portal.
Bundle > <GROUP> > Permissions
OBSDEF OpenShift Operator ObjectScale may allow a PMM operation to PMM requires a single spare node
-18678 proceed even if there is not enough capacity to have enough capacity for SS
on the spare node for SS migration. The PMM migration. Either,
operation fails. ● Expand the capacity or disks on
In these cases, PMM fails even though there the spare node.
may be sufficient total available capacity across ● Add a new spare node with
all of the spare nodes. sufficient capacity.
OBSDEF ObjectScale IAM When a CA certificate is expired or invalid, Ensure that you use the correct and
-24081 Software ObjectScale Management REST API returns the valid CA certificate while configuring
Bundle correct error code but indicates a connection AD/LDAP and TLS/SSL.
issue with the LDAP server.
Issue ID Deployment Functional Description Workaround/Solution
type area
OBSDEF OpenShift Dataheads Put Object incorrectly returns error code 500 No action required, as only the
-25422 vc when an anonymous user sends a request on returned error code was incorrect.
resources for which they do not have permission.
Software Objectsvc Error code 403 should have been
Bundle returned.
OBSDEF OpenShift Object If you attempt to update the bucket policy using Reattempt the Put Bucket
-25470 the wrong bucket name Resource value in the Policy using the correct values.
Put Bucket Policy API call, ObjectScale
Bundle incorrectly returns the 204 no content error
OBSDEF OpenShift UI ObjectScale Portal New Object Store workflow Follow the workflow exactly as
-25483 may allow users to skip some workflow steps recommended in New Object Store
that are required to create an object store. When workflow to create the object store.
this occurs, the request to create the object
store fails.
OBSDEF OpenShift Uninstall ObjectScale may not remove all of the object To remove all remaining object store
-25507 store resources when deleting an object store. resources:
Software 1. Run helm delete
delete all the object store
All object store-related resources
are removed.
2. Run kubectl get all -n
to ensure that all related
resources are deleted.
3. If any resources remain, delete
them manually.
OBSDEF OpenShift GraphQL ObjectScale rejects permanent maintenance ObjectScale does not support PMM
-25587 mode (PMM) on clusters with four or five nodes on clusters with only four or five
with the reason: Not enough free nodes nodes.
to re-schedule pods.
Bundle Add one or more nodes and then
reattempt the PMM operation.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI ObjectScale Portal Manage S3 > Buckets page Remove any accounts and tenants
-25728 can take up to a minute to fully load when there that are no longer needed.
are a large number of accounts and tenets with Otherwise, wait up to a minute
buckets. for the complete list of buckets to
OBSDEF OpenShift IAM ObjectScale Portal deletes all SAML trust Add SAML trust conditions with a
-25773 conditions with the same key when one or different key so that only the trust
more of these trust conditions was selected and condition that is selected is deleted.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI ObjectScale Portal may display outdated license Wait up to six hours for the license
-26344 values for up to six hours after updating the information to update in ObjectScale
ObjectScale license. Portal.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI The UI might take up to one minute to display a Clear any stale accounts and tenants
-27110 query response, depending upon the number of to make query response faster.
accounts and tenants.
Issue ID Deployment Functional Description Workaround/Solution
type area
OBSDEF OpenShift NVMe Suprise NVMe disk removal (either due to Dell recommends following the NVMe
-29073 engine manual operation or hardware malfunction) leads disk removal service procedure when
ObjectScale to the ObjectStore nvme engine pod on that an NVMe disk is planned to be
Software node being stuck in "Terminating" status if this removed.
Bundle pod is restarted for any reason.
If you encounter this issue, run the
following command:
export USERNAME=admin
sshpass -e ssh -o
# removing
trailling spaces
$backingFile | sed 's/
[[ $backingFile ==
*"(deleted)" ]] ; then
$device | cut -d"/"
echo "WARN:
detected removed
backing file
echo "WARN:
detaching the loop
device $loopDevice"
losetup -d $loopDevice
echo "INFO:
skipping loop device
$device: backing file
backing_file doesn't
Issue ID Deployment Functional Description Workaround/Solution
type area
OBSDEF OpenShift UI In the UI Upgrade Details tab, when displaying In some instances, the scrollbar will
-31320 remedies for a failed symptom ID, the screen automatically adjust. If a SignPost
ObjectScale might not display all of the content. runs off of the page, scroll down to
Software view it.
OBSDEF OpenShift Operator During upgrade cluster operations, the REST Do not trigger any other service
-31325 API does not block the node from entering procedures during upgrade.
ObjectScale maintenance mode.
OBSDEF OpenShift NVMe In the ObjectScale NVME cluster, if a node Run the following command:
-31392 engine exhibits an unplanned outage, after it has
ObjectScale rebooted and is back online, the ObjectStore #!/bin/bash
Software nvme engine pod running on the node might be
Bundle stuck in the "Terminating" status. export
export USERNAME=admin
sshpass -e ssh -o
Issue ID Deployment Functional Description Workaround/Solution
type area
this command
findmnt | grep
volumeDevices | grep
OBSDEF OpenShift IAM, After an admin-escalate is done by a user for an Run kubectl commands without sudo.
-32052 Security ssh session to an ObjectScale appliance node,
ObjectScale kubectl commands work only without sudo. If
Software 'sudo' is prepended to the kubectl command, an
Bundle error displays indicating command not found or
connection refused.
OBSDEF OpenShift FedSvc, Post enabling SEKM node reboot may get stuck Contact Dell Technologies support
-32178 SED in the "Initializing Firmware Interfaces .." state for assistance.
ObjectScale after securing boot drives and storage controller
Software after executing the secure SEKM python script.
OBSDEF OpenShift FedSvc On an ObjectScale cluster configured to use an Perform one of the following
-32242 Active Directory external authentication server, workarounds:
ObjectScale if the Active Directory server is currently offline, ● Bring the Active Directory server
Software an "Unexpected Token" error displays on the back to a healthy state.
Bundle ObjectScale Portal login page. ● Log in as a user on a different
external authenticator.
● Log in as a local user.
OBSDEF OpenShift Operator If the node is TMM, there are changes for that Re-trigger the TMM. If the TMM
-32375 TMM to not successfully complete. is stuck at the postcheck stage,
ObjectScale restart the objectscale operator to
Software auto recover the TMM.
OBSDEF OpenShift UI In the Frontend Network | Network Type panel, In the current panel, toggle the
-32976 if DHCP is selected and all values are entered, DHCP and Static radio button to
ObjectScale sometimes the Next button is disabled. reenable the Next button.
The following limitations exist in this release.
ObjectScale limitations
Functional Area Description
Sizer ObjectScale does not support parallel volume expansions of different object stores
Functional Area Description
If you must expand multiple object stores, begin and complete the expansion of one object
store before beginning the expansion of the next object store.
Sizer Situations can arise that allows ObjectScale to attempt an object store creation or expansion
without sufficient Storage Capacity, Memory, and CPU resources.
Upgrade Earlier 1.0.x versions of ObjectScale cannot upgrade to this release of ObjectScale. Upgrade
from 1.2.x to 1.3.0 requires Dell Customer Service to perform the upgrade. Contact Dell
Support for assistance.
Installation details
Refer to the complete installation instructions in the Dell ObjectScale Software Bundle Installation Guide or Dell ObjectScale
Application Installation Guide for Red Hat OpenShift located alongside the software installation package.
NOTE: Prior to deploying ObjectScale, Red Hat OpenShift has reserved the memory it requires to manage kubernetes
(k8s), approximately 11GiB per worker node.
Before installing ObjectScale, ensure that there is enough available memory for ObjectScale to run. This calculation should
include ObjectScale Manager components (GUI, Installer, GraphQL, Operator), as well as one or more object stores.
Support resources
Download ObjectScale software
For ObjectScale software, go to the online support website (registration required) ObjectScale Software Series page: https://
1. Select your ObjectScale Model.
2. Click the Drivers & Downloads tab for your ObjectScale model.
3. On the Drivers & Downloads tab, filter the available files for your model by selecting a version. The list of available software
for the selected ObjectScale model and version are shown.
4. Select and download the necessary files.
The following ObjectScale documentation is available on the ObjectScale Documentation tab for your ObjectScale model and
● Dell ObjectScale Application Installation Guide for Red Hat OpenShift
● Dell ObjectScale Software Bundle Installation Guide
● Dell ObjectScale Administration Guide
● Dell ObjectScale Security Configuration Guide
● Dell ObjectScale Product Availability Guide
● Dell ObjectScale Software Bundle Support Matrix
● Dell ObjectScale Release Notes (this guide)
The following ObjectScale documentation is available on the Drivers & Downloads tab for your ObjectScale model and version:
● Dell ObjectScale Management Rest API zip file, with details on the supported APIs
● Readme file for ObjectScale Qualification Tool
CAUTION: Many PDF viewers add a line break to the end of each line of text in a PDF. Adobe Acrobat (Reader,
Standard, and Pro) and other common PDF viewers, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, insert these line
breaks. As a result, when you copy commands that wrap across multiple lines in a PDF, the copied command is in the
wrong format. (It contains erroneous line breaks.) If you copy and paste commands, the line breaks cause issues during
the installation and administration of ObjectScale.
To address this known limitation and ensure that copied commands do not contain unintentional line breaks, do one of
the following:
● Paste the copied commands into a text editor and remove the line breaks.
● Use the HTML version of this document when you are copying commands.
Contacting Dell
Product Information
For documentation, release notes, software updates, or for information about ObjectScale, licensing, and services, go to the
online support website (registration required) at: https://www.dell.com/support
Technical Support
For technical support, go to Customer Service on the Online Support site (https://www.dell.com/support).
To open a service request through Online Support, you must have a valid support agreement. Contact your ObjectScale sales
representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or to answer any questions about your account.
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
© 2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell Technologies, Dell, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.