7.3 Cash Flow Analysis: Tools For Financial Analysis and Planning
7.3 Cash Flow Analysis: Tools For Financial Analysis and Planning
7.3 Cash Flow Analysis: Tools For Financial Analysis and Planning
According to Accounting Standard - 3 (Revised) an enterprise should prepare a Cash Flow Statement
and should present it for each period with financial statements prepared. AS-3 (Revised) has also given
the meaning of the words cash, cash equivalent and cash flows.
(i) Cash: This includes cash on hand and demand deposits with banks.
(ii) Cash equivalents: Cash Equivalents are short term, highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible into cash. This includes purely short term and highly liquid investments which are readily
convertible into cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Therefore
an investment normally qualifies as a cash equivalent only when it has a short maturity, of say
three months or less.
(iii) Cash flows: This includes inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents. If the effect of
transaction results in the increase of cash and its equivalents, it is called an inflow (source) and if
it results in the decrease of total cash, it is known as outflow (use of cash).
A. Cash flows from Operating Activities: Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing
activities of the enterprise and other activities that are not investing or financing activities. The following
are the important operating activities:
(i) Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services.
(ii) Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue.
(iii) Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services.
(iv) Cash payments to and on behalf of employees.
(v) Cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance enterprise for premiums and claims, annuities
and other policy benefits,
(vi) Cash payments or refunds of income taxes unless they can be specifically identified with
financing and investing activities,
(vii) Cash receipts and payments relating in future contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and
swap contracts when the contracts (Derivatives) are held for dealing or trading purposes.
B. Cash flows from Investing Activities: Examples of cash flows arising from Investing Activities are
(i) Cash payments to acquire fixed assets (including intangibles). These payments include those
relating to capitalised research & development costs and self constructed fixed assets.
(ii) Cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets (including intangibles).
(iii) Cash payments to acquire shares, warrants, or debt instruments of other enterprises and interests
in joint ventures.
(iv) Cash receipts from disposal of shares, warrants, or debt instruments of other enterprises and
interests in joint venture.
(v) Cash advances and loans made to third parties (other than advances and loans made by a
financial enterprise).
(vi) Cash receipts from the repayment of advances and loans made to third parties (other than
advances and loans of a financial enterprise).
C. Cash flows from financing activities: Financing activities are activities that result in changes in the
size and composition of the owners capital (including Preference Share Capital in the case of a
company) and borrowing of the enterprise.
Examples of cash flows arising from financing activities are
(i) Cash proceeds from issuing shares or other similar instruments.
(ii) Cash proceeds from issuing debentures loans, notes, bonds and other short-or long-term
borrowings and
(iii) Cash repayments of amounts borrowed such as redemption of debentures, bonds, preference
Taxes on income: Cash flows arising from taxes on income should be separately disclosed and should
be classified as cash flows from operating activities unless they can be specifically identified with
financing and investing activities.
Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries and other business units : The aggregate cash flows arising
from acquisitions and from disposals of subsidiaries or other business units should be presented
separately and classified as investing activities.
Foreign currency cash flows: Cash flows arising from transactions in a foreign currency should be
recorded in an enterprise’s reporting currency by applying to the foreign currency amount the
exchange rate between the reporting currency and the foreign currency at the date of the cash
flow. The effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents held in a foreign
currency should be reported as a separate part of the reconciliation of the changes in cash and cash
equivalents during the period.
Non-cash transactions: Many investing and financing activities do not have a direct impact on current
cash flows although they do affect the capital and asset structure of an enterprise.
Examples of non-cash transactions are:
Investing and financing transactions that do not require the use of cash or cash equivalents should be
excluded from a Cash Flow Statement. Such transactions should be disclosed elsewhere in the financial
statements in a way that provides all the relevant information about these investing and financing
There are two methods of reporting cash flows from operating activities namely (1) Direct Method and
(2) Indirect Method.
A. The Direct Method: Under the direct method, cash receipts (inflows) from operating revenues and
cash payments (outflows) for operating expenses are calculated to arrive at cash flows from operating
activities. The difference between the cash receipts and cash payments is the net cash flow provided
by (or used in) operating activities. The following are the examples of cash receipts and cash payments
(called cash flows) resulting from operating activities:
(a) Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services.
(b) Cash receipts from royalties, fees commissions and other revenues
(e) Cash receipts and cash payment of an insurance enterprise for premiums and claims annuities
and other policy benefits.
(f) Cash payments or refund of income taxes unless they can be specifically indentified with
financing and investing activities.
Format of Cash Flow Statement: AS-3 (Revised) has not provided any specific format for preparing a
Cash Flows Statement. The Cash Flow Statement should report cash flows during the period classified
by operating, investing and financing activities; a widely used format of Cash Flow Statement is given
B. The Indirect Method: Under the indirect method, the net cash flow from operating activities is
determined by adjusting net profit or loss for the effect of:
(a) Non-cash items such as depreciation, provisions, deferred taxes, and unrealised foreign exchange
gains and losses;
(b) Changes during the period in inventories and operating receivables and payables.
(c) All other items for which the cash effects are investing or financing cash flows.
The indirect method is also called reconciliation method as it involves reconciliation of net profit or loss
as given in the Profit and Loss Account and the net cash flow from operating activities as shown in the
Cash Flow Statement. In other words, net profit or losses adjusted for non-cash and non-operating items
which may have been debited or credited to Profit and Loss Account as follows.
Balance Sheet as on
(`) (`)
Assets March 31, 2015 March 31, 2016
Fixed Assets:
Land 4,80,000 9,60,000
Buildings and Equipment 36,00,000 57,60,000
Current Assets:
Cash 6,00,000 7,20,000
Debtors 16,80,000 18,60,000
Stock 26,40,000 9,60,000
Advances 78,000 90,000
90,78,000 1,03,50,000
Balance Sheet as on
(`) (`)
Liabilities and Equity March 31, 2015 March 31, 2016
Share Capital 36,00,000 44,40,000
Surplus in Profit and Loss A/c 15,18,000 16,38,000
Sundry Creditors 24,00,000 23,40,000
Outstanding Expenses 2,40,000 4,80,000
Income – Tax payable 1,20,000 1,32,000
Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings and Equipment 12,00,000 13,20,000
90,78,000 1,03,50,000
The original cost of equipment sold during the year 2015-16 was ` 7,20,000.
Cash Flow Statement of A Ltd. for the year ended 31st March 2016
(A) Cash flow from Operating Activity: (`) (`)
Cash receipt from customers 2,50,20,000
Less: Cash paid to supplier & employees 2,11,52,000
Cash generated from operation 38,68,000
Less: Income tax paid (8,68,000)
Net cash from operating activity 30,00,000
Working Notes:
1. Cash receipt from customers
Opening + credit sales – Receipts = Closing Balance
16.8 + 252 – Receipts = 18.6
250.2 = Receipts
The Balance Sheet of JK Limited as on 31st March, 2015 and 31st March, 2016 are given below:
Balance Sheet as on
(` ‘000’)
Liabilities 31.03.15 31.03.16 Assets 31.03.15 31.03.16
Share Capital 1,440 1,920 Fixed Assets 3,840 4,560
Capital Reserve -- 48 Less: Depreciation 1,104 1,392
General Reserve 816 960 Net Fixed Asset 2,736 3,168
Profit and Loss A/c 288 360 Investment 480 384
9% Debenture 960 672 Cash 210 312
Current Liabilities 576 624 Other Current Assets
Proposed Dividend 144 174 (including Stock) 1,134 1,272
Provision for Tax 432 408 Preliminary Expenses 96 48
Unpaid Dividend -- 18
4,656 5,184 4,656 5,184
Additional Information:
1. During the year 2015-2016, Fixed Assets with a book value of `2,40,000 (accumulated depreciation
` 84,000) was sold for ` 1,20,000.
3. Some investments are sold at a profit of `48,000 and profit was credited to Capital Reserve.
4. It decided that stocks be valued at cost, whereas previously the practice was to value stock at
cost less 10 per cent. The stock was ` 2,59,200 as on 31.03.15. The stock as on 31.03.16 was correctly
valued at ` 3,60,000.
5. It decided to write off Fixed Assets costing `60,000 on which depreciation amounting to ` 48,000
has been provided.
Prepare a Cash Flow Statement.
Cash Flow Statement (as on 31st March, 2016)
(`) (`) (`)
1. Cash flows from Operating Activities
Profit and Loss A/c [3,60,000 -(2,88,000 + 28,800)] 43,200
Increase in General Reserve 1,44,000
Depreciation 4,20,000
Provision for Tax 4,08,000
Loss on Sale of Machine 36,000
Premium on Redemption of debenture 14,400
Proposed Dividend 1,74,000
Preliminary Exp written off 48,000
Fixed Assets written off 12,000 12,56,400
Funds from operation 12,99,600
Increase in Sundry Creditors 48,000
Increase in Current Assets [12,72,000 -(11,34,000 + 28,800)] (1,09,200)
Cash before Tax 12,38,400
Tax paid 4,32,000
Net Cash from operating activities 8,06,400
2. Cash from Investing Activities
Purchase of fixed assets (10,20,000)
Sale of Investment 1,44,000
Sale of Fixed Assets 1,20,000 (7,56,000)
3. Cash from Financing Activities
Issue of Share Capital 4,80,000
Redemption of Debenture (3,02,400)
Dividend paid (1,26,000) 51,600
Net increase in Cash and Cash equivalents 1,02,000
Opening Cash and Cash equivalents 2,10,000
Closing Cash 3,12,000
Working Notes:
Fixed Assets Account
Dr. Cr.
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount (`) Particulars Amount (`)
To Fixed Assets (on sales) 84,000 By Balance b/d 11,04,000
To Fixed Assets w/o 48,000 By Profit and Loss A/c 4,20,000
To Balance c/d 13,92,000
15,24,000 15,24,000
Additional information:
1. A part of land was sold out in 2016, and the profit was credited to Capital Reserve.
2. A machine has been sold for `5,000 (written down value of the machinery was `6,000).
Depreciation of `5,000 was charged on plant in 2016.
3. An interim dividend of `10,000 has been paid in 2016.
4. An Amount of `1,000 has been received as dividend on investment in 2016.
Funds flow Statement
Sources (` ‘000) Application (` ‘000)
Funds from Operation 67 Investment Purchased 5
Sale proceed of Plant 5 Increase in Working Capital 16
Sale proceed of Land 25 Purchase of Plant & Machinery 71
Issue of Equity Share Capital 50 Redemption of Preference Share 25
Dividend on Investments received 1 Capital
Proposed Dividend for last year 21
Interim dividend paid 10
148 148
Working Note 1:
1. Calculation of changes in Working Capital:
Amount (`) in ‘000
Current Asset 31-3-15 31-3-16
Debtors 70 85
Stock 39 55
B/R 10 15
Cash in hand 7 5
Cash at bank 5 4
A: Total Current Assets 131 164
Amount (`) in ‘000
Current Liabilities 31-3-15 31-3-16
Creditors 13 24
B/P 10 8
Liabilities for exp. 15 18
Provision for Tax 20 25
B: Total Current Liabilities 58 75
Working capital (A-B) 73 89
Increase in working capital 89 – 73 = 16