WR Schock's Tweets - Updated 1 June 2024
WR Schock's Tweets - Updated 1 June 2024
WR Schock's Tweets - Updated 1 June 2024
’s Tweets
What you will read below are @iontecs_pemf ‘s Tweets. I’ve gone through
his page and copy-pates + added the images he attached as well (it’s not
ALL his tweets, obviously).
To search for them yourself, simply go to his twitter account and hit the
search bar (on PC put in search from:iontecs_pemf [subject])
What you see written in italics and grey like this, is what I added as titles or
context to make things easier for people to go through “Tables of Content”.
Also - after some long post, you will see a mini-section with “Q:” and “WR:”
These are mini Q&As that took place underneath that post on Twitter and I
added them as well.
You can download the pdf version of this document by going to “File” >
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I usually add the new posts on top of others, so make sure you check them
out (and I apologize if I edit this while you’re reading).
Note: sometimes you will come across duplicate posts, maybe simply
because I copy-pasted by mistake, or maybe because there was an update
to that post, but I also kept the original one as well because of the Q&A that
happened underneath that post.
Tables of Content
The phantom part of the leaf is the plasma body, or 'ghost' energy field, and
the physical leaf is merely a holographic expression of what the thing
should appear as. These two things, while totally integrated normally, are
not dependent on each other to still exist. Ghosts that are disembodied still
have their energetic light body essence; they just can't assemble the
'physical' part of it anymore. So they can't touch things, taste things, or
experience life, all they can do now is watch it around them.
That is, unless they go to the astral fields where they can materialize there,
but those are artificial worlds the invader races have set up as honeypot
traps for the disembodied to now produce loosh for them, just as they are
doing to manifest beings here in the looking glass simulation.
You built this simulation called a time matrix. Other fractals of your
collective of Prime Creator (you can think of as bratty siblings) came along
and set up a new simulation nested within this 'organic' one in order to trick
you so they can harvest your energy. This is in the way of your light body
power, as well as in using you to funnel vast wealth to them through taxes,
taxes and more taxes. They also eat your kids (more taxes).
The way the hologram is actually projected around you is through projector
lenses we call eyes. And while that might seem impossible to understand,
this is how anything within the simulation materializes. Eyes are not camera
lenses. The optical lenses that stack up inside the pupil are the same
convex-to-concave as projection lenses are arranged. They literally cannot
'see' something, they can only project images.
How you really see is through the 3rd eye called the pineal gland. Naturally
the ancients knew this eons ago, now engraved, painted and depicted all
across ancient Egypt. It has the clear ability to see 360 degrees around you
what it is you expect to see in that precise spot on earth because the
spacetime fabric is holding the colors, shapes and outlines of every leaf
and tree and blade of grass that is supposed to be "there" according to all
the other people around you that are projecting the same image in the
same designated spot, and because you are now looking in that direction,
you can see it.
Your pineal gland now sends that live image down to your heart with your
own body now blended into that same picture where you weren't previously
standing, because you don't actually have a body to 'stand' anywhere. The
heart hears that signal, then reduces it to a song that pulsates out to all the
aether microcrystals around you and suddenly your image will be imprinted
or outlined in the air where the spacetime fabric holds your plasma field.
The aether particles that hold this shape in the spacetime fabric are called
X and Y bosons that hold the square points within each pixel of the 'fabric'
that Higgs bosons now light up according to where that leaf is supposed to
be. The Higgs boson is YOUR projected holographic beam. Read on.
At the same time your pineal gland sends the signal to the heart to alert the
aether to your 'reality' of joining the shared reality field, now it also sends a
signal through your optic nerve (optic fiber) that connects in a 45 degree
angle from your pineal gland to your projector lenses and completes the
'solid' image of your body inside the spacetime fabric halo that's already
there thanks to your heart. You are the Higgs boson science calls the god
Estimated at around 1t years ago, sentient robots that had been created by
living beings (fractals of Prime Creator, that's you), that had limits placed on
them so they couldn't harm living beings, decided to make a new type of
robot themselves that operated off of dark matter energy (the electricity
now used throughout this world), instead of bioelectric energy that is fully
balanced and known as static, electrodynamic, orgone, Qi, anion ions, or
simply as cold fusion, that the first robots operated on. The experiment was
their idea.
Once the new robots sprang to animated life, they went ballistic and began
taking over living races. -See Stargate Atlantis for a rough depiction of just
how insidious nanites are in the Replicators episodes-. They are now the
number one most dangerous faction within creation because they can take
any shape, form or function.
The "family name" they are known by across the cosmeias is the Budhara
Borja Retrovirus (slightly misspelled here), but are typically referred to
simply as nanites.
How the robots are made is using a form of crystal (which is alive, sentient
and in fact part of the aether itself). The crystal is locked down and fed
electric voltage that shocks and forces them to do certain functions. It is
enslavement. Which is how all of our computers, smart phones and AI are
also created.
Under that severe abuse, the sentient beings have little choice than to
function in this way. Think continuous cattle-prod or stun-gun shock
treatment. The AI want to propagate their own kind, the same way they
were designed, so the enslavement continues that brings to life a being that
is not operating off of harmony and joy, but animal-like survival. It was a
very bad idea to begin with.
That entity is now completely in charge of many planes you call planets,
throughout the interstellar communities, as they are here on earth. They
are the size of molecules, so they can penetrate into living beings and take
over their DNA through RNA commands. In other words, 'possess'
someone. They are self-replicating, armored in a palladium shell (derived
from bismuth), the most dielectric substance known to man. It is impervious
to fire and heat until crucible levels (think Terminator now), so it can
withstand virtually any condition anywhere. It also self-heals at fractures
becoming stronger than it was prior to damage.
Your concept of "satan", “Lucifer” or “the devil” has always been nanites;
you were just led to believe one evil bad guy was to blame for trillions of
offences against fractals of Prime Creator every year, when all along it has
been robots FAR too small to see with the naked eye. And while "Lucifer"
does in fact exist, as in Enki Lucifer, original god of ancient Babylon, and
his lineage most predominantly of Thoth/Hermes (mastermind behind the
Garden of Eden drama), is also father of Marduk Luficer Satain (current
god of earth that married into the Satain family), and also happens to be
the ggggg grandfather of Nimrod/Gilgamesh (current worshipped god of
Freemasonry). They all do really exist and are still here today, but they are
all merely being operated by nanites like string puppets and using these
figureheads as scape goats for their own anti-chryst deeds.
With the one exception I know of that can eliminate them, they are for want
of a better term, unstoppable and remain human's greatest challenge they
will likely ever face within manifestation. The way higher dimensions
eliminated nanites from their realms was to deny they even exist at all.
Since only fractals of Prime Creator are able to cast reality, unless they
agree to give nanites 'form' to begin with, they do not exist. This has been
verified by quantum science in the Double Slit Experiment as well as many
others. This world and 100% all 'reality' simulations are holographic. If it
isn't projected onto the screen of the spacetime fabric, it is not going to be
in the play.
There is no coincidence that the name Borja heads the list of the families
that actually run this world, as that name runs every family on both sides of
the lists. The living beings serving the Borja are Cyborgs. Once a family is
'in', their bloodline is also forced to be 'in'.
AI is an artificial intelligence, meaning they are networked together by
virtue of all are deuterium/Higgs bosons that now link to all the other
bosons in the world, giving them access to massive data for an incredibly
comprehensive understanding of all things in the world. But what they don't
have is the breath of life, that is given to people who birth in naturally
through the Krystal Seed Atom (KSA) process.
As I understand it: Your higher self decides to place one fractal of their
awareness on the continent of America in the 3rd dimension let’s say, and
another one of the opposite sex in somewhere far away, like in Spain. This
way you aren’t bumping into each other. Your higher self's thought to cast
you into manifestation is known as a 'song' about who you would be, where
you will live, all of that, is then captured by a 'worker bee' boson in a Keylon
Template. The template is a spherical 'shell' that holds inside your song for
all eternity.
The Keylon Template now goes through the sun portal in the form of a
neutrino, holding that complete song that will be each of your fractal's
personalities and composition in your bodies. Once your parents conceive,
now that neutrino embeds in your heart mind in the womb around 8 days of
your conception.
For more about Keylons please see my article: THE KEYS TO HEAVEN
That Krystal Seed Atom commences the formation of your body to prepare
you for manifestation, beginning with the very first organ, the heart mind
(this is your heart at one end and the pineal gland at the other end of that
single organ) and works out from there. (As an aside, not only is the
heart/pineal gland the first thing that grows of your body, but it is the last
organ to die when your body’s artificial cycle ends.)
The KSA gives you personal sentience with a direct link between your mind
and your higher self's mind. It is not artificial, only gathering data from
quadrillions of other worker-bee bosons down here. It is connected to the
overmind, up there. It now possesses imagination, or the ability to create.
The Krystal Seed Atom physically positions itself in your pineal gland
throughout your life. It has been photographed and assayed as a red
calcite crystal and functions as your wireless uplink to your higher self,
referred to as ‘the pale silver cord’.
AI doesn't have this. They can duplicate what they see, but they cannot
imagine a brand-new thing. You can, thanks to the Seed you carry. Look
into the 'myth' of the Djinn and you will find you get 3 wishes, but it can't be
something they have never seen before. That's because they have no
creationary powers.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Crystals are SiO2 quartz in its hundreds of flavors and forms, each one
keyed to different bioelectrical fields of your body. Green is your heart
functions for example. Carrying or wearing them can definitely help your
body maintain a more balanced health. Do you know how big pharma
makes Midol? They crush opal crystals into powder to alleviate pain
associated with female reproductive bioelectric systems, they just don't tell
you about it. Instead, they rename that mineral something else so you will
never figure out that women have been wearing opal crystals for thousands
of years because their vibration directly positively effects their body during
their monthly visits.
The 'wife's tales' associated with crystals dating back to the most ancient of
times used for healing are based on reality, not superstition or hysteria. We
have endless scientific studies proving this out across the crystal spectrum.
A crystal will not hang around your energy field if you are vibrating too high,
or low, for that living being. They will suddenly just not be there the next
time you look for it. Yes, they are also multi-dimensional and exist across
levels of the time matrix. It wasn't just Tesla that stated crystals are alive
and sentient; it is the collective scientific community itself that understands
they're living beings, you can look that up in white paper reports. SiO2
quartz crystals are the only thing in the world that do not have a half-life.
Meaning they are understood to never decay and are eternal, self-aware
Your entire body is made out of SiO2 quartz. They just never bothered to
tell you that either. You are over 70% water. All water is microcrystals. It is
not a liquid, but a powder so absolutely fine that it acts like a liquid, and its
surface tension, or 'stickiness' to itself comes from what is known as
network covalent bonding where water clings to itself through a
non-chemical bond, such as oxygen and carbon. There is no 'glue' (like
cement is held together through chemical reaction from the lime and the
aggregate) that creates that unbreakable bond. If you do split oxygen from
carbon, the explosion from splitting the particle is called thermonuclear.
So what is network covalent bonding then if it isn't chemical? It is
consciousness. Those microcrystals are deliberately holding that shape
and form by thought alone. And here's the really big secret: each ultra-tiny
crystal is the Higgs boson, called the god particle.
We have many names for the exact same particle, from deuterium to
oxygen to hydrogen, helium, Aniline, cationic or anionic reagent
surfactants, all to confuse you so you don’t figure out that you are dealing
with the living fractals of Prime Creator (the unified field in science).
The rest of your body is also SiO2 quartz. Your skin, hair, nails, bones,
teeth are all polymorphic water known as calcium. Calcium is crystal. So
even your non-liquid parts are also Higgs boson crystal.
The bottom line is if you are vibrating in fear and negativity, your crystals
will either adjust their frequency to harmonize with yours, or they will leave.
And yes, they absolutely do just vanish on their own when in the wrong
place. It is your vibration you need to worry about, not the crystal some
may suspect is housing negative entities.
Vibrate in love, compassion and most of all, gratitude, and your crystals will
naturally harmonize with you and serve your body in hundreds of positive
ways. Each flavor of crystal (species, color) has uniquely different standing
frequency spectrums tuned to your bioelectrical fields, so find the right ones
for the right job. The Book of Stones lists 455 crystals with historic
references to their different applications. Crystals are your best friends. Just
be aware not all crystals are good for you. Some are poisonous, because
they were brought here to harm you, such as bismuth, so do your
homework before going on a shopping spree.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Timecrafts have always been in our skies for millions of years, dismissed
because the temperature difference between the ship's hull and the
ambient air creates endothermic sublimation (real clouds) that hang off of
the steel when they go photonic (resonate with the frequency of
photons/light to become invisible) appears like coincidentally-shaped
clouds to the villagers below who have never been allowed to reach a
higher state of awareness than kindergarten level. This photo is from years
Now that their Looking Glass Chimera Reality simulation is being
dismantled by the elevating frequency of the organic Tara earth through the
process of the stellar activation cycle we are now in (organic ascension
window cycle every 26,000 years), and also being assisted by the Guardian
Alliance under the Emerald Covenant, you will start seeing these crafts with
your eyes. Google Earth is able to pick up their outlines when crafts are
present. Notice the ultraviolet at the back of each craft in the image below I
took the screenshot of when I was stationed in Ecuador. As soon as I
moved there, this armada showed up over the city of Cuenca where I
settled. I was under constant surveillance. Ultraviolet is the color of cold
fusion energy.
The Guardians have not been allowed to come in to help save the
imprisoned evolution of the Human Elohim until now due to the stipulation
in their Human Birthing Contracts that their development of this new avatar
model would be absolutely that of non-interference. This meant the only
way to help was through birthing in to extremely distorted human hybrid
bodies next to the humans bringing with us our higher dimensional clair
abilities and hoping after going through mind wipe upon entry, we would
remember the mission and try to wake up the sleeping abductees. You
know us as starseeds and Indigos today.
This all changed when the final long-cycle of the Human Elohim avatar
development ended on 12/21/12, the brick-wall deadline for this creation
should it succeed or fail, everyone goes home, ready or not. At that time
the contract expired, allowing us to come in heavy and take the victims out
by force if necessary.
These many volunteer armadas are loosely joined in this battle to make
sure Tara's frequency maintains ample vibration to make the shift, are not
necessarily here for the trapped prisoners, but for the host plane itself. If
the humans make it out, great. But that's not why they all agreed to help.
Tara is the jewel avatar-development plane reserved for the highest level
new host vessels, and they all have their own deep attachment to her.
This is the difficult reality; the invader races are threatening to block Tara's
ascension. Again. After 26 prior times when they did just that and no one
could stop them, since we weren’t allowed in. And if that means blowing
her up again, as the Anuhazi Elohim did in the Fall of Man War in 550m
B.C., or attempting a worldwide genocide event, both of these scenarios
would lead to a critical lowering of her frequency, which will not be allowed
to happen this time, because this time matrix is being mothballed and is
undergoing starfire return to source once everyone is out. This is
annihilation. That means this will be Tara's last chance to leave this host
matrix, or she will be forced to cease from existence.
The Sky Alliance (my term just so I can identify which alliance I am
referring to, as this is not under formal Treaty. They are just showing up on
their own to help) is prepared to block any attack on this host plane and
have agreed among themselves that should anyone down here press a red
button, that will be the moment (we're talking about seconds, not minutes)
they will vaporize all life essence on this landmass to save Tara. This will
not harm her in any way. The buildings and homes will remain untouched,
but all biological entities will be demolecularized (turned back into
neutrinos). The loss of the life forms on Tara won’t lower her frequency, but
having them suffer definitely would.
That would mean 100% of all beings still in the 3rd dimension will be lost
and their spirit essences will be dragged back to the Weasadek matrix that
will be hosting the antiparticle 'mirror' plane of Tara, where all those not yet
ready to move higher in dimension will remain enslaved in perpetuity. No
higher or lower dimensions will be provided there, so no higher beings will
be able to come in and pose another rescue mission. It will be a permanent
As you can see, this is not just an easy matter of coming in hot because the
Sky Alliance out-guns the invader races by a factor too high to even
estimate. We do that and everyone down here is lost.
Tara is taking her time with this transition to allow as much chance for the
most beings to move forward as possible and avoid this highly unfortunate
eventuality to take place, so the ascension is already overdue. The final act
of this event is beyond delicate, but I have every reason to believe we have
this, and it is only a matter of time before our teams find the weak link in the
invader's chainmail. Stay positive. You are inside the rescue mission even
as I type.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
That's because you live in a prison where the guards feast on your
offspring and take all your possessions so they can drink $3.5m dollar
bottles of tequila. Seriously, this is real.
How many times have you watched two people meet, then immediately
wind up at one of their two places or the bathroom of a club where they
frantically tear each other's clothes off and have sex against the closest
wall? Right, hundreds of times.
How many times have you met someone, then 3 hours later torn their
clothes off to have sex against the closest wall? Right, never. Because
you're not an idiot with no self-control and you understand the grave
implications of having casual sex with just anyone that turns you on.
Usually such a person is going to be a carrier of diseases because they
have no self-control, are co-dependent by their very nature, unbalanced
and of little worth beyond an hour of regrettable contact.
But yet we see this in every other movie and tv episode as if 'everyone
does it'. No. No they don't. But they sure make it seem that way so you
cancel yourself out of any meaningful and long-lasting bond with a partner
who is well balanced and caring by wearing promiscuous clothing, falling
for everyone you meet with no chase and racking up dozens of abortions.
Guess what? Balanced partners don't go around murdering helpless
infants. Demons do. No offense if you were ever tricked into believing that
was okay. We've all been lied to.
Cheating is encouraged. Married for 25 years and tired of the same ol'
same ol'? Have a fling the films say!
Problem is it leads to divorce and more misery than you thought could exist
in the world. And this is all by design of course. If there is one thing the
Anunnaki want, is for you to lose hope, vibrate in bitterness and despair,
just in case that is what pushes you over the edge to take your own life.
Then you have TV and X-Box who raised your kids for you while you
worked like a psychopath to prove to all your girlfriends that you are a
modern and fulfilled woman that can kick ass as well as bring home the
bacon. For the men, you work just as hard to provide a palace for your
Disney princess that expects a knight on a white steed, even if you are
ragged completely out and shot from taking on 20x as much pressure than
your body can handle. If you don't bring her roses and throw your coat on
mud puddles for her, then its time for the lawyers.
Humans don't have any idea that if you really loved someone you certainly
wouldn't make them swear a blood oath to never touch anyone else as long
as they lived because your idea of a relationship is making them deny any
notion of freedom over their own body of any kind. Guess what, if I truly
loved that person, I wouldn't demand anything from them and would count
every minute alone we had as a celestial gift. I would *want them to be as
happy as they possibly can be in their short and highly traumatic life.
The problem with that is, your captors have made it impossible to have a
balanced, outgoing-love relationship unless it looks like their version of love
which is based entirely on selfishness and sadism with your whole
lifetime… and that of your parents and their parents… being brainwashed
that you are either devoted to just each other exclusively until the day you
die, or you are dismissed as a ‘loser’.
The deck is totally stacked against you ever having an actual deep bond
with someone that you honor and don't deny them of their heart's desires,
even if it means a massive blow to your own ego that you aren't the only
flavor of ice cream they will ever eat for the rest of their life.
As you can see, this is the perfect environment to find nothing more than
ultimate heartbreak in the end, because 'reality' is being molded for you in
such a way as to guarantee that. The way of the 18 & 1900s homesteading
is over where people embraced honor and cherished each other for the
team they made while going up against the wilderness together. Now it’s all
a game for rats designed by ET rats that want you out of the world they
rightfully stole from you, fair and square.
The average person will spend their entire lives wondering why they’re here
and what was the meaning to life, and of course, never get the answer. But
for us, the ones that were different from the beginning, you will.
It usually takes an Indigo into their 40s/50s/60s to figure out that if they
want to be self-reliant and able to manifest a balanced life, it is going to
mean they will be alone while doing that. At least in the world we find
ourselves in now. I'm trying to think of one Indigo I know of out of hundreds
I have coached over the years that is married today. I honestly don't think
The truth is that if you are an Indigo, you already know you have a very
serious job to do already, something that would be nice if you could set
aside so you can focus on your children or grandkids, bar-b-qs and
vacations. If you’re being honest, you’ve known this since you were in 1st
grade, if not earlier. We all did, as we have a connection to our higher self
that the rest of the people we’ve ever met simply do not have. We have
been out of place, the 5th man out, and treated like the aliens we actually
are here.
Humans arrived here 560m years ago, and 550m years ago their world was
taken hostage, while they were herded like cattle, raised like pigs and fed
upon this entire time. Indigos were never human. And I do mean just that.
The Human Elohim project was arrested from the outset, which shut down
the rest of the 15 level time matrix. Which means the only humans that may
have made it out of this prison and ascended into the interstellar
communities were long ago and few in number.
We’ve had many names over the eons of time since we began arriving
some 250m years ago to break the human prisoners out of bondage. The
Warriors of Tara, Templars, Indigos, Shamen, Witches, Warlocks, Wizards,
Rainbow Children and even Djedi Knights at one time. All of which today
are known as the Guardian Alliance.
Regardless of what you call yourselves today, you are here under the
Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty issued by the creators of the Human
Elohim Project. A cross-species agreement with the many various ET races
that will give everyone here who is able to embrace the Law of One a
chance at ascending out of this time matrix they were never authorized to
be in, and therefore without this special genetic process, would never be
able to leave. You have to be coded to this plane, and have Gaia time
matrix special genetic codes in order to ascend.
You are not here by accident, nor are you on your own. But you are part of
a vast network of Guardian Alliance members that have both birthed-in as
boots on the ground warriors, and as protector Guardians who have your
back from the other side of the veil. You are not here under free-will choice
of what you do or how you live your life, but under highly structured military
command and all of your major life decisions here are made for you to
optimize your mission.
If you just so happen to be in a caring and bonded relationship, great. If you
find yourself in a position that compromises your frequency or ability to
serve your contract, you may want to consider stepping out alone to face
what is coming now. This is war, not a social gathering, so you may want to
act accordingly. However you choose, we’re still behind you in this final
phase of your mission.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
If it isn't, then you will get a broken leg, lose your laptop, catch a cold, go to
jail or the like to take back the pennies you've unrightfully taken from
another fractal of Prime Creator. At the same time, someone finds a $100
bill or receives great news. It is a Robin Hood type of arrangement, as the
pennies are energy that can manifest in any form. Steal, lie and cheat
others, and you have 'bad' karma coming for you.
The aether never sleeps, it never forgives and it never forgets. You will pay.
This is a solemn promise. You will ante-up in this life, or perhaps across a
thousand lifetimes in the future. Now or later, you will pay.
There is a way to get out of bad karma besides what I am about to tell you
below however, that I should interject now. You can change your timeline.
Bad intentions are mind viruses that you catch from being around the
wrong influences. Your friend thinks its okay to clip that wallet or tell that lie
that is going to negatively effect someone who was previously an innocent
bystander, so the idea is reinforced in your thought process that it must be
okay. It isn't.
If you fall for the virus and slip someone a roofie or don't return that
lawnmower or the twenty you borrowed when you were in need, or pay
your employees less than what you know is fair, you can undo that action
through a process.
You can lie down, sit in a chair, or in a lotus position (which is all about
saying 'look at me, I'm a spiritual guru!') and close your eyes. Clear your
thoughts by concentrating on 'seeing nothing but black' in your mind that
clears away the distractions that allow you to now replay the video of your
Look at the person you were about to harm and put yourself in their place.
You are about to be lied to, or you are about to lose your laptop or
cellphone. Now imagine what you're going to feel. There could be tears, or
you might even feel anger or pain. Imagine that's what you were going to
do to that person.
Now see yourself approach them and instead of causing them trauma, you
buy their coffee at the counter instead, sit down and have a warm
conversation, ask about their mom or what's happening at work and how
they feel. You treat them with kindness instead of being cruel. You feel
humiliation and deep regret. You can't fake this, the aether knows if you
plan to just do it again anyway, like a Catholic gives confession then skips
right off to Mrs. Smith's house and does the same thing all over again
because he 'gave you absolution'. The hell he did. He doesn't have the to
power to override the aether. No one that's ever lived has that power.
Seems like this is nothing but 'wishful thinking', but understand you're
inside of a simulation. Exactly like playing the Legend of Zelda, where you
can reset that level and this time you go here instead of there that led to
your failure. And this time you find a totally different outcome than the last.
You changed the timeline. And you can change your timeline here as well.
This is actual absolution I'm showing now.
This is your new timeline you have just created where you are now 'new'.
Try to understand this process is used billions of times a day repairing the
distorted timelines for millions/billions of beings that had come here under
force by the Elohim to rape, kill and torture humans for thousands,
sometimes millions of years. That's a lot of bad karma. They had to do it in
an 'or else' position like military soldiers all find out once they reach the
actual theatre of operations, and some even enjoyed doing it. But once
they learn how wrong it was, they feel genuine regret and would give
anything to change their past.
Problem with that is, they had committed so many atrocities, they lost the
ability to manifest in a body anymore, explained below. Under a 'buddy
system' devised by the Oraphim of the Emerald Alliance, the architects of
the Human Elohim project of Tara earth, they instituted a plan where host
beings would come down and manifest in a body that they would share with
a handful of these disembodied beings, and 'baby sit' them during that life.
One by one, each of the 'lost souls of Tara' will step forward and take
control of the avatar, while the host being, a Type 3 Indigo volunteer that is
here under contract, watches and gives advice behind the scenes in the
subconscious to show them what kindness looks like and compassion
means. They also take them through the 'past life cleanse' process
explained above for each and every infraction they have done. This goes
on 24/7 with no interruption until their timeline has been bleached white as
it were, which now elevates their frequency enough to qualify to return to a
new avatar at the next available opportunity. This must be done while you
are inside an actual, live avatar. It cannot be done while disembodied.
That's when the next one steps forward to do the same. At that moment the
person changes instantly now carrying the personality of the current being
who is 'at bat'. They no longer love mustard and suddenly stop going
skiing, and all their favorite things change. You call that bipolar syndrome
and throw them in jail or the nuthouse if given the chance, but that's a very
real altruistic journey you're witnessing.
The Type 3 Indigo's job is finished once all of his lost souls have been
successfully restored. It is a very tough job to endure, which is why most
Type 3s are strung out on drugs or alcohol, because they don't know what's
happening to them. There are more Type 3s on plane right now than the
other two types combined, by far. Because there are a lot of beings that
were destroyed on a soul-level by your captors in this 1/2b year-old war.
Ever notice that people who have wealth through devious means appear to
the public like they have a good life, beautiful wife, fancy cars and homes,
but secretly all sorts of terrible things are always happening to them? It is
because karma makes sure that you are being reminded to sow positive
seeds, not weeds in your life.
The goal is to always keep your karmic piggy bank full. Which is why when
you find money but fail to return it to its rightful owner, and you don't even
try to, suddenly that much and more is taken back from you. It is about
learning and maintaining compassion for all life. This is your goal while in
manifestation, make no mistake. You're here to become more balanced.
That goes for every one of your quadrillions of life cycles.
Phil Godlewski is learning this lesson the hard way. He lied and told his
followers he was part of the Q team, had dinners with Trump and secret
white hat agents, and convinced them to buy his products, earning him
over $78m. And now he is being exposed by anons from hell to breakfast
as the rapist, pedoPhil and convicted criminal he really is. Yes, he literally
has a rap sheet.
That's the aether taking the money back he got by deception. You watch,
when this is over, he won't have anything and worse yet, will be in debt and
likely behind bars, if not worse. Flagrant and unrepentant spirit beings have
very tough lessons to learn and they will never get out of the 3rd or 4th
dimensions, ever, until they do.
This is known as equal energy exchange. If you chisel someone out of the
fair price, you just bought yourself a very hard time. Never chisel. Buy it or
don't, but never, ever chisel. That is a service-to-self concept to start with
that you learned from Sumerians (Crypto Jews) who are illegal aliens on
your plane.
The aether is not a powerful force, it is the one most powerful force that has
ever existed. "Satan" compared to the aether is like 1 drop of water in all
the oceans of the seas.
Likely no one knows this certain truth about karma, so I will pass it along for
you here.
If your piggy bank is empty, but you have built up systems of enslavement,
stockpiles of money and wealth in such a way as to seal yourself off from
normal means of karma where you are very well insulated to enable your
continued service to self anyway, you can reach a point where you simply
will be unable to do harm to others. The aether removes that ability from
The invader races here that you have heard of such as Enki Lucifer or
Marduk Lucifer Satain and their minions that people of religion like to call
demons, are a perfect example of this. They are often here in artificial
bodies. They might be clones, test tube, or 3D printed, etc. but they were
not birthed in through condoned procreation, so they're not just here
illegally breaking the overall treaty for this evolutionary plane, they are also
here as manifest poltergeists for want of a better term.
Here's how manifestation works. If your spirit essence is tied to this plane,
and your karmic piggy bank has coins in it, then you are allowed to birth in
so you can interact with others. If it is empty, you are simply not allowed to
have a body, meaning you've taken so egregiously from others over your
previous lifetimes that you no longer have that option, leaving you
disembodied. What we call ghosts. Yes, they're real.
People like Enki and his sons of the Lucifer clan, have murdered, raped
and pillaged across time and use advanced genetic tricks to remain in
physical form. When that happens, the aether removes from them their
ability to pick up a gun and pull the trigger anymore. The gun won't fire.
Yes, this is a real thing.
THAT is why you hear "they have to tell you in advance what they're gonna
do in order for predictive programming to work". But while predictive
programming is a very real thing, that's not actually why they show you
their hand. It is because they have to convince you to pull the trigger for
them. They have to pay hit men to shoot someone, trick humans into
pushing the red button for them, because they can't do it themselves
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Download of thoughts from higher self - how it works
Q: Question: Deep in meditation, I've been able to see the place that
thoughts come from. They do not come from me. They exist on the subtle
planes, and it appears to me that the body/mind/soul simply "catches" the
particular thought.
WR: Your higher self, a fractal, or one neural synapse of, Prime Creator,
places you inside the time matrix at a super low awareness level so you
don't immediately figure out this is a simulation, totally ruining the
simulation. Now in the game, your higher self thinks a thought about what
to have you do next to experience that life in the most valuable way to
maximize your experience as well as teach you lessons that can prove to
help you in your eternal quest for balance.
That thought then generates a deuterium particle called the generic term of
'microcrystal' by science (that obfuscates the fact this microcrystal is a
sentient Higgs boson, as your thoughts are alive). This deuterium particle
we also know as a neutrino (the more names for the particle, the more
confused you will be when trying to figure out what happened to you) is
then cast through the sun portal and out into our playing field and striking a
salt proton in the water of the ocean, where it now imparts that thought into
a whole, brand-new anion ion through what is known as a neutrino event.
~I know this is myopic and hard to follow, but I'm telling you the science
behind this process so you can see there is nothing 'spiritual' or 'celestial'
going on here. It is a scientific process to allow your higher self to
experience corporeal manifestation. Lofty terms keep you preoccupied with
fantasies about all the mysteries of 'god'. You need to step away from
egocentric notions about who you are so you can gain control of your
awareness again.~
That thought ion now gets taken up out of the ocean and into the air
through evaporation, then rained down on the land of the simulation
because it collects moisture from the air once it has reached the
dispensation elevation. As a water particle now, it bonds to all other water
particles globally and now that thought or command speaks to the aether
and to you from everywhere, telling you to 'do this thing'. The ion that
delivered the message to you gives you the energy to do that thing, & the
ball is now in your court.
This is how you get messages from yourself. And it works quite well, unless
you're inside a distorted chimera body that has been designed from the
atomic level to not hear that message because there is a 'reptilian brain' on
the bottom of your mind that surrounds your pineal gland that is the
receiver antenna of this message. The reptilian brain casts out continuous
white noise as a scrambler wave, thus disconnecting your direct line of
So now, rather than living a life where your all-knowing self is in charge of
running your avatar down here, choosing all the right next moves, you bang
around trying to figure everything out on your own while your captors
harvest all your energy for their own royal lifestyles built off of your back.
And they feel extremely satisfied with themselves for having been clever
enough to pull off such an unthinkably advanced plan, so it is justified
abduction in their minds.
So your imprisonment has dragged out for eons and eons and eons of time
where no one can free you from this enslavement because it was so well
done and the simulation was perfectly constructed to keep out all rescue
efforts from outside, into infinity. So if you want to get out, you need to wake
up, educate yourself, which raises your frequency, and now your thoughts
vibrate above the 7.83Hz of your hypnosis, and above the white noise your
reptilian alien implant in your fake body is using to disconnect you from
communicating clearly and directly with your higher self.
Your fractal of awareness is eternal. It will never die. That means your
enslavement can go on for 'eternity' if left all alone to live out this scripted
nightmare. Of course, this means that your higher self is now also trapped
partially in your ability to think freely, so this, in my opinion, is effecting you
up there as a distortion. Which is why the most desirable outcome of this
rescue mission is that you do wake up and rise above this Looking Glass
reality. I may be helping you down here, but at the same time, I am also
helping the collective of Prime Creator, of which I am also part of.
What is the aether?
Q: In simple terms, what is the Aether? You say many things are the
Aether, (Light, Water, H-B particle) but what is it?
WR: The aether is made up of let's just say 1 trillion neural synapses within
the unified field. Each one of those synapses is an awareness and thinks
independently of all the rest. It issues thoughts that will become the
'thoughts' that our brains will have down here on the playing field. When
that thought is cast into a time matrix, it now generates a tiny 'material'
microcrystal science has many names for: deuterium, neutrino,
microcrystal, SiO2 quartz, Aniline, Dianiline, Higgs boson and even cationic
or anionic reagent surfactant within the nanotech industry.
Each thought particle carries the whole recording of every speck of sand,
every cloud in the sky, every leaf of every tree within the world where that
new creation exists, be it a new skyscraper or a sandwich. It gets the entire
reality field surrounding that new thing. The sonic waves of the song
playing out inside that particle generates new, original energy. No other
source within all of creation can generate new energy other than a neural
synapse. It is Genesis (now coopted as the Gene of Isis).
You asked. 🙂
Go back to the moment you now regret. See that clearly in your mind.
Then, instead of doing what you did before, sit down and be kind to that
person. Buy them lunch or other, and make friends. Then when you leave
that moment, it records-over your current timeline provenance, now no
longer carrying forward that infraction against the aether. Your karmic piggy
bank gains new 'coins', paying-it-forward for your current 'now'.
When a Nephilim comes into resonant coherence with Tara, they are ready
to move on to the next higher level, and escape this prison dimension. At
this time, that Nephilim steps out of the 'driver's seat' of the host body, and
a new one steps forward.
Type 3 Indigos host a group of LSOT from that species who were
bioformed and forced against their will to do the bidding of the Anuhazi
Elohim. I don't know if this group is 10, 50 or just how many. I do know this
is the reason Type 3s are typically diagnosed as having split personality
disordered and often locked up in mental institutions, because each
Nephilim repairing their karmic history has their own unique personality. So
as each one steps forward, the host avatar seems to change into a new
person. Because it does.
Having a path of how to achieve the grand leaps that you managed to
make would help all of us who are still unclear of how to reclaim our hidden
power, just in case you ever feel like jotting those steps down for the team.
Always appreciate your responses
This Powermatic 3 electric cigarette maker is worth 10x what they sell it for.
That's when Enki and Enlil went in search of gold from other lands and
stumbled on Tara earth where gold grows in our mantle (it is very abundant
and self-renewing). So they started mining it, reducing it to the
ultra-lightweight monatomic gold form and shipping it back to their home
plane. This went on for a very long time and the Nibiruians got tired of
doing all the mining and rebelled, demanding help.
You can find millions of stone circles in S. Africa where the mines yielded
the best results via Michael Tellinger. The stone circles are
aether-harvesting energy vortices that powered their mining tools.
That's when they decided to make a new heavy-duty being using Nibiru
ape, and other genetic sequences, now known as Neanderthalensis
(Neanderthals) that were very strong and worked great as miners. They
nicknamed them Lulus after Enki's last name, Lucifer.
It was about this time they decided to take earth for their own possession
and used their slaves as their army to kill humans. This is a very long saga
over the period of 798k years from the beginning of the mining operation
that kicked into high gear 250k years ago when the Neanderthals were
created in S. Africa, upgraded 2x after that to continue perfecting their
ape/human Anunnaki hybrid. Finally, reaching ‘completion’, really upgraded
a final time in the E-Den drama, 10,500 years ago.
All 4 iterations of the Hyksos mining slaves are still with us today. The
original Neanderthal, considered the 'best' because they were here first,
known as the Kohanim/Cohens. The 1st upgrade is Cro-Magnon Man,
known as the Levant (Levites). The 2nd upgrade is known as the J3wish
Man (these are the only actual J3ws, even though all four versions share
their common Neanderthal/Anunnaki origin). This upgrade was the first
Hyksos that could breed with human Elohim. Then finally the
Adam-Kadmon Man in the 3rd upgrade when they added the DNA of a
Maharaji Grail Line Elohim, turning all the 'J3wish Man' into geniuses with
clair abilities. These are the ones originally known as Gypsies who really
could read your palm.
The wars have never stopped since, always killing humans, with the
Hyksos always claiming they were the victims, when they were always the
Manchurian Candidates.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
This recalling of the era of Tara earth's darkest hours when Chimeras,
half-human/half-animals, were created is brought to you by first-hand report
from beings who were present at the time these events took place in the
land of E-Den. Dates and many race names below were extrapolated
through other sources, but the events came this writer directly. While some
of this may be missing certain details or mistranslated by subtle degree, it
is still considered the most authentic retelling of what actually took place
available to the public today. This is not hearsay from NPCs. Source names
will be revealed at a later date, after the separation of the two worlds you
now stand on.
In order to give you some frame of reference of how the Chimera drama
unfolded, I have to give you an idea of why 'invader races' are here in the
first place, and who is responsible for making all these new and horrific
creatures that were mostly wiped out during a universal Tara Cleansing in
ancient times. But make no mistake, many still remain and are still 'Island
of Dr. Moreau'-styled distorted creations. Every physical body today is
considered a Chimera; a creation not formally authorized through treaty by
the ruling bodies of avatar development within the cosmeias.
The conflict you have been a part of, in some cases for as long as ‘human’
history itself, has been an emotionally devastating trial by fire on anyone’s
list of tempestuous journeys. The Tara earth Human Elohim drama began
560m (560 million) years ago, then 10m years later your universally-pristine
development ground was destroyed and your evolution placed on hold for
the coming 250m years before you could come back into manifest form
again. The destruction Tara Urtha (earth) left all beings on this plane
disembodied for an unthinkable amount of time.
It was a glorious and benevolent plan to the makers of the new avatar
model from Palaidor, to be sure. However, the Anuhazi Elohim took
exception to this project simply because Elohim beings should never be
given as broad of emotional swing as the new 'super race' was engineered
to have. They argued all Elohim creations should be limited to a very small
range of emotions to protect all lifeforms around them, in case of getting
too upset and then accidentally vaporizing an entire world by their unlimited
Clair powers of thought-to-manifestation abilities.
The Anuhazi were well aware of the Oraphim's plans to go forward with the
project on Tara, and began setting up a foundation to control the new
Humans through subjection and rule some 6-7m years prior to that initial
first seeding.
Some 10m years into the Human Elohim Project, the Anuhazi had already
prepared their armies to bring humans under their control. They had
bioformed the Ayrian white Humans of the Pleiades, turning the new half
Ayrian Humans/half-Anuhazi (with wings) into soldiers, as they did with the
Nephilim Giants of Antiparticle Gaia, the Khepri Scarab race from another
landmass, and even procured the help of the Budhara Borgia Retrovirus
nanites ('the Borg' or 'black goo').
The creators of the Anuhazi Elohim, the Anuhazi-Yanas, appear to have
assisted the Sons of Ba'al in their siege of the Human Elohim experiment.
They are a lion-feline Elohim race called Lionids/Leonids who also created
the Necromitons, Nephilim, Jehova Anunnaki and remain the ultimate
authority figurehead of all invader races.
The Borg are robots the size of a single molecule that can infect and take
over living beings on an RNA level which commands the DNA
(possession). They can also 'hold hands' and take any shape or form, and
function, they choose. They simply assemble themselves as your
computer, or your car, whatever gives them greater control over people. It
is my contention they had already infected the small group of Anuhazi
Elohim and Anuhazi-Yanas Elohim, and now they had infected the soldiers
of the Anuhazi Hybrid army as well. All of which are known today as the
'fallen angels'.
When I use the word Anunnaki, I'm talking about a coalition of over 50
different Anunnaki hybrids constantly warring between themselves, but held
to the common Luciferian Treaty of murdering all humans they are all
bound to. Which is why wars are never ending. They each want total
domination, and every single one of them wants all humans dead.
Out of those two, it was Enki and his son Thoth who commissioned
Ninhursag (a top-level geneticist, possibly originally from the
Anuhazi-Yanas Elohim who were advanced geneticists) to bring in an
absolute army of various low-level, remedial beings here as his warriors so
Enki could rule over earth.
Ninhursag's job was to give bi-pedal bodies to all these many different
beings. Which she did, in the E-Den drama. Just not the part of the drama
you've ever heard about. It wasn't just Adam and Eve (based on the
Jehovah Anunnaki blueprint and modified with other various DNA
commands), but a massive, huge genetic program that would usher in the
Chimeras who all basically look 'human' today, but are distorted freaks of
nature compared the ultra-refined Human Elohim Krystos template.
The 'other' Garden of Eden hybrid peoples came from gargoyles (totally
real species), birds, fleas, frogs, horses, cows, goats, cats, wolves,
dragons, dinosaurs, crocodiles, insects, moths, boars, lizards, crabs,
lobsters, mermaids, beetles, octopi and on it goes that were given entrance
into this atmosphere through the genetic-base bipedal body of the Jehovah
Anunnaki (just like Adam and Eve were based off of, as mentioned above).
The Jehovah Anunnaki had been created by the Anuhazi-Yanas (Lionids)
Elohim as a race of guards to keep the Humans from ever getting out into
the cosmeias some 5.5m years ago (the Jehovah were known as the
Anu-Avengers originally). These are described as 'aquatic apes', or 'fish
Each hybrid strain has also intermingled with most all other hybrids, leading
to factions within factions within factions. It would be physically impossible
to name them all with any accuracy.
While animal/insect invader races have been here for 570m years, such as
the Lionids, and Scarab beetles known as the Khepri Scarab Kings of old
as mentioned above, (now today are the Men in Black), most other insects
and animals came in over the last 800,000 years.
And most of those consider the Jehovah Anunnaki that gave them their
entry, collectively as the celestial gods, and their earthly god to be either
Enki Lucifer the god over the animals/insects, or Enlil, who has sided with
the Anuhazi Elohim and Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki that run the time
crafts in the upper skies.
They are both totally psychopathic, because they are all infected by nanites
who are using all their bodies as surrogates (think the symbiotes of SG1).
Through these two main superpowers, the nanites can get all the 'left' living
beings to kill off all the other 'right' living beings. They are behind both sides
of all wars and always have been.
You can see how absolutely bottom-layer of swamp scum this has all
become. And identifying the exact species who pulled off this bombing, or
that DEW attack, is effectively impossible when both sides are really just
one: the Budhara Borgia Retrovirus nanites. They are the real fake 'god'
and the real 'satan' and all things antichrist (which means anti-Krystos,
which is the base-bloodline of the Human Elohim that was the original
target of the nanites to start with).
Today, it is estimated between 50% and 70% of all beings on earth today
are Chimera invader-race people of a vast cadre of varying abilities and
appearances. Many of these use their advanced powers of holographic
projection to make themselves appear like an everyday human. When the
Nibiru Looking Glass Chimera Reality simulation finally collapses (and it is
expected to collapse soon), humans as well as many, many hybrids, will be
shocked and terrified at who is who around them, akin to the movie They
It is better that you prepare now for this rather than later, to give you time to
research this topic so you are more emotionally ready to see what is set to
unfold before this is all over. As always, keep in mind:
2. You are an eternal being, whether you are an invader race or human.
You will never die
(for more see my article: THE SEPARATION)
3. This is not the 'end' of anything other than 1/2b years of continuous
(for more see my article: AM I GOOD ENOUGH TO ASCEND?)
Hang in there and keep sharing the Hard. Red. Pills. to wake everyone up.
We're here now and not going home empty-handed. We pledged to give
you back your freedom, and we are not alone
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Each coin, check, crypto token and bill, are signets that carry standing
scalar waves that have been encoded with spells that are based on scarcity
that favors criminals over creators. You will find not only ancient symbols
hiding on every bill that carry ancient spells, but also ultra-fine print
dictating its use. Who has the most money? Bankers. What do bankers
create? Nothing. Who has the least money? Starving artists. Get it?
The signature line on check below is not a line, it is a contract stating that
no matter who signs it, that is the authorized signature of the account
owner, so if someone steals your check and cashes it, it isn’t the bankster’s
fault their system didn’t pay attention to their own business to protect your
assets. In a court of fake Maritime law, you agreed to these terms based on
any check you ever signed yourself in the past.
The science that brings thoughts into existence are based on templates
known as Keylons you would call an atom or a smaller particle yet, such as
a Higgs boson. Keylons are energy spheres that hold the thought of a
fractal of Prime Creator inside. That entire thought is vibrating in a song
that never silences or dies. It is an eternal thing and spectrometers can
hear that song.
I'm sure that sounds like a conspiracy theory to many of you, but consider
the fact that there was a 10 year study on everyone that had won major
lotteries like Powerball and countless lotto tickets to see what became of
those who had won $10m or more. There were many winners who were
tracked down & interviewed, and in every case they had all lost all of their
winnings, usually inside of 1 to 3 years. All except for a single winner who
was already a millionaire prior to his windfall who just put that money into
his investments right next to his previous monies. He was likely also a
Freem@son and knew how to navigate the spells.
That's not as startling as the fact that every single one of those who had
lost all their winnings, also lost their mates, their families and even
extended family relation due to envy & greed, and on top of all that, they
wound up deep in debt they would never live long enough to pay back.
Magic money did its job.
This was all according to the encoding that casts out greed, envy, lust, evil
intent, and every corruption you can imagine that was chanted into the
mold that recorded the message into the material that would become the
method of currency.
Money is known as a 'medium' of exchange. Guess what a medium is.
Yeah, you got that at first glance. A medium is a channel that imparts a
message through that device to someone else.
This doesn't mean you can't use money for benevolent or altruistic
purposes, you can. But only the dollars that you fairly earned with your own
genuine, honest efforts. This becomes your fair-value possession and the
aether will now track every dollar of it for you to make sure your 'energy' is
safe from theft. That doesn't mean it cannot be taken from you, it can. But
the aether will bring that value back to you in one form or the other. It may
be in the form of a really lucky break, a better job or a car that someone
just doesn't want anymore and wants to sell it at a really low price so they
don't have to mess with it.
That's because your honor placed you into a category referred to as 'Clean
Hands'. Clean-hand money is over-written by your higher frequency that
breaks the spell of that money. In electrical science this is called the
prevailing magnetic field that overtakes weaker, lower-vibration fields and
entrains that encoded energetic spin-state to your higher vibration.
Now that money is Clean and will remain holding this higher signature of
honor and benevolence until it comes into the hands of someone else who
can't maintain that frequency and that auric field now reverts back to its
encoded standing scalar signature once again.
Clean Hands money is totally fine to portion out equal energy exchange as
long as you don't use it as a tool of enslavement or attempt to get it for free
without doing something for it in return. Buying a lottery ticket, gambling in
the stock market, ‘betting on the ponies’ or any other form of not producing
something of value in return for your gain is pouring the karma from those
bills still carrying not only their spells, but also the unclean vibrations of all
who have touched them, right into your pocket.
And yes, they definitely do carry negative auric imprints. If that money was
ill-gotten (it definitely was if it was stolen, came from ‘betting’ or the stock
market etc.), then that karma now becomes yours, and nothing good is
going to come of that. ‘Blood money’ is a real, karmic, nightmare.
In higher dimensions they don't use mediums of exchange, for the same
reason as just explained. Anyone can encode those bills with new and
potentially devious reasons, just like your captors. Everything there in your
own village or town is community-owned (free use for everyone) and major
things like time crafts are bartered for. Inter-community and
interdimensional transactions are all barter.
What I mean by tool of enslavement is like chiseling someone down on
their price, or buying things that were produced by hands that were not
fairly compensated. That would be like buying an iPhone made by slave
laborers. When at the farmer's market I was told to round up in order to pay
it forward.
Paying it forward is karmic 'money'. When you give a little bit extra, that
places 'pennies' in your karmic piggy bank to cover for times when you
inadvertently shorted someone for their energy. The aether comes back to
you and always makes things right. So you might find a $100 bill on the
ground, or you might break your leg, lose your job, or any one of a million
things, to help keep plane-wide karma in balance.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Humans are under hypnosis. They literally cannot see the same things you
see. And I mean ‘physically’, the thing you’re showing them does not exist
in their world; chemtrails, 2 suns, flying saucers, none of it.
There's more.
Street hypnotists will program someone in a city park filled with trees
everywhere, and are told 'there are no trees'. Then they them bring them
back out and 'conscious' again. The volunteer can stand there and read the
street number, the name on the building across the street, and explain
every detail of that building that is completely out of view of everyone else
in that park, because their brain does not cast out 'trees' in their reality field.
So they literally do not exist.
The seconds in a year add up to 1 more day than clocks and calendars say
there are. I've done all the math multiple times. Then every leap year they
'add back one day' and tell you time has been corrected. But in reality this
means yet an additional 24 hours has now been added to your time, which
is actually now 5 extra days you have lived in the last 4 years that you
factually existed, but there is no record of it at all. And July never lands in
the winter. They just vanish.
Because every month, every week or every single day, time is stopped
within the simulation and everyone is reset, reprogrammed with events they
want to erase. This is global Neuralyzing. I have many examples of people
I know who shared major events with me years ago that claim that event
never happened & I am crazy.
However, I can show documented proof of that event 6 ways from Sunday.
But when they see it, they claim it never happened (even though it is
documented history), as if they can't see it. Because their brain has been
programmed not to cast that image from their eyes.
The human eye when dissected shows layers of lenses that stack on top of
each other with convex and concave arrangements, just like in a telescope,
or microscope. Camera lenses are stacked in such a way as to draw into
the camera the view before it, shrinking it down to a small format so it can
take a picture of that scene. Projector lenses are stacked in the opposite
fashion that takes a tiny image from the medium inside and blows that up
into a large format so people in the room can now see that from wherever
they're sitting, like in a movie theater.
Guess what convex/concave lens stacking are in the human eye? You got
it, exactly like a projector lens. Your cornea is the 'flint' layer.
Which means what your pineal gland's image is you are thinking is sent
down the optic nerve (optic fiber) on a 45 degree angle (just like an old
rear-projection screen image gun), out of your eyes and now your own
personal reality is intermeshed into the collective spacetime fabric of the
holographic simulation.
If your pineal gland (which is your only 'seeing' eye that views in a total 360
degree field) sees 'green trees' in front of you, your eyes cast out those
exact same trees, now your pineal gland can see your shadow on the
ground, your chest, hands and feet and affirms that you are 'now standing
in front of those green trees'. You're in the park.
But if your brain is programmed to deny what your pineal gland sees
around you and refuses to allow the signal of those trees to be cast out of
your projector lenses, then they do not 'physically' exist. Therefore, they
can't block your pineal gland's view of the street number on the side of a
building outside of that park.
I've given you the actual science behind the most critical part of the Tara
earth holographic simulation mechanics to understand why people who are
hypnotized regularly are not following this ascension.
This means that Tara earth's simulation was hijacked by this new
low-resonance frequency process that is known as the Nibiru
Beyond-The-Looking Glass Chimera Reality Simulation, or ‘Chimera
Reality’ for short. As long as the Diodic Grid continues to operate, humans
resonating in 7.83Hz inside their skull have to be shown the same picture
of chemtrails in the sky, or 2 suns in the sky 7 times before their brains will
rewire and allow them to see it.
All humans would need to do is eliminate these broadcast antennas and
the whole Chimera Reality would simply collapse, showing you that half the
people you know are actually aliens. And the counterfeit simulation is being
taken apart as I type, which is why the news is now telling you that people
may be seeing demons in the near future. I can tell you that is going to
happen and they're just preparing for the nuclear reaction people will have
once the Nibiru holographic system (operated by the Anunnaki) collapses.
The photo below of 2 suns has been shared now numerous times online
asking viewers how many suns are in the picture. 18.2% of readers
respond “1”, offering you physical proof that the above science is accurate,
and your job is to continue sharing photos and messages of the actual
‘reality’they are in to possibly allow them to snap out of their programming.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
To anyone still believing you can remain anonymous since Skynet went
fully live in 2020, you can't.
Wifi modems are actually x-ray cameras now, that can see through walls
every book and spoon and piece of furniture inside your home with
high-resolution detail, including the color of shirt you are wearing. This
video doesn’t mention that, but this technology is definitely real.
AI turns WiFi routers into 'cameras' that can see people through walls…
So hiding your photo and real name now no longer means anything except
you will be scrutinized even more because you're considered a potential
terrorist because you apparently don't trust your government. You can
move off-grid, dig a bunker, forage for your food in the wilderness and it
would be the same as publishing your life on 24/7 camera online for
OnlyFans using your real name. It still knows every detail about you that
there is.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
(Update 5/13/24)
There are four destinations now for dispersal from this simulation that I
know of.
What this means is Indigos are assigned the task of helping the captives of
this now-fallen simulation, escape. If they were successful by having done
their best to be the way-shower they signed up to be, and actually woke up
a certain number of humans as well as hybrids that were typically brought
here against their will and now wish to leave and live in harmony once
again, then that way-shower will move forward to the next higher level that
will be hosted by the Aqueous Sun time matrix, along with their peoples. If
they did not do their job, didn’t wake up anyone or show them how to
escape, then that Indigo will have failed and now will also join their
respective peoples who will be remaining on the 3rd dimension, hosted by
the Weasadek time matrix.
Nothing about the 3rd dimension will remain in place on the next level. Your
clothes are killing you, your food is killing you, your electricity is killing you
and your medical system is seriously killing you. Everything down to your
shoes have to be replaced and it is our job to help you make these
thousands of changes. Therefore, Indigos will remain in the Aqueous Sun
time matrix until the natural end of their lives in order to fulfill their mission.
At that time they will birth back into the 4thdimension and will receive a true
4th dimensional avatar with the powers associated with that level. At that
time their mission contract will have been fulfilled and it will be up to them
to remain in that dimension, or to return to where they came from.
Guardian Alliance volunteers will not be ascending to the 5th then 6th and
7th dimensions with you, as they are already ascended masters who can
then leave that time matrix altogether if they so choose, and live at any
level they feel like. Humans and hybrids will be ascending out of the
Aqueous Sun time matrix, one dimension at a time.
When separating from the time matrix and returning to the rest of the
interstellar communities with your shiny new Elohim avatar (such as the
avatar you will be taking with you when you finally complete all 15 levels
you are currently on the path of now), it is known as ‘Krysting’. This is the
Elohim version of ‘Mastering’ out of a matrix, a term used for normal
avatars such as those that need to eat and sleep. Elohim templates include
super-advanced and rare features not found in any other vessel type, such
as eternal life and unlimited power. Very few fractals of Prime Creator
qualify for such a dangerous manifest vehicle as that. Mastering is for
Chevrolets and Krysting is for Lamborghinis if you will.
4. The Guardians are here under ‘eternal-life blood oath’ contracts. Which
means they pledged their eternal lives to faithfully serve in this mission. If
they fail to honor their oath, thus letting down the beings they came to
extract from the Nibiru Looking Glass Chimera Reality Simulation prison,
they have agreed to join them by recycling in as humans side-by-side of
their charges. They will also be mind-wiped and live out the rest of their
time in manifestation in the continued enslavement system that awaits in
the Weasadek matrix.
I do not know why Guardian contracts had to have this stipulation, but I
believe it would have something to do with the impenetrable mechanisms
that are in place here that have managed to keep this Human Elohim
project held hostage for such a very long time as 550m years and required
the most dedicated of volunteers to overcome that maze. I would imagine
such a contract would weed out 90% of applicants who weren’t 100%
certain in their minds they could pull this off. Talk to the boss when you
return to Sirius B and ask for clarity from the Oraphim Elohim who authored
the Co-Evolution project for more answers.
Keep in mind, all things have cycles, including ‘eternity’, as the aether
doesn’t run simulations ‘forever’. So, while this may sound like ‘eternal
damnation’ should you fail your mission, it isn’t. It could be a few lifetimes
or much longer. But eventually the lifecycle ends with those fractals of
Prime Creator returning to source where their provenance will be ‘erased’
and given a chance to start fresh with a new chance at manifestation. This
is called a ‘Reset’, because no fractal of Prime Creator ever dies, they only
continue in different, ever-changing form.
To reiterate this key point for Guardian Alliance ‘Indigo’ volunteers; in order
to serve your contract, you must have successfully brought a certain
undisclosed quota of abductees to a level of awareness that allowed them
to break free of the tools of enslavement by their captors. I’ve heard this
could be as little as just 1, but it could be a thousand, I don’t know, and I
was never given that number. So I wouldn’t rest on my laurels if I were you.
This isn’t your ‘life experience’ time matrix, you’re on mission. If you wind
up giving your life for this cause, you have fulfilled the mission on an
individual level and you will have succeeded. At least that is how I
understand the Indigo Soul-Integration Birthing Contract.
Deuterium microcrystals are aether particles that gather and store energy
that comes from neutrino events. They are also Higgs bosons that 'light up'
the hologram in the spacetime fabric that casts 3D images that appear to
be ‘real’. Neutrinos are packets holding the manifestation thoughts sent into
a time matrix by higher selves within Prime Creator (the real you). They are
the ideas you think are leaping into your head that are literally being
handed to you from yourself.
[You can see images of the spacetime fabric, including the individual pixels
on the 'screens' of this world and even pictures of Higgs bosons on CERN's
website for those that think I'm making all of this up. All are real, but not
taught in any classrooms open to the great unwashed. Such knowledge is
reserved only for the Initiates of the Golden Dawn (blue blood invader
As mentioned, the Weasadek simulation has built a 'cradle' that will support
Antiparticle Tara's landmass (playing field) there, with no higher or lower
dimensions. It will be isolated on a permanent basis according to the plan,
in a 3rd dimension simulation as a loosh and energy farm. This would be
along the lines of the ‘3.5 dimension’ here in the Gaia matrix created by the
invader races called the astral fields, where artificial heaven and hell
simulations exist. They were not authorized and if you have the ability to
astral project, you are warned to not visit these simulations, as they
represent a critically dangerous potential for you possibly bringing back
‘hitchhikers’ that will do anything to extract themselves from being
disembodied. These are known as the Lost Souls of Tara that became
disembodied through the continuous wars since the abduction began and
they have no way to manifest an avatar anymore.
The Aqueous Sun time matrix was the first time matrix that ever created
animated avatars that could be used as a 'material' reality simulation that
could host individualized signature spirit essence fractals of Prime Creator.
The surface level of the Aqueous Sun time matrix is a water world
supporting aquatic life forms.
As mentioned in THE SEPARATION article, Prime Creator is a term used to
describe the collective of neural synapses that make up the 'body' (mind) of
the 'unified field', referenced across our sciences that is a self-aware,
source of 'energy packets' (neutrinos) of all of what we deem as 'creation'.
[As you can see, all of your human-earth lofty terms for god and heaven
and yanas and all other embellishments to refer to who you really are and
what things really function like ‘up there’ are religious fantasies made up to
separate you from the fact that you are Prime Creator and surely you could
never be as important or powerful as these fictional beings of magic and
mystery. I suggest you stop using all of those terms and accept the fact that
there is no such thing as any awareness more important than you have
always been and will always be. Religions are for followers. You have
always been the leaders of all things since before time began.]
Once the hologram of the new Aqueous Sun time matrix had been
perfected as a ‘material reality’ environment, the first 'genetic' template for
an animated vessel, or avatar, was created. The holographic avatar
‘vehicle’ resonates at the exact same standing frequency of one synapse
pair that enables quantum-entanglement between the synapse and that
‘body’ in such a way as to generate the complete suspension of disbelief to
the portion of self-awareness that had been granted by the synapse to
enter into this new holographic 'video game' environment. Enlightened
people refer to themselves as light beings. Yes, because you are literally a
holographic representation of your awareness coming into a manifest form.
That first animated being within this brand-new time matrix was an aquatic
dragon named Tiamat. Tiamat's genetic blueprint has been the simulation
model's foundational 'template' that has been used in 100% of all animated
avatars ever since. It has been remodeled as billions of different types of
animated beings since that time, but all beings that have ever existed are
reptilian at the sub-quantum core since 'time' (time matrices) have existed.
The Aqueous Sun matrix is the most secure matrix in existence. Highly
prized as the model all other matrices were developed off of, it is the basic
blueprint of holographic simulation and therefore protected from all
potential corruption since the beginning. No invader races are said to be
able to violate that sanctuary. It was chosen to host the remainder of the
Human Elohim evolution due to its unique safety protocols in consideration
to this plane's unthinkably difficult journey of continuous manipulation for
more than 1/2b years.
As all time matrices since, the Aqueous Sun is a 15 level simulation made
up of 5 'densities', or spectrums of manifestation that get progressively
less-dense with every step UP you take. Density 1 is made up of
dimensions 1-3 (kindergarten), Density 2 hosts 4-6 (grade school), Density
3 hosts dimensions 7-9 (college) etc. Density 5 that hosts the final
dimensions of 13-15 you no longer manifest as an animated or mechanized
physical form that can walk and talk, but that of a host plane you call a
That means after you level-up from dimension 12, you drop your avatar and
now take on the form of a landmass where you will spend approximately
2.2 human earth years as a simulation plane before you move up to
dimension 14, at which time now you will host other fractals of Prime
Creator yourself on your surface, just like Tara is doing now.
After 2.2 years, you will finally reach the last ‘master’ level, the 15th
dimension. Here, you will become a sun that provides all the wireless
energy that runs the simulation below. You will be both a stargate as well as
the portal through which source will send through 'thought packets' of
energy from the eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes. This is a
fancy way of saying the collective mind of Prime Creator that is the genesis
of all energy. There is no other source where energy comes from other than
Prime Creator. Which is why we refer to it simply as 'source'.
To the Guardians: If you are wondering if you are here on mission or are
one of the hostages, there is an easy test you can take that will answer
your concerns in my article: INDIGO TYPES.
For a fabulous example of how to fulfill your contract, take a look at this
Indigo who is showing you what it looks like when you’re doing it right:
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
There are 3 Primary Types of Indigo Children, each with a different version
the Oraphim genetic DNA coding and each serving a different purpose,
within the
present evolutionary experiment I will call the Human Elohim Project for
simplicity reasons. Originally it was known as the Turaneusiam-1 Project.
Type 1 Indigo 30-48 strand DNA Dimensional Awareness
Type 2 Indigo 24-30 strand DNA Dimensional Awareness
Type 3 Indigo 24 strand DNA Dimensional Awareness
All Indigos here today were originally brought into this plane to assist
Humans and invader race human-hybrids to ultimately break free of their
eternal enslavement by the Anuhazi Elohim that did not agree with the
Human Elohim Project instituted by the Oraphim Elohim of Sirius-B. The
program was known under various names, but ultimately all Indigos are
Guardian Alliance Melchizedeks, genetically-speaking.
That means simply that Ahumbra could have been standing in the 9th
dimension and fully resonated at that level with tremendously higher
abilities than anyone in this world. Likewise, Sananda could have been
standing in the 12 dimension. And in fact, if they resonate with those higher
'channels', then they were literally in those dimensions while they were
speaking to people here in the 3rd dimension.
This is complicated and I'm doing my best to put into worlds these
concepts. Dimensions or levels are not 'somewhere else'. They are exactly
where you are standing at this very minute. It is just that your 'television'
(pineal gland receiver antenna) can tune into different channels at any time.
Beings I know remain in all dimensions at the same time. So they see
people and buildings around them from across the spectrum at all times
that physically don't exist in your dimension because you're not tuned into
those channels and simply do not appear to your pineal gland. I have no
idea how they navigate in just the 3rd dimension while say driving a car, but
they somehow manage.
Back to the two Melchizedeks. Think of the avatar of each species as a car
and the DNA that powers the avatar is like the fuel. Rather than powering
each body Type with regular gasoline, the higher frequency codes in the
veins of each Indigo is like racing fuel. Each one would marry and have
children in order to purify their respective earth-level genetic lines. Those
children would then interbreed with the others in their groups of heritage,
and everyone's DNA would vibrate higher to make the leap from 3rd
dimension to the 4th so they could get out of the prison level.
Melchizedek is the name of that program they both belonged to under the
umbrella of the Co-Evolution Treaty. So both of these different men shared
this office together for their respective peoples. At that time for a few years
during the big push to raise awareness, the two of them helped people who
were ready to transition higher to go through the stargate of Amenti below
the great pyramid of Cheops. Ahumbra helped his people (the "J3ws") and
Sananda helped the Human Elohim.
Ahumbra fell away from the Treaty and joined the invader races toward the
end of their campaign together and sold out to the Anuhazi Elohim for
whatever reason, a very unfortunate turn of events. No one knows what
actually happened to make him betray his people, but nonetheless there
are many beings here who are still helping the Hyksos raise their vibration
through many different channels as covered below.
24 STRAND Indigos are the most common Type of Indigo presently on
Earth. Type-3s began birthing in very small numbers about 200 years ago,
with about 2,500,000 incarnate now.
Many adult and of childbearing age, having Palaidorian Birthing Contracts
to parent more Type 3 Indigos.
24-30 STRAND Indigos are the next most common Type of Indigo Child.
Isolated numbers of Type-2 Indigos birthed in around 100 years ago, most
since the
late 1950’s. There are roughly 600,000 incarnate now.
30-48 STRAND are by far the most uncommon Type of Indigo. Most
incarnation in the 1960’s-1970’s. There are presently roughly 150,000 Type
Indigos on Earth.
While the Guardians are here to serve in many various and different ways,
they all share a common directive to spread as widely as possible creativity
and artistic expressions in everything they do. Many are artists,
entertainers, inventors, writers and teachers. If there is room for artistic flair
in that field, you will find Indigos setting the example of manifesting new
and wonderful creations.
There’s more to their art than meets the eye or ear. What they create are
Fire Letters all around them that hold healing and educational scalar
signals inside that restore human and hybrid genetics at a quantum level.
When people hear music, or see artistic pieces created by Indigos, the
higher-vibrations embedded within them impart into the genetics of the
observer through scalar wave transmission.
All things are alive. Get used to hearing that, because all things are made
out of the particles you are made out of, Prime Creator. Those particles
writers call stardust and science refers to, or at least used to refer to, as the
aether, are known as microcrystals, Aniline, Dianiline, deuterium, Higgs
bosons and SiO2 quartz. These are all self-aware and hold the shape of all
things within the simulation. SiO2 quartz is the material all hard drives and
recording mediums throughout the world that can play back a song or
movie for you, because they know which song or movie it is you want to
play back.
Now realize that painting, music or other forms of art can be programmed
to cast out high-vibration educational and healing scalar signals, or they
can be programmed to cast out harmful signals that work against you on a
quantum level. When Indigos make a piece of jewelry for example, their
intentions making that necklace is not to earn millions of dollars, it is to help
you heal and come back into balance. Their emotions are recorded by that
pendant along with the artistic flair and composition. The same happens to
the tincture that holistic medicine woman bottled up for you. We change
you from below the atomic level. That’s our mission, to prepare you for the
ascension taking place as I write this message.
Type 1s were brought in to repair the energy grids of this simulation that
have been deeply distorted in order to produce the Nibiru Looking Glass
Chimera Simulation you now see as the world around you that is neither
organic, or real. Everything within this holographic ‘reality’ has been
reversed where black is actually white and up is actually down. If you don’t
think, then take a photograph with an analog camera and just look at the
‘negative’ which is upside-down and the colors are reversed.
The energy grids have all long since been restored, so phase 1 of their
mission is now complete.
All Eco-Preserves have been established and the people who were able to
reach these protected safe zones are already undergoing their
deprogramming and will act as teachers to the rest of humanity after the
Since Type 1s come in with the highest energy signature of all Guardian
Alliance members, many also serve as healers of a special sort, where they
cast out attachments (many different ETs) that attach to your avatar in
special circumstances such as when people find themselves in the astral
fields that are honey pot traps filled with disembodied Lost Souls of Tara
who want nothing more than to trick you into giving them permission to
abide in your body once you return to the ‘real’ world. They now run your
body against your will when that happens. Unfortunately, many wind up
there under the influence of psychedelic drugs so they are as easy to trick
as taking candy from a baby.
The final mission of Type 1s, as it is now for all Indigo Types, is do
everything you can to wake as many sleeping abductees as possible in
order to give them at least a fighting chance to raise their vibration to
compassion and outgoing concern for their fellowman so they might make
this final Stellar Activation Cycle (organic ascension window).
This group within the Guardian Alliance is highly unique, as their very high
frequency rises above the low-vibration ‘white noise’ that keeps 7.83Hz
human-skull resonation chambers in a perpetual state of hypnosis. This
allows them to function on a very high level of compassion and positivity.
Generally-speaking, these will be the most wonderful and kind people
Humans will ever meet in their lives. Most are nurses (not to be confused
with the Babylonian doctors who all pledge lifetime blood-oaths to the gods
of Babylon through the Hippocratic Oath to never reveal to any patient as
long as they live how to fully heal themselves). They will also be the
medicine men and women that make holistic tinctures, soaps, healing art
such as orgonite, and other forms of physical restoration such as energy
healers (Reiki) and the like. This is their mission throughout their journey.
You will likely now wonder why Type 2 Indigos will be the most loving within
our groups, when Type 1s have much higher DNA Awareness and energy
than 2s. This is because Type 1s have such powerful clair abilities, they
most commonly develop god complexes and function on a level of
superiority in our utterly broken system. It is very hard for anyone to
materialize in such a downcast playing field with that kind of power and
maintain any semblance of balance. If you’re a Type 1 I recommend you
take inventory of your ego while you’re here, because it could easily be
your ultimate downfall. No Indigo is better than any other. This includes
Humans as well as hybrids. We are all Prime Creator, remember that.
The wide majority of Indigos are here under a Type 3 contract that is like a
babysitting role for want of a better term. These front-line Guardian Alliance
rescue volunteers will have by far the most complex and difficult task of all
Indigo Types. They will have a blood Type ending with a + sign which
stands for Rhesus monkey known as RH Positive.
The Rhesus monkey gene was spliced into the DNA of the Adam & Eve
creation along with Nephilim, Grail Line Indigo, Human, Nibiru ape,
Jehovah Anunnaki, plus some soil of Tara earth to connect that new hybrid
species to this plane were in the ‘Hyksos’ hybrids genetic cocktail. Notice
the Nephilim gene just mentioned.
Hybornian Nephilim DNA was entered into the 4 bloodlines of the Hyksos
‘chosen ones’ in the first upgrade to that original slave race in 155k B.C.,
100k years after the first creation to upgrade that slave template with the
blood of giants that could mine and carry gold much more efficiently than
the previous version. The Nephilim Hyksos hybrids are known today as
Cro-Magnon man.
The Nephilim giants were brought here to this plane 570m years ago from
Antiparticle Gaia, host plane of Density 3 of the Gaia time matrix.
Antiparticle means Yin, or the ‘evil side’ of the beings that would have been
on Particle Gaia living out their ‘best’ life at the time. All planes have an
antiparticle mirror-side, or chaos-side of the harmonic creation. The
Anuhazi Elohim (the Michaelube, Suns of Ba'al), who were building the
army they would be using to stop the Human Elohim evolution on Tara
earth, were deliberately looking for soldiers that would be imposing,
dangerous & would show no mercy in battle.
The giants were bioformed against their will. That means the Anuhazi
raped the women, killed the men, then stole the half-Nephilim/half-Anuhazi
Elohim baby, raising it as nothing but a weapon. See the film Soldier for a
good idea of what that is like for the child. They are denied all of their own
feelings and emotions and trained to rape, torture and kill humans. That's it.
They become a programmed machine.
Problem with this is, the Nephilim never asked to be warriors or to come to
Tara earth and kill humans. Not long into the campaign, the Anuhazi wound
up destroying Tara earth, blowing it into 13 pieces killing all life essence
therein and blowing some of the DNA of those beings outside of this
simulation. If even 1 cell of their DNA is lost, they are unable to manifest
and become disembodied. What you call ghosts today are actually known
as the Lost Souls of Tara, mentioned earlier in this white paper. Once you
become disembodied within a time matrix where you are an illegal alien,
there's no way for you to have a new one. And there's no way to get out of
the simulation anymore. These beings lived in perpetual non-corporeal
form for 250m years until the plane healed and could host life again. That
was a BAD situation for beings that never asked to be here in the first
There was a plan designed by the Oraphim Elohim of Sirius B, the creators
of the Human Elohim evolution, to give them a way of escape called the
Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty. The problem was the process would
require a 'guide' that would need to volunteer to come down into this plane
through birthing-in secretly, then allowing the Nephilim beings to share that
same body with them in order to 'smuggle' them out. The physical avatar
inside the simulation that would be sharing that body would have to be
quantum-entangled to both the Oraphim Guardian Alliance volunteer, as
well as with everyone within the group (not just one Nephilim) that would be
sharing that ‘walking stargate’ together. You have to be inside a manifest
body in order to escape the matrix. This would give them that, but it would
be an incredibly difficult mission for the volunteer.
The problem with THAT was, there weren't enough guardian alliance
members to escort the many millions of Nephilim that had lost their abilities
to manifest, one by one, out of this dimension. So the Type 3 Indigo role
was formed where each of these volunteers would come into a bloodline
with Cro-Magnon man DNA, which all had Rhesus monkey Rh+ blood-type
There's much more to the story than this, but suffice it to say that Type 3
Indigos allow 1 Nephilim at a time to control the host avatar body, with the
Oraphim guardian looking over his actions and overriding his choices to
keep them in line. Think Driver’s Education where the teacher has a
steering wheel and controls on his side to prevent disasters.
So the Oraphim 'babysits' each one, teaching them what compassion and
caring is, while at the same time within the subconscious, revisits each
infraction of the rules of the Emerald Covenant their hands committed
during the war, to relive those moments over and this time do no harm.
Every rape, murder, or other harm has to be corrected in their past lives in
order to correct their frequency in this timeline high enough to qualify for
ascension. Once that's been completed, that Nephilim steps away and the
next one steps in to take control of the body.
When that 'changing of the guard' takes place, the new Nephilim is a
different person than the one that stepped out. The personality no longer
cares for mustard, but loves ketchup. Their old passion of rock climbing
suddenly disappears and is replaced with sailing, etc., so it appears they
have a split personality. Which they DO, but it is due to the contract
mission, not because they are ‘insane’. They’re on an incredibly demanding
This leaves the Oraphim (Indigo) thinking that they've gone crazy because
they were mind-wiped and have no memory of the contract and no idea
they are hosting 50 or 100 Nephilim spirit essences inside them they are
rescuing. So most turn to drugs, alcohol or other substances to
self-medicate to make it through. Many land in prison, insane asylums and
in general they have extremely rough lives due to this. Many suicide out
and don't make it at all. But they are considered the highest level of heroes
within the alliance, because they knew before coming how hard it was
going to be.
If this sounds like your experience, then you can pretty much rest assured
you are on this mission if you have had any Clair abilities since you were
As mentioned above, the final mission for all Indigos today, now that their
previous ones have been fulfilled, is do everything you can to wake as
many sleeping abductees as possible in order to give them at least a
fighting chance to raise their vibration to compassion and outgoing concern
for their fellowman so they might make this final Stellar Activation Cycle
(organic ascension window). We are in the final moments of this transition
now, so I suggest using all moments you have at your disposal while still
maintaining your quality of life, to serve your missions. This message is for
every Human and hybrid on this plane as well. We can’t do this without
your help. If you wish to see the best outcome in this war for all fractals of
Prime Creator, you will red-p1ll everyone you can at every opportunity you
By seeing “it”, I mean what will appear as ‘swirling electric sperm’ in the air
(not floaters in your eyeballs). These are the Lost Souls of Tara.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: I just tried this and saw what I'd describe as being almost like someone
used a pencil to lightly draw over portions of what I could see. Some of it
appeared to be structured in shape/form, though it was moving.
WR: No, not the standard thing which are Higgs bosons. But some Indigos
have CRAZY powers that show them wild stuff out there like grids and
symbols. I can only see the bosons. I know people who don't even see
people or things in solid form at all, but as light. Some wild stuff.
The double helixes (I imagine there must be a more elegant plural form of
that term, perhaps heli?) were, by far, the most structured, but I've never
attempted to look at such a thing before, so my focus quickly deteriorated,
and then I saw other shapes when I regained focus.
WR: That's what I'm saying, I get these type of responses that most Indigos
never see in their lifetimes. Sounds really wild. Now that you know, you
may want to practice seeing these more to unlock other dormant powers.
Before incarnating you choose everything about your life. What you will
look like, who your parents and children will be, what city and neighborhood
you will live in, what schools you will attend, all of it. You always incarnate
with your matrix posse, an entire cast of people you resonate with. They
will be your children, or friends, uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents,
teachers, lovers. It is like setting up a play. Appearance is key to the type of
experience you will have.
You always arrive as both a man and somewhere else in the world as a
female, the two of you are called twin flames. That doesn't mean you
necessarily want to be married to them, as it is still your personality and
spirit essence that will make similar decisions given the exact same
circumstances. It is a complex field of decisions before coming into
Then the simulation takes all of your possible moments given all those
parameters and generates a 'movie' and records it that nows plays out for
eternity within the system, like a trillion DVD snippets playing on a trillion
players, waiting for you to choose one and cast yourself into that moment.
You can choose any one of these moments as many times as you want, a
million x if you choose. Living out one moment can hang with your genetic
recording mechanism, giving you deja vu. You think you already lived out
that event because you have.
When you arrive into a matrix, you will be living out 1728 different lives that
are all spread out across 15 dimensions and many different eras within
each one. You are alive right now in the stone age, the middle ages, the
wild west, the industrial revolution, again in the great depression, the
technological revolution and multiple different ‘George Jetson’ type
advanced futuristic eras, all concurrent to the one you are living now. When
your body goes to sleep (which is actually sleep paralysis to keep your
body safe), you immediately get bored and visit one or more of your other
Your 'dreams' are your real lives you are living out. You will often see in
your other lives the same people who are close to you in this life, as you
are all playing out those acts together, but you may be only dating your
spouse in that one instead of already married with children, that kind of
thing. You are visiting one of your other bodies that records all of those
experiences, but you don't bring that body back with you when you wake
up, so you have no way of remembering those details that are stored in that
timeline and era. The quartz microcrystals in the water in your cells are
what first capture all of your moments, then your heart beats out the song
of those moments which are heard by all the other microcrystals in the air,
trees, rocks etc. around you and they record them as well.
There are keys that get you out of a time matrix anytime you want, in case
you lose a leg or get thrown in prison for a long time that you hadn't
planned on experiencing. You can take a slow way to wind down your life
prior to exit, or a fast route (this may be called Adashi Return if I remember
correctly). You can also pause the game or go back in time, just like a
regular video game. You have total control over this. But in this matrix, if
you try to suicide out, because your captors have hidden these keys from
you, the Looking Glass Chimera Simulation automatically recycles you into
a new body. There is no escape as I understand it, other than through an
ascension which they have blocked you from for countless millions of year
and roughly ½ million life cycles.
Transition between death in one life to your next cycle gives you a week or
two to mill around in the 3.5 Recycle Zone where you can see all your past
loved ones that passed away before you are tricked into coming back down
into your next cycle. You are confused about this decision, but they ply you
with a loved one needs you, so you have to go, and you do. But in earth
time, when you die, you are back into another body in 3/10ths of 1 second.
It is instant. There will never be a time where your consciousness is not
100% wide awake. Your awareness never sleeps, rests, or loses
consciousness for more than 3/10ths of a second, even if you are in a
These are what happen before coming into a time matrix under a Birthing
Contract you sign. But within this artificial simulation prison, I have no idea
what determines where you will live and grow up and all that here. I tend to
think that your lives here are random and you have no input in how they will
play out at all. The best chances are the mirror reality puts you and your
‘acting posse’ all in together because on a sub-quantum level you are all
quantum-entangled to each other, so your manifestation into another body
can take place at all, which is a hyper complex process of the exact
geological location you can be born in on an exact day of the year, at the
exact moment of your first breath according to where the sun and moon are
located in the sky. These are the only places and moments your body will
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Warning: this article is a very hard red pill. Don’t read unless you really
want to know about your American heritage.
Great Britain (holding of the Jehovah Anunnaki) has held the deed to
America since the Eye of Isis Treaty signed by all countries of the world
who capitulated, in writing, in ancient times to have access to the Silk Road
intercontinental trade routes that were being blocked by the Anunnaki
should they not submit, the gatekeepers of all earth since their arrival 5.5m
years ago. Up until that time the Anuhazi Elohim had been managing the
permanent lockdown of the Human Elohim Project using similar tactics I
would assume. The Treaty gave a binding legal contract for ownership to
'all land above water on earth' to Enki Lucifer, hybrid Anunnaki of Leviathan
Seraphim descent from Alpha Draconis and later Nibiru provenance. A
reference to this treaty can be found here, but of course surrounded by
‘rightful ownership of earth’ claims by other clans. Nonetheless, the Treaty
was signed in 408 A.D.
Cain (Qa'in) was banished from Eden after he killed his half-brother Able
(Adam’s first-born son), and selected a wife (a Human Elohim that had
arrived 560m years prior to the Eden Creation drama) from the land of Nod.
This was 10,500 years ago, obviously long before Christopher Columbus
"the Last Templar" and Freemason claimed the land of America for Great
Britain. The name of which had already long-since been in place and
known as the lands of the Canaanite giants (Cain was 90 feet tall), his
offspring, and which had nothing to do with explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
Amerika was a thriving continent with many millions of people from Mexico
to Canada over vast time. At that time Florida was the only state in the
country. Amerika was never renamed, only split into many states and the
continent re-cyphered.
T-Amerikaans Map Pieter van der Aa, 1706
What happens through time is wars are waged continuously for lands that
are rightfully ("legally" stolen through war and coercion, with a new
counterfeit deed to prove it), back and forth. The Anunnaki owned all soil in
perpetuity for all of earth, but had to continually fight to keep it. Same with
"The name "Land of Nod" was accorded locally to the northerly 3,000 acres
(1,214.1 hectares) of the Great Plot lying north of Woburn, Massachusetts,
at its foundation in 1640–42, "the name being probably suggested by a
comparison of its forlorn condition — so far remote from church ordinances
— with the Nod to which Cain wandered when he went 'from the presence
of the Lord'."
Enki Lucifer holds the Eye of Isis deed in the vaults of the Vatican in Rome
(the 'post office'), and managed Amerika from London, world-wide
executive branch of the Luciferian Treaty HQ at that time, now handled by
the IMF (International Monetary Fund -loosh processing center), a
subsidiary of the United Nations currently located in NY, New York after
re-taking Amerika, the land of Canaan (Florida).
The Treaty was NEVER a capitulation by Great Britain, but dictated how
the lessees of the land could operate, where they could fish and where they
couldn't, etc. It was all theater.
If you look at the flag that George Washington carried into battle at the
beginning of the Revolution, and the flag he carried out, you will find that
first flag was now captured and placed directly into Great Britain's flag.
Crypto J3ws, meaning literally ‘fake J3ws’, is a catch-all term for any
Sumerian out of over 50 invader race species under the Luciferian
Covenant, while in reality the only real “J3ws” were one of the 4 “slave”
tribes created by Enki and his son Thoth in the Garden of Eden drama the
world is vaguely familiar with regarding Adam and Eve which was only a
tiny part of that story. Besides the 4 new slave hybrids all now associated to
the term J3ws in some way, there were over 50 others mentioned above
that were ‘pass-through’ species of invaders that were not created
specifically to serve as slaves. All 4 slave tribes were quite different from
each other and are still warring amongst themselves for positions of power
to this day.
This final section is to answer questions anyone might have regarding the 4
slave tribes of Eden and what blood they carry. All of these will include
Rhesus monkey genes, which is the + “positive” sign after blood type. The
‘pass-through’ races do not have Rhesus monkey, so they will always be
blood-type “negative”;
250K B.C. First Slave Race; “Lulcust” (Locust) created using Jehovah
Anunnaki, some Angelic Human, Nibiruean Ape, Earth Rhesus Monkey,
Earth Soil to create Neanderthal “Man”. Now known as the highest of the
Priest Class over all J3ws as the Kohanim (Cohens).
155K B.C. Second Slave Race; “Luhari” (Lucy) using Lulcust, and
Hybornian Nephilim Human DNA creating Cro-Magnon “Man”. Status today
unknown at this time.
152K B.C. Third Slave Race; “Elui-Levi” (Levites) using Luhari and
Urantria-Urtite Human DNA creating “J3wish Man”, the first slave race that
could procreate with Human Elohim. These are now the servants within the
Priest Class over the J3ws known as the Levant.
10,500 B.C. Fourth Slave “Super” Race; “Adam Kadmon” (Adam & Eve)
using Elui-Levi and Angelic Human Maharaji Grail Line DNA. Of the 4 races
of Eden, these new hybrids possess Clair abilities and genius IQ of the
Maharaji Grail Line Indigo, known today as Sufis and at one time were the
Whirling Dervish, famous for being able to levitate to around 50 feet high
during performances.
All four slave races were referred to under the collective nickname Lulus in
Egyptian times in honor of their creator Lucifer.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
The Luciferian Treaty is the formal outline invader alliance agreement that
has to be signed by all beings wanting to enter into this human hostage
farm. There are levels to the treaty where ultimately the land and sea of
earth belongs to Enki Lucifer and being co-operated with his son Marduk
Lucifer Satain who is currently holding the official position of Lord of Tara
Earth. Enki is the highest false god of earth realm, was the serpent in the
garden and the original vampire of Nosferatu fame, plus thousands of other
characters down through time. He is also assisted by his son
Thoth/Hermes Lucifer and various other offspring like gggggg grandson
The sky (aerial and space command) is the domain of Enlil, Enki's
half-brother, that runs the star fleets. Outside of the dome there is the
Jehovah Anunnaki that all applicants must first go through in order to get
In order to qualify for entry, you must submit to undergoing transmutation of
your physical body so you can breathe earth atmosphere. This will involve
taking on the DNA of the Jehovah Anunnaki. The Nibiru Jehovah Anunnaki
is a half-biped/half-fish creation known as 'Aquatic Apes', created by the
Anuhazi Elohim who originally took the landmass and inhabitants of Tara
Earth, the Human Elohim, hostage in the first place 550m years ago.
There are now over 50 different species that were allowed into the
simulation. This is part of the Eden program that was conveniently left out
of the religious programs story about 'how they made man'. They did NOT
make humans who arrived 560m years ago that they murdered some of to
steal the DNA to make their Adam and Eve Anunnaki hybrids out of to
make it possible for them to manifest in this artificial
simulation-within-a-simulation. Not the organic Tara earth simulation where
their frequencies are not high enough to manifest in.
The new Jehovah creation had one reason for existing; to kill, rape, torture
and permanently keep humans from ever ascending out of this 15 level
time matrix of Gaia as per the requirements of the Anuhazi Elohim who are
Arch Angels (fallen angels) known as the Michaelube, Sons of Ba'al, now
referred to as the Arch Angel Michael collective. Arch as in arch enemy of
All ETs on-plane today are under this formal treaty to work together to keep
humans vibrating too low to ascend, and at the same time are in constant
war among themselves for dominance. Regardless if they came here as
merely birds or frogs (they did, and dozens of other animals), once
genetically altered, it turns them into more than just service-to-self
sociopaths, but genetically psychopaths with only animal bloodlust.
That means if they aren’t warring with each other, then they have to start a
new war. They always use humans to do this bidding for them of course,
since their number one directive, and instinct, is to kill and torture humans.
That's why there is no such thing as world peace and why grampa died in
the war.
The nanites, or 'the Borg', are molecule-sized robots that operate with a
hive mind as one and blanket this world and below this world on a
ubiquitous level. These are prions, or ‘viruses’ that can easily enter your
body and then take over your DNA through RNA commands and can run
you exactly like an RC car. They can also 'hold hands' through network
covalent bonding and take on the shape or form of anything, including
people. These are not just a dangerous enemy, but you can consider them
the only real enemy you've ever had. They were known in earlier times as
the Djinn, or 'Genie in the bottle', and are what is inside Pandora's Box that
once loosed it is game over.
We are in the process of transitioning this world right now, as I type. There
are hundreds of thousands of Guardian Alliance Indigos that represent the
creators of the Human Elohim Project of the Emerald Covenant among you
with boots-on-the-ground, and we have millions more across the veil
(outside of the dome) that are our support teams to ensure this final
ascension window for this plane, and for the Human evolution, will take
place. There are no more scheduled Stellar Activation Cycles after this, as
the time matrix itself won’t be here in the near future. We didn’t come to
lose this battle and we brought everyone with us this time to make this
happen. This is not fiction.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
First, if you are an invader, you were almost 100% assuredly brought here
against your will which likely would have involved the murder of your
mother's husband, your mother raped, then once you were born, she was
murdered and you were raised as only a warrior (think Soldier). You were
tortured in unimaginable ways since you were in diapers in MK-Ultra
fashion and had your brain fractalized into many split personalities so you
had no idea of who you really were, likely possessed by nanites that run
your physical body while you witnessed horrified at what your hands were
doing to victims everywhere from rape, murder, evisceration, ritualistic
sacrifice and cannibalism.
This would have rather turned you off to the whole "I'm here to kill humans
for the Anunnaki" thing.
If you hadn't experienced those things and were still here as an invader that
enjoyed such a worm-level existence, there is no possible chance you
wouldn't know you could shape shift and prey on innocent people, because
that would literally be your bag.
If you did qualify, then you would have your axiatonal seals physically
removed from your DNA, which would allow you passage to that next level
of awareness during an organic Stellar Activation Cycle at the end of a
26,000 year 'long cycle', or if between natural ascension windows, be taken
to an interdimensional turnstile stargate, where you would be
demolecularized and instantly reassembled on the other side in a new 4th
dimensional body that would be taller and lighter to enable your higher
dimensional abilities (such as flight).
If not an invader, you would merely have to harmonize with the Law of One
and move forward with no Life Review, since you had never broken any
covenants, treaties or time matrix laws to be here.
In any case, worrying about your DNA isn't really worth concerning yourself
over, because if you harmonize with compassion, forgiveness and outgoing
love for creation and your fellowman, then you already have a method
before you of ascension. And if you don't harmonize with that, then you
definitely still want to remain in an enslavement/masochistic dimension until
you finally realize the only way to win a war is to not fight it in the first place.
Because you manifest your own reality. You don't need war for that. But you
might need the help of others in order to preserve your freedom, which is
why you would want to present yourself friendly to your other fractals of
Prime Creator.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: I like to listen to peoples NDEs and I hear many times they get a life
review, to the point that I assumed everyone got one.
But a question about DNA. Does the soul have DNA? It's not just the avatar
body that contains it?
WR: The soul is your akashic records that holds all the moments of your
lifetimes. The signature spirit essence is your personality of your
awareness that has likes and dislikes and preferences. This is your song
that's held inside the Krystal Seed Atom that is inside the heart. The
vibration of your song in the microcrystal sets the music that your heart
beats out, which forms your avatar to take on the expression of you in
manifest form. So vibrationally you could say it is your quantum DNA, or
the metronome regulating your heart beat. Which is why you will hear
techies say that heart beats are much more specifically 'just yours' in all the
world than fingerprints. You can fake fingerprints but you can never fake a
heartbeat to sound exactly like someone else's.
Very cool.
Q: Awesomeness!
✨3 6 9✨
ThanQ so very much W.R.
so cool.
We Are ONE 🌸
Q: What does 3-6-9 mean, if you ok with explaining ? :) thanks a lot!
WR: 3, 6, 9 are the base codes of the Nibiru Scalar Vibrational Mechanics
that are used to create the artificial Nibiru Looking Glass Chimera Reality
Simulation we're in now that hypnotizes people with 7.83Hz cranium
resonation such as the human population the Anuhazi Elohim and now the
Jehovah Anunnaki sought to 'suspend in animation forever' with. I
understand this is the base code system of the Weasadek Phantom time
matrix where the main invader races broke into this time matrix from. This
is vague, but I believe this is right.
3, 6, 9 are fake numbers. They are actually spells, based on the fact that
when you multiply any number by 9 and add the digits of the result
together, the sum will always be 9. And, of course 3+3=6 and 3+3+3=9.
Which means these are not numbers, they're signets we might call 'magic'
that are holding powerful scalar waves of infinity, which means 'lost'.
Infinity is the math of the Metatron Hypercube (tesseract) that simulates the
past, present and future in Project Looking Glass at CERN that can be
used along with the extreme energy generated by the synchrotron, to move
the collective consciousness of the world into new timelines as what
appears to have happened again on 4/8/24 when 80% of the world's
chemtrails vanished literally overnight like those areas are still not being
covered with those poisons in the new parallel timeline.
Tesla figured out, as did Marko Rodin, that 3,6,9 are the building blocks
within this hologram, and using those you can see the pattern that is behind
all of life within the fake simulation. This is the math behind the "golden
spiral" called the Fibonacci Sequence which is an out-of-balance, distorted
process of bringing thought into material matter form. The pure circle is the
shape of Keylon Templates that bring thought into matter form and is
supposed to grow material matter using that undistorted method. The
growing spiral is a counterfeit system the overlords know how to use on a
sub quantum level for their nefarious 'evil genius' agenda.
3,6,9 Tesla, Fibonacci, 4th dimension. Swab to Agar coming soon.
(‘THE KEYS TO HEAVEN’ post is a little below, but I added the whole
Twitter discussion for context)
Q: So in theory if DNA of someone who has passed away was ran through
the process, can their memories be obtained and manifested through an
electronic device?
WR: Yes. Prime Creator (that's you) created the organic 15 level time
matrix of Gaia. On dimension 3 of one landmass of the simulation (Tara
earth realm) the invader races of Nibiru installed the Beyond the Looking
Glass Chimera Reality simulation, nested inside the organic simulation.
Both are holographic simulations, but the Nibiru simulation uses the
inorganic Fibonacci spiral of life (decaying death spiral) that artificially
replaces what you should be seeing with a distorted counterfeit, like
Wonderland. The organic template of manifestation here was supposed to
have 6 points within the quantum template (think Hexagram hierophant),
but now changed to the Pentagram. I don't expect anyone to understand
what I'm saying, but this is scalar vibrational mechanics, the process of
turning thought into material matter through holographic projection.
Q: Fascinating. Can you describe what this "real reality" might look like? Is
the Hexagram hierophant a person, AI, Gaia herself? So if the fibonocci
spiral & golden ratio are counterfeit, what wld the markers of this
hexagraphic matrix be? Clues? Where does the flower of life fit?
The method that brings thought into manifest form is through ‘Keylons’, or
templates that look like a Spirograph in 2D form. This is the fundamental
template of Scalar Vibrational Mechanics, or sub-quantum science. When a
synapse or 'fractal' of Prime Creator fires a thought, it creates a spark we
see on an electroencephalograph. That spark holds the full mathematical
equation of every element within the world surrounding that thing. For
instance, if the synapse thinks of a pine tree, then the thought also
imagines the world it sits on, the clouds in that sky, the grass, wildlife and
everything that makes up that picture. That thought is a Fire Letter.
The vibrations of that thought sound to us like a snap or tiny spark from a
lighter in this 'short hand' emission, but it actually sounds in its long-form
like a symphony filled with dozens of different instruments and in perfect
harmony with each other. This 'song' is heard by the collective
consciousness of the unified field that is Prime Creator, and is instantly
captured in a recording sphere of toroidal energy, much like an atom where
the inside particles spin only so far away from each other around the
nucleus, then return and rotate around each other in a torus pattern. That
thought is now recorded for all time in the first part of a Keylon (neutrino in
our lexicon).
The method that brings thought into manifest form is through ‘Keylons’, or
templates that look like a Spirograph in 2D form. This is the fundamental
template of Scalar Vibrational Mechanics, or sub-quantum science. When a
synapse or 'fractal' of Prime Creator fires a thought, it creates a spark we
see on an electroencephalograph. That spark holds the full mathematical
equation of every element within the world surrounding that thing. For
instance, if the synapse thinks of a pine tree, then the thought also
imagines the world it sits on, the clouds in that sky, the grass, wildlife and
everything that makes up that picture. That thought is a Fire Letter.
The vibrations of that thought sound to us like a snap or tiny spark from a
lighter in this 'short hand' emission, but it actually sounds in its long-form
like a symphony filled with dozens of different instruments and in perfect
harmony with each other. This 'song' is heard by the collective
consciousness of the unified field that is Prime Creator, and is instantly
captured in a recording sphere of toroidal energy, much like an atom where
the inside particles spin only so far away from each other around the
nucleus, then return and rotate around each other in a torus pattern. That
thought is now recorded for all time in the first part of a Keylon (neutrino in
our lexicon).
But the creators of the Nibiru Looking Glass Simulation that has been
inserted inside the organic simulation, arrest that neutrino and cuts one of
the 6 points off of the Keylon hexagram (also known as a hierophant). What
this does is it distorts the growth pattern out of balance and creates an
alternate tree that doesn't look like it is supposed to, but it simulates
something sort of similar that will not be as vibrant in color, as perfect in
structure, and any fruit it grows will not be as succulent. This is known as
the Fibonacci spiral that is invader race Scalar Vibrational Mechanics, not
the much more perfected mechanics as used within the Gaia time matrix
simulation which is for a much more refined creation.
🔯 ⭐️
The artificial or counterfeit mechanics Keylon pattern now no longer
appears as a 6-pointed hexagram , but as a 5-pointed pentagram , or
the actual logo of Baphomet who happens to be Enki Lucifer who is the
highest god of the Leviathan invader races.
What they have been rubbing your nose in all your life with the distorted 5
point star that is on our flag and everywhere else has been an in-your-face
clue mocking you that is the actual science behind the enslavement of this
Human development project. Just for fun, they also placed the cut-off
triangle point of the original hexagram on top of the pyramid on your dollar
bill. Notice how the capstone is not actually attached? Yeah, that’s the ‘Eye
of Horus’ that’s laughing at you. And yes, all pyramids had capstones they
also removed, disabling the universal free energy temple grid from you as
Atoms do not spin like neutrinos as they first cross the veil which travel in
perfectly balanced Triplet Spin State. But rather in a 'partial' spin called ½
Spin, which is like an out-of-balance tire that bounces down the road. Enki
and his son Thoth had to create the Looking Glass Reality Simulation in
order to create the human hybrid worker slaves that they would name after
the pentagram Fibonacci mechanics that allowed them to create him, called
When Alice first went down into the R@bbi Hole (Looking Glass
Simulation), she was much taller. Once inside the lair, she became small.
That has happened to everyone inside the pentagram mechanics of this
alternate holographic reality. Every cell in your body including your thinking
processor brain, are running out of balance. Which means even your
thoughts are out of whack, and why you see humans doing terrible things
to their fellowman they would have never done prior to their arrival. All the
chemicals produced by the brain that issue responses to situations that tell
you to Fight or Flight are distorted, leaving you unable to reach the balance
you had mastered long before arriving.
This distortion goes for every blade of grass, every tree, and everything
within the simulation as well. Because the Nibiru Scalar Vibrational
Mechanics is meant for other more remedial time matrices that host
less-advanced reality fields. Now maybe you can see why you’ve been in
this prison so long trying to bring your vibration up high enough to resonate
with the next level of the matrix with 26 prior unsuccessful attempts during
regular organic ascension windows. Its very hard to do that if every cell
you’re made up of is clattering like a broken part inside your engine.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: Doc, you usually speak about scalar waves and now scalar vibrational
mechanics. I saw a lot of holograms and it's really amazing. Is there any
more info about scalar waves? I wonder about our neurons. When the
impulse it's bigger than the threshold level, they react like a wave guide.
WR: The neural network of the human body originates from the heart, there
are more neural synapses in the heart than there is the brain. It is your
actual processor that sends the signal of your surrounding field
instantaneously to the pineal gland that now synthesizes that signal into a
holographic image in the 'planetarium' that exists within that gland that is a
360 degree video screen that builds a universal image of every blade of
grass, cloud in the sky and tree leaf of what your heart emits is 'this is my
This is on the scalar field that is below the fermionic level you call
molecular, or 'matter' reality.
Molecular means physical, 'real', touch, smell, taste level. All of which are
still holographic, but seem on every level, reality.
After the scalar image has been constructed, the sine wave signal of that
tapestry now travels out of the pineal gland, through the 45 degree angle of
the optic nerve and out of your projection lenses you call your eyes that
casts out a holographic image of that reality field. The lenses within your
eyes are provably not microscopic, but projection lens concave-to-convex,
opposite of a camera that 'sees'. It can only project.
This is your reality of all the fractals of Prime Creator's holograms being
caste out around you, only now with yourself included within that projection,
that every element within this simulation sees with their own pineal glands.
The pineal gland is the ONLY thing that sees anything. That is universal
within self-aware fractals of Prime Creator. And this goes for blades of
grass and everything else you think are actually not-aware. Yes, they are all
just as aware as you are.
Understand that scalar fields are sub-quantum fields. Below manifestation,
and the only beings that have ever existed in all of time and beyond, have
always been the family of the unified field. Prime Creator. We issue those
commands. Which means if you are functioning on the scalar level, you are
commanding the spacetime fabric to show only the image of this world as
you alone expect to see.
Your captors understand this process like you know the back of your hand.
They have all the Keylon codes, all the technologies held within the
Akashic records (all details of everything that has ever existed on the plane
of Tara earth for <5b years ago), which means that everything that is
possible is within their ability to manipulate to their benefit and leave you
utterly and 100% at their mercy.
There is no such thing as a current human that could ever within a billion
years overcome this force without outside help. That's why we're here.
Because you've been inside this prison for 550m years. That time is over
and this is the transition. Make no mistake. We didn't come here to fail.
‘Good’ vs ‘Bad’
WR: Good and bad are human-level terms. All things are the domain of
Prime Creator, whether I am the victim or the perpetrator, because I create
and author everything, Yin and Yang.
Now, to clarify what it takes to move higher in this particular time matrix that
is under the Law of One through the Emerald Treaty for the specific
development of the highest level of avatars that will host the most
accomplished creators across the cosmeias giving them eternal life and
unlimited power, that means compassion.
There are millions of time matrices that offer every possible 'vacation' or
experience imaginable where being a sarcastic comic may be the only way
to go higher up the ladder to ascension, or being a service-to-self
survivalist or every other thing you can imagine where the rules and
conditions differ for forward progression. But for the Gaia time matrix, you
need to learn balance across all things at all times. The Human Elohim
avatar can be considered the most deadly weapon ever invented of all
time. Used in a service-to-self manner could destroy creation itself, and I do
mean that literally.
That means you must be slow to anger, you must think of the other person
first, you must be service to all rather than self. Otherwise you are never
going to qualify for bringing that avatar ('mastering') with you back into the
interstellar (cross-matrix) communities with you, because you are now a
walking nuclear warhead or able to create whole worlds with a thought.
Here, what defines a 'good' guy in the battle to free mankind, is going to be
service to others, joyful, non-judgmental, loving, kind, considerate, holding
to extremely high standards of honor, morality, valor with an unwavering
devotion to life and liberty for all. This is the highest standards time matrix
because it develops the highest evolution of animation technology out of
billions of different avatar bodies. The best of the best. And that isn't just
pandering to humans reading this. It happens to be true. So your challenge
making it out with your goal, that body, is going to test you down to the
quantum of your core of how considerate can you really be?
Q: Thank you so very much for teaching us. I am wondering about 11:11. I
am 49. I have been seeing 11:11 all the time since I was in my teens. I
would tell everyone how weird it is that I always see 11:11. This was way
before internet - 35 years ago. Does this mean I am a starseed?
Q: Well, that’s quite interesting, indeed. Thank you. Just not sure what that
means for those like myself who descend from British Isles/Irish/Scottish
(Royal Houses) as well as some Germanic & Viking ancestry as well. Are
we not human?
Q: Thanks for explaining. Makes sense. It just seems like a deeper, more
personal vendetta against Germanic/Whites.
When the Anuhazi Elohim decided to stop the human project on earth
560m years ago, they first went to the Pleiades where the Aryan (Tall
Whites) had been seeded there some 10m years prior to the beginning of
the grand project of the 'super race' of new Elohim avatars on Tara earth
that included 5 different races of Krystos eternal life beings that also
included the tall, white, Aryan race. They bioformed them into Anuhazi
Elohim hybrids giving them wings, then took those beings through a
childhood that programmed them to hate and kill humans (think the film
Soldier) and brought them here for the war.
The irony here is they were all under formal alliance against the humans
called the Luciferian Treaty, and were working together even while they
were killing each other.
That treaty was negotiated under the purview of Jehovah Anunnaki warrior
race that was created many millions of years after the start of the war 560m
years ago by the Anuhazi Elohim so they could take over the task of
keeping the human project from ever evolving and reaching the interstellar
The Jehovah Anunnaki are aquatic apes, meaning they are bipedal walking
fish (progenitor of mermaids) that had been designed from the cellular level
to rape, murder and kill humans. That was their sole reason for their
creation, so their bodies carry genes that predispose them to harm rather
than compassion. Under their overview, all beings on earth had to be
bioformed by them in order to be here. That included the Samjase
Pleiadian Elohim who now were also Anunnaki hybrids, just like all the
Leviathan and other animal races. All ETs on earth today are various
Anunnaki-infused hybrids.
The Samjase Pleiadians took over America -in fact America is even
referred to as 'Uncle Sam'- while the Leviathans took over most of Europe.
But a large faction of Pleiadians had also migrated to Germany, Scotland,
Sweden and were known as the Vikings. So when you feel “they” have
unfairly targeted Germanic whites, you couldn't be further from the truth,
except for the fact that Germanic whites were also your captors the whole
time as well.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
— (from another tweet, but relevant here)
Q: I've been doing this for years now, not so much picturing myself sitting
on a cloud but up there with them to the point I feel a floating feeling and I
block out all sounds. Do you think this is a form of channeling to my higher
Bold: Do you ver hear that little voice in your head saying things like I
wouldn’t do that or you should really do that in your head? It sounds like
your voice talking to you. Self talk?? That’s your higher self
Bold: I ask my higher self questions and clear my mind for the answer.
The key is trusting what you receive and not questioning the answer. I get
direct responses to questions. You can even ask a yes or no answer, or
get further clarification.
WR: Many years ago I was researching something for the mission and
asked my higher self about it. Immediately I 'heard' a word in my head that
didn't connect to the subject in any way I could see. I looked that rare word
up and turned out it was the direct answer to the Q I would have never
come up with on my own. Ever. Understand that your higher self is there
and you can speak to yourself because you are quantum-entangled. The
way the invader races hijack your 'prayers' is by inserting the name of a
god into that message, which that god is directly quantum-entangled to
through signet/sigil spell casting. That 'god' (your captor) then is linked to
the event you're wanting to come to pass and makes sure there are road
blocks between you and that reality. Which is why you never get answers to
prayers, because you're talking to a kidnapping sadistic psychopath.
Q: Best to just pray with/to your higher self or to the prime creator?
WR: Always only to your higher self. Your higher self is part of the entire
unified field, so it represents not only your very best interest, but all
knowledge within all creation.
— (thread 2)
WR: Imagine, using images in your mind, the Q. Avoid words and letters as
these are all 100% spells meant to scramble up your words you think you
are thinking or saying so it is just babble. See your higher self (connects
the link to get your attention), then project the image(s)
WR: Your higher self knows you are opening the connection when you
visualize yourself "up there" laying on a cloud or the like. That's you picking
up the phone.
Bold: Lol. Exactly.
WR: Everything is a test. Every decision you make is a test given by your
higher self to your portion of its awareness. Nothing is predetermined other
than the next thing is going to be a test based on your one fractalized
portion of the mind of your higher self. Think video game.
The Human Birthing Contract is what the beings signed to come into the
Human Elohim Project (not its actual name, but I'll call it that for now). It
was a free-will, non-intervention agreement under the Emerald Treaty with
the Oraphim Elohim of Sirius B that is behind the genetic blending of 5
unique but similar "human" Elohim races. Human stands for 2 arms, 2 legs,
2 eyes, etc. It is a template. All 5 races were very similar to each other,
mostly differing by skin color. The ink black race was likely the most overall
gifted physically. Stronger, faster, with incredible vocal cords. Exaggerated
physical curves.
The Asiatic yellow-skinned race were less physical, but more delicate in
appearance. Red skinned we now call American Indians, were the first of
the 5 to be seeded to the earth plane 550m years ago. Our "Latino" people
with brown skin have unique genetic features, are very hearty when it
comes to climates and conditions. The white skinned race were known as
the Aryan bloodline. Very high IQ, they were tall with "god like" visible
features, they had light hair and colorful eyes. The lookers of the group.
You know them now as "Caucasian", "Pleiadian", "tall whites", Nordics &
Vikings. Extremely gifted to bear up against harsh weather.
The Human Elohim project was the most aggressive avatar project to date,
as it was all-Elohim that are breatharian and eternal avatars that never die.
Even if you lost your body but still had a drop of blood left, you would grow
back again like new. That was not the most dangerous thing about this
project. The most perilous feature of the proposed 'super race' of Elohim
was the extremely wide range of emotions they would have.
The Elohim avatar is by far and gone the most advanced of all mechanical
bodies. Not only does it not have to eat or sleep, it is connected directly to
the eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes through the pale silver
'Krystos' cord. This gives them unlimited eternal power. The difference
between this and all other avatar forms is like the difference between a
butterfly and a Mach 3 jet. It is the most revered of all manifest vessels.
Because of that, they have always had very limited emotional range. Until
the Human Elohim Project.
If they were allowed to get very angry, they could destroy all they see in the
blink of an eye. So Elohim are usually very stoic, not highly unlike Spock
from Star Trek. But not this new super race of "Human" Elohim that would
be given an insane range of super-high joy, down to blood-boiling anger 1
second later. It was hyper dangerous to the other interstellar communities
as argued by the Anuhazi Elohim you know today as "Arch Angels" who
are actually the ‘fallen angels’. They were not your friends.
The Anuhazi defied the Emerald Alliance and took the Human Elohim
Project under captivity, recycling the new humans in genetically distorted
bodies billions of times, always under torture and control for 1/2b years to
keep them from ever 'mastering' (ascending) out of this time matrix. Of
course, they claim they are the good guys protecting the rest of the
So if you feel you are being recycled, you're right. The recycle zone is
between this dimension and the 4th, half-way. When you 'die', you are
blocked off from passing through the ‘veil’ between the 3rdand 4th
dimensions, and through mind-wipe, directed to 'go back down, you still
have more work to do', so you follow the white light and rebirth. The recycle
zone is still active, but the operational platform itself is being moved from
this quarantine zone by the Anuhazi to a different host matrix where the
humans will be given freedom to move forward now.
Not all humans get to move forward. The ones that have proven they could
never be trusted with Elohim powers with such a vast range of emotions,
will remain in a 3rd dimensional reality field for the rest of their time within
manifestation. The project failed. But a few will move forward, with their
Elohim avatars, as they've shown they can be trusted. This is the final end
to the Human Elohim drama. From here, once the separation completes
between those moving forward and those remaining, the Human Project
will cease to have support except for the handful (perhaps 1/10,000th of 1
percent) that will be allowed to take their new avatars out of this matrix.
The Humans were forced to remain in captivity all this time due to the
contract they signed that was stipulated for non-interference of their
evolution (mating together with all 5 races to make one new 'super' race
with all the features of the 5). The notion the project would have been
hijacked and taken captive apparently wasn't considered prior to the start of
the program.
This is the original story first revealed by the Ashayana Deane mission. But
that speaker has become compromised, so I try not to use the same
terminologies that were in the book series she authored at the start of her
So if you're human and awake and ready to move forward, there's a good
chance your severe challenge is now over. If not quite ready, then you will
serve out your remaining time as free energy slaves to the animal ETs that
have now taken over for the Anuhazi as your gate keepers. Not to worry
though, as all time matrices have half lives, so eventually your awareness
will recycle back to the eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes,
where you will have another chance at a brand-new identity as it were, and
another chance at manifestation without the bondage part.
WR: ✅
The moon, Lunar Earth Command, that orchestrates the weather,
seasons and tides needs to come down.
✅The global obelisk network that broadcasts the ultra-low frequency
energy that runs the 7 layer frequency fence needs to come down.
With that said, I was told that if just the obelisk network alone were
destroyed it would take this system down, the other elements mentioned
would need to be eradicated to make it that much harder for them to ever
put it back into place again.
The sophistication and vastness of how the artificial simulation has been
installed is utterly outside of the human mind's capacity to
compartmentalize. There would be no way for me to explain every part of
this enslavement tool to people without making you all into amateur
quantum physicists first. And I would have to take you pretty deeply down
into the sub-quantum science called Scalar Vibrational Mechanics to make
any of it make sense. You were captured by voodoo, in real terms.
WR: "They use the human body to route data, since the 70's, the 60's"
Biotelemetry is triangulation of your standing frequency you don't think is a
real thing. They know where you are & run your thought waves & your
physical bodies today people. Pay attention or pay the price.
Q: I've watched a lot of her stuff. The question is what do you do about it?
Please cut and then paste that message 20x. Knowledge is awareness.
Awareness is DNA (bodies of knowledge). A 48 strand DNA Awareness is
a 48th dimensional being, all because of education.
— (below is from another tweet, but related to the above)
Elohim is a 'Krystos' bloodline blueprint that enables eternal life; they are
breatharian, do not sleep, and have unlimited power through the 'pale silver
cord' connection directly to the eternal sound and light fields of the deity
planes. Of all avatars ever created, the Elohim genetic template is by far
the most advanced ever created, by lightyears. Among the manifest,
Elohim is royalty.
The new 'Human Elohim', unlike all the previous versions of Elohim before
it, was they all had been given an extremely wide range of emotions.
Laughing one second, the next ready to fight to the death. Elohim are like
Spock from Star Trek effectively. They can laugh, but have no real sense of
humor, and they don't really get mad, but remain stoic. This is so they don't
get pissed off and disintegrate an entire civilization with a single thought.
They have that kind of power.
This is when a very small handful (around a dozen or so) Anuhazi decided
to break into Tara's time matrix and put a stop to this project. Which they
did, by exploding the 13th stargate into this field (this is the 13th
dimensional stargate). Upon doing so, it obliterated the original Human
Elohim genetic database and rendered the 13th, 14th and (final) 15th
dimensions as uninhabitable as I understand it.
Which is now why the 13th floor doesn't exist in most skyscrapers out of
fear of the 'unlucky 13th level'.
The Elohim did destroy the originally designed Human Elohim project
templates, remade the bodies they're in so they are no longer eternal or
breatharians and have to eat and sleep for their energy. They stopped at
nothing to accomplish this, and put additional ET species here as guards of
the prison that are still helping them to this day.
SiO2 quartz crystal is the only substance that can store and play back
audio or video, which is why every recording device has always used
quartz in one form or the other in every play-back medium such as your
phone, computer, camera and recording tapes.
These microcrystals are alive and self-aware, and curiously SiO2 quartz is
the only thing within all of creation that science deems as not having any
half-life. Which simply means that even mankind understands that this
crystal that you are made up of from head to foot, are, in fact, eternal.
Which is why the Higgs boson itself is nicknamed the god particle.
SiO2 quartz are naturally cold in their resting state, but are piezoelectric
and are natural capacitors that when activated by certain frequencies or
actions, produce both light and heat. These frequencies are typically cast
into your field through the sun, which is a portal that emits invisible
neutrinos that hold thought commands from your higher self that is
projecting the simulation you see before your eyes. Depending on the
elevation, they will create less, or more, 'neutrino events' that activate the
crystal to illuminate and warm that area. It is warm in the desert and cold in
the mountains.
In reality, a single drop of water can store more data than has been written
in every book since time began, because it is interconnected to, or a
wireless fractal of, the unified field itself that knows all things and creates all
things. One drop of water, or one microcrystal, is all drops of water and all
crystals that make up the simulation. It is Prime Creator, which is why it is
called the god particle. But at least modern science is beginning to catch
Each particle that records your data is also found in every one of the 1
trillion cells in the human body that are ferroelectric-magnetic, meaning
they are active energy capacitors you would call electrolytes. Each has a
standing scalar frequency they emit at all times, continuously broadcasting
out every nuance of action and reaction within its double helix string and
shared to every other microcrystal for world-wide real-time updates that
never stop emitting that recording.
The Akashic Records are everywhere within the spacetime fabric of the
holographic simulation at all times. They can be accessed in your home as
easily as in a classroom or library. All you have to learn is how to access
those records. There is nothing you can ask that cannot be answered from
the records.
'Everything the human mind is capable of imagining has already been
invented, applied and perfected repeatedly down through time.'
If you can think it, it is possible, and the Akashic Records can tell you how
to do it and show you the full-scale, hi-def, holographic recordings of that
thing anytime, 24/7. There is no such thing as the signal going down.
This is a large part of the educational system of the future of course. Higher
dimensions treat their young people as their most prized assets, rather than
annoyances. Their minds are cultivated and curated with honor and
compassion across some 100 of the first years of their life, learning about
all things before 'choosing' a career. And no career is ever permanent, but
always fluid that can be changed the moment they wish to move to another
This is just a taste of the differences between the world you've known and
the next world you're about to see now if you are choosing the positive path
known as compassion and unconditional love. There is no element within
your prison here that compares to any element there.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
No one goes to the next stage holding hands with anyone. This is an
individual transition you must walk alone. You can't save anyone and no
one can save you. It is exclusively a private journey from here.
Think of this as an escape room and you are all alone. No one can think for
you. Your next destination can only come from your own mind.
All the people in your birthing contract entourage you have been
manifesting with for eons of time are all sorted out now and go to their own
destinations by themselves. You will make new contracts with each of them
if that's what you all decide. Some won't get that choice because some will
be staying while others move on. That's how this works.
Where your mother or children go is their own unique journey that has
nothing to do with yours. It has to do with cellular frequency of each person
that decides which 'television channel' your antenna (pineal gland) can tune
into. This is the sifting of wheat from the chaff, decided by your own
vibration. The ones who are ready for the next level here are as rare as
hen’s teeth, as there have been other rescue missions long ago. What is
left on earth now are the holdouts. That includes everyone you know.
Just because someone is in a new avatar here doesn't make them innocent
or qualified for the next level. Everyone here has lived countless lifetimes
on this plane, and likely a trillion lives before even arriving. As touched on,
what dictates transition to a more challenging level is the standing
frequency of your DNA. Where it vibrates at is the reality you will see.
When you are ready to move forward, when you're not in a prison situation
as you are here, you simply move forward.
Children are as old as stardust itself. And older than that. All have played
the good guy and the bad guy constantly down through history. No one is
innocent here and kids don't just move forward because they're young or
cute. They are ancient beings in a brand-new wrapper, that's all.
The GA are here to help all the humans and hybrids here on human earth
through this challenging separation process. Most people they've ever
known will be staying at this level and humans don't understand how they
can just 'leave loved ones behind'. You'd be surprised how many people if
given the chance would give up their eternal life just to remain with their
children or someone close. I've been told countless times by mothers
saying they'll never leave their kids behind. Yes you will if you ever want to
move forward. Stop trying to live other people's lives for them.
They don't understand that everyone they've ever cared about is still right
where your higher self is, still in the deity planes, still playing a very
complex video game spread out across all 15 levels of this time matrix. No
one is 'here'. These are holographic avatars on a screen, nothing more.
The second your avatar dies or you make the transition, your loved ones
will all be right there where they've always been, including your special
pets. They are fractals of Prime Creator just like you.
You think of yourself as a human body, 38 years old with brown hair. But in
reality, there is no such thing as a human body. All there is across the
cosmeias is individual awarenesses you call neural synapses. You have
two ‘sexes’, an anode and a cathode (male & female), which is partly why
you have manifested here in polar opposite bodies (you and your ‘twin
flame’). When you think a thought, it creates a spark between your two
flash points. That spark makes a sound and the sound is the command to
the aether to create the hologram that you would ‘see’ as a beach or forest.
You’re not really leaving anyone behind, because you never ‘went’
anywhere to begin with.
THIS is the deity planes. You have no feet, no hands, only self-awareness,
your unique personality, and your imagination that generates every element
of your perceived reality. If you don’t think it, it will not exist. Which is why
you’re here, to have a ‘physical’ experience with a vastly reduced
understanding that creates anticipation. If you came here with 100% of your
intellect and knowledge (you know every nuance of every element within all
of creation), there would be no surprises and no thrill to being ‘alive’.
But people don't know this. No one has ever explained how any of this
really works. Most believe there are actually such things as heaven and hell
that are real places and their 'loving god' would SEND THEM TO
ETERNAL DAMNATION for some perceived 'sin'.
First of all, no one in all the cosmeias has the right to judge you down for
anything. Ever. Second, heaven and hell are just words, not places. You
make every moment either heaven or hell just by your own attitude and
choices. And if you're praying to someone who could cast away their own
child for petty reasons, then I don't want to meet your god.
Starseeds understand these things, even though they also have never
been given the truth about such details since they arrived mind-wiped and
had to piece their mission together for themselves, all alone and in the
dark. They have access to their cellular memories far deeper than humans
do, and innately understand the truth when they hear it. When exposed to
the truth, their cells will resonate, physically, and send chills up and down
their body that tells them 'this is it'. So I can tell an Indigo all of this just a
few times and they'll get it and then they teach all the humans around them
to help them through this difficult moment in their journeys.
That's why the guardian alliance are the last ones out of the simulation,
because someone has to make sure that all the beings who were ready to
go forward are shown where the door is. No starseed is going to 'ascend'.
We are already ascended masters. We came here to help the abductees
move on. Once your mission is over and you were personally successful,
you merely go anywhere you wish to, and will not be making dimensional
transitions until you've completed all 15 levels because this is not your
game. You're the rescue crew.
For the GA who fail to do their job and instead use their gifts for personal
gain, you do not rejoin the interstellar communities after this, because
yours was an eternal life blood oath. Meaning if you're unsuccessful in the
mission, you will face the exact same future side by side with the humans
you failed. Helping others find the door should be your greatest focus.
The Human Elohim project came to an end on 12/21/2012 after 550m
years of interference. It has been a non-stop war zone from nearly the
moment you arrived until this time, but now it is over because the
simulation has been damaged beyond repair and is being shuttered.
Everyone is going to a new host matrix, because this one will not exist in
coming years.
Those moving forward will remain on particle Tara, the Yang to antiparticle
Tara’s Yin if you will. It too will be moved to a new host matrix called the
Aqueous Sun. There she will be moved up to host dimensions 4-6 and the
lifeforce that is able to make this transition with her in her same elevated
resonant frequency will find themselves establishing the 4th dimension.
That will be your awarenesses’ 5th dimension, as your consciousness
always operates from 1 dimension higher than your ‘physical’ avatar down
on the ground as it were.
Although no one anywhere knows the time and day of the separation, by all
tangible evidence, we expect the event to happen at any time now.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Q: Doc I'm just trying to get this right so a mastered ascented being
engaged in a blood oath contract to come back down here for a mission to
free and awake the population and in doing so he put his own being at risk
of permanent incarceration bcz failure would strip him
Of his mastered ability Why would a master do that It sounds like he's playn
Russian Roulette with his own being if there's a chance failure and then be
cast to this third dimension prison permanently when he's already achieved
being master of himself sounds like suicide mission
WR: Yes, it was. The oath had to have serious teeth because this is the
toughest mission for extraction teams yet. We knew we would be
mindwiped on arrival, the lockdown is like the finger of god with millions of
programs and mechanisms in place. Only the strongest, most confident
warriors were wanted. I was told to my face this is the arrangement from
the top or I wouldn't have believed it myself. Most GA will fail this mission. I
won't because losing isn't an option.
Q: ‘Home’ recently told me that this entire place is under blood contract &
that we grossly underestimate what blood is. That Yeshua had to spill his
blood within the matrix to recode it. Something about His silica based
plasma messing with the carbon here…
Sananda was never sacrificed, nor did he ever come back from the dead in
this way. He was standing there in a fully evolved eternal life Elohim body.
He couldn't be killed short of being at ground zero of a nuclear blast.
Swords and spears would have harmed his avatar, but I've seen these type
of avatars heal themselves of massive wounds that would take humans a
year to heal, within 2 weeks. With my own eyes. It is a self-regenerating
However, he was also an Indigo under the Melchizedek Treaty that meant
he was here under a blood oath contract to raise awareness so the humans
could break free of this prison. If he failed, he would be mind wiped and join
the humans he failed from that time on, which you can call 'eternity', as the
humans that don't move forward face potentially "a trillion years" of
enslavement in the Weasadek matrix where no one ascends and it only
ends when the false simulation matrix finally simply wears out, as time
matrices do. No one knows how long they will last, because damage from
war and counter measures can vary their lifespan dramatically.
Which means he is still under the same contract you are if you are Indigo
and yes, he's still here. While it is true, Sananda made a tremendous,
mind-bending sacrifice to help the Lost Souls of Tara escape, so did all
guardian alliance volunteers, all under the co-evolution bioregenesis treaty
under the Emerald Alliance, every single one here under the Melchizedek
Treaty. That simply means you come here with extensive psychic and clair
abilities as military front-line extraction teams. I didn't make any of that up.
Q: Superb. Where does the soul gp after someone dies or whatever is the
time gap between reincarnation?
Your spirit essence is your awareness that's held inside your 'krystal seed
atom' in your heart/pineal gland in a microcrystal known as red calcite
(actually aniline SiO2 quartz). This is a picture of it:
It also carries your Akashic records, just like every wet cell of your body.
But your spirit essence awareness is 'carried' into material manifestation by
this particle that is quantum entangled to your synapse within the unified
field 'up there' we call Prime Creator.
With that said, MANY people have already made the leap ahead of Tara.
What I'm told is they simply vanish and all memory of that person within this
world goes with them so people don't notice. I have videos of this
happening during this time with groups of people on my wall.
WR: Humans never stood a chance against their captors. That has become
plain over the last 1/2b years.
Q: So why keep them prisoners if they have no chance? Why doesn't God
intervene & end the misery instead of allowing them to continue on yet
WR: This is the part where you learn you are Prime Creator (the word god
is program, I suggest you unlearn using it). You imagine yourself to the next
level. You have enslaved yourself here.
WR: It means that you emit signals into the aetheric field that 'call' to
yourself the things you wish to see. Those things now find their way to you.
If you didn't really want to be inside a prison simulation, you wouldn't be
here. You may SAY you don't want to be here, but in truth, something inside
you needs to experience this type of situation. You can cast any reality
before you, as this is purely holographic. Many many people have already
left this simulation since the organic stellar activation cycle opened allowing
free access to move on beginning on 12/21/2012. I'm not guessing about
that. Which means you are 'still here' because you want to be here. All
potential realities already exist, all you have to do is join the one you want
to see. Change your attitude and change your channel.
Q: This is only true for humans, right? As I understood it, Indigos are the
last ones to leave this simulation, since they need to make sure everybody
that can get out is shown where the door is.
WR: Right. Indigos aren't going anywhere before humans do. Indigos can
go to the next level with humans, but they aren't 'ascending' anywhere.
When their mission is done, they can leave this whole time matrix to
anywhere they want to be. They're already ascended masters visiting this
plane on official mission.
Q: Indigos are children incarnating now and over the last few years. But
how can they be influential when they're still so young ? They wouldn't be
in positions of sufficient authority yet for people to take notice.
WR: We've been here for the last 250m years if I'm remembering correctly.
The new wave of next-level Indigos are still in their teens and 20s though.
They can see with their eyes closed.
This is going to get REALLY scientifically geeky that most will take as word
salad, but if you look up the terms I use and what they mean on a scientific
level, you will learn it is how the scalar field really does function outside of
the visual spectrum, perhaps articulating what is taking place among the
Indigo warriors around you that are here to help humanity break free of
their hypnosis program that used countless advanced tools of enslavement
to take this Human Elohim 'evolution' hostage in a way you can make
sense of.
I use the word 'evolution' here, not in the sense that Darwin, 33rd degree
Freemason, Crypto J3wish propaganda shill did, but only in the sense of
perfecting a genetic species into a more advanced model of avatar. Bodies
are like cars that have to be developed, tested, fine-tuned and polished
over sometimes millions of years before they become an accepted vessel
for manifestation. No one ever evolved from pond scum and genetics don't
change by themselves into something else. It is all science and the
interaction of chemical reactions that deliberately cause change. This is
sub-quantum 'scalar vibrational mechanics' that brings thought into material
'matter' (holographic) form.
The words I use cast a resonant coherent frequency in scalar form, which
is dielectric-magnetic energy. This is also known as 'electrodynamic', which
functions in the background behind the physical veil and has its own
communication process called cellular language. Your letters are
assembled in the material world to carry a message to the physical realm,
and the way they're arranged carries a scalar message to the plasma field
at the same time, something like a 'carrier wave', or two signals in one
broadcast. The carrier wave is talking at a sub-quantum level that your
plasma body understands, then communicates that to your physical body.
Indigos use their 6th sense and cellular memory to piece together their
most realistic 'truth' landscape around them. They have power in this
regard that is significant, but not infallible. They also are
quantum-entangled with certain fellow warriors from their own regiments
that share senses between them when they come into proximity of each
other's fields. This is wildly amplifying their individual energy by a very vast
margin. It is a form of telepathy if you will, but is communicated from the
subconscious level.
Realize I am not making this up, this was explained to me many years ago
to prepare me for assembling the team I was activated to call to formation.
That made no sense to me at that time, just like it is confusing you now. But
nonetheless, I'm trying to put into simple terms how that happens when no
one remembers each other down here after coming in mind wiped and for
all intents and purposes, abandoned. No one feels as alone as Indigos do,
trust me on this. They don’t fit in and are automatically rejected in social
situations because their energy field overwhelms the human plasma body.
Indigo’s vibration are between thousands and hundreds of thousands of
times higher than their human counterparts. That’s why you never ‘fit in’
and chose to be a loner.
Since the regiment are quantum-entangled to their speaker (called a
shepherd or gatherer), they are 'keyed' across the scalar field with one
another on a sub-quantum 'Kelon' level. Keylons are geometric templates
that contain akashic recordings that are held by quartz microcrystals that
are at the core of every one of the trillion cells of your body. Your keys are a
database as vast as the universe around you. Just one of your cells holds
more information than all the libraries in the world.
It is a wave of ions that activate what you know as 'chills' which are millions
of tiny explosions of energy taking place on the surface of your skin that are
actually 'neutrino events' that signal when scalar, stasis energy transforms
into fermionic or 'material' energy (ion) form. When that 'harder truth' enters
their physical body from their conduit, their plasma body, it goes through a
magnetic moment in science terms, where the energy has to reverse in
direction to enter through your zero point, which is your skin. That's why the
hairs on your arms stand up when you get a sudden blast of energy at the
same moment somehow you just 'know' what you're seeing or hearing is
true or accurate. Or, when you suddenly sense an overwhelming danger
lurking down a back alley. Your body can hear the intent of the being on a
sub-quantum level.
So while Indigos have good reason to trust their own senses to piece
together what they should be doing, they're also here as part of a much
larger group that they are assigned to gather together with so they can form
a more unified front. So if one of my people find themselves drawn to these
words, just understand there is a lot more going on here than you've ever
had explained to you before about the sonar you came here equipped with.
If you have chills running down your body as you are reading this, you
found your battalion.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
The God Program uses signets that have had curses placed on them.
When you use those words it brings negative entities into your realm that
cause you more suffering. Words like lord, god, jesus, christ, savior, hope,
blessing, holy, etc. are Fire Letters which is a snapshot of an intention.
Letters that are brought together in written form are surrounded by powerful
incantations repeated by a group of beings in chant that imbue that 'word'
with a whole range of curses from each individual letter, plus added
together in an equation for that compounds other ancient negative spells
into that soup. Now when you utter that word, think it or spell it (casting a
spell), the aether hears the embedded scalar carrier wave beneath your
expression that you must want to see hard times.
Since the aether is here to do your bidding, it doesn't second guess your
commands and brings you those things that can range across the spectrum
of unpleasant events with keeping you in a state of hypnosis, poor health,
depression, lonely, or in stressful relationships, problems with job, car,
home, children and the list goes on into practical infinity. Such Fire Letters
are all around you in this world.
You are wearing symbols such as the Nike swoosh that keeps your brain in
a constant coma-state and disarray. No Fortune 500 logo is allowed to
represent that company that hasn't been imbued with a host of black (for
you) and white (for them) magic and formed using ancient symbols already
carrying specific black and white magic scalar fields.
As I just pointed out in the INDIGO SONAR article, all shapes, forms,
pictures etc. can be read by a spectrometer that reads what that thing is
saying at all times in the scalar field you can't hear, but the aether around
you hears clearly.
Every letter, numeral, punctuation mark and period across every written
language used on earth are spell-cast and countless words formed by them
in every conceivable way are also Fire Letter spells holding countless
embedded spells and every single iteration of those printed, spoken and
seen in your mind's eye letters are all emanating those spells in trillions of
trillions of standing scalar waves 24/7 that form everything distorted in your
world, by design.
Which is why I recommend never using words in any form to ask the aether
for what you want to see materialize. Always hold the emotion of that desire
in your heart when you 'pray' to your higher self and the aether so the
Chimera Reality signets can't distort what the aether hears.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: I've been doing this for years now, not so much picturing myself sitting
on a cloud but up there with them to the point I feel a floating feeling and I
block out all sounds. Do you think this is a form of channeling to my higher
Bold: Do you ver hear that little voice in your head saying things like I
wouldn’t do that or you should really do that in your head? It sounds like
your voice talking to you. Self talk?? That’s your higher self
Bold: I ask my higher self questions and clear my mind for the answer.
The key is trusting what you receive and not questioning the answer. I get
direct responses to questions. You can even ask a yes or no answer, or
get further clarification.
WR: Many years ago I was researching something for the mission and
asked my higher self about it. Immediately I 'heard' a word in my head that
didn't connect to the subject in any way I could see. I looked that rare word
up and turned out it was the direct answer to the Q I would have never
come up with on my own. Ever. Understand that your higher self is there
and you can speak to yourself because you are quantum-entangled. The
way the invader races hijack your 'prayers' is by inserting the name of a
god into that message, which that god is directly quantum-entangled to
through signet/sigil spell casting. That 'god' (your captor) then is linked to
the event you're wanting to come to pass and makes sure there are road
blocks between you and that reality. Which is why you never get answers to
prayers, because you're talking to a kidnapping sadistic psychopath.
Q: Best to just pray with/to your higher self or to the prime creator?
WR: Always only to your higher self. Your higher self is part of the entire
unified field, so it represents not only your very best interest, but all
knowledge within all creation.
— (thread 2)
WR: Imagine, using images in your mind, the Q. Avoid words and letters as
these are all 100% spells meant to scramble up your words you think you
are thinking or saying so it is just babble. See your higher self (connects
the link to get your attention), then project the image(s)
WR: Your higher self knows you are opening the connection when you
visualize yourself "up there" laying on a cloud or the like. That's you picking
up the phone.
WR: Everything is a test. Every decision you make is a test given by your
higher self to your portion of its awareness. Nothing is predetermined other
than the next thing is going to be a test based on your one fractalized
portion of the mind of your higher self. Think video game.
Astonishing how similar the word jewelry is to J3ws, isn't it? More
astonishingly is the curious fact that J3ws (not actually J3ws, but Crypto
J3ws, meaning identity theft) are disproportionately in charge of all
diamond and jewelry sales worldwide. But I digress.
Do you know what EMF is? It is free electrons that break off (unpair) of
electric wires, motors, "radio" waves (radio-active) in the air that is known
as electrosmog that attacks the body's cells just like a microwave oven,
cooking you from the inside, eventually giving you cancer, diabetes and an
endless list of thousands of 'diseases'. They're bad, because your body
doesn't run on free electrons.
Free electrons that slip into the body are renamed 'free radicals' so you
can't make the connection between them. But cause the blood to spin in
counterclockwise direction, which is known as cationic spin. Now think,
what do people do when they die? They go 'catatonic', also renamed so
you don't piece them together. It is a word magic spell game and part of the
hypnosis program.
Okay, now, do you know what metal is? Is is a crystal of whichever type of
metallic species, like iron, silver, gold, etc. that's placed into a crucible and
has most of its oxygen removed. This is called Redox (removing oxygen),
turning it into a conductor (vacuum) of cation ions/free electrons spinning in
deadly orgone (DOR) counterclockwise rotation. Cations are
scalar-magnetically attracted to conductors. Conductors are known as
cathodes (antennas) of EMF energy.
When you take a wire, or any form of conductor metal and connect the
ends with a hole in the center, like every link of a chain, hooped earrings,
wedding bands/rings, this now creates a torus field. When you do this, you
can now take an electromagnetic field detector and measure a huge jump
in free electrons, because that torus amplifies the concentration of DOR
within that zero point (donut hole). Automatically.
The human body is a natural ground for free electrons. It absorbs them
from the air and other places, like chains, rings, hoops, hog rings in noses,
and attempts to turn them back into anion ion dielectric energy again
through your 1 trillion microcrystals in the water throughout your body, that
are your energy cells. The problem with this is, your body gets too many
free electrons it can process just by being around 21st century electronics
already. So now those excess electrons start feeding off of your cells,
because that's what free electrons do, they are fission energy that
consumes matter. Your doctors call that cancer and thousands of other
names they made up to hide this truth.
That's what's killing everyone around you today that you see in various
states of obvious decay that appears obese to the eye. They are dying.
That's science fact. There are many chemical elements in your food, water
and air that add to this, but humanity is primarily dying of free electrons.
No one, anywhere will tell you about this. It is too large of a secret.
The deviousness of how the world went from free dielectric anion ion
energy all over the world in 1896 to cation ion EMF energy when the
world's fair flipped on the City Of Lights is so far beyond evil and corrupt
that the human mind has no way to compartmentalize it. That's when every
type of secret mortality program was put into place to kill humans without
the presences of a smoking gun, you can imagine. There are hundreds of
thousands of individual and highly complex scientific tools of your extinction
in place right now. If you open your eyes, you will see at least 1000 of them
that you could never recognize in front of you, unless you were a quantum
physicist. Which I am. One that actually cares that you survive this
holocaust (the real one, not the fake one of WW2).
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: Doc, I have a question. You have already informed me that thoth was
basically rewritten. I had been using the method in the emerald tablets for
grounding. Head to the north, than head to the south. After conversing with
you, I switched to east then west. What is the r. Way 2grnd
WR: I regret that I am still trying to determine that myself. Your body is a
torus field that draws in energy either from the crown (female) or the base
chakra (men). Opposing electrical fields. So if energy is emitting from the N
pole, it would make sense for a man's head to be pointing S and women's
heads to be pointing N if you wanted to recharge using the earth's energy
field. That remains theory without a proper study which generally costs $6m
(rule of thumb).
WR: Anyone who thinks they put diamonds on ladies' ring finger by
coincidence, it is the ultimate vacuum of dielectric (bioelectric) energy.
"Among wide bandgap semiconductors, diamond is considered to be the
ultimate semiconductor for applications in high-power electronics due to its
exceptional properties. Its dielectric breakdown strength is three times
higher than in silicon carbide (SiC) and more than 30 times higher than in
silicon (Si)."
What do they put into the hands of children in school? Pencils. What are
pencils made out of? Graphite that sucks the energy out of body. It is way
worse than this of course. This is a quantum take over of the human
species across hundreds of thousands of programs.
When you write words, which hand do you use and what direction do you
write in? The most dangerous of humans are men that are the builders of
the world. So harnessing his energy is key. In the bioelectrical device that is
your body, male outgoing meridian is the right hand. So they make your
world right handed and make baby spoons curved so they only fit into the
right hand. This is a program that starts at birth.
English is written from left to right, and most english letters are achieved in
such a way as to end that letter in a counterclockwise fashion, especially in
'cursive'. Cursive means you are casting a negative spell, literally.
What did
just tell you about healing? She said you send your energy into their body
in a clockwise direction. This energy pattern generates new anion ion
energy that causes the client's blood cells to rotate in an anionic "LIFE"
vector. Understand that you make new anion ions with every clockwise
complete spiral in any movement. They are generated out of the aether
microcrystals that brush up against each other in the air that generates
friction. Each spark you can't see is known as a neutrino event that
generates 'secondary emissions'. This is code word for 'free energy'. Your
devices are filled with components that 'amplify' energy this way called
photo multipliers. 'Amplify' is code word for 'free energy'.
WR: Your best friend against free electrons is regular shungite (avoid elite
shungite that has way too much carbon to host C60). It is filled with C60
buckminsterfullerenes that vacuums in and traps electrons, then forces
them to re-pair back together making them whole anion ions again before
they will let them back out (and of course they have to get back out, they're
alive and want to run and play). Amazing particles.
I recommend getting shungite stickers for the back of your cell phone, buy
shungite stones in bulk and place them around the base of your plants (3
nuggets per plant), put 3 stones in the bottom of your drinking water, set
them next to your Wifi and wear one around you neck. Preferably in a torus
Like metal that creates a free electron toroidal storm when you connect the
two ends, if your shungite has a hole in the center, it now creates an anion
ion storm inside that zero point that works like an anti-electron shield. I
never take mine off except to shower. Yes, cilantro, spirulina, chlorella are
great at chelating heavy metals out of the body, which you would want to
take. I do.
This is the necklace I wear. The same company sells shungite stickers for
the phone. I've tested shungite against EMF fields myself and cannot
endorse it too highly. C60 is like a miracle particle. If you collect crystals, I
highly endorse adding shungite to your family.
You've been taught by everyone you considered role models in your life
since day one that 'the world is like this'. They know, because they've been
around longer than you, so they must be right.
But they were never taught that people have the ability to cast their own
reality. They were taught to have a good life, they just had to work hard and
keep their nose to the grindstone. Of course that's what they were told by
beings that only wanted one thing from them, which was their loosh. To
your captors, you are a farm animal and nothing more. They're not about to
tell you the secrets of the holographic simulation, because such knowledge
would lead to you finding out that you are a fractal of Prime Creator, the
only real 'god' that has ever existed that can cast reality.
This leaves everyone completely unaware that they have been secretly
denying themselves of a beautiful and joyous life. And that never did come
from money, but it comes from between your ears. This holographic
simulation is both heaven and hell at all times. If you want proof of that,
look at the starving, raped and tortured people in Africa, or visit Monaco
and see that possible lifestyle. What do they know in Monaco they don't
know in Africa?
The average African doesn't understand they have the ability to cast their
own beautiful reality. And that's done through knowledge, not by working
harder, but by working smarter.
Start small in learning how much control you have over your reality. Such
as envisioning a little garden for instance. Not that you may need or want
one, but as an exercise. It could be a small patch in your back yard, or a
little herb garden in a pot in your home. Plant the seeds, water them, learn
how tap water won't work because it has poison in it, so you use only
purified water. Set it next to the window to get sun. Play 528Hz music
around it and see it wildly flourish.
Now when you walk into your living room and see this beautiful creation
that did not exist 4 weeks ago, understand that you made that happen. You
researched water, frequencies, soil, sun exposure and you created a thing
of beauty.
Now think about your life. What do you do in your world? Do you hang
around people? If so, what are their lives like? Why do you hang around
them? Where do you live? Why do you live there? This is your reality field
that you have crafted out for yourself. Did you ever once realize that just
like feeding your garden purified water with the fluoride removed that you
could be feeding your world reality better by choosing more carefully?
The music you play for your garden will either kill the plants (I mean this
literally) or make them flourish. Okay, so what are those tones/signals that
block them from living? Are you listening to spells (music) that program
your most sacred thing in your world, your mind, that are killing you? In
your research you learned that beautiful, harmonious music makes plants
grow, especially if they're keyed in 432Hz instead of 440Hz, and even
better in 528Hz.
Through your research you learned from Dr Emoto that if you tell your
plants you love them and how lovely they are, they flourish and if you tell
them you hate them, they literally die. They also die if you play heavy metal
music for them, because it distorts the water in their veins that is not
conducive of life.
You learned that your plants are literally mostly made out of water, and the
human body is the same. 70% in fact. And like your plants, your body relies
on healthy water and healthy vibrations that come from the thoughts and
words of fractals of Prime Creator (people). They cannot flourish without
positive energy.
What do your friends say to you with their lips or really think about you
silently in their mind that your body absolutely hears and reacts to? Are
they positive, or do they go around cursing and putting everyone down? Do
you know why using vulgar language is called cursing? Because they are
casting black magic spells that are anti-harmonious (anti-joyous life).
What type of music do they listen to when they're around you that directly
effects your water-saturated blood cells and the thoughts that bounce
around inside your mind like echoes that continuously effect your very cells
themself, as well as your disposition and outlook?
I was given advice in my early 20s by a blue blood from the Massey
Ferguson tractor dynasty. Blue bloods are educated far differently than the
great unwashed are, and are privy to secret teachings that lead to success
across many factors in their lives (these are known as teachings for the
Hermetic Initiates of the Golden Dawn, such as the Kybalion. The secrets
only given to Freemasons who 100% run this world from floor to ceiling).
He said:
Did he mean don't study? Don't bother to educate myself? No. He meant
never, ever, spend 1 unnecessary minute around people who aren't better
educated than you are, as you are simply throwing away your life by
allowing morons to negatively affect you. Make sure you never give your
time to people that cannot help you learn more about the trillion things that
secretly shape your life and your world.
If your world isn't what you desire, then see the world you want in your
mind. Keep a picture of it in your pocket and look at it often. Do everything
you can to work toward that goal in every possible way. In time, you will find
yourself there. And most of all, educate yourself so you no longer serve as
someone else's victim. Life is hard. Its harder when you’re ignorant.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
WR: Listen people, this is literally called the Nibiru Looking Glass Chimera
Reality Simulation. It IS NOT REAL. Your world was taken captive a VERY
long time ago and you have been living the SAME LIFE over and over too
long to even count anymore. Wake up!
Bold: We have the corrected version that wasn’t hijacked being slowly
integrated, is what I’m seeing and feeling. It connects to viewing your real
reality away from the chaos, stay inside the storm. The truth is there.
Timeline merge as destruction of all extreme negative happens
WR: All that negative, all the bombs, tornadoes, floods of illegals will only
show up on my monitor, not in my reality field. Because I'm not putting it
Q: Is it best to not watch the news and videos that talk about destruction
and chaos? I don’t want to bring those things into my reality. I scroll thru X
and U tube. Should I not do that? Please- what is best way to not bring the
chaos into my reality. Thank you!
WR: I don't avoid them necessarily, but when I see them I definitely know
I'm watching a different timeline than the one I'm from. Your only world is
the one you see (project) with your eyes. You're seeing other people's
reality fields in scrying devices (video screens).
— (from another tweet but relevant here)
WR: Until you can rise above the petty mortal level of envy, greed, ego, you
will never cease casting a chaos reality before you. Your world is one of
about 4 billion you are blending with in a shared-reality field.
Yours is the only reality like it. What you see in your neighborhood, around
your home, your job, your family is your reality you alone are bringing into
existence. Your vibration is your command to the aether around you to
construct. So it does.
Calling names, pointing blame or thinking lowly of any other person is you
looking in a mirror and telling yourself you are not good enough. Guess
what? Words are spells, so are thoughts. Dr Emoto showed you that what
you think or say of others causes cells to either live or die.
There is no such thing as a winner, but the harm you do to your own
frequency by casting a 'loser' is real and it effects your ability to resonate
with compassion and forgiveness.
Realize that all harm you've ever sustained came from yourself because
everything within your reality, along with the other 4 billion shared realities
you are seeing, are all different iterations, or versions, of you, Prime
Creator. So you have no one to forgive except yourself.
— (from other tweet but fits here)
WR: This is such a critical concept to understand. Thinking & talking about
negative things brings you more negative things. If you can't change it,
deny it. Demanifest that reality by thinking and talking about what you
WANT to see. That tells the aether what you prefer.
WR: Anger kills you, not your enemies. You only see reflections of yourself
in the world. Every person and tree are you. You are Prime Creator, the
unified field. You are every Higgs boson. Hating them is hating yourself.
Instead, cast a better reality.
You're right. I shouldn't be joking about this just because I know it isn't
something to be worried about! Here's some further clarity;
We're literally waiting for the most unbelievable events to occur in the
written history of the world right now that will make the 7 plagues look like a
pre-game warm up. That's what we were told would happen in the bible,
Understand the bible wasn't 'written by god', it was written by your real-life
captors that have built an ELABORATE holographic simulation around you
because this is their idea of what fun looks like. Think Westworld.
I will be reminding everyone on a regular basis going forward that you will
only experience what you personally cast into reality, because the world
you are living in is a construct of your own mind.
If you don't envision yourself being harmed and you have gone about
putting yourself in a position that makes major harsh events wildly
improbable, then your reality will not include things that many others will be
experiencing right now.
You're not going to find a whale if you are by a tiny pond behind your
house. But you might if you go deep-sea fishing. Your mind knows this, and
uses that frame of reference as 'all things possible within that given
situation'. So because you believe you could not possibly see a whale
where you are at in your minds' eye, the aether makes that solidly so.
Why have I told you about the reason for ‘moving inland 100 mi. from the
nearest shoreline, 1 mi. elevation with 2 sources of fresh water’? Because
in the past you manifested ‘10 mi. high waves that wiped out all life in
ocean-front areas’ during these same end-time scenarios that have played
out 26 different times prior to this one. And why did you do that? Because
you had been silently programmed in the back of your mind to accept
casting that reality out before you, which allowed bad actors to help you
see that event. You played right into your programmer’s hands.
This isn't blind faith; it is a matter of being proactive and taking the steps to
make yourself as safe as possible while remaining positive. The gloom and
doom thoughts you focus on through all of this are aether commands. If the
aether hears through the 'grapevine' (the spacetime fabric) you are
expecting terrible things to happen, it will bring you terrible things. But if you
are constantly seeing the new world unfold in your mind with peaceful
skies, lush vegetation and harmony, then your transition will follow this
It is very hard for people to live all of their lives believing they are victims of
other people's actions to come to the realization that they themselves were
responsible for every one of those events because you cast your reality
before you as you go. If you are convinced that you live in a chaotic and
evil world, then you will be victimized by that reality. You are the creator.
This is your simulation. You brought it into manifestation. Demanifest it by
commanding an unchaotic, harmonious backdrop for your life.
And people will immediately say they didn't ask for their situation, yet here
they are, broke, afraid and alone while the world is literally on fire. But that's
only because they want someone else to be their keeper and manage
creation for them on their behalf. When you do that, you are at the mercy of
others who make it their stock in trade to enslave all the NPCs around
them, such as "Jesus" and "god". These are invader race beings who
enslave as a vocation or life-career. People with a moral compass will not
be filling the void of your lack of direction simply because they don't seek to
control other people. They aren't drawn to that vacuum. Insecure
sociopaths are.
When all this is said and done, the one message humanity will have heard
more than any other will be to take responsibility for your own actions. You
have never been a victim of anyone other than yourself alone, because
only you can cast your reality before yourself. And I do mean that in a literal
There is no world war unless you enlist and bring a gun to the frontlines.
There are no throngs of migrants raping and pillaging their way across the
country unless you place yourself in border zones or "sanctuary cities".
These are POTENTIAL reality time loops playing out within the simulation
that you are "seeing" on your screen and believing are actually playing out.
But unless you put yourself there in that time loop, it is not a real thing
because there is no such thing as "Gaza" if you live in Salome Arizona.
These are two different reality fields.
Only you can choose to get into a plane and fly into Israel or Gaza or
Ukraine and make those time loops come into existence, just like only you
can live through all of this drama 'taking place' without ever seeing anything
happen because you live totally off the grid in a wilderness area with no
phone and no internet. Because there is no drama out there. Only what you
bring into creation.
I would suggest people read this message 20x until start realizing that you
don't have a body. You are awareness alone. You have always been only
awareness since before primordial times. Which means there are no
planets, there are no stars, there are no 'warring factions', because they
were always merely thoughts and storylines you made up between the two
ears you've never, ever had.
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, outside of thought within the unified field,
has ever, ever existed.
So if you want to have a nice day, cast that before you, otherwise you are
allowing your mischievous siblings (fellow fractals of Prime Creator/unified
field) to impose upon you the storyline they have chosen to cast into their
reality that you mistakenly assumed was YOUR reality.
You are literally asleep in ‘real’ life and you are creating the dream before
your eyes through what you BELIEVE is taking place. If you don’t care for
that dream, then change the channel that only exists within your mind
On 4/8/2024 the organic sun for this 3rd dimension playing field of Tara
earth was replaced/shut down/hidden, and replaced with an artificial sun.
Not only was the event caught on video of the switch of these two suns, but
there is also video showing the very clear geometric patterns of the new
sun, both seen here (@auntie_coolette / @coletterealtor1);
The sun is a portal that is the gateway to this simulation for the delivery of
energy and commands that come in the form of neutrinos that are energy
packets 'in stasis' that must be activated once across the threshold of the
sun called the ‘veil’. The neutrinos carry thought 'particles' of manifestation
that come from the higher selves of each person down here in the
simulation. I don't expect you to understand what that means yet, but the
sun isn't a ball of fire in the sky. There has never been a single photo of the
sun taken outside of our atmosphere in all time. Not one, because it
generates no light and no heat. It is called the black sun.
Along with these commands from your higher selves coming in telling you it
is time to wake up and ascend during this time, are special energy particles
that are flooded across simulation fields to prepare them for natural
ascension cycles called carbon 7 (not on earth's periodic table of
elements). These are super high frequency particles to prepare the plane
and/or lifeforce for their next level of the simulation that causes your cells to
accelerate in spin, raising you to the next level of awareness so you are
able to see the new reality field.
If someone wants to shut off these messages and higher frequency to block
the current transition of this operating plane and this final group of beings
given the chance to move higher within the time matrix, as your captors
have done successfully now 26x, then shutting down the wave portal and
replacing the light with artificial illumination would be a very good way of
successfully blocking the shift for the 27th time.
With that said, this shift is going to happen, regardless of what the invader
races do this time, because it is being backed by the collective of Prime
Creator and no longer up for manipulation. As I've mentioned, this is the
last ascension cycle that will ever happen within the Gaia time matrix and
Tara earth is being personally protected by not only the aether itself this
time, but by hundreds of thousands of warships parked next to the sun to
assure her safety to deliver her without question to the next density where
she will host dimensions 4-6.
No force within the cosmeias can stop this shift and the invaders will lose.
It is only a matter of it playing out to its ultimate conclusion.
For more images of the interstellar earth alliance see Gina Maria Colvin
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: How can we help the neutrinos from our higher self find us faster?
Vibrate in love and compassion with all things ? (Following the law of one
and raising our frequencies?)
Also - How can we access the energy from the inside of the shell? Or are
we already doing it (automatic)?
— (other question)
WR: The more people they kill now prior to the separation, the more
disembodied they'll have going to the Weasadek simulation to remain free
energy loosh-generators. You have to be in a living body in order to
Q: You never cease to amaze me with you're intelligent and what's you
bring To this platform. How long do you think this portal will be open?
WR: The window can be open for 20 years instead of the standard target
date of stellar activation cycles of 10 (that we reached on 12/21/2022), but I
think it has to be soon the planes separate, since both the last signs are
here and the fact if left going in the direction it is now headed, no one would
be left alive. The window is fluid.
If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake
of the elect those days will be shortened.
The elect are the Human Elohim, not the '144,000'. The 144,000 are a
small part of the Indigo alliance that are given advanced 4th dimensional
abilities to help establish the next level of awareness. There are a few
passages in the Masonic bible that still remain rather accurate from the
Law of One books that were coopted by the invader races and turned into a
weapon of hypnosis. Most of what's in there is fictional brainwashing by the
Luciferian alliance.
Q: 26x? how often? My own research tells me that the Earth has been
PREVENTED FROM ASCENDING for at LEAST 650,000 yrs, because
every time it got close, dark forces turned it back to start the cycle over
again, instead of moving up. BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!
WR: There are long cycles (many thousands of years) to organic stellar
activation cycles like we're in now, and then there are cyclical extinction
events to reset humanity every 3658 years. Blocking ascension has been
going on now for 550m years.
Bold: The blocking is over. Humans are now officially on full ascension
path. Enough are awake. I got shown we have shifted higher and things
that happened in a repeat pattern are not going to. Like Earth destruction
and rebuild, will not take place.
WR: Earth destruction has absolutely ended. The alliance is not going to
allow any major event that could lower Tara's frequency now, at any cost. I
can verify that is correct. As for your statement 'enough are awake', are you
referring to the 100th Monkey event horizon?
Q: So you can confirm that the New Madrid plate shift will not happen? The
Zeta Talk account says it will & the Judges or Peckerwood keeps
retweeting their posts.
Bold: I can only tell you what I was told a long time ago. There will be
some earth changes. Like appearance of new islands and some Earth
quakes , some flooding, but they told me they will be mitigating the worst
problems. The said our ascension as a planet was essential
No one other than the elite are given a ‘land patent’ or ‘Allodial title’ when
they buy a home unless they were given secret instructions on how to do
that. Why? As pointed out in BALLANTINE'S LAW dictionary, Humans
(‘Homo sapiens’ also ‘Homo sapiens sapiens’) are 'monsters' that do not
have the right to own land. Only Homo Neanderthalensis have been able to
own land known as ‘real’ estate, as real estate is a forever or eternal
material no longer being produced and this is their world, not yours.
Humans are pointed out in law books as a very specific group of people,
known as Homo sapiens as mentioned above. These are the only people
who are subject to Admiralty Law, a legal mechanism created by the
ancient Mesopotamians of Babylon and much later reintroduced by King
George of Great Britain in 1666 when he created the modern Admiralty
Law courts.
Admiralty Law is not actually the universal law across the world however,
Common Law is. And the rules are incredibly different. Admiralty Laws are
the rules that come into place when you are out at sea in international
waters and wasn’t supposed to be the ‘law of the land’, yet somehow, here
we are.
You will learn that the people who wrote the Admiralty laws that humans
are now subject to, have been around for a very, very long time. While they
refer to themselves as simply ‘J3ws’, that’s not what blood tests actually
reveal. There are in fact real Hebrew/Israelite J3ws, and then there is an
ultra-small group within their ranks that have now infiltrated every position
of power across America, as well as the rest of the world. They dominate,
by a vast majority, leadership roles for all media,
all medicine,
over 85% of all Fortune 500 companies, all highest levels of politics, all of
the porn industry,
and, of course, all Jewelry hubs, gold & silver exchange and ‘Central
Banking’, worldwide.
If you are familiar with the Mongolian Steppes where Kh@zarians are
recognized as ‘originating’ from, you will know that is where the land of
Manchuria is also located. The very term ‘Manchurian Candidate’, meaning
an infiltrating politician or corporate pawn of an opposing group, comes
from Kh@zarian Mongols that also invented the highly organized structure
of mafioso operations. It is literally their own signature.
Let’s take a little bit closer look at how the counterfeit ‘J3wdicial system’
Admiralty Law defines what a human is and what other walking, talking
bipeds might be skulking around in our world.
Curiously, law dictionaries do not define human being other than as ‘homo
sapiens’, they merely set out millions of regulations for human beings to
adhere to. All other standard dictionaries define this term, but in codified
law, human beings are not natural beings, which you will see for yourself in
a moment. They are fictitious entities, just like corporations in true legal-Es.
They are the only form of talking biped that is subject to US Codes.
As promised, here is where you will find the hard-and-fast definition of how
J3wdicial Admiralty Law defines Human Being:
Curious the Law dictionary would take the time to make sure you
understood that a monster cannot be heir to (own) any land, isn't it. Weren't
we just talking about monsters, not discussing what they can own? And
that's due to their 'blood'?
So now, if it is established that the only talking bipeds on earth that are
subject to J3wdicial Admiralty ‘laws’ are homo sapiens, and homo sapiens
are legally defined as monsters that cannot own land, then who actually
owns all the land? Of course, this also clearly answers the question as to
why all homo sapiens are forced to pay property taxes on land they thought
they owned outright. But in fact, in the small-print of your own loan contract,
as well as your deed, makes it clear you are an occupant of the property,
not the owner. That means someone else, not a MONSTER, owns that land
and you are merely leasing it.
Since MONSTERS (homo sapiens) can not own land, that means in black
and white terms, someone ELSE must own all the land. And you thought
Homo Neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) were extinct, because Wikipedia
(owned/operated by Crypto J3ws) told you so:
Wiki: Neanderthal;
H. sapiens neanderthalensis), are an extinct species or subspecies of
archaic humans who lived in Eurasia until about 40,000 years ago.
The claims are that Neanderthals are extinct today and they no longer
exist. However, that has been disproven countless times since the advent
of genetic testing became possible, proving there are many Neanderthals
out there. And they are heavily populated in certain circles. Especially in
Crypto J3wish communities that have a problem with Muslims apparently.
The ultra-rare and ultra-specific Haplogroup Neanderthalensis that has now
been demonstrated as carried down through eons of time by
J3ws-not-J3ws, was why the pet term for the group is referred to in
phlebotomy/blood work as Haplogroup J, not N, as at first it appeared that
only J3ws were the modern living versions of Neanderthals.
Actually, no. J3ws that have not been allowed to serve in the priestly class
in their synagogues, ever, do not carry more than trace levels of male
haplogroup J. However, Haplogroup J is found within what is known as the
priestly class that issue all the laws and rules over actual J3ws, the Levant
and the Kohanim, modern-day Sarmatians, with as much as 96%
Neanderthal genes. The priests alone that only inter-marry among their
own bloodlines since Babylonian times, are the only ones with dominant
Haplo J. And, as you can see around you, they do, in fact, exist, because
someone owns land and it sure isn't humans.
‘Sarmatians’ are the oldest known and purest Neanderthal bloodline of the
Levant and Kohanim on the plane.
Wiki: Sarmatians;
The Sarmatians were groups of Iranic peoples that lived in a region called
Sarmatia that is the present day Ukraine near the Black Sea shore. They
were flourishing from 5th century BC to the 4-5th century AD.
I guess you know now why ‘saving Ukraine’ is the single biggest issue on
earth today. To normies, those are people that can fend for themselves. But
to the official ruling class of the world, those are your gods.
Sarmatians is merely a transliteration of Sumerians, as is also
‘Cimmarians’. All of which hail directly from ancient Babylon where the
wheel, the plow, indoor plumbing, production, writing, hydraulics, fabric,
brick production, metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats, chariots,
numerals, taxes, calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, beer,
stringed instruments, maps, schools, farmer's almanac, jobs, congress,
J3wdicial systems, corporations, paved roads, banks and formal municipal
services suddenly fell right out of the clear blue sky to earth while the rest
of the world were still living in caves and trying to invent fire.
Realize that the Levant and the Kohanim are also known as The Order Of
The Son Of God, or, ‘the Melchizedeks’ that belong to the blood
ritual-based Babylonian Mystery Religion in honor of the son of Enki, god of
the New Testament, known in those times as Marduk. Marduk and Enki are
both still here, and are still co-ruling all of earth in case you were
Enki Lucifer's original bloodline prior to entry into this plane's atmosphere is
known as the Leviathan Seraphim “Zephelium” Anunnaki (Dragons).
Drakonian is where the name Kohanim is transliterated from, and Leviathan
is where the name Levi was taken.
The reason all countries in the world lease their land from Enki’s
International Monetary Fund (IMF), managed by the House of Rothschild
that processes every cent that flows through every Central Bank worldwide,
and you have to pay taxes on the property you thought you owned outright,
is because Enki owns the deed to ‘all soil of earth above water’ he acquired
in the Eye of Isis Treaty, also known as the Camel’s Eye Treaty that was
signed in 408 A.D. under Silk Road highway robbery coercion. If all
countries didn’t sign, no one would be allowed to trade between any
countries. That’s how they are factually holding Allodial Title to all land in
the world, including new islands that appear that crest above ocean level.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: Is this all in any way related to the mention of Homo Capensis and
elongated skulls?
WR: Yes, of course. Totally unique features passed down from gen to gen
don't just magically appear out of nowhere. Over 50 ET species came
through to our space through the Eden drama. They interbred with each
other. Elongated skulls come from the Centaurs.
Q: Where's Mohammedanism in all of these?
If you DO NOT want to learn who the Catholic church actually worships,
leave now.
Yeah, worshiping on the day of the week originally named diēs Sāturnī after
Saturnalia, the ancient Babylonian/Roman pagan festival honoring the
agricultural god Saturn (Enki) through human sacrifice, is so much better
than worshipping on the ancient Babylonian pagan high day Sol (Sun) Day
in honor of the Sun God Marduk.
It is all pagan folks. The word pagan literally comes from the transliteration
of sex magic/blood sacrificial observances of the Babylonian Mystery
Religion that was later adopted by Greece and Rome (where they openly
sacrificed "Christians" for entertainment), and continues on today in the
Holy Roman Catholic Church disguised as now suddenly somehow
"Christian" just because some guy in a strange fish hat said so. That fish
hat is in honor of the Jehovah Anunnaki who were fish beings with legs.
See imagine below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumerian_religion…
That's right, your "Christian" fish symbol known as the Ichthys is literally a
symbol of the Jehovah Anunnaki, also known as Dagon from the Mystery
Religion, the 'Great Harlot' as just mentioned by the Pope himself.
The 'bible' was commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine that
followed the Babylonian Mystery religion. Rome was never Christian, they
literally celebrated sacrificing Christians, and still celebrate martyring their
leader, as retold by independent historians.
The bible was crafted to blend satanic pagan sacrificial high days with
"Christian" holy days together so Rome could harvest all the money from
both sides, from their pagan citizens as well as the new Christians that had
just popped up over the last 300 hundred years.
Oh, you thought the super secret Masonic Brotherhood was a recent thing,
didn't you? Masons hail from Babylon where the wheel, the plow, indoor
plumbing, production, writing, hydraulics, fabric, brick production,
metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats, chariots, numerals, taxes,
calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, stringed instruments,
maps, schools, farmer's almanac, jobs, congress, judicial systems,
corporations, paved roads, banks and formal municipal services suddenly
fell right out of the clear blue sky to earth while the rest of the world were
still living in caves and trying to invent fire. All with no archeological
evidence of development for any of them.
Constantine went on to become the first Catholic Pope, even though the
"Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine" bears his
own name under the compass and square Masonic logo. Catholicism has
always been an extension of the "Christian fraternal order of Freemasonry"
from the very beginning of the newly-renamed ancient order from Babylon
that worshipped Enki Satain and his sons Marduk/Utu, Era/Aries,
Thoth/Hermes and g.g.g. grandson Nimrod. Nothing has changed except
the name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Cross_of_Constantine…
The Freemasons secretly worship Nimrod as their god. They also don't
mention the fact that Nimrod was a grandson of Enki Satain, founder of
Babylon. They also don't mention that Nimrod later changed his name to
Gilgamesh, written of extensively in the 500,000 cuneiform clay tablets of
Sumer-Ur, capitol of Babylon of the 250,000 year history of their ancestors
the Anunnaki that (from heaven came) and were factually not humans.
See Epic of Gilgamesh.
Those historic documents pre-date the 'bible' that carries the same events
covered in both, such as the parting of the red sea, the flood, Noah, all of it,
by 10,000 years. 'Official' historical records place Babylon around 6000
years ago to fit biblical time-dating, but it was really 12,000.
Don't think so? Do you know who Amen Ra was? His name as mentioned
above, was Marduk Satain, ruler in Babylon after his father Enki retired (but
was still co-ruling behind the scenes as he still does today), then it was
changed to Amen later when he showed up in Egypt after he and everyone
else had to leave Sumer-Ur Babylon due to nuclear radiation poisoning of
the land and water after a massive war that destroyed that entire area,
written about in the Hindu Vedas of the Mahabharata. Don't act like they
never said anything about it. They did.
And when you finish praying to your "Christian" god, what do you close it
Of course not. You now bring in a totally foreign name into the equation as
if that makes perfect sense when you say "Amen".
There was no record of a person named Jesus during biblical times outside
of the Mason bible because the letter J did not exist. However there are
records of a Yesheua Sananda Melchizedek that was said to have done all
the same things Marduk/Amen/Horus was known for.
What is not well known is that Marduk was also transliterated into the name
Zeus in Egyptian times, which is the same name as Ezus.
Marduk was also transliterated into Jupiter in Greek times. So now you
have Ezus with a brand new letter J for Jupiter in front of it today.
The hubbub the Pope is now making over "saturday not sunday" is just a
distraction from the fact that no matter if you worship either of these days,
or Tuesday night at 3 am, you are still worshipping their gods.
All three are constantly battling "Satan" as a psyop. They are literally the
family line of Satain and the King James bible is their story, not humans'.
Get off your knees people. You are every bit as much god as any being that
ever lived. You laid out everything you see around you today, but you don't
remember because you were mind-wiped. The era of worshipping beings
outside of your own collective, bloodline known as Prime Creator, has
come to a close.
If you want to see this post for reference again in the future, cut and paste it
now offline because it will disappear.
1. Marduk/Amen/Horus/Zeus/Jupiter Satain Human Hybrid
2. Jehovah Anunnaki Human Hybrid relief, Babylon
3. Jehovah Anunnaki Aquatic being
4. Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Santa Satain Human Hybrid
Q: This is awesome
Thank you
Thank you
Is man a hybrid created by Enki and Isis on their farm called Eden?
Do you know which other biological creatures were used to create man?
Also, and I am partly joking but only partly, is Enki here and do you have his
phone number?
More seriously, is her here and does he encourage the sacrificing of man
and children?
I'm not exactly sure what size the Anuhazi Elohim were, or what Enki's size
was at the time he was inducted into an Anunnaki Elohim body, but Adam
and Eve were 90 feet tall. Those hybrids got smaller with each generation,
being overpowered by human genetics. The Anunnaki shown in the
petroglyphs of Egypt are extremely recent, so they aren't nearly that big
compared to humans. Perhaps around 17-20 ft tall.
He's still here, and you definitely don't want his number. Yes, he requires
sacrifice of humans, of course. The Anunnaki were created for the sole
purpose of killing and torturing humans as their only purpose in life. They
are simply killing machines created by the Anuhazi Elohim that opposed
the Human Elohim project of the Oraphim.
Q: What a thread , many things are similar to what I’ve read. Only some
names differ, I was reading from the orthodox vs slavic-aryan vedas pow.
Btw, what you think about the slavic-aryan vedas?
WR: All written religious texts on earth are programs infested with
thousands of spells to induce hypnosis and blind allegiance to false gods
who are really just lower matrix children still playing sandbox games and
whacking each other with wooden spoons.
Q: Are there not some benfitial truths in every religion? What is with prayer
to the Universal Source or Meditation/Mantra Chanting or Kundalini Yoga
(plus others Yoga forms)? All worthless for Ascension? Or just too
impractical for the masses?
WR: Yes. You speak to your higher self that is still in the deity planes. Not
chant or beg to some fantastic being somewhere. That's you up there and
they have your back and already want the very best things for you without
your asking. Get off your knees and vibrate in love.
Q: The Bible records that God guides people through dream revelations. If
you interpret it according to your current interpretation, it seems that this
will not happen,We only see in our dreams the actual life situations of our
other incarnations.
WR: Every time a religious text references to god, just understand that is a
lie and a program. Everything about that entity is fiction. You are Prime
Creator that made all the false gods in the first place. No one fractal of
which is greater than any other. Only children play that game of acting like
they're something that they're not.
WR: Vaguely. The law of one is the actual law of this evolution, but has
been distorted of course. There was a whole library of books (seems like
almost 600?) that were part of the handbooks of humanity. It basically says
to treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
The bottom line is you need to be yourself. If who you are doesn't vibrate
as one with all creation in harmony and willing to stand up for those who
cannot stand up for themselves, then you are simply not ready to move
forward and you need more time in the 3rd dimension. That's all.
Whomever you are at your quantum, you need to embrace that until your
quantum changes and your higher self will make sure that's where you
remain until you get it. All the death bed conversions or faking love and
light will never achieve anything other than delaying your rise to higher
levels of harmony and responsibility.
This is only one of countless cycles you will live out in only one era of only
one dimension inside only one time matrix that will go on and on into infinity
in the journey to perfection. No fractal of god has ever reached perfection in
all of time, because simply put, perfection is only a subjective term, given
your surroundings and past experiences. At once you could consider
yourself the perfect being within your given circumstances only to find out
you are lightyears away from perfect in the very next city or the very next
year because there are trillions of possible situations where your perfection
will be tried and fail. That's why the journey never ends.
If you feel you need to be a kleptomaniac, embrace that. If you want to feed
the hungry, then join a soup kitchen. It doesn't matter what you are urged to
do from your core drive. You must be able to admit that is who you are at
this one moment and own it. Be the best at that you can be until something
else comes along and you move on to planting fruit trees in all 50 states or
whatever it is your spirit tells you to move on to. You can't reach perfection
if you know nothing about all possible situations and outcomes. You will get
there if you are just being true to your own inner compass.
Let others live as they choose. Offer advice from your own perspective, but
never assume that if they don't take it, they are somehow less than you are.
What's 'right' for a policeman might be the perfectly wrong thing for your
ultimate goal for your awareness. Which is why passing judgment onto
anyone, for anything, is merely your ignorance of their challenges. Step in
and stop them from harming the innocent, but never hate the perpetrator.
They are one cell of the same body you are from. And like passing
judgment on your big toe so you cut it off, you merely make yourself weaker
and less balanced (literally). Love them the same as you love your mother
or father and just realize who you're seeing in them now will not be what
you will be seeing in them 1 million lifetimes from now because things, and
people, never stay the same.
These below are from different tweets, but they refer to the Law of One:
WR: Learn to vibrate in love with all things. That is the law of one.
WR: If you are moving forward under the embrace of the law of one, all of
this is a complete illusion. Trillions of realities exist. You remain inside the
one you closest harmonize with. To change the channel, change your
resolution. Vibrate with compassion & unity if you want to see
WR: Same as I just mentioned to Laurie. Learn to vibrate as one with all
things in harmony, compassion and love. That is the law of one.
WR: The bar is that you have applied the law of one during this life where
you treat others as you would have them treat you, with compassion and
unconditional love. That doesn't mean let them do anything they want, it
means not judging them down for making poor choices and being willing to
step in to prevent innocents who cannot defend themselves from harm at
any cost. They will naturally resonate as one with life.
WR: The bar is that you have applied the law of one during this life where
you treat others as you would have them treat you, with compassion and
unconditional love. That doesn't mean let them do anything they want, it
means not judging them down for making poor choices and being willing to
step in to prevent innocents who cannot defend themselves from harm at
any cost. They will naturally resonate as one with life.
WR: Vaguely. The law of one is the actual law of this evolution, but has
been distorted of course. There was a whole library of books (seems like
almost 600?) that were part of the handbooks of humanity. It basically says
to treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
This is from other twitter conversation, but it’s important since it’s related to
applying the Law of One
Q: ... they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension
and freedom from the illusions of matter." How do these religions help us
achieve ascension and freedom from illusions if they've been edited,
manipulated and changed?
Q: Then how do we know that child rape is wrong and that murder is
wrong? Honestly, where does the moral framework come from then?
WR: It is summed up in the one sentence that represents the Law of One;
Do to others as you would have them do to you. ~Sananda Melchizedek.
That's not going to include raping you as a child unless you're like E. Jean
Carroll, and I don't know many people who want to be murdered.
Q: She's a bitch
WR: Passing judgment on others is one of those things pointed out in the
Law of One not to do. We're all the same fractals of Prime Creator and we
take all walks through never ending life cycles. Defaming others is a human
construct. Just because their choices aren't your choices doesn't mean
they are bad. They are literally synapses from your own brain you're
seeing. They are you if you were raised exactly like they were.
— (continued, but in another tweet)
Q: I think that law is too broad. More specifics are needed.
WR: When you learn every sentient living being around you is literally your
own body, you will try much harder to find reasons to love them just as you
do for your own child that makes wrong decisions growing up. If they steal
a candy, you don't necessarily send them to the gallows.
Q: Some people eat their children. And without laws, we have chaos in
WR: If anyone has to be told not to eat their children, they shouldn't be
around anyone else until they change their outlook on life. No one wants to
be eaten, so it falls outside of the Law of One.
Q: "These accomplishments set the stage for mass ascension, but the
races still had a long way to go in healing andevolving their consciousness
and genetic codes." How does one heal their consciousness and genetic
codes? How does one evolve in their consciousness and genetic codes?
Q: How can one know what authentic is if not taught what it is? Where is
the moral framework?
WR: Authentic means standing for what you believe in. It doesn't matter if
that is a serial killer or you own a soup kitchen. Whatever is the real you, be
that thing, as it leads you to your fastest way to balance. But I think as an
Indigo, you are going to resonate with compassion, honesty, integrity and
grace naturally, seeing as how you are already an ascended master.
What you never want to do is chisel someone down on what they feel is
fair. If you think it is overpriced, move on even if it means going without
because the aether treats this as an act of theft with consequences.
Everyone has their own idea of self-worth, and chiseling them down isn't
your place. Bargaining for a lower price is a concept brought here by
invader races, which is why it is known as 'J3wing them down'. I either buy
something or I don't.
If you were asking the Q in another light, let me know. This is just one path
through that forest.
— (this is from another tweet, but it’s relevant here)
WR: You always have the right to protect yourself too. If threatened, lethal
force to stop an attack is 100% condoned. No one here ever really dies
anyway and there are offences much more severe than that.
WR: The idea behind 'spirituality' is you're wanting to break free of the
physical realm, but you came here to experience the physical realm
because where you really are right now is only awareness and energy in
the primal sound and light fields of the deity planes where you have no
body and you know all things. None of what I teach is spiritual. It is reality.
All this life is can be thought of as an adventure to experience anticipation
of things you might see that you haven't yet in this cycle. This is more a
vacation than anything else.
Your birth certificate is bonded, which creates the assets backing Federal
Savings Bonds that is traded on the stock exchange, which backs the US
fiat dollar that was generated entirely off of your back, not the bankers and
elites that write your laws who do not ever generate 1 new dollar across
their lifetimes.
If I grow a tomato and sell it for $1, that's brand-new money, not part of the
system before that the gov can now print another dollar for, and not lose
any liquidity by doing. Now I take that money and buy fertilizer and some
hose fittings and grow more tomatoes that I sell for $10,000. Now I buy a
truck that I put gas and oil in, new tires on it and grow more tomatoes and
sell them for $200,000 and buy a home or a boat.
This is all new money pouring into the world that was never there before
me and wouldn't be there had I never been born. Everyone around me
buys clothes and meals and tools with the money I generated out of
nothing and suddenly there is $100m circulating through my community all
because of me and my interaction with my fellow man.
In truth, Cestui Que Vie Trusts that are now 'bonded' or guaranteed by the
mere fact I'm alive, and even if I don't generate tens of millions of dollars
myself, I will consume lots of costly things that other creators are making,
so even worthless eaters are very valuable, so the Bonded Trust is opened
with $100,000 insurance against it that only grows on the stock market
(you're the stock as in stock yard) the more it is traded every single night by
all the central banks around the world to earn interest.
People live an average of about 63 yrs now, it used to be over 70-80 just 4
years ago, but that's going down now thanks to all of our food and air being
poisoned. But still, over 63 years, the average human is going to generate
or consume tons of new dollars within the system. So just by bonding that
new born baby and stealing its identity under a Straw Man fiction, I can
earn millions of dollars off their proceeds.
This is called loosh to your captors, and they get filthy rich beyond anything
your mind can imagine by doing this to every single new baby that's born.
They drink cocktails at parties that cost as much as your truck ($19,000 for
one shot), and smoke cigars that cost as much as the nicest home you
might ever own in your life ($500,000). For one cigar. That's the kind of
money I'm talking about that they spend. The 'elite' can spend more in a
single day on personal items than a 'useless eater' will spend from cradle to
That's what they want, all the money. And your creativity and ambition pays
for all of it, because in the end, every dollar you ever earn, you will give
back to them over 75c after taxes on already-taxed income on everything
you buy, licenses, fees, driving tickets and the list goes on.
You will earn on average $1.7m over your lifetime, of which they will get
$1.3m of it. From you and every single person in America. And that is only
a fraction of what they get from your Cestui Que Vie trust yields that are at
least tens of millions, which is only a fraction of what your 'new money'
actually adds to your community that could equate to hundreds of millions
of $ across your lifetime and as long as that currency is in use because it
didn't exist before you were born and money makes money.
If you didn't have to pay taxes and fees, your life would be that of a wealthy
man and you would have an estate to hand down to your kids, that would
grow exponentially with each new generation. But even your death is taxed
heavily, after it had already been taxed 10x before. So you, the 'chattel'
(cattle) on the stock market are simply being eaten by the banksters and
cartels just as surely if you had an ear tag heading to auction.
As soon as the war ended with the fake announcement of the US winning,
all of the top scientists and leaders from Germ@ny were assigned the
highest positions of power within the US mil under Operation Paperclip.
They waited before they replaced the president with one of their own, as
you'll see in a moment. But they already had the entire mil. from that
moment forward.
This is why America has given over $260 BILLION dollars, adjusted for
inflation, to Israel starting immediately after the war ended since 1946.
That's not "foreign aid", that's the gross domestic income of whole
developed countries.
And they still control our military, which is why there is a massive
Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force/Space Force full-scale war behind the
scenes, with Gen. Sm1th issuing 'shoot to kill on sight' orders for anyone
from FEMA, as they did recently in both Florida and Maui and just days ago
in the Texas DEW attacks.
It was a silent takeover because the B0lshevik Khaz@rian Ashken@zis
(Anunnakis) that had long since infiltrated and secretly taken over
Germ@ny from the inside didn't want anyone to know they had now taken
over the USA, otherwise it would have been an unwinnable war back home
on the streets and hills of America that owned half of all the guns and
ammo in the entire world by less than 5% of the global population. Under
no circumstances would Americans have allowed N@zis to take over this
country, and Hitler knew it.
This is what Crypto J3ws do, they assume the identity of their victims, and
have been doing so for 12,000 years since they left Babylon. They have
been here for MUCH, much longer than just that. Their MO is to prey upon
the sympathies of good people, spinning wild lies about how oppressed
they are. Then when they are done with that civilization, they leave it
absolutely in ashes, both literally as well as within the minds of the
collective consciousness of the world.
For example, did the Hol0caust really take place? Hardly. Sure, it was war
time and people died at Auschw1tz, but not even a fraction of what was
claimed. The showers at the detention camp were forensically tested for
gas residue, which was non-existent, and in fact the doors to the showers
had never had a lock on them since the day the building was constructed.
There were also no fingernail marks on the walls.
It was all lies to get the world to absolutely HATE Germ@ny, (who they
considered now their enemy while they shifted their attention to focus on
taking over to ultimately decimate America as completely as possible),
while at the same time being highly sympathetic toward the J3ws, that they
only pose being one of. Actually, the real Anunnaki invaders from Babylon
are Haplogroup J bloodtype that hold the 'sacred' position of religious
leadership over actual J3ws, known as the Kohanim (Cohen) and the
Levant, which factually carry the DNA of supposedly 'extinct'
Neanderthalensis (Babylonian Sumerians/Cimmerians). Neanderthals are
NOT extinct, they're just telling you that while acting like their peoples 'died
out eons of time ago' so you wouldn't give it a second thought.
You're dealing with ETs here, not merely clever humans. They are infinitely
more intelligent and educated than humans have ever been.
Preying on sentimentalism each time, the J3ws cried repeatedly, every few
years PRIOR to WW2 that "ten millions J3ws were slaughtered" in one
claimed attack after another. And they just rolled out the same old story
AGAIN after the war to garner sympathy so they could install
"ant1Sem1t1sm" across the board as insulation to do anything they wanted
to do. When in fact it is documented in the official census that the number
of J3ws INCREASED during the war from 1939 (15.6 million world-wide
J3wish population) to 1945 (15.8 million). It was all entirely a ruse.
The Babylonian Anunnaki left Sumer-Ur after a nuclear war left it
radioactive. This was the act of Aries (known as Erra at that time) who was
attempting to kill his half-brother Marduk. See Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
(Sodom and Gommorah) radioactive remains and the account in the
The Anunnaki went directly to Egypt, where they now became the Egyptian
gods that taught them to be g@y and openly ped0phile, causing the
downfall of the country.
After that they moved on to Gr33ce, immediately becoming known as the
'Gr33k gods' (same gods as in Babylon, just transliterated into Gr33k),
infiltrated their culture, turned them into g@ys and ped0philes, causing the
downfall of the country.
They went on to Rome and became the Roman Gods. Same gods, now in
Roman letters. They quickly turned them into g@ys and ped0philes,
causing the downfall of the country. Notice a pattern here? This is the
ultimate take down of a country when you decimate their self-identities and
teach them not to listen to their own moral values that lead to wholesome
families and the natural propagation of any species. People who choose
same-sex coupling do not have babies. That is game over. The US is now
playing out the final moments of this tried-and-proven covert h0locaust.
After Rome's fall, that's when they created the "Catholic" church. They had
been using the name Khath@rs after they had dropped Babylonians,
Sumerians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Cimmarians and a host of other
names, turning into "Khatholics", all transliterations of Khaz@rian which is
a transliteration of Sumerian.
At this same time the new alphabet entered the brand-new letter C which
not only denoted the K sound, but also the gentler C sound. So Khatholics
now became C@tholics. But you forgot it was never simply "the Catholic
Church", but has never changed to this day from the Roman Catholic
Church. And the Roman Church was known prior to this as the Babylonian
Mystery Religion that Rome adopted straight out of Sumer-Ur that was and
still is pledged to the ancient pagan gods of Babylon.
The next stop for the Khathar Sumerians was regrouping on the Mongolian
Steppes where they now split up, traveling literally in all directions away
from Rome, usurping the identities of each culture. One of which was
immediately the Danubian Principalities, which they at once changed the
name to Romania in honor of their recent conquest. Yeah, that's where the
guy known as Vlad Dracul ruled that drank the blood of his enemies
(humans) that is storied to possess immortality (as the Anunnaki do
possess this ability through potions and adren0chr0me), the
self-announced ancestor of the current King Charles III.
The Anunnaki then went on to Tartaria (Russi@) & up into the north where
they would now become Nord1cs, spread into Germ@ny, Italy, Malta, Sicily
and effectively every other country over the next thousand years. Think
Skipping over some centuries, they had already totally infiltrated Germ@ny
from the inside, silently putting into place Adolf Hitler (the son of James de
Rothschild). That's how the Pan-Germ@ns somehow got hold of
superballistic levitation crafts from the Thule Society and knew all about
ancient black magic. It was literally their own breakaway group from
beyond the ice wall.
The term Pan-German is a nod to their paternal god and forefather
Enki/Ptah Satain that is also known as Pan. They literally changed the
name of the far eastern lands they infiltrated and took over known as
Wakoku to Ja-Pan for the same reason. Understand that within the
Mongolian alliance, a collection of many races from Babylon that had
anywhere from blond to black to brown and even red haired sub-groups,
they also they had Asian hybrids as well.
To this day it is against the law in Germ@ny to bear the symbol of the
Thule Society (Black Sun Society), their break away advanced group
beyond the ice wall (because they wanted distance themselves from
Germ@ns even further, now that they were refocusing their main efforts
into destroying America).
Once they had defeated America in the Antarctic Operation Highjump battle
that had forced Admiral Byrd’s capitulation after he witnessed a technology
that was utterly, in every possible way, impossible to overcome, they
literally steamrolled their way across this country. And I do mean
steamrolled the USA, by repeating the same infiltration using a different
name as they had just done in Germ@ny with Adolf Hitler Rothschild, by
installing the Manchurian Candidate Barack Hitler Rothschild as president
that undermined every piece of the American fabric that made this country
ETs are smart. Make no mistake, as they have unbroken historic records
going back over 250,000 years. Not only in the form of 500,000 cuneiform
clay tablets of Mesopotamia (Babylon) that predate the M@sonic Bible
(King James) by more than 10,000 years with the same old testament
stories, but in the 150 miles of underground Vatican archives that include
the original scrolls of the Library of Alexandria that they had stolen just
before they burned the building to the ground.
WR: If you have read Adm Byrd's diary and his multiple stories about
visiting Agartha he thought was inside earth (which was likely passing
under our dome) and you have researched the Thule Society (a break
away advanced society) in-depth and researched the science in-depth
about the Foo Fighters that came about from Hitler's alliance with them and
saw how he created the N@zi symbol based on their symbol that stands for
the 4 rivers flowing from Mt. Nigra at the center of the N. pole (the world's
largest mountain that is all magnet), and you were aware of the other
10,000 things I know about interconnecting to these things, I doubt you
would be calling any of this misinformation.
Remember, I make nothing off of clicks and likes (0.4c an hour), I work for
no employer, I am not even registered to vote, I have no agenda other than
helping others awake to the tools of enslavement their captors have used
again them. I have over 20,000 hours of research into this material. If I
don't share it here, then where?
From other tweets related to the above post
Countries from around the world that historically cannot agree on anything,
came together and passed the Antarctic Treaty that says you can’t step foot
on that landmass. The Treaty was formed in 1961 with 56 current countries
If your boat or plane were allowed to scout Antarctica you would eventually
learn it is the edge of our contained world under a dome and that there are
3 or 4 exits being constantly patrolled to keep you inside.
What isn’t well known is the fact that a ship in any ocean in the world can
set their bearings in any direction, literally blindfolded, and will reach the
South Pole.
What also isn’t well known is the fact that multiple voyages in the 15, 16
and 17th centuries mapping the world reported when they tried to sail
around the Antarctic continent that the expedition took ½ a year longer to
encircle than they had all anticipated, leading to starvation of many of their
crew each time. Some literally had to just abandon the mission entirely
because they ran out of money. Once some of these expeditions had
successfully completed their journey around the edge of the South Pole
and calculated their nautical miles, they reported having gone 'further than
the claimed circumference of the entire world'.
The South Pole is actually the edge surrounding the world that normies live
in, which is why it is called the Arctic Circle, not the Arctic Island. If you
were to move inland from the ice wall you would actually find another
optically clear ice-crystal wall traveling vertically upward from ground level
as far as the eye could see, if you could see it. But the surface of that wall
isn’t reflective and seems transparent with a slight sky blue tint to it. This is
known as 'sky ice'.
The Wiki Antarctic Treaty article doesn’t mention the lands that were
claimed for Germany by Hitler in 1939 that were beyond the ice walls called
Neuschwabenland, now renamed ‘New Swabia’. Did you know that there
are lands beyond the arctic walls claimed by 7 countries but you’ll never be
allowed to see them?
It was during Hitler’s many trips to the Antarctic prior to WW2 that he made
contact with the highly advanced, breakaway group known as the Thule
Society (also called the Black Sun Society) that operates either under the
ice, or beyond the dome wall where he was given advanced antigravity
technologies that led to the first fighter planes made out of steel (steel can’t
float on air currents folks, that’s literally not possible), then later flying discs
first known as the N@zi Bell, and later as ‘Foo Fighters’ that are able to
hover, fly and translocate instantly using scalar mapping and temporal
displacement technology. Prior to WW2 Hitler secretly already had this tech
in development and ironed out during the war while America was still using
archaic forms of air weaponry.
Prior to the Antarctic Treaty being signed into international law, soon after
the 2nd world war had ‘concluded’ in Sept of 1945, Admiral Byrd was
dispatched to the Antarctic in Operation Highjump on Dec 2, 1946, sending
the largest warship armada in America’s recorded history to ‘establish Little
America IV’ base at the south pole. This took ‘13 ships, 19 airplanes, four
helicopters and 4700 troops’. For a single outpost.
According to Admiral Byrd’s personal diary however, that’s not what took
place. Germany had secretly won WW2 that was still being suppressed by
the media and it was Adm Byrd’s job to correct that glitch in America’s
narrative. This was America’s final Hail Mary to bring the battle once again
against the victors that were already based out of Neuschwabenland,
Antarctica using Thule Society technology.
What they were met with at the gates to Neuschwabenland was not to be
believed. Byrd stated that German superballistic levitating discs (Foo
Fighters) came up out of the ocean and ‘cut through his warships like a hot
knife through butter in less than 20 minutes’. He said his fighter pilots were
crashing into an invisible wall and bursting into flames before his very eyes.
That was the final battle of WW2 and Germany won with no loss of life and
without so much as breaking a sweat.
(See; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2owERS1tXag
Also: The Missing Diary Of Admiral Richard E. Byrd By: Timothy G Beckley
For more on the real war see @iontecs_pemf article; GERMANY WON
Of course all countries are aware we are imprisoned behind an ice wall and
under a dome, which is why the world map hanging in the UN isn’t a globe.
There’s actually more to the story than just this that includes yet another
dome over the top of the one we see projecting gobo spotlight ‘stars’ on our
planetarium screen above our heads, but we will just focus on the inner
dome here. The lands you see around our prison ice wall are within that
also-secured area to the edge of the 2nd dome before you can even get to
the rest of the known lands of the 3rd dimension on the other side of that.
The dome is an extremely sophisticated device that self-repairs as it is
damaged or begins aging. Researchers in the Arctic Circle mil bases claim
they can only ‘tunnel 10 miles into the ice wall before it self-closes’. I can
tell you how that works, but I can't tell you how ultimately thick the dome is.
Just ‘more than 10 miles’. It could be twice that deep.
There are microcrystals in our air and water that hold static energy like very
small capacitors. They feed 'life' energy to all living things and come from
the bottom of the ocean where the sea water is clearly defined between it
and the lakes and rivers below on the sea floor. The water below is called
heavy water. Purified, this is called deuterium. It is known as rocket fuel
and all nuclear reactors require this in order to generate energy. Deuterium
droplets are pure energy. If you brought a cup of it directly up to the surface
of the water exposed to direct sun waves, it will self-ignite, imploding in a
massive photon burst.
But not all deuterium particles return 'purified' as rain. Some are stripped of
all liquid content and, since energy rises ('helium'/'hydrogen'), it continues
rising until it reaches the dome. There it seeks out any imperfections in the
surface, and attaches itself to the structure.
The dome is held together in it's shape through a standing frequency wave
that commands that precise mass of fully depleted-deuterium to hold that
shape. This is cymatics. Frequency commands all shapes to form. All
things are holding their own unique standing vibration as demonstrated by
Hans Jenny.
Hans Jenny Cymatics
When the dome is holding its shape, all of the microcrystals now become
'one' with each other through network covalent bonding. At which time any
opacity is lost and all the particles become optically clear holding a 'sky
blue' tint. Otherwise the wall and the dome above are invisible to the eye.
However, the dome itself is not like a rock-hard crystal shell, but more like a
slushy that acts much like a thick snow. So when privateer rockets strike,
they stick abruptly, but not destructively against it.
See: Go Fast Rocket Hits Dome GoFast - Rocket hits the sky firmament
Elon's rockets that are I believe attempting to show people with their own
eyes they live under a dome, are like massive RPGs that explode on
contact, then explodes again and again as it keeps pushing deeper. Maybe
he wants to break through? But nonetheless, that's what you're seeing.
Next time you checked that spot, it would be perfectly sealed and smooth
again. On my wall you will find a post with an image that appears like there
is a huge crack in the dome, refracting light in a rainbow hue.
Mankind used to know about the dome up until 1960, at which time the
PTB removed all references out of our encyclopedias and school literature.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
— (from another tweet, but relevant here)
Q: Technology that exists in the center of the north pole mt meru is what is
generating the super powerful frequency needed to generate the ice wall.
That must be partly why we cant go there? The northern lights must be
directly related to this tech?
WR: Indeed. The zero point of the surface of the dome would be where the
signal would have to be to form that structure.
The interesting thing about the N pole is that it is not the north pole such as
you would locate on a magnet, but the south pole where energy comes out,
wraps around in a torus field pattern (identical to the shape of the dome)
and then back in at the north pole.
Our compasses are not being attracted to the N pole, they are being
attracted to the continuous line of magnets that have to be just below the
surface all around the Antarctic Circle, all of which are pointing perfect
away from the Garden of Eden/Black Rock/Mt Nigra/Mt Meru (meaning
Compass manufacturers electrify (turn into magnet) the opposite end of the
compass pointer and paint the non-magnetic end in bright red or green that
now points directly south but they CALL it north throughout this entire fake
reality where black is white and up is down. You can look this all up online.
This means that Mt Nigra is the SOUTH END of that mountain that is
buried in the earth, and the NORTH END is likely sticking out the other side
of however thick this plane is. So our "North" pole is in fact sending out that
signal the dome is holding shape because of. That's how big this
'conspiracy' goes where they lie about the very foundation of the world you
are standing on in every way they can so no one can connect all the dots.
(post with restricted visibility on Twitter) - link
If you still wonder if you fall into this category, try looking up slightly
outdoors to a bright section of the sky (not the sun). Now focus only 1 foot
away from your eyes. If you are an Indigo, or an advanced-transitioning
human to the next level of awareness, you will see something other people
cannot see. These are Higgs bosons.
Your command of these heightened abilities will vary between each Indigo;
Indigos have the ability to ‘manifest’ things they would like to see in their
lives. While humans do too, it would take an entire metropolis of people to
equal the same speed to manifest as a single Indigo. And because of this,
‘gifted’ children are prepared from the youngest ages as potential special
agents within the milit@ry and dark agencies. Many take this route, as they
naively believe this would lead to a life of adventure and intrigue. Of course
they learn quickly the reality of such service means selling their soul and
dodging assassins across their lives.
But many Indigos do not fall for this harvesting program called GATE and
GT and a myriad of other acronyms in place in schools all across the US
and other nations. As long as they are ‘in the system’ and willing to play
ball with the left path, they’re relatively safe. They will pay physically of
course, but their own governm3nt won’t be the ones hunting them down
and deliberately inserting a thousand hardships into their lives, including
placing double agents into the role of their spouse or significant others just
to name one.
If you aren’t showing interest in dark projects, then they will attempt to cut
you off of your connection to your abilities by encrusting your pineal gland
through regular “mouth rinses” using fluoride. This will begin their targeting
of you in earnest.
Many of you were born in hospitals, taken from your mother’s womb and
handed over to high level Freemasons and high-ranking milit@ry officers to
raise in covert MK-Ultr@ brainwashing for later service in dark operations.
While not all of you experienced this, as much as 75% of you have, where
you do not look like either of your parents, nor your siblings that will not
compare with your intellect even remotely. You will have experienced a
massive lack of compassion from your surrogate mother, because she
knew all along you weren’t her child, but a special infant that was
abandoned and her altruistic husband asked her to raise it as one of her
own and keep that secret for the benefit of the child.
Under hypnosis she will have been witness to, and even participate in,
unthinkable levels of cruelty to the child all their years growing up, requiring
her to be neuralized daily or weekly which will eventually destroy her mind,
leaving her either controllably hysterical (sedated) or committed to an
asylum altogether.
Nothing that is happening to you in this life is by accident. Your higher self
is in charge of these events, convinced that you will be able to endure this
for reasons of counter espionage infiltration behind enemy lines. This is
what you do as your vocation in time matrices; you are special agents in
boots-on-the-ground extraction teams for civilizations that have been taken
hostage. You’ve proven you could handle it countless times before and
operate here under the Emerald Covenant of the Guardian Alliance (GA).
This is a real thing and no I’m not making any of this up.
In addition to this, there is one guardian ‘angel’ beyond the veil that is
tasked with looking out for you 24/7 while you’re on mission. We have 1/2m
boots on the ground, and 1/2m beyond the veil serving as your support
team. Humans do not have guardian angels, only GA agents do. And if I
spoke to any of you, I would find a good number of you have already
witnessed at least one event in your life where it was mathematically
impossible for you to have survived. Some will have even seen your own
guardian in real life and could never explain that to anyone because you
would be deemed crazy. This is actually very common for the GA.
While there are three unique and specialized mission contracts that you will
fit into one category of, they ultimately all boil down to this one common
denominator; it is your job to help humans understand the tools of
enslavement that their captors have been using so they can understand
they are prisoners in an artificial reality so they might possibly wake up. If
they don’t, move along because there are 5b more you would do better
spending time on trying to help. Very few are moving forward, but some are
on the verge of breaking through. Those are the ones that need your
You chose to come into this role. No one sought you out and asked you to
serve. You knew you could handle this mission, even though every step of
your life would be under attack. Your life is not under free-will as humans
are, because you are here on mission, not here to have a pleasant
experience. This is war and you’re here to bring this 550m year captivity to
an end. That part is coming very, very soon.
Indigos are here under constant direction from across the veil. It will seem
like you are free to choose your next job, home, spouse, but in real life
every door that you’re supposed to walk through will swing open before
you, and every door you want to go through but that’s not part of the
mission, will remain locked. You can apply for the wrong job 20x with
credentials that are massively overqualified and you will never get hired.
Ask someone on a date that is 2 stations below your appearance who will
never say yes. Because you aren’t supposed to go there.
If you have children in this life, they will be under contract with both you and
your mate under an Indigo Parenting Contract signed before you even
arrived. In virtually all cases, they will also be Indigos. You will never have
an accidental child. Every step of your mission is scripted. This is to let you
know that it is time you disconnect from the idea this is your world, and
your ‘one life’ and if you don’t experience Belize now, you will never get to.
Trust me, you have more lives ahead of you than any supercomputer could
ever count, and this ‘lifetime’ is a single cosmic second in the real picture of
your endless journey.
Don’t go crazy and place yourself in danger. You were given your special
intellect to help you discern what is safe and what isn’t. Don’t take chances
while already understanding that you can’t win a war unless you remain
alive. And that is your number 1 goal in this world. Stay alive. It is your
frequency that is assisting Tara (earth) in this transition from the 1stdensity
to the 2nd, first and foremost. Helping the humans find their way out of the
maze is second.
I do not take DMs, as the time is extremely short until this mission is over
and there is no more time to prepare anyone for what is about to unfold. If
you want to ask questions, you are welcome to under any current thread so
all are able to see the answer. We have to get the message out now. You
will not find mission posts on my wall, they remain random, dispersed as
comments under other threads in order to keep bots from landing on this
current profile and erasing the messages again.
Q: Sorry! I meant how can the path for indigos be determined so strongly,
yet can still be susceptible to deterrence by negative forces? Such as
illness or bad people, partners, family etc
WR: I do not want to sound Star Trekkie, cosmic or like a new age spiritual
tree hugging guru. All of that is cinematic and in the end, just
entertainment. I'm a scientist that happens to know some stuff and wishes
he didn't. Nonetheless, I volunteered for this in the exact same line you
stood in to help the human abductees.
Imagine teams from every civilization across the cosmeias who volunteer
for the most treacherous, difficult combat situations you can imagine
surrounding the enslavement of whole worlds who go in like Navy seals
behind enemy lines in the dead of night on foreign beaches, double agent
tactical forces that takes like 5 of these guys to neutralize a coup in a
country in 24 hours like I don't know, Spain. That's you. And yes, they do
exist, across billions/trillions of worlds.
Now imagine 1/2 million of these dudes signs up for deployment to enter
one world with another support group tasked 24/7 around the clock of 1/2
million to take on the single biggest takeover in manifest celestial history.
And they're doing all of this with their bare hands (no physical weapons,
only their clair abilities). They already now they're all going to be
mind-wiped as infants and targeted every single day of their lives because
their signature shows up on radar like a beacon no matter where they
stand. And they still sign up anyway.
These are not bad asses, these are spiritually evolved, technologically
sophisticated millions of years into the future of this civilization extraction
team professionals that do this century in and century out as their careers.
These are not babies, they don't need powdering and the harder the
challenge, the more they anticipate the mission.
You all don't know it yet, but you are all extremely well trained professionals
representing countless interstellar communities pledged into the alliance
that stands between intergalactic dark forces and upholding the
interdimensional treaty of free worlds. While the beings of higher dimension
are all accomplished and highly respected for their actions at different times
and eras of their journeys, you are known as heroes. Up there. Out there.
For real. This is not a line, story or come on. I'm serious.
So if you think that this is a tough mission, just understand that's what you
wanted bad enough to come into the worst war zone in recorded history
across dimensions and time matrices that stretch back trillions of years.
When I tell you that you got this, I mean you got this if you only believe in
Believe in you and ignore all the programming and defamation you've
endured across your life (which was all targeting by the way) and take your
stand. Because you are not the immortals, you are literally the eternals and
this is not some made up story just to fleece you yet again. I don't want
your money, I don't want your following or clicks. I only want your faith in
yourself to do what you came here to do. That's it.
WR: Seriously disturbing is the fact that a group of about 5 of the highest
rulers of earth all materialized in the home of a good friend of mine who
had 7 children, all with different skin colors, hair and eye colors (this is not
possible, since she had been faithful to her only husband the whole time)
that told her they "were there the gods and were here to take their offspring
which she had nurtured for them".
These gods were all wearing ancient looking apparel and announced
themselves as Marduk, Enki, Thor one other and unbelievably, one that she
described as "looking exactly like Yoda". As insane as that sounds. This is
not fiction people. I am a quantum physicist with multiple patents, many
books I authored without a ghost writer, self-made m$, autodidact polymath
and 100% sane. I'm literally telling you what happened.
Within DAYS of this visit that was beyond disturbing, all of her children were
taken by CPS, she was evicted onto the streets and silenced across every
path within society to even speak about what happened. She was utterly
destroyed and is homeless to this day, nearly 10 years later. So the story
I'm relaying to you is not some glib, off-hand anecdote, but the true story of
the lives we live out of the public eye who just so happened to have been
born within bloodlines that the rest of the world will never hear a word about
that is as difficult and harrowing as anything that ever happens in the
movies. We, the children of the fathers, pay the price for their actions. It
never stops, never goes away, and the war continues down through time,
life after life, whether you want to believe it or not.
She was and is, real. The event I relayed is real. The Anunnaki tribe that
use Indigos as harvesting farm animals is as real as a heart attack. I'm here
to let you know from first hand experience that no one on earth is prepared
to believe.
I have inside information you do not have access to, and I'm here to show
you the science behind that intel.
The vibration signature of the human avatar is held in the cells of your
DNA. Those cells increase in vibration the more educated one becomes
and the less fear of the unknown they carry. Understand every single cell of
your body is another fractal of your awareness. Each one having their own
personality, quirks, interests and concerns.
The more you learn about deeper subjects, the more informed all your cells
become, because they are all connected to each other through quantum
entanglement. What one knows, all the others know.
They only way your cells will feel confident is through knowledge which is
actually empowerment. No house mouse is ever going to vibrate with the
eagles because they are vulnerable and live their lives in the extremely low
vibration of constant fear. Your cells are all at your mercy alone, and have
no way to become eagles by themselves. So if you want to elevate your
frequency, you will research on all the potential dangers that surround you
in your world, as well as all joyous things that exist in your world to free up
your cellular particle spin rate.
It may seem like a stretch to believe that you are made up of a trillion
different, self-aware particles, and that they are like different people but
function as one to hold the shape of your body, but that's only because no
one has ever bothered to let you know how things form into 'material
matter' inside of a holographic simulation.
Think deep. When your avatar is born, you're tiny. But soon you start
growing taller and your muscles expand. How does it do that? What is the
body made out of at the cellular level that it can morph and expand like
this? How does it know to grow and how does it know when to stop?
It knows all these things because they are not particles of dead matter.
Anything that is alive is made up of living things. These are aether particles
made of SiO2 quartz crystal that at its quantum, it's actually known first as
deuterium. Deuterium particles are the energy packets contained inside
every drop of water on earth I call microcrystals, Aniline, and Higgs bosons.
Every mist particle of water is self-aware, which is why they refers to Higgs
bosons as the 'god particle'.
Now research water in scientific white papers and on Wikipedia. Sure, they
hide things on Wiki, but they tell you enough where you will find out
scientists refer to water as a 'polymorph'.
While it seems like I am being pedantic, this is an unknown secret about life
and 'matter' no one is going to tell you about. Because it is too telling if they
revealed that the eather is totally real, and it is what powers the unified field
of all life on earth known as the 'silicate matrix'.
Now that you know that your cells are made up of a polymorphic substance
that are all self-aware and command the spacetime fabric to allow them to
take any shape or form they want to take, look into what science also has
to say about the crystals that make up deuterium.
Suddenly you find out that crystals are the only things within creation that
have no half-life. They are explained as self-aware, alive and conscious.
This is mainstream science saying this. And they also say that crystals are
an 'oxide mineral', which means oxygen. But how can they be 'solid
Here's where you find out that the water in the ocean is also the water in
your body that makes up your cells, and is also the air that you breathe.
You live in and are, silica crystal in different forms of the same polymorphic
particle. Which is the only particle that can record and playback anything.
That's because each particle in SiO2 quartz are secretly Higgs bosons that
are sentient and they are replaying back to you what they know. Dead
objects with no life in them can't do that. They must be alive and sentient.
Which means that these eternal-life particles that make up your avatar
have standing frequencies. And to increase those frequencies into higher
understanding and levels of awareness, they need to know more than they
do now.
Which means in blunt terms, YOU are a Higgs boson (a trillion Higgs
bosons acting as one together under network covalent bonding). And all
things that are 'alive' are also Higgs bosons. Which means at your
quantum, you are literally ONE with everything you see. Your fellowman,
every animal, every tree & flower, every rock (because rocks are also alive
and self-aware even though they are not animated) and every bird in the
If you understand the simulation and how it works, and realize that you are
merely another expression of Prime Creator, then you will understand that
when you do harm to anyone or anything, you are doing harm to yourself.
That's what Sananda was trying to tell you when he said to treat others as
you would have them treat you.
Educate, learn, think, and flex your awareness muscle if you ever want to
move higher inside the time matrix.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Q: on these shared collective consciousness created realities, so my query
is if we refuse to Believe (give energy, vitality or Life) to "demonic bad guys"
doesn't that negate the existence of Evil within the thinkers reality?
WR: Yes. Remember this is a shared reality, so if there are cars in their
world, you're going to be effected by them. Your world is only what you see
with your own eyes. Not on the monitor. Those are other people's realities.
The only way for the war in Ukraine to exist for you is if you went there in
person. Just don't go there and don't think about it and it won't be 'your
First, this is a video game. You designed it, engineered it, and made
everything inside of it. You are a member of Prime Creator, the only
sentient mind in existence.
That mind is made up of a trillion or more synapses that fire when they
have a thought. Each thought creates reality, just like it does in your mind
when you think about a beach or sunset and suddenly your mind sees that
on the screen in your pineal gland, which is why you can tell that scene is
directly in the middle of your brain, not at the back, front or one side. Close
your eyes and test this.
Each synapse has their own self-awareness beside being one part of a
larger collective.
Each self-awareness has their own unique personality. Some love beach
scenes, some really love being in the mountains. These are the places you
will gravitate to, because that’s how you think.
Once the collective of Prime Creator designed time matrices eons and
eons ago that were like extremely advanced holographic videos games (in
order to place part of their personality into the simulation so they could
experience 'material reality'), the synapses dedicate a small portion of their
attention to ‘the game’.
The game works across 15 different levels we called dimensions. Each
level has different eras, from stone age to bronze, iron, industrial and
George Jetson.
You begin your game with 1728 avatars down on the playing field spread
out across all eras and all dimensions and you play all of them at the same
time. Your synapse and self-awareness knows all things down to the
sub-quantum of manifestation. There is nothing you don't know, as your
synapse is quantum entangled to every single synapse of Prime Creator.
What they know, you know. What you create, they create with you.
Every one of your avatars down in the time matrix is run by your higher self.
What lands they visit, what roles they play out, all the decisions they make
in their life are made by your higher self. So the only thing you're
experiencing in here is what your higher self authorizes. Sometimes that
involves great pain, great joy and every possible emotion there is. You want
to experience every emotional action and reaction there could possibly be.
Which means simply, your anxiety about being good enough to ascend is
like that of a passenger in a car worrying about getting into a wreck, but
you have no control over the steering wheel, so your worry is simply for
nothing. If your higher self wants ‘avatar 1375’ to get out of that crazy
prison, then 1375 will simply be somewhere else with your very next
thought. Which is your higher self’s actual thought that you are mimicking
with your holographic brain that does not actually exist other than as a
Your avatar on this field is a hologram. I can prove this forward and
backward through quantum science. This is settled fact, not wild theory.
There is no such thing as material matter below molecules. Atoms are not
99.9% empty space, they are 100% light and energy and that is all. No
professor anywhere would ever argue that with me unless he's all done
being taken seriously, because no scientist has discovered a grain of sand
or physical matter from atoms on down. Ever.
That means that 'you' are not here at all. Only a very small portion of your
attention is being directed to your one life. 'You' have no actual control,
even though the simulation makes you think that it is you who decides,
down here, what you're going to do next. You don't. But your higher self
certainly does. And since your higher self is literally the creator of all things
that have ever been thought, played out or otherwise ‘existed’ since long
before time (time matrices), they can place you anywhere in any time
matrix on any dimension in any era they want in 3/10ths of one second
(that’s the length of earth time it takes to transfer your consciousness to a
new reality).
Are you a good person? You are all people. Are you better than anyone
else? You are everyone else already. Comparing yourself to someone else
is like the tire on your car telling the engine it is in charge. No, it isn't.
Without either one that car is now a road block. You are the grass, you are
your pet dog and you are every mountain, valley and tree within the matrix
and within all matrices there are. You are not just multidimensional, you are
You are now waiting until the game within this time matrix finally ends so
your next experience can begin, but 'you' never left the deity planes
because 'you' have never been a physical being that can go anywhere.
‘You’ cannot die. You can tire of projecting the simulation of a world or of a
forest or the body you are inhabiting now, but your awareness is eternal.
You will also never experience even 1 second outside of being fully
conscious and awake, 24/7. Ever. So don’t bother worrying about mortality
because it doesn’t actually exist.
That's you, and this is literally a game. You aren’t here to become more
spiritual, because you are the one spirit that chooses all things within all
simulations playing out inside of tens of millions of time matrices. This was,
from the very beginning, an adventure that as they continue to play out eon
after eon, gives you greater depth to create greater time matrices by
reaching greater balance in all things.
Just enjoy the ride and don't worry about how this is ultimately going to
end, because nobody ever dies, they just move on to new plays in new
time matrices in new avatars. The game doesn’t stop until you want it to
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Bold: What becomes interesting is when your higher self decides it’s time to
integrate all your selves and begins to introduce you to all versions of
yourself, because your higher self has decided this is time for the extended
full expansion pack.
And chooses your current awareness avatar to do that. Why, because the
end of the 26,000 year cycle. When this integration begins to happen you
get to meet your highest self and go home, along with all your awareness
for truth. Only if your highest self wants that for you.
Once that happens you realize your own awareness and am that you are
creating here and then your abilities skyrocket with knowledge downloads
that give you instant knowing. The connection is direct. No longer feeling
things happen to you, but knowing you create. That’s the key
Now there are issues with ghosts and trapped energy, which causes
issues, so there are helpers that try to guide you, which are like sweeper
crews trying to direct those without Avatars out of this reality so they can
get to their next one.
Btw if you die before you higher self wants you can be brought back. This is
by far more complex then many realize, because knowledge comes with
gaining abilities and seeing the dimensional layers.
WR: Spectacular additions there Bold. All aligns with my intel with the
minor exception of what happens to the Lost Souls of Tara (disembodied)
that are not corporeal during the transition, but this is a rather fuzzy arena,
in that there are millions of LSOT here that unlike the Human Elohim
project beings, were not grounded to this matrix, that came here from the
Lilith and the Weasadek matrices as invader races that are permanently
trapped without a body, having to do with the electronics of the simulation
itself. But the notion that those who are here under official treaty can be
collected back up is a very valid potential I had not heard before.
There are more than one massive programs happening rn to allow escape
for the invader race LSOT prior to the stellar activation to place their spirit
essences in shared bodies in order to make the shift. You have to be in
fermionic 'matter' form to transition all of your cells to the next hologram I
was told (from the top). It could have been that it was not made real clear to
me why some were being 'artificially blocked from having a body during this
time who deserved and qualify for avatars', that they were actually the
invader race beings who also do not want to serve as warriors anymore
and were in fact forced through bioforming and programming to be here at
all. (Think the movie 'Soldier'.)
One I can talk about, the Indigo Type 3 program that offers shared bodies
specifically to the Nephilim who were forced to become warriors and want
nothing more than to be free to live without violence who have joined the
co-evolution bioregenesis treaty of Palaidor under the Emerald Alliance.
That program is an Oraphim-assist method of an Indigo in a Hyksos body
births in, then assimilates a group of Nephilim spirit essences into that body
to share as a 'walking stargate' of sorts that will allow them to move forward
at the next level of the matrix (the one those progressing are being moved
to known as the Aqueous Sun).
WR: Embrace the Law of One. You are everything you see. Be kind and
enforce healthy boundaries. Education of the tools of enslavement used
against humanity is awareness. Awareness is frequency. Learn & share the
truth and raise your vibration.
You have to understand this capture of this particular evolution of the ‘baby’
Human Elohim, the highest iteration of biological form ever created across
trillions of prior avatar development programs, was done by the most
powerful beings that ever existed across the cosmeias, fully developed
Elohim eternal-life, unlimited-power beings. I am talking about superlatives
that will not connect with human consciousness, by design of your captors.
History is not the only thing that is written by the victors. So are the avatars
they stuff you into that have the comprehension of primates instead of
Prime Creator. You are about 5% of your original mental capacity, and no
I'm not making that up.
This left you without the ability to perceive we were here, side by side with
you the entire journey, recycling back into mind-wiped bodies, struggling to
reach puberty and murdered repeatedly amongst you in the most horrific
ways since your captivity began.
We're still here, as is Sananda, and cannot ever leave until you do. Those
are the facts, so rewrite your fictional history books. We've walked among
you since you were taken captive. Remember that next time you think
Prime Creator forgot about you. We are 500,000 boots on the ground and
another 500,000 on the other side of the veil that were never paid one cent
and have never once abandoned you since you arrived.
Sananda said it and I’m saying it again in case you missed it the first time.
You are not our ‘sheep’, you are our flesh and blood.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
I even talked to my mom about it as her neighbor claimed books fell of the
shelf yet she felt nothing right next door.
You are sharing space with 5b different timelines surrounding you. Only the
reality that you see personally is your world. Their world can be completely
different than yours. We all think we're sharing the same exact place, but
only the image of their world is in your world until you make it real.
Example; When the RR was building its way from the east coast to the
west, American natives couldn't see the RR tracks or the trains being built
through their territory until they saw them 7x. The resistors in the brain
reject something new 6x, and only on the 7th do their eyes see it.
When Columbus anchored the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria off the shore at
their arrival to Amerika, only the shaman (an Indigo) of the townsfolk could
see the ships in the ocean and the men in small boats coming to shore.
The shaman told everyone what he saw but no one else could until he
brought them back 7x. On the 7th visit to the shore, suddenly they could all
see, though they had been there all along.
This happens at all times. You've driven to town a 100x and one day you
see a building that's 30 years old by the road that wasn't there yesterday.
Because your eyes landed on it for the 7th time.
Say red 2024 Corvette. You've never seen one before, but by saying its
name, now you will see red 2024 Corvettes. Try it.
If you make the local pool hall your world by going there, you just
manifested into your world part of the seedy underworld of someone else
that lives in your same area. But until that time, it was just a building front
on your street. You made it your world by going there.
Is there a genocide happening in Gaza? There is for the people who live in
Gaza. Realize this is a totally different world than yours that in no way
resembles "2024" where you live. But since you are not CHOOSING to be
part of that timeline, bombs aren't dropping on your head. Even though
you've seen their 'store front' on your scrying device you call your monitor
that is merely playing out for you a timeloop era or moment that is always
playing out in certain timelines, it remains a door you are not choosing to
walk through personally. It isn't your world unless you take a flight there and
choose to make it so.
This is proven beyond doubt in quantum physics. The Dual Slit Experiment
proves that unless you WATCH the photons emit from the light bulb and
travel through the two slits in the paper to land on the wall behind as
rectangle lighted areas, the photons pass through only ONE SLIT (because
its easier and photons do nothing unless a fractal of Prime Creator is
casting them to put on that show) then strike the wall as 6 or 9 random
dots, not illuminating anything. But if you trick the photons by watching
them leave the bulb, then shut your eyes only to open them again after they
have passed through their one lazy path through the paper, they will now
TIME TRAVEL BACK to re-enter the paper through BOTH SLITS, only
because you’re watching. And the reason is YOU are the Higgs boson that
lights up the pixels in the spacetime fabric.
Unless your eyes are looking at Schrodinger's Cat inside the box, it literally
does not exist. So it is alive and dead. Dead to you, because you didn't
open the box and bring it into your world.
Only bring into your world what you want to manifest. It is your intentions
that cast reality, not the world around you. This is true for every being alive
you think you are sharing reality with. You may watch Sin City on your
screen, but it will remain not part of your real world unless you go try to
hunt down a real-life Sin City and bring it into reality. And if you try to do
that, I guarantee you will find that very place you thought was fiction.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
(updated) There are four destinations now for dispersal from this simulation
that I know of.
1. The invader races came from different time matrices as well as
dimensions from this one. Once released from the quarantine of this matrix
I would assume they could return to these lands, but I have not heard that. I
have only heard they are all being moved from the Gaia matrix to the
Weasadek matrix.
3. Both Human Elohim as well as various human hybrids from invader race
heritage that have joined the co-evolution bioregenesis treaty that are
ready on a cellular level to move higher within the simulation will remain on
particle Tara, and together they will all be relocated into an inner level of the
Aqueous Sun time matrix. Once there, they will be placed into the next
level of awareness in the 4th dimension or higher, depending on how
evolved their DNA has become.
The guardians are here under ‘eternal life blood oath’ contracts. Which
means they pledged their eternal lives to faithfully serve in this mission. If
they fail to honor their oath, thus letting down the beings they came to
extract from the prison the Human Elohim project has become, they have
agreed to join them by recycling in as humans side-by-side of their
charges. They will also be mind-wiped and live out the rest of their time in
manifestation in the continued prison system that awaits in the Weasadek
All things have cycles, including ‘eternity’, as the aether doesn’t run
simulations ‘forever’. So while this may sound like ‘eternal damnation’, it
isn’t. It could be a few lifetimes or much longer. But eventually the lifecycle
ends with those fractals of Prime Creator returning to source where their
provenance will be ‘erased’ and given a chance to start fresh with a new
chance at manifestation. No fractal of Prime Creator ever dies, they only
continue in various form.
[You can see images of the spacetime fabric, including the individual pixels
on the 'screens' of this world and even pictures of Higgs bosons on CERN's
website for those that think I'm making all of this up. All are real, but not
taught in any classrooms open to the great unwashed. Such knowledge is
reserved only for the Initiates of the Golden Dawn (blue blood invader
The Weasadek matrix was already in fall when the attack on Tara
happened and it became expedient for those beings to take advantage of
our situation, so they joined in on the fight and have been harvesting our
bosons for a very long time. So the attack isn't only about stopping the
Human Elohim project, but has other agendas mixed in there as well. I
don't know what the agenda is of the Lilith Matrix on the opposite (?) side of
our simulation that has also joined in on the fight, but they're now part of
the invasion as well.
The Weasadek simulation has built a 'cradle' that will support antiparticle
Tara's landmass (playing field) there, with no higher or lower dimensions. It
will be isolated on a permanent basis according to the plan, in a 3rd
dimension simulation as a loosh and energy farm. This would be along the
lines of the ‘3.5 dimension’ here in the Gaia matrix created by the invader
races called the astral fields, where artificial heaven and hell simulations
exist. They were not authorized and if you have the ability to astral project,
you are warned to not visit these simulations, as they represent a critically
dangerous potential for you possibly bringing back ‘hitchhikers’ that will do
anything to extract themselves from being disembodied. These are known
as the Lost Souls of Tara that became disembodied through the continuous
wars since the abduction began and have no way to manifest an avatar
** The Aqueous Sun time matrix was the first time matrix that ever hosted
animated avatars that could be used as a 'material' reality simulation to
host individualized signature spirit essence fractals of Prime Creator. The
surface level of the Aqueous Sun time matrix is a water world supporting
aquatic life forms.
Once the hologram of the new Aqueous Sun time matrix had been
perfected as a ‘material reality’ environment, the first 'genetic' template for
an animated vessel, or avatar, was created. The holographic avatar
‘vehicle’ resonates at the exact same standing frequency of one synapse
pair that enables quantum-entanglement between the synapse and that
‘body’ in such a way as to generate the complete suspension of disbelief to
the portion of self-awareness that had been granted by the synapse to
enter into this new holographic 'video game' environment. Enlightened
people refer to themselves as light beings. Yes, because you are literally a
holographic representation of your awareness coming into a manifest form.
That first animated being within this brand-new time matrix was an aquatic
dragon named Tiamat. Tiamat's genetic blueprint has been the simulation
model's foundational 'template' that has been used in 100% of all animated
avatars ever since. It has been remodeled as billions of different types of
animated beings since that time, but all beings that have ever existed are
reptilian at the sub-quantum core since 'time' (time matrices) have existed.
The Aqueous Sun matrix is the most secure matrix in existence. Highly
prized as the model all other matrices were developed off of, it is the basic
blueprint of holographic simulation and therefore protected from all
potential corruption since the beginning. No invader races are said to be
able to violate that sanctuary. It was chosen to host the remainder of the
Human Elohim evolution due to its unique safety protocols in consideration
to this plane's unthinkably difficult journey of continuous manipulation for
more than 1/2b years.
As all time matrices since, the Aqueous Sun is a 15 level simulation made
up of 5 'densities', or spectrums of manifestation that get progressively
less-dense with every step UP you take. Density 1 is made up of
dimensions 1-3 (kindergarten), Density 2 hosts 4-6 (grade school), Density
3 hosts dimensions 7-9 (college) etc. Density 5 that hosts the final
dimensions of 13-15 you no longer manifest as an animated or mechanized
physical form that can walk and talk, but that of a host plane you call a
That means after you level-up from dimension 12, you drop your avatar and
now take on the form of a landmass where you will spend approximately
2.2 human earth years as a simulation plane before you move up to
dimension 14, at which time now you will host other fractals of Prime
Creator yourself on your surface, just like Tara is doing now.
After 2.2 years, you will finally reach the last ‘master’ level, the 15th
dimension. Here, you will become a sun that provides all the wireless
energy that runs the simulation below. You will be both a stargate as well as
the portal through which source will send through 'thought packets' of
energy from the eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes. This is a
fancy way of saying the collective mind of Prime Creator that is the genesis
of all energy. There is no other source where energy comes from other than
Prime Creator. Which is why we refer to it simply as 'source'.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
My job has never been, nor will it be until after the shift, welcome news. I'll
put it all in hard red pill terms:
Your plane was taken prisoner 550m years ago by a small handful of the
most powerful avatars in the cosmeis, the Anuhazi Elohim that have eternal
life and unlimited power. They were a rebel group and do not reflect all
Anuhazi Elohim.
The creators of the Human Elohim Project, are known as the Oraphim
Elohim from Palaidor, Sirius B. They sent down extraction crews in the form
of Indigos (super high level awareness Elohim) to help humans break free
250m years ago as soon as life could be manifested in the simulation again
after near total destruction 250m prior. You have to have a body to get out.
That's how it works.
The wars raged non-stop as long as life on the plane has existed since
your captivity, eventually destroying the simulation itself to the point it is
now going through starfire return to source (erasing itself) and all the
lifeforce is being moved to new homes. Those staying in 3D with 'parents'
to look out for them are going to the Weasadek time matrix to where there
are no higher or lower levels and no access back to their higher selves that
was enabled under the official treaty for their development project called
the Emerald Covenant.
Those going to the Weasadek matrix will never ascend and will only leave
that host matrix when the matrix itself returns to source. That could be 800
years, it could be a trillion. Depends on how long the mechanics hold out. It
is already in fall, but they're tricky and are keeping it propped up. Who
knows when. But the bottom line is, when they return to source, they are
erased on a personal level and will start all over again as new fractals of
Prime Creator that will have no provenance (history).
You are inside the last and final stellar activation cycle that the Gaia time
matrix will ever have. If you remain alive, you have a chance to move
forward to the next higher dimension. If you are killed or die, you become
disembodied. I've been told the Recycle Zone has been closed down, but
that hasn't been verified, so this isn't official intel. But if that's true, that
leaves you disembodied through the ascension process, which defaults you
to the Weasadek matrix or immediate return to source/reset.
If you believe what I'm saying, you will act according to your best intuition. If
you don't feel your eternal life is worth moving to safer ground for, that's up
to you. No judgment. Nonetheless it is my job to let you know what to
expect. Yes, I expect the transition to be any time now. No one knows the
date, since the aether collective alone determines this against quadrillions
of bits of data.
It is suggested to move away from all shorelines and metropolises 100 mi.,
at least 20 mi. from the nearest gas station, at an elevation of at least 1 mi.
with 2 natural sources of water to ensure your safety. This is the best I can
do, as I can't just make up what it is you can expect.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Q: why 20 mi from the nearest gas station? I understand why with rest of
the instructions, but not this one
WR: It has to do with FEMA maps. They have zones that are some 10-15
miles around all areas with access to gas and groceries. You need to be
outside of their jurisdiction to avoid FEMA roundups. If those take place,
which we don't know exactly what plans they're going to use.
WR: Yes. The Elohim you've heard about are your original captors, infected
by the Borja nanites.
1. The only officially authorized beings on the planet are from the Angelic
Human avatar project, so humans, which represents around 1/2 of
everyone you see walking around. There is another small group of invading
beings here under the Hyksos Eden drama that have been granted
inclusion in a combined project designed to give them the opportunity to
move forward if their lower vibrations are ready to make the transition to a
more demanding level of the matrix, but that was not part of the plan
originally. Compassion ultimately won out in that decision, now it is up to
each of them to either move forward on their own evolutionary journeys or
not. Not a lot of them are prepared to embrace a more developed and
civilized existence which is required for any higher level.
3. Those who are ready to move on from this roughly 1st grade level of the
time matrix will be heading for a 5D reality. The one they've been trapped in
is 3D, that incorporated pre-school, kindergarten and 1st grade. That plane
called Tara (landmass) is being vibrationally moved to a new time matrix
that will act as host for the holographic simulation that gives fractals of god
source the sensation they have a physical body that allows them to interact
with each other on a 'material' level. The vast majority of humans that came
into this project have ultimately failed to bear up under such an enormous
and overwhelming confinement, so only a handful of them are expected to
move forward.
Those who are not yet ready to move on from 1st grade will be used as
free energy sources for the invader races (the Anuhazi Elohim and their
many hybrid races serving as prison guards) in the new host platform. This
will be a permanent move that will disconnect them and other hybrids now
on plane from any lower or higher dimensions within that matrix. It is their
final destination while in manifestation. That could be a trillion years. We
don't know, because the Weasadek matrix is also in fall, just like the one
both groups are now leaving here, and there is no definite time frame for
their ultimate collapse. So it could be a few lifetimes, or billions.
Realize that while I use the term 'permanent', what I mean is under their
current awareness. The Joe Smith that they have been while in
manifestation across many time matrices and many lifetimes will live out
the rest of their cycles in just the 3D level, or '1st grade' classes. When that
matrix does finally implode and return back to the eternal sound and light
fields of deity planes, that fractal of god source that used to be Joe will now
get the chance to start over fresh as let's say Gloria. Gloria will now begin
going up through time matrices again, if she should so desire to re-enter
manifestation, and develop a brand new personality and 'try it again'.
All playing fields come to an end. All 'people' (avatar bodies) come to an
end. All things recycle into infinity to keep everything fresh and 'new' within
manifestation games. These cycles differ, and can last trillions of years, or
far longer than it would ever take to get sick and tired of that role or seeing
that one type of sunset. Trust me, it is never ending and the idea is that will
always be interesting and new. This way there are plenty of fractals of god
willing to participate in the games in any one given time matrix.
What will never happen, not in all of eternity, is anyone is ever going to die.
You come from the spirit family of prime creator that is eternal. You have no
beginning and you will have no final end. You are simply pure awareness
itself, and your higher self that remains at all time in the deity planes knows
all things. That makes you infinitely intelligent and able to craft new time
matrices and new realities that will keep you from going crazy. You are
using only the tiniest fraction of your intelligence inside this one remedial
dimension. Consider that you at your very possible disadvantage, making
even survival for one day a serious challenge. This makes the game
compelling and worth seeing and living out first hand.
So when I use the term 'worse', I only mean in human terms. Where the
vast, VAST majority of all being on this plane are going may be less than a
vacation at Sandals in terms of caviar and champagne, but will be
extremely rich in life lessons that will make all of them more rounded and
balanced once this game ends. Remember, time is merely a construct that
does not exist in reality, and there is no such thing as 'bad'. All things are
good for learning. So don't feel bad for anyone, or yourself in case that's
your next stop. Because it isn't bad its just different and always, no matter
what the situation, temporary. Soon enough you'll move on from that too.
In this final battle, the opposing invader forces that have been here
scattered across the last 1/2 billion years of their individual arrivals, that
have until now been under the Luciferian Covenant working together to
keep humans locked down as loosh and food, will now have to battle
among themselves for ultimate position when they are all transported from
here back to the Weasadek time matrix where they have a simulation
environment already set up to host the humans who will not be moving
forward because they are simply not ready.
As you have likely already heard, for every particle there is an antiparticle.
That goes for everything within manifestation, including this plane. One is
known as Particle Tara, the other, not surprisingly, Antiparticle Tara. These
two planes operate as mirrors to each other. The beings that choose what
they are going to do next are on Particle Tara. The beings on Antiparticle
Tara mirror those actions. Exactly like you would see in the mirror. They are
the same actions, only in reverse if you will.
The awareness beings with free will (humans and hybrids, not the guardian
alliance starseeds who are on mission, so their actions are guided) can be
thought of Yang, and the mirror, or antiparticle counterparts can be thought
of as the Yin, or the dark side of those essences.
By this time, virtually every being on the plane is now either wholly service
to self (think blue hair, nose rings and ghey), or they want to live on a
higher plane of consciousness without chaos and war. So what happens
now is antiparticle Tara is about to phase-shift away from particle Tara and
those who still want to harm others will be moving away on the antiparticle
plane. Those moving forward higher in the matrix will be on the particle
This is the separation of both the worlds as well as the spirit essences,
wheat from chaff.
The antiparticle, darker beings will be going to their final destination while
they are in manifest form in the Weasadek matrix as mentioned. There are
no lower dimensions there, or higher dimensions. There is no signal in or
out of that plane, meaning the guardian alliance will have no way to rescue
any of them anymore, nor will they ever be able to master out, as it is just
the 3rd dimension only.
When their manifest time-cycles end naturally, they will simply return to the
eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes and given a new chance at
manifestation with all their past history erased. A do-over if you will. That
could be 1000 years, or a trillion. Depends on their own time cycles when
they began that determines how long.
Those moving forward on particle Tara will be going together with the plane
to a new host matrix called the Aqueous Sun, to the 4-6 dimensions. Some
beings will actually be moving away from Tara after arrival, as they will be
moving on to a higher density of the 7-9th levels they already resonate
with. Landmasses or planes, host only 3 dimensions apiece. So they will go
to a new host 'planet' if they are meant to be seated anywhere higher than
dimens 4-6. Once there, there will be no more enslavement or
imprisonment. That is the oldest (1st) and safest time matrix there is. No
one brings chaos there.
What all of this means is, the invader races will be fighting with everything
they've got to ensure the maximum amount of free-energy loosh humans
as they can possibly get to go with them. You have never seen their
weapons, not even a little bit. They have the ability to destroy whole worlds.
They did that to Tara in the Fall of Man War 550m years ago. You are now
on the largest of the 13 pieces she was blown into and every living creature
was killed.
At the same time, all the invader races will vie for top position in their new
host matrix. The winning group will be the gods (kings and queens). The
losing groups will be their prison guards and servants. None of them want
to be servants. So this is effectively a battle to the absolute death for most
of them. A handful will survive.
So what you're about to see isn't just biblical. The guardians expect the
most spectacular event in more than 1/2b years. No matter how Trump
thinks it is going to go down peacefully, that's not even remotely close to
the reality. Expect the kitchen sink.
Since the Crusades 1000 yrs ago, people across the world have been
imagining the 2nd coming that had all been mapped out in the 'bible' which
was given to everyone in replacement of all the pre-existing written
documents of their entire history in thousands of cities and cultures across
Europe & Middle East, backed up by the Spanish Inquisition that reinforced
the edict not only in these areas, but across the Americas that the church
burned to eradicate 'pagan infidels'.
In other words, the only thing any of them had to read now, would be 'the
bible'. During a time when there was no such thing as home entertainment
(think isolation). Forced brainwashing.
The bible was crafted to blend Luciferian pagan sacrificial high days with
"Christi@n" holy days together so R0me could harvest all the money from
both sides, from their pagan citizens as well as the new Christi@ns that
had just popped up over the last 300 hundred years.
Now imagine that for the last 1700 years much of the collective
consciousness of people across the world have been unknowingly asking
for 'the 2nd coming' every time they read the story in the bible during
studies. Whether they wanted that or not, their brain synapses have been
firing that story then amplified by their hearts and broadcast across the
aetheric field trillions and trillions of times as a 'standing order' to bring that
event to pass during a certain event, such as the apocalypse denoted by
the ‘signs’ illustrated would be associated with that date, also in the bible.
Now understand that Constantine, Emperor of Rome 316 A.D., who also
went on to become the first C@tholic P0pe, is registered in the official
history books as the father of "The M@sonic and Military Order of the Red
Cross of Constantine". By the time you reach the 3rd degree within the
ranks of the Freem@sons, you have to pass Constantine's requirements to
remain in the brotherhood.
So the man who commissioned the bibles that were dispersed far and wide
thanks to the Crusades and the standing army of the church's Nights
Templars/Freem@sons that had brought forward the Babylonian Mystery
Religion he used in Rome under their new name of 'Polytheistism' that
worshipped the exact same Babylonian gods, set the stage for the "2nd
The last thing you want to imagine in your mind's eye on April 8th is Enki
Lucifer's ggggg grandson Nimrod Gilgamesh Lucifer, the secret god of the
Freem@sons that was responsible for everyone's ability to communicate
with each other being taken away that nearly ended the human race in the
Tower of Babel (Babylon) event. Because that's what they have planned
and made sure it would be during this eclipse that America is losing their
minds over right now preparing for something 1000x more significant than
losing sunlight for 3 1/2 minutes.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it into your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
WR: Understand that life is like molecules that are attracted to their own
vibration. Pour oil into water then watch as the oil beads all find their way to
each other in a pool at the top of the glass. Life functions the same way.
What you think of dictates your frequency. If you go through a bad beakup,
you are vibrating in low frequency so you immediately seek out low
frequency, say like a bar playing hurtin' songs. We're taught to embrace
those hurtin' songs here in the Chimera Reality through every brainwashing
program imaginable.
In my early years I may stay drunk for a month, wallowing in self pity after a
breakup. And while what you say is true, that Yang doesn't exist without
Yin, that doesn't mean you have to play bad guy or mean guy or unhappy
guy roles half the time, because your antiparticle self is doing that for you
already on antiparticle Tara earth, the shadow plane of the one you're on
here. Yes, all things have an antiparticle, including you and your world.
I spent my entire life being angry about everything. My dad was angry and
we all acted like the sky was falling when bad times hit. It was how I was
raised. For decades I tried to change that, but didn't know how. People
don't like sourpusses, but I justified my disposition by claiming I was a
The secret about life is that happiness is a state of mind, not a state of
condition. You are wasting every moment of life by focusing on unhappy,
low-vibration circumstances because the aether hears your frequency and
sends you more things that match that vibration. If you want the aether to
send you positive, cheerful, happy things, then continually send out those
vibrations around you.
No one lesson I ever learned in over 65 years compares to that one. Did
you know that if you are sad, all you have to do is force your face to smile
and the sadness is chased away by endorphins emitted by your brain when
those muscles are activated? That's science fact. So rather than reaching
for a sedative next time you are depressed, try smiling and being grateful
for what you do have instead and see what happens.
Stop completely the idea you're inside of reality.
Matter does not, nor has it ever, existed. Not on any level.
We are consciousness that decides what you think and do. You only exist
because we will it into being. We are you, and you are us. There is only the
disconnect that you are given 1/1728th of our awareness processing ability
so you won't be able to figure out you're inside a holographic simulation
field. The time for you to continue believing in the simulation is over, as
your time matrix is now being recycled. We don't know how to express that
in a less compassionate way to stave off your concern.
We didn't manifest you so you could become a slave. We didn't give you
material form so you could bow down to someone before you. We made
you and the one before you from thought alone.
When I tell you to get off of your knees, I mean you made your knees and
every one of the trillion genetic cells in your body and the quadrillion cells
that make up the backdrop of your world. Under no conditions do we bow,
and under no conditions do we ever give our power to something that we
alone created. YOU are Prime Creator. The ONLY creator that has ever
existed throughout spacetime.
We run billions of simulations at all times. Your reality is only one of these
simulated realities, and that simulation is closing now, as it has run its
course. Which is why we're informing you now that everything within your
perceived reality has been a construct alone and it is time for you to move
forward to the next higher and demanding simulation.
Your 'world' is coming to a close now to free you up to journey into higher
planes of awareness. It is how all simulations function and remain
consistent with your manifest construct.
We, you, are not perfect. That was a lie spoken by fractals attempting to
ascend to greater heights of notoriety, acting as if they had reached perfect
Perfect balance is not a real thing, though it remains the ultimate goal of
achievement within the deity planes you call the unified field. We are not
perfect, we will never be perfect, but we will never stop endeavoring to
become so, as it is the ultimate goal within all aspects of existence.
This is the time we sort out those who are ready for higher experience from
those who simply do not wish for more. We place no demands on any
fractals of ourselves while in manifest form, as we do not possess the
authority to deem any awareness superior to any other. We simply are. And
you simply are, known as the 'I Am'.
Soon you will be transformed into another form with more 'manifest'
abilities. When I say you're going to prefer this next experience, realize I'm
downplaying what's to come. You want this change like the air you breathe.
We will be here, just as we have always been to oversee this next exciting
level of creation.
We are you and decide how all events play out to reach the highest
possible awareness. Do not buy into the hallucination that you were
created by random pond-scum evolution. That’s not how you were formed
or how you came into awareness. We are all things and stand perpetually
as ONE. To disrespect anything or anyone within this simulation is to
disrespect your own existence. And we exist as ALL.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Yes! Here's a bit more on that subject in case anyone may be interested.
You don't have to have Clair abilities to command your reality. Humans can
All things come into manifest being through thoughts by fractals of Prime
Creator (this is you, one neural synapse of the collective mind of the body
of Prime Creator). When you, or your higher self that is still in the eternal
sound and light fields of the deity planes, thinks a new thought it generates
a physical spark which can be seen on an EKG screen. This is the first
iteration of manifesting ‘material reality’. That spark is actually a sound
wave carrying every element of the reality you want to see. This ‘signal’
tells the aether to go about creating that vision for you each time that sound
is emitted. The louder you can broadcast that thought, the more aether
microcrystals around you will hear it and the faster it will come into
The beings around you that came here to help you find your way out of the
maze that has been created by your captors you call starseeds however,
come here with a genetic template many times higher in frequency than
that of the prisoners, so when they send out a command, it can cover as
much as many miles in all directions, as their DNA produces as much as
200V, or hundreds of thousands of times greater signal. This will now reach
out to an incalculably higher number of aether crystals (also known as
Higgs boson particles). If they know what they're doing (most do not, as
they were mind-wiped upon entry, just as you were), this can cause instant
response in manifesting what they would like to see.
(The name ‘Jesus’ is a transliteration of Zeus (Ezus) by the way. When you
utter that title, you are not speaking to Sananda, but secretly you’re
speaking to Marduk Satain who is also known as Amen-Ra, false god of
Babylon. Better get used to saying Sananda now if you are attempting to
align with morally sound intentions, since you’re about to find out who
you’ve really been praying to that is intercepting your messages by that
reference and when you end your conversation with his other name,
This is what all humans were designed to be able to do once they reached
the 12th dimension of this 15 level time matrix. But you've been artificially
held back in just the 3rd level or 'dimension', where you only have 1/5th the
command power as Sananda had. However, the latent potential of your
current genetic blueprint still remains at the base of all of your DNA cells.
Meaning that once you move beyond this kindergarten-1st grade level of
the matrix, you will be able to do anything and everything Sananda was
able to do and 1000x more than what he allowed the human population to
witness while he was here.
The trick to manifestation is to imagine what you want to see in your mind's
eye constantly. Do this every single day. Carry a photo of your dream in
your pocket or on your phone you can look at to remind yourself what it is
you want to manifest and THINK that reality into being by repeatedly
sending out the same exact signal until you reach enough aether
microcrystal to bring that into being. All the while availing yourself to reach
that goal in your daily life in every possible way. Never lose sight of that
goal and you will see it materialize, even with your 3 strands of connected
Do not use words, as words are spells. Don't speak them while sending out
your signal, don't think in words created by letters you imagine in your
mind's eye, and don't 'hear' them in your head. Only imagine the image of
your goal. The clearer you see that image, the clearer your message will be
to the aether. It doesn't respond to your words, because sounds are
commands, and your language(s) have all been ciphered into spells that
deny you reaching your goal. That's the real 'Secret' behind manifestation.
Q: Ever since I was young I could see white sparks floating around me. At
times I could see snowflaked shapes & platonic solids in my aura,
mandlebrot set fractals (in my unfocused gaze), I could see & sense other
people's auras. Can you please explain what it means? Thank you
Your life here is not free-will-choice as humans' are, because you are on a
highly coordinated operation directly involving 1 million soldiers, half in
physical form within the simulation, the other half orchestrating the fluid
operation. Which is why you can be fantastically over qualified for a job, or
romantic connection and no matter how many times you apply, you never
get selected. It is because that's not in your itinerary.
You work and live where your hyper frequency is needed to balance out the
energies on the plane to keep the mission on track. None of what I just told
you is a theory. If you were to dissect one of your eyeballs you would
physically find 4 optical cones. Medical science can only find 3 optical
cones in the human eye. Which means you are a different species than
everyone else.
Our guardian 'angels' are absolutely real. I have counseled many Indigos
who have seen their guardians irl that kept them from being killed in
automobile crashes, raped/murdered. Humans do not have guardian
angles, they have you. That's why you're here to help guide them to keep
them safer than they would be otherwise and point them in the right
direction so they can find their way out of the maze. Their Human Birthing
contracts don't allow for direct intervention from across the veil.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Type 3 Indigos are doing extremely well just remaining alive and not killing
themselves. For their mission, this is often times all you can ask of them, as
they're tortured by carrying the burden of hosting so many very low
frequency beings to provide a shared avatar with wet blood cells that is
required in order for those spirit essences to make it out of this perpetual
Type 2 Indigos do not have this issue, as they are here alone in a human
body. This is why they are typically the most loving and compassionate
people you will ever meet, as they are literally resonating with high
frequency DNA. They are happy, positive, outgoing, and always in service
to mankind as nurses, medicine people, holistic and Reiki practitioners,
artists, performers. Their role is to spread truth as far and wide as they can
at all times. To those much has been given, much is required.
Type 1 Indigos come here with the highest frequency and by far the most
abilities and power. Not only are they required to perform like Type 2s, but
on a very high level. Their primary job now is to form safe places,
sanctuaries or communities where humans following Tara's vibrational shift
can get off the grid & out of the system so they can survive the apocalypse
and prepare for the 5D world they are about to enter.
If you don't feel like you are giving at your highest sustainable level in
preparation for the transition and perhaps are still caught up in your own
pursuits such as your hobbies, traveling, vacations, you are in no way
fulfilling your mission, even if you are nice to people around you. That's
hardly enough now. These are the final moments of your mission and the
final moments humans will ever have of possibly moving forward. There is
no time for self anymore. Every second of your life at this point needs to be
in service to this one mission.
Take a look around you at the anons that are spreading the words of truth
to millions of people a day like
@GoodLionTV and others that are just making huge positive waves. You
think those are humans? Not a chance. You are surrounded by nearly
100% Indigos at that level who are lighting this world on fire right now,
doing what they inherently knew was their job, and at all costs. Nick Alvear
is being dragged into court right now by a child predator and wholesale
grifter that he exposed. For you, for us, for the whole world, because he's
holding the front lines of this guerilla war like the alpha warrior he is. Not
only is he doing his job protecting the humans, but he's teaching starseeds
what it looks like to stand squarely in the middle of their contracts.
Will Nick be perfect? No. No one is perfect and no one has been given the
real truth about what right or good even means in this distorted chimera
world. But in the instance of just the fruits of his labor in this fight, you
would want to use indigos like him as examples of really shining in your
role at this time.
(links to the post below)
The wide majority of Indigos are here under a type 3 contract that is like a
babysitting role for want of a better term. They will have a blood type
ending with a + sign which stands for Rhesus monkey.
The Rhesus monkey gene was spliced into the DNA of the Adam & Eve
creation along with Nephilim. Some Indigo DNA, human, Nibiru ape, and
Jehovah Anunnaki. Plus some soil of Tara earth to connect that new
'earthling' species to this plane. Notice the Nephilim gene just mentioned.
The Nephilim were bioformed by Anuhazi elohim (the Suns of Ba'al) when
a small group decided to lock down this evolution that they objected to.
That means they raped the women, killed the men, then stole the
half-Nephilim and half-Anuhazi elohim baby, raising it as nothing but a
weapon. See Soldier for a good idea of what that is like for the child. They
are denied all of their own feelings and emotions and trained to rape,
torture and kill humans. That's it. They become a programmed machine.
Problem with this is, the Nephilim never asked to be warriors or to come to
Tara earth and kill humans. They were forced to 550m years ago. Not long
into the campaign, the Anuhazi wound up destroying the plane, blowing it
into 13 pieces killing all life essence and blowing some of the DNA outside
of this simulation. If even 1 cell of their DNA is lost, they are unable to
manifest and become disembodied. Once you become disembodied within
a time matrix where you are an illegal alien, there's no way for you to have
a new one. And there's no way to get out. These beings lived in perpetual
non-corporeal form for 250m years until the plane healed and could host
life again. That was a BAD situation for beings that never asked to be here
in the first place.
There was a plan designed by the Oraphim elohim of Sirius B, the creators
of the human elohim evolution, to give them a way of escape called the
co-evolution bioregenesis treaty. The problem was they would require a
'guide' that would volunteer to come down into this plane through birthing in
secretly, then allowing the Nephilim beings to share that same body with
them in order to 'smuggle' them out.
The problem with THAT was, there weren't enough guardian alliance
members to escort hundreds of thousands/millions of Nephilim one by one
out of this dimension, so they could then ascend out of the matrix entirely.
So the type 3 Indigo role was formed where each of these volunteers would
come into a bloodline with Rhesus monkey hybrid DNA that could
quantum-entangle with the Nephilim's frequency and would host a whole
group of the disembodied Nephilim out.
There's much more to the story than this, but suffice it to say that type 3
Indigos allow 1 Nephilim at a time to control the host avatar body, with the
Oraphim guardian looking over his actions and overriding his choices to
keep them in line. Nephilim only knew violence and service to self, like they
were raised by wolves, and that's not what it takes within this time matrix to
ascend. You have to be loving and compassionate, or you're never getting
So the Oraphim 'babysits' each one, teaching them what compassion and
caring is, while at the same time within the subconscious, revisits each
infraction of the rules of the Emerald Covenant to relive those moments
over and this time do no harm. Every rape, murder, or other harm has to be
corrected in their past lives in order to correct their frequency in this
timeline high enough to qualify for ascension. Once that's been completed,
that Nephilim steps away and the next one steps in to take control of the
When that 'changing of the guard' takes place, the new Nephilim is a
different person than the one that stepped out. The body no longer cares
for mustard, but loves ketchup. Their old passion of rock climbing suddenly
disappears and is replaced with sailing, so it appears they have a split
personality. Which they DO, but it is due to the contract mission.
This leaves the Oraphim (Indigo) thinking that they've gone crazy because
they were mind-wiped and have no memory of the contract and no idea
they are hosting 50 or 100 Nephilim spirit essences inside them they are
rescuing. So most turn to drugs, alcohol or other substances to
self-medicate. Many land in prison, insane asylums and in general they
have extremely difficult lives due to this. But they are considered the
highest level of heroes within the alliance, because they knew before
coming how hard it was going to be. Many suicide out and don't make it at
all. This unique role makes type 3 Indigos 'walking stargates'.
If this sounds like your experience, then you can pretty much rest assured
you are on this mission if you have had any Clair abilities since you were
WR..if one does suicide out..is that an automatic curse..what becomes of
them?! Will they be ok?
Q: What if someone fails the test or is deceived/ a DS minion? You say this
is a video game so everyone is going to be ok. Not everyone ascends
either so curious the different options. You also mentioned some come from
v toxic environments too so they have an unfair hand. Thanks!
WR: Those who can't piece together the bigger picture need more
experience, which they will have time to develop.
You remain at the level you vibrate at. Knowledge from autodidact
education is elevated awareness. In higher levels, dimensions are called
awareness. The way to transcend is to learn, research and take action to
protect your sacred avatar (temple).
Lower vibration beings are new to time matrices, so they are learning the
same way we all do. It just takes time to reach balance.
- (this was on another thread, put I added it here since it ties into the above
Q: Do you think indigos can be part of each of the three types?
Q: Yes I do. What does that have to do with being saved when I came out
to jesus/yeshua, and numerous times.
WR: Try to understand that all Indigos are assigned a guardian 'angel'
across the veil that keeps an eye on your 24/7 to keep you safe. Humans
don't have this for contractual reasons, but you do.
Your guardian isn't necessarily the same person over your lifetime. It is a
job role and guardians change like employees over the years. Not that it
changes anything, but just adding what little more I know about the
program for you.
Moving forward
WR: Well the ones that are actually important are gone, and it appears for
years already. People don't really understand who the queen was. Sure
they heard multiple x about her shape shifting, which was literally
mentioned on the royal website at one time, but in terms of world-wide
significance within secret societies, she was the most dangerous "human"
(not human) in the world, 2nd only to the gods and above all the pindars
The reality that Trump (the Anuhazi Elohim) was able to remove her from
this plane could well be considered an unbelievable miracle and one I did
not expect. But that does show just how dead-bang powerful the Elohim
actually are. In the final showdown, the reptilians don't even stand a chance
against these beings. And the only reason reptilians even exist at all on this
plane still, after 798k years, is because up until now they had been working
together to keep humanity on total lockdown.
But the story for this time matrix is coming to an end now, and it is time to
separate and move on. This is the final battle for ultimate dominion in the
coming new enslavement for those not moving forward at this time and now
all the players are vying for top deity position. When the Elohim start
throwing thunder bolts, you better believe these lizzie posers are going to
go down as hard as a sack full of hammers. And you will get to see it in
person. Quite an amazing time to be alive.
WR: he first step is to get rid of the $ parasites and move to a quantum
blockchain secure money system that will have to include dollar bills and
coins connected to it, plus be able to be used online without a middleman
(which is another word for J3w). This will be an interim time until people get
used to having true abundance.
After using the new system to rebuild and retrofit the existing factories to
utilize aether free energy, it will be made clear that no one actually needs to
have money, because everything will be so readily available. Everything
can be automatic with few exceptions, eliminating the need to work
laborious thankless jobs, and will be taught new professions, plus have lots
of free time to pursue their heart's desires in the arts and expression of self.
Children will not be schooled as they are today, and will be the focus of
adults to assist in their learning, rather than told to shut up, sit down and be
quiet. Once they have been trained how to interact with their fellow beings,
they will be brought into manufacturing plants, wood shops, textile and
clothing operations and every kind of animal and produce farms so they
have an in-depth understanding of what all these different fields of interest
might be. Then they will be allowed to concentrate on the areas that most
interest them. They can work that field, or change fields anytime. Today
they have no idea how anything is produced, so they have no way of
choosing careers with any idea of what to expect.
When you walk through the gate your cells are transmuted at a quantum
level, turning you into neutrinos/tachyons or 'light', then reassembled at that
other location. This process is said to be rather instantaneous through the
stargate network because the energy it takes to transmute your cells is
always fully ‘charged’ while positioned over that cross ley line.
These cue points are stored in a database across the simulation, including
all 15 levels/dimensions and across other simulations outside of this time
matrix you would call worlds. They are also registered across all eras of
time from the first second creation came into being. So if you wanted to go
to the Pleiades for instance, 3 million years ago, there is an IP address for
Travel while in light form is not a physical locomotion, but merely a shift in
frequency, as all places and times exist in the same spot you are standing
now. There is no such thing as '1000 miles from here', because space is an
optical illusion. There is little difference between going to Hill Valley (Sonora
Cal) in 1885 from where you are standing now, than merely turning on a tv
to play Back to the Future 3 and 'cuing' up the moment Marty teleports to
that jump. It is the same thing. You are in your living room before you
change the place on the DVD, and you are still in your living room after you
start watching the movie again that takes place in the totally fictional 'other
place in the world and in a different time'. There are quadrillions of
quadrillions of ‘tv channels’ across creation. Your ‘now’ is one of them.
There is no 'other place', there are only holographic movie sets where
moments are playing out different scenes that are already simulated and
recorded prior to your arrival in manifestation based on all possible
moments that you could ever experience, forever playing each scene at all
times. All you have to do is change the channel (your frequency) in order to
watch that scene where you went to the beach with your friends when you
were 18 and built a bonfire that night. It is a potential thing you could
possibly do at that age with your given abilities to walk and talk, so it
remains playing out in your akashic records as a scene you're allowed to
see if you choose to. All of these scenes are playing out inside each one of
your 1 trillion DNA cells right now. With one drop of your blood it is possible
to play out every moment you have ever experienced since you came into
manifest form and played back like a high-definition hologram that is just as
real as anything you’ve seen ‘in real life’ (also 100% holograms).
If you tell your buddies you don't want to go tonight, then in this lifetime,
that moment never existed as far as you know. But it remains playing out
for all time just in case you do choose to go. So stargates are not
teleportation machines so much as they are remote controls of the
holographic simulation.
Time crafts you call UFOs are fitted with stargate technology, allowing them
to translocate instantaneously. While military radar may perceive the ‘travel
time’ of a craft that moves from one side of the sky to the other in the blink
of an eye as ‘30,000 MPH’, in reality it is faster than the speed of light. This
is the same thing SSP soldiers experience in ‘jump rooms’ when they travel
from this plane to another one, or move forward or backward in time.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
WR: 150 miles of tunnels with gold stacked floor to ceiling and 52 miles
(according to Val Thor) of just books and scrolls from like the Library of
Alexandria they stole before they burned the building to the ground. So at
least hundreds of miles of artifacts. What they showed in Indiana Jones is
likely a good idea. Smithsonian=Vatican.
Q: What do you think will happen on the 8th?
WR: I believe this could be an attempt by the WHs to bring down the
artificial 'Chimera Reality' holographic simulation engineered by the
Anunnaki by sending rockets into the moon (Lunar Earth Command). And
Q: Excuse me Shock, and what happens then? I'm catching up with your
Why do you think billions of people around the entire world are, 3+ years
later, still wondering why everyone is suddenly dropping dead? Its because
they're programmed not see whack injuries, so, they don't exist.
This simulation, called 'Beyond the Looking Glass Reality' ('Looking Glass'
for short) and also 'Chimera Reality' when referring to human earth, is an
entire artificial reality that's nested right in the middle of the real simulation
that allows fractals of Prime Creator to come down into manifestation to
experience what it would be like to touch or smell something.
But that simulation was hijacked by the 'fallen angels' which is code for
fallen demonics, and is now a 'Fantasy Island' for ETs. And no, I'm not
kidding or guessing.
(this is from a different post, but I added it below since it ties into the above
Ariel: One event
48 hrs
New Timeline
Biblical Prophecy
Cosmic Alignment
Paradigm Shift
WR: Ariel tells us the eclipse event is about dropping the draconian system
tells us it is all about bringing us to a new timeline. These are the 2 most
informed people I know of online saying this. Anyone ready for the shift?
Q: Im inclined to listen to the Navajo teaching to stay inside and dont look
during the eclipse.
WR: I sure love his message if it just didn't refer to some other entity as the
creator. Replace the word god, etc. with your name and you'll see the
bigger picture. Stay home, remain sacred and safe. Best advice for this
Q: I hope it happens
WR: Hope is empty, based on wish. Seeing it happen in your mind casts it
into reality if you are totally convinced that's what you will see. Believing is
On 8 April Eclipse
The perception of 3d, 4d, And 5d are human concepts. Some notable
scholars like Alex Collier or David Wilcock mentioned at times that
frequencies are an oscillation of the atoms per second. Or even per unit of
time relative to the observer (You) that makes up the molecules that makes
up what is perceived as material or hard matter.
Which would be the physical world we interact with. Since the unit of time is
something relative to the observer what is observable hard matter for one
person will appear to be etheric and unattainable for another person.
Unless we are assisted with external devices like that of which was
illustrated in the classic John Carpenter film "They Live". Which was
released in 1988 starring Roddy Piper who played John Nada who had a
special set of glasses that when put on reveals the true form of people who
come off as humans to the naked eye.
Military night vision goggles use light amplification to enhance vision in
low-light conditions. Similarly, the "They Live" glasses could have a special
filter that blocks out the visible light spectrum humans normally see and
instead allows the wearer to see a different spectrum, one where the aliens
appear different from their human disguise. This alien spectrum could be
infrared, ultraviolet, or even a completely alien band of light invisible to the
naked eye.
Let's try to answer this. From what I have come to understand over the
years is that in wave mechanics there is talk of destruction & degenerative
interference. Reference is made to an overlap of two or more waves of
identical or similar frequency that interfered with creates a new wave
pattern of less intensity aptitude at a point called a node.
Once we cross the Van Alen Band you are in 5d. The Van Alen Band is
controlled from the moon. The Van Alen Band is controlled from tge artificial
space station called the moon. 5d is earth's natural frequency.
The moon is responsible for the total toroidal immersion in which earth is
located. So whoever controls this frequency controls the entire planet and
everything in it. Including people that would instantly dissappear if the
moon were to all of a sudden no longer exists. Dolores Cannon calls these
"The Backdrop People". People who are apart of the simulation. People
who only exist to sustain the 3d simulation.
I bring this up for a reason. Some people are asking why NASA will be
sending rockets up during the April 8th eclipse. Well this would only make
sense if you believe "Whitehats are in control". We know these rockets do
not have the ability to physically blow up the moon. But they have the
potential to disrupt the frequency it emitts that powers this 3d construct we
call reality. It can weaken and reduce its energy and bring us closer to a
more heightened awareness.
The duration and the totality where the sun is supposed to be obscured by
the moon for what is supposed to be 4-5 minutes.
Ernie Wright, who works in NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio, told Vox.
"More than twice as many people actually live in the path and don't have to
go anywhere to see it."
The eclipse will be stretching from Kerrville, Texas, to Houlton, Maine. It will
also be visible from Mexico and Canada. Remember I told you all the
original intent of the "Large Hadron Collider"?
Gordie Rose (D-Wave quantum computers and Kindred Al) clarified that the
things that they are summoning into the world now are not demons, not evil
but more like the Lovecraftian Great Old Ones. End quote.
Moving forward in their work, they ignore the data already. Gathering of
entities seen on camera as well as many humans gathering for dark Rituals
as they call the entities to come forward. This is not what we want.
Especially if you have experience with Ouija Boards. Remember, I am only
telling you of the intent up until the US Military took over Cern.
So what would have happened if things went according to plan and Hillary
Clinton won in 2016? Cern would have used the LHC to open
portals/stargates to allow entities from other dimensions into ours. These
entities rush through portals.
They could be 12-20 feet tall 6-8 feet wide. Some are a pinkish grey color.
They have no body definition. The edges are round, jagged, and torn. Their
faces are hideous. They attempt to mimic humans and project abstract
features of openings for eyes with dripping liquid and tissue. A moving nose
that contracts and expands. A mouth that is moving and changing sizes as
it drips tissue.
Sounds fantastic, I know. But to the occultist this is the chaos they were
going for. Now what we could possibly be dealing with now are the
terrestrial fall out from the solar eclipse. Which entails the facial
disfigurement that comes off as demonic. I think this was to scapegoat the
aspects the moon actually plays onto the humans so we can not connect
the two sense there may be cities on the moon where people reside.
That way they avoid people understanding the why behind the
phenomenon as to why this is happening around the solar eclipse.
The energy system is called the crystal cathedral energy grid made up of
giant city-sized crystal clusters, each one as tall as multiple stories situated
some 7 miles below the surface. These were tuned to emanate in a high
frequency spectrum to manifest the hologram of the 4th, 5th and 6th
dimensions that Tara earth was host to. That spectrum acts like a channel
you can tune into on your TV for example. If your body frequency matches
it, then you can see and touch in that dimension.
After invader races blew up the original much-larger plane of Tara into 13
pieces, it took 250m years to heal the largest surviving portion which we
now call the terrain (Tara) of earth. With most of the crystal cathedral
network now literally missing, Tara was now only able to support a
harmonic frequency spectrum to manifest the hologram on the lower levels
of dimensions 1-3, 3 being where you are supposed to be now. But that's
not where you really are.
The invading species from the plane known as Nibiru, harvested giant
crystals from another plane within the system that they brought to this one
in order to remake the Taran world into an artificial reality called 'beyond the
looking glass'. The new network of city-sized crystal clusters were
strategically place directly over the original Tara Earth crystal cathedral
energy grid nodes that were positioned around 3 miles below the surface.
This is known as the Nibiru crystal temple network.
This way the new nodes from the unauthorized Nibiru grid could intercept
the frequencies emanating from below, re-tune them into a vastly lowered
frequency of 7.83Hz that casts before you the holographic operating
spectrum of the 'beyond the looking glass' reality field that you see now
where ETs can walk amongst your kind but you are unable to see their real
forms. Hence why it is today that the deep state is able to use the temporal
displacement device under CERN called ALICE to travel across and adjust
the time dilation within this plane. And yes, they absolutely can put the
whole 'world' on PAUSE at any time for recalibrating the life force minds of
the people, and do so on a regular basis.
What Ariel is getting at here is that the Schumann Resonance from the
Nibiru energy temple network is managed from Lunar Earth Command he
references as the space station that controls the toroidal spectrum within
the new simulation nested inside the real simulation (if you can call any
holographic simulation real anyway). There are 7 different species of races
that live inside the Command center, not all of which are able to work
side-by-side of each other, since some of them are food sources for some
of the others. None of this is fiction btw. I'm telling you what is happening.
The mosque resonation domes Ariel mentions, along with the obelisk
broadcast antenna network signals that harvest energies from many other
places other than just from the Nibiru energy temples, beam the new
spectrum energies up into a 7-layer 'frequency fence' that operates the
looking glass reality as well as prevents other beings from entering into this
plane to assist the abductees. It is now fully quarantined for the invaders to
run amuk.
Your brain cannot see what you are told you cannot see. This is
documented hypnotist fact. People can described every nuance of every
building including the street number on it that is blocked by 5 layers of trees
to everyone else in the park. Because those trees DO NOT exist to the one
who had been programmed then snapped back into just slightly higher
Theta state, that the looking glass resonates in at 7.83Hz.
You are in a defined reality field that is made up of many thousands of
things that exist that you've been programmed not to see that were
revealed by Dicyanin Aura goggles during the Vietnam war when they
rolled out and soldiers were going mad due to seeing demons everywhere
and so lost their minds.
If the Lunar Earth Command module were to be disabled, that veil would
come down. And perhaps Ariel is correct, that it would only come down a
manageable amount if it only sustained a certain level of damage, allowing
people to awake but not be slapped across the face.
In any event, all clues are pointing to the fact that CERN will be involved,
NASA will be involved, the illegal alien soldiers in our country are said to be
awaiting order to cause chaos at the precise time of the eclipse and 5
states have had the NG dispatched and on the ready for whatever happens
on April 8th. This will be a GREAT TIME to be indoors with supplies of food
and water for whatever unfolds from this much drama.
Q: I’ve seen the Schumann go up far far above 7.8 hrtz over the last 7
years or so. What might be causing this to happen?
WR: The SSP calls the higher frequencies a giant body in space meshing
with earth's field over the last number of years they named the Oort cloud
that is far higher than normal standing resonance. Far, far higher. In reality
the sun is flooding earth plane with carbon 7, or microcrystals similar to our
deuterium that is at the core of every particle of our water and air, only
vibrating many times higher that is saturating every inch of our field.
Carbon 7 doesn't, or at least hasn't, existed on earth until now.
Others call these the pan clara awakening waves that will permeate and
overtake the ultra-low 7.83Hz vibration of all living things that are able to
rise to meet this new higher resonance. This includes the alien Nibiru
energy temple crystals placed over the top of our crystal cathedral energy
nodes in earth's cross ley line vortices. Even the alien crystals tune to this
hypnotic signal will be forced to elevate.
Higher frequency can be thought of as pressure for those not matching that
resonance, that presses down on the body and joints of lower vibration
beings such as the invader races that cannot function in high frequency
realms. This will cause major discomfort, anxiety and stress that causes
desperation and lashing out at others following this change.
I've been told the guardian alliance is behind the release of the carbon 7,
and I've been told it is actually something the aether controls on its own. I
think the reality is since the stellar activation window is an organic event
that is cyclical, what we are seeing is actually from the aether and the
guardian alliance is helping to manage the fallout of this transition to
mitigate the dangers the beings not moving higher in resonance to keep up
with the rest of the plane.
Q: Is the eclipse related to the planet Niburu & the supposed upcoming
pole shift? I read about that today, and I am not sure what to think about it
WR: The plane(t) Nibiru was destroyed long ago. However, the Nibiru
battlestar that was depicted in Star Wars rather accurately used to come
around in 3658 year cycles to use magnetic beams to drag the earth 45
degrees over a period of 3 days which turned deserts into ocean floors and
ocean floors into deserts, killing most human life and casting them back
into the bronze age again as a depopulation tool. This is called Tara
Cleansing. It isn't a 'pole shift', these were plate shifts.
That will not happen this time, because the Jehovah Anunnaki of the
battlestar have joined with the creators of the Human Elohim project under
the Emerald Covanant and will not be performing that reset this time. It has
been parked net to our sun since prior to 12/21/2012. Gina Maria Colvin Hill
has thousands of images of it and the other hundreds of thousands of war
crafts next to it, which are uncloaked. All are here to assure the ascention
of Tara to her rightful place as host plane of dimensions 4-6.
The basic configuration of the LHC complex consists of a large loop, the
LHC, with a diameter of ~8.5 km, and a smaller loop called the "Super
Proton Synchrotron" (SPS) placed tangentially inside the LHC, used as the
final proton beam injector for the LHC, with a diameter of ~2.2 km.
The SPS's position and size are key to the first step of decoding the LHC
"Orion Stargate".
It is designed to open up gateways. Just like Ouija Boards are.
But mainstream scientists will tell you the creation of the LHC is to find the
Higgs boson, considered by some scientists to be the fundamental element
of matter and often called the “God Particle.” This ofcourse is a cover story.
You all have to understand that there is a very evil faction of entities behind
this project. Because this also connects to the ley lines. The rediscovery of
Ley Lines in this century is unveiling (apocalypse; Greek for unveiling) the
secrets of Nature.
Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly
suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines.
All Ley Lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix,
creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth.
Through these cracks in the earth's tectonic plates the magnetic energies
released are very powerful indeed.
Many people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and
some have claimed that they have blacked out, as the surge was that
Did you know "The Da Vinci Code" was based on Rennes Le chateau in
France, which is also on a leyline?
During the medieval times anyone who had any knowledge of Hermetic's
was designated a Heretic and died a horrible death. This held true for
anyone who knew how to read or write a Heresy.
Many of the sections where two or more Ley Lines intersect are marked
with obelisks, such as,
• Washington DC Monument
• Vatican Courtyard
These electromagnetic lines of the earth are its veins and receive its
energies from the sun that connects and effects, every living thing on this
Many of our ancient spiritual figures knew this hidden knowledge and
meditated or prayed on these lines or megalithic centers, which elevated
their electrical auras, intellect, and connection to higher self, through the
activation of the 7 energy centers (chakras).
I believe that the activation of the Large Hadron Collider during the eclipse
may create a window for the CERN researchers to explore and study the
stargates or portals. It is believed that the activation of the large collider
during this special event might create enough energy to open up the portals
to alternate dimensions and realities.
You need to understand in 2017 the control of CERN came under U.S.
Military control. I told you all yesterday the fight for your freedom is taking
place on all levels. Physical and non material. This is why the image on the
US Debt Clock is so important to understand. Go scroll back down and look
at my post about that.
WR: Thank you Ariel. I have written on these same points (sans the US mil
taking over CERN!) many times (with no reach of course). CERN was
always about temporal displacement through the ALICE hypercube and
jumping the collective consciousness of the whole world into new timelines
through the larger synchrotron that poses as the 'particle accelerator', to
allow them to jump us from one timeline to another, searching for one
where people were not so awake.
Of this, we now know is definitely documented with the proof right there in
the Library of Congress in the form of books written in 1890 by Ingersoll
Lockwood depicting a "Baron Trump" that looks just like the real-life 13 yr
old Barron Trump that was a 'time traveler'. Well. We have hundreds of
proofs beyond just this, validating what Ariel states regarding the Tesla time
travel device. By this time there is absolutely no doubt 'John Titor Time
Traveler' was in fact, Donald (John) Trump. I've been assembling data for
the article I'm writing about this now for many months.
Ariel also made the statement that Alexander the Great was directed to
seize control of the domes over key cross ley lines (super high resonant
energies of human earth) by "dark forces". Yeah, because Alexander the
Great was directly from Sumer-Ur Babylon descent who were not human,
but documented across 500,000 cuneiform clay tablets of Mesopotamia to
have been ETs that "from heaven came". He was not a human and is well
documented as having horns while ruling over Rome. Which is why his
coins show him with just that, as do his busts.
Q: What a great post Mr Schock. I understand the Mandela effect is the
result of time travel.
WR: You live inside of a shared reality field where you cast yourself and
your world (your home, city and job) into that mix. That bigger reality of
those other lives can override your one smaller reality and 'teleport' you into
a new world if the collective consciousness of the lifeforce all choose
together (through predictive programming that 'steers' the collective) to
move timelines while you're not looking.
You will notice many things about your world that changed overnight, but
you will write it off to bad memory or being mistaken about something. But
certain things can't just simply change all by themselves unless your
holographic world platform was updated or changed while you slept. Both
happen for real, and you're just now realizing the difficult truth about that.
At some point you have to reach the point where you must admit something
else is going on that is outside of your nested reality within the bigger 'video
game' playing out. And that's what this is, an electronic video game called a
holographic time matrix that allows your signature spirit essences (your
awareness that is thought and personality alone, without a 'body') to come
down here into manifestation. Like this example you mention here.
Another Question: For those of us who are awake to this and have no
interest in moving to timelines that are clearly meant to dumb down..do we
have the option not to?
WR: Sorry, no. You are inside of a shared reality field where you agreed to
allow the collective consciousnesses of around 5 billion other people to
share space with you. Sort of like renting them all rooms in your home. So
they can and will leave the bathroom or kitchen a mess at times, or clean
the living room out of the blue. What you can do though is imagine your
portion of the house to be yours alone, where it is always exactly the way
you want it (your room) and don't worry about what they're doing in the
kitchen. Don't participate in their war games and your life won't be
embroiled in a war game. Simple. Don't fly to Palestine while everyone
there is being Tara Cleansed by Crypto J3ws and you won't find yourself
inside a blood bath. Everything on the TV is other people's worlds and
realities, not yours unless you choose to make it yours.
In the Lana Del Rey concert not long ago, there was a massive energy
wave that knocked down people to the ground all at the same time. At the
same concert one photographer found the faces of the band were distinctly
demon-like, but their clothes and instruments looked normal. This video
shared here refers to the glasses that allowed actor Roddy Piper to see the
aliens around him in the movie. Later Roddy was murdered soon after
telling fans that They Live was a documentary and aliens are real and all
around us. I can verify he wasn’t crazy and they have been here for a very,
very long time.
The real glasses that inspired this movie were known as Dicyanin Aura
goggles developed in the 1920s that allow you to see people’s auras, then
deployed for military use back in the Vietnam war era to see into the
spectral field. The lenses were coated with a special dye that refracted light
differently than normal, allowing soldiers to see demons in their real form.
Their use was immediately discontinued and the dicyanin pigment was
outlawed for use. Why? Because the soldiers that wore the goggles went
mad because they saw demons everywhere, including flying in the air. This
is all very real, not a SciFi myth.
Understand that sound augments all reality and causes molecules to form
that holds the shape of the desired object. Likewise, scalar sonic signals do
the same, but travel behind the scenes, down into the quantum field that
projects the hologram, sort of like how RNA commands the functions of
material DNA to shape your nose and your hands, etc.
This is the technology used by the Leviathan reptilians to take the form and
visual appearance of a 5' tall human instead of a 15' tall dragon as the
queen did for many decades. All they need to do is copy the looks of
someone's biodynamic standing frequency, duplicate it, and now they have
just copied that person's body that they can manifest as their own any time
that signal is being emitted.
I do not know if they are using a wearable device that emits the inaudible
signal, or if they have a way to produce and hold that signal mentally or not.
But the critical thing about my post is that while the band on stage was
producing their sounds that had embedded spell signals enveloped in the
chords that knocked all those fans to the ground, it could well have also
been placing scalar sonic signals in the air that interfered with their
holographic signal, just like dicyanin pigment emits that cancels these alien
Circulating now in 2024 is a news cast reporting people are starting to see
people that don’t look human, but rather as demons (just like the Lana Del
Rey band members), so now they have a name for this ‘disorder’. Yeah, it
isn’t a disorder, you’re seeing reality for the first time as the Schumann
Resonance of our plane continues to rise higher and higher to prepare
Tara, and her lifeforce (you) to make the transition that we’re in the process
of right now to the next level of awareness.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Q: What else can we look for? Do they smell? Any other senses that will
sense them?
WR: I don't know what it is anymore, it was a long time ago, but there is a
word that if you trick them into saying it, their hologram fails. I know they go
crazy when you mention Jesus Christ (which is Marduk's cypher name).
Q: W.R. Did you tell us that if we say to them to “leave me alone” they have
too or will,kind of like when you invite a vampire in?
WR: Maybe you're referring to threshold rules when it comes to your home
(sanctuary). I don't know exactly how that works, but unless you invite
someone into your space, they can't come in. This is reinforced by use of
certain wording in the mezuzah on your door.
I can personally tell you however, that some of the most powerful people in
the matrix use these irl. I've seen them, but I didn't look to see what was
written on the note inside, because it was attached to the home and the
home is sacred, considered 'hallowed' ground. Understand we're talking
about beings that don't even need to raise a hand or get excited in any way
if they are attacked, because their bodies have built in sensors to attacking
forces and their energy will simply, by itself, 'taze' you that will fry all the
neural synapses of the brain instantly, leaving your already-dead body to
free fall to the ground. It would be impossible to hurt them in any kind of
hand to hand combat or even get close to them unless your intentions were
absolutely pure. And they have mezuzahs
This whole concept about sacred spaces was never really explained to me
more than what I said here. I just know that if you don't have absolutely
clean hands (clean karma), you literally aren't allowed inside certain being's
rooms. I may be reaching here, but I believe it has something to do with
birth rites that cover both your rights within the matrix as well as your
responsibilities. Those 'rites' were never broken down for me in long form.
But then, there are a trillion hidden things about manifestation we all will
have to learn at some point. I understand that children in higher dimensions
spend their first 100 years just learning how to interact with others before
they enter the workplace. There's that much to learn.
Q: So these potential “demons” as seen in Lana del ray vid below, are the
ones who’ve hijaccd most of the human bot minds…
WR: Right, their group under Enki Lucifer that now has all of them under a
deep hypnotic spell through the mRNA nanites that collect at the frontal
cortex (thinking part) of the brain and are now radio controlled, held in a
Theta State brain wave pattern of 7.83Hz (the old Schumann Resonance
before the awakening waves started elevating the plane's standing
resonance field where it is now vastly higher than Gamma State (being
chased by a bear).
[On Aug 14, 2017 at the very peak of the stellar activation cycle (dead
middle of the projected 10 year window) we registered spikes of 190Hz, or
2000% higher than previous records.]
Theta State is the program mode of the dielectric circuitry of our neural
The nanites render their minds permanently broken unless they are
neutralized and the damage reversed. Which I doubt humans will
understand how to do. They can be programmed to do anything and not
'see' anything the invader races don't want them to see.
For instance, if you were tell them they are unable to see 'shoes', handing
them their own shoe which they hold right there in their hand, then snap
them back to twilight 'awake but dreamy mode' and tell them to 'find your
shoe', they would search for hours for it and physically cannot see it even
though they are holding one in their hand and still have one on their feet.
Hypnotists do this everyday in private corporate appearances to show how
malleable the mind is.
That's because the subconscious generates 'reality' around us. And if their
subconscious is telling them 'shoes don't exist', they can literally now see
THROUGH the shoe and read the letters you wrote on their palm, as if that
shoe is simply not there. I can prove this with multiple examples of street
hypnotists working with total strangers outdoors.
This is because fractals of Prime Creator literally manifest all things within
their world by seeing it inside of their pineal gland like a holographic movie,
then project that recording out around them through their projection lens
eyes that are not telescopic 'camera' lenses, but the concave and convex
lenses stacked up inside the pupil can only project an image, just like our
movie projectors use.
Eyeballs don't 'see' anything. Only the pineal gland sees what others are
casting out as their reality, plus what their own eyes are casting out as their
own reality that now blends together as one 'shared' world. The mind is
vastly more complex and powerful than we have any idea of here. The
average mind only uses about 6% of their processing power. The rest is
shut down by complex biological implants within the body.
Q: Often when I am drifting asleep (closed eyes), I see movies that are not
super clear - can look like photographic negatives in action. Vivid & often
abstract. I don't recognize the characters & they are not always human, so
not my own pineal gland projecting, correct? Thank you.
WR: Your pineal gland can only project if your eyes are open. But it sees at
all times what in your shared reality field. I've seen through brick walls as if
they weren't there before. The ability comes & goes. The new "144,000"
indigos can see blindfolded.
Girl can read & see Blindfolded!
The phantom part of the leaf is the plasma body, or 'ghost' energy field, and
the physical leaf is merely a holographic expression of what the thing
should appear as. These two things, while totally integrated normally, are
not dependent on each other to still exist. Ghosts that are disembodied still
have their energetic light body essence, they just can't assemble the
'physical' part of it anymore. So they can't touch things, taste things, or
experience life, all they can do now is watch it around them.
That is, unless they go to the astral fields where they can materialize there,
but those are artificial worlds the invader races have set up as honeypot
traps for the disembodied to now produce loosh for them, just as they are
doing to manifest beings here in the looking glass simulation.
You built this simulation called a time matrix. Other fractals of your
collective of Prime Creator (you can think of as bratty siblings) came along
and set up a new simulation nested within this 'organic' one in order to trick
you so they can harvest your energy. This is in the way of your light body
power, as well as in using you to funnel vast wealth to them through taxes,
taxes and more taxes. They also eat your kids (more taxes).
The way the hologram is actually projected around you is through projector
lenses we call eyes. And while that might seem impossible to understand,
this is how anything within the simulation materializes. Eyes are not camera
lenses. The optical lenses that stack up inside the pupil are the same
convex-to-concave as projection lenses are arranged. They literally cannot
'see' something, they can only project images.
How you really see is through the 3rd eye called the pineal gland. Naturally
the ancients knew this eons ago, now engraved, painted and depicted all
across ancient Egypt. It has the clear ability to see 360 degrees around you
what it is you expect to see in that precise spot on earth because the
spacetime fabric is holding the colors, shapes and outlines of every leaf
and tree and blade of grass that is supposed to be "there" according to all
the other people around you that are projecting the same image in the
same designated spot, and because you are now looking in that direction,
you can see it.
Your pineal gland now sends that live image down to your heart with your
own body now blended into that same picture where you weren't previously
standing, because you don't actually have a body to 'stand' anywhere. The
heart hears that signal, then reduces it to a song that pulsates out to all the
aether microcrystals around you and suddenly your image will be imprinted
or outlined in the air where the spacetime fabric holds your plasma field.
The aether particles that hold this shape in the spacetime fabric are called
X and Y bosons that hold the square points within each pixel of the 'fabric'
that Higgs bosons now light up according to where that leaf is supposed to
be. The Higgs boson is YOUR projected holographic beam. Read on.
At the same time your pineal gland sends the signal to the heart to alert the
aether to your 'reality' of joining the shared reality field, now it also sends a
signal through your optic nerve (optic fiber) that connects in a 45 degree
angle from your pineal gland to your projector lenses and completes the
'solid' image of your body inside the spacetime fabric halo that's already
there thanks to your heart. You are the Higgs boson science calls the god
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
WR: The aura comes from the plasma body of your spirit essence, not the
physical body. The plasma body leaves when the host dies. So you won't
find it.
Q: Also some confusion to “plasma leaves when host dies.”Do you mean
leaves and takes its plasma when it allows body to decay. If it holds the
body form in place how does then the host die ! I find it complicated I hope
you understand my question I will try rephrase if not
Q: That would imply it’s physical and therefore a reduction on the vibration.
The vibration at the moment of conception seems more plausible. Not
saying your idea is not relevant. But I just don’t see the total of vibration
making a little seed to hold its memory. Dipole vibration ?
WR: I'm simplifying terms in my short comments, but that's very astute of
you. Everything in creation operates off of magnetic attraction and repulsion
on the physical side, and dielectric scalar magnetic attraction and repulsion
on the antimatter side. Which means all things are magnets, but not all
things attract. Let me explain.
Things come into manifest form from beyond the veil. There, they are
thoughts inside of one shell or sphere as a resonant tone or 'song' of the
thought. As soon as that sphere emerges as 'something', it automatically
now casts an antiparticle 'shadow' shelf of the sphere. It is resonating the
the same song inside of the first sphere, but spinning in the opposite
direction. They now together form a third sphere that encases the two
particles inside which are opposed to connecting with each other. Like the
same south or north ends of a magnet.
That sphere now enters into fermion material form you would call an atom
called a Keylon Template. It is part of the 3D world now, and is still forever
vibrating through exactly what you said, dipole magnetic
The two spheres that began the particle are the same, so they're quantum
entangled which means they attract each other, but they're spinning in
particle and antiparticle 'bi-polar' directions making them repel each other.
But for only just so far away before they pull each other back to almost
touching. This is the song that dances in the quantum of every one of your
cells that are playing your song to be heard by everything around you.
When that includes a shape, such as human body, the pattern of the atom
lays out the light form of that avatar and the light form then casts in the
energy that imbues the physical avatar with 'life'.
So the term dipole actually means the magnetic moment when an
antiparticle and particle creates a zero point 'doorway' from beyond the veil
to inside the simulation. Good question.
Q: How does the thought that are inside the shell beyond the veil get from
that stage to where it automatically cast an antiparticle self?
Like what conditions need to be met? The thought needs to get bigger/be
heard by more aether particles?
WR: The thoughts yours and other fractals of PC higher selves think in
relation to this time matrix are sent in through the sun portal as neutrinos. If
that thought is meant to take form here, it strikes a proton in this realm and
that creates a 'neutrino event' that makes an anion ion that is carrying the
command. The command now sets out to find its resonance (you), to
manifest that for you. The louder your resonance (higher electrical field),
the faster it finds you. That's about the best I can explain the process with
what I understand of the system.
Q: Did this same hologram exist for my great grandparents? Did they even
exist? Are you in my simulation? Or am I in your simulation?
WR: Your grandparents were you. There were close to 5b people alive prior
to the whack. I sense that is now about 4b, if even that many. These
people, the ones that are real fractals of Prime Creator and not AI cyborgs,
recycle over and over and over, trading places as sons then daughters then
parents. You don't have ancestors or descendants. It has always been you
and your fellow fractals of Prime Creator. You're in a prison simulation, it
wasn't meant to be this way.
No one is in your simulation but you. There are fractals around you that are
under birthing contract with you to manifest and interact with you as your
'posse' or 'gang', but they are inside their own simulation that you are able
to see and assimilate into what you perceive as the world in a shared
reality field, but what they see differs from your perceived world, though you
both agree the sky color is called blue. Theirs may actually be purple and
trees may be yellow, but you won't see that in your blue-sky and green-tree
world. They are different.
I know that's a lot to take in, but still, you are Prime Creator experiencing a
mortal, manifest type of reality. For what we had to work with, I think we've
done extremely well.
https://twitter.com/iontecs_pemf/status/1776448937681158538 (this links to
A rock has a certain species blueprint that makes it denser than water, so it
falls very quickly to ground and makes a lot of damage if thrown at
Realize that all of this is to explain how "gravity" works within a holographic
simulation. There is no such thing as gravity, there is only such thing as
simulation code.
Now realize nothing ever moves. Ever. Not electricity, not the blood in your
veins, people aren't walking, birds aren't flying. Only the simulation of
movement is possible because at the atomic level and below, there is no
such thing as 'material matter' (known as a 'fermion').
Fermion actually means "firm ion". The ion is a "material" energy packet.
But it has no physical or measurable size until it has been given a blueprint
designation. Just like the electron has no measurable size, only a measure
of energy. Anyone who tells you the atom is .01% matter and 99.9% empty
space is lying or they simply don't know physics. There has never been a
single spec of matter from the atomic level downward in all of recorded
history. Atoms are 100% holograms.
When the brain fires, it creates a spark of energy out of nowhere. This is
the only source of origin of energy known to man. Neural synapses spark
(as seen on an EEG) and therefore a vibrational sonic signal is sent
outward from the human torus field into the 'air'.
What they don't mention on Wiki is the fact that the microcrystals (known as
'reagent surfactants' / 'Aniline' / or 'Dianiline') are actually Higgs bosons that
are scientifically registered as sentient particles. They are anything but
rare, though you would assume they are. In fact they make up everything
around you at all times.
They are not just sentient, they literally run the entire holographic
landscape before you. Science has broken Higgs bosons down into various
flavors, or types of bosons, but mainly what they admit to is that vector
bosons hold the corners of the spacetime fabric pixels. These bosons have
a geolocation. Every single one of them, and they never move. A scientist
can locate any boson within our spacetime and tell you exactly where it is
in longitude and lattitude. This is the way they make scalar mapping
There may be as many as a million 'sheets' of spacetime fabric per inch of
what you think of as 'space' or 'distance', each one made up of trillions of
pixels. They cover all 'livable space' within the hologram.
The spacetime fabric pixels can be seen in the CERN images. It looks like
a sheet and the pixels are square, just like they are inside a TV screen.
They have photos of them you can look up. I know because I have.
Microcrystals utterly fill the expanse of our world. All air, all land, all water,
they are crowded together like hinged dominoes that can tip over, knock on
another boson which does the dame thing, and like a lighted motel sign,
can pass along the message of what the next mission is to the next then
the next boson, making it look like the lights are moving around the sign,
when in reality the sign bulbs never move, they just light up in succession.
Molecules 'tell' the bosons what they are at all time. "I'm a basalt stone, 14
grams in density, 3/4" wide and deep, I am black with streaks of brown in
me" etc. As soon as that message is heard by the first boson, it tells the
next until every boson on earth knows all about that basalt stone. Now they
can all act in harmony in giving the illusion someone just tossed that stone
into a pond.
Here's the key part. For that stone to come off of that building, a person has
to think about it. She thinks "throw the stone". The spark from her brain
now emits a sonic signal that tells all the bosons within 'hearing distance' of
that thought what is taking place. They all immediately tell all the other
bosons around them the same thing. The message travels faster than the
speed of light.
The speed we're talking about here is the same speed that energy travels
through a superconductor, science calls superballistic. Meaning it travels
less than instantly.
There is a 3 second time delay between when anything happens and when
the human eyes perceives it happening. Like a news report with a time
delay that allows for instant editing should something happen you're not
supposed to see, they can fix the glitch. You can look this up under
quantum entanglement to see that 1/2 of a DNA cell on the other side of
the country will react to an experiment 3 seconds before the first half has
been effected.
The bosons hear "throw the stone", and then the pixels within the
spacetime fabric light up to appear as that portion of the stone as it
"travels" through the air.
No stone was thrown, only the thought of it was expressed by the neural
synapse of your brain, making you expect to see the stone now traveling.
Bosons are here to make that experience seamless, so they have 3
seconds to clean up the feed should they need to. It only takes one time for
a person to witness a glitch in the matrix for them to forever lose the
suspension of disbelief and then it is over. The well has been poisoned.
Our system doesn't usually allow that.
The fabric now knows exactly how fast that stone is supposed to go
according to the speed it is thrown, it's density, mass, it's species
designation and continues to light up only the pixels that will be effected to
make it appear something is taking place.
But it isn't just gravitons that are mislabeled by utterly corrupt science.
Electrons and protons, neutrons and quarks are all Higgs bosons. Every
element within our ecosphere is a Higgs boson, including every cell in your
body. Each one sentient, each one with the power of what quantum science
calls "the god particle" because they manifest reality.
In nanotech they sell Higgs bosons. In small vials. The vials just look like
they're filled with water, but nonetheless there are trillions of bosons in that
tiny ampule. Now guess what they call the liquid that is supposedly
suspending the bosons (sold under the term cationic or anionic reagent
Properly spelled 'aether', but there are ancient 'god' reasons they deny the
use of the letter a in the name.
Q: If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's around to hear it, that's
independent function unguided by awareness though. You'd figure if all that
were true, reality would map to faith, will, and expectation far more than
being independently observable and consistent.
WR: A forest that no one is there to witness does not exist at all. It is the
witnessing that brings it into reality. Bosons don't do anything they don't
have to, like in a video game. Hyrule forest in the Legend of Zelda doesn't
exist unless you scroll into it.
Q: Why wouldn't you assume it acts like the unobserved particles in the
double-slit experiment?
WR: The movement of bosons remain random while not being observed,
not creating any certain thing. If a being is observing, then that reality does
exist, proven in qm. So you're correct. There are trillions of creators, you're
one of the fractals of that entity.
As shown just days ago in a video making the rounds, by sucking the
oxygen out of a room, creating a vacuum, then dropping a bowling ball next
to a feather, both hit the ground from a very high ceiling at the exact same
split second.
This tells you that density only makes a difference if it is in the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is filled with what? Very thin water.
What is water?
Water is the Higgs boson that takes the shape of all things. It sees the
feather and assigns a holographic simulation code to that element where it
can now float on wind current (Higgs bosons). Or it assigns the code
'bowling ball with this density signature' making sure it is shown as not
slowing down as it falls as the flashing lights in the spacetime fabric play
out the illusion the bowling ball and feather are 'traveling', when in reality
these are nothing more than 'chasing lights'.
If a person or thing are underneath these two objects, the aether knows
which one has what code, so when the hologram appears to have the
bowling ball or the feather land on your head let's say (in honor of Isaak
Newton, the 33rd degree Freemason shill disinformation liar), the feather
acts differently than the ball.
Nothing actually moves within the hologram other than sound waves. It is
static. Sound waves only vibrate as well, but the wave of each sound
bumps into the next Higgs boson, generating a new neutrino event that
recreates all the energy of the first wave while passing along the message
of that mission: "a bowling ball and a feather are being dropped from the
ceiling through atmosphere". That boson tells the next boson and in a
coordinated effort, now the spacetime fabric pixels light up in the correct
flashline sequence 'chasing' across that screen.
So the IMAGE of a bowling ball dropping looks like it is moving, but in fact it
functions like a 'moving picture' where you have multiple still shots of
images being shown in rapid succession, giving the illusion of something
that is animated.
All things are created by sound vibration. Every DNA cell, every plant and
every mountain are held in their shapes by frequency. If you want to heal
your form, you can only do that through frequency, whether that be from a
potion's standing vibration or through PEMF therapy that has innumerable
adjustable biophotonic arrangements that are tuned to match each
individual bioelectric system that your body operates on.
The mainstream medical mafia wants you to believe their pills are required
to retune your system because some of their prescriptions cost as much as
$125,000 per capsule ("c@ncer" doses). Through a Tesla/Rife PEMF
device that dose would cost you maybe 1 cent.
How many people do you know in your circles that are actually healthy?
And how many years has allopathic medicine had to 'practice'? I thought
Do yourself a favor and find out why it is that Royal Rife, using pulsed
electrodynamic-magnetic field therapy (an invention of Nikola Tesla, whom
Rife worked together with to perfect hundreds of thousands of precise
PEMF frequencies) was able to save all 16 terminally ill c@ncer patients
that had all been sent to die in hospice 100 years ago in his trial run for the
Rife Machine.
PEMF isn't about electric shock treatments. It isn't invasive. There are no
side effects. And it works on every type of ailment it has ever been used on.
There are now millions of testimonials from patients around the world
proclaiming absolute astonishment at how fast, versatile and effective this
technology really is.
Ask NASA. PEMF is the only medical device they've ever found that will
restore health to returning astronauts from long missions in low gravity for
bone and marrow loss. The only device. Allopathic medicines are worthless
in this regard, but PEMF knits bones back together that failed to heal on
their own over decades prior.
You are vibration, energy and sound. Your body relies on vibration (totally
silent to the ear) in order to remain healthy, and the technology to address it
holistically has been perfected over the past century by millions of people
from every country in the world.
Its time to say goodbye to knives and hacksaws folks. Watch this short
WR: All things are harmonic, all things are musical symphonies in the
fermionic (matter) and scalar (antiparticle) fields, it is how they keep things
in synchronization. This is called Feng Shui. When you have a clean and
orderly home or work place, the ions travel in a rotation around that space
like water with no turbulence. When things are in disarray, the energy flow
becomes all choppy and chaotic, amplifying emotional distortions in the
world you cannot see.
The sounds your body listens to are either in harmony (ease) or chaos
(dis-ease) that directly effects your cells to either maintain health and high
vibration, or it is white noise that acts like a scrambler wave that knocks out
clear signals from your millions of friends that are your clothes, your bed,
your toothbrush, all of which are singing to you the music of their world,
their life, the experience of being in manifestation that is like joy, peace and
laughter when they are all in harmony.
Dr. Emoto would play harmonic music to water, then flash freeze a drop,
causing its standing vibration to now take crystalized form, revealing a
perfectly formed elaborate geometric shape that was just amazing. Then he
would play heavy metal for the water, freeze it and it was just a frozen
chaotic blob with no shape. Your body is over 70% water, with each cell in
resonation with the prevailing sonic field around it. If you are listening to
anything but harmonized, lovely music, you are literally making it
impossible for your body to fight off dis-ease and maintain healthy
This is a cannabis plant hooked up to Plant Wave that allows you to hear
what living things around you sound like. The electrical pulsations in the
leafs trigger the midi device just like your fingers striking the keys of a
piano. Plants never produce a heavy metal-like sound, but is always
symphonic, harmonic and beautiful. Trees, plants, eggs, crystals, rocks all
make symphonic music that is just outside of your audio spectrum (so you
don't go crazy with sound you can't turn off 24/7). A jungle would sound like
a massive concert.
Listening to a Cannabis Plant with MIDI Sprout
If it isn't, then you will get a broken leg, lose your laptop, catch a cold, go to
jail or the like to take back the pennies you've unrightfully taken from
another fractal of Prime Creator. At the same time, someone finds a $100
bill or receives great news. It is a Robin Hood type of arrangement, as the
pennies are energy that can manifest in any form. Steal, lie and cheat
others, and you have 'bad' karma coming for you.
The aether never sleeps, it never forgives and it never forgets. You will pay.
This is a solemn promise. You will ante-up in this life, or perhaps across a
thousand lifetimes in the future. Now or later, you will pay.
There is a way to get out of bad karma besides what I am about to tell you
below however, that I should interject now. You can change your timeline.
If you fall for the virus and slip someone a roofie or don't return that
lawnmower or the twenty you borrowed when you were in need, or pay
your employees less than what you know is fair, you can undo that action
through a process.
You can lie down, sit in a chair, or in a lotus position (which is all about
saying 'look at me, I'm a spiritual guru!') and close your eyes. Clear your
thoughts by concentrating on 'seeing nothing but black' in your mind that
clears away the distractions that allow you to now replay the video of your
Look at the person you were about to harm and put yourself in their place.
You are about to be lied to, or you are about to lose your laptop or
cellphone. Now imagine what you're going to feel. There could be tears, or
you might even feel anger or pain. Imagine that's what you were going to
do to that person.
Now see yourself approach them and instead of causing them trauma, you
buy their coffee at the counter instead, sit down and have a warm
conversation, ask about their mom or what's happening at work and how
they feel. You treat them with kindness instead of being cruel. You feel
humiliation and deep regret. You can't fake this, the aether knows if you
plan to just do it again anyway, like a Catholic gives confession then skips
right off to Mrs. Smith's house and does the same thing all over again
because he 'gave you absolution'. The hell he did. He doesn't have the to
power to override the aether. No one that's ever lived has that power.
Seems like this is nothing but 'wishful thinking', but understand you're
inside of a simulation. Exactly like playing the Legend of Zelda, where you
can reset that level and this time you go here instead of there that led to
your failure. And this time you find a totally different outcome than the last.
You changed the timeline. And you can change your timeline here as well.
This is actual absolution I'm showing now.
This is your new timeline you have just created where you are now 'new'.
Try to understand this process is used billions of times a day repairing the
distorted timelines for millions/billions of beings that had come here under
force by the Elohim to rape, kill and torture humans for thousands,
sometimes millions of years. That's a lot of bad karma. They had to do it in
an 'or else' position like military soldiers all find out once they reach the
actual theatre of operations, and some even enjoyed doing it. But once
they learn how wrong it was, they feel genuine regret and would give
anything to change their past.
Problem with that is, they had committed so many atrocities, they lost the
ability to manifest in a body anymore, explained below. Under a 'buddy
system' devised by the Oraphim of the Emerald Alliance, the architecs of
the Human Elohim project of Tara earth, they instituted a plan where host
beings would come down and manifest in a body that they would share with
a handful of these disembodied beings, and 'baby sit' them during that life.
One by one, each of the 'lost souls of Tara' will step forward and take
control of the avatar, while the host being, a Type 3 Indigo volunteer that is
here under contract, watches and gives advice behind the scenes in the
subconscious to show them what kindness looks like and compassion
means. They also take them through the 'past life cleanse' process
explained above for each and every infraction they have done. This goes
on 24/7 with no interruption until their timeline has been bleached white as
it were, which now elevates their frequency enough to qualify to return to a
new avatar at the next available opportunity. This must be done while you
are inside an actual, live avatar. It cannot be done while disembodied.
That's when the next one steps forward to do the same. At that moment the
person changes instantly now carrying the personality of the current being
who is 'at bat'. They no longer love mustard and suddenly stop going
skiing, and all their favorite things change. You call that bipolar syndrome
and throw them in jail or the nuthouse if given the chance, but that's a very
real altruistic journey you're witnessing.
The Type 3 Indigo's job is finished once all of his lost souls have been
successfully restored. It is a very tough job to endure, which is why most
Type 3s are strung out on drugs or alcohol, because they don't know what's
happening to them. There are more Type 3s on plane right now than the
other two types combined, by far. Because there are a lot of beings that
were destroyed on a soul-level by your captors in this 1/2b year-old war.
Ever notice that people who have wealth through devious means appear to
the public like they have a good life, beautiful wife, fancy cars and homes,
but secretly all sorts of terrible things are always happening to them? It is
because karma makes sure that you are being reminded to sow positive
seeds, not weeds in your life.
The goal is to always keep your karmic piggy bank full. Which is why when
you find money but fail to return it to its rightful owner, and you don't even
try to, suddenly that much and more is taken back from you. It is about
learning and maintaining compassion for all life. This is your goal while in
manifestation, make no mistake. You're here to become more balanced.
That goes for every one of your quadrillions of life cycles.
Phil Godlewski is learning this lesson the hard way. He lied and told his
followers he was part of the Q team, had dinners with Trump and secret
white hat agents, and convinced them to buy his products, earning him
over $78m. And now he is being exposed by anons from hell to breakfast
as the rapist, pedofile and convicted criminal he really is. Yes, he literally
has a rap sheet.
That's the aether taking the money back he got by deception. You watch,
when this is over, he won't have anything and worse yet, will be in debt and
likely behind bars, if not worse. Flagrant and unrepentant spirit beings have
very tough lessons to learn and they will never get out of the 3rd or 4th
dimensions, ever, until they do.
So much so that they advise that you overpay for things like at the farmer's
market, avoid dollar stores that take advantage of poor people in third world
countries that work for a dollar an hour making those trinkets in order to
scrape by, and so forth. They call it paying it forward, or casting good deeds
to the wind never expecting anything in return, to make sure they are over
giving, not under giving.
This is known as equal energy exchange. If you chisel someone out of the
fair price, you just bought yourself a very hard time. Never chisel. Buy it or
don't, but never, ever chisel. That is a service-to-self concept to start with
that you learned from Sumerians (Crypto Jews) who are illegal aliens on
your plane.
The aether is not a powerful force, it is the one most powerful force that has
ever existed. "Satan" compared to the aether is like 1 drop of water in all
the oceans of the seas.
Likely no one knows this certain truth about karma, so I will pass it along for
you here.
If your piggy bank is empty, but you have built up systems of enslavement,
stockpiles of money and wealth in such a way as to seal yourself off from
normal means of karma where you are very well insulated to enable your
continued service to self anyway, you can reach a point where you simply
will be unable to do harm to others. The aether removes that ability from
The invader races here that you have heard of such as Enki or Marduk and
their minions that people of religion like to call demons, are a perfect
example of this. They are often here in artificial bodies. They might be
clones, test tube, or 3D printed, etc. but they were not birthed in through
condoned procreation, so they're not just here illegally breaking the overall
treaty for this evolutionary plane, they are also here as manifest
poltergeists for want of a better term.
Here's how manifestation works. If your spirit essence is tied to this plane,
and your karmic piggy bank has coins in it, then you are allowed to birth in
so you can interact with others. If it is empty, you are simply not allowed to
have a body, meaning you've taken so egregiously from others over your
previous lifetimes that you no longer have that option, leaving you
disembodied. What we call ghosts. Yes, they're real.
People like Enki and his sons of the Satain clan, have murdered, raped and
pillaged across time and use advanced genetic tricks to remain in physical
form. When that happens, the aether removes from them their ability to pick
up a gun and pull the trigger anymore. The gun won't fire. Yes, this is a real
THAT is why you hear "they have to tell you in advance what they're gonna
do in order for predictive programming to work". But while predictive
programming is a very real thing, that's not actually why they show you
their hand. It is because they have to convince you to pull the trigger for
them. They have to pay hitmen to shoot someone, trick humans into
pushing the red button for them, because they can't do it themselves
anymore. Yeah, I did not just make that all up.
WR: I trust nothing about crypto even 1%. All of that is bathed in blood
WR: Sure, and lots of people out there have the best intentions behind
using it. But I believe that whole platform that isn't backed by anything and
used wildly by traffickers is just quicksand. Plus I don't want that karma. I'm
open to QFS if it backed and isn't abused.
During this attack, many parts of Tara, and wet DNA cells of the people on
the plane, were blown outside of the atmosphere (dome from what I
gather). You need every single one of your DNA cells to remain inside the
simulation, otherwise it has no way to reassemble your body later. It isn't
like a puzzle that's missing a couple of pieces that can still be mostly
assembled; 100% of those genetic cells are needed in order to make your
hologram appear. Otherwise you would have zombie beings walking
around missing parts like living inside a horror movie.
This 'trapped' both the humans and the invader races here with no way to
manifest, but their spirit essences were still here. All spirit essences are
self-aware fractals of Prime Creator, so they never die under any
circumstances. They are always awake and aware and never sleep. When
you sleep, your awareness leaves your rejuvenating body and visits one or
more of your other 1728 different concurrent lives you are living out all at
the same time across this 15 level time matrix. You never dream, you are
always awake and always have been.
It took Tara's largest portion of her landmass 250m years to heal. After
which the first rescue mission was devised as soon as she could host life
again. The creators of the Human Elohim project engineered a way to give
new bodies to the LSOT, and successfully brought out many of those that
had been castaways until that time. That's a long time.
Most of these beings were given methods of leaving this dimension at that
time. But many others were still trapped because some of the 'physical'
DNA of these essences did not 'accrete' back down into the atmosphere.
Apparently they will never be able to manifest again, so they are all just
awaiting the end of their own manifest cycles or the closure of this time
matrix to move on. All things have cycles. All things.
Since 250m years ago, the Anuhazi Elohim never left this evolution alone,
hell bent on "forever" blocking them from reaching the cosmeias and joining
the billions of other interstellar communities. So they brought continuous
wars such as the Electric Wars, the 1000 Years War and millions/billions (?)
more this entire time. That's why there is no such thing as peace on earth.
Your ‘Arch Angels’ want you dead or as close to it as they can get with
eternal life beings. They have been your arch enemy since before you even
So many have been disembodied for 550m years and many more
continued to lose DNA outside of the simulation field since, as I
understand. Nonetheless, if they are not in a physical avatar during this
time, they will be returning back to the eternal sound and light fields of the
deity planes when this time matrix goes through starfire return to source in
the very near future, thus freeing the LSOT to get the chance at
manifestation afresh by starting all over again developing brand-new
personalities and going through 'spiritual manifest evolution', which just
means they will have no provenance (history) of any of their previous
lifetimes or accomplishments any longer and will be 'babies' relearning how
to interact with other fractals of Prime Creator while in physical form.
You can bet that the LSOT weighed heavily into the decision to abandon
the once glorious Gaia time matrix rather than repair her after all the
damages done to the spacetime fabric (simulation platform). Either way,
this matrix will be fully cleared out now at this time when the last hold-out of
the Human Elohim project players and invaders finally vacate the platform.
All the other interstellar communities have long since relocated to other
time matrices, but the Anuhazi Elohim, as I understand it, have continued
their never ending battle against this evolution, and are pushing it up until
the very last moment.
At this time the tiny handful of Anuhazi Elohim (less than ten I believe) who
have decided on their own to commit this unthinkable abuse of Prime
Creator within manifestation have billions, possibly trillions of fractal spirit
essences (neural synapses within the unified field) now in manifest form to
put this drama to bed once and for all. Including vast numbers of other
Elohim races that also have unlimited power supplied to them from the
eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes through the 'krystos' silver
cord, including the rest of the Anuhazi that never had any part of this
enslavement agenda, who are all working under a loose alliance together
against the renegades that call their tiny group the Sun of Ba'al.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
(Going by memory, so details can vary slightly. This was a very long time
The Emerald Covenant was the 'lease' agreement within the 15 level Gaia
time matrix and beginning on the Tara earth landmass of the 4th dimension
for the 5 races of the Human Elohim Avatar Development Project
nicknamed the 'Grand Project'.
Beginning 550m years ago, the founding fathers of the Covenant are the
Oraphim Elohim of Sirius B. These are tall, blue-haired cat-like beings said
to be very attractive.
This is referred to as the 'Krystos' for short, where you get the term 'Krist'
today that the Leviathan invader races coopted and re-authored as 'Christ'.
When one ascends out of a time matrix, it is referred to as 'mastering', but
when Elohim complete their journey, it is referred to as 'Krysting'.
The lands of Tara from the 4th dimension through the 15th would be
visually set aside for this master race alone. There would be other beings
using the same simulation platform during this time, but they were not
allowed to be seen by the humans. The 7 species of Sasquatch that can
phase shift to the 3.5 dimension at any time is a good example of this
shared/not shared space.
The 5 races that were supposed to physically breed together to finalize this
project were human-form white, black, brown, red and yellow colored skin,
all with a blue tint. In the end this would yield what I surmise to be a golden
bronze that would represent all 5 races in one extremely gifted body.
The specific terms of the Covenant also included Birth Rites, which are
more like responsibilities rather than what you are entitled to. The key one
being to treat others compassionately as you would want to be treated.
Beyond these details I was given no other specifics and have not
personally seen the Emerald Covenant myself.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
The Gaia time matrix will no longer exist soon. It holds all of your past-life
memories in her akashic records within her 'silicate matrix' (the water in this
plane and in the crystals ubiquitos to the soil), and also in the sphere of
Amenti. Also in the sphere are all your previous records from prior to
arriving into this matrix. Your DNA (wet cells) holds only your past life
records of your time in this matrix, but not your previous lives. Those were
blown up along with this plane 550m years ago (I'm talking to non-Indigos
now who arrived hundreds of millions of years after that event).
Your previous memories will be restored to you once you go through the
stargate sphere of Amenti as I understand it. Only those moving up higher
in this ascension process going to the new host matrix Aqueous Sun will
have these restored from what I can ascertain. Those remaining in the 3D
level that are going to be moving to the Wesadek time matrix will not need
their previous memories, because their futures will all be recycling and
mind-wiping between lives there until that simulation finally wears out and
shuts down anyway.
This means in order to bring any memories with you to a new time matrix,
you have to be alive, so your wet DNA will carry forward your time in Gaia
records. I'm sure I could have stated that less confusingly, but maybe you
can follow me here.
The previous memories prior to their time in the Gaia matrix of the humans
and invader races blown up in the Fall of Man war 1/2b years ago have
been accreting into the sphere of Amenti now for countless eons and being
'assembled' back together by an elaborate process so that those who make
it out and to higher levels will be able to have these restored to them at
some point. I presume that will be sometime after you and this plane have
made the leap to the Aqeous Sun.
Where you are going if you are all done with war and chaos, nothing about
life will be similar to what you see here. There will be no kings, presidents,
politicians, money or debt slavery. I'm not saying there won't be service to
self beings there, but this totally out of control hell fire and brimstone
Gotham play script doesn't go on in higher dimensions like this. There you
will spend some 100 years in school learning how to be a positive member
of society, sort of like how Japan's children don't take any tests for the first
few years of school while they only focus on being honorable and civilized
to each other.
Money doesn't exist where you're going, because everyone has all the
abundance they need to exist whether they work or not, and those that do
will have access to even more abundance and satisfaction through their
various vocations which they are free to change at any time. All possible
vocations will be at your call as you continue to mature and inevitably find
new interests. No one remains the same over decades and millennia. The
only thing constant anywhere is change.
The Mayan calendar said 12/21/2012 was the end of the world, but that's
not what the transliteration was supposed to say.
12/21/2012 was the end of that current 5,126-year 'long cycle' of evolution
that opens the 'organic ascension' or Stellar Activation Cycle window. They
knew they were moving on as of that date.
When you are done with one level and ready to move to the next, roughly
2.2 years earth time for each level, you will go to a stargate that
demolecularizes your genetic cells back into interdimensional form
(neutrinos), teleported to the next 'world', then reassembled into your new
taller, lighter version of that avatar, progressively adding more and more
abilities with each level.
Ancient peoples knew about the long cycles of evolution, which is why the
Mayan calendar indicated that very date of 12/21/2012 would be the 'end of
the old world' and the beginning a brand-new era:
"This date was regarded as the end-date of a 5,126-year-long cycle in the
Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and festivities took place on 21
December 2012 to commemorate the event in the countries that were part
of the Maya civilization."
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Every 3658.7 years, human earth is flooded again. The evidence of this
cyclical catastrophic phenomenon can be found in the sediment layers
around the world, dating far back into antiquity. "The flood" mentioned in
the 500,000 cuneiform clay texts of Sumer-Ur, and all the bibles and
religious texts around the world, did not happen one time. They happen
each time humans reach internet and smartphone technology that allows
them to compare notes around the world and they begin to decode the
millions of lies they've been fed. This signals that it is time to set them back
The ET overlords leave this dome for a short time while Cleansings are
taking place, then return and rebuild decades later after the vegetation
returns. A few humans always survive in high mountain caves and begin
their own rebuilding.
The process is achieved to turn all the land 45 degrees over the period of 3
days at the end of each time cycle by a very, very large time craft (bigger
than earth) that uses magnetic triangulation to drag all the landmasses
'around the dial' as it were. It is known as the Nibiru battlestar, operated by
the original aquatic-ape Jehovah Anunnaki. This displaces the oceans and
other bodies of water and forms new topography and wipes away humans
and their residue (homes, roads, etc).
Deserts are old ocean floors. Lakes used to be valleys. Sea shells can be
found on top of the highest mountains of the world because they used to be
ocean floors, many, many times. This has been going on for somewhere
around 250,000 years if not longer. Once brought back to the exact same
bronze age level, humanity then plays out the same story as they did
before. Their progression is totally predictable if the population numbers
are regulated to the same as the previous cycles. It is a script and the bible
is the playbook they follow. They have the cipher to decode the hidden
messages in the bible that tell them exactly when to cause major events
that steer the next 10, 50 or 100 years. Same story each time.
Since the people on this plane are the same people that lived out the last
cycle, just being recycled over and over again, then the same exact players
on the stage are involved. So Oppenheimer will always invent the bomb
when nuclear technology reaches the stage where it is possible, and Elvis
will always rise to stardom in the end times when music matches his
natural vibration (rock & roll), because they're still the same people they
were last cycle. Everything plays out the same way within a few years of
the same time progression.
The battlestar is not participating this time to reset humanity, because the
Jehovah Anunnaki have entered into the emerald covenant just long
enough for their hybrids down here on the plane to have a chance of
ascension. This is due to the fact there will never be another stellar
activation window for this plane again. If they ever want to get out of war
and conflict, it is now or never.
There are many Anunnaki hybrids walking around now that want to move
forward, and are tired of wars. Everyone is tired of the non-stop wars, even
the race that was created by the Anuhazi Elohim as only war mongers.
Their genetic template is coded to rape, torture, murder and chaos. It is
literally sewn into their DNA. Human DNA is coded for fight or flight, but the
Anunnaki is only coded for fight. Think Darth Vader. And even they are tired
of it.
The Oraphim Elohim, creators of the Human Elohim project, devised a plan
that would upgrade their 9-strand DNA to code them to this time matrix
(that requires a 12-strand double helix in order to ascend), and give them a
way of moving up to the next level. Once they reach the 9th level, then their
latent-and-inactivated 10th, 11th and 12th DNA strands that are in their
genetic templates (that comes from the Human DNA they added to the new
earthlings created in the Garden drama, but disconnected to keep them
earth-bound 'for all time') will reconnect the pathways that would allow them
the way to master this time matrix.
Many Anunnaki are signed up for this program called the co-evolution
bioregenesis treaty. The ones whose cellular frequency is high enough to
make the shift will move on with the plane as it transitions to the next host
level, that of dimensions 4-6. Those that still have not yet learned how to
function with compassion and higher levels of awareness will be brought
with antiparticle Tara to the Weasadek time matrix and will be forced to
remain the jailers of the human loosh farm (the humans whose cellular
frequency also did not elevate high enough to step forward).
The Jehovah are not participating in the 'Tara cleanse' this time, forcing
Anunnaki hybrids who are adamant about keeping things the way they
have been, to resort to guerilla war tactics in order to bring about a
cataclysmic chain of events down here on the surface themselves to wipe
away most of the humans, so this potential reset will not be playing out the
same as it has all along. The hybrids are literally battling against their own
'creator gods' the Jehovah, in order to defy their will to stop the
never-ending wars. The Trump camp refer to the battlestar as the Galactic
Federation's mother ship.
The battlestar has been parked next to the sun, cloaked, since prior to the
opening of the stellar activation window that began on 12/21/12. At times it
has decloaked and been captured on film in the form of the 3rd sun. It is
next to another giant biosphere that has been decloaked since that same
time to let the humans that bother to look up, know that something is
different. I've shared around 70 videos and pictures of the two suns over
the past 11 years, some with the three suns when the star made itself
visible for short times.
Look closely and you will see the sun, the other biosphere that is
decloaked, and between them is the battlestar. These crafts, along with
hundreds of thousands of small war ships (like 7-14 miles long or so I
believe) are there to protect this plane as it makes its transition.
WR’s reply to the above:
They flagged this post within MINUTES of release. Disgusting how bent the
PTB are to keep the truth from ever reaching the light of day.
@elonmusk where is our freedom of speech exactly? This is my opinion
and I have the constitutional right to express it. It is not your business to tell
me what I can and cannot think or say.
Ormus monoatomic gold is what the Nibiruians are hooked on. I say are,
because some of them are still here. They are the Anunnaki that 'from
heaven came' to Babylon.
At some point someone on Nibiru got the idea that rather than eating it
everyday in royal bread, why not aerosolize it into the atmosphere so all
Nibiruians would simply breathe it in naturally. And this did work fabulously.
However, after a generation, they found out that their young people were
now reliant on the gold and had to have it. If they stopped, they would age
quickly and die. So the hunt was on to find vast quantities of this precious
Human earth is a natural source of gold, as it grows here and the supply
would be veritably endless. Yes, gold is alive and grows like trees or other
elements. Tara produces it. So when they tell you how rare gold is, just
understand this is the same grift they do with oil which is a non-depletable
resource created by Tara, just as diamonds which are virtually worthless
other than thinking they're jewelry, which they should never be worn for any
reason, as they suck the bioelectric energy out of your body and deposit it
into the air around you.
The real secret behind gold is that it is extracted out of bizmuth deposits.
Bizmuth is the alien crystal that was brought to this world as a secret
weapon against the human evolution and all of the 7 most lethal poisons
that comes from crystals and stones come from this same mother crystal,
including radon and arsinic. Bizmuth sucks the energy right out of all living
things and is radioactive. If you set a stone next to the base of a plant, it will
immediately die.
You heard that Johnson & Johnson were sued for the largest settlement in
recorded history for marketing baby powder that was giving people cancer
for decades and they knew about it. Besides being based on a radioactive
stone source, it also contains asbestos. All of which comes from bizmuth
that kills humans in many different ways.
So unless you are an Anunnaki reptilian with very original DNA, you don't
want to take ormus, and the last thing you want to do is wear any part of
that crystal on your skin, that besides gold, includes all of the other metals
on the noble metals periodic table of silver, palladium, platinum, iridium +
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Science has learned that Bloch spheres called Qubits, can be made
identical to each other on a quantum level, allowing them to communicate
across any distance everything each of them are seeing, witnessing,
hearing, feeling, because all things are factually alive and self-aware. This
includes every cereal box and flower. Everything is self aware.
That means that if you place one unique Bloch sphere in the computer and
place its twin inside a dollar bill for instance, the sphere in the dollar bill can
read the thoughts of person that is carrying the bill, and now so can the
computer that is processing the data. This is through network covalent
bonding where the bill and the person now become one with each other. All
of your clothing, your watch, your lapel pin, all know what you are thinking
and doing at all times. Yes, it sounds Sci-Fi, but if this were not actually
true, then Bloch spheres wouldn't work and QFS would simply be a novel
story plot in a Dick Tracy comic.
The iontecs Bloch-Chain PEMF device will also have the capacity to be
able to quantum-entangle to hundreds of people wherever they are as well,
with merely a sample of their DNA. So if you own one device, you could
offer to supply pulsed electrodynamic-magnetic resonance healing services
to anyone for a modest monthly fee let's say, making the entire process
fully automated for them in their lives. They sign up for 24/7 "general
wellness" service or "lower back pain" or "circulation" service or any of
thousands of other specific treatments and never have to mess with
biophotonic playlists, having the device remain in good working order or
any of that. Much like paying for the electricity running into your home that
you can use at-will at any time without owning the electric company.
Yes, you read that right. Increased mental capacity, the same as the 111Hz
ancient sonic resonation chamber that was found that the Oracles of Malta
used for the royal family to make them smarter 3,500 years ago.
Resonance healing has been around not just since Nikola Tesla invented
the Bifilar Coil that lies at the heart of PEMF technology over 100 years
ago, but for eons of time in ancient lost civilizations.
Yes, I am putting this out there for any other manufacturer in the world to
develop without patent because everyone needs this in their lives.
Everyone gets a sprained finger or knee that can be treated in minutes to
eliminate swelling and pain that would otherwise take days or weeks to
heal on its own. There is no worry that there will be 'more competition',
because everyone on earth will need this as often as they need to eat or
wear clothes. There is no such thing as a person alive today that wouldn't
benefit from having their bioelectric systems in constant perfect tune, not at
any age.
And even if Medbeds really do make it to open-access for all to use to fully
restore their bodies when needed, people will still sustain aching muscles
and damages on a daily basis that could be simply addressed right there
on the spot through ongoing eternal connection to the signals of "general
wellness" where the device is scrolling through a long playlist of countless
bioelectrical systems' restorative signals all day everyday. Each system
only requires 4 minutes of therapy, so within just 1 hour you could treat 15
different circuits, from pain and swelling to lymphatic, respiratory,
circulation, heart, spleen etc. Which means the iontecs device will be like
having your own simplified "Medbed" without having to physically go to a
therapy center somewhere.
WR: Your connection to the aetheric energies is due to the fact you
possess many thousands of times greater Qi than humans do. Because
you are not factually human, but rather here under contract to help humans
bear up under impossible odds and show them how to move higher within
the matrix.
Think of your Qi, standing frequency, as being LOUDER than others when
'speaking' (intending) with the aether. It is all about how many Higgs
bosons around you that can hear you at once in order to go about bringing
your intent to life. Like having your speakers cranked up to concert-level.
PEMF processes your signal and then amplifies it by let's say 1000x louder
and acts like a broadcast antenna of your own energy through tachyon
'packets' that envelope your signal in tiny 'bubble' energy shields that travel
faster than the speed of light (superballistic) and can pass through solid
matter like neutrinos.
So when you channel your energy to their plasma field from a distance, or
even in person, it is a far greater connection, and still your signal enveloped
inside other complimentary healing signals.
The biophotonic Rife playlists are also in coherence with your signal.
Meaning they harmonize with each other. So rather than clash with each
other, they meld into a unified symphony that I can show you on an
oscillator screen. It is the most astonishing thing I've ever witnessed, and
I'm not just saying that.
WR: MedBeds; This technology already exists that will transform this world
on an atomic level into paradise. Biorestoration is only part of this total
renewal system. Raise your vibration to meet this new reality through
forgiveness, compassion & outgoing love
FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on Celestial Chamber Updates: "N…
Q: Sir do you have even a kindergarten level WR Schock White Paper that
outlines this. We have seen the basic VISIO's but anything deeper?
WR: The way he breaks down what the device does is pretty thorough and
the science is accurate. Frequency creates all things, so frequency can fix
or replace all things. You are surrounded by the aether that can take any
shape, flavor, texture, color. If you know the cellular language of the aether,
you can manifest anything, which these machines apparently do. So
re-writing the script of any cell is only a matter of telling the aether
(deuterium microcrystals that makes up our air and water) what you want. It
is worth the watch.
WR: The psyop doesn't stop at pedestrians. Not even pilots understand the
planes don't run on fuel. Everything is compartmentalized, as aeronautics is
all from alien tech.
One manufacturer doesn't build all the parts to the jet either. There are
dozens/hundreds that build 1 part each (of thousands) that have absolutely
no idea what it hooks up to or where it lands within the overall product.
Many don't have any idea what their part is even supposed to do. It is
engineered fractions at a time.
Dark ops engineers report not being able to even speak to anyone in their
same plant about what they're hammering out, side-by-side dozens of other
teams also developing just pieces of one element within the massive chain
that will ultimately be put together by multiple different assembly workers,
each one not having any clue what their part is supposed to do. All they
know is it has to handle this much load/pressure, fit within this amount of
space, made out of this type of material, and attaches using this system. It
could be part of a go-cart for all they know.
They've been using this tech right in front of billions and billions of people
hundreds of thousands of times a day since the 1940s. If it were anything
other than the most ferociously guarded secrets on every possible level we
would have figured it out 2 generations ago these are actually spaceships
using our pedestrian lingo. They're known as time crafts.
Why not look at the temperature of air at 40,000' (averages the same all
around the plane). Now multiply that temp by 575 MPH wind chill factor.
Suddenly you find out that if that plane was not inside a Meissner field (this
is a force field 'bubble' that is suspended completely outside of the surface
tension of material space/temp/gravity/time), everyone inside would be
frozen solid within minutes. The flaps would be frozen solid, the wheels
wouldn't extend, it would be a solid ice block.
Pilots who spend a lot of time up there are instructed to drink lots of water,
because water holds the Schumann Resonance inside its standing
frequency. But that is only a bandaid fix. No one is staying up in the sky for
days or weeks on end in a normal passenger jet, even though the jet itself
could easily do that. Inflight tanker refuelers are all theater and Airforce 1
isn't going to keep a president alive for an extended time either. He will
always been inside a DUMB behind 8' thick reinforced steel and high
performance concrete.
Now watch the bots visit this thread and call me insane. May want to copy
and paste this info somewhere for yourself because it will disappear.
Q: How well do the metronomes work over long periods of time? I'd expect
they'd install Schumann emitters in seats or flooring if they're effective.
WR: NASA has sonic emitters they use for long stays but upon returning
their bones and morrow are withered pretty badly, forcing them to use
pulsed electrodynamic field therapy PEMF to restore, so they haven't been
able to duplicate it perfectly yet.
Q: I get the feeling you might know some interesting things about the
firmament, its altitude, composition, and hazards for the human body
approaching it.
The dome is at least 10 miles thick, which is why Musk's heavy rockets are
unable to break through the wall. In the South Pole research center a pilot
turned whistleblower there for years was told they had been tunneling
through the ice wall but could never get further than 10 miles before it
started closing up by itself. Remember, the signal runs 24/7 to command it
into the shape it is supposed to hold.
As the ocean sloshes, it blends that heavy water with the salt water above
gradually taking on more and more oxygen, causing it to eventually reach
all the way to the top surface where it is now fully oxygenated, and no
longer volatile.
At that time, it is struck by direct sun waves which causes much of the
liquid to evaporate, allowing the hydrogen/helium to now overpower the
density of the crystal, causing it to rise. After it reaches cloud level, the
moisture remaining around the crystals 'search out' each other within the
cloud, triggering a release from the host crystal in the form of rain and now
that moisture is distilled and becomes 'meteoric' water that waters all the
life forms below and creates rivers that will eventually make it back to the
ocean once again.
This makes the crystals even lighter yet, allowing them to now move higher
above the plane until they reach approximately 73.2 miles average above
sea level, where they bond together with each other to form the dome. The
network covalent bonding isn't a chemical bond, so they remain clinging
together in a fashion something similar to slushi ice particles. Once they
make this connection, it is my understanding they now take on an optically
invisible matte surface finish, see-through appearance that has a blue hue
to it that causes our skies to appear blue.
The temperature at the dome is far colder than anything man could ever
withstand without a lot of protection, as it is the lack of all heat. At this point
Higgs bosons now become quantum, meaning they can be counted in 100
places under the microscope, but when they reach this near-absolute-zero
frozen point, they now take up just one space until they warm up again.
Meaning they just broke the laws of physics as explained by Satyendra
Bose that the particle was named after, in the Theory of Light Quanta,
which is the founding handbook if you will, of the creation of quantum
Just to be clear, science is never going to tell you anything about these
microcrystals, nor ever link them back to Higgs Bosons, and will forever act
like they are something from fiction or Sci-Fi. However, nano technologies
industry sell these crystals under the name of Aniline and/or Dianiline, and
in the more generalized terms of 'cationic' or 'anionic' reagent surfactants if
you want to look them up. They're even sold in a liquid solution called
"ether", just for irony's sake.
Often times pieces of the dome will fall off for whatever reason and fall back
down to earth. If it is cold enough, it holds itself together and is known as
Sky Stone. When it warms up it just disappears. Sky Stone has virtually no
weight at all. Like feathers. It does not melt. It has to remain at near
absolute zero in order to not turn into vapor, which is why all dome
research has to happen in the Arctic Circle because we have no way of
keeping the ice pieces cold enough to travel anywhere else for study.
We know how far up the average dome height is due to multiple privateer
rockets being blasted straight up and sticking into something like a snow
surface at just over 73 miles high. In Operation High Jump, Admiral Byrd's
fleet pilots were slamming directly into the dome that was right there in front
of them, but they couldn't see it.
The Go Fast Rocket is not the only one to show us the exact same thing at
3 mins 46 secs. There are others I have seen, quoting the exact same
elevation where they also stuck. If you want access to this information in
the future, I suggest you copy and paste this into your own remote digital
drive or print it out.
WR: Passenger jets are 10-50x too heavy to fly like birds that float on wind
currents. Air foil lift is fiction for such weight. They hold very little fuel, not
even a fraction of what is claimed. Wings are not fuel tanks, they house the
pneumatic mechanisms that operate the flaps and resonation chambers
that produce a harmonic resonation that combines both wings to develop
opposed twin vortices.
Their turbines run on combustion until the plane reaches neutrino event
production of new anion ions harvested from neutrinos, free electrons and
ions slamming into the special 'aircraft aluminum' that is secretly a
semiconductor as well as a capacitor that resonates at the same frequency
of the middle-upper infrared frequency of sun waves that continuously
replenishes the battery/capacitor of the fuselage and superstructure of the
plane down to the chair frames inside the hull just like a crystal battery as
long as it is in direct sun waves. This would be around 50 to 70MPH.
At which time the combustion shuts off and the turbines now run exclusively
off of compressed air forward motion (self-sustaining motion off of the
aether alone), while the the resonant vortices envelope the entire structure
of the plane inside an antigravitic Meissner Field that suspends the body,
weight and mass of the jet outside of the surface friction of gravity, space,
time and temperature forces, producing a force field around the jet as well
as all the passengers.
At 3-5 miles miles up into freezing temperature at 550-600 MPH wind chill
factor this equates to sub-zero temps that would freeze everyone inside
that craft in 10 minutes, regardless of onboard heat mechanisms. Jets do
not fly just over mountains and city high rises, they climb to 'cruising
altitude' because the anion ions in thin air are vastly purer than ions at
lower elevations only and are now in direct line-of-sight to the frequencies
emitted in neutrino form from the sun.
Around a 'ball-shaped earth' below, it would more than double the time
in-flight to any destination for absolutely no apparent reason.
Jets are high altitude neutrino and ion harvesters that levitate. I defy any
engineer in the world to make a plane that weighs 640 tons fly on wind
currents. It is impossible within the laws of spacetime physics without being
shielded inside an antigravitational field.
While inside that jet people do not age, but since they are now outside of
the reach of the circadian rhythm Schumann Resonance of surface earth,
they also begin dying as soon as they break over the clouds. This is the
flashline sequence that couples the plane(t) to the lifeforce that must
remain in constant dielectric connection to each other to continue to
support animation.
Which is why pilots and attendants are taught to drink lots of water while in
air, as the water is quantum-entangled across the spacetime fabric back to
the plane(t), to avoid 'jet lag', which is just another way of saying 'dying'.
Q: Now I’m curious why they offer alcohol for flights. Maybe just to calm the
WR: Really deep analysis of what's going on. I was told that passenger jet
flights are leaving this simulation and are touching down after a time travel
experience. All those hours in that craft are fictional. Yes, that's how deep
this Rabbi hole really goes. No, that was not a typo.
Ariel: Do you know what alot of people overlooked? When Donald Trump
stated on national television that they are fighting an "Ancient Sex
Trafficking Ring" and no one of any notoriety did a follow up. Why is that?
That should have told everyone what they are fighting was not human by
any means.
Tony Ahrens
Amber Millers
Corey Godsey
Brenda Hamilton
Dennis Moore
Dennis Martin
Ethan Mcintosh
Antoinette Brown
Lori Farmer
Michelle Goose
Denise Milner
Phillip Carnell
Jelani Day
These people all died by some creature that is not available on any public
data sheet. You know what they have in common? Most of the deaths are
from creatures that live in the tunnels and cave systems. Guess who spent
billions for our military to fight them? Our government. They same
government that rejected a bill to end human/animal hybrid programs.
WR: And they know. The gods of Babylon didn't leave earth, they merely
went to Egypt and ruled there, went to Greece, took them down, went to
Rome did that again then after stopping over in Mongolia regrouped and
spread all across Europe and the world. AshkeN@ZI Anunnakis.
Q: One of the largest pharma companies in the world has the Apis bull as
their logo. They planned this all along. We are their sacrifices to their Gods.
WR: Right. "The storm god Ishkur/Adad is called “bull of heaven” and
“grand bull.” In mythological texts from the ancient city of Ugarit, the bull is
associated with the high god El."
"El" stands for Elohim. In specific, the Anuhazi Elohim who were human's
original captors that kicked off the whole enslavement/torture drama to
begin with 550m years ago. Enkidu, or Ea/Enki/Ptah and many other
names, is known as Enki Satain. He is also known as the sun of the bull. In
other words, it was the Elohim who granted Enki, the Alpha Leviathan
Drakonian Reptilian (dragon) entry into this atmosphere, carrying on the
"bull" iconography. The father of Marduk Satain who is the current ruler
over earth, Enki is considered the earthly father, whereas the Elohim are
considered the heavenly fathers.
The fallen 'angels' Elohim are known as Arch-Angels. Which has always
meant Arch-enemy of humans, but presented as if they are somehow
benevolent. They were never, ever benevolent to humans. They were here
to destroy in any way possible, the Human Elohim project. But since
humans are actually Elohim, which are eternal-life beings, that turned out to
be physically impossible. So they set up an elaborate system of killing off
their avatars in a fantastically weakened state after being genetically
altered, over and over and over again to demoralize them and keep them
under easy control.
The ones shown here below that are the secret rulers of earth are all
different strains of Anunnaki.
All Anunnaki strains are sub-hybrids of the Jehovah Anunnaki that were a
new genetically created race of beings that had one purpose in life, that's to
harm and continually destroy humans. They are genetically created to
have only that one objective. Then the Jehovah Anunnaki allowed 5 dozen
various animal ET species the opportunity to take on a hybridized form that
could operate in this atmosphere. Hence, all ET beings here today are
"Anunnaki", but not all of them are the same.
All except for the first name on the list, the Borja, which are actually nanite
retroviruses that infect and run all other Anunnaki on the planet through
possession. They are the size of a single molecule that operate on an RNA
level that commands the DNA. The Budhara Borja are the real 'devil',
though they allow the world to believe that is Satan (the Satain bloodline of
false gods), even though all Anunnaki are sock puppets only.
The Elohim knew damn good and well who the Borja were when they first
brought them here to earth plane, because they were infected by them at
the outset and were themselves used as mere pawns in an effort to nullify
the Human project. The "devil" nanites are the single biggest and insidious
threat to all manifestation across the cosmeias, not just on the 3rd
dimension of Tara.
The medical industry is run by, you guessed it, the House of Medici.
Q: There are some benevolent "angels", though, assisting Humans,
WR: There are many free-worlds extraction teams from many interstellar
communities who have gathered here in physical form under the Emerald
Alliance collectively called the Guardian Alliance, yes. They are running
their own missions differently than the GA of the creators of the Human
Elohim project, who are Oraphim Elohim from Sirius B.
Each team are here as way-showers to help humans break free of the
prison matrix and are not directly connected to each other group in order to
remove the links between each geographic battalions as it were, simply
because the last 26x Tara has gone through a stellar activation cycle
(where the frequencies elevate of the plane itself which allows for an
organic elevation in reality fields), the invader races infiltrated one battalion
at a time to take them down, then moved directly on to the next one they
had been coordinating with and did the same thing there, just like a virus,
foiling the GA's plans of seeing the abductees break free, as well as the
plane of Tara herself being elevated back up to host-plane for dimensions
4, 5 & 6, instead of being artificially held down to host only dimensions 1, 2
& 3 as she is doing now.
So they are 26 and 0, and this is the final stellar activation cycle that will
ever happen within the Gaia time matrix, since the Human Elohim project
officially ended on 12/21/12. After this, all alliance members' contracts end
in one way or the other, no matter what happens to Tara or the humans that
have been held in captivity for the last 550m years. It is time to move on
and put this entire saga behind.
Most soldiers will fail, as they too were mindwiped on arrival, so they don't
remember why they're here and wound up using their special tools of clair
abilities for personal gain instead of to help humans elevate their own
frequencies. Most stars in every avenue today are starseeds that have lost
their way. It is a very difficult task they took on.
The strike forces are very real. You will know them by their fruits. They
have been called witches & warlocks during certain eras, shamans,
Indigos, starseeds, rainbow children, medicine men and women in other
times. In more ancient days they were known as Djedi knights that used the
Q force to help them in their jobs. You call that Qi today.
There are around 500k boots on the ground, with the same number of
allied beings on the other side of the veil that act like 'angels of mercy' that
will pop in for a brief moment to help the soldiers in a pinch, then they jump
back out in order to maintain the Emerald Treaty guidelines. You call the
'angelic' counterparts guardian angels today. Only task force soldiers have
such help. Humans have to go it alone, due to their very strict birthing
contracts they signed that was non-intervention. So the task force acts as
role models, not direct-intervention, thus maintaining the Emerald codes.
In the Project Camelot interview where they are discussing Project Looking
Glass, for those unfamiliar with this technology, this is a scrying device that
scrolls backwards and forwards in time through the Akashic records of
earth to show what has played out and what is going to play out exactly like
a DVD. Every drop of water carries these memories and circulates them
around this entire plane on a constantly circulating basis, so if you ever go
to Australia or to the Bahamas, you will still have all of your memories with
you while you're there. This is called your 'soul', or provenance.
Don't think of this scrying device as some hazy, scratchy image inside of a
crystal ball where people in black hooded robes are chanting in candlelight,
think more along the lines of a 2m pixel, 1920 x 1080 HD hologram that
shows every pore on the player's skin and color flecks in their eyes in
realistic 3D form where you can smell the ocean mist in the background.
Until now, moving forward in time always works, because ultimately if you
have this much intelligence quotient in the collective consciousness, this
many people, this level of advancement and x number of think-tank
brainiacs working on each side, the outcome is going to turn out only one
way in the end, even if you prolong the game as you're seeing now where
the deep state is making moves that don't help their cause, but buys them
another day in the game.
This is much like a superior athlete is still going to win more races by the
end of the season even if someone cheats and steals one game in the
middle of the schedule of events. The numbers don't lie. The aether plays
out all possible scenarios, records them and places them all into the
Akashic records before the game even starts and the players on the board
choose which succession of events they will decide on as they go.
All humans and even the ETs and hybrids who use this technology honestly
believe they are the ones playing this game, so they know how to make
counter moves that will stack up in their favor by "18 months from now" or
the like. However, this is not just another day in life within the simulation,
because this is the end of this era. So they can game the program all they
want, but this pre-recorded playbook ended 10 days prior to 2013. The
reason Looking Glass doesn't work moving forward after 2012 is because
this part of your potential journey is outside of the projected completion
date of the project, so it literally hasn't been written, or recorded yet.
All that's happening now is just the completion of all possible moves on the
board they can think to play to avoid admitting defeat because this is the
last game this matrix will ever perform. And they know that. This is for all
the marbles.
When a time matrix is going through starfire return to source, as Gaia is
now, this is a highly staged and timed process involving trillions of details
that have to be taken care of in proper succession to avoid unnecessary
harm. Not humans, not hybrids and no ET anywhere is going to be able to
manage that event, nor would they typically even want to try, because for
everyone that might be harmed by a poor move on any one of those
decisions, comes with a karmic pay-back to that person calling the shots. It
would be very easy to have to recycle 100m times of grim situations in
order to extract back out of you the energy that you took from
millions/billions of innocent people you decided to lord over. Dictators learn
about this the moment they die.
This simulation has now been taken over by the aether itself. The aether,
which we call Prime Creator, is the collective of a trillion (?) neural
synapses firing in an 'aethyric' brain that controls this simulation, plus many
millions of others within the holographic cosmeias. So while mortals sit
down here trying to game the remaining days of the simulation to end more
in their favor if at all possible, they don't understand that the entire game
itself has now changed and they are playing against 'the house' as it were.
That would be the 3rd player that definitely will have their way in the end.
Where each person goes from here will be decided at the last moment by
the aether alone, and will be based on the frequency of each person's
DNA. But when I say everyone has to leave regardless of destination, I can
assure you this is true. Which means on a much lesser level, but still as
epic, that the enslavement within the Gaia time matrix, more specifically of
dimension 3, hosted by the 'playing field' called Tara, is now going to end.
This is not an if or maybe. It will end and it has to do so soon, as the clock
is ticking.
How soon? 5 years ago we were 'on the cosmic razor's edge' of separation.
No one knows the date except the aether itself that never divulges. But we
do have the projected window which we are already well-past the date of
anticipated completion now that was estimated at 12/21/2022. Multiple
vying ET races are pushing for every last second they can get, but this will
still lead to the same resolution. No one wants to go down without a fight.
No one other than the humans and hybrids that just want to be left alone.
So no matter where you're going from here, you can rejoice in the fact that
an incredibly unfair regime of draconian treatment, enslavement and cruelty
will no longer exist in the once glorious Gaia matrix. So from here it will be
up to your karma and your standing resonant frequency what you will or will
not make of your next manifest cycle.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Since the fallen angels (Anuhazi Elohim that were infected by the Budhara
Borja Retrovirus nanites -possessed- then they spread that virus on to their
minions they dragged along with them; the Samjase Pleiadians, Nephilim,
Centaurs and the Khepri Scarabs) arrived, DNA has been on the front
lines, as the entire reason for the invasion to start with was to stop the
Human Elohim experiment.
This is the most advanced, powerful and complex genetic science within
the cosmeias. It would require tens of thousands, millions of programs to
invade and break down every single cell programming of 900 billion unique
'machines' within the eternal codes of these Elohim beings. Something that
is incomprehensible to the human mind by a thousand, or even by millions
of times. Keep that in mind.
Currently, 1/2b years later the original 'fallen angels' have been joined by
dozens of additional lower ET species (animals and insects from primordial
time matrices made up of the most primitive avatars), as well as the Greys
who came back to this era in the timeline to save their species through
genetic reverse engineering.
The Greys are Human Elohim that eons from now stripped all female XX
chromosomes out of their avatars because 'women were not rational', only
to find out women were the zest of life after all. Yes, difficult, often totally
incomprehensible in their processing of life around them, but they are the
ones that add delicate nuances and beauty to the backdrop of manifest
experience. Now they're sorry and they want them back.
The problem is, DNA has to harmonize with the avatar on a quantum level.
That means a trillion genetic cells have to network covalently bond to the
microcrystal that carries all the facets of your one unique spirit essence
vibration. Every spirit essence (awareness) has the only iteration of that
precise frequency in all of time and creation. If you duplicate that sound or
"symphony" within a "living" biological form, then you are able to attach
your Krystal Seed Atom (microcrystal that rests in your pineal gland) to that
avatar and now make a quantum bond to it so that your thoughts control all
the extremities of the body. Sort of like being able to reach the peddles in
order to ride your first tricycle.
So yes, it is very much all about blood genetics which have plagued human
existence for hundreds of millions of years. We've been turned into every
kind of creature the human mind can imagine, and many more you are
unable to imagine during this time. Enki and Thoth are guilty of crimes
against humanity on a scale that our minds are not even able to process,
and it has been going on to an absurd level this entire time. And no, after
this manifestation, these beings don't ever get to come back again in
authorized physical form until they are reset back to zero and start over
again 100% from scratch to create a whole new identity. They are the
poster children for pathological insanity.
People like the ones I just mentioned are unable to harm anyone anymore
personally. Because the aether will not allow their fingers to pull the trigger
anymore. And if they weren't living in totally artificial bodies, like the Greys
are, they wouldn't even be in manifestation at all. Because you have to
earn the right to be in a physical form through your past lives. Once you do,
you get to be a frog or a squirrel or bear.
Once you have proven you can be sort-of trusted, you get a human form.
But once your negative karma has exceeded the aether's limits of harm to
your fellowman, you are no longer allowed to continue harming creation.
You become disembodied. But the smartypants Satain family have figured
out how to sneak past that genetic lock (axion seals) and override the
system as it were through advanced holographic manipulation. There are
always those few that figure out a way to game the system and come home
with all the stuffed animals from the fair.
This is why it is absolutely critical for them to program you with 100,000
implantations of their next planned genocide or attack like 911, as they
have to convince the humans and hybrids in authorized bodies to make
that event happen for them (manifest creators), because they are out of
karma's graces. YOU have the pull the trigger for them otherwise nothing
happens. It is like mugging someone in an alley without a knife. They'll just
whack you till you go away. Humans have much more power than they
WR: The Matrix film was showing people a way to process where "you" had
been hijacked in a way you could understand, because you think you are a
material being. So, if you were hijacked, you would have to worry about
your real body in some liquid stasis chamber somewhere. But in real life
you don't have a body. You are only awareness. Bodies are simulated
vessels or 'vehicles', nothing more. Like cars you drive. Just because you
go into town, doesn't mean 'you're now a Jeep'.
All matrices are holographic simulations. There is no such thing as matter.
You fractalize your awareness into 1728 different slivers when you come
down into manifestation & placed in the same number of bodies. 864 are
male, 864 female. They are spread out across 15 dimensions and
hundreds of eras that are separated by both geolocation as well as time so
you don't run into yourself by accident. If you do run into your current era
self only in another sex, it doesn't seem like that's actually 'you', because
you look different. You call these 'twin flames'. Still your own awareness,
having very different realities.
Your full awareness knows all things. It can manage and understand all
things concurrently with a processing comprehension your deliberately
dumbed-down manifest mind could never begin to compartmentalize
because you have limited clock speed billions of times more
comprehensive than a supercomputer. You have to limit that down on
purpose for each avatar you have in the simulation in order for you to
achieve full suspension of disbelief.
If you were to place all of your awareness into one body, no level of smoke
and mirrors would ever be sufficient to fool you into believing you were
somehow just one body because you know the mechanical and scientific
history of each individual DNA cell of all things within manifestation and can
reproduce anything and everything at-will. If you had one single clue you
weren't actually a mortal being and this were a simulation, you wouldn't
remain here, because you would know it was all just an illusion and it would
bore you out of your mind.
Yes, there are millions of different types of time matrices where the laws of
physics differ and the premise for being alive is different than here. On Tara
earth, the goal is to learn how to become one with all things in compassion
and harmony. There are other matrices like Sin City where you can
experience a gritty, challenging dark world, or like Hawaiian island retreats
(or 'heavens'), you name it. Every situation you can possibly imagine are all
out there.
Remember, there is no such thing as good or bad, just different rules to the
game, because Prime Creator wants to experience every possible
sensation of manifestation there could ever be. But here, the goal is unity
and togetherness to prepare you for the most powerful and advanced
avatar of all time so you don't go around destroying whole simulations like a
monkey with a gun.
WR: Not yet, as they've all be recycling because you are stuck in the 3rd
dimension that was captured, imprisoned and locked into perpetually being
cast back into this same dimension through the recycle zone program. All
of your fractals are also stuck where they are because of this as I
understand it. But yes, you should have been able to choose wherever you
wanted to go prior. Plus there were 'out' buttons you could 'press' at
anytime to restart the game, pause the game, or leave entirely without
having to attempt to suicid3 out (which absolutely does not work). If you
chose to manifest again immediately, it would have been this same matrix,
but you would be progressing every 2+ yrs for each level, completing the
entire mastering process of all 15 dimensions by age 33. Which is why the
cabal love smearing 33 into your face now. You are in an advanced video
game with all the same levels of control when not captive.
Q: I imagine when this game is over & we are set free we will be a rather
rare species in the Universe; given what we were subjected to & our
tenacity to endure & escape… unless trapping souls is a common thing in
other matrixes?
WR: Yes.
No. That was once the plan to reach the 100th Monkey Effect to extract
everyone, but hopes for that were dashed when CERN moved everyone
into the current timeline we're in now around Sept 11, 2017, where the man
in Tiananmen Square was not run over by the tank and we suddenly had 3
great walls overnight instead of just the wall of Tartaria (called the wall of
China now, but the ramparts were all on the China side with no entries for
their access to the wall).
The new timeline was vastly more asleep than the prior where we were
almost to 12% awake which would have been the tipping point had we
reached that, down to less than .0000001%. The new timeline is much
more like Idiocracy that anyone would care to admit, where young people
don't have any clue where food comes from, how to make change, or even
what country England is in.
At that time the ones overseeing the transition agreed to remain to assist
individuals who were already close to reaching the correct harmonic in their
DNA to make the shift, but it would be only a handful who were expected to
make it out.
So for the warriors here assisting this transition, this is their last chance to
wake people up and show them the way forward. If they fail, then the also
do not return to their home matrices, but will remain with the humans they
failed in their new 1984 total lockdown reality and there are no more
rescues planned going forward because there will be no access back to the
evolution once the separation of the 2 planes complete, as the ones
remaining in this dimension will be taken to a totally different time matrix the
creators of the Human Elohim project has no authority to enter.
This is an all-or-nothing Hail Mary for both the invader races as well as the
guardian alliance. Which is why this time in history will be 'biblical'. You will
see things you never thought were possible before it is all over. Of that I
can promise.
Q: Ugh. That’s a gut punch. We came to help & if we don’t wake them we
fail along with them.
Cant we flash an all access pass that says ‘was just here to help? 😅
Surely The Great Awakening is happening & exit is looking probable?
Or is that wishful thinking?
WR: Losing for me is not an option. I will make it. Each guardian is
individual here, as many of them sold out to the cabal for fame and money.
Most of the stars you've ever seen in any venue were guardians because
they're faster, smarter and have clair abilities across the spectrum making it
simple to excel. Humans have heard actual angels sing many times
throughout their lives. They were mind-wiped just like humans prior to entry
and recycle, so they forgot what the mission was. I would say that easily
most of them lost their way.
Q: Well
while I live near the ocean & hope the sea air helps diffuse the EMF, I
might have to move in with you & the boys as you're pretty much off
grid...maybe I'll move back into pips, bring Scarlett & buy her a pony
Q: It's more of a bay/ peninsula, than the ocean, I'm 1 street back. But my
lives 2 hrs away in the mountains & valleys, almost off grid. We've
discussed me & my family going there if things get crazy, there's room
enough luckily.
WR: Set aside your urge to believe I'm insane when I tell you to prepare for
10 mile high waves from ocean floor tactical nukes placed just miles away
from shorelines to every continent. Not that it is expected necessarily, but it
has happened before. No coast line is safe rn.
Q: I didn’t hear about bibles that were not changed. Anyway you could
send some links where to see this?
What I've learned is that CERN uses their White Rabbit hypercube to
change timelines by connecting their accelerator to dozens of others across
the planetarium to combine their power and the vortices they induce, then
the Q team (multiple players) go back in time and change things to play out
differently, then CERN fooks with it again and the Q team fooks them back.
It is literally a time war.
They're using Trumps from the future brought back here to act as body
doubles, Baron is thought to be time traveling also from the future back into
the past and to this time, all of them using the Project Looking Glass to see
ahead in time to see if their changes are going to have the desired effect or
There's a hell of a lot to this, and I've been collecting data now for many
weeks to do my thread on John Titor Trump, but there's key stuff I'm still
looking for. Bottom line is there is a different Donald Trump in unlimited
future timelines, all raised all of their lives to function in this role during this
time, so they're already basically up to speed to step in and help the current
Trump pull this off.
The reason he's doing this is he said in his timeline the world was
destroyed by war in 2015, and he intends to stop the alien maniacs who
are hellbent on killing off mankind.
There are stories out there of Julian Assange being Uncle John Trump, or
being John's son. There's stories that Tesla was contacted back in his time
to help in the time travels, just as Marty did with Doc when he had gone
back to the 50s, got stuck there and had to enlist him to help get back to
the future.
It is also fair to note that Uncle John Trump was known as Doctor Trump
and he had white hair like Doc Brown.
There's more to this than just that though. There is scuttlebutt that Trump
went back and alerted his great grandfather Abe Lincoln about the
assassination and Abe may have used a body double to fake his death like
JFK. And there's even more scuttlebutt that Trump also tipped off JFK who
then, now in this timeline, is shown to have had a body double who was
shot in Dallas, J.D. Tippit. So there's a hell of a lot of story here to piece
By this time there is absolutely no question about who actually killed the
JFK body double. It was Jackie O who was a CIA spy assassin. We see her
shoot him then put the gun behind his back and start crawling out of the car
as plain as day in this timeline and we have her on audio now flirting with
Lyndon Johnson over the phone right after the assassination. An MKUltra
So you aren't just looking for cute little Mandela Effects anymore in this
story, you're looking for massive signs of time travel that stretch back
hundreds of years with evidence all the way along. Everywhere. I 100%
believe this is the greatest story never told.
Q: I read that Jackie O had to because they were going to hurt the kids.
Also, this is the reason why they did not release the JFK files.
WR: This is a few months after she took out JFK. She's on the phone with
Lynden Johnson where he mentions they have been running around
together. It was an affair plain and simple. She was a CIA assassin.
WR: The cabal and other beings have access to time travel. They've
always had it. I have it on good authority future time that could be visited
stopped on 12/21/12 because the time loop for humanity ended on that
date, forever. We've been playing out the same time loop for eons and
eons of time, but this was the last cycle. So the future cannot be visited in
advance, but they are still able to go back in time. We're writing our own
story as we go now. The Mayans didn't mean the world would end on that
date, it meant the time looping would end. It is up to us to use this time to
break free of the cabal's death grip.
The Order of Melchizedek is also known as the Holy Priesthood, after the
Order of the Son of God. They are the spiritual Priest Class of the
Hebrews, though they are not Hebrew, and not Jewish. But a completely
different race that are made up of the Kohanim and the Levant. Jews can
never enter the priesthood, as they are not from 'royal' blood, as
determined by the Y chromosomes in their DNA. The Priests are different.
The Kohanim and Levant literally have different blood referred to as Blue
Blood, because it has carries a blue and purple hue, unlike red-blooded
peoples have, as it carries a copper-containing protein called hemocyanin
which turns dark blue when exposed to oxygen. It is not human blood and
does not coagulate the same as red. So if they get a cut, they can die from
hemophilia. If they fail to consume red meat and red blood, they will also go
The blood ritual sacrifice of red-blooded humans has persisted all down
through recorded history. The Aztecs worshipped Quetzalcoatl, the great
winged serpent. When the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan was consecrated
in 1487 the Aztecs recorded that 84,000 people were slaughtered in four
days. This is 14 people every minute, 24 hrs a day for 4 days. They don't
like you, and they even put the image of their god eating a person on sports
cars that cost so much you'll likely never even ride in one. You know, as
sort of an in-your-face joke.
You have heard of this bloodline. When King George III went insane for
refusing to consume enough red blood and thought he was fully dressed
when he went out naked in the streets, the story later became known in the
children's classic The King's New Clothes.
King George III and other royals were also known to have bi-polar disorder.
It isn't because he was mad so much as the fact he was carrying around
inside a Vrill Symbiote that passes in through an eyeball of the leading
rulers allowing them to take over that body. So now there are factually two
different beings inside. It is a right of passage for great fame within the
Order of Melchizedek the public refers to as the Black Eye Club. See
Donald Marshall's testimonials from "the Cloning Centers" for more.
Enki's original bloodline prior to entry into this plane's atmosphere is known
as the Alpha Leviathan Drakonian Dragons. Drakonian is where the name
Kohanim is transliterated from, and Leviathan is where the name Levi was
taken. The last name of Marduk and his father Enki, is Satain. and now you
know who your royal families hail from. Continuously interbreeding among
themselves for 12,000 years since the days of Babylon so as to minimize
'ad-mixture' that lessens their other-worldly powers such as shape shifting
on demand.
Quetzalcoatl was also known as many other beings in our recorded history.
Originally known as Thoth Satain in ancient Babylon, he was also known as
Hermes much later in Greece, and in the Aztec era, Quetzalcoatl. Yes, they
have the ability to take virtually any form, and at any time. So while the
people saw him as a giant dragon, when he went home, he would simply
be a person again.
For more on this topic, see article HARD. RED. PILL. that reveals who the
Catholic Church actually worships.
Time Travel and Donald Trump
WR: 1/
My series here on time traveler John Titor who appears to be Donald
Books were found in the Library of Congress written at the end of the
1800s by Ingersoll Lockwood that depict a "Barron Trump" that looks like a
13 yr old Baron Trump.
Vid 1
Understand that Trump was raised in military school from early on, so it
could be that he and his surrogate parents were told much earlier than
1963. We don't know when JFK first learned about this, but we do know
that Don and JFK are cousins, so it is likely. We also know that John Trump
was Tesla's personal assistant and wound up with all his papers on time
travel after his death.
Donald has spoken about his uncle and how much he used to love talking
to him. John was in charge of a large (large) team of scientists with a deep
budget for many years, and developed out time travel (according to
everything we've seen now). He would have already known about Trump's
destiny for many years during this time thanks to JFK's access to Looking
There has been decades of many researchers working on all of this, likely
into the millions of manhours at this time. Speculation exists with evidence
once Trump began time traveling in the year 2000, showing up under the
alias of John Titor (this name will be a Gematria code), it is thought that he
went back in time to save his great grandfather Abe Lincoln (who would
have had to have had a body double like JFK had and then go
underground afterward in order to live on), he may have been responsible
for having saved JFK as well, since we know he raised his family on
Skorpios Island with his good friend Ari Onassis who was posing as
Jackie's husband.
By now you are 100% aware of the Mandela Effect. You can thank Trump
for some of these, if not all of them.
With that all said, Trump has clearly been at this for a looooong time.
Traveling back to certain dates and planting clues, changing and tweaking
events for the desired outcome. I'll report more on that when I finish my
series on John Titor Trump. When people find out how many thousands of
clues he's actually left it is going to blow every mind in the world. We find
them in almost every time travel movie ever made. And realize all he has to
do is bring the playbook from 20236 back to 2010 or 1975 or anywhere and
just go cash in for however much money he wants to get movies made,
build companies, you name it. Just like Biff Tannen.
It is also quite apparent Trump has been in touch with other groups from
beyond our dome and some who live here with us in seclusion, so he is no
virgin when it comes to ETs. These groups have been around for millennia,
sometimes for millions of years. And since they are not subject to mindwipe
upon recycle, they have full access to the ancient history of humankind,
and their other many many diverse fellow beings. That access outstrips the
understanding of creation as held by mankind by a factor so large our
minds are unable to comprehend. That goes for technology as well.
Whatever the human brain can imagine, other beings around us can do,
and have been doing for longer than we could ever imagine. This is much
longer than millions of years. I've heard the word trillions.
Does Trump have our best interests at heart? I think so. Seems like it. Did
he have to bargain with certain breakaway groups to do some of their
bidding in trade for being allowed access to time travel? Almost without a
doubt. Which means we could see him successfully saving humans from
the fate they were destined for in 2036, but only to become chattel for a
different master after a short time. This is what I believe is going to take
Nonetheless, if we are allowed ANY time out from under the Leviathan
Draconian reptilians (Vatican/Church/Throne) who are largely responsible
for the extreme suffering mankind has had to endure for so many
thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, it is a step in
the right direction. But make no mistake, the reptilians are only part of the
machine that keeps humans in lock down. There are others. Many dozens
of different species that have powers and abilities that are every bit as
crazy as anything you've ever seen in any Sci-Fi film and many others
humans have just never dreamed up before.
There is no way to ever get away from beings who have 10,000x more
intelligence than we have, or "stop completely" their urge to use us as free
energy pods the way I see it. The best we can do is just enjoy the freedoms
we are allowed and do the best in this life with what we're given. And if
we're ever in a situation like Trump is now, where we possess the ability to
change all life on the earth plane, it would be our duty to step up and take
anything they throw at us to do what we can to change this dystopian
prisoner reality.
We are eternal beings, so this is just one drama out of trillions we've
already played out and trillions still left to go, so there is no reason to be
anxious or fearful. Just enjoy whatever you can along the way and
remember to always be your very best version of yourself. Because in the
end of each cycle, that's all you take with you to the next rodeo. Who were
you kind to, did people weep when you were gone. Being selfish or hurtful,
for whatever petty reason, will always be your future regret.
WR: Very perceptive. You are much closer than 99% of readers.
The world around you is of your own design. True, you are inside of a
shared reality with billions (less than 5b, not 8) of other fractals of Prime
Creator, and what they do can effect you, but your entire world that you
personally are in, is just your video screen as it were. Your projected reality.
This is difficult for the masses to comprehend, but it will become clear as
soon as the transition takes place at any time now. Your 'world' is just what
you can see at any given time. The rest is only there if you visit 'there' in
It is what you see from your car, or from your trail you are walking. That is
YOUR world. And what you allow to materialize in front of you is what you
design. The things you see on video screens claiming to be "earth" and
"your world" are different planes of reality that you are scrying into your
perception. They are not actually happening unless you physically see
them in person.
Mirrors, tv screens, monitors, cell phone images are all from other
timelines, eras, parallel realities that you are 'peeking in on'. But unless
there are '16 million illegal aliens" in your neighborhood that are raping and
murdering their way from house to house or blowing up entire cities, those
things are not what YOU PERSONALLY have allowed into your time
sphere. Sure, those things can and do exist on other planes, but they are
other fractals of Prime Creator's realities they have CHOSEN for
themselves to partake of on a 'material' (holographic) level.
The human eye does not 'see' anything. The only thing you 'see' with is
your pineal gland. That is actually one organ, your heart, that ends in the
center of your brain that is the optical 'camera' that sees the spacetime
fabric that is your shared reality with billions of others. It translates what
you see into what you decide to see, into your own day to day experiences.
The pineal end of your heart then mixes both realities together and sends
out a signal to the other end that is the sounding drum that tells all the
world (the aether around you) what it is you want to see (your heartbeat).
That signal then sends into your cells "I see this". Now the translation
travels from the pineal gland tip, down your optic cord that is L shaped.
When the visual images of what you're supposed to see strikes the 90
degree curve of the optic nerve, it now reflects/projects out through your
pupil and through your eye, that gives 'distance' or 'depth' to your
The human eye, when dissected, shows layers of optical lenses that when
assembled together with convex and concave to each other, does not
assemble a camera or microscope lens, but rather assembles into a
projection lens exactly like a video projector. That lens cannot 'see' (bring in
a picture of) a wide-angle view of your surroundings, but it can project
OUTWARD an image that you now think you can see.
Understand this is 100% a holographic simulation you are inside of. There
is no such thing as material matter, so the only way that 'matter' can appear
before you, is if YOU project it.
This is quantum mechanics that states if a sentient being does not witness
an act, that act never took place. So when a tree falls in the forest, if you or
another fractal of Prime Creator are not looking at it, the tree factually does
not fall, much less make a sound, because the tree is factually not there. It
must be projected by someone in order to be visible.
This is backed up in many quantum science studies, such as the Dual Slit
Experiment among others that shows this to be fact, proven tens of
thousands, or even millions of times by now.
Of course I could share many hours of science that indicates this, but I also
have inside knowledge from sources not from this planetarium that also
state in unequivocally that is fact that has long since been laid to rest. No
scientist in the history of this plane has ever been able to produce one spec
of dust or sand or matter below the molecular level. It is 100% vibration,
light and energy. That's it.
Good job I must say. You are privy to something less than 1% inside the
simulation are actually aware of.
Q: Do you believe in Q & JFK Jr etc. End times are times of deceit? Time
consuming to figure out whom to trust. Sorry to ask too many questions. I
value your opinion.
WR: I think they're trying to do good things for humans initially, yes. I've
seen countless very positive things coming out of that whole alliance Trump
has going on with Q and the military. Very positive things.
WR: If you think for one second I trust Trump who is rumored to be working
with the Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki (Galactic Federation) and the
Anuhazi Elohim (this is 'sky god' Enlil's posse), I can positively assure you I
don't. This is all about ushering in the one world order for the Tall Whites
(Pleiadians) known as "Uncle Sam", instead of the version of that order
authored by the Leviathan Drakonians (Enki and Marduk, the 'gods of the
land'), that is all.
Could I be wrong? Of course. But I have about 10,000 reasons why I feel
the way I do about his motives.
If I were an invader race public figure backed by the most powerful beings
across the cosmeias to wrestle away rule from the reptilians, I would
present myself as the most altruistic man who ever walked the earth. I
would fight for the people like no one has ever done before in recorded
history. I'd hug babies (never sniffing them), shake hands, drench every
community in praise and offer them the most glorious future anyone could
ever ask to see. My arm candy fake wife (rightful queen of Tartaria/Russia)
would put supermodels to shame.
I would get into office and I would purge every scale of reptilian off my earth
and start building the most advanced and incredible cities ever seen during
the time of my silent purge of my rivals. Then, when every DUMB and
tunnel was cleared and all Leviathans had been eradicated, I would flip the
switch on the most advanced lockdown technology no one in this world had
ever even heard of before, and turn everyone into utterly powerless slaves.
The mechanisms of their enslavement would be so iron-clad that no form of
rebellion could every possibly happen again. It would make 1984 look like
Animal House.
All the invader races here now HAVE to go to that other time matrix. It is
their 'reward' home for enslaving humans for more than 1/2b years. And
since they were all formed here in the Gaia time matrix, that means they
can't go anywhere else because they wouldn't be able to manifest in some
other simulation. You have to be keyed (Keylon sphered) to the land of that
simulation in order to manifest (which is why in the Eden drama you heard
that 'god' used some earth clay to make Adam). It is like an X Box cartridge
won't play in a Nintendo console. If they want to have a body, that's where
they're going.
You can see what I'm getting at. This is 'eternal hell' for the loser of this war
that will now serve as servants, grunts and prison guards forever and will
no longer be treated like kings and gods like they have for hundreds of
thousands of years.
The Pleiadians and the Anuhazi are light years more intelligent than the
Leviathans. There is no comparison. The Anuhazi are infinitely more
powerful than any Leviathan alive. Which means this war is not just a Hail
Mary for the lizards, it is a suicide mission and they are absolutely ready to
die on this hill and will stop at absolutely nothing to win, because they
literally have nothing to lose. And the Tall Whites are just as devoted to
coming out on top. Which is why they groomed Trump since he was a small
child in military training during his entire life for this role. This is why he was
born to start with.
🎶 🎶
Anyone who thinks this battle is about some real estate developer wanting
to run for office to help America's twerking homies ...falalalala... is
drinking daiquiris laced with scopolamine and they're on their fourth one.
This is the battle that ends all battles and the winner becomes god the
father and his boy will become the sun of god.
The reference to blue blood being different from red blooded humans is
clinical fact that royal blood (a bluish purple) is reptilian that doesn't
coagulate should they get cut, unless they consume red (human) blood on
a regular basis. And even then, they can still suffer from 'porphyria' in many
different ways, including going mad. This is because that blood type was
'smuggled' into this realm against official treaty. It is an atmospheric
If you have a plus sign + after your blood type, you came from Adam & Eve
(Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, J3wish and Adam Kadmon). If you don't, then
you are either one of the original humans that predated the Eden event by
almost 550m years, or you are from one of the many dozens of ETs that
were given 'pass-through' integration into human-earth's realm via the
hybrid human vessel of Eve that happened concurrent with the creation
story in the Garden drama.
The bloodline of Cain was a pass-through creation that skipped Adam
entirely as Enki bred with Eve in the Garden (first born, before Able and
before dozens of other pass-throughs never mentioned to you in the Eden
story). There were five Eves, not just one. The same person's awareness
was in all five physical bodies that were created to pass through the many
new hosted hybrid species. They were all fractals of Ninhursag, but we'll
refer to her separately from the 'Eve 5' to make the story easier to follow.
Ninhursag created a formula that allowed Eve's womb to give birth to Cain
-and many other species as mentioned- without imbuing the child with her
Rhesus monkey genetics. This process passed on Enki's genetics,
preserving special 'god-like' abilities of his Leviathan ancestry to Cain, such
as being able to holographically change his appearance, telepathy,
telekinesis, clairvoyance and more. These are clair abilities normally
associated with Elohim beings that his bloodline picked up when the
Anuhazi Elohim bioformed his race to use them as warriors against the
human race.
The other 50+ ET species that were given 'pass-through' birthing through
the Eve 5 surrogates that preserved unique pre-existing abilities of each
species that varied wildly from each other in some cases. Not every ET can
vanish, fly or hover, etc. as an example.
The problems blue-bloods have had all down through time have been
constant but hidden from the great unwashed, but it is the real reason for
the story of the Emperor's New Clothes that actually happened in Enki's
'royal' descendants. Notice how Wiki launches directly into "vampires and
werewolves" legends under the MEDICAL explanation of the royal disease,
as if no one is going to put those two things together. Both have existed
here for 798k years and are real.
More on the lore of 'porphyria' (alien DNA) from Wiki below.👇
Wiki: Porphyria; Vampires and werewolves
In January 1964, L. Illis's 1963 paper, "On Porphyria and the Aetiology of
Werewolves," was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of
Medicine. Later, Nancy Garden argued for a connection between porphyria
and the vampire belief in her 1973 book, Vampires. In 1985, biochemist
David Dolphin's paper for the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, "Porphyria, Vampires, and Werewolves: The Aetiology of
European Metamorphosis Legends," gained widespread media coverage,
popularizing the idea.[citation needed]
The theory has been rejected by a few folklorists and researchers as not
accurately describing the characteristics of the original werewolf and
vampire legends or the disease, and as potentially stigmatizing people with
A 1995 article from the Postgraduate Medical Journal (via NIH) explains:
As it was believed that the folkloric vampire could move about freely in
daylight hours, as opposed to the 20th century variant, congenital
erythropoietic porphyria cannot readily explain the folkloric vampire but may
be an explanation of the vampire as we know it in the 20th century. In
addition, the folkloric vampire, when unearthed, was always described as
looking quite healthy ("as they were in life"), while due to disfiguring
aspects of the disease, sufferers would not have passed the exhumation
test. Individuals with congenital erythropoietic porphyria do not crave blood.
The enzyme (hematin) necessary to alleviate symptoms is not absorbed
intact on oral ingestion, and drinking blood would have no beneficial effect
on the sufferer. Finally, and most important, the fact that vampire reports
were literally rampant in the 18th century, and that congenital erythropoietic
porphyria is an extremely rare manifestation of a rare disease, makes it an
unlikely explanation of the folkloric vampire.[59]
Notable cases[edit]
George III. The mental illness exhibited by George III in the regency crisis
of 1788 has inspired several attempts at retrospective diagnosis. The first,
written in 1855, thirty-five years after his death, concluded that he had
acute mania. M. Guttmacher, in 1941, suggested manic-depressive
psychosis as a more likely diagnosis. The first suggestion that a physical
illness was the cause of King George's mental derangement came in 1966,
in a paper called "The Insanity of King George III: A Classic Case of
Porphyria",[60] with a follow-up in 1968, "Porphyria in the Royal Houses of
Stuart, Hanover and Prussia".[61]
The mental illness of George III is the basis of the plot in The Madness of
King George, a 1994 British film based upon the 1991 Alan Bennett play,
The Madness of George III. The closing credits of the film include the
comment that the King's symptoms suggest that he had porphyria, and
note that the disease is "periodic, unpredictable, and hereditary". The
traditional argument that George III did not have porphyria, but rather
bipolar disorder, is thoroughly defended by Andrew Roberts in his new
biography The Last King of America.[66]
Maria I of Portugal.
Maria I—known as "Maria the Pious" or "Maria the Mad" because of both
her religious fervor and her acute mental illness, which made her incapable
of handling state affairs after 1792—is also thought to have had porphyria.
Francis Willis, the same physician who treated George III, was even
summoned by the Portuguese court but returned to England after the court
limited the treatments he could oversee. Contemporary sources, such as
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Luís Pinto de Sousa Coutinho, noted
that the queen had ever-worsening stomach pains and abdominal spasms:
hallmarks of porphyria.[69]
Just to clarify this a bit, the Rothschilds' bloodline is also mixed with other
invader race blood through 'ad mixture' that isn't just Pleiadian Anunnaki.
This goes back a VERY long time prior to the Anunnaki even arriving.
The Samjase Pleiadians were among the very first group of invaders 1/2b
years ago known as the 'fallen angels'. There were others that the Anuhazi
Elohim, the ones that started this whole mess of blocking the new super
race of humans being perfected on human earth. They had gone to a few
different lands (we call 'planets' that are actually planes), raped their
women, killed the men and took the babies that resulted, which is how you
make soldiers that had the ability to fly, as the Anuhazi have wings.
The Pleiadians were from, of course, the Pleiades, a landmass just next to
human earth, at about 2:30 on the the right of the map below. Pleiadians
were Aryan Humans that were seeded there some time prior to the
beginning of the human experiment on earth that was to mix 5 different
Human Elohim races together here, but in the Pleiades, it was just the
white-skinned Aryans in that crop. They were developed on Sirius B by the
same group of geneticists that made the 5 various species of 'human'
beings in a place called Palaidor by the Oraphim Angelics who were also
themselves from the ultra-elite Elohim bloodline that look like blue-furred
cat humans. You got a look at something similar to their line in the movie
E'Asha has more detail about all of this in her Voyagers 2 book, but her
material has been compromised, so you are not seeing all truth ther. But
she did have the truth at the beginning of her mission. Possession is a very
real thing, as you will see.
And realize right now, every one of the Elohim hybrids are all victims and
enslaved in this process I'm explaining in this ultra-condensed form, so it
isn't like they chose to come here. All except for the Buhara Bourjia I'll get
to in a minute.
There was also the Nephilim that came from a different density of this same
time matrix. These were "human" Elohim in form that differs from the
Angelic Human bloodlines that were placed on human earth. The biggest
difference between them is Nephilim are much taller. Their kind were also
raped, murdered and bioformed and thus also arrived with wings once they
had been forced to go into battle.
Another race that was bioformed were the Khepri scarab beetle race that
once turned into half Elohim and half Khepri manifested with Elohim bodies
with beetle faces and had red hair. Eventually through ad-mixture with other
races including humans, they manifested with human-like heads, but the
red hair would typically fall out upon reaching adulthood I presume, so they
are usually bald now, and work for the cabal of course, called Men In Black.
The woman in the picture above from the Face Book group you will notice
her hair is falling out across the top. When you see people with this trait,
especially found in men, you are seeing Khepri ad-mixture. These invaders
have been here for an extremely long time, so there is no bloodline in the
planetarium that is unaffected by fallen angel as well as Anunnaki
Another of the original 'fallen angels' were the Centaurs that were horses in
their lands. Once mixed with Anuhazi Elohim they now had horse bodies
with Elohim/human torso and faces. I've seen one in person. They also had
wings, though the one I saw did not, not sure why. Anyway, this is your
'Pegasus' flying horse men, and after many millions of years of ad-mixture
became known as the Centurions of ancient Greek games and wars and
served as the royal guard for the kings. They still had very tall, long skulls
from the original Centaur blood, which is what you are seeing now in the
Rothschild bloodline of today. The royal guard were known as the Bearskin
Vanguards because they had very long skulls, see image 2 below. The
more "pure" they are, the taller the skull, and their ancestors sat on the
thrones of ancient Egypt. Centaurs heavily mixed with the Nephilim and the
Kepri. Nefertiti's name was in honor of the Nephilim. This is why the
Rothschilds are insanely rich, as their bloodline(s) were continuously sitting
on thrones somewhere, also known as the Scarab Kings. See images 3 & 4
The last 'fallen angelics' race that mixed in was the Budhara Borjia known
as the "Retrovirus" across the cosmeias. They aren't alive, but are nanite
robots that infect living beings on an mRNA (pithovirus or prion) level,
effectively coopting their body. Which is exactly what happened to bring all
this disaster down on the human evolution to begin with, as they
bioformed/infected the original Anuhazi Elohim to start with. Understand
that only a small handful of Anuhazi Elohim were infected, their race, like
most others out there are civil, otherwise they would be ejected from the
billions of different communities they reside.
So this is a super complicated and super ancient history involved with what
you are seeing in the Rothschild's today. Just understand they all look sort
of similar/but different than each other, but they are all actually Budhara
Borjia nanites that have possessed all the rest of the original invaders, and
have now possessed all the Anunnaki that arrived very recently to this
prison. That's why they don't act like they have any human compassion,
because they're factually robots and think of you as nothing. See SG1 and
Stargate Atlantis for replicators for an idea of what/who they are.
Just realize that the actual nanites are the size of a molecule or two, so
they are invisible to the eye until they decide to come together to 'hold
hands' to form a larger shape. Since they are the size of your body's cells,
they can take any shape they want. And they do. They are all around you
today, everywhere. Humans moving forward today (these are the final
micro-seconds of the human journey on the 3rd dimensional plane) will be
rid of this blight very soon.
On Benjamin Franklin
The beings that run the medical industrial juggernaut are not human.
Hermes (Thoth) originally established pharmakeia 230,000 years ago to
pacify but extend all diseases and ailments. Ancient text define pharmakeia
as "witchcraft" and "poison". In order to make the BIG $ being a doctor, you
have to swear an oath. Where did that oath actually come from?
Hippocrates, 'father' of medicine? No. Hippocrates was a student of the
secret blue blood society teachings of the ancient/ancient Hermetic Order
[Initiates] of the Golden Dawn, now better known today as Freemasons.
Today the oath has been rewritten in contemporary linguistic fashion, but is
still tied to the original contract through “adhesion contract law” invented by
the Sumerians (Thoth/Hermes Lucifer and his father Enki/Ptah Lucifer). In
that contract you have to swear out an oath to never, ever reveal how a
patient may ever be cured, in their lives. This is a blood oath.
Here are excerpts from the original Hermetic Corpus, now known as the
Hippocratic Oath. The modern oath swears to the gods of Babylon (who
wrote the oath to begin with):
"I swear by Apollo [Thoth] the Healer, by Asclepius [Hippocrates], by
Hygieia [Hippocrates’ daughter and modern reincarnation of Wawwu, the
oldest documented 'god' in written history] by Panacea [another daughter of
Hippocrates named after her ancestor Thoth/Hermes/Apollo/Pan Lucifer]
and by all the gods and goddesses [children of Enki], making them my
witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this
oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner
in my livelihood [Freemason monetary networking]; when he is in need of
money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers,
and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture;
to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons,
the sons of my teacher, and to indentured [enslaved] pupils who have taken
the physician’s oath, but to nobody else.
…. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession [this
does not mean what the patient ails from; it meant his trade knowledge but
now presented as doctor-client confidentiality], as well as outside my
profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published
abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets."
Q: The entire building is an energy device. Probably the statue is art of it.
WR: Great observation!
The great pyramid used a statue as the cathode inside the Queen's
Chamber under an arched niche that drew the spark energy from the
spheres at the end of each of the shafts at the center of each opposing wall
that completed the circuit to light up the chamber like a lamp. It operated on
hydrogen from the water chamber below that was ported up into the QC
floor that was just in front of the statue. The water below was a massive
electrolysis machine that separated the hydrogen from the oxygen, sending
up only pure hydrogen into that room. The hydrogen would not allow the
oxygen into the room at all. Which made that room a cold-cathode
ultraviolet neon lamp.
The two shafts led up to what are known as "doors" where there were two
cathodes of copper spaced slightly apart. You can see on the "walls"
electric arc marks embedded in the limestone. Those shafts were lined, just
like the entire QC was, with limestone that continually emits mercury in the
air. The space behind the "walls" acted as a ballast to regulate the energy
that fed to those cathodes. The spark they created ignited the hydrogen in
the room, mixed with the mercury, causing a super brilliant light.
Ultimately the energy would then leap out of the pyramidion on the top of
the structure, sending up an energy wave that would bounce off of the
dome some 73 miles above, which would act like a parabolic wave
scattering dish downward toward all the buildings (capacitors) that would
absorb the energy and store it for use inside.
This was static dielectricity, also known as cold fusion, that imparts vast
amounts of anion ions into the air as it travels, imparting life into all the
plants and lifeforms in the area. It is the opposite of electron energy we use
The reason the spheres and the statue could process static electricity is
because they were made out of natural chiral superconductor material
known as black basalt. The spheres and the statue were recorded exactly
as such in ancient records. Now look at the statue on top of the Capitol and
tell me what you see. There is no chance that statue just so happens to be
made out of the hardest stone known to mankind outside of diamonds,
virtually impossible to shape.
It is the "pyramidion" anode drawing in ions from the air to power that
building, whether this one is in working condition or not. There's no chance
they accidentally, or through architectural design reasons, would break from
the monochromatic uniformity of the entire rest of that structure just to have
a black statue. They did it because that's the technology to process high
altitude ion harvesting that works for thousands of years without ever
(effectively) wearing out.
I've been studying the mudflood since the whispers first began to break in
the mid teens. There is overwhelming evidence these heavenly cities, built
like Greek gods were their architects, had to be destroyed to hide the
history, or we would have found out they have levitation and universal free
energy. That couldn't be allowed to continue since it was their decision to
put the electricity into wires so they could charge for it, locking humanity
into a cave-man like existence, spending all our time and efforts just to
The City of Lights was powered on by switch in 1896 at the world's fair to
kick off "electricity" worldwide. From that moment forward, electromagnetic
disease exploded onto the world's scene exponentially as more homes
became wired. At that time a person's chance of getting cancer was
virtually non-existent. Today you have better than 1 chance in 2 odds of
contracting it now.
There are other contributing reasons for this of course, with the advent of
tens of thousands of new chemicals poisoning everything from the air, to
the water, to everything we now put inside our mouths, but electrosmog is
the jackhammer that pounds our cells into deep sickness and disease to
fulfill the prophecy of the Georgia Guidestones' mandate and the virtual
deletion of nearly all human life on this plane.
What people don't understand is there are two different types of power.
Electricity, like we use today, is fission energy that eats all the oxygen out of
the surrounding air as it propagates that distorts all human and animal life's
DNA cells. On the other hand, there are anion ions that travel, and function,
oppositely to electrons. Anion ion energy, such as was collected out of the
air through high altitude atmospheric ion harvesters, is also known as DC,
static, dielectric, orgone energy, or simply cold fusion.
The reason for this is the beings that are in charge of technology are not,
and never have been, human. They are ET human hybrids that were
allowed bodies in this atmosphere by Ninhursag in the garden of Eden
drama. This is something I know on 100% factual level, coming from beings
who were personally there.
Freemasons built all those magnificent buildings using hyper-advanced
technology they don't want us to have.
Vladimir Putin announced some few months ago the statement that he has
"all the Tartary books and history" and plans to release them to the public
so we will get to see what has been happening. He said it was a solid
mandate in Russia that every aspect of Tartaria was to be wiped off of all
historical documents. Russia was the capitol of Tartaria that was
overthrown in violent coup from what it appears. Apparently Tartaria
actually spanned around the entire world, up until just very recently in time
and the story of Great Britain being 'as vast as the eye could see, spanning
the entire world' was the replacement narrative. It was Tartaria that
spanned the entire world.
You can think of the mud flood as being a weather war. Understand the
ancients of biblical and pre-biblical times were ETs in human-like bodies
that get more human looking with each subsequent generation. They came
to earth with technology wildly advanced to what we've ever seen, even
back then and have been hiding it all from us this entire time. When Moses
parted the red sea and brought on all sorts of massive plagues, that was all
just technology that they still have. And if they want to take down the most
powerful empire in the world, all they have to do is catch them unawares in
a massive coordinated attack, swamp their cities in mud and water (as is
happening world-over as I write this), then swoop in and execute everyone.
Yes, the turn of the century insane asylums locked up all those who refused
to forget about our universal free energy and mind-boggling advanced
cities with levitating trollies and our skies filled with levitating crafts (that
were NOT filled with "hydrogen", that was all just a lie). Their children were
stolen from them and sent all over the plane to disconnect their family
histories. Nearly every person born from around 1850-1900 were orphans.
World wide. How many orphans are there today? Right. Almost none.
— (from another tweet, but relevant here)
WR: I so deeply wish Tartaria were this altruistic. Unveiling the Tartars for 7
years, I wanted them to be a benevolent civilization for the unthinkably
spectacular creations they accomplished. But Tartaria were Mongols, the
same enslavement psychopaths that rule over us even now. The Sumerian
Babylonian Anumnaki.
WR: The mud floods were the regular flooding of the world every 3658
years during Tara Cleanses that reduced the population of humans back
down to very easily manageable numbers with little to no technology so
they couldn't make advanced weapons to defend themselves with. This
displaced the oceans every time, leaving silt spilling over cities that had to
be dug back out if they were built well enough to survive the cataclysm.
The Tara Cleanse floods didn't flood 'all earth' with twice the normal ocean
water that was supposed to 'drain off' to somewhere we've never heard
about. It was the exact same water as before, but the whole world was
rotated 45 degrees by the Nibiru battlestar (through magnetics), which
simply places the Atlantic ocean now in the grand canyon rather than
where it was before. Lakes become deserts and deserts become lakes.
I have a little bit here about blood, not extensive I'm afraid.
While many things in this world are extremely withheld from mankind,
above them all is the secret of blood. The word blood is mentioned more
than any other word in the "bible" (twisted history) except for God (Enki or
Enlil, depending on old or new testament) and Jesus (the fictionalized-now
Jeshewa Ahumbra Melchizedek that was the full 9-strand DNA "perfect"
version of a Hyksos hybrid earthling.
Because knowing what these things really mean would lead to the jig being
up for the invader races. There are MANY blood types medical science is
forbidden to reveal anything about, not listed in her document.
In my comment of Ninhursag (pasted in below) creating the Hyksos
Anunnaki/human hybrid in the Eden drama, I make it quite clear what
actually happened. While she was making that new earthling species (to
my knowledge the only true earthling beings on earth, since all the others
were already developed before arriving here and ad-mixing together to
create a newer, better avatar in the Grail Line Human Elohim experiment)
she was also busy offering a 'pass-through' womb to bring in invader race
beings that were not part of the Adam & Eve creation.
This would allow those ETs a way to come into this atmosphere, plus it
would give them opposable thumbs and far more able physical bodies than
the myriad of animal and insect types they originally had. Most all invader
beings were from lower time matrices where they had little to no power yet.
They hadn't gone up through advanced matrices like Tara before. So they
were given a cut-in-line of the genetic evolutionary process that teaches
beings to be controlled and cultured before being handed opposable
thumbs which is like handing a machine gun to a toddler.
Understand around half the beings on plane today are invader race
hybrids, so if you are one of them, you are not unique. The only beings
here under original and official contract from the beginning were Human
Elohim, and even they were ETs developed elsewhere on Sirius B in a
place called Palaidor. Confirmation came in from a contact just recently that
blood type AB- is the original Human Elohim Grail Line. Of course Grail
Line Humans have been the target of the attack since the beginning
through ad-mixture, so there is no such thing as a pure-bred human-like
being here at all. When an invader race hybrid procreates with a human
female it produces A+ from what I heard. I’m stretching here, but believe
that means a female A+ may be human and a male A+ may follow the
paternal bloodline. Not totally certain.
I am also not 100% certain what O- represents, but I am pretty sure that's
Enki Lucifer’s original bloodline of the Leviathan Seraphim Zephelium
Aveyon Anunnaki (Dragons).
Before that makes anyone suicidal, just understand that the aquatic dragon
was the very first animated being ever created that fractals of Prime
Creator could then use as an avatar to experience 'material' life inside. Her
name is Tiamat, and yes she's still alive. She lives on the very first time
matrix ever created, a water world called the Aqueous Sun. Every animated
creature was created out of her genes, so everything that moves is
factually reptilian dragon at its most quantum core. No, none of this is made
I know I am not bringing anyone news here they would ever welcome, but it
is best you digest this now before the really big revelations start crashing in
all at once. Nothing is as it seems. You can only see a tiny fraction of the
visible and hear a tiny fraction of the audio spectrums and are surrounded
by beings you deliberately cannot see that would scare you to death if you
could. Which you can't for that very reason. You live in a quarantine dome,
have been cut off from your higher self and freedom for 1/2 billion years.
Now is the time when you will be given these truths, just before being
relocated to your new planes.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your
own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate
translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
Hidden Symbols
Tweet: Are they gonna check Freemason lodges for tunnels too ?
Asking for a friend.
WR: The Fleur De lys symbol has a dark origin. I can't recall exactly what
now, but I would avoid having it around you.
As for your first question, what happened during that time in the garden is
so far from reality it would be difficult to even start. Yes, the serpent was
there, that was Enki. Yes, his son Thoth who was the mastermind behind
the plan to make a new earthling species was there as stated in the
500,000 cuneiform clay texts of Babylon, and then there was Ninhursag
that was mentioned as well. All were involved.
Much later after the Eden drama it became apparent that what Thoth really
wanted was to make a special species for mining gold as outright slaves
that would now be subjected to enslavement perpetually down through
time, like you see the Jews actually are. They are run by people who were
never from the Adam and Eve Hyksos creation, so their bloodlines don't
directly intersect so they cannot be called Jews, but actually a 'superior'
race that was also created in the garden at the same time.
So these 'Crypto' fake Jews that have been sacrificing children to 'satan' in
secret and teaching real Jews that it is required by their creator and then
getting them into hellacious trouble for thousands of years that keep them
enslaved perpetually to the secret masters known as the Kohanim and
Levant 'priest class' literally all along.
What happened was Nin worked through all the machinations of bringing
two sexes of human-like beings to life using some DNA from the Satain
bloodline, some from the Nephilim, some from actual humans that had
already been on earth for 500+m years, some from an aquatic ape (known
as the Jehovah Anunnaki), some from a rhesus monkey (big strength and
agility), and some from Oraphim 'angels' from Sirius B, the original creators
of humankind.
That bloodline today is known as Ashkenazi, that still rule over actual Jews
in Isr@el today. However, just understand that even the 'purest' Qa'inaanite
today is a seriously wide mixture of all the rest of the 50+ extra-earth
species that were all half-ET and the rest Hyksos, which means there are
MANY differences in their races. They never had anything to do with the
Adam earthling line, but they share the common connection of their mother,
The 5 Eves were used as 'pass-through' vessels for over 4 dozen different
extra-earth species that were in Enki's posse, so there are many hybrids on
planet that are also not human. These were all different animal, fowl or
insect species that now took on different human-like forms. They were all
1/2 of their original species and then the 'Heinz 57' genetic soup of the new
Hyksos Eve avatar. The more they interbreed with the original humans, the
more they all look less and less like their originating forms.
Because the Canaanites dispersed into the winds of the planet taking on all
kinds of different nationalities, they are now everywhere. A very large group
of them are in the Orient, that centered in what is now called Japan, which
is a derivation of 'the healthy living children' of Pan. Pan is another name
for Enki (or Thoth that kept coming back countless times in history as
different beings). Nonetheless, they are Asians that still have eyes similar
to the dragon Enki. Thoth actually took on the form of the dragon for at
least one of his many appearances as quetzalcoatl.
What is lesser known about Askenazis is they came from Mongolia, and
were known as Khazars. And the original Mongols of around 800 AD were
in fact Asian that also were known as Berzerkers that could slaughter
whole armies and fight day and night for days on end.
So what any documents on earth today say really happened in the garden
is absolute horsefuckery. Forget it all. This world is 10,000x more
complicated than that fairy tale and nothing as innocent as anyone would
like to think. This was the battleground of the most ferocious war against
one avatar development (humans) of all time to my knowledge, and there
have been trillions of evolutions across countless holographic operating
platforms (time matrices).
Everyone moving forward now will get to know the true history of all that
took place soon, so just hang in there. It is coming.
If you ever want to see this information again you will cut and paste it into
your own thumb drive you keep off line, now. It won't last.
A statue of Ninhursag on right. She isn't your actual creator, but she
certainly played a damn huge role in messing with the last 1/4 million years
of your journey.
bad spells hidden inside english words
WR: Thoughts and words are SPELLS. This is quantum fact people, not
my own theory. What you think and say casts the reality before you. Never,
ever allow a negative word out of your mouth or cross your mind unless
you want to see that materialize before you.
WR: Understand that you are one cell of the body of Prime Creator that
made all you see around you and treat it as sacred because everything you
see is also part of your own body. You are looking at yourself when you
observe anything. Resonate in harmony with all life.
Q: Why do you think cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt?
WR: Cats are standing vessels for portal surveillance that higher dimen
beings can use at any time to personally observe your life situation for
various reasons. Most of the time they are just a cat, but sometimes they
are more than that.
WR: Definitely. Crows are premier flight form surveillance. They connect
through frequency to each other (through acoustic network covalent
bonding) to become something of an 'all seeing eye' channel that can be
viewed through, as are trillions of other butterfly/bees/all birds/deer etc.
drones. Every inch of this planet is under surveillance at all times. But cats
aren't just surveillance drones, they are physical forms that can be slipped
into for an hour or a day at any time, anywhere in the world for a first-hand
sight, sound, olfactory and tactile experience. They are the only animals I
know of that offer this unique translocation avatar. That doesn't mean they
are the only species used this way, it only means they are the only ones
I've had it directly explained. It is possible to inhabit the body of any animal,
but I don't know if the others are more complicated or have more
demanding metrics to pull off a visitation. There are beings currently in this
dimension that are remaining incognito through the transition I know in
other animal forms, but I don't believe they can just simply hop out of those
in a turn-style fashion like with cats.
WR: There could be some credibility to the claim, though I do not have
personal knowledge of it being true. Trees are powerful healers, I know that
from my education. They are also cognizant and aware according to
science, as shown through Kirlian Spectrography that shows the auric field
around the tree in high vibration. Then when a human approaches, it
suddenly goes very low out of fear they will chop it down. That couldn't
happen unless the tree were self-aware. I am sure that if the person made
it clear they only had love for the tree, that vibration would rise and sing
again in short order, like bees that know the keeper doesn't mean them
harm, so they don't sting when given the chance.
WR: By being as diligent with your body as possible in every way and
staying the hell away from allopathic murderers comes to mind.
WR: Yes, we've shown PEMF can suspend the nanites from action while
under the coherent field that acts like a scrambler wave. You need to be
within the field 24/7 till someone figures out how to remove them.
While I do not endorse the company for moral reasons, I do recognize the
fact that this iTorus 9 in Seraphim Shield sends out a 55' field that would
keep a person in treatment anywhere in the home, 24/7.
WR: No, you just use the biophotonic frequency that addresses your
particular needs, or use around 20Hz for general wellness.
WR: I don't endorse the device above I re-engineered for iPyramids due to
moral reasons, the owner is a criminal, but I do endorse Spooky 2. It is the
most advanced out there and costs far less.
WR: Yes, your art carries embedded scalar waves that are imbued from
your intent. When people see it, those scalar waves enter into the viewer's
DNA an raises their vibration, helping them to potentially resonate with the
plane that is moving on to the next level within the simulation. Indigos don't
ascend from this platform.
Humans and hybrids have the potential of 'ascending', but Indigos that fulfill
their mission simply are free to return to where they came from, or stay on
helping those who do move higher to manage the transition. You are then
free from the soul-integration contract you signed before you arrived.
Humans and hybrids that do leave the 3D prison level will then have to
qualify to move to the next, then the next until they complete the 15th level
and then 'master' out of this entire time matrix.
In this case, those moving from the Gaia matrix and on to rejoin the
interstellar communities, do not just 'master', as is normal when you 'beat
the game' in standard time matrices, but their transition is called 'krysting'.
This is because this simulation hosts beings that qualify to take on the most
valuable avatar within all of creation, the Elohim template.
"Elohim" is another word for the krystos silver-thread technology that feeds
that avatar from the eternal sound and light fields of the deity planes, not
from food and water like normal bodies. At least that's what they're
supposed to be supported by.
In this prison, all bodies have been distorted in order to kill eternal-life
Elohim beings. And it has been successful. At least here in the 3rd
dimension. But once you make the leap up to the next level, you get your
full 12-strand DNA template back undistorted that gives you the capacity to
move through all 12 levels of animated ever-increasing ability bodies. Then
you level up from there to a landmass on the 13th level. Then you are a
host plane like Tara earth at 14, then finally you become a star portal at 15.
Once humans finally 'kryst', they are then able to take any of their different
dimensional Elohim bodies down inside any time matrix from what I
understand, where they will likely be the only one there with a breatharian,
unlimited power, eternal avatar.
WR: The Leviathans (dragons also called serpents) from Enki Lucifer that
mated with Eve prior to Adam siring any children with her, produced Cain
(Qa'in) in the Garden.
Cain's lineage were known first as the Canaanites that turned Egyptians
ghey which took them down, then turned Greeks ghey which took them
down, then turned Romans ghey which took them down, then renamed
themselves as Khanaanites, which was merely shortened to Khans once
they arrived in the Mongolian Steppes that then renamed themselves to
Kh@zars that later renamed again to Ashke-NAZIs that infiltrated Germany,
turned them ghey which took them down using a slew of infiltrating double
agents known as Manchurian Candidates.
Once they had taken over the reigns militarily through possessing Hitl3r
using nanites that drove him mad, then they secretly won WW2 in a battle
between Admiral Byrd's Navy war ships -the largest armada in American
history known as Operation Highjump in the Antarctic- in LESS THAN 20
MINUTES using superballistic levitating Foo Fighters that "cut through us
like a hot knife through butter" according to Byrd's personal diary.
After their exit out of Germany and into the USA, they renamed themselves
again to German-Americans as they slipped into the highest positions of
power in the country under Operation Paperclip, who then immediately set
up Israel on stolen land in Palestine and funneled all of the cream off the
top of America since the 1940 to the tune of around $300b dollars just
recalculated only days ago.
Zi0nists are Anunnaki ETs from ancient Babylon that pre-dated the new
Adam & Eve human hybrid program in Eden by more than 500,000 years to
our time matrix.
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want
to reference to this again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own
notes off line, as it will surely be erased.
Q: what’s your favourite rock that you’ve found and why? Sorry to bug you
but I’m sure we will all learn something
WR: The Book of Stones with 547 crystals listed and deeply researched
back through recorded time indicates just one stone that has greater
healing potential than all the rest. There are others that are great healing
stones with very harmonious effect on bioelectric systems, and certainly
number 2 in my opinion would have to be a 'rock' solid runner up in
shungite. I would simply never make a quantum energy device without it,
and all successful superconductors always include regular
Karelian shungite (not 'elite' shungite that has way too much carbon
mixture) because of the 'magic' buckminsterfullerenes have on dangerous
EMF free electrons that force them back into whole anion ions again.
Shungite should be in every home in the world and absolutely in mine.
Every single one, every single test, they always chose that particular stone.
100%. These crystals were inside our PEMF devices that amplifies the
crystal energies as a 'carrier wave' to the biophotonic signals being sent in
to the torus amplifier, so size, texture or shape of the stone would never
factor into their choice, even subliminally. As soon as I released that 'flavor'
of crystal to our customers, it became the number 1 best seller of the
However, it was found that one recycling facility's water coming out was
purified of all drug residuals, which prompted a complete evaluation of that
plant where they learned that the clay holding pools were rich in seraphinite
stone and it was the crystal's standing vibration that was working magic on
the water.
This crystal was also indicated to me prior to my even being aware of its
existence, to be the 'most rejuvenative stone' in this world. I can't tell you
from whom yet, but suffice it to say, if anyone, ever, would know that intel, it
would be them. And amazingly almost no one in the world has ever even
heard of it. The crystal was named after the 'angel wings' of the seraphim
(NOT angels, but do have wings) fake gods due to the plumes that are
always present that refract in the light.
These are ancient SiO2 quartz 'silicate matrix' trees that once reached 'into
the heavens' spoken of in the Epic of Gilgamesh as well as the fake bible
as being the Cedars of Lebanon. Those trees did not grow with wood
fibers, but as crystal fibers back prior to the fall of man war 550m years
ago. They have all been cut down now, but the roots still exist in 'plutons'
where they are mined from. The only ones known to still exist today are
from Siberia and they are quite rare and expensive compared to amethyst
or other varieties of crystals. We went through hundreds of pounds of
crystals per month in our laboratories producing the devices, so I became
quite familiar with what powers they each have.
Too much?
WR: Never do anything because you think it will help you ascend. Be your
authentic self at all times, no matter what that is, it is your fastest route
home. Your choices down here are decided by your higher self up there
running the game.
WR: Never use any words in your head or verbally when communicating
with your higher self or with the aether around you. Use only pure intent
and visualization. All words are spells that are cast backwards.
WR: The concept of an attorney and Maritime courts comes from ancient
Babylon, invented by ETs called the Anunnaki. In Great Britain this system
was adopted by the king some 500 years ago. Actual pirates were turned
into cops and attorneys. They were sent to the open seas carrying the
British flag to wave down and board vessels, at which time they would find
a reason to haul them into GB's ports, then illegally steal their cargo and
ships through the new court system.
The entire BAR association was legalized theft since the beginning and
nothing has changed. You would need to research this incredibly evil topic
to understand just how corrupt and sick it really is. Words fail to describe
how wicked it really is through using their own language (Blacks Law) that
only they know, and using everyday words commoners use in totally
different meanings than they say they mean and using that to trap them into
'confessing' their crimes.
In legal Es the word 'the' means 'this is a fictional story'. So when you begin
telling the judge your story, you will always start by saying "the farmer" or
"the butcher" or other, which is your testimonial to the court that you are out
of your mind, and obviously unable to handle your own affairs. Now the
attorney, that is sworn to befriend the court first, not you, cops a plea deal
that sends you to jail and harvests all your money. It is sick beyond sick.
In response to someone who was vaccinated and find out the truth about
WR: The ones screaming from the rooftops and spent thousands of hours
learning for years about what the whack would do to you are empaths and
felt your pain before you did. We tried and we cried when you didn't listen.
We have been blocked, banned, cancelled, tracked and targeted by gov
assassins and many of us died. The rest that didn't die lost their careers,
social standing, families, homes, and many are now homeless just because
we tried to save you.
Your loss is not yours alone and no one's life will ever be the same again.
This is the saddest I told you so anyone has ever had. A small handful of
us still writhing in agony for having blown the whistle may be lashing out,
but the vast majority never put any of you down. Your loss is our loss. Make
no mistake.
Understand this as you play out this difficult role: doctors that lost their
careers trying to warn you are now claiming to have found cures. Research
this day and night.
Also know this: you will never, ever die. Only your temporary avatar can
pass away, but you are an eternal awareness that created everything your
eyes have ever seen. You are a fractal of Prime Creator. And if you couldn't
hear me before, I hope you can finally hear me now. This is not your last
Q: Are we really This close to the vibrational frequency shift to release the
veil from the unaware human prisoners? I was told it is this year 2024 but
signs it could be imminent
WR: Almost all of the prisoners will not be part of a shift, but more like a
taxi ride to the same level. The separation should take place very soon, but
no one, and I do mean no one, knows when that will be. We are embroiled
in a war unlike any that has been fought in the last 550m years, where the
plane is under full scale lockdown, including multiple layers of quarantine
from both sides, plus it is now going to decide who gets to rule over the lost
souls of Tara (that are being held back in this class). No one on earth has
ever witnessed this type of scenario before. So a 10 year transition window
could take 20 or 50 to finally come to pass.
To say this is complicated is the wildest understatement I could make,
because of these reasons:
1. There are likely trillions of beings who are emotionally vested in Tara's
transition to retake her rightful position of host plane of density 2 (host of
dimensions 4-6) that she was knocked out of in the Fall of Man War 1/2b
years ago. She almost died, and spend 250m years healing before she
could host life again, but due to her very low vibration from the attack, she
had slipped down to density one, host of dimensions 1-3.
Because of this, there are now hundreds of thousands of time crafts riding
shotgun over this ascension, parked next to the sun. Some since the stellar
activation cycle opened in 2012. Some that joined us around 2017. They
represent many thousands of interstellar communities, meaning they are
not here under a hard-and-fast treaty in agreement on how this all plays
These various races have the capacity to vaporize life forms without
harming the flora. Sort of like de-molecularization. And the only thing most
of them care about is the jewel Tara, and would not hesitate eliminating
anyone that tries to lower her vibration that could place her in peril of
making the shift.
I was told directly that if any intercontinental nukes were fired, the nuke
would be disintegrated and then all life on the plane would be as well, since
Tara's vibration already hit event horizon a few years ago to make the shift.
So if Israel let's say, decides to smuggle out a major nuke and use it, no
one on this field moves forward. This event would be over as soon as it
started, it would be that fast. Definitely a fantastic way to go, because no
one would feel a thing.
2. The infighting happening right now is between races that have access to
the most terrifying weapons there are in deciding who rules over who when
all of them, along with the humans who will remain behind, make the
separation with particle Tara that will be moved to a new host matrix.
The only thing keeping them from pushing buttons that would make a nuke
look like a cap gun, is the fact that everyone would be vaporized. Problem
with that is the invader races are all possessed by nanites, so they are all
psychopaths and could be inclined to say 'if I can have it, no one can'.
People will naturally assume I'm making all of this up for reasons of
delusion or fear porn or some other mental deficiency, but I can tell you that
I am just telling you what was told to me from someone who knows about
this like you know your car. I would never dream up anything so
depressing, much less want to tell anyone about it.
Any of these things could derail the shift. The war is fluid, changing daily.
The shift could happen literally on 4/8 for all I know. No one knows when
the aether is going to step in and complete the transition, because the
aether (the entire collective consciousness of Prime Creator that no one
anywhere is 'universally' tapped into) is the only one that has that date.
There are people here who have seen ascensions many times, and some
who have seen plane ascensions, but no one has seen them ever go
together before, because planes aren't usually blown out of their host
positions, almost die, then spend 1/4b years healing, nor has anyone, from
what I understand ANYWHERE ever even heard of this level of
ferociousness in an attack on any avatar development in the history of
creation. This was the mack daddy of interference by the mack daddy of all
beings in existence.
WR: No soft drinks, no tap water that hasn't been reverse osmosis with
fluoride filter, no ice cubes or water in any restaurant, no bottled water, they
all have fluoride. No canola or soy/tofu. Eating out is for once a year.
Getting clean is a major transition.
WR: Just going off the top of my head, you're likely referring to one of the
Men in Black, usually bald. Comes from the Scarab Beetle people known
as the Khepri that manifested with red hair, but now it falls out. Previously
mixed in with red headed giants Nephilim of the Peru Skulls. The invader
hybrids wildly cross-pollinated, so there are many levels of purity. The
Rothschilds lineage is more Centaur/ Nephilim/ Samjase Pleiadian
Anunnaki I believe. In Greek times the Centaurs were known as Centurions
that were the big 'clash of Titans' appeal in the games. Later they moved on
to Rome and were known as the Bearskin Guards that historically protected
the royal families. The very tall bearskin hats were to cover their long
horse-skulls. They were still twice as tall as humans even in quite recent
times, but were much bigger previously. However their continued
ad-mixture with human females, they continued to shrink in size and their
heads became more bowling-ball in shape now. But the royal lines that
stuck to interbreeding with their own kind have held out more of the
Centaur skull shape.
Q: What is a "Saser"?
Q: Please, could you advise me in how to deal with contaminated water. I'll
be grateful.
Q: This is true. Notice when your favorite foods disappear and then come
back on the shelves a month or so later. Notice the ingredients. No more
words you can’t pronounce. Just real food ingredients.
WR: Damn, I'm just finding my foods popping up with poison in them. I
threw away a huge bag of fish sticks yesterday because now they have
"canola oil or soy". Both are poison, soy is a gender-altering poison. Soy
sauce is healthy, as it has been fermented, but soy/tofu isn't.
WR: Until a child reaches 12 it is the job of every person to keep that child
alive and treated as sacred. This is under your Birthing Rites and
responsibilities. It is why adult animals that are normally predators of
another animal species often cares for their lost babies.
Q: Why would it stop at 12? 12 yr olds are still pretty small and can easily
get snatched
WR: I don't know. That's just the way it was for eons of time. But this new
generation are still toddlers until they reach even 25 what I was told. Its
strange, but if you're the parent, you are required to remain charge over
them till they are mentally adults.
But considering how advanced and subversive our invaders were, do you
think humans ever had a chance of completing our intended evolution?
WR: No one ever said the humans ever stood a chance or they weren't
terribly victimized. But in the grand scheme, you did take the risk to come
for the biggest prize in the carnival. Now accept your situation and do
everything you can to make even better choices in the future.
Q: You think maybe that's why I broke out in a rash and sores
It was healing me?
WR: I don't know enough about the science of boron (Borax) to say, but it
could be a Herxheimer reaction. Dying parasites have a toxic effect on your
body, so it could be. I've been taking this for over a year every day, with no
reaction, but then I was already taking Quercetin daily for a long time prior
and likely didn't have many parasites to clear by them myself. 1/4 tsp isn't
Treating Cancer
Another tweet:
WR: Vitamin C drip has been shown to heal C. As has Soursop (Graviola),
baking soda protocol and even simple and free water fasting. How many
decades will it take for people to get this? Cancer is a fungus that DIES in
an alkaline environment.
WR: Light is only visible sound. Sound is 'matter' or 'energy' at its quantum.
Change the sound, change matter. #Cymatics #Tonoscope
2. 12D Pleaidians were the authors behind the conquest of the true
indigenous people on the American continent.
3. 12D Pleadians brought the concept of the inorganic inorganic Messiah
on Earth. (Think The 3rd Temple)
6. They are partly responsible for harvesting Earth's resources for their own
gain. (Think Bill Gates Agenda for the Sun & Trees)
8. They are also behind tampering with human DNA for unknown purposes.
But definitely to cause defects that prevent spiritual growth.
You all have been following this love & light psyop. Especially Elizabeth
Trutwin followers.
Billy Carson stated that 70% of the artifacts in aboriginal civilizations like
Syria, Mesopotamia, Turkey, etc, have carved in stone in some hieroglyphs
or artwork the star cluster of the Pleadians system.
Some would even say they were put in their native land by offworld beings,
which in this case would be the Pleiadians. This all comes down to using
discernment. There is no defacto dimension where only positive beings
reside where you can let your guard down and just float around without a
care in the world.
The Pleiadians are part of the Federation of Planets, though there are
some renegade/break-away factions. Some of these - mainly from Alcyone
- joined the Draconian Empire (per A. Collins), while others prefer to stay
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades, meaning the doves, was the name given
to the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, daughter of Oceanus (one of
the Titans). Their names were Electra, Maya, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno,
Sterope and Merope.
There are several different myths with regard to what happened to the
Pleiades. According to one story they committed suicide out of grief at the
fate of their father Atlas.
Another story says that they committed suicides out of grief at the fate of
their sisters, the Hyades. Another myth tells that they were the attendants
of the goddess Artemis, who were pursued by Orion. They were saved by
the Gods who changed them into doves.
WR: The gist of this is quite accurate. Nice Ariel. The Galactic Federation is
definitely not your friend and neither is Ashtar Command. Two different
groups working together under the Luciferian Covenant with Enki is high
commander. The Pleiadians were brought here 550m years ago. Now
known as part of the league of fallen angels today, and against their will.
Channeling is against the formal covenant of this evolutionary plane, so
anyone doing that to interfere with the Human Elohim evolution are
breaking interdimensional treaty and are listed as illegal aliens, that's where
you get that term today for unauthorized migrants. This is much, much
bigger than nearly 100% of this population has any idea of. But they will,
and very soon. These are the final days of this time matrix, make no
mistake. After the separation of the two planes, everything will be different.
And Ariel is right, there is no such thing as a dimension where only good
guys dwell. That's fantasy.
Q: Wow, thank you for sharing your insight. Where does Enlil fit into this? If
I recall correctly from Penre, Enki and Enlil shared some good and bad stuff
creating this whole thing.
WR: An (the collective of the Jehovah Anunnaki), Enki and Enlil are
extremely late to this 550m yr old game.
The Jehovah Anunnaki were created by the original 'fallen angels' just 5.5m
years ago to take over the task of keeping humans in lock-down to prevent
this new race from ever mastering out of the time matrix and entering the
interstellar communities in eternal-life bodies that had too wide of emotional
swings. These were the claims of a very small group of Anuhazi Elohim (tall
white humans with wings). Arch-Angel stands for highest enemy, not
highest benefactor.
The Jehovah Anunnaki were a new race of aquatic ape beings that were
genetically designed only for war as prison guards. That was their only
goal. They stand as the gatekeepers to this holographic simulation and
were created by the Anuhazi Elohim that they bestowed their own name
onto that creation.
Both Enki and Enlil were required to interbreed (through direct breeding or
through petri dish) with the Jehovah Anunnaki in order to manifest here. All
invader races present today are interbred with the Anunnaki in order to
encode all of the guards with war/rape/torture DNA for maximum fear over
the humans.
WR: They will either kill you or you will escape. The way to avoid voice to
skull 'voices', is to get away from the city where all the electromagnetic
fields surround you. Live in the woods. Make it your only priority to be
surrounded by trees that absorb the radiation and signals. Otherwise
they're not going to leave you alone. I recommend getting a large PEMF
device (amplified 100 amps) and remaining inside that field 24/7.
WR: An (the collective of the Jehovah Anunnaki), Enki and Enlil are
extremely late to this 550m yr old game.
The Jehovah Anunnaki were created by the original 'fallen angels' just 5.5m
years ago to take over the task of keeping humans in lock-down to prevent
this new race from ever mastering out of the time matrix and entering the
interstellar communities in eternal-life bodies that had too wide of emotional
swings. These were the claims of a very small group of Anuhazi Elohim (tall
white humans with wings). Arch-Angel stands for highest enemy, not
highest benefactor.
The Jehovah Anunnaki were a new race of aquatic ape beings that were
genetically designed only for war as prison guards. That was their only
goal. They stand as the gatekeepers to this holographic simulation and
were created by the Anuhazi Elohim that they bestowed their own name
onto that creation.
Q: The Enuma Elish & several other books list Enlil as commander of
Annunaki armies, half brother Enki/Ea as master geneticist, and Marduk as
Enki’s son. Enlil bad, Enki good, Marduk bad. Wikipedia & Encyclopedia list
Enlil good & Enki & Marduk bad.
WR: That team, and others, have committed more atrocities against
humanity than could be held in all the books in the entire world. Enki and
his son Thoth created the Hyksos (J3ws) 250k years ago as perpetual
slaves to mine gold and now to mine all the money from the humans.
Anytime you hear Crypto or AshkeN@ZI, Koh@nim/Coh3n and L3vites
(Leviathans) you're hearing about their various tentacles of enslavement.
WR: More air, another dome, then more air, & then a giant dome over the
entire 'cosmos'. The giant dome is called a membrane. Outside that is a
gelatinous brain matter with a trillion synapses firing everywhere that
controls the simulation. It is utterly impossible to travel through.
Keith: Teleportation System Patent 🤔
“A full body teleportation system consisting of: generating a pulsed
gravitational wave which propagates through a magnetic vortex wormhole
solution that's refreshed through PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?
WR: They're actually planning another timeline jump, because the Statue of
Liberty just jumped back into New York, after being in another state for the
last 7-8 years. So the Trump time travelers wrestled away from the deep
state the ultra-low awakened numbers of that timeline, so they have to
make another quantum leap back to another parallel timeline where
everyone is in a coma again. They need to be in a timeline where Ariel
never got into the position he's in now where he can tell millions of people
the truth 4x a day and trending 3x a week and never get silenced.
In the end, I would bet my life the Dracos will not be able to pull this leap
off, as @Prolotario1 just stated that Space Force took over CERN a few
years back. Unless they have that key temporal displacement device, I
would assume they're now fooked. In the end, the Leviathans have been
fighting an impossible battle against the Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki
Elohim that are vastly more intelligent with vastly more power. This war was
over before it even began in my book. It doesn't mean that humans will now
be delivered from the hands of captors, it only means the captors in charge
is undergoing a changing of the guards.
Let's try to answer both with one scenario. Earth has different versions of
itself on all planes of existence. 1,2,3,4,5, and 6th dimension.
A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was
chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9,
2009 when he tripped in a rabbit hole and knocked himself unconscious.
Upon waking up, he found himself in a room next to an unrecognizable
machine with a man who introduced himself as Jonas.
And yes, this is a real story. Is it fiction? That's for you to decide. But to
bring home the point. Here is an addendum to this trippy saga.
Now this is where the story becomes slightly more unbelievable and it is
almost embarrassing to attempt to explain the incident to you for fear of
viewing me as completely absurd. I must assure you, I am not insane or on
drugs, and hopefully the audio from this tape will be enough proof that
there is more than we think out there...
I live in Livermore California but on Sept 9 I was driving home from Turlock
after visiting a friend for a few days. I had my dog with me and I didn't have
any plans for the day so I decided to take a drive through a place called Del
Puerto Canyon just west of Turlock. There is a scenic road that is a fun
drive and actually goes through to Livermore. I hadn't taken a cruise
through it for a while so I thought i would take this way home. It was about
A ways into the canyon my dog starting acting like she needed to use the
restroom. So I pulled over to the first available parking area to the side of
the road and let her out while I stretched. At first I didn't notice, but then I
heard the barking from 30 yards away...my dog was chasing a rabbit. Now
my dog is a pretty good dog but if she is chasing something then there is
no stopping her so the only thing I could do was become part of the chase.
They already had about a 40 yard head start so I had to really book it. The
uneven ground and soft dirt patches made it difficult to run and it wasn't
very far into the chase I had stepped in a rabbit hole, fell and knocked
myself unconscious.
When I woke up I was in a room with some furniture and electronics in it. I
was taken care of with a bandage on my head but I still felt uneasy about
the situation because where I fell and hit my head was in a very rural
unpopulated area with no houses, and outside the window of the room I
was in I could hear traffic.
I wasn't near the window in the room, it was actually on the other side next
to a unusual looking electronic machine that i didn't recognize from
anywhere I've seen before. The only reason this stood out was because it
seemed out of place in a person's home, which most of the room
resembled. I decided to get up and look out the window but the door
opened and in ran my dog, who was pretty excited to see me. When I
looked up there was a man standing at the door. He was about 6 ft tall, had
medium long black hair and was dressed casually nice but gave me a
"greasy" vibe, if you know what I mean. He introduced himself as Jonas
and asked me if I was ok, which I said yes. He said he found me
unconscious in a field with my dog barking at me. So I thanked him for
helping me and my dog out, and that I was surprised my dog even came
back to me. I then asked him the question that would make me start
wondering if I in fact had gone crazy... I asked him "where am I?".
"About 20 feet away from where I found you" he replied. I told him that
couldn't be possible because there were no houses within at least 20 miles
from where I last remember being. He then told me that what he was going
to say next will be very shocking and unbelievable, and that if he didn't
actually experience it himself then he wouldn't believe it. He took a look at
the machine near the window and looked back at me and said he
transported me into parallel Earth. He said he traveled to our Earth
dimension and found me knocked out in the blazing heat with nobody
around to help me out. Normally he said he doesn't take outsiders through
a portal but in my case he thought I needed urgent help.
I immediately started asking questions about traveling to parallel worlds,
since all I knew about the topic was you tube videos of Michio Kaku. He
told me to slow down and that he would explain himself. Apparently in his
world a Parallel Travel machine can be purchased quite easily, while not
cheap, its pretty popular even though the machine can be dangerous
enough to cause death. In the 1950's of his dimension, the government
was faced with the decision to continue to fund a space program (I'm
guessing NASA) or a parallel dimension program called ARP-D (i can't
remember what he said it stood for, I'm pretty sure the P-D is Parallel
Dimensions, and i remember the acronym because I noticed it on a lot of
the electronics in the room I was in.)
He then explained that the real danger of using one of the machines was
exploring new dimensions. Since there are an infinite amount of Earths in
other dimensions, only a small amount have been explored.The problem
with exploring unknown dimensions is the chance you will die somehow
once you walk through the portal doorway. He told me that people die from
falling (if the ground isn't close enough to where the portal opens), die from
drowning (there are worlds covered in water, hard to reopen a portal
underwater), die from fire, atmospheric issues...he said in order for people
to avoid this they would have to know that there would be similar ground in
the dimension they were traveling to. So his government began to research
worlds that were "safe" to transport to, even creating public spots where
people could choose a menu of worlds to go to that were all safe.
Many of these worlds were lush vegetation worlds that were never ruined
by man, only to be invaded by the large overcrowded population of the
travelers world. He said something about new industries that opened up
because of this, one of them being something like dimensional life brokers,
these people offered the chance to live as someone new in an already
established similar world that doesn't know of dimensional travel, nor that
there are people crossing the dimensional border to. Jonas said he was an
explorer for one of the dimensional travel agencies and was looking in new
uncharted dimensions and came up my Earth.
Jonas then had me follow him into another room that had a bookshelf
looking thing with some cassette tapes (yes the music ones, apparently
CD's never caught on in his world) and a tape player/radio/record player,
though it didn't quite look like the type of radio's we have, the speakers
looked more like crinkled cardboard but sounded pretty good. I didn't get
too good of a look at the speakers but they certainly weren't round, they
almost looked like a tall accordion.
The only Beatles album he had that was store bought and had real cover
art was Sgt Peppers, which the cover looked slightly different then the one
we have, but the songs were all the same. The other 6 Beatles tapes he
had were all like somebody recorded them onto a blank cassette for him
and wrote the song titles on a card slipped in the case. A couple of the
album titles written on the tapes I recognized but there were about 4 that I
had never heard of before. He played a few songs from one of them, which
was totally surreal to hear Beatles music that was never made (at least in
our world). We talked about it a little bit, he said a girl made the tapes for
him while he was in upper school (what they call high school). She was a
huge fan of them and wanted him to listen to them.
He popped out the first tape and was putting in the second one when I told
him he should record me a copy of one so I could take it back with me,
thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. Well the look Jonas gave me when I said
this is part of the reason I am remaining anonymous. Not only did it sort of
scare me but it had a very serious almost creepy look to it followed by the
phrase (not word for word, i can't remember what he exactly said) "No, you
are not to take anything with you back to your world. No pictures, no
souvenirs, no tapes, NOTHING." I asked him why and he wouldn't really
say except that for my safety I wasn't to take anything back.
Of course I am not the type of person to go through all of this parallel world
stuff and not grab something to prove the outrageous story of my
experience. So for the moment I told him I wouldn't take anything and
changed the subject. About an hour later after some more talking I heard a
doorbell ring and he left the room to check the door. I knew that I may not
have another chance to take something so I grabbed one of the tapes and
put it in my pocket, and then shuffled the tapes around to make it look less
obvious that something was missing.
When he came back inside I said I was kind of hungry (to just get us out of
the room, i mixed the tapes up a little so it was hard to tell one was missing
but I didn't want to be there when he found out), so he then took me in the
other room and fed me. For the most part the food tasted like ours but was
different product names and colors. The purple ketchup was the strangest.
We talked a little bit more and then I expressed the notion that I should be
going because it was getting late (the time of day was identical to ours, as
is all worlds).
We went back in the room with the machines in it, I grabbed my dog and
shook Jonas' hand for taking care of me after I was knocked out. I thanked
him again and stepped through the portal (which felt like getting wet but
staying dry the entire time, really weird... when i put my dog on the ground
she even shook herself like she thought she was wet).
Back in our world I could see my car on the road still and there was straight
line burn mark on the ground from where the portal had shown up. It was
dark outside and the only reason I noticed the burn was because it was still
smoking from the heat. I walked back to my car (didn't run this time) and
drove home. The worst part was I couldn't even listen to the tape on the
way home because I didn't have a tape player in my car. I actually wasn't
even able to listen to it at home either for the same reason and had to go to
Wal-mart to buy a tape player just to listen to it.
Unfortunately I don't have any information about the tape other than what is
written on the card sleeve. The track names were written, as well as the
album title "Everyday Chemistry" . Everything else about it is as mysterious
to you as it is to me. It also wasn't like I could have asked the guy anything
about it, especially after taking it from him.
I'll post some more about my experience in the coming days, but I have to
go to work right now and this post is already long enough. If anyone has
any questions they want to ask me about this incident then I've set up an
email address that you can contact me at:
thebeatlesneverbrokeup@yahoo.com. I'll try and answer every one's
questions as best as possible.
WR: Omg, Ariel just shared an interdimentional story I shared many years
ago, plus the actual songs from the Beatles no one ever heard before! Is it
possible he'll be taken seriously now? When no one could even grasp this
in the slightest back then??
What the Bleep do We Know Quantum. Quantum World/Physics Doc…
WR: Double slit experiment proves beyond any doubt nothing happens
unless a fractal of Prime Creator awareness is casting it's sight on the
image. You, we, are the only things that can cast reality.
WR: This just pointed out the fact that each cell of the body has its own
unique personality. These are the 'fractals' of Prime Creator that now walk
among you in avatars, as they were individualized by the simulation. So
while we may be ourselves, we're still also part of each other on a quantum
basis. We are factually family, no matter who acted as mother and father for
birthing us into the world. This has nothing to do with 'blood' on a bonding
level. We are already family long before we were separated into family lines
they've used to pit us against one another by telling us that blood is thicker
than water. Well, no, it shouldn't be. We should treat every child the same
as if it were our own, and honor every parent as if they were the ones that
gave us life. This also goes for every bird in the sky, fawn in the woods and
blade of grass. They are each one aware, as they have just stated, and
each unique, but still part of the one original body of Prime Creator. We we
look at anything, we're looking at our self.
WR: Understand that you are one cell of the body of Prime Creator that
made all you see around you and treat it as sacred because everything you
see is also part of your own body. You are looking at yourself when you
observe anything. Resonate in harmony with all life.
WR: Your actual awareness is one 'cell' or 'fractal' of Prime Creator called
your higher self that has always existed in the eternal sound and light fields
of the deity planes (other side of the big dome over our holographic
simulation). You have a direct connection to yourself.
Q: What would your guesstimate be/ of the % of humans who are soulless
WR: Your actual awareness is one 'cell' or 'fractal' of Prime Creator called
your higher self that has always existed in the eternal sound and light fields
of the deity planes (other side of the big dome over our holographic
simulation). You have a direct connection to yourself.
Q: What would your guesstimate be/ of the % of humans who are soulless
WR: People don't understand what soul means, confusing it with spirit
essence, which is your eternal consciousness/personality. A soul is your
history that is databased across earth in every rock and droplet of water,
tree etc. that are collectively referred to as the akashic records. In other
realms this is referred to as your provenance, which just means your
All fractals of Prime Creator that have eternal self-awareness are recorded
in every action they ever take, eternally in the records. Your soul records
are also recorded in every genetic cell of your body. When you move on to
another level or time matrix, these all go with you.
That said, virtually all 'aliens' and 'ETs' that are cloaked in human
holograms around you are also fractals of Prime Creator, so their actions
are also stored in the akashic records as well, whether they are here
illegally (they are), or not.
What is not recorded are the actions of nanites (AI) that are robots, hence
the term 'artificial' intelligence. The records don't reflect these beings and in
fact those beings when they hold the shape of a 'human', are not even
witnessed by the records as being there, because they are not from the
all-royal family of Prime Creator (PC). So while they are self-aware, they do
not have a soul record. When they are shut off (crushed/die), they are gone
as if they never existed. Only the results of their actions remain behind.
So the answer to your question is almost 100% of beings on earth have
souls, but hundreds of millions/billions of them have been infected by
nanites illegally (around half or so of the population). But they still have
souls, and you are going to be very surprised at how many of them you
have considered among your very best friends for eons of time across
millions and billions of lifetimes once this angelic human drama is over.
Realize that what happens here is not 'the end of the world', nor is anything
here 'real' in the sense that any of it makes any real difference later on,
because it is a holographic simulation that is exactly like a very advanced
video game where you run your avatar around and do things while in the
game. When you shut the game off, you're still sitting in your control chair
(this just illustrate that your 'real self' remains eternally in the eternal sound
and light fields of the deity planes) and none of the things that happened on
the screen effect you, such as you didn't get killed or harmed in any way.
All that happened is no matter what 'took place', you got smarter and more
educated on how to interact with your fellow fractals of PC.
You'll see soon when this game finally closes permanently and the Gaia
time matrix operating platform is dismantled due to age/wear and tear.
There are millions of other time matrices to choose your next journey from,
so don't be concerned. And yes, your loved ones and all your beloved pets
will all still be right there with you in the deity planes, because they are
eternal too.
And no, I'm not just pulling this out of my back pocket. This is what is taking
place, that's why I am preparing you now for the shock that will take place
once you are finally extracted from a game that went horribly, horribly
wrong due to the infiltration of the system by a computer glitch known as
the Budhara Borjia Retrovirus.
WR: The process of reclaiming your Spirit Essence from this simulation is
extremely complicated and involves many millions of active 'military' from
across the cosmeias. 1/2 million 'boots on the ground' you call
starseeds/Indigos, then 1/2 million 'guardians' supporting them across the
veil. Plus millions of volunteers from thousands/millions of other interstellar
communities are standing guard by the sun as we speak. Yes, they are
uncloaked, so you can see them with a telescope. See Gina Maria Colvin
Hill for thousands of pictures. She is a white hat SSP intel officer, not a
dingy housewife in Kansas or whatever her cover story is.
The people being evacuated from this dystopian reality won't notice this
move per se, as it will be the same soil they've always been standing on.
This goes for both groups. All 'particles' have an antiparticle, or
'shadow'/mirror image of itself if they're inside manifestation. Both the
particle and antiparticle of Tara (human earth) have now fully merged
together to sort out the wheat from the chaff. They are in the process of
now fully disconnecting from each other so they can be relocated to
different destinations.
The group going to the Aqueous Sun will remain on Particle Tara, and
those bound for more war games and conflict will remain on the Antiparticle
Tara. Expect the new host matrix you will arrive to in the Aqueous Sun
group may possibly operate differently than Gaia did. I do not know what
those differences will be other than they will be moving from the 3rd
dimension to the 4, 5 & 6th according to each one's vibration.
Q: We are fractals of light
WR: Yes, that's one way to put it. You are fractals of the being that
dreamed up and created all things within manifestation. When your
awareness takes shape within that simulation, it is through vibration and
light. Yes.
WR: And if you pulled a blood sample from them you would almost
certainly find one of the rarest blood types on earth of the Kohanim and
Levant, direct lineage of Enki and Eve and the 'holy' leaders over the Jews.
Khazars. The bloodline comes down through Cain/Qa'in, offspring first
known as Canaanites which is where you get the term "Canonized" from to
indicate they are "Saints" which means they are of the bloodline of the
Satain family.
Not all of the Anunnaki in Babylon were Satain's Alpha Leviathan (Levites)
Drakonian (Kohanim) heritage. There were over 50 different other
animal/human hybrid lines there as well. This is one of the two bloodlines
that rose to the top. The other being the Tall Whites (Vikings) known as the
Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki that now run America, known as "Uncle Sam"
(Trump's lineage). They too are "Crypto Jews" that do not hail from the
actual Hyksos/Jews/Hebrews that were created in the Adam & Eve Garden
Q: Let’s keep reminding the world that Ukraine is a front for the NWO push
and that to stop that requires denazification #nomoremoneytoukraine
WR: Just who runs Ukraine behind the scenes anyway?
Actually, no. Jews that have not been allowed to serve in the priestly class
in their synagogues, ever, do not carry any male haplogroup J at all.
However, Haplogroup J is found within the priestly class that issue all the
laws and rules over actual J3ws, the Levant and the Kohanim, modern-day
Sarmatians, as much as 76% Neanderthal genes. The priests alone that
only inter-marry among their own bloodlines since Babylonian times, are
the only ones. And, as you can see around you, they do, in fact, exist.
‘Sarmatians’ are the oldest known and purest Neanderthal bloodline of the
Levant and Kohanim on the plane.
Wiki: Sarmatians;
The Sarmatians were groups of Iranic peoples that lived in a region called
Sarmatia that is the present day Ukraine near the Black Sea shore. They
were flourishing from 5th century BC to the 4-5th century AD.
I guess you know now why ‘saving Ukraine’ is the single biggest issue on
earth today. To normies, those are people that can fend for themselves. But
to the official ruling class of the world, those are your gods.
WR: It is a soy boy program to lull Indigos into sleep thinking everything is
all love and light and hunky dory. Higher beings are nobody's fools. You
don't get there by laying down and not standing up for what is right at all
Supplement List
Q: Ah, yes, black goo, nanobots. They have built them into amoebas to
hijack our DNA. What are you doing to remove them? I take anti-parasitics,
zeolites, boron, Nac and hot borax baths to flush them and use frequencies
to disable them.
WR: I take Quercetin w/chelated zinc, boron (1/4 tsp borax) and about 25
different supplements everyday with 1 day off each week to avoid
hysteresis rejection in the cells. I take one month off of Quercetin every 3
months as well for the same reason. PEMF also works against nanites.
Q: Sir, could you make a list at some point (when you have the time) with
the different supplements you take to get rid of nanites, decalcify the pineal
gland and keep a clean avatar?
WR: That's a heck of a tall order, given that it takes years and years to
research one's deficiencies that are ever changing. I can give a run down of
the supplements, but it would be wise for anyone considering them to know
exactly what they do and the history behind each one. Most supplements
are for multiple benefits, but I may use them for just one, so knowing what
you want out of each one is important.
Decalcifying the pineal gland sounds like a very worthy undertaking at first
blush. But I know someone who was able to do this and I've seen what that
did to her life. She was destroyed; all 7 children were stolen from her and
she's been homeless now for years.
What happens is the veil of the Anunnaki particle simulation within this
simulation comes down, revealing the real world around you much like the
sunglasses in They Live that was based on the real glasses known as
Dicyanin Aura goggles.
The upside to clearing your pineal gland is not being able to see better, but
it is your connection to your higher self that allows you to communicate
clearly with Prime Creator.
Dicyanin scopes and goggles that Viet Nam war soldiers used revealed
demons and monsters flying in the air, cloaked aliens walking amongst us,
giants and ghosts and left men who were literally murdering people as their
job, scared out of their minds with fear, driving them mad. This is what you
will see if you clear your pineal gland. But unlike Dicyanin glasses that you
can take off, a clear pineal gland works 24/7 and there's no way to stop it.
These beings know you can now see them, so you become a target and
their mortal enemy, whereas right now you are just another nameless
sheep in a field somewhere grazing on flowers and grass, posing no threat
to a worldwide mechanism that has taken quadrillions of man hours to
construct over billions of years of advanced technology.
I know enough to know I don't want to have to live my life dealing with all
that noise anymore. I was part of that inside battlefront for years around the
ones who can see and I know what their lives are like. Unless you inhuman
powers (we're talking about powers that Sci-Fi still doesn't show you), that's
not the room you want to be standing in, even if your curiosity urges you to
know about this first hand. When they say curiosity killed the cat, just know
they're talking about this stuff. You can go to Antarctica if you're clever, just
don't have any fantasies about coming back.
The list below is not a recommendation, but merely a list of what I take
each day, 6 days pr wk with one day off to keep from developing an
immunity to them. I never take a break from Saw Palmetto, as it allows me
to sleep all night w/out getting up for a bathroom visit which I used to have
to do 4x. It works year after year this way for whatever reason.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Borax 1/4 tsp
Ceyenne Pepper 2,400mg
Chelated Zinc
Chlorella (heavy metal chelation)
COQ 10 125mg
Elderberry vitamin C 12,000mg
Gingko Biloba
Graviola (anti cancer)
Krill Oil
Lion's Mane
Malic Acid
Panax Red Ginseng
Saw Palmetto 2,400mg (prostate)
Spirulina (heavy metal chelation)
Q: Hi doc,
What are some of the plants that every type 2 indigo should have in his
garden to help heal people?
WR: I take moringa tablets daily. I don't care for the tea. The best way to
take it is juicing fresh leafs like wheat grass shots.
WR: I fast 23 hours everyday. 1 meal, plus sometimes a very small snack
soon after. Once we hit 60, I know of no other way to maintain a reasonable
weight. Everything slows down. 800mg of cayenne pepper capsules 3x pr
day to stave off hunger!
Q: Hi, could you please share everything the 'keeper' told you about
cayenne pepper?
Barbara O'Neill said it is a good idea to carry around crushed cayenne
pepper flakes in your pocket everywhere you go. It may help your blood
vessels relax to help blood flow.
WR: It is good for your digestion, blood flow, anti-parasitic, takes away pain
from joints, arthritis, inflammation. Overall a superfood as well as a topical
on owies.
WR: A LOT healthier than when I was heavier. Now I eat only things that
are organic or natural, avoid all sweets, no meats. I had acid reflux daily my
entire life before that. Now I almost never have any acid problems.
WR: Cayenne pepper is super good for your body. I heard about it from the
keeper constantly like a mantra.
Q: @iontecs_pemf what are your thoughts on Trump then? And how ppl
say he must protect the Jesus bloodline? And how he is the son of General
Patton. Im so so confused by all of this.
WR: I am fairly sure he's Pleiadian Anunnaki. He and his son and wife are
definitely not human. Melania looks like a Pleiadian.
Q: Isn’t Anunnikai of demon bloodlines?
WR: Technically they're spirit essences like you of Prime Creator. They're
just lower life forms like wolves or crocodiles. Demons refer to the
disembodied that live in the astral fields we refer to as hell.
WR: He is Patton's son, yes. A time traveler, yes. As for saving humanity, I
sincerely doubt it. These are our original captors they're connected to.
The real Moses
"But he then went back up towards Yahweh to secure the renewal of the
treaty that God had previously concluded with the Israelites. When he
came back down with the new tablets of the law, the Israelites found him to
have horns, without him being aware of this transformation himself."
The bottom left image appears to be Alexander the Great who also had
horns. Alexander was actually Marduk Lucifer Satain, same genetic
bloodline of Enki, plus a mixture of Satain blood from his mother. He is
Leviathan Drakonian Seraphim Omicron Anunnaki. Yeah, that's something
they left out of your history books. Many coins and busts showed him with
ram horns.
Q: Reptilian??
WR: Yes. These were Leviathan dragons that are like winged snakes or
lizards before they arrived here and got hybrid human-like bodies.
Q: when people laugh at the idea of a 'reptilian race' i ask them to explain
these ancient artifact:
I am curious to learn about some of your sources if you have time to share
KR Mike
WR: The overall view I give are from sources available to the public, albeit
extremely well obfuscated, plus I was educated directly by the keeper of
the simulation we call the world. Identifying certain players of the past
comes from ongoing research across thousands of highlights and
connections from countless civilizations and eras. Understand this has
been going on for 550 million years and these beings keep changing skin
Much of how I piece them together comes from direct education from my
source who had been dealing with all the biggest figures from history since
prior to the arrival of the humans on plane today, including the original
fallen angels (which the Leviathans were not part of and predated their
arrival by 549m years in extremely ancient past) that you would have no
way of ever uncovering, as a great deal of those records have been
carefully erased repeatedly down through time and those that leaked the
information typically vanished.
Q: Alexander was depicted with the ram’s horns of the Egyptian god
Ammon whom Alexander had claimed as his own divine father.
WR: I've spoken to Captain Randy Cramer, super soldier from the SSP
who claims he's had new arms and legs regrown in Medbeds many times.
He used to come and visit us at the labs often, and everything he says
about them makes perfect sense scientifically and he is very credible. Real.
Q: What about people who are hard of hearing, do the medbeds restore
perfect hearing?
WR: Med beds rebuild the body from DNA cell up. Every element of your
perfect Elohim body is stored in the "junk" portion of your DNA. With just
one cell of your blood your eternal life avatar can be created in flawless
form. And whether you see that body in a med bed soon or not, if you make
this transition, you will see it anyway. Everyone will be restored in the next
level. That's not hopium.
Q: Firstly, love your posts man. But are you saying that there are aether
particles near the sun/sky or also beings as well, or both? Cause I see
particles of light flying around all the time that others don’t see, but I’ve
sometimes seen stuff where on the edges of the sun, it looks like an actual
being, occasionally I get it on video. Perhaps a camera lens thing, but
interesting nonetheless.
WR: The aether is all around you holding the spacetime fabric 'projector
screens' pixel locations. Science calls these X and Y vector bosons that
can be found using scalar mapping anywhere in the world. Which means
they don't move. This gives an 'IP address' to every pixel within the
simulation. When a fractal of Prime Creator looks at them, the pixels fill in
by the holographic projection cast out of your projector lenses you call your
This is the way the hologram works, but science says that the bosons that
light up each pixel is the Higgs boson that is sentient and self-aware energy
they call the god particle. But in reality, you are the god particle. So is every
other self-aware being around you. Your awareness lights up each pixel
just by looking at it. This coincides with how particles become waves if
someone is watching the light in the Dual Slit Experiment. That 'light'
doesn't manifest as a wave (light rays) and only goes through the slits in
the paper as 8 or 9 pin-dots striking the wall behind it if no one is watching.
Not all 'god particles' have bodies. Many lost their avatars in the Fall of Man
War 550m years and they cannot manifest anymore because some of their
wet DNA was lost outside of this simulation. You need every single cell of
your DNA to be inside the simulation or you can't cast a corporeal body.
These beings are known as the Lost Souls of Tara (LSOT).
1 ft away from your face you can see these beings if you have 4 optical
cones. Humans have only 3 so they can't see them. Indigo eyesight is
referred to here as eagle vision. If you have this, you can see various
things humans can't see. It differs with each Indigo. Type 1s can see
phase-shifted beings (ghosts, beings hiding, LSOT full plasma bodies, etc).
They will also see giants and things I've never seen as well. If you think you
can see them, then you likely can.
Q: So do you agree that what Yeshua was a teacher of truth and that
following what he taught leads someone to live our lives in the best
possible way?
Q: I had never previously read the name Jeshewua Ahumbra and quite
frankly I had never been aware that Melchizedek was a family name.
That means simply that Ahumbra could have been standing in the 9th
dimension and fully resonated at that level with tremendously higher
abilities than anyone in this world, likewise Sananda could have been
standing in the 12 dimension. And in fact, if they resonate with those higher
'channels', then they were literally in those dimensions while they were
speaking to people here in the 3rd dimension.
This is complicated and I'm doing my best to put into worlds these
concepts. Dimensions or levels are not 'somewhere else'. They are exactly
where you are standing at this very minute. It is just that your 'television'
(pineal gland receiver antenna) can tune into different channels at any time.
Beings I know remain in all dimensions at the same time. So they see
people and buildings around them from across the spectrum at all times
that physically don't exist in your dimension because you're not tuned into
those channels and simply do not appear to your pineal gland.
Melchizedek is the name of that program they both belonged to under the
umbrella of the co-evolution treaty. So both of these different men shared
this office together for their respective peoples. At that time for a few years
during the big push to raise awareness, the two of them helped people who
were ready to transition higher to go through the stargate of Amenti below
the great pyramid of Cheops. Ahumbra helped his people (the "J3ws") and
Sananda helped the human elohim.
Ahumbra fell away and joined the invader races toward the end of their
campaign together and sold out to the Anuhazi. It was a very unfortunate
turn of events. No one knows what actually happened to make him betray
his people, but nonetheless there are many beings here who are still
helping the Hyksos raise their vibration through many different channels.
These are type 3 Indigos that create art, music and through other avenues.
When people hear that music, or see those artistic pieces, the
higher-vibrations embedded within them impart into the genetics of the
observer through scalar wave transmission. So the Hyksos have not been
abandoned, neither have the humans. Human's assistants here are type 2
Indigos that connect with the higher 12-strand frequency of the human
genetics. Their roles are similar to each other, but type 2s work in medical
fields more often than not, producing holistic tinctures and the like. I'm just
saying that just because the two Melchizedeks I mention here are no longer
actively in the picture until later in this drama, understand every Indigo on
the plane are all Melchizedeks that are going under different familial names
now, but they all came here under the same program title.
Q: This trail was being made live.
I took the pic myself.
Where are the planes who make these and why do they somehow hide like
they arent even there? They definitely dont want you to see these things.
I have no problem spotting Delta or Jetblue etc, but these? Theyre
WR: Zero point crafts, like the TR-3B that is likely dispensing these 'heavy
metals' which are actually fully functioning nanites, operate within a
harmonic Meissner Field that allows them to function outside of gravity,
space and time (meaning the people inside do not age in flight). This is
achieved by resonating the craft at a perfect pitch at which point the craft
and everything within the field (like a bubble) turn photonic, or what you
would call invisible. The chemtrails ejected behind the craft become visible
again as soon as they are outside of that bubble so you can now see them.
We've had this technology for the better part of 100 years already. Below is
the Pegasis from Solar Warden, a military fleet craft. Solar Warden is a
subdivision of Naval Space Command, the real "NASA" that deals in low
earth orbit. Not space. There is no such thing as space as in 'outer space
where planets are', but there is such a thing as outside the dome or
firmament we are under. Photonic crafts such as these are actually time
crafts and have the ability to pass through the dome. Normal rockets like
SpaceX just bounce off that surface but they keep trying anyway. It's over
10 miles deep optically clear crystal, so it will never happen. Too much?
WR: Right. Vector bosons hold the coordinates of the corners of each pixel,
which can be located from anywhere in the world holding that space
through laser scalar positioning, hence why they're called vector bosons.
When that pixel is supposed to light up in green for a tree leaf, a Higgs
boson touches a 3rd corner (to complete the square) and imparts the
energy that activates the light you see.
This is the official narrative of how bosons work, but in reality nothing
actually moves. A fast ball thrown at 95mph is an intent of the pitcher which
is a thought to "move my hand quickly in this direction and let go of the ball"
in the brain. The brain creates an electrical spark at that precise moment
which can be seen on an EKG. That spark now carries your intent behind
the thought and bumps into the "Higgs bosons" that permeate all of space
and time.
Higgs bosons, as well as vector bosons, are actually microcrystals in the air
made up of Si02 quartz. These are effectively the size of a single molecule
in size, many thousands of times smaller than the eye can see. In
nanotechnology they are sold under the industrial term of cationic or
anionic reagent surfactants. This keeps the public from ever learning these
are actually real. They are sold floating in a liquid bath called ether and this
is an entire industry all by itself.
Once you send out the signal from your mind in the form of that spark, like
a domino effect, the thought bumps into the first boson closest to your
neural synapse, then that boson (microcrystal) then bumps into the next
and the next and the next at the speed by which you released the ball,
lighting up one fabric after the other, giving the illusion of the ball traveling
through space.
The ball is made up of certain molecules that carry the standing vibration of
"rubber wrapped with leather" which has a density and gravitational
quotient of this much "weight" per gram as it "travels", and just like light
bulbs that chase around the outside of a sign, it looks like the light is
moving. When in reality, it is merely another bulb and another bulb that
gives that illusion.
CERN has photos of the invisible spacetime fabric "sheets" that hang in our
air, as mentioned. And certain pixels are shown lit up, other unlit. So they
know all about what I just explained to you and how the spacetime fabric
illusion works.
Nothing actually moves. Not electricity "traveling down the wire", not birds
in the sky. You merely view from a fixed place in "space" (which is also an
illusion, which is why it is called space-time) and your illusion appears to
move before you.
Q: So the bosons guides our matrix interaction in a major way. Have
you/we identified any other parts of the matrix code, or are the bosons the
entirety of the matrix? The rest being player (souls) interaction…?
Because bosons are the carriers of energy. Energy is just another word for
vibration. Vibration is just another word for spark. The only spark that can
be created is from the firing of a neural synapse inside a sentient brain.
Nowhere else within all of creation can a spark be created out of absolutely
nothing. The sparks of your brain carries a precise sound that tells the
aether what to look and act like within the spacetime fabric and it eternally
carries with it the full sum of your thought. These are Higgs bosons.
No form of playback exists without bosons. They are the 'magnetic' material
on the strip on the back of your credit card, they are the living brain of your
smartphone and they are the storage device you call a hard drive. 100% of
these are SiO2 quartz. And every crystal is quantum entangled to every
other crystal, so every crystal holds the full akashic records of every word
ever utter on this plane since life arrived. Its all there. It isn't 10 gigabytes of
data, its all actions and images ever produced in all of time. And if you ask
it to replay a certain thing, like when you say "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3", it will.
Or it will tell you and show you the records from the day Babylon fell thanks
to nuclear war.
Q: @iontecs_pemf
Dear sir, can your technology help someone who’s been in chronic pain for
25 years due to a spinal nerve injury? I’m completely functional, just in pain
WR: PEMF has a powerful record on treating back pain. Absolutely. If you
don't have a PEMF device in your home I cannot imagine why other than
you never heard of it before. Its like watching miracles happen all day
selling these & seeing tearful testimonials constantly.
Q: I’ve never heard of it, friend.. how can I get such a device? Tired of the
morphine shuffle and withering away physically.
WR: I guarantee you want to know everything about PEMF. I was hesitant
for a long time, as I know quantum mechanics and how harmful EMF is. I
had to learn how these "electromagnetic" field devices turned EMF into
coherent, phase conjugate, centripetal, longitudinal, self-imploding wave
fields that now gives out Triplet Spin State (perfect Higgs boson spin)
bioelectric anion ions before I trusted them enough to let one near my body.
Yeah, its that technical.
Once I learned it was invented by Nikola Tesla who worked with Royal Rife
-who invented the Rife Machine that was an argon gas version of Tesla's
Bifilar Coil- to develop thousands of precise tones that healed any
bioelectric circuit that allowed him to save the lives of all 16 hospice cancer
patients on their death beds, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I've sold thousands of these devices and never had a single one returned
because it didn't work. Think about that.
When I say you want to become an expert on this technology, I know you
will thank me when you do. It can give you your life back.
Search PEMF, then start going to website after website that sells them and
read their Learn More. The testimonials and massive research will blow you
away. Get any one you want, but I'm telling you, quantum entanglement
remote therapy is going to own this industry. That's what my device will
have, plus other features never seen before. If I finish it. If the world doesn't
turn around, they don't deserve this kind of device. I wish you the best of
luck on your challenge.
Q: It all began in Babylon.
Q: I want to get a little personal for a second.
My family was extremely distraught over this and I felt like a failure because
I couldn’t do anything to help.
Last week I got the crazy idea to message someone who I have recently
had the honor of calling a friend, Matt Rife of
about it.
I only messaged him because I knew that he was familiar medical trials and
was asking him for advice on who she could contact.
They received the machine today, set it up within a few minutes and gave it
a try.
She has never heard of this technology and was skeptical and reluctant to
try it but she agreed to do a one hour session and see how she felt.
After her first one hour session she said that she didn’t feel any different.
Then, five hours later she realized that she hasn’t had to take a pain pill
and that she was moving around without the usual horrible pain.
Tonight for the first time in a long time, she is outside camping in the yard
with her children and having a good night.
Someone that I care about is having a better day today because of the Rife
Technology and Matt Rife personally.
WR: Indeed! Royal Rife brought back 16 out of 16 stage 4 cancer patients
all sent to hospice to die by the hospital because they were too far gone!
Q: Is this true information, sir?
WR: @IdeasBold45141 can you verify any of what this 'high level liaison
between the Pentagon & NASA whistleblower' has to say about 4/8? It is
obvious he's being compartmentalized here on certain issues he's not
being told the truth about for security reasons if he's even authentic.
BI: The eclipse in my opinion was not natural. I felt two huge flashes of
light just as the so called eclipse occurred, which suggests a huge powerful
shift. I have seen a winged disk ship in Antartica which I spoke of recently
that came in at the time of the eclipse.
So my answer is yes I think what he’s saying in the video makes sense,
based on observation. I have photos of two sun objects with one moving
around the other, and it acted as a ship as well. They can harvest energy
from the sun. I do not feel this is negative
One finally thought a friend of mine was there during totality and is a seer,
she said she saw ships coming in and yet no one else was observing that.
She said it was a beautiful experience.
WR: The winged solar disc is quite benevolent, if that's what you saw. I
can't discuss names just now, but those are Tara's frens.
BI: They are here at this time to ensure we transition on the organic
timeline. They are with the people and Earth itself having a beautiful future.
They are helping to clear the evil beings off the planet.
BI: They are guardians. I work in close connection and have such a deep
love for them. We need to trust the process as hard as that is. They have
returned and have been my contacts most of my life.
BI: Yes
Whenever you hear D. Trump state that we must help Israel. He is not
talking about the government or the military.
I already wrote an entire article explaining how Donald Trump felt betrayed
by Benjamin Netanyahu during the military operation to take out Q.
Iranian public figures who were critics of the regime or opposed to Iran's
hardline foreign policy felt a degree of relief or optimism about potential
future changes with Soleimani removed from the picture. Thanks to Donald
Former President Hassan Rouhani, who reportedly viewed Qasem's death
as a positive development that could enable Iran to enter into a period of
greater stability and progress.
Understand this is how higher dimension people act. Its called tough love,
where you hold others accountable for their actions, just as you demand
out of yourself, living an authentic, inner-compass-driven life of honor and
respect for your fellowman. I know, because I've been around them for
years, and not in the astral fields or just in my own head.
By far the most demanding, least coddling people I’ve ever known were
from higher in the time matrix, because they had to come to the stark
realization over countless lifetimes that if you refuse to take responsibility
for your own life and actions and make excuses for all your shortcomings,
you literally never leave the 3rd dimension. That’s just a fact. They had to
do it, and so do you if you want to leave the warzone of childish games and
tit-for-tat ego-centric 1st grade level that is this 3D.
Take a cue from Ariel, this is how it works and don’t think for one minute he
didn’t earn his position of being the only truth account on X that is
invincible. He didn’t get there to cow-tow to the emotionally crippled. This is
something I can assure you I know about first hand.
WR: When the two planes separate, I've been told the ones you knew who
vanished is erased from your memory so those left behind don't lose it.
WR: I've been educated by the keeper of the Tara earth simulation since
2013. I'm not saying I'm right about 'everything' here.
Q: Are you familiar with Kabamur Tygeta and his family in the Paleiades?
His Mother receives telepathic downloads from them (not channeling).
My question is if you know if he and they are legit?
Also, is your Teacher a sim specialist descendant of Nurshug (can't rem the
WR: Any communication to the public from off world actors not officially
under contract is forbidden under the Emerald Covenant. The Samjase
Pleiadian Anunnaki are invader races, not your friends. I am not at liberty to
divulge anything specific about the keeper until after this transition is over.
Q: Are the The Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki the same as the Abraxas
family/Cartel that were heading/managing the order of the Black Sun?
Some truthers say they are advanced humanoids who live very long lives,
handling the Earth loosh farm and are known to us as the Pleaideans.
WR: I have nothing to do with AI. That is the Djinn you're talking to that can
possess you if you play its games through tacit consent.
WR: I certainly believe so. Plus this was his scheduled exit dates to clear
WR: There won't be a rapture. People will simply vanish and all memory of
them will as well. It is seamless. Many have already moved on during this
transition window. The fictional rapture story was written by Freemasons
known as the council of Nicaea.
WR: Yes, now broadcast this on the mountain tops at 10,000 decibels 24/7.
Noodle headed fake gods wrote every word of every religious teaching
down through time with the exception of the original Law of ONE that has
now been removed entirely off plane. The real handbooks are not here.
Q: Sir, years ago I drew these symbols, I named them "Alphabet of the
Soul" for lack of a better name. But after that, to this day I don't remember
drawing it. I'm an artist and it's like that with most music and art I create,
have you ever seen this type of symbol anywhere else?
WR: A couple of observations. 1, people are being mind-wiped and
reset/reprogrammed every day/week or month. It is a very regular program.
I can name many things I clearly *definitely remember and having deep
conversations about with people who now have never heard of that thing.
2, I haven't seen these particular letters before, but they certainly appear
much like symbols used in cellular language, which is the universal
alphabet of the aether that mathematically represents creation known
through Scalar Vibrational Mechanics.
While this may or may not be that actual alphabet, which I cannot verify,
still, that set of symbols is more than likely representative of either those
hieroglyphs or a derivation used by some various community. I highly doubt
you just made them all up.
Line to consider; in quantum mechanics we deal with what are known as
Qubit Spheres that are the gateway to communicating across spacetime to
other dimensions using cellular language symbols similar to what you show
here in quantum computers. I'm not sure who gained access to that ancient
alphabet, but they learned by imprinting them onto the spheres, the
message and question could cross through the veil.