SSP Papers Past
SSP Papers Past
SSP Papers Past
Short question
Q.3. (12+4)
a) Derive an expression for the lattice heat capacity of a solid following Einstein Model.
Discuss the
assuinptions & predictions of this Model and compare it with experimental observations at
high and low temperatures.
b) The Debye temperature Op for diamond is 230K. Calculate the highest possible
vibrational frequency
Op and the molar specific heat of diamond at 10K. (R= 8.314x 10 JKmole-1 K-1, h=6.63 x 10
Js, k=
1.38 x 10^-23J)
Q4. (12+4)
a) Explain Max Von Laue's cquations, discuss and derive Bragg's law from these equations.
b) Copper (63.54 amu) with fcc lattice has density of 8960 kg/m^3, Calculate the unit cell
dimension and the radius of Cu atom. (lamu= 1.66 x 10^-27kg).
Q.5. (12+4)
a) Obtain dispersion relatíon for 1D diatomic lattice and discuss the nature of acoustie and
optical ntodes.
(i) Show that the group velocity vanishes at zone boundary.
(ii) Find the maximum frequency that can
propagate through crystal.
b) Find out reciprocal lattice vectors for a space lattice defined by the primitive vectors a=
5k, b =-5i+5j+5k.c = 5i-5j+5k. Also, find volume of the primitive cell.
Q.6. (12+4)
a) What is Sommerfeld's quantum theory of metals? Describe free electren gas nodel in 1D,
draw 1 at 4 Wave functions and corresponding energy levels of an electron for 1D crystal.
b) The radius of sodium atom (bcc) is 1.86 x 10^-10m. Calculate the Fermi energy of sodium
at absolute zero.
Paper 2021
Short question
Q6 (10+6)
a) Describe the Einstein model of lattice heat capacity. Discuss the successes and failures of
b) What are normal and umclapp processes?Explain with the help of vector diagramss.
Paper 2022
Short question
1.Calculate the angle which [111] direction of a cube lattice makes with [1 10] direction.
2.Why crystals cannot have 5-fold symmetry?
3.What are primary and secondary bonds? Give example.
4.How does a Fermi electron gas differ from an ordinary gas?
5.Give drawbacks of Debye model of heat capacity.
6.Calculate the number of carbon atoms per unit cell of diamond.
7.Show that in the long wavelength limit, the velocity of sound is independent of frequency.
8.Why do inert or noble gases get liquefied and solidified at very low temperature.
9.What are directional bonds? Give example.
10.What is the physical significance of optical and acoustic modes nomenclatures in a linear
11.What is Van der Waals 'interaction? Is it present in all types of solids?
12.How does hydrogen bond differ from dipole bond?
13.Describe Extinction Rules of X-ray diffractions in Cubic Crystals?
14.Give differences b/w Einstein and Debye models.
15.What is a Fermi Dirac distribution function?
16.Why do alkali metals exhibit bcc structure?
Long question
Q.2 (12+4)
a)Explain loosely and closely packed structures? Find coordination number, effective
atoms per unit cell, relation betweena to r and the packing fraction of se, bcc, fec, de and
b)Show (111) and (222) planes in a cubic unit cell of side a, Compute the distances of these
planes from a parallel plane passing through the origin.
Q.3 (10+6)
a)Derive an expression for the lattice heat capacity of a solid following Einstein Model.
the assumptions & predictions of this Model and compare it with experimental observations
high and low temperatures.
b)A light of wavelength 4000 Å is inelastically scattered by diamond crystal of refractive
2.42. Calculate the maximum frequency of phonon generated and the fractional change in
frequency of incident radiation (V, = 12000 m/s).
Q.4 (10+6)
a)Explain Max Von Laue's equations, discuss and derive Bragg's law from these equations.
b)Copper (63.54 amu) with fec lattice has density of 8960 kg/m, Calculate the unit cell
dimension and the radius of Cu atom. (l amu = 1.66 x 10^-27 kg).
Q.5 (12+4)
a) What is a Briilouin zone? Discuss the construction of first Brillouin zones of BCC and
FCC lattice.
b) Draw (110) plane in the unit cell of a cubic erystal. Show all the <111> directions that lie
on this plane and give the miller indices of each direction.
Q.6 (10+6)
a) Obtain dispersion relatíon for 1D diatomic lattice and discuss the nature of acoustie and
optical ntodes.
(i) Show that the group velocity vanishes at zone boundary.
(ii) Find the maximum frequency that can
propagate through crystal.
b)Obtain the vector fromof Bragg's law from Ewald construction in reciprocal lattice.