En 15566-2022

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ICS 45.060.01 Supersedes EN 15566:2016

English Version

Railway applications - Railway Rolling stock - Draw gear

and screw coupling
Applications ferroviaires - Matériel roulant ferroviaire Bahnanwendungen - Schienenfahrzeuge -
- Organes de traction et tendeur d'attelage Zugeinrichtung und Schraubenkupplung

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 July 2022.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 15566:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 15566:2022 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................ 11
4 Requirements for all types of draw gear and screw coupling...................................................... 13
4.1 Classification and designation................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Interface dimension for freight wagons............................................................................................... 14
4.3 Lifetime ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
5 Draw gear ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Draw gear components .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Draw hook and drawbar – Requirements ........................................................................................... 16
6 Screw coupling .............................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1 General requirements ................................................................................................................................ 17
6.2 Screw coupling – Requirements.............................................................................................................. 19
7 Elastic device ................................................................................................................................................. 20
7.1 Characteristics of the elastic device ...................................................................................................... 20
7.2 Elastic device – Requirements ................................................................................................................. 20
Annex A (normative) Dynamic test (fatigue test) procedure .................................................................... 21
A.1 Background .................................................................................................................................................... 21
A.2 Performance of the test.............................................................................................................................. 21
A.2.1 Conditioning................................................................................................................................................... 21
A.2.2 Dynamic test (fatigue test)........................................................................................................................ 21
A.2.3 Non-destructive tests .................................................................................................................................. 23
A.2.4 Determination of residual strength....................................................................................................... 23
A.2.5 Macrographic and Micrographic tests .................................................................................................. 24
A.3 Criteria of acceptance ................................................................................................................................. 24
A.4 Test report ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Annex B (normative) Draw hook — dimensions ........................................................................................... 25
Annex C (normative) Draw gear — Interface dimension ............................................................................ 26
Annex D (normative) Screw coupling components - dimensions ............................................................ 28
Annex E (normative) Draw hook and drawbar - Requirements .............................................................. 30
E.1 Physical characteristics ............................................................................................................................. 30
E.1.1 Appearance..................................................................................................................................................... 30
E.1.2 Integrity ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
E.1.3 Material examination ................................................................................................................................. 30

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E.2 Geometrical characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 31

E.3 Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 31
E.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
E.3.2 Tensile test on test piece ............................................................................................................................ 31
E.3.3 Resilience......................................................................................................................................................... 31
E.3.4 Hardness .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
E.3.5 Tensile test on draw hook and drawbar .............................................................................................. 32
E.4 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
E.5 Manufacture.................................................................................................................................................... 32
E.5.1 General on drawbars ................................................................................................................................... 32
E.5.2 General on draw hooks ............................................................................................................................... 32
E.5.3 Machining ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
E.5.4 Heat treatment .............................................................................................................................................. 33
E.5.5 Rectification of defects................................................................................................................................ 33
E.6 Acceptance ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
E.6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
E.6.2 Inspection of the draw hooks ................................................................................................................... 35
E.6.3 Inspection of drawbars ............................................................................................................................... 38
E.6.4 Conclusion of the inspections................................................................................................................... 39
E.7 Delivery ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
E.7.1 Protection against corrosion .................................................................................................................... 39
E.7.2 Packaging......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Annex F (normative) Screw coupling and components parts — Requirements ................................. 40
F.1 Materials .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
F.2 Physical characteristics .............................................................................................................................. 40
F.2.1 Appearance ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
F.2.2 Soundness........................................................................................................................................................ 40
F.2.3 Additional requirements for screw coupling ..................................................................................... 41
F.3 Geometrical characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 41
F.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
F.3.2 Dimensions limited either by two unmachined or rough machined surfaces or by
one unmachined or rough machined surface ..................................................................................... 42
F.3.3 Dimensions limited by two machined surfaces ................................................................................. 42
F.4 Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 42
F.4.1 Heat treatment .............................................................................................................................................. 42
F.4.2 Hardness .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
F.4.3 Resilience......................................................................................................................................................... 43

EN 15566:2022 (E)

F.4.4 Requirements for screw coupling .......................................................................................................... 43

F.4.5 Requirement for handle and trunnion ................................................................................................. 45
F.5 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
F.6 Manufacture ................................................................................................................................................... 45
F.6.1 Preparation of the materials .................................................................................................................... 45
F.6.2 Manufacture of the component parts ................................................................................................... 45
F.7 Acceptance ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
F.7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
F.7.2 Inspection of the manufacture ................................................................................................................ 48
F.8 Inspection of the materials, component parts and screw couplings ......................................... 48
F.8.1 Materials submission for acceptance.................................................................................................... 48
F.8.2 Grouping into batches ................................................................................................................................ 49
F.8.3 Nature and proportion of the tests ........................................................................................................ 49
F.8.4 Sampling and preparation of the samples and test pieces............................................................ 50
F.8.5 Carrying out of the checks and tests...................................................................................................... 54
F.9 Completion of inspections......................................................................................................................... 56
F.10 Delivery............................................................................................................................................................ 56
F.10.1 Protection against oxidation .................................................................................................................... 56
F.10.2 Packing ............................................................................................................................................................. 56
Annex G (normative) Elastic device — Requirements ................................................................................. 57
G.1 Rubber elastomer or other elastomer elastic device ...................................................................... 57
G.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
G.1.2 Metal inserts requirements ...................................................................................................................... 57
G.1.3 Elastomer requirements ........................................................................................................................... 57
G.1.4 Static test ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
G.1.5 Endurance test .............................................................................................................................................. 60
G.1.6 Bonding ............................................................................................................................................................ 62
G.1.7 Inspection and tests .................................................................................................................................... 62
G.1.8 Markings.......................................................................................................................................................... 64
G.2 Friction spring/ Ring spring..................................................................................................................... 64
G.2.1 Manufacturer's marks ................................................................................................................................ 64
G.2.2 Flexibility test ................................................................................................................................................ 64
G.2.3 Endurance test .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Annex H (normative) Marking .............................................................................................................................. 66
H.1 Marking of the draw hook ......................................................................................................................... 66
H.2 Marking of the screw coupling ................................................................................................................ 66

EN 15566:2022 (E)

H.3 Draw gear ........................................................................................................................................................ 67

H.4 Drawbar ........................................................................................................................................................... 67
H.5 Summary of markings ................................................................................................................................. 68
Annex I (informative) Microscopic examination of steel materials using standard diagrams
to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions ............................................................................... 69
I.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
I.1.1 Degree of purity ............................................................................................................................................ 69
I.1.2 Standard diagram plate No. 1 ................................................................................................................... 69
I.2 Preparation of specimens .......................................................................................................................... 69
I.3 Structure and use of standard diagram plate No. 1 .......................................................................... 69
I.3.1 Use of diagram plate No. 1 ......................................................................................................................... 69
I.3.2 Rating a single inclusion ............................................................................................................................ 70
I.3.3 Rating of very small inclusions ................................................................................................................ 70
I.4 Test procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 70
I.4.1 Magnification.................................................................................................................................................. 70
I.4.2 Selection of inclusions ................................................................................................................................ 70
I.5 Evaluation........................................................................................................................................................ 71
I.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
I.5.2 Method of evaluation................................................................................................................................... 71
I.5.3 Calculation procedure for evaluation using method K ................................................................... 71
I.6 Example ............................................................................................................................................................ 74
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive (EU) 2016/797 aimed to be covered ......................................... 75
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 77

EN 15566:2022 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 15566:2022) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway
applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2023, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2023.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN 15566:2016.

Compared with EN 15566:2016 the following changes have been done:

a) Adaption in Terms and Definition at 3.3 “draw hook”;

b) Modification on Note in 6.1 to the production;

c) Revision of Annex E, particular Table E.1 and E.3.1;

d) Revision of Annex F, particular on Table F.1 and F.6.2.3, F.8.4.2 a);

e) New Annex I “Microscopic examination of steel materials using standard diagrams to assess the
content of non-metallic inclusions”;

f) Adaption of Annex ZA in relastion to the new approach;

g) Adaption of this document in relation to the intersection contents on EN 16839;

h) Deleting of 4.2 “Interaction coupling/buffer”;

i) Modification of the following figures:

Figure E.1 — Draw hook - Location of the test samples;

Figure E.3 — Drawbar - Location of the test samples;

Figure F.2 — Test facility for the tensile test of the screw coupling;

Figure F.5 — Screw – test sample location;

Figure F.6 — Shackle – test sample location;

Figure G.1 — Elastic device – load cycle for endurance test;

Figure G.2 — Elastic device – Set up for endurance test;

j) editorial modifications.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

This document has been prepared under a standardization request addressed to CEN by the European
Commission, and it aims to support essential or other requirements of EU Directive(s) or Regulation(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s) or Regulation(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral
part of this document.

Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.

EN 15566:2022 (E)


This document is based on UIC 520:2003, UIC 825:1985, UIC 826:2004, UIC 827-1:1990 and UIC 827-

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements for the draw gear and screw coupling for the end of rolling
stock that is required to couple with other rolling stock (freight wagons, locomotives, passenger
vehicles, etc.).
This document covers the functionality, construction, interfaces and testing including pass/fail criteria
for draw gear and screw coupling.
The document describes three categories of draw gear and screw coupling, (1 MN, 1,2 MN and 1,5 MN).
Provisions going beyond the scope of this document may be agreed in the Technical Specification. The
Technical Specification is not a mandatory document.
Coupling systems between permanently coupled vehicle units are not in the scope of this document.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1369:2012, Founding - Magnetic particle testing

EN 1371-1:2011, Founding - Liquid penetrant testing- Part 1: Sand, gravity die and low pressure die

EN 10021:2006, General technical delivery conditions for steel products

EN 10025-2:2019, Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-
alloy structural steels

EN 10079:2007, Definition of steel products

EN 10168:2004, Steel products - Inspection documents - List of information and description

EN 10204:2004, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents

EN 10228-1:2016, Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 1: Magnetic particle inspection

EN 10228-2:2016, Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 2: Penetrant testing

EN 10243-1:1999, Steel die forgings - Tolerances on dimensions - Part 1: Drop and vertical press forgings

EN 10243-2:1999, Steel die forgings - Tolerances on dimensions - Part 2: Upset forging made on
horizontal forging machines

EN 10308:2001, Non destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of steel bars

EN ISO 148-1:2016, Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 148-

EN ISO 148-2:2016, Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 2: Verification of testing
machines (ISO 148-2:2016)

EN 15566:2022 (E)

EN ISO 148-3:2016, Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 3: Preparation and
characterization of Charpy V-notch test pieces for indirect verification of pendulum impact machines (ISO

EN ISO 377:2017, Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for
mechanical testing (ISO 377:2017)

EN ISO 643:2020, Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size (ISO 643:2019, Corrected
version 2020-03)

EN ISO 683-1:2018, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 1: Non-alloy steels for
quenching and tempering (ISO 683-1:2016)

EN ISO 683-2:2018, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 2: Alloy steels for
quenching and tempering (ISO 683-2:2016)

EN ISO 683-3:2022, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 3: Case-hardening
steels (ISO 683-3:2022)

EN ISO 683-4:2018, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 4: Free-cutting steels
(ISO 683-4:2016)

EN ISO 683-17:2014, Heat-treated steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels - Part 17: Ball and roller
bearing steels (ISO 683-17:2014)

EN ISO 868:2003, Plastics and ebonite — Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer
(Shore hardness) (ISO 868:2003)

EN ISO 6506-1:2014, Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method (ISO 6506-1:2014)

EN ISO 6892-1:2019, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (ISO

EN ISO 6892-2:2018, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature
(ISO 6892-2:2018)

EN ISO 9606-1:2017, Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels (ISO 9606-1:2012
including Cor 1:2012 and Cor 2:2013)

ISO 37:2017, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties

ISO 48-2:2018, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 2: Hardness

between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD

ISO 48-3:2018, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 3: Dead-load

hardness using the very low rubber hardness (VLRH) scale

ISO 48-4:2018, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 4: Indentation

hardness by durometer method (Shore hardness)

ISO 48-8:2018, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 8: Apparent

hardness of rubber-covered rollers by Pusey and Jones method

EN 15566:2022 (E)

ISO 48-9:2018, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 9: Calibration

and verification of hardness testers

ISO 188:2011, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests

ISO 813:2019, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of adhesion to a rigid substrate —

90 degree peel method

ISO 815-1:2019, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of compression set — Part 1: At

ambient or elevated temperatures

ISO 815-2:2019, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of compression set — Part 2: At

low temperatures

ISO 4967:2013, Steel — Determination of content of non-metallic inclusions — Micrographic method

using standard diagrams

ISO 4968:1979, Steel — Macrographic examination by sulfur print (Baumann method)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp

— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/

screw coupling system
system to connect two railway vehicles consisting of draw gear, draw hook and screw coupling

Note 1 to entry: The screw coupling system defined in this document is also designated UIC coupling.

draw gear
system, able to work in traction, consisting of an assembly of mechanical parts and energy absorber,
fixed on the railway vehicle, which is able to work in traction

Note 1 to entry: A representative drawing is given in Figure 3.

draw hook
part of a conventional and mechanical manual coupling system to transfer forces between draw gear
and screw coupling

Note 1 to entry: In case of rescue, the draw hook is used to transfer forces between rescue coupler and draw

screw coupling
mechanical system to connect to the draw hook of the adjacent railway vehicle including length

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Standard screw coupling
1 MN screw coupling defined on ERRI standard drawings 100M 3220 0001 and 100M 3220 0002 [17]

stored energy
energy (We) stored by draw gear for a given stroke

Note 1 to entry: It is represented, on the force-stroke diagram, by the hatched area lying between the
compressive curve, the axis of the abscissa and the straight line, perpendicular to the axis, corresponding to the
stroke under consideration (see Figure 1 a)).

absorbed energy
energy (Wa) absorbed by a draw gear for a given stroke

Note 1 to entry: It is represented, on the force-stroke diagram, by the hatched area lying between the
compressive curve and the return curve (see Figure 1 b)).

a) Stored energy We b) Absorbed energy Wa

1 force, in kN
2 stroke, in mm
stored energy We, in kJ
absorbed energy Wa, in kJ

Figure 1 — Force stroke diagram for stored and absorbed energy

EN 15566:2022 (E)

absorbed energy divided by stored energy

Note 1 to entry: It is calculated using the following formula:

% × 100%


d% is the damping, in %
Wa is the absorbed energy, in kJ
We is the stored energy, in kJ.
minimum breaking load
minimum traction force which may lead to mechanical breaking

Technical Specification
document describing specific parameters and/or product requirements as an addition to the
requirements of this standard

4 Requirements for all types of draw gear and screw coupling

4.1 Classification and designation

Coupling systems are classified according to their minimum breaking load as specified in Table 1.
Table 1 — Classification and designation of coupling systems

Coupling system Minimum breaking load Maximum breaking Minimum breaking load
designation of the screw coupling load of the screw in traction of the draw
coupling gear and draw hook
1 MN 0,85 0,99 1,0
1,2 MN 1,02 1,19 1,2
1,5 MN 1,35 1,49 1,5
In case of longitudinal overloading the breaking point of the screw coupling system shall be either the
screw or the link of the screw coupling.
NOTE The combination of a screw coupling with draw hooks and/or draw gear with higher breaking loads is
possible. The screw coupling system designation is defined by the screw coupling.

Any draw gear and any draw hook shall sustain a 0,05 MN compressive load. Draw gear and draw hooks
for locomotives shall sustain a 0,3 MN compressive load.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

4.2 Interface dimension for freight wagons

Support plate interface dimensions for fixing of draw gear on freight wagons are defined in Figure 2.
Draw gear assemblies shall be interchangeable. The interchangeability only applies to complete draw
gear assemblies, not to single draw gear parts.
NOTE For other railway vehicles and for wagons operating on 1 524 mm track gauge, the arrangement could
be different and interchangeability is not required.

Dimensions in millimetres

1 buffer fixing plate
2 support plate
3 underframe
NOTE The centreline of the draw gear (screw coupling) is also the centreline of the automatic coupler.

Figure 2 — Support plate — Interface dimension for freight wagons

EN 15566:2022 (E)

4.3 Lifetime

Draw gear (excluding the elastic device), draw hooks, and screw couplings shall be designed
commensurate with the service life of a vehicle. Unless otherwise specified, the service life shall be
30 years.
Evidence shall be provided by appropriate means such as service experience, a dynamic test or
bydynamic calculation (e.g. Finite Element Method (FEM)). If a dynamic test is required, it shall be
carried out according to the test procedure described in Annex A.
NOTE 1 The FEA and the dynamic test do not give indication of the real lifetime of a component in operation.

NOTE 2 Lifetime test qualifies the product and the manufacturer.

5 Draw gear
5.1 Draw gear components

See Figure 3 for an example of draw gear assembly.The interface dimensions of the draw gear are given
in Annex B and Annex C.
Components of standard draw gear for freight wagons assembled with a draw hook are:
— Draw hook see Figure B.1;
— Drawbar interface dimensions, see Figure C.1;
— Joint pin interface dimensions, see Figure C.2;
— Elastic device see Clause 7;
— Support plate see 4.3.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 draw hook (not a part of the draw gear)
2 drawbar
3 joint pin
4 support plate
5 elastic device
6 underframe
Direction of view

Figure 3 — Draw gear — Assembly

5.2 Draw hook and drawbar – Requirements

Requirements are defined in Annex E.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

6 Screw coupling
6.1 General requirements

The mass of the screw coupling shall not exceed 36 kg without the coupling hook pin (see item 1 on
Figure 4 and Figure 5).
The screw coupler assembly for a “standard screw coupling” with non-loosening hinged ball handle
shall be as shown in Figure 4.
The screw coupler assembly for a “standard screw coupling” with hinged handle with non-loosening
upper rest shall be as shown in Figure 5.
“Standard screw coupling” is the name of the 1 MN screw coupling defined on ERRI standard drawings
100M 3220 0001 and 100M 3220 0002 [17]. The upper safety catch of the handle together with the
trunnion nut for the handle with top-mounted rest as a monobloc may be made by a hot forming
The coupling length measured from inside the loop of a shackle to the coupling hook pin axis of the
coupling screw and draw hook shall comply with the following conditions:

— (986 ) mm for the fully loosened coupling and called D ;

−5 1

— (750 ± 10) mm for the fully tightened coupling and called D2.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 coupling hook pin
2 coupling links
3 screw
4 trunnion nut for ball handle with top-mounted rest
5 handle housing
6 hinged ball handle head
7 trunnion nut
8 shackle

D1 ( )
greatest length for the fully loosened coupling 986 +−10
5 mm

D2 smallest length for the fully tightened coupling (750 ± 10) mm

Figure 4 — Standard screw coupling with non-loosening hinged ball handle

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 coupling hook pin
2 coupling links
3 screw
4 trunnion nut for ball handle
5 handle housing
6 hinged handle head
7 trunnion nut
8 shackle
( )
greatest length for the fully loosened coupling 986 +−10
5 mm

D2 smallest length for the fully tightened coupling (750 ± 10) mm

Figure 5 — Standard screw coupling with hinged handle with non-loosening upper rest

Functional dimensions of screw coupling components shall be as given in Annex D.

6.2 Screw coupling – Requirements

Requirements are defined in Annex F.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

7 Elastic device
7.1 Characteristics of the elastic device

a) Force at stroke between 50 mm and 60 mm:

mandatory minimum value 400 kN;

recommended minimum value 550 kN;

b) Pre-compression:

mandatory minimum value 10 kN;

recommended minimum value 20 kN;

c) Static stored energy We:

mandatory minimum value 10 kJ;

recommended minimum value in respect of wagons be equipped with 1,5 MN 20 kJ;

d) Damping d:

mandatory minimum value (d%) 30 %.

The tests shall be carried out within a temperature range of 15 °C to 25 °C. The decompression period
shall immediately follow the compression period, and the maximum speed of movement of the drawbar
in either direction shall not exceed 0,05 m/s. After a total release of the elastic device, the conditions
shall return to those prevailing initially. The test is described in G.1.4.
7.2 Elastic device – Requirements

Requirements are defined in Annex G.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex A

Dynamic test (fatigue test) procedure

A.1 Background
The test procedure is based on (ERRI B 51 RP 27) [16]. It has been enhanced to provide additional and
more detailed instructions and/or recommendations.
This test procedure is also applicable for screw coupling systems for passenger coaches, locomotives
and special vehicles other than (ERRI B 51 RP 27) [16].

A.2 Performance of the test

A.2.1 Conditioning

— The specimens shall be loaded at least once to the pre-load value given in Table A.1 (corresponding
to approximately 75 % of the minimum breaking load, see Table 1).

— Then, the test objects withstanding the longitudinal force shall be checked on the whole surface by
MT (Magnetic Particle Testing) or PT (Penetrant Testing) according to EN 10228-1:2016 and
EN 10228-2:2016. Any indications occurring shall be recorded for size and shape.

NOTE Stress measurements can be performed but need not be evaluated in the test report. It is also possible
to do several conditioning cycles.

Table A.1 — Pre-loading values

Coupling systems designation Screw coupling Draw gear and draw hook
kN kN
1 MN 640 750
1,2 MN 765 900
1,5 MN 1 010 1 125

A.2.2 Dynamic test (fatigue test)

In the dynamic test, the “Step 1” load cycles shall be interspersed with “Step 2” load cycles at regular
intervals. The “Step 2” load cycles can also be combined in blocks (divide their total number into at least
40 blocks). The values of these loads are given in Table A.2 and Table A.3.
— The given load range for Step 1 shall be applied in combination with a lower load which shall not be
less than 10 kN and should not be higher than 50 kN. Hence the upper load limit shall be at least the
lower load + ΔF 1.

— Step 2 is a maximum load. If the test equipment or set-up does not allow load application below a
certain minimum load, this value need not be added to the Step 2 maximum load. Holding the
maximum force for a period should be avoided.

— A sample of the load-time curve shall be included in the test report.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

— The loading frequency should not exceed 4 Hz.

Figure A.1 shows an example for the resulting load course.

1 upper load = lower load + ΔF1
2 maximum load ΔF2
3 lower load limit for Step 1
4 frequency

Figure A.1 — Example of load cycles Step 1 and Step 2

Table A.2 — Condition of dynamic tests for all parts except screw coupling

Operational requirements Range of forces to be applied

Lifecycles in years Designation Step 1 Step 2
1 MN ΔF1 = 200 kN ΔF2 = 675 kN
1,2 MN ΔF1 = 240 kN ΔF2 = 810 kN
1,5 MN ΔF1 = 300 kN ΔF2 = 1 015 kN
N1 in cycles N2 in cycles
20 all 106 1,45x103
30 all 1,5x106 2,15x103

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table A.3 — Conditions of dynamic tests for screw coupling

Operational requirements Range of forces to be applied

Lifecycles in years Designation Step 1 Step 2
1 MN ΔF1 = 170 kN ΔF2 = 575 kN
1,2 MN ΔF1 = 205 kN ΔF2 = 690 kN
1,5 MN ΔF1 = 270 kN ΔF2 = 910 kN
N1 in cycles N2 in cycles
20 all 106 1,45x103
30 all 1,5x106 2,15x103
NOTE The range of loading and the number of cycles for a survival probability of 97,5 % are based on a safety
factor of 1,7 (see [16]).

The dynamic test shall be carried out on three samples of each component:
— draw gear (excluding elastic device);

— draw hook;

— every load condition (hole, mouth, see Figure A.2) shall be checked one time, at least.

— screw coupling.

1 functional areas
F test load

Figure A.2 — Load condition on draw hook

A.2.3 Non-destructive tests

After the fatigue test, the tested parts shall be checked for cracks by MT (Magnetic Particle Testing) or
PT (Penetrant Testing).
A.2.4 Determination of residual strength

After completion of the dynamic test A.2.2 a final static test with a minimum breaking load (see the
values given in Table 1) shall be conducted. 95 % of minimum breaking load shall be sustained over
three minutes.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

A.2.5 Macrographic and Micrographic tests

Following the residual strength test, macrographic and micrographic tests shall be carried out
according to the provisions of Annex E and Annex F. The macrographic images and polished sections
shall be preserved because they are used as reference.

A.3 Criteria of acceptance

After the non-destructive tests, the three samples shall not show any cracks exceeding the limits
defined by:
a) for forged parts:

MT: EN 10228-1:2016, Class 1; or

PT: EN 10228-2:2016, Class 1.

b) for cast parts:

MT: EN 1369:2012, Class LM7/AM7; or

PT: EN 1371-1:2011, Class LP7/AP7.

During the determination of the residual strength, no breaking shall occur.

The results shall be documented in a test report.

A.4 Test report

Each individual test shall be carried out in one laboratory.
EXAMPLE Dynamic tests form start to finish shall be carried out in one laboratory.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex B

Draw hook — dimensions

For the dimensions of the draw hook see Figure B.1

Dimensions in millimetres

buffer stroke distance a
105 mm 530 mm
150 mm 575 mm
* alternative solution/design

Figure B.1 — Draw hook

The draw hook thickness in Figure B.1 section B - B does not include the marking on the surface.
Including the marking, the maximum thickness shall be 61 mm.
NOTE The UIC draw hook is defined on ERRI standard drawings 100M 3211 0001 [17].

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex C

Draw gear — Interface dimension

The interface dimensions of the drawbar are given in Figure C.1 and for the joint pin see Figure C.2.
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure C.1 — Drawbar with “fork” and safety device

NOTE The UIC drawbar is defined on ERRI standard drawings 100M 3214 0001 [17].

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure C.2 — Joint pin (new figure)

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex D

Screw coupling components - dimensions

The interface dimension of the coupling hook pin is shown in Figure D.1. The length of handle is shown
in Figure D.2 and Figure D.3 shows the dimensions of the shackle.
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure D.1 — Coupling hook pin

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Hinged handle b) Hinged ball handle

Figure D.2 — Handles

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure D.3 — Shackle

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex E

Draw hook and drawbar - Requirements

E.1 Physical characteristics

E.1.1 Appearance

The parts or sections of parts rough forged or die forged shall have smooth, carefully trimmed surfaces.
They shall be completely free of oxides.
The surface condition of sections for which machining is prescribed shall comply with the conditions
laid down in the Technical Specification, or demonstrated by the specimens or standards previously
acceptance-tested. There shall be no deficiencies, sharp angles or accidental tool marks on the materials
Rough or machined connecting radii shall be well formed and free from scoring,
The finish surface of unprocessed sections shall meet the minimum requirements of EN 10243-1:1999.
Flash should not fall below the required minimum thickness of the component. Sharp edges and burrs
shall be ground.
Scale marks corresponding to forging grade E in EN 10243-1:1999 shall not cover more than 30 % of
the towing hook surface. The machined functional surfaces shall be free of scale marks and have a
roughness Ra ≤ 25 µm.
E.1.2 Integrity

The parts shall be sound throughout and show no defect such as folds, flaws, or cracks (except
imperfections of quality class 4 according to EN 10228-1:2016).
E.1.3 Material examination

After a macrographic examination according to ISO 4968:1979 in the finished parts on the sections
defined in Figure E.1 and Figure E.3, the sulphurous segregations noted shall fulfil the following
— the zone where the presence of segregation is noted shall cover less than 10 % of the section;

— the size of segregation shall be less than 3 mm.

After the micrographic examination according to ISO 4967:2013 on worked material or in the finished
parts on the sections defined in Figure E.1 and Figure E.3, the result shall be compared with those of the
accepted reference sample: no air pocket, cavity, discontinuity or non-sulphurous segregation of size or
quantity higher than the defects noted on the accepted reference sample shall appear.
NOTE The accepted reference sample is the one tested after the life cycle test or the one designated in the
Technical Specification.

An alternative is to provide a certificate of conformity (EN 10204:2004, inspection documents type 3.1)
for the raw material fulfilling the requirements described in Table E.1.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table E.1 — Requirements

Characteristic Requirement
Sulphurous (EN ISO 683 series a) max. 0,025 %
Ultrasonic Test (EN 10308:2001) EN 10308:2001, Class 2
H2 < 2 ppm
Hydrogen content
(ppm = parts per million)
Degree of purity K4 ≤ 35
Grain size index G (EN ISO 643:2020) EN ISO 643:2020, G > 5
a EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018, EN ISO 683-17:2015
The determination of the content of non-metallic inclusions (degree of purity K4) may be performed by
microscopic examination of steel using diagrams in accordance with Annex I.

E.2 Geometrical characteristics

The shapes, dimensions and their tolerances shall be those stipulated in the Technical Specification.
Raw parts of the forged drawbars and draw hooks shall fulfil at least the requirements of the
EN 10243:1999 (series).

E.3 Mechanical characteristics

E.3.1 General

A draw hook specified in this document withstands 300 kN compression and a compressive test is not
E.3.2 Tensile test on test piece

The results of the elastic limit, tensile strength and elongation test measured for the draw hook and
drawbar in delivery condition shall be in accordance with the material indicated on the drawings, see
Figure E.1, item 2.
The values to be obtained shall be specified in the Technical Specification.
E.3.3 Resilience

The results of the resilience test measured for the draw hook and drawbar in the “delivery condition”
shall be in accordance with the material indicated on the drawings or in the Technical Specification. In
any case, the resilience (KU) at 20 °C of the test pieces in the delivery condition:
— in the drawbars shall not lower than 20 J;

— in the draw hooks shall not be lower than 18 J.

E.3.4 Hardness

The HBW hardness values measured on parts after execution of the heat treatment shall fall within the
ranges specified for those parts indicated on the drawings or prescribed in the Technical Specification
or failing any relevant indication, to those specified in the EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018,
EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018, EN ISO 683-17:2014.
EN ISO 18265:2013 may be used for conversion the value from strength to hardness.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E.3.5 Tensile test on draw hook and drawbar

E.3.5.1 Test under half minimum breaking load

Having being subjected to a tensile load corresponding to half the minimum breaking load, the head of
the draw hook shall not show any permanent distortion greater than 0,5 mm (dimension “L”,
see Figure E.2).
Having been subjected to a tensile load of half the minimum breaking load, the drawbar shall not show
any permanent distortion greater than 0,2 % of the basic length.
E.3.5.2 Test under minimum breaking load

The draw hook and the drawbar shall be able to withstand a tensile load corresponding to the minimum
breaking load for 3 min without cracking or flaw.

E.4 Marking
Annex H defines the necessary markings.

E.5 Manufacture
E.5.1 General on drawbars

Drawbars shall be manufactured by forging or die forging without welding.

However, the fork of the drawbar may be welded by flash butt welding to the bar or may be assembled
from two parts (bar, fork). In these cases, it shall be specified in the Technical Specification.
E.5.2 General on draw hooks

The draw hooks shall be manufactured by forging, without welding. In certain special cases, however,
flash butt welding may be authorized in the Technical Specification.
Nuts shall be forged, cut from forgings or cut from forged, or rolled hexagonal bars.
The forging grade, particularly for products obtained from continuous casting, shall be high enough to
ensure that the finished products have the mechanical and soundness characteristics stipulated. The
Technical Specification can specify the forging grade to be observed during manufacture.
Any forging or die-forging operation giving rise to distortion of the metal in the cold state and, in
particular, any cold upsetting or straightening operation shall be forbidden.
The recommended reduction ratio is at least three. The total elongation ratio is at least six.
E.5.3 Machining

Machining of the external and internal threads shall be carried out so that the threads are perfectly
shaped, with no distortion.
The thread of the screw of the drawbars and draw hooks shall be obtained by a rolling process.
The sharp parts formed at the beginning and end of the external and internal threads shall be removed.
The maximum permitted deepness of the fold in thread profile at the major diameter is 0,8 mm, see
Figure F.4.
NOTE Round Screw Threads are defined in DIN 262 series and DIN 264 series.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E.5.4 Heat treatment

The draw hooks, drawbar and nuts shall undergo the heat treatment for normalization or hardening
and tempering, stipulated in the Technical Specification.
The heat treatment operations shall be conducted to ensure uniformity of the characteristics
throughout each part, also on all parts in the same batch.
The temperature of the furnaces shall be checked by means of correctly-calibrated recording
pyrometers arranged so that all zones of these furnaces can be checked and regulated accordingly.
The quenching baths shall be equipped with a temperature regulation system.
E.5.5 Rectification of defects

The elimination of surface defects by removal of metal in the cold state (chiselling, filing, grinding or
any other approved process) may be authorized subject to observing the dimensional tolerances and
providing adequate transition curves with the places where metal has been removed, to avoid any
stress concentration and destruction (even partial) of the effects of heat treatment.
Unless the Technical Specification expressly permits alterations or repairs, no alterations or repairs
may be undertaken or performed.
Any weld, resurfacing and any repair intended to hide a defect shall cause the batch to be rejected.

E.6 Acceptance
E.6.1 General

E.6.1.1 General remarks

Characteristics shall be checked on the parts. However, the materials intended for the manufacture of
draw hooks and drawbars can be inspected and their characteristics checked before use.
Each batch of steel produced under the conditions prescribed in E.6.2.2 shall, on submission for
acceptance, be subjected to the checks and tests the nature and extent of which are stipulated in
Table E.2.
Each batch of draw hooks or drawbars shall, on submission for acceptance, be subjected to the checks
and tests the nature and extent of which are stipulated in Table E.2.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table E.2 — Checks and Tests

Extent of the checks and tests

Nature of the checks and tests
1 to 200 parts for each additional batch
Chemical analysis 1 per casting
Appearance, dimensions, marking as stated in the Technical Specification
Micrographic and macrographic test 1 per casting
Tensile test on a test piece in delivery condition 1 1
Resilience on a series of 2 U-notched test pieces 1 1
Hardness 100 % 100 %
Tensile test on parts 1 1

E.6.1.2 Organization of checks and tests

E. Materials

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the following standards:
— Steel-Tensile test EN ISO 6892-1:2019 and EN ISO 6892-2:2018

— Steel-Charpy resilience test (U-shape notch) EN ISO 148-1:2016 to EN ISO 148-3:2016

The provisions of E. shall be observed.

E. Component parts

E. Chemical composition

The methods for determining the amounts of the various components shall be those defined for each of
them in the ISO standards. In cases of disagreement, spectrographic analysis can be used.
The instructions of E. shall be observed.
E. Appearance and soundness of the parts

The surface conditions, in particular those of the transition curves between rough-finished and
machined parts, shall be examined.
If there is any doubt, additional methods of investigation: dye penetrant, magnetic particle examination,
etc. shall be applied.
The provisions of E.1.1 and E.1.2 shall be observed.
E. Checking the geometrical characteristics

Checks to verify the dimensions of parts shall be carried out by any suitable means, in particular using
manufacturer’s calibrated gauges.
The external and internal threads shall be checked by means of limit-gauges approved in the Technical
The provisions of E.2 shall be observed.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E. Tensile test

The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of EN ISO 6892-1:2019.
The provisions of E.3.1 shall be observed.
E. Resilience

The provisions of E.3.1 shall be observed. The resilience test on U-notched test pieces shall be carried
out in accordance with the instructions in EN ISO 148-1:2016. The test shall be carried out at a
temperature of (23 ± 5) °C.
The provisions of E.3.2 shall be observed.
E. Hardness test

The HBW 10/3 000 hardness test shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of EN ISO 6506-
The provisions of E.3.3 shall be observed.
E.6.2 Inspection of the draw hooks

E.6.2.1 Submission for acceptance

E. Materials

Should a special agreement exist to this effect, the rolled products shall be submitted as forged in the
delivery condition stipulated in the Technical Specification for the draw hooks.
E. Parts

If required, the parts shall be submitted for acceptance after machining and heat treatment and before
any application of a protective product against corrosion.
E.6.2.2 Grouping into batches

Each batch shall comprise a maximum of 200 draw hooks produced during the same operation and
from the same manufacture. Draw hooks shall have respectively undergone the same heat treatment.
E.6.2.3 Advice of inspection

If the Technical Specification states that the customer requires to be present at inspection then the date
shall be advised. This advice shall indicate the number of parts presented, the composition of the
batches and their identification marks, and the references of the Technical Specification involved.
E.6.2.4 Sampling and preparation of the samples and test pieces

E. Sampling

The macrographic examinations, the chemical analyses as well as the resilience and tensile tests may be
carried out on parts which have undergone the tensile test.
E. Preparation of the samples and test pieces

E. General

The preparation of the samples and test pieces shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
EN ISO 377:2017.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E. Materials

The tensile strength and resilience shall be checked on test pieces taken parallel to the rolling direction,
cut up and treated as follows:
— the sample shall consist of a section of the original semi-manufactured product elongated by
forging along its longitudinal centre-line. The forging grade between the sample and the semi-
manufactured product shall be at least 3;

— the sample shall undergo either normalization treatment in the case of normalized parts, or
hardening and tempering in the case of hardened and tempered parts;

— the test pieces shall be extracted by machining from the sample treated. Irrespective of the section
of the product, the longitudinal centre-line of the test pieces shall be situated 12,5 mm from the
surface of the sample in rough-finished condition.

E. Component parts

— Chemical composition:

The sample for checking the chemical composition shall consist of a full section plate, cut parallel to
the section intended for the macrographic examination (see Figure E.1) or of shavings representing
the full section and weighing at least 50 g.

— Macrographic and micrographic examinations:

The position of the section to be examined shall be as indicated in Figure E.1. The surface of this
section shall be carefully machined, polished and degreased.

1 tensile test sample delivery condition
2 macrographic and micrographic examination sample
3 impact test sample

Figure E.1 — Draw hook - Location of the test samples

EN 15566:2022 (E)

— Tensile test on test pieces:

The tensile test sample shall be cut from the locations defined in Figure E.1.

Machine the test pieces in accordance with EN ISO 6892-1:2019.

— Impact test:

Two impact test pieces with U-shaped notches shall be cut from the positions defined in Figure E.1.
The direction of the notch of each of the test pieces shall be that shown in the same figure.

The test pieces shall be machined in accordance with EN ISO 148-1:2016 to EN ISO 148-3:2016.

— Hardness:

The test pieces shall consist of the parts themselves, which shall have the oxide removed by milling
or grinding to a depth of maximum 2 mm respecting the minimum dimensions of the component.
The position is indicated in Figure E.2, unless the Technical Specification defines an alternative

— Tensile test on draw hook:

The draw hooks shall be marked as is shown in Figure E.2. One mark shall be placed in a diametral
plane of the hook-eye bore, and the other in a plane passing through the centre-line of the coupling-
screw housing (“L”).

The draw hook shall be tested with their joint pin.

1 location of hardness test
2 location of marks for tensile test
L distance between two marks

Figure E.2 — Marking of the draw hook for the tensile test

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E.6.3 Inspection of drawbars

E.6.3.1 Nature and extend of checks and tests

E. Materials

Unless defined in the Technical Specification, the steel used for the manufacture of drawbars shall be
selected from the EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018,
EN ISO 683-17:2014, including its metallurgical condition.
E. Drawbars

Each batch shall comprise a maximum of 200 drawbars. Each batch of drawbars shall, on submission for
acceptance, be subjected to the checks and tests as stipulated in Table E.2.
Test pieces shall be cut at the positions defined in Figure E.3 below. The drawbars intended for the
tensile test shall be marked in accordance with the provisions of Figure E.3.
E.6.3.2 Sampling and preparation of samples and test pieces

The provisions of E.6.2.5 shall apply to drawbars.

The test pieces for the resilience test shall be taken from the external 1/3 of the radius or half-diagonal
of the bar (see Figure E.3, item 2 and section A – A).
The test pieces for the tensile test shall be taken from the centre of the bar (see Figure E.3, item 1 and
section B – B).
Test pieces shall be cut at the positions defined in Figure E.3 below. The drawbars intended for the
tensile test shall be marked in accordance with the provisions of Figure E.3, item 4.

1 tensile test sample
2 impact test sample
3 macrographic and micrographic examination sample
4 marks for the distance of the tensile test

Figure E.3 — Drawbar - Location of the test samples

The plane of symmetry for impact test samples according to Figure E.3 shall be located closest to the
face of section A-A.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

E.6.3.3 Organization of checks and tests

The provisions of E. and E. shall apply to the drawbars. The values to be observed shall be
in accordance with the material indicated on the drawings or failing that any relevant indication to
those specified in the relevant part of the EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022,
EN ISO 683-4:2018, EN ISO 683-17:2014 (but using U-shape notch for Charpy resilience test).
E.6.3.4 Tensile test on drawbars

E. Preparation of drawbars

The drawbar shall be placed on a tractive unit using a securing device so that the load is applied under
conditions identical to those of use.
The drawbar shall be subjected to an initial tensile load of 45 kN. The distance between marks
(see item 4 of Figure E.3), determined under the effect of this load, shall be taken as the initial length.
E. Test under half minimum breaking load

The tensile load shall be gradually further increased up to a load equal to or as little as possible above
the half minimum breaking load, maintained for at least 1 min before it is reduced to its initial value of
45 kN. The distance between marks shall then be recorded and any permanent distortion shall not be
greater than 0,2 % of the initial length.
E.6.4 Conclusion of the inspections

Any characteristic not conforming to the provisions of this document shall lead to rejection of the
corresponding batch.
If rejection has been decided because of unsatisfactory test results, further tests, with or without any
heat treatment for improvement, may only be carried out by an amendment to the Technical

E.7 Delivery
E.7.1 Protection against corrosion

All uncovered metallic parts shall be protected against corrosion before delivery except if otherwise
agreed in the Technical Specification.
E.7.2 Packaging

The parts shall be effectively protected by suitable packaging according to the Technical Specification to
avoid any deterioration, particularly of the machined parts, or deformation during handling or transit.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex F

Screw coupling and components parts — Requirements

The impact strength KV at (23 ± 5) °C of the material shall be greater than 25 J.
Unless defined in the Technical Specification, materials, including their metallurgical condition, shall be
selected from the EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018,
EN ISO 683-17:2014.
NOTE For an air temperature range external from the vehicle from −40 °C to +35 °C, the impact test KV at
lower temperature is not a criterion for determining the low temperature capability of a screw coupling, unless
defined in the Technical Specification.

F.2Physical characteristics
F.2.1 Appearance

Parts or components in the as-forged, as-stamped or as-cast condition shall have smooth surfaces,
carefully trimmed and be completely free of oxides and any foundry sand. In particular, the handle and
ball shall be free from burring, unevenness or other defects likely to make it dangerous to operate.
The surface condition of parts for which machining is specified/required shall conform to that
prescribed in the Technical Specification. No lack of material, sharp angles or accidental tool marks shall
be accepted, particularly on parts or components subject to tensile or bending stresses.
Connecting radii, whether machined or not, shall be correctly formed and free from scoring.
The surface finish of unprocessed sections shall meet the minimum requirements of EN 10243-1:1999.
The surface oxide should not compromise the minimum thickness of the components. Sharp edges and
burrs shall be removed.
F.2.2 Soundness

F.2.2.1 General

For machined surfaces, the component parts of the screw couplings shall be sound throughout and
show no defect such as laps, seams or cracks, irrespective of their size.
For unmachined surfaces, the component parts of the screw couplings shall be sound throughout and
show no defect such as laps or cracks, except cracks meeting the requirements of quality Class 4
specified in EN 10228-1:2016.
F.2.2.2 Material examination

After a macrographic examination according to ISO 4968:1979 in the finished parts on the sections
defined in the Figure F.5 to Figure F.10 the sulphurous segregations noted shall fulfil the following
— the zone where the presence of segregation is noted shall cover less than 10 % of the section;

— the size of segregation shall be less than 3 mm.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

After the micrographic examination according to ISO 4967:2013 on worked material or in the finished
parts on the sections defined in Figure F.5 to Figure F.10 the result shall be compared with those of the
accepted reference sample: no air pocket, cavity, discontinuity or non-sulphurous segregation of size or
quantity higher than the defects noted on the accepted reference sample shall appear.
NOTE The accepted reference sample is the one tested after the life cycle test or the one designated in the
Technical Specification.

An alternative is to provide a certificate of conformity (EN 10204:2004, inspection documents type 3.1)
for the raw material fulfilling the requirements described in Table F.1.
Table F.1 — Requirements

Characteristic Requirement
Sulphurous (EN ISO 683 seriesa) max. 0,025 %
Ultrasonic Test (EN 10308:2001) EN 10308:2001, Class 2
H2 < 2 ppm
Hydrogen content
(ppm = parts per million)
Degree of purity K4 ≤ 35
Grain size index G (EN ISO 643:2020) EN ISO 643:2020, G > 5
a EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018, EN ISO 683-17:2014
The determination of the content of non-metallic inclusions (degree of purity K4) may be performed by
microscopic examination of steel using diagrams in accordance with Annex I.
F.2.3 Additional requirements for screw coupling

The screw/trunnion nut assembly shall move freely without the need to apply excessive force on the
end of the handle.
All pin joints shall move freely.
The handle shall fit firmly onto the screw to avoid any subsequent play.

F.3Geometrical characteristics
F.3.1 General

The shapes, dimensions and their tolerances shall be those given for each category of component parts
in the Technical Specification. Failing any indication to this effect, the tolerances specified in F.3.2 or
F.3.3 shall be applied (depending on what is appropriate).
NOTE The tolerances js15, js16, Js16, h13, h15, H13, k15, are those specified in EN ISO 286-1.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

F.3.2 Dimensions limited either by two unmachined or rough machined surfaces or by

one unmachined or rough machined surface

a) transverse dimensions:

Dimensions determining the section of the parts subject to tensile stress:

shackles (burned portion between the 2 parallel arms) h15;

(other parts): js15;

links: k15;

other dimensions: Js16 or js16;

other parts: Js16 or js16;

b) longitudinal dimensions:

all parts: Js16 or js16.

F.3.3 Dimensions limited by two machined surfaces

a) transverse dimensions:

bores (internal diameters): H13;

shafts (external diameters): h13;

b) angular dimensions: ± 2°.

F.4Mechanical characteristics
F.4.1 Heat treatment

At the time of delivery, the screws, shackles, links, trunnion nuts and pins shall be in the metallurgical
condition (normalized, hardened or tempered), required by the Technical Specification which, for
hardened parts, shall also specify the area of hardening.
No heat treatment of the handles, handle head (see Figure 4 or Figure 5) washers and rivets is required.
F.4.2 Hardness

The HBS or HBW hardness values measured on parts after execution of the heat treatment shall fall
within the ranges specified in the Technical Specification or failing any relevant indication to those
specified in the EN ISO 683-1:2018, EN ISO 683-2:2018, EN ISO 683-3:2022, EN ISO 683-4:2018,
EN ISO 683-17:2014.
EN ISO 18265:2013 may be used for conversion the value from strength to hardness. Values for
predetermined breaking loads for the weakest part are given in Table F.2 and Table F.3.
The weakest part shall be either the link or the thread.
If the predetermined weakest point is the link, the links, in the delivery condition, shall fracture under a
tensile load as defined in Table F.2.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table F.2 — Load of link

Coupling system Minimum breaking load of the link Maximum breaking load of the link
designation MN MN
1 MN 0,425 0,495
1,2 MN 0,51 0,595
1,5 MN 0,675 0,745
If the predetermined weakest point is the screw, the screw, in the delivery condition, shall fracture
under a tensile load as defined in Table F.3.
Table F.3 — Breaking load of screw

Coupling system Minimum breaking load of the screw Maximum breaking load of the screw
designation MN MN
1 MN 0,85 0,99
1,2 MN 1,02 1,19
1,5 MN 1,35 1,49
F.4.3 Resilience

The energy absorbed to fracture in the impact tests on the screws, shackles, trunnions, links and pins
having undergone the heat treatment prescribed shall not be less than the value defined, for each
category of parts, in the Technical Specification or, failing any relevant indication, than 25 J.
F.4.4 Requirements for screw coupling

F.4.4.1 Test under half minimum breaking load

After the screw couplings have been subjected to a tensile stress of half of the minimum breaking load,
their component parts shall not show any permanent deformation exceeding the following values:
— dimensions a, b, c, d, f and g defined in Figure F.1: dimensional change (∆) ≤ 0,2 % of the initial
length in question;

— width e of the shackle defined in Figure F.1: ∆ ≤ 0,5 mm;

— deflection of pin ends of the trunnions and of the pin in the links (see Figure F.3): ∆ ≤ 0,5 mm, and
in addition, there shall be no signs of failure.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure F.1 — Location of the measurement of the deformation of the screw coupling

Figure F.2 — Test facility for the tensile test of the screw coupling

EN 15566:2022 (E)

X sag

Figure F.3 — Measurement of the screw coupling

F.4.4.2 Test under minimum breaking load

The assembled screw couplings shall be able to withstand, without fracture and without cracking, 95 %
of the minimum breaking load given in Table 1 maintained for 3 min.
F.4.4.3 Test under maximum breaking load

The assembled screw couplings shall break less than or equal to the maximum value given in Table 1
and greater than or equal to the minimum value given in Table 1.
F.4.5 Requirement for handle and trunnion

The weight of the hinged ball shall be at least 3,5 kg.

Annex H defines the necessary markings.

F.6.1 Preparation of the materials

For any orders, the inspection documents type 3.1 or type 3.2 according to EN 10204:2004 and
EN 10168:2004 and the European standards corresponding to the materials used for the manufacture
of the screw coupling (the actual chemical composition as well as the test results of tensile, resilience
and hardness shall be indicated therein) shall be available.
F.6.2 Manufacture of the component parts

F.6.2.1 Forging and stamping

Any forging operation involving deformation of the metal when cold and, in particular, any cold
upsetting operation is forbidden. All parts shall be free from laps or folds.
The shackles and links shall be obtained by partial or complete drop stamping.
The shackles shall be formed.
The forging of the trunnions shall be carried out so that the axis of the pin ends coincides with the axis
of the bar used.
The holes in the various forgings may be formed by hot punching to a diameter permitting finishing by
machining or by a process previously approved in the Technical Specification.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

The recommended reduction ratio is at least three. The total elongation ratio is at least six.
F.6.2.2 Machining

The manufacture of trunnions entirely by machining from solid bars may be allowed only after prior
agreement in the Technical Specification and in accordance with the process laid down by it.
All machining burrs shall be carefully removed.
The thread of the screw of the screw coupling shall be produced by rolling.
Central bore-holes at the ends of the coupling screw are acceptable provided this does not prevent
marking of the screws.
The maximum permitted deepness of the fold in thread profile at the major diameter is 0,8 mm, see
Figure F.4.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 screw
2 fold

Figure F.4 — Permitted depth of the fold in thread profile

To facilitate the rolling process, a lead in taper is permitted on the first and last three threads.
F.6.2.3 Heat treatment

For the heat treated parts, the thickness of the decarburization shall be less than or equal 0,5 mm.
Final machined parts should be heated in a non-oxidizing atmosphere.
F.6.2.4 Assembly of the component parts

Failing any indication to the contrary in the Technical Specification, the assembly of the shackles and
their trunnions shall be carried out before heat treatment. This operation may be carried out when cold.
If, by special agreement, it is permitted that the trunnion be assembled in the shackle after the heat
treatment, this operation may only be effected after re-heating of the shackle and under conditions
defined in the Technical Specification.
F.6.2.5 Retouching

No retouching or repair may be carried out without the prior agreement in the Technical Specification.
The elimination of superficial defects by removal of metal when cold (chiselling, filing, grinding or other
approved process) may be authorized subject, however, to compliance with the dimensional tolerances
and provided the effects of the heat treatment are not destroyed.
Any weld, resurfacing and any repair intended to hide a defect shall cause rejection the batch.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

F.6.2.6 Welding

The welders shall be qualified in accordance with EN ISO 9606-1:2017.

The choice of welding procedures shall be defined unless specified in the Technical Specification. It is
recommended that welding procedures should meet the requirements of the EN 15085 series and its
referenced normative standards.
NOTE For information, the following procedures have previously been accepted:

— for arc welding with stainless steel electrode;

— MAG arc welding with active gas shield and a consumable stainless steel electrode.

F.7.1 General

Failing any indication to the contrary in the Technical Specification, the materials intended for the
manufacture of the component parts of the screw coupling shall be subjected, before use, to inspection
of their manufacture and their characteristics. However, by special agreement, these characteristics
may be checked on the components.
The chemical and mechanical characteristics of the materials shall be checked on the component parts
of standard screw couplings.
F.7.2 Inspection of the manufacture

It shall be possible to ascertain, by any checks considered necessary, that the manufacturing conditions
prescribed in the Technical Specification are fully complied with in respect of the materials, component
parts and screw couplings themselves.

F.8Inspection of the materials, component parts and screw couplings

F.8.1 Materials submission for acceptance

The delivery of rolled products shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity (inspection

documents type 3.1) or an acceptance report (inspection documents type 3.2) given in EN 10204:2004
containing the following information:
— address of the factory that made them;

— manufacturing process;

— method of casting (ingot or continuous);

— delivery conditions;

— for certain rolled or forged semi-finished products (as specified in EN 10079:2007), the rate of

When a metallurgical product or semi-finished product is supplied by a manufacturer (rolling mills,

finishers, etc.) or an intermediary (stockist) as specified in EN 10021:2006, the manufacture's
document specified above shall be provided, together with some appropriate means of identifying the
product in order to ensure traceability between the product and the document.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

If the manufacturer or the intermediary modifies the state or the dimensions of the metallurgical
product or semi-finished product in any way an additional certificate of conformity shall be supplied
(EN 10204:2004, inspection documents type 3.1) covering these new special conditions.
Cast steel parts shall be presented in the rough foundry condition and after normalization.
F.8.2 Grouping into batches

F.8.2.1 General

A batch is a group of component parts of the same type, originating from the same melt of raw material
and having undergone the same process of manufacturing.
The batch size refers to the entire production charge of the manufacturer, not to the order size of the
F.8.2.2 Materials

F. Rolled products

The conditions for grouping into batches shall be those prescribed in the Technical Specification,
particularly those defined in the specifications (see ISO Standards, European standards EN) to which
reference is made.
F. Component parts

The component parts shall be grouped into uniform batches consisting of parts from the same
manufacture and having undergone the same heat treatment.
F. Screw couplings

Each batch shall comprise a maximum of 400 assembled screw couplers consisting of elements from the
same batches or 400 pieces from single parts (without links) or 800 links.
F.8.3 Nature and proportion of the tests

Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specification, Table F.4 below lists the tests and checks to be
carried out on each batch as well as the minimum corresponding proportions.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table F.4 — Proportion of the tests - Finished products and component parts

Material or part Nature of the checks Minimum proportion of the

test and checks
Appearance and condition 100 % of the parts
All component parts
Dimension 10 % of the parts
Chemical analysis 1 per castinga
Macrographic and micrographic examination 1 per castingc
Tensile test on specimen taken from the parts in the
Coupler screw, shackles, 1 per batch
delivery condition (except links)
links, pins
Impact strength on V-notched specimens
1 series per batch
(test on specimen taken on the parts)b
Brinell hardness 100 % of the parts
Chemical analysis 1 per castinga
Macrographic and micrographic examination 1 per castingc
Impact strength on one specimen
Trunnion nuts 1 series per batch
(test on specimen taken from the parts)b
Brinell hardness on the surface 100 % of the parts
Brinell hardness in the core 1 per batch
Links Tensile fracture test 1 per batch
Tensile test with half minimum breaking load and
Screw couplings 1 per batch
minimum breaking load
Tensile test with maximum breaking load only for the type test e
a The analysis on the parts may be dropped if already carried out on the material by the manufacturer of the
b If the specimens are taken from parts prior to the tensile test under minimum breaking load, they shall
undergo the reference treatment specified on delivery before the impact test.
c If not otherwise defined in the Technical Specification.
d The melt of each component is not taken into account.
e A test at maximum breaking load on the complete screw coupling is necessary for the type test. If the fracture
appears on the screw, the complete screw coupling shall be tested 1 per batch
F.8.4 Sampling and preparation of the samples and test pieces

F.8.4.1 Sampling

The macrographic examinations, the chemical analyses and impact test on screws may be carried out on
parts of the assembled screw coupling which have undergone the tensile test.
F.8.4.2 Preparation of the samples and test pieces

Failing any indication to the contrary, the samples and test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with
the provisions of EN ISO 377:2017.
Figure F.5 to Figure F.10 indicate the position of the tensile test and impact strength specimens and the
macrographic slides as well as those intended for hardness measurements.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

a) Hardness:

The test piece shall consist of the parts themselves, which shall have the oxide removed by milling or
grinding to a depth of maximum 2 mm respecting the minimum dimensions of the component. The
position is indicated in Figures F.5 to F.10.
b) Notched bar impact test:

One standard Charpy V-notch test piece shall be cut from the positions defined in Figure F.5 to
Figure F.10, which also show the orientation of the notch.
Machining of the test pieces shall be carried out in accordance with the indications of EN ISO 148-
c) Micrographic and macrographic examinations:

The sections to be examined, for each category of component, are those whose position is defined in
Figure F.5 to Figure F.10. The surface of these sections shall be carefully machined, polished and
d) Chemical analysis:

The sample for chemical analysis shall consist, in principle, of a small plate of full section, weighing at
least 50 g, cut parallel to the section intended for the macrographic examination (see Figure F.5 to
Figure F.10).
e) Tensile strength:

The machining of the specimens shall be performed as indicated in EN ISO 377:2017.

1 preferably position for Brinell hardness test
(1) Brinell hardness test also possible on cylindrical surface (alternatively)
2 tensile strength specimen
3 sample for macrographic and micrographic test
4 sample for impact test

Figure F.5 — Screw — test sample location

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 position of Brinell hardness test
2 tensile strength specimen
3 sample for impact test
4 sample for macrographic and micrographic test

Figure F.6 — Shackle — test sample location

Dimensions in millimetres

1 position of Brinell hardness test
2 sample for impact test
3 sample for macrographic and micrographic test

Figure F.7 — Coupling link — test sample location

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 position of Brinell hardness test
2 sample for impact test
3 sample for macrographic and micrographic test

Figure F.8 — Trunnion nut (link fitting) — test sample location

1 position of Brinell hardness test
2 sample for impact test
3 sample for macrographic and micrographic test

Figure F.9 — Trunnion nut (shackle fitting) — test sample location

EN 15566:2022 (E)

1 position of Brinell hardness test
2 tensile strength specimen
3 samples for impact test
4 sample for macrographic and micrographic test

Figure F.10 — Pin — Test sample location

F.8.5 Carrying out of the checks and tests

F.8.5.1 Materials

The checks and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions in the Technical
If no reference is made to any other document, the tests shall be carried out in accordance with the
indications of the following documents:
— Steel-Tensile test: EN ISO 6892-1:2019 and EN ISO 6892-2:2018;

— Charpy resilience test: EN ISO 148-1:2016 to EN ISO 148-3:2016.

F.8.5.2 Component parts

F. Checking the dimensions

The dimensional check on the parts shall be carried out by any suitable means, particularly with the aid
of manufacturer’s gauges.
The accuracy of the threads on screws and in trunnions shall be checked by means of limit gauges.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

F. Soundness of the parts

The surface conditions, particularly the regularity of the connecting radii of both as-forged and
machined parts, shall be examined.
If there is any doubt, additional methods of investigation: dye penetrant, magnetic particle examination,
etc. shall be applied.
F. Hardness test

The “Brinell” hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of EN ISO 6501-1.
F. Notched bar impact test

The impact test made on V-notch Charpy test pieces shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 148-
Neither of the two test pieces shall give a result lower than the prescribed value.
F. Chemical composition

The result of chemical analysis for the various elements shall be in accordance with the material
indicated on the drawings.
F. Coupling link fracture test

The tensile test shall be performed using appropriate apparatus to ensure that the coupling link to be
tested is subjected to the same tensile forces as in a standard screw coupling.
F.8.5.3 Screw coupling

F. Preparation of the test

The screw couplings assembled for the tensile test shall be set up so that the trunnion nuts are about
55 mm from the ends of the screw as shown in Figure F.1.
They shall then be marked out in accordance with the indications in Figure F.1. If it is found easier to do
so, the marks may be applied after placing of the screw coupling on the tensile machine.
The screw coupling shall then be secured in the tensile machine by means of loading attachments, the
shape and dimensions of which are in accordance with those of Figure F.2.
The screw coupling shall be subjected to an initial tension of 35 kN. Dimensions a, b, c, d, e, f and g (see
Figure F.1) shall be measured and noted.
F. Test under half minimum breaking load

The tensile load shall be gradually increased up to a load equivalent to half minimum breaking load or
as little in excess of that figure as possible and this shall be maintained for at least 1 min before the
force is reduced to its initial value of 35 kN. The dimensions a, b, c, d, e, f and g (see Figure F.1) then
recorded shall not reveal any permanent deformation greater than that indicated in F.4.4.1.
F. Test under minimum breaking load

The tensile load shall again be gradually increased up to the 95 % of minimum breaking load or as little
in excess of that figure as possible and this shall be maintained for 3 min and then released. The screw
coupling shall then be examined. For results see F.4.5.2.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

F. Test under maximum breaking load

The tensile load shall again be increased until fracture. The maximum breaking force of Table 1 shall not
be exceeded.

F.9Completion of inspections
Any defect in appearance or any dimensional error unacceptable for satisfactory use observed on a
screw coupling shall result in its rejection.
Any result not in accordance with one of the other tests shall result in rejection of the corresponding

F.10 Delivery
F.10.1 Protection against oxidation

After inspection and stamping as agreed in the Technical Specification and before storage or despatch,
the screw couplings shall receive an anti-rust coating as agreed in the Technical Specification, on the
machined parts.
F.10.2 Packing

The parts shall be carefully protected by suitable packing with a view to avoiding any deterioration,
especially of the machined parts, or deformation during handling or transit.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex G

Elastic device — Requirements

G.1 Rubber elastomer or other elastomer elastic device

G.1.1 General

This clause concerns rubber elastomer or other elastomer elastic systems in which inserts may be
G.1.2 Metal inserts requirements

Unless otherwise specified, minimum steel grade is S235JR according to EN 10025-2:2019.

Surface state, dimensions and rust protection are made according to Technical Specification.
G.1.3 Elastomer requirements

Composition, characteristics and process are made according to Technical Specification in accordance
with Table G.1.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table G.1 — Characteristics of the constituents

Characteristics Results Tests for Test for

rubber others
Hardness IRHD according to the Di = approval value
ISO 48 seriesa Dp = piece hardness
Da = after ageing 7 days at a temperature of 70 °C
p Di ± 5 IRHD

ΔD = Da − D p ≤ 8 IRHD

Tensile strength R according to Ri = approval value

ISO 37:2017 Rp = piece value
Ra = after ageing 7 days at a temperature of 70 °C
p R i ± 0, 15 R i X

ΔR Ra − R p
= ≤ 0, 2
Rp Rp

Elongation at fracture A Ai = piece value

according to ISO 37:2017 Ap = piece value
Aa = after ageing 7 days at a temperature of 70 °C
p Ai ± 0, 15 Ai X

ΔA Aa − Ap
= ≤ 0, 25
Ap Ap

200 % Elongation modulus M Mi = approval value

according to ISO 37:2017 Mp = piece value
Ma = after ageing 7 days at a temperature of 70 °C
p M i ± 0, 15 M i X

ΔM Ma − M p
= ≤ 0, 2
Mp Mp

Stress Relaxation 25 % during

24 h at 70 °C according to DRC ≤ 25 % X
ISO 815-1:2019
Compression set after 25 %
compression for 24 h at –30 °C
measured after stabilizing for
3 min. at –30 °C according to DRC ≤ 35 % X
ISO 815-2:2019
(measurement at ambient
Shore hardness D according to Di = approval initial hardness
ISO 48-4:2018 Dp = piece hardness X
Dp = Di ± 5 Shore

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Characteristics Results Tests for Test for

rubber others
Static characteristics after WSi = approval initial value of stored energy
ageing 7 d at 70 °C according to WSp = piece value
EN ISO 868:2003
After ageing WSp = WSi ± 25 %
WAi = approval initial value of absorbed energy
WAp = piece value
WAp = WAi ± 25 %
Static characteristics after WSi = approval initial value of stored energy
ageing 7 d at 50 °C analog as WSp = piece value
described in ISO 188:2011, but
After ageing WSp = WSi ± 25 %
only at 50°C X
WAi = approval initial value of absorbed energy
WAp = piece value
WAp = WAi ± 25 %
a ISO 48-1:2018, ISO 48-2:2018, ISO 48-3:2018, ISO 48-4:2018, ISO 48-8:2018, ISO 48-9:2018

G.1.4 Static test

G.1.4.1 Test principle

The test consists of the determination of the force-stroke diagram during the compression on a
complete system constituted of the elastic system to be tested and/or a guiding gauge representative of
the preset height.
G.1.4.2 Test procedure

For rubber elastomer systems, tests shall be carried out at least 72 h after assembly.
Test temperature shall be between 15 °C and 25 °C.
Three consecutive cycles are performed up to the maximum stroke are made; the second and third
cycles shall follow immediately after the first. The tests shall be arranged in such a way that the elastic
system will not be exposed to any inadmissible thermal loads.
For this reason, time periods between two complete cycles are permitted but they shall not exceed
10 min.
The compression phase shall be followed immediately by the decompression phase, and the
displacement speed of the testing device in both directions shall not exceed 0,05 m/s.
G.1.4.3 Measurements

Measurements are the following:

— stroke of the assembly;

— force.

Parameters are recorded on a diagram stroke-force with a calibrated press. Stored energy We and
absorbed energy Wa are calculated with the diagram. Speed of the cycle and temperature during the test
are also recorded.
The maximum static absorbed capacity deviation is 20 % compared to the approval static value, the
elastomer shall not overlap the metals and there shall be no critical cracks after visual inspection.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

G.1.5 Endurance test

After the tests the elastomer surface shall show no breaks, defects, signs of cracking or abrasions over
2 mm in depth.
The flexibility test, repeated on the assembled elastic device after the endurance test, shall give results
which comply with the specifications given on the drawing.
During and after the endurance test, energy absorption shall remain within the limits laid down on the
A complete elastic device is mounted in a machine that operates automatically. The load frequency shall
be chosen in such a way that the temperature of the elastic device does not exceed a temperature which
may cause problems (an air cooling system is allowed).
Failing any indication to the contrary, a frequency of six cycles per minute shall be adopted.
The test shall be carried out according to the following load cycles (see Figures G.1 and G.2):
— 10 000 loadings between:

[H1 - (0,25 a ± 2) mm] and [H1 - (0,60 a ± 2) mm]


H1 is the preset height of the elastic system without stress;

a is the stroke for elastic device.

— After 24 h of applying no load on the elastic device without any presetting load, the load to be
applied to achieve the preset height shall be greater than or equal to 10 kN;

— In the same condition, after a completion of the static elastic device the energies (We and Wa) shall
be greater than or equal to 80 % of the initial values.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

a) Stored energy We b) Absorbed energy Wa

1 force, in kN
2 stroke, in mm
a stroke for elastic device
H1 preset height of the elastic system without stress
stored energy We in kJ
absorbed energy Wa in kJ

Figure G.1 — Elastic device — load cycle for endurance test

EN 15566:2022 (E)

a stroke of elastic device
H0 initial height of elastic system
H1 preset height of the elastic system without stress

Figure G.2 — Elastic device — set up for endurance test

G.1.6 Bonding

If applicable, test procedures or requirements shall be defined in accordance with ISO 813:2019 in the
Technical Specification.
G.1.7 Inspection and tests

A batch is a group of component parts of the type, originating from the same melt of raw material and
having undergone the same process of manufacturing.
The quantity of series tests shall be a minimum of one or as defined in the Technical Specification for a
batch comprising less than 40 component parts.
The number of the approval or production tests shall be in accordance with Table G.2.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table G.2 — Nature of inspections and tests

Approval Production series

Nature of inspections and tests (if applicable) Number of Number of
Level Level
tests tests
Spring element without ageing:
Dimensions M 2 M 2,5 % per batch
Bonding M 2 M 2,5 % per batch
Hardness IRHD / Shore D M 2 M 2,5 % per batch
Tests (R,A,M) M 2 M 1 per batch
Compression set (25 %, 50°C/70°C) M 2
Compression set (25 %, −30°C) M 2
Spring element after ageing:
Dimensions M 2 O 2,5 % per batch
Bonding M 2 O 2,5 % per batch
Hardness IRHD / Shore D M 2 O 2,5 % per batch
Tests (R,A,M) M 2 O 1 per batch
Compression set (25 %, 50°C/70°C) M 2
Compression set (25 %, −30°C) M 2
Dimensions M 1 M 5 per batch
Chemical composition M 1 M 1 per cast
Spring set:
Dimensions M 1 M 2,5 % per batch
Static test M 1 M 1 per batch
Endurance test M 1 O
Spring set after ageing:
Static test M 1 O
Endurance test O 1 O
Key for level:
M: mandatory test
O: optional test

EN 15566:2022 (E)

G.1.8 Markings

Unless otherwise specified, the following indications shall appear:

— manufacturer's stamp;

— batch number or serial number or month and the last two figures of the manufacturing year.

G.2 Friction spring/ Ring spring

G.2.1 Manufacturer's marks

— Rings shall be marked as specified on the Technical Specification.

— In the absence of specifications in the document, the rings shall show the year of manufacture.

— However, when rings are manufactured by rolling, these marks may be replaced by a circular line
or groove marked during the rolling process on a curved surface, the shape and position of which
will indicate the above information in a conventional code.

G.2.2 Flexibility test

G.2.2.1 Requirements for flexibility test

— the height H1 shall be within tolerances specified in the supplier's drawing;

— during the initial cycle of operations, the loads in proportion to the deflection shall comply with the
specifications of the graph shown on the drawing, allowing for the tolerances provided;

— after 20 compression and release cycles, the new loads recorded, in proportion to the deflection
shall comply with the specifications of the graph shown on the drawing, allowing for the tolerances

— after tests the rings should show no breaks, defects, signs of cracking or abrasions.

G.2.2.2 Carrying out of the flexibility test

— The flexibility test shall be carried out as follows: the slightly greased rings are stacked in such a
way as to form a spring as used in service;

— The stack thus formed is tested as indicated below on a test bench equipped with a chart recording
device. The test bench shall be checked at least once a year by an independent body;

— The spring is compressed three times up to the maximum stroke as shown on the drawing and the
load maintained, each time, for 1 min up to this stroke;

— The semi-static diagram is recorded. It shall comply with the specifications of the drawing, with
allowance for the tolerances;

— The spring is compressed 20 times to the maximum stroke indicated on the drawing and the load
maintained, each time, for 30 s, up to this stroke;

— The semi-static diagram is recorded. It shall comply with the specifications of the drawing, with
allowance for the tolerances;

EN 15566:2022 (E)

G.2.2.3 Numbers of tests

Each batch when submitted shall be subjected to inspections and tests of type number indicated in
Table G.3.
Table G.3 — Number of flexibility tests per batch of springs

Batch size Number of tests

Up to 50 1
51 to 150 2
151 to 300 3
301 to 500 4
501 to 1 000 5

G.2.3 Endurance test

— The test shall use a normally lubricated spring, mounted in a casing or similar device;

— after the tests the ring shall show no breaks, defects, signs of cracking or abrasions;

— the flexibility test, repeated on the assembled spring after the endurance test, shall give results
which comply with the specifications given on the drawing;

— during and after the endurance test, energy absorption shall remain with the limits laid down on

— the load frequency shall be chosen in such a way that the temperature of the rings does not exceed
60 °C;

— to ensure that the quality meets the required standards, the test shall be carried out with 5 000
loadings at 85 % of the nominal absorption load;

— when this test has been completed, the value for the absorption load shall not exceed the specified

— this test is only carried out if specifically stated in the Technical Specification.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex H


H.1 Marking of the draw hook

The draw hooks and the drawbars shall be stamped with the type of marks and in the position specified
in the Technical Specification.
As a minimum, each part shall be stamped with the following marks:
— manufacturer's mark;

— batch number including the last two figures of the year of manufacture;

— leave an appropriate space on the draw hook and the drawbar for a possible request for marking by
the owner (stamped mark);

— identification mark;

— the minimum braking load for coupling system of categories 1,2 MN and 1,5 MN.

The position and the type of the marking shall not affect the safety of the drawbar.
It is recommended that the marks are embossed by hot-working during the forging or die forging
Draw gear with a higher minimum breaking load shall be marked to enable clear identification if
mounted, for instance by hot stamping “1,5” upon surface.

H.2 Marking of the screw coupling

The screws, shackles, trunnion nuts, links and pins shall bear the following marks:
— the manufacturer's mark;

— the date of manufacture (last two figures of the year of manufacture);

— mark of ownership (only the handle if required in the Technical Specification);

— Special marking depending on the coupling system classification according to Table H.1.

The characteristic marks are located as shown in Figure H.1.

The minimum dimensions for the marks are shown in Figure H.2

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Figure H.1 — Location of mark

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure H.2 — Mark dimension

In the case of forged parts, the marks shall be embossed when hot, during the stamping operation. In
the case of screws and exceptionally the trunnion nuts and pins, the marks may be applied when cold by
means of rounded-edge stamps at the end of the screws, trunnions or pins.

H.3 Draw gear

If required in the Technical Specification, markings of the complete draw gear shall correspond at least
those listed in Table H.1.

H.4 Drawbar
Markings of the drawbar shall be at least those listed in Table H.1.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

H.5 Summary of markings

Table H.1 gives a summary of markings for the component parts.
Table H.1 — Marking

Marking for minimum

breaking load

Draw hook
Draw hook, 1 MN X —
Draw hook, 1,2 MN X 1,2 permitted: 120 t or 1 200 kN
Draw hook, 1,5 MN X 1,5 permitted: 150 t or 1 500 kN
Screw coupling
Screw, shackle, links, nuts, pin,
according to the 1 MN ERRI- X St
Screw, shackle, links, nuts, pin,
X —
1 MN
Screw, shackle, links, nuts, pin,
X 1,2 permitted: 120 t or 1 200 kN
1,2 MN
Screw, shackle, links, nuts, pin,
X 1,5 permitted: 150 t or 1 500 kN
1,5 MN
Draw gear for freight wagons (completely)
Draw gear, 1 MN X —
Draw gear, 1,2 MN X 1,2 permitted: 120 t or 1 200 kN
Draw gear, 1,5 MN X 1,5 permitted: 150 t or 1 500 kN
Draw gear for other vehicles (completely)
Draw gear, 1 MN — —
Draw gear, 1,2 MN — 1,2 permitted: 120 t or 1 200 kN
Draw gear, 1,5 MN — 1,5 permitted: 150 t or 1 500 kN
Drawbar, 1 MN — —
Drawbar, 1,2 MN — 1,2 permitted: 120 t or 1 200 kN
Drawbar, 1,5 MN — 1,5 permitted: 150 t or 1 500 kN

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex I

Microscopic examination of steel materials using standard diagrams to

assess the content of non-metallic inclusions

I.1 General
I.1.1 Degree of purity

Annex I is based on the withdrawn DIN 50602 and is an alternative method to EN 10247.
The degree of purity Kn (e.g. K4) is a value indicating the content of non-metallic inclusions in the form
of oxides inclusions in the product. The Kn index is a value indicating the content of such oxides by the
determination of the percentage area of non-metallic inclusions in the structure, i.e. the sum obtained
by counting inclusions weighted according to their area, starting from a specified size of inclusion
upwards, and referred to an area of 1 000 mm2.
I.1.2 Standard diagram plate No. 1

The standard diagram plate No. 1 is a set of diagrams constructed line by line on the basis of a 2n
geometrical series for the area of non-metallic inclusions, containing forms of inclusion typical for steel,
the inclusion area doubling from one diagram to the next in each column. Inclusions of equal area but
differing in (Iength × width) or frequency, are shown on the same line next to the basic column for each
type of inclusion.

I.2 Preparation of specimens

In polishing the specimens, the inclusions shall not be torn out or be changed in their form and no
particles of grinding or polishing agent shall be pressed into the polished surface. If necessary, the
surface of the section shall be hardened. For this reason, the specimens shall be carefully ground and
then polished for the shortest period of time as possible.

I.3 Structure and use of standard diagram plate No. 1

I.3.1 Use of diagram plate No. 1

Diagram plate No. 1, see Figure I.1, includes three basic columns giving the most commonly observed
shapes of inclusions designated by numbers 3, 6 and 8, each consisting of nine diagrams with inclusion
rating numbers 0 to 8. The magnification to be used with the diagrams in plate No. One is 100:1.
NOTE The diameters of the circles in diagrams in plate No. 1 corresponds to 0,8 mm on the sample surface.

The following types of inclusion are distinguished:

— inclusion type OA: oxide inclusions of fragmented type (aluminium oxides);

— inclusion type OS: oxide inclusions of elongated type (silicates);

— inclusion type OG: oxide inclusions of globular type.

The derived columns 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9 are described in I.3.2 and I.3.3.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

The nine diagrams of a column with the rating numbers 0 to 8 show under rating number 0 the smallest
microscopic inclusion that can be evaluated at a magnification of 100:1, and under rating number 8 in
some cases inclusions that are already in the macroscopic range for the type of inclusion concerned. The
area of the inclusions shown doubles from one diagram to the next, forming a 2n geometric series where
n is the rating number.
The length of the inclusion to be considered increases from diagram to diagram by a factor of 1,5 with a
simultaneous increase in the average inclusion width, thus conforming to the basic formula for the
increase in area of the inclusions. The length, and in column 6 also the width, are marked on the
diagrams in plate No. 1 in order to facilitate measurement. By the same width, the length of an oxide
inclusion in case of OA inclusions is greater than the length of an inclusion in case of OS inclusions;
otherwise the area would be different, for a given rating number.
Rating number 9 is reserved for macroscopic inclusions, which are not shown in diagrammatic form,
because they would extend beyond the limits of the image field.
I.3.2 Rating a single inclusion

If, in the case of a single inclusion, for the same length, the width is only half that in the equivalent
diagram of column 3 or 6, the area of the inclusion is also halved so that the rating number is therefore
reduced by 1. This is represented by columns 2 and 5, each on the left of a basic column. Similar
considerations apply for the evaluation of thicker inclusions with twice the area. In such cases, the
rating number shall be increased by 1.
I.3.3 Rating of very small inclusions

If other non-metallic inclusions up to two rating numbers smaller are visible in the field under
observation, the area of the inclusions within the circular sub-field again increases and the rating
number is increased by 1 as in columns 4 and 7, on the right of basic columns.

I.4 Test procedure

I.4.1 Magnification

The polished surface of the specimens shall be observed using a microscope with a magnification of
NOTE Diagram plate No. 1 shows the diagrams on a reduced scale of about one third of that of the original full
scale diagram plate. lt can therefore only give an approximate indication of the original full scale diagram plate.

I.4.2 Selection of inclusions

I.4.2.1 General

For rating non-metallic inclusions in a field under observation it is necessary to determine the diagram
in plate No. One corresponding to that observed. Only the inclusions with rating numbers (n) equal or
greater than n shall be considered.
For example, for degree of purity K4, only the inclusions with rating numbers equal or greater four shall
be considered.
I.4.2.2 Rating of inclusions extending the diameter of observation

For an evaluation on the basis of diagram plate No. 1 it is particularly important to note that for rating
numbers 6, 7 and 8 of columns 2 to 6 there are some fields in which the length of the non-metallic
inclusion to be considered extends beyond the diameter of the circular field to a certain extent. Non-
metallic inclusions observed in such cases shall be rated on the basis of the inclusion length given below

EN 15566:2022 (E)

each diagram. Each larger inclusion (of the same or of greater thickness) than those shown shall be
classified under rating number 9.
I.4.2.3 Rating of inclusions of different types and shapes

If inclusions of different types and shapes, as shown in the series of diagrams, can be clearly
distinguished from each other within one field under observation, these shall be treated as though they
had occurred separately in different fields.
I.4.2.4 Rating of continuous and isolated inclusions

Inclusions of types OS and, at a lower degree of fragmentation, OA, lying one behind another on one line
shall be regarded as continuous if the distance between two inclusions is less than the length of the
smaller of the two inclusions. lsolated point-shaped inclusions shall not be taken into account when
determining the total length.
I.4.2.5 Area to be examined

The complete area of the polished surface of the specimens shall be examined.

I.5 Evaluation
I.5.1 General

I.5.1.1 Designation of inclusions

The non-metallic inclusions observed shall be designated (in the sequence indicated below and
separated from each other by a point) in each case with the number of the diagram column concerned
(type and shape of inclusion) and with the rating number as in diagram plate No. 1, determined in
accordance with the procedure described in I.3 and I.4.
lt is not permitted to give fractions to indicate the inclusion rating.
I.5.1.2 Recording of inclusions

Printed forms should preferably be used for recording the test results and their evaluation (e.g. as
shown in Table I.2).
I.5.2 Method of evaluation

The polished section to be evaluated shall be at least 200 mm2 and will be linearly interpolated to an
aera of 1 000 mm2.
I.5.3 Calculation procedure for evaluation using method K

The calculation procedure for obtaining the total Index is, for simplicity, based on the method of
assigning the factor 1 to the most frequently determined rating number 4. The factors obtained on the
basis of the 2n-4 geometric series for the other rating numbers shall be rounded so that, in the
calculation, it is only necessary to double or halve the numbers. The resulting deviation in the
calculation lies within the dispersion arising from the fact that non-metallic inclusions are not
uniformly distributed in steel. With this procedure, the larger inclusions are more accurately evaluated.
Table I.1 gives the factors to be used in the calculations.
For calculation of the total indices the procedure is as follows (see also examples given in Table I.2):
— The number of non-metallic inclusions of each inclusion type (OA, OS, OG) and each rating number
observed shall be multiplied by the appropriate factor (fg, see Table I.1) and the products added.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

— The “first subtotals” obtained in this manner for each individual polished section shall then be
added for the two specimens, thus producing a “second subtotal (SST)“ in mm2.

— This result shall then be converted to a section area of 1 000 mm2, using Formula (I.1):

1 000
= 4 SST ⋅ (I.1)


K is the total index of purity;

SST is the second subtotal (in mm2) and;
TA is the total area of the polished sections of specimens (in mm2).
— The value obtained shall be rounded to integers.

— This total index K4 represents the degree of purity of the heat examined.

Table I.2 gives an example of evaluation including a complete description of the evaluation conditions.
Table I.1 — Values of factor fg to be used for the evaluation using method K

Rating number (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (9)a

Factor F = 2n−4 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 16 32
Factor fgb to be used for the evaluation 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 50
a See I.4.2.2.
b g means rounded.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Figure I.1 — Diagram plate No. 1: diagrams for examining rail steels for non-metallic inclusions

Diagram plate No. 1 shows the diagrams on a reduced scale of about one third of that of the original full
scale diagram plate. It can therefore only give an approximate indication of the original full scale
diagram plate.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

I.6 Example
On two fictive specimens, the polished surfaces were determinatet on using diagram plate No.1.
Table I.2 — Example of evaluation using method K4 as described in I.5.3

Specimen Area of Types of Number of inclusions classified by rating number Multi-

No. polished inclusion plication
section as in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and first
evaluated diagram subtotal
Factor F = 2n−4
mm2 plate
No. 1
1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 16 32

Factor fg to be used for the evaluation

0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 50

OA 2 1 4
1 450 OS 3 2 7

OG 1 2 5

OA 3 1 5

2 400 OS 0

OG 3 2 7
Total (TA) 850 Second subtotal (SST): 28

Total index K4a 33

a TA = 850 mm2 for the two samples

(28 × 1 000 / 850 = 32,94 K4 rounded value = 33)

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive (EU) 2016/797 aimed to be covered

This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request “M/483
Mandate to CEN and CENELEC for Standardisation in the field of interoperability of the rail system” to
provide one voluntary means of conforming to (parts of) Essential Requirements of Directive (EU)
2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on interoperability of the rail
system (recast) as specified in the relevant Technical Specification for interoperability (TSI).
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive,
compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 for freight wagons and
Table ZA.2 for locomotive and passenger RST confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a
presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive as
specified in the Technical Specification for interoperability (TSI), and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard, Commission Regulation (EU)
N° 321/2013 concerning the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) relating to the
subsystem ‘rolling stock – freight wagons’ of the rail system in the European Union* and
Directive (EU) 2016/797
Essential Requirements Clauses of the Annex to the Clause/ subclauses Comments
of Directive Technical Specification for of this European
(EU) 2016/797 Interoperability (TSI) Standard

Section 3 of the Annex to the § End coupling 7

TSI indicates the
correspondence between the
TSI clauses and the Essential
Requirements of Directive
(EU) 2016/797

* As amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1236/2013, Commission Regulation (EU)

2015/924, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/776 and Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2020/387
NOTE The Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) can refer to other clauses of this
standard making the application of those clauses mandatory. Possible references to such clauses are
found in the Appendix D to the TSI.

EN 15566:2022 (E)

Table ZA.2 — Correspondence between this European Standard, Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1302/2014 concerning the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) relating to the
'rolling stock locomotives and passenger rolling stock' of the rail system in the European Union*
and Directive (EU) 2016/797
Essential Requirements Clauses of the Annex to the Clause/ subclauses Comments
of Directive (EU) Technical Specification for of this European
2016/797 Interoperability (TSI) Standard

Section 3 of the Annex to the § End coupling Annex A, Annex E,

TSI indicates the Annex G
correspondence between the
TSI clauses and the Essential
Requirements of Directive
(EU) 2016/797

* As amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/919, Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/868,

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/776 and Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2020/387.
NOTE The Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) can refer to other clauses of this
standard making the application of those clauses mandatory. Possible references to such clauses are
found in the Appendix J to the TSI.
WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European

WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of
this standard.

EN 15566:2022 (E)


[1] EN 10247, Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard

[2] EN 15085-1:2007+A1:2013, Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components -

Part 1: General

[3] EN 15085-2, Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 2:
Requirements for welding manufacturer

[4] EN 15085-3, Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 3: Design

[5] EN 15085-4, Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 4:
Production requirements

[6] EN 15085-5, Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 5:
Inspection, testing and documentation

[7] EN 15020, Railway applications — Rescue coupler — Performance requirements, specific interface
geometry and test methods

[8] EN 15839:2012+A1:2015, Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of running

characteristics of railway vehicles - Freight wagons - Testing of running safety under longitudinal
compressive forces

[9] EN 16839, Railway applications - Rolling stock - Head stock layout

[10] EN ISO 286-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - ISO code system for tolerances on linear
sizes - Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits (ISO 286-1)

[11] UIC 520:2003, Wagons, coaches and vans — Draw gear — Standardisation (7th Edition, December

[12] UIC 825:1985, Technical specification for the supply of draw hooks with nominal load equal to
250 kN, 600 kN or 1000 kN for tractive and trailing stock (4th Edition, July 1985)

[13] UIC 826:2004, Technical specification for the supply of screw couplings for tractive and trailing
stock (3rd Edition, May 2004)

[14] UIC 827-1:1990, Technical specification for the supply of elastomer components for buffers (2nd
Edition, January 1990)

[15] UIC 827-2:1981, Technical specification for the supply of steel rings for buffer springs (3rd Edition,
January 1981)

EN 15566:2022 (E)

[16] ERRI Report B 51 RP 27, Buffering and Draw gear — Design and testing of new draw gear for
wagons (UIC B 51 RP 27:1995, ERRI B 51 RP 27, 1st Edition, July 1995) 1

[17] ERRI, standard drawings 100M 3220 0001, 100M 3220 0002 and 100M 3211 0001

[20] ERRI B 36 RP 32:1989, Characteristics of the buffing and draw gear of wagons to ensure the safe
running of long vehicles in small radius curves (UIC B 36 RP 32:2013, ERRI B 36 RP 32, 1st Edition,
September 1989)

[21] DIN 262-1:1973, Round Screw Thread with Clearance and Steep Flank with Pitch 7 mm; Nominal

[22] DIN 262-2:1973, Round Screw Thread with Clearance and Steep Flank with Pitch 7 mm; Limiting
Dimensions of Screw Threads and Allowances-Permissible Deviations and Permissible Wear of
Screw Thread Gauges

[23] DIN 264-1:1973, Round Screw Thread with Clearance and Flat Flank with Pitch 7 mm; Nominal

[24] DIN 264-2:1973, Round Screw Thread with Clearance and Flat Flank with Pitch 7 mm; Limiting
Dimensions of Screw Threads and Allowances Permissible Deviations and Permissible Wear of
Screw Thread Gauges

[25] DIN 50602:1985, Metallographic examination — microscopic examination of special steels using
standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions 2

[26] EN ISO 18265:2013, Metallic materials - Conversion of hardness values (ISO 18265:2013)

1 To be purchased from Editions Techniques Ferroviaires (ETF), 16 rue Jean Rey, F-75015 Paris, France.
2 Withdrawn 2010-03.


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