Joel Paris
McGill University
Preface ix
Introduction xiii
1 Suicidality and Suicide 1
2 The Inner World of the Chronically Suicidal Patient 18
3 Suicidality in Childhood and Adolescence 32
4 Chronic Suicidality and Personality Disorders 55
5 Myths of Suicide Prevention 78
6 Psychotherapy Research and Chronic Suicidality 103
7 Pharmacotherapy and Chronic Suicidality 117
8 Tolerating Chronic Suicidality 130
9 Managing Chronic Suicidality 147
10 Suicidality and Litigation 176
References 191
The concepts in this book expand on ideas originally pre-
sented in two journal articles: Paris (2002a) and Paris (2004b).
Roz Paris and Hallie Frank read earlier versions of this
manuscript and made many useful suggestions for improve-
ment. Judy Grossman helped me to find obscure references.
Chapter 9 uses concepts developed by Deborah Sookman.
to live, they retain a strange power over their fate. That is the
main reason why patients can think about suicide every day.
When crises arise in their lives, they need not suffer passively
but can do things that give them a feeling of activity and con-
trol: making suicide attempts by overdose, or cutting and
burning themselves.
Behavioral patterns remain stable when they perform a
function. In this way, suicidality can be seen as a coping strat-
egy. In fact, most chronically suicidal patients do not end their
lives by suicide. Herein lies the paradox. The only way for
them to go on living is to maintain the option of dying. They
threaten to die in order to stay alive.
This book considers some of the unique psychological issues
that affect the emotional life of these patients. The first con-
cerns psychological pain. The feelings that the chronically sui-
cidal patient is trying to cope with are beyond the experience
of most people. Empathizing with these states of mind
requires some imagination.
We all know what it is like to be depressed and anxious. The
level of such feelings tends to be unpleasant but manageable.
Moreover, we generally anticipate that painful emotions will
go away with time. Imagine, however, what it must feel like to
experience severe and continuous distress. Chronically sui-
cidal patients are rarely happy for more than a few days. Most
of the time, their mood is depressed, anxious, or angry. This
level of suffering is quantitatively beyond our experience, and
that is what makes it qualitatively different.
The second unique emotion we see in chronically suicidal pa-
tients is emptiness. This state of mind is not the same feeling as
depression. Patients who are depressed have a sense of loss. Pa-
tients who feel empty describe a sense of having nothing inside
and of being nobody. As one of my teachers once put it, these
patients have a sense not of “having been” but of “never was.”
The third emotion associated with chronic suicidality is
hopelessness. This state of mind also occurs in classical depres-
sion, but the difference lies in the time scale. If one cannot re-
and Suicide
What is Suicidality?
Suicidal Ideation
and the Risk of Completion
What Does Suicidal Mean?
Most of the time, when therapists use the word suicidal, they
are referring to thoughts that patients have of ending their
lives. Clinicians have been trained to assess suicide risk by ask-
ing patients if they are considering suicide and to raise their
level of concern if the answer is yes. Thus, the presence of al-
most any form of suicidal ideation can set off alarm bells.
Unfortunately, what therapists have been taught about sui-
cide risk has little or no scientific basis. As we will see, stated
intention has little relationship to completion. (Nor is the
presence of suicide attempts a reliable marker for risk.) We
should always be concerned about patients when they feel sui-
cidal and acknowledge the level of distress that makes people
think along these lines. But although there is nothing wrong
with concern, the presence of suicidal thoughts can lead to a
knee-jerk response, in which any suggestion that suicide is be-
ing considered is seen as life endangering.
Therapists are understandably anxious about losing pa-
tients to suicide. A buzzword that is often used to guide man-
agement is safety. Yet we do not really know what constitutes a
safe environment for patients who are thinking about ending
their lives. The answers suggested by empirical data do not
correspond to current clinical practice.
when they were young. In our own research, the prevalence of sui-
cidal ideas in young adults was as high as 50% (Brezo et al., 2005).
This extremely high prevalence of suicidal ideation can be com-
pared with prevalence of suicide completion, which is 11 per
100,000 (Grunebaum et al., 2004). Thus, the presence of suicidal
ideas can hardly be a reliable way to assess the risk for completion.
To some extent, ideation raises the risk for attempts: Although
only 5% of the population will make an attempt of any kind over
their lifetime, about 30% of those with suicidal ideation have made
some kind of attempt (Kessler et al., 1994). Nonetheless, most
people who think about suicide never make an attempt.
The reason why suicidal ideas are so common is that depression
is common. Suicidal thoughts are very common when people are
depressed. Accordingly, lifetime rates of depression decrease in
much the same range as the prevalence of suicidal ideation: be-
tween 10% and 20% (Weissman et al., 1988). But because depres-
sion is an episodic condition, most suicidal thoughts are transient
and go away when the depression lifts. Of course, this does not
happen when patients are chronically suicidal.
Number of Attempts
Another predictor of completion is the overall number of sui-
cide attempts. A higher frequency of attempts has been con-
sistently associated with an increased lifetime risk (Welch,
2001). In the Oxford study (Zahl & Hawton, 2004), the risk
for completion after multiple attempts was 6%, twice that for
single attempts. Even so, 94% of the patients with multiple
attempts in the study did not commit suicide.
Many types of behavior have been called “suicidal.” But few of
them are clinically useful predictors of whether people will kill
themselves. Thinking about suicide, no matter how intense
the ideation, is too common to be of any use for prediction of
risk. Attempts such as overdoses can range from the trivial to
the near-lethal, and most attempters never die by suicide.
Self-mutilation is usually more disturbing than dangerous and
should not even be thought of as suicidal behavior.
In summary, it is a mistake to treat all forms of suicidality as
if they were one problem. Nor can suicidal behaviors be man-
aged with any single tool. It has been said that if one has a
hammer, everything looks like a nail.
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