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Amouei et al.

Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5

DOI 10.1186/s40201-017-0269-z


Comparison of vermicompost
characteristics produced from sewage
sludge of wood and paper industry
and household solid wastes
A.I. Amouei1,2, Z. Yousefi3* and T. Khosravi3

Background: The aim of this study was to determine the potential of produced compost from the sludge of
wastewater treatment plant using earthworms and compare it with the vermicompost produced from household
solid waste.
Methods: In the current study, three treatments with the same conditions in terms of organic wastes type were
prepared to produce vermicompost from household solid waste and sewage sludges using earthworms. The
standard methods were used to determine the physical and chemical parameters in the different produced
Results: The mean of C/N in the household solid waste, raw biological and chemical sludges was 32, 22.5, and
26.5, respectively. These levels were 16.5, 14.5, and 15 in the vermicomposts. The mean of nitrogen and
phosphorus percentages in the vermicompost of solid waste, biological and chemical sludges was 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.3%
and 0.72%, 0.54%, and 0.56%, respectively. The mean percentages of organic matters in the initial substrates and
vermicomposts of solid waste, biological and chemical sludges were 97.2%, 90%, 80.5% and 65.8%, 67.8% and 63%
respectively. The concentrations of heavy metals decreased in all vermicomposts. The EC levels in solid waste,
biological and chemical sludges were 1459, 1041, and 1487 μs/cm, respectively. These levels were 544, 385 and
635 μs/cm in the produced compost.
Conclusion: Eisenia fetida can convert household solid waste, and biological and chemical sludges produced from
wastewater treatment plant into a high-quality and acceptable compost.
Keywords: Vermicompost, Earthworm, Eisenia fetida, Household solid waste, Biological and chemical sludges

Background dewatering and transfer systems. Many treatment

Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture as well plants are equipped with only one sludge dewatering
as the discharge of sewage sludge and municipal waste and drainage system. After dewatering, the sludge is
have reduced soil quality and imposed great risks on hu- buried or transferred to landfills [3, 4]. Undesirable
man health and the environment [1, 2]. The installation characteristics of sewage sludge such as undesirable
and operation of sewage sludge stabilization reactors in odor, high concentrations of heavy metals and patho-
small wastewater treatment plants with an average rate gens are associated with disposal costs and environ-
of less than 10 l per second are not cost-effective due to mental pollution costs [5, 6]. Therefore, a simple and
the high cost of sludge stabilization reactors and sludge inexpensive technology for the treatment and use of
sewage sludge are required to remove pathogens and
* Correspondence: zyousefi2004@gmail.com
stabilize the sludge [5, 7].
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health,
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Amouei et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5 Page 2 of 6

One of the cheap, effective, natural and environment- Fetida, in Iran [12], the present study was investigated the
friendly methods is composting by earthworms or vermi- potential of compost production from household solid
composting [8]. Aristotle, the famous Greek scholar, wastes, biological and chemical sludges of wastewater
referred to earthworms as the earth’s intestines and con- treatment plants through Eisenia fetida.
sidered their unique role in soil fertility [9]. Since 600 years
ago, earthworms have been known as “environment’s Methods
managers” in the ecosystem [5]. Vermicomposting is de- Collecting household solid waste and sewage sludge
fined as a method of decomposing organic matter by In this study, after mixing and random sampling and
earthworms and microorganisms. By moving through ma- separating biodegradables, 120 kg of household wastes
terials and creating aerobic conditions, earthworms in- produced in Sari city were transferred to the laboratory
crease the aerobic activity of microorganisms [6]. The in plastic bags. The necessary biological and chemical
processes of breaking down, crushing, synthesis, and mi- sludges taken from the settling basin of wastewater
crobial and enzymatic enrichment occurs in the earth- treatment plant of wood and paper industries in Sari
worms’ intestine, and therefore, the earthworms’ fecal were transferred to the laboratory after dewatering and
matters are abundant with water-soluble nutrients that thickening. Chemical treatment unit in which Alum,
are easily absorbed by plants [5]. Due to the presence of Calcium hydroxide and polyelectrolyte are used for
humic compounds, macro and micro nutrient elements, wastewater treatment is located after biological treat-
amino acids and beneficial soil microorganisms, the ver- ment one.
micompost products can be used for fertilization and soil
fertility and increasing plant growth [8]. The use of earth- Collecting the Eisenia fetida earthworms
worms in the compost production process is a technology The Eisenia fetida earthworms were collected from the
suitable for waste management which stabilizes organic rural areas of Sari according to the identification keys
substances [1], biodegradation and bioaugmentation of and were kept in the laboratory for several days to be-
petroleum hydrocarbons [10] and greatly reduces the come compatible with the environment.
population of pathogens [7].
The most important earthworms used in the com- Experimental design
posting process are Udrilus eugeniae, Eisenia Andrei, The household solid waste and the produced sludges
Metaphire Californica, Eisenia fetida, and Perionyx ex- were air-dried for 1 day by being distributed on plastic
cavates [6, 9]. According to numerous studies, Eisenia plates. The preliminary decomposition of dried raw
fetida (red Californian worms) is a bisexual worm that samples was performed for 20 days by aerobic bacteria
starts reproducing 3 months after its birth. Their to pass the bacteria from the thermophilic phase and
reproduction continues throughout their whole life. prevent earthworm mortality. After pre-decomposition
Earthworms need moisture and aerobic conditions for and reduction of the temperature of the substrate ma-
reproduction. They mate during the night which takes terial to the laboratory ambient temperature, 400 adult
30–240 min where they produce a capsule. After 14–21 Eisenia fetida earthworms were placed on the top layer
days, 4–20 worms are born from one capsule [6]. Earth- of the reactor substrate. A plastic 50 × 25 × 20-cm cube
worms can decompose municipal solid waste, household pot was used for preparing the reactor. A 5-cm layer of
waste, garden waste, animal waste, and urban and indus- gravel in 10 mm diameter was used to maintain the
trial sewage sludge [11–13]. They are also used as bio- upper layers and to reach the adequate oxygen. A 1- to
logical adsorbents in detoxification and purification of soil 5-milimeter layer of sand with 2.5-cm height was used
from heavy metals, resistant hydrocarbons and some or- for proper drainage of excess water as well as reaching
ganic pesticides, increasing the population and strength of the needed oxygen. A 2.5-cm layer of manure mixed
the enzymatic activity of beneficial soil microorganisms, with the soil of the area with the ratio of 1 to 1 was
improving soil quality and developing sustainable agricul- used to provide an appropriate environment for growth
ture [10, 14, 15]. The use of vermicomposting in stabiliz- and activities of the earthworms. Then, a 10-cm layer
ing sludge in the United States of America has resulted in of the primary substrate, including household waste or
100% elimination of pathogens [1, 4]. sewage sludge, was placed on the lower layers. To regu-
Iran, with more than 60,000 t of household waste per late the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio suitable for earth-
day, in urban and rural areas, is subjected to substantial worms’ activities, the waste and sludge was mixed with
costs. The disposal of such volume of waste causes en- rice straw at a ratio of 3 to 1. To provide the adequate
vironmental problems and concerns. Carbon to Nitrogen ratio (C/N =30) in initial sub-
Due to the presence of 60–70% of compostable mate- strates, 850 g of dewatered sludge were mixed to 150 g
rials in the household solid wastes in northern Iran [5, 12] of rice straw. All treatments were kept in the laboratory
and the abundance of earthworms, especially Eisenia at the temperature of 25 ° C. The moisture level in the
Amouei et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5 Page 3 of 6

samples in the composting process was set to 60–80% Table 2 The important physical and chemical parameters in the
using a sprinkler. The composting process lasted vermicompost produced after 8 weeks
70 days. One replication was considered for all samples Parameter HSW BS CS
and treatments. - Humidity (%) 28.3 ± 1.8 32.2 ± 3.4 21.2 ± 3
- Ash (%) 34.1 ± 1.4 32.2 ± 1.5 39.5 ± 1.8
Chemical analysis - Organic Matter (%) 65.8 ± 3.5 67.8 ± 3.2 63 ± 3
In order to accurately measure the chemical parameters - Total Carbon (%) 36.6 ± 1.8 37.6 ± 2.2 33.5 ± 2.5
affecting composting, the contents of each reactor were - pH 8.2 ± 0.4 8 ± 0.5 7.7 ± 1.2
first mixed. Then, 50 g of the initial substrate and the
- EC (μs/cm) 545 ± 5 358 ± 4 636 ± 12
produced compost were air-dried and milled. Standard
- N (%) 2.2 ± 0.4 2.6 ± 0.5 2.2 ± 0.3
methods were used for the chemical analysis of each
parameter [16]. Temperature was daily measured by a - P (%) 0.72 ± 0.3 0.5 ± 0.3 0.6 ± 0.2
bar thermometer. The moisture and ash contents were - Cr (mg/kg) 0 0 0
measured by using a gravimetric method at 105 °C - Pb2+ (mg/kg) 0 0 2 ± 0.3
within 24 h and 550 °C for 4 h, respectively. The pH - Cd 2+
(mg/kg) 0.05 ± 0.03 0.12 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.5
and electrical conductivity were measured using a digital
- Ni2+ (mg/kg) 0 0 0
pH meter and an electrical conductivity meter, respect- 2+
- Fe (mg/kg) 3915 ± 10 1506 ± 6 4412 ± 15
ively. The organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus levels
in the samples were measured using the Walkley-Black, - C/N 16.5 ± 3 14.5 ± 2 15 ± 6
Micro kjeldahl and Colorimetric methods, respectively
[16]. In addition, the concentration of heavy metals
pH was 7.7–8.2 in the vermicompost. Table 1 shows the
such as lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium, and iron was
chemical parameters of interest in the initial substrate.
measured through atomic absorption spectrometry [15,
In Table 2, the physical and chemical parameters in the
17]. SPSS software version 19 was used for data
vermicompost produced of wood and paper wastewater
sludge and household solid w astes were presented.
In Fig. 1, some characteristics of vermicompost that were
Results produced from wastewater sludges and household solid
During the study, the ambient temperature fluctuated be- wastes were presented.
tween 18 and 20 °C. The initial range of pH was from 6.5 Table 3 shows the concentration of some heavy metals
to 7 in the substrate of household waste and sludge. The in the soil samples.
In Table 4, the content of the heavy metals in the different
Table 1 The important physical and chemical parameters in the generated vermicomposts and soil samples were presented.
initial substrate of waste and different sludges The results of experiments on vermicompost produced,
Parameter a
BS c
CS compared with the amounts of the World Health
- Humidity (%) 71.8 ± 3.4 48.2 ± 1.4 53.8 ± 5 Organization are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
- Ash (%) 2.8 ± 0.8 9.4 ± 1.6 19.5 ± 1.5
- Organic Matter (%) 97.2 ± 1.5 90 ± 1.2 80.5 ± 3
According to the results and comparing Tables 1, 2, 3 and
- Total Carbon (%) 54 ± 0.8 50.3 ± 0.8 44.5 ± 1 4, it can be concluded that during the process of vermi-
- PH 6.5 ± 0.6 7.3 ± 0.5 6.7 ± 0.8 composting, significant physical and chemical changes
- EC (μs/cm) 1459 ± 3 1041 ± 15 1485 ± 6 had occurred in the raw materials of solid waste and all
- N (%) 1.7 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.1 sludge due to the biodegradation of organic matter and
the interactions between earthworms and microorganisms
- P (%) 0.54 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.2 0.4 ± 0.1
[14]. This phenomenon improves the properties of the
- Cr2+ (mg/kg) 6.4 ± 0.6 9.5 ± 0.4 27 ± 2
final compost regarding the impact on the soil fertility.
- Pb (mg/kg) 0.8 ± 0.4 13.4 ± 3 16 ± 7 One of the most important physicochemical changes was
- Cd2+ (mg/kg) 0.2 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.2 1.7 ± 0.4 the increased availability of nutrients to plants which
- Ni2+ (mg/kg) 7.4 ± 0.3 19.8 ± 1.2 16.8 ± 7 occurs due to the activity of earthworms and microorgan-
- Fe2+ (mg/kg) 7561 ± 16 3927 ± 8 6098 ± 35 isms and the mineralization of organic materials [18, 19].
- C/N 31.8 ± 5 22.5 ± 3 26.5 ± 8
Variations in pH
Household Solid Wastes
Biological sludge
Earthworms and microorganisms are able to change the
Chemical sludge soil pH [20]. pH increased in all samples during the
Amouei et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5 Page 4 of 6

Fig. 1 Comparison of various parameters in the vermicompost produced after 8 weeks

composting period. Intense microbial activity and de-

Table 3 Heavy metals concentration of the soil samples (as
mg/kg) composition of organic matter in the first weeks resulted
in the formation of ammonium and increased pH of the
Element 1Soil Soil2 Mean
compost [13, 20]. In the final stage of the experiment,
Cr2+ 40.2 40.2 40.2
the activity of microorganisms affecting the decompos-
Pb 18.1 18.3 18.2 ition increased during the process of aerobic metabolism
Cd2+ 1.6 1.4 1.5 and in the presence of sufficient moisture which results
Ni 2+
39.8 39.6 39.7 in the production of alkaline products [12, 14]. At the
Fe2+ 19294 19286 19292 final stage of the experiment, the pH dropped which
could be attributed to the production of carbon dioxide
due to the metabolic activities of earthworms and
Table 4 Heavy metals concentration of soil and compost samples
(as mg/kg)
Element Mixed Mixedb Mixedc Variations in electrical conductivity (EC)
Cr 35.9 31.6 38.1 Results showed that electrical conductivity decreased due
Pb2+ 18.1 17.1 20.1 to the activity of earthworms and the decomposition of or-
Cd2+ 1.5 1.55 2.2 ganic matter. This can be attributed to the biological accu-
Ni2+ 33.2 27.7 31.8
mulation of some minerals in the earthworms’ bodies, and
consequently, the reduced amount of minerals in soil.
Fe 15376 17786 23689
Kharrazi et al. reported an increased electrical conductiv-
Mixed (Soil + HSW compost)
Mixed (Soil + BS compost)
ity after the experiment period [21]. In their study, due to
Mixed (Soil + CS compost) the activity of earthworms, decomposition of organic mat-
ter, and mineralization of compounds, their solubility and
mobility were increased leading to increased electrical
conductivity of the substrate material during the vermi-
Table 5 Comparison the chemical composition of different composting process.
types of the produced composts with the WHO’s results [24]
Parameter HSWVa BSVb CSVc WHOd
Organic Mater (%) 65.9 68 61 10–30 Table 6 Comparison the concentration of heavy metals in the
Ash (%) 34.2 32.1 39.8 30–70 different types of the produced composts with the WHO’s
Total Nitrogen (%) 2.2 2.6 2.3 0.1–1.8
Total Phosphorous (%) 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.1–1.7
Iron (mg/kg) 3915 1506 4412 8000–15000
pH 8.2 8.2 7.8 6–9
Lead (mg/kg) 0 0 1.9 200–400
Household solid wastes vermicompost
Biological sludge vermicompost Chromium (mg/kg) 0 0 0 ————————
Chemical sludge vermicompost Cadmium (mg/kg) 0.05 0.1 0.8 15–40
World Health Organization
Amouei et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5 Page 5 of 6

Variations in total organic carbon matter level as 60%, the total nitrogen as 2.5%, and the
Over time, organic matter decreased in the substrate in all phosphorus level as 0.96%. The organic matter, nitrogen,
samples. Reduction of the total organic carbon is due to and phosphorus levels in the present study were consist-
the mineralization and decomposition of organic matter ent with it results. Nas et al. studied the chemical char-
by earthworms in the substrate material and the loss of acteristics of the vermicompost produced from different
carbon compounds in Co2. The number of earthworms in mixtures of animal manure, garden waste, and kitchen
substrate decreased due to the reduction of C/N ratio dur- waste [1]. They reported an increase in phosphorus and
ing the process which increased the oxidation of organic nitrogen levels at the end of the experiment period. The
matter and reduced the organic carbon. amount of organic matter, C/N ratio, electrical conduct-
ivity, and pH was reduced in the final vermicompost due
Variations in nitrogen (N) to the presence and activity of the earthworms.
The nitrogen level increased over time, which was mainly
due to the reduction of dry weight of organic matter in Concentration of heavy metals
the substrate due to the decomposition by earthworms. Table 6 represents that the measured heavy metals in the
Another reason for this increase was the presence and vermicompost produced from waste and sewage sludge
activity of earthworms in the substrate and secretion of are in the standard range recommended by WHO. Results
enzymes by them. showed that the heavy metal concentrations decreased
over time, indicating that earthworms were able to bio-
Variations in phosphorus (P) logically accumulate heavy metals in their tissues. Heavy
Total phosphorus increased over time. This indicates the metals are accumulated in the earthworms’ tissues
mineralization and mobilization of phosphorus due to the through two different methods: through direct skin con-
presence of microorganisms and enzymes in the intestines tact with the nutrients dissolved in the soil, or by digestion
of earthworms [22], the mineralization of the organic mat- of certain elements in soil and subsequent absorption
ter in the substrate, and the reduction of the dry weight of through the intestines [11, 15]. The present results are
the substrate. Kharrazi et al. reported an increase in nitro- consistent with the results of Shahmansouri et al.’ study
gen and phosphorus level and a decrease in C/N ratio [17]. Our results are also consistent with those of Naouni
during the experiment [21]. Parveresh [14] reported a de- et al. [15], and Alidadi et al. [25]. Results of the current
crease in phosphorus level after the experiment, which study indicate that applying Eisenia fetida earthworms in
was attributed to the adsorption of inorganic phosphorus the full-scale works will be economic, because Yousefi et
released from the earthworms’ tissues. Our results are in- al. [26] showed in their study, Eisenia fetida earthworms
consistent with the results of Parveresh and it may be due were indigene in the area.
to the difference in the duration of the process, the quality
of materials consumed by the earthworms, and the experi- Comparison the vermicompost quality in the household
ment conditions. solid waste with sewage sludge
The percentage of humidity and organic matter was
Variations in the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N) higher in the vermicompost produced from biological
Carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio represents the decom- sludge than that of the compost produced from house-
position of organic compounds and the stability obtained hold solid waste and chemical sludge. Microorganisms
during the composting process. C/N ratio of the sub- are involved in the biological treatment process and
strate decreased in all the samples over time. This can decompose the organic matter in the sewage [27]. There-
be attributed to the decomposition of organic matter fore, the resulting biological sludge contains microorgan-
and the release of a portion of organic carbon as carbon isms whose bodies are considered organic compounds.
dioxide and the mineralization of nitrogen due to the Ash, EC, and heavy metals were at the highest level in the
microbiological decomposition processes and the pro- vermicompost produced from chemical sludge, whereas the
duction of enzymes, mucous and nitrogen compounds amount of organic matter and the pH were at the lowest
[23]. Parvaresh reported a decrease in C/N ratio after level in such vermicomposts. This can be due to the use of
the experiment period [14] which was consistent with coagulants, such as lime or alum, which leads to the pro-
the present results. The results in Table 5 showed that duction of a sludge with increased ash, increased mortality
the amounts of ash, phosphorus, and pH are in the of microorganisms due to reduced organic matter and re-
standard range recommended by WHO. The amount of duced pH, and increased precipitation of heavy metals in
organic matter was higher in this study than the recom- the sludge produced from treatment plants. The mean of
mended levels by WHO [24], which can be attributed to C/N ratio in the primary substrate of household solid
the use of solid wastes and sludges containing high or- waste, biological and chemical sludge was 32, 22.5 and 26.5,
ganic matter. Vigueros et al. [4] reported the organic respectively. The mean of C/N ratio in the vermicompost
Amouei et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2017) 15:5 Page 6 of 6

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Availability of data and materials
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Authors’ contributions
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Competing interests
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