Computer Aided Design (Framework)
Computer Aided Design (Framework)
Computer Aided Design (Framework)
Computer Aided Design (CAD). It is a design system, quite well known and used,
that allows significantly expanding the possibilities of traditional drawing systems
and whose main advantage lies in the speed with which it allows modifications to
be made in the design, unlike what happened when Designs were made on paper.
The possibilities of the CAD system are enormous, being able to perform a wide
range of tasks, among which we can highlight:
2.- Sketching.
After establishing the concepts and whys of a design, an abstraction process
follows in which the shapes and elements that make up the creative piece are
sketched and developed.
4.- Publication.
At this stage, the design object is made available to the consumer and its scope,
sales levels and the expected success it could achieve are tested.
5.- Consolidation.
If the product acquires the quality of integrating into the consumer's life, success is
achieved. From this moment on, the product can modify habits or influence
behaviors. But we must not lose sight of the product, do not forget that the
competition will always innovate and products can always be renewed.
Every engineering and architecture student must learn to master this tool
(computerized drawing) with the same skill with which he or she handles paper and
the T-ruler.
These new programs can be used and implemented in the academic training of
industrial engineers, since as I present in my thesis, the use of computerized
drawing is a priority in the development of our skills during academic management,
and if it is taught correctly the use of computerized design for the work of the
industrial designer, new generations of industrial designers can be created with
updated and modern training, thus emphasizing a new era in industrial design,
modernizing an industry that has fallen back on the same techniques for too long. .
If these programs are used to carry out projects and works by people who could
use them for practical purposes, there would be a significant increase in the quality
of their projects and the performance of those who develop them.
Being the industrial engineer a pillar of modern society, since we create many of
the things of daily use, it could be said that by modernizing its learning system, a
complete evolution could be given to modern society, creating a new era of project
created with cutting-edge equipment and leaving the past behind.