PR2 Notes
PR2 Notes
PR2 Notes
Edward’s Notes
measurable characteristics 7. FUTURE OUTCOMES
(age, socio-economic status, by using complex mathematical
number of children) calculations and with the aid
4. NUMERICAL DATA of computers, If-then
data are in the form of scenarios may be formulated
numbers and statistics, often thus predicting future results.
organized and presented using
tables, charts, graphs and
figures that consolidate large
The advantages of quantitative
numbers of data.
research include:
1. It is objective.
to arrive at a more reliable
2. Uses statistical techniques that
data analysis, a normal
facilitate sophisticated analyses,
population distribution curve is
allowing to comprehend vital
preferred (30 and above)
characteristics of data.
Random sampling is used to
3. The numerical data can be analyzed
determine the sample size to
in a quick and easy way.
avoid bias in interpreting the
4. Quantitative studies are
reliable quantitative studies WEAKNESS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH
can be repeated to verify the The disadvanteges of quantitative
correctness of the results in issoareliaro-ao follows:
another setting which 1. Quantitative research requires a
strengthens the validity of the large number of respondents. The
findings. larger the sample is, the more
Edward’s Notes
statistically accurate the findings this design attempts to find
are. general attributes of the
2. It is costly. The expenses will be presently existing situation
greater in reaching out to more and determine the frequency
respondents and in reproducing the with which it occurs.
3. The information contextual factors systematic investigation of
are usually ignored. It does not the nature of relationships, or
consider the distinct capacity of associations between and
the respondents to share and among variables without
elaborate further information. necessarily investigating into
4. Many information are difficult to causal reasons underlying them.
gather using structured research also concerned with the extent
instruments, specifically on of relationships that exists
sensitive issues. between or among the
5. If not done seriously and correctly, variables.
data from questionnaires may be employed if you like to factors
incomplete and inaccurate. are related to each other (e.g
sex and mathematical ability,
marriage and cancer recovery,
occupation and life span)
concerned with describing the
nature, characteristics and
aims to assess the effects,
components of the population or
impacts or outcomes of
a phenomenon.
practices, policies or
Edward’s Notes
used to gather information utilizes scientific method to
from groups of people by test cause-and-effect
selecting and studying samples relationships under conditions
chosen from a population. It controlled by the researcher.
may be done in face-to-face, in this case an effort is made
phone, mail, and online. to determine and impose
may be cross-sectional if the control over all other variables
information is collected from a except one.
sample in just single point in
In the area of Accounting,
considered longitudinal if the
Business, and Management (ABM),
researcher collects information
researches can help design a new
on the same subjects over a
product or service, figuring out what
period of time.
is needed and ensure that the
development of a product is highly
it is also known as ex post
targeted towards demand. Businessmen
facto (after the fact)
can also utilize research results to
guarantee sufficient distribution of
derives conclusion from
their products and decide where they
observations and
need to increase their product
manifestations that already
distribution. Conducting researches can
occurred in the past and now
also help a business determine whether
compared to some dependent
now is the proper time to open another
variables. It discusses why
branch or whether it needs to apply for
and how a phenomenon occurs.
Edward’s Notes
a new loan. It may also help a small A variable is anything that may
business decide if a procedure or assume varied numerical or categorical
strategy should be changed to meet values.
the requirements of the customer
Types of Variables
base. Research is important for any
organization to remain competitive in CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE VARIABLES
the market. The primary function of Continuous Variable: a variable that
research in ABM is to correctly can take infinite number on the
determine its customers and their value that can occur within a
preferences, establish the enterprise population (age, height, and
in the most feasible location, deliver temperature). Its values can be
quality goods and services, analyze divided into fractions.
what the competitors are doing and Continuous variables are
find ways on how to continuously categorized as interval or
satisfy the growing and varied needs ratio variables:
of the clients. Interval Variable: is a
measurement where the
difference between two values
A variable is a central concept
does have meaning.
in research. It is a measurable
Ratio Variable: possesses the
characteristic that changes in value.
properties of interval variable
It may vary from one group to another
and has a clear definition of
group, one person to another or even
zero, indication that there is
with the same person over time.
none of that variable (height,
weight, and distance)
Discrete Variable or also known as
Edward’s Notes
categorical or classificatory DEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
variable: any variable that has a In a typical study, the
limited number of distinct values researcher starts with an effect and
and which cannot be divided into investigates on its possible causes.
fractions like sex, blood group, and
Independent Variable: the cause
number of children in the family.
variable or the one responsible for
Discrete variables can be
the conditions that act on
categorized as nominal and
something else to bring about
Nominal Variable: is a variable
Dependent Variable also called
with no quantitative value. It
outcome variable: is the result or
has two or more categories
effect of the changes brought
but does not imply ordering of
about by another variable (usually
cases (eye color, business
independent variable).
type, and religion). A sub-type
of nominal scale with only two
categories just like sex (e.g.
male/female) is known as
Ordinal Variable: is a variable
that has two or more
categories which can be
ranked. In this type,
distances between attributes
do not have any meaning.
Edward’s Notes