Adobe Scan 23-Sept-2023
Adobe Scan 23-Sept-2023
Adobe Scan 23-Sept-2023
Encl: As ab:
Partic it3 may Seller ihe l1 optional languages to write the essay on
her Cate, the topic
The ust be typ handCri on A4 SiZC paper. Essays may be handwritten in black or
blue Cormpuler tyL .nt prescribed script for each language.
The i Dant' name her's . , Age, Namo of Institution must be written on every page of
Tne v rd i mit for Catcory 1 (Cs -14 -18 ) is 500 and must be strictly adhered to.
Tne word limit for Cate; ury 2 (iyos - 19-25 ) is 750 and
must be strictly adhered to.
f Pleas tion the tota' mber c :ords ol the essay after the concluding paragraph.
9 Submdcntrics nust car ppcals, illustrations or slogans.
h. Ihe d copy of SSar !X SZe 3 MB) nust be uploaded on our website. Link :
The c tho / dvuilable for download in the "Guidelines for Submission"
Pagc2 of 4
NVOu ds will b e c l o o l e discretioN of the jury and their decision will be final.
ntent of he mabon ptovided in the Fnglish version of the Informnation Leaflet and
shal prevail o ll otb translated vorSIONS.
Eor clariticatious or any other iclp pleasC writc to us at:
A Winner and. Runner- up of the 1 duthorizcd languages in cach category will receive atrophy
and certificot
Certificates with Rank : EssUy: ked fio thrd to the tenth position in cach of the 11 languages in
e awarded ne ntos and Certificates stating the rank.
each categon
1ficate wll be awardcd to the 10% of entries shortlisted by
the jury for
Merit Certificates. An E- Merit
the final rou sclection in cUC ot the 1! lanquaqcs in both categories.
Certificate of Participation : i Cuficates will be awarded to all participants who fulfill the
criterion as pc iC Quidelines.
telephorne or a video call as a
Some partic1p i1ay be r e q u r 0undetake an interview by the jury by to accept or disqualify any of
ieon for the t0 awards. le jury will have the discretion
final round of
the submittcd sorS and thcir do: S.on will be final.
Important Datus
Option for sut on of cntrics Clie will pn on: August
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