The Wheel of Emotions
The Wheel of Emotions
The Wheel of Emotions
There is no doubt that everyday life is like the wheel of emotions, we experience them
daily, but we do not always understand them.
In recent years, scientists seem to have left behind the cult of intellectual intelligence , to
study emotions with special interest.
And previously, the ability to solve problems was attributed solely to intellectual
intelligence and the famous IQ or Intellectual Quotient .
But now, thanks to various studies, we know that emotional management is a key piece,
which intervenes not only in knowledge, but in its direct application.
Before starting with the guide to the wheel of emotions, I would like to ask you a simple
question: HOW DO YOU FEEL?... analyze it, what is your answer?
How do the majority answer this simple question? generally with very brief answers, such
as: “good” , “tired” , “ better ”, “leave me” , “nothing” .
Despite being a very simple question, the most common answers reflect a great lack of
knowledge of one's own emotions or an evasion of them.
The question refers to a recent emotional state, not to what I do, or what I have, or where I
am, or what I want them to do for me...
How much do you tend to “self-apply” these responses (I'm fine , tired , I don't know what I
have, etc.) , evading what you feel or leaving your interlocutor with more doubts?
If this is your case, or you simply want to develop your emotional awareness more, good
time, here you will learn a powerful tool to identify and understand your emotions.
The wheel of emotions works based on a schematized relationship between the different
emotions, which it describes following 3 criteria:
Plutchik took the properties of colors as an analogy to study and explain the way in which
emotions combine with each other.
As in primary colors , the mixture of basic emotions gives rise to compound emotions , which
in turn have different tones or nuances.
The conception of this analogy with colors is essential to understand how to use the wheel
of emotions in a practical way.
1. Typology
To understand how it works, this criterion is the starting point (and the easiest to
understand), since it is based on a very simple conceptualization.
As we already mentioned, Plutchik classified emotions into 2 large groups: basic and
compound emotions, or primary and secondary .
The 8 basic emotions are: Joy , Sadness , Fear , Anger , Trust , Disgust , Surprise and
Anticipation , and the compound emotions would be all the others.
We can locate these basic emotions in the circumference subsequent to the central circle
(around the “core”) of the wheel.
2. Antagonism
Plutchik states that the 8 Basic Emotions (whose combination gives rise to all the others),
can be grouped into 4 pairs of opposite poles:
Between these opposite emotions there are several stages or “intermediate emotions” that
gradually separate them, and they resemble each other to a greater or lesser extent,
according to their degree of separation.
The relationship of similarity or antagonism between emotions is located in the area of
intersection between the diametrically opposed “petals” and the limits of each
3. Intensity
In this criterion, the level of excitement of the emotions and their transitions are represented
by the gradualness of the colors in each “petal” .
In such a way that the closer an emotion is to the core, its color will be darker (intense
emotions) and the further away it is, its color will be paler (contained emotions).
For example: in the center of the wheel, the dark blue that represents Affliction changes to
a faint blue indicating that Sadness is decreasing in intensity compared to its predecessor.
Specifically, the practical application of the wheel of emotions usually occurs in 3 large
areas of psychology:
Emotional Dyads
For Plutchik, each emotion has “a reason for being” , very specific functions that distinguish
them and allow the survival of the individual in their environment.
According to their sequential model, emotions are activated upon exposure to specific
stimuli, which in turn triggers so-called survival behaviors (Krohn, 2007).
That is, emotions are neither good nor bad, but necessary. And they are activated
instinctively and unconsciously to generate behaviors that ensure our well-being.
For Plutchik, each emotion (and its combinations) can generate various survival behaviors:
If we cannot recognize our own emotions, we will not be able to communicate them assertively
either. We call this skill emotion recognition .
Therefore, seen from an emotional point of view, life can be very rich, nutritious and varied. We
have a whole “menu” at our disposal!
Plutchik left us 8 basic emotions: Joy , Sadness , Fear , Anger , Trust , Disgust , Surprise and
Anticipation , which we should learn to recognize and use.
Most animals can experience basic emotions, however, humans can generate many more
emotions: compound emotions.
What are the emotions you most often experience? How do you react to them ? , Do you know the
stimuli to which you react most intensely?…
If you spend some time getting to know yourself, you will surely find many ways to better channel
your emotions. Plus, it's a very fun process!
A study by The Greater Good Science Center suggests that there are at least 27 different
emotions (Cowen & Keltner, 2017). And that doesn't even include combinations of emotions.
With so many emotions, how do you navigate the turbulent waters of feelings without getting
Through years of studying emotions, American psychologist Dr. Robert Plutchik proposed that
there are eight primary emotions that serve as the basis for all others: joy, sadness, acceptance,
disgust, fear, anger, surprise and anticipation. (Polish, 2016)
So while it is difficult to understand the 34,000 different emotions, we can learn to identify the
primary emotions and act accordingly. It is especially useful for times of intense feelings and
when the mind cannot remain objective as it operates from an impulsive "fight or flight"
response. (Watkins, 2014)
Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three emotional intelligence
exercises for free . These science - based exercises will not only improve your ability to
understand and work with your emotions, but they will also give you the tools to foster the
emotional intelligence of your clients, students, or employees.
“Emotion is defined as an episode of synchronized and interrelated changes in the state of all or
most of the five organismic subsystems in response to the evaluation of an external or internal
stimulus event as relevant to the organism's main concerns” (Emotion Researcher, 2015).
Below is a table from the International Handbook of Emotions in Education. It shows the
relationship between these various factors and subsystems, as well as their supposed functions
(Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garica, 2014). There are also plenty of books on emotional intelligence .
1. Emotional component
This is where an individual simply experiences the feelings. It is about monitoring the internal
universe and recognizing what is being experienced at that moment.
Once the emotion is identified, the body goes into action. Emotions grant certain actions instead
of others, meaning that while some are out of our control (and luckily), like removing our hand
from a hot iron, others are within our control, facing the fear of continuing a speech or a
presentation. .
3. Evaluation component
Through the cognitive analysis of emotion, the individual can capture the situations, actions,
environments or people that cause the emotion. This helps the individual track how these stimuli
affect their well-being. It is also invaluable in helping to communicate the state of our internal
world to others.
4. Engine component
This is the communicative function of how we express what we are experiencing (facial
expressions, hand gestures, body movements, etc.). Therefore, it is extremely important at the
inter-individual level as well as at the individual level.
5. Physiological Component
This component is compatible with all the others and is the chemical reaction that our body
experiences. For example, the rush of blood to the hands occurs when one experiences the
emotion of anger.
Although the components of the emotions we feel are present in all individuals, the intensity and
expression of these emotions differ from one person to another. There are also social factors
such as gender, culture and race, which influence why people may feel different emotions
despite similar situations.
For example, hearing words like: "I'm scared", "I feel nervous", "I don't want to be here" or "I
just don't have enough time to prepare for the final", are part of the different components of an
“The first expression (I'm afraid) describes a subjective feeling of fear. The second example (I
feel nervous) refers to the physiological component of an emotion. The third example (I don't
want to be here) indicates a tendency toward avoidance action, which may or may not be
carried out. The fourth example describes several appraisals of the situation, including goal
frustration (I am not prepared) and powerlessness (I do not have enough time). Observable
motor activities are also associated with emotions. For example, facial expression, such as
smiling or frowning, body postures, such as opening the arms or raising the fists, and voice
changes, such as raised pitch, can be observed in emotional situations.”
(Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garica 2, 2014)
Now that the complex system of emotions and all its components are a little clearer, we can dive
into the work of Plutchik and his wheel. (Pico, 2016)
The eight main emotions he identified, which are the basis of all the others, are grouped into
opposite poles:
The foundation of his theory of emotions is derived from the following ten postulates:
(Changing Minds, 2016)
The Wheel of Emotions by Dr.
Robert Plutchik.
The eight emotions are arranged by colors that establish a set of similar emotions. Primary
emotions are located in the second circle. Emotions with softer colors are a mix of the two
primary emotions.
Moving to the center of the circle intensifies the emotion, so the colors also intensify. For
example, in the center of the wheel, the primary emotions change from: anger to rage;
anticipation of surveillance; joy to ecstasy; confidence to admiration; fear of terror; surprise to
amazement; sadness to pain; disgust to disgust. Moving to the outer layers, the colors become
less saturated and the intensity of the emotions decreases.
Opposite polar emotions are facing each other. The spaces between emotions demonstrate
combinations when primary emotions mix. We then see the emergence of emotions such as love,
submission, optimism, aggressiveness, contempt, remorse, disapproval, amazement and
That's why the tool is so useful. It allows the user to visualize their emotions and understand
what combinations of emotions created this result.
Once we objectify and understand emotions, we can empathize with ourselves and channel our
focus in the direction of the emotions we really want to feel.
There are two ways to use the wheel, either as a two-dimensional circle or as a three-
dimensional ellipse. Using it as a two-dimensional circle allows the individual to immerse
themselves in the wheel of emotion. This helps them discover what primary emotions they are
feeling, as well as how the emotions combine to create secondary emotions such as awe,
remorse, aggression, optimism, etc.).
By using it as a three-dimensional shape, the individual can see the emotional intensity of
primary and secondary emotions. (Roeckelein, 2006)
According to Plutchik's Sequential Model, emotions are activated due to specific stimuli, which
trigger certain behavioral patterns. (Krohn, 2007)
This means that when our emotions are activated, they do so to provoke one of the survival
behaviors. Of course, all of this happens on a subconscious level.
2 Emotion Wheel Worksheets
To access deeper into the mind and get to the root cause of these inner emotions, here are
several worksheets to help the process:
While both wheels focus on emotions and their intensities, the GEW uses a different approach.
To start, there are no primary emotions, but rather a set of 20 emotions that are evaluated by two
sets of polar parameters (version 2.0 has 20 emotions, while the first model lists 16).
The two parameters are valence (describing a situation as unpleasant or pleasant) and
control/power (observing whether or not the individual has high or low control over the situation
and its outcomes).
Another big difference between the two is the intensity of the emotions. The GEW has reversed
its intensity, with stronger emotions represented by larger circles on the outer layers; These
decrease in size as they approach the center.
One of the biggest differences between these emotional intelligence tools is that the Geneva
Emotion Wheel also gives people the ability to select options for 'no emotions' or 'other
That's because “it gives respondents a lot of freedom to express themselves. [It is important] to
note that a pure free response format can be a disadvantage because there can be a large
variation in how and how well respondents express themselves in their own words (e.g. e.g.,
Gohm & Clore, 2000) and the resulting variability in measurements. between individuals and
situations can reduce the reliability of the measurement. (Sacharin, Schlegel and Scherer, 2012)
Another big difference is that the Plutchik wheel does not express emotions like pride and
shame, which the GEW does. Aside from that, both tools provide an excellent starting point for
detecting emotions.
For example, suppose you would like to better understand your client's baseline emotional state
on a typical day. In that case, you might ask them to complete an emotions wheel as part of a
standardized set of admissions materials.
Alternatively, perhaps if your client has a mood disorder or experiences rapid fluctuations in
emotions, you can invite them to complete emotion wheels as a form of reflection after
emotionally intense events throughout the day.
For a helpful tool that facilitates either approach, check out the Quenza digital e-therapy app.
The platform provides a simple way to help professionals design and share reflection activities,
quizzes, and more, all through a simple drag-and-drop builder.
Among the various elements you can include in your activities is a 'wheel', which can be labeled
with emotions according to one of the frameworks we have explored.
Upon completing their wheel activity, clients can provide ratings (for example, regarding the
intensity or frequency of that emotion) for each segment of the wheel. Counselors can then use
the final result, which looks like a spider diagram, to facilitate discussion and reflection.
This is just one of Quenza's useful tools that can be customized to help your clients understand
their emotions. If you would like to learn more about Quenza and its features, check out our case
study article dedicated to psychoeducation interventions or consider taking advantage of the
platform's 30-day risk-free trial .
As Dr. Watkins explained, most people remain trapped in the state of consciousness of a nine-
year-old child, due to the set of rules imposed by the educational system, society and the
business world. How strange is that?
When a crisis enters our lives (or another intense event), we begin to ask ourselves more
questions about the role we play in the world. We begin to pay attention to the emotions and
messages they send to themselves and others.
When people are ready to face their negative or positive emotions, the inability to verbalize
hinders this development process. When we are distressed, using these emotional tools helps us
establish a plan of action.
As a first step, people can examine their emotions, understand what events and stimuli trigger
certain emotions for them, and the outcomes that tend to follow. For example, before a dinner or
similar social event, a human being may feel "apprehensive" because they want to feel like they
belong to a particular group. By understanding and labeling this emotion, the person can be less
hard on themselves for feeling a little nervous.
Emotions influence our health, performance, well-being, motivation, sense of accomplishment
and decision-making skills. It is important to understand and manage them.
When people don't understand their current emotion, they may panic as their internal locus of
control leaves them disillusioned. This is natural, hence the importance of recognizing our
feelings. As a review, people with an internal locus of control believe that,
“events in one's life, whether good or bad, are caused by controllable factors such as one's
attitude, preparation, and effort” (Grinnell, 2016).
Wheels in Counseling
These tools are valuable to people in counseling sessions as a way to identify the exact emotion
(from a list of many) and understand how the emotion was created. Such responses can provide
clarity and solution orientation, rather than a fixation on the problems that caused the dilemma
or intense feelings.
Below is the table of the combinations that can be had when mixing primary emotions
(Anderson, 2017).
Once people identify what they feel and why they feel it, counselors can delve into the
subconscious and make sense of what works and what doesn't.
That's where the tool comes in. Help in the following four ways:
1. Simplify emotions
Walking around with a mind full of confusion and uncertainty can make anyone feel sad or
overwhelmed. This is especially true for clients and people who want to understand themselves
or a stressful situation, but don't know where to start. With an emotion wheel, the client can
navigate through the various emotions and pinpoint the specific ones they are experiencing.
By drawing up his or her own picture of stimulus events, cognitive evaluation, subjective
reaction, behavioral reaction, and function, an individual can become more aware of his or her
habits and behaviors.
Keeping an emotions journal, where you write about what you felt throughout the day and what
caused it, is a great way to incorporate reflection with this tool.
When someone shares their deep inner emotions and feelings with another, it creates an
environment of trust and openness.
By sharing, the client can open up and initiate the propulsion for change and self-improvement.
It also helps create a positive relationship between the client and the counselor or therapist.
4. Empower people
Being in tune with what you feel (and therefore do) can be empowering. Instead of trying to
repress, reject, or ignore emotions, people learn to express and share them constructively, as
well as analyze the role they play in one's life.
Awareness in this area can provide clients with the opportunity to align with the things they
want, the outcomes they care about, and the emotional states that help them work toward their
goals despite looming challenges. (Minter, 2014)
A fun test using Plutchik's Emotion Wheel: Who Are You Really
According to the Emotion Wheel?
Those who are curious to see what their emotions reveal about them and how it influences their
personality can take any of these emotional intelligence tests .
The knowledge that one leaves with, about oneself, gives clarity and understanding, which is
essential for development and growth. It expands one's cognition, which is crucial in our
judgment, problem solving, higher-level thinking, planning, imagination, perception and more.
In fact,
“The primary way cognitions and emotions are linked is through appraisals. When something
happens, we evaluate what it means to us, its importance to us: this is an emotional evaluation
or an evaluation that leads to an emotional reaction. These appraisals are thought to help us
make precise distinctions about our emotional experiences or determine the extent or intensity
of the emotion.”
(Ogelk, 2017).
The next time one experiences certain emotions (which is an energy in motion), the individual
has the ability to use all the information gathered and self-knowledge to find the path to the
results they desire.
Those who want to expand their knowledge of emotions can take a look at these additional
resources, including a video explaining why suppressing emotions is a bad idea.
In the process, you may become familiar with other similar emotional states and even share your
journey with friends. You can examine this universe of emotions and see what planet you are
currently on. (Complete Coherence, 2017)
Additionally, it allows people to track their emotional process and start taking steps to improve
it. This increases a person's emotional intelligence and allows them to better understand
themselves and others.
There are several tools that can help children understand their emotions. With the release of
Pixar's animated film, Inside Out, which focuses on the emotions we feel inside us, there are
many materials available to start these types of conversations with younger children.
These tools include worksheets such as board games, a memory journal, and ideas for children
to draw and share their feelings with parents, teachers, and other caregivers (Mehlomakulu,
2015). You'll find a lot of these tools in our article Is Emotional Intelligence Relevant for Kids?
This video explains why trying to suppress or ignore emotions can create many more problems
than solutions. While it is true that there are more negative emotions (shame, fear, sadness,
anger, disgust) than positive ones (happiness, surprise/interest), both are vital for our survival.
That's because our real emotions help us get what we really want. And by listening to the
emotions we have been carrying but ignoring, we can release stagnant ones and make room for
new ones.
A message to take home
The main takeaways from the video above help summarize the usefulness and application of
Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, as well as other similar tools.
With the wheel of emotions and these golden rules in hand, life can become more manageable.
Imagine a world where everyone had the language to identify an emotion and understand what
they felt. It would help communication in all fields.
Do you use the wheel of emotions in your practice or in your daily life? If so, we'd love to hear
from you in our comments section below.
For more information, check out the following five articles on emotional intelligence:
If you're looking to help your clients become more emotionally intelligent by sharing online
exercises and tools with them, the new Quenza app will help you do just that.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don't forget to download our 3 Emotional Intelligence
Exercises for free .
Affective Sciences. (2017, September 27). The Geneva Wheel of Emotion – CISA –
UNIGE. Retrieved from
Anderson, J. (March 26, 2017). Dada and Composite Emotions. Retrieved from
Change of minds. (2016). Plutchik's ten postulates. Retrieved from
Complete consistency. (2017). Universe of Emotions . Retrieved from
Cowen, A.S. and Keltner, D. (2017). The self-report captures 27 distinct categories of
emotion linked by continuous gradients. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences , 114(38), E7900-E7909.
Emotion researcher. (2015, March). The component process model of emotion and the
power of coincidences | Emotion researcher. Retrieved from
Grinnell, R. (2016, June 17). Internal locus of control. Retrieved from'
Krohn, M. (2007). Robert Plutchik's Psychoevolutionary Theory of Basic Emotions.
Retrieved from
Mehlomakulu, C. (2015, July 18). Using "Inside Out" to explore emotions. Retrieved
Minter, A. (February 26, 2014). What is the Wheel of Feelings? Retrieved from
Ogelk. (2017). Emotion Cognition Motivation. Retrieved from
Pekrun, R. and Linnenbrink-García, L. (2014). International Manual of Emotions in
Education , Chapter 2: Concepts and Structures of Emotions.
Pico, I. (March 23, 2016). The wheel of emotions, by Robert Plutchik | PsychoPeak.
Obtained from
Pollack, D. (2015, November 12). Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions Cheat Sheet. Retrieved
Roeckelein, J. (2006). Elsevier Dictionary of Psychological Theories.
Sacharin, V., Schlegel, K. and Scherer, K. (2012, August 13). Evaluation study of the
Geneva wheel of emotions. Retrieved from
Screen (2017). Plutchik's wheel of emotions: how does it work and how can it be applied?
– General description of the book chapter. u3083644. Retrieved from
Watkins, A. (October 29, 2014). How controlling your emotional responses can improve
your performance at work. Retrieved from
The wheel of emotions by R. Plutchik
Posted on September 19, 2012 by Lic. Margarita Rodríguez Suárez
"What really matters for success, happiness and a long life of achievement is emotional intelligence."
Daniel Goleman
The term “emotional intelligence,” which Daniel Goleman began to use, refers to the benefits of knowing and
identifying emotions while controlling and managing our expressions of them, the ability to self-motivate, have
empathy, and a certain ability to relate to other people's emotions. The objective? that of increasing our psycho-
physical well-being or being happier.
Emotions are mental states that arise accompanied by physiological changes. There have been several theories
about emotions. One of them is that of Robert Plutchik who recognizes the greatest number of primary emotions
(eight). Secondary emotions would be combinations of the primary ones.
Joy-Fear: Guilt
Fear-Sadness: Despair
Anger -Sadness: Envy
Anger-Joy: Pride
Trust- Surprise: Curiosity
Anticipation-Trust: Fatalism
Anticipation -Rejection: Cynicism
Surprise- Rejection: ?
Joy- Surprise: Delight
Joy -Rejection: Morbidity
Sadness Confidence-: Sentimentalism
Sadness- Anticipation: Pessimism
Fear -Anticipation-: Anxiety
Fear- Rejection: Shame
Anger Surprise: Indignation
Anger-Trust: Domination
Types of secondary emotions and how they are
Jan 17, 2022 | Coaching , Psychology and Psychopedagogy
The most basic human emotions, those common to other mammals, have become increasingly complex.
This evolution has provided man with a rich and diverse emotional spectrum thanks to the formation of
secondary emotions , which we are going to talk to you about in the next few lines. Shall we begin?
Remember that if you want to learn more about the types of emotions in childhood you can specialize with
our Master in Child Psychology and learn all the principles of emotional intelligence.
Index of contents
What are secondary emotions?
o How are these types of emotions formed?
o When do secondary emotions appear?
o Because they are important?
Types of secondary emotions
Wheel of emotions according to Robert Plutchik
o 5 “universal” secondary emotions
What is the difference between primary and secondary emotions?
o Stimulation of emotional intelligence
1.2.- What are the basic emotions according to the different authors
1.2.1.- The 6 basic emotions (Ekman, Goleman)
This classification of basic emotions is the most widespread and accepted. It was conceived by
Paul Ekman (1979), psychologist, researcher and professor, who was a pioneer in the study of
emotions and their facial expression. He identified 6 basic and practically universal emotions in
all cultures. According to their studies these are: Fear, sadness, anger, joy, surprise and
disgust .
For Daniel Goleman (1995) , psychologist, journalist, writer and scientific communicator, famous
for his book “Emotional Intelligence”, there are also 6 basic emotions: Fear, sadness, anger,
happiness, surprise and aversion .
1.2.2.- The four basic emotions (Glasgow University)
According to a recent study carried out at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom, and
taking into account the reactions of the different facial muscles that produce emotions, they
conclude that there are 4 basic emotions : Fear, sadness, anger and happiness . They
consider that fear and surprise share the same base signal (eyes wide open) and also disgust and
anger (wrinkled nose).
1.2.3.- 5 basic emotions
This classification of basic emotions responds to the decision of the scriptwriters of the Pixar film
“Inside Out” who chose only five emotions to represent due to the limitations of the script. They
decided that the 5 basic emotions are: Fear, sadness, anger, joy and disgust , taking into
consideration that these can be found and identified in all cultures of the world.
1.2.4.- The 7 basic emotions
Paul Ekman , in the 1990s, considering that emotions are universal and have a biological origin,
expanded his previous classification to 7 basic emotions : Fear, sadness, anger, happiness,
surprise, disgust and contempt . Including contempt when considering that this emotion and its
expression are universally recognized.
1.2.5.- Plutchik's basic emotions (wheel of 8 basic and 8 advanced emotions)
Robert Plutchik (1980), psychologist and professor, created the Wheel of Emotions which shows
the interrelationship of human emotions, with 8 basic emotions: Fear, sadness, anger, joy,
surprise, trust, displeasure and anticipation and 8 advanced emotions that They are obtained
from the first: Love, contempt, optimism, submission, fear, disappointment, remorse and
treachery .
Plutchik's Wheel of Basic Emotions (1980) represents 8 basic emotions and 2 intensities of each of them and 8 advanced
We know our emotions thanks to their intrusion into our conscious minds, whether it is welcome
or not. But emotions did not evolve as conscious feelings.
Emotions evolved as a result of behavioral and physiological specializations: physical responses
controlled by the brain that allowed ancient organisms to survive in hostile environments and
Even though much progress has been made in defining emotions, to this day, psychology
continues to study whether any particular reaction is identified with a specific emotion. For
example, if chills are an exclusive reaction to fear.
Despite this, most specialists agree on drawing a line across all human emotions and
distinguishing those that are primary (evolutionarily) from those that are secondary.
For the psychologist Theodore Ribot, our personality involves in its depth the origin of the great
affective trinity constituted by fear, anger and desire: they are the three instincts born directly
from organic life: defensive instinct, offensive instinct, nutritional instinct.
From this starting point, fear and anger
were maintained, and joy and sadness were added, four emotions that higher mammals also
possess, and a picture of four primary emotions was then formed, with their respective variety of
In 'The expression of emotions in man and animals' , Charles Darwin stated that 'the main acts of
expression manifested by man and other lower animals are innate or inherited, that is, the
individual has not acquired them'.
As proof that emotions are innate, he pointed out the similarity of expressions in the same
species and between different species. Darwin was quite impressed by the fact that man's bodily
expressions that occur when emotions occur, especially facial expressions, are the same
throughout the world, regardless of ethnic or cultural origins. He also indicated that these same
expressions are present in people who were born blind and who, therefore, lack the possibility of
having learned muscle movements by seeing them in others, and that they are also present in
children who have not had much time to learn. learn to imitate them.
Primary emotions are usually accompanied by clear physical cues. When we are depressed, our
body mobilizes (or demobilizes) to disconnect. And when we are happy, our body mobilizes to
make positive commitments and actions. Certain muscles activate to support certain actions, and
the brain sends special messages to the endocrine glands (which control the production and
release of hormones) and the autonomic nervous system (which regulates organs over which you
have no voluntary control, such as the heart and stomach.
What are secondary emotions?
Currently, for most authors there are eight basic emotions, of which four are primary: anger, joy,
fear and sadness and another four are secondary, with their respective varieties of
In this scheme, love is a primary dyad resulting from the mixture of two adjacent basic emotions:
joy and acceptance, while guilt is a secondary dyad formed by joy and fear, which are separated
by acceptance. The more distance there is between two basic emotions, the less likely they are to
mix. And if two distant emotions mix, conflict is likely to arise. Fear and surprise are adjacent and
combine directly to give rise to a state of alarm, but joy and fear are separated from each other
by acceptance, and their fusion is imperfect: the resulting conflict is the source of guilt.
Both primary and secondary emotions almost never occur in isolation, rather they are a
combination of all the families of basic emotions mentioned. For example, jealousy can be a
combination of anger, sadness, and fear.
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