Literature Reviews As Independent Studies: Guidelines For Academic Practice
Literature Reviews As Independent Studies: Guidelines For Academic Practice
Literature Reviews As Independent Studies: Guidelines For Academic Practice
Received: 15 August 2022 / Accepted: 7 September 2022 / Published online: 14 October 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Review articles or literature reviews are a critical part of scientific research. While
numerous guides on literature reviews exist, these are often limited to the phi-
losophy of review procedures, protocols, and nomenclatures, triggering non-par-
simonious reporting and confusion due to overlapping similarities. To address the
aforementioned limitations, we adopt a pragmatic approach to demystify and shape
the academic practice of conducting literature reviews. We concentrate on the types,
focuses, considerations, methods, and contributions of literature reviews as inde-
pendent, standalone studies. As such, our article serves as an overview that scholars
can rely upon to navigate the fundamental elements of literature reviews as stand-
alone and independent studies, without getting entangled in the complexities of
review procedures, protocols, and nomenclatures.
1 Introduction
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researchers to enhance their understanding of prior work in their field, enabling them
to more easily identify gaps in the body of literature and potential avenues for future
research. More importantly, review articles may challenge established assumptions
and norms of a given field or topic, recognize critical problems and factual errors, and
stimulate future scientific conversations around that topic. Literature reviews1 come
in many different formats and purposes:
● Some review articles conduct a critical evaluation of the literature, whereas oth-
ers elect to adopt a more exploratory and descriptive approach.
● Some reviews examine data, methodologies, and findings, whereas others look at
constructs, themes, and theories.
● Some reviews provide summaries by holistically synthesizing the existing
research on a topic, whereas others adopt an integrative approach by assessing
related and interdisciplinary work.
Our focus here is on standalone literature reviews in contrast with literature reviews that form the theo-
retical foundation for a research article.
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2579
various fields often have special issues dedicated to literature reviews on certain topic
areas (e.g., the Journal of Management and the Journal of International Business
One of the most important prerequisites of a high-quality review article is that the
work follows an established methodology, systematically selects and analyzes arti-
cles, and periodically covers the field to identify latest developments (Snyder 2019).
Additionally, it needs to be reproducible, well-evidenced, and transparent, resulting
in a sample inclusive of all relevant and appropriate studies (Gusenbauer and Had-
daway 2020; Hansen et al. 2021). This observation is in line with Palmatier et al.
(2018), who state that review articles provide an important synthesis of findings and
perspectives in a given body of knowledge. Snyder (2019) also reaffirmed this ratio-
nale, pointing out that review articles have the power to answer research questions
beyond that which can be achieved in a single study. Ultimately, readers of review
articles stand to gain a one-stop, state-of-the-art synthesis (Lim et al. 2022a; Popli
et al. 2022) that encapsulates critical insights through the process of re-interpreting,
re-organizing, and re-connecting a body knowledge (Fan et al. 2022).
There are many reasons to conduct review articles. Kraus et al. (2020) explicitly
mention the benefits of conducting systematic reviews by declaring that they often
represent the first step in the context of larger research projects, such as doctoral
dissertations. When carrying out work of this kind, it is important that a holistic
overview of the current state of literature is achieved and embedded into a proper
synthesis. This allows researchers to pinpoint relevant research gaps and adequately
fit future conceptual or empirical studies into the state of the academic discussion
(Kraus et al., 2021). A review article as an independent or standalone study is a viable
option for any academic – especially young scholars, such as doctoral candidates –
who wishes to delve into a specific topic for which a (recent) review article is not
The process of conducting a review article can be challenging, especially for nov-
ice scholars (Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic 2015). Therefore, it is not surprising that
numerous guides have been written in an attempt to improve the quality of review
studies and support emerging scholars in their endeavors to have their work pub-
lished. These guides for conducting review articles span a variety of academic fields,
such as engineering education (Borrego et al. 2014), health sciences (Cajal et al.
2020), psychology (Laher and Hassem 2020), supply chain management (Durach et
al. 2017), or business and entrepreneurship (Kraus et al. 2020; Tranfield et al. 2003)
– the latter were among the first scholars to recognize the need to educate business/
management scholars on the roles of review studies in assembling, ascertaining, and
assessing the intellectual territory of a specific knowledge domain. Furthermore, they
shed light on the stages (i.e., planning the review, conducting the review, report-
ing, and dissemination) and phases (i.e., identifying the need for a review, prepara-
tion of a proposal for a review, development of a review protocol, identification of
research, selection of studies, study quality assessment, data extraction and monitor-
ing progress, data synthesis, the report and recommendations, and getting evidence
into practice) of conducting a systematic review. Other scholars have either adapted
and/or developed new procedures (Kraus et al. 2020; Snyder 2019) or established
review protocols such as the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
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Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram (Moher et al. 2015 ). The latter provides a
checklist that improves transparency and reproducibility, thus reducing questionable
research practices. The declarative and procedural knowledge of a checklist allows
users to derive value from (and, in some cases, produce) methodological literature
Two distinct and critical gaps or issues provide impetus for our article. First, while
the endeavors of the named scholars are undoubtedly valuable contributions, they
often encourage other scholars to explain the methodology of their review studies in
a non-parsimonious way (1st issue). This can become problematic if this information
distracts and deprives scholars from providing richer review findings, particularly in
instances in which publication outlets impose a strict page and/or word limit. More
often than not, the early parts (i.e., stages/phases, such as needs, aims, and scope) of
these procedures or protocols are explained in the introduction, but they tend to be
reiterated in the methodology section due to the prescription of these procedures or
protocols. Other parts of these procedures or protocols could also be reported more
parsimoniously, for example, by filtering out documents, given that scientific data-
bases (such as Scopus or Web of Science) have since been upgraded to allow scholars
to select and implement filtering criteria when conducting a search (i.e., criterion-by-
criterion filtering may no longer be necessary). More often than not, the procedures
or protocols of review studies can be signposted (e.g., bracket labeling) and disclosed
in a sharp and succinct manner while maintaining transparency and replicability.
Other guides have been written to introduce review nomenclatures (i.e., names/
naming) and their equivalent philosophical underpinnings. Palmatier et al. (2018)
introduced three clearly but broadly defined nomenclatures of literature reviews as
independent studies: domain-based reviews, theory-based reviews, and method-
based reviews. However, such review nomenclatures can be confusing due to their
overlapping similarities (2nd issue). For example, Lim et al. (2022a) highlighted their
observation that the review nomenclatures associated with domain-based reviews
could also be used for theory-based and method-based reviews.
The two aforementioned issues – i.e., the lack of a parsimonious understand-
ing and the reporting of the review methodology, and the confusion emerging from
review nomenclatures – are inarguably the unintended outcomes of diving into an
advanced (i.e., higher level) understanding of literature review procedures, protocols,
and nomenclatures from a philosophical perspective (i.e., underpinnings) without a
foundational (i.e., basic level) understanding of the fundamental (i.e., core) elements
of literature reviews from a pragmatic perspective. Our article aims to shed light on
these issues and hopes to provide clarity for future scholarly endeavors.
Having a foundational understanding of literature reviews as independent stud-
ies is (i) necessary when addressing the aforementioned issues; (ii) important in
reconciling and scaffolding our understanding, and (iii) relevant and timely due to
the proliferation of literature reviews as independent studies. To contribute a solu-
tion toward addressing this gap, we aim to demystify review articles as independent
studies from a pragmatic standpoint (i.e., practicality). To do so, we deliberately (i)
move away from review procedures, protocols, and nomenclatures, and (ii) invest our
attention in developing a parsimonious, scaffolded understanding of the fundamental
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2581
2.1 Types
There are two types of literature reviews as independent studies: systematic literature
reviews (SLRs) and non-systematic literature reviews (non-SLRs). It is important to
recognize that SLRs and non-SLRs are not review nomenclatures (i.e., names/nam-
ing) but rather review types (i.e., classifications).
In particular, SLRs are reviews carried out in a systematic way using an adopted
or adapted procedure or protocol to guide data curation and analysis, thus enabling
transparent disclosure and replicability (Lim et al. 2022a; Kraus et al. 2020). There-
fore, any review nomenclature guided by a systematic methodology is essentially an
SLR. The origin of this type of literature review can be traced back to the evidence-
based medicine movement in the early 1990s, with the objective being to overcome
the issue of inconclusive findings in studies for medical treatments (Boell and Cecez-
Kecmanovic 2015).
In contrast, non-SLRs are reviews conducted without any systematic procedure or
protocol; instead, they weave together relevant literature based on the critical evalu-
ations and (subjective) choices of the author(s) through a process of discovery and
critique (e.g., pointing out contradictions and questioning assertions or beliefs); they
2582 S. Kraus et al.
are shaped by the exposure, expertise, and experience (i.e., the “3Es” in judgement
calls) of the author(s). Therefore, non-SLRs are essentially critical reviews of the
literature (Lim and Weissmann 2021).
2.2 Focuses
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2583
et al. 2021; sharing economy; Lim 2020), (ii) a context (e.g., India; Mukherjee et al.
2022a), (iii) a discipline (e.g., entrepreneurship; Ferreira et al. 2015; international
business; Ghauri et al. 2021), (iv) a field (e.g., family business; Lahiri et al. 2020;
Rovelli et al. 2021; female entrepreneurship; Ojong et al. 2021), or (v) an outlet
(e.g., Journal of Business Research; Donthu et al. 2020; Management International
Review; Mukherjee et al. 2021; Review of Managerial Science; Mas-Tur et al. 2020),
which typically offer broad, overarching insights.
Domain-focused hybrids, such as the between-domain hybrid (e.g., concept-dis-
cipline hybrid, such as digital transformation in business and management; Kraus et
al. 2022; religion in business and entrepreneurship; Kumar et al. 2022a; personality
traits in entrepreneurship; Salmony and Kanbach 2022; and policy implications in
HR and OB research; Aguinis et al., 2022) and the within-domain hybrid (e.g., the
concept-concept hybrid, such as customer engagement and social media; Lim and
Rasul 2022; and global business and organizational excellence; Lim 2022; and the
discipline-discipline hybrid, such as neuromarketing; Lim 2018) are also common as
they can provide finer-grained insights.
A review that is theory-focused can explore a standalone theory (e.g., theory of
planned behavior; Duan and Jiang 2008), as well as a theory in conjunction with a
domain, such as the concept-theory hybrid (e.g., behavioral control and theory of
planned behavior; Lim and Weissmann 2021) and the theory-discipline hybrid (e.g.,
theory of planned behavior in hospitality, leisure, and tourism; Ulker-Demirel and
Ciftci 2020), or a theory in conjunction with a method (e.g., theory of planned behav-
ior and structural equation modeling).
A review that is method-focused can investigate a standalone method (e.g., struc-
tural equation modeling; Deng et al. 2018) or a method in conjunction with a domain,
2584 S. Kraus et al.
● Search database (e.g., “Scopus” and/or “Web of Science”) can be defined based
on justified evidence (e.g., by the two being the largest scientific databases of
scholarly articles that can provide on-demand bibliographic data or records;
Pranckutė 2021). To avoid biased outcomes due to the scope covered by the
selected database, researchers could utilize two or more different databases
(Dabić et al. 2021).
Scoping reviews, structured reviews, integrative reviews, and interpretive/narrative reviews are com-
monly found in review nomenclature. However, the philosophy of these review nomenclatures essentially
reflects what constitutes a good SLR. That is to say, a good SLR should be well scoped, structured, inte-
grated, and interpreted/narrated. This observation reaffirms our position and the value of moving away
from review nomenclatures to gain a foundational understanding of literature reviews as independent
Given that many of these considerations can be implemented simultaneously in contemporary versions
of scientific databases, scholars may choose to consolidate them into a single (or a few) step(s), where
appropriate, so that they can be reported more parsimoniously. For a parsimonious but transparent and
replicable exemplar, see Lim (2022).
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2585
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● Document relevance (i.e., within the focus of the review) can be defined based on
justified judgement (e.g., for a review focusing on customer engagement, articles
that mention customer engagement as a passing remark without actually investi-
gating it would be excluded).
● Others: Screening process should be accomplished by beginning with the deduc-
tion of duplicate results from other databases, tracked using abstract screening to
exclude unfitting studies, and ending with the full-text screening of the remaining
● Others: Exclusion-inclusion criteria interpretation of the abstracts/articles is
obligatory when deciding whether or not the articles dealt with the matter. This
step could involve removing a huge percentage of initially recognized articles.
● Others: Codebook building pertains to the development of a codebook of the
main descriptors within a specific field. An inductive approach can be followed
and, in this case, descriptors are not established beforehand. Instead, they are
established through the analysis of the articles’ content. This procedure is made
up of several stages: (i) the extraction of important content from titles, abstracts,
and keywords; (ii) the classification of this content to form a reduced list of the
core descriptors; and (iii) revising the codebook in iterations and combining simi-
lar categories, thus developing a short list of descriptors (López-Duarte et al.
2016, p. 512; Dabić et al. 2015; Vlacic et al. 2021).
2.4 Methods
Various methods are used to analyze the pertinent literature. Often, scholars choose a
method for corpus analysis before corpus curation. Knowing the analytical technique
beforehand is useful, as it allows researchers to acquire and prepare the right data in
the right format. This typically occurs when scholars have decided upon and justified
pursuing a specific review nomenclature upfront (e.g., bibliometric reviews) based
on the problem at hand (e.g., broad domain [outlet] with a large corpus [thousands
of articles], such as a premier journal that has been publishing for decades) (Donthu
et al. 2021). However, this may not be applicable in instances where (i) scholars do
not curate a corpus of articles (non-SLRs), and (ii) scholars only know the size of the
corpus of articles once that corpus is curated (SLRs). Therefore, scholars may wish
to decide on a method of analyzing the literature depending on (i) whether they rely
on a corpus of articles (i.e., yes or no), and (ii) the size of the corpus of articles that
they rely on to review the literature (i.e., n = 0 to ∞).
When analytical techniques (e.g., bibliometric analysis, critical analysis, meta-
analysis) are decoupled from review nomenclatures (e.g., bibliometric reviews,
critical reviews, meta-analytical reviews), we uncover a toolbox of the following
methods for use when analyzing the literature:
● Bibliometric analysis measures the literature and processes data by using algo-
rithm, arithmetic, and statistics to analyze, explore, organize, and investigate
large amounts of data. This enables scholars to identify and recognize poten-
tial “hidden patterns” that could help them during the literature review process.
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2587
Where keywords are present (e.g., author keywords or keywords derived from machine learning [e.g.,
natural language processing]), it is assumed that each keyword represents a specific meaning (e.g., topic
[concept, context], method), and that a collection of keywords grouped under the same cluster represents
a specific theme.
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Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2589
2.5 Contributions
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taining reach for coverage claims; (iii) identifying social dominance and hidden
biases; (iv) detecting anomalies; and (v) evaluating (equitable) relative performance;
whereas science mapping in bibliometric analysis can contribute to: (i) objectively
discovering thematic clusters of knowledge; (ii) clarifying nomological networks;
(iii) mapping social patterns; (iv) tracking evolutionary nuances; and (v) recognizing
knowledge gaps (Mukherjee et al. 2022b, p. 105).
3 Conclusion
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2591
better understanding of the philosophy that underpins the procedures, protocols, and
nomenclatures of literature reviews as independent studies.
Funding Open access funding provided by Libera Università di Bolzano within the CRUI-CARE
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article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line
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2594 S. Kraus et al.
Sascha Kraus
Matthias Breier
Weng Marc Lim
Marina Dabić
Satish Kumar
Dominik Kanbach
Debmalya Mukherjee
Vincenzo Corvello
Juan Piñeiro-Chousa
Eric Liguori
Daniel Palacios-Marqués
Francesco Schiavone
Alberto Ferraris
Cristina Fernandes
João J. Ferreira
Faculty of Economics & Management, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Department of Business Management, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South
School of Business, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
Sunway University Business School, Sunway University, Sunway City, Malaysia
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Department of Management Studies, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur,
Jaipur, India
Faculty of Business, Design and Arts, Swinburne University of Technology, Kuching,
Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship, HHL Leipzig Graduate
School of Management, Leipzig, Germany
School of Business, Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic… 2595
College of Business, The University of Akron, Akron, USA
Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Department of Finance, Santiago de Compostela University, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Rowan University, Rohrer College of Business, Glassboro, NJ, USA
School of Engineering Design, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, Parthenope University, Naples, Italy
Paris School of Business, Paris, France
Department of Management, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Department of Management and Economics & NECE Research Unit in Business Sciences,
University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal
Centre for Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, UK
Laboratory for International and Regional Economics, Graduate School of Economics and
Management, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology,
Hawthorn, Australia