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Through practical crafting and pristine machine
compilation, she will triumph.

Make Intelligence highest, followed by Dexterity. Add to
Strength for more damage and stronger Athletics with
Constitution for more Hit Points.

Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Crafting, Diplomacy,
Medicine, Occultism, Society

Gadget Innovation

Gadgeteer Dedication (2nd), Variable Gadgets(4th),
Gadget Conglomeration (18th)

Ablative Armor, Power Gauntlet, Rocket Boots

Born to a wealthy family of Katapeshi merchants
who never understood her, Rutaiba's fire always
seemed to burn too hot for polite company. She
tried to suppress her temper and her passion to
fit in better with others, but never truly
understood how to connect to people. Her life
changed on her 16th birthday when she
witnessed a showdown between the Zephyr
guard and a rogue, flame-powered construct. It
was this rampaging machine that Ruitaba saw as
the first friend she ever made–as well as her
muse. She used parts of the construct’s scraps to
craft her first inventions, and since then has
followed in its path by stoking her flames instead
of trying to force herself to fit in. For it is by
flame that metal is forged into something
greater. The flames of ingenuity burn just as hot,
and by their heat, her genius is forged new.
http://bit.ly/TeamPlusDiscord DERRY LUTTRELL
Host of Dice Will Roll (The Queerest Pathfinder
https://bit.ly/TeamPlusBSky Podcast on the Planet), author of Safe Haven: A
Weird West Tale (A PF2 and 5e Wild West module
https://twitter.com/theteamplus and setting) and a bunch of other things.


Cecil Maye, Evelyn, Adaranth, Morgan, Author for Classes+, Legendary Games, and various
Datguydude12, Amy Dupont, Arthur Acton, Grey other projects. Hoping this project lives up to the
Percival, Nikith Veluru, PhoebeJeebies, Benjamin expectations of Fam+ who've been so good to us.
Rawls, Nicholas A Jones, Songbird, David Crowley, Without my daughter Scarlet and my wife Kate,
saltsquared, Phillip M Knutson, Sam Fernandez, I would be lost.
Ryder Steadman, Liam Eckles, tobsomatix, Graham
Starfelt, Alan-Michael Havens, JustAGoose,
eyepatch9, Greg, mae Cohen, esther tealeaf, deklarus, Derry Luttrell, Shawn Pommier
Eduardo Martinez, Lorie, Ni Tro, Conner G Ness,
Reds Silk, Tigertom 2004, Arivae, Shade Moss, Nick
L, VibraphonicMarxism, CapitolCrusader, R Shawn Pommier
Chauncey Gummere, sundronsun, Smurf, molotgor,
Alex, Ryan Gueldener, Rayce Buford, Joshua White, DEDICATIONS
Nova, Ashley Love, Mitali Tase, Alexander T G, This book goes out to Dave, Ritz & Luna. Thanks for
ricothebold, Liam McGowan, Adam U., Ethan Ratliff, making the last 5 years awesome. Keep it rollin'!
Luca Gutzeit, Matt Bond, Joel Hahn, Lyon, Sam, Josh
King, Justin Marcotte, SokinAshrah, Peter, LoKs22, PLUSTESTERS
Aidan, Lars, Darlene, Zach H., Conor Sterling, Arkon, Autumn Carrie Whisper, Cerapter, David
Alarion Irisar, Alendor, Gold, Mason Roberts, Sam McGregor, Disconnect Dire Dragon, Dorji Sanjiev,
Fitch, Andrew Hirst, Flameslicer, Dom, Jo El Jan “Vauxs”, Loks, Kristian Brucaj, Koncookie, Otmi
Become a Supporter! aka Matteo Scarnera, Solatra AKA Sasha Laranoa
Harving, Tali Kinsley AKA Failed Lil Cat God


HEALING INNOVATION ..............................................................................5-8
MAGITEK INNOVATION ..............................................................................5-8 FOUNDRY
Coming Soon!
ARMOR INNOVATION ...................................................................................9 PATHBUILDER2E
CONSTRUCT INNOVATION........................................................................... 10 Coming Soon!
WEAPON INNOVATION .......................................................................... 10-11
Coming Soon!
1ST ......................................................................................................... 11
2ND.................................................................................................... 12-13
4TH......................................................................................................... 13
6TH......................................................................................................... 13
8TH......................................................................................................... 13
10TH ....................................................................................................... 14
12TH ....................................................................................................... 14
14TH .................................................................................................. 14-15
16TH ....................................................................................................... 15
18TH ....................................................................................................... 15
20TH ....................................................................................................... 15

ACOUSTICS ......................................................................................... 16-17
CRYONIZATION ......................................................................................... 17
INDUSTRIALIZATION............................................................................. 17-18
ORGANICS........................................................................................... 18-19
POLARITY ................................................................................................ 19

7 LEGAL 27

This book was a special project dear to our heart because we feel that inventors carry so many
awesome themes from classic literature to modern day depictions in movies and other popular
media. The key focuses of this book were to bring both the flavor and mechanics needed to help
certain concepts come to life in ways that were not possible before, such as being less themed by
fire, more expansive use of gadgets, or simply to bring certain options and rules further in scope
with the remastered version of Pathfinder Second Edition. We were ecstatic when the vote swung
for Inventors and the options in this book were playtested to the highest degree, for which we are
very thankful to our playtester teams for putting together such a comprehensive view of what the
new options would bring the class. As always, we work tirelessly for Fam+, and this book is no
exception. We hope you enjoy.

The work of genius is rarely appreciated to its appropriate pinnacle, as only those at the fringed
peaks of innovation find themselves able to acknowledge the bravery of such endeavors. For what
is invention if not the act of denial, the bold yawp against that which does not exist, the simple
statement of “I will make it so.” The power of an inventor is not hinged by what is created, no, the
power of the inventor is the sheer audacity to push the boundaries of the world itself, until it
crumbles under its absolute authority: SCIENCE!


An inventors innovation represents their lifes work, not Your innovation is a piece of medical genius; a machine
necessarily in its capabilities, but in the culmination of that allows you to treat patients instantly. Your
their rigorous attempts to shape the world around them. innovation is 1 Bulk and it functions as a martial
No different than an appendage, an innovation is the one-handed melee weapon. When you first gain your
extension of the inventor themselves, exerting their will healing innovation, you choose its form to be a 1d6
on the world and those around them. An idea is merely bludgeoning damage with the shove trait in the club
an innovation locked within the confines of the mind, group or a 1d4 piercing damage with the agile and
and where they lack the necessary proclivities to exert finesse traits in the knife group. You gain the
themselves on reality, an inventor makes good on their Invigoration Link action and the Searing Restoration
true purpose. inventor feat.

Frequency once per round
Requirements You are holding your innovation.
You connect a link between your innovation and an ally within 30
feet that lasts 4 rounds, and the ally must remain within 60 feet
or it breaks your link. The target immediately gains 2 plus half
your level in temporary Hit Points that last as long as your link
remains active. At the beginning of each of your subsequent
turns your link is active on an ally, you increase their temporary
Hit Points from Invigoration Link by 1 plus half your level or grant
them temporary Hit Points equal to 1 plus half your level if they
have no temporary Hit Points from Invigoration Link. You can
only have one Invigoration Link active at a time and a creature
can only benefit from one Invigoration Link at a time. While you
have a link active, you can use the Searing Restoration on the
target of your link even if they are not adjacent to you. After your
link ends on an ally, you cannot target that ally with your
Invigoration Link for 1 minute. If you fail to meet the
requirements for any reason, your link breaks.

Offensive Boost Your boost applies to your healing

innovation’s Strikes.

Choose one initial healing modification to apply to

your innovation, either from the following or from other
initial healing modifications to which you have access.

Bolster Self: Your innovation redirects healing energy
into you. When you use Invigoration Link, you can give
yourself temporary Hit Points instead of your ally.
Bi-adapted Build: You adapt your innovation for
further combat prowess. Your innovation gains the two-
hand d10 trait if it was a club or the versatile S and
deadly d6 traits if it was a knife.
Diagnostic Reader: Your innovation senses disease.
Your innovation gains a special sense called a
plaguesense, which allows you to detect diseased

creatures or creatures that carry disease within 30 feet While in its ranged form, it deals 1d6 damage, has the
of you as a vague sense. If your innovation detects a modular (bludgeoning and vitality) trait, a range
creature with its plaguesense, you know whether they increment of 20 feet, a reload of 1, and is in the firearm
are a carrier or diseased. group. Your cannon does not require ammunition. If
Extended Reach: Your link stays stronger for longer. you have Bi-adapted Build, when you can wield your
You can target allies with your Invigoration Link if they cannon in two hands to give it the kickback trait.
are within 60 feet and the maximum range of your link Mutagenic Unlock: Your link can have unusual
is 120 feet. effects on allies. Once per day, you can give a willing ally
Healing Fog: During rest, you can configure your targeted by your Invigoration Link the effects of a
innovation to release healing particles into the air moderate bestial mutagen. At 11th level, you can
around you and your companions, aiding recovery. You instead use the effects of a greater bestial mutagen, and
and creatures who sleep for 8 hours within 30 feet of at 17th, you can use a major bestial mutagen. You must
your innovation gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their declare you are granting this effect when you use
next Fortitude saving throw against a disease or poison Invigoration Link and the effects last for as long as they
for 1 day and regain twice the number of Hit Points they are affected by your Invigoration Link.
would receive from resting. Resistance Engine: Your link helps mitigate
Health Estimator: Your innovation scans the incoming damage. A creature that gains temporary Hit
biochemistry of the creature. You can use Crafting to Points from your invigoration link gains a resistance to
Recall Knowledge on living creatures you can see an energy type of your choosing (acid, cold, electricity,
instead of the normal skill to Recall Knowledge. Any fire, poison, or sonic) equal to half your level until the
information you learn from this check must be related to beginning of your next turn. When under the effects of
the biochemistry of the creature, such as learning a Overdrive, the resistance increases by 2. You select this
creature’s weaknesses, how to deactivate its damage type when you gain Resistance Engine, but you
regeneration, its senses, or its weakest saving throw. can Reconfigure the energy type as normal.

Recovery Pulse: Your Invigoration Link closes Temporary Animation: You have perverted the
wounds, soothes burns and clears the mind. When you power of medicine to raise the dead. Once per day, you
use Invigoration Link, you can also choose to reduce the can use Invigoration Link on a corpse instead of an ally
DC of a creature’s recovery checks and checks to remove to produce the effects of an animate dead spell of a rank
persistent damage by 5 for as long as they are affected by equal to half your level rounded up. The undead remains
your link. active so long as it is targeted by your Invigoration Link,
and the creature gains its actions for the turn at the
Void Medic: You've taken into account the needs of beginning of each of your turns the link is active.
patients who heal from dark powers, not bright ones. An
ally affected by your Invigoration Beam that has void Vital Core: Your innovation can pack exceptionally
healing loses this ability for the duration of your link, powerful bursts of healing. When you use Searing
allowing them to be healed by vitality effects. Restoration on a target of your Invigoration Link, you
increase the die of the healing to d12 instead of d10.
Biotic Booster: Your innovation aids in the body's REVOLUTIONARY MODIFICATIONS
healing from other sources. When a target of your Extended Charge: Your innovation has an incredibly
Invigoration Link would regain Hit Points from an effect strong power source. Your Invigoration Link lasts for 1
requiring rolling dice, you can choose to have the target minute instead of 4 rounds.
roll twice and take the better result. If you have Death Immortality Matrix: Your invention staves off death,
Link, you can instead choose to have the target roll twice even in impossible moments. When an ally affected by
and take the worse result. your Invigoration Link is reduced to 0 Hit Points but
Critical Enhancement: Power surges into your does not die, you can spend your reaction to
patients. Any ally affected by your Invigoration Link gets immediately use Searing Restoration on that ally. These
a +1 status bonus to their attack and damage rolls. Hit Points are gained after the damage is taken, allowing
them to remain standing and without increasing their
Enhanced Physiology: Your innovation boosts the wounded condition for losing the dying condition.
natural core strength of your target. When a creature
gains temporary Hit Points from Invigoration Link, the Lateral Patterned Reach: Once your link is
creature can immediately retch as a free action or connected, it cannot be broken. You can target creatures
attempt the flat check to end a single source of persistent with your Invigoration Link up to 120 feet and the
damage. maximum range of your link is 240 feet. In addition, you
can target creatures you cannot see by targeting a space
Medicinal Cannon: You can charge up a blast of vital they occupy instead, latching onto an appropriate
energy. Your innovation gains the combination trait.

creature in the target square and ignoring any flat check DEATH LINK FEAT 4
to target them. If you target a square without a creature, INVENTOR
your link fails to form. You must have the extended Prerequisites healing innovation
reach initial modification to select this modification. You have learned how to target enemies as well as allies with
Overheal Drive: Your healing does not simply bring your links. You can target an enemy with your Invigoration Link
instead of an ally. If you do, the enemy takes void damage (or
targets back to full health, but improves them. When vitality damage if the enemy has void healing) of the same
your Searing Restoration would heal a creature above amount as temporary Hit Points would be granted with a basic
their maximum Hit Points, the excess is granted as Fortitude save at the beginning of each of your turns your link is
active. If the creature critically succeeds its save against your
temporary Hit Points. These temporary Hit Points can Death Link, the link immediately ends. You can also target
be no higher than double the creature's level, and last for enemies with an active link with your Searing Restoration,
1 minute. dealing damage of the same amount as would be restored with
a basic Fortitude save and ending the Invigoration Link.
Panacean Ray: Your innovation cures afflictions Creatures that fail their save against your Searing Restoration
are sickened 1 or sickened 2 on a critical failure. You cannot
effortlessly. When you use Searing Restoration, you may target an enemy with your Invigoration Link after using Searing
also attempt to counteract one condition, disease, or Restoration in this way for 1 day.
poison affecting the target of your Searing Restoration
using your Crafting modifier for your counteract SPLIT LINKS FEAT 10
modifier. INVENTOR
Planar Focus: Your innovation contains a compressed Prerequisites healing innovation
gateway to the Creation’s Forge, which you can use to You have learned to split your links, allowing you to target
multiple creatures. You can have two Invigoration Links active at
supercharge your healing. When you use Searing once. If you are legendary in Crafting, you can instead have four
Restoration, you grant the target creature spirit and void active at once.
resistance equal to 3 plus your level for 3 rounds. If the
target of your Searing Restoration has void healing, you FAIL-SAFE RESTORATION FEAT 14
can instead grant them spirit and vitality resistance of INVENTOR
the same amount. Prerequisites Double-Proofed Restoration
Ultima Charge: You render your ally absolutely You have learned to transfer healing through your innovation by
carefully lining up your links. You can use Double-Proofed
invincible. While your Invigoration Link is active, your Restoration once per round instead of once per 10 minutes.
ally can choose to end your link immediately to reroll a
Fortitude or Will save they failed as their reaction. An FAST BURST � FEAT 18
ally can only benefit from this effect once per day. This INVENTOR
is a fortune effect. Prerequisites healing innovation
CLASS FEATS Frequency once per round
Requirements You have at least one Invigoration Link active.
Add the healing innovation to the list of prerequisites for
You have learned a special technique to send your second wave
the following feats and the listed effect for each feat. faster than your first. You use Searing Restoration. If this is the
first time you have used Searing Restoration on the creature in
MEGATON STRIKE 4TH the last 10 minutes, you do not have to attempt the flat check
from the unstable trait.
Healing You Strike with your innovation.
Healing You can use the extra action for Invigoration Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from
Link or for Searing Restoration. magic. You have engineered a device capable of casting
FULL AUTOMATION 20TH spells or interacting with the arcane through mechanical
means. You can cast arcane spells, and your innovation
Healing Your innovation is effortlessly directed. You
contains the data of four common arcane cantrips. You
can use the extra action for Invigoration Link or for
gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two
Searing Restoration.
arcane cantrips each day. You use your inventor class
DOUBLE-PROOFED RESTORATION � FEAT 2 proficiency for your spell DCs and spell attack rolls you
gained from the magitek innovation. You become
trained in Arcana and your spellcasting attribute
Prerequisites healing innovation, Searing Restoration
Frequency once per 10 minutes modifier for inventor spells is Intelligence. Your
Trigger You got a failure on the flat check for unstable to use modifications and actions you gain from the magitek
Searing Restoration. innovation also have the arcane trait in addition to any
You understand that failure, in medical circumstances, is traits they would normally have. You gain the
unacceptable. You reroll the triggering flat check from unstable, technomancy ray focus cantrip.
taking the new result even if it is worse than the original.

TECHNOMANCY RAY � CANTRIP 1 Concealing Holograms: You can use your
innovation's holo-projections to make your spells
| | |
UNCOMMON ATTACK CANTRIP FIRE INVENTOR | difficult to notice. You can spend 2 Interact actions to
Requirements You're under the effects of Overdrive and are create a 10-foot emanation of holograms until the end of
wearing, holding, or wielding your magitek innovation your next turn. These holograms hide your spell effects
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature while within the area, giving any spells you Cast the
Defense AC subtle trait.
You fire a ray of technologically empowered magic at your
opponent. Make a spell attack roll with your innovation against Mechanical Trinkets: You make little distinction
a target within 30 feet. On a hit, the ray deals 1d4 fire damage or between tools that work through science or magic. You
twice this amount and 1 persistent fire damage on a critical
success. If you are a master in Crafting, the die size of your ray can use your innovation to make talismans by attuning
increases to d6, and if you are legendary in Crafting, the die size energies to mundane things. You gain the Talisman
increases to d8. Dabbler Dedication ignoring its level requirements.
If you have a Variable Core, you change the damage type
from fire damage to the type you chose and replace the fire trait When you become a master in Crafting, you gain an
with that damage trait. additional talisman during your daily preparations.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by an additional die and Motorarcana: You learn a focus spell aligned with
the persistent damage on a critical success increases by 1. your expertise. Choose between the Change, Knowledge,
Metal, and Toil domain. You learn the initial domain
Your magitek innovation is an object of your design spell as an arcane focus spell, and gain a focus pool if you
that weighs 1 Bulk and must be worn, held, or wielded to did not already have one.
be able to use your unstable actions and to Cast
Rise, My Minion!: You combine necromancy and
technomancy ray.
galvanic jolts to raise a corpse as your perfect creation.
When you use Overdrive, you do not apply the
You can spend 10 minutes transforming a suitable
normal effects for your Overdrive on Strikes, but instead
corpse into an undead companion as if you had gained
apply the effects of Overdrive to spell attack rolls that
one from the Undead Master Dedication. Your undead
deal damage, have no duration, and target a single
companion remains active until your next daily
preparations, and you can give it Commands by
You can only apply the damage from your overdrive
once if your spell would deal damage more than once to
the same creature. If you gain Overdrive Ally or similar
effects that would provide Overdrive’s effects to allies,
your allies still only apply effects of Overdrive to their
Offensive Boost Your boost applies to the damage
from spell attack rolls that have no duration and target
a single creature. You can only apply the damage from
your boost once if your spell would deal damage more
than once to the same creature.

Choose one initial magitek modification to apply to

your innovation, either from the following or from other
initial magitek modifications to
which you have access.

Arcane Generator: You
have mastered the magic of
relevant energies. While
under the effects of Overdrive,
when you Cast a Spell that
requires a save that deals damage,
has no duration, and targets a single creature, you add
the damage from your Overdrive to the damage of a
failure, or twice that amount on a critical failure. If a
spell deals damage multiple times or has multiple saves,
you apply this damage only to the first failed save that
dealt damage.

Interacting with your innovation. You can continue to Integrate Magic Item: Your innovation builds
animate the same corpse each day, each time becoming around and integrates the key parts of a magic item.
your undead companion in the process again, retaining During your daily preparations, you can merge your
its current Hit Points from its previous animation. You innovation with a permanent magic item of your choice,
must spend 1 week recalibrating your innovation before such as robe, staff, or wand. The item operates as your
animating a different corpse to become your innovation and the item you selected and your
companion. This innovation counts as the Undead innovation gains the properties of this item, using its
Master Dedication for the purpose of prerequisites and own Bulk or the item’s Bulk, whichever is higher. If the
feats from the Undead Master archetype apply to this item you chose needs to be held, wielded, or worn, you
companion and to your limit of companions. must still meet those requirements to use the item. If
Spirit of Artifice: You have attracted a spirit which your innovation possessed the ability to store other
inhabits your innovation, or a frame you have built for things, such as a familiar or a wand, it retains that ability
it. You gain an elemental familiar that powers a small even while merged.
machine. Your familiar must select the resistance and Runic Upgrade: Your innovation technologically
elemental familiar abilities corresponding to the scribes runes. Once per hour, you can give one weapon
resistance element you chose. Your magitek innovation you or a willing ally is wielding within 30 feet the
also serves as a suitable familiar satchel for your benefits of a weapon rune you choose for 1 minute by
elemental familiar. spending an Interact action with your innovation. The
Technomancy Swing: When you cast technomancy following runes can be chosen: corrosive, flaming, frost,
ray, you can instead make your attack a melee spell ghost touch, returning, shock, or thundering. If this
attack roll instead of a ranged spell attack roll. If you do, effect would give a weapon more property runes than its
you increase the damage dice of your technomancy ray normal maximum, one of the existing property runes
by one step. (you choose) is suppressed for the duration. For
unarmed attacks, if this would give the unarmed attack
Wand Overcharge Insulator: You have bolstered more property runes than it could have from handwraps
your control over wands, allowing you to use them of mighty blows, one of the existing property runes is
additional times per day. You can add the unstable trait similarly suppressed.
to the Activation to an overcharged wand by using magic
from your innovation. If you do, you automatically Statistical Prophecy: You spend 10 minutes engaging
succeed at the DC 10 flat check to prevent the wand from with your innovation to produce a modeled emulation
being destroyed. In addition, you can store a single that weaves probability with divination. You gain the
wand inside your innovation, allowing you to to wield effects of augury, except you choose a specific scenario
both your magitek innovation and the wand you chose at that could conceivably happen within the next 24 hours;
the same time. You can remove or insert a wand into any results of “good” are instead “nothing,” and results
your innovation as an Interact action. of “mixed” are instead “bad.” If you are legendary in
Crafting, you take only 1 minute to use Statistical
Conducting Alloys: Skymetal alloys allow you to Summoning Engine: Your innovation clanks and
supercharge your wielded items. You gain the Trick grinds to summon a construct. Once per day, you can
Magic Item feat and can use Crafting instead of the skill use your innovation to spontaneously create a construct
required for your check. If you Activate a metallic from 1 Bulk of raw materials to produce the effects of a
invested item that has a saving throw DC, you can add summon construct spell of a rank equal to half your level
the unstable trait to your Activation to use your inventor rounded up. While under the effects of Overdrive, your
DC instead of the item's DC if it is higher. summoned construct adds half your Intelligence
Energize Spell Slot: Your gizmos channel energy into modifier to its Strike damage or your Intelligence
your depleted arcane wells. Once per day, you can modifier if you are under the effects of a critical
attempt to refill a spell slot. Make a Crafting check Overdrive.
against a very hard DC for your level. On a success, you Technomancy Blast: You unleash a wave of energy at
regain that spell slot, with the spell originally prepared your opponent. As a 2-action activity with the
in it. On a critical success, you may do so again in 1 hour. manipulate trait you can deal 1d6 fire damage for every
This function only applies to spells you gain from your 2 levels you possess to all creatures in a 15-foot cone, 30-
inventor spell slots and you must have spell slots from foot line, or 10-foot burst within 30 feet (basic Reflex).
inventor class feats to select this modification. You can’t use Technomancy Blast again for 1d4 rounds.
Greater Motorarcana: You learn deeper arcane If you have a Variable Core, you can replace the fire trait
secrets. You learn the greater domain spell of the with a trait appropriate for your Variable Core.
domain from your Motorcana as an arcane focus spell.
You must have Motorarcana to select this modification.

Instant Preparation: Your innovation can store Add the magitek innovation to the list of prerequisites
infinite spells, and prepare them at a moment's notice. for the following feats and the listed effect for each feat.
You can choose to leave up to two of your spell slots
unprepared during your daily preparations, allowing
you to prepare them as needed as a 3-action activity. Magitek You cast technomancy ray. You add the
These spell slots must be of different rank. This function additional damage dice to a success, or twice that
only applies to spells you gain from your inventor spell amount to a critical success.
slots and you must have spell slots from inventor class CLOCKWORK CELERITY 6TH
feats to select this.
Magitek You can use the extra action to cast
Mana-Scrambling Feedback: Your touch deploys
technomancy ray.
tech that totally scrambles the magic of an enemy. You
can spend a single Interact action with the spellshape FULL AUTOMATION 20TH
trait to empower your next technomancy ray. If you hit Magitek Your innovation fills you with magical data.
and deal damage with technomancy ray, you can You can use the extra action to cast technomancy ray.
attempt to counteract a single spell active on the target
(your choice). Your counteract rank is equal to half your
level (rounded up), and your counteract check modifier TARGETING RAY � FEAT 2
is equal to your class DC – 10.
Transmogrification Boost: They called you mad, but Prerequisites magitek innovation, Overdrive
you've done it! You've broken the boundaries of magic… You activate arcane gizmos to fire your ray on a whim. You
through science! When you Cast a Spell that requires a Recall Knowledge or Seek and then cast technomancy ray.
save that deals damage, has no duration, and targets a
single creature, you add the damage from your Offensive BASIC MAGITEK SPELLCASTING FEAT 4
Boost to creatures that fail their save, or twice that INVENTOR
amount if they critically fail their save. If a spell deals Prerequisites magitek innovation
damage multiple times or has multiple saves, you apply You gain the basic spellcasting benefits.
this damage to the first failed save that dealt damage.
Stasis Vector: You have learned to stifle the flow of
time, halting it completely, by isolating the current |
vector of time and space that you occupy from its flow. Prerequisites Basic Magitek Spellcasting
You shape spells with your innovation. You gain one wizard class
Once per day, you can spend 3 Interact actions to feat with the spellshape trait. For the purposes of meeting its
produce the effects of time stop on one creature of your prerequisites, your wizard level is equal to your character level.
choice, except the creature only gains 2 sets of 3 actions
instead of the normal amount. If you are at least 19th TECHNOMANTIC BREADTH FEAT 8
level, this effect produces the normal number of actions INVENTOR
for time stop. After you use Stasis Vector, your turn Prerequisites Basic Magitek Spellcasting
immediately ends and the creature you selected can Your innovation holds greater arcane charge. Increase the spell
spend the listed number of actions and their order in slots you gain from magitek innovation feats by 1 for each spell
initiative moves to be right after your turn. rank other than your two highest spell slots.

Unstable Magic Mastery: You have woven your EXPERT MAGITEK SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
magic to your machines in such a way as to make them
truly interchangeable. You can use Focus Points to use
Prerequisites Basic Magitek Spellcasting
unstable actions at no risk, and you can attempt to use a You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.
focus spell when you are out of Focus Points by adding
the unstable trait to your spell. You must have a focus UNAVOIDABLE RAY � FEAT 16
pool to select this.
| |
World-Warp Rig: You supercharge your innovation Prerequisites magitek innovation
to teleport you through space. You can teleport up to Your technomancy rays can zig and zag to hit your opponents
twice your Speed in any direction within line of sight as with surety. The next time you cast technomancy ray before the
end of your turn, you gain the effects of sure strike.
a 2-action activity with the manipulate and teleport
traits. While under the effects of Overdrive, you can
choose to have all creatures take fire damage equal to
your level in a 5-foot emanation both at your arrival and
departure. Prerequisites Expert Magitek Spellcasting
You gain the master spellcasting benefits.

Massive Frame (Power Suit Only): Your armor is
ARMOR INNOVATION more akin to a construct you wear than traditional
plating. Once per day, you can produce the effects of
Add the following options to the list of innovation
enlarge on yourself by spending an Interact action to
modifications you can choose for armor innovation.
expand your armor’s frame. If you are legendary in
INITIAL MODIFICATIONS Crafting, you can use the effect of enlarge heightened to
Ankle-weighted Stabilizers: You have installed half your level rounded up (though you can still only
counter-weights to prevent falling. You gain a +2 target yourself) and you can use the effect once per hour
circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC instead of once per day.
against attempts to Shove or Trip you. This bonus also Phase Frame (Subterfuge Suit Only): Your armor
applies to saving throws against spells or effects that can adopt the image of its surroundings, rendering you
attempt to knock you prone. unseen. Once per day, you can produce the effects of
Foreign Agent Anti-pattern: You designed your invisibility on yourself by spending an Interact action to
armor to detect anomalies that would attempt to enter phase light around your armor. If you are legendary in
your body. You gain resistance equal to 3 + half your Crafting, you can use the effect of invisibility heightened
level to poison damage and you gain a +1 circumstance to half your level rounded up (though you can still only
bonus to saves against disease; if you're a master in target yourself) and you can use the effect once per hour
Crafting, this increases to a +2 circumstance bonus. instead of once per day.
When under the effects of Overdrive, the resistance Self-Modulation Form: Your armor innovation
increases by 2. unravels parts from underneath to replicate a battle
Imposing Mechanisms: Your armor is designed to form spell. Choose one arcane or primal battleform spell
inspire fear in others. When you send your armor into with a rank equal to half your level rounded up that
overdrive, the mechanisms produce amplified aesthetics takes 2 actions or less to cast. Once per day, you can
and phonetics that make it easier to intimidate. When spend 2 Interact actions to produce the effects of the
under the effects of Overdrive, you gain a +1 chosen spell. If you were under the effects of Overdrive,
circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks; if you're a your battleform gains the effects of your Overdrive.
master in Crafting, this increases to a +2 circumstance
Fail-safe Operator: Once per day when you would
gain the unconscious condition, your armor innovation
takes over for you. You can continue to act as if you were
not unconscious and you don’t take its normal
penalties, as your innovation operates on
your subconscious thoughts, moving your
body for you for 1 minute or until you
regain consciousness. If you were dying, you
do not increase your dying value from
getting a failure on a recovery check, though
you still increase your dying value on a critical
failure or if you take damage.
Metaphysical Materials: Once per day,
you can spend 2 Interact actions on your
armor innovation to give yourself the
incorporeal trait for 1 minute. You gain
resistance to all damage equal to half
your level while incorporeal and
are immune to precision
damage. Since you are
incorporeal, you cannot
make Strikes unless your
Strikes would have the
ghost touch property.

Add the following options to the list of innovation Divisible Swarm State: Once per hour, your
modifications you can choose for construct innovation. construct can break down into smaller versions of itself,
gaining the swarm trait, swarm immunities, and a
INITIAL MODIFICATIONS Swarm Attack for 1 minute. Its Swarm Attack is a single
Bestial Emulation: Your construct innovation is action that damages all creatures within your
enhanced with animal features. Your construct innovation’s space using the damage die and damage
companion gains the Support action and grants you the type of one of its unarmed attacks on a basic Reflex save.
Support Benefit of an Animal Companion of your While in this state, it cannot make Strikes, but it can use
choosing. If you select the Support Benefit of an Animal other actions it would normally have access to as long as
Companion with the mount special ability, your they do not require a Strike. Your innovation can revert
construct companion also gains the mount special to its normal form by spending 2 actions with the
ability. concentrate trait reassembling itself.
Sonar Alert System: Your construct innovation gains Advanced Bestial Form: Your construct performs
extra-sensory perception for audio that it uses to alert just like an animal, but even more efficiently. Your
you and your allies. Your construct innovation gains construct innovation gains the advanced maneuver of
echolocation as an imprecise sense out to 30 feet. If your the animal you emulated with Bestial Emulation. Your
construct companion detects a creature with one of its construct innovation must have Beastial Emulation and
senses, either by using the Seek action or detecting the you must have the Incredible Construct Companion feat
creature normally, it can Point Out the location of the to select this.
creature it detected as a free action to all of its allies
within 60 feet. This is an auditory effect.
Storage Compartment: Your construct can open up WEAPON INNOVATION
a part of itself to store objects within. It can carry up to Add the following options to the list of innovation
10 Bulk of items or objects, with a maximum Bulk value modifications you can choose for weapon innovation.
of 5 per item. Creatures can spend a single Interact
action to draw an item from your construct innovation if
Duplicitous Nature (One-handed Melee Only):
it is adjacent to you, or your construct innovation can
You have configured your innovation to be able to split
expel the item in an adjacent square as a single Interact
into a duplicate of itself, allowing you to wield it as two
action. If a creature is occupying the square the item is
separate weapons of the same type. Your innovation
expelled into and has sufficient hands to hold the item,
gains the twin trait. You must still apply any runes or
it can spend its reaction to grasp the item with a trigger
properties to each weapon separately as normal.
of your construct’s Interact to expel.
Mounting Operator (Two-Handed Melee Only):
BREAKTHROUGH MODIFICATIONS You have configured your innovation to be more
Elemental Weapon Systems: Your construct's operable while on a mount. Your innovation gains the
attacks are enhanced by elemental power. Its strikes jousting d6 trait. If your innovation already had the
deal 1 additional fire damage. If you have a Variable jousting trait, you instead increase the die size from its
Core, you can replace the fire damage with a damage jousting trait by one step.
type appropriate for your Variable Core.
Spring-loaded Reformatting (Combination
Trigger-Directed Programming: You have given Weapon Only): You have installed springs and gears
your innovation the ability to make distinctions on when into your innovation that allow it to shift between modes
it should act, regardless of its state. On the first round of quickly. When you successfully Strike a creature with
combat, you can Command your construct innovation as your innovation in its melee mode, you can Interact to
a free action or to use a single action Command to give shift it to its ranged mode as a reaction. When you
your construct 3 actions for the turn. Interact to reload your innovation, you can shift it to
Vehicular Mode: Your construct has integrated parts your melee mode as a part of the same action.
of vehicles into its build, and can reformat itself to
function as a vehicle quickly. Choose a common or
Ammunition Expellerant (Firearm Only): You
uncommon vehicle of half your level or lower of size
have added extra capacity for your ammunition. Your
Large or smaller. Your construct can spend three
innovation gains the kickback trait and increases its
Interact actions to transform into this vehicle or to
range increment by 10 feet. If your innovation already
transform back to its construct form. You can
has the kickback trait, you reduce the Strength modifier
Reconfigure your construct innovation to give it a new
requirement by 2.
vehicle form.

NEW TRAITS Conductive Energy: You have found a way to utilize conductive
Theory - A theory is a conceptual imagining energy in your innovation. Your innovation gains the resonant trait.
that you enter by using an action with the Rebounding Mechanism (Thrown Only): When you use your
theory trait, and that you remain in for innovation to make a ranged Strike to deal damage, it immediately
some time. A theory lasts until you get returns to your hand, enabling you to use it for additional Strikes. You
knocked out, until its requirements (if any) must be within the innovation’s first range increment and have a hand
are violated, until the encounter ends, or free to catch the weapon. If you make a ranged Strike with a thrown
until you entertain a new theory, whichever weapon outside of its first range increment, it instead flies back toward
you a number of feet equal to its listed range increment and then falls to
comes first. Theories progress through
the ground.
different phases: Predict, Test, and
Analyze. These phases have stipulations REVOLUTIONARY MODIFICATIONS
on how you progress through your theory Implausible Self-Protector (Melee Only): You have installed a
and when to change phases. After you use protective spring barrier in your innovation. Your innovation gains the
an action with the theory trait, you can’t parry trait. If your innovation is a one-handed weapon with the parry
use another one for 1 round. You can trait, you increase the circumstance bonus to AC from parry to +2.
entertain a theory or have an ongoing Ricochet Projectile (Ranged Only): When determining whether a
theory only in encounter mode. target has cover from your innovation’s ranged attacks, you can choose
one solid surface within your weapon's first or second range increment
to ricochet your shot off of. If you do, you determine the target's cover
from the point where you ricochet your shot instead of from you.

New Class Feats

Prerequisites weapon innovation, Overdrive
Requirements You are under the effects of Overdrive
You have constructed a means to retrieve or use your weapon innovation without
opening yourself to attacks. You can Interact with your weapon innovation, such
as to draw, stow, reload, or similar action, and your Interact does not provoke
reactions that would trigger on a manipulate action.
Unstable Function Your architected manipulation is enacted on a swift
trigger. You use Architected Manipulation as a free action.

Special If you have Dual-Weapon Form you can use the Interact action from
this feat for changing configurations.

Prerequisites Overdrive
Requirements You’re in a non-trivial encounter.
You convert knowledge into swift engagement. You Recall Knowledge on a
creature you can see and then use Overdrive.


You gain a mechanical familiar, a Tiny construct created through artificial means.
You gain a familiar but one of its abilities must be the constructed familiar ability.
If you select a specific familiar that is constructed, you reduce the number of
familiar abilities required to gain that specific familiar by 1.

VOICE MODULATION FEAT 1 Subterfuge Suit: Your armor not only allows you to engage in
stealth, but its reflective nature makes you difficult to target
INVENTOR while hidden. The flat check to target you while you are
You have installed a voice modulator, picking up the frequency concealed or hidden increases by 1 or by 2 if you are under the
of your specific voice and allowing you to adjust it to your needs. effects of Overdrive.
You can alter your voice in such a way that attempts to discern
your other identity from your voice require a Seek action to Special If you have the Heavy Construction modification,
attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you instead of the normal benefits you remove the penalty to your
were using the Impersonate action. Your Deception DC against Speeds entirely when you meet its Strength requirement without
such attempts is 20 + your Crafting proficiency modifier instead needing to be under the effects of Overdrive and your armor
of the normal DC. You can choose to have your voice replicate gains the bulwark trait. In addition, your bonus from the bulwark
that of a specific tonality, frequency, echo, or any other effects, armor trait applies on all Reflex saves, not just damaging Reflex
but ultimately the voice that is altered is still you. You gain a +4 saves, and while under the effects of Overdrive your bonus from
circumstance bonus to Impersonate specific voices you’ve the bulwark armor trait increases from +3 to +4.
heard when using your voice modulation by tuning your voice to
a similar frequency.
2ND LEVEL You can spot faults in construction that are invisible to others.
Choose a construct or an obstacle that occupies a 5-foot square
CONDITION CAUSATION THEORY � FEAT 2 such as a door, window, fence or wall. Make a Crafting check
against the target's Fortitude DC or the effect’s DC or the item’s
| |
CONCENTRATE INVENTOR THEORY level + 10 if it has no DC. If you are a master in Crafting, you can
You believe that, like in a machine, there is a knock-on effect target an obstacle that occupies a 10-foot square, and if you are
between weak points in a system; exploiting one condition will legendary you can target an obstacle in a 15-foot square.
lead to further flaws being made obvious. You Predict an
outcome as part of entertaining this theory. Critical Success Ha! Amateur craftsmanship! You ignore the
target's hardness for 1 round. If the target was a construct
Predict: You predict a condition that would leave enemies and it has physical resistance, you can instead ignore an
open to additional proclivities. Choose one of the following amount of physical resistance equal to your level for 1
conditions: clumsy, deafened, enfeebled, frightened, sickened, round.
or stupefied. At the beginning of your next turn, you progress Success As a success, but you ignore half the target's
to the Test phase of your theory. hardness or half your level in physical resistance if you
Test: The first time an enemy you can see within 30 feet targeted a construct with physical resistance.
would gain the condition you Predicted, make a DC 11 flat Critical Failure You totally underestimate the target's
check. Whether you succeed or fail, you progress to the sturdiness. You have a –2 circumstance penalty to attack
Analyze phase of your theory. rolls against the target for 1 round.
Analyze: If you failed your flat check, you discover that while
they are not subject to your theory, there are other ways to
exploit it. You learn its weakest save and can then
immediately Predict a different condition, entering the Test
phase again at the beginning of your next turn. If you
succeeded at your flat check, you find that having the
condition has reduced your subjects’ overall efficiency.
Creature’s are off-guard to you as long as they have the listed
condition or until you stop entertaining your theory.


Prerequisites armor innovation, Overdrive
You have leveraged metal sheeting to further apply a special
effect based on your choice of suit. You gain the listed effect
depending on your armor innovation choice.

Power Suit: You enhance your armor with heavy plates.

During your daily preparations, you can choose between the
following statistics for your armor innovation in addition to its
normal statistics. While you are under the effects of Overdrive
you remove the penalty to your Speeds entirely instead of
reducing it by 5 feet.
Dynamic Sheeting AC Bonus +5; Dex Cap +1; Check
Penalty –2; Speed Penalty –10 feet; Strength +3; Bulk 3; Group
Full-Metal Sheeting AC Bonus +6; Dex Cap +0; Check
Penalty –3; Speed Penalty –10 feet; Strength +4; Bulk 4; Group

You have built additional appendages to protrude from your back
to aid you in your scientific research. While imperfect, you can | |
perform simple Interact actions with your appendages such as You find that the best ideas come to you while under severe
opening an unlocked door or picking up objects. Your pressure, and you can rapidly throw together a solution while in
appendages can't perform actions that require fingers or such a situation. You Predict a blueprint as part of entertaining
significant manual dexterity, including any action that would this theory.
require a check to accomplish. Your appendages can hold items
of up to 1 Bulk, but can't Activate or attack with any items it's Predict: You predict that a specific blueprint can aid you by
holding. creating it from knicknacks you have on your person,
Unstable Function You leverage both appendages to choosing a basic skill action of your choice that takes 2
perform an action another appendage could perform, despite its actions or less to perform. At the beginning of your next turn,
weaker state. You can Reposition a creature adjacent to you you progress to the Test phase of your theory.
using both of your appendages. Your appendages must not be
holding anything to perform this unstable function. Test: You can spend an Interact action to attempt to create a
temporary tool that assists you. Attempt a DC 11 flat check.
Whether you succeed or fail, you progress to the Analyze
4TH LEVEL phase of your theory.
Analyze: If you failed your flat check, the invention you make
applies a +1 circumstance bonus to your next check to make
DIRECTED EXPLOSION FEAT 4 the skill, after which, the item is destroyed and you can Predict
INVENTOR a new invention to aid you on another qualifying skill action of
your choice. If you succeeded at your flat check, you invent a
Prerequisites Explode tool perfect for the situation you are in. You gain a +1
You have learned to channel your explosion into a specific circumstance bonus to checks you make to perform the
direction. During your daily preparations, you can tune your Predicted skill action as long as you are entertaining this
innovation and choose a line, a cone, or a burst. When you use theory, after which the item is destroyed.
Explode, you can make its area the area of your choice, gaining
a 15-foot line, 10-foot cone, or a 5-foot burst within 20 feet
instead of a 5-foot emanation as choices for its area. STASIS CAPSULE FEAT 6
If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you INVENTOR
add a 30-foot line, a 15-foot cone, or a 10-foot burst within 20 Prerequisites trained in Medicine, expert in Crafting
feet to your area choices; if you have the revolutionary You can create a stasis capsule that rejuvenates lives back from
innovation class feature, you add a 45-foot line, a 30-foot cone, the edge. You can spend 10 minutes constructing a stasis
or a 15-foot burst within 20 feet to your area choices. capsule which can harbor up to four Small or Medium creatures
and occupies a 10-foot square. When creatures are inside the
PROXIMITY SCANNER FEAT 4 capsule, you can use Crafting instead of Medicine to Treat
Wounds, including using your higher Crafting proficiency to
AUDITORY INVENTOR attempt more difficult checks to Treat Wounds. When you Treat
Prerequisites armor, construct, gadget, healing, magitek or Wounds in this way, you make a single check and restore the
weapon innovation appropriate amount to all creatures inside your Stasis Capsule
(including dealing damage on a critical failure). If you are
You have added a scanner to your innovation which allows you legendary in Crafting, you can expand your capsule to a 20-foot
to detect targets in the area. Your scanner will chime when you square and occupy twice the number of Small or Medium
are in proximity to other creatures on the same surface, granting creatures or creatures of larger sizes. For the purposes of
you a vague tremorsense of 30 feet. The chime grows louder as occupancy, you can treat a Large creature as two Medium
you come closer, though it is usually quiet enough that another creatures and one Huge creature as two Large creatures.
creature would actively need to listen for it to perceive it, using
your Crafting DC for the Perception DC to hear it. You can
program the scanner during your daily preparations to ignore 8TH LEVEL
specific creatures, such as your allies.
Additionally, your scanner can narrow its search GENIUS APPENDAGES FEAT 8
dramatically to a specific object, creature, or material. You can
add a sample or depiction of the target, allowing your
tremorsense to exclusively detect targets of the same type and Prerequisites Mechanical Appendages
granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Search, You have added an extra set of limbs to your rig. This second set
Seek, or Track these targets. You can only have one target of mechanical appendages act as the previous, allowing you to
selected at a time. If you provide your scanner a sample or use the unstable function of your Mechanical Appendages if up
depiction of another target, it can change to detecting targets of to two of your appendages are holding items. In addition, you
the new type for the remaining duration. gain a climb Speed equal to your land speed and can increase
Unstable Function You can spend a single action with the your land Speed by 5 feet. While using this climb Speed or your
manipulate trait to make your tremorsense an imprecise sense increased land Speed, you must use all of your appendages and
of 60 feet for 1 minute and increase its circumstance bonus to cannot be holding any items with them.
checks to +2.

Special If your innovation is a minion, it gains this HYPERPRODUCTIVE FOCUS FEAT 8

tremorsense and can use the unstable function rather than you. |
When you get to work, you enter a hyperproductive fugue state,
ignoring all distractions as you get the job done. You spend half
as much time as normal when you Craft items. If you are
legendary in Crafting, have the formula of an item, and you
critically succeed at your check, you can reduce the duration it
takes to Craft by 1 day to a minimum of 1 hour.

10TH LEVEL Analysis: If you failed your flat check, you have determined
the creature’s weaknesses lie elsewhere. You learn if it has
MANIACAL LAUGHTER! � FEAT 10 any weaknesses and can then immediately Predict a different
damage type, entering the Test phase again at the beginning
AUDITORY INVENTOR of your next turn. If you succeeded at your flat check, you have
Trigger You or your innovation uses an unstable action that found an unusual interaction between them and your element
targets at least one enemy. of choice. When a creature within 30 feet takes damage of the
type you chose, they also gain the weakness you predicted
You throw your head back and laugh maniacally, vindicated by until you stop entertaining your theory.
your brilliance. Attempt to Demoralize each enemy affected by
the triggering action using your Crafting proficiency instead of
Intimidation. You roll once for this check and compare your 14TH LEVEL
result against each enemy separately. Regardless of the results
of your checks, each creature is then temporarily immune to BODY SWAP APPARATUS FEAT 14
Maniacal Laughter! for 1 minute.
You have perfected a device that allows you to trade bodies with
PERSONALITY MODULE FEAT 10 others. You place two creatures on paired tables, and bring a
RARE INVENTOR metal cap over each creature's head. With the flick of a lever, the
process begins! You learn the mind swap ritual, except the cost
Prerequisites a non-minion innovation goes to the energy required to power the machine, it loses the
You've created an artificial intelligence, which you have built into magical traits, and the primary and secondary Occultism checks
your innovation. Your innovation becomes an intelligent item are instead Crafting checks. Because this version of mind swap
with the minion trait that you can Command. Your innovation lacks the magical trait, it cannot be targeted by effects like dispel
gains an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifier equal to magic that would counteract magical effects but it can still be
your own and can speak and understand any languages you counteracted by other means.
speak. Your innovation can detect things with the same senses
you can, including any senses you gained from inventor class
feats. Your innovation can attempt skill checks that use these KABOOM!! � FEAT 14
modifiers as long as they do not require manipulation of any INVENTOR
kind, and your innovation uses your skill proficiency for these
checks. Your innovation gains a Will save equal to your Will save Prerequisites Explode
and it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves if the effect When you want something to blow up, you push the explosion to
would force it to perform an action that would harm you. unthinkable heights. You make your innovation Explode and
double its area of effect.
Trigger You would be reduced to 0 Hit Points.
Auf Wiedersehen! You set off a self-destruct device. All
creatures within a 20-foot emanation take 5d6 fire damage with
a basic Reflex save.
At 12th level and every two levels thereafter, increase the
fire damage by 1d6.
Unstable Function Your explosion is even bigger. Double
the number of damage dice.

Special If your innovation is a minion, the trigger is when it

would be reduced to 0 Hit Points and the emanation is around it
instead of you. It can take this reaction instead of you, even
though minions can't normally take reactions or act when it's not
their turn.

| |
Your machines’ interactions with their power sources allow you
to uncover henceforth unseen ways to trigger interactions
between opponents and the elements. You Predict an outcome
as part of entertaining this theory.

Predict: Just as the cold makes copper contract, and the

burning of coal makes smoke, there are undiscovered ways to
use the elements on your adversaries. You predict a potential
weakness in your enemies. This weakness is of an amount
equal to half your level and must be one of the following
damage types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. At
the beginning of your next turn, you proceed to the Test phase
of your theory.
Test: The first time an enemy within 30 feet would take
damage of the same type as the weakness you Predicted, you
make a DC 11 flat check. Whether you succeed or fail, you
progress to the Analyze phase of your theory.

You have engineered a way to tear open the fabrics of reality to Prerequisites Genius Appendages
allow quick passage. When you activate the engine, it creates a Your robotic appendages function nearly as well as real ones—
portal with a radius of 20 feet, contained in a metal ring. The perhaps even stronger. Each individual appendage can lift up to
portal leads to a second portal ring. These rings can be 3 Bulk and are able to perform complex actions in addition to its
collapsed into 2 Bulk cubes, and reconfigured into their original basic actions (such as Disable Device or Treat Wounds). In
forms as a 10 minute activity. There is no maximum distance addition, when you use the unstable function of your Mechanical
between the two rings. As an 8 hour activity, you can link one Appendages you only require the use of a single appendage and
portal to another plane; the portal then allows passage to a can Grapple or Strike creatures instead of Repositioning them. If
random point on this plane, though a tuning fork can be inserted you choose to make a Strike, your appendages are treated as
into its command panel to make it somewhat more accurate, as unarmed attacks that deal 1d4 damage of either bludgeoning,
the interplanar teleport spell. The other ring must be deployed on piercing, or slashing damage with the reach trait and are in the
the other side to stabilize the portal, or it is destroyed within 10 brawling group. You make the choice of damage when you gain
minutes. It takes one week to create another set of Gateway this feat, but you can spend 1 hour adjusting your appendages
Engines. to change the damage to another type of your choice.


After being blown up countless times, you've managed to make
yourself perfectly resistant to explosions and malfunctions of | |
any sort. You have resistance equal to your level to fire. If you You propose that all things are connected. With careful
would take damage from a critical failure on your unstable mathematical consideration, mechanical manipulation and
check, you can choose to take the damage as normal, ignoring physical placement of yourself and others, you can quantumly
your resistance to reroll your flat check from unstable. You must affect the universe and its inhabitants’ actions. You make a
take the new result even if it is worse than the original and you Prediction as part of entertaining this theory.
cannot use the reroll from Blast-Proof for 10 minutes.
Prediction: You theorize that all beings share a bond that
Special If you have a Variable Core, you instead have a stems down to the very fibers of the universe itself and predict
resistance equal to your level of the damage type of your Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. At the beginning of your next turn,
Variable Core. you progress to the Test phase of your theory.
Test: The first time an enemy within 30 feet would take an
action on its turn, you can attempt a DC 11 flat check.
Whether you succeed or fail, you progress to the Analyze
phase of your theory.
Analyze: When a creature’s turn begins, you can spend your
reaction doing something small (taking a half step right,
saying a series of seemingly random numbers, or similar) that
tugs on the theoretical strings of reality. If you
failed your flat check, you note that your
calculations were off ever so slightly, but
still produce valuable data. You learn the
value of the creature’s save you
Predicted and the creature attempts a
save against your inventor class DC using a
save of its choice. Creatures’ that fail their
save must take a basic action that takes a
single action to perform of your choice.
You can then immediately Predict a different
save, entering the Test phase at the beginning of
your next turn. If you succeeded at your flat
check, you have calculated how to influence the
universe just enough to redirect the cosmic math of
reality. A creature attempts the same save when you
spend your reaction, except the creature attempts a
save of the type you predicted instead of a save of its choice
and you can continue to spend your reaction on subsequent
turns to produce this effect.


Prerequisites Hyperproductive Focus
You visualize detailed schematics as easily as others count to 3,,
taking mere moments. Once per day, you can attempt to Craft an
item as a 3-action activity with the concentrate and manipulate
traits. The item must be no higher than half your level and you
must know the formula of the item. You must still provide the
cost of the item in raw materials to create the item and have at
least one hand free to perform this activity.

Variable Core is a key class feat that alters The birth of innovation is pursuing alternatives, and inventors are
the way several inventor abilities function, always seeking to push the limits of what is possible. While some may
such as the damage of Explode and the regard them as unconventional, they prove effective and derive results
various Explode replacements of the nonetheless.
Unconventions. While an inventor that does When you first become an inventor, you can choose to gain an
not use an unconvention might select a Unconvention. When you select an Unconvention, you lose the
variable core of cold and produce a Overdrive and Explode Inventor class features and gain the listed class
thermodynamic modulation core, an features instead. When you gain additional damage from Expert
inventor that combines a polarity Overdrive, Master Overdrive, and Legendary Overdrive, you instead
unconvention and fire damage might be the increase the damage you deal from the listed action. When using the
result of a magnetic friction oscillator. The listed actions, or any time your innovation explodes on a critical failure
unique combinations of Variable Core and damages you, change the damage type from fire damage to the type
possible with the unconventions of damage used for your Overdrive’s replacement. If a feat or ability
encourages inventor players to decide how would use or require the use of Overdrive or Explode, you instead use
your Unconventions replacement for any effects or prerequisites for
their own unconvention might function in
those actions.
combination with a variable core, and where
applicable, may cause altered effects. If you take Variable Core or Variable Gadgetry class feats, you add
These altered effects are often specified, fire to the possible choices for damage types instead of the damage type
but players and GMs can work together to that corresponds to your Unconvention’s unstable action if those feats
come up with new ideas on how these include its damage type as a choice. In addition, if you gain an ability
that deals fire damage from an inventor class feature or class feat, you
different combinations interact.
instead deal the damage associated with the unstable action you gained
from your choice of Unconvention.
When under the effects of a replacement for Overdrive, you can still
use the replacement action. You can't extend your replacement
Overdrive’s duration this way, but you can turn a
replacement overdrive into a critical
replacement overdrive if you critically succeed.
A failure has no effect on your current
replacement Overdrive, and you end your
Overdrive on a critical failure.

You have learned the methods to produce
effects on creatures through sound waves,
manipulating them to produce both harmful
and helpful effects.

You are fitted with acoustic devices of
your own invention, bells, whistles, and
other noisy accouterments. You use
these tools to produce sound waves,
providing you a levy of power.
This action replaces Overdrive.
If you have a weapon
innovation, you can choose
to change the additional
damage from Reverberate
to sonic damage.

REVERBERATE � If you have a weapon innovation, you can choose to
change the damage from Frigerate to cold damage.
Frequency once per round FRIGERATE �
You set your gizmos to vibrate and intensify frequencies.
Attempt a Crafting check that has a standard DC for your level. |
Frequency once per round
Critical Success Your gizmos produce a high-pitched You blast cold energy out from your cooling systems. Attempt a
frequency. Your Strikes apply a reverberating effect to Crafting check that has a standard DC for your level.
enemies and gain the auditory trait for 1 minute. After you
successfully Strike a creature, until the beginning of your Critical Success Your gizmos create a condensing effect,
next turn the creature takes a –1 circumstance penalty decelerating the matter of enemies. For 1 minute, when you
against auditory effects and it takes additional damage successfully Strike a creature, it takes a –5-foot status
equal to your Intelligence modifier when they take damage penalty to its Speed until the beginning of your next turn.
from an auditory effect. After Reverberate ends, your Creatures that use an action with the move trait while
gizmos become unusable as they re-tune, and you can't use affected by this status penalty take damage equal to your
Reverberate for 1 minute. Creatures immune to the auditory Intelligence modifier. This damage is of the same type as
trait can still be affected by your Strikes normally even if the Strike’s damage. After Frigerate ends, your gizmos
they would be immune to the effects of Reverberate, but are become unusable as it freezes over, and you can't use
immune to the damage from Reverberate. Frigerate for 1 minute.
Success Your gizmos zip into high-frequency. As critical Success Your gizmos decelerate matter of those you attack.
success, except the damage is equal to half your As critical success, except the damage is equal to half your
Intelligence modifier. Intelligence modifier.
Failure You fail to gain a rhythmic balance, nothing happens. Failure You can’t control the decelerants, nothing happens.
Critical Failure Inconceivable! The sound is completely Critical Failure Ah! No! The cooling system freezes over. You
inaudible. You take sonic damage equal to your level, and take cold damage equal to your level, and you can't use
you can't use Reverberate again for 1 minute as your Frigerate again for 1 minute as your gizmos cool down and
gizmos cool down and reset. reset.


You can emit an overwhelmingly loud wave of sound to You concentrate your frigeration into a powerful,
debilitate your foes. This activity replaces Explode. directed attack. This activity replaces Explode.
| | |
Your innovation unleashes a cacophonic blast. You create an You cause your innovation to project a ray of cold energy. You or
expulsion of sound in a 10-foot cone from you (if you're wearing your innovation (if your innovation is a minion) can target a 5-
or holding the innovation) or from your innovation (if your foot burst within 20 feet, slowing matter so quickly that it
innovation is a minion), dealing 2d4 sonic damage to all becomes coated in frost for 1 minute. Creature’s are off-guard as
creatures in the area with a basic Fortitude save. Creatures that long as they remain in the area and creature’s that end their turn
critically fail their save are also deafened for 1 minute. Creatures in the area take 1d4 cold damage with a basic Reflex save.
deafened by your Cacophony are not immune to your auditory
effects from its deafened condition. At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, increase your
ray's damage by 1d4.
At 3rd level, and every level thereafter, increase your blast’s
damage by 1d4. If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you
can choose either a 5-foot or 10-foot burst for the area when you
If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you use Freeze Ray; if you have the revolutionary innovation class
can choose either a 10-foot or 15-foot cone for the area when feature, you can choose a 5-foot, 10-foot, or 15-foot burst.
you use Cacophony; if you have the revolutionary innovation
class feature, you can choose a 10-foot, 15-foot, or 20-foot cone. Special If you have the Variable Core class feat and you
alter your Freeze Ray’s damage type, you instead make the
Special If you have the Variable Core class feat and you affected area hazardous terrain that deals half your level in
alter your Cacophony’s damage type, creatures that fail their damage of the type you chose in addition to the damage it would
save are fascinated by your innovation for 1 round, or 1 minute normally deal for ending their turn in the area.
on a critical failure instead of applying the deafened condition.
CRYONIZATION Great, powerful machines that burn great, powerful
The power of combustion does the job for some, but you fuels will bring forth an age of industrialization
are far more interested in the removal of heat from a henceforth unknown. Your inventions are at the
system. Some of your superconductive power sources forefront of this revolution of progress, despite the awful
falter at regular temperatures, so you cool them down to fumes they tend to produce.
boreal levels to continue your research.
FRIGERATE You fuel your gizmos with coal, tar, or some other
You use strange metals powered by perfectly condensed combustible fuel that empowers you to great strength
energy—but to do so you must keep them impossibly and emit terrible smoggy clouds. This action replaces
cold. You vent the excess cold into your enemies to slow Overdrive.
them down. This action replaces Overdrive.

If you have a weapon innovation, you can choose ORGANICS
to change the damage of your hazardous terrain to fire
You build with the most unusual of materials: living
things. You might wear a suit of armor made of strange
CRANK UP � fungus, have a weapon which resembles a hybrid
INVENTOR MANIPULATE between a sword and a squid, or otherwise carry gizmos
Frequency once per round and gadgets made of flora and flesh rather than steel.
You allow filthy energy to empower braces around your limbs Your innovation is an organic construction, and
and body to push you beyond mortal limits. Attempt a Crafting otherwise still functions as a construct, but it is made of
check that has a standard DC for your level. organic material instead of metal.
Critical Success Your gizmos do the hard work for you, If your innovation is a construct companion, it loses
allowing you to put in minimal energy for maximum immunity to bleed, drained, fatigued, healing, and
physical output. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your nonlethal effects. Choose one creature trait: aberration,
Speeds. As you brawl, you leave poisonous chemicals in
your wake. For 1 minute, when you successfully Strike a beast, fungus, or plant. For the purposes of effects, it can
creature, you leave behind hazardous terrain in an adjacent choose between the construct trait and the trait you
square of your choice and any squares you move through chose for what type of creature it is. Your construct can
before the end of your turn. Your hazardous terrain lasts for
2 rounds. Creatures other than you passing through your change the additional damage from Mutate to poison
hazardous terrain take poison damage equal to your damage.
Intelligence modifier. After Crank Up ends, your gizmos
become unusable as they require refueling, and you can't
use Crank Up for 1 minute.
You apply your organic material to spontaneously alter
Success Your gizmos puff out smog and push you to victory.
As critical success, except the damage from your itself to spew chemicals. This action replaces Overdrive.
hazardous terrain is equal to half your Intelligence modifier. If you have a weapon innovation, you can choose to
Failure Your fuel fails to light and nothing happens. change the persistent damage from Mutate to poison
Critical Failure Blast! You take poison damage equal to your
level, and you can't use Crank Up again for 1 minute as your damage.
gizmos require resetting.

Your innovation belches out waste fumes in a choking
cloud around you. This activity replaces Explode.
| | |
Your innovation exhales a huge bank of poisonous smoke that
overwhelms everyone around you. The smoke cloud deals 2d4
poison damage with a basic Fortitude save to all creatures in a
5-foot emanation around you (if you're wearing or holding
the innovation) or around your innovation (if your
innovation is a minion). All creatures within the
smoke cloud become concealed, and all creatures
outside the smoke cloud become concealed to
creatures within it. The cloud lasts for 1 minute or
until dispersed by a strong wind or similar

At 3rd level, and every level

thereafter, increase your cloud's
damage by 1d4.

If you have the breakthrough

innovation class feature, you can
choose either a 5-foot or 10-foot
emanation for the area when you
use Smog Cloud; if you have the
revolutionary innovation class
feature, you can choose a 5-
foot, 10-foot, or 15-foot

Frequency once per round Frequency once per round
You use organic material to augment yourself and mutate to You set your gizmos to repulse by enabling infused magnetic
your whims, producing toxic chemicals. Attempt a Crafting energy. Attempt a Crafting check that has a standard DC for your
check that has a standard DC for your level. level.

Critical Success Your gizmos grow and warp, oozing internal Critical Success Your gizmos create a bubble of magnetic
acids as they do. Your Strikes deal persistent acid damage force, protecting you and granting you an increased ability
equal to half your Intelligence modifier for 1 minute. The flat to move enemies. You are charged with repulsion, allowing
check to remove this persistent damage is a DC 17. After you to use your proficiency in Crafting instead of Athletics
your Mutate ends, your mutations cease and become for attempts to Disarm, Reposition, or Shove for 1 minute.
unusable as they coagulate, and you can't use Mutate for 1 While you are under the effects of Repulse, whenever you
minute. successfully use one of these actions or you subject an
Success Your mutations begin to percolate, adding acidity to enemy to forced movement from an effect caused by your
your attacks. As critical success, except the flat check to innovation (such as Magnetic Pulse), the target takes
remove your persistent damage is a DC 15. damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (or additional
Failure Your gear shudders and slithers, but does not change. damage of the same amount if the effect dealt damage).
This damage is of the same type that produced the effect
Critical Failure Yuck! A sickening pop splatters you with ooze. or bludgeoning damage if the effect did not deal damage.
You take acid damage equal to your level, and you can't use After the Repulse ends, your gizmos become unusable as
Mutate again for 1 minute as your gizmos regrow. they cool down or reset, and you can't use Repulse for 1
Success Your gizmos become repulsive, adding a repelling
As your innovation consumes and grows, it must force to your attacks. As critical success, except the
dispose of its built up waste. This activity replaces additional damage is equal to half your Intelligence
Explode. modifier.
Failure You can’t find an equilibrium, nothing happens.
VENT BYPRODUCT � Critical Failure Implausible! The charge was diverted. You
| | |
ACID INVENTOR MANIPULATE UNSTABLE take electricity damage equal to your level, and you can't
use Repulse again for 1 minute as your gizmos cool down
You direct your innovation to spit out a line of detrimental fluids and reset.
and bile in a line, damaging creatures in the area and raising
unusual flora and organics to the surface. The byproduct deals
1d4 acid damage with a basic Reflex save to all creatures in a
15-foot line from you (if you're wearing or holding the innovation) MAGNETIC PULSE
or from your innovation (if your innovation is a minion). The area You harness the motion of electrical charges to control
sprouts unusual organic material for the area making it difficult magnetic fields with your innovation. This activity
terrain for 1 minute.
replaces Explode.
At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, increase your
byproduct's damage by 1d4. MAGNETIC PULSE �
| | |
If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you You charge the air with a magnetic force and expel stored energy
can choose either a 15-foot or 30-foot line for the area when you without damaging the innovation... hopefully. The explosion
use Vent Byproduct; if you have the revolutionary innovation deals 1d4 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save to all
class feature, you can choose a 15-foot, 30-foot, or 45-foot line. creatures in a 5-foot emanation around you (if you're wearing or
holding the innovation) or around your innovation (if your
innovation is a minion). Creatures that fail their save are pushed
POLARITY 5 feet towards the edge of your innovation’s emanation, or to the
edge of your innovation’s emanation if they critically fail.
You understand that science can change things in
seemingly invisible ways, and the power to move others At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, increase your
without even touching them is a power worth pulse's damage by 1d4.
possessing. Magnetism and electric fields have the If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you
power to move the form in ways only science can can choose either a 5-foot or 10-foot emanation for the area
conceive. when you use Magnetic Pulse; if you have the revolutionary
innovation class feature, you can choose a 5-foot, 10-foot, or 15-
REPULSE foot emanation.
You affix yourself with magnets, coils, and rods. When
it's necessary, you can charge them into a repulsive state
to assist you in combat. This action replaces Overdrive.
If you have a weapon innovation, you can choose to
change the additional damage from Repulse to
electricity damage and you apply the additional damage
when the critical specialization from your weapon
innovation would cause forced movement.

New Gadgets turn, you gain the effects of the activation again: you make a
ranged Strike with your gauntlet. The gadget is consumed after
it reaches the listed maximum of Strikes per use or 1 minute has
MARBLE MINES ITEM 1+ passed, whichever comes first, but the gauntlet continues to
function as normal.
Usage held in 1 hand POWER GAUNTLET (LESSER) ITEM 1
Activate � (manipulate) Price 10 gp
These strange metal balls blink with a red light. When thrown to Bulk L
the floor, the marbles beep, and begin to roll towards an
opponent. When Activated, Marble Mines move 15 feet away The gauntlet's maximum number of ranged Strikes is 2 and the
from you in a straight line on a horizontal surface until they reach duration is 1 minute.
the end of their movement or move into a creature’s space. The
GM might reduce or increase this distance based on the angle of POWER GAUNTLET (MODERATE) ITEM 6
the surface or the terrain. At the end of this movement, the
mines occupy the listed area and make it difficult for creatures Price 50 gp
to move. Creatures that begin their turn in the space of the Bulk L
mines must attempt a Reflex save or fall prone. The first time a The gauntlet's maximum number of ranged Strikes is 4 and the
creature falls prone in a square occupied by mines, the mines duration is 10 minutes.
detonate and creatures take the listed fire damage on a basic
Reflex save and the mines are then destroyed. After 1 minute POWER GAUNTLET (GREATER) ITEM 12
has passed, the mines breakdown and are destroyed.
Price 400 gp
The gauntlet's maximum number of ranged Strikes is 7 and the
Price 8 gp duration is 1 hour.
Bulk L
The mines deal 1 fire damage, occupy a 5-foot square, and the POWER GAUNTLET (MAJOR) ITEM 18
Reflex DC is 15.
Price 5,000 gp
The gauntlet's maximum number of ranged Strikes is 10 and the
Price 40 gp duration is 1 day.
Bulk L
The mines deal 1d4 fire damage, occupy a 5-foot square, and the
Reflex DC is 20. SPIRIT BOX ITEM 2
Price 20 gp
Price 350 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Bulk L
Activate 10 minutes (auditory, manipulate)
The mines deal 3d4 fire damage, occupy a 10-foot square, and
the Reflex DC is 29. This strange box has an array of meters reading your area's
temperature, pressure and more. The box sends out strange
frequencies and sounds for 1 minute, which can be manipulated
MARBLE MINES (MAJOR) ITEM 18 by unseen visitors. Spirits within 80 feet can hear through the
Price 4,000 gp box, and speak in one word sentences through the box. While
primarily aimed at attracting the attention of ghosts, it can also
Bulk L be manipulated by celestials, fiends, monitors, or similar
The mines deal 5d4 fire damage, occupy a 15-foot square, and creatures if they have the ability to communicate with
the Reflex DC is 38. telepathy or similar magic
from another plane.
Usage attached to gauntlet
Activate � (manipulate)
These thick, metal gloves have a slot in the back of the hand for
retrieving the gauntlet back to its original location. The process
of attaching a Power Gauntlet takes 1 minute.

When you Activate Power Gauntlet, clockwork gears

project the gauntlet making a ranged Strike with your
gauntlet at a target within 30 feet of you and dealing fire
damage instead of its normal damage type. Your Strike
does not apply your Strength to damage, but does apply
any other effects that would apply to your melee Strikes
with the gauntlet.

You can Sustain the Activation of your power

gauntlet to make additional Strikes for the duration. You can
make a number of ranged Strikes up to the listed maximum
number of Strikes. Starting on the turn after you Activate the
power gauntlet, each time you Sustain the activation on your

Price 25 gp Usage held in 1 hand
Usage worn over eyes; Bulk L Activate � (manipulate)
Activate � (manipulate) This box is made specifically to entrap incorporeal entities.
This monocle can zoom in closely, allowing you to see far, far When you Activate the plug, it projects an ectoplasmic vacuum
away. Once activated, you can view creatures, objects, and above it, sucking in an incorporeal creature within a 15-
terrain features that are more than 30 feet away and up to 300 emanation of the space it was activated in for the listed
feet away as though they were only 30 feet away, removing any duration. Incorporeal creatures in the area must make a
circumstance penalties to visual Perception checks that would Fortitude save each turn they remain in the area. After the
result from a distance greater than 30 feet. After 10 minutes, the duration has passed, the plug remains able to store spirits that
monocle lens cracks, and you can no longer focus. were captured during its activation for the listed duration. Once
a creature reduces its slowed condition from a Phantasm Plug
to 0 or critically succeeds the initial save, it becomes immune to
HOOK CHAIN ITEM 4+ the effect of Phantasm Plug for 1 day.
Usage held in 1 hand If a creature is trapped within the gadget and you have
another Phantasm Plug available, you can extend the duration by
Activate � (manipulate) transferring the creature to its new plug. The creature can
This handheld device has a grappling hook coming from the attempt to Escape during this transfer. If the creature escapes or
side. When you aim it, the grappling hook launches outwards. the trap duration expires, it is immediately expelled into a space
The hook can then be recalled at force, pulling you towards your adjacent to the gadget and the gadget is destroyed.
target. When you Activate, you target a creature, object, or
square within 30 feet, latching onto the target for 1 minute or Critical Success The target is unaffected.
until you Activate your hook chain the listed number of times. If Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round.
the target is a creature, make a ranged attack roll using the hook
as a simple weapon and if you’re successful you and the target Failure The target becomes slowed 1 or increases its slowed
cannot move more than 30 feet from each other. You can release value by 1 if it was already slowed, and the creature is
the hook chain by Interacting to retract it. The target can Escape immobilized as long as it is slowed by this effect. The
from your hook chain and it can be targeted with attacks (AC creature must attempt a new Fortitude save at the end of
10). each turn it remains in the area while the gadget is active.
On a failed save, its slowed condition increases by 1 (or 2
You can Activate your hook chain while attached to pull on a critical failure). A successful save reduces the slowed
yourself up to the length of your hook chain towards the target, condition by 1 or by 2 on a critical success. If a creature
ignoring any difficult terrain from this movement. After you would be unable to act due to the slowed condition from the
complete this movement, the hook detaches and you land in a plug, the creature must immediately attempt a Fortitude
square adjacent to the target. If you do not land on a space of save, and on a failure it is sucked into the phantasm plug
solid ground after this movement, you fall after using your next where it becomes trapped. If a creature would be destroyed
action. This is forced movement, so your movement doesn’t while within the emanation, it can instead choose to
provoke reactions. become trapped by the plug. This trapping effect has the
incapacitation trait.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is slowed 2 or
HOOK CHAIN (LESSER) ITEM 4 increases its slowed value by 2 if it was already slowed.
Price 36 gp
The Escape DC is 17, its Hardness is 5, it has 20 Hit Points, and Price 33 gp
the number of Activate actions is 2.
Bulk 1
The Escape and Fortitude DCs are 17, the initial Activation
HOOK CHAIN (MODERATE) ITEM 9 duration is 3 rounds, and the trapped duration is 10 minutes.
Price 84 gp
The Escape DC is 22, its Hardness is 7, it has 30 Hit Points, and Price 77 gp
the number of Activate actions is 4.
Bulk 1
The Escape and Fortitude DCs are 22, the initial Activation
HOOK CHAIN (GREATER) ITEM 14 duration is 5 rounds, and the trapped duration is 1 hour.
Price 420 gp
Bulk 2
The Escape DC is 30, its Hardness is 10, it has 45 Hit Points, and
the number of Activate actions is 6. Price 333 gp
Bulk 1
HOOK CHAIN (MAJOR) ITEM 19 The Escape and Fortitude DCs are 30, the initial Activation
duration is 1 minute, and the trapped duration is 1d4 hours.
Price 7,000 gp
Bulk 2
The Escape DC is 39, its Hardness is 15, it has 60 Hit Points, and
the number of Activate actions is 8. Price 6,500 gp
Bulk 1
The Escape and Fortitude DCs are 39, the initial Activation
duration is 1 minute, and the trapped duration is 1 day.

COMMUNICATOR’S HEADPIECE ITEM 5 other special visual senses (such as low-light vision) while using
x-ray vision, and you can't see beyond 60 feet with your goggles.
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE GADGET| You can use your goggles as part of a 10-minute activity, such
Price 40 gp as Search or Investigate, but you must declare what creatures or
Usage 2 pairs worn over ears; Bulk L objects you are choosing to ignore as part of your search.
Creatures you observe or ignore with your goggles display only
Activate � (auditory, manipulate) bones, metal, stone, or other materials, as the goggles are not
This device comes in a paired link. Wearing one of the pairs and precise enough to target armor or clothing specifically.
Activating it allows you to hear and speak with another creature
at a range of up to 5 miles. You must speak loudly and clearly to BRAIN JAR ITEM 10
be heard by a creature wearing the other headpiece, or your
voice is perceived as muffled and unintelligible. Once one of the |
pairs is activated, both pairs remain active for 1 hour before Price 666 gp
running out of power.
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
Activate 10 minutes with a suitable corpse (manipulate)
MOBILE SPY ITEM 7+ This strange jar contains weird fluids and cables. A brain jar can
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE GADGET| be used to hold the nervous system of a dead creature,
Usage held in 1 hand preserving the organic material and allowing it to communicate
through a voice modulator for 10 minutes when Activated. The
Activate � (manipulate) brain in the jar can answer questions that it knows or memories
Like the famous instant spy, this mechanical construct that it possessed while alive, but it only has knowledge the
resembles a rolled up pillbug until it is activated. You Activate creature would have had and it refuses to answer any questions
the spy by spending 10 minutes giving it explicit instructions on the creature would have refused to answer. You can ask the
where to travel and supplying a small gemstone of 1 gp. After it brain 3 questions. This jar uses the nervous system's latent
has been Activated, the spy becomes a Clockwork Spy for the memories rather than the creature’s mind, so the nervous
listed duration and immediately attempts to follow your system must be mostly intact. The more damage the nervous
instructions, moving up to the listed distance before using system has taken, the more inaccurate or patchwork its answers
Record Audio. You can also give your spy specific instructions are. The nervous system can attempt a Will save to resist
on when to use its Self Destruct reaction when you first Activate answering the questions using the statistics of the original
it. After it has finished recording, it attempts to travel back to the creature at its time of death, with the following effects. A
location it originally received instructions or to another location nervous system inside of a brain jar remains preserved for 1 day
specified at the time you Activate it. If your spy is unable to reach after its Activation.
the specified location, either because instructions were unclear,
the area was inaccessible, or the distance was too great, it Success The target can provide false information or refuse to
returns to you without using Record Audio, leaving the supplied answer your questions.
gemstone intact. Your surveillance spy cannot perform actions
other than for movement, to Record Audio, or to Self Destruct Failure The target must answer truthfully, but its answers can
and it ignores any creatures that would attempt to stop it. be brief, cryptic, and repetitive. It can still mislead you or
attempt to stall so that the spell's duration runs out before
you can ask all your questions.
MOBILE SPY (LESSER) ITEM 7 Critical Failure As failure, but the target's answers are more
Price 45 gp (including the 1 gp gemstone) direct and less repetitive, though still cryptic. It takes a –2
Bulk 2 status penalty to Deception checks to deceive or mislead
The spy remains active for 2 hours and the distance is half a
MOBILE SPY (GREATER) ITEM 12 Price 6,666 gp
Price 300 gp (including the 1 gp gemstone) Bulk 2
Bulk 2 A greater brain jar functions as a brain jar, except the duration
can be extended to 1 day and the number of questions it can
The spy remains active for 8 hours and the distance is 5 miles. answer is unlimited, but after it is asked 3 questions, it can
attempt a new save against this effect.
Price 1,500 gp (including the 1 gp gemstone) CONSTRUCT CONTROLLER ITEM 11
Bulk 2 |
The spy remains active for 1 day and the distance is 25 miles. Price 800 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
X-RAY GOGGLES ITEM 8 Activate � (manipulate)
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE GADGET| This small, cuboid drive rewires the programming of constructs,
Price 400 gp bidding them to do as you command. You insert the drive into a
Usage worn over eyes; Bulk 1 weak point in a creature with the construct trait, overriding its
mind. The creature must attempt DC 28 Will save with the same
Activate � (manipulate, visual) effects as a command spell. Creatures that succeed at their save
These peculiar goggles glow a pale green and allow the wearer are immune to the effect of Construct Controller for 1 day.
to see through creatures and objects. When Activated, you can
use Seek to see through and into solid materials within 60 feet
for 10 minutes. When you Seek, you decide which creatures or
objects you wish to see through, gaining vision of the area and
ignoring the chosen creatures or objects. This ability is blocked
by 2 feet of wood, 1 foot of stone, 2 inches of common metal, or
1 inch of lead or any starmetal, and it limits the target to black-
and-white vision while in use. You don't gain the benefit of any

Price 400 gp Price 1,200 gp
Usage worn over ears; Bulk L Usage worn on back or attached to backpack; Bulk 2
Activate � (auditory, manipulate) Activate � Interact (move)
This metal disk clicks onto the underside of your tongue, This strange, cone-shaped backpack can spurt fire from behind,
allowing you to filter through languages as if they were your own. allowing you to take flight.
You gain the effect of truespeech and translate for 1 hour.
When you Activate Junkcraft Jetpack, spurts of fire from
MINIATURIZATION DEVICE ITEM 13 boosters on your back propel you, and you Fly up to 60 feet in
any direction. During this movement, you must succeed at a DC
| |
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE GADGET POLYMORPH 20 Acrobatics check to turn up to 90 degrees, and you can't turn
Price 600 gp more than once or more than 90 degrees. During the activation
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 and after the activation is complete, you can't Stride, Step, or
otherwise move on the ground until the end of your next turn.
Activate � Strike You do not fall as long as your jetpack is active.
This device fires a ray that shrinks objects and creatures alike.
Make a ranged attack roll, treating the miniaturization device as You can Sustain the activation of your Junkcraft Jetpack
a simple weapon for the purposes of proficiency. On a hit, the for up to 1 minute. Starting on the turn after you Activate the
target must attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save. On a critical hit, jetpack, the first time you Sustain the activation each turn, you
treat the save result as one degree worse. You can choose to gain the effects of the activation again: you Fly up to 60 feet in
target a willing creature, and if you do you automatically succeed the same direction as your last movement with the jetpack, and
at your attack roll and they gain the effect of the degree of the restrictions continue to apply until you reach the maximum
success of their choice. duration. Once the effect ends, the jetpack is out of fuel and you
fall if you are still airborne.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target reduces its reach by 5 feet to a minimum QUANTUM DUPLICATOR ITEM 19
of 5 feet of reach for 1 minute.
Failure As success, except the target reduces its reach by 10
feet and becomes one size category smaller to a Price 8,282 gp
minimum size of Tiny. Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Critical Failure As failure, except the target Activate 10 minutes Interact
becomes two size categories smaller and the By twisting the dials and knobs of this platformed device, you
duration is 1 hour. This is an incapacitation effect. create a temporary duplicate of yourself from another reality.
When activated, this creates an NPC with your exact personality
and goals that lasts for 24 hours. Because of their transplanar
nature, they cannot overwork themselves—they have 1 Hit Point,
automatically fail any saves they would make, and gain the
fleeing condition if they are ever in danger. You can perform
downtime activities with your duplicate as if it were you, gaining
the knowledge and benefits of its activities when you stand on
the platform after the duration has expired. When you Activate
the gadget, the GM rolls a secret DC 2 flat check. On a failure, the
duplicate is evil, and will secretly work against you and the
knowledge transferred from the platform may be corrupted.


Price 10,000 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate 10 minutes Interact
This unassuming, palm-sized box has a simple red button and is
filled with some of the most devastating, complex weaponry to
ever exist. All creatures who see it inherently sense the danger
present from the box. When Activated by a living creature,
choose a duration of up to 1 week after the Activation. Once the
duration has elapsed, an explosion detonates in a 5-mile radius,
dealing 12d6 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area.
Each creature or object can attempt a DC 42 basic Reflex save.
Any creature or object reduced to 0 Hit Points by this damage
dies or is destroyed. A Doomsday Device can be safely disarmed
during the period of its activation, with two consecutive
successful checks against a DC 42 Disable Device, but a critical
failure reduces the duration until it explodes by half or 10
minutes, whichever is greater.

Gadgeteer Class Archetype this temporary gadget in addition to any temporary
gadgets you would gain from class feats, such as Gadget
You find the idea of dedicating your brilliance to a single
Specialist. These temporary gadgets must be of your
invention is an ineffective path to discovery. After all,
level or lower. You gain the Quick Gadgetry action.
does it not take failure to create success? Iterative and
expansive test cases in constructing gadgets; that is the QUICK GADGETRY �
means by which you choose to measure your successes |
and failures. Frequency once per round
You can create gadgets that do not become Requirements You have a temporary gadget prepared that has
permanently broken, even allowing your temporary not been used and it is held, stored, or worn by you.
You have learned to repurpose prepared gadgets into the gadget
gadgets to survive under the right conditions. you need in a given moment. You immediately destroy the
GADGET INNOVATTIONS (1ST) required gadget, turning it into parts to create a new gadget of
your choice from your formula book that requires 2 actions or
Your innovation is created each day by using a special less to Activate. The new gadget must be Activated before the
set of mechanical tools: gadgets. You can create both beginning of your next turn, otherwise it becomes unusable. The
gadget lasts for its normal duration after it is Activated.
temporary and permanent gadgets. These machines
serve respective purposes for your ventures, build your At 7th level when you would normally gain the
formula book as you progress in your adventures and breakthrough innovation class feature, and again at 15th
push the limits of engineering. If you choose this class level when you would normally gain the revolutionary
archetype, you must select Gadgeteer Dedication as your innovation class feature, you instead can create an
2nd-level class feat. additional gadget innovation you can use each day.
Prerequisites: You must be an Inventor. These gadgets are also considered to be part of your
Gadgeteer Adjustments: Rather than gain a normal gadget innovation, as they form a carefully constructed
innovation, you designate gadgets as your innovations.. network of tools with organized triggers.
You do not gain the Reconfigure or Complete
Reconfiguration class features. Instead, you learn the
formulas for two common or uncommon gadgets or
other gadgets to which you have access each time you
gain a level.
Each day during your daily preparations, you can
select one gadget of your level or lower that you know
the formula for to become your gadget innovation. Only
you can Activate your gadget innovation. As your
innovation, you use the gadget’s location or the creature
wearing the gadget for the purposes of abilities that
originate from your gadget (such as Explode).
Your gadget innovation’s Activation gains the
unstable trait, and the gadget is not consumed after you
use this Activation. Instead, your gadget gains the
normal effects of using an action with the unstable trait.
You can restore use of your gadget innovation if you
spend 10 minutes retuning your gadget innovation and
making adjustments to return it to functionality. Your
gadget remains usable for the duration of its Activation
and if your gadget would require you to Sustain the
activation effect, only the first Activation has the
unstable trait. If you select a gadget whose
Activated effect has a duration longer than 1
minute as your gadget innovation, it lasts 1 minute
instead of the normal duration.
Each day during your daily preparations, you gain
one temporary gadget from your formula book. Gadgets
prepared in this way don't cost you any resources to
Craft and don't have any sale value. They are temporary
items and fall apart the next time you make your daily
preparations if you haven't already used them. You gain

If your gadget innovation would become unusable or VARIABLE GADGETRY FEAT 4
broken, such as from an unstable action, all of your
gadget innovations become unusable as well. For the Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication
purposes of determining the location of your gadget You adjust your innovation's temporary gadgets, altering their
innovation for abilities, such as Explode, you can use the damage types as needed. When you create a temporary gadget
location of any one of your gadget innovations. that deals damage, you can select between acid, cold, electricity,
or fire, altering your gadget so it deals the listed damage type
Offensive Boost: Your Offensive Boost applies to your instead of its normal damage type.
melee unarmed Strikes, to your Strikes with one weapon
you choose during daily preparations, to Strikes made MANIFOLD GADGETS FEAT 8
with a gadget, or to Strikes made with an item your | |
gadget innovation is attached to. Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication
Frequency once per day
CLASS FEATS You've modified your gadget innovation so they have
Add the gadget innovation to the list of prerequisites for interchangeable parts. You can spend 10 minutes to change
the following feats and the listed effect for each feat. your gadget innovation to be a different gadget other than the
one you selected as part of your daily preparations.
Gadget You Strike with a melee unarmed attack or a
melee weapon. To use a melee weapon for this, you must |
have prepared it in advance with special contraptions Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication, master in Crafting
Some gadgets are so basic for you, that they are trivial to create.
when you make your daily preparations. When you create temporary gadgets during your daily
preparations, you can use one of your temporary gadgets to
CLOCKWORK CELERITY 6TH create two temporary gadgets of the same type as long as they
Gadget You can use the extra action to Activate your are no higher than half your level. If you are legendary in Crafting,
you can instead create four gadgets of the same type.
gadget innovation or to use Quick Gadgetry.
Gadget Your gadget is on a hair trigger to activation, a |

thought away from activating. You can use the extra Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication
When you install a temporary gadget, you can apply a more
action to Activate your gadget innovation or to use dangerous component to extend its effects. When you install
Quick Gadgetry. one of your temporary gadgets, you can give its Activation the
unstable trait by connecting it to your gadget innovation. Your
GADGETEER DEDICATION � FEAT 2 temporary gadget is not consumed after use unless you
critically fail the flat check for unstable, allowing it to be
| | |
ARCHETYPE DEDICATION FORTUNE INVENTOR Activated once again, consuming it as normal on the second
Prerequisites gadget innovation activation. If a creature other than you is holding or wearing your
Frequency once per 10 minutes gadget, you must still attempt the flat check and you both take
Trigger You got a failure on the flat check for unstable to use the damage from a critical failure as the connection to your
your gadget innovation. gadget innovation causes it to backfire as well.
You have now advanced your gadgetry far enough that you have
a reliable fail-safe for when things don’t go according to plan. FAIL-PROOF GADGETRY FEAT 14
You reroll the triggering flat check from unstable, taking the new
result even if it is worse than the original. |
Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication
You have learned that a quick fix is all that’s needed to turn utter
REMOTE ACTIVATION � FEAT 4 failure into success. You can use the Gadgeteer Dedication
ARCHETYPE INVENTOR reaction once per round instead of once per 10 minutes.
Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication
You prepare to activate a gadget on behalf of your ally using a GADGET CONGLOMERATION FEAT 18
remote trigger. Choose a single gadget within 30 feet that an
allied creature is holding or wearing with an Activation cost of |
two actions or less, and designate a trigger. Your turn then ends. Prerequisites Gadgeteer Dedication, legendary in Crafting
If the trigger you designated occurs before the start of your next You’ve learned methods to create multiple use gadgets,
turn, you can use the Activation action as a reaction on behalf of sometimes even allowing both activations at once for a more
the allied creature (provided the creature meets the advantageous effect. When you create temporary gadgets
requirements to use it). The creature wearing the gadget still during your daily preparations, you can choose to combine two
chooses how to use the effect of the gadget’s Activation. temporary gadgets into a single gadget, consuming both
If your ally has a multiple attack penalty and the gadget’s gadgets in the process and merging them into one unit. When
Activation is an attack action, your ally still applies their multiple the gadget is Activated, either effect or both effects can be used,
attack penalty to the attack and increases their multiple attack using the activation with the largest number of actions to
penalty as normal for making an attack. determine the number of actions needed to Activate the gadget.
The creature using the gadget chooses the order the gadget’s
effects occur in.

Suggested Changes • You gain a +2 circumstance bonus against effects that are
inhaled or that would require you to breathe.
UNSTABLE CHANGES • You gain a climb Speed equal to your land Speed.
• You gain echolocation as an imprecise sense with a range
Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph of
Unstable: of 30 feet.
“The flat check for unstable is reduced by 4 for each unstable • You gain a swim Speed equal to your land Speed.
action you have access to beyond 1, reducing it to a minimum of • You gain the ability to breathe underwater.
DC 9 once you possess three unstable actions. After you roll a
success the flat check for an action with the unstable trait, the
flat check for unstable increases by 4 to a maximum flat check DUAL-WEAPON FORM
of DC 17. If you get a critical success on your flat check for Reduce the number of Interact actions required to change
unstable, you do not increase your flat check. You can spend 10 your weapon’s form to a single Interact action and remove the
minutes re-tuning your innovation to return its functionality or text referencing multiple Interact actions.
you can spend 10 minutes to reduce your flat check by 4 if its Remove the second paragraph’s last sentence and add the
functionality is already returned, up to the normal flat check following sentence:
value for the unstable actions you possess.” “Any property runes that can’t apply to the new form are
suppressed until the item takes a shape to which they can apply.
Add the following inventor class feat: You can Regrip as part of the Interact actions to change form if
the new form requires a different number of hands to wield.”
You have learned how to return functionality to your innovation Add the following sentence to the first paragraph:
with impeccable speed. When you spend 10 minutes retuning “Since you automatically succeed instead of rolling, you do not
your innovation to return functionality from the unstable trait, increase the DC of your flat check from unstable if you possess
you also reduce the flat check from unstable to the minimum more than one unstable action.”
value based on the number of unstable actions you possess
instead of by 4.
INNOVATIONS Remove the last sentence and add the following:
“If your weapon innovation requires one or more actions to
CONSTRUCT INNOVATION reload between Strikes, you can Interact to reload in between
CLIMBING LIMBS Strikes, but your attacks take a cumulative -2 penalty for each
time you Interact to reload the weapon.”
Alter the last line of Climbing Limbs to read:
“Your innovation gains a climb Speed equal to your land Speed.”
WEAPON INNOVATION Add the following to the weapon innovation benefit’s last
Modify the 4th sentence of the first paragraph to read:
“An innovation weapon can have fundamental and property “or Reload your innovation”
runes added to it in the same way as an ordinary weapon and
you can integrate special materials into your innovation by Add the following special to Full Automation:
Crafting with an appropriate amount of raw materials.” “Special If you have Clockwork Celerity, when you use Clockwork
Celerity instead of becoming quickened you use one of the listed
MANIFOLD ALLOYS actions for your innovation instead.”
Alter the second sentence to read:
“Your weapon innovation functions as cold iron and silver in
addition to any special materials it has.”

Add poison and sonic to the list of
choices for a variable core. Add the
following special to Variable Core:
“Special If you have a weapon
innovation, you can choose to make the
additional damage from Overdrive the
damage you chose instead of fire damage.”

Reduce the proficiency in Crafting needed to

Modify the feat to read:
Prerequisites armor innovation
You’ve modified your armor with fins, rotors, sensors, and other
devices to survive in different terrains and have additional
sensory abilities. Choose two of the following options, which you
gain while wearing your armor innovation:

agreeing to use this License, the Contributors
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
The following text is the property of Wizards of non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this
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it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) ©
2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason
Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark
Guns & Gears © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, and Logan Bonner,
Jessica Catalan, John Compton, Andrew D.
Geels, Steven Hammond, Sen H.H.S., Brent
Holtsberry, Jason Keeley, Dustin Knight, Luis
Loza, Ron Lundeen, Chris Mastey, Will McCardell,
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Radney-MacFarland, Sydney Meeker, Kendra
Leigh Speedling, Andrew Stoeckle, Calliope Lee
Taylor, Sara Thompson, Andrew White, and Scott
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Inventors+ © 2023, Derry Luttrell and Tony
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trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under
license. See paizo.com/pathfinder to learn more
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requires Pathfinder Second Edition from Paizo Inc.
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