Sintered Metal Fiberscarbon Molecular Sieve Membra
Sintered Metal Fiberscarbon Molecular Sieve Membra
Sintered Metal Fiberscarbon Molecular Sieve Membra
Carbon molecular sieve membranes (CMSM) were fabricated on sintered metal fibers (SMFs) by a template
method using resorcinol–formaldehyde resin as precursor. The morphology and textural properties of the
as-synthesized SMFs@CMSM composite were characterized by FTIR, BET and SEM, respectively. The
adsorption performances of isopropanol in the structured fixed-bed adsorber based on the SMFs@CMSM
Received 6th May 2017
Accepted 19th July 2017
composites were evaluated. The adsorption dynamic results showed that the mass transfer in the
structured fixed-bed has been obviously enhanced via adding the SMFs@CMSM composites in the outlet.
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra04984f
The length of unused bed (LUB) theory and Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model were also applied to further analyze the bed utilization efficiency and adsorption dynamic data.
37604 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 37604–37611 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
Paper RSC Advances
amphiphilic surfactants (e.g. pluronic F-127 and P-123).23 There Table 1 Synthesis conditions for different samples
is currently no published experimental information regarding
Recipe no. R/F127 R/HCl R/F R/EtOH R/water
the design and fabrication of carbon molecular sieve
membranes (CMSM) on the surface of SMFs by using resor- S1 1 : 0.005 1 : 0.18 1.1 8.3 16
cinol–formaldehyde resin as precursor. S2 1 : 0.002 1 : 0.18 1.1 8.3 16
This paper aims to develop novel porous SMFs@CMSM S3 1 : 0.007 1 : 0.18 1.1 8.3 16
composites which can be applied in structured xed-bed for the S4 1 : 0.005 1 : 0.1 1.1 8.3 16
S5 1 : 0.005 1 : 0.3 1.1 8.3 16
low concentration isopropanol removal.
2. Experimental
added to the above solution and stirred for 30 min. Finally, HCl
2.1. Materials
was added as a catalyst to the solution. The molar ratios of the
Sintered metal bers (SMFs) plates (diameter: 20 mm; porosity: solutions were 0.002–0.007F127 : 8.3EtOH : 16water : 1.0R :
0.75 0.05) used as support were supplied by Xian fuerth lter 1.1F : 0.1–0.3HCl. Aer stirring for 6 h, the precursor solution
company (China). Resorcinol (R) was purchased from Guangz- separated into two-phases. The transparent upper phase was
hou Chemical Reagent Factory. Formaldehyde (F, 37 wt%) was ethanol–water rich, which was discarded. The yellow lower
obtained from Guangzhou Donghong Chemical Factory. Plur- phase was polymer-rich resorcinol formaldehyde resin precur-
onic F-127 (EO106PO70EO106) was supplied by Sigma-Aldrich Co. sors. The pretreated SMFs support was impregnated into it for
LLC. HCl was purchased from Dongguan Shuangde Chemical at least 10 min. Subsequently, the resulting support was pre-
Co. Ltd. Ethanol (EtOH) was provided by Tianjin Fuyu Fine heated in an oven at 90 C for 12 h.
Chemical Co. Ltd. Deionized water was used in all synthesis 2.2.3. Carbonization. The obtained brown polymer
process. All of the chemical reagents used in this study were membranes were carbonized under a nitrogen atmosphere with
analytical grade. the ow rate of 80 mL min1. Calcination was carried out at
400 C with a heating rate of 2 C min1 and held at this
2.2. Preparation of SMFs@CMSM composites temperature for 1 h. Then the temperature was increased to
600 C for 2 h with a heating rate of 2 C min1. Aerward, the
2.2.1. Pretreatment of support. The SMFs support was
membranes were allowed cooling down to room temperature.
calcined in air at 550 C for 5 h to form an oxide layer on the
The samples were designated as S1 to S5. The details of
stainless steel bers surface.
synthetic conditions and sample names were showed in Table 1.
2.2.2. Synthesis of resorcinol–formaldehyde resin precur-
sors and coating. The schematic diagram of the preparation of
SMFs@CMSM composites can be seen in Fig. 1. Pluronic F127 2.3. Characterization of SMFs@CMSM composites
was added in ethanol solution and stirred until F127 complete Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra proles
dissolution. Resorcinol (R) was dissolved in water. Then the two of the as-synthesized samples were recorded in the 500–4000
solutions were mixed and formaldehyde (F) was dropping cm1 range using a Vertex70 spectrometer (Bruker Optics,
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presented in Table 2. The N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms to the presence of mesopores. Specically, for materials with
indicate the existence of both micropores and mesopores in pores larger than ca. 5 nm, the width of the hysteresis loop is
SMFs@CMSM composites. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that all of the dependent on their pores quality such as uniformity. For
adsorption isotherms present type IV with obvious increasing of example, MCM-41 with less uniform pore structures usually
adsorbed amount at low relative pressure (P/P0 < 0.1), indicating possesses a relatively broad hysteresis loop.29 The existing of
the presence of micropores in these materials. There is a sharp hysteresis indicates the mesopores-rich of as-synthesized
capillary condensation step at intermediate P/P0 probably due membrane based adsorbents. For SMFs@CMSM composites,
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Fig. 5 SEM micrographs of the SMFs@CMSM composites (a); cross section of the SMFs@CMSM composites: 5000 (b), 10 000 (c) and
20 000 times (d) magnification.
well-dened H2-type hysteresis loops are observed, which the amount of F127 can reduce the surface area and the pore
associated with capillary condensation and desorption sug- volume. It is appropriate to select R : F127 as 1 : 0.005. Very
gesting the formation of worm-like mesopores. The mesopores little change has been observed when the amount of catalyst
will enhance their adsorption capacity as well. The H2-type (HCl) changed according to the BET surface areas of S1, S4 and
hysteresis loop of S1 is smaller than the others owing to their S5. Hence, the factor of catalyst is less important than that of
relatively small mesopore size (3.48 nm, shown in Table 2). As template agent during the synthesis process. The possible
can be seen in Table 2, the BET surface areas of the reason is the strategy of polymer (resorcinol–formaldehyde
SMFs@CMSM composites relied on the amount of template resin) and surfactant (F127) forming an organic–organic inter-
agent (F127) and catalyst (HCl) added. Increasing or decreasing action and the charged polymer chain interacting with the tails
Fig. 6 Breakthrough curves for isopropanol adsorption in structured Fig. 7 Breakthrough curves for isopropanol adsorption in structured
fixed bed and 3 cm conventional GACs fixed bed (inlet concentration fixed bed and 3 cm conventional GACs fixed bed (inlet concentration
¼ 2–3.6 mg L1, flow rate ¼ 4 L min1). ¼ 2.8 mg L1, flow rate ¼ 3–5 L min1).
37608 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 37604–37611 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
Paper RSC Advances
Table 3 Length of unused bed (LUB) for isopropanol adsorption in stainless steel bers. The thicknesses of the CMSM were about
fixed beds 847.8 nm and 985.3 nm, respectively.
Inlet concentration Flow rate
(mg L1) (L min1) Adsorption xed beds LUB (cm)
4.2. Adsorption dynamics
2 4 GAC xed bed 1.1003 4.2.1. Breakthrough curves. The effects of inlet concentra-
Structured xed beda 0.7891 tion and ow rate on the adsorption breakthrough curves of
2.8 4 GAC xed bed 1.0543
Structured xed beda 0.9071
isopropanol over the structured xed bed and 3 cm conven-
3.6 4 GAC xed bed 1.3262 tional GACs xed bed are shown in Fig. 6 and 7, respectively.
Structured xed beda 1.1727 Specically, structured xed bed is lled with 2 cm GAC in the
2.8 3 GAC xed bed 1.0089 inlet and 1 cm SMFs@CMSM composites (S1) in the outlet of
Structured xed beda 0.8029 xed bed. Fig. 6 shows the isopropanol breakthrough curves
2.8 5 GAC xed bed 1.0025
Structured xed beda 1.0022
measured using the inlet concentration of 2–3.6 mg L1 while
a xed ow rate at 2 L min1. Fig. 7 presents the breakthrough
Relative to 3 cm structured xed bed lled with 2 cm GAC in the inlet curves measured at different gas ow rate (3–5 L min1), but
of bed and 1 cm SMFs@CMSM composites in the outlet of 2 bed.
keep the inlet isopropanol concentration constant at 2.8 mg
L1. In Fig. 6 and 7, it is clearly shown that the breakthrough
time of isopropanol in two different xed beds decreased with
of the surfactant. Then a thermally decomposition of the
increasing initial concentration and ow rate, which may be
surfactant will form a periodic ordered nanocomposite.30
attributed to a quicker saturation of adsorbent in xed bed at
Specically, in this work, F127 is carbonized by high-
higher inlet concentration and ow rate. Therefore, it can be
temperature calcination under N2 ow to form a carbona-
concluded that the utilization efficiency of adsorbents was
ceous pore wall. Therefore, the amount of F127 affects signi-
decreased with the increasing of inlet concentration and ow
cantly the formation of pore structures in the carbon molecular
rate. As seen in Fig. 6 and 7, it also can be found that the
sieve membranes and their surface areas.
steepness of all breakthrough curves of isopropanol adsorption
In addition, comparing with our previous work, the BET
in structured xed bed are more upright than those in indi-
surface area of SMFs@CMSM composites prepared by the
vidual xed bed at varying concentrations and ow rates. The
template method with resorcinol–formaldehyde resin precur-
increasing steepness of breakthrough curves indicates that the
sors are proved to be twice larger than that of composites
mass transfer in the structured bed has been obviously
prepared using PFA/PEG/acetone precursor, the BET surface
enhanced via adding the SMFs@CMSM composites, which can
area of which is only around 30 m2 g1.31 Based on the results in
be attributed to the shorter internal diffusion path of thin
Table 2, S1 was selected to do the following test and experiment
carbon molecular sieve membrane. The shorter internal diffu-
due to the catalyst playing little effect on the BET surface area.
sion path obviously reduced solid mass transfer resistance. And
4.1.3. SEM. Fig. 5(a) shows the SEM image of
the lm mass transfer area has also been signicantly increased
SMFs@CMSM composites (S1), while Fig. 5(b)–(d) are the cross-
due to the three-dimensional structure of SMFs@CMSM
sectional SEM images of composites. It clearly shows in Fig. 5(a)
that the continuous carbon molecular sieve membranes
4.2.2. Determination of LUB. The LUB values were also
covered on the surface of stainless steel bers. The as-
calculated by analyzing the experimental breakthrough curves
synthesized carbon membranes are relatively compact and
of isopropanol in both conventional xed bed and structured
smooth with a little slit. The cross-sectional SEM images indi-
xed bed according to eqn (1), and the results are listed in Table
cate the membranes were successfully covered on the surface of
3. The LUB value represents bed utilization efficiency.32,33 The
Table 4 Parameters of BDST model for isopropanol adsorption in different fixed beds at various flow 1 rates and inlet concentrations
Values of parameters
Inlet concentration (mg L1) Flow rate (L min1) Adsorption xed beds N0 (g L1) Ka (L mg1 min1) R2
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