Cours de Mme Tamba Phonetique Anglaise
Cours de Mme Tamba Phonetique Anglaise
Cours de Mme Tamba Phonetique Anglaise
Course Objective:
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted,
and perceived. This course will introduce students to English phonetics. It is important to note
that the type of pronunciation dealt with in this course is known by the name of Received
Pronunciation (RP). The objective of the course is to help students improve their pronunciation.
Therefore, emphasis will be put on articulatory phonetics to make sure that students become
familiar with the speech sounds of English as well as different suprasegmental features. This
course will also prepare students for further studies in English linguistics.
identify the different parts of the vocal tract and their role in speech production.
describe each consonant based on such standard parameters as place of articulation, manner
describe each vowel with reference to tongue height, tongue frontness/backness, length and
lip rounding.
understand the concept of suprasegmental features with a special focus on stress placement
transcribe English words in isolation and in connected speech (strong vs. weak forms).
Course schedule
Semester 1 :
3.1 Place of articulation (where in the vocal tract consonants are produced)
3.2 Voicing (role of the vocal cords, relevance of voicing (e.g.: teeth/teething) )
4.3 Length
stress in verbs vs. nouns (e.g.: record (v), record (n)), stress in noun-noun pair
4.1 The impact of the following suffixes: -ic, ity, -al,- ion etc.
4.2 Stress on loanwords (mainly words borrowed from French, e.g. : lemonade,
Class evaluation:
At the end of each semester, students will take an exam based on the contents of the course.
Teacher meetings:
Instructors teaching this course should meet at the beginning and before the end of the semester.