The Spa Brochure

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Enter to restore...

Stay to refresh

Neroli, the essenƟal oil that comes from the orange blossom, is rejuvenaƟng,
toning, calming, refreshing, soothing and promotes cell renewal. It is naturally
anƟ-inŇammatory, anƟ-bacterial, and anƟ-fungal. It is recommended for the
treatment of sensiƟve or delicate skin, although it is appropriate for all skin types.
It is also well known for its ability to soothe anxiety and upliŌ depression.

Welcome to The Spa at Hilton Orlando, where we celebrate the zest of Florida in
our Neroli based products, treatments, and services. Our oīerings enable you to
rest, relax, rejuvenate, restore, and fresh.

Before or aŌer your service, enjoy an infusion of moisture-rich eucalyptus in our

state-of-the-art steam room or simply sit back, hydrate, and comfortably lounge
while having a Neroli foot bath in our relaxaƟon room. The Spa provides a
comprehensive menu and environment that oīers guests comfort, luxury and
repose. To extend your progress in personal wellness at home, visit our Spa
BouƟque where you’ll Įnd products by KersƟn Florian.

The Spa at Hilton Orlando. Enter to restore… Stay to fresh.
Signature Neroli AnƟoxidant Facial
Neroli, from the biƩer orange blossom is known for its rehydraƟng, rejuvenaƟng
and spirit upliŌing beneĮts. This oxygenaƟng, anƟ-aging facial is based on this
delicate white Ňower and anƟoxidant ingredients to combat premature aging,
disrupt hyperpigmentaƟon and provide skin with a healthy glow. Facial includes a
rejuvenaƟng moisture masque, an exclusive pure Vitamin C Ampoule, AcuLiŌ
Massage technique, hydraƟng hand treatment and scalp massage, as well as a
luxurious foot massage.
80 min.
Fresh Deep Cleansing Facial
A customized purifying treatment for any skin type which includes a gentle
exfoliaƟng peel to remove dull surface skin cells, a luxurious massage,
deep-cleansing masque and botanical extracts to rejuvenate and nourish the skin.
A heated hand treatment and foot massage completes the experience.
50 min.

Skin Rescue Facial

This ulƟmate sensiƟve skin facial corrects, rebuilds, and protects skin aīected by
various environmental elements, skin condiƟons and aggressive medical peels and
laser treatments. UƟlizing natural CorrecƟng Skincare products, this facial includes
a unique alginate peel oī masque to calm inŇammaƟon and uniquely nourish and
heal each sensiƟve skin condiƟon. A pampering foot massage is also included. A
personalized home program is recommended to conƟnue the estheƟc correcƟon.
50 min. / 80 min.
Caviar Facial
A decadent, luxurious facial that Įrms, tones, reĮnes and deeply hydrates the skin
with protein rich Caviar and powerful anƟoxidants. Exclusive Caviar products infuse
skin with age defying nutrients to smooth Įne lines and improve texture. An AcuLiŌ
Massage visibly Įrms and tones, and our Marine Biomatrix Sheet provides
intensive hydraƟon to instantly restore radiance. A foot treatment completes this
experience. Results are immediate, leaving skin looking supple, healthy and
80 min.

Gentlemen’s Facial
A deep cleansing, therapeuƟc facial designed speciĮcally for the special skin care
needs of men. Relaxes the skin as it reĮnes pores. Includes a luxurious massage and
deep cleansing masque. SpeciĮcally addresses sensiƟvity and razor burn.
50 min.
Fresh Gentlemen’s Deluxe Facial
Begin full body relaxaƟon with lavender infused warm towels, a remineralizing
Moor Mud back applicaƟon and luxurious back massage. Following, experience
the deep-cleansing, therapeuƟc Gentlemen’s Facial. SpeciĮcally addresses
sensiƟvity and razor burn, stress reducƟon and/or back acne.
80 min.

“Me Time” Facial

A deep cleansing introductory facial based on organic Moor Mud, which reĮnes
and remineralizes dull, lifeless skin. Includes a skin analysis and short massage of
the face and shoulders, as well as a heated hand treatment.
30 min.
Spa Enhancements

Take your spa experience to a new level and enjoy the beneĮts of one of our
signature facial enhancement upgrades.

Vitamin C Ampoule
This anƟoxidant treatment, which improves the quality and appearance of the skin,
strengthens skin elasƟcity and helps prevent premature aging caused by UV

Cell Vitale Ampoule

The perfect skin rescue remedy. Repair and restore skin with this intensive
treatment infusion. Super hydraƟng sodium hyaluronate, soy protein, caviar and
rose deeply hydrate and leave skin glowing.

Couperose Ampoule
Gentle anƟ-inŇammatory botanicals are synergisƟcally combined to create this
anƟ-redness serum that cools, calms and leaves the skin feeling velvety soŌ.
BeneĮts fragile capillaries.

Intensive Repair Ampoule

A healing and soothing treatment for cell rejuvenaƟon. Lending elasƟcity and
Įrmness to skin Ɵssue, this treatment achieves a visibly smoother and more
youthful appearance.
Chitosan Masque with Chamomile
This super soothing alginate peel-oī masque hydrates, calms and reduces the
appearance of redness. DramaƟcally improves skin texture, tone and color.
Recommended for calming and healing the skin. Also soothes irritated or sensiƟve

Fresh Eye Rescue
This intensive eye treatment is designed to diminish Įne lines and wrinkles up to
27%. Improves dark circles, puĸness, and clarity for a brighter, more luminescent
eye area.

Glycolic Treatment
This remarkable exfoliaƟon treatment helps to reĮne skin texture, minimize the
g a balanced skin tone. Promotes a youthful
appearance of Įne lines and encourage
Our Massages combine sense of smell with touch using essenƟal oils to balance
and restore your energy. Your therapist will assist you in making an intuiƟve choice
of essenƟal oil for your massage experience.

Swedish Massage*
Customized for your individual needs, this therapeuƟc Ňuid massage increases
circulaƟon and relaxes Ɵght, tense muscles.
50 min. / 80 min.
Deep Tissue Massage*
Using deep concentrated pressure, this massage focuses on knots, chronic tension pain
and Ɵghtness. Tailored to Įt your needs, leaving your body feeling balanced and relieved.
50 min. / 80 min.
Neroli Signature Stone Massage
Our signature stone treatment combines the properƟes of massage with the
therapeuƟc qualiƟes of stones. Its sƟmulaƟng and detoxifying eīects make it
beneĮcial as well as relaxing. Because of the heat of the stones, muscle pain is
immediately relieved by sƟmulaƟng conƟnuous blood circulaƟon. The cold stones
awaken your body, allowing you to invite healing.
50 min. / 80 min.
Maternity Massage
Our “Mom’s To Be” full-body massage is designed to safely ease the eīects of your
growing body on our specially designed maternity pillows. It works to sooth aching
muscles and easing tension so both you and the baby can relax and rejuvenate.
50 min.
This ancient Chinese treatment focuses on reŇex points on the feet that correlate
to speciĮc organs. Compression to these points enhance circulaƟon and create
balance within the body
30 min. / 50 min.
Fresh Signature Massage*
We invite you to enjoy an unsurpassed level of relaxaƟon in this enhanced classic
Swedish massage. Begin with an invigoraƟng eucalyptus foot bath. Choose from
four organic aromatherapy oil blends. Enjoy mists of pure Neroli water, warm
lavender compresses and a luxurious foot and neck massage with rosemary, pine
and lavender essences.
50 min. / 80 min.

Four Hands Massage*

Two therapists work in unison, synchronous hands and arms Ňowing over your
body so seamlessly that your mind cannot register individual strokes. Mental
chaƩer disappears. A totally extraordinary experience! Due to minimal draping,
for the very modest we oīer disposable undergarments.
This service cannot be performed in our couple’s suite.
50 min.

Couples Massage
Enjoy the beneĮts of experiencing your relaxaƟon alongside that special someone
in our private couple’s suite made just for two. Each massage is customized for
your individual needs.
50 min. / 80 min.

“ReBoot” Massage
This thirty minute massage is meant
for those on-the-go! Been on your
feet or in a meeƟng all day?
30 min.

*May be performed in our pool side cabana.

Body Therapies

KersƟn Florian has brought the great healing tradiƟons of Europe and
transformed tradiƟonal therapies into relaxing, restoraƟve treatments for
today’s discriminaƟng spa clientele. Natural healing resources are featured in all

Lavender Dreams UlƟmate Experience

Relax. Let us take you on a journey through lavender Įelds kissed by the sun that
envelop your senses as you driŌ on waves of blue. Breathe deep. Inhale the
calming and balancing beneĮts of wild lavender in this completely upliŌing and
rejuvenaƟng spa experience which includes a 2-step invigoraƟng full body scrub,
a warm wrap, and a half hour Swedish full body massage.
80 min.

Herbal Ritual
This ritual begins with a 2-step, gentle body exfoliaƟon uƟlizing granulated
pumice stone in a creme-base followed by a loofah scrub with Chamomile
Shower/Bath Gel. Next, the body is immersed in one of the following
therapeuƟc herbal baths of choice. Culminate with an organic lavender oil
massage follows:
80 min.

Eucalyptus – BeneĮts respiratory system, colds

Chamomile – BeneĮts skin, promotes resƞul sleep
Wild Flowers – Overall wellness bath, beneĮts women
Thalasso Ritual
Using an all-natural, live Spirulina Algae, this seaweed treatment ntt imparts
i s
alize the body.
essenƟal vitamins, minerals and protein to nourish and revitalize b
dyy. The
nd luxurious
eīect is further enhanced by a mineral-rich seaweed bath and luxuriouus organic
lavender oil massage. Very eīecƟve when used as part of a slimming slimmmin ng or
nourishing program.
80 min.

HydraƟng Wrap
ure algaee blended
The perfect hydraƟng treatment for dry, sun exposed skin. Pure
hoicee to
with Aloe Vera is warmed and applied with essenƟal oils of choice o create
c this
fast absorbing therapy which soothes the body. The guest willl enjoy
en oy a luxurious
scalp, foot and hand massage.
50 min.

Maternity Body Treatment

For expectant
tant mothers, this blissful treatment delivers
rs relaxaƟon
relaxaaƟo and much
ampering. A gentle body exfoliaƟon with a Chamomile
needed pampering. Chhamomile body
hamo bo scrub
ub is
followed byy a luxurious maternity massage with orga
anic oil
organic o speciĮcally
ecciĮca designed
for mothers-to-be.
80 min.
Manicures & Pedicures
Fresh Manicure*
Intensive therapy for dry, parched hands. An exfoliaƟng sweet almond and sea salt
treatment, which gently polishes skin, followed by a moisturizing massage. Finish
with a fresh coat of polish, or a buīed shine for men.
45 min.
Fresh Raw Earth Pedicure*
A “super hydraƟng”, aromatherapeuƟc pedicure packed with vitamins and minerals
to promote beauƟful, healthy looking feet. Feet are cleansed with a Įzzing mineral
soak, followed by a warm sugar scrub to gently exfoliate and smooth the skin. A
moisturizing volcanic clay foot masque deeply hydrates and prepares you for a
relaxing foot and calf massage. Finished oī with polish or a buīed shine for men.
50 min.

Peninsula Paradise Spa Manicure

This deluxe citrus “facial for the hands” is the ulƟmate renewal treatment. An
intense 2-step citric acid exfoliaƟon, and paraĸn bath will rejuvenate, deeply
hydrate and help restore skin to a more youthful appearance. Topped oī with an
essenƟal oil-infused Ceramide and Vitamin hand and arm massage.
Finish with a perfect polish of the nails, or buīed shine for men.
50 min.

Peninsula Paradise Spa Pedicure

The ulƟmate in pedicures! Begin with a luxurious, marine inspired facial for the
feet, which features a 4-step exfoliaƟon process of beach sand, quartz crystals, sea
salt and alpha-hydroxy acid. Next, a rejuvenaƟng marine algae foot masque is
applied using award winning Cucumber Heel Therapy to relieve dry, cracked heels.
Finish with a pampering foot and calf massage and a perfect polish of the nails, or
buīed shine.
80 min.
Men’s Express Manicure
Includes clipping, Įling, cuƟcle clean up, buīed nail shine. Finish with hand
30 min.

Peppermint Callus Remedy

For clients that require some extra TLC. Abused feet are brought back to life in a
refreshing Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oil bath, and then exfoliated with an
invigoraƟng Peppermint scrub. Calluses are gently smoothed away with an
intensive 20% lacƟc acid serum and remedied with a dose of cucumber therapy
cream. Shins, calves and feet are massaged with a refreshing, mint cooling gel.
CuƟcles are replenished, and nails are polished, or buīed to shine.
50 min.

Cooling & RejuvenaƟng Pedicure*

The answer to hot, achy swollen feet. Perfect for pregnant clients.
50 min.

Nail Upgrades
French Polish
Polish Change
Nail Art

Refer to price list for children’s

manicure and pedicure prices.

*May be performed
form in our
ur pool
o side
dee cabana.
Spa Information
Hours of OperaƟon
Monday-Friday 9am-8pm
Saturday 9am-6pm
Sunday 9am-5pm
Subject to seasonal change
Facility Fees
If you would like to relax in the privacy of the spa, uƟlize the steam room and locker
room, but choose not to experience a service, a day pass is oīered.
Fitness Facility
Guests of the hotel that are 18 and older are invited to uƟlize the Įtness facility. Our
Fitness Center oīers state-of-the-art Precor Cardio equipment, strength training and
free weights. All Precor staƟons are ouƞiƩed with individual Ňat screen LCD cardio
theater units for personal viewing. Passes are available for purchase at the spa
recepƟon desk.

Special consideraƟons
Should you have special consideraƟons or concerns, please noƟfy our Spa
ReservaƟonists before booking your treatments. You should let us know if you have
high blood pressure, allergies, any other physical ailments or disabiliƟes, if you are
pregnant or using ReƟn A, Accutane or Renova. If you have any concern at all, please let
us know. If at any Ɵme during your services you experience discomfort, please alert
your therapist immediately.
Arrival Time
For your enhanced comfort and relaxaƟon, we suggest that you arrive 30 minutes prior
to your scheduled treatment. This will allow you to unwind, complete necessary paper
work, and physically and mentally relax for your treatment. For an ideal experience
book our 20-minute signature Neroli foot soak prior to any service.
Appointment Time
Arriving late will simply limit the Ɵme for your treatment, thus lessening its
eīecƟveness and your pleasure. Your treatment will end on Ɵme so that the next guest
will not be delayed. The full value of your treatment will be applied.
CancellaƟon policy
If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please noƟfy us twenty-four (24)
hours before your scheduled treatment to avoid being charged the full service fee.
CancellaƟons of packages or private parƟes require a 72-hour noƟce. A credit card
number is required at the Ɵme of booking for all treatments.
Service Charge
An 18% service charge will be automaƟcally added to your spa services when you are
checking out. 15% of your service charge will be applied to your therapist, and the
addiƟonal 3% is dispersed among the services staī. AddiƟonal gratuiƟes are at your
discreƟon. We accept all major credit cards. For your convenience, payment is also
accepted prior to your treatments, upon request.
WaiƟng List
In the event that your requested date or provider is not available, we oīer a waiƟng
list to accommodate you in the event of a cancellaƟon.
The Hilton Orlando is happy to coordinate your group event. We can provide you
with treatment ideas, Ɵming and costs. For groups of four or more, ask to speak to
our Spa Group Sales Coordinator. Group rates may apply.
Spa Information (continued)
ConsideraƟon for you and for others
This is your Ɵme and we want you to relax to the fullest. Whether it’s the room
temperature, the amount of massage pressure or the volume of the music, please
noƟfy us of any discomforts or preferences. We require that cell phones and pagers
be turned oī and remain in your locker while visiƟng the spa.
GiŌ Cards
You may purchase Spa GiŌ Cards for a speciĮc dollar amount or for parƟcular
services. Spa packages were created with giŌ giving in mind and create the perfect
combinaƟon of treatments. GiŌ Cards can be used towards services or towards
purchases in our Spa BouƟque.
As a courtesy to other spa guests, children are not permiƩed in spa treatment areas
or leŌ unaƩended in the RecepƟon area. Children 16 and under must be
accompanied by an adult while visiƟng the spa.
What to wear during your treatments
Most body treatments are enjoyed without clothing; however, please wear whatever
is comfortable for you. Disposable undergarments are available to you if you feel
mfortable. D
more comfortable. During all treatments, the body is draped, except for the area
eing w
being worked on. Guest’s
Gue d with ro
will be provided robes and slippers upon arrival.
Choos sing a treatm
Choosing tment or series of trea
treatment atments
ur Sppaa Re
Spa ReservaƟo
Ɵonists will help you plan
ReservaƟonists an the
he perfect
perfecctt spa experience,
ex ce, including
luding the
be orde
best order
der for
f you
yourr tr
eatments or cons
raƟƟon of a spa package
pack or giŌ
Ō cerƟĮ
Shaving for men and women prior to treatments
Shaving is recommended but not necessary for men prior to a facial. If you do
choose to shave prior to your facial, be sure to do so at least two hours prior to your
scheduled appointment. Shaving for women is not recommended prior to any body
treatments or hair removal services.
Pregnant Guests
While there are a few services that should be avoided during pregnancy, there are
many beneĮcial treatments that can be enjoyed. Please noƟfy our Spa
ReservaƟonists if you are pregnant when you make your appointments so that they
may oīer guidance.
Jewelry and Valuables
We ask that you don’t bring jewelry or other valuables to the spa or store them in
your spa locker. The Hilton Orlando will not be responsible for lost or stolen personal
items or valuables.
Food and Beverage Service
The spa will oīer several varieƟes of infused waters, juices, teas and fruit bowls for
a quick pick me up. Wine, champagne or special order dessert trays may be ordered
in advance. All dining services are oīered in our hotel restaurants.
Alcohol Beverage Service
Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed prior to any spa service, including the use
of our steam rooms. Alcohol is not permiƩed due to an increased health risk when
using heat, having a body treatment that releases toxins into the blood stream, or
increases circulaƟon. The spa maintains a two alcoholic drink maximum, which
should only be enjoyed aŌer your services.
History of Florida and the Orange Blossom

At the end of the 17th century Anne Marie Orsini, Duchess of Bracciano and princess
of Nerola, introduced the essence of the biƩer orange tree as a fashionable
fragrance by using it to perfume her gloves and her bath. The name Neroli has since
been used to describe this essence which is a refreshing, disƟncƟve aroma with
sweet and Ňowery notes.

La Florida, Spanish for Ňowery, covered with Ňowers, or abounding in Ňowers,

was named by Ponce de Leon in 1512! Florida became known as the “Land of
Florida is home to many naƟve types of Ňora and fauna, but the most inspiring is the
state Ňower of Florida, the “Orange Blossom” which was designated by legislature in
The Orange Blossom (the botanical name is Citrus Sinensis) was adopted by a
Concurrent ResoluƟon of the Florida state legislature on May 5, 1909. The resoluƟon
said, in part: "Whereas, the State of Florida is universally known as the 'Land of
Flowers'; therefore, Be it Resolved by the House of RepresentaƟves, the Senate
Concurring: That the Orange Blossom be, and the same is hereby chosen and
designated as the State Flower in and for the State of Florida."
Oran Blossoms are gathered, usually by hand, in late April to early May. The
The Orange
oil is produced ƟllaƟ
by water disƟllaƟon, as the blossom is too fragile to endure steam

It is well
weell known
known for its ability
ab ity to soothe
bility he anxiety
sootthe anxi and
nd upliŌ
u iŌ depression.
ybeees make Orange Blossom
Honeybees Blo
m Honey from
fr Florid
F da state
the Florida sttat Ňower which is a
p opul
ular treat!
popular trreat!
Spa Pricing
Signature Neroli AnƟoxidant Facial 80 minutes $190
reFresh Deep Cleansing Facial 50 minutes $120
Skin Rescue Facial 50 minutes $140
80 minutes $190
Caviar Facial 80 minutes $220
Gentlemen’s Facial 50 minutes $120
reFresh Gentlemen’s Deluxe Facial 80 minutes $190
“Me Time” Facial 30 minutes $75

Spa Enhancements
Vitamin C Ampoule $30
Cell Vitale Ampoule $30
Couperose Ampoule $30
Intensive Repair Ampoule $30
Chitosan Masque with Chamomile $30
reFresh Eye Rescue $30
Glycolic Treatment $45

Swedish Massage 50 minutes $120
80 minutes $190
Deep Tissue Massage 50 minutes $130
80 minutes $200
Neroli Signature Stone Massage 80 minutes $190
ReŇexology 30 minutes $85
50 minutes $120
Maternity Massage 50 minutes $120
“ReBoot” Massage 30 minutes $75
reFresh Signature Massage 50 minutes $130
80 minutes $200
Four Hands Massage 50 minutes $200
Couples Massage 50 minutes $130/each
80 minutes $200/each
Salon Services
Waxing & TinƟng
Brow Shaping 15 minutes $20
Lip 15 minutes $18
Chin 15 minutes $18
Full Face 30 minutes $55
Full Arms 50 minutes $60
Underarms 15 minutes $30
Full Legs 50 minutes $80
Lower Legs 30 minutes $40
Upper Legs 30 minutes $40
Bikini 30 minutes $45
Brazilian 45 minutes $65
Back 45 minutes $65
Eyelash Tint 15 minutes $25
Eyebrow Tint 15 minutes $15

Hair Services
Shampoo & Blow Dry $35 and up
Ladies Shampoo, Cut and Style $60 and up
Gentleman’s Shampoo, Cut and Style $25 and up
Barbering Services Available (Inquire upon booking) $25 and up
Children’s Shampoo, Cut and Style (12 and under) $20 and up
Color $55 and up
ParƟal Highlights $95 and up
Full Highlights $110 and up
Highlights and Color $125 and up
Hair Treatment or Mask $15 and up
Flower Girl Up Do $20 and up
Bridal Up Do with Veil ConsultaƟon $40 and up
Up Do (Wedding, Special Event) $55 and up
Spa Pricing (continued)
La Bella Donna Make-Up Services
reFresh of Color for Eyes & Lips aŌer Spa Day (Basic applicaƟon) GraƟs
Full Make-Up ApplicaƟon and Lesson $75
Make-Up ApplicaƟon Only $50
Bridal Make-Up ConsultaƟon $50
Wedding Day or Special Event $75

Spa Packages
Orange Blossom Day Spa
Neroli Signature AnƟoxidant Facial 80 minutes $190
Signature Neroli Stone Massage 80 minutes $190
Peninsula Paradise Spa Manicure 50 minutes $55
reFresh of Color for lips & eyes 15 minutes GraƟs
Signature AppeƟzer and Cocktail 30 minutes $25
4 ½ Hour Package $405

reFresh Day Spa

reFresh Deep Cleansing Facial 50 minutes $120
reFresh Signature Massage 50 minutes $130
reFresh Manicure 45 minutes $40
reFresh Raw Earth Pedicure 60 minutes $65
reFresh of Color for lips & eyes 15 minutes GraƟs
Signature AppeƟzer and Cocktail 30 minutes $25
4 Hour Package $335
Body Therapies
Lavender Dreams UlƟmate Experience 80 minutes $220
Herbal Ritual 80 minutes $220
Thalasso Ritual 80 minutes $220
HydraƟng Wrap 50 minutes $150
Maternity Body Treatment 80 minutes $200

Manicures & Pedicures

reFresh Manicure 45 minutes $35
reFresh Raw Earth Pedicure 50 minutes $50
Peninsula Paradise Spa Manicure 50 minutes $55
Peninsula Paradise Spa Pedicure 80 minutes $80
Men’s Express Manicure 30 minutes $25
Peppermint Callus Remedy 50 minutes $75
Cooling & RejuvenaƟng Pedicure 50 minutes $50

Ages 10 & under

Mini Manicure 30 minutes $15
Mini Pedicure 30 minutes $20

Nail Upgrades French Polish Upgrade $8

Polish Change $15
Nail Art $3 and up

(Prices and services are subject to change.)

Facials Massages Body Treatments

Salon Services Spa Packages Information

You may purchase Spa Gift Cards for a specific dollar amount or for particular services.
Spa packages were created with gift giving in mind and create the perfect combination of
treatments. Gift Cards can be used towards services or purchases in our Spa Boutique.


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